ltiJ!'y..,' ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, MAY (, 1800. 1: i I s Is WITT'S SPECIFIC. A troublesome, skin disease ciiuecd mo to Bcnilch for ten months, mid him been cured by lew duvi use. of 8. 8. H. M. II. Wolff, e: ; j ' ippcr Huriuoro, ,ui. SSf Swift pecific. rl wiw cured severm years nt'n of hlte NWPllIni! In my lea bv tin- use of . H. 8.. mid huve bad no sviiinloins of 0ay return of thtt iliRcnio. Many prom Went plivnicliins attemlril niu nud ull failed, but 8. 8. H. did the work. Paul V KutKPATittrK, 'X' Johnson (Jltv. Ten. TrcatlHonn Blood Skin Disease i(: mulled free, ij Bwil'T Spwii'tr Co., ' Ailmitii.Gii. i a.iiic-i v i'A'( U'tiSSK KA L CA A7 W. fe.$A. S. GUAHA9I, f . .... DENTIST. 1 OHfcc over J. II. Kaw'K Stntv, SutiiU Main $rx'i Hlnvt- , Hairiu'tiiiK gK-'v. ." " w" K,,w r"4 SNltliiK with Hilvi-r ir niiiitlenin .oiie m".ti f.'r'' rj " $l.lMiintil upwind. nt ti i'th t.nn. p apt mt ir teitu $s.ut. V",'' Mo Itfttcr ttunlr, no mutter wjml yim pay. ,y. attUhl'iu'timi KiiariinUTil. ,;.-TiK, l. F. AItUIX4iT. v' flltit-f runiiiH uit t'uttoii Hvt'iuu', over tin Cloth 1 1 IK Htnti- of C. I'. ItlJIII KMI .V Co. , Hcftitliiuv t'ormr oi Wiinihiil nud Locust '( Tll. I'. !).VHiHn. l s. A. nKs, AnI rvl'lw 5- .si villi. ' VliSoN' 'AKTIN JONKS. ( Attorney tun! Cniini-,lnr. ut l.n w Adicville. N. v.'. Will prttiliv in llu- 1 till ii:nl t'Jth Judicial iMciru-tK, 'ii l in the Siiiitt iiif Court North Cttfttlinu, tint) in llu- Fedi-ntl Courts oi the 1'. Kcti-r to lliink nt AkIipv ille iltwl St V A TKNNHNT, .-Architect and Cti(ractr. PlmtK. HH'l'llit'iltliH ;llll tur. italint. All work hi my hit- t-oiit r:i trl hi, Mll no t-liitrui-4 lor tlrrt in- fnt i-u l s wiinlt'ii mt-. j(ficn mvM when ih-in-tl. OMiiv; N". 1'J llt iitli .MIm k. Nnrih (J nirt quun. Attlifviik. N il vl.i'i'iv J. W. ROI.I.INUM. Veterinary Surgeon. " I will prm'lui- ill till ciu Mirruiiinliim .Cllillry. iltl'MVIll W. I'. Illinium .V Oik's Kl.llili-. 7'S nth Main nmt't. m I St ii. m;i:vi:s. n. n.s. ! 11. h. mii ru. i. i.s. ; J Iri4. Rtt viH V Kiuilli. m;KT.ti. I'I'I4 I'. In c M11.1II.V llltiM'nw. omt iU-.iv i' s. n , rul inn A vi imu . , T-lll I Xtl'll''llll VMlllHIll IHIMI. ' it 'I III 111' AlUlkllii tic, ui"t nil lit il i.'v'iilii' H y reru-il. .'.t.ut - IMV, t. II tt. 4vfnur ritiil Mnm miitI. i-- r .... : III-II1HI l-l K-liL'ltillV UIHCHU..Sli'i' .s IWM. R. PENNIMAN, Zi CKlll-NIHTDKIir HE ASHEVILI.E BRICK WOnKS, AnIivvUIc, N. C. I. . Ilm I. miri:tilly MOTHERS 1 AKEsfHAsy I LESStNS PMr,fR 70 LIFE 0p BRADFIELD REBULM; K iM. ATlA'nAr tote of ml; W'll'JH K:'I V ABSOLUTELY 8AFE I j PERFECTLY ODERLESS! turn In any Limp without dtnnnp of f xploding or taking lira. Sea that you 01 ma genuine, r or taia oy BALTIMORE UNITED OIL CO., AttllkVII.I.K. N. C. ac4 ilfkwly F, W. VESEY & SON, FLORISTS, rrrtih(MifHM, Nil, tit ClimtntilnlU'vt. I Nnw rrnth', frr-h, htitlthv IWihlliifr f'ltmtii M variety, drlhcred to ntiv piii t ii thc-My( 1 2 KOCK QUAKUY I'dit ki:nt. Apply Hi II" illirlim till' Im miiIiiu ti k In Ji nt 1 1"' Km k Ijmii'ry ml tilt' iiii"ltr ulilr f the rlvir, ll 11 r llu Inm li iilur mill t In- NIMt TliNIIMItVT lint !i.h liiir by A kimjiI rock mini run M' " " liiln. NATT ATKINSDN K: SU.N. niiir'Jll illt . Tl. ANTIC fKAHT I. INI' ' till mill llftlT (III. ilnlr llti hilttiwlitu i'liiit ib will Iw tun iivi't lin"t'iiiuiiiliiii iMvWim." ; m. oil lmivv. ininmiiiii" n.vo p. in ' ( ArHvv. 111 Chntl-l..n II Mil n. in ,1 . Alt t-nvrii t.'hnrU'iiiiin, ,.. 7.10 n.nt. 111. Arrive, nt Cniiiinliln tlnnn. 111. I iCunnrrtliiif wlin irnina in nml it-oin 11 1 1 im liir I'nnrintU', ( ui Iln An Vtfi mill t'uliinililn M llrvnulllt' Knllriiuiln. ItMHHHdN. 0. I'ana. AkI. lflTT'S gjjl E asimlUSL UUVINlt, 0B. aupt. POWER OF SHORT WORDS. H'liu nuthor holn a.skcj if wmoouM write m fuivibly In inonoH) lltil)lea as in words of k-iiKtU, at oiu'o wruio the fulluwing lliii'u:) Tliiulc not that strength Ik'a tu Dm big, round wont, ' or ihuL thu hrlt'f unil pluiii iiumt tW(U Im wonk; Tt niMnn fun tliitt lit- ti no who oiiii" tins lMunl Thi rry of lifljH-tho wtn'tln tlmt all mnii Hnink tVht ii wiiiir, or w(m nr Tcur Ih hi tlu thii mt, Ha Mini fueli won I luK'lx'il uut litio a wliriok rrt-HKfil t'rum thu heart, ur us a nt range, wild not. Run; hy Hnim fay nr fleiult Thuro in a NtrviiKth Which ilifH if Blii-Mieil hm far, ur Hpun Ihi thic, Wliicli hnu niuru h.'initt Until luvmlth, muro lie j. ih tluili lett.- tli. U'l lull tliis ttirei' of Ihoirrht ni) Hcicli Ih nilnt And liu thut will limy tuko thu hleek, tut phnwt', Which .'tIuwhiuiiI burns not, though it k learn nd ttlitiu's; T-tu'ht lut ixit iieut, n flash wtllnuit a Itliie. Ntir Ih it naught but utiiiKlh (hu Khort word It McrveK lar nioro lluiti wind or Kttirin enn tell, Or riturtil' wjnt's i:at tlush n nek IkhiiuI lhui.hU; Tho i-ra-sh of (nil trees when thu wild wiutbi Tin) roar of" Jims; the groans or men that dio On tilitud stained II Itls. It has u voieo iw weil For them that far ott on their sick InsIh He; tor them that weep, for tlieui that mourn tho diwl; For thiiui that dunco, and . laugli, and clap the hiuiil To Joy's ipilek step, ns well as Grief's sac tread; Tho Kweet, plain words wo loam ut first keep l nuts Ami i In ni tell the theme Ih Had, or t'ay, or 'rand, Willi riu'li, with nil, these muy Ihj iuuiIo toehiuirt. In thought, ur sptveh, or sung, or prose, or rhyinu. Dr. Addison Aicxundur. TACKLING A DUllGLAI!. 'Tu ns ji'st about tbo limn w o wiia a' wi'i'piu' an' a-wailiii an' n.isliin' of our ti'itli, In spiak pur.'iKiirinilly, over the ilisap'ililini'iit of our liopcn, that MiHH I'i'till-li poppt'd down on iih "liko a wolf 011 tlui full I," us Jiiiiailmn said. (She boxi'il bis yrars fur it lliuu;:b, mid then be pulli'd nlf her artillciiil lau, 1111' tboy il, an' lit, an' xkriiuiiiiwd round, an' I'm afi'ari'd lamed tin1 rat I'll r lil'u by t r i 1 1 1 i 11 on brr li ft hind laii nforo I bad tinii' to ask brr to lay oil' brr but Mish 1'i'tilishos bat, not I In- rat's.) Hut at hist. afiir tbi'V KalloiH'd round I lit n mm fur trn iiiiiiiiti'n or wi, Iftu a I'OIMlh' of I'llllH Willi till) blillll Kt.'lKJI'I'rt, Miss IVtilislii'H bivatb niv'' out, an' hI' U'aii tow bi'io; an' xnlinallybi' lopn'd down into tlin blK woodi'ii rorkiT, nil 1 i;ot it rhanis' to nay bowily. "Wal. I'vi; lii'rn tullabli' mywlf," tuiys niu', "but A in .11 hain't bu n mint' too will. His I'liiistiiiniii'v wan't ni'ViT mnii' 1 if tin' stioii 'st. vou know, an' I'm uli and lie's a-nin' to r,it suiiirthiii ki'I'oiis. Iti'H hi piiwi'iiui narvv, vou know, Wliv, w In n he's n i'opviu' koiih' papers, nr a-vailiu III his law Inniks, bv ran i abide llle Ir.lsleM lllileuf lluisi', an 1 bev to K" into the next room to prac tize on in v liilairb. An' luebliu vou wouldn't li'lii ve it, lleliiidy," Kiyii hi' "but if a lillle romp ny drops 111 nn wi happen till'llt it 'II in I a lillle. je.t for fun, like 1. 10 ami Mr. l:ere, be ark kbillv nils in a temper, an' raivs an' piteb' .s. an' hom linies lie ensi-es a libit streak, il ive run a'in liiselUnv, or jofj fclr llilll. (Ill, he's pit a verllll telll r, A.,ii n I.. I-! I oflen feel sorry (Juiu nllv lias ,11:1 rri. it sii Ii a teuiiu ralt' man, but it's too late to 11111I11 Hie luisehief linii." After wt' hail eat KUpier, ,liniathoii kivh: "tsivin' vou'vi' not loinp'iiy, I'm lindv, I in l.'Ul 1 111011I as well I'll i'vi r an' tend the r.imiers Lyanre. An' h;ih I: "(i 1, if vnu're 11 mind ler; but don't net ilou a on a lo an' (," to sleep ooinin' boiue, like you ilmiu Hie last timo you Went. "N'n danger." kins he. "I'll ridoolo I'.iesuax this lime, an' if I lingo toslisp be ll feteb Hit Inline sale an sound. So hu went an' saiMled his naj nil' rid nw.iv. liave bad went away that evening to mh lin ker, nv. r on Ai;er lull, tin wnn'l a eeniiii' biiiiiu till thu Hex' day an' i we put .Miss l'elili-li lirshsp with I.iza Ann. Wi- didn't none of us set tip very late, and 1 bailn't lilore'n Kliin.isl otf when I beared a uiiare noise in the kitrbeii. I l.noweil 'tivan't tint eat. fur I bad put her out last Ihini; afore I laid down, nil thinkses I, "li's a burglar, suru sin it." While I was a-sttnlyin nlsiul It I.iza Ann an' Mi-s l'elili-lieoinen-bus'bnt;bi, us bile us Iwu sins Is. "Ob, niaiv,,Ms Liza Ann, "tiler's b, mil l In the Litrhen? I kin hear 'em u xteppiu' round an' a stealiu' mini1 thin' out of the eiiplsuird." An' w ilh thai I jiiiiiM-il up. "J. mat lion's wallet is on tin' tup shelf, kivb I, "an' il'(.'ol n silverdollaran'two bits in chank'e lulu it,' An' I Kiiiiilnil I he lamp In onu hand an' Joual lion's walkin' sliek in I be t oilier, an' Hluiied Inwards the kit 'In n. "I oine nil! Kild I. "IMb if VoU keteli up a wii'Ihiii of ixniie kind, nil help me tai'kle him. I le'll Iv skeured of no nianv w iiinn in. " An' Ann jerked the Issitjaek from ilinler the K''l, an was a-loiierm me, trombliu' like a leaf, but il. larininiil to save her pun 's wallet or piirisb in tlieat- tenip. lint Miss IMillsh kelebt a-liolt of tu both, an' htiiiK on fur deur life. "Oh," says hIiu,"U you Koiu' to tackle a RtraiiKu biin;liir with only your nlKbt yow nds onl' iMeblsi lie' a baebeliler un' onmarried." wins she, "nn' I wouldn't like to make Ids ai'ipiaiutaui'u w ilhuut my dress 011. "Hut he'll Kit away," nay I, "If wt atop to dress." Hut she wouldn't hear tu nulbln',w we rIvo in, an' slipped on our drosses an started nn in. Hut Miss lVtillsli wasn't ready yet. "1 ain't i(nt Hiv hli.K'S on," says she, "un' I woulilu'l ko buriTuoti'd fur 110 uioney, I was powerful uneasy, but I waited, "Now, come oil," say I. Hut inullil of riiinln on shu llew over to tho liureuu an' Is anti In smooth her hair an' III her bniiKs an' even turk a Hliu-ch ban out of her p.s'kel an begun to iHiwUer her furo, An' tlu ro was mu tin' Liza Ann on pins nml needles fur fear tin) burglar would gll away, an her a-powdvrlng an prink In' bin) si in was tfoln' to a play parly, or was gill in' ready fur a full iln'ss desep tiun. Jest think of HI An' t'onie tu hsikat her, she hadn't put un thu di'is sho wnro down, but had slipped on her new pink lea (town nlio had lining iiloiiu; In cimhi tin' wan any tblnn Ki'lng 1111. 1 swan 1 was mad. "Vou kin Knur slay," says I, at last, "hut 1 ain't it-uolu' to stand hero an' bo robls'il no Inline!-." An' I started iik'Iii. "I'm n eoinlu'," says sbtf, "but I cau't find it stiek of nn kind." "Take thn poker," says I. "Oli, no," says she, I' 'Iwouldn't bo per- lite to hit him with a poker. I'll jest take this feather duster, an I kin jabliim with tho end of it." Now folliij' me," says I, "un' koep close." An' we crope alotiK, still as mice, to thu dm ir, an' I opened it as easy ns 1 could; an', la! thorn stood tho burglar, shore an' sai l in, right hy thu cupboard. 1 was pow'erlul skeered, but the thought of Jnnathon's wallet give 1110 strength, an' 1 rushed at hsm nil' hit him 011 the luigH with the walkin' slick. '(iit onto' here," says I, in stertorous tones, "or 1 II call the nu n folks!" An' lit that luonieul l.iza Ann throwed tho l it jack and hit mu in thu small of thu bark. Il hurt liko sixty an' took my breath away fur a nnmitn nr two, an nloro 1 got it bark ag'ill Miss IVlillsli rushed up an1 tluiiwed herself Into the burglar's urms. "Ob, oh!" says she, "I'm bo skeered!" An' then what do you think tho burglar says: "Ural it all leininu go! Do you want to soiiash a feller:-" An', bless you, if it wan't Joiiat lion hisselfl '1 swan to I'eler," says he, "if you wiinmcn folks hain't a passel of lonuy- tieks, u-what'kin' a man an' tumhliu' onto him that away I A budilv inoiit as well bo killed outright us skeered to death!" says ho, as rrabbid as iSum Hill, Wo all fell mighty sneakiu', hut 1 wan't a-goin' to let on. 'Whut did you conio homo so soon fur?" says I. "An' how did you git in thu kitchen when tho door was locked, " An' then it was his turn to look sheep ish. "It wan't tho night fur tho meeting, after all," says he, "an' 1 jest rid over to Seth SiiH't'ses an' back, an' I smirk in through the sillier, sns to not wake you up, an' got mu a bite to eat, till' had jest UhiIc a mouthful of pie, when you thumped me oil thu laig an' Miss 1'etilish tumbled into my arms an' tried In hug Die." Sho tuck j oil fur a burglar," says I, "an' vou orl tu Is- thankful you got ulf as well as you did," Miss I'ol ilish sot down on the wood- box an' laughed till sho cried; but 1 sorter suspicion sho was a lectio grain disap'iiited to think it wan't a burglar, after all. Hut no nioro at present. lldindy Hhiegrass in Saturday night. Primers' Olil Mum .. No class of liieii is so fond of old .hoes as printers. It isn't that they wear old shoes, lor they don't, except w hen stand ing at their ruse. 'I lieu Ihey either in case Ihoir fis'l in shoes of thu most dis reputable chaiaeier or have one or more pairs of shoes thai a ragman would siiilT at stuck under their frames in such a Hisitioii as to attract instantly the atten tion of all w ho enter a comsising room and who lire Hot ot il. Everything bIkhii the new roinKsiti room of I'll" Times is in the most admi rable condition, except the slus's. Tbo same old slus's thai disfigured the old frames in the old i'oiunisiug r.s mi orna ment the new coiiiHising I'ihiiii. When the printers liiariiied upstairs, cases ill hand, they inarclic.l doun again and re turned, shoes in linn. I. They liked the new room, with its w hite walls, its lofty roiling, its nhiiiiilaiire of lir lit and air. There was absolutely imlhuig hi com mon 1s t wis h it and old shorn, yet llle printers lisk great cure that not a siuglu old sins' should be deserted, and the new comiHisiiig risiiii of Thu Times contains just as many old shoes as did thu old eoiiisi.sing room ill lis palmiest days. Tim printer likes comfort dining tho hoiiisof toil. Old sIuk's incaii comfort to him in I he fullest sense. 1'rintcrs' I11L. Ovrniwn IImIiI1ii lu IVumI Iii.lltullons, The lash has never been ulsdishcd as a means of discipline in s'iial institutions of licruiiiuy. Ueiicrully they tint) a thong twenty Inches long, fastened to a liaiidlii a yard long, lhu lush is thick est at thu end. The thickness varies ac cording tn the provinces. Hut the small est lashes are two inches thick. Only in Saxony aru lhu dimension tiXcd by la tho handle Ihcre Is iiiglliirly-nine Inclu-a long and the lash thirty -six inchc. Thu maximum iimiilvr of blow' is left to lhu judgment of the prison directors, but il must not exceed tweiiiy-llvii lii Mecklenburg and Oldenburg, thirty in Saxony nud sixty in rrtissia. Hie (ionium s nil. nliary regime pro vide still anoi her means of repression, namely, conlineiiielit In veils, the walls uud floor ot which are covered with slinrp point, In (lies they put prisnu or dressed in woolen, with nolhing but socks 011 their fis t. Tho cell contain 110 chair, Is ncb if Is-d, and after a cer tain time lhu prisoner can neither stand up nor liu down. Hi Issly ami fivt hliisl everywhere, and for a month after lie is lei mil he cannot walk. Snob coil flneiiieiil w as ri sorted to Ui I'riissiu fifty six linn's during l1. and of the Miller- er filteell were wonieii. A Nnrwrululi tiirUntiH. i'n.tuiii, Ther I a very curious of 1 Norwegian riistoui, which, 1 lliiuk, lias ilied nut, excepting, iH-rhaps, among lhu country )coplu. Oily folks lose old cusloiiis lirst, and new customs obtain last of all among lhu country isnple. The custom 1 sts'iik of is for some icron to Is- selected, w bo sits clad In skins in I ho mi 1st of a I lining, with a iHiiuleil bun. llu of slrnw In bis mouth, while the others ibiticn around him. Thu straws sticking out by his ear were suppimcd to represent tlui bristle of a I war, and hu typitled thu vlclim of thu sacrillcc. ralvs-Curtu, Will-never WIIII11111 E (llail.ton rntrlim onlil b ill urn's g'Nsi In IhsL Till, hn ivon hi mis for lllio'ii yiitra. It Is an liili'ritliig fsnt not gi'iirrnlly kiuiwti thai lis wmtn his flwtlnti sil'hi's. siiimiiiii'lMg tlia iiiMiiiHiiin of istrhnini'iit In Wi In tsst. ThssiienMinf Sclilnn irulll, ths Italian - troniiuiiT wlii'ih0'ivi'rli'nin'S"rilis from tlinoto tliiin, Is lurgnly atlrlliutiihl to Hi k.s'iinos. of lit vlilini, which I sn kron that liucsn s).itii mi a plsui't whi'ii mini" as- truiKiniurs ssi only a liliuik .urlaeo. Tanisiign, tho grunt Immr, ws a Imitirng pnruir Isifors bl. miiinrknhlo siwnruf voloe sure rnrmlnl. Hn il.mi not favor hi. fnrniif orsft, liowi.viir, when hn Is no his ti avrlt. If a rtir ilninnmU wlist be reitaril ss tsi niucli Mr carryuiK 111s iruns 111, ixuinij .uuui dura It hlmanir with sll hi (lid IHns skliu John McKmigh, th i-anlillnr whnwua cu.tniuisl to ulsiiii kustiI over th Diirnalde inuiiiinii'iit In I'mvldimo, 1C I., wllhailrawn sbrr. mvinil nrsry now and Ilium "I fob lowwl yim at Nawbnrn and I will nut ilasort you now," mil tuiwi ny a rsunxui iruin re- ostitiy. II wna S'rrseiiy saiiw wun mw vs- osptiiai of ihiaMDMilrlcity, Ur. Latorlunhss lsn appolnto.1 nihilntor ploalputontlnry of th Hsytliin h'jiiibllo to tu oourt ot ru rfninra. lie is mu ninuanu nsgro, who lis long own known In ennnao linn with Ilm pulllli'! aQTulrsr of hi ntl Ulsinl. Till I Hi Drat time Hint Oraal Britain lis. counUid a iuhii of color ainonej tlis rasiili'iit dlpluniatlo corps acunxlitod to barouurb PRACTICABLE The rroposod Bailrnnds Connect. lug the Three AnioWcas. At Least So Says a Prominent American Engineer Who Haa Rpnnt Over Tlirtir Sl.mtln la Krpuiiniiltirin; In Cciitml Amortoa. Fliyalosl IMnU'iiltlaa nn lirniiler Than la Any Mtinntiiluoua Country Itui-knil by fiipltnl. City of Mkxico, May 4. Tho doslre of the Pan-Ainorlran congress for a great intwnntiotial railroad lino to ooa- nort North and South Anieriva soonis In a fair way of ruulization. The roronnois. sauce south from Pueblo, Mexico, to Tehunntopoc; then from tho Guatemala frontier through that republic to San Salvador, Honduras and Nicarnugua at fur aa Oosta Rica haro baen compluted by TJ. 0. Islibnin, the Amorioan enginoor who locntAd the Maravanc mid Iguar ridlronil iu this republic Mr. 1 chain has been absent from Mex ico City three and a half months, within which time, ho has traveled 8,3m) miles. He finds tbn proposed International line practical. He commenced Ins reeonnois- snncus at Oaxaca, where the survey of conHtrttotiou had boon mnde and traveled sonth and found a foast lblo line from the Guatemala frontier, whero concessions for a railroad front thn Mexican government had already Iwrn given, but the proposed interna tional rnnd through Ountemiila will hng thn Paelrio slope, rutting the Ouatomala and can .lose and the Uetamlou nml Port Chnniiierioo roiuls at right angles. In San Snlvndor the Acajutla railroad will lie closed. jtlr. lsham say the physical difficulties to lie overcome are no more than those of the ordinary rond in nny mountain country. He rncommenili the building of a three-foot or a narrow-gauge lino 011th from Oa xnca Pi rorresiioud with the narrow-gauge vstem in Mexico. In Costa Rica tho road ui" :t necessarily he taken over the eastern sloH), it offering Us difficulties to roach the isthmus una connection with the South American systems. Tliecomiwny pushing the reconnois- snnce is English and has seoured ooncus finns in the several states la Central America tbrongli which the road Is to pass. Its operlitlons have been kept Very (inlet, and it has only been learned tlie oier'ncrs have lieen in the Held in Central Aiio rira through my inter view with Ish iin, who iicrild the country to lie rich along the hue of tho projected rond. MARRIAGE AND DEATH. Two Dnnahter. Wetl,!!, nt Thlr Mnthsr' llsnrli tt. il liv II. r Hi'iiii'.t. RocKFonn, 111.. Mav4. One of the must peculiar we. l.liie cor. iiioiiiei, which ever tsik plnee in this city was solemn ize! Wedne-dHV. It was tho nmrringe nt their mother's death lsl. and at hor re.eiist, of Mary L. and Aliie D. Will, i.'iiiia to ( R. Smith, "f Chicago, and Walter D. Williams, of this citv, re.-pec- tu.'ly. Mrs. W llliiini. haf Wn sc-loiislv ill for so-eral weeks. When nlio realized that h-r end wns near she nl:-l that her two li'loved daughJers sheiil.l lie nmr riisl. The young men were -out for and soon after their arrival the soli-iim ceri monv was performed at the lswlide f the dying woman. The mother was perfectly crn-cioos during the cere- niouv. I mt soon gave way and lost con- sciuusuia. FRENCH AGCRCSSI0N8 On the Wl Cos., of Mvwrunnillunil Th Pveplo Complain. HAt.tPAX. N. 8., May 4. -The dele gate from Newfoundland nddresx-l tlis Halifax board of trade in regard to French HggTe Inns on the wot nsntnf the islnnd. Tlie hoard passiM reaoln. tions i'xpre"in.r sympathy with the ps. pi of the ! land in iheir effort to aeii tlieir constitutional rights, and relK'ig mion the imperinl Kovermuent to r. In v.. Newfoundland frotu a roliilltlon of af fair, which ha liwoiiieso'. Trouble oa Timgiie lllvsr. F( MT Ct'BTKn, Motif.. May 4.-lnt '!l. gene from Toni"ie Kver ageiiey give a iliscoiirsging neeuunt of affairs. The llldilins have M it sent their chll Ir.-n back to srlnsil a "bev nn inirs d t.. ,1.. and but very few Imve rntiirnwd to their fin ma. The white is nilo are Indust 11.1111 in circulating rox.rt and telling the lie linn they will "oii 1st removed I" an it her Wntion. The Indians av tin i" is no nsu in plnutlng rrop if h"v no. going to be sen away and roinnoll'sl 10 leave 1 hem. Tl ere is much dis a'i f.e- iia among the disvived rtsl in.-u. aid insiiv Isdieve .erioiis trouble will n-ult f r m the iiiuisiug of the Tongue Itivcr (.lieyeniise. Ou t.nngnsa Nnmrlonf. Ottvwa, Onl., Mny 4. The nn-t!i-wit t.;rritorle bill has passed the thbd leading iu tlie senate. Netii.tor rime's ameiiilment for kis-pi ig ho la a It is ntid kis'Hng (he dual hinvii e;ist intact was defealid bv a rote if -i' to 7. Tlis bill Mug lend the third time wna finally ps-we l after a prolongis! dlcn. Hon. Mir.ioii'i iiioiiii..ncriiulnsJlilU also passed the third rending. Threo teil.ti In alsmf. Kxoxvim.b, Teuii., Mav 4. In flnl Isirne county the residence of a farn cr tunned Holder canc'il fl'.e lale at nluht. Wheu dict'ere, tbs bull'tiug wa full ing in. Hlx children of Holder escnpisl, hut hi wife and one child iu th flanim. Their chi'vred mmnlii wart tiikeii from the run. In the morning. The cause uf the lire is iiiiknown, Slut V11r.l1 1 Ire, Ai hanY, N. Y.. Msv 4. The fira In ill Writ Albany st.s k Vnnl. destroyl 4tructurs eo eri.ig alnil "l acre of ground. Thel ls slsmt sMi,msi full iug iisin iliuN'eiv Voikt 'eiitiulUailriNid .i.iuiiii'' mid I'. I, K isiinnii. i'liliti'.o sniiilsi n Itnttl l'ster. Nkw V'.i'K. .tiny I. Van I'lmn Ic, a Vale graduate, lin 'til a si per for I'htncM' Huiitliiv nil. - I - h.'lurs. It la called The Oiu'ie-c Aih . . ile. MX of ita imges will Is- printed iu laigli'h for tin) iwiietlt uf the uacliels. Tlie I. siee t unieiilliiii. Vli'Kstil iiu, .',11-. . I. The tnreo .ulivenli.'li iitloi'tet! ".11 o 'tie ill favor ,if com limine tin 1 1" nit s)-liiuof guv aruiueul aid tor lutuu. Col. A. M. Va(llcirH New Hook. A COLONIAL OFFICER AND HIS TIMES Willi untie s of liir I't. 111 Ii met In. II. ill War In Hit Hollllltril uilolliis. Hi. li.lalall.i' nl liiv Htauip At t lu Noilli l ari.liiiii le llh iiii tea tif orlglniil iloi-iiiiitnia ni ter tslurv pult. Ilsln tl ; tlir Mt I'liliitors' War. t ic. I'm snli ltt J. N. MM4N tt t'U. Rll'lt Si.lM,. nptlUillw A REIGN U' TEHK.JR -t Rt'porMil l-'riiin tlie (.'heMaw Nsilini In th I111II1111 Territory. Nmw York, May 4. A Uerald speoial from Paris, Tex., says; liiforniiitiou reiieiies hero of a reign of terror flint prevails ut Lehi ,h, I. T ., a mining town of about 1 ,(J(i inli il'itniitd in the C.101 :vv uiilion, on the ,Mi.-Miuri, Kiinsii and Texas railway. There ia no t.n mi i;i 1 govei tun. nt and liiv l.or tl"i' I . tt .: "e 1 '1 -lii 'i' 1 ed there and 'ic klll'Wil ' .i.".'inllC" til ill. ).',, '111!) liulian ''iiities 1, re povo('!e..:t and Iho. u - f Duil.'d Ss.iii:"' are Ih .'.ai' i'd. LTr.lil a o-w ,'i'cus u-,"i ti.e.'e was a .-.em-bla. ice of onier, In.t I iie city ) '.ivlud was un. 11 died '.ii res',;n, buii,:( ifuriiiisl that if be failed to do so hu would be lynched 1 1 ih" .Hiiro of tho laws of the United Stiiio. , miiI tlielirliiiuroiiiiip', the vilest ol liipi r is sold. .'em'd'T is hy no mean- r.icoiuuMU, T'.eii' is a secret otlii'uis ui-in 1 1 tho ti.wii. sin thir to the Molly .tlagiiiie.-, tout t'leeiiates and terrorizes the whole populaiiou. There are some reapi'dnlac t siple in the place, but all they havo depend upon their silence, uud they ncpiirsi e in the luw lesa dtietls, lteci'iitly an H'lemjit was inudeto oriiiiiize a lniinieiiial govorn- lnenl, 1 ut tlie lawless eleiui'iit elected the ollit el'.. Last haiurdey night City Maislt: I Ii l i'its was miiriloml while tl in-.; lo lineal Jeuu Uemoud, a French miner, Arlxniin Stiigtt tleltl t'p, Tf'Si iN, Ariz.. May 4. The stage rniiiiui.; trui a Bowie to Tliomas wat stopls'ii by two ijte.irans. Express tinnier wis tsken and luisenger com polled lu HUiTciiiiui hi il' v.aunliles, NF..V3 IM tf-JIEF. A Ciiiiileii.iiiiini nt I.Uer -ting lli'in. on Viirloti. .Siiljki i s. August Si liiu.i.iel, New Albany, Ind., rnznr. t'hniles lliui'l. wna arrested at Chicago for onil e.i.' I. -ii. John M '1 , : I wife, Helen Diuivray, have ni,ris'i; t.1.1 1 ' 1 - ..ny e).arution. A. II. I b, of t in .ii(o, was awlndletl out ut Hi.u,..i i.oi'th ol property by Hire men. lieu. .Iuhii Ii. .Mitchell him ftssiiini'il th odliial puvjils of I lie pi iiBiiiii agency st Cobuubiis, ). Tho vl'altia!3i"n ete-e eiiciuuiaient Ii. A. H. v'.i. I. i d. .M. il. iliiiis, 111 Scaitle, de psltlll"Ut 1 .'l.i. itilifl. ' Alter tbr - ..'; .".ii. : . win 1111 ehdit-linur diiy, t:ie iiiiiiei-v' ..toieii.eiii to 1 lis sinus unit will l.e in:. .i.i.i'.l. At K'uiAviliu, lean., nil the I'nrpeiiters, both mil-' i.ii'l ii".. .iiiuii. nre on n strike tonight ii'.ii .' w :k snd leu hours' pny. Kdwi'r'l 1..I . a l'!i"'.i.:i river limn w-ss niiirdi'tv'l .' ui'i.tii.u ui Kvmisville, Ind., unit bis pi. .'-ii 011 tlie rnibuud track. I'lillinuii 1'ilnee I tr Snpei'liitenilent S.ssit.iK has ' ...'ii ri.;,' .si wi'h iuli-rl'eriug with I. c l-lci;(ivi' li.i.i. .use of eluiln)es ill Chilli,;.. I.nei. and w.iiii a clinnee to uudoths wort: o.' e..iiaeil in tin I., cat optioi, Inw !y hui ing a i-uiiud wilh it per luillul May -Jii. An ull-roiiiul tnlviiiiire has Issmi giveu to point 1 . pla.ul'eis, bricklayers nud iiins'in; su.t liini. liners vomited a day's work nt Vouugstowu, 0. Chin lis K. Viiu lil wns on Wi'.luediiy, Hi llei..i'tiiiig. Mi.-t,.. ii.uiid L'liilty of iiiur .ler in lhu ills! 11, .:,e tor sIuhmI iug jsliel it! Marshall 1111. 1 Ijiyiny Vli.i.-1-.-i-. Jaini's (;. Ci.ii.Hii-ii, of tiilnier rounty, W. Vs., committed siiiehle iis-fiitly in N. 'tv Mexico, lie i'S.i niierii ii'.l lii-ltlu by taking i.'tii.l.iiniiii ihrts years All Tie Initiaiin bloek 11111I Li: uiuhioits .-onl luinei-s nre ten nailing to sec wiiieh "iy the wn,(e wall, sliiles nfi. r c'lisultn tioii uf Hie luibitiiu suit lllineis 1,; . t.nnrs. Mrs. t'sliin Meyers, nl Covli.; t. a, Intl., who claims to he lite heir of I't'lev levtct, 'I New Vork, Is nnvsii'il on I lie el, urge of i.iUiiiliitf M.lJU troiu Uwai'il Hut hu ll ay, lleiiry f'nre, who with four oilier di is'iti'lues In oke jml nt Isuaiispni'i, 1ml., iwu week ag'i, wiu- rei'sptuivil at Marion, Intl.. and lui'tii'd wier tu tlis Is'giiii.port .lllit'i.. Kli'nli'th r-.her I fishing through the i'hiiIiiii, (., feint fur fi.iu from th .s-me nt I 'it'll l rt tsl. iihleb .lis mi ha pitiiuisi'd bur fur uiiuiiduuui npuu btui In sickiii'ss. Itev. Willlnm Haerea, who prenelied th fnlii'isl aerinon nf Ilniiirl Weltster. ilitsl at l.n ksi-iii llle, i la., i'liiii.-tlny. lie a as un 11 tl .0 11 usl uutwl i'u.l) U11 11111 Ui tuns uf .l.e iiein'ry. Tlie liniisas hoard of nillrond rotnniis loiurshits lerciitsl peiitions .luuetl hy ',ll.l liltll.el-s ol ( elltlril Klnlsss llttkillg f,,r lower m)" to t Im Missouri rivurttn enn pisMliu'ts. 'I lie It'vi convention at Vloksluirg illlrtili'tl colltl'leilis' it. I'te leree si stein, mil ri'-ilvi'tl In .!'. . ,nu.-:i ttti.a.siiu ste loll bill In repitll' tile il.tumgv tlnli ny tlie n cent IohmI, A "li of Prima Hn I'leiii., of ftoalten, lud . iluo.iii ui a hoi., whti'h Its wsa .,1-i'itnlug. His I stl en :4lit lii the sllri'lip, 1111I llu Miiimal Inn itoi, tb.iiii bun ft r luilf a uillo, ami iiilll. iiiig I. oil lu oiriis. e.My tlsrllng Uty, how we hnv lnlsis ui ill Im ui'"," rnul Ihe luii'liur nf I'. V. ttiitg, pnrtiiui"lef 11 sentence in ii tiioiitha 11 tliel ruw f.'iilsvlUe, li'.....ti. 1 In'ii l.r ty iivt'r.-iiin livr. Mini sin1 tlii'ppttl Uestl at na lis'l. Thiol. I'ty evening a cm I miner nnmod Kins fnr.'tlly wouiultsl anttther miner mined lit'Lanrey at ll.terrs' insl intne, iX units iilsivs I'vi. im'I.ik. Inl. hy iilkii.g li'ln 111 tb alslniueii with a pick. I inn it. 1. I..s. II Im. Just veiiif tn light tluil ih pnrty .1 t hliiesf win lnt wtik nlliinpteil 10 .1. ill-lie tl 1 liorllos Into the llllllsl slille. ttS'lit I.t'tier I'llln. k'tit Inst nil be ilesrri nml liail a terrilee eaperit'iiee, ui of lli psrl) ill lug ut 1 11 1 1 rl unit uv .sstlll Mr. I'owthrlv .re"rt his ayinpatliy 'or I hi els'. I i'"tir loot t-i. lent of th rr s'lilers, bill -ui-' "l".i' vlutli'li of lb bole litlsir pis. Oh hi will 1 iit' w Itsii th .nlstrer slut 1 e- il.'-; 'i "'it - nt I e toll. A h .till Is. H en n..i i.iug lor hliti.elf lis oau hen IttL.'i iglil or leu buiirs aa b may lean." COfi.'JRESS. line tltiiultitl noil I'enlli liny, III Km seiin'e The rvpitrt on Hi meal msliiils lot 1 -i , j. I ""l was lliiulr. Th iiklt.iu. n.limlil-tiatlvii bill Mil uolisul ls until ii. 1 J ti, nn.. 111 III lhu le test. A r lotion giving the ililltliiri 1. 1, .ut. Hits, tn.til.iys lor llii'iinth nisi, eiipi i ; o an.t ' y bill-wn. iilopletl 'I !.. nil 'I'ti'l I III u n.iislil rvtl nml I I ' a t'liitniieoits into. Tite Itll'IIUlIn I. ill ."I'M I'-111 I'lll IOK 'llkell tip, Uid nl &.I& p. lu. lhu buUMi siijum nut Hun Hit' MiMitlU'rn McilU'iil world "Mollui ' I'liiml" is grnwiiii! in favor ihiiiugluiiit thi'Siuilh ami is highly nv iniiiiii n.lttl bv nhvsii iaiis. Wc consiilc it inilis itsiii'lr lii iIioih' wlin know thev must puss through the iililcnl ol cllllil birth. Wiitc lli.iillalil li'igulul'ir 1 1 nil 1 m n , Athiulii, I'm.. I'or pnitiiiihns. Hy nil di iigijists. JAMI H I HANK, .-.ttl,l HS IS FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS A am I for Kiima I'mlt Wnolin Mills, Norlli Minn lililinl I jr A.llcYlllr, N. C MISCEU.ANi:orS. llolli (lie tiieiliiiil mu! results when vriii id ! lo,, is inl'rti; H is iloasnnt mil ri Irrslnii"' to thu ta-te, 1111. 1 acts enllv yi't proiiiiitly on thu Kidney, ivcr nml Jtowi'ls, cleanses the sys '.(in I'lli'i'liiallv, ilisiirls coltls, Iieail- trlics ami fevers nml cures liiiliitnul 'oiistipidion. Syrup of Fij.'s is tlie inly rcnii'tly nf ils kind ever liro lltreil, plrusiiij' tn tlie tuslo itntl nc- itnlil to llu) stoiiiiicli, ii'oin)t in lis iti'lintl ami triilv lieiiohcinl 111 its Herts, iireliareil nnlv IV0111 the most Ileal t hy 11111I nurccnlilo tuilisliincrs, its UltlllV excellent iiitilitieq collllllt'lul it Id till nml litivo niiiilo it the must popular remrily known. ."syrup of Imi.'h is loi'snlu 111 bile mil 81 lioiilos liy nil lemliii),' driift- v;ists. Any reliulili) ilni.'(rist wlm limy not linve it on liuml will Jim- mo 11 i'iiinlly for any 0110 who wishes tn liy it. Do no', accept nny siilistituli-. CAurcuvtA fig syrup co. Ys'AI.jrn, ('41, A"V rORK. N Y. Wis Vll" . .-v,s. s--sST1 The Popular Cocci of Europe, I Tho Coming one of America, t j :iasr .irrt:rixi.i:-t:.isii.Y diiikstkd. I lie an IIoutkns process renders their cocoa easy of ditrcsliim ami develops in the highest digi'cc its delicious aroma. It is an excellent llesli-former, Jity ju-r tent. greater than the best of other cocoas. VanHouten's Gocoa "BtSTA GOES FARTHEST" I J-VAN MorrilN-RcnroA ("onMtripfl, lwii)a twit') IH fm oii-jiwit, ptiro, oltlllla) I I irfA, Ittvi-titctl, iniiite nud iutnfd In ', lltilliintl, iintl In itt.ilay bi-urr and I mre aiiiitv thiin liny nf the n it mer 1 m iniiiuiiiinai. In Inct, il tajftpticrslly unit i'il ail lt tr i'iir)M! Aiiilarftiniiarattratrrtt I W ill i':i-il prow: I lilt I "rir Cocoa tHjilAl t Ii ia 1 lnvrnlir'iti miluliit'. BffriTfthlo Utond tntiriitiv qiialiili'h. Ijtrctt sale in the i ttnr!l." AktuT Van Hoi 11.N i AM) TAUE NO otiii.u. A3 Bermuda Bottled. lou uimhI k ft fi'Tiinitiu. II Jon t not I will no! he romiM. ( l:r mr finia(-itiiu-i." tut, Hitri ir, I mu nii.nh niih(r thv Hiiif iinr llir iihm").m Will, II Hull In Imi:hiIImi', try SCOTT'S OF PJhii NCRV.C.Ar ccd rrvnR oil. I siiini't i.'les c-il. I llei intltl.i llnl- lleil. a'1 I III! tl.l - .1: ".f"',''l Ii: 1111 !tii I. V 'oil ; ; i'llf I til l" CI f") .. v 1:1 Ii: mill Hie h ln.iilntir . ilir.l (itc mas! .'iis live si. 1, . 'iff' rmi 1: 1,0 11, liiolli -r H1I114 -i'ii'I eit.nii' ru. '.s Ii . (ie lti.i!i-i e . ici"iii" 0: O10 Il, iintiieis.'.i " e It -!i I' C' litnin). ton mil tin I 1! tor ."le in )"ur llriit:atis Mi: s , y ,1 ui-t lire nrlir.ilel .", i I"-. t.".l ; V" llol I '' tl.V 1 Iv lu tlttl sut Slrt it Car Wclncilulc, lit ulnitt'iti at r a. in Lmt.M,: in im p. m i'at Unit Siii.nv t' II hmi tt tin limit', int. I 1 wi uty t'tiM i miu it i t li n - iiilet. K 'a 'I'llt t am i-iiiinit l nt Siiinrv. Ttatli ml nml liai'iiiivf ear tlte t i-ViTv ttaut nti- viili-t tiling id each patMityi r Unun mr tt ati i l it d Until 11H ti-'lnl lit llu i-il v lot trtil. 1 nr. AMicx 11. 1. 1; M'niiin my Chicago A: Alton Il.U. l'.si'i;ir Kur i l: Ti KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST A.ll, llle It. t In III MT I si. 1.1.,.. ut. 1.. I , 11, , 1 iti..l .l.i.,., IIU Ot Sun I iioii-i. i., I illiliirillu, null i....,i r ttii-L.iit. in lints. h.,tt,l I . .til. ul. il I1.011-SI. I. onl. to Knll .ft- l II V lo 1 'UIUI..' ' ll.'U .'IH 'Itl'- I'm lull Iiiioiiiiiiiii'Ii cull "ii "r v rite In II. A. NcwlaiHl, I il. 1 rl. I 1' -ll-'t'lll. No to I'm 1 on An,, A sli.' villi'. N C I 1 i:.Kl.T". r, I'. A., I'liii'uno, in BUGIilES, CAIIIIIACtS. 6LACKSMITHINQ. -1-.. tl,,-. -nli'ii. 1.1 Aslii ulli' nil. I vlt-ltul v until. I iitininititt lllitl nt .ii v -In its ui I oil' lv .irn l. 111 l to Hun i -liilii"". ' ion net 1.. 1 1.1. 1 Hint till' toil" not It III 111 v I. ni' Win: Miti'i'is .it'll l 10 1 inct's uuiliiiliti-l noil 11,1'iiiiiuu I least .lio.ieii mi' l.' ... I t fc.-H Mil. I S'11,'1 It 11. It"!! L Hill .Itllt- M ut. 1 Ititit tl 101 t lis t i titt-.l nil'i sltlllliilaiii ml l lu ill. s mt 1110. It rule. Ilnvea .1 " 1 1 I'.iiKUet, lllitl 1'rciicll BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LAOICS AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. to I'riuili tlrimil Aviiiui'. MHS. BUKGWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL 1 1'nr niniiv vrnra A.oclnti' l'Hni'ltnl of Ml I't'i' Institute tlllllllllol'e.) As.lalrtl Ity iuii ul euiiiiKUUiii Uuilura tlciO Uljr fmmm SlTiT?ar-h' MISCELLANEOUS. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY 1 on ha L,i;. Ity virtuu of authority vcttUd In (.tncvltvu K. Luiiaiu hy a it Hum diftl tu Ii u.hIcxi l uU'U Ity 1, i. uiu.iltki uud wile, ii. A, VaiiGiltltr. ilalctl the 1 Hit tluy ol 'J nut, A. 1. lH7,ttini iLKifUriii hi illt- KLMiHlit'tiiillivt'ol' lluiicumln: tiitiuij ill iiuuii in, aKt' 57 i mitl liy virtue tn uiiihuttiy viKUtl 111 V. Ituntaiii by u icriuin iittii 1 1 . jtti haul T. I. VuiUiiltlci utid Iuh haul wilv iJaltil tttL. 11, Imsi, uial rt-Kintt-rt-U ill haul Kt kinU'I 'it ullict' in lliiuk (id, inijt4-tiN, ittKi'tlur with 11 iliA'laraUoii ul iiUhl ui thu mi in U, S . iWiraanl Utciaml ilat'ciii Ualiii iK-iuhcr -7, Im'i 7, ami it-Kisitrcil in huiil uiltcu ia Hunk 1 i ol iiiorifuiKti auii Uculh in irutil at niiKt' -) ; aim h att-riuiiiotlit-r ilct-d lioiu lite rtitui i . 1. antiililcr anil liis aui wile tu saui . V. Uanianl ilaicil lictohtr 2U, 1..7, 14 1 it 1 n.isiciTil in saui ollkt: in ilook iiU, pUKf jUo, iiK-thi.'r wall u tU-tluiution ui ini'sL mailt tlaivt'ii hy the haul W. ,V. liurn aril tia Ul the l l-Ul Ulty ui Ui tolicr, A. 1, !).(, anil iiKiMiitu in wain uilicc in llouk 11 o iiMt lKaKHi unit (It en ! ol mini, ((af 4-U7; anility niuc ol auiiioniy voiaJ in J. A. coiiiiiu lii a ft. i t. un lUt'ii in iruhlcxt't'uuu liy Hit- Mini i. I. Vaaitilovr ami 'Hn mini wilt-, UitU'il llit Mtwiul Hay ui .Nuvililbt-r, lhh7, ami iVKisUnu iu saui olhtt in Huok of morl Kauin aatl iltti in Uul No. 1 I, pUKC 47(1, as wtil an i viiiut oi nay auihurti iit- may ha t- ny itaM-u oi the uteil ia ii nM in hi ahu vc iiKiiiuaiiii, iiliLMuii i. i. uiuiiiiltT anil w Ut nain lailt-ti lu pay llit laouUh ia. cured liy eaeh tveij ol haul Uttil.s in truM uiui ill nl ami ilLLiaralliJilh ol till is I therton ut eoruiiiK iu uuii HVtiul jhommoiih, unu the saai li us Let n lta iil; a-teii aiaoau litem svlM.h as i lav iJiiotiiith ol lite variouti ileitis hVLintil ami as tu ine iroter Utvinatu itl the jii.ii'e.i!i il lae hale ul the :atlih ties, i ilii il (, lite haul llelie. viivc K. Lituaul aau Llu- saal . V . llurnurtl auil lliesaalj. A. t.iiiaiu, Uimlet-rt in haul iltt Ui iu iiusiN aial liet-iis ami ikeluraiioith ol llil-L tlieiVoa, will seil ul Hiudie uuelloil lor ea h al tin. Linn t hou-t- iloor in tlie city ul Ai.lieviilt ai I-o'eiin k iu, un the UlHttluyot' May, A. 1'. 1 ju, a vi. i laitl ,ieee oi itaieel ui lauii in ihe eil ol .liexiia, euititly ui llutt cimiiijv ai.u Suili1 ! .i Hi caii'linu, oil the sotilll sale ol t-iilliKt sliecl, ami on llie west sale oi i aii nihitii sLiti l, iikIuUiiik the tleuni ijin-k riMiuiKt in'.v oviiipait hy ttiilti '1. I. auiiililei', ami ihe huilaes ami ht-veiul utiju ttlil idli- b.ith ol il, ititiinileil ah lollowa: Ull Hit uoi ihi t,oiUKV hiiitl, un the tatt Ity 1 'a uIm m Miivl, on the Mititli hy hUK't alreel ami on ua wt-r-l lo lliejail lot anil tilt- A. T. l(aiilsiii lui, ia l-aei. h. Al ihe haute lime ami -ia.c Lai haul V . V . Haitiaiii will Hell ul pii'tia iiia la. ii lia'ui-li u lai;v lot ul ItouhC Hold aau hiuiaii iiiiailiiit maler the liutliur iiii oi Uii iitKi tit'iii sin. I Vaiaiildn and wite lo iiaiiiani him ami a hove naiiUoueil mill I lie iKeiaiali-tii ul nu-l taatJe t lit it uu utt UuK'.s.iiii AiauliLJ, lh'.tu. i.l.Ni. , ii. l. K.V.ONANT, TrUKUc. J. A. tn... I , 1 niMif. V , . 1VAU.AKI, TiutiUC marl!-)- iliiuil ilil. LAMalAl AMI lii-.Ni liuril'l'Uli IN iilii SolTlI. CHLMICAL AND AiLf ilCAL LABUKATORIb II. C. WuUcrcck & Co. CONM'!. I IMl t ill. MIST AMI MINIMI KNCINKKKli. AntilyMiH oi Metals, i nw, Cnnl tir Cke, Win eral Unltis, 1 1 1 lilizern, etf. I'KICI-: LIST ON AI'I'I.ICATION. Milium itri'tuitv in v estimated, ilevtloiK'U, iMniKiu am: at. linn s) i. .mli nee soluitt il. Samiilt". urn l.i miu li inait or t-xtirt-KH. II sent liyi'(ni s, ihriis itntt Ik iiripuiU. A'tuls waalttl in etry place, Chattanooga, Tcmi. I'R il W'Ol.TCKHl'K. MniiuKir. llt.V tl W t V W. . HOWE, IlK.VLKM IN italian & american makiii.i:, t . ra title M oiiutiitn t, tie. All html of Mottu tmnts. 'ioinlisioiu-H, I it aiKtom ft, I' ru h nml Vases made tn n'di-r in the latest di.-ivus. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Van) At Hiiitcomlit' W illi llOUM.'. A CA11D. li litor Asln vilk- Citizen: 1 hat our many frictiilw may know liovv are ettiitK on we v ill slate that wc took iu In Motel tint'. Mure $9,000 in Vive VcckH k tn litMt Saturday over $7i0. $7.1 uf that w an Imtel, halatttv Htnrc. Hotel n-Rl-tired -'. that day. Had ti.niMi nrrivnU In ft moitlh. oitrnt ek i mammoth CM h i fwt Imiu ami 1." Ii t wMi Tell thv luilnnce of the woilil to entnc and cc "tiltl t'ht-tl" antllr, nml liny N ol im mul onvc 10 to 25 per int. novi'tdtf s. k. cii:i)i:sti:r a so BONANZA "UVVUVlAAUllrUiJTJl"UU ffiTfPTfrr. lMIMiiIUHiHlitiflf 5ErT CAUTION anlM l iiiiiifiMa' nam si iBlsa' nam ana itrlisi sn .TbiiiihmI on lb Imiiiim. If Ho ilrnler rninmi simply jrna. at'iiil ilinict lu ftMlttrr, uclualug Mltua liriv. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLKMtN. Fine Cslf, lles Laeed OrslD sad CismmV muur tVilleritronf, - t- Ileal In Hit worM. Fssmln Bla llniMlKM I st" II INII SKM Kl KIlOE Sill! II INtl-xitt I- II W IIT Nil OK. E l. ft I'lll II K A" II KAHHHtH' H0. S'l 5n t VVII(HN,'M N' ""'irfi. Hmh hih hovm; ni ihioi. hhob.1. All mailt' III Ctmansia, llllttun and Lar- $3&$2 SHOES LAo.Bi. I.tll HHOK KOH MIKHK.H. Heat Mslerlnl. Ilea, Hlyl. Ilet rttthuj. W. L. 1iIm, BnKkton, Haw. ol hf Hi:i(KING & WEAVER . lilt 1 u;tll.m ANHW liliHti, cnrrfnlly jnrpsrnl by lead lint nirnilH-rs nt the Aalii'vllle hsr Inn flnrat iinnliini'iit nntl lirnvy lint psper), tor rrliitf nil ntiH'aaiiry iittluta, lu.t nut anit now nn anlr at Hie oillw of the CiriasN Pvauas ink Co., No. It North Court atjaar. flaalal ,5w- -'i ( j rn ts?ai m II 'S -41'; '''?,s- I liissll : .'iiht is U Uf"'-T.M. 1 UBV1NI V ,i.'. ..-'.:.--

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