ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: SATURDAY EVENING, AP1UL 10, 181J0. Four Years on Crutches. For fifteen yean I wna afflicted with rheu malinn, four ycaraof which I waacompelled l iro on crutches. Wonla am Inadequate to express the suffering I endured during that tinio. ItiirlliK thCHO fifteen yenra of exla tcnno (it was not lli-niiO, 1 triea very known ri'metly without receiving any beuetlt. J nnnllv hewn on Stvifi'-i Specillc 18. 8. 8.1, which from tho flint guva me relief, and to day I am onjoying tho hunt of health, and am a well man. 1 citndiillv believe that S. 8. 8. Ih the beat tiiuud imritleron the market to day. J. 1). T A YI.OH, Cuba, Mo. Treatise on Ttlnod and Skin Humane, mail tdfine.aWUft'tjl'ttulFlc CO., Atlanta Ua. oct 'J.IiIXmviv I'KOFIiSSIUAAL CAKDS. DENTIST." A. S. Graham, D. D.S. Ollicc Over J. H. Lnw'l Store, South Main atrcet. Nitruua oxide- or IiiukIiIiik Koandmluiatcml lor the painless cxtructlnn of teeth. Cold and inreclnin crowns nttuchcil to the unturnl roota of teeth, thu u voiding the uav of (ilutea. All oneriitioua iii-rtiiiiilng to dentistry "kill fully K'rfornicd. I'rli-cs reasonable nnd antis- liti-tinn guaranteed. tvi,: UR. B. F. ARttlNO'FoN. llllct- rimiiM on I'ntton avenue, over the i-lolliing Ntore of c. I). Itlantun .V Co. Kt-aini-iii-c corner of Wtiodtui ami l.ot-ust airccia. TllhO. K. IMVIIIMI.-,, TlKlK. A. ) I IN KM, KlilclKh. Ja. O. Maktik, Aalcvillc. Aslu-vilie. J'J.WIII.ION. MARTIN & JllNliS, Attorneya and Counacllora nt I-nw, Ashe villr, N. C. Will pr it tire in tin-1 1 th mul l'Jth luil'iinl liistrit-ts, nnd in the Supreme Court otNerth Carolina, and in the l-Yileriil Courts of the Western liistrict of N'ortli Carolina. Kefrr to Hank of Ashrville. dtarl A. TIINN'UNT, Architect and Contractor. I'lnna, Ki-irii-:itiiiiia and t-tiiiiult- lur-iiilit-d. All work in my line ennlrai'U-d for, and no cluirgt-a for drawings on eontrtieta a warded tne. ki-il-n-int-a when di-sirt-d. (Mice: No. 11! Hendry Hliwk, North Court Sunrc, Ashr-ville. N. C l-lil!l,!ly J. XV. HOLUN'GH, "Veterinary Surgeon. I will prnctlee in the city and stirroutuliilg country. iiiHit at W. I. Illauton (t: Co.' South Main atreet. Btnlile, 711 aprl , II, KKI-VKS, II. K. SMITH. II. II. S, Dm, Reeves & Smith. UK.NTAI. OKFICK III Connnlly ItuildlnK. over Kedwood'M Store, ration a velliu-. Tts-th extrueted without fiuin, with thenew ana-Hinetie, mill all cases of irreminirti v eor reeled. iclil.'lill '. MAMSAV, I). II S Dental fui li J OtHcc t In Murniird Huildinn-Hntrniits-a. Avenue and Main Strevt leh'-'ilill v iisci:ll..i:o''s. VM. R. PENNIMAN, I'KOI'KIHTtlK or THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, AshevlUc, N. C. P. . II ox p. intirlMdly Jf?ADFIELDS PrniiiATnp ..ii .in .t flurn n vENSTRUATION OH MONTMIV BICKNtl lr THH1.H OURIHQ CHIVHGl 0, .,t OKHGtR ?mrt.Rl)3 Villi Bt W0IDU1 jsook TO' HQMKWflAiuofiiu BHAOFIUD REBUMTOR CO. ATLANTA BA. nuuruuuii4im aepUM dtiwl y IRATT'S ASTRAL ABSOLUTELY 8AFE! PERFECTLY ODERLE89! Burnt In tny Limp without danger of Exploding or taking Are. 8ee that you get tha genulna. For aala by BALTIMORE UNITED OIL CO., AHHKVILI.K, N. C. aep4 dUrwlT F. W. YESEY & SON, FLOIUSTS, Urccnhuuact. - No. ftl Chmtnut utrcct. Now irmly, ftvnh, hciilthy Hritillntr I'lunm In vntirty, (Ivltwrt'tl to niiy t"rt nf thfi-lty, nntt (tlntitnl out whrn rrtii(r-fl. frlilN l,'tm HOCK QUAHHY FOR KENT. Apply to ua durliiK the Incnmlnu week to rent the Mock (Junrry uu the opposite aide of the river, nenr the Iron lirlihtc, and the NINB TUNHMUNT lllll'WI'.K nenr liy A Hood rock man van H t n luir KBln, NATT ATKINSON & SON. ninr'ju dif TLANTIC COAST LINK tin nnd after thla date the follow Inn ached ulca will lie run over lta"Cidumliin division." No. 0.1 Leaven Coluuililn1 A. mi p. m. Arrlvea ntChnrlraton II. . Mn p, m. No. 83 l-envcs t'hnrleatiiu' 7,10 a. m. Arrlvea nt Columbia 1 l.AA a. m. Connectltift with trnliia to and from all palnta on the Charlotte, Colutnliln Ik Ail Rusta and Columbia Ik Dreenvlllc Knllroada, Dally. . T. M, KM KHSON, Oen. Paaa. Airt. . P. DBVINH, Oen. (upt. ISA (PC 1 Botrotlml of "Tit" Dau'ihter of ! Conr-il.-racy" To Alfred Willie-ion, a Youna Lawyer, of Syracuse. Tha rroieetvn (iramn a flriiiiils-in Her. Si t,u. ,1. M tlio aroat Ahull. .emmr u llminplimeil llur Cau.u tVlm.i She u ,i Mitibhed In Hyln. euae liiiu of the Welding Not Known, Nkw Y .if;, April IS. -A Biii'ciiil Tl II. II . . 1 in ram iroin nyriu'iian, M. v., naya that tlio aiiiiotmi'eiiioiit ia nin-le tlinro of tlie lip.rollml of llisa Winnie IMvis, tliinirliter of .teir-rsim Davis, to Alt'ie. iUiuso'i, of Hyni'-uwo, a fjrn'ulitm o! tlio Kruat aliulni.mist lender, itov. Sum- m i j. .uuy. .in-, wilKliiami g i yuu:i( lawyer, atioitt Ji yenra or ni?n, an annuls very liiU In tho eotniniitiity. He first met Misa On via on tliu nccn, slon of tlie visit of tlmt lady to Syra cuse alMiit four yenr ana It w ill bo rein, inlKjieil that Miss Iliuis received verycnni roi-ii:ui:i irom ouo or two fnmill.a in ,-y.a ui-t', mut this treatment is wild to liavo hroinlit hir and Mr. Wiliiinmm m very cl-wo r,latlniia. II resonled the) coolness aliown her, and uauantlv i-lintiiiilom-d her cauao. The frii-uil-hi(i ilms ongundi'io 1 l tweon thi-iii lilnasoiiifd into lovu in due tiniB, Some two iniinths no Mr. Wil kinaon wont t I-,ui-iiii- to suu .Miss Davis, and spent several ww ;s with her on tin enii'lnont. Ihe arl.iul tuno for tho w - hna not Ikm-u at't, hut It la un derstood that tiiu date) will be ill tlio Uuur tuiuro. BIQ FOOT MVKiNQ TROUBLE. A Uiid Slum Intlhoi Chlel Who rnipoie to Have Tlilua. H: llwu Way. Pieiiiik, H. Halt., April IH. A rnnn arrived Here 'I'liesday froin riifiouii. rner, hIk.ui si'i-emy mili-s west of lud-i on the i'isirii!ioii, aiiiioiiiit-iiijj the (a. 'lull a I'.uiil ot liidi:iii-hai koiiu on tin -.vai paih, ,iud w.-ro lov.tnc tho B'eut at :na. plifu i-nii.ti li-ia !e .liihjiiui. It .-ei'ins 1 1 nil a bud i-hi.-i. liin root, with a :ami of a-out lorty otii.-rs, rt-ius-s oit.ior to la.iu up laud ur vucato for aot ui-rs. I'ne BRonl nupiiMti'il him b do ono or Hi-o! In r. and Ha i-ont I'oiiiiiii'iu-isl to iidio ti-iMioio. lisi h were acut for to rurt JUmiIu. lwo voiu.iaiui-s of mfaiitrv and thiHn of cavalry vri- dispa vlnsl to mu Hi-ene an-i nave siu-ii-isiotl in cornor- :iik tne ludiaus. Tho. liavu surroiin li-i tlio r, d in, ii. and an- an.ii.ini; or-iurs as o lip-ir ills, ikiiioii. It is pi ilo llini ino wie-ii; iiaml will no romoMd from ii if i-nuu-ui. i-i; lo.l r,lii, to t-a juiaiaie una Burions irouo.e u appro uuudvd. N INO'AN WIG3IN3. Meat A 1 Pre, II. -. Tli, a Kl.1,.,1 Will l)e atroy the I'lile Knees, DEwrn, April KM,at Ax, tho -ho hone iiiodii-iiii- 1, an. has prtHliciod a i,s. 10 iM-i-ur in -J itl. and wipe nut tho;! a- 1 11 1 races, ilu says the vl 11a lion is ri-;riliutioii fur tin unjii-t 0,11 ou't of Hie white in I'niiiinin ;o.ohi iiniiiiiis ou a iillh- ro.-urvution ot , si. 11 11 iirn-a. itin'Uiii-M'riiiiiiif titciii so thoy mill t ; 1 a snot ni .ro tlianoneo a year. itiiiin rs nao iKs-n sfiu an over tlie re, t-rvati' 11 all i U) :he t rows, ( heeiiii,-j and 1-ioit .a 10 herald Hi nil. unity and a itisii 01 iieliims to too vi iid Knur nioiin lain-, tlie i-t.ii.-i : I--. I navi-u, is anl.i-i- pai.-il. A.v oli,..i:., eoiiaidt-rahle iii'e.iuity in a.r.niui . for lint i.vii, -ou.iiu'. ileiins Hiliat all th,, whites and half hreeils will be .li-invu" I and llial Hie name u lll up, ar luly dm, to inaku Ha' Jila-- htmn ;, oat aa tliu waters r. tvde tiie la-asts w:li renin to become tlio prey of tne braves. EHICKSON, THa C.i AZV PHOPHET, H,y. M.U a Ml,lak tu tllvlu llini ltevela.'(.ns. BtiktT'n, I'iiI., .Wil 18 Eile!;m. the cruy prophet, do -a hard He In sisted Viihda.k that tho time for the tidid wumi, w hii-h was to have ilestrovl Nin i and 1 'aldiiu I, tit-ist be t-xien :sl to lilldii'ht. but i'uuvi.i,- he dt-t-larid tho iie-tr -.-;ni 1 will coiuo soon, and war. is his foil iwws nt to ab:iib'oii tho , p,i iniul iie 't- a fniili n-vela-I lolls. I li.-ks, al f -lira 1 -o 1: w ili ln:es to niin-el. as a fai-o proniv,, a-i I say such a pr iph t oiiK'il io b.i killed, but oxeiiH.-s iiiiii, If by .a , ,u- "ios made a mis:,-i'ie in ilm date,'' uu I oil, a tlio 1 lid Tf-'a ilrUI bt-'lV of I....- Irs.l l.lloll of Niii"-an .Many of hi . lollna--rs are n tnrnins. hut it is pitio iiil,, thai the I'l l jniaty w II r, mai l 1 1 1110 lull, a lew tlu.vs I--rner, bj they I ear the 11. II. uia of iru-u-ls. NEGflOES AS3S1INAT-D. Kllher a.d n Kli.n . Ii le I'llln ; ul.ll I nn ' tc--nd '.try I'lre. Jai'I-k in, Mi.a., .Vi 1' IN. (inter nor Stone lin-. Is'i ii unillied of a humble as snssin iSoii in 1st .r nee ooitniy, tuir.v miles fi"'it ;h s city. Toe stable of Jerry Ian., colore I, was set on lire bv mi himwa p n il s, and when H.i-a mid Ins on I harl 'H c line out id ih ir hue in ottinjiiii h th- Halle's Ih -y were lir-d on in the lariiiu-s-. Ii o y a kil ed and . a hadiy woiin e I. Tlie.r ,iw all- illK house was tie 1 bin net 10 i..e yioolid. .'to i lew t - 'lie id"illi;y of tne m.iiilei"rs ha yo! 1 1 i"i ilisi'iiter, d. 'io I lies' at ilorv ri'tur li.nvi'ini.r Mnno has added "I for lh eaptiiro and ci-uvic- lion 01 me iieia i. Klnell n. I 1 IIII11.1U Clfn'Auii, April K -Miinlelli-xl eleo- tiona ware In 1 1 in llliunU Til la.'. Tne ii jiu.r ,u s: ion was lit. nle a leii'liiuf Issue in Ino.t pine 's. in ihiiU frmn llliy owns in illiimia ahoAr twi-Uii-eilit agaiiiul I itfi ie. CON0RES3. Nllielf--I Uav. In tho Hciiiiii A lull iii.'i'.'nlnn tha coat of a piihlli' l.ull.iiiiit 11 1 ill. 01. I'i., was imaied, N.itiis. Hit-, (t:,eii Hi, ill, i-i I'lilran wnrl i's lair bill annul Is' , aa.-l up lie XI frll.iv. The el.s'ieii m wna Ink.-n up, and a v iu or..-rs for Weilneailny, and at S; l a. in. the sen ile, ad Juui-iitsL 11 the hniiae The 11 vul nppi'i.prlnllnu bill A'na p'isel with the elaiisu for b.titio hlH rasiaif l. Tlie hill to d-lin-an I late Hie lnrl lli-tl'in of I nlt vl MMt... i -Is ms id I II to III, Hie sp -ak -r c imtltiiit it 14 ' oi uiu. At 0 p, 111. the litiui uiijuui utsk .irinou Cenvi'iii ton la Iowa. Miiinkh. Iowa. April It, The Itoiiornl r ui.t-rouueiii the l alb r Day aluta i in-eii 111 nils oil,- 1 ues ,ay, A uiiiii or "I I'Miiiln in men were onl.ilii ed !i kIi pil ala, mid over im) mis Ion- ill' oa W ere aa-luueil In varloln p. .mis tl,ruiii(lioiit 1 he LulU'd Htuiua and for eiu euuiniiia, Ohio till tli.otiiluK, KtKtil.AV, O,, April In. -The Htnn lnrd Oil company Is pa;, ,mh ih rty- w.i and ntie hall cenls lor 1. ' , r ule nil. I null it I inorwin mid n. 1 In h u'ii lent re llnerioa are at 11114 tan .y live ctnla, Tim Inn '. Hill, WAaillNdTiiN, April 18. Tim tarllT bill has Ikm'Ii reporiel to the hoiiaii and rulernd to Urn vuiuiuittoti of tne w Hole. FQUSiGtf. Situation In Simla The I'anii'n-t Cnnnl. Tlia llrlllali Kn.l Arilnit 1 Ciinipaii Awiikeiilii'i oilier C.ilib griiins. LoniiuS, April 1 H. -The t 'ui'IDts oon urtitt'iate'vo 'or having I'oivud the luin l of tho n puiilii'iiiM in .Spain by cioatiinr the emeutniii Valaiieia, and ut tiMctimr the ullfiit nuuf the (Jiivunnueiit to the 1 .ilii-ralH th-10 Don Ca.-Ua, it i, will known, haa n;;i'iitsnt work in Hi" provinces, wli ,11 his pt'iiivlual stivngth lies, pre pnrini; ins partisan, for a speedy up rising I lit'i-e, hut the l-'iviu-h i.ui I101 iti.-e have shown theinse vi'H iinii-iiiallv vi;;i innr upnu uu' ir 1111. -t, an i uveral a ii-uipra 10 in. 0 tnae ar ua anil 11. inn nil tioti Into t i troiili r proviinvs lmvi simply resulted in t in loss of tliu ma leriai. .Still the -nin of vlnlenun at Valencia nave partially nerved 1I1 -u- purposu in funushiun the cl. rii-il i-arly with an excusn for a iiialiii,i :o nil i-tmservntitu Ho!. a;aiust the nsa'tU't of the irro ii:ions revoiuiiijii.s.a wiio are bent on overthrowing the novor.imanl nn 1 the church as well. Xo wiilistniuliiw rumors to 1 10 contntrv, linn '. 'arku and ins son, Jaini.i. are sMIl n ilra.a, Au- ilia, i.ui 1110 correal 101 1 lop a iln-reniu lit a constant Iremur 01' tnxa-ty lest their royal cliaigus ahoulti Ki.e tiicin the slip. GETTING THEirt EYcS OPEN. Gut Afrlm.i Ciiinpnny Con- rerubi't Gi-raiiiuv. LDNlKiN, April IS. --The Ilrltlsh Fat Afru'itu com -any is u i' i-ilim; to the pub lic the diaiai of tin- wii-k "l lieriimns, who are Inait 011 110M1114 some of the lor litnry Into which ti e coin'mnv in en deavnrtii,' to luiro I -ice ilriiisu civiliza tion and incidentally ilritMi ruin. Tho tiermans h.-ts sis-,tssiou of several dis- puied in a.. lies ,i-i I it limits as if they in leinu.'u lieiym,- n "ii iisj. iimy also that tli ":r citih a.ioii an f ardent spirus nn- s ill more I'iil.-jiclous than the ll:iisli art.i'les. 11. i-l llial ilie lieiui.ins lire at-.. ,.; jot ih.-In-si .nierests ot the natives and mini 111,1;- nl l.-nii in ta':in jKissi ssiou o: lue uio-l aci-esjible tradiu, posts. Nlantey nod l.-vberal 111 . llerr Ii'i-ithiir I, h., in; revived some of Hie ol 1 storms ..'oM.vruinu Stanl ami Ins "discovery " of Lit iiiK"t'ino. to j;o s'.lil furl 1. r 111 pur.rav in,' tne secr. l nistnri r soiiui of too o'.pc lit. oils, -the pit; lisilt-.l a-colli.ts of wliiclt iiuvo lour I1.11 111 Un-r for the nmu-eiueiit of soii-UH.ii- in, - I. Still the ohti nts annuls 01 -lo r if ichard will lireveui ms revji.-itioas ir :u irauiim credit w ith the ee.ieriii luiidie, and it will proo.ibly lie yoar I. lorn tne in llat -d repitiaiious oi' som.j explorers wni uo ruuubud to their true p.ooor- nous. Ktsnl.-y Corretite I by t:mtn. Drill ;N. Anvil lc-1'iu. Nn'.ioiial Zel- tun inioii.-lit3 a t'oiuiiiiiiiii-aiiou which t'i.iiit' iii.tiitt'ily tr .nl .111111 r.-t.iia, iu w lil.-h lie a.- k., to r.v.ll V die niaiuuiollt rif.-urly iniali.- cnu-'e unri nun by Jlr. .stiinley. It ity. t:i.t; tv.i.-n Kmiulift the t- ' prnvui v wuli .Ma dev he Wiia ai-i-o.u -:inied by .1 fe.v sol ln-ri old.', lint tins bivau-u til" perio l of tweiity iiaya. wiiic i wiis nxed ny fi tiiley a. (no time tor li-.ivi.;,' tne n o; aicu, w:w til'lel to ullll V tne lien .0 In- ri-i'llllsti-d. II10 li.lilai'ial- ,ti in iiiiln-.-r sata I Hllito remained m lue halt Is of tlie r.-'l piialm wli 'ii i. iiiii h it. Mauley nriiiiiiit tin iu ouiy tu m: . si Isivo. ot auiina,i,i..i i. ttii 11 01. 1 In I ui that tune lu nis HanHinsinii ...1 i.ots. THE PANAM-, CANAL. Ita Ooiuult-clua Un iiie.l 1'n.slbla I'tnlcr C'oniM,ieii, ii.r.-.-ili.u. rtmn, April IS. At the I'nu.tma, -anal lottery dia.vni.'. Tiiesliiv, il .110.1t. ut ourt, tile iii ii'i.nor. announce 1 tnat the 11 . nl of .ue 0 oiiaiutee of iu- iiliry wutil I ,-.u ua pu,i,i.,.ied, but he s.ii.1 tlieix' could is' no ,u --lion of ari'isi, iiiK tliu il-iiti lali. 111 iuoi- i..-r lotui iii.t m-tv t'oiupa'iy to cu 11,.11'ti' l.i.-; lue u t must be ileai'iy re, ,111.1 1. A 11. w t-o.ii puny, udiili.iis.ei v I oy ,11 11 nl ill in char- aait-raii l mt.-j.i.v. w. .1 t icwor t 1111 1.1 lilt' tlllVClloll of pi. 1 la- il III. -II. t-ou.d uiono 111, p. re ituiiidi'ii.". lied, lu-i t-ni si. i,r tiiu uomiilettou of he , anal iiii:ku ible. lue 1111.1 ..1.1 11T m men u 1 1 uiivn ly bis-ii o.ilani d 1 hj-v,tiu ly assist lue wora wiie.i a. I i.uion tint laieit a tluuu. d by tiiu c-mii 1111- leu-i reporl. ui-..-ai--'ii iro'a 1 .mama savs: I iuii-'a are U'.,iiiiuui to lo-nt .oa aom ii-e. ao ur iio'iuiu ! ,iow.i 0 uie-rii tllK Ilie 1. piii'l ol lie- 1 I, '.li'il .'olll.lllssliiu wind! Ifl". l.i,' III. (T. I ,.i,t,l lav Coll II tl-u ut the canal 11 e, a. 11 w ill not tw made piii-uc uiitti in.- 1 tu iu-a. iui i.b a id tne ("iii-i.i. 11 it no ol ilia to port has ia-i-u 1 111 Iv.ini'e. li'.w etor, aeettii e';.nii, .u . .n ',i .is too ar r.lll ,i-iil.-iiia lor in ar 1.1; III t nl iiik' s!a 1 1111. .1 e 1 .le.imli ly Clllll fle I. Ull.I II Il ls oil I (11 of t of Mill II-. .VIII : nl 1,-11 here in the future ol l,iv I'aii i. 1 1 cii: T.TIaJ. fterlons Clinra A jai a Itusslan flirt. Sr. I'ni.u.-'ii'ii , ' pr,l i -A Is-nu- 1 1. ul in .ti uirl 01 oi : 1 1. no ly fin t Il HIS Wil. .nr.- t ' I ., I ' 11 lav lor ai- uipiili ; In bills' a 1 e.-.t ol g -ueial ala-i tu pri-cnre :or Ir 1 .1 o(, ol tie- no' slMH UU' of mill, ua .! 'inn -itlloll. ilie pai'iila of tne .tu ,te - iilmi an'esled. uu I nil 01 la- ..1 en 1 .1 witil btln lipoma 01' a luit'1,11 s...-i-. Julio Jillll.'.i.ll'. w Vuclll. ItmiTiiM, April l. Arlhiir Wnrn-u ill K-k fro 11 I.iikIi.ii 1 1 1 ie iler.ii I in 11 llll Jll ll"s.i.l S'lt's till Ills IICIV ,111'ilt wni ! 'sii.l lue hi." ua. and that she will lie l.iUiic.M'd hi - : ,r lay. The cu l.r I. ton- r. 01. iv 11 -1,1 . . eo.ilniliiiiif llt-u lovpiiiK uel liuj and a 1.1 r ;e ao-uou. favenlwi-ll -1 K tleil, K"V". April in.- Tne ns.f of a weir. in m. d al lierLnino lei in i ilu a iny, ki i 'i; a'.i'lu.M mi o: ei iiria, who Wirt-111 lue .11 I. im ; 11: leu 1 110. Why lluta Old Maids. Slio wimverv voiiiiir. and her aelnail was u ilislrirt m'IiimiI Inr fnl In r'a farm, rihu wna tlntuiiio; 11 Milary of fill per moiilli. An 11 -.Till of line of tliu prominent music hiuivs of St. 1 'tin I went triivi'liiiu; lliriiii(.'li Hint Hirlinn ot (ho alnlu M-iliiiu; i-rnua. 'or sevci'iil iluva lie liiiulu inelli cliinl Itlteliilits to I'liKiiuf tint ihleivsl 1 if the si-liiHilliusln-ss. I'hii lillalliesa of lli'K" lialiiiK lor limil'i;uii alio left unllivly to In r iiaivuta, nnd lliu viniii'X i-miul -silo fell lis llmu-,'11 he una loll dill ill Uu! cold Nl Im naked her nlieilayi by ia It tliut Milimny ai'liiHiliniiaun n it i. In iiiaiiiaf With iH'i'fcet "miiu; fnnd alio ro- plied: ficcuiiM' wo iln not curt) toivivo fin Huiury lum (.Hi uiiiii. I'otniii New a. A Novel llallttar Iferr Ti'iiulwcilcr thinks that n rail way sin. nl.l pi the tni nl' Ilu' JlluK' Iran, mid in Tim HrhiM'i.i'1'iai'lni Ikitl leltllUK tfltca II bin I iicinlllil tu lua M'lii ine. Tliu raiKiay would ifo from the vnllev la'low (11 llio Mil 1 11 1 11 1 1 , Hlul would beiiliin'ali'liliifl.v 1 rifh 1. 'I bins, ttoll MHtiiHH, fnuii wliifli t vrhirlit, SM'W 111 raiiLT l iHinii'U ttoiihl Inul to MiiiiU OII tlltJ IliiMllllllill Wlll'HlO tlir ImhI vimvfi nit' to Ihj ltal. 11 hionriv vcHlin,r niinn nn, tliu iii-.n'iirr!tMHilU WitlMll'MW IlllO tllO hIu'I-KT Of UlOMf tllltj nulii. Tho raihvuv would bo lighwd by olooti icily. MY FRIEND. Not ho who prL'SMcs clim'ly to my uMti, Wiwi fiirlmiu Kinili'H on luu uixi juy in ihIih.'j Nor tie ho Iji-InH IiIn limri'l Kjir.iy to l Uu Aihuiik tin- Ilu worn wUU which l-iiiuo Ui-uliu h(N briilo; Not ho who iiamfH my immo In utniS'.-fuiis iriJo, And huWM wiih iluvntui'M nhoiit my biiciiii', Kugor in my luvt ruiry Ui Hltine; Not ho.' No; tnit liUu hlut uliull in it, nhhlo. Hut ho who ImltU in fust tltmuirh wf ami I pain, ti'oiiljk-s 1 1 H'U anil tlisiiuu )n nU iitl, ThroMi:Ii Kliuitii' r j.ioiTt.y, Ihrnu-lj uuu ii dis dain Cht'tM-in' iiil tin, Mini I'-Mily to ili'Ti-no My lifu from lu'i'II tn iny it.Mio 1'iom ,in, Univln' tin uoi'lil r iu; hot my ti li'iul. -KmiuiiC. Usiivil in Iiulloni's Mu.uino. LOST IN Till': COMSTOCK. They were talking nlsiut tha recent mining dlsuster at San Leiiinlrn tliut bnaiilil the coiiversatinu aniiin.l lo miie Inn iieciilenls neiierally, nnd llually out of the party r. calli il Ilie ('oiii-iark horror of two yours a.i;o, w lii-n a cave in the Uould & t'uriy biiriotl nine men nlive, "1 a pn-lly ui:ly experii nee in Hie nilnes myself ehjit years nn," said one of the p;irty. 1111 ex Nevnihin. "I tv:is n boy of foiii'tccn or lifteen then, with nhoiit MS Utile sense of pru dence us most buys of that n'e, and 1 had a claim ubout us old who was us canlt'ss as my self, "We lived totvaiil the north end of Virginia I'ity, ami had a hi,' back yard in which ivo nl ways planned our expo, dilions. Oneday, ill poking iiroiicd thai hii fiii.l, ue f i in . I near an old died 11 bit! Ii rlu'. This tvns fasteiiiii In a heavy plank cover that hid the mniilh of an old shaft. This cover was hidden by a couple of Inches of dirt. "Wh.11 the lirst hlkr excitement struck IheCoiiisliio!: every body went toUhiciui;, and now tlie w hole side of .Mount David win Is as full of iiliiuidoni'd Kliufla us 11 Swiss chi-i'M' is el' holes. Within the town liniiis ad llieiili.iiidoneil sliuftHare lilled lll or covered so as to keep bl-lillt'd M-desiii.iiis out of them. The mine we .lisciiv.-rod In the corner of the yard hud boon too t-Meiisivi ly worked to allow of Ita lu iii' fill d ii,, mid therefore had been Sovercil up us ili-scnlied. "Weili.ln't lo-ie uiiicli tune lu prying up mat cnvi-r 1111, 1 iH-,'imiui thocxpluru- tlou of what we found. The shaft was evidently an uprai-i- from some drift of the lower mines, for it w ent down ut an BiiKle of uiRiul forly-llvu decrees. As aooiiasue had ili-sccmli d lifiy feet we saw that the workings had lt-ii very ex tensile iii'l.t-'d, for drifts ami winzes weiilolf from 1 1 iiu shall in every dirci'tinti. We went into M-v,-r:ilof these, but tiluays fniiud eiir-elvt-s slopped by 11 cave, fot the workings were very old. 8oiiefh-ivi-Uii!,. picks thai wo discov ered were almost c,. ilh rusl.iinil the timls-ra where iln-y aiill stood wen' Isni uiid itiikIio lab I rotten, liy guarded liupliriis we luiim! thai il was iu the i;miin! of tin. npliir Mining compuiiy, and a drift l.a I pi,.l . ., v I..-. 11 t-xieuded to this place in uu aiii-iupt in strike a l'sl-e lo the w.-t. We knew that the ul.l;:s 11111-I roi-uis't w ith it muiio where, for the air was paid an. I there was a steady drau, hi. "Finally, the i lea t- k possesion of us lo no fr.uii our uiiiii- into mHiii' of the woikini; tun s and cmn.- up that way, "Tho Ainl.-H Khitft "ii-onlva few linn- tired yards frnui our mine, nnd we knew they must lti ci'iiin i'ii-il. Wo knew eiioii.-h uls'lll the luiues to lali" w I. at we thought wi re sulli -i -nt pr. i-aulioiia against i;. Itnu lost. of the ria.-U allowed u tlie dins-tioiM as -un ly ua a c implies. , uu were imt at nil 1111- prclii'U-ite. We thoiiKbt that W" lniht In-down for wu ral hours, howeu r, mid ft bsik alobi; 11 iimuls-r of extra cainlli und some luiiel.. Thu- li.-'l we b.-i;!iii toclauili. r.Iowii tho old shall. A liili.ilr. il f, 1 1 In ,i Ih, surface uo found soiue more . 1 1 id -, and sis nl an hour or so iu thorn, I ut all wi-r. either i -."I w iih i-uvi nr l- -in. .I 111 tin porpmry. ii.- iii-i tutu un el.iii. 1 ,.u down the Incline, IU 11 was ab ad, ami I kiw lain slop, Olid Hu n hi sli.iulnl lin k lolin-: " "This is the Isillotn.' "Ileanssl clear of the walls and lil'lid up Ids caudle to examine the pl.n-.-. "'Tills is the Isiltoui, lie r.-n .11. .1. "Are you attro," 1 culled back. "Yo: l" "1 saw Ida caudle di-sitiisar amid a crash. He t-alled lo lue that It was all rihi and toe. one down, und I iaiiil-iil followed, limit ,ll I Could Hot see lit- 1 1 ' 1 1 1 anywhere. Nsiii I fniind nut was the lualier. 1 lie miners bad hunt a plat form acro-s tlio aliaft, ptob idly to pie vent thllu-. Irom rolliln; lion 11, and pit companion a w. Ilu bad brolo-n 1 1 . r 1 , . the planks thai bad h-cii pl u-.-d lu p i-i-lion s.i Ion ; Is-fore. II.- had only -It I a few- yards tlow 11 the incline, and, i it tiiu few w r.iti-li'-s, Wiis 11 til 1111 1 . A v.-iv Utile way Is Intv the old platform e struck I lu. 'J' si liMit level of tin- mine mul alart'-d 1 If to explore the tiliini Is, All. r follort inj it en Hiked old lunii-1 we c.niie oil sip tvli. re il forked. Wo 1 lib i"l the loll hand trim. I, bill found that II i-xleudcd less lliail twenty yards When wo cuiiie to a sliuul-iill lotailisl Hie wall of lis-k, Ik 11 put his cnii'lic clie-e lo the wall to olisi rve the grain of the sirphyry, Iln luado an en- liKii.itit.ii of 'ii.e, lly Iho itriiiu of tho rn k we had I ecu IravollliK alinosl north, win 11 ho thoiiKht e were mak giaal pi.n-s to Iho smith. When or how we hail tint 'liirii'd uroillid' we could li"l till, hut (In ro was 110 IhissI- bllilV ofilolllit lllnilll II, Wo lost inf iliiin In r.'f t ,ii lii our ad ps, but to our siii pri--. w In-u we came to th.'cr.iohi d lunii' I a.iiu, wo saw the llloUllHof lllli-e drills iliale.lil of two, Wo t""k the iniim-l 1,-d 10 iho rlK'ht, Bud "i-ri-Krnlill"l In Hud thai II turned to tho miiiiIi .il'.i r 11 lew tarda. It ondisl ill nai Incline Miioethliu like H e nun by which ho lunl 'lili rid Iho mine. Down this weul Hen, w lull-1 wailed alaivo, no as to U lible to dil'.s'l I1I111 back with Iny Voice, Hi. 11 I I11111.I him calling lo luu, ninl t fnlliiwod. " 'Lank her",' aal.l I'.i 11. pulling his candle close lo a clainuiy Inn, er. "I Im. lie. I und aiiiv a chill i mark. "'We've none round In a circle soma- how,' mi nl lien. 'Tin 1 e I" Iho w hifl burrow leu fell over. No hml ladder follow cur marks back and try II hk'iIii, aouiei llier 'lino,' I was 1III11K, mul wc wnlk"d liai k, occnslnually alupplii lo ms) tho miiiki oil the lliuis ra, " 'I didn't tint Ion Ih. .so things Is'foro, . I .Viiii;' sal.l my c iinpiiiiloii, ua w pass,-. I half n 1I0K011 rusiy picks thai iiiii-I have Iss'ti lylni; there a ilicnde, nt least. I hadn't Hull I Ihelil either, lllld S.SHI wo nur heads naliMt 11110I.I aiidrti haimlinl froui the lop of the drift. Wv hadn't met that ladoro, Then wc nw iniiif iiiifaiiilliar thhiKS, and w noticed that there was wnlcr beside tha old car track, w hile tho dnrrs ny wnicn wo hud come tveru nil dry as a bone. W'o looked ut nun uiiollier, und e iileiuly tliu sumi! thought passed through both our minds, but un kept on, nnd anon our fears were, realized. The tunnel ended lit what had boon years before a uouliiiu; station, a place where thn minors ate their lunch and rested and called oil w hen they were workini; lu the neili borinj? di'ii'ls, We had follutved Home one clue's chalk murks, nnd wu had now no idea nf mil' w hercal units. " 'Wectiii't get mil 1 1 it' way we came,' said lien, 'und no work Is In itio done in Hie upper levels, so what v.e Vl! (jot to do is to c t ii,, wn us farm ivn can, and wcie hound In run across soini! minors.' Then we bcjjaii Irvine; to I'm. I ourselves. We bsik the nearest Hniin-l and fallowed il until we i-aiin- lo a shaft with ladders ill it. Tliese ladders werccruinliliiu; and had evidently not b- cn used for years, but wo were not heavy ami tin y did not break. 1 low 11 wo cliinlsd lo another level. This we followed as before. Whenever we t-aine to a shaft we threw n fragment of rock down to itscerlain how deep it w na. Tin 11 w e would cliuih dow n ns far us w o could. We had just reaelicd one Ii ti l when a rushing sound broke the stillness. The Imiso startled us for 1111 instant, but burn inn ahead wo Miw hundreds of nils coining out ol a small tu I, ut the iiiouih of w hich stood a moldnriiig old urn car, "This cheered us, for we decided that men must fieipn-nt some place near there or Ilie rals, which In thu mines liva on the remains nf the minors' lunches, could get l oihin' I o eat, Hut though we hunted until we had to stop nnd cry again we did I liud 110 one. Down nn Incline we vii nt und struck 11 tunnel that had evidi 'HI It b. en used innro lately than the others, As wo turned Into it wesuw a spark away oil'. Komi tvo aaw that It was 11 . carried by a miner. Wt let out a shout, but to our amaitenient ami horror Ih" niliier dropped hisenndh mid ran as if Im ",y devils were chasing him. We hurried after him and picked up his caudle, but he must have turned Into aoiue other drift, for wo could not I tlud liini, and mir w eary search soon la- enmo as hop. Ii -s us before. We had hy this liine In 1 11 in the luiues a i.o"d many hours nnd bad cried ours -Ives sick, N' mailer w iiieu w ay we nn in l tiieru tverc the Kiuie di ii-1 cold walls of rock. The passages were endless; ihey Ki eiili-d to lead iiowhi r . We passed several old cisdoig hint mils, and al last ,ve got toour and stopp, d, ,, were utterly t-xhaust-td, ninl ttiih all our inisi-ry choking im wo BWaHowel Mine of nur liiueh, blew out ourcandli s uud, h ildin each otlior't hands, f, ll u.-li ep. "1 reiiiemhi r that my last thought be fore I b-s'auio titieoiirs-ious was that 11 long lime after ward llu-y would Und our Issliia, uud I think 1 oven my fin e and arrangi d my liuihs mi us b inaki' a mot-i' eib elite corpse. Nothing alsiul thin struel: me as In-ing funny. In deed, I fell u-lisi crying. Wo must have slept a gs,d many hours, and my next ri cull.1 lion is of our h ing lb, re be gi-th.-r, sohl.tiig, iu the al. lis.' darkness. Suddenly 1 Is e.-iine roi si'loiis of a low. Continued rear a-nf tviitet a long way oil. My eotu anlmi heard il and wo lisieiii-l. dully wondering what It could Is'. We llnally lit 11 ciindle, ntetht last of our lunch uud Mai lt I to Hud out. We hud Isith Is-en dow n the luiues fre quently Is-fore ninl had 110 b ar of tha darkness or the rals, so wo u. ut without hesitation. It was 11. a har l to follow- the noise. Along luiitiels, dioMi short up raises nii-l up Inclines wo went until ut- struck oiiccurri lor. We foil avi d on to ward the iiols,-. It was oiii,-r hero, nnd us wo advanced it gretv Into a s i feet roar thai lilled Iho tunnel. "Sis ui wo ran into a wall of wo 1 1, from la-hind which llit'iioise came. IVi- im-n-il through a chink in Iho plank partition and saw-11 broad moving lino. Il was the cablo that In li-ls the cage, and that is what liiiilo tin) linise. We watched through the chink in the hoards until w e saw a cage I'-nd. d with risk go tip, ami then Is g.iii to think how ue eoul I nil the siinl from which thecii:;.- had start ed. Wo knew that wo Were very fat underground, for the risks that we threw ilotvu the freipi- nl sliafls splaslu d iu the wab T at the 1k.Hi.ih, so we did ll'.l ullompt to climb to the top. It una not long b--f,ue we fniind a deep shitlT, and down that wo cl.unl..-i.-i. As wo in arid the Is'tioiu wo In 11 1 i.uoilii r rutulliiig an ore car running iiloiig Hi" li'.uuuny. Wo hhouloil aa wo wel t ilotvu the lad ders, and Iho carman iinsw, r. I nur cry. S.s'11 wo were standing by him, u bile he liaiknil us over u ii h wonder. "Where are Wc? We Inilll shouted, 11a us. n us we could speak, " 'This is tho lilli oii-liundr. d f.sil level jf the t row 11 I'oilll,' ho iillsu, red. "Wo had gone u mile uud a half under the ground and in-arlya third "f 11 mil" low n. Wo were ah k mid l.rui v .1 and hungry, and our clothes tii-re lorn al most olf us. It was ID n't lis-k lu tint morning when wo ciilcrcd Iho oi l In cline, und ii uustit-urly -I n'i da k the next morning w In-u liiecarniaii fouinl us, lu no lime ut nil wo had Is-cu led uud tout In charge of a Uiiiii r 011 Hie cage In day light again." Sail I'l-aiiciscu l.v.iiuincr. II Mlglil I'ay. Great r.tlllor (lueditatliely) 1 wonder If it woiildiit pay for us to siari a ri hg lolls ih pnl nli'iil ill our Sun, Iii edition, Maunglng Ivilior It mi Id. I vo g,,t a aeriipls-'k ut luuiie lull of lit'sl ml Jokes alsiiil bishops, New VorU Wis kly. I.ikI.o. lime Tr leil II. A iiuiul tr id un l.nlv i iistouiiia liuvc Iritil "M-.ilici'a I'i ii ml," nnd uould not Is.' without lol iii.oiv litiiis its i-i at. llu-y ii'i-oillaii ml it to nil w h-i nil- to laconic moth. is. Ii. A. I'ut ut , ilinggisl, liit'iu- vihe. Al l. Write lli.eir,ild I'igiil.i!"!' C'unp.iny. ll .nin, (..a., lor!!. Hy nil dt iiggisii. K.l!.i.A..Mi.ui:AIlI3.'. l'h-t-i'ltiPf li'-nr'l I'.v ihr ttii. ir nionih Ti rm ii'Milt kiitrAti tu tti'linMti'M. lltt'N 'tl. A CAIJD. Asbttllli t inin: Hint 1 10 inn 11 1 iriimU mav hint we an-iteillut' on ue wol .11111' Hun we look lu in Hon I uiu. Kiiire t),itM III 'i.c WiiUa, Tooh In Inst Hilllllilnv over ?oo, ill Hint una hnlel, li'ilniiei' slere lloiel regis tered un Unit iluv Ibid n.i'iin nrrltnb In oiiioiiHi-. Hurst 1 k Is iiiiiiniiiiilh nun lti I lona mul In hi l w 'ile Till the tin niiee ol Hie world tu entile anil see "Old Clint" ainlle, ntul buy good, nl ua und mite 10 lu UA s't evnt. BuvlOtltf , M. CllttllltrtTKK Ut CM THE BELLS OF LYNN. Wlit'ii the eve Is gi-u,. ing gray, unil tlio tlilo roll liar In. I sit und lonlt iicl'uss tlio buy to tlie liuiiuy town of Lynn; Ami tliu lidiiirfollts ure near, Itut I wist lltey nt-vi-r lu-nr Thu snugs tin' fin- bells t-iuliu fur me. tliu bonny IK.-II.S uf bynn. Tin' fnll.a iiracliatllh! ; gay, and I hem tbairmorry dlu, llul I look noil Ifsilt ni-ross llio hay to tho bonny bain nf nn He told lue ta wait lit-ro L'lHiti tin- nlil la-ewii i-ier. To ttiilt uud wnti-li liita t'iiiilng ivlieii thu tide waa i-iiiling ia. Oh, I see iiiia pulling sll'iing, pulliiig o'er tho hay to Ilie, And I bear his j niiil sung, uud liis morry faca I si-i: Anil lluw! he's ut thu pier. My bniiiile l.ivt' Mid .ii-ur! And he's ci.iuhiK up tlie m-.i wn-iln-il stea with lialuls iilinti i.ti-hi-il tu liiu, Oh, my In,", ymir el 11 Is eul.l, und your bunds in-i- sua Ic mul tliint Oh, li.-nry,.ii ii.,t li- 1,,-lls t,r old, the bonny bell til' I. .Mint i ih, liii 11 yi ui nt iii.rbt ti 1 say L'liuii our wi-iliiiiig Unyl Love, ln-iii- i.ii imt iln -..eJiliug bells ut-ruaatha buy of l.yiin Uh, my luvi-r, s.'iik tu uiu! aud bold 1110 fast, untie nit 111 Fur I fear tins rising st-u. uud tliesu wiuda and Wltltui tliilt limuil! a but never 11 Kurd bt'sai-ll II" Is il. il l, my lute is ilriiil! All me: 11I1 iiu: I did nut druuin; and I am all ul, HI". Alone, an, I ,i, I, and gray; und the tide Is rolllug in; Uut uiy li's.i-1 s iiu.-iy, away, uwuy in thuoltl grave ard at buu. -Fred E. Weathorlj. I'lili-lureliiil, Middle ug-ed liuliesui'o coninnmly re puted In lmvi! uiiireoi' less dilllcully ill computing their nges. Tho report is pinna ny siuiiticl'iius; but 11 story lu lliirpers nuiig l'eiiplo proves thai tho I'euiiniiio liiilnl dues soinotilllus buvo tnuiblo ol u miiiiIui' sort in ourlv ciiildhootl. I'urrin cuiuo homo from school the oilier tl i.y i-ailier depressed ubout her L'Xilllllllillblll. 1 tow tint you get 011 witb vour ipiesiioiisr u.sKeii iiiuiiinia. "I'm but .Mii'c of but just 0110 ones lion. Inn 1 know 1 yui tliut right. "What w;us itf" "A uiiiii w;ui born iu 1S11 and died in I:--!!; bow old was hi-f" "And wind was your answer!" "till. I nd.h d uud lnt3 logotbor. It luado uu invl'iil oitl mini. I guess it must have been .Meliitisolali." In tho tlelil of wai' invention meets invention. A new t'l-encli invention is a . smoke binnli. inu-liiled to ho tiled into Hit' ranks of tlie eiiemv who uses siiiokt h s.s puttier uud oLscttro bis t iew. Tliere is bt j-iiiiiiug to lai an outcry igiiiusl big ii'iim-i's; ilmt is, dititici-s ol' too many coins, s. itiiia '.'otirsea ... 1 ire as llillll.V us 1 slnml with e.mifni'l W Well Seuvilli'll fcrsiiti.ui. no's digestion Will and tiieso should .ilh cheerful con- i ilX.:s-,AZ'i- IJ.VJOYS !!' ili the im 1I1 nl ninl results when yrtii ol' Kis is ;!l.-( ii; il is iIohmiiiI iibl n hi sliing to (lie taste, nml iicU 'onllv yet i'oui.!y nn die Kidneys, iA''ff nml I'linvi s, clciinsea the ya em I'lli'i tu illy, dispel colds. Iniul li'l.ts illl'l fivers un, I fines llllllillllll "oiisiipiiiioii. ,'riii ol I"ijg U tlio illy reineoy id' ii kitnl ever pro !:ii."l, I'lob-i-ig' t' t'ic laslo mul nc .'eptahlc to iln- sl'.nimli, proiujit in Its m il. ill nnd li'iilv lieneliciill III its !!i cts. u'i i;iii i only from tlio most henli'iy bin! :vri-c.i! lo aiili-lancca, itf lllltiv excellent iiniibltos Collllllt'llll il lo ill .mil I I'll'i.r I'elue S Villi 0,' I'l V inmV it (Im mom Iv kl I'i - 11. i- I'm' Pali) in liOt ,' nil I' M-iiiig ilnig .Mi ilii'ggi-t win on Im M.I will m f 1 niiv one wlin i 10 in.' ,iecci niiy mil t;l 1 .'jsl.-. amy iio i iu.' it j wi-lies ). sul-liiii'- i.lS ! II . ei - -ij , t P CO. t 4 in. Cliircn I t a j Enjcy It. of n tiro Cod Llpr O'l with Hypo- tlir iliil49d of Limn ond 8ud3 t 0 i tu nt ni iK' pn tnilk Cli'ti riMt (iio 11 r.itlmr thnn C(lir nr. A MARVFt UOUO fLtt M I RTl'Cl it it In lttilod, nnd tltn lUtlr in 9 u'wi I.. unit t Hlto tt'ko coltl c.i iiv, mn lrt t.uiKit'ti D,'n'nisi ti t nufTh H1.1i tiimht iroo ftorioiide l)f tiKtit'i 1 n;n tiniitiittiM nfioMntiir ntitii UiHdift ilm ,iniur ha.t(in ll it fin 11 hnfiintthn itiiif ImititthiH. imvl J iliVw 1 v in Mm Wil llll. l.,KillTAMi ,'IST Clll '1i:l IN run "ti it "Tiii CHEMICAL AND ANVLVllCAL LAHORATORUk if COrt l.TINII l-HltT A Nh MtMNIt KNillNttKHS. Atwil.vii'ii nf Mt lii'r 1 if 1 . I'Piit nr Coltc, Mifl 1'iiit Wutvn, I't rilUn rn. vW, I'KICU I.IHT ON AI-l'Ul'ATMN. Mlulntf ttroiM-rtv invctiuut I, dtve(n)K'd. boat! hi and nd-l. i ortv'o)tth'H- e ailiclten. Hi uu ilen .ait be I'-ni bv mill' or rttircna. I netit bveprc, ( hari-c tiiut lie prepaid. Altitun wanted Hi every place, Cliattanoocfif Tciui 1K. II C WOLTCKttCK, nuvfldAwly Manaicer. f.41f'V"rj; MISCELLANEOUS. The Great Coooa of Europe, The Coming One of America, Mlefuut, S!nmt!,cnlnj lo I7i tftrva. Tea and coffee cheer but do not nourish. They even leave an injurious effect upon the nervous system, indeed, there is no beverage like Van Houten's Cocoa "BESTtS GOES FARTHEST" It stimulates and nourishes e& none other, leaves no bad effects and is a flesh-former of the most approved type. tn-XKS noCTEJfa COCOA ("one. rit'il.slwiy. used"). Tha atroa(ar lake Z 1 uim iiieu.ura and lha weak wlik liiilioull y. The eaolllna acta ot lea 1 uud aoIT.-s ur. obviated by lu steady f u.e, mm nervoua dlwirdera ar. ra lleted und prevented. Delleloa. to the In.te. "1-iirve.t auleln the world." AKlt KH VAX IIOVTEW AND 1 iKi:v(inriii:it, i VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. lly virtue fif authority vested in Genevieve K. 1 oiuint by n tiTtain deed In trust executed hy T. I. ViiiiC.ilili r fi'id wile, It. A. VaiiGilder, iliitcd the 'JHh dav of uiie, A. I. 1MH7, and iVKistintl In the Kt KlHUT'tttimceol" Iluncomuc nutit.x iu Hook Hi, j.iiKe B7; and bv virtue ir niithiirii v vtatiil In V. W. Hnrnard hy n ivrtniii ike.l from miiil T. I. VanOilderandhU uid wlii- dated Uet. 1. 1HM7, and reKintered 111 miiil KejjiMer'K ollice In Hook HO, paKc4UH, l 'Kt l her with n declarnthm of t runt of the -aid V. W. Hariinrd declared therein dated (K-toher 17, 1S77. nnd rtKin tired innnidotficc in Hook 11 of mortKiiKi'1 und dettla In truBt ut pane 4-4-A-; nnd hy n evrlnin other deed from theattiid T. I. VaiHiilder and hlN anid wife to -aid VY. V. Ita ran nl dated October ay, 17, mul riTiKtered in unitl office In Book to, ,tnv 5i:i, together with a declaration of irut miiiiU-therem by the rniid W. W. Barn ird dated the 14-th (lav of Octntwr, A. I. IKK7, and n Kitered In nnid office In Book 11 l nitirtKatfeM and deed, of Lrut, paKe H7; ami hy xirlue ol nulhorily vented in J. A. Conani hy a et rutin deed In trunt executed by the said 'I.I. Vantiilder and hin naid wife, ilat-tithe Kt-cnnd day of November, 1HM7, ami rcKitttnd iu Kiiiil fft'u-e In Book of mort vimv and deed in tntHt No. 11, paste 47, ii will im by virtue of any authority he may have hy rear on ol the deed in trout nmt above imiitioiieil. (the naid T. I. VunCtldcr and wife iiaviio: la 1 1 t.i io pay the monies secured by each ml every oi naid deed In trtwt and hd and tleehtratiiMin of trunt thereon ae- oopliiiM to ihvir nevernl proviiilona, and the -aitt trtifUccH haviim agreed among them wlvm iih tu the iirioritiet of the various U-htf Hciured and nn to the proper division if tlie iinu-ecilM f the mile of the audit hereinafter dcit-rilied I, the said Oenc vieve K Con a nl and the nnid V. W. Barnard mil the naid J. A. Conani, t run tee in naid leedn iu truntn and deedn and declaration! of trii-tt thereon, will well ut public auction for iimi iii iiit'i'durt tiounc uoor in tne city or Vflieville at 11' uVlnek m. onth Slitdivnf Mav. A. Ii. lMlHI. o certain niece or nnrrel of nml in the city of Aurville, county of Bun- iMiinf iiihi Miiu-iH .-ortn Carolina, on tne until Hide of Cotleiie ntreet. and on the went nide of : avid noil ntreet, includiiiK the clcuant iruk renidenee now oceujiied by naid T. I. Vantiilder, nod he ntubU-n and aeveral adja eiu lotn hack fd it, bounded an follow : (in ii..-north by ColU-KC ntrvet, on the enat by liaviiiMoti ntreet, on the nouth by Knffle ntreet did on the f iy the jail lot and the A. T, haviibon lot, now I'aeU'n At the anme time and place I lie nnid W. W. Barnard will nell at piii'lie auetioti lor cimh a lare lot of houae hold ami kitt lieu itirniturc under the author it v ol the den! (mm nid Vaiit'tihler and wife lo Marnnrd tirnt aud above mentioned and the declaration ol tru-t mude thereon aa atonnaid March L'J, 1H!M). i;i;ni;vii; i; h.conant, Truntcc. ,. A. CiiNAXT, Tnmtee. V. VY. BAKNAKU, Truntcc. n a r !.- 1 1 raid TO WEAK MEN BnffrTlng frnm tha effrta of y troth fnl arrors, early dflrnr.WMUnftweaknfwa, lont manhood, ato., I will aintl a valuahla tntatlna (aMlnli eontalnlnf full pirttriilara for horns cura, FREKof cbaraa. A plondii mislleal work i houldb raad by avsry Caivn who la oervoua and debthtatad. Addraaa. Prof. F C IWLaEBt HoMlu Cm, novft dArw Iv BUGGIES, CAHKIAGES, BLACKS Ml THING, To theciilxcnn of Anhrvllle and vicinity t would announce that at my nhotMi onCollrire tret I. next to Woodbury'n ntfihlea, I am liet ur prepared titan ever to no work m my line. Wacim, Bimuivn and CarrinKr m an u fact tirt tl Kepairiuu nnd hornenhoelnir are n( t'l'iltlen, and inmct natininction itunrnntertl. ly workmen are extcricncvd anuakllltuland aivt haret arc moderate. novj:i d B. BI-HNRTTB. CADTION Eft.12rS IKifOili, ii inr nrnior mnnn wvylF y(" 1 I d tract to feUorf, ancloalna; atdvartitnd priva. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CtNTLCMKN. Vina Calf, llaan Laoad (Irala aad Cr.. tnuur tt uli-rii rttof. , . ileal in ma wonn, ri.siisi. nii ll,Wl-ar,l.ll 7fl IIOVH AH inaulai In f'itiarrwaiau Butlnna $3&$2 SHOES uTrfiB. at. in hhor rim Mian it a. L . IIEKRING Irbltt dirkm A WEAVER. Q H-rmJ SSa3 IIRNI'INR II AS 11-al-itV K BHO 4.011 ll.tNtl-NKWr.fl WK.I.T HllOir nd I ITt