:i l; 4 If i t Ml !! i 1 V I i 1 A MINERS' STRIKE Sulil to lto on tho Program to Follow the Cui'iHMitm't But tho Coal Operators Ridicule the Idea At the Men Are 1'alil by the funnel and lint by til luy rresi.lent Goinpers Buys tliu tU'iiiiiiid litis Ili'.u Dui'lilud l'inn Hut Nut tho Di'to ll.-llevee til Result Would Uu Oimil.Wng Lubor Row. PiTTsnfRO, Mny 1 . Rt-ferrlng to tlio repurt of a Rcuierul strike of the conl miiiera fur on ein'lit-lunir lUy, Vii-e Preaidi'tit William Mmtin.of the Atuer lfuu Fwliriirt.in of I.iilvr, tiiUl that it was iliviiU il I'.v the ipourivo board at their meeting in New York s-nnw time iipo to fake iiii tlio rnrpt'iitfi's' H'ht first, ai.d after it hnj kin si trl.il tho ds lnniuls of the miners would be pre sented. TIih turni'iitei-H' si niggle is reanrfled as tivor, unit whenever tho miners are n-adv the tV.ii Tutimi will ta kw eh.une uf the nmtiei'. They have tint iii'lilu-d the feilel'lllii'll nt'iU -ltilH uf tl:eir lllti'lltinll to demand iht himrn us yet, mid no one could tell whether there Would be a strike or not. Opemture Rlilli-ltle the Iilnfc, Tho cunl oi'or.-itnrs hi-r say the Idea of coal nilm rs striking for itglit hours Ik ridiculous. 'Die nidi m e jmid by the bushel mid not by the duy. Th are musters i f their own time, and may work eiitht. Nixtpen or twenty-four Imur la a day, or tlx y need Hut work at ull. Oompt-rs Kujs It's So. New Yoiik. May 11. Mr. S-.tmnel Ooiiiiicrs. of tho American Fcderutiiiuuf Labor. ivusn.-k'-d about the i-tnteiii'-iit to the effect t'urt the eivil miners will 1 next to d uinnd eight hours. He wild the stnfnn lit m eerreit that the American Federation of Labor hud de rided tint the o'ul n.iiieii i-li.mU de iuaiid eUht henrs. but that the date hud not hecti'di i iiii d uiii ii. "I cannot tell. Mr. O'linvrn paid, "whether the strike will fccnrbt fore the full or not. if indeed tin-re in to be a strikn, nnd whi h is -..tri-tiu-ly doubiful. for I believe the eiii;l'yorM will cunt-em. Vo will nive them d'ie notice in any event, u we did iu the cn.-e of the i-nr-ptiituri. and I believe the re.-ul:s " ill be just ne cratifyitiff. I uiu ic-nued ot enceess, for the minors h:i'o an erjruni'it tion ah sti-'mij. I believe, tin that of the Cariienteis." Ktxtnrt lug lit htlence PltAdt r. l iy 11. Viol. tice beim; resorted to by the striking work men of the I ,t n!ley. In a num ber of iuMiilice- f,i tows lrvc In . n attacked in tliaf i.rt of Holieiuvi. and the iiioiw h ive not i i.ly conipt'll.d the weivi.i" to 1'iive th 'ir looms, but h.ivo :il'J MU.isiied tile Uia- chiuery, Qmtlnir I . ii it lo striken. Pxa. III. M.iy 11. The ttiay?r hns Issued a I'loi liiiniiti u qimtir.ir theeriiu inal code ni the -tate .v'Unst aet f vio lence in levvi-iitinj. er-ous tioiu pnr SUinpr tie it deily uvueaii. lis, ri lie rioe laluation w.is made feary by tie riotous acts of llle i l'ib blli'ade . f the nrrikiPT conl miners We.liiesdy ni. lit and Thur.vl.iy tie ruin. Wuut lit t'oiixiiiilHti Aso-tntionii. Fall !!ivn:. Musk.. May I1.-The Weavers' Troti ctive aoirviti . u li.n ni pninted a ii iiiini'tie to mot a similar committee by the Ann Vam.ite 1 Asso cuttiou of Weavers, with toe object of brinijin atH.ut u union. i.f both uixociu tions. STF1IK1NG STATEMENTS lil the Aiiiiii:i1 Uepiirt of the 3CW Terh I iili.tr ttureuu. JfKW Y'ri. May II. The seventh an nual rejKiit of the bureau of statistic? i f labor has In-on laid bafore the lei-la-rure by Commit -inner Peck. It ii, a Ion.; document, and Roes exn naively in dis cussion of prominent poin'e in the labor ?Ucstioii. 'liie follownx stiieiuenta tf act will he read wirh in 1 f. I : The toal number of (.Hikes for five yearn. Is1-' wa Uf this uumber 4A'''i were Hi.ccevftil, 1.4u3 partlv sun e.- l'nl, U. Iiih iiU'uecessfni, ami lifty p. i:dtnn. The nuuiln r r,f per sona erit-ic'eil in theso strikes w:is Oltt. The amount lost in waai w.i $,WJ.(il j.j'.i. The cost to label nruani aarions by reiiwmof strike benellis end conduct Uf mrikes wua l.;'in.V,!o The estimated gain in w:ies was tt),0iKI.;i. Theloss to employers fioui all cuuseit was 0,157,02. 1.1. When the cause of strikes w.u n d' tnnud f r more pity (1. .'HI cstalilisinnenta Were nubjecled to a demand. Inerease wa coneeded in .;'o." ch-h; h d creae took ertect hi ImH es'ul'lisbniente. Theie Wan mi i liaiiie in '.CM cai-ee, AJtlioiiKli chum's of strike" nre by no means cniiltiieil to tint wnK ques'io'n. it hue be-n found that oue a strike lia aet in for any cause wmk'-s u-iially 1 -come implicated before the settlement. The sum of nil striae Invesiiputed duriiiK Ave years shows a total of lil.W 4 operalivi engaged in sm.cessiul etriKes where waifes were Involved, the result belnif ull estiuiated Kain for the vear of ,;:,.);. with a tntnl for the whole number for tho whole hve yean of lb, Wll.niiil.i7. The grain per capita dnrinif five years would be about I per week, the num ber of employe!, bring prenuiued a Con stantly at work. "Hour of lubor" nt the preent time of working ia literally the iiuesfiou of ta hour. Mliall it be an eiflit-hour day (or all or u day with a dillerence to be aettled by liK-al usage or by each par tloulur trade alter its own fanhion and ideaV Total rniortiii(( under this head Is 7,. 038: of these lis report increase, l.tii re port decrease, U.ftill report no change. The female employes were not, aa a role, given to st rikea us a retiiwly; tliey follow the simp lead loyally, bn't when they originate a movement ft in aa often aa not done in a huff, and quickly abandoned. The number of women ana Rirls ciifratfcd in etrikei in the past five years wiu 4H.U40. Lnualiedt. The report cabled from Pehth that, ac cording to uu official pajwr of that city, the International eight-hour deniotistru tion was the outcome of a secret union brought Into existence ut the Paris con irrew, is laughed at iu lubor circles in this city, The National Federation of Labor, nndor the auspices of which tho movo meat In this country ia being coadncted. has no afllllation with other orguniaa tiona In England or Europe, nnd, aa President Gompers retnnrksi "It has quite mongh to do to look out after iu wa affairs. It la true that the Socialistic element Inthiaoityla aiHliated with organiza tions abroad, but even these are not nuesericftlly strong enough to have en gineered tho recent enontunemia npria Inf ia favor of the eight-hour day, THi 6IMP80N DRY DOCK. Oeeelef ef the Inaiesue Baeta a Mes Brook ly a Fevy Taxi. Brooklyn, May 11. The Slmpaon dry dock In the United ttatea nary yard was opened rridjeyjnorninj in tb preeenca JSv 7- 1 ' I -, j-U.s '; V : ' ; ftf 'lt'i'le'l'r'Mtisrlil slewtiyjMHal -. of several hundred visitors from New York, Washington, Baltimore and Phil adelphia. Nearly 100 gueets csme from Washington and Baltimore on a special train of Pullman cars Thursday night, arriving In Jersey City at 7 o'clock. Breakfast was served ui the union sta tion. At 10 o'clock tho delegation from Philadelphia arrived, and shortly after ward tho guests were taken by a vtuutner to the uavv yard. Tho dock was flooded at about U o'clock. The United State- monitor Pu'itim wus docked Iniiiu diately, and the putnp-s were set at work at once emptying the dock. The whole affair DHied off nuioftly and without a mis liap. After formal opening of the dock a collation was sei-vtd to the invited guests at which Mr. Simpson, the new dock uud the United Stules navy were toasted. The dry dock has been in mnrse of erection ubout two years and a half, and Its cost wa more' t' am i.ViO,(sjO, The cimtraot price Is ifWI.WW. its extroni.' ImiKiii iH -1;!0 feet: its width at the top :Ki leet and the bottom .VH fuef : the lei.th In the center is i!2 feet m inches. The floor rests upon piles. Fnmi it the .-iib s rise at an allele of 4"i derives iu a sei is of -tips ten inches in height, made of Georgia pine beams. It u cmptn .1 by two ceiitrifuual pumps of forty-two inches diameter, with u ciij-ic-itv of wi.iKHi gnlloiiH an hour. I he build' rs, ,T. K. tiuipsoii & Company, have I'uili tliirtieii other docks ou the same patient. CHINFSE RIOT. One Slim ICItled II. null SvN FlIANrlM 'i ll'le's Los Al';'-li"- nl I e A nuclei One -,1 A i-rf-sti'it. May 1 1.-The Chrrin s; . eial iivs: The two wiirrini, taetlonsol t 'dualown came to i"her liinl the reMi't was it riot. One Chiuiim-u wan killed, one seriously wounded and a wl:i' livsiimder Sihot iu the leg. The Iron :,ie was caused by Al Lumr, a tneinbi-r ' t lie Ah Mow faction, hrukUlng nKi lust Wong Ki Lung, of the Wong ( Ve fin -lion. Wong Ki Lung drew a revolver and shot Ah Lung iu the -touinc h. piodili lug death in n -Ii"it lime. This was tin iiinal f r a fu-i'ilado from all ulile. fully for'y fhots being fli.d tioin the windows and by Ihe C'hii,e-e i n the strcf. The lioliie'f'OU qui lle-1 the lift ii"d arrested l"o t-hioese wiio cat ' i- d revi lvers. The Wong l b-loeiely Ice- aiii.oiili -ed that everv pio'::i:i ul member of Ah Mow will be koie.l. VERY ST.-' RTLINQ. lalts'r Dvvi'luiimeni In I lie t.rnphnrt Mur-l.-r uml l i'.-ltliiK fast'. ("OLf'iau. S. i.. ?!ay II. -The de velomen:s iu tl'e i e ! hint murder uud lytiol.ii :, ea e i,iv m i. .---iriling. It has lie. u to, a.d ilait the jua.lavil and letters i lint w. re t.. 1 in he -v.-nier s ott.ee ii.d era wl.ieh I.- ; .l'l .MIS re'.plteil. i , diam, wlio ,v.'e d W. .1. Miller, a . e bi ii nrreytt-d. m with tho f or al 'nk'-n n'-viinsf the hart, inal three of - d oil lie' chai'ue e ie. are: S. C H - k- and II. li. .- te lirv g. ueral is '' this nuiMer. and f r to bring the A C03. f. .: u i n,'.-. J. I. ; ; l-iwy.-r. I v li. . ha i v. i.a b- .hat; m i. . A. i- ' 1- - I n: -ii u . I e . i!:.-in la, v, i , , .. . -!' IIKI.'d".'. i II ( ae,!iu i-.. !ia i yt.r.r, T y! ; '.' p. v-et .liiy n-...:: wiil do i.U in 1 lyui her to jii; SAVED MUtlns riull'iilu , I ii ml Kligulfrd la a s UfSTAt.M. :. 1 Thair. aii 1 '-' ye icy ta- rni--" i by r a hi oi lb uoii'i.-.:. imt W' r. uiu iy 11. Itcnry P. i-. ! ft hit home Sun-lii- in'iid niibahiuced e- . The police were mi ,1'le to discover the mi -' -io.' maa. 1 i.ei'ii.,y a fanner near Ii'aml urg. t -ei 'l M-. J'hiilriiihi- swamp, his liMily eii oltiil :u a riuin-unie and only the h.i..'i i -! 1 1 .- "ning al'Ve thesur face. 'J'he ob .nviy w as made by the tin nier's cioj. lui'li guided the farmer to the f, o. Mr. Tia ir was pull, d out with eeiivd iiiiliculty and brought to ills botne. PAiD THE PENALTY. Slurilerrr of u I'ol.,-, aeiii, tlancrd at nlrm Iniiii in. -II". B:nvt"o'n m. A1- . May 11. Sttndy .b'lieo. coloied. was banged h, re Friday for the in: -i i. r of I o.;, email John Man ning. T! e li - fell at I o.l. Hi neik was bli. i a '. : ' 1 he wes deial ill ten min utes. The . ileiiii.ni I i oke down on tliencaUold aid wept and praed to the end. I'nt.le In u llespllHl Kcw Y"iiK. Mav 11.- Ki'tir patients in the.bi-'-v tity h-'-i 1'itl. craied with alcoholi in, in-ts vend Iheatieiidants, smiehi d the furi.iitire. tiiet ihe beds of other patient: , and earned a panic in the iiistiiutn.il. '1 hey were finally jitb lined bv poltee. woo had beeu sent for by the atn mlaiits. Will llunbU- I lo ir t'epurlty. Bi t VAi. X. Y.. -May 1 l.-The Tonn wada Iron and Steel company, which looi la-en i 'leia'in the iron fiirunce for the past year, has dniib d to Houlde the cap.:. Ill el the work-iit a eost vl $'', MWI tol ".' inn. The liuniieial result of the flist y al l' k rations ha Is ell most en- courugiiig. l-an lilhliin uf uluretl Members. Cluni.K-Tiiv. 8. ('.. May 11, The diocesan i onveiition adopted an amend nieiit exeb.dii g colored member from ieats on its tiof-r, with a proviso that the only present colored iiiemlier shall retain his nt until hie privileges ure lout by Ins resignation ur ilea lit. .loliasliiM-n Coriee I'nrerthed JntvH)WM. Pa., May 11. Fir bodice were found Thursday by work men ill the Fifteenth nnd Sixteenth wurdx. Two of them were mother and child, flirped In each other's arm. Th force scari-hiug fur the dead will Ut increased. Modern gai-ileiier have expreswsl doubt that any one could mistake too tnt of a tulip for that of nil onion, tiut a writer in 1IV.0 aiiys that "divers have hail them sent by tlioir frleiiiU from boyiuul the Hen, and niUUiklng tin-in to bee Onloiu, havo uml tlieiu nt Unlniin in tholr pottage or bnith. and never found any cause or mletnke, or any sr-ium of evils quality produced by them, but accounted them Sweot OnlnbS," i'lillu dulphla l'rnw. A New Itlneaiie, Conductor Whero'e the regiilnr portcrt Biilwlltuto Putw'e eick, boes, and won't be on ills here trip. Conductor In It anything serious) BulMlliute No, sail, only some Pullman- ary complaint.- New York liedgnr. It Ild aiwm FoolUh. Doctor Tell you the truth, I'm heartily sick of my profession. If you only knew how many f'sils came to me for advloe Fratiklulgh 1 never thought of It before, but it dues soein fooliali, that's a fact Boston TratiMirlpt. At the Art Oellerjr, Young Woman Hooking at a ihoep picture) Ian't that a Itoautif ul Joequesl llow good thnae shonn are I Young Man Thor ought to be. Canvase beck ebeop, you kuor- Life, Tlie bnlo fiowor, discovered by Dr, Bcliaden- berg growing at ion a volnanlo mountain In one of the Philippine Inlands, ia perhaps the largeat flower In existence, being about three feet in diameter aud twenty-two pounds la weight. ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY CAME TO GRIEF. "1'ho Honpst Mini's Protector nnd Friend," of (Seorglu, Dloa Suddenly After a Drlef Existence. The Organization roniprlaert a liom nl Despei'ioloeH tVhnsf, (ItOet, By Arson and Mtmler, Tl'as to Terrnrlie the Com. luuntly mill I'lrvent the Ulvlng el Moou hlne Int'omiittloll. Atlanta, li-a.. May It. "The Honest Man's Protector uud Friend" has come to grief. This will be reinembeied as a roinarknble gang of men sworn i burn and kill moonshine in'ormev, the do ings of which were exposed by the news papers last March. Jack Limsdown was captain: Pavid Wheeler, first lieutenant: Oeoru'e Fields, second lieutenant, and Joe Ricliai ,1s. sis'ietary and treasurer. Each member swore to protect each other In putting down re)ortiiig of moon shiners: to be trv- to each other: to help each oihe. out of trouble; that the or srnnlraflon w- id trv and put to death in its rani.- - that fhev would alwaye do jus tice, and would forever kesp the secrets of the cbin. Members were to lie whil'i'Cd and flvefl when not responding to the call of the m plain. Attnched to the pdristitiiMon nppeered the nnmi'S of twefv-sc in pri itiinent and law-abiding ciH '''"is of Pii'liens, the very men marked bv 'he conspirators for punish ment. O I ite each mime was that of an onthiw. For iri.r.ii,f, first on the roll was the tii'ine i f Nel -on Ledford: repre-M-ntei' -by Jack Lansdown" oppoui'ed opposite it. Led ford's hoii--e was bnrned Pee. 1?, t'-Mi. The I'liriitnir caused great indig nation. The fnmilv knew It wus in cendiirv. The night of Dec, 18 wua bitter cold. As the family were leaving their burning home the jeers of men inoi'kinK tie- men. women and children iu their (Us'r.-ssi were heard from tho ilm kio"- of ihe wood. Iiidigi.a'i. n and hoiror were Intensi fied to fe. or hi nt wh.-u, on Dec. VI, the home of Mike Stone, rhe prettiest in all Jasper, vas di t oved by the iuc.-n-i dirry's torch. Officer went to work to hunt down 'l'"itu endiaries. Jack Lans down nnd J. hii Fi rri ster were arrested and iniled. Ma.rtly nfterwnid a hand of the men, in the dead of ioi.li,. in the ab-eui'e of the jailer. 1 1 1. m-ih! th- in nnd two other pri-oin rs, br, : king in the jail wl'h axi-s and Imrs. ( in la vine the jail they were coiifroi '.sl by Sheriff Jehti'ou's little son. 1 bey t'ted uH'ii him. mi' sing hint, but Vuni'i'g bis fuce with powder. Then thesheiilT. with the aid of shrewd dotoet iv -. starti-d afreshon the trail and Patton Millis w a l ie-ted. '!e told ' II t ieon.e Clffi-e ai d (', trw wi.. iinpn-oiuil. Cof fee tun , i n.-teV evidei ce. led the otri cers to ihe Ki'iig's rendezvous, handi d oVi r the dfs'.ni"". and constitution and by Ib-vs, ,eiher with tin ncuie of ihe wliele baud, and confessed that the gang did the hnrninuK This bioii) lit miit-rrw to a i-ri-ds. The .'irtc-ts of th, principal pal tti"-followeil, and their find is now in progress. There are s, r,'t . n ptb-oiicrs now in all. Frl ilav John Korn-sfii- wa couvictod nnd i'nti!n'id to the penitentiary for life. The next duv Jackson Lansdown was convicted. Soubiirn Lansdown will plead guilty to the indictment. The cases will lie taken up and pushed through fial as rapidly as possible. The prime obirot of the moonshiners was to drive fti "i 'he country all persons who interfered in aliv wav with the manu facture 'f and traffic ill blockade whisky, in:. 1 tle-v luuil.- tip tin Ir inimla not to be itate to l-urn or murder to carry out their purpose. ANOTHER LEVCE Bflf AK9. The Itftult la Mn.l lil-iisli-mn Irrlnue Httuetlnn In the 111.,,-K Uncoil Cnimtry. ' Sititf vrrsn'T. Lu.. May !i.-The Pan dora levee, in liosHier parMi. near Ben rm. broke hist night in several places, and the water is now eweping down over a large area of country. It is a great disaster itiv.-li tug hcavv lo w to hundred.- of planters. The water from these breaks will reach 'he Vii U.lurg, Shrevepott a-id Pacific railwnv, A di-pat' h from Cr. enwisul gives a El.-omv di M'liptii'ii of the -i'nniii'ii in ilatk Bayou countrv. The River and Cea-t Line steamer X.-w Haven, with n relief cuinmi't.eof eirnenofthis city, reachi.l that -i 'ion jn-t In lime to save WI people and hundreds of head of uuiles. horses and on: tic. 1 here is not a foot of d v laud in Unit whole section, embracing th aisiin, Is of the most pro ductive ai res in the world. The TriNR t lotiil. ,Tr.rTiTav. Te.. Mav fi The river continues to vis. hi-to. and the water in the lake I-liluhei Ibati ever known be fore. There Is Kit at l""s of ent'le and st.s k of all kinds. Many families ate homeliss. nnd the river is beginning to run througli Ihe M-wer of the city, A Tims t'mler Wafer. CotTMntA. Tex.. May . This town, with the exception of one street, is ruder water, and railroad traffic ia sua petided. ftrBHnlrtna OklNhnmn WAlilNiirnN. May 11. The president has selit to the senate the following nominations for the territory of Okla homa: Ociirge W. Steele, of Indiana, governor; K'-l ert Martin, of Oklahoma, secretary: K.dward R. (ireen.of Illinois, chief juiiee of the supreme court; A. J. Seay, of Missouri, mid J. li. Clark, of Wiscon-iii. a-sisiiite justici-e; W. 8. Lnrty. of Yirginlii, I'nited State mar stud:' H-irace Speed, of Oklahoma, United Stales attorney. Illluele Wheat Croe, PratN'iFiKt t, IU., May II. Reports received by the state department of agriculture'sliow that the area of winter wheat destroyed try floods and fly will reach Ut per cent, of the area seeded lust fall. The condition of that lelt standing will yield alioiit 75 per rent, of an aveiage crop tier acre. Throughout the state the condition of the crop ia (9 par cent, short of an average crop. Reerueel fruai a Wrrrkoel Veeeet. Halitax. N. ft.. May II. The ehlp Equator lias arrived at North Sidney from buctios Ayree, bringing Ciilit. lio gnu and i lew of wIuhiuiT Sarah Owl ner, of Dorchester, N. from Rlee Del Sul for Iliirbadoes. The (fotlfrey was at i uck by n liuiricuno ou March HI, lust, iier luiista aud gear becume help less. Its) ICxcelletit uunlltlrM tdinmcncl to public npproynl tlieCnlifor nia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figa. It is pleasing to the rye, and to the tnstc nnd by gently ncting on the kidneys, livcrnud liowcls.it clcnnscl the system effectually, thereby promoting the licnltli and comfort of ull who use It. Mr. Jna. Cnrtcr Arrltigton, of King wood, N. C, wna cured by Mra. Ju Pcmon'a Remedy, of aore on hi fnee, which hntl Iktii troubling him for renrs. In aixe and aptatarnnce it resembled a atrnwlsrrry, and wna perfectly rnw. Por full pnrtlculnrt of his case aetid for jinmpblct, to Mra. Joe Person, Kittrcll, eaiysV!eWVseW THE SOUTHERN STATES IVIII he l ill-uely lt,-iieu'iileil III Klehllioilll nt the t'uvelllnu: I'ei'euionles, RtcHMciNli, Ya., May 10, Indications now nre that the attendance of military md veteran orgiuiiziitions at tho unvoil ing of the eiiicstiaii statue of (loll. Hobt, l'l, l.ee, ou .May '.'Htli, will hiirpasa any loiiner galheriiig in this city. Arrange ineiiis have been nearly perfected for the ilieinlaiice uud care of the Military. I'lic railroads in the south have agreed to ssiie comniulalion tickets ut the rate of ne ccnl i ,-r mile, Tho military wiil be iiarteron iu the nxpo.-ilion building, and 'lie velerall. will be eiil"ituinoil ill tho .ill soldiers will be fi I gratis. Sol liers from dales outsidi of irginia, rtlinhave already siiuoied their inten : ion of Mug pn -.-ei, will conic froni Mnryliiud. Wcsi Viiiinia. Nortli Caro liiiul Soiitli Carolina, i.eoigia. 'I'cnnessii', Loiiisiuna and Tonus. Vai ions colleges Ihroughout the siaie. Mich as William md Mure, W'lishiiiyiou and l.ceiiniver dlies, Virginia Military iiistilulo, and Ihe Ciiiversiiv of Virginia, will have leliyn:ioiiH in' line. After Ihe ceiO'iui uies oi the day arc over. Ihe military will U' given ii dinner at the exposition roiuula. DISCOVERED A VEIN OF TIN. It lias Just llcen r ound In the County ot Cherokee, tivorglit. Atlanta. Ca.. May 10. Mr. J. S. Thriisher. of Chattanooga, Tciin., ami linlge John Cuniiiu ;ham and J. T. Mc l.einlon, of tliiscily, have liiade a dis soveiy ha h will make them inillion lires." Thee gentlemen have found it eiii of silver and tin in Cherokee county, iboiit lorty mile-1 rum Atlanta, and near ilioioun of Canton, ou a piece ol laud IH lied bv tlielil. Helore aliuolllicillg the li-oo.r. a thorough test was made, in. I it a.s proved Is-yond question that llle vein ol till is forty feet wide and nine feel deep. The ore taken from sev lai I'oinls along the vein as-sayed Ik-voiuI the liulio-l lioH'sof the dim oVeroiN The sih. r veins which run parallel to Ihe t in vein, also assay very rich. As IIII I, a- lieier l-.i'll discovered before ill I'.iyiii i:.iiilili"s ill the I'nited Stales, iiii, n-i oi.-n in I berohee county iscon . t . I , i , , I .i.i i , 1 1 .rtanl liii.l, A company v ill at .'in e I ,- foriin d, and work coin 'iiciice.l io iineiiith this hiililen treasure, 1 he t , teiie stooM'il llounitui! Itose l't. At I any. lla.. Mav 10. The cyclone ihaivi il d this section the other day, . . -1 1 1. . i . , i , ola,-,l Mii-.n m iai,er cihiiilv, ii ni.-w lo II M.-t.r- the In es ill n new griiiind al I-'- o lace, ami one could walk icro-s Ha lllllte llehl oil lllllell lolts, II rose t h, ii. went aUnil two miles, ami ili, -a ,i.,ihiI down on allot b.-r nlacc, v llel'e ll-ees, IWil hollsos all'l II gill lloll.se were I, ' el, l;oiie giiniud, and two no- lis s IV, lo .-lil'pled. lleleii r .so aullill. md a I - 1 1 mil" iiiilln-r on ii eaiii" down hi 1 1 1. - --!..; . planlatioii. blou iim down ' I 1 1 -1 1 illilellUI'ch llllll doing c. illsldela- ole daiii.i...'. At (iilliiuiville lion-, sand i,vs were blown down. At )iip.iiilN liou-er. w.'i. blown over, and two negroes wcii' iiijur.sl. An I ml,, rile ItruliKltl to Her Sens,-, I'Ttci. N. V.. May in. Ouei.f llielm-U-cilt's coiilined ill tho nsyliiui at I'res loli, Cli.-na: go county, was i-ciired into her sense-, lo tho lire that desir.oed the biiildim:. She escaped frmn the nsim by it window, reached the roof nod then r.vl, ,1 along Ihe ridue Isiaid and roll-e l ihe keeper's wife from slumber, thus saving her life. Tbii leen Isidies have Is'en taken from die nuns, and the prolsibiblii-H are tbal lies,, me not all. There are several foot f debus iu tiie cellars, ami it is Iboiicbi itb, r li-dio- are buried there. Due Issly was found si niie disiaiice from the liurii s) buildings, A New Klinl of tvtlllnn tn CmiKn'ss. WasiiinuioN. May lit. Senator Duller lias presented llio pel it ion of nine fami In, ngitn'guiiiig seveniy-twii persons, isking congress to appropriate slim per "iipitu to enable tli.-in o i-migrnte lo I.i Is'iiii. and m.iiiilaiii tin iiim'Uis, there for six months. The -nttoii has a prinlisl heading, indicatiiig an organizisl move ment to slipHrt the sehenie of whole sule leisirtatioii of the colons I ho;ic of lUesouili lo that country. An aecoiii imiiying paH'r tives the testimony of the neighbors ol the m t dinners lie lo their worth ami iessvlubilily. A 'lanrous lletenst of Farmers, WasiiimiT'iN. May ID. Judge Crisp, of (leorgiti, ill his tariff shis Ii in the house, among oilier things relating to the fanning inlere.ls of the country, said: "The way In Is'iielit tho farmer is In reduce his cost of living ; not to deluge him with pa imt d lilies on agri cultural products. Ho buys everything he uses at Ihe prot.s-tisl markets tho dourest in the world and sells every thing he has to sell in the free trudo uiiiikct the clic.-is'.t ill the world," A fleoraln llallroMal Arrldent. CBAWFiiiinvii.i.K. (In.. May 10. There was an accident hen', on the iniiiu lino of the (leorgin road, caused by the run ning olf of ii freiuhl car. li had n t on. plunging oer the cross-ties somn illslntiee Is fore it wua discovered, ami did considerable damage tn the truck. The accident eau-isl the night passenger train to remain hero until 7 o'clock, at which time the truck w lis righted, ami the train once more bad a clear road. This is the third stimuli up III year this road lias bud here. The ratal llesult nl a Cat Ulte. r" Panvii.i.k, Vii., Mar 10. A colored mini named David Stokes, who lived in liiH'kingliaui county, N. C, struck at a cut, when the enraged animal jnnis'd at him ami fastened its teeth In hit wrist. The cat held on so tenaciously that ita bend had lo U' cut olf U'fore it grin could lie relaxed. Stokes wna token sick at once and died soon thereafter. Klllnl by a railing Treva. L.itlltuNiiR. On,, May 10. A shocking acclileiit (scurrisl in O'NeiU's mills district, this county. Mr. A ndrow Coon's little Isiy, alsuit VI years old, rut down a tres. li did not fall to the ground, but lislued against another tree, on a limit. The lilllo fellow waa tiamiiig tindtir it to cut iiwav the limb, when It gave way, fell tisin bint and broke his neck, A Mighty roar UeoU Pr.NKAinl.A, Fla,, May 10. Tlie fisher men who went on a strike hern a few dars ago, have returned to their work without obtaining tholr demands, II In said that frost waa seen In the liiiiiiiiiis k hinds, near Docker stutlon, in linker county, Ua., on Friday. The Anhevlll Cltlacti lv The latest local newa. The freshest State newt. The iK-st grncrnl newa. Crtsncrnl find neciiil commcnta. The largest subscription list of any scculnr pnistr In the Htat. The best odvertiainK medium in the State. A full staff of able editor! and corrce- pondctitt. Tit nentcst, ncwsnssi aim mun niu-i-prising nnr In North Cnrolinn. Ita efforta art always devoted to th upbuilding nnd development of th r aourcci of th State, particularly tb Wee tern aecthm, , ftiiheisrintlnfl. If) fsrr SUinum I 13 IIS months tM) cent per month, , , 1 EVENING, MAY 13, 1800. It will pay you to iiiBjiect our boautiful lino of Fine Dress floods which wo put on sale very cheap to-dny. Tril liantiiiCH and CashniereH in colors and stripcH. ChallicH, GinKhnnis, fiicniidincs, Kni broidciicH, Flouncings, Silk Ilntcslio, Sateens, I'crsinii Lawn, ri'iiit4, CrosHbnrrcd Muslin, Itiicliin, Van Dyke Lace, Ktc. The celebrated Morrow Fine Shoes for Ladies always ou hand. For Dry floods and Shoos call on nosTHJ imos. & wkiaut, No. 11 X. Court Square. AT THK LEADING JEWELRY STORE. The entire ittut'k nl Plated Jewelry, hu-luiliiie! tint' UrtiiH'hcH, Hutton ami Urucc UtN, at l-:$-0 NE-THIRD OFFI-1-3 licjiiinlltsK 4 it' awl. (in wc Intinil In the fat ure to lm mitttiiiK liut KiillU (lulO anil Strrlmi! Silver Jvwelry. ARTHUR M. FIELD, LEADING JEWELER, South Miii Hi. ArthcviUc. W.A.Blaik. J.V. Ituowx. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. No. 3a Patton Avenue, M'AFEE BLOCK.OPPOSITE BLAIR'S OLD STAND We are now ready, and in vite our friends and tlie pub- lie generally to call and ex amine our well selected stock of FURNITUItE, Which we aw offering nt rock bottom prices. Undertaking a special feature. Culls at tended day or night. Telephone, day 73, night Go BLAIR & BROWN. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. PAssitNfiKe rtarASTMaNT, Western Nurlb Carolina Division. PA8HKN0KR TRAIN 8CHKUULK lla KreacT Mnrrh a .11 Tola Mrrlillan time usril when Dot othrrwlsr Indlcatrtl. aASTSOUKD, No. r Dally. Ho. 53 Kelly, Lv. KnnsTlllc. (tauhmcr.) innpm Ashrvlllr. laannm annum tiouptn Oetlpm iniiopm Ar. Hellshurr, I antlam ' Danville. ln.lllora """Hlchmonifrril .lopm 81 Bern I ,T Knh lKh. " Onlitslioro, " WllminKtnn 1 oniim .110pm AiMijitn r.lonm laflopm vnt.hlittru. 1 1 fltlnm iaA5nm ll8Hnm a uaatn 107m 1 20pm No. Btl " lially. "e.iopm 057pm tiaopm lllMlom " ll'oshlnKion 71iinn " iisuimurc, " Phlla.. New Vork, anoinn 1 1 2opm llstoam "No. 50 " ialljr. iaiftsm 7 iloam 045am wasTaut'SD, l.. Nrw Vork, " Phlla,, " llnlllmorr. " Waslilnat'n 11 tl4am l.ynchhura.l 54opml 507am ' Hlchmoad. ioopm a40pm OtHlam asoam S) 05am Tlianrlllt ""Wllmlnsffn" " Onlrfsnoro, " Welrlgh, " nallshurjr, Ar, AshcTillr, " Knoevllle, (oth mcr,) 8 311pm eeOfim "1245am TilUatn 315nm Sooprn 1 IN lam 11 35am I aanpm ' No. 59 lilly. ano em IA am 10IIA am 18 ell pm A. A S. ft. It. No. 5 ln(ly; No p m 700 p m 507 n m 8 -M i p m l.r. Hot anrlnas. Arr. Arr Astievlllr. Arr. Ar, Itrnitrremirdle, " aiienanonra. i.e. MtlMI'IIV BltANCH. ' (tlslljr cscrpt anndey.) I No. 17 L.T. Ashevilic, Af.r856Din No.ia till) em It 10 am an pm A45 pm Ar, Waynmrllle, " I IMpm llrvsnn City, " 045 a m WrstArld, L. BIO em Nos. AO anrf 51, I'uttman Kleeiicra hetwetn Orts-nslmrt. ami Morrlstuwn Nos. 511 and 5a Pullmnn ,nn5Vt nireplna wars nciwcvn r.oi smn, sim wnsnineion, Aslwvlllc I. Iiirskfnst Htntlna flnr No. 50. tilnncr 5a. Hickory la ' 52, W. A, WINHUMN, D. P A., AshcTillr, N, C. JAi. L. TAVtXia.O. P.A., Weshlnatoa, U. C. PRIVATK BOARD. ' NflW HOURHl NBWLV PUKNIMIHU ALL UOOUMH IMPROVKalKNTS, ' MRS. If. B. ATKINBON, MHa. Ml Bawe)e4 teres . , JmaMalT THE "HICKORY INN," HICKORY) Ne C. A POPULAR WINTER RESORT. a a r 8 e Si 2 Average Winter Temperature, 5a Degree. The Hotel in handsomely Klectrit! LightH, (ias, Hot and the conveniences of a modern dress ' " GLEN ROCK HOTEL. In 100 Feet of Central Passenger Depot. ASIIEVILLE, N. C. A mittlern firnt clnm lmie. Hot anil eold water nnd hntha nnd toilet on every floor. HlectHc Ih-IIn In every room. Ojtrn lire In office and Krati in bed room a. OIKit, dining rnuin, Inm-h fountrr. dnr nm! new ulnnd nnd liar nnd hilllnrd room on nntt floor. Klet trie Kirtt't can pintM door every 3 minuten. Kkhmond and lanvltle rnilroad calinK houmr, niinutt-H fur mtnl. RATES, fl.00 PER DAY. A. G. IIALI.YBURTON.Prop. J. M. IIRVAN nnd WALTER UREKN, Clerlta. SPECIALALE I Wc nre now oflV rinK lcelnl lmri:n)nn in everything. Our buyer, MR. J. O. iroVYKI.L, ! now in the Northern mntketH. We are tfttinn to nell oimIii at pHeen io nit cveryntMly. Wc linil fntni rifirrit-iK'e ttint l.ow Prieen 1I0 more tti help out it dull day than a tilg tobacco I malt. We nrv now cIHuk on our third car load of Clover and Gnus Secil. and expect to k BvlliiiK un the tenth car load of DRY GOODS ttrfurr the year in out. A few pnira of Mrn'n Heavy Boot away helow rout, nnd oar Kiniinlon hlue for LntlUn nt 'l i iMH)tively the chenpnt nhoe on earth. Men's $1.Aol!aU at 7rn nml SI Hnttt nt 4-ne., nnd n tin-nt ntnny other things that will Aftonlnh you. r.KAIIAM'rt llo.Mli-MAlUt iSIKMi U the fuvorite with all the fnmiera. We only mention thin to -how that wc urv ou itoml terms with the Alliance people and aixee ling them stacks of good. Ashevllle Dry Goods Co., J. O. HOWBI.L, Manaaer. At 0I1I stnnil, 1st floor below I'cnnlmaa Co. 'a Hardware Store. iH0TEL ST. ARMOND, 1 8KXANI MINERAL, SPRINGS, N. C. ElKht Miles) South of Atthwllle, on Ihe A. A S. Rnllrond. 40 MIM'KAL SI'KINC.S. The anntysle show. Iron, Alum, Hpsoai, Mnanrala anil White Hulphnr. Cerce Rheatna llstn, IIIihhI IHsrasra, liysirpsla, Insomnia, Ncnrotis Affection, and all Kidney Complaint.. Commmllous house and m-oiiiuls. Cul.lnc excellent. Term, reasonable. Address E.A. LeVENE, aprfl iitf nanaffer. TAYLOR, BOUIS -Wholraalc and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES. TINWARE, Ac. SANITARY I'LVMUINO, GAS AND 8TBAM FITTING, TIN AND SLATB ROOFING, AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC GAS LIGHTING AND CAJ.L DELLS, AGENTS FOR "ROYAL" OAS MACHINE. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER WORK FOR MILLS SPf CIALTY New Store Under Opera House, No. 43 Patton Ave., Bstlmatea Cheerfully 01 marl dly "iviAAAAAivuiiinxuiriAAn. tsi-il.ii.kiii:i. . i a A B er 3 2 it furniHhed throughout, Jias Cold Water Baths, and all home. For terms, etc., ad FRANK LOUGHRAN, Proprietor. mnrl7 TUB FINIiST SI'KINC.S SOUTH OF SARATOGA. & BROTHERTON, Mctall Dealers la- AaheTllIc, N. C. yen on all Work la our (.Inc. A CARD. Kdltor AshevUle Cltlsrai That our many frlrntli may know how w. are ftttlnc oa w. will .tate that we took la la Hotel ant Btore 99,000 In Vive Week. Took la laat tfatarday ovrr $7(K). 78 of that was hotel, balaac. .tor. Hotel irais. tend M that day. Itad n.Ooo arrleals la A months, Our ati'ck Is mammoth 800 kti lona aad IS feet wlds, Tell the balance of th. world lo com. and see "Old Chert" smile, aad bay foods of as aad save 10 to 3S per cat. novlAdtf . . CHRmtBTKH t IWIN. UOfllEI, CARRIAGES, BUCKSMITHIttS. To theettlscns of Ashcrllle aad ekialty I eroaM announce that at my ehope on Collrn ateeet, ntit to Woodbury-e eUbUe, I am bet ter prrpnrrd than errr to do work la my line. Wajons, HnairleB and Carrlaaee maaafaet- ctaltlea, aad perfcet setMacUoei aaaraatMd. - ' 7 ' --- " mww niinifsng M SeilllHI .OQ ay charm aes dcreta. BtftNBTTB. I1'!:. ''

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