1 'A i '1-:.'.' .." V! j. , ,'i Asheville Daily Citizen "THE CITIZEN" Not exceeding three lines, One Time, 28 cent. Three Times, 60 cents. Bis Timet, 76 cents. Containing fall dally report, of the Otn- eral Atwmbly of the Preibyterlao - Church, will be sent for BOc. poatpald to any address during the eenlon. - J-J""1- r " i hUrl Htm, ffAniSi abu run w-c, - VOLUME VI. NO. LINVILLE. j A place planned and devel- l""o IF THERE IS P V 0 W E R IN RICES, ANY IRTUB I N ALOES, ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1890. BOARD OF PE1ENJ PRICE 3 CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. ESTABLISHED 1874. W.C.CARMICHftEL, APOTHECARY, 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. ff FACTS AND COMMENTS. Thkkb seems to be an unfriendly rival ry go ng on between mempnn uuu yd. We regret to sec it They should h-Cmonv ike Knoxville and tlWCII III sssas saw.. ... Chnttanooira lor instance.-Knoxville Inurnnl. Or like Asheville and but, come to think of it. Asheville bat no rival. She stands alone with merittand advantages W. O, R. R. F. A. W. O Wolfe, $380; No. Porter, $420, No. Sumner, $475; No. Muller. $770; No. 16, 17, 18, 19, ormi no, 55x150, 55x150, 55x150, MISCELLANEOUS. ! 1 I MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. O R A M V B E N E F I T I N A R O A I S S. BUY YOUR S GUIS A A khw I. . a ! xl ttituawju 111 we MOUNTAINS F WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted for health' illness ond beauty of SCENERY. V I An elevation of 3,800 feet, jrith col Invigorating Climate It is being laid out with nm creasery buttemsctserul Wn and skill, with well fgraded roadH and extensive SUMMER GOODS. I FOREST PARKS. For sixteen years I have carried on a Drug and Pre- thnt make her simply unrivalled . .. . ... ! k I . SCripwon uuouieoe. Frenchman named Manie assaulted I Antaevllle street Railway Coaaipsv Ville, Striving at all times XO -nine-year-old girl in Jackson, Tenn., ny Asks for PcamlsMloti to h,,vnnnnmm and Sell no Wednesday. He was caught and held by Extend lis Uses, ' o ro not strictlV citisens while the father of the child laid Reube McBrnyer, 14" r 850 lashes on the Frenchman sbnreuacK. th. French Brond Valley flrst-ClaSB m every respect,. Tbennewa8 ordered out of town. On teforetheMnyor and Board of Aldermen NORTH CAROLINA NOTES Evervthing warrantea a tne whole this is tetter than lyncmng. )at night and mnde ms application in I - . . -It 1..1.I.. 1 w an 11 till.' I . - . a J- . .. re-1 Asa deterrent it win pruuou, "-"iv i ,jue lorni. tne route as ipccmm Miss E. A. Merwin, $810; No. 20,(trian- THEIR REGULAR WEEKLY gle) lB6xmx:4Xo, jmiss u. n. n ..r-r--,, i act MiruT $520iNo.2l, Itnangiejouxiuua.ou, j. MEETING LAST NIGHT. I.. -,,,,, s.2r,.No. 22. 50x211. 1. B. Cole, $275; No. 23, 50x218. J. T. Bostic. $220; No. 24, 50x221. J. B. Bos- ROUTE FOR THE FRENCH BROAD tic, $240 ; No. 25, 50x224, J. B. Bostic. VALLEY PRESENTED. $255; No. 26, 50x227, T. A. Gallagher, $225 ; No. 27, 50X23U, 1 . A. uanugircr, $240; No. 28, 50x233, G. W. Freeman, $245; No. 2, 44x56, T. A. Gnllugher, $220; No. 1, 44x62, F. A. Sumner, $200. This property was bought three years attorney for S for $5,000. All those who bought rt..t, n,oo Vnllev rauwav wai '""J"" " ' J. S. GRANT, Ph.G., Of Philadelphia Colleg of Pharmacy, Apothecary, 4 South Main St. for a HEADACHE inf HOfFMUTt HARMLESS HEADACHE POWDER f. Thnsrs s tweWle. tiMWMNtlta. Th. MI.Mlhuita. rrlM,S 55 Main St, Buffalo. N.V Sad Inttnsttonal BiMp, Out. rr Nit by 4 ADDSIM TBS HOFFMAN DKU0 CO. GROCERIES, FEED, PROM rOB SALB BV J. S. GRANT. If your prescriptions are prepared at Grant'! Pharmacy you can positively de pend upon these facta: First,thatonIytht the purest and best drugs and ehemkala will tnc I fv lie - mrrnnil. Ihrv will be ComDOUnd- North Main, Church and Willow streets. 20th 0f May. . , . t ..,rL M, Mon,vr tnlkeH on the sub ect of j i,. ,!IH. " r ..... - - v i MiMMni. nvuuiu miu - i . . ... !..!. ;flv.r.nt I. : u.'...i,in,rnn to I enced Prescnottomst : ana tnira, you wui . ... i j i: f -i grnnHiiu rinrn. i ynj mg a couuu uivicij n and nigQTj, and aeiivttu u Thb Richmond Uispntcn mui rojimods whose propositions are now be- cost $100,000. not be charged an exorbitant price. You irly on its neaa wnen n fore the Board, and showed the advan- The farmers report lwttcr stands pi wjntrtcejve the best goods at a very rea- I nvmh exnenaiturc oi uiuii..i.. -'". i -r u.i . r..nH thrnuchtnecitv pottontnan tnev miu ure mn . !.M.ted and is not necessary; "--. ' i;. ist vear. sonaoeprofit. Vont lorgei inepim .., 1, " i ..u u- undv and iDerai a iruna line. ikkki.. . rPnrfiTltd Or money re- As a deterrent u w... pruuu., due ,0Tm. I ne route us .pcc.neu v. Randolwh county, . i j if . ,la ow nnro effectual and no one t accusca oi " on ))arts of Southside avenue, boutn appointed a postoffice inspector, funded. My gOOdS are pure ..tatbecaoUniUegalhang- Mnini Valley. College. Woo'dfin and ," o M L Iol,n will deliver andfre'rih and my prices as , which frequently, il not always, has Brid ,treeU and Merrimon avenue.and .'J" nt Pork academy on low as the lowest. TreSCrip- a very demoralising influence on tnecom tions filled at all hours, day where ,t occurs. has A. D. COOPER, North Side Court Hook Square. citv. Mr. J. Taylor AH..h.0 he street, a. will af 8, and Will be pleased tO ,0'rdt6 those who are willing to wet me, meet his friends and custom- ATKKS-T i . i era. ARDENPARK HOTEL AND COTTAGES. to mile. South of A.evllle, on A. & 8. R. K. Lanier shipments of strawlwrrics and Grant's Pharmacy, S4SoutbMainstreeL . ? ... 1- C I"!!...,,., Vli.at I Prescriptions Sited at all hours, night The Elk Park Post says thntthemoun- or day, and delivtted free ol charge to any part of the city. The night bell will T.A.Jones, attorney for the Asheville egque." be answered promptly. Grant's Phar- W. B. Adams hns been arrested in Mis-1 macy, Si South Main street. Ice Cream Freezers, 2, 3, 4, A desirable place for fine 0, 8 and 10 quart, at prices lower than ever. Hammocks n th ia oo that he will do as much in eight hours as w , ZZ!"Z a oo he accomplished before in nine or ten. It another bid, as he Per Month.. Per Week Per Day. Dinner and Tea Parties on oneday'snotice, . i lii aliiit la mnu rst1BlH UK name cuuiiimvTC .ui " . i-.i..-i..,.-f th, A.heville Fast truck have been made from Clinton this v,...K ... - - I union than ever uctore. line ann aunuruun rauwav. w...- .. .hot in thecourseot acerxainnuiii-i - - itum .i. . ... . l.j L.. mu.i1 m Hm rnmiuiRMl n tM MBVOr Bna IK . i. i. r...ar. thrv will oe reuencu ur k" i -". . i oirrr povcrcd wun snow insi wtx thoroughfares ond sewers, and gas and street Committee. and looked "awfully grand and pictur- wuter-pipes. . T. A. Jones, attorney lor tne Asnevmc Th. forv of this, in this immediate vi-1 afr,, Hnilwnv comonnv asked leave to cinity , lies largely in its application to the extend the inta Q that road along the B;Mip,rf and is now in Tarboro jail for the needs of a certain growing city oi routei previously specified in the citizen, murder oi a man nm This was referred to the samecommiltee. years ago ... x.u , i i-i a i L'nmia host inrmn v nitTfiiLtrfi ... ameetinnofwliich is to oe neia nM uoicibut . " ?;""rr;v . . . . , th, ONrlnimin behalf of the eight nonr ,. ,-.... m Mr lnnP.n, ot. an invitation touenyeraunc. u .u. cu v -,- moment is that the workingman wiU hVvn.e Light and Power S S'l e arc determined to sen a. low a. the I so refreshed by the added hour s rest diKUs8cd the electric light bids. , ... . . nn ,nrncBt . lowest, even if we have to lose money by . ... i i rui. i. . i i . . . ... DC auoweu , tn uir., realivterian church in so doing, we win sen au raicm meof said there Wjimincton and obtnined $221 for the . , .. . , . u,jow taat ;,. combe county. At Grant's Pharmacy you can buy any Patent Medicine at the lowest price quoU is said to I a fact that workmen now I misunderstanding about the gymnasium at Davidson College. residences and I HEATHFUL homes nt. 98c. 1.28. 1.48 and 2.25. Beautiful line of Fans. Berry and Sauce Dishes by the sett or dozen. Matches Mivrrre boxes. 300.) 25cts. o ' ler dozen. A new lot of French Satines, beautiful patterns. The prettiest lot of Ginghams andChambroys ... . i in town ; solids, stripes anu plaids. We are daily expect ing Croquet Setts, 4, 6 and 8 ball; also the Harper Fly" FOR GENTLEMEN Jl'ST IN-HAND- Trnj,R fot made, Ot 18ctS. SOME LATEST DESIGNS PKETTli. , haye q yfjry CQm SHADES OP SILK. Tho. A. WorrU, Prop., aprlO dtf Ardea. N. C. A irood opportunity for f 1 i .L. ! vuHt.mf.ntK. For . . . illustrated pamphlet, ad- 9 I dress, LINVILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., LlnvlUc, MltcheH Co., N. C. . W. O. WILLS. "WILLS BT1II)BJ. WILLS. BROS., accomplish at much in ninehourt ai they dHi hen thc bida were made. Mr. The improvement of the wheat crop in i.ai r in iin. if iicic lui, y i ; . .i .ins- n mafrnr wni i hiiiw uu uuuvii - - a ZZZZt on machinery.the whee.smu.t Z ZZZ Auntie, in it. growth, is great a. to . . . j I scilicu, anu wmim si-.. be made to revolve faster, the knives and ordered thnt all architects who hammers to move still more rapidly. preparing plans for the new market This the inventive spirit of the time can notified to ,ubmit them to the 1 '. . I. JanalnnMI I .... essary, to meet the price of any competi tor. compass as a need for it is developed. H'e.Aave the largest assortment oi Chamois Skins ia Asheville. Over ZOO skins, all sites, at the lowest prices. Somk of the men who acknowledge the .. .jc... l...ir ltnm,. nlthoUfFb . i nun, aium tto ...v.. - A RdTTTTElJlbJ thev will all be thorough Anglomanincs, probably , irom ma n" have made a chnrming apienranc re- p. o. Box 58. in London when they were pre- . Umted to Her Majesty, Uuecn v.o..u. a.iar.tinna. Detail.. c. forcvery t t, ,'. drawins room. They wore the court dress, including cocitea nai u..u A8UBVII.LB. N. C. onet Bumard Building. BON MARGHE. NEW NECKWEAR clau of building at short notice. ARTISTIC INTERIOR DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. Cnll ami at particularly encourage the furmers. The following lourth class postmasters I have just beca appointtd for North Car-1 1. C. AcWk. at Mt. Vernon Springs; J. Loughlin, at Swansboro. An elegant new oiera house has just hmi mmiileted at Louisburg. It will be I formally opened with a grund "dedica tion bull" on the evening of May 15. . n (1 or t I ;.l.nrh.infrontofhis buildings on A five year old son o j. . . . - - Liljerty, Uuillora county, mcu ran s.-. College street; granted. ,lrj. .veninir Irom extinc molasses onl I. S. Adams presented a petition irom i wi,:c hi, mother had put rougn on rats i various oroperty owners uskmg that for flies. Flint street be continued from t-herry I xhomns A. Edison will visit Moore l thoroughly tellable remedy lor au through Mrs. Sondley's property, to Uunty this week to pam.in Jl5 f u 6W sease . Buiiromoe Sr-pria. board the first Friday night in June, W. H. Penland asked for sewerage on Penlnnd street, and it wns ordered laid. R. R. Rawls asked to be allowed to put up an awning supported by wooden posts We are the agents for Humphrey's Homoeopathic Medicines. A full supply I of his goods always on hand. Use Buncombe Liver Pills, the best in the world for liver complaints, indiges tion, etc. aprMld.lm ... . i ..LnMnmM. mniuKu j - , i ' i j - . . . c . . r rapier, and it must aavc. " ohout 200 t. He stated ou. ores with a vw o t ,t " pectacletogazeuponwnenmc. . opened iem i.new Pr . ry . u. - LADIES' BLOUSES. NEW AND ALL GRADES. FANS ! FANS USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL. 1 plete stock of goods at prices that are sure to please. If you will take the trouble to come to see us lefore you buv we shall be satisfied. We ww u mm m m uibbiibi . h . nr ninim hi iiuvts tut i.iic Main st.UWIllH"wiM- ' " ""u o-nnilwrn town, and are not H.T.ESTAUKUUii a " giving them away, but we 33 S. MAIN ST., ASHBVILLB, fhon. flfltH of JUT? OdiiiJji .. them) at very low prices. BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS I No chromos, no free gifts, no avalanches, no cyclones, no humbug. Everything is guaranteed; and as hereto- fore, the best pliwsein town to trade is the AND TOVS. LOCAL Views d Sketches. anr H d We are showing an unusually largo and attractive stock of Clothing, Men's Fur- nishing Goods, Hats, Shoes of all Kinds, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Smallwnres & Carpets, bought with great care, marked at short and reasonable profits. The line embraces all grades from low priced to very fine. One price system. 7 & 9 Patton Ave. thnt a atrret would soon uc upi-iicu i !... vi.w. Snme neooie are win-1 ... uruumw.v, Tr,.:r;:;Mi,..l... lor hc.ke ol through the Rnnk.npro,Krty to t ne.treet n K in w w . . i iuu, n Tnvlnr and tnat one I v.. " ... f..- tm,.t.w occa-1 "l'" ' ' . , ., I paid nanosomciy m.i. r j .u. iUnt Boeiil WOUia very pruunuij u -....- laione. iv i " ,", L .ions, however, and the glory that goes . t(J thc COrporate lim- at New Berne, N. C, and flourishes in with the thing quite overbalance, ' . . . - . , fc nd other parts of the Mate. pain in their minds. that the citv could not afford to have The North Carolina Lumlicr rompnny Bkn BiTTKKWOKTH, of Ohio, dropped thi. street brkenby thedi.tance between h- pureed a.u. . . L.intlic Cherrr and Starnes. Ordered that o jury ; ;,i, ennncitv of fifty rooms, be- a tremendous ounuicu. - - - - . ,n...,imn1T !1 .3 "..-Tj; if for Northern " r iiun ltMl- w. ft J. S. GRANT, rh. G., Pharmacist, 2 S. Main St., Asheville, N. C. WIIITLOCK'S Special Sales Week. Close buyers will please note I, the other day be put on the property tonssesst! " . 1 .:r,.!Jt.wv:urifl and benefits. sportsmen. by sharply cniie..inK .... - r..i...l,l fnrMr. Pearson. -ri.. rh.lott, rhnmlr of commerce ."!.' B""!!-?lm, of hrmnrks to th"t He be kllowed to burn the brick-kiln ha. voted It. Itk, ; - the following gnat indUCe- h". fcw puUican. were truly refresh- that ha. been built near the cUctric sta- i. ttaVjond mente this week . of hi. sncech was tion. He Mid Mr. Pearson would indent- fl"m in tlle Stnte. The clmmber defrays menttt LUIS Week . Z't he wa. a protectionist, but no hog. nify the owner of the property against lne company's expense. BliXCk Mohair BrilliniltineS i i,i.f He an d: " nai'"'' ; " in"'"" . . I.. j , l,.,,l,l Wl Irnra Why increuse the profit, of ctrtmn me aim k - - .1 . I nn nnitiv multallStS WIIOSC I nnv hOUSC. L-llKBi . . . . ., . i . . profits hnve exceeded inose oi uu w -. Mr Ki H. ice, ior tne ncsi-irc .. News reaches Reidsyille of the death of t P(J j 7 Mrs. Pnt. Gnlliher. of Moyo. Mr.. Oal- " liher was the third wile of Mr. P. H. I anu fl. , formerly 75c. riculturist. in any State in the Tnion, n, n,,ttrrworth wai correct III hir Ladder company, a.ked for the horse, that were formerly used by the hosccom- Gnllitier, who has hnd the mislortune to bury three wives in the lost seven ycura, and is now only in his 32nd year. Black Tamise Suitings, 60 and 83c, former price 75c. i.:,l Si.ih Mnrahnl Hill has gone onrl 1 from Knleiuh to Columbus, Ohio, -with I i,i.,i. r.,.,,1'Q TT.iir. mm .. - .. ..I . l.. i :-.i...,o Y.r . ,lnl tl,rlntenoat-l Uiucn. vuniuio s ll. Mnll flBKca inn. uv miliums vveem atiiibiiwhk, ...., . statement and on the republican pnrt y is heir new truek . grnted. . .i i.ill mil" ...... ... thesnumeoiii. n" ..n.i" Lot a sincere attempt to carry out the - - . . . llicy of protection, but to force tnr great body of the jieople to enrich a few who are in possession ot monoioiics. TnnAmerican way is best. The real ... ,:. ,1,..:. i nmit Lii u.Wn into the cabinet . a ...ir..,.. i., Kii- niiowea . . L. .0 , I root ot ine poverty nw - Serge Suitings nt and and . . j :.. i.t n.n.trr nt Kockv Mount, who will serve tnr in.M nr nnn diiiu u" uiuwu.. i . .. . : . c i '" u. i,in mved the iroods to outthreeyenr. in tne iicnHcnuury 1, formerly 1 ana ifl.au. m,.emcntofth.,H..ta.fun,l. tOS, ."decfdld tha't the money u re- 50c., 75c. and tl. former r...jt u. Hull. 1. 1. Hill & Son were wnm..i.Uer before the Intter nrice ().JC. UUd 91.ZO. e It ' . . Since REAL ESTATE. W ALT an B. OWTWt W. W. Wirr. "BIG RACKET." GVYII & WEST, FREE. REAL ESTATE. VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA (ucetMors to WalUr B. Owrn) ESTABLISHED 1881 ' REFER TO SANK OF ASHEVIU.E. Securely Placed per Cant. Nutarj P.blk. Co uwloacrs ot Uwd.. FIRE INSURANCE. O WCB- isssa I Court aqsmr. CORTLAW1 bhw., Real Eatate Broker, And InvcaUacnt Agents. Loans at. urely placed at R per cent. THE SHOE STORE, Herring & Weaver, BICaT AMD OOM SATHIvlT. UfflcMi t 30 Patton Ave. SthSdlT Second door. JENKS&JENKS, REAL IITaTI AND INSURANCE BROKERS. I'IRB INSURANCB PLACBI IN TwBNTV OP THB BHST COMPANiua ir. THB WORLD. AOHNTS OP THB TRAVBLBKM'LII'H AND ACCIDHNT INStlllANCB CO., OP HAKTPOMD, CONN. iMtivryaEBACD kUYY Ik L UnitsBtngmi 8 Patton Avenue. ASHEVILLE, N. C. MOST BltSPBCTPULLV INVITB YOttR BBLP AND PAMILV TO VISIT THBIR STORB ON TMURSOsY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, May is. "" TO TASTB A CUP OP THIS DBLICIOUS Cocoa LBADHKS BTAT8AOBNTSPORTHBDBTROITPIRB TIIBV HAVB JUST IMPORTBD AND BUROLAR PROOP BAPB CO. VVHltn IN SHOES OF ALL GRADES, AND FINE HATS. rope 1. the vn.t standing nrmie. the Christian nations therethik It necessary to maintain in order to entorce the gos pel of peace and good will. A quarter to half a million idlers of the ablest bodied mule citizens ot the country, to lie sup iv.rted bv the labor, of women, children and feeble old men, make a difference in the industrial rcMurce. and lower thc comfort and prosperity of the whole peo nle. In thet'nitcd .Statcs.il a warshould come upon u. suddenly, It would take six month, to a year to make good fight soldier, out of our volunteers, a. it oiH In the late war. Hut that is better. far better, than a vast standing army even If war should come upon u. sud ,i...1v n nt 11 inn well drilled militiamen rmild be turned into soldiers with smnf ing rapidity. But the I'nited States needs an ample and thoroughly drilled militia. In thkIocuI columns of to-day', issue will be found' interviews of far more than ordinary Interest to As'neville on the pro posed founding of a I'resliytennn college anmewherc in thc South. It apars that this city is very favorably regarded for its natural advantages, nut mat tney alone are by no means enough to secure the location of thc college here rortu natclv the project Is in embryo as yet, and the measure of Asheville's success de- nends wholly on the early efforts her citr sen. may make to secure this desirable addition to her present educationniequi- ment. It would mean a great deal hnve such an Institution located here whether it will come here depends on how earnestly the Influential men of the city work for what is really their own best in terest. In the matter. Certainly now Just the time, while the Assembly is session here, to ascertain as precisely Brilliant- tax, because of having paid theirauction- then Mr .".11-. InOB. 5()C. and 75c. former eer tax, and not having done any nuc wWc Vim,ton Sentinel. nrice . : I ' .. . I1 11 in :.i.i..nn4. nr.,. iionmiii. . r -ulturc in Rulcioh township isi lyOK)rt'(I Ilflll R-l uinuu u. ., Hunt Martin", bill of ior . . itrtdcfc There arc two in. r,ip nnH TT.o,. worth work on the bridge on Atkins street was ol ,nr(. vineyards. One of ' these, ' a..owed,.ubjecttotheStreetCommitte-. Co.one.J.L . Ttm,orTp1 nnroval ol tne wora. aeniw cuiiihik " T . . uuiuvplv .... I I I r.wuwi i.n.Ln.will be shinned, making m.n:. r. u nn1 1 9 CLIVEDEN PARK nif a miliion pints. Most pi the grape. " no to Boston and iscw lorn. . old Te-aair for "" I A . txno.xe , J " . ,n n ',1 n BoubIiI THrstS) feairai i Uurkclev.supposcn to u mm x i in ws u "v. for BS.OOO. ,t week in the Cntn wba river at Rob- v,nch and Domestic Sat- ... a . . i e ia iui jaw ran m nnvr IHTII I Cliveden Park" in West End wns sold mson -jerry, IS OCIICVCU W lll. mrmm... . . i... ..... mm.m.m. w.ih wliom M I 1 TIOH ll.Tl I 11 I I I U I III L.ilLTCD. at auction to-dny by C. T. Rawls, C. D. hn(, R difficuUy .everal months ago. nnd jjress Ginghams and Seer- Bluntonand t. u. urnnam. KVeral arrests nnvc uninum Carter were the auctioneers. The prop- ley's body ha. not been ,un. nnti ' (ofhs. Table Lin- Kn eiirni v r . - i vxon.i.ta of seven nnd one-half acres, I . Charlotte special to thc n-Patt01t Aventie-39 possible what would probably be 3-s .. tiectedofanyclty that bids for the i suckers, large variety. Outincr Cloths. Tabl ml to tne nniciKiii . .V j ' nvwlookinu the river and commanding Chronicle snvs: No little surprise was ens , WIllUSluiu luiuiw. r of AsheWUe and the surround- created here 6y Cnpt. Syd. I. Alexander, Wj lto Goods, Nainsooks, fine views of Asheville and tne surrou l idcntoft,,cStnte Farmers1 Alli-I T n,u Ttu1:.,. T.innns. Ham- ingcountry. llieiots wen: H... , resinning his directorship oi tne j Inte president ancc, resigning n u.... i T.oa ITrirlprwAfir. First Nntinnai liana "i vmmi " uuiiin, .""""'i - , selling his stock to his sister. Captain HalMJkerchiefs, CorBCtS, (Jloves and Mitts, iarge .. ..... . n aress in inn "i"""-. " . . 11 . property. Nos. b, u. 10, 1 1, i-, . fa Rowland, sitting member. I ne aiii- i ogortmonTj ullu low h h.tjo. and 18 are on High street, running west Bnce opposed to national banks. Parasols and SunBhadeS, from New. Nos. a, 8, , IS. 16, 1 7, 1. chnrlotte hni a novel ensc-that of a the most attractive in th io. 20. 2i. 22, 23, 24. 2b, 2o. ii, mimher of KCllll(.mt who purchased a .. irices lower than else- 80, 31 and 32 are on View street, running cn.idernhlc amount ol Innd nt a tax MJI from New around thMun o t the'Cdchh norbien receivcd-A new lot of property. Th. following is lis of th, I ,; sllcri(T Coo,Kr decline. t n, nn,l lam LncoFlOUn- M..iinaara nnri urii?ri enven in i jAm hia nminii nnvinir auv wu " 1 . ,ttle : him not to do so, as he is not now in of- Mo n r.0x71 Dr. Harunn, s uo; iso. nee. rue point in . m-v No. a.mixTi, it. n. , t . ,,c..ff Cooner's duty to sign the A,r.0x07,E.C.Chnmrrs,JJo, no. , - -- , dl; of , iUCC,,r. 77x17 and 1 lOxOH, thc highest lot, w . T(C C(M win i,, cnrried to the supreme O. Muller, $1,22S; No. 6, BOxl55, W. O. Uourt. Muller. $780; No. 7, 00x150, k.k. ior- Rnidgh gnn-er dealer has hit upon ter, $02S( No. 8,60x107. W. 0. Wolfe, I nove, tfn o( tiilincr theordcrsof hi.cus- a ft i.i rui l-. i . MLLartT. i ,imm with fii.nntcn. lie m.s kkmi ooo,.-.u. , . 7. iiVj-ii .u,lf.lr.rd carrier 10, 00X11, C. C. MCar. sever... .u i j . d with kis wagon every morning to the residence and when the order is given it is attached The lot. were platted a. follow.: Nos. 1, 3, 3, 4, 0, 6. 7, 8 and 0 i 1 Han lloV. are on New street, .......i. .-. -'." o.n.lidnte for con- wood street and running to t... I ri. .1 .irict t.. .ucceed Hon. Al- -: . .. a fri.. ftii: AIR: No. $2H0; No. 11, 50x135. B. 1. MCtonum, $215; No. 12.00x138, J. Lange, $220; No. 18, 00x102. J. Lange,$310;No. 1. 85x155, J. C. Martin, $320; No 82, 60x24, J.M.Campbell, 280; No. 81, 50x213. J. M. Campbell, $310; No. 80, 50x230, M. M. Ledford, $2t0; No. 20, 00x236, J. Lange, $220; No. 10,05x100, a- .u. i,1h ami turned loose. It immedi ately returns to the store, and the order Is filled nnd ready for delivery on return of the wagon, and the goods are at your door In short order. As soon a. the pig- cons become familiar with their new quarters their work will begin. Mm.' B tVVIS Mi.. ninrr nnd DmnPTV Nets. x T 1 ," r. II Something iew ne mni the only absolutely Fast Black Hosiery in the market made by Smith & Angell for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren, also for Men and Boys. They are guaranteed not to dye, crock or lurn green, or money reiunaea. WHITLOCK'8, 46 SOUTH MAIN STKBBT, Opposite Bak sf Aafcrrllla. i . i 1 Asheville. N. C i college. .t-