ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 13, 1800. "THEN. QN jhe TAXPAYERS' SIDE "The city hm already brought some granite blocks from Henderson county, to be used for paving purposes, but that was done, I understand, simply as an ex- JUDGE SHUFORD TALKS OF p"?m'"V,nd ard ?! AU,c.rmcn tf STREET PAVING. THE DAILY CITIZEN. H. D. CHILD, Business Manager, Tub TAfi.v CmiiN will be Dubllshcd every alternooa (except Sunday) lit the following r.ica tinctij cam a; One Year. $B.O0 Six Months 8.00 Three Month 1.(10 One Month SO On Week. IS Oar crrlcr will deliver the paper every afterflnnn 1 n nmr nf Wo it , w ,n nnrUlh. ecrlber. and parties wantln It will please WEARY OF WAITING ON UNQUAL- ,.- imw wn uM vmK Adtixtiuno Ratbs Reasonable, and made known on application at thli omce. All transient advertisements must be paid In ad vance. The CmsiN Is the. moat extensively circu lated and widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measure Is In the interest of public integrity, honest eovernment, and prosperous Industry, and it nowa no personal allegiance in treating pub lic iuea. fr'n7c?'e to M luurcl on this paving contract Read In notices ten rente oer line. Umtu- ry, marriaKc and mtckty noticti Arty centi each (not exceeding ten UnM) or fifty eeau per inca. IFIED PROMISES. one, I presume, would undertake to put down such blocks as those for a pave ment. If any one should attempt to do such a thing, such person ought to be in' dieted for obstructing the public high' way. "I have nothing but the kindest feelings and the highest regard for our Mayor I and Board of Aldermen, and I am not disposed to make any undue criticisms of their official nets, but I do, as a citizen of Tl'USDAY. MAY 13. 1800. THE DAILY CITIZEN Is on sale at the following plnces In Aahcvlllc: wlll&rNlirrrll.u. HATTBKY PARK NBYYS STAND, (ll.KN ROCK NBWS STAND. MUIIKL CIGAR STORK. I'atton Ave. J. CAKSUN'S NliWS STOKE, North Court eHuurc PERTINENT AND PERSONAL. A Vliforoua Objection to the Ma terial to be VMed In Pav Iiik tbe HtreelN. Judge Shuford was one of the first to Ashevillc, want them to look well to their With used for paving the streets. It was his tlic money thcynrecxDcmliiictheyought objection before the Board of Aldermen to give us a pavement which will Inst for on t-nday evening last tnat tormnlly set a century, .v.. Mn:., nn,i t. , 1. ... -aa-,i .1,- I i..v uu ,. s ,.., ....... ..... " , Ui -,. ....... ..-... ..f t... I... A n T nut I i.. ,. . .,.i .l hi. Kcv. A. V. Mnngum, professor of men. ' ..v ..... "" ,i .... i ..i.:, ... . n, c.. and the reason for them. ' I am perfectly willing to talk on that l n 01 " ' '"",ca y"J h,.ni,I. "Then-i. no ,,! in Bt 1-JO P-m- ngnt s nisensc was w.e cause of his death. He had been ill for News About AabevllllnuH and ol Htramtera within Our Oaten. Wm. A. Cnrcy, from Boston, is nt the lliittery I'nrk. C. M. Ilridgcs represents Louisville at the Battery I'nrk. subject," he said. "There is no place in the world in which I am so much inter ested as in Ashevillc, and there is nothing in my opinion, of more vital importance to the welfare of Ashevillc than good streets and pavements. I expect to walk on these streets as long as I walk any where, and hence I am lwrsunnlty inter ested in having them well paved. I am of the same opinion I expressed on last Friday night before the Board of some time, and his son, Trof. E. P. Man gum, of the Ashevillc city schools, wns summoned a week or more ago to his bedside. His father seemed to improve and he cumc back to his work, Saturday he received a telegram telling him to come as a change for the worse had taken place, and be left, reaching there Sunday, Prof. Mnngum was one of the ablest and most distinguished educators in the State, and had for a long time been con- Aldcrmen. I am thoroughly satisfied There were 8a arrivals at the principal tllnt tile brick are not fit for paving hotels vestcrdav. I .........a... t thnt n nnvMnodt ln!l ulth W. E. I', of Mnysvillc, Tcnn., if I them will not withstand the heavy trafficl ' . at the Cilen Rock, I and travel on Main street. This is not F, M. V. Armond, of Knoxvillc, is nt my opinion merely, but seems to be the general verdict ol all who nave examined the bricks, except Gen, Young himself. I have heard of his valor as a soldier and his eloiiuence ns an orator, but never heard of his possessing any sKciul merit vice president ol the V. C. T. V. of North as a judge of brick. If he considers the I Carolina nnd nt present acting as State J. B. BoHtic has sold to E. Wnllach a I rough, brittle, crummable bats he has I organizer, spent Sunday in Asheville pre lot in Shelby I'nrk for $.". I had piled up on the sidewalk at good I pnratory to a tour through the towns of E. YY. Robinson represents Michigan I bricks, I certuinly should not employ him the western counties. The local union ol ut the Glen Rock. He is from Lansing. to select bnck for me. They will pernn Ashevillc has arranged npMiintmcnts for U. M. Griffith and Mrs. Griffith, of New ln or one year, which is the length ol Mrs. Tomlinson at no less than twelve the Grand Central. R. V. de Malgrevc represents New York at the Grand Central. V. S. Nash, of Pnyton, Ohio, is regis tered nt the Grand Central. years old, and had been a member of the North Carolina Methodist conference lor thirty-three years, having joined when 23. He leaves five children. Rapidly MhaplitkT Itself. Mrs. Tomlinson, of A rendu le, who is time for which he guarantees the pave- different points beginning with Murphy ment, or rather agrees tokeepitinrcpuir. on the 14th inst. The W. C. T. C, ol I have heard a treat deal about Gen. I North Carolina is anxious to have the Young's bond, nnd on examination, I find I western section of the State well organ it is a well drawn bond, and is signed by ued before the meeting of the Clinutniiia solvent sureties, but I fear it lacks suffi- Assembly in July. cient covenants to protect the city. It I A large delegation ol both national and only binds Gen. Young to construct this I State workers is expected and the union pavement "In a good and workmanlike I at Asheville has already secured rates for manner, to be approved by the city en- hotel accommodation and are now issu- Clcvcland, are at the Battery Park for a gineer nnd street committee," and to keep ing a circular through the Southern few davs. I the same in repair for the term of one year I Mates. Tbe Chnutauuu idea as advanced I. H. Inule ninl wife have sold to S. I,. I next ensuing its completion. There are lust year is rapidly shaping itself. two objections to these conditions ot the bond York City, are registered at the Buttery Turk. II. E. Herman, representing a New York optical goods house, is nt the Swan nanoa. Mr. Clarence Sawyer is able to lie out again after a severe sickness of iiliout live weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. Cochran, Mitchell Oil acres on Hominy creek fori Market) bv Wire ClllCAiin, May 13. The fnllowlnR Is the raniEC of leading futures to-davj Highest. Lowest. Closing. WIIHAT HO. 2. May 0 04 0 June u:iI 93 1)3 July ni. 02 U-'-lj August 0OM HH tOiN HO. II. May S4.V. 3': June 3M, 3iH, July smZ 34?!, :m AuKUSt 3fil USVi 30 V4 Oat No. it. Mny 28 B7' !I7 lune anai 2ili unit, juiy- ati'-)s aovi snv4 Chicaoo, May 13. Pork, rangea to-aay as tonows lliKhcat MKSB ,-OKK-f lO.O June unci i-J.H-J VJ.H'J July 13.10 13.00 13.00 Laud V loo. May n.i a an June (1.33 0.3O July H.42 0.40 0.40 SllOKT KlIlH V May fi.4'J 0.40 S.4II June 8 30 11.43 (S 47 July 0.S7 B.S3 Nkw Vokk, May 13. Cotton futures to. duy ranged as follows: IliulicHt. Lowest. Clotting. May ll.DU 11.07 1 1 .UK June H UH 11.04 It. OH July 13.00 tl.OA 11.00 august 1107 1103 1107 September 11.40 11.35 11.40 OIL Hill', 80 HHVi lard and ribs Lowest. Closing. Bl'ttlNKHM NOTIC'KH. WyThe West Asheville Improvement Co. will sell 'i'i head of Jersey cows at Sulphur Springs Thursday loth nt onli ne sale. Also a hue Kciristcred Hull .1 yenra old. Sale to begin nt 1 1 o'clock sharp. E. G. Cahkikr, Pres. may lli-at. ce for Season 1890. On and after May 1st ice will lie deliv ered only for cash or tickets. Tickets may be oiitained nt our office, No, ;I0 I'atton avenue, nnd will lie strict I v cash. ASIIEVILI.B ICK AND CuAL Co. The Hoi Mountain Park Hotel Hprlnita, N. C, Is firstclnss in every particular, with the Ileal table in the South. Pure and abundant water and perfect sanitary arrangements. 1 he scenery is beautiful, climate much milder than Ashevillc, there being no harsh winds and no dust to irritate weak throats and lungs. The Imtlis in marble pools are the fin est in the world nnd the thermal waters arc an unexcelled specific for rheumatism, gout, sciatica, nervous exhaustion and all diseases of skin nnd blood. hxccllcut physicians reside at the ho tel. Trains leave Ashevillc for Hot Springs at (.on a. m .jo ami 7 p. m I'.xcursion tickets, including one day iMiard at Mountain Park hotel, $ 4.50. for rates etc., Address Ailv. W. G. Doolittlb. A New Road to Bliss. If you are wise and wish to liccoinc healthy and wealthy also, vou will use Roller King or Electric Unlit Hour: lic- cnuse tlic Asneville Milium Liimnanv niiur is not only tnciiestiiut tncclicmiest MISCELLANEOUS. PHOTOGRAPHIC j: $VIEWSj$ ASHEVILLE AND VICINITY. SKETCHES IN ALSO- OIL AND WATER COLORS ESTAliROOK'S, AHbevlllc. aa 8. Main St., nor 18 d CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER DEPOT, C. E. MOODY, Proprietor. OHUc No. 31) I'atton Avenue. Telephone No. 40. Wurchouse near freight Depot. 1 hnvc miitlc nrrungt'tticnts to keep nnd ahull soon have a full stock of the best brands of IMPORTED ENGLISH AND GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENTS. LOUISVILLE AND ROSENDALE CEMENTS. CALCINED PLASTER. LIME IN BARRELS AND IN BULK. ROOFING MATERIAL AND OTHER ARTICLES IN THESE LINES. My warehouse Is now being built ntljoinins rnllrond track and my stock partly here nnd arriving. I'nlll my own warehouse Is An- ished I shall occupy the Webster warehouse. Parties using these articles enn save one cart age by leaving orders at olhce and having property delivered direct from warehouse or by calling there for It. ARTIFICIAL STONK WOKK inntle sunn ns heretofore. ASHEVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. ICE RATES FOR SEASON 1890. TERMS STRICTLY CASH WITH ORDER In quantities nut less than one ton at factory 40c, per hundred In quantities not less than one half ton nt factory 40c. " " uoo pounds, 110 tickets, 10 pounds each f S.oo 700 " in " 23 " " s.oo 7B0 " 10 " SO " " o Oil 1000 " 10 " 100 " " n.oo No ice will be delivered without cash or tickets. Ticket now on sale at the office of the Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue. JELLICO COAL AT RETAIL. For (irate, It5.00.ll For Stoves), 4.50. BEST ANTHRACITE COAL Por sale at Wholesale and Metail by ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY. Telephone 36 and 40. Kxclusivc Agents (Domestic and Steam I for Western North Carolina. LHWIS MADDUX, Pre L. P. McLOUB, Vlcc-Pre. J. B. RANKIN, Cashier. Didbctoks: Lewis Maddux, M. 0. II. Keed, Geo. 8. 1. 1. Bcarden, M. J. Pagg, J. B. Rankin, J. B. Ray, J. B. Reed i. Powell. C. M. McLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, - Organised May 1st, 1H8S. CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, 815,000 State, County and City Depository. Does a General Ranking Business. Deposits received. Exchange bought and sold. Col. lections made on all accessible points. Tbe 8aving Feature will receive special attention. On all sums in this department, deposited for four month or longer. Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention given to loans on real estate, which will be placid for long time on res I onable terms. Open from 9 a. m. to S p. m. On Saturday the Saving Department will be open till fl p.m. - jnnldly I.. It. Cowlra. Mm. E. C. Coivlea niwl $'.' """a- ,n t,,e l"n ' in. M chnfi w chn8C.0, Cleveland. Ohio, J. I. Drake nt..l lilli. lnKlc were liccnsc.l ou"K " "."' mxnn l" m"1 w"n have taken rooms nt the Hnttery Park to niarrv to-ilav. Their nRes arc 22 anil PP". ...u m 1 5 rcsiectivcly. AN ALLIANCE PICNIC. A Pleanant Affair mi Black Monti' tain ttaturdajr. Ill.ACK Mot'NTAIN, May 11 Uilitor Citizen: On Saturday the innee at this place cave pavement will (icrliaps Inst for one year, I !,,, . lw.n im, H,,t,lt, nrlif.,l,r I, will r. I t. II C.l I I MI.. I ittr. tiit.i tt v. .iiiumvi ,..c.c f . il , ... IltlBl IU1 VWU, ItlVIV , U fllU.IBIUl, 111 III, miitrni'. linu.LW liv tt'hu'h tluritvi-fln I . ... , lit me VJicn nova. . .., .....:.i..i .t.,. ..:. I I V FI un Ittl, ll W IIIVU till 1 UMttlV Uins.ll Henry H.r.rtKS ami li. I-. .Miller, ol ofit :., .:.. It is nrovirled in the , " ,7. . ..,.' i I ' i larmcr oi tne ah j, I contrai l inai m. uncn uno ui.rt mine-1 ,icnie and nltll(iu(,'ll the weather wns tral for a day or two. I riaig before heinjt placed in position in the iiuitc thrcatcninu many turned out for Attorney General T. Davidson is I streets, shall be inspected by the city en-111 ucvon. ... e ,. , 1 . . . , Aire VIIU1I UIKIICU (UlllKB l,V SlIIISZ litre lor n.s summer vacation ami aiicno- R.neer ana street committee, wno snau ;n( Swcct Jour of prnyef.( hiowcil ing to private business. I have full powertorejectanynndallbricks I by a prayer by Key. J. Allison, who be- There will he a vouiil' men's priivcr-1 nn(i nmtennlsthnt they may (leemof ual-1 sought Ood s bli-ssintj uxin the Allinnec. . : ... lilvt,,,, lf..rirnr .,n.ilnl,lefor, hr. Tile UUlllelll-e Wn then lllllllc WeleoniC bv at - - -"; - ,"-,," 7" Mr. S. K. Kandolpb. our piipular young nigiii, to which till men arc inviteti. , . . t(:nt.ncri wno , nej m- w i r. -,.. f ,i, men to avail inemscivcsoiinis provision .piey hits. .1 .... i . . . . . . i r t i c- ..r l. tit: ;t- t i i oi me cuiiintvLs nnu iu mcvi ihc unci i . ciiv.iij. i"niiin m iik nuv - nnce nt lllack intro.lucerf the has now been cnlled to their attention. tions to the gny crowd at the Ilattcry Park. talented and gilted Gen. K. li. Vance, Mr..j.M William, nnd Mis. JUtltrufAtyUtbui' '"" iiiinms,oi tnuago nrc recent upon t),e reiingiiiility It with them. It I His subject was purely the Rood of the mny seem that this objection is prcma- r sinner, a nance, ins iiiik i ouiuy . ' i , . j I interesting by tne seientilic and indisput- ture, a. it mny rvasonauiy uc iireiumcu .t.i. j,n .,,.., ,,. i ... .i.. .. It wns lu,ie(l that Judge Dick would that the Doard of Aldcrmen.or rather the that as thimrs now are leL-islntion exist deliver a lecture before the Y. M. C. A. I engineer and street committee, will do for the favored lew. He implored tbe to-night, but he has been obliged to de- their duty, but when it is well known that I Alliance to work together and lie no iwvn.ii,i.l,noitl. I.i.. i...i. i.i . longer iikc issnciuir. wno uureti ms w. .... tucimniu m fliuntiwii seiifc win si will I .1 i ., . . i. , . t ti t . . . . . I I nituuHlcr lu i,iit; ijuiiicii, uui iu tlirow I. II. Harding, a colored man, wns lie-1 miltec at a heavy cxjiense to the city, to off the yoke in order to become freemen, fore the Mayor's court to-dnv. chnrircl I satisfy themselves as to tbe best nunlitv He did not enter into a political view with bentinji hit wife. I Ic plcndcd guilty of pavement, and then, at the request, or ';'..'"u"Jl"' ,p u,Tf on tbe suggestion of Gen. .oung, ignored and wage-worker, of the land, who for tuc rccommcnuntions 01 tne lommiiicc; so many year, have been at the mercy ol thnt they let the contract to (Jen. Young tbe capitalist.. Hi address ended in a without advertising for bidders, and ni"nu' mnnner, and he reached the , .1 ? . . , tender depth, ol pathos by reciting that thereby giving the city the advantage of ..:. tch ..,uh' .,. mv comictition nmongcontrnctors.nnd that, oe, John." at Gen. Young's request, they agreed to Gen. Vance', speech wns followed by strike from the mntrm-t. nrw it ho,l I an address from Mnj. D. A. lllaekwell, - ' - 1 1 t.s nMW;.iH ..r . v.. .ti: executed, the provision requiring him to who & , hflI,p, mnnncr 'imh nl: use the "Halerutent," winch was strong- able instruction and good advice, which ly recommended by this traveling com- would be well for all interested to heed, and was fined $5 mid costs, limily Radford, wife of John Radford died nt her home on Gable', creek, Madi son county, yesterday morning, aged 73 years. She leaves eight children. The New York Comedy company which a p warn at Opera Hail on the even ings of May 15, 10 and 17, come, well recommended by press and public. Ceo. H. Mollcr, Dr. Geo. II. Mollcr, jr., and Mr. Geo, II. Mollcr und Miss Mny dell, of New York, have arrived and taken rooms at the Ilattcry Pnrk, mittee, .imply on Gen. Young', assertion ".".T maP? I,cna, 7 SnUnntrv ., ,. ... , " and tender reference to the fair sex and that he would use something better. It .h. ...ri.h. i..i. .,f h...... -i,;wJi. does seem that the taxpayer, of the city and was presented with a bounuct from Mattie Jackson has been, heard from nt I might hnve some reasonable anprehen-1 on f his many admirers among the Alexandria, Vo. That is, a policeman I stons thnt the Hoard of Aldermen will '"!"' t. i ..o ....... allow Oen. Young to hnve hi. way tothe m, . VTo vcr doe. not put much faith in it. end whether the city it protected or not. who made an eloquent speech' fraught M. A II iiln,l,nl m,Un hnm lu. I It st rikcs me that somchodv nuirht tn li I withboth instruction and amusement. His spendjng : th. past five month, at the U,,t- on the .id. of the taxpayer, and of Ashe $Wg5r$& ixij , ivii -.uiiiy iui ran ui. ir. i Knew no im to exi.t, and tins article Ulanchard has engaged hi. rooms for the I Hut lien. oung tnyt, 'The people must wa, of course, some lately discarded next winter. I keep quiet until they have tried the pave- lMcf ol xmininc aiwurdity, was roundly S.LIpin.kylcft tolay for Atlanta to m.t. ond then they m, be better able ""r. Tonl,iniorli of tbe Coontr ttend the meeting of the grand lodge of I toJ.ulBf' . . Hornet, decided not to "talk a good au- attend the meeting of the grand lodge the Ancient Order of United Workmen He goes a. a delegate from Asheville Lodge, No. 3, The mill of the C. Ii. Graham manu facturing company began operation yes- "Yet," be remarked, "that it iust I dience to dentb." so thechoir sanir "Toil what we. have been told for the im 0n- followed by an adjournment to last ten year.. Since I came to , .T? NTC aiTiT' ,Pren0.IJT . l. 'ii. i .uu.. , t. . .. thelndiet. Little Bertha Clements enter- nancviue m inc., mxn moo- tnined the crowd after dinner by recitim tnndt of dollar wasted on these itrects, ferr twcetly "Deliverance will Come,' " "i"-"u "r on tcmiiorary work, or Inexperimenting, K " . A. Clarke. been rennircd " cond,tiofl of thc ,trert, nd th Mr. George Clements, vice president of ucen rciuuiw. I . . . ,, . nlju I th nrrler. hmp,im miu-li lit f... l nr. A. H. tirminm wn. cn led noma tn. i ami lie nntient " anri iw k:i. I itenwi anu mnstenui manner witn Which day by telegram to the death bed of I would 'see the salvation of the Urd,' Srel'Anerw edienlt.SJhel1 hi brother, who I. seriously ill at Lnn- and would be better able to Judge. 1 be- Lent officer, a. thia. and ln.trJt,H .rt caster, aio, lie win return a. soon a l neve in patience, ana tn being rrnsonnble nrged on by such eloquent and able ex. circumstances will permit. and just to those in authority, but it does ponent ot the cause, cannot tail to ac I - I cnmtillsh ultimata lurmi. The cinder which form the first layer " ,ur Mr. D. C. Champlain, secretary of the of the ttreet paving are being spread on Prmanem wora on our atreei.. i am order, led the choir and rendered thc bar South Main ttrect to-day, and the tarred l"f"nned by Mr. Miller, the city clerk, mony of sweet sound la decided iucccm. nl.nk are helmf nut down The la vers that the contractor whopaved thettreett .Joe evening of the day ended very bap plank are being put down. Toe layers pily by sociable for the young folks at rta nils' AH tt1 nt t HM IM (utn I " -"- in - aw- .ftlus aH..1.. t A t -,. i. f .u. . hj j V.. lP"'r . , vs. ua w. u nsiim Wl HbVirnj HarVU I AI(IrlCll. ' KIT A." ..... . " - there, at about tbe tame price tbe brick pavement will cost, and such a pavement BiUmr PUsM war. Turn Wanderer Hs matnrna!. a that would nave lasted life-time. I i annn.. a.l. a l-i Greeley Westull. who left Asheville solbve recently aeen tbe pavemenU In I special Inducement, an being offered! ..J I GKenaboro and Raleiuh. and (he nr now, Roger' trirrnle Dinted knives. flT.VI IU.l; VH . M W W 1 " . ., - " , L A ' . , . beard from a week ago In Boston, ha re excellent. It would be a great thing for Jg" P" fcn' ti m rVLJ"7 turned. When hi letter came hi people Aneyille If our Board of Aldermen could ,pendid assortment of Reed at Barton'. wrote bim to come home and be accepted 7 to abandon the bnck, and plated ware, the beat good, made, are th Invitation The boy I. nleased to re-1 on pavement, Doubtkwiomt offered at lowest prk. Crockery, (lass ' I " wnn un, lusnx vi fpysj sxf tn int sxaaa prns ss-MW's, Of, 0V and tit, . , iiwm. 1 01 nouta aaaia atrcet. that will be put on top of these are two incite. 01 crusnca none ana two incnes of sand. New Advertisements To-Day, HECOMD tAOK. Dav Uimiiis, Btc. Bustle llros : WriKht, FOl'RTH PMK, MoMTlUCK 8AI.B John Child. IliKit Hiitkl II. J. Orrenwcll. WANTKO "Bohemian." Citlicn IHIice. Jkhshv Cow ma Sai.k B. I',. Carrier. THE WEST ASHEVILLE IMPROVEMENT CO Will Bell mm Head of JERSEY COWS At Sulphur Springs Thunsday, 13, at ultlic wile. Also nne Kenisteml Hull rive years old. Bale to ueilla at 11 u'cluck sharp. . ti. CARRIKR, maylSdat PrcMldenl. w ANTKD. Two or thrr furnlahnl ninma. fur hitna. hrrtrinic, by ftcntlrmun anil wife no child rrn AaatxM, BiatinK icrm nnu locnttitn. "Willi, .MIAN," may 13d at Citixcti ortlcv. ORTOAUli HAI.B. Br virtue of a deed of trust eireutrH tn ih undrrsiKneil l,y C. A. Hnillh and wife, A. C. Mmlth, to secure the sum of money therein mentioned lovnitnr n. noiusey, ana Hear. In date May to, 1MH0, and rririslerrd on tmaea 'dn. ct sen., nr noon in or th Mrt. Iiaae Keeord in the unice of the Kcsister of taMla 11, Mi. nrnn. I mH.l. Mn.W . ' 11 the undcrelirnrd trustee will sell for run ml public outcry to the hljthest hlililer at the court nouse aoorin tne city of Asheville In said Bunromlie county on the lath dsv nf ju.r, .nv.,, ...v iuiiiiii iiih urM-nocu iiieces nnti parcels of land, aitunte, lying and uelnx In snia ciiy 01 asnevnte on llalley street ana acinn t-o,s niii, I'oriv.twn and ' liv, srtrca of Hhelby I'ark, to the nart of a huh. as rrirlBterrd, reference is herrliy made, for a further description of the snme, and which said Lots are further hounded as follows, to. wns 1.01 bo., neitinninK at a point on tn eastern ainrKin nl said llalley street one nunnren ano sisty-nre reel H. I"I3' W. from wnere tn norinrrn line or said Hhelliy Park Intcrseeu said street, and runs thence H. a7Vi one hundred and seventy-four fret In the western maritln of Wallack street ; thence with it N.I il' ll, about sevenlvl. . Tn, Aw . n I.U...I - r i '' . . . . . thence N. v. with the Southern line of sain lot no, , .i one nunnrea and clahtvnc no .nrrv lourins 111,17,1 feet to llallei street, and thrnra with It H. Ilfl' V. seven ty-flv. ITA) feet to the beainninc. Lot. No. ST. Lying immeillnlely east of said Lot No. 42 across Said Wallnch Street. hvinnln n. th eastern maraiu of this last street, oppo site th southeast corner of said lot No. 'J ana tne aonneast 01 lot No. .8 and runs a. aTVtg B. aliout one hundred and Be feet to the eastern line ol said Shelby Park ; thence with said line N II. vc T5IFeetto stake : thenc with the southern line of lot No AM N- M7Ur W. new huadrMl 1 1IMII hw in am wallack street, and thence with It a. 7 '13' W. about aeventv-flve (TBI lect to the oexinnina. rni May is, imni, mayiad.t tuesdays JOHN ClIII-D, Trustee. SALBCHBAP. Asa amateur photoaraphlc outflt, food as new: coat, will sell for Sia.oo cash. Addree. II. B. 8., mayl2il8t P. O, Bos 876, Ashcvlll. SALESMEN WANTED Permanent i ntOTftieftt. Onod Ury nr comnlMiot. PlnrnutfltJi. Pull line nf fruit and Flower. Price low. T.ocavl B makt from $0 to 92a per Week. A. li. f ka 1 1 nnrarryman! naytt daw tn ta at Rocbeater, N. V. FOR SALE. A second hand money saf and on pair platform Mai. Bnqnlr of C. S. COOPHB, Or 1CKLLV tTRACHAN an PATTON AVKNVB. ABOUT THU WORLD ON A SUNBEAM. SOUR-CAKERA EXHIBITION. V..M. C A. lACtara Hall WcdncMlajr, 14, at 11 O'clock. Views from Ma aland, Inland, ncotland, Th. RhliM, Pari, Vaalot, boom, Athens, .pain, Asia aad Um Bast, with aaSural scen ery from th. wud. of Assertea. Brae.1 of the Prat Khsd.l.aHs . AdmlssloS .0 CW. aylBdat , - A VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR 8AL.K. Pv virtue of authority vetted In Gcnevlcv. K. Conant by a certain deed in truit executed by T. I. VanO.ilder and wife, H. A. VanUilder. unieo tne uin uay oi junc, a. u. i " rw , anu rri;itervd in the Kenitcr' office of UuncomU euunty in Book 1U, page 074, and by virtut of authority vested in W. W. Barnard by a certain deed from said T. I. VanOilderandhb aid wife dated Oct. 14, 187, and rcKivtcred in -aid KcKi'tcr's onice tn I took o(t, paxe4UH toerthcr with a declurutiun of trunt of the aid W. W. Barnard declnred therein dated October U7, 1H77, and reio-tered inaaidoltict in Hook 1 1 of mortitAaceii nnd deed in trum nt paKc 444; and by a certain other deed from the uid T. 1. VanGildcr and hi said wile to aid VY. VY. Barnard dated October ill). 1NN7. and retfitered in nid office in Book tio, pane 3o:t, toKcther with a declaration oi trum Miuoe tnereon oy tne aio v. w, vain urd dated the 14th day of October, A. 1 1HN7. and rririatered in said office in Book 1 of mortKiiKes and deed of trunt. PKe 407 'O I nnd by virtue of authority vented J. A Conant by a certain deed in truitexccutcd b tne Riitu r. i. vaniiiiuer ana ni aiu wm duted the second day of November, 1HH7 und rcKi"tcred ln paid office in liook of mort tfuuc nnd deel in trunt No. 11, paicc 470, a well a by virtue of any authority he ma) hnve by rcnaon ol the deed in truit tirat abovi mentioneil, thc ald T. I. VanOildcr and wil hnvinu tailed to imv the monies aecured hs each nnd every ol nid deed in truHt dttd and dn-larution of trust thereon ordinK to their several provisions, and thi sat a trustees navintr aicreea anions; incnv selves as to thc priorities of thc varioui debts secured and as to thc proper division of the proceeds of the side of thc lands hrrrinufter described), the snid Gene vieve K. Conant and the said VY. VY. liarnnru and the said J. A. Connnt. trustees in said deeds In trusts and deeds and declarations oi trust thereon, will sell at uuitiic auction rot rash at the court house door in the city oi Asheville at I-- o'clock m. on the Slst duy oi May, A. U. 1HU, a certain piece or parcel oi lanu in tne cuv oi Asneviiie. county oi oun combe and Htate of North Carolina, on th south side of CoIIckc street, and on the wesi side of I avldson street, including thc elegant hfitlt rrsicience now occuiiico uv saia I. VnnOililvr. and the stablra nnd several adis ct-nt lots back of It. bou.idcd as follows: hi the north by College street, on the cast b liaviiison street, on tne soutn uv naariesiree nnu on tne west oy tne tun ioi nnu tne a. la viuson lot. now l-acs s. At tne same timi und Dlace thc said VY. VY. Barnard will sell a jubllc auction tor cash a large lot of housr- loiti ana kiu-hen lurniture uniier tne author itv of the deed from said VanUilder and wilt to Barnard first and above mentioned anti thc declaration of trust made thereon a nforcsaid March HU. 18UU. OBNUV1BVB K. CuNANT. Trustee. J. A. CONANT, Trustee. v. VY. BAkNAkO. Trustee. marJ4 dood N OTICU. Br virtue of a deed of trust exiruteit to tm on the Ulst dny of August, lHHtt, by J. A. irummond nnd Flora L. Dmmmund. hi wife, to secure the payment of tht sum oi ItiKht Hundred nnd bcvcntyfcvca IMInrf and Thirty-Three Cents, bearing interest nt ( per cent, from snlil date. I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for ensh, at the court house door In thc city of Asheville, on thc 14th day of June, lHOO, a certain piece or unreel of Innd. situated on Valley street in tbe citv of Asheville. oartlcularly deserilwd In suit! deed of trust, registered in thc Register's omce in nook h ana on page ir BUMUNO D. NUKVKL.I,, maylUdaod Trustee. FOR JSALE. At a bargain, or S Milk Cow, Apply lie- tween !l and S o'clock at 0KOK0IA I'AIHY, I NO Charlotte Htreet. Heaistered Jersey Unll for service, price M.OO, marnnteed. mayM iltf KiiKlioli and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNQ LADIES AND LITTLE QIRU, No. 0 Prench Broad ATran. MRI. BURQWYN MAITLAND, . PRINCIPAL (Por many year Associate Principal of Mt Vernon Institute, Baltimore.) Assisted by corn of compentcnt teachers uevt. at. And Swccdloh MoTCtncnt). Also Instruction la Physical Cultur for ladle and chlldmi In classe or piivat, by Miss Mali!, of New York, at MIHHION HOB- l-ITAL. U-IO a. m, i- p. m. Calls or In. quirks by mall answered promptly. maylodlra TOR BALB OR BXCII ANOK at fUH CITV PlinPHBTV A fine farm of an. acre in Henderson Co., . C, sit teen mile from Asheville, on the Ipartanbnrc and Asheville railroad, fost- imvm ana ranrvaa siauiin on me farm. -COKTI.ANII IIHon., may dtf 84 iio I'atton A v, pO" RBNT, A ale T-rnom hrlra cottaos. n.wtv Hi. nlshed. for the neit or S months. rmM ion immeuiauiy, Apply J.V. in maySdtf Ofllc Th Ashevlll ho Co. DAN, IJOOW WITH BOARD. Three doulil. mom. and tin. slnvls emM. with hoard, half Muara from Jforik trt railway, MHn. 1 HUM AH M. BASKSS'I, aylltleodat No. I) a tarn e avenue. jyANTBD. of popiar log near Baluda.1 HARULO l0lHI.ROAV, I SKYLAND SPRINGS Only 8 mile) lYom Asheville on (he A. & 8. Railroad and Henderaoiivllle rike. The greotcst number and variety of mineral sprlnirs to be foand In the South. 48 Springs on Less Than 40 Acres, Chnlylieate. Iron, sulphur, rpanm, alum, and mnnnesla. Several very Rne comltinntlnns. ""Y VH,V'? . 15 " "mi sioney irouiiie. enronic iiysentery, cnronlrilys. Iiepsla nntl chronic sick headache. (Ine sprint! recently developed is the nrentcst tonic witter ever Kiunn. Muny are buying lots to build resort enttnEes near the Hprinirs w. uvhiiimi ,,,vT w .uTeriisr inc ptuce anu tne mineral water. .tits are sold Board can be hail at S 30 to $30 Per Month, or Si Per Day. References, testimonials, etc., enn he hnd liy wrltlntt to the owner; or better yet, anyone intrrestrd is invited to cumc and try the water. Great improvements will be made next summer. Trains leave Ashevillc at H.o.t a. m. and return at 7 p. m. fare IIS rents. rut lurmcr tniunn.iiun wnic 1U felil 1 dm OTIS A. MILLER, Skyland P. O., ti. C. OAKS HOTEL, ONB OP TUB BICHT FAMILY HOTELS In the South. Servlic nntl table First Clan. ASHKVILLIS. N. C. 1'IVH MINI'TliS' ,WALK PKOM TUB Court House. STREET CARS Pas thc door ctif iu Minute. Por terms addree H. J. GREENWELL, Proprietor. Aabeville, N. C. Near Pawcug:cr Depot. P. A, DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., Manufacturers aad Dealer la all kind of lire said LUMBER, Door, Saul, Blinds, 'moulding;), Stalrwork, Mantel), Bank and Bar Fix '.urea, and all kinds of Building; Material. Haid "Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. nov t dly Telephone Mo. W, P, VfAsiinrsN, President. W. U. uiuuiN. Vicc-Prcsiilent. W. M. AsiiMosa, Reeretary. ALs. Allisom, Treasurer. THE COVENANT BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Home Office I kCNOXVILLE. TKNN. Authorized Capital, - - 25,000.000 LOCAL II0AKD AT ASIIEVILLU: B. I), noi ls. Presit'ent. C. C. McCastv, Vlcc-I'rcslilcnt. Tnao. V. Tssski.l, Krr. a Tress. I'. A. CliHMiNUs, Attorney, MANAGED SOLELY BY ODD FELLOWS, BUT MEMBERSHIP OPEN TO ALL uiie. a arnerai nusiness. lentil run rare value of stock at sis per cent, nremlam navahle iniy. issueamoatniyiiayment atiHk, and fully paid up slock on which a cash dlvl. ! llsutl. atnil t nr it InHital Hon !. In xaaH t i . a. .1 ... from 0 to 1 II ir cent w year auaranteed. Alf -curille.' ZtZZX ii.h '.ul" bank as Trustees. For further particular call oa montniv. issue. lend I. paid, and dtmnylil N. T. HOWARD, State Agent. Ofncc for a few day at Taylor, Bonis at Brothcrtna's, No. 43 I'attoa Av. FITZPATRICK BROTHERS, Dealer in Wall Paper, Window Bhadesand Patent Hangers, Window tilaa. botk Palot. Oil aad VaraUbe. Masury' Mixed PaiaU aad Colors. Preach aad American We keep la stock Bt. Louis aad Kentucky Lead, I bdly ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 17 Haywood Street. All WATKBt THOROVGULV FILTERED on the Premises. ""mswssBwsswamsBaSBWSBWsmBmaBwsi Twenty.nv years of practical esoerlence, combined with raasoMAt, altentloa to all d. Ull of th business and perfect arrannmcaU for CLBAHUnaat aad pesrry of all avods manufactnred, enable th proprietor to present to hi a. mem a patruaa a perl or tlaas of Carbonated Heversffet. Vichy and Seltzer Water in SIphonw. Olngrr Ale and all th varlou flavor of SODA WATBR ready for shipment aad delivered fn la City limit. Oat of towa orderOaaat bar asaroaaaLS rerereac.. C. H. CAMPBBLL. THE "BONANZA". TMK LKAOIMO ' 400. mo Apply to aariu 41 ptwsj street, iJW't'Wt'iMii'.il iawtia. sii'i liJt.fn.SHl V - akankosi Ue-MMeMi)ilAsua;' .waumw.. WINE AND LIQUOR STORK . IN TUB STATS. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD BOOH a. AoA.urT. -vr. ico. 43 1 m st., AKroiii, t e 21

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