- ut-WWIM ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 13, 1800. WIITS SPECIFIC. A troublesome ikln disease 1 caused me to scratch for tun month, and ha been cured bv a tew days uau of S. 8. S. M. H, Worn, Tipper Marlboro, Jlkl. Swift Specific I was cured several yearn apo of white swelling In my kg by l ha use of 8. 8. 8., and nave had no symptoms of any return of tho disease Slimy prom inent physlclam attended me and all failed, but 8. 8. S. did the work. Paul W. Kiukfwrick, Johnson City, Ten. Treatise on Blood Skin Disease mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Qa. uci tlftdftwly PROFESSIONAL, CARDS. A. S. GRAHAM, DENTIST. Office Over J. H. Lnw' More, South Mnln Street. Hxtrtictlng Sfflc. With Kan rtoe. I'llHna with silver or nmnliriiin....noc. io7oc. " Kold $1.0(1 untl upwind. Set of teeth an.i.n. Heat act of teeth H.c(). No liettcr made, no matter what you pay. euttlal'iu-tlon guaranteed. M. A. NEWLAND, Attorney at Law, MARION, n. c. Will practice In the Kith nml l'.'tll Judicial IHatrlcta of North c'nrolinn nml In the Mi prcnir Court ami the I'eiii-rnl Court uf lllv VYvalcrn lllatrlet of North Carolina. mayNiIlm DR. B. F, ARRINUTON. Olticc rooina on I'ntton arvenue, over the elothiiiK atore of C. Ii. Itliintoll tit Co. Kt-aidclice vomer of YVoodlhl nml I.ovuat atreeta. TllKo. I'. Daviihos, Tlloa. A. Junks, KalrlKh. J. 11. Maktim, Aateville. Aslicvillc. JJAVIIISON, MAKTIM MJtlNUS. Attorueya nml Couu-u.-llora tit l.nn. Aallcvlllc. N. C. Will prsi live In the 1 1th nml I'Jth Ju.ll. inl IllMtiicla, null In the Supreme Court of Noill! Caxolittn. noil in tin l-edernl Courts of the WrMtem liialrlct ofNorlli Carollnn. Meter to Hank ol Aslicvillc. iltael J A. THNNHNT. Architect and Contractor. Pinna, aeelnentiona nnd i-Mlniatc fur dialled. All work In my line conlriicu-.l for, nml no ehnrRea for ftrnwiuira on euntrneta uwnnlcd me. Kelcrencea when ilralreil. Office: No. Ill Hendry lll.uk, North Court square. Aahevillc. N. C. (el. I -.ally J. W. KOLLINUH, Veterinary Surgeon. I will practice in the city and aurroumllnti country. Office at W. P. lllnnton t Co.'a atnlile,' T South Mnln street. nprt R. H. KKBVHS, D.I). 8. II, K. SMITH, II. U.S. Dra. Reeve) Smith. DKNT4I, OI'FICK In Connnlly nulldlnir. over Krdwooil'a Store, I'ntton Avenue. Teeth cstracted without pain, withtht-new atia-alttctic, nndull cnace of IrrcKiil'trlty cor rectcil. irl.i:lill . KAM8AY, II. O.K. Dental r) Office t In llarnnrd lltiildlnK Itntrnnres, I'ntton Avenue nnd Main Hlrect. fcliJO.lt v MISCELLA SEO ''S. Wf,l. R. PENNIMAN, PKOI'KIUTOR Of THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, A.kcvUlc, jN. C. i. o. Box p. marl art ly F. W. VESEY & SON, FLORISTS, Urccnhouaca, No. 61 Chcatnulatrect. Now ready, fre.h, healthy lleddinti Plnnta In variety, delivered to any pnrl of the elty, and planted out when required. hjIiIH dam THIS LAROURT AND HKHT UUI'll'I'BIt IN TUB SOUTH, CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABORATORItk or H. C. Woltcrcck & Co. CONM't.TINU CHKMIBT ANII MltllNII KNIIINKKM. Analyse of Mrtnla, Ore., Cnal or Coke, Mln ernl Waters, I'rrtllliera, etc. PKICH LIST ON APPLICATION. Mining property Invcstlnnted, developed, buuirht and aold, CortvaiMindene. anllciled. Rnmplc enn lie aent liy mnll or e.prraa. If sent liy expreaa, ennrKea mual tic preMilll, Agents wanted la every pine. Chattanooga, Tenn. DR. II C. WOI.TCNKCK, nnvft ilajwlv Mnnnoer. JfADFIELlTS rl female. 3df RFmiiATnp v WfTRll AT ION jsook WviOMM'j? BMDFIflD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA BA, aepUH clcVwIy IRATT'S 01 ASTRAL III AOSOLUTKLY SAFII PERFECTLY ODERLEttl Burns hv titf Itmp wllhait s)tngr f Cxnlodlnt or taking Ufa. that yov I th gsnvlna. Fr sal by . . . 1 EALTsTE1 C"ITE3 C!L CO., CM Tho Kins; or Diilinmojr Tired oi War With tho I'rtmi'h. H Expected to Overwhelm Them at a Single Blow. R.v.ral of Ilia Army OfHrera llrlieH.l.d Al a Itc-Hiilt or Their I'ulliire Uuho uiliiua IM.itiiated and an Outliieak r'l-ilred- I'liti tVorhluii I'laMHea Vvrnua tlia Arlfitoeraiiy in flerinuny Note.. London, My 11. The lut.'st advlcra from Afriiii uprescnt tlio King of Da homey us wry tiled uf hix war airninfit the French. Ho hud expected to over whelm Hie finitll Fri-mli xairi-tiu.oii the coitht at tine Mow and either capture or drive thein into the Ken, ami when hi troops rctiiiiitililiHcunilllecl frntu the tlo fenceH of Koluliou he wui ho euriiKed that he promptly lieheaded the geiienil in roiiiiuiind and followed up ..io act with a BlunghUir of several utore of his officers next day. This severity, however, hud n rontrnry effect to what he exacted, and i.innv of hi troojiedeferted, some setiiriiij; refiiKe within the French lln.-s. The litniiliitrd Bicntof Whyilah had adili'd tothedix gust of the bahniiiiuii. who had lieeu acetiMomcd to repirc. their inotiareli hh invincil.le, and Hie kin1; is mid to be in some fear of au outbreak among his sub jects. The French will not mnke pence with out nn effort to pul a stop to the inhu man n;. rifii'os ot hmiimi lifo which ao coiiipiniy stall-lei'i'Utonii-s in Uahoiuuy, and the king will lie iviiutrcd to pay an iliil. ni:iily f..f (tie lo ,s of Hie una ur jiiop- erty he litis cioimhI the French, ARISTOCRACY ALARMED. Erap.ror Wllllum'a Njinpalhy w ith Work Inaillen Not t.lllel LoNooN. May 1 1. lioltnl Meilln cor respondence states that, while the em pemi' Ik winning favor with the working daises, i he aristocracy Is ranging itself on the side of l'linci- nisinaick, and that i-oitie iri)Ko-ltiiuiH tit do sic-iiil honor to the talesmtiii are prompted by a desire 'n n lun-t nsm the m, ereixn who virtu ally liiqsmil him. The up)H-r clusues fei'l that the kaiser's lilH-ral ilicy is en ilannet ing their Miwev unit prestige, and tie. p -.piiwiiiiis are heard of discontent with the program. Ilnllun t hiirlll.l ln,.tltulona. HiiMK. May 11. The riutionof taking lit' c iilrol of chaiilnhle institution. ft. in the pritfts ami placing ittn the hi'litls i f the civil power, is nroiisitig bitter foul rover.y in the Italian purlia tn. nt. 'Hie :iiveiiii;ieiit does not find niiaiiiiiiity for the itieusnre among its own tiiinrters. and the clergy are 'training every iulliteiice tln-y pusses to i. tire tt.i defeat. The bill, however, will pi nimbly (,,iss. t'nutmun Aetlon Aanlna, Anarehlata. I.HMKI.N, May It. A dispatch' to The Standard fti iti Vienna says that the Fr neh govt rniiient has sotiiiiliil wverul of the goven. meius on the Mib.iects of cotiitii. n action ngaln-t Annrchists, but hns t'.NprKM'd a piefrre'ice that Austria should take the initiative In the move ment. Germany anil the Am.rlran Ho. Lomhis, May II. The tliroiilelc's Dt rlin coiresiiidi lit says that (i' niinny is not in.li: ).. i d t relut the iii.iibiik.h of Ann rlcitn Hirk on i-onditi"ii that the United Mate., agtecs to a rouce-siou in rrgsrd to Ueiiiian imptn ts. Fnrrl(B NotNk Sever teen liuni'.iwl carieulers in Tlam tin iK arc 1.1 If. Mhil-ter l.ln.oln Is away from London on short leave. The workmen' cirri. In flavnna has lieen rloseil by tlia suthorltlin. Villiatn tt'Hrien has been refused a new trial of his llbsl suit agnlnst Ixinl Snllsbtiry. Mr. Charles Kmnry mlth, the 1'nlte.l tjtsiev mitilMcr in Ilussln. lias started from Berlin' for St. I'el.ralitirg. The blslinps of Melbourne and DnllHrat hnve dim ted the tilera:- of their dlnesaes to refiiM- tn marry divorces under the new Vleliirla art. The drouth continues tlimiiiihotit rttha. It may be snl.l that tli.rs la not a sIiikI plantation on the islsnd that has not suf fered more or less from lire. The rtr-t prize for a design for a menu meal lo Ktuperor William has been swarded to Hciilpior liehrena, of lirealau, and Arelilteei Melit, of Ullg. The port Is nil vised Hint severe fighting bss ocriirrrd nnd Is still proirreselng be tween the Druses and the Maronltls lu th dlstriet in Blount Uihanou In (iyrla. Trtsips will !r sent at nnre to put an wid to Ike warfare nnd restor quiet. The St. Petersburg sorTespnnilent ef Tha Ix.n.lnn News says Hint the Httsshin government has resolved that the deli' gntea to the prison's congress ahsll pliiln" tlirmselvHs not lo raise a question rsgaru lug polltiaul prisons and prisoners in Si beria. Kmienir Wllllsni'a speech hns produced a bad Impnslon In Kt. I'etemhurg. It is regarded ss having a warlike hnlHraur beneath the pud tic protest. The fact of Inn-rased military rredlla bring ssked Is considered ss contraillvtury to the era teror's pat lllc phrases, Henor t'listellnr, In a discussion with a member (if the Spanish chamber of depu ties, condemned Kinpcmr M'tllistn's So cialist policy na inspired by mere political designs. He blamed the pop for msklng sdvanres to tsH tnllani. Its admit led the grievances that stats Intarfvrenc would fall lo cure tliein Mr. Cliainl-erlsln's proposal that Mr. Glsdstoti nnd Lo Salisbury I'sve a onn fereneenn th Irish land i nest Inn was much rilsetisM'd In th lobbies of parlia ment. The Uladstonlans war strnngly ssslDst the pnioosal, while Ih Conserva tive seemed to bs convinced that It would hare no good result. Tho mstiufucturers of Oernisny are much pleased with th proposed Increase of duties on Imported goods and this lends lo reconcile I hem somewhat with the em peror's championship of the working peo ple, but the nobility ar not to he plsisiteil In this way and they ar loud In their pi-slats of the Iron chancellor. Great preparations are being mnd for th reception nf the emperor In Norway, slid It I ex peeled that the King ol Sweden will make a special Journey tn meet hi fellow anrerclttn. It will la' the lint vhdl of a tieniiuu emperor to the Scnndliiiivliiu penlustiln and the nswipupcrs are rscall- lltg that but for Sweden, Prtiwln unit the present Uenuitn emplra would probably never have hail exlstonre, the Sivrda, In the days of tholr mwrr, having ptuserved Prussia from lining ovorwheliuvd by th house of Austria. . The I.nntliin Times publishes a despatch saylnu that Prince bi.msruk hssn-oslved M. I)c)miux, a French jotirnallit, with whom he bad a long oonversnllon, Th lisps ten adds that It h. pXiMA.!, ra cunse qttenee of the Interview, that M, Dnspou will write a S'fisntlnnsl aooouut of Prims) Ulsmnrek' tllsmlssal from th vhstiollor ship. It la stated upon ssml-offlclsl authority that In his Joiirn.f to th.ooast with Bail a Stanley tiaite trestle Is th UiUreal of Enxland with all of th tribes alone th Mum from Lsvk Albsrt SjmtM tp f mAyn, t nese trsanes, It is asserted, ar now In the foreign otltce, where they will be held until necessity for tha mililiuUv shall arise. Mr. Calvo, consul of the Aravntlin. Us. publlo nt New York, discredits utterly the reported embezzlement, of 110,000.000 of state fimils, mid ascribes It toa further at tempt to dcpi-uclato his government's credit. Ills latent advices wore to the effect that the crops were nhuiiiliiiit., nnd that the premium on gold laid fallen 100 points, and that, as a cnnwHicui v, pros perity smiled upon the ptotilu uf the country. NEW3 IN BRIEF. A Conilenantlim or IiitweHtliia Itrma on Various Ku'dri-tii, Frederick Leneh. a wenlthr finniHr of Cf ''!! .':-, N. V was shottiv a dlselinrieil ete; It is I elic-ved that missing Ileal lOstato Atten'. ( I'ttt, nt Inill.-inamills. una nuii. ilereil i i money. Michael Wagner, aged 08 years, died at New Rluuel, O., Wcdnesrlay. Huwas a soldier imih-r Xapoleou. Mrs. Mnry Nnttiil, diverted by her hits band aiiilthi-ii by her lover, eoiuliiittud suicide in a Louisville honse of ussiann. thin. May Wright Hewn II, of Itiilltinaixills. is entertaining Princess EngallelielT, of Kussla, who is here aa a Ken nan counter- actcr. New Jersey farmers are threatened with wt-llnlgh all tho luseet pests known to eu tomology, the wheat lousu belnir tin. nm.l ilreaileil. Kvidenroof tho defensu In thn Kuiro n.nr. der t rial nt Marion, Intl., consisted of a general denial of the chargej. Argument nave tiegiin. George M. Storrs. son of thn lutn K .V fltorrs, of Chicago, wascnmndited to Hie state Insane asylum at Voughkeupaie, X. c., Aiiui-Miay. TheK iuu's Daughters and Tvinu'u slnna In annunl meeting In New York, deter mined that the organization should be maintained non-set a rlan. Crswrordsville nml Wnhnh. Ind.. re. liort the eom-ct thing for this season in tlie ruin of crop ami fruit prospect by this wei-k's frost and snow. Jnred Chirk got tireil of ouari-elliiir u ltl. Hrnnt Purusll at Portsmouth. U, and emptied his shotgun into I 'n null and went to jnll to await n-sttlts. Robert Kldd. the well known iii-nfnawi of elis-t, : Ion, whose text biajk is known to every scIiooIIhi)- in Dlilo, Is lying critically in ni ins noiiis in i.ocKianil, u. The baby born In the Ohio lielllt.MOlnrv of Hefta M.tioe, the horse tlu-f. and numeil nrter .Mrs. (im-ernor t ainiils'll, will la taken ton CutholU liiMliutl.ni. John M.tirath and Mud SeaU ar. In. dieted nt Waliinijfoii, In. I h uge of iM'lotiging to the party of masked sneaks who wliippeil old David I In. la-t nniiifh. Cieorge Iiolan's wife has left him right in therorn-phiiitiug season and taken his hind man with lo r. lie is lert nt Matioti, Intl., with the farm and two babies to ears for. I).--o.t.irs In the erlppled Mimfgoinery Tru-l I'ompnny, of Nurritown. Pa., will teis-ive (lollnr p.r dolinr. after which there will be a surplus of mure than i;.v. HM. Pitler were served npnit ex-Judge Henry Milton in an action lii-titiu.J ngniust him by .lames K. Uialiain. elty editor ol The New York World, for 30,uOO damages for lilsd. John V. Dearmaii, a brnkcuinn fmm Knnxvllle, Tenn., had his legs cut off by the cars uear Doyle's, Ala., on the Louis ville ami Nashville railroad, auddied upuu reaching lilriningham. Kdwnrd Unehanan dll In a cell nt the Oak street station, New York, from sloo bnliniii. Id- was a prominent merchant of Ssn Frsntseo, and arrived there but a few dnys ago from Liverpool. At liuitifM-ille. Tex., Capt Joe Means, proprietor of The Dally Hesperian, wa shot and killed by Charlie Bnll, an em ploy of Th Register. A newspuper con troversy caused the trouble. Dr. hi. A. Crumley has melred his com mission of apmlntiiic nt as surgeon of tne t'nited States murine hospital at Unlll pnlls, O.. vim Dr. P. Gardner resinned. and entered upon his duties. At HprlnahVId, O., Clay Decker gave a pawnbroker alsiut an for a star sni.t res ent pin. reposed to be set with brilliants and turned faint when the brilliants proved to Iss genuine diamonds. A delirium tremens sufferer rushed eroiiud Columbus, ()., streets without clothes "to escape the fires of Judg ineut." was fired every place be went aud was tlnslly tired Into Ih city prison. fieotge C. Pratt, th employe of the California lusurnnc ennipauy who shot Slid wounileil L. U Hr.auwcil. prralilrht of the rouipHiiy. last .laiiiini'v. was ae ijulttctl on th charge of assault lo mur der. Alexander Thicker, of Hurricane. V. Vs., who acted su atleriit-y for J. W. Bur den and James Thnrk.r, of Piittiam eoliiily, in tlielr claims for .pensions, has Iwen nrresfed after nn Investigation by a special agent, who suspects that th names slgueil lo tb applications aro tor gertes. Filwin Thomas, who makes a business of tsttiKiii.g sailors, sliot and fatally wounded .Ml-s Junnle Coiiunrs, In New Vork i lly. The girl had formerly lived with hiiu. but left hltn on account nf a I. Hi- she was stopping with a girl friend when Thomas forced his way Into the house, and alter ii struggle It h the nullum, succeeded ill shcutltig Miss t'ou nors. llewaseaptur.il. CONGRESS. Oue flnndreil and Nlstri-ittli Hay. lu the senate 'l he wotslml woolen bill ana considered and passed. The silver bill was postponed until Monday, The Morrill pension bill was taken up, aud without si tin ii the senate, at S p. m. ad journed. In lite house The tat IIT debate was con tinued until A p. lu., when t. rises wn taken Mill! " p. to., the night MrsSlou l tug devoted to luiltl speeches. Threw Away Their fortune. Valentino Hotting and wifo, of St. Louis, went out driving recently. Mr. Setting Is n Jeweler, nnd by hard win k and rigid cconoiiiv had sui-coeilcil In ac ctnniilatiiig 1.005 in hard cash, which was kept In the honsu. thi starting for tlio drive, being urral.l to Icavollititiloliey tn tho lionso during their iilxatico, Mrs. Hettlng put tho money In her stockings. It felt mirouifortiihlo Ihem. Hho tisik tho uu'kiigu out nml placisl It at tho bot tom of n paper Iwigeoiituiiilng oranges, ami which alio ciii-Hcd In her hands, During tho di lvo thiimgli tlio park tho cottjilo ato the oranges, nml when tho last ono was gouo throw tlio nag iiwuy, losing sight nf tlio fiwt that it con tallied all t in money they luul In tlio world. They did not discover their loss until Into in tho evening, and nil attempts to Mini tlio pnekngu proved unavailing, Cor. Chicago Trllmuo. A iiio.IHIciitli.il of Killaon's phonograph Is said to havn lwu ilevlsml by a painter In Hilmi. Il rmts undur (Wand Hie nsxcylln dsrssre nprisluemt In sine by the galvnno plnallu pns-e at a oast of fly cents each, selling prlru,v An englucr on thulron Mutintnlii Mail hns perfected mi automatic Ih'II rimcor on Ills lo oomotlve, mid now, wlinn rimuing In con si rs! ton limits, or whenever I ho boll must Isi rung, he juat Jerks a spring and the bell Is kept going by steam power till he turns off TITTIlta OUT A liRinB. The Old Fashion of Furnishing a Duogh- ter's Linen Revived. Tho good old fashion of furnishing a daughtor with an outlit ot household linou on her marriage is becoming the rule in this country. Such an outlit in cludes table linen, bed linen, and towels, and etioh piece is usually embroidered in entwining letters with the bride's maiden Initials. Thesn initial are not conspio uouh, but are plaood at one comer of the slieot or tablo cloth, across the cornor of the napkin, and in tho center of the towel just ubove the bonier, A pure white towel of line huckaback, fin lulled with one or two-Inch hem stitched horns, Is preferred to till others by sensible pooplo, who select a towol for its absorbent qunlities. Tim majority of people find a dnmnsk towel uncomfort ably slippery, whilo others will use noth ing else, The various Irish faotorios dealing in fine hni'd-inado linens are sending out many fancy patterns in hucknhnck. Old-foslilonod blrdoyo llnon of uxqniss Itcly silken quulitios nro again shown for towels, nnd are flnlshod Willi simple hemstitched hems, A heavy, srnrp weave of huckaback, known as tho "elephantine," is used as a friction towel, which is made of the "noils," or socond quality of llax tlbre. Those towols nro $3 to $4 a dozen, nnd retain their sharpness aftor continual washing. A useful and beautiful towel is made in dingnnnl weavo, and is said to' possess nil tho alMorlxnit qualities of huckaback, while it Is softer to tho touch, A few hucknhnck towels, willi a group ot lines in color nlsivo tho hemstitched lionis, are shown, but n towel in pure white is gen erally preferred to any with a colored border. A wldobor.lerof Mexican drawn work nrnnmeiitH tho most elegant white towels nlsive the horn. Spanish peasant women scud linen towels and othor pieces finished with elaborate patterns in nutted work above a nnrrow-fringod Isirder. Similar work conies also from Italy. Such fringed towels are chiefly used for ornamental purposes, to cover the othor towels on tho rack, or as bureau or stand covers. Ancient Rmeillos. Tho old-tiino physician administered heroic remedies, and Usually U'gan his treatment of tiny case by opening a vein in the patient's arm, nnd bleeding him copiously. Among the directions loft by him, nimo was more iniorntivo than that fever put icnts should not lie allowed cold walor, and he seemed to haven or foct gonitis for coiup.. muling nnuseous mixtures. A ..ketch of "The Hundredth Town" liii'orpoiitted ill Massachusetts gives soiuu interesting characteristics and piethods ot Dr. Hull, who practiced then, in the first part ot this century. His directions to his put icnts woro do lighlfully comprehensive. "T ike a little of this 'ere nnd a littlo of that air," he would say, "put it in a jug Is-foro tho lire, stir it up with your littlo linger, aud take it when you uro warm, hot, Cold, or feverish." Olio of his rcciKiH is absolutely nppnll ing lo the imagination. Here it is, ready lo lie tested by those who huvo both curi osity and d hi rage. "(Iroon Tobacco, Ilenbano, Chamo mile, Cheese Mallows, Hitter swoot root, Melilot, Ynllow Fond Lily Hoot, Night Shade, lleartscnso, Dis k leaves, Plantain Leaves, St, John's Wort, Mouso Kur (iiirlicko Comfrey Loaves, Buds of Wal nut, Old David's Weed, Garden Scurvy Cross, IiurdiK-k Elder, Heatall Catnip. CnrSnter Weed, Marsh Mellows, Cbo lindinn, Fonncy Wort, yarrow, luwbaliu, liout KiKit Leaves. " Ono day a patient, having doubtless drunk tho full bitterness of such a pro scription, said lo him, " W'hul is tho need of so ninny diltorent things, il.s t.ir'f "Well," was the reply, "it you nro going to shoot a bird, you use plenty of shot. Some of these things ill Is- pielty euro to hit the case." A young physician, however, who moved into town In the old doctor's day, found nn answer to this illustration. "Tell the old disdor," said he. to somo ono who quoted it, "that nowadays wo don't use shot-guns. We use rules. " I'erful Letters. There nro two sots ot letters v. hich hnve come to 1h Used so familiarly in place ot tho words they represent that many who employ them freely do not know tor what thoy really do stuu.L Ono of these letter combinations Is "C. O. D. " Kvorylwdy understands Its general significance, namely, that who ever receives a parcel so marked must pay for it Isuoro ho can get it. It would certainly take a groat deal of lime if tho words "Cash on Delivery" were always written whero the simple "(J, O. D. " serves so welL Another curious combination of the same sort ls"0. K." In this cane the letters do not huppon to correspond at all with tho phrase thoy stand for. Tho words "All right" do not so much us contain either of tho letters in question. The origin of "O. K"U a mutter of tradition nnd not by any means of exact record, but it is said that tho practice uf writing it had Us beginning with John Jacob Astor, the famous millionaire merchant of Nr1 Yurk. Mr, Astor was known to bo 'so honor able nnd so familiar with all sorts of mercantile matters In New York that no was frequently consulted by hi friends as to the commercial standing or solvency of other merchants. And if a nolo of Inquiry was received by him re lating to tho standing uf one whom he had good reason to cousldur financially sound, he wrolo "O. K." on the bottom of the nolo and promptly sent It bnok. Being a Uermnn by birth, and, per haps, not perfectly familiar with the pe culiar spellluj; ot the Ftiglish language, Mr, Astor supposed that 0. K."wnnn abbreviation of "all corroot," which, in his own mind, he spelled "oil korreot. Colored Uunllenian Permit me, Mis Bimlsjrly, tlo extreme felicity ot present ing my seat. Miss 8, Thanks, kindly, Mr. John ling, but don't tleprlvo yourself. Mr. J. No depravity, ma'am no do pravlty at alhI assure yon. WKino aranr i.v itiiM Wonderful Const Mnsry, Deserta, Ota elera and Mosquito, "There In uo uinro wonderful scenery In the world, " said Mr, Marcus Bakr, of th geological survey, to a reporter, "than is to be found along the coast of Alaska, a you go up from Portland by steamer to Sitka and beyond by the in side pass age. Only for a Tory imall part of the way do you feel th oomo. wI! at all, a continuous archipelago of Island forming S breakwater for hundred of mile against the ware ot the Pacific, while the ! sails In wator smooth as a mill pond- Along th mainland moun tain tousaud ot ft hlfc-h tower pre cipitously up from the son, covered with dense timber, while here and there a groat fiord reaches up toward the Inter ior. The settlement so essential to plo turesquoness are unhappily lucking, suve now and thou an Aleut village may bo een. Upon roaohing Sitka you find yourself iu a much more cquahl$ climate than that of lioston, its mean tempera ture being about the same, thouHii It is many degrees north of the latter point Pursuing your way northward, along the coast, yon see now and then a gla cier reaching down to the sea. When you reaoh the Yukon, it It is the proper sea son, you find countless myriuds of can vasback ducks disporting themselves. That stream, together with othor waters thereabouts, I the great breeding ground, you know, for canvnsbneks. as well as for many other sorts of ducks and geese aud swans. All the canvas backs which are shot on the Chesa peake conio from the Yukon and its neighborhood. This fact has becu es tablished as a certainty by observation of their flights from various points, their aerial course being by way ot the groat lakes. " " What 1 the Interior of Alaska like ? " asked the reporter. "It is very 'mountainous and so bit terly cold through nearly all the year, that nobody lives there save a few wretched Aleut. The summer oidy lasts for about two months, during which the heat in the daytime is apt to be very in tense, often rising above a hundred de grees In the shade, drosses and other plants grow and ripen with enormous rapidity during the short season, because they have to if thoy grow at all. In the winter It is night almost all the time, while In the summer tho sun hardly has time to set Isifore it rises again. Alto gether it is a very weird sort of country. Tho coast, of course, is kept warm by the enormous body of walor called the Pacific ocean. There tire no snakes in Aluska, per haps, U'catiso no snakes would live there. Tlie only frog ever discoved by explorers there wits found by my rty some years ago. Prolmbly, however, thero is uo part of the world whore mosquitoes aro mora dreadful than Alaska, The soil is of a soft, spoiigv chnraotur that hold water for days after a ruin, and the In sects are bred out of It lu such Bwraius thnt it is hardly possible for man or any other animal to exist among them. They attack the moose with such ferocity as to drive the beasts into the river, whore the natives attack them with knives. Hears and reindeer are plentiful. IVr lui the worst part of Alaska is that to tho northwest, south of tlio Yukon river crossed but once, by a purty of explor ers, who nearly starved to death on the nay. The l.i- toiy ot Alaska, is a story of sutce-sive lea-.'j to fur-gatberiugooiu-pnnies. When Uussia added it to her em pire she lot it out in terms of tweuty years each to such companies, but by 'lrKlu the u buses practiced by tlie fur concerns bad become so serious that the matt, r was made an important ques tion in Kussion politics. They decided In St. Petersburg that ALudia whs more trouble than it was worth. Thus it came nlsuit that Mr. Seward bought it for a comparatively small price, notwith standing a very viH-lferims howl that was raised against tho project, That was in 1MIIU. A lease of tlio seal islands for twenty years was at once given to uu American company. This lease having expired, tho snmo company is seeking its renewal, nnd as you know, the pro position is being earnestly antagonized iu tlie Senate. " Nelf-ltevniirlna A strnngo and really dramatic situa tion is ono ilesciils'.l by the author of "Obeall," a littlo book which treats of West Indian lifo. Insects nnd reptiles nro abundant in the West Indi.-s, and one toon gets well acquainted with cortuiu small, bright green liamds. which nro perfectly harmless and very lively. Tbeso little orenture aro quite tame, nnd when caught by the tail they slip awny leaving that apiKjiulngo Miind llietii. I was once sitting on the veranda, watching a little green lizard darling about after tho flies. It became Iwld. nnd in one of Its quick movements Jumped on niv foot. I made u sudden snatch, and caught tho littlo fellow by the tail. Giving u wriggle he darted otf, having that portion ot his pros'rty in my hands, ami, having no uu tor it, I dropped it on tlio floor uud resumed my book. Presently I looked down, and saw that a lot ot ants bad found tho piece of tall, and wcro hurrying oft" with their treas ure as fast a they could. When they has dragged it almost to their liolo, I noticed my littlo groeu friend, a tow Inches awny, Intently eyeing his missing property. The ants woro just giving a final pull Inward their nest, when the lizard suddenly made a dart iihiii them, seized his bit ot tail, aud swallowed it with evident gusto. ITEMIZED ODDITIES. Rich .sjttaro Inch of tlie skin contain. 8..VW kw eating Ink's, or H.-rspiralioo l.res. each uf which may be likened to a little druiii-tilo one-fourth of an incb iu length, making an aggregate length of the entire surface of the body of 2(11, HWI feet, or a tilo ditch for draining the body almost forty miles long. An ancient and remarkable clocks ha been r.fciitly set up lu tlie reading-room of the municipal library at liouen.Fnuice. A single winding keeps it running for U years and sot aid months. It was cou striicted hi KVej, underwent alteration In is 111, was Isiught by thecity of liouen in 1KIS, and has bueu recently repaired and sel going. The pliii'iiix, tho fabulous bird of an tlqiiily, In form isdeso'iliedassoniuwiial resembling tho eagle. U was said to live finO years In the wilderness and then re turn lulo Fgypt, where, having built it self a nest, or funeral pile of wood and aromatic gums, and lighting It by the (mining of its wings, was consumed to unites, out of which rose a new phienix. The first living skeleton was Claude Bewrnt. born In Frauoe in 17HU. He was tall and would have Issin woll-shnsxl had there been any ilih on his boslyt as it was every Uiti oonld Is, distinctly seen. Ills arms were compared to two ivory flutes, and his abdomen anemed to cling to the vertebra). Ho made a fortune by exhibiting himself, and returned to hi native town to enjoy himself, bnt mul deuly expired sunn aftor his retirement, The human skin is composed of threo layers, averaging in ail botwoon one twelfth nnd one-eighth of an inch in thickness, and In extromecanos as much as one-fourth of an tnou in thickness, The skin area of the average adult la thorefore estimated at SV000 square In ches. Tho ntmoaphorki pressure being about 14 pounds to tha square mob, a parson nf medium ri In daily and hourly uhjeoted to a prMsur of 16,000 pound The Navy Yard' New Puck. Tho mammoth new dry dock at tho Brooklyn nuvy yard is to bo tested this month in tho presence of Secretary Tra cy. It la said to bo ono of tlio largest dry docks in the world. It cost some thing like .i;ou,(00, and is ovor 500 foot long, 1114 foot 4 inches wido ut tho top, 50 feet wido at tho bottom and S3 foot 8 Incites deep. Underneath tlio entire dis'k, length and breudth, thero is a solid foundation of vuucrelu, six feet in thick nt'BH, and beneath this u supporting floor of piling. The keel track is built on oak en timbers il 1-2 I'.-et lmif; and U3 inches wido, ut a distance of four feet apart. Be tween each two timber there is u pit two feet in depth, which will allow a work man to work on the under part of tho keel. This dock will take up any vessel that our navy is over likely to build. "Alonzo is the true metal after nil, mother." "Pal glad of that, my dear, for so muny tnou uro counterfeits nowadays, you know." "1 bad my doubts there, too, to I sounded hint, and ho gnvo forth tlio genuine diamond ring," Philadelphia Times, "Flannel" It Should lluva liven. Ukerdek Wo ought to huve uaiuod that boy "Klaiiiiel." Mrs. Ukuril.-k What au absurd Ideal Why should wo have iiuiii.n1 him Flaauell Ukerdek Recaiia he shrinks from wash ing. Now York Hun. tilie Wiis Completely Cured. A daughter of mv customer suffered from suppressed menstruation, nml her health was completely wrecked. At ray suggestion she used one bottle of llrtiil field' I'cinnlc Regulator, which cured her. . W. llm.i.i'Ms, Wnter Valley, Mis. Write lliadlicld Regulator Compiiny. Atlanta, Cm,, tor particulars, liy nil druggists. The Great Cocoa of Europe. The Coming One of America. J)clU'iou$. Stnngthcning lo the Nerves, Tea and coffee cheer but do not nourish. They even leave! an injurious effect upon the; nervous system. Indeed, there ! is no beverage like ; Van Horns Gogoa "BEST& GOES FARTHEST" It stimulates and nourishes as none other, loaves no bad effects and is a flesh-former of the most approved type, rr tax iiorTKVH cocoa rw Iriit l.a.M'ftyn umhI"). The alron miiy tuke It with ltii-inr and the wruk with Impunity. The excltln vflVcu of tea iind coOVa uru ahvlutl hy luatljr um) wad nrtToti dlsMtrdrra Mr re lieved nnd prevent"!. Itftlrlnu to tl.eltin. "IstirvtHit milt In (hr world." ank. roit van noi"ri:v ai TAKKMMtTlltlC. H sym?r r.-4rNW TEN FOUNDS THINK OF IT! At Pleiih ProdtieAV (her can tie no question but tbat SCOTT'S ULSIOQ Of Pure Cod Llrer Oil and Hypophosphites Of Lime and soda 1 1 TFithent a rival. Man? haws rained n vouud a dav bv tho una j ui' it. It euro CONSUMPTION, fsROrULS. BnONCHITIS. COUOHS AND. J CO. .03, AH0 ALL f OHMS OF WASTING DIS j CASES. AM I'.tl. l t illl.K AS Mil. K. 1 If.- mirs iaii at the (fCMMfH as tw-re are ( ..Hr ftiiff.ilff.iis. novltl ilXiw I v tu tliti ant KOCK QUAltUY roil RENT. Apply to us diiriiiK the ilUi.iMl.it,- week to rent llu- Hock Oiiarry on tlie opposite side of the river, near Hie iron hriilia'. and the NISH TI!NI'Mi:ST llurWiK nearby. A uood rock man can ucl a lairs'"'"- NAT T .TKISI1.N oi SU.N. GRAM) S AM: OI -' CITY RHSIDKNCR LOTS! SATURDAY, MAY 17. 1090, At I O'clock, The luautlliil proK rly in Weal Iind over- lookiiiM the I'n nili Mr.ia.l river, known na "CI.IVl'lUCIS FAItK," llaa lietii aiili.llvliled Into thirty-two (MJ el.Kaiit rcai.h-ucc lota, and v-lll Ih- aold at public miction on 8atnrday, May 1 7, Inimi, al1U o'clock on the following terms i line fourtli each, halaiu-e In eiiuil hislaliurnta in l twelve nnd cluliletii inontlia with H K-r cent Interval. Wnlt lortlie ante. Uo to It, nnd lake nil vnntiiKc ol an opportunity to areiirc a beau fill home. I'or further pnrlleulnra apply t C. tt. I1KA1I AM, C. II, III.AS'TUN, innytoill w O. T. KAWI.H. JAMlvM FRANK, I.BAI.SS is FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reenia Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Aahevillc. N. C, frl.l o.l I r A nkw liltuil. cfirclutlv nn-tiared hv lead ii Ing ntemlti-ra uf the Aalii-ville tinr it. a nnrai pftecniiient ano nr..i mi. pnirrf. via erlna nil neccaary polnla, Juat out ami now nn Bale at tne ouice oi me v-.Tiann i-vei.ian is Co., No. 8 North Court Btptare. (anlnt MA MtifTW0 WEEKS MISCELLANEOUS. KNJOYS Roth tlio method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to tlie taste, and acts vent 1' yet promptly on the Kidneys, iiivcr nnd Bowels, cleanses the sys tem ulluctiiiilly, dispels colds, head aches ami fevers nnd cures bubitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy ot its kind ever pro duced, iileiisiiiL' to the tuste and ac ceptable, to the Rtotnnch, prompt in in notion nun irtuy la-iicuciiii iu its ellccts, prepared only f-om tlio most neaiuiy itiui nKi-eeanio sunstnnces, its ninny excellent qunlities commend it to all nnd huvo made it the most popular remedy known. vriti of 1- lira ih tor snlo In ouc and fl hottlrs by nil lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who niny not have it on linnd will pro cure it promptly for nny one who wishes to try it. Uo not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. HAN fRAhCMCO. CAt, LOUISVIUf, tt. ZVfkV YORK, M.f. Chicago & Alton R.R. l- AS'l EST HCll'TU TO KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST! Aslieville to Kansas City III 17 hours. Asl.exilli- lo Ik-iiv.t lu r.l hours. Aslieville lo San i-'raueisco. Culiforuiu. and Portland, l.reuon, in dava. Soli.l Vest il.ult-.l I rains M. I.oula lo Knn: ails City. Keelinitn; eliair ear free. Tor lull iiiloi uinuou cull on ur wrtlc tu li. A. Ncwland, I'lstrlet I'naia-nirer Auvnt. No. IO I'altoti Ave., ANlK-villc, N.C. . ril.VKl.TllN. II. I'. A.. I' Idea no. III. Street Car Schedule Iti'Kinninu al Tn. m, Hiulinu 10. UO p.m. Cur ltavi'rt Sijimrc (or nil poiuU on the hour, nn J twc.il' iimt lurty tuhiuUn ttitrc- uiu-r. Silu-diile cant connect nt Square. Train car nnd hnn-'iK- var mctt everv train. Otic valine allowed ench pnKcnjtr. IuiKKntfi' tranHi'crri'tl from ull point in the city tor iini. Till. ASH l-VII. I.K STKiniT RV. CO. ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS. 26 PATT0N AVE.t( Y. M.C.rV ROOMS.) Open daily, exct -pt Sundnyti, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. in., and until i p. The term of Mihuriptioii nrv: One yvnr $11; 0 mo.. 1.5ti; 'A mon.. $1 ; 1 mo., OUcU.f dully li ct. O iVu I'm tor iHiMi rri'Kident, Chnrlra W. WoolMtyi VfiT-l'it'itlilrnt. Thou. A. Jontu; Hrc. and TrvntiTvr, l. 8. Vntoii; l.ilirnrlun, MiM II. J. Ilutth. Cltlxt'tiR nnd vMlom arc rordlnlly Invited to liiHKt't the vntaloKue nnd Inner! I w their nntnr nn nifnilH'r. innrtOtltf CAUTION bollom. ir l lie tieiuer rannoi auppiy ion. a.-i.. I direct lu torture. ucUmUiui advertise prlua. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLCMIN. Fine Calf, Heave Laced Omln a4 CraaaV ruoor Waterproof. . . iii-.i in ii.- worm, r.an...,., fl.no lIKM INK H.!I-HKHKI snOaV at.UO II IMI s.tve ll W r.l.T HljOK. na.,0 pin n K ami rAltMF.nskitOB. t.nil I I II VAI.I'K. 1'AI.K .""Wfi.. 'A.tIA mt WOltKINflMr.N'S BllOr-"., 4.011 and at.TA IKIVM' NCIKMtL s il oca. All ai.-le lu Cttiairewi. Ilnllon and Lac. $3&$2SHOESlafd0.2. I. IS HtlOR rH M1HHFS. fleat Material. Heat HI Tie. Beat rlltlu. W. 1 llAialas, Brvektva, Mass. Sol kf lll'.UKING & WEAVER. tel. 10 lUlsm Aalievlllc. N. C, April II, 1 HHO. The vopnrtui'ralilp heretofore eslatlnR be Iween the uiiikraluiu'd, under tlie Ann name of I't'l.l.lAM Hi L'ii., la tills dnyillaaolved liy mutant consent. The del.ta due hy anld Arm will tn- pnld Ity Lawrence I'ulllnm, nnd the drills due to said firm will he pnld to him, uud the litinlncae continued hy him. I. AWKItNCIt I'I'LUAM. II, C. WAIililll.U, To our patron, of the past I I hnve thla day aold my liitercat and Rood will In the tnauriiuve hualneaa In Aehevllls to Lawrence riilllain, who will continue th. hualneaa, I lieaH'iik for hint a continuance of your pntronaHC. I). C. WAIUml.L. nprlt dnild TO WEAK LIEtl friffrrrtni fVnm thfTrHa of y ithfttl mii miir nnd A TftluAbla ItmUm .teMlMi txntmlDiog Ml t(trt'rnUni(or hntiiwcum. p RI of ohkrg. A I'lriiKht. ntyliml work i honidb) ml by nl iti40 who to ittrwii and dblllUt4. Prof. P. C W-LKf tw Qmm, uotS daw If IW1U J;,.,4 .... ZME?