'.r: 1 ''"fynht WJ3T9 BPE0XPI0. A towMeaoras) ikln disease I suitrl 4ran tA amirh rn Im vIINPmi IOU Mi USCSt HU1U UI dtp use of 8. fl. 8. ' i i u - - i i si. a. Vf OLFF, TTppcr Marlboro, Md. Swift pecific. I was cund several yearn ago of whito swelling In ny log liy tho use of 8. 8, 6., and Dave had do symptoms of any return of the disease. Many prom inent physicians attended me and ail failed, but 8 8. 8. tM the work. ' Paul W. Kirkpatrick, , , Jolinsno CJIty, Ten. Treatise oa Blood fikra Disease mailed free. . ,. 8wot Specific Co., ,.-"'' Ailunia.Ga. oct 3Sdstwiy PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. S. GRAHAin, . DENTIST. ilmce Over J. H. Law's Store, South Main stmt. Extracting...! 3nc. wun gna ooc. Pilling with silver or amalgam. ...BOc co70c. 1 " gold $1.00 and upward. tct of teeth $)l.on. Best set of teeth $8.00. No better made, no matter what you pay. Satisfaction guaranteed. M. A. NEWLAND, Attorney at Law, biakion, n. c. Will practice In the J Oth aid lath Judicial triatrict of North Carolina aad m the Bunt-erne Court aad the Federal Court of the western uastnet oi norta larounaw mayHdlm DR. B. F. AKRINGTON. omce rooms on Patton avenue, over the clothing stare of C. I). Klanton Ik Co. Kcsltlencc corner of WoodAn and Locust I rrrt. Special attention given to treatment of dis eased gums, anu ail DlKMn iKriuiniug w the dental structure. Thro. P. DavinsuN, Thos. a. Jonbs, RaleiKh. JiS. O. MARTIN, Astevllle. Aahevllle. JJA VIUBON, MARTIN At JONBS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Aahevllle. N. C. Will practice In the 11th and lath Judicial Districts. nfid In the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and In the Federal Courts of the Western District of North Carolina. Refer to Bank of Ashcville. dtsel A. TBNNBNT. Architect and Contractor. Plans, specifications and estimates fur. uiahed. All work In my line contracted fur, and no charges for drawings on contracts awartico me. Mrlrrrncea when desired. Office l No. 1'J Hendry Bloek, North Court Square. Ashcville. N. C frlilodly J. W. ROLLINGS, "Veterinary Surgeon. 1 will practice in the city and surrounding country. omce at W. P. niantoa Co.'s stable, 76 south Main street. aprl M. II. RKBVKS, D.D.B. II. K. 8MITII, 0. D.8, Drs. RecTca Smith. JDKMTAL OFsVICK la Connolly Building, over Redwood's Store, I'atton Avenue. Tiwih nlncliil without nnln. with the new anicthetic, and all cases of Irregularity cor- rcctcil. icoi.iai J ". RAM8AV, D. D R.. Dental Office i In Barnard Building Bntrancc, Patton Avenoc and Mala ntreei. fcbundlT MISCELLANEOUS. VM. R. PEIItllMAN, PROPRIBTOR OI' THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Aahevllle, IN. C. P. O. Bom H. F. W. VESEY & SON, FLORISTS, Greenhouses, No. SI Chcstnutstreet Now ready, fresh, healthy Bedding Plants In variety, nellvereo to nny pari 01 iwni( and planted out wnen rcquircu. nii THB LAROBHT ANU UUHT BUI ' 1 1' i' UI) IN THB ROI'TII. CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES or H. C. Woltcrcck & Co. CONSHLTINO CHKBUST AND HININO NOINKKSS Analyses of Mctala, Ores, Coal or Coke, Mln crai waters, rcniums c.t. PRICB LIST ON APPLICATION. Mining property Investigated, developed, oougni tan soio. Hamples con be sent by mall or esprcas. II sent ny e press, enargn aiu.i Agents wanted In every place. Chattanooga, Tcnn. . -' DR. H C.WOLTCRBCK, aovS sfcwlv Manager. ft MOTHERS r EieiJfVv rKILHU DIMINISH HER '."aj, taw w 'RfflflFIFfJ) RfBtlUI tiatrAUMiBM acpzft dflcwly IRATTS 1 ABSOLUTELY SAFE I PERFECTLY ODIRLEItt lams in say Lamp without danger of Expredlng riaklng fir. 8m thai yea gel me gmain. rvr aatepy BALTOE UXITEO OIL CO., AaMRVILLB, K, C. sp dwly Si CO CHIL LESSEN Ikes. ailsJIsslt, i m, tOX.0f&&&w'Mm ae-Ms' ldU . mH& 'wiasVai's.- TflEiHEMT OF ONE HUNDRED AND CENTER OF THE CITY. THE LARGEST AUCTION VACANT LOTS In Number, Value and Ana Ever Held in the History of tbe City. 72 lota on Market, Eagle at the intersection of Eagle and Valley street. 10 lots on Haywood street and Spring street iniine- diately'in front of Mr. Melke's 3 lots at the intersection of 2 lots on College street, midway bf tween the court house and the new federal building. 2ND, 3R0 AND 4TH THE APPOINTED TIME. Terms one fourth cash, balance in three, live or ten years, at the option of purchaser, in equal annual instal ments with 8 )er cent, I take pleasure in announcing to the public that 1 have Lost a Quarter of Million Dollars in Asheville Real And yet 1 have made u moderate profit on each piece of property that I have handled. The people who have puit quarter of million dollars, and Battery Park alone without one hundred thousand dollars more than tho figure at which it passed through my nually thirty per cent, profit lars more than it cost. I single piece of property in ' the city has been sold for $53,000 More than the price at which Vacant lots are becoming Ajheville,aud the importance stood and epitonized in tho poses to sale more than one within the fire district of the The present year will mark of suburban property and within five miles of tho court lots which I now offer for sale. A map of the proiwrty can Summey, Esq. For further information apply to RICHMOND PEARSON. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 20, mam FOUR LOTS IN THE and Syeumure HtruetH, 7 lots hnndHonie reHidence. Hill and Buttrick stixets. DAYS OF JUNE, 1890, semi-annual intercut. Estate. hawetl from me have made the I rejoice in their success. the improvements is worth hands. In fact it pays an on a hundred thousand dol the nortwestern qua i ter of I let it go. scarce within the tiro limits of of this auction cun be under single statement that it ex half of all tho vacant lot s city. an unparalleled development every stroke of tho hainmei house will odd value to the bo seen at the oilice of A. T. SHOT IN HIS OFFICE. A Wall Street Lawyer Badly Wounded. 1 WBATHFUL CLIENTS CRIME. Alphonae ,?. Hlo,hntil, a Flrrjr Young Spaniard, Attempts to Kill Ilia IrttK-yor A Ikiiik riinndlng lipute About I.i'kui j- Hi llcvotl to Be tho CauHO, Nrw York, May 17. Ex-Jniln Clin ton Q. Rfynol (1b, of tin- law firm of ReyiuililH & Hiu-rlKiin, wiu shut In the left Hi'ln ly A1iIiiiiihi J. Stt'jiluinl In hln priviiti- iiftift- in tin1 Brown builtlinn, No, At) Wall stm-t. Hia wound is proliulily faUl. Tlivrauiwof th'.'f.ifiil qnnrrel la Blip- punril to huvr Hriwn hi a iliMiipx-oini-nt ovxrawill. But tirs in nut io.sitlvely known tut I Untie who ;imv kot'i very re tlnt-Ut OlMIUI tile llli.M 'f. Junxe Ki'ViinliU vi,a xtruck nynhnll of U2-t-alilHr, iliw li.neil frmii a revolver of the Knlinli b,ilnl it patl 'm. Mr. ltoynoltin livoil in tu.iwu, . ,i ana u oH yean n wm t.iken to the New York htwpitnl and lsia unHitilimt im mediately uirertteil. ThH 1'rla.iiirr rjr N'crvona, AfUT rem-hin the atation house the captain took the pii-ouor to hia privutu omce iind qiiPNtinned nun, imt could Ret no antiHtiii'lory annuel. Mcpnnui wiw very nerrouu and aeieil irrationally. All thai he would nny wiu that lie wiim sorry he bail not tlirowu liiinnelt into tue Thaiurs riv. r while he wiih in Loudon. He could not reiueiiioer aiivtlunir bout the aliootiliK autl tiUked discon nectedly. In his cluthiia waa found money eipinl in aliout dl.OOU, mostly in foreiifii lunk notes uud coins. A piiKiHirt wim also touiid on hiiu dated April 14, WIU, mid sin -.1 by Jnmes lilaine. and also a cunl signed by the Jiuner of the White Slur suainer Ma estio. As n ruceiptod bill of the Wuat minster Pnliu e hotel, wiiich waa dated Maytt, 1HU0, for 17 shilliugs and six pent, wuh ulso found in bin possession, it is evident tht hi- nitiw over from Knglaud on the jIiij.-mI ic a butt trip. Cause of tlm Shootlna;. A lawyer who was frtiuiliar with the partic ulars which led to tbe shunting gavo the follo'.vini( information: Stcphani's falher. who wiu u large Im porter in this city of fiuviim fruits, died about two years ago leaving an estate valui'U at visi,insi. in ins win ne inane hia wife the stile executrix. She wiia to receive the income diiriinr her lifetime. after which it wits to Im equally divided between the two sous, i'he one who hot Lawyer Reynolds was given charge of the business and of the property. Be converted the latter from time to time into ciuh with which he liought bonda and other securities. This he litis placed in the vault of a mif e deposit couiiumy. The amount of the cash he converted aniouutei to nearly tJo,ooO. A I'rcrlolis Assault. About six weeks into his mother went to Mr. Reynolds to get the money back. Stephaui was culled in and, after a heated discussion, he struck RernuMa and left tbe oilice. Soon alter tins he sailed for Europe and lias just returned. Willie no was away itevnoius, acting tinder the instruction of Mrs. Stepuam, brought proceedings against him, re straining hiiu from toiivhing any more of tho property and also restraining the trust coinp'inv irom iienvenng up any of the bonds lie had deposited with the company. When fttcpuiini heard of the proocedluga which hud been brought against linn, he culled immediately on Reynolds, lie had not been in the office ten minutes when he fired the hot. Ht-ramlile fur m Franchise, Ei.rzA.HKTH. N. J.. Mav 17. A syndi cate has lavn formed of New ork. Elizabeth and UnsiKlyn capitalists wall the object of aeotiriag u franchise to build an idivtric railway in the northern nartnf Elizau.tii. There are already three other coiupaniea in the field who want precisely tlie same icmiory through which to run horse rail l oads. The syndicate, howewr. nrofess to have tha, AiMiOitrir. nf u luiLliiritv uf tils tiroU- erty owuera aluug tue uoutcmpiuxou route. Parhsps He's Hlrilna-faehniM He's Clun. Cedak Kky, Kla., May 17. Matter have quieted down here connleriililv dncethe arrest of Town Marshal Milehell wd the tliitht of Mavor Cuttrell. The revenue ctilter Mcljine has returned to the city after a fruitless search for Cot trell ainotur the keys down the coast. It is said that orders have Ish-ii received from the treasury ilepiiriment that tho revenue culler ollicers extend protection to the customs here, aa long as L'ottrell is at large. Some woplo think he is hiding in the city, but other lielieve that he has g"'ie from t'edar Kevs never to return. The search will lat ke).t up. Ills "llravery" Out Him In Truillila. Danvii.i.k, Va Mnv' 17. A voiimk mini liiimed Joseph ritaples. living at Stuart, in I'm Hick county, came lolotvn, got on n sprit! and delicti nrre.4. The mayor aimiiiioiied a iMwseof men to ar rest him. He saw the ollicers comitit;. Mil went out to meet them, armed with 1 doiililc-linrrcled gun, and when within thirty yards he opened lire, lie then tried to shoot Mayor Marl ill, hut Ilia mother, who was with him, knocked the 31111 down. Staple was then arresUtl and lodged in jail. Some excitement was occasioned, and Staples will solier up under different circumstances, tla Will Miiiik I'liless KomsHihiu tlnppans. Fobt (Iainkk, (la.. May 17. A spociul rm of (.'lay stiis rior court convened U iry Gordon !tiuly for his assault on Min nie (lien Admits, 18 ycurs old, daughter if K. 1), Adiiuis, on M iv 3d. Jud:e Jan. 11. Cillery presided. The jury was out live minutes, and brought in a verdict of guilty. The ,11 Igo sentenced him to be hung on the I 1 h of June. To Travel 'I nil hlllllllier A f.oll JhiiiiI. Atlanta. 0 1.. May 17. It la calcu lated now thnl nearly or quite two hun dred teachers will go on a kiiiiuI excur sion in July lo the Nate n ;i Kdiicntlonnl assis'liiliou'to Iw held at St. Paul, Inking in Maiiilolm, Yellowstone Park, Gitmilii and Alaska, reiiiiiilng by way of Cali fornia. He Una C hunucil Ills Mlnil, JacKwiN, Miss., May ll.Oov, Stone has recommended that the governmont coiumiHsiirv rurnUh rations to 1 ,'JOO dua tllule peoii'le, for twenty days, at Uuin river, Jelferaun county. It is thought that the first shipment of Oeorgia wnterinrloiis will be luiulo by the 5th of June. Heavy frosts are reported In portlona of Kansas and Missouri, on the Kith, lo- tliiinuM, MlrnwiwierlttM i,runM and lierric a are destroye,!, ice formed an igimi 01 an men tuica. HerlH-rl Ulsniarck In Iaindon. liOWIMIN, My I t. I ouns ueruiirs ymi Bismarck has arrived In this oity. Hia Vuut M entirely 01 a private uuarauter. Francis f. wara, 01 nunwviue, sis., died in Nashville, Tenn., from a surgical ... . . 11,. 11. operation. U waa 00 years oiu. MELANGE. Lord Tennyson la said to have received 11,850 for hia last four-verse poem. Only policemen and start) are allowed to shoot on the streets of a well-regulated city. New York paper has undertaken the Herculean task of deciding who la tho proUlost woman in that oity. It Is said that Mataafa does not blame Germany for not recognizing him for ha hardly knows himself with trousers on. A poor old woman In Denver got 13,000 worth of life insurance thi other day, and all because her son tl au ;ht he would rub some dirt off a horse cur mule's hind foot. United Slates Minister Ryan reports! "I do not believe there is a city iu Amer ica in which life and property are more secure, day or night, than In the city of Mexico, " 'When a crown prince condescends to marry a princess over in Europe, she must come to his house to be married, and not he to hers, as bridegrooms do in domestic countries. That is the d liter ence between etiquet and ohlvolry. Sir Francis de Wlnton says that, In pile of the scores of explorers who have been traversing Africa in all direo lons, siuoe Livingston began his travels, the larger portion of the many milllions of natives have never seen a white man. They are telling of a Maine man who asked two boys to carry huh a cord of wood from the sidewalk up a flight of stairs to Ids oilice, and when they had finished the tusk handed one of the lada a cent, with instructions to "divide it" between them. Peter Iluvens, a Camden (X. J.) man, bought a monkey to bring sunshine into his darkened house. In order to see the monkey jump he snapped a revolver at him. A few daya later in order to see Peter jump, the monkey snapped the same wenxn at him. This time it hap. poned to be loaded, and the man got a bullet in the jaw, A Saco (Me.) blacksmith Is the latest convert to the belief that early rising is not always in practice what it is in the ory, lie got up dark and early the other morning, and had bis fire blazing by 4 o'clock. The next tiling he knew the Saco fire deportment hud the hose turned on his blaze, and the neighbors were screaming "Fire!" at the top of their voices. The moet pathetic story of the season thus far is that a poor old hen in Mich igan that has been trying for seven weeks with all tho energy of despair to hatch out something from a lump of dried putty, three black walnuts, and a glass morhlo. She is worn to a shadow, but her spirit is unconquerable and she seems determined to sit it out on that line if it takes all winter. In sawing a log recently In a British Cohunhia saw mill, a oulverin ball one nod thrco-qii irter inches in diameter waa brought 10 light, which is supiosed to be a relic of the Smnish conquest of the Pa cific con-it The bull was firmly Imbed ded in the wood eight inches from tho surface, and from its position, it is thought must have been there more than a hundred years. Tho log came from the locality in which relics of- the Span inula' visit huve frequently been dis covered, William 8. Roberts, who Is a cripplo. tntiudit school in the county north of Kearney, Neh, a.ka, mid at the same time won the hear, of Miss Miunio Hours, the result Is nig 1111 engagement. The fickle Minnie afterward changed her mind and married another man. For this breach of promUe Rola-rta brought action in the court and obtained a judgment for damages hi the sum of KJ.OOO, but Minnie is wealthy in affection only it is iirohable that Mr. Roberts will be com pelled lo coutliiuo school-touching for a livelihood Hitherto it has been supposed that English miners in the middle of tbe eighteenth century, first utilized parallel rails, like tho modern railway tracks, in the transiorbition of burdens. In a "Description of the World," by Sabatv tian Munsler, 1541, a woodcut has been found contiUiiiiig a representation of a little four-wheeled car loaded with ore autl with a man behind shoving it along parallel mils. The scene of the woodout is an Aluatiuu mine of tho first part of the sixteenth century. Munster culls the car in question, "liistruinentum traoto- tum, and mentions that Its (our wneoia were of iron. The great Bear river canal in Utah, for the construction of which $3,000,000 has been provided, is expected to be one of tho must extensive irrigation works in America. To get the canal along the side hill along Hear river canyon and out onto tho plain near Plymouth will necessitate moving 220,000 cubic yards of solid rock, 10.000 yards of loose rock. l.imONO cubic yards of earth, and dig ging 1,200 feet of tunnel. This camd will irrigate 200,000 acres hi Halt Lake valley and 0,000,000 on Bear river, increasing the land to f 40 per acre, w bile fencing, building and tilage are exiectea to dou ble this value in a few years. Bear lake Is in southern Idaho. The reservoir for this canal will cover 159 square niilea. and the canal will secure the irrigation of a territory extending to Ogtlon. ART AND ARTISTS. Miss Edwards says the earliest Egypt- Ian paintings antedulo tlie Christian era by 8,000 ytara. BonJnmin Constant Is knocking out a number of Krtruita of rich Now Yorkers at fancy prices. Tho Verstohaguln pictures will probably remain In America permanently. They were entered in bond free of duty, and tlie tlnio allowed by the bond having expired, duty has been paid on tlie en tire collection. The court house of St Louis contains large frescoes by Wlmor, a Gorman American painter of tho Dussoldorf school, which are said to be In bad con dition, owing to the poorness of tho plas- tor on which they were I11I1L llie BU Louis Republic demands their restora tion, Ex-Senator Rumscy has a fondness for whltollsh a la vinaigrette. Secretary Noble Is fond of fried chicken and curried oystors. Secretory Windom's favorite dish Is pickerel a la mnyonnalse, - Judgo Marline finds his chief Joy and deliicht in chicken pol-pio. Russell Ilarrlaon prefers fried hluoltsh, washed down with a little claret. Adjutant (lenoral Torter has a weak ness far all sorU of game of the gamy savor, Vice-President Levi P. Morton rarely eats more than cue kind of meat at a nieaL 1800. HINTS AKOVT HTOCJt. Profitable feeding must be steady feed ing in spasmodic feeding the feasts may do actual harm and the short ra tions surely entail loss. Do not cram one day and starve the next. There is no economy in supplying more bedding than is necessary to keep clean and to absorb all the liquid void ing: more than this is adding to the quantity at the expense of the quantity. If a horse intends to be vicious, the tail Is carried low and the ears are laid back. If in good humor and eager to go the tail is carried high. If nervous or In clined to kick, bite, or strike, the tail is witched from side to side. Buy the Best and Breed Better, " Is the heading to an editorial in the Jersey Bulletin. It is axiomutlo and good enough for a motto without comment. The man who obeys the injunction is on the great highway of progress and can not fail to succeed. Every animal needs plenty of water. Water flushes out the organs through which it (lasses, thus aiding to carry oft the effete matter. Water, then, when given to the cow, besides aiding her in milk production, performs tlie other office. Western Rural No cow can give large yields of milk unless she is a heavy feeder and is sup plied with all she can eat. The best ani mal is the one that converta the largest quantity of food into the largest amount of butter or milk In the shortest period of time. A good praotlcu! farmer says 1 "When ever we feed a pig much beyond eight or nine months old we are needlessly throwing away profit. We are very slow to learn this, notwithstanding it has been so often demonstrated. Per haps we know it but are too lazy to get out of the ruts in which we have been traveling for years. "Michigan Farmer. From a log two or more feet In diam eter saw a block two and a half or three feet long, Stand it on end, and bore, gouge, or burn out of the top a hollow apace into which salt or grain can be put for stock to lick. The advantages of this arrangement are that horses and cattle can not upset it, hogs and poultry can not reach it, and it will not be used for other purposes and left out of place. Farm and Fireside. In feeding and fattening hogs It is Im portant to hare a lot as near of tlie same size, weight and qnality as possible it wiil sell for a better price than a lot of various sizes and weights. It when fatted there are a few small ones, or one of extra size, the lot will sell for more in the average if you take these out and kill for home use or dress for near mar ket, or sell when a shipment is being mado of hogs that average with them. Fravantlve Measure. Ill many of tlie animal ailments, acci dents and contagious diseases, preventive measures are of the most essential serv ice. Fur instance, when an animal shows cigns of illnuns, it should be immediately separated from the herd, flock or drove. It 111 ly have been the only one exposed to a futal contagious malady, and its fel lows thus prevented from taking the disease. For what is called the "period of incubation" varies in tho different maladies from a few days to several weeks. This, every breeder, stock-raiser and farmer should understand, as it might not only save thoir own and their neighbor, but in contagious diseases, as pluro-pneumonia, the herds of thoentire country may be endangered. In fact the export and import trade of a nation may be seriously injured, or entirely ruined for years. Dangerous stakes, by impal ing unruly animals, may result in the loss of considerable sums of money, A farmer might better make his fences safe, as it will entail but a trifling expense, than run the risk of losing a valuable animal. Narrow doors to stables in the same manner might "hip" a horse or "stifle " a cow or ox. It is not necessary to complete a catalogue of traps, pitfalls, wens, etc., unguarueu, 10 snow now numerous are the ways injury may come to stock. I'rlocs of Crops. The returns of prices for farm pro- dncts arc the lowest in years, as reported by the United States Department of Ag riculture, The average estimated valus of corn on the farm In 1878 was 81.8 cents per bushel, in 1HH5, 82.8 cents, and in 1M8U, 29. 1 cents. The average value of wheat is estimated at 70.8 cents per bushel, ranging from $1 In Maine to 53 cents in Nebraska, against 64. S oents in 18M. 68.7 cents in 1880, and 68.1 cent In 1837. A large cotton crop has been har vested, and prices are a tritle better than Inst year, averaging on the farm from a8 cents per pound in Virginia to 8,7 in Louisiana. Oats are lower than ever be fore, being 28 cents, against 27.8 oents a year ago, and 24.6 cents in 188, the low est average price previously reooraea. In Kansas and Nebraska, the estimated prioe Is only 18 oents per bushel. The average value or me potato crop is 43.1 cents per bushel, against 40 cents in 1884, and 40.4 ounls in 1888. (.American Agri culturist. jfvaamTM. Many a man may double his physloa capacity by strengthening his' mind somewhat. Without cleanliness In the dairy, all efforts to produce the best butter or oheese are vain. Generally, he who sells bay from his farm pays a high rate of interest for the money lis gets, For the nutrition of live stock and the conservation of soli fertility, grass is ths) world's royal crop. Excessive growth or fattening Is at ft groat expense of food, Better a continuous good growth, and no cramming stages, The man who buys good animals and elves them scrub feed, ought, to be consistent, not to hoist his umbrella In a rain-storm. The farmor must have a long bank ac count who can afford to breed Immature animals, or to keep animals for the thainhlos after they approach maturity A noon to Wlvea. llnvlnu- used "Mother's Friend" would not be without it. It is a boon to wives who know they must pass through tnc pnmiui oractu 01 cmiaoirtn Mrs. C, Mclbttrne, Iowa. Write llrndficld Kcuuliitor Comonnv Atlanta, 0u., for particulars. By all druggists. ' FOR SALE. A second hand money safe and ona pair platrnrm scales, linquire 01 C. S. COOPUR, Or KULLY 8TRACHAN US PATTON AVENUE. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 ne ureal vocoa or curepe, The Coming 0ns of America, MADE Bf SPKOIAL PROCLSS-THMBtST. Cocoa is of supreme impor tance as an article of diet. Van Houten's has fifty ftr cent, more flesh-forming prop erties than exist in the best of other cocoas. UauIIouteii's Cocoa "BEST GOES FARTHEST" The tissue of the cocoa bean is so softened as to ren der it easy of digestion, and,! at the same time, the aroma i is highly developed. SJ-VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA ("oass triad. slwsya nsad ") la tka ortBiaal,r,sela baa Com, tayaatasl, lalaS asul u4la HJla,nd U to-dv bsUsvsadf swtrantiiMf than any of ths nuBMnms units-S tlons. In (set, s eompsrstn tast will saallf $ proTStUMssausrooaossqaslsutai saaswa in solobllitr, ssrseabls Uate and aatritlrs qaalltlea. " Larfait aala la Oil world." Ask lovVAMlioirrxa'ssndtsksBootbas. 1st WaVWaaWaaYsaaaaaaWlv Of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. Cf Lime and Soda. Tltrr nr cemtffWoH mitf ctHutMttm. and tiure i ttllt much tkimtmted mUk irhSrh majttrwtr a erenm, Tr rnM tunny mnnmfmewwtrm tWMM so rHtin their crwf liver oil o tm nviV il pnlitluMm lo trytnitiv tfnmarhtt, tirott' Kt;tU of 1'1'JiK NOH WEtylA N CJOD I.iYi.lt OIL, comlini tr.ffc Hypopltm jthltrn i nimmt au pnlatakt etc mlimu i'or thl rmrnm mWI n for th fnttt of thr H mutating iunUH of lit Ufr phntphttrt, M'ttyMiriana frvipUHtig pro scribe it in cums of CONSUMPTION, SVHOFILA. HROXUIITIS mn Cl.'HOStO CUVGII or BKVKRR COLtK AU JtrugviM trtl it, bit m swis eval av4 In,! itHHtni; as tttrrc arm poor imltmilOHM. novia d&w lv tn the sat HOCK QUARRY FOR RENT. Apply to us during the Incoming week to rent the Rock Quarry on the opposite side of the river, near the Iron bridge, and the N1NB TENEMENT HOUSES near by. A good rock man can get a bar gain. NATT ATKINSON & SON. mnrSll dtf FOR J3AL.E. At a Imrgnln, or 8 Milk Cows, Apply be tween 2 and 3 o'clock at GEORGIA DAIRY, 180 Charlotte Street. Registered Jersey Bull for service. Price S3.no, guaranteed. may8 dtf liiiBllitb and FrezncJi BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE OWLS, No, 40 French Broad Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLANO, PRINCIPAL (Por many yean Associate Principal of Mt. Vernon Institute, Baltimore.) Assisted by a corps of compentcnt teachers. urvn hit JkJOTICll. Itv virtu, of a dent of trust ei routed to ms on the 3lat dny or August, 1NH6, by J. A. lrumraund anil flora u. urumraonu, nis wife, to secure the payment of the sum of Ulirht Hundred and acrenty.eveu Dollars anil Thlrty.Threc Cents, licarlng Interest at 8 per cent, from snid date, 1 will oner for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door In the city of Aahevllle, on the lth dny of June, lnutl, a certain piece or nnml nrlnnd. altuuted on Valley street In the city of Aahevllle, particularly drecrftied in said devri of trust, registered in the Register's Oilice in Uook H and on pngc 1A. UlMI.,nU U. nUKVHLb, mayiadSOd Trustee. Farmers aud Truckers Take Notice! I hnvc bedded too Bushels of 8WBBT PO TATOES. By the lflth of May 1 shall be pre pared to supply BLIPS In any quantity. Call at the beds at my residence on Beaver Dam road in Kamoth, or leave orders at O. t. Me Honald'a grocery store, No. 17 south Mala street. Orders by piall solicited. Price at Bella, UOc. per loo. 1'nce m Asnc vllle, unc per loo. Address mavo avw mon we m n, ., lAinu. THB ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, 26 PATTON AVIL.lY.M.CA, ROOMS.) Open dally, csccpt Sundays, from 10 a. ua. until 1 p. m and 4 until 6 p. The terms of subscription are! One year $3; e mos 1.80i S mos $1 1 1 no., OOcts.i dally 3 cts. "Officers for 1800 President, Charles W, Woolsey Vice-President, Thos. A.Jones l flee, and Treasurer, D. 8. Watson Librarian, Miss I. J, Hatch. riiiu, and vl.ltnra ara cordially Invited to Inspect the catalogue aad inscribe their names as members. MnaorltJ TO VEflKlMl iflfMmshsfciisiSilaiiiassi. sua who la asrrs a, sililMilali iAli isj s'sest sTe (OV sTfaSsJryPsCSajksnsaj aovS dw lv JAMKS SHANK. FAMILYOROCERXSrarr Aaent for see Creak Woehsr latnU"1 T' " North Mala fcbludly SCOTT'S FfflULSiOfJ kc;

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