"ij?se. i.V.. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, APIUL 28, 1890. v.- II- ' I--I 'a il mi if THE DAILY CITIZEN. H. D. CHILD, Business Manager, Tm Daily Citiiin will be published crery afternoon (except Sunday) at the fvllawlng rate, tuktlf cht One Year. 16.00 Six Month. 8.O0 Three Month., 1.50 One Month SO One Week.... IS Onr carrier, will deliver the paper every afternoon In CTery part of the city to our sub scribers, and partle. wanting it will plcaac call at the Citizen Office. Advsstisino Rats. Reasonable, and made known on application at thla ottice. All transient advertisement mn.t be paid la ad vance. The Citihn Is the most extensively circu lated and widely read newspaper in western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measure, lain the interest or public integrity, honest government, and prosiierou. industry, and it knows no personal allegiance In treating pub lic Issues. E)ccimea copies of any edition will be scut free to any one sending their address. Reading notices ten cents per line. Obitu ary, marriage and society notices Hi'ty cents each (not exceeding ten lines) or M'ty cents per inch. MONDAY. APRIL 28, 1800. THE DAILY CITIZKN Is on sale at the following places in Ashcvllle: CITIZEN Ol'FlCB. BATTBKY PARK NBWS STAND. GLEN ROCK NKWS STAND. MOUBL ClOAK STOKIi, 1'attun Ave. J. CARSON'S NliWS STUKU, North Court Square, PERTINENT AND PERSONAL. Mewl About Anhevllllatm and ol tMrattaTcra Within our uatea. L. N. Cox, of Washington, D. C is at the Glen Rock. S. W. Blood, of New York, is at the Battery Park. C. V. Stanford is at the Swamianoa from Louisville. F. V. Carter represents Cincinnati ut the Swannanoa, A. R. Kimball, of Orange, N. J., is nt the Buttery Park. II. W. Burr represents Providence, K. I., at the Swannanoa. Wm. B. Burgess, ot Brooklyn, is regis tered at the Swnniinnon. Jos. II. Pnist and wife are at the Bat tery Park from Philadelphia. Julian Leiscl, of New York is auto graphed at the Battery Park. 15. R. Ballou, of Providence, R. I., ! registered nt the Battery Turk. There were lot) nrrivuls at the princi pal hotels yesterday and Saturday. F. W. Metcalfnnd C. S. Griffin, of l-rie Pa., are registered at the Glen Kock. C. R. Hicks and J. B. Brown, of Phil udclphin, arc registered at the Glen Kock II. Burton Millikcn represents Maim umong the nrrivuls at the Battery Park F. Godfrey and G. F. Godfrev nrc at the Battery Park from Grand Rapids Mich. Mrs. M. S. Hvcrlmrt and Miss Ever hart arc at the Battcrv Park. Thev arc from Chicago. Thus. J. Dolanniiil C. Ingersoll Maury of Philadelphia, are registered at the Battery Purk. lid win A. Ilildrcth and Miss lillcn 11 llildrcth, of Harvnrd, Mass., and Miss Susan V. Ilildrcth, of New York, nrc quartered at the Battery Park. Jas. Bnilcy, colored, fur several years a servant in Maj. V. V. McDowell's fiiinil. on South Main street, died Saturday night of old age. lie was about 0 years old. J. D. Kolicrtson has returned from Kog ersvillc, Tcnn., where he wnt called liy a telegram announcing that his father had liecn stricken with paralysis. He left him slightly improved. At the entertainment given by the school children in the Oiiera Hull ncx Tuesday and Friday nights there will be u competitive drill with dumb bells. The contestants will lie a class of sixteen girls and a class of the same number ot boys. A prize valued at $10 will be given. Mike Kelly, who has been backing Harry Collins, has retired, and the com ing fight between the latter and "Pro- lessor" Laytin will be in the hands ol Collins himself. The interested parties tried to secuie the new opera house for the mill, but Manager Reynolds came t the conclusion that thut was not exactly the attraction he wanted to oien it. IT IS FORMALLY OPENED. Klcc'a Spring, at Blltmore Dcdl catcd to the Public. Rice's Spring, at Biltmore, was dedi catcd to the public Saturduy afternoon Mr. John 8. Rice, who is well known throughout this entire section, was in strumental in opening the spring, am Mr. nrcese, who owns the land on which the spring is located, gave the right ol way. The spring is about fifty feet from the public road and is reached by a path At the road the fence is get back and a half circle of rock has been put up, with a turnstile in the centre. Everything is clean and neat and is for the accommo dation of the traveling public. A marble tablet is set in the rock fence, on which is inscribed the following poetry com posed by Mr. Rice: "Rein up, ye thirsty passer-by, A. you an now, so once was 1 1 Hiop short, alight, you're not the first Who at this spring has quenched hi. thirst. (Mid up your loin., drink once, drink twice. Pus on and think of John H. Rice. For thirsty man he walled this spring And then for heaven did plume his wing, . tie ask. no (hanks his life's long span Proved that he loved hi. lellow man." Mr. Rice dedicated the spring to the public In the presence of a number of friends woo live in the locality, and gave r talk on the history of the spring and the State of North Carolina, which was tnjoyed by those present. He was at . aulred In full uniform of a major of the infastry of the Confederate army. The coat, vhich was double breasted, bad a gilt star on the collar, Indicating the rank of major, and an Austrian knot of gilt on the sleeve. The epaulettes were of gold, and were the kind used in the United States army. The uniforms of the United State army and the Confed erate States army wers combined. At ' his back floated the North Carolina flag, the South Carolina flafe and the United States flag. ' He made (unite a military appearance. HE MAY GET WELL. WALKER, WHO WAS SHOT AT BILTMORE, BETTER. HIM Wounds) Were IircHHHed Vc tcrday, slid To-Day he la Iiu proving, but Willi (he Odds AualiiHt Illiu Another Hide of the Story. Coroner Ililliard sturtcd out bright and curly yesterday uioniing to hold an itiiucst on the body of Charles Walker, who was shot bv Geo. Gibson at Bilt more on Saturday. T. C. Couunt und M. II. Monihan were the only ones sum moned. It was expected to make up the balance ut the miction. Who the other four would have been, however, will never be known. The negro was far from being dead and was in fact in a fair way to recovery. Yesterday morning he was feeling much better, and 1'rs. Williams and Whitakcr sewed up his wounds. It wts found that the ball had passed thri ugh five ol the intestines. His cliiinecs for getting well are considered good. S. II. Reed was ut the Junction nt the time of the shooting and arrested Gilt- son. He tells ml entirely dilVercnl story from the prisoner. The latter, he said, started awav alter he had shot, and in live minutes was off u good distance. Mr. Kccd, who hupeiied to meet him, had no revolver, but decided to play a game of blulV, and advanced unun him with his hand on Im pistol pocket. The negro thinking thai his captor had a gun readily gave himscll up. Mr. Kccd says the negro was a hall mile distant from the scene of the shoot ing when he was arrested. Mr. Josiali Jones, who lives at tin Junction, ami who formerly acted as po lice officer for that district, was sent lot when the all'air occurred, ami in fifteen minutes was on theground. Gibson hud then been arrested. Alter being shot, Wulker is said to have struck his antagonist, and it was not until after he had been pulled away that he gave way to his injuries. The story told by someof the witnesses is tu the cllcct that when Walker re turned for the watch atul pistol which Gibson had borrowed of him and kept, he came around and prepared to tight Alter some words he started to pull hit- revolver, but the oilier mail had the drop on him and shot. Il is this story that Gibson relics on to prove his plea ol self delensc. Dr. Williams visited the wounded man this morning. He is improving and hah still better chances for recovery than yes terday. Odds are however against him. A SUNDAY RUNAWAY. Two People Thrown out, a Man Hurt, mid Much tCxvltemeiit. A horse hitched lo a two-wheel cart, which held n man and woman, was frightened by an electric car on South Main street yesterday, and backing against the curb, turned his passengers out. The animal then started down the alley north of Cnrmichacl's store, fol lowed by u crowd. At the foot of the passageway he executed n llank move ment und started for the street. There was a scattering among the eoplc who had run down the alley, and one old ne gro, who was a cripple, was knocked over and considerably bruised. He had been sitting in the alleyway la-fore the rtiunwnv occurred, and did not have time to get out of the way. His inju ries were painful, but not serious, and shortly after he was taken home in a carriage. One man who did not notice the re turning horse until it was too late to get out to the street, pressed close to tin side of a building, and the carriage passed near enough to him so that tin hub of one of the wheels lore his pantn lootia across both knees. After reaching the street the frightened animal dashed down South Main, smashed the buggy against a convenient telephone pole and was caught in front of the Swannanoa hotel. The occupant of the cart were not hurt. THE CRIMI N A L COU RT. The April Term Ili-glim To-Day, and the Juries) are thoenv Aside from the dignity attendant on the office, Sheriff Reynolds wore a bright spring suit when he called out the three preliminary "hoar yes" in the criminal court this morning and announced that the body wus in session. A few minutes Inter work had been begun inearnest.nnd when u recess was taken at 12.311 for din ner a grand and a trial jury had been se cured and the docket had been called. Th' grand jury consists of A, Nnnkiii, chairman, and K. II. Cole, K. II. Hays, Wilson Brown, jr., A. 0. Mass, T. C. Reeves, J. G. Chambers, S. S. Norman, I). M. Wells, L. Y. Israel, M. I'nrhnm, L. I). Fclmct, W. L. Robinson, J. II. Miller and C. W. Denlc. The instructions by Judge Moore were unusually full and compre hensive. He charged particularly that the jury should pay attention to com plaints of cruelty to animals. At 11.30 it was completed and the cnll of the trial jury begun. It includes: J. M.C. I'elmot, J. N. llughey, 0. P. Gillespie, I'. P. Mop gnri, E. R. Glenn, L. F. Shook, W. K. Chnmbers, James H. Morgan, R. C. Wells, S. M. Monday, J. M. Watkins and W. . Pounders. The first case culled, and one that is be fore the court this afternoon, is that of tnc otitic v.. m. i. ci.iivi-jr, w iiu in charged with killing two nogs belonging to Wm. Pinkerton. The Mayor's Court. Iiiseiih Snider and Tack Kiffer. two col- orcd men, were before the Mayor this miimitiir ehnrircil with an assnult. The evidence proved it to be a most brutal one and the parties were bound over to the criminal court. Kulord Kcclmnn, Joe Chunn and Barney Hurd were fined $6 each for being drunk, and two boys who were chanted with fighting were released with a reprimand. I MISSING SINCE THURSDAY. Horace Cireeley Wen-tall haa not Ileen Keen Hlnce Then. Horace Greeley Westnll, son of T, C. Westnll.hns been missing from home since Thursday, He left his father's house, on Chestnut street, Thursday afternoon at 'i o'clock, and it was supimscd he hnd gone up town and no uneasiness was felt concerning him. As he did not come home to supper his parents supposed he hnd gone to visit his uncle on Hcaverduin, with one of his cousins, who was in town that day. He did not return Friday, and the supposition then was that he had gone up the Swannanoa to visit some re lations, und would return Sunday with his cousin. His cousin came to the city yesterday and reported that he had seen nothing of Greeley und then his mother's fears bc .nme aroused. When he left home he did not take his overcoat or any clothes lie sides the ones he wore, which consisted of his usual everyday suit. He hnd no money und could not have left on a train on that account. His brother, W. II. vYcslall, saw him going down South Main street Thursday, and that was the last seen of him by any mcmlicrg of the family. His mother is very anxious .(bout him. The missing boy is eighteen years old, -lis feet high, rather overgrown, and has light hair and eyes. He has often ex pressed a wish to leave Asheville, and go to some other place and it is supposed that is the reason he has gone. He has had no trouble with any member of the family, and had no enemies. He is of a very ipiict nature. His family have no lear of foul play, but are fearful of some accident having befallen him. Any one who can give insinuation of the missing lad will confer a great favor on the family. AN UNFOUNDED RUMOR. Uoriin and Wright Company Have Mot Failed nenled by Dun, The Associated Press dispatches on Saturday rcnirtcil the suspension of the I lor a n and Wright company, limited, ol New York, which has a branch office here, and has branches with private wire con nections throughout the I'nited States ind Canada. Their clients were every where agitated by the rcixirt, and a gen eral rush was made at thcdiifcrent offices. This agitation was, however, anticipa ted by the compuny, w-hich issued a cir cular telegram to all of its correspond ents, assuring them that the report was absolutely without foundation; thut it .vould pay a hundred cents on the dol lar for its every obligation, und by tele graphic money transfer immediately upon reijiicst of any doubting corres pondents at that. They declared that they would accept and execute nil orders as usual, and did so. K. ti. I hill & Co. sent out the following telegram: "The report of the suspen sion of the Doran and Wright company limited, of New York, was entirely erron eous, that corporation having been con founded with J. G. Doran & Co., whose susK'iision we announced yesterday.' At the local otliee business is being car ried on ns usual, mid there is absolutely no Inundation for the reported failure, A CASE OF HORSE STEALING William AHhinore Hiealw an Anl nitil, hut la Already Captured J. F. Woodburv, proprietor of the lint- tery Turk stables, had a valuable horse stolen from him on Sntitrdav night. The thclt was discovered Sunday morning, and the thief wus found with the animal at Hcudersonvillc und arrested. The horse was stolen by n former em ploye of Mr. Woodbury, n negro mimed William Ashemore, who came here from Greenville some time ago. On Saturday lie was paid off in lull, but was not dis charged. He said he needed money to send lo his folks who were sick, liarly Saturday evening he was around the stables, and left with the remainder ol the boys when the work wns finished. On Sunday morning when Mr. Wood bury came down he missed one of his horses. None of the employes knew any thing about it, und a diligent search of the city failed to find the missing nniinul One of the saddles was finally missed and when Ashemore did not come around he was suspicioncd of being the thief. Telegrams were sent to seven different places and in the afternoon word came from Ilendersonvillc that the negro was under arrest. An ofliccr left for Hint place this morn ing to unng nun uncK. Ready for llualneaa. Mr. Arthur I. Wills, of the firm of Wills Urns., has just completed furnishing bis office in the llnrnnrd building and is pre pared for work. Among other specimens of their work are some exceedingly well executed pen and Ink drawings of Glas gow I'nivcrsity, the exterior and Interior of St. John's Cathedral, Newfoundland, und St. Mary's Church, Bridlington, ling. A number of other original designs ot church work, cottages and store fronts bear testimony to the ability of the firm. Dropped Dead of Heart Dlaeaae, Get. Ttiggins, a well known colored mm driving for J. E. Kccd, died suddenly ut his home on North Main street yester day afternoon, between 0 and 0 o'clock, of heart disease. He was sitting talking to his daughter, nnd fell over, dying in less than a minute. He was 03 years old and wus well thought of by all who knew him. Mr. Kccd, his employer, speaks in the highest terms of his moral rhnrnctrr. The remains will DC mined to-morrow. Obituary. Mrs, Snllie Nnbors, wife of J, T.Nabors died yesterday at the Mission Hospital after an illness of fifteen months. She was 30 years old and leaves a husband nnd one child to mourn their loss. The funeral wns from- the Newton Academy at 4 o'clock to-dny. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." lee tor Mswa tSoo. On nnd after May 1st ice will be deliv ered only fur cash or tickets. Tickets may be obtained at onr office, No, SO I'atton avenue, and will be strictly cash. ASHKVILLI ICC AND CMI. Co. Markets by Wire. Nkw Vosk. Anrll 28. The following: Is the range of leading futures to-dny: lllgneei. iowcsi, wiusiag. WllKAT No. 3. May pnv. nnv tin 14 June IU' V-'h l:"h juiy w.i w-'-s -' Au-rusr. uu-u vu'tm Cukn No. ti. May Oil's Sli'j 3li June 40 8tl July o',j H " Mny .11 l4 So'i, June 'JVTh SV' -'U'.s CniCAiin, April !!. I'ork. lard and rilis ranged to-day us follows: HiK-hest. Lowest. Closing- Mkss .'okk V lo o Mny is.kh m.io ia.x.1 June -J an 1 J no li' .l.l July 13.10 m.lio ja.io I.AKII S IIIO. Mny fl a.i n aa o -'a June fl.'.'7 ll a.1 il.B.-i juiv h.o ii.m .; HIIOKT Kills V 100. Muv ri an s it 17 June 0.'.'7 .1 a7 fl.a7 July 60 o.:m o.a7 Nkw YiiKK, April an. Cotton futures to duy rnnged as follows: lliKhest. Lowest. Closing. April It.UU 11 HI II.WU May ll iin ll.ui II. ml I line ll.nu 11. Ul 1 1.U.1 July ll. till 11. tin 11. ml August 11 us ll.no 11.U September 11. J ll.au 11.37 OIL K.H., ' BVHINIvHH NOTICKH, Hllver rialed Ware. In ennters, spoons, forks und knives, Sieciul inducements are lieing offered now. Rogers' tripple plated knives, $1.75 per set. Forks to match nt same price. Desert knives, $1,110 iier set. A splendid assortment of Need & Barton's united ware, the liest goods made, nrc offered nt lowest prices. Crockery, glass and cutlery, very large stock and always t ne li fe vest prices at Law s, 07, o'J nun CI Sonth Main street. Mf Add to telephone list: Chas. McNiimee, Biltmore, No. OS. Asheville Ice and Coal Co., Biltmore, No. 07. Look! If you want good bargains in the latest st vies of new millinery, cnll on Miss Lance ut West laid 1'alton avenue, Hay wood street. Also stylish dress milking, good work and a perfect fit guaranteed. Miss Lanck. Miss Scoiikv. Street cars pass the door. The Mountain Park Hotel. Hot Hpriiiara, M. C, Is firstclass in every particular, with the Ik st table in the South. Dure and abundant water nnd crfccl sanitary ar rangements. The scenery is benutiful, climate much milder than Asheville, there being no harsh winds and no dust to irritate weak throats and lungs. The baths in marble pools lire the fin est in the world nnd the thermal waters arc a n unexcelled siiecilic for rheumatism, gout, sciatica, nervous exhaustion und all diseases of skin and blood. Fxccllciit physicians reside at the ho tel. Trains leave Asheville for Hot Springs at T.;ui n. m.. ..W and 7 u. m Hxcursion tickets, including one day's iHianl ut .Mountain rark hotel, $.0(1. For rates etc., fddrvss AoV. W. 0. DooLITTI.B A New Moad to IIIInm. If you are wise and wish to become hrnllhv nnd wenttliv nlsn. vou will ust- Kollcr King or Flectric Liglit Hour; lie cause the Asheville Milling Company's Hour is not only tneliesl but thcchcnocst Paint t Paint I The Averill faint is the best. Outwcnrs nil others. Beautiful and economical. In general use 25 years. Guaranteed. Sam pic curd tree. FlTZPATKICK llKOS. & RollKHTSOX, Asheville. New Ad-vert iMciiiciits To-Day. FIKHT PAUR. 11. Rsiiwihm, ft Co. Cli. thing, Mc. FOt'RTH PAUK. $.1.(100 Hoi Ull. For Hals -41wvn & West. I'l KMTCSR filN KAI.X W. A. Iloyce. Furniture for Sale. Four bedroom ult,onr pnrlor milt. llniii)i room anil Ititi-hrn lurtiitiirv, rtvc cnriict. In Ant claM condition. Apply tu V. A. MnVC I., nprUHdMt 1HI Kailry ntrn-t. rj,( XX). Three thousand dullim tu lend un flrsi eliiss rcnl csliitc srt-urliv. Apply to primdut mix un. P"OK 8ALB. Henutlftil rrslilrm-r site nf nliout sis nrmt ndlntnlnir. Hlehtnuml Mill irnHarty. lust nut side the ir"t. south, un thr lower road. The lot comprises Ihe errnt nf the hill, Iwtwren two rond. Is covered with fine trees nnd cmnmnnil nuiKnilkernt view. A ImrKHln Kmn uf nau wj viiriy ,ui-niiiin lu liWVN WHUT, K. U. Court Hfiusrr. pKlVATB DUAK1I. Ilarlni rented the Pnvlilsnn House, nnCnt- eice street, win iH-n uie snine April l-t na a uuanniiK nousc. new lurtlliure mrnUMhout. air," a 1. 1. UMKII, ?OH 8 A LB CHIIAI. Parlor Bult. 7 plrers, Almost as annd as new. ais.1 siuve, eiinirs, lames, are., Mc. Apply at a7B I'ATTON AVB, mtir j'j dllt pKIVATB noAHl). Two nentlrmcn boarders can get accom miMlatlun at apriu.nr aspiNBtvr. w A.NTl'.Il. Twn lied ronma with hoard for venlleman nnd wife with two children aired aandl lierina.ient. Aildrcsa, will! terms, P. U IK IX U, aprllSdnt IIHstol, Tenn. J?HK HALB. Kttll.h sresmd hand skit bar top hugjjr, wktj innii, AUiirvm, II. H. PATTKKSriN, apra-iiint Hillside and Knst streets, ANTUU. To rent fur the summer months a furnished cnttnge of four or Ave rooms near the limits ni Asheville or llenilcrsonvlllc, N C. Ad dress "A" P. o. Uux S, Charleston, S. C. sprUJ drod 8t IOR RBNT. iTiiHnuui pisninr summrr. rnmr nouse seven rooms tsuburlianl, large orchard, ai pies, peaches, pears, cherries, grapes, moan taln sining water In ptiea, large liarn, rock dalrv, pasturage for large uumher of cows, Now Is the' time to rent It. aprjontit . uwrn at WHBT, ?0R ALB. At a real tiartralM. a most dealralila imrm lot on Haywood street, 8TT feet front, vTTs, gooo iramv nouse ana ouiuuiHlings, with large barn. Pine thrifty grovt olonks, lieaullful lawn, magnlncent view. Near Bat tery Park hotel. Apply at one to unin or w rmr, praSdat Halt Agents. TOCKHOLI)KR' MBBTINO. Offlcs Asheville ntreet Railway Co.,1 April un. 1HH0. I A stockholders' meeting will be held at this office os- th 7th day of May, I aim, at noon, for transactloa of sack business as may be presented to It. ay orasr ul noaro or i m rectors, B. M. JONUH, a, sad Treas, MISCELLANEOUS. CKOCKEKY AND GLASSWAR1S, Cl'TLlvKY AND I'LATlil) WARIi, LAMl'S OF ALL KINDS, FKliNCH CHINA, CUT GLASS, SOLID SILVER TAllLliWAUli-AND NOVIiLTlliS. lArANIiSH.CHlNIiSIi, AND Tl'k'KlSlI GOODS IN GK12AT YARIHTY. MY GOODS AKH Itl-ST GKADliS, AND I'klCIiS HIIv LoWliST ALWAYS. J. II. LAW, 57. 59 & 6l H. Main St. ASM IIVII.I.K. N. C. v PHOTOGRAPHIC J ftviKws;$ ASHEVILLE AND VICINITY. A I.SII SKETCHES IN OIL AND WATER COLORS AT ESTA1 UiOOK'S, aa S. Main St., Atthcvlllc. npr 1" il AHHKV1LI.U CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER DEPOT. C. E. MOODY, Proprietor. ottice No. ao I'utton Avenue. Telephone No. 40. Wnrelious near Freight lieuot. 1 have mnde arrnngemrnts to keep and shall soon have a lull stock of the best brands of IMPORTED ENGLISH AND GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENTS. LOUISVILLE AND ROSENDALE CEMENTS. CALCINED PLASTER. LIME IN BARRELS AND IN BULK. ROOFING MATERIAL AND OTHER ARTICLES IN THESE LINES. My warehouse Is now In-ing buillfldjolning railroad track and my stock partly here and Arriving, t'ntil my own warehouse is nn ished I shall occupy the Webster warehouse. I'nrtlea using these articles can save onecart- age hy leaving orders at office and hnvlng properly delivered dlrcvt from warehouse or by calling there for it. ARTIFICIAL 8TONB WORK lllllik- smile us heretofore. FOIl SALE. GREAT BARGAIN A Beautiful Farm ADJOINING THE CITY LINE. If application tic made to ns at once weenn sell at A OK BAT IIAROAIN a beautiful farm ofinuacrva adjolnlnjf the corporate line of the city. Hns nice Improvements, well set in Itrass. with fine fruits; cold spring of wntrr running all over the place, &c, eke, IUin'1 overlook this opportunity. NATT ATKINSON Ac SON, spr'JIdlw Rent Kstatc llenlers. Street Car Schedule. DcKinnlntt at 7 a. m. Bndlng 10. OO p. tn Car lea vet tkjurc for tcpotevcry hour and nan nuur. Cnr travm )uare for all point nn thi hnur, and twenty and forty minute there after. Achtdulc cart connect at Aquarc, Train car and bKtfnirc cnr meit everv train, Ont vallw allowed each paawnKer, BRjrgaire trnnufcrred from all olnU In the city lor yfl cents. THK AHHBVII.I.R HTKKRT RV. CO, FOR SALE OR LEASE. The Dover place on South Turkey Creek, Buncombe county contains SA acres, an to 30 cleared i has 1 3S to I no apple trees now In full blossoms and bids fair for a large crop of Rood fruit, nulldlnin are good and In good order. Large 2-atory log house with kltehen addition and a chimneys. Smoke. apple and tobacco houses, barn and corn crib. Said to be considerable timber on the lot, and saw mill Is now being erected within hair mile. Call on C. W. MAI.ONli, aprlindlw County Clerk's Ofllre, OPISliA HALL, Tuesday, April 19. Friday, May a. ENTERTAINMENT BV THU CITY SCHOOLS. Music, recitations and cmllalhenlc exercises. Doors open at T.80, entertainment to begin at S p, m. ADMISSION SO CKNTi, Tickets lor Sale at Sawyer's. prilAdlw rOOD BOARD. Large, sunny rooms with good hoard at apraoduf SSSia. SL1CH KHYNOl.llH., 4S Sprues street. ASHEVILLE AOVIiKTISIiMESrS. -EJELLICO COAL, s AT RETAIL, t For Grate, For Stoves, - BEST ANTHRACITE COAL I'or sale ut Wholesale anil Retail by ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, Telephone 36. Kxelusivc Agents I lloinestic nnd tttrnml lor Western North Carolina. II. T. COLLINS. President. ASHEVILLE ICE COMPANY, Pure Ice nindo from Distilled Wator. Office: No. Hi) Pjitton Avenue. "JUST ON THE OF A 11IO BOOM, HTANDti Now is the Time Vou nmy think pricca nrv IiIkIi t Hut they amply drmimntratt'l. AkHcvHIc 1 the hi-Mt known, the mont iK'iiutiful, the most hen It lift. I uml t hem out iriKrexii ivc city tn thin Stiitc. Vou cunnot InvcHt your in this Kunlvn ot of the mountulm. Sonte ehok-r liurunlnH In eltv lott and ttuhurltnn iirttneriii'N enn lie hutl hv I'lilllnif nt nur oil ice. JEXKS Real - Estate - Room 9 & 10, McAfee Block, l.ltWIS MAIIIII'X, I'rcs L. P. Mcl.Ol'1), Vler-I'rcs. Diksctohs: lwis Maddux, M. J. neanlen, I-owell. C. 8. H. Kccd. Geo. 8. -E WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, Ilruanlxcd May 1st. tHNH. CAPITAL, S5),()()(). SU RPLUS,S15,(KK) State, Count ;aiiri;cit HepoHitory. Hoes a Oeneral Hanking Business. Ik-posit, received. Kiehanire houKht and sold. Col Iretiiins made on all accessible points. The Suvinie Feature will receive simml attention. On all sums in thla department, deposited for four months or lonicrr. interest at the rale of percent, per annum will he p ' I. Special attention Riven to loans on real estate, which will be placed for lone time on real sonable terms. Open from a a. m. to S p. m. On Sutuntnys the Suvlnn liepartment will beoH-ntitl n p.m. Junl.llv SKYLAND SPRINGS Only 8 Miles from Aahcville on the A. & H. Railroad and HcnderMoiivillc Pike. The iireiitrat numlxT nnd variety of mineral spriuus to lie found in the Houlh. 48 Springs on Less Than 40 Acres, ChnlvlH-nte, Iron, sulphur, cp.nm. alum, nnd nminiesin. Several very fine eomlilniitloni., thul are used in euriim imliKeslion. liver nnd klilnev trouble, chronic d'vsrnlirv. ehroiiieilva Kiln anil chronic siek heailaelie. line urinii rvcvntlv ileveloiH.il is the KrenU-'sl tonic w-nier ever fouilil. Many are buying lots to liuilii resort cottiiKes near the Kprom. Lots nrc sold at nominnl pri.es to advertise the place mid the mineral wntrr. Ilnard can lie hud at Sao to $30 Per Month, or $1 Per Mny. K.-ferem-es, testimonials, etc.. can lie hail by wrlllnu to the owner; or liellrr vet. nnvoiie Interested is invited to come and try the w ater, tlreut improvrmenls will lie made ucxl summer. Trains leave Asheville at ll.ll.l a. m. anil return at 7 p. nl. fare 2(1 cents. ihiiu.i i, ,,,, ,i, wnie in fclil I dim OAKS HOTEL, ONH OF TUB FINEST HOTELS IN TIIH HOI'TH. Htrrvt Cnra nnu the luur every Ifi minute. I'or terms IxS-.-.-i-.i 'A .I' A -A'v; A.' .. " I OAKS H Is X i ri II GREENAVELL & IfARGAX. llOP'RS. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 217 Haywood Street. All WATER THOROVVHLV I- IXTKKKO on the Prcmlsjca. Twenty-five years of practical eiericncc, comhlned with I'kssokai. attention to all de tails of the business nnd perfect arnmm-nunts rur ci.kani.inkss and i-ukity of all goods manufactured, enable the proprietor to present to his numcruus patrons a suiierior class ol Carbonated Beverages, Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphon. Olnger Ale and nil the various flavors of HO HA WATBR ready for shipment and delivered free In City NmiU. Out of town onli-rs.must have nsbi-onsihls reference. C. H. CAMPBKI.L. Asheville, N. C. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING GO,, Manufacturers and Dealers In all kinds of Dressed LUMBER, Door, 8awh, Blind, Mouldings, Htalrwork, Mantels, Bank and Bar Fixture, and all kind, of Building Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. nov l.dly Telephone PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specifications Furnished on Application We havt thorough mechanics In each line who have had many years' experience In their business. We can safely guarantee our patrons satisfaction In our work, low figures. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. Mil ltd THE "BONANZA" THK LKADINO ' V WINE . AND . LIQUOR , STORE . FINE SAMPLE AND j. a. HAMQVAstDT. M-.-r. NO. $5oo $45 15. L'.KAOAN, Sccrvtiiry THRESHOLD" THU CITY OF AHHEV1LI.I': to Buy Real Estate. urc hound to go hlKhcr, uh imnt i-xtcrlcu.T ItuM cin-ltnl to Ik llcr udviiiitiiate than riht here & JENKS, and - Insurance, aS Patton Ave., Aahcvillc.N. C. . B. RANKIN. Cu.nhH.-r. M.J. FnnK. J. B. Rankin, J. B. Ray, J. B. Kced M Mel.oud. OTIS A. MILLER, Hkyland F. O., N. C. ASHliVlLLE, N. C. I'lVll MIM'TKS WALK FROM COURT SQ. SERVICE ANII T A 11 I. I.1 "i 7 TS 1 W T I p , k T . C 1. A U address Near Paiciifer Depot. No. aft. It BILLIARD ROOM. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C 1 1 c: al :