ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 0, 1800. EIGHT IIS. Tho MuYciiii'iit Approved of by the National iousi It Considers tho Damand Roa sonablo and Just. Fbllaili.lphlll Hum l'iirpi.ittra VIH.IIng to Ilia Nlrlkfr' lltiiiiinils ltiuitlun l'n. chiln;.'il in Hull. ill Ituw llorr Moil Bpent Mn.v I y lie Talks of Ilia Eight lluiir Mtvt'iuint -l.ahnr Nmva. Wahiiiniitun, May 4. In the house Mr. H. illy, i f lViiusylvRiiiH. oiTureil reeoluti.iii rwiiinn thu ei!it-h )ur luw, of Jnim, 1-iW, iWlurmrf thnt tha nwhiiuicA, workiuKtiu-n mil laborers, Coinpiir m tli.-y do the bulk of our patriotic' ciikimm, are, on thin, the first day of May, Km, aiitatliii, aii'l Jemiinl lng h. u ,i-th I'tirlit hours ahull conntituti- a l.iy' work, "unl resolving that it u tin? iti'iii-H uf this house that thin l-tii:ni'l is r..,iiiiilil mill just, nnd thHt it ik uiir lifli -f that tho iimnuura ticm of .-ai'l system of fixht liouri for a day's w. rk wmiM ! onuluctlve of the Jmhlir iiml cslrulitn-il to advance Uieiiilu-iiiil, r. iium-i'i-ml, lnti.-lleetuaj ftnil iii.irnl wiiare uf the ln'iijili. lie- forruJ. IN PHILADELPHIA, Nearly Throe Tliiniiiiul Csrprntera Out. 11..,,. . Vli'lUlnif. Pllll.APKi.fiiu, May 4. Tlio noron.l day of tin- r.ii'j't iiti K .-trikMi i-'iii il with nearly S.Omi m.-ii n-f u-iiiic t- work link's their uVntaii'l f.r an an H'lvimco uf five ci'Uta au hmir ww m l..(l to. There iiif in-ariy T.noo cunntors In the City, m.,l n-i'ilv nil .,f tliviri lira Mi'D tihVd wi'h tin. ii:i. fn t'linizatiniu. Thvee are tin. Jir..:lu-rhml of Carin teni ainl J. .In. -is ,.f Aitai'iia, thu Auia.1 Kniiiiiti'l A ..rititi.iii ..f ('arpHnn-r, nilil tiiu Curis-no-is' Hruivi Tivt, Motiutiou. ly thu Urlikln.vnre. One of thu ljii.-i.vst virtoriin which the efTikera haw m fur iriuiuil won won, when the jouriicyiwii lrn-klfiy.-r canni into liui-an l l-auts-l or l.-r that ri .rm i.f its tw'inlsrs sliuiiM . t tin- il.K.r i.r win dow friim.w on any j..h..f whirh thu bona hail nfusi J to pav the inlvamed rate. From rime to tinm rufnuN wro r Cnivial from tin. v.iri .i. rwninittfe ribowinir t th.. ims-.-. were Biu.luully opinio,; to I. rni-. IN DETI10IT. Bltiuatltia lit tin- nrpi'iit-r' Mrlke Trar til.lll I Mt-ltMllIt't. Dktiiiiit. Mi. h.. M.iv 4.- I' nrrx'ti- tura' Htnkv'.fii Inr.' i-nm !i, .ii-. il, eavo that a tVw .-in ol r -a. t. a--havi cmioMt-il thf i'i(.;ii-:i..ur .In- mil the Bcaiu of vu:t- ... ii i.-i :n i m T li.- itiik era. It i r. .rtwl that flit j l.u.ii..' null Owihts i-m,. y,uj r.iri iiiti will c..iu-tirtjuiLst- Ly ih.,. t-titiit r'i.- .. man.!.- nf the uiwi. if tli. y will 1b. , .! initi-uiiie Illill p.vull.'tli lll'ul.. i.llt.l l,- tin- my. IN CHICAGO. Irttii, r. iin.l Tli. n ll. l.. r Ntrlkv for l.ult 1 1 hi r., Cliii-w.. y. i i. Tin- iinii in, l.l..r nnl th'ir lr l -i in in t nf thi- Inrif liiaiiufa.-iiir.iirf i--t.ii.ii-hiii.-iiu i.f ti. city, in.-lu.lin- tl.- M...i; .nnick hiirv.-.-t-lng iuui.'hiu- wuriin.iii the "lila.-k K-iail," the Keen., i.f . m u ll lurl.uli niv an.l rioting four j.-.u-- .., aiv,,ut nnantriki. for th. i-iii' h-.iir .lay un.l H uniform rato of Tin -iriki-n hava poKtcl plokut ill mt tin. .i:;i.-ri-nt w.irkH iiml ay that hiiv iitN inM to put n..ii-niiinii ttiun at work will !.. iu,.t Ly a Ji-ti-r-biitiiil ri-i-tuti.-... The Klin. In .Ni-i'I t-i.nip.iny (rrinfej ita 2v iii..!.l,-i-! the cig-ht-iioiir Jay auil uviTte'l ii htrike. The Kaiil'.iiik Camilnjr C"iiii.-iny liaa rt-fuwl tin- !. iinii'lK i ,f it, ,Vm , in',l.,vm for the i i.-hl ln.iir .lay, ninl a -tnile will U- iiiiiiiiuati-l M 1. 1 1 v-. Kiichty ;oil cri in :i:i-i'h-iiiii. ,,t ari i.iii. All i hi 'ii, in the i.h,iiini mill i-talili-lin..iiih nf thu S.uihw.T.t m.i. havi. iiU1.inii-k for th- Wrfht h.nir .i.iv ami i-iKht hoiint jiy. Jk-f.iru liiulit, th. iriki :M, tvt-ry jilitiiiiig t . . 1 1 1 i-m-J.luyo in the illy, iiuiiiUr.iii; all tin wav from iw.uou to M,im ui-ii. will atrian. Thru hunilre.l trikrx utartnl f..r W Klicalilc J.laniiiif mill 1'ii.lav, wlu-re eoiue uon-uuii.ti in. ii w.-iv m w..rk with the llit.-ntinn nf "i li-.uniiif out the ixtal liKliinntit." km thi.y ti-i-iumlit. I. in wniri in tun ol VolittU tin pnpii!tivn tlnu'r li.. Kour huii.l.e.1 nnj.liiyin in C, J. I, Meyer & S-.ii- dour iiml Mi mi far torr have ntvin.-k for a iiitii-hoiir ilitv anil it Is rfi,rtej the i-mj.l.ivi-H i.f a liuuilH-r ot olln-r Hash fartnrn havt- aim Krui'k. iiukliiK th- name .leiiiiuiii an tin cmtiluyi-a nf tiiu Aleyi-r fai tory. Thtr will la- a iiiwfinx ln-iwrn-n tlin iiiti.vci ami tlm Workni-H thin afti.rniKin ami tlmre i a iro f-i-iive ot their a0'im. ltiif ujou a setlli limiit. JOHN MOST. TM uti-il Aliuri l,l,C llitnlnn uf th r.lalit-lliiur Ini-i'iiii-iit. JEW IIIKK. .MllV 4. ilollll Jliwt Wn. nt work all May Day in the freight of- fi ami took no in any of the laUir di'inonstniiliiiia. U-fui-H him umn n dexk at which lie laljon-il, wi-retwo jral- lownua, ri-miinli-r nf ( hii aiM. H, Mid he wniiM ma atti-inl thu uieetitig in uioii n.iniii. "Thl i a whi mn of ea)itnliatii en tlrely, this whnln eu-ht hour hiMintwa ' Huat aiii. "1 never thonuht much of It. Hi mm lHliori)rKaiii.ationiwaiit eiht lioura, ami tin y w-k for it. I'retty soon HolliM of the nxllatorM take ntithiimtliject. politic.laun khI on in therackut, and then in a litlie while there in heard In the cajiltalictlc nnuH a irreat deal alKiut afi tatioii for eitfht houia. It is all at uH anil Lon3iiBe. "Politiciiitu only nra anxlnnii for a vtorkilay of eiiht hoitin, liei-nune thv Wluve tliej-can khI thu workituiuenV Votoa if they nrtach eiKht-houra. Of what mutter in it that a few capltaliatH and tmliticluim aymjmthir.H with the workiiijftneii for iiermmal ri.-iuuiiin? will that hrliiK on the wx-lal revolution V Wlnit iKiutie titu tnankiml that a man who hna Iwn workina: nine hotira now Works eiht, or that one who luw lieen WorkitiK ten houi-n now workx niue'r All thi ia nonwne. "It la not ti milch n uni-stlon of hotira M tt la th, vciMi' Inttnl the preeellt Condition i -iK-ieiy, 'u makiwhlfta will do. Hie whole thlmr hna Kot to an. Wo half-way muthoda will be permitted when the Anitrohlata beirln work. Moat wurkititftnen ootnplaln that they have not enouk.h work. Yet a few altatora want to deomiae tho little they hara. Anyone run ee the noneeiiHe of all thla. It ia only a scheme nf oapltalint to dufar the day of the uncial revolution." Nothing Maw. At the Federation of Lnnor bureau Frldny mornliiK Secretary vam stated that thnre won no new dnvulojitnenta In the eight -hour latwr queation, beyond the fwit that a few more bnaeee ui the city had exjirtmed a wtllinfrneia to ao oede to the demaniU of the atrlken. Iowa Qvarrymn Itrika. Anamoia. Iowa, May 4. About fifty mployo of the Oold Hill ttnne qnarrlea ft Stone City, four ndlee weak of her owned by Hmwn & Erickon. have track for f 1. 7l a day. It ia feared that uulinw their il 'iiimuU are cuiiceileil the men umjiloye.1 in the other tjuarrtee at Unit ilnc a. the uimilwr of aeveral hun dred will ill-., if, out, which woidd be a serinua affair, aa all thu quai-iie have large euiiti'iii ta on their liaiiila. The muu will make a stubborn fight. I.nnWvilli Carputitrrt. IiOfiRViu g, May 4. One thousand carpeiiteiii went out on a atiike here Friday ini.iuiiij, di-niniidiug eiLht boura hh a iluy's wo-k with no reduction in wui,'ei. Twenty bi;a carju-iitera have conci-di il tlm atrik. ru' iU u.ainls and the trouble will in-olablv be auiicablv net tled aooii. Itoaaea Cllvi-ii a eefc to Dfii-iile. BfKFAi..'!. X. V.. M iv 4. The di'trlct council nf the Hr,,!i,-ilii,o, nf t'arja'n-t-rs m.-t and ilei-iii-.i to irive the mill Ik r a We. !( to ili i-lde lltmll their ail- awer In ilie ui'iiiaii ls of tl.u mill liaiida fur a nine-:: ,iir i. y. if it u imi yinuteil the uieii will stnke. M Ika lei M, ll,.,irt Sai.f.m, M im... Vo 4 The cnrja.nreri who liae been w, r.-nu t..n hniira u day quit at I ji. in. Timr-nay in-tead of 8 o'dnck. file W-.-s v.-:li ' lj .1.1 a meeting ti. di id,, what m-rinii to ta.:e. If they dis-ide tn reaiii'v tlie r.-ilu of pay u strike will result. I built a 1 1. 1 1 n 1 -. Hue ri'-iilrnce, lllnl colll ' me In-i-il die i-rii-'inii ol till tlli-l'iill- li-lic- inolil Imuv s. . he could coliUol w. I iiiM-.-ie.l in I At the ureal land mile which occurred uIhiiii line.' wcik; ao, he exixs-teil to i nap a p. Men liarveM, nml reiinluirse hia I'lcililnii,, -.ervthiiik be niel was niol t j )V'.'ij;.-il even to )n,- fiiiiiitiiie. The land Kile wa a !ilnre. I 'II I man saw that he mined. He told his wile that if lie ; ioiiIiI noi rai-e eii;lit thoiiMinil dollars in ! l, In- wool I have toleave tlie i-iiuiiiry. IU--aid I e u mil.1 send her In In r paii iit-, in- -Ii . W illi Ii i in. i Sin-in-cided lo cint' to llllll. Iledri w for I,nim in ( 'haltiiinaiga, mi I 1 1 if Nntiiii-.liaiii bank, l.-li Liaplnil her, 1 a "I. Ii. ail i.ri.ken, sin- jniin-d him. and ' li'i-tliir thet lied. Mis idinrtatfe Willi 'll ei-il v i ,i 1 1 .1 1 1 s;, nun, I'iiiiuaii was mm.- i.H.i-i t linn utility, lie pl.niil bi ; elltil'.- hope- upon Ihe ,i .1 1 illy ham Uhhii, . ami thai failing all was l.t. Ill-Im-l- lless beie a- i lull I llllinaueil, bile Vllri- clilalii g n tunen iln- twn tnwn-. and his lin- i rapi, I.,; , in aii-i 'l him In lieulecl Ihep.-ui diiail-nl' l.,i.-iue-s. A Cl-elll dial nl -wnpilliy Is epl'e.-.-ed fur the I.iinilv. m. 1 1 BUTLER On tlie P: sent Financial Condi tttui of r.irnicrs. His Speech Before tha Butler Club of Boston. The Farmer' llliini'e l)i,ln II, .Hi tin- rilt-tlea Tlie ln In lil. or Vti.lirn i ''yiliMlielal C eluie. It Snir,rnl. Will l.i-iat rolitlcal . ii. Inn liirlana ..rniel-i. - I'l-euU-ta a AVnnt Hll A.ltunro. MfHrilVsl:, .an. ill.. Mnv 4 - The tnrti laytn.'i'ie t'iju-f tni- tli water worka hen- have .truck fur firelight il. "in fur ten limit's' work. getting i.;'J for tu hour. They have been hoar. IliilVilfi Itnlierft, V-vi .1.., N. v.. Ma- .-ThebHlterii sfl'ie r tin- eitv is MartVi.Mv at an end. All I it 1 bakera' acceded to the ! Ilia:, I- , I' .-Int. loves. t-iv lliii In s.oi ruiirl-cn. P v l'i. . v !-, it, Mav 4. There wiiunn labol ! '.. hen- Ma'v 1. A k'nod tiianv .. i. a h i. da v. A OHIAT RhVlvAL. MAY DAY AT MARSEILLES. A'rri Or, I. Ii at ini,-.- Day milling Mtllil. Mail. '! M iv 4 -Not , than w .i n;,,, n -.ail-,, ;,(,. 1 in the celo- .s.ttinii of Mil I ly in this city. The atn-ta We e nl'.. d with le i-ey di moti. atrative .inwj.s, but no actual outbreak K-curiiil. A tn-nt tii.-i tiuz ..f 'b in -n trat-Ts wa 11 at mIhi Ii iln f.'iv-iib nts i f f..rtv trndei uiii .ti., t. her villi H.cci llll- iti -i wi.i itii.eii. !' app..n:'e.! a deleua. Mi iti to jire-etlt 11 ietltoi, t.i the Jilelc-ct ill la.-oi - I tne i ,-uT linlir Oav. Th- del. k-ti,.u t! InsTucteil ,MWi. in a 1 to the preteuinre, win-re tlie t.reiect refn-i-1 t. leiir Hlelll lilllesH tlleV Wnllll .)-..lit tlieitneiv.- tn Kfui. Thi- tin- il.-imta- imi d.-clin .1 I,, do. a tbev had In-eii in stru.-r.-il tn art aa a whole. Tin y then r.l'.ruii-,! 1:1 i,v -. .F1 am! man-h lawk in the I. t Km ...itie. wher.- tlii-lr till- 1IU' W'ls -'ill la .,.-1,,.! J. t),,. ;ir. Ii- di c cate- the iin. 'iiix ati nl-!. . ly maiii.rr ii.ti.-li! la t iii,-ht. Lrt... il ,, : . 'V li .-. .l.ecie.l on lie- ( mirs a? 1 i a tumult. The I'-.l'v r.-i- e 1 tin- tii.h.-e and .'l-p.-r-ed by the 1 av..ief of ty. In ,.,,,.r parts ,,f the city ..-ne L-t. it;.. were r.-pntedlv ,v 'I avalry -.-i'f. I-. An oil 1 -ot. 1 by a m..b , f for, luiit-ra. .- .talis, ami Ho' era of V We' la ,t t ! ei) ,f tilt 'f' : aid ; in-.-. In all tisi inr.-ats V, ..( m ..;..i-.,.;il..,, t, tl.e 11-i.Ull of tin 'iiay Ij.i, d tiioii-ttHtiou. 3lire Tlnili I'tTlei n lliimlretl I'diple Have lleeli ( iinierteil. I II mii.i H I k. N.i'.. May it. Hcv. Sam Jntie.- Iia- clo.-eil hi- eitilil days' liieetilms In n . lie . a -i-ted by ' 1,'ev, (i. li. stiiai t, of T. nnc ec, and this has la-en lleil tile llln-l v i 111 tll.H-litl- ill Iln- history nl tin- i-vaiim li-t. In th,. i 1 1 1 mi. Mr. .loin s ninl his iissi.laiit Iinii- j ii ached lii iiiiIi a- than ITa.iaai tinple. ami all western Noilh I'aroliiin ha- i .t n -litii il by the words of the fn iiiotis I n ,,,'uia preacher. Mole than l.liai per-.'liH lia'.e Iseii c. m verted, llllll tlmu--iiinls . n ally ai'iiii-eil. Mr. .lonis. liia.h up si. "urn f..r the I hai lolle Yoini( Meu' i ln i-ttan a.-s,H ii.ii,,ii, ami he himself w.-us in mid "lib ii check by the citizens of i iiarlotte lot' s. , -.Mil i. Unit,, a sum of til o M.liiiitaiilv handi'd Mr. i'pliaiiat:e. All tliecitv in, iiev wa- .loi es for his pa-ii.r- ai au l tli.inkeil .Mr. .Ion,.- f,.r iiiiiil.- lii ie. ami the work lie ha .h i on pli-he.. The clo. 1 1' - -t 1 1 i . ami Iiiiii, ll'i'ds cliimr a roll o, s VV Mr. .1, of tlie in- until he pushed his wav out liiuldnu and w, nl to the liotel. Alla.llln; s,., tl, ,M 1-VellHK. N. tin.. May :i. There will Ih .ei'i i-i... o ilis-oraliiiu s grave at An.lersoii nv.i I1 f -.-I it: t mi rly . t Cl in i b., l.-i )'. -I hi,: :lv I !::,'! IN HOVE. ts- 'I'll I rt y Am-stk rrfH,i. 1'i.t ro I the stree Aln.le. KnMi:. Mav 4 In two in-i iin-es Fri lay the military ,.,,, -hiiieiits enuraifisd in jiMtrilniK and cea: inir the strceta iiave bi.-n r.-i-ted ,y nh-lv-i .-i. i j r?d Knujisof . ill.-, us. In th ullaira the -nl liiri- ic-it. 'i thirty pris, in-t-. among win 'In V . ;i a i.i tab..; ,, f A lil.l i ht-ts. Tin I: tut- .it. d ,tie.'ii, tt j .. ot apj-'iiHnir n the -i .-is a. ii-iial f,,r th ir daily imi. ir.-.e. Were IfiVell an oMiiintiby 'he I ileX.'lli, lMied the P'tltc alniii which ill ..y dr.,v. A man who nd-lrev-isl an i t'i .i,.jee epi.h.a In their inaie ties wa- pr..m,M -.-i.ed bytheon- li.'kers a;-.', ,, , .v.rtn the ell-ti ,lv of the oil.. . I-.. GERMAN II10N-WORKERS. Hut a Very Minill IVrei iiIhk l.elt l.atH.i. nil Mil Day, M i. M iv 4. A ris-..rd kei.f bv thu in.ti fnoini. i.. and mnci Ine faetiniea union that out of .n ,.,. ployed in sixty fiict .ri.-s only S.V'J'i were ibsciit from w ork May I lay. tli..ii-iiii. workiinn abnteil liemselve. in liaiiiliuiv. They ajH-itt he n ay i icknii kitiif in the auburlai, and in di-iit'der occurred. In Sn- "tiy the tiini-keej'ers of IMfl en. ;nb!;-l ",ciiis .tate that out of n.Mfc ivnrkii.-n i.nly thrae were absent from hnir pine.- without jieniiihsioii Mnv Hill . An litteitnitlnnal Uoeatlnn. At a meeting at Prague a ajieulter do lined thai he etuht-hintr ijimstion was in liiteniatti iial one, and also ili-iiuuiiled iiilveral s'llliaiie, la-fore di-iersing he woi iinii n nave cheers for tlie direc- or of Jailicu. in-. Ma inn. r at inn in lb. ill" i ll sn, her .i I. tl.i- iiniiiih. I iie K. S. .lone- '1. . if., ol Macon, w hich has the mi illi .'lilt Cll.'tl e li II, l ine ot tie .N.'ll lollill eelll tel l at " In li-l s. Hi il.e. ha- liiillesteil tin lion. Iliislii. Wn-liiiuiiiii. a slerline inline ,1, in. .. rut n- -oinilln in lawver i :lii-city , tn lin k, tin- amiiial Inelnnii nlifis-. Mi. W.i 'c.i t. n has i epii II'. -I ha- .do iivin.l Ihe Soiuheri, i a . i a -..iilhei ii iteiins'intir or'aiiii Hot,. I,, nlli'lnl. anil lite a s,,ne over tin .'IMM- ill Hie 111,11 who Hole the l,l. I h. . ..loteil military cm; allies of M have ii-ua!ly pet :.,t me, ihisservic It i-lliiil I In-1 . -s. ,1 me. ihi-i isdoin m I, .it It can I" I i.-nal reeling. I. lit Ileal tl. ItliilTK. N. I .. Mav :t. As II i-ic I mill I train on the Airl.itii -inv. e.i up j w-tis. n viiiinc ly who lino I ii-ii stealing it rid i-l;il i nr. !llllil i oil. lie Iril linn n ii. i i i ins n ml on one o: iln i. nl- nl a -t ie ii-ii-,.-. Me inr I ov win, lii- tint o..i.i I v pa eiiL-er Irani III! III. u In . e loo Ins , n in I 11 - cell lie I ll.el. i , r -evelal llnlllM l.-:iin c to In- relief. ,. 1 1 d i nt I ill ton. nml i.hIc to Cow Hi-' ' ' I-learned, I lie oil tin :,c! i ,1 in ln i , hi iln pell-. .1 i-in.i.-.iia.. V.i !. William M. Row Id . 1.. kid' . St. uni t Ifel Molds on tin '.'itliol I' i oi ' -I l.l-l. Mil. s, nt, need .In.i-i- II.,1'!' !., illpl'l-otimelit foi lite III Ine pi'., Ilowdell Mil: lllllllv. as -lioMII l.v II II, I. 'llCe, n l'le-1, y ci.s i t v. in :o late, ami orderi Iln' in II "ii-c lo ':rl out. ami a. Ifn I). ild-In:.- . an . lb. rl inn aid moving . nil liowoeii tni . i n ii".- linn. Stall in rn l,iliili. i iiiilentliiti. Sr. lii is, M.,.. May :l. Thr S niilirri will In.! ! an tin jh .i-i ,-int vi-t.t i..ii ill llii- eiiy. I ."'iiiiii' g on li Hi nisi, now ion- II w ill lake tn com iieie ine n'ir. in inr ciim iiIioii Is Hot klli.MII. Il l-lllivr. that Iheilllllel 'el'rlice will 'm- ill .. Inn scleral IMS-k I'ai-lur.i Miiiiieil. Tri!M:i:siiri!ii. N.i .. May Turner' lartnl l . ill till- plare, o 1,1'd bv 1 1. W liniii-riV Sni s. a lim ly . , inn, in . I milliiiL coln'ertl. Iillllnd ilnllll. Tile origin ol tlie lire I- tiioicht i.. have Ins ii a lei. till. I III I. ll.liai, o'l uhiel I here was n n, of ' Ihe Iln -ecrel Woru. Una wlnrlv. Ai...:nlso Lii ilhilrawn in s'ti ii li li red iu charlei WOMAN'S WEAR. IN FRANCE. II. In al rurrnlna, en Ihe llelglaii I t-iinl ler--Ti'iiiiin to the Ite.rne. Pauls, Mm' 4 - huajuat eiu'hed lime that n rriticnl coiiditlou of iffuira exists in the department of the mrtli. The ttll.ii g workmen of Turcolng, i die llelgiiu, (roiili. r. who an'rioting and resi-tlllg the triS'lis. I n'.e been joined by l.OlHI slliki ia, who hale llial. in d li'olii Roubiilx to their as'lsfiince. Keinforii). nielii. of IrmiiiM wen. autiiiiioiicd, and hurried fetwurd iw rapidly as jaieaiblu. i hy aa Arrhlii.liop, Dl'lil.lN. Mav 4 .ti Wnt.h In dd'es"iiur a meeting of the atriklttg railway einployee, reproachi-d them for liavitiif their i,st without erviiig fa;." tioticu iihiii their etiiilov era. li wan r.iijiist to both the public ami the railway cotnimny. Tlie nichlii hoji 1 1 inn jiropnseil thnt he aliniilil pi -i.le over a ballot on the qiii'.tii.iit ,,f tne nn ii ri liirnlug to work and In l.'K .nl to the aiibiulshioti of their jrrinviiucK to arbtlriition. 1 he iroposi lion for the takinir of audi hullota win aduptud. Orrat Maallngal 'iirlihnKn. Oil'fNIIAilCS. MnV 4 A tnwt stoctnl. latinectiiig wna held In a auburh of tliia city May i My. There were fully 2l),uuO men jiretnii, md fifty iirganization were repre'enied by ilelegatoa. Heaolii tiuna were adopted in favor of a normal Work llav. ri'he i.llelll..r WfUl n 1ii..1iilut of the Hgdiitf, who declared that a nor mal work day could only be uutuiued iu a buviuiiHt atiite. ALBANY'S TREASURER Bklpa Out, M-ui ljiH l-reillliira In (let Their Miiih-j aa llest They tail. Al.ll.VNV. (ill.. Mav II. (Inrv T'llt iiiiii. city treasurer of Albiinv,' hna loft for purl unknown, The iiufortiiimti) man wtia Ihe vii tiiu of a lamm, Alauit Unco month UL'o ho waa drawn Inlo the Ikhiiii of the new town of Nottiiiuhuni. Ala. lie una elected cashier of I in Hunk of Niilllnihani. ms'tied u brick vanl wilh onlem fur two million brick, two stores, SI Any now laiaqiinaarueilKisl with wultini vuril. Hill Inn- uru alowly but atnvly rnturuhig to lavnr. Tlmre scctn to In. n l..v.-l. .j.iiicc fancy fur roiling mien coiiara isigi.t with lace. Su.sle gl..viw hi old ni shudisi am worn at Hie tlnatre ami ukhi otlior drusay oecaaioua, H"iiii. of wiMileiigownaliave tiiiiin yokea of velvet and velvet mutual leg klii'V.'a. I' "ti greiiadliina arerevlvc.1 lltlsaprlng.uil may Iu hud plum or with alternating airipa. Ul iuiiiii. Omy and black atrinrail clnrla will ha faviirlm inateriiil forauaiiiiorliuvuliiiggowna aim viniiKH, Ruling hoot in um auislu or patoiit leatlior are ex -eptlotiully well uul and exlreiuely uoillliil'Illlile, Tli dis.p Kiinti luce, a revived feature of tun Nlinii t ilays, atill continues the fashion' ahlu garnitiii'ti. Ltiwnsnf white grniiiiil with wide black atrlaes, islgtsl w ith oiiea lace tuitlerna, are niniiu or uioiiriung wear. Tlin silver girdles Introduced by Ilenilinrill in "iiiissioru" are now utllixeil to loop the law iroui ol mu lea gown. lllxtuni of hluck and gold In neta and lam are likely to be popular the conilug uninier; also silver or gold eiiibrnhlnry, with white net, H.d net la also wrought Willi goiu. Deml-aeiiKon tnllnta are In lielge and otter velvet, anil Walking ilreaMei are In woolen muterlul, trimmed Willi hliwk braid; tlm cioiu jacket wcrn witn the Ureas til the ng 4 'litiwiuea liuvo huuona, IIh Kxcelleiil QuallllvH CotiitiR'inl to public npprnvnl thcCiilifor nin 1 nil fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It ia pleasing to the eye, and to the tnstc anil bv gently noting m the kidneys, liver and cleanse the ayaliiii elTccluiilly, thertliv prninotiti the lienltli nml comfort of nli who uae it. C.i'alittnlc ia jirobnhly mnrc sincere to the iklivercr from stubborn physical nil niriita tluiti to tiny other human being. It la the knocking nil' the chains tlmt en slave ns well ns gull. W. U. Whitfield, of Monroe, I'nion county, N. C, in one of those act I'rce bv Mri. lop 1'i.numV mm. cijy trout n bondage- of eight years to a piiuuui uioou or skiii eruption. tt.v.iAMtv r at'Tt.ea B'XTON. May i. At 'he journal dinner nf the Ilu'ler cjjib. it.-u. !' 'ijainin F. Butler ininle a 1 cti-i -is e-i, which waf ilevn'ed aim, f i. noi' v to the subject ol the liren-llt del ' 'a'.."., ; ll C tllill tiull of the flint nf the c il.try. Tlie I ai tilers' Alllioii'e. He referred In the ran i f' Alliince, With its font" ! :ble pl'opo.'llniis, which if held lo.. t' .!' will :.. i Te l.-ible. claims u. Ix n, n-tii'liti. nl. but if i successful it will di-trov 1. i pi liti.-al parln-, and h in" a political parrv it aelt. 1 lie ireiteral cint, rei ilie emu tinn of the Tni iinr as .- w,,ti ,,i ,u with that nf acatpi-nier bowing that whil, the fiirmer proffs w..'-.M ! .-i K' :ai r his cn p. 'hi-fiir titer for a less exjM n ilitniuof time ti l em igv. would get '.)), f.gin.ri' njaiit the ba-is of the present vame nt corn within twenty- lour Honrs rwi or v. im ago. I mm Alurtgugrs, Fif rrl' g'o the eiiortuoiia mortg.urf flehti i f !he ti nners, iven. lluller sal that Inl.'.t.g Miiipiy the usricultiinil land of the we-. em atii es. the mortitaur. atiioimt to h stiip'"nlnii sum of l, iKiti.mMi. tl. 'liter.-! "jn winch it ratea aver,. ,-.g trotn to H Ja-r cent The p-iiiieiit of the-e Hu rt i ages ia nn jvwsible and they ne' er will h jitiid. for the simple n-a-.ti I hat, as all statistic prove, the average pi' Its on tanning in it us! ilea are ouiy tetv. ecu 4 uuU S pur com. "t'lnMiielal r.irliim." tri'itptail Tlie general niesented antiie other ftnrtllliy facte showing the hora-leae con union oi me rariTicr anil preiui leu a naiiciid cyclone'' nuioiig them lafore tunny veara. He ridiculed theprniiH't ol the government building storehouse and loann j tun fnvtner monev mi hi' garnered rrojja, Tlie siorage certilioales given by the government would U lionghf tip bv ais'i-nliitora who would thus control the market for the gram aa tiiev do now. VTicn the bill was intrislncisl info the annate thit the govepiiiiant loan tin fanners ga.inai.tam to relieve them from theif flnur.clal ui V,ci:l ie-. be cnicul:i:i, mat tlie run amount wou, null- jiav twiethirds nf a iiiiii -n each dolfiT of western farm nioit::i . .. debts alone, or iu other word: . vvm.'i i onlv jwv the in- tere-t on tho.-e uiortaiiKus fur nve da) a. The sllirr mil. The s'lver bill. t. w ls-nding In enn FREE EXCURSION. Stiini'lliiiiy,' new for our fit- izons is a (rent (o nfivc inilfH liilo over (In1 clfftric rnilwny y nil pi'i'sons purcliiisiii".' n dolliir's vvorlli or more of i'ooils from Ittislir liros. Ai: Wrijilit on u rtl ; i vv .M.i.v 1 (H li. nml ilui'iny, I In' vie k ( 'oiiiliiiii- pi' iisiiri' I i.v ari'fptiiiy tliis .o Hlofk i foinplrli 111 the mutter. It iliT that the lllitl?" if four n'nt a half 1 all -iiwr tiuit in that time t I on i Jiusa i.rirt iu ui a . U -.1 bad no remedy 1 to think the caae gress, will not : i m would take nil the , can com, at 'he in e millions a inmi.ii. the mine can pr .... jmy one yeurV it.;, r lll'is, stuns .-Iln.' tha borrowed. The t . In tirotse. and t-u . of the farmer.- in l . 1, CONFIDENCE MEN Fleece Weulllij Kent urky Farmer Out of .l.nim in snort onUr. KliHin.Asivii.i.i-.. Kv., May 4. Tlie newest vlcliiu of the Issun fever ii Fountain Land, one of the largest land owners of Una c.-mtv. who ha Wn wai dnne.1 out i f .hKi in caxh hv s . - . . . . : rwn counuetice men, vno wnrkisl til I n so inonthlv aud att 'ccsstnllv that several hours elaiiaed la-fore he could regain hia seii-nosaeaaioti anil let Ills 1 lieu, la know the facta. A well dressed stranger visited Mr. Land at hia residence nenrlv llanley and jirojaiseil to turn hi. laiua'cle farm into tint line hy vrerttnu a tine on leate which would tiny him a giuirniitee uf ficiiaJa year Intcrc! on jtLmiO. The Iota would bring fa'.ui una nrlcea. and laitn tiarllee, while uMing the cause nf education, won 1. 1 la enrlclnsl. Land fell into the trlli an. I came to the Farm era' National bunk and diew out t,',,VKi. tne nauiriict or lit- laim. tellinir tin. aahier thut a clu ck would not do. as he feared the party with whom he Wonid invoat it would Inn k mil. He then went la N,.and. Wilmnre A a.-ars' bank, where In- d-nw out a..Vai. With the jri.iMSi in hi- t,. ...'et he itmve home, where he wa- n, relieved of the money. Ilnring In- absence in town the slick otiernlot w.i. reinforced liv a confederate, who held tlm monev while the ptijwri wete drawn securely. He left abrutiily, and the fir t juirty tnld Mr. Land that thev ,,'tli Un roblaxl. and to tiuisine the nun al would be at tlie risk of their lives. I.titul wa left on the turnpike, and moii f. and his partner in the l iu gone to join tlie bcasidle-holder. 1 he Hair tuis-ed thrnntrh ber at r, 'cha k. ami dim e iu a buggy to Lexing ton. I.titul is n succeaefnl farmer nf ilV who neeiimiilaled I.IKKI acres of Unri l.v hard work. He trentr. the whole anbjeel lightly, while his sons are working tlie iviiee iu every direct ton. Iron Mills Kulil o a Rynillrate. WllKKUNij. W. Va.. Mnv 4. Tha ra. Mirt that the AiUm and HtandArd sheet iron mills ticrosa tho river from this ritv are almut to la snhl to an English svndf cate, has Ki'ii cinilirincd. Thebtatidiud nidi ia nU, ut to lie m,i for ikhi,ishi. I lie (iiliiial stis k I;. tl.'ill.llOU. The mill icareii nis.'it fim.iMsi last year and em- ployes ulmnt imi hiiitil.-. The sviidicule tiers 7nll.tKKI for the A.lun nn, nil il... stiHtkholder except two in the Hiuiuuu-j Umvb signed thu Usjienmuiit to eull. The Aalu-vllle C'lllat'll Ulvc-N The latest Incnl news. The frealicst Stntc news. The la-al gencriil news. (iciienil anil special coninicnls. The largest aubscriptioii list nl any iinr tmiKT in t lie Mate. The la'Nl udvcrliaimi medium in the Stntc. A lull stall'of nblc editors mid corres pondents, I lie netitcst, newsiest nml must enter- prising piiH.r in Nin th Ciirolinii. Ita ellorla are nlwavs ilrvoteil to the plmildiiig nml ilcveloimicnt nl' the re- aotircca of the State, nirtiiularly the W'catern section. Subscnnlion. $0 tar iitinum: $3 six months; CO cents per mouth. I'lillovviii';'.. tiiul prulit opportunity (lie fit y is niori I'liilinifiiii; ninny novi'ltii's iu Press (iiiot)s.'l rininiiiiji's. o 1 ions. lints (liii' jnli nt X. Y. prices), nml slmesto suit tlie most tiisti'flil. I'olite nml lie foiiiuioililt in"; corps of sules nieii to slmvv you A invit.itioii to nil. Xu. 1 1 X. Court Sipinre. AT THK TH EH ICKORY INN," HICKORY, N. C. A POPULAR WINTER IIESOIIT. H A ft m m r. e a u Avcrj;c W'iii(tr Temperature, 52 Decrees. The llut.l is li.'iinlsoiiiely furnislied tliroiifilioiit, lins Klei-trif Liu'lits. (Ins. Hot nml CoM W'nter Ilntlis, nml nil tlie foiiveiiienees of n iiioilern Ikiiih-. For tiTins. etc., mi ll ress FRAMK I.OUGIIUAN, Proprietor. TAYLOR, ROsL'IS cV IIRO'IHKRTON, hnl( mill- ftnil ' clail ! Hlt rn in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, STOVES .Vc, Th cnlin- tt k Plalctl Jewelry, I nil ii lint; Iinr ItnuKlu-K. ttuttitis timl Hnu- l t. nt l-;j-ONE-THIRD 0FF!-l-;5 Kt'uartll. iti iiit, 111 wi nit iil 111 Uiv hittirt ( k-i iitti hiii lint Si'liil Mtil nti'l SiiTlint Silxrr w li v. ARTHUR M. FIELD, IFiniHIR IFWFIPR : kknuniu Jkllkkkil, South MhIu St, Aailu-vHIc. W.A. Ul.AIII. .1. V. I'lfOVV.N. FlRMTl'RK AMI INDICRTAKING. No. 3 I'nltoii At-iiui-, M .FEE BLOCK. OPPOSITE BLAIR S OLD STANO We nie now 1'cinly. nml in vite our irii-mls nml the puli- lic Lienernlly to enll nml e.- Mlllilie our well selecleil stiii-k of V U R N I TU Ii E, Wliii-li we m-e ol'fcrinfi'nt rock linttoiu prices. I'liili'i tiikiii".' fenture. Culls nt temled ilny or niulit. J eleplione.ilny i.i,in.lit (i.j 1JLAIR Si liROWN IIlCATi:itS, K.VMdiS, TI.NWAKli SANITAKV N.I MI'.INi".. I'.A" AM' ST1.AM I I I MM., TI .' AM' Sl.A I li K ml INC. Al T 'MA TIC lil.l l TKK I'.AS LHUITIM'. AM'CAI.I. I'.lil.l.S,. AGENTS FOX "KOVAL" CAS M CHINE. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER WORK FOR MILLS A SPECIALTY New Storel'iuler Opera IIoiiNe, No. 4, I'Htlon .tic., - Aeilicvillc, N. C 1 :st iina tis 1 ho null 1 1 mm a 1. n nit v mi. in 1 ui i.ii.i-. I' as. I'r. -:.i. nt Iv r.lia.iNs V 11 . - I'o -nt nt W At Al.l.x Vsiimokii, Secretary. Allison, Tri'iisurer. THE COVENANT liLII.DlNi; Ail LOAN ASSOCIATION, Ilt inc Ofltcci kmiwiixi:, ti:n. Aiitl.oi ly.c.l Capital, - - S25,00 ), l.l'CAI. 1-i'Ak:. AT ASIIliVll.l.i;: l, I "r--it nt tn . u rtit'!i!it Tiii:t V Tkkhi-.i 1.. S V Tren. I'. ,. Cl'MtliM.. At I fillU . M sNAGEO SOLELY BY ODD FCUOWS. BUT MEMBERSHIP OPEN TO ALL 'i ii in ii 1 .il I'lc-int-. I.eti'l fill 1.1. !ilf- .f KtiH-k nt U 1 nt ,i nt r'iMiiini im 11 die tt 'ttiiiU 1 ui . ttotii -1 I i.i ui . 1 iiK k iii-l iuil utul itfi mrk n whi. h n en1i itii U ml i p;t tl. nnii lu i in 1 i:i) il- iil'li n m . n . ar I ;.ii. tt nv Ik' wil ImIi a a 11 w illi 1 1 Mtn ! in I 'j jt r i tit 1 1 .it tt !. All m 1 uriti il imiui a till ihnr Nut tonal I :, in !,; a 1 1 ihio I ir tin th. r -ariutilmn (ill n N. T. noYAUI, state Aicciit. 1 ttnuxiy tMlu for n H w iln' nt layltir. iitii K I'mtlii-rtnii h. No. 4.'l I'attnti vv. FITZPATRiCK BROS. & ROBERTSON. IcnUrfiu Wall !Mir, i iiulo .iaU -aiicl rau-ut liaii-vriN, l.tini. on unit unth-M, M:t.tii ' .Nturil I'liiti'- hm 1 tiir W iimImv i;ink( lnti. Inriih ninl A nn tl tail A t k-iil lHk St Ie4iillaiii ki tltiK-k l. rrtiAilt SPECIAL SALE I RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R, CO, I'ASHFNIlKN IKI'AHTU KMT, Wi'atrm North Comllnu Illusion I'AHHKNCliK TWAIN SCIII'.lil' iln KrPMi-T Mnr.h a:n 7.-tth Mi-rtilinii linir iiih-iI is In n not uthrrwlM inuii'nri. KASTIIOI All. I No. (It I Nn. B.-l I I luuly. i lnilly. I V. Kil.iwlllr. i " i' I sniiiml ani,-,nm ' Aslii'Vllli. I I'J.'irniin I UO-' I Ar. Sallsltury, n.Vlnlll I14'.'iml niiiiviiir. 1 iiiiuiim 1 in uiitm i Kli hmonil, f 3 flopm A I nam I ' Knli'iuh, inflim "7 3onm -' lloliUlmrii, Hli'im luriopni ' VVilinlnuton miiiititl j ' l.vnrhluirir, lililiiinii:f.iniim ' VViishliiKlon ;iiiinil ll.'ttliiml ' llnltlitinri', Mrtlinnl NUT.iiinl ' I'hilii.. UOiill 1 1114.7am Ni York. n Ui'umi I llfoptn! H'llariiol'NIi. I Nn. (Ill I No. nv I I mlly. I linllv. v. Nrw Vnrk, 1 1 2 I nm f 4.1iiim I'hllll ., 7Joninl Iin7ini ' llallltnori', I 11-lnnml tl.'lliiin ' VVnslilnKt'nl 1 1 a lam 1 1 1 olinni 1 l.ynihliiirit.l n4iiini no7nm 1 Kli-hmoiiil, .'nn i,ml U.'loaml " ' I tun villi-. ( MKIiiii " hll.-.nin I 1 VVIIinlnut'ii I no, m nil i " lloliNltoro, I ii.'liiim niiliiinl 1 Kill. IkIi. I 44iltml looanil Hnllslttirv.- ' lu-l.lioti 1 1 1 tin. " Ar. Aahrvlllr, I 7UUaml 4UJinn ' Knoavlllr, i until ini r. i 1 1 u 1 (linn I at ynpui N";, I A. ft 8. H. K. I No. n4 '"Hy- I I llnlly. Moll nnill.v. Hot Hiirlnoa, Arrhilpm tl 1.1 ninlArr Ashrvlllr. Air I Ton i, n. tooll smlAr. Ilrnilrraimvlllr, nn7 i, m i ?-i iiiuik. i.t. a o n m MI'KI'IIY HHANl II. No. 1 lllally cacTpt Henitsy.)l Nii.'lT II HI Bmll.v. Aahrrlllr. 1.1 .'inn... IIIHninlAr. Wiivnrarllic. " i inn i. m tfiipin liiyann Ulty, "ti4nntii l4.npm" WratHi'ld, I.V.I (llllll m Noa. no nml Al. Pullmtin m,.n.n ii. ri'i'naliMrii nml Morrlstown Noa. nil nml na liillinnii ItnlM. m.M.lH.. t'liia iH'tHf.!! Mot Htirlnua nml Wnahinulin" nsnrvnif' is nri'nainai ninllon lor No. no " lilnmir " 'i na' lll.soryls w. A. WINIItiNN, II. I' A., Aal,l.wllla U .. JAH. I.. TAVI.OH.M. P, A., wnaiiiiiKtiin, I) C. PHIVATIHOARn. NIIW IIOIIHIII NHWLV I'llHNIMIIkll ALL MOIHIKN IMI'KllVKMKNTH. MRH. N. R. ATKINSON, . ... N, Sll Hey wood Htrrtt, Wr arc n.oi i.ll.-ritic shi l.-il l.tiiL'ains in rvi-ri Ilium hir liuvrr, MM. .1 II. Ml ilYI'.I.L, ,s i,.. in. tin,, hi i i.i nn- niniiu in sin Itooni. in iina. in null t-vrrvlMiilv IX i In. i i s in an- llnil Low I'rii.s iln .in.ti 1. 1 liflp u llllll tlnv tlinll n ttlM tol.nivo VVriin iii.w -.lliin.. .a i llitnliai nl Clour anil ilrnsa Niv.l, ami rsiml u. It. M-lliiin on tin litilli inr loinl ol i) r v c; o o it s It.ff.t tlu Mint., in A Iiav .iiii m Mm'- lltuvv H uwnv 'm-Ii rw. hikI mir MuiitttiHi Mutt Imi .iiiiint fj t iM.-iu , ttf rhintH-Nt hHim- i.n itrth .liti'4l AnMit tit 7."e iiii'l 51 llntat !' . iin.1 ti .il m miv nth i iltui. thu mil nliiiiitt v it. i;M ll Wl'A ICMIMAI'i: MIi-. t- tin h....m. mth nl) the hi'iiirm. Wr mtlv mciitl.m llti in .nun lluii wr nit- tin i;im nl ittiii. with ihi- AIIi.iikv immhIi- ntn nre hIImii: thtiti lm k it kihhI. Anlievillc Or? GoocIh Co., I. II. llllVVKI.I.. Mnmik-rr. .VI olil stnllil, 1st lion. In l.i w I'lllllllllllll iV I'o.-s llnnlunri ; HOTEL ST, ARMOND, t- SKVI.ANII MINI H AI. StKIN;s, N. C. IClKliI Mili-N iSoulli ol' Alivlllc, oh tlie A. Ht'H. RMllrond. In MINIiKAI. SI'KIM'.S. Til li ri.MiST SI'k-INCS SOI Til OI-' SAKATlHlA. I In niiiili-ls .i,.. i.,. Alnni. Kiisinil, Mimiiisln nml VVIillr Hulphur. 1'iiim KIiiiimiii- Usui, III, mil IHm iim s, ij -is i.Ih, I11..111111I11. Nirvms Aflii-llona ami iall khlnrv t',l....i. L'otiiiiiiiih hinist' iiml momnl.. (.'iii.Iii, I'lirllinl. Tiams nnsunnlilc. Aililrras 12. A. LcVENE, "i'rft '"' Muiiaift-r. MUSICHOUSETALK I KNOW Tlmt liny limn nmv write for rntiilotrtieH. uriii-H nml terms to the nininifnet urers nml iiMisic lioiLHcs of the fount ry ; I KNOW-Tluit tlieSTICI.WVAY PIANO is the Ufkliowl- ciIkviI Stiimliml of tlie woi lil, nml thnt I have, the np-iiey forit. 1 KNOW Thnt I luive OruniiH nml Piimon roiilinunllv in slock to pleiiHe nil Iioiiii llilc piU'clinr-eiH. KNOW Thnt, I nin nnxious to jileiiw ovei-yliody with ni.y pi-ici'M ainl nil ASK Ih that, yon give nu a iriul. Ce FAIK. 3S North Main fit,

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