't n ' A i sr"" BOARDING, WANTS, kTHE BATTV CITIZEN.; THE DAILY CITI2EH For Rent, and Lost Notices, Delivered to Visitors la say part linn or ten, tfn Cents for first tbc Citj. rrtlon, SOV. for S, 70c. for One Month wo week, or Inn.,, ........ .SO. .as. VOLUME V. NO. 301. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 29. 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. TRADE WINNERS. PURE GOODS, Correct Weights, Best Quality, THE "RACKET." New Goods New Goods New Goods New Goods NewVioods New Goods MISCELLANEOUS. ESTABLISHED 1874. V.C.CARMICHAEL APOTHECARY, 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, It C. We do not sell Cheap DltUUS, but WILL HELL YOl ultras cheap, ana it yon a on t believe what we snv give us a trial and be con vinced. Our prescription de- Low Prices. POWELL & SNIDER TUB LBADBRstN- FINEGROCERIES In all Lines 'AND- TABLE DELICACIES. nnrtment is excelled bv none, in orminnurl uir.li rim houl In all Lines iroods that money enn buv trom L. Merck, u. K.bquihb. Parke, Dnvis & Co., Jno. u vein itro., ana irom other lending manufactunniychein ists in this country and Eu rope, whose iroods for puritv cunnoi ue questioned. iTe scriptions filled at all hours. any or nitriit. nnu ueiivemi free of charge to any part ol the city. Our stock of Drugs. I'atent MedicnifH nnd Drntr. At the BIG RACKET cists' Sundries is complete, ana at prices that dety coin In all Lines In all Lines In all Lines In all Lines BUN MARC HE, 30 South I Main St. The BIG RACKET BIG RACKET RACKET petition. Don't forget the place. No. 20 S. Main street. where you will at all times be served by competent pie-scriptionists. P D, C B and Thompson's CORSETS, large variety, all grades, road Invoice rvn w vurisiu vwmwja, New dctigM, rerj pretty. BeaatlM Drapery SCARFS. Novelties dally. 1879. 188J). S. R. KEPLER, (JBALBR IN FINE GROCERIES. 30 South Main St. BON MARCHE. FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY! SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CITY LOTS. we nave been receiving, marking and arranging our new Spring Btoek during the past two weeks. Two floors nnntrarl ttifi rrrrA u lnkctA I a ui rju luiiiirjijt-iiitum appm-intive AHheville and 4 . 1 . . . 1 . ..i.. .iiiimciiii HiiiiiiieM. j-aiares . ro uiuj t))HteH of r,,,OI),e wh b ana we invite everybody to neve in good uvingcnnnot b jrooas. mean goods aiu learn our prices. We have nst quality are not syiiony never advertised an article that we did not have, and not as represented. Come to Bjr ortter of tht ownrr t pat on ..iron three yeunr nine, oaijr a .man amount 01 caea mm nun. 60 Lot on Catholic Hill, iJenrild Rio'inl.ln .lew, onlj 0 aalautee arum tbe rourt bouk, at Irom l In at i an -i.h. AeeorrflnK to .lie anil location. Worth dnublr tllB '"Dig Itilfkrt.'' ...IK ..IT III 'II. J . ft.l,lU.IIVV mane to Improve the lot.. FOR HALH-2. 3 and 4 room nouaea. well batlt, with hreplacea.on aame hlll,uimiert.r at riauree and term, to suit the jureliaer. Spa-mild nfipori unity for people or moderate mean, to Mcure or to build a comfortable aone. FOR BALB OR TO HUNT 3 larae teoe meat boum, 12 and H roomarrapei'tivelv.on Bugle (Ireet. Well adapted for cheap hotel or hoarding- honor.. Moat liberal urm. (ranted. Plan, and full partlcalnra with J. M. C AMHUKI.l., JanB dSm Krai Katate Dealer. mous. l nave in stock aiu to arrive, all seasonable kiic- ciaities, comprising m par Pt'llitM Ol'lltlllV'U 1.U1IW1TIU never offered anything as a Cranberries. Kaisins. Tiirs .ut, etc. MiHcellnneoiiH ClioicoO K and truly asrepi-esented.and New Orleans Molasses, for tn iipa nlu-nt-a wiirtv tr. ,.of,,rl !! I'Hiiie New Orleans .... j " r. ,iDU,.u f.. l.V. bargain that was notwally money where our goods are tra tine Assortment of Crack ern. 1- ine 1 eas una ( oftees a sjrecialty. .Mince Mrntf Gortlon Si Pilwortli I mid other branda. I'lum Fiirltlinc. CultV Ktmt Jelly, rtc. Hrraacd nntl Crvntnli.irl iiiinpcr. annii kic in Kit. Knt Mrrnnue I nun nil other (joods in ilcmnntl tor the nunciayi. S. K. KKI'LKK HEAL ESTATE. WaLTaa B. Owvn, W. w. Waar. JAaiES FRANK, FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Aarat for Ream. Creek Woolen Mill. North Mala AihcTllla, N. C. fcblOdlr We Keep The Best. MARTIN'S MARKET 60 SOUTH MAIN ST., Kansas City Meats. EEF, HAMS. VRK, LARD, MUTTON, B KF8T BACON, SAUSAGES, DRY SALT MEATS, PIO'IFEET, TRIPE, PIO TONGUES, DRESSED POULTRY. ar dSra piBBINBURANCB. FIttE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. GWYN & WEST, iBuroraaora to Walter B.Owynl ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL1STATE. Loans Securely Placed at Per Cent. Notary Pnhllc. Cnnimlaaloner of l)eed. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICK-ttonttieaat Coort IXiuare. -aajaa urine awn. -B.i.-a ua.., Real Instate Brokers. And 1 Investment 1 AientB. Udlcea: 34 a 26 Patton At. Hecond floor. fchSdtT JOHN CHILD, I Formerly at Lrmaa Child I, REAL ESTATE -AND- LOANDROKER Strictly Brokerace DnalneaB It. Q. Taylor's celebrated Stiff Hats, "Second to None" for style und quality. Spring shapeH and colors just in. H. REDWOOD & CO. Out'iing. Rents' PumUliinKi, llnu flml Shun. We have in stock a hirge and complete line of House Furnishing Dry Goods. RUGS, DRUGGETS AND ART SQUARES a specialty also. Sheetings (all widths), 'lowels, ISap kins, Table Linens, Curtains, Curtain Mntcrials, Uphols tery stun. I'articninr atten tion is given to the higher qualities of the above stuffs II. REDWOOD & CO. Dry Goodi, Fnncjr Gondi, Notions, 7 and 0 ration Ave. THE PULLIAM & CO. At the Baak of AahtrUlt, AIHBVILLB, N. C. Raprearat tht foMowlog eompaalea, Tla. I rraa. ean tun m v. a. Aaalo Nerada, of Catlrornla. 3.n7.aan .B7n.fl2S 1,1 29,o 1.B4.1.KH5 2.2ST.402 1.flHT,ll2 S,U6,17 carelT pl.red at oer cent. A II fl T OTAHI" FARIN1IOLT. 0 llUt 0 I U K Li Contlnmtal. of New Yord... flamharaBremn, of Germany Loadan Aaanranc. of Bngland Niagara, of New York Orient, of Hartford Phoenix, of Brooklyn M. Paul PIrt and Marine, of Mia- ncenta. 1.81.0(11 no them, of New Orltaa. Su.flH Weatern, ol Toronto 1,0X0,832 Mutual aceioenv aaaociaiioa jttna I.lli Inauranoa Compaajr. dtmarao Loan, aecarely pl.red at A oer cent L. A. REAL ESTATE BROKER And Notary Public. II Room No. ii, McLoud Build's Herring & Weaver, W. 0. WOLFE. Orar 100 NU of tbe moat baautlfal BUYS AND PELLS REAL ESTATE ON COMMISSION. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO RENT ING AND COLLECTING. LOANS SECURELY PLACED ON REAL ESTATE. REFERS TO ALL THE BANKS OF ASHEVILLE. -LBADBKB- Monumcnta and Tombstone I tlantic coast linb IN SHOES OF ALL GRADES, )et recelTed, from tht cbeapeat Tom bat one to haaiiaomt Monument.. I hart mad. a treat reduction la prlcea, and It will pay you to aome and look at my itock, whether you hay or not. Waraeooua WOJe BnUdiac, CaaaTt qaajta. On and after thla date the mllnwlna ariiM,. alea will he run OTerlta"ColumblaIlvlalnn." No, 08 Iaee. Columbia A, 20 p. m. Arrive, at Chnrlratoa 9.80 p.m. nUi Uie "ueTew V nrieptfin" T.IO a. m Arnree at Columbia 11. BB a. m. Connectlna with train, to and from all point, on the Charlotte, Columbia Ar An .ruata and Columbia a Oreentllle Railroad.. uaiiy. T. M. BMBRUON. Ota. Paas. Act. I. P. DBVIMR, Oaa. not. AND- FINE. HATS. 39-Ptttton Avenuc-39 Asbeville, N. C. REBELLION f.OHINO ITS H KIN. OVBNESB. The house committee on Invnlid pea siont on the 25th authorized a favorable report on the bill providinrr a service lnlon for the soldiers of the rebellion and their widows. The bill authorizes the secretary of the interior to place on the pension roll the name of any officer or enlisted man of sixty-two years or ver, or who shall hereafter reach that age. We confess to great surprise aa well nr gratification at this movement. Whrthet erfccted or not, it indicates not only an amelioration of sentiment, but a modifi cation of judgment. It is the recngnj. lion of tbe principles upon which tht cause of the South was founded, and re lieves those who supported it from tin mint ol treason and rebellion. Whei i be victorious side, after long ycnr of angry vituperation and harsh d- uncuon, proposes at length to initkt ipproxinialely equal the condition-. .nose ol the opposite Imvcs i,a ii.uua, m hostilities, then it voluntarily am onerously effaces the lines be twee liatriot and rebel and traitor, an nes proper value and diirnitv to tin motives ol those who rauutti thcmsclv in the ranks of hostile opposition. Doin( fjiuinKiuiia airiue is taaen in in lirtttion ol the conclusion posterity ure to reach. Comini; jutlement wil pronounce tne action ol the South unve oecn instiuateo neiiner by persona inioitnin, nor by sectional hostility, noi ly wna uppirauon niter separate nation iiity, nut uv inttntui regard to the obi: ;uuiii. ui tne rignis gunranteea ny onstitutlun Irumed for the nrotertun if all, and the re-avowal of those uri 1 1 ilt-s the establishment of which culli lie constitution into existence. Tli a use of one side was as noble and pu notic us the other. Stigma should at tad o one no more than to the other. Th. preservation of the constitution in its in CL-rity was the aim ol both. Tbe f.iilut I tne lonteilcrucy. noart from the inn. ne it eiiiiiiieo at tne time, tne inmentn le lossol hie and the unlehoread devastn ioiioi an industrial interests is not to b regretted if the result were to beincreuFe i-everence fur the constitution and th more complete strengthening of thet'n on. ne ore sure correct and genera touthern sentiment has no lament hough rightly nud naturally it mourm i ne outer losses ana tuicnhces ot the con diet, fur the restored unity of tbe sovtr -ign states of the American common, ivralth. Under the prevalence of sml sentiment the South hels that justice t us present loyally as well as justice ti the punty of the motives which an mated it ill the conflict calls for tin itt.iceimnt of the htineliiins which stil iltlijjht to distinguish the men of one na tion us patriots, und to brand tin ot lit is traitors and reiiels. The nrincinles which tuitle the renon to which we refer will go far to ellini tiiose uisiinctlous a nil brine about closer bond ol harmony. At the sunn tune tne movement is unexpected to u: md we expect nothinir to come of it For all that, wc appreciate the L'cnerob ny oi tnose wno proixisc it. NEWS FROM LOUISVILLE. north Carolina .moth. REPORTS FROM THE DEATH DEALING CYCLONE, Front loo to joo Killed and as,. 000,000 Worth of Property De Hiroyea-An Eye Wltneaa' atorv 43 Bodies Recovered. Two Rnleich bicyclists will aurn wheel it to Boston A Mormon settlement ia thrivino at ii.. I - r:i . . n fcH iuvi ui rnui niouniitin, There are 2.062 sub. and OS count v ainiincra in norm Carolina. In th. h.te.t ,t. nt .k i . .. "Rionrani are credited with .jMiim n amino Inrlv.nm. 1, rHt nt .Unt r.n..;iuu i.- i, :ii..j . : I J ...v .... ..vu on mnumir call- Tu Pl..u... i t - mnterl nt from inn 90n . V "r""" urunen oi me . w. t.. - ' -- - w wvv.. j. Mu. hwn -IIH n, r, I . . v .1,UM - The damage to property will amount ... . . f - " , ni'ierv innv nt unnnwvi u . .. n , ....... I . ' . w. .UVWl.B. Mil, UI.U U pUIU' tin ni.u()Kii, kiii uui irum inc Cliy l iiiuinu. was short and gave no particulars, "Shortly after 9 o'clock a tornado MISCELLANEOUS. remaps our press does err someumcf n the fulsome praise of local orators With many flowery language ami grace fill elocution puss for eloquence; and par- tial and injudicious friends laud to tin skii s sieukers whose chief merit is flora fluency and animated and graceful ac tion. Nevertheless, we prefer, with tin News Observer, to bestow praise rathe than withhold it. The tendency ot mod. ern habits is to the decay of oratory. I is less the instrument of influence than i once was before the newspaper supplier the field of directing public thought. Bui when the orator does appear he will al ways be heard and will control. His is n divine gift, like that of the poet, rare phenomenal and fascinating, and li kt the comet, the infiratient visitor to tin skies above us, will always cominanii wonder and admiration. The News-Observer has named some o those whose names are imperishable (jeorue Davis, Allred Wntlt ell. Moore Brain:, Smith, Badger, f'rutlen mid oth ers, but omitting two ol the most bril liant of them nil Henry V. Miller ami Duncan K. MeK e. The latter wns tin oorn orator, lisping in clotim-iice. ny Watts lisped in rhyme, ulwavs a rrnd siieaker, developing in manhood into lie eloquent orator. uniiL'iimtivc. im. passioned, animated, gracelul. and ns hi grew in years, cultivated and learned iwiiik to circumstances. North Cnro ina was deprived of the most brilliant nniro of his fame. He left the Stale when hi hail just mnde his nnme and fame, and returned to it in the decay of health, but in the maturity of his powers, vet with somewhat limited oimortunitv to em. ploy them. Yet to our mind he stands the ideal of the true. Imrn. orator. Mich a one as rarely Illuminates our intcllrc tual skies. The ratification of the new extradition treaty between the L'uited States nud Great' Britain, embracing Canada in it provisions, terminates the greatest inter- national scandal of the age. Pur the gates of the Dominion stood wide open to welcome s) class of refugees who may be said to have bought welcome by the stolen money that condoned thcirr.fl"nce, and made their presence desirable, if not honorable. All bank thieves, all em bezzling officers, a II dela lilting treasurers, all betrayers of fiduciary trusts, prepared and executed their dishonest purposes dclilierately, assured th-t a few hours wilt night by railroad would cive them safety und protection. Alone side of us lav the great Alsatiu into which the thief ot high and low degree found safe and free, if not respected enjoyment of his plunder, defying his victims, und com placently enjoy ing t heir impotent chagrin, nntl toasting his heels by the hospitable Canadian firesides. This is nil ended, in s relation to the future. The thieves already across the border have only the stings of cons ience, or yearnings after their old homes to ilistnrbthem. Canada has been to the United States what Texas was n long time ago. ''Gone to Texns" wns the conclusive answer to Inanities after the murderer, the defaulter, the em bezzler. Texus passed through its dis graceful stage of moral probation to emerge pure and honorable, Canuda has had tne same experience, and passing through it with tearfully bad influence on her neighbor; for the nssurnnce of a refuse so safe and auicklv accessible had stimulated prodigiou-lv the thievish pro- pcn.uira vi in use in ine united olutet who bad opportunity to practice tbem. swept over this city," it said, "wrecking two or three hundred houses, and killing two hundred people. The wind came from the southwest. The union depot, it the foot of Seventh street, was lifted rom its loundution and turned over into he raging torrent of the Ohio River. A rain of cars making up for the Louis nlle Southern road went over with the uilding. Falls City hall, on West Mar set street, was wrecked. "In the hull were over a hundred peo ple, and but few of them escaped alive, "Many buildings after falling, caught 'ire and the inmates were burned. All the streets are blockaded with debris ot 'alien buildings or telegraph and electric vires." Even yet it is almost impossible to get lews direct and nearly all the news is .vim from adjoining cities. A special from Washington states that he loss of life will not fall below 800 All telegraphic communication with thr ,-ity was shut oB shortly after 9 o'clock ind wns not resumed for hours and all if the first dispatches were carried out if the city and sent by railroad wire. An eye witness of tbe storm tells the ollowing: "I only saw the course of it from Four ecnth and Walnut to Eleventh and Mar- tet streets. From tbislatter point it fol owed its course to Seventh and River, vhere it left the city, and, striking across he river, reached Jeffersonville at the bot of Sp'ing street. Little damage was lone in Jeffersonville. However, in Louisvile the devastation s terrific, and the loss of lifrwillcertainlv each in the hundreds, if not thousands. n one building, at Twelfth and Market, wo lodges and a dancing school were in csion, there being in the building per- mps one buntlrcd people, not one ot .vhom is thought escaped. I stood and .vatcbed them working in the ruins, and aw six or eight bodies taken out in fif- een minutes. "There is scarcely anything left that .vould indicate this heap of rubbish had ver been a building, mid if anybody es- 7ied, it was by nothing less than a mir- iclc." Another report from Louisville says: "Outside of clearly defined limits, the itizens knew only of heavy rain, accom panied by high wind. Soon came nn Inrni of fire from tbe different stations. nd the presence of a calamity began to lawn on the people. Houses, halls ol museinent, railroad stations, all went lown before tbe mighty powers of thr lir. The storm soon passed on, clouds nattered and the moon cast its light ivcr a sorely stricken city. Relief parties ere soon organize 1, und the whole force f the fire department was at work. "It is Impossible that so wide a sweep f territory coveted with ruined homes. ith wrecks of halls and buildings of very character, does not contain many lend, hnough is known to show that Louisville has been visited by a most ap palling calamity. Tbe wrecked portion f the city lies between Eighteenth Broadway, Seventh and Muin streets. fhe destroying elements passed diagon ally across the section, which is probably mile square. At least 200 houses are ruins. It is feared that at least 200 lives are lost. "Probably the greatest loss of life ce ll r red at Falls City hall which whs in he center of the tornado. In the lower rooms of the hull were fifty or seventy- ve children with their mothers and rela tives, taking dancing lessons. There were at least 12S persons on the tower floors and seventy-five more attending a large meeting on the upper loor, when the terrible windswept down upon the building. The entire structure, in less than five minutes, was a shapeless mnss of brick and mortur, burying 200 helpless victims, ot which number few es caped uninjured. "Conservative estimates give the loss f life at this place nt 100, while reports indicate a number near 200, "At 3 n. m thirty-five bodies had been taken from this ruin and fifteen wounded and dying. Only those on the third floor had been reached. Thr room containing the dancing school and visitors had not yet been opened, "Thirty-five, mostly women and chil dren, hare been taken Irom the ruins of the hall. It is impossible to get names. "Henry Mason, a member of the legis lature from Hancock county, wns in Vir gil Wright's cigar store lighting a cigar hen the building fell, killing him. "Already forty-three bodies have been token from the ruins of houses." The city asks no aid from outside and special meeting of the board of trade wns called and committees appointed to visit the wrecked district and ascertain the damage done and the relief needed. At Gallatin, Tenn., four fatalities arc reported and many sni I to be injured. There wns great destruction at Olnev, HI., but as yet no deaths have been an nounced. Little Prairie, a small settlement Ave miles south of Nashville, III., is com pletely demolished. The Evening Capital is the name of new paper which will soon be started Raleigh. The Leaksville Gazette reoorts the to tal nestructiou ot tne peach crop ot that section. Lrxincton beaux and bellea meet at roller skating rink. One is running in that place. Hon. F. M. Simmons, of New Berne is brin? btvjrred for congress for the sec uiiu uiainci. It is estimated that there are 2.500 nn pus in aiieniinnce uoon the varum schools of Knlrigh. Julius Abrrnethr. a merchant of Ba kersville, has assumed. Liabilities. $12. uuu to io,uuu. Madison will hare a rotton fnrtnrv if Frank Fries, of Salem, carries out hi threat and erects it. Georee E Pell, late of the State Chroni cle, is now connected with tlie staff oi the l win Lity Daily. A Stock comDHnv has been orpnnizprl mr tne purpose ot erecting a one SOU. uuu notei in aaiistiury. A little son of Mr. D. M. Henderson near Hamlet, fooled with a sun which weni on ana Killed mm. Carthage. N. C. boasts but 800 sonla but in the past six weeks twenty-five bn. uirs uavc occn oorn mere. Alamance county has fifteen rotten mills, consuming, in round numbers. 20.. uuu oiiies oi cotton eacn year. Walter Murphy, of Salisbury, has rr- ceivru irom lion, jonn a. Henderson an appointment to the naval academy. Minor D. A. Townsrnd. of Union. S (.., will deliver the oration at the com mencement exercises at Davidson Col lege. The Newton Enteronse advert, tn th, fact that for each ol three years nasi March has been the coldest month of the year. Rer. C. S. Farris. pastor of the Baptist church in High Point, has sent in his res ignation, and has preached bis farewell wmon. A Cabarrus gentleman offers a nrize ol $10 to the best sjieller in the schools ol tnut county. Weekly "spelling bees" an now oeing neid. Wilber Holliday, a Mormon elder, died in uavie county, near Mocksvi e. re. cent I v. His remains were taken to L'tah lor interment. A white convict died at tbe Quarter near mi. Airy recently, ine poor al lows time of sentence had expired iu.i ., ..... i r tne uuy previous. Weeks Armstrong, the colored post, master at Rocky Mount, has been re moved for having allowed his accounts to tall short $700. His bond is suid to or valueless. The Twin City Daily Is responsible for the story that during a recent thunder shower near Winston a colored child wns struck by lightning and killed while in its motner s arms. The railroad hands employed on thr v.nnncsion, iineinnnti and Chicago rail road have struck for an increase in wa ges and work bus been temporarily sus pended. A numlier of young men of S.mford met at the Page hotel and orgnnited the Grady club, in honor of the lute llcnrx W. Grutly, of Atlanta. The object of the ciuo is wnoiiy literary. The dwelling house ol J. S. Warner, at Linville City, has been entirely destroyed by fire, and all his furniture nnd house hold effects were burned. There was no insurance nnd the loss was heavy. The Greensboro Patriot does not ap prove of the Workman's idea of mov ing the State cnpilol to Greensboro. It says that on account of the boom there the land tn put the Capitol building on can't be spared. The Gazette savs Mr. W. F. Massev. at Gastonia, killed eighty-seven bird, at seven shots. Nine were'pnrt ridges, all billed at one shot. The remainder wen doves, shot in n baited trench, fourteen being killed at each of the two shuts. Job Biggs, the mnil carrier on the Campbell route, delivers his mail to tm offices on foot, walking 24 miles one du and 3t miles next dav. During a year he steps over 8,454 miles, anrT at this rate would cover the circuit of the globe in three years, exclusive of Sundays, The coming commencement at Ruther ford College promises to be the most memorable in t he history of that institu tion. The great reunion of old students from North Carolina, South Carolina Floiitln, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia will be a grund sight. About two years ago, savs tbe State Chronicle, Greensboro voted to exirnd $100,000 in city improvements, li never made better investment. Onlv $70,000 of the amount has been spent, and already the citizens see that it was a wise expenditure. Greensboro is enlov ing a great boom and is drstined tn be a city of large proportions. The civil action hroucht hv the wlrlnw of the lute Prank Deans against tbe Wil mington and Wcldnn railroad for dam age for the killing of her husband about a year ago. was dismissed bv his llnnnr Judge McRne at Greensboro. After hear ing five witnesses for the plaintiff the Judge ordered the ease to be nol-prossed on the grounds that the evidence was insufficient to make case agninst tbe company. The I'nited States circuit court has la. sued an Injunction against the commis sioner and board of agriculture, restrain ing them, their agents and attorneys, from selling the gunno of the American Fertilizer company, which is contesting the tax, shipped into this State for sale, or from taking any steps to enforce the said licensu tax law against them. The company applied to the ennrt for tht. In. Junction on the ground that the tax law violates the In tcr-Htate commerce clause of the U. 8. constitution. ill J. S. GRANT, Ph. G., Of Philadelphia Collet of Pharmacy, Apothecary, 4 South Main St. ton au HEADACHE irct HOfTMiirs HAfULE:! rTAOACrU POWOCmI. Ttiey sr. s IpacHlo. Oaital.lnj M are. all,i.tfMttN. Tw..n a.lat-llnrO.. rriw,U.U, JjrjU. er SnaaMa ae it addsim ras HOFF'JAtl OHUO CO. ii ash St, Buffalo, N.V. and linnatkwl BrMfa,0nt OU SALS ST J. S. GRANT. If four prescription are prepared it Grant's Pharmacy you can positively dt- pend upon the fact: First, that only tbt pureat and best drugs ond chemkah will be used; second, they will be compound ed carefully and accurately by an expenV enced Prescription ; and third, you will not be charged an exorbitant price. You will receive the best good at a very rea sonable profit. Ain't forget the place Iraut's Pharmacy. 2-i South. Vain street. Prescriptions Bllcd at all hour, night or day, and deliveied tree ol charge to any part of the city. The night bell will be answered promptly. Grant' Phar macy, 24 South Main street. At Grant' Pharmacy you can buy any Patent Medicine at the lowest price quot- ed by any other drug bouse in tbe city. We are determined to sell a low as tht lowest, even if we fiavr to lost money by so doing. We will sell all Patent Medi cine at first cot, and below that if Dec essary, to meet the price of any competitor. We have tbe largest assortment of Chamois Skin in Asheville. Over 200 kins, all size, at the lowest price. We are the agent for Humphrey' Homoeopathic Medicine. A full supply of his goods always on hand. Use Buncombe Liver Pills, the best in the world for liver complaints, indiges tion, etc. A thoroughly lettable remedy for all blood diseases is Buncombe Sarsaparilla. fry a bottle and you will take noot her. J. S. GRANT, Ph. G., Pharmacist, 24 S. Main St.. Asheville. N. C. WHITLOCK'S, 8 SOUTH MAIN STREET. DRY G00DS.PAXCY GOODS AND NOTION'S. New Spring goods now ar ving in all lines. Weexhibit a beautiful line of Outing Cloths, Ginghams, Sateens, Challies.Mohairs, Henriettas, Cashmeres, Summer Silks in all colors. Block Silks and Velvets. Drens Trimmings in latest novelties, Table Goths, Nap- ins, Doylies, Curtain Drap eries, White Goods, L'mbroid- ericn, Laces and Domestic Goods of ull kinds. A large assortment of Kid Gloves. including Centemeri and liar- ns Jlook Gloves. Lad en' nderwearin muslin, gauzo and merino at low prices. Corsets always a full stock of sizes and qualities. Wo call special attention to our Fancy Parasols and Silk Sun Umbrellas. Nothing equal to them have ever been !io wn In the city. Sometui.no New. We offer le only absolutely fast black osieryon the market, for adies, Misses and Children, also for Men and Boys. They are guaranteed not to dye, crack or turn green, or money refunded. it;a-iiliiaiiiai4tfftiiSAiaiiaa, a: A"i IjirwilftaWwa, inati' I'l aair ri;,-n1., f 1 1' irJ ""l, " ' ' ' '"-'' tltt.t.a'lM-,M.VL.Xu :iiiv.'jwiUaAAuaa. i.-'iUAIliaw4.i na L w.-,,.i,iijtifc,iiVo twtiA' sa'iua ii ii , mlauiaaiii i v. 4