ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, MAY 5, 1800. THE DAILY CITIZEN. II. D. CHILD, lUisincss Manager. Tub Daily Citizkn will be published every afternoon (except Sunday) ut the following rutcs utricity t:uatt; One Yenr $0.00 SU Month- tt.OO Three Mouths l.flu One Month n Uue Week.. 15 Our carriers will deliver the paf ht every nfternoon in every purl ot the city toiiurxuli Mcrihcrs, ami panics wanting it will plcuse call at the Citizkn othce. AnvKHTitiiN Katich Krnnopiiltle.nnit made known on application ut thiM ottiee. All transient ud vci tineiiKtits must be paid in utl vanee, The Citizkn t the most extensively circu lated anil widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measure t in the Interest ot put. Ik intimity, iioiichi liY TUB OLD PASTOlt. REV. MR. ATKINS PREACHES TO HIS FORMER FLOCK, AN ELOQUENT SERMON FROM AN APPROPRIATE TEXT, Souii-lliliiK of llic Trtal which Worxhipi-rM at (lie Mcllio l(Ht Church ICiiJoyccI I.iihI i:vciiliiii. R i-v. J as. Atkins, jr., picnt'liul (it the Cciilnil Millioilist church. South, hist iiil the Spirit mill the bride say, nunc. Ami let him that liean ill say, enine. And let him that is uliiiist eoiue. Ami whosoever will, let him take the water of lile freely. Uevelation l.'!! : 1 "This," wiiil Or. Atkins, "is the last revelation of the subject made in (toil's revelation to man. This is justly termed ila tat invitation. It is noteworthy that tiotl s system is one t! invitation. and not of driving. The invitation is tree and general, ami a hearty welcome awaits those who aeeent. It is the Ian- riiiaKV of the liual iilteriinee ol Kevela- II. K. Vv .fi.iLs.nis Kuhiiinnil at iht Ho". 11 is tlie iratheniiK tip ol the nil- uuvcmiilclll, anil i,ruiierouH liliuiHiry, ana ii known nu iHTsuiiul iillcKiuuccin treating pub lic iHHurii, Stcciincn copies of nay edition will be sent f to liny one M'tiitiuK their mltlri MH. kcndiiuz noliccit ten eciili iht line. obitu ary, tmirriuiic am) iiocaiy noticcM lii'i.v cciiik uiht. His text was t'lltll (HOI VACCCIIOIK It'll lllllBI Ul in IJ win IHT illtil, MONDAY, MAY .". IS'.mi. Tin-; daii v ci i'izi:i Is un Mnlf nt the ullnwiii; place, ill AhI,ivIIIc: CITIXrl.N lll'I'lCli. HATT1SKV I'AKU SKWS STAN1I. lll.liN KIK.'K NliWS STAND. Mlll'lil. CltlAK Slum:, ration Ave. J. CAKMI.VS NliWS STtiKli, Nurlli Coin I Sipiure. PERTINENT AND PERSONAL. New About .Hlic llllaiiM ami ol HlrunttcrM Wltlilii Onr tiittvH. Swaiiiiaiion. I'rank K. Aniistriinj; repieseinsAllantn at theOiamt Ctntral. A. I'. Smith is registered at the ('.land Central from Charlotte. Miss Paniiie C. Ilrown, ut' Slatevi!te, is at the Swaiinanoa. Jos. A. Oiideu, of New York, is reis lereil at the I lattery Park. The handsome new tuiifnrirs lor Hull's Cornet Hand have arrived. Mrs. K. C. l'enlielil, of Willonhl.y, ( .. (., is at the Hattery I'ark. V. Whilden ami wile are at the Hattery l'ark from Cape May, X. J. A. O. Villcr and Mrs. li. Yiller. ol Mil waukee, are at the Hatter.v l'ark. Mr. ami Mis. Jos. A. Kiper, of Mass.i chuselis, are at the I'.atlei v l'.uk. There wire 1:11 arrivals at liiepiinei- pal hotels yesleitlav and Saturday. W. P. Cleaver and wife, ul Newark, N J., are ipiarleivil at the I lattery I'ai k. A. Hammond ami S. M. Wans, of Hal litiiore, S-enl Snnday at the Swaiiuauoa Miss Hatha Atkins has rettrnid inm a visit to Inm, Is and relatives iiiliio'.i.t Mr. anil Mis. Jos. V. Sharp. ol I'.t rwyn Pa., are eujoyira; tlie !inpi:alily of tin Palmy l'ark. Mrs. II. M. Sinytii a..d Miss Suixil. represent iht thi itin: tily of Si. Caul al the llatttry I'ai k. Mr. l.t wts M nidus lias rttt.ri.til :r.ii. I lino, hriuuii, las wife, w ho lias ln.ii visiting there lor some lime, with lain. Hilly C. Hi-own, ol Cleveland, i .. C. II. Johns, of New pol l. K. I., and S . I'eUrs ut Sparl.iiiluiiu, S. C. are ani'Ui;: ll:e ar rivals al the H iltery l'ark. Shu ill' Reynolds j-nve notice lo tin Hoard ol County Coiniuissioiieis lo-dav that he was prepared lo aeenuiit hu S7(i,"OOiu lae.-. All hut S:i..". ha Uen eidleeltil, kev. W. S. I'. I'.ry.iu, pastor of ll,i 1'irsl I'resliyleri.iil ehureli, preaehul I,, his eonurt'vatioii, lor the first linn sinii his siekuess, yeslenlay nan uiu al ll.t Hattery l'ark. lie Iiojks to U alle to oeeupy the t Inn th neM Sunday. There will lie a meeting of the A-hevilli (un Chili this evt iiin at o'eloek at the olliee ol Col. I.iirk, No. .", over the Wist em I'rvusid Meat Market. All old nielli I icrs are reipiesleil lo lie present, as Inisi ness ul importance eminecUtl with tin chili needs attention. Mr. II. I'. Andersen, general secretary of the Asht ville Youn Men's Christiat; Association, leaves tii-niorruw liloininj; for Nashville, Ti iai., to attend the itilir- national convention of j.'eiieral stvrela ries. lie will he ahstiti a week or lei days. Work nu the pavement was heim in, South Main stmt this morning, 'l lu cast side of the street w ill In' graded ti Court I 'lace li lid the street railroad trael. elevated ill some places, It'lorc hriek lay in Ikkuis. Hie work nil tin track il only interfere with street car trallie nut day, liming which lime transfers will U made. At II,. 'Ul to-morrow evening an enter. THEIR ANNUAL MEETING. The HuiiiiIi and Ready (iuard Come TOKCtlicr Attain. A reutiinn of the Rough and Ready Ciuards was held Saturday mill Simday at Camp Ground No. 1, eight miles cast of the city. The former was the twenty ninth anniversary of the day they left Asheville for the war. Copt. J. M. 0ml- Ker was in command. Owing to the threatciiinjj; weather the entire company was not able to be pres ent, aud but twelve were there. A husi ness nicetinu was held Saturday night at the tents at which n committee was up. pointed with power to erect n monument to the company's dead. It is to k lo. eatctl in trout ol the county court house if permission can lie obtained from the County Commissioners. 1 not it will be at the camp ground I in one side is to liecut the complete mil. ter roll of the company, as organized and the other three side will be devoted lothe names of the dead mid the date and cause of their deaths. The cost of the monument is to lie iliout $1,0(10, ol which sum S2L'.'i was raised from those present. There are twentv or more members vet to be seen. The committee was ordered to raise the money ami have the monument ready to lie unveiled at the meeting, w hich is to May L', lS'.ll, The members compos. iiig; the committee arc J. M. Oudger, treasurer; J. L. Smith, lv. 11. Merrimoii, Ceo. White ami l. M. (iudfjer. They were also instructed to invite Senator Yance, their first captain, to deliver the iddress at the unveiling ceremonies. Messrs. W. li. llrecse and I). M. Yauec were imanimouslv elected honorarv mcut- liers of the company. Sunday morning; a memorial sermon was preached by lr. Reagan, which was it lentivcly listened lo by the members present and a large number of people rom the neighborhood, A basket dinner was served after the sermon, and the company adioiiriicd to meet nt the same nlace May S, lsl. IT IS WORKING WELL. The Mlnc-IIour HvHtcm tines Inio 1. licet. The day for the adoption of the nine hour system has brought forth no siarl ling developments in labor circles. The men have gained their point in nearly every instance and have found the con tractors reailv ami willing to submit to port and pin port of all preceding pass ages." "The Spirit and the briile say come." There arc mentioned two agencies of in vitation. The Spirit and the bride. The Spirit is the Holy (.host, and the bride, t lie church. These agencies have, ol course, other ollices, but we will treat only of the olliee of invitation. The Spirit enlightens every man that conieth into the win Itl. This is a Icarlul declara tion, when we stoplo consider its import and I hoiie you all do realize that. It is i Itariul truth that every man shall meet i .oil. A man may doubt all other scrip arcs and types of inaiiilcst.'ilion, bin when he has a personal contact with the spiritual presence of Coil, he feels and knows that presence by the divine thrill. Hid he either feels eoiiiftii'lable and happy, or lo the contrary, according to his mode ol lile. Cod has arranged that the Sph il shall enter the hiMrts of men liy inanv was ami not oulv bv one. It is lelt for the mail to fix the way. This piritual maiiilcstatiou comes in somt iv or oilier, whether a man is a Chris tian or a heathen. It sometime coino the new order of thiurs. i y the simple preaching nf ihe word. Hut live laboring nu-it were found on a hull is I , oil s duel instrument m tin the street this mornim? who had on utitiiou oi man. work lo-dav liccattscot their failure t I he man has a ol juts, ti.,1 tin- gain their demands, nml four of these lure, and is li ausloru.ed fi nu a slate ol .-ould blame only themselves. The res. unwoitlaiitss lo one ol deep iiileresl. It Millions adoiiled liv the mass nicctinu ilso tonics tl rough ii:e smallest possibl. were to t lie effect that the men should place, ami initis the heart of mall, ami work bill nine hours a day, letting p.- lue ma il is convinced ol Ins wickedness, regulate itself. Tour of these men de ll conies al midnight, nniianes a iHauiled ten hours' n.-iv for nine hours irauge slivpiessness will t.vereiuiie a Work, and the coiilraetors would no man and he is loreeil to slay awake. 1 he urant it. The was n nainter in the pirn t.uatsaii.i gainsailinission through eniplov ol I'ilpatliek llrolhcrs. The tiie thoiighis ol the heart ami coin lets I in m employ twenty men and the major. tlie man in lus sm. Il conies t.i a single iiy ,.,d signified their willingness t " congiegaiioii, enleis his muni work tell hours a ilav. This was tli mil eouviilioa and conversion lollow. I ,,nlv one who ol jetted and the firm weie II comes as oil llic day ol relltteilSi. olilie'ed to let him co ralher than li I line is commotion and ninny him work with men who were w rkin ire Ma ltd Hi'. It is liansinilled from the reeular lime. All of the men hnv me .nan lo anoliitr, ami there is a jobs for to-morrow and there will lie no great imminent lo Christ. Someiiuies trouble fintii them it tonus, not by pleaching ol the wonll In many instances the employes hnv in connection wild ihe service, hut in not asked for a ridiielion mid are work song. And so by all iiieaus. .it all limes iue' miller the old svstem. The laboriii n. d at all placis ihe hilhiciicc ol Cd is I men seem lo lie about evcnlv divided on winking. tlc question. llic stcoiul agency luuiliuiied is the J. A. Teiment has partially conceded bride. The elniieii is an invitation to I lie is working two sets of men ; one un uieii to Hun li'ouithiir wiekeiliiess. Men der the niiii-hoiir sysieui and one under are every where iiicliued to iliscolin. the the ten. He was one of the coulructors iill.n lue ol a Christian minister in their who was at first Unci I v opposed to it midst. It is worth more than all the J. M. Weslall is working his ineii under nioi'iy tlicy pay out to have the exioiiple I the nine-hour system null savs lie will l one pine and honest Christian among I let pay be ivgulaleil as it nlvvavs is bv them, llu re arc reasons why iiien I the supply und tleniand should come to Christ ihrotiuh this pure I l the plasterers, Y. T. Helote and J ministry. I wish that those out ol II. liaton will work their men nine hours Christ, instead of harping on the delicts anil pay the same wages as they hnv whiih I confess me s iiue'imcs shown in I Ihvh doing under the ten-hour svstcni the character of church nit iiiIhts, would anil W. li. W'ollc, who lias not granted turn '.o the work ol doirg good by eluir- the rcitiest, thinks he will in n lew day. ily ami all good means. Then thev I The hands at I1. A. Iicnicns' fnetorv arc working leu hours a day. BI'HIKF.HS NOTICKH. Hllver I'laleU Ware, '' In cnuters, spoons, forks and knives, special inducements nre licing tillered now. Rogers' trinnle nlatcil knives, $1.75 per set. Forks to mutch at same price. Hcsert knives, $1.00 tier set. A splendid assortment of Reed tV llarton's plated ware, the best coods made, are ollired at lowest prices. Crockery, glass anil cutlery, very large stock and always tlie lifcvcst prices nt Law s, 07, o'J und til Konth Main street. Ice for tieuMon iH. On and after Mav 1st ice w ill be deliv ered only for cash or tickets. Ticket mav he obtained al our olliee, No. .'HI I'atton avenue, and will be strictly cash Asu i: vii.i.i: lei; ami Coal Co, The Mountain l'ark Hotel, Hot ttprllllCH, N. Cm Is lirstelass in every particular, with tlie nest table m the isoulli. I'll re and abiuiilanl water ami pcrleet sanitary ar rangements. 1 lie scenery is beauliliil, climate inueli milder than Asheville, there being no harsh winds ami iiotlusl to irritate weak throats and hums. 1 lie liaths in marble pools are I lie Im- cst in the world and the thermal waters are an unexcelled sin'citic for rheumatism gout, sciatica, nervous exhaustion und ill diseases ol skin ami blood. Iixcclleiit physicians reside at the ho tel. Trains leave Asheville for Hot Springs at 7.M0 a, in., 4.:i(i and 7 p. m. Ivxciirsiou tickets, including one day hoard at Mountain l'ark hotel, $l..rt. ror rates etc., rddress Atlr. W. (5. Dooi.itti.i;. A Mew Koad lo iiiihn. If vou are wise and wish to beeoine hcalthv aud vvcalthv also, vou will use Roller King or lilectric Light Hour; be cause the Aslicville .Milling Couipanv s Hour is not oulv tile lust hut tlieeiicanest I'alntl aim I The Avei ill I'aiiit is the best. Outwears ill others. Heaiitiful aud eeoiioiuical. Ill general use Ho years. Cu.-iranlectl. Sam pie card lice. Inzi'AiKie'K linos.. Asheville. !' I'm-the largest assortment of lim- broidei v, Knitting Silks and fancy work materials go lo Whillock's, opp. Hank of Asheville, 4d South Main street. U- V It is the season to grade, sod and seed down lawns and front vards. An V one wishing such work doneapply to II. M. I'AKKiai, I.iiudscaiie Cardener, I'. 1 1. Hox L'tMl. 1,1 l:or the l?inesl Iirv (i.iods ami I.a- lies l-'uriiishing tioods go to Whilioek's, Id South Mam Direct, opp. Hank ol As he me. would feel like easting their lot with tin cluin h. It is also said, "Let him tllnt lieareth say come." I think this menus 1 1 i i tl that heart in but is not conv rtcil. Men an iesHitisible for the Iruusmissioii ol tin call until the last man is lilted from the nine and placed on the rock. Il is said IIchI lii Ihe Country. The official report of the amount of to. haivo sold in Asheville from October 1:i, to May. lM'.io. is given IkIow. The ligiires show that this inurket brings the highest itvernge of any market ill the I'liilcd States, and the steady increase in the amounts sold are gratifying. The figures are us follows: by some coinmelilalors that this is a taiumeiit consisting ol instrumental am. ,;uun. ,,.. .,., ....,.. .i....... ti...... v.k'iii music, nvitaiioiis nun caiisiiienit m ,, w.(lU.r .... ... ...., .li............ in ins win ie given in tue naitery run. .lt tlc c any of movers st retch out music hall. The proceeds will Ik given ti inr. .i..... .... n..r.... ... tl,.i .).... the fund of the l-'rcc Kindcrgiirteii am: I .,.... n vast nm nenr. hin.r (..r n .ori,.,', I lss"'-'M1 ' ..'l.'.fH7' 1 1.L'.'lN.lli i,..ii..-- i:,is,,;,., ti,,.-.. ..i... , U ' ornsprmg. )M.S(l-'s7 'l 7.:i!i.-.i 4.'o.iiim.:m ,,M " I I acre is nil iiurcciucnl lluil il one tan n I I uiT.'hm i mil icioi no.i oi'i ?.i miyeiin iieiigiitnii eieiniig s euitr- spnug lie shall call to the 1111111 next to I XKH-'HII ,17M.H:iK iTi,il).W him, and the uood news is thus trans- M"1"- W ,J.NH. J r.81.1101.15 mitted nil the way across to the last Thc Mayor's Court, , most pleasant soiree musiciilc was , ' . ' , . " 1 ln,rl.v Calvin Jolinsoii ami II. M. Hownrd given nt the Asheville I'l-mulc C.llegi "" "" '"Itnik. lie passes on mm wm. fi,lcd $r, c(u.h j the Mitvor'i court Satnrduy night. A manlier of young gen- """ ,ll,t n',ui """ "re. this morning for licing drunk. II. M tlenieu froui the city and several patrons ",l "" i say warn kiiki oi ,l)WIin, W( mlw., f cnrrviI)(, ,,(,. lainnient. The Holrce .MumIchIc mi. I'lllNIIS. AMOI'KT. v 1nm:i-'h4. L'.j:i,iKi:i $ir.i,L.i;i. i $iu.n:i isM-'Hri :i,iiiii,:i.'i!i: 4.'i.v7n.i:i IH 0.41 10.00 i u.m 1(1.10 15.14 of the school were present. The program, which consisted of music nml recitations wus admirably rendered and showed n great amount of careful training on tin part of the instructors mid atientioii on the part of the pupils. Alter the program wits completed, an hour wns devoted to social intercourse, and thc guests had nn opKrtuiiity to meet the young ladies ol the school, man is to say come, but says for any that have eyes lo sec the spring of the gospel to say it. I At inm that is nllnrst come. Who is he? Any man w ho has thirst in himself, and whoever wants the waters of life, is invited to come. The invita tion stands nut lor nil thirsty souls. I'inally, "Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." There is a (Ill icit nee between thirst nml will. When l'.ulcrtaluiiienl WhuIcO. To the Citizen of Asheville: tol. The evidence wns contradictory and sentence was susicnilerl until Snturday A wnrrunt nail liccn issued tor Hob Por ter, n colored mint, who wns accused of iH-iiting his wile, but he wns not in court. Mcleoroloitleal Report For the 24 hours ending at 0 n. ni.. May 4, IHOOs I). H. AinNM. Hkmvick Ktatiok. 1 Wlnynh Mnnltnrlum, Ashrvlllt, N. C. lat. ail.. in n. LnNn. h un w. si.s. annopT THMI'ltHAVrkU."" ' 7 n mU p mill n nil Mm. I Mln.l bully Mrnn 7(1.(1 I AN.O Knln nnd mrltt.ii snuw Inelli-s WIND. ' flAHOMIITKH. If i,i"n.i I,. 1 1. ! I ..I .....LI........ .1.- " " I "'K "I' me 7 n mia n mid n n mind without wniting for the thirst il is "" 1 1 7J" ' n" 1 The (Icncral Assembly of the l'reshvle- mi rtwliil thing. 1 fi-elsorrv lor tlial ninn 1 ' Rl'LATI Vlt HDMIDITV rinn Church will convene In this city onLlin .ai i r..n i.i. ? I a P J" P.n I Dally Mean Tlnirsdnvwi-ek. thc l.-.thinst. Tllicmn. . . . . " . . "" -7" 1 nT 0J n.i .im ..ii;.l..i vi.ii, , in ". " "w, in eoiienisioii, may - " Aimi.l.nTK iiiimiditv. , t... ..i i I timl mid lus blessing and impress on nil I (In (trains iwr culilc runt of air.) .rh,l. ,..r.l li.,; "'"'ivcrleil ones Ihcvnlueol tllisiuvi. 7 am" apm' " ? pnnTiiiUly tfein """"T. 7." " V latum. KenicmlH-r that the water of lii- " I "" I B" am hra: h!,d7hez; o o, : t. - im,, of our eitincns, but we arc still liicking m"' Homes lor a eonsiilernl.le nnmlier. We f, l. SeliluvslMiek and J, li. Smigli arc Ix-lieving that our fellow eiiniens, with: ,,1c r,rn,ld Cc,ltr"1 ,r"1" Orvcnvilte. out rcgnrtlo (lenominntionnl lines will 8. C. come toour Vlief nnd volunteer assist. presiding Elder J. II. Wenvcr, Rev. 0. once. Tliereisio t'"1 l nnrl we u . . " . . ''.... . ' . ought to knowWhitl fortjiglit hours C' U,mMn "nd A,k""'i ir- "nd what help wt can xpect. II. A. Gudgcr and wife leave this after For the committee.! noon lor Bt. Louis to attend the general Go. S. rowhXL, Cli'a. conference oftheM. B. church, South. New Advert Ucinciits To-Ia roi RTii ia;i:. I-'mk K' n r J. V. Jnnlan. amiii-S. V. Itaartipt St nre Til l'KMfk AMI Tfcl i Kh- II. C. I.OtIL'. Farmers and Truckers Take Notice ! I have hcWcd lou Ittitlicli uf SWIiUT I't-TATOI-S. ly the l.".th of May I hall U pr pared to ULII'S in an niiautity. C:iH at the Ih-iIn at tny rcitiilt ncc oil lk.iir lam ronl in KmnMh, r leave onl-.m at I.. Mc- Hitnalil's jirticery fture, Nd. 17 Suuih Main -tret. OriUi tf ly nail Solicited. i'rii- nt Ucil. 'tf, jur lun. I'lici in AnIic villc, MCte per 1m. AiltlrcMt mnyAtrjwninii we fri ll.t. I.11M' J?OK HUNT, A nice -mnia hrii ciitnt'. m-ttlv nthcil. for tin in i lr .'. ui.iiiiliM. i. Hitin iiiinu'iliitltly. A I i i v .1 V.,OKIS( maynntl tithvc llu Al.cvilk- Muk Co, MISCELLANEOUS. j FlIOTOGUAPHIC JVIEWS$ ASIIEVILLE AND VICINITY. ALSO SKETCHES IN OIL AND WATER COLORS ESTAIUIOOK'S, ai H. Main St., Asihcville npr 1 H i AHHEVIXLK CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTEI DUPOT. C. E. MOODY, I'roprictor. (Hlicc No. Hi) I'atton Avenue. Telephone No. 4(1. Warehouse near l-'relnlit le!t. I have made arranncnicnt to keep und shall nuoit have a lull stock of the bent liraiidi of IMPORTED ENGLISH AND GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENTS. LOUISVILLE AND ROSENDALE CEMENTS. CALCINED PLASTER. LIME IN BARRELS AND IN BULK. ROOFING MATERIAL AND OTHER ARTICLES IN THESE LINES. My wnrchotiHc in now licing hulk adjoining railroad track nnd my stock partly here und arriving. Vntil my own wnrehoime is llu i slud I shall occupy the Webster warehouse Parties uluir these articles can save onecart- by leaving orders nt olliee nml having property delivered direct from wurehouse or by callinu there for it ARTIFICIAL STONH WORK mndc Panic an herclofore. fur W ANTlili. An CXIHTlctlii-il utini l:nlv In llicttr tnni leiiartiucnt ot tin- Nt w VorL Ittnikrtinl Siort .ti .-Norin aim in sireci. OTICU. In the Circuit Court of the uitrd Sinn-, for me nestern i'iirit'i oi ,Mriu C arolina, Atdicvdlc: The VirKiuia, TrniH-imv and CaroMua Steel aim iron louipanv, trmiM J. J. Ncwtnnn nnd J. C J' n:iiu;loii. Norii'K. The thfcmhiiit. I. C. IVutiliu'tiitt. tih.iv nnnien. win Hike noiice that a Ntiiuinoti the ahovr rntitlc'l aviioii wim, on tlie Ititli in v oi rrliruarv. " mi. i hi lv iwtinl nm tldscoiirt in tllMir ol llli-fibive iimiu-il iilnint in nnu HKinimi imii, immv oireetcil lo tlie .Mai tu.ii oi ! it i i iiiMrt' . who n ait uinde ntnn tbt reot latii sot ' court not executed; that tuts aciiiiii is to r-covtr iioni tbe said J I'rnnitifUou and h allied tiuaiit. the snid t. J Ncwmail. lilt Oi.Mhi hhIiHI uf till lluil piece, parcel ami tract o bind as fo own 1" irwt tract All that Ctrtniil ot of bind i l uiite itl the cotiutito oiMiu hell and Wiilau mm. in the Mate Nun.. Carolina, nnd in satu iMtnei. tinn iioum leii ami iii au-ritii follows: lUulnuiiiix at a stake in the iniddtr of Hlk rirer llnw and mar where iKlibdi iirtiru now lives in tile norilieast line ot the nKinai paieni or Kraut to w liiiamt'atbcart r lift v-nlm Ihoiip md i.Vmmhii mn i. Iw inu numiirmi ,ihp. ami tm ticv riinniiiu with tin said hm of said natcul or urant in.nh :to Hf l to n while oak in the old Wii.Iimilm..m county line, ht or m ar the prist nt line ol di- vision nmi iMiiimiiiry iH'iwtvn the hi a ten ot Trnilessee nud North Carolina, nnd on (li near me ntonc mountain, iscinu the tnnt norinrriv corner oi lueortuiuri nntrnt nfum safil; thmer south 1'4' i t with the lines ol thc mid oriuiaal tut tin I ton iiika in ih. mill Ir of l;.1k river; thettee up the said river wun its incnnucm to the hrwuiuintf. Hecond tract AH that nllu-r inu-l nf ln.l sllunte In the count v of Mitt bell. In theHtatv of North Carolina, nml in said district, hounded nnd dcscrlttrd as follows: Ifeirhinimr st the In Kiiiiiinw vomer of the tract ol limit urni nnovr nest riiK il, nml runnlnM thetiec by thc ino-t ihreei coursr to the head sprinK ol Ihe nn.-t northerly brunch or tributary oi .mini un- ntrr; itirniT iiv inc .ikiii in. reel eoui-fie to thc short IkikI In snid river nt uietnoumoi while link creek nt Abraham ionnion s, nenr to nnu itclow the Old I teldn a i k; tm ncv down Mini river to tw o lv trees, n corner In threonifrottilselinebrtw:eeii Willtam I. Ilrown nnd I suae T. Avrrv : t h .,. Ilh thc callsof snid eoniiirotiilse llm i mwl int- the correct cults of said line stK-ciid rilfrcn.f nerenv imn r to me i ri'i m ini i' h umi said Ilrown und Avery nml between either ol them nttil the hirs of the other, of record In uiecoiiniyot Aittcneii nioresnltn to n Inrm- roek on Hack hill, a corner to and of the said compromise Hue; thrnce south 4ft" cast .'my notes to n white oak on n ridc somcdistnncc Itclow the Ham Cart ten ter place nnd on or imir to uir ciosttiK nc oi i tie original grant n-,ild; theiK-e with the oriiiimii lines mid s various calls reversed tothesoiiiheimienr. nrrnl the said nil. oiMt ncrr tract nenr to or on ine israniiuiotner mouutnin ; thence south '" csi ami wttn tne orminai ine to ihe . glnnlmr; which It Is alleged the said J. C, Ncwmnti, unlawfully and wronulully witM- hold find dt In In from the iilniiitill. ami t..- iiioniiKes tor suen octenuoti. i lie said deictidaut, J. C. Fennlngton, will o take notice that fic Is hereby reiiiilnd to il ml it pi war on nr liefore the lid Monday May, A, II, mini, before the Circuit Court thel'ulteil Mt'ates of America for Ihe West. (Cur. for alt, tk tctnT) Dally Mean lulling. AfVttAf H IIR, I'orc(se(ieOtolOl l to a (Clear to cry Oiune f posit hit amount 00 per cent. THMPRHATtJHB. Mav S. 7 a. oi. 08.0. a p. m. KAHLtogHUCK, M. D Obocrrer. nl be of of crn Mistriet of North Carolina, nt Asheville, and answer or demur to the iihilntitr'a rnm. pbiltit against him, or If he do not, Die plnint- i iinriv un vuurt, iur t ii v renci nrimimieil In said comnhiiuL. I. it biaih Clerk oi the ttnltrtl Htntes Circuit Court for uic west -rn Plstr.ct ul North Ciirolitin, nt Asheville. i M , Fee C. II Miiohk, iHptity. Moore Ai Merrick. Attv's for Fltir. upr dot mtm QOOD no A It D. Large, ttunuv moms with good Imnrd nt XlHH. ALlClt NHVNOI.ItH, aprUAdtf 4N Hpruct street. pMIVATU BOARD. I ""''iiii M"r imfiupiin niinw.nn VOI I lf Street. I will nocn thu mnmm Anrll u... I buartllng houat. New furniture throughout. 1 priod i.e. UAlKO. In the Circuit Court of thc I'nitnl States, for tlie Western I'ixlrict ol North Carolina, ut .siifvtne: he Virginia, Tennessee nml Carolina Steel ami i mn i otnpany, verstis Wlll'am CtithlK'rtKon et. ul., nml J. C. Fen- tiinton. NOTK'K. Tlie i left mtant. J. C. Pennington, above imed. will take not lev that a suiutmiiiK in tlie abovi-entitled action was. on the llUh dav of I-Vtiruary. ispo. duly issued out ol t-oiirt in favor of I he above named nhiln fi and ainitit him. dulv directed to the M;ir1ial of f,aid district, who has made n t ti i ii ttieretif into said court not executed ; that tins action is to recover from the said J. . lYuuinulon ami his ulb-gcd tenants, Wd im I iithbtrtfton et, al.. the oo. wsmn of all iliat piece, parcel and tract uf land us fot- i s : l-'lrst tract AM thai certain lot of Inmlslt item the conn lies ol Mm lull ami Watau i. in tht State of North Carolina. In said i-irit t. and bouaded and tUscrilad as fol- s : U itu n iti i! nt a stake in the middle ot Ik rivtr. below and mar where Ik-lihih Ituird now lives in the northenit line of the ingmal patent tr g ant t William Ciithcart r liilv-tlitic tllotiwnml i.i'i.ootii acrei. Ikmoi tiiiinlKitd 1 I t'J. aud thence ranninu with thc nd I mstif aid pntt ut or grant north Ilo e-it io n w iiite mik in the oM WiiHiiingion co tuny mie, in or near tue present line oi ut Mi'n ami bomidarv lietwtvn ihe States ol Ten tiewsc-nnd North Carolina, nml on mar the Stone niiMintaiii, Uing the mot t aorilurlv coursi ul the original patent ntm nid. theme south V4' west with the line of the said original putent lo a stake In the middk of i;ik river, t he iht up the snid river with its trn'tinilcrv in the Itcmuniitg. S. coml tract All that oihcr tract of land situate in the county of Mitch II. in theSiate of orth Carolina, find in said IMstrict. bounded and dct rilicd n fidlows: lltginuitig at thc iK-ginniiig corner of the tract of land htst above described und running theme bv tbe most direct course to the head pr ng til i me mimi iiormeriy iirun. n or irtnutary the .North Toe river; thence bv the mo-t di reel eourc to tne snort in ml in said river the month of White Oak creek at Abraham jonniion s, m ar to and IkIow- the old tit Id oi ioc;-tucucc uowti tne said river to tw lynn lives, it eormr in ihe compromise Im mi i in iMHiionj ihowii ami ifjiae 1 Avery; tlietH-e with the calls of the said eon promise line (nnd lor the correct call,, of nnl .inc rcieretiiv is lierebv mndc to thc deed made between the said Ilrown and Avcn ami bet ween either of them and the luim '.. the other of record in the county of Miuht It aioresiiidi 10 a large rock on Puck hill, a cor ner io nnu oi i ue sniii eomproinim hue tht nee soul h 4nu ent MdJ tn,li u-io oak on a ridue some diMtauce U-lnw the tinn CariK titer pluee, nml on or near to the clos ing line of the oriuimil urant nfinii.iil Ihemv witk the oriuiual line and ii viih..u. cans revcrseu to ine southeast comer of the wun nire irnei near lo or on tin i.ramimoiner mountain; l hence south ,iu west, ami w ith the oiiuinal liae to the l i in niag, which it Is atktfcd ihe aula I. l ningtoit nnd his said ultegid tenant. William et. nl. uuinwiiillv nnd wrongiul lv w ithhold nnd detain irom the plniuiill und for damages for such tit tenlioti. 1 he sniil lie flldlinl. I C I, nnlnifl..,, u in also take notice that he Is hereby refpitrcd to , uiirvni mi ur ik lore ine .'ii .Moiiilav May. A. D. IMMi, Inlote the Circuit ourt the i mitti Htates of Americu lor the Western i'lstrietof AMh.-L-ill.. ,.,i answer or demur to the iihiimirt -.,...i against h tn, or if he do not. the pluinttil will move ihe court for the relief drinamleil In said complaint. J. li Klililt, Clerk ' ireuit Court of the Fuller! States, for VY ,. 'I,,ir,: Ul ftui varuHun n txneviiie, FerC. II. Miumu tin Moore He Merrick, All'ys lor Fl'ltl. ilir-iioc mon ASHEVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. ICE RATES FOR SEASON 1890. TKRHIS STRICTLY CASH WITH ORDER e. wr huiitirvd. In qiuintttk'H not U'hii than one ton nt factory In ituml!tirn nut ii-Hii tlinii oiiv hall' ton nt fiiclury.., (UK) iioiimlH, III) tii'kctii, to iuuniln encll 7UII " UN " L'B " ' 7no " in " no ' " 1000 " io " mo " M.iio n.iiii nun li' n.uu Nu lie will lie rtellvcrid wltlmiit cah ur Ikktlii. 'I'lcki'ts now un sale nt the olllcc ul' the Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Tclcpliouc No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue, JEJLXICO COAL, AT RETAIL,, For Urate, S5.00.ll For Stoves), ... S4.50, JiEST ANTHRACITE COAL I'ur mile nt V lluknulc and Ketilil by ASIIEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY, Telephone 36 and 40. Kxi'limlvc Auinla i !iimrntic nml S tram I Iur Wmtern North Canillna. "JUST ON THE THRESHOLD" I OF A BIO BOOilI, STANDS THE CITY OF A8HKVILL1C. S j! Now is the Time to Buy Real Estate. w You mny think prices are hinli! Hut they arc buuud to ku liluhcr, a, pint cxivriciicc litis amply Ui'niunHtratcU. I Anhtvlllc l the hest known, thc mut licnu tit'ul, the iiiomi hcnlthl'iil uml thcmtiHt prunniiX f Ire city in this Htutc. You cannot Invest yuur caplliil tu latter udvuntiiKe tliuu rinlilluri f In thin Kiirikn Mut ot thc mountain,. ' SoilH CllulCC bnrillllllti 111 cilv litl. ami milinrl,,,,, ..u.rt ...... I I , ,,, olj1Vt " ' " I ...v.. ,n. i,,ti j- .-illllllK ill our JENKS & JENKS, Real - Estate - aud - Insurance, Roonm 9 it 10, McAfee Itloek, a8 Fatton Ave., AHlieville.N. 1. I.IIWIS MAIIIIt'X, l-rt'S , Mcl.OI'U, Vlce-1'rvs. I. li. KANKIN, Cuiihlcr. I)IKHCTOK:-l.cwlli Mmlilun. M. I. Ihnriltn. M. I. Pnirir. 1. K. Un.,l.l 1 M u. 1 l, u . 8. II. Kcnl. Oc... 8 I'owcll, C. M McLuud. r "' ""u WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, - KirKAnlKd May it, ihnh. $ CAPITAL, 850,000. SURPLUS,815,(K)0 r Slate, Couut;aiiil.Cll lUepoHltory. linen a (iencnil Hiiiikinti llimiims. IK,onil received. K hnKc bouuht ami sold. Oil V Ici'IUMi, inaile un nil nccemillili. H.iuta. Thc ituvinif I'euturr will reivlve vtiil uttviitiun. t Onnll uin ;n this ilcpurtuunt, ilrponltid Iur four inontlia urlonuer, lntirrl nt tin run iT' of iirrcent. kt annum will In: i,nld. 8iccial atteniiun Klvcn to loan, ou real estate, which will br placed fur lontf time on rial . aonuble tcnn. I O-o trom U a in. to 3 p. in. tin ttnlunlnya the Sarin Im artincnt will Ik-oik n till n jam dly L SKYLAND SPRINGS Only 8 Mile from Ahlievllle on llie A. & H. Railroad and llenderitoiivUlc Pike. The Krcntcat number and variety of mineral apriut: to lie found In the 8outh. 48 Springs on Less Than 40 Acres. . hnlylwale. iron. ..ilphur. ep...tu. nliim. nud iiiuKnii.ln. Several very fine ri.mliliii.tlou hat an- .,d , eurniK i.i.Iik, ..,, liver nnd kidney (rouble, chronic dvwHcrv. ehr.'.ii. : K.p.,n n.l chronic ... k headn. he. . ine ...nnu ninl.v devel..,Kd l. Ihe A- .te.l iVm le w i.r ever Ioiiii.I. M..n. ..r.. ... ... i i . " " "TV. " ' " "'"! mine Winer " ' v.r,,.: the Pi,.. nnd' the.ine,,;rw7er: Itoai S20 to Sjo Per Month, or Si Per Day. Kclcnnccii. leKiinioninl., etc.. enn l.c hnd bv w rilinu in ihe nr l.i... . ic nud try the water, tirent Inipmvenienta will be in'udc next iuteicMi'd iHinvitid In conic Hummer. I ruin, le ive A.heville nt ll .on n. in. and n turn nt 7 p. m. fare US rents. ftbll .IHtii OTIS A. MILLER, Skylaiid V. O., N. c. tub ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ROOSS, 26 PATTON AVE., Y. M. C. A. ROOMS, (lien dully, except Hiindaya, Iruin 10 a. ni until I p. ro and until It v. rn. The terma of .uhM-rintliin an: ttnr ei i mm.,; a mo.., SI j 1 mo., no eta. amiy a cts. omixr. rnr I HIM) rralilriil. Chnrlea W WuulMyl Vlee.-relil..nt. Thus. A. Junes: Mee. iintlTrea,urer, II. a. Wntmni l.llirarinn.Mliw n, j, ..aicll. Cltlien. and vl.lturs art ronllnllv invlir.1 tn Inspect the eatiiliiRiie and Inarrilie their nntncN a. mrmlieni. Inn.'IOilir ft IK KliNT. Neallv flirnUhed ImiiM. a m..m. ..... uo.. iianieomie pu.fieNllliin lor mnnmer. Apply to ..-" H, IIIIANUHNAV I. UKIVATK IIDAKI). Two ffrntlrmrn bonrtlvm hm . - m itlnn nt " aprlll.llt iini'lNIIMT. ,'HK HUNT. I'limlMhed front, Im .i--i.i.i- , .,. fur iMi.lnr... AiidriH o. lliix avt dllt A.hevlil.. 0OM BALK OK BXCIIANOK . . . 'K tITV PKIIIMIrlTY. A flue rnrm nf anx iH ., .1.."' N C, mile. Irom A.heville. Ua ti,e Hlinrlnnl.... ...... A .. . I,. .- ...... -.-, rniironil. I'UHl. office and railroad stntlon on the farm. ... WIIKTI.ANI) IIKOM., maya dtf a an Ave. roCKIIOI.UKKr)' MKBTIN0. Ornc. Asheville Utrret Railway Co,.l A atnchhntrirra' m..ilnu -.m k- L-i -, .( , office on the 7th da, nf for traii.aetloa ol .ueh buiinea. a. may be f 1 ffi-k1 nlail In 1ft Ily order of Hoard of IM rector.. fl. M. JUNUS, He., and Treas. OAKS HOTEL, ('Nil (IP Til li FIN KS T HOTELS IN Till. MOI'TII. Street Curs pnss the ioor every Ifl minutes. asiu-villf:, N. C. I'lVli MINl'TliH' WALK FROM COURT SQ. servici: A. Nil T A II 1. IS PIKKT-CLAKS I'oi term, addrru GREEXWELL & II AUG AX. PROFRS. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY 7 Ilaywoud Ntrcct. All WATIiR THOKtU t.HLV FHUTIiHiai on llic Hrci.ili.c-. Twenty dve years of pnielhal e. rleiuT. with raaauaxL attention lo all dc tail, of the liu.iue and iierfect arrnnitcimnta for vi.kaklikkm and H -itv uf all ...,al. manufnctuml. enable llie proprh tor to prr-ent to hi. numcrou. patron, a .uVrlor ilnM ol Cnrhunntcd lleveriiites. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. (-.Inner Ale and all the v.irl.iu. flavor, of H.IHA WATIIK ready for hlpmcnl and d. II vend Iree In City limit, ttut of town unl. r;mu.l have KRsriiNMin.1 refcrenra. c h, camiiif:lim AmIicvUIc, N. C. Near Patmeiiiicr IeMl. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., m.u.iwihito am iawra in an Binds car Piraaed L. u m U E R, Door, NhhIi, IIIIiicU, ltiouldliiKH, Htalrwork, Mantel, llauk u ixiurea, ana an kiiiu or nullrilng irtulerlal. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Snecinltv. - nov l die Trlrphonv No PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATi: HOOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WOKK. Plans and Hpccltlcntlonti I'urnlNlicd ou Application We have thoron.h In each line who h.v. hail many year.' e.pcrlenc. In the., llu.lncH We tan .nfely miaranle. nur patron. MtLfaetloa In our work, a low h.ur. I1ALLAIID. RICH & DOYCE. frMAdlT THE BONANZA," WINE AND . LIQUOR STORE IN TIIK STATIC. FINE SAMPLE AND 1IILLIAHD ROOM. j. . aucdt. m u-r. NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C

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