re? nil Asheville Citizen Advertise Your REAL ESTATE III THE CITIZEN. FOR RENT, WANTS, AND FOR SALE, Not exceeding three line, One Time, SA eenta. Three Timet, SO cuts. Q Bis Time., 78 cents. VOLUME VI. NO. 13. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. Daily I I MISCELLANEOUS. TRADE WINNERS. PURE GOODS, Correct Weights, Best Quality. Low Prices. POWELL & SNIDER TUB LliAllliKS IN FINE GROCERIES AN I) TABLH DELICACIES. AT COST. Gents Furnishings, and Hats. Tllli liNTIKIi STOCK OK SliASON AIILIi GOODS IN Tllli AIIOVIv I Uv I'AKTMlvNT AT 1'KIMB COST, TO MAKIi A CHANGIi. FIRST-CLASS GOODS ! RARE CHANCE ! GREAT BAHGAINS ! CALL EARLY! 30 South Main St. BQNMARGHE. H.T.ESTABROOK'S 111! 8. MAIN ST.., -1. TUB CLACK HM BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS AND TOYS. I.OCAI. Views uiiil Sketches. npr 1H d j. w. u. WILLS. 4KTMI MJ. WILLS. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, AttllliVlLI.Ii. N. C. Ollice lluniurd lliiildinic. I'. . Hoi an- I'liin., RiccitUnlliina, Ik-mila, kc. forever vtuaa of building Ht ahort notice. ARTISTIC INTERIOR DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. Cull nnd ace ua. iiprlild:tm Aahcvlllc. N C, April II, IHNU. The cnpartncrahlp heretofore existing Isr tween the undcralipird, untler the firm mime of I'I'I.I.IAM Jfc Co., I. thladiiydlaaolvrd by mutual consrnt. The dclila due by anlil Ann will he pnld by Lawrence I'tillliim, and thi debts due to aalil Arm will lie paid to him. mid the bualnca. continued hy hlin. LAWKHNCK ITI.I.IAM. I). C. WADIllil.L. To our patron, of the inat : I have thla dny mid my Interval and kimhI will In the Inaurnncr hualnraa In Aahrvllle to Lawrence IMilllnni, who will continue the liualntaa. I lieaienk for him a continuance of your palronnife. l. C. WAIHIUI.L. aprll daod LADIES ATTENTION LA DIES' OXFORD TIES in lllnck, Tun unl Kiim-y col ors In grout variety. LADI I0S' 111 JTTOX HOOTS in the best standard miikes from tlio cheapest to the Hi lent. Prices guaranteed iih low an the lowoHt. f. e. mitciikix, NO. a8 PATTON AVENUE. Dealer in Rootn, ShooH and (lent a Furnishings. aprll dim ,li'iil'iialiia.iiiiiiiiii I n MISCELLANEOUS. siooooo TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY In umounta of not lew than $1,000. Apply to A. J. LYMAN, Real Estate and Loans, No.. 21 t 22 Legal Block. nprSl il'Jw ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, 26 PATTON AVE., ( Y. M. C. A. ROOMS. ) 0h-h fluily, except ftunduya, Irora 10 a. m untd 1 p. m., and 4 until ti p. ni. The term, of .uhacriptlon are: One year $2; II inoa., $l.SO; a mo.., $1 ; 1 mo., (11) eta.; dolly 2 eta. oHtccrs for lMuo I'realdcnt, Charles W. Wnolaey; Vice-Prealdcilt, Thoa. A. June; See. and Treasurer, U. 8. Wutaon ; Librarian, Mlaa K. J. Hatch. Citlirna and vlaltora nre cordially invited to inatcct the catalogue and inscribe their ntimra na tnrmtiera. ianflOdtf lSiiKltab and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. U) French Hrtiatl Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL l Pur many yrnrs Atciatc Principal of Mt. Vernon Institute, Itultlmurc.) AitMlMtrtl hy corp" f cumpentent teacher. (Irc5 til y ARDEN PARK HOTEL AND COTTAtiES. 10 mllca South of Aenevillc, on A. At 8. K. K. TKKua: Per Month $0 00 Per Week IS no I'crlluy 2 OO lllnncr and Tea 1'urlica on oncday'anotlce. 75 cent.. ThoH. A. MorriH, Prop., nprllldtf Ardea, N. C. JAMES FRANK, nRAt.HR IN- FAMILYGROCERIES AND PROVISIONS AKcnt for Kecma Creek Woolen Mill.. North Miiin Ichlodly AaheTille, N. C. KEAL ESTATE. VAI.TKK n. OWVN, W. W. WKST. GWYN & WEST, (Mucccaaora to Walter B.Uwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL JEST ATE. Loans Securely Placed at S Per Cent. Notary Public. Commiaaloner. ol lieeda. FIRE INSUItANCE. FFIC"K Mnnlhenal Court qunre. CORTLAND BROS., Real Kstnte Brokers, And Investiueut Affeiits. I.onna ar urely plnivd ut H wr wnt. iiHIcra: L'4k 20 I'ntton Ave. Heeond floor. trhlM I r JOHN CHILD, ( formerly of Lymun Ik Child I, HEAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER Strictly a Brokerage Business Loan, arciirrly ptneed at A iwr cent. rnoH. p. HAMILTON A CO. GROCERS, BIG 22, Patton Avenue. IVblN ilnm s ALK Ol' HUAL UHTATII. wl'l nfter for aalr at the court houae door In thr city of Aahrvllle. N, C, on Hntitrdnv, the .Id rinv of May, INuo, at 12 m., th. fol lowltiK draerllied pntertyt A lot nf land, with thefmprovrmrntathrre. on, lylni near the old depot of W. N. C. M K Co., nd.nlninjt the latlda of (llrdwood At Mc l.rllnn'a old foundry bt, ItrirlnnlnR at aatnke on the enat aide of the railroad track, the H w corner or antti rfunirv lot and rutiawtth Ihnt line N AD rirHrrea K Ton fret to a atakc; lllrni-e M. 2A rirRreea rt minute. K 1AO Oct to a atnkel thrnce 8 100 fret Att Iriirrra W loo feet ti n atnket thence N 2A dricree. 4A mln una W 1AO Icrt to the brRinnlnii, contalnlnx about onr.thlrd of an acre more or Iraa. Thla lot eontnlna a Rood frame liullillnu with brick baaemrnt, 1 4 rooina, anil a roihI well of wntrr. Hltlllltrd near the line of W. N C. H. K. and the C. K llraham cotton fnc tory. anil other fnctorlra near the new dr,M,t. It could be mnde vuluable a. a boardlnff or tcllrnunt houe. Ternia one-third cnah, balance In nnr and two venra. J. U. MAKT1N. aprll dlda hmrimi,tJn, fifft'uJ. MISCELLANEOUS. K8TAUL1HHKU 187-4. W.C.CARMICHAEL, APOTHECARY, 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. For sixteen years I have carried on a Drug and Pre scription business in Ashe ville, striving at all times to buy pure Drugs and sell no goods that are not strictly first-chiHS in every respect. Everything warranted as represented or money re funded. My goods are pure and fresh and my prices as low as the lowest. Prescrip tions filled at all hours, day and night, and delivered free, of charge to any part of the city. Mr. J. Taylor Amiss is with me, and will be pleased to meet his friends and custom WH. 187U. 1889. S. R. KEPLER, UUALBK IN FINE GROCERIES. Purveyor to intolligentnnd appreciative Asheville and Aini'piciiii fnmilii'N. 1'nlntos and tastes of iM'ople who be- i: :.. i iV. :." i 1... iit've in ,ruiiii iiviiiritiuioi in linnihiimrpil liv "Cliciin.lolin" irc-t ,i i goods. Cheap goods nud nrst quality are not synony mous. 1 have in stock and to nrrivo. nil Ktnsonnlil( hiio- I'ialties, comprising in part H lA. . 1 - I r runs, uruunvN, lit-moim, Cranberries, Itaisins, Eigs, M iHi'i'l In neons ( 'lu 0. Iv . New Orleans Molasses, for ta ble use, Prime New Orleans Molasses, for eookinir. Ex tra fine Assortment of Crack ers. Fine Teas and Coffees a specialty. Mmce Mvnta Gordon & Dilwortlra, nnil other brnnila. I'ltitn I'nililinn.CiiH 'a Foot Jelly, etc. I'mwrd nnil Crvatnliwil Ginger. Slintl Koc in kit. Roc 1 Icrrinua mill nil other gootli in ileniiinil for the llolulnv. S. K. KI-.I'l.l.K. In Clothing we nre aliowiiiK nrhoiiT aliK-k, rnnKiiiK frnm llnyt' Suit! at $1.11(1 toMcn'.nt $:io.7.r, the urcmcr part of it ni.'iilv to our order. Our Men'. Ihiaiiicra Sititi lit $.". $7.r0. SH.Gll nnil Sill nre atvlixli cllevta, well cut, nnil innat of them milly well miiilc, while the Suit, from f 1 2 to nre nulca, conintinK cloacly with tnilcira' work nt neiirly twice the ct. AiniiiiK the Huaitint Suila we allow I'lniil nnil I'lniil lllnck Cheviot, lllne Screen, Xent Cnaaiinerea mill ICiikHkIi I'lniil Ditto, Ilcrrinu Hone 8lriK, lite. lllnck WulkiiiK Cont mill l-'riH-k Suila, Virt(ie. Miilillclon ci: Co.'aLoiiiluil Mnile UniiiKe Couta, Hot Went her ConU nud Waialcimta, lliincm, &c.f tkc. Very nttrnctivc alylca for Cliililrcu nnil lloyi. Sliirta, lrwcra, Socka. SchiI'h. I luiiil kcrcliirla, (ilovca, I'nilirvlliiR, Trunk, lliijia, ric. Slrnw lint in (rent variety well Inflow voniietitor price. One price lyatcni. II. REDWOOD & CO. CtothinK, l'ry Oooil. Shoe, lint. Siintll Wnre, nml Ciiinl.. 7 nnil 0 I'ntton Avenue. THE SHOE STORE. Herring & Weaver, LIIAtlllKM IN SHOES OF ALL GRADES, A N II FINE HATS. 39-Patton Avenue-39 AtlicvlUc, N. C. THE DAILY CITIZEN. FACTS AND COMMENTS. "Disiiand vopr nrmiii nnd live in pence," is the pope's counsel to the Eu ropenn powers. It is excellent advice. Sknator Waiib Hampton rnn nn ele vntor in Wasliinton the other day nml won a bet from Senator Klucklnirn. He made one trip. TllR isiciit hour movement is uccnniiiu; as widespread as the field of lalior, anil Minnesota falls into line from end to end in its demand for shorter hours. Cincinnati's lamp posts were recently draHfd with crape in memory of n dc censed director of the nan company. The meters, however, kept rijjht on us though nothing had hnpx.riul. Tiik WAYsand menus committee wnnts the Anicricun furmcr to go into the silk business. Is the reliance of the republi can party to lie placed only upon conns anil cocoons? Kouisvillc Courier-Journal. IS.u.TiMum: ki:.iiicks at the revival ol activity in shipbuilding. In the ship- yards nlong the I'alapsco fourteen ves sels of different classes, costing more than $3,(10(1,000, are now in course ol construct ion. O.NI! Mli.MT suppose that members ol the Ilrilisli aristocracy who come over to America were all eminent in the medi cal line, seeing how liU-rally they are paid lor attending the daughters of our money kings. Huston Transcript. Tiik ihmtii nt Missolonghi, the other dav, of Lord llyron's favorite lintinan is a rcniinilcr by how short n space ol lime only sixty-six years we arc sepn- ratcil from the days when the romnntic work of Ilyron set the lasliiuns in litera ture. In i sciviijzi:ii Russia the cxtrnordi- nnry leat has Ikvii uccomplislicd of tclc phoniiig from St. Petersburg to Ilnlugne, a distance of 'J, to.", miles. The Kussinn engineirs further state that they pnr- Misesoonto converse over a distance ol ,('rr miles. Civilization hasciitcrcd liihomcy with a vcngcniicc. pour l-rciich soldiers were enptured by tlieDahiiiiiiiinsanillx'hcadcd and the 1'rench retaliated by taking live ol the Dahomey Amazons whom they hail enptured and Ik heading them. The l-'rcuch arc one head ahead in the game. Two wi-cai.i ki tiewspaHfrs in New Orleans, the Item and the Stales, are owned absolutely by the stiK-kholilcr ol the Louisiana Lottery, These alleged newspiix.'rs nre naturally the defenders of the vicious, depraved and demoraliz ing gambling institution which lias dragged the State of Louisiana into the lowest depth. Wiiatkvkm may be said of Mr. Cleve land in his character us New York resi lient, his wile is winning new and warm friends daily. She cutertuins ciiiisiilera bli, and in return is entertained by some of the IhsI ieople in New York. She is devoting just now considerable time, at tention mid money to the xor, nml just at present is the lending ligiire in tin Mission Kindergarten orgiiiii.alinii. I'mihk tiik State law in Virginia the young woman physician, Dr. Ilayucs, who was not long ago elected nssislaiit physician in the Western Lunatic Asylum, must puss the examination before tilt State medical hoard Ulnrc she can prac tice her profession in the Slate. This she haajusl done, with credit. She is tin first woman admitted lo practice ill tin Slate, lis well as the first physician oihci sex to hold position in any of the public institutions in Virginia. . II. KiHiiiKs, of Charleston. S. C, who left there curly in IHSN.nml ahipiwd from New York on a Hamburg line steamer. has relumed alter an absence of two years, during which nil truce of Inn were lost. He saystuat lie was with lh.- crew of the Montrose, which was hiirucil otl'CuRf Horn in lHH.'l, nnil that he and the crew lived for over n year on the const of Patagonia before they wen tnken oil by a passing ship, During this time they subsisted entirely on mussels nnil acids. No miihk striking contrast j ollcrcd by eontcuiHirnncotis history than is nf forded by the armaments mid standing armies of the Old World ami the new goHfl of iKiu-e proclaimed nt Washing ton. l;urow is n circle of enmps, with million of soldiers under arms nnil the air electric with suspicion. In the West ern Hemisphere every republican nation alily is morally, if not formally, com milted, by the net ion of the delegates nl the conference, lo the policy of compul sory arbitration as a substitute for war. N. Y. Tribune. It is estimated (hut ut least fifty thou sand horses now in use will lie thrown iimiii tin market presently owing to the rapid development nl electricity n a mo tive Miwer. The exactness of this esti mate doc not mailer, but it i a fact from which there is no gelling nwnj that soon the horac.lnvciliiig industry will be seriously dial urls'il by the encroachment ol the electric motor, the use of which will eventually become universal. The carriage of the future, Imth publicum! pri vate, will Is? moved by the eleclrie motor, the power to oierate which will lie fur nished by a light anil efficient si or age battery, hlcclticity will Iw the motive power of the future Ihviiusc It will be chcaarr than liorm llcah, An electric mo tor lias only to Iw led when working; n horse' digestive organs hnve to l kept in food lit nil lime, whether working or not. .. PARABLE OF THE SOWER. THE ABLE SERMON BY REV J. L. CARROLL. TO WHICH OF THE FOUR CLASSES DO WE BELONG ? All IntereMtitiK Text Kloquently Explained UellichlH the Rap. tint couirreKalloii How Will II be With I'm 7 Rev. J. L. Cnrroll preached yesterday from the "Partible of the Sower," which was the international Sunday school les son for the day. "I would call attention to the lessons suggested," said the Sx'tikcr. "This par able is thought to lie the first of many that Jesus spoke. His design is obvious. He intended to preach the effect of the (osjiel on different people. The Savior here divided those hearing into four classes. As they were then, so arc they now and will remain. "The sower went out to sow," he said, "some of the seed fell by Hie wayside, mid the fowls of the air destroyed them. This represents the first class of hearers. You will understand the class meant. At points where the path and field meet, the soil is poor nud sterile. The sternly trump, tramp, tramp has destroyed all vegetation, and prevented the soil be coming enriched by the continuous growth and decay. The soil is not only Kior, but hard and packed. It is just so with the first class of hearers. Their moral and religious nature is impover ished by a continual round of sinful thoughts, words nml actions. The re ligious inllucnces have Iktii crowded out by these thoughts. The soil of the spir itual natures is sterile and hard. The heart is hard, too. You can see the effect of seed sowing on such natures. It is on the wnvsule soil. It lies exposed nud the fowls of the air de vour it. These fowls lire cipial to evil spirits who take the word out of the hearer's hearts. "The second class is represented by the stony ground. This ground lucks moist ure mid litis no depth. The sower goes nlong mid sows the seed. They fell on the soil on top of the rock. That is the way with this class of hearer. They have some thought, and some religious Ill-ling, consideration nud concern, but not much. There is no depth. The un derlying soil is not broken up. These arc they who hear the word with Joy. The rock being near the surface makes it warmer and the seed springs up quicker and grows faster than where the soil is Iccht. This class is not hard to move, but the trouble is in keeping them mov- ng. When something does happen they seem more moved than the rest but it soon changes. They arc shallow and stiSfrli- ial, nud arc tripcd up by temptations, and the impression made soon passes tiwny. The third class is the seed on stony ground. It seemed to Ik good ground. It did not npHf(ir hard mid sterile. The tup of the thorns had been destroyed, ml the etirlh wns tilled with the roots. When the seed begins to germinate, the germ of the thorn ulso awakens mid he gins to grow. They grow up, nnil the thorn choke the good seed mil. Hy these thorns nre meant the riches nud sin lul plcnsiirc ol thi world. The seed are sown in the heart, but Hie germ ami roots of cure fur worldly goods, thoughts und pleiisureinre on the iusiilcniiil spring seed. These evil germs draw to themselves the fertility that ought to go to the good seed. You can sec the inlliicncc id this. The indi vidual Iwgius to grow worldly minded and nil good is crowded out. "The good ground represents the fourth lass. There urc several H.viilinrities of this class. They are entirely opposed to the other three. The evil of the heart has Is-en put in good condition, and the seed of the Ciosh.I sink in deep. They work on the soul nml bring forth fruit. Impressions urc made on men nml are not shaken off immediately, but on I he contrary mi effort is made to have l hem sink dcccr. Now we liaveinilicaiedthefoiirclasscs ami the ipicstion arises, which class do we iK-long to? Arc yon as wnysulc hearers, easily moved and Impressed, but letting the result tlisapietir nt once? Arc you as thorny ground henrcrs, let ting the cures mid anxieties of this world root out the desire for heller things? Or are you us good ground hearer, let ting the Word lull m n good nnil honest heart nml keeping it. Some day we will have to answer for the way wc have heard the Ciosih-I. Are wc ready? Shall wc stand UlorcCiud on that day as way side Ileum only, stony ground bearers thorny ground hearers or good ground hearer ?" Mans) Mi'i'llnu To.NItht. Those who have uhacrilH'd to the ex- iierituental test fur natural gas, nnd nil who feel interested in the effort, tire re- iiiicalcd to attend the public meeting m the court house, where secclic will lie inailc on the subject nml Heps taken lo begin boring for gas, oil and coal. A full attendance is desired. Heal -.nlHta TrnnnlerM. W. O. Wolfe mid wife to In. A. Haclclcliit on Churhittc street. .$1,1011 A. I., nud S. W. Stum her to J. S. Morgan, 111 i acre In western pai l ul county lfid I, A. Hurrotiglis nud wife to J. li. U nite, lot on Spruce street 1,01)0 U. II. Thrush nnd wile to M. li. Uinl. l;il acre on Hominy creek Mttlltlltllllt It MtllMMMItltlt. a.ouo , NORTH CAROLINA NOTES. The State University now has 100 stu dents. In Ilertic county 40,000 herring nnd 2,uuu slinu were caught at one haul. It is estimated that the Snlem aendctnv spends $50,000 annually in Winston, The steamer Washington struck a stump near the wharf ut Leech villc a few nights ago and sunk. The business of Greenville has already greatly increased since the advent of the railroad, a lew months ago. The Agricultural College is to make a aural display and one firm has sent lao varieties of chrysanthemums for it, Salem tins recently purchased two oronze lountnins. une will De placed in the academy play ground, the other in ucuuemy sipiare. A stock company having $1,000,000 capital nre said lo lie preparing to work t lie hammers and Worth gold mines in .Montgomery county. The ten tobacco counties have until May 1 to make their settlement. Sheriff Mnrkhmn, of Durham, has turned $15.- 000 over to the State. The number of mortirmrcs secured on real estate in Hcnufort county within the pnst ten years is a larger number than must counties show. Sam Jones did not begin hi revival meetiiiifs nt Charlotte on Thursday u announced. He wns delayed in Missis sippi. He held his first service at ten o'clock Priday morning. Dairying is a growing industry in Pitt county. Special attention is being given it in some sections, mid the running ol the railroad through the county greatly facilitates matters for such industry. A Wnkc Forest boy. from California, is so devoted to the memory of Dr. Wingate, une president ol wake l-orest College, thnt lie pruioscs to be one of five to put a memorial window in the college chuixfl fur its honored president. For two years oust two ncirro cm- plnycs of the firm of Norn's & Carter at Kalcigh have liccn robbing the store. I'ivc hundred nnd liftv dollars' worth of proiH-rty wns recovered when the thieves were lound out nnd they have contcsscd. A true bill was returned in open court nt At'urd against . Duke, Sons ci Co., Allen ci ('.inter, W. S. Kimball & Co., and others composing the cigarette trust for the ptiriMise of controllini; the price ol certain grades of tobacco known us cut; ters. The Davis niilitarv school, which has for eight years been in oierntion at La Grunge, I-cnoir county, will be removed to Winston, where the people have a handsome subscription. There were nt the last term two hundred cadets at the school. Mrs. Lovey Davis died nt her home in Penpiimans county nt the age of 85. She had never received any medical atten tion in her life, her vision wns ns good as in her youthful tiny, nnd her lien ring wns not impaired. She died suddenly of paralysis. Manning und Spcnrs. two voiim? stu- lentsat the MeCall hiclt school. in Rich mond county, were playing a lew duvs ago. Manning drew a knife and inflicted iiiiines upon SiK'ttrs which nre expected to prove fatal. He litis lied and has not yet Ixx-n arrested. It is now stilted thnt Avery Duller, the buy who nssassitmtcd his father nt Clin ton, litis waived an examination. In his nilession which will be published short I v he refuses to give any reason for Ins strange deed or to tell whether or not he hud an accomplice. He snvs he has a surpiisc party in store for Hfople when ins trial comes on. A. M. Turner, general ninnngcrnfn bin farm in Mania county, made quite a record lust hunting season ns a sports man. He killed 37 wild tin keys, 31. I wild ducks, 13 deer, JO foxes, 7 otter, 3 I wavers, 17 'coons, 1(1 opossums, and a large numlicr ol partridges, squirrels and ration, it is sain also mat ac enienes a bushel of fish every dav. James Trice, n Durham negro, who has a particularly line voice, and who is greatly interested in missionary work, win leave on mc nun ol .May lor Alncn. and will devote his lite to thnt work in the "Dnrk Continent. He will sad from New York with live other missionaries. The white nud colored K'oplc ol Durham arc supplying him with fund. There is a sensation nt Salem, occa sioned by the attempt nf a young man mimed Gibson to eliqic with a young lady student mimed Kogers. She disguised hersell ns n servant nnd tried toclude the night watchman nt the school, but was detected Just us she entered the vehicle which her lover hnd provided. The vouniz lady was taken home by her relatives. The new palace steamer to run be tween Ivliznbcth Citv nnd New Heme will irobably be named the William Gnstun, u honor of Mr. Gaston, who wn n na tive nf New Heme. The steamer will be l!O0 feet long, thirty-one foot lienm, and eleven Icrt hold, will hold thirty-two state rooms nnd will lie supplied with electric light, nnd will run nt the speed ol fourteen miles nn hour. Sheriff Smilh i rather lonesome nt the Mecklenburg jail just nt present. He is keeping house nil alone. There is not a single prisoner in the jail n thing that only Happens once or twice in a century. lunge Aienrs una just concluded a termol the criminal court, mid thi accounts for the m, Is being empty, he having disposed of its inmates by sending them to the State iKiiilcutiiirv und the county chain gang. The clencnl dclfgiiles representing the v. ...l. '.....!:.... nt... i....o. i?..: i iiiiiii .iii.'oiio i.iv tin piuni i.oiih uoill Church Conlcrcnc! nt the General Con ference, which meet nt St. Loui May 7lh, nre Kev.l. R. Ilrooks, J. A. Cun tiinggim, I'rnnk L. Reid, V. A. Shitrpc, W. S. Illuck, II. T. Hudson, I. li. Mnnn. nnd I'. D. Swindell, the lay delegate be ing Messrs. I). W, ilnin, II, I-. Dixon, Julian S. Carr, J. A. Udell, Charles W. Tillett, W. R. Oilcll, li. U. Nicholson, and J. W, Maurav. One of Mecklenburg's oldest historic tmuliniirk has been burned. It wns at Tucknsccgcc ford, nine miles from Char lotte, und wns the house which Cornwnllis occupied during the revolutionary war, when lu nrmy cnntei nt lucknseegce ford. On this tuimecnnipnignCnrnwaTli mnde In nieinornblc visit to Chnrlotte, The house wns two stories high in the fashion nf building common to thnt dnv It had been repaired Irom time to time, was well preserved, nnd Oelonizrd to Mon roe lliiius. who occupied it. The family were nwnv when it cnuglit on nre and so were unable to lave it. All the furniture except one bed wn destroyed. The fin arose from detective Hue, ',ms UtVatiWl MISCELLANEOUS. J. S. GRANT, Ph. G., Of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, Apothecary, 94 South Main St. FOR MX HEADACHE USE HOfFMtrt HARMLESS HEADACHE POWDER I. Thw f s Sparine. onlatataf a. mptmm, km I ,wiSIm. TInm ..I.MUiHH. fr1r,l.lfc. r au. Sf m.lili r at bmU. tbs 53 Mils St., Buffalo. NX. vA litUmatloul Brid(,0iii POX; lALK BY J.' S." GRANT. If your prescriptions are prepared at Grant's Pharmacy you can positively de- tend upon these facts: First, that only the purest and best drugs and chemicals will be used; second, they will be compound ed carefully and accurately by an experi enced Prescriptionist ; and third, you will not be charged an exorbitant price. You will receive the best goods at a very rea sonable profit. Don't forget the place Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main street. Prescriptions filled at all hours, night or day, and deliveied Iree ol charge to any part of the city. The night bell will be answered promptly. Grant's Phar macy, 24 South Main street. At Grant's Pharmacy you can buy any Patent Medicine at the lowest price quot ed by any other drug bouse in the city. We are determined to sell as low as the lowest, even if we have to lose money by so doing. We will sell all Patent Medi cines at first cost, and below that if nec essary, to meet the price of any competi tor. We have the largest assortment 01 Chamois Skins in Asheville. Over 200 skins, all sites, at the lowest prices. We are the agents for Humphrey's Homoeopathic Medicines. A full supply of bis goods always on band. Use Buncombe Liver Pills, the best in the world for liver complaints, indiges tion, etc. A thoroughly reliable remedy for all blood diseases is Uuncombe Sarsaparilla. Try a bottle and you will take no other. J. S. GKAXT, Ph. G., Pharmacist, 24 S. Main St., Asheville, N. C. BARGAINS AT WIIITLOCK'S. Every lino of goods in our stock at reduced prices. New Spring DreHH Goods, includ ing OutingCIoths, Ginghams, Sateens, C'luillies, Mohairs, Henriettas, Silks, Velvets, etc. Counterpanes, Laco Cur tains and Curtain Draperies, and Household Linens at astonishingly low prices. Laces, Embroideries and White Goods in great quan tity at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 25c. that cannot be matched at the price. New lot of Sun Umbrellas and Taney Parasols, tho most elegant ever shown in Ashevillo. Also a lot of Silk Parasols at $1, worth f 2. Great bargains in Muslin, Merino and Gauze Underwear for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren. Reduced prices in Corsets, Gloves and Hosiery. Millinery at prime cost, in cluding Hats, Ribbons, Flow ers, Feathers, etc. Something New Wo sell tho only absolutely Fust Rlack Hosiery in the market for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren, also for Men and Boys. They are guaranteed not to dye, crock or turn green, or money refunded. WIIITLOCK'S, 46 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Opposit Bowk of AokwrUI. 3 ,1 i .4