' or: . - I FOR RENT, WANTS, AND FOR SALE, I EXTRA COPIES OF SATURDAY'S CITIZEN Containing mntUr of intercut to visitor. Asheville Daily Citizen, Not exceeding three Unci, One Time, 3S cent. Three Time., SO cent. 8lx Timet, 75 cents. and thou proposing to vl.it Asheville I ' for talc at thii oniee and ne itom, H-l , ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. VOLUME VI.NO. 38. 1 II n MISCELLANEOUS. 1UNVILLE.P A place pitnitiud and devel oping oh a, GREAT RESORT. Situated in the MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NOBTn CAROLINA, A region noted for henlth fulness and beauty of SCENERY. An elevation of .'$,800 feet, with eool Invigorating Climate It is being laid out with taste and skill, with well graded roadn and extensive FOREST PARKS. A desirable place for line ivHidenees and HliATHFl'l. HOMI59. A good opportunity for prolitable investments. For illustrated pamphlet, ad dress, LINYILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., Uuvllle, Mitchell Co., N. C. BON MARGHE. NEW NECKWEAR FOR GENTLEMEN JIST IS IIANIK SOME LATHST DESIGNS 1'KHTTIliST SHADES OF SILK. LADIES' MOUSES. NliW AND ALL GRADES. FANS ! FANS ! USEFUL AND OKXAM liSTAL. 30 Mouth Main St. BONMARCHE. JI.T.ESTAMROOK'S ilil B. MAIN T., AMIIKVILI.U, in Tim ri.ncii so BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS AND TOVH. LOCAL Views and Sketches. REAL ESTATE. n. owyk. w. W. WKST. GWYN & WEST, (HuccvMora to Walter B.Owjm) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL EST ATE. Loans Securely Placed at Per Cent. Notary I'ulillc. CotnmlMloncra ul IM-eoY FIRE INSURANCE OHFICH-nowltieiml rouHIMiMMro), a owa2 Real Estate llrokcrw, And IiivcMtiiiciit Agent. l.onn. mc urely placed (t " per cent. OIHcrsi 3 n I'alton Art "econd floor. Icininiv JENKS&JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. I'IKK INHUHANCK I'LACItll IN TWItNTV OPTIIK HltKT CIIMI'ANIIM IN Til li WOHLII. AOI1NTH (,H TUB TBAVBI.UKH'LH'II AN ACCIIIKNT 1NMUHANCH CO., Ol' HAKTFOKII, CONN, UTATII AOItNTII FOH THHUHTHIIIT I'lK AND UIIHOLAR I'HOOI' AI'I( CO. KoouiM 9 A 10, McAfee Block U Pattoa Art,, Atherillt, N. C. J-stitS, Off itwfcfc ott .ft iHvl oflftil IF THERE IS ANY P V 0 W E R IN RICES, ANY I R T U E I N A L U E S, O R A N Y B E N li I A R G F I T N AINS, BUY Y O V R GROCERIES, FEED, ETC., PROM A. D. COOPER. North Side Court Houk Square. "GET RID OF THE FLIES." Every housekeejicriii Ashe ville luis the worry of Flies. (,ly Paper is sticky and only a little less bother than the lies. We sell the Harper 'ly Trap, the best made at only IN cents each (sold in other Stores at 25 i ts.) they are handy, easily cleaned, never wear out and get lucre in ridding the house of Flies. One or t wo in each room will soon aba te t he nuisance. Our ce i ;ream i rcczcrs, Ham mocks and Croquet Sets are seasonable and are priced as ow as me same goous can n bought in any city on the ontinent. We are selling jiice Curtains, and goods for mlf curtains, (of which we iave some loveiy pawrns; 1 f. i A . V at prices that always please. Our second supply of Brass 'urtaui Hods is expected laily, the other lot was riced at exactly one half M'rfoot as the same goods were quoted 01 cisewnero, um i 1 .... I that is the way our prices run, sometimes one half, or two thirds, always lower than anybody else in all lines and we keep every thimr. The biggest line of ----- r ' ' Uibbons in town. Every thing at "BIG RACKET." . W. U. WILLS. aUTIII'l J, WH.ua, WILLS BROS.. ARCHITECTS, AHIIKVILLH, N.C. Olttee llnrnard llullillnir. P. O. Hot BB. I'lnn., Kpci-lncnllona, Detail.. Mc, furerrrj elaa. of building at short nolle. ARTISTIC INTERIOR DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. cJiiuImm aiirindllm F. A. GRACE. FKICHCO DKCORATOR ANI D1JSIGN1JR Will KMCCUlt) I.I Tcmpra, Intonaco, nncauntlc or Oil from Special Design In Itl'.COM ATIVK C01II1MM1TIN( KenllMtlci'loral, HnlHiic i Alienors-. Aililresss ad WOODWARD AV tlctrolt, Mich., or l)OX 114.1, A.licrlllt, N. c. S.SV'4. Ji;-tr.j. I., -J -'Jm-o -. s MISCELLANEOUS. ESTABLISHED 1874. W. C. CARMICHAEL, APOTHECARY, 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. G. For sixteen years I have carried on a Drug and Pre scription business in Ashe ville, Btriving at all times to buy pure Drugs and sell no goods tuat are not strictly first-class in every respect. Kverything warranted as represented or money re funded. My goods are pure and fresh and my prices as low as the lowest. Prescrip tions filled at all hours, day and night, and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. Mr. J. Taylor Amiss is with me, and will be pleased to meet his friends and custom ers. We are showing an unusually largo and attractive stock of Clothing, Men's Fur nishing Goods, Hats, Shoes of all Kinds, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Smalhvnres & Carjiets, bought with great care, marked at short and reasonable profits. The line embraces all grades from low priced to very fine. One price system. 7 & 9 ration Ave. COMING! -THE- AUCTION SALE. 3 O'CLOCK SATURDAY, MAY 31ST, ON THIS PREMISES AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Twrnl, roldmee lot. near the atreet car line, in Went Knd, City of A.herlllc, on liny. wood .Irert, overlooking the I'rench llrond Rlrcr, near Ire factory. Terms of Sale. Silo ca.h, tialanrr in Instalment, of Irn (flu) dollar, per month. Al.o one hciune and lot in .am plat TKRMa One fourth ch, balance In one and two year., with Intercut. ALSO SIX (6) VERY VALUABLE Hl'SINESS LOTS ROBERTS ST Near Cotton Mill, lev I'actorv and I'lour Mill. TURMH One third ea.h, balance In one and two Tears, with Interest at elKht per cent. All the almve viiluiihle finiierty will lie Mild at S o'clock Haturdny, May 3 Int. on the premium Take I'atton Arenuc atreet car line and come. It .hall not coat roil anything to come, I'or further Information apply to C T. KAWl.a, C. . COOI'IIR, C, I). P.LAPTON mayilTdit THE DAILY CITIZEN. FACTS AND COMMENTS. Ghohcr M. Pullman is reported to lie a very generous man. He m sum to give nwnv $20,000 every yenr. He doesn't Hive any of it to the porters of hia gcci- ing-enrsor they wouliln t U' so hnndy with their whisk-broom nt the end of n trip. Emrkzzlkks should rcmemlwr when they run away that Canada is no longer a reluge. An Ohio public official took the old trail with a paltry thousand dol lars the other day, and already under the new extradition treaty he is to be haled hack. Richard Vai'X, who succeeds to Sam uel J. Randall's seat in congress, seats all his letters in the old way, with wax, us ing a seal ring, which he wears on a fore finger, lie would find a great deal of nourishment in the gummed enveloic if he would only give it a fair trial. Kkmmi.kk's Inst chance for life has liccn taken away by the United States supreme court's decision that electrocu tion is not n "cruel and unusual punish ment" within the meaning of the consti tution. This is the fourth or fifth "posi. lively Inst chance" he has had. Tint late Judge Drumnmnd,ol Chicago, was the first judge to rule that railway employes hnd a first lien on the property for their wages, a decision that lias liccn indorsed by the United States supreme court, and hqs since found its way into the States, applying to all industries. Tmk Mormons are said to be making many converts among the natives ol New Zealand. The Mnories of New Zealand are fine men mentally and phys ically, are acquiring education, proicrty and political weight, and Mormon pros. clytism among tliein wilt doubtless prove a serious thing for the white colonists. Tiik need of an ocean patrol to clear the seas of deserted cralts is weekly brought to mind in the bulletin issued by the Ilydrogrnphic Office. Often there ccm to lie criminal negligence on the part of the masters of derelicts in not at tempting to destroy their ships when they find it necessary to take to the boats. Mrs. Hkttv Grken, the ccccntricowncr if several millions, who oilers to pay for ii site for the World's Fair free if the commissioners will merely pay the taxes while the fair ' on Oic gromwN, an c nmple of the sort of prodigal individual liberality which is sure to come to the fn ml in Chicago, no matter how much the politicians try to tie the fair up into hard knots. Mr. IIarni-m and Col. Cody an smart, but the Mussulman picks up their tricks mighty quick. A "Wild East" has la-en brought to London, for an attempt sim ilar to that of Buffalo Hill. Highly Arabs and a few negroes, including women nnd ehililn.it, horses, camels, asses, dogs, tents in fact the Oriental outfit com plete have come over to exhibit thr lifc and to execute the fantasias of the desert. Evkry State and citv in the union i exievted to hear good news from the census taker. Texas, for example, ex- KCts to show a population oI'.'I.ihhi.iiimi, which will be a raise ol O.i tier cent, over the figures of 1HH0. Apropos, it is inter esting to observe that a bill has been in troduced in congress making it an offence liable to a $5,000 fine and imprisonment for two years for any private individual to pay a census taker for booming ligurcs. Ukknt Ai.tsiiklrr is a plucky Uen luckian of 22 who proKises to see Ku- roe on foot. He lunded in Antwerp u lew davs ago, and immediately started on n X'dcstriun tour that will take him through Germany, France, Spain, Italy nnd Turkey. lie expects to get back to Louisville in the fall ol WX. Altshclcr resigned hia place on the stalf of the Louisville Evening Times to go. If he was as shrewd asCitucn Train he would get part of his expenses out of advertis ing the blue grass whiskey. Such a de tcrmined chap ought to make a gooi boomer. A CKRTii'ino copy of the will of Jcfler son Davis has Urn filed with the probate clerk of New York city on larhatf of the testator's executors who are his friend Jacob U. l'nync of New Orleans, nnd his son-in-law, I. Adilison Hayes, jr., of Lol orndo Springs, Col. Thcydesireouxilinrv letters testamentary on account of a claim held by Jefferson Davis against I), Applctou Kt Co., the publishers. This claim is the only property Monging to the estate in New York state, nnd con sists of n copyright on Jefferson Dnvis "Memoirs nnd Reminiscences" which Ap- pleton & Co. have published. Sknatoh Doi.pii has introduced in the f.irm of n bill the regulations adopted by the recent International Maritime Con fcirnee for preventing collision at sea lie also introduced a bill making It the duty of the master of each vessel, in case of collision at sea, to stay by the other vessel and, so far as can be done without serious danger to his own vessel, crew nnd passengers, to render assistance to the other vessel. Violation of this re quirement Is made punishable by line and Imprisonment, A Mure Invenlincnt. The vnlunhle proterty known ns"Cnlh die Hill" offered for sale Thursday, May 21), is most desirable cither for a home or as nn investment. Be sure to attend the tale in person, There is money in It for you. THE SOUTHERN SESSION. THE INTERSTATE SUMMER SCHOOL TO MEET HERE. PROMINENT EDUCATORS FOR IN' STRUCTORS. A ConiliiK convention Wl.lcli Will be of InlereHt not Only to Al.e vllle, Hut to the ttoutlu The southern session of the Interstate summer school will lie held in Asheville from (uly 28 to August 8. There will Ik- seven of these schools held in the Cuitcd States, in Udiuboro, Pa.; Columbus, (.; 'ottsvillc, I'n.j Jefferson, O.i Grand Rap ids, Mich.; Detroit, Midi., and Asheville. The object of the school is to give teach ers a chance, with little cxiiense, toknow how other teachers are working, and thereby gain much valuable knowledge themselves. I'rf. Chixlou, siiieriuteud- ent of the Asheville graded schools, has Imrgc ol the orgauintiou ol the school to lie held here, and is working hard in its interest. There is a regularly employed faculty of five, that attends each school, and gives lectures on their respective branches. They will each Sieak twice a day. The names of these instructors, with their branches of study are as follows: Dr. Tims. M. Ilallict, Springfield, Mass., I'sy- hology and Science of Teaching; Miss Mary A. Spenr, West Chester, lu., 1'ri- mnry Methods; W. W. Sicer, suicrin tendent of schools Oakland, Chicago, 111., Numbers nnd Arithmetic; I. I. Hall, su lierinlcndcnt of schools, U-oniinster, Mass., Language, Reading and Writing; Alex U. Frye, Hyde Dark, Mass., Geog raphy. These instructors haveprepn red lectures on these subjects, with great care, and ill have excellent reputations as instruc tors. They will visit cacli scliooi. Ilcsides these, there is a faculty of six nvial teachers, one of whom will be at ach place during theentirescssion. They will present subjects csiecinlly oilai led to each locality. SiiiK-rintcndcnt f schools, li. C. Ilr.iusoii, Athens, tin., is the one appointed to be here, and will diver ten lectures on "Discipline and Methods." The organization of the work is niluiir- ble. Each instructor has prepared Ins coiirspol'lc.'tures and uuliriittcd ripics c.-ichof his fellow instructors, thus avoiding the danger of the same ground being gone over by two. This plan is of great advantage as it helps the instruct ors to shape their lectures so us to uui only avoid rcictition, but also to supple ment each other. The primary method teachers, knowing what those of the higher grodes are to do, will lay a founda tion; nnd the advanced teachers, possess ing definite knowledge of the primary plan, will build upon it. Another good feature is the printed notcsof the lectures. which have been prepared with great care, and the teachers in attendance will not have to lose part of the lecture while trying to make notes on the other part. These printed notes will Ik- nn abstract of the lectures, and will lie sold to all teachers. A diploma will Ik- given to those teachers in nlteiulniicc the lull two weeks. Aliout three hunched teachers arc ex- tectcil to lie present nt the Asheville ses sion, nnd excursions to tlie mouniniiis will be arranged. There will also Itr a reception nt the rooms of the V. M. C. A. Tuesday evening, July 20. tjefl for Klclima.nl. Thirty-two mcniU-rsof the Light In fantry left to-day bv sisnal car for Richmond to attend the unveiling of the Lee monument. Their car was attache .1 to the 1.40 regular. The company ii under the command of Capt. Duff Mer rick and Lieutenants Cowan and Kim lierly nnd First Scargcnt Manguin, and the men under them are Missis. Alexan der, Wagner, Clarke, Lorrick, llhinton, Atkinson, Ilrown, Rollins, Lewis, l-itz- gcruld, Mitchell, Davis, hitson, Neil sou. Rankin, McDowell, Collins, Mini- moil. Israel. Atkins, l.ce, Owens, Davis, Carter, Marshall, Mitchell, T., Davis, C A Worthy OIlc-l-l. Early in next week nt the lecture room of the Y. M. C. A. there will U- given n musical mid literary entertain ment by some of the m-st talent in Ashe ville. The proceeds w ill lie used for the U-ncfitof Mr. S. S. Lynch the disabled ildier. Tickets arc on sale at Cnnni diners drug store and nt the Y. M. C An InU-rcHll.iil Item. A representative of the Gloliecaiighton to n good thing lo-dnv, thnt is going to make big money for somebody in Dni hnm. For the present, he is denied kt mission logo into particulars. Durham Gtoltc. It Has Occurred. Editor Citizen: At the rcipirsl of one of the witnesses in the case of Laylon nnd Rnvmoml. who lest men mat spar ring wiis permitted nt the Young Men's Christian AssiK-iation gymnasium, I wish to state thnt I hiivcsincediseovcrcd that gloves had Uen brought to the gym nasium two or three times wit limit niyKT mission or knowledge and that this fact wn. used as a basis ol the testimony of the witness as he supposed that it was permitted by the Associulion manage ment. As was slated in yesterday's Cit IZHN boxing in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasi um is not permitted nnd n sparring con test linn never taken place there 11. P. Anukkhun, General Secretory. "Old thiiins have pusseil nwny, nil linim have become new" in the purlieus ofllhie Ruin the scene of the great auc tion next week. NORTH CAROLINA NOTES. The Supreme Court has adjourned for the term. The Murphy Advance has given up the ghost. Evangelist F. L. Smith is to open a sc ries of revival meetings nt Kuleigh. A portrait of Judge Jiimcs Iredell has liccn received at tlie supreme court. Greensboro is to have a pacr pub lished in the interest ol colored men. Goldsboro is to have a refrigerator file- lory. A Chicago man lurnislics the capi tal. About four hundred students attended Shaw I'liiversity during the past ses sion. K. M. Goodwill, aged 70, and Mrs. Marlhallursl, aged 50, were married nt Kuleigh. It is said that High I'oiut will give $100.01)0 if the K. & S. railroad will pass by that town. The funeral of Col. W, E. Anderson, of Raleigh, was one of the largest ever held in that citv. The lloral offerings were exquisite. The CIhiiiiIkt of Commerce of Winston has passed resolutions strongly endors ing the issuing of bonds to the amount of $2' Hi.oi 10 for city improvements. Col. M. L. McCorklc, of Newton, will Ik- a candidate for the judgeship in the Eleventh district. Newton, Hickory and Tnylorsville pa iters have declared for him. Two thousand three hundred dollars luis nlreadv Im-cii raised for the proposed monument nt Charlotte for the signers f the Mecklenburg Declaration ot Inilc- K-ndcnce. S. H. Pearson was convicted in 18S0 n llurke countv of stealing n ride and sentenced to two years in the petitcn- tiarv. lie lias Ikx-ii panioneu oy uovct nor Fowlc. The Winston-Salem I'liiversity Alumni Association has liccn organized with Mr. . W. Fries as president; S. P. Graves. Vice president ; A. II. Fuller, secretary and treasurer. A iK-tition siuned bv some of the licst citizens ol Clinton has Urn sent to Gov. l-iiu-lt-nskini; to commute the sentence of A verv Itutlcr, who is sentenced to hung Inly 11, to twenty years ill tlie peniten tiary. The North Carolina Steel nnd Iron company nave uiscovcrcii a large iiv- poRil ol granite on incir town u.i pr;jr ertv nilinning lirccitsnoro. i nc grninie is of the finest quality, gray anil nine, and splits well. Information has Urn received nt Ral eigh that the blackU-rry crop will be ihort in tlicrieMinonisccuoii". iiu-muic, where il is a source of large revenue. So fur as enn lie learned, it is the first time tln-j ever failed to lie u lull cropof black- INT-.-ICS.,. The Ingersoll Machinery company who furnished the machinery tor the Hat KK-k ciuarrv. near Mt. Airy, were so nn- pivsscii with the quality of the granite, that they made .1 handsome offer to lie allowed to handle the granite in New York for the quarry company. At the cnnirreuntionnl meeting held nt the Fitsl Presbyterian church at Greens boro to consider matters connected with the new church building, it was decided to iiriHted at once to the erection of a building to cost $2:1,000. It will be om of the handsomest churches in the Stute. Thp kockiiiL-lium Rocket says Messrs Unk & Wall have arranged lor plans to siiliinittcd embracing n Hotel, nmik liiiildiiiL- clothing store ami drug store, all in one block, with the vicwot erecting he aiiine this summer. .Meantime mc question of cliYtriclightsiind waterworks r the town IS IK-Illg nm-nnni iimuiiK nir citizens. Piiriii-n from Surrv county tell ol n se- r .-nt t mi ii trnv at King s muni .asi week. Kelt Uil'toii. an 18 year old boy, shot a dog UloiigingloJim llulcluiis, in- order or Ins employer. iiuicnius nc tm-k.-d him mill Lollcn ill defending him self cut his throat. Hiitchins would have ,11,-d in n lew moments had not two pity slcintis Urn iirescnt when he was cul. Lofton was jailed at Danliury. Hutch- ins, it is thought, will recover. Tin-Madison News says another hu mmi ln-itiu. n noor unfoi tunalc, though it may be guilty, has found a nnmeles. urn ve inn strange hind. The convict . , .- .i... o a. u ....... (mu'ii lust Tuesday week, and was shot U'llll CSCaiK'O IIOIII IHC IX. .x- O. ,,Mll, .,, ii In- the LMiiirds.'was found dead in the ,. ,i .inn i ol t ie river u u-w uavs ni- tcrward. lie had received a bullet in Ins side and died from loss of blood nnd want ol intention, lie was a negro, whose name we did not learn. Mr. !lenrv keeps n store nt the depot in Stalesville. Lust Monday nignt nit u-nii- imnti. Win. Kicknrt. caugiil Hirer tramps, one negro nnd two white men, in the store. He bagged the whole crowd and locked them in u box car where he kept them until Tuesday morning, wncn lie IllUrCllCIl IIICIU lo lllll. I liuinuuiv mi. thev were urrnigiied in court nnd founil guilty. Yesterday mc jungc sentence nit lii-m to a linn of five years i the K-iiiteiitiarv. This was quick work all mound. Charlotte news. Mr. li. W. Lvon, of the Mann-Arring ton Gold Mining company, whose mine is located ill Nash county, snys thnt the mine is developing in a most encouraging" .,,.! due thing which has been proven is that deep milling is succcssiiii !,, id,, i-.islein district. This has hereto fore Urn n matter of doubt. A vein hns mi Urn struck at a depth of HU) feet, 'and has Urn worked to n level of 400 feet. The same vein lias itccu locnten lor three thousand feet, is from one to three feet thick, nnd is yielding nn average of $20 worth of gold to the ton right along. Greensboro is making elaborate prepa rations for n grand military display on I hi. ftifiriiitio- of Mnv Moth. It will Ik- the nrension of the return of tlie old flag of 18110, which was carried through the late vnr by the Guilford Grays, company 11, 27th North Carolina regiment. The flag hint, since the surrender, U-en sacredly cared for bv its captain's wife, and v he pieseiilnd to the present company oi Guilford Grays by her daughter nt the unveiling of the Ix-e monument nt Kien itlnttd fill Mnv 'Jtllh. nnd will be brought to Greensboro on the morning of the itoth. mow In Your tltm.ee. A great opportunity is offered to make A small fortune in Asheville real estate, tiny one or more of lots of the Catholic Hifl proterty and in this way make pro vision lor yourscu aim iiuniiy. MISCELLANEOUS. J. S. GRANT, Ph. G., Of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, Apothecary, 4 South Main St. FOR ALL HEADACHE USE HOFFMAN'S HARMLESS HEADACHE POWDERS. Thy sr. s SmclHc CMll.lf aplaa, bra. IIm r ..!!. 1 u.. r. Rol . ..th.rUa. rriw.U.lfc t.r Ml. br 4nnku m bf !Srsl UArruM if noun rn tat"' - ii M tin It., Buffalo. N.Y, u4 Intwutionil Bridge Out fug BALB BT J. S. GRANT. If your prescription are prepared at (irnnt'a 1'hurmucy you can positively de liendnpon these facts: first, that only tlie purest and best drills and chemical will be used; second, they will be compound- d curefully and accurately by an experi enced I'rescriptionist ; and third, you will not lie charged an exorbitant price. You will receive the best goods at a very rea- tonublc profit. Don't forget the place Grunt's I'hurmacy, 24 South Main street. Prescriptions filled at all hours, night ordny, and deliveied tree ol charge to any part of the city. The night bell will Ite answered promptly. Grant's Phar macy, 24 South Main street. At Grunt's Pharmacy you can buy any Patent Medicine at the lowest pricequot' ed by any other drug house in the city. We are determined to sell as low as the lowest, even if we have to lose money by so doing. He will sell all Patent Med'h dues at first cost, and Mow that if nec essary, to meet the price of any competi tor. We have the lurgest assortment oi Chamois Skins in Asheville. Over 2(H) skins, all sites, at the lowest prices. We ore the agents for Humphrey's llomccoputhic Medicines. A full supply of his gomls always on hand. Use HuiKonilte Liver Pills, the best in the world for liver complaints, indiges tion, etc. ... i A thoroughly teliable remedy for all blood diseases is Ituncombe Sursaparilla. Try a buttle and yon will take no other. J. S. GRANT, Ph. G Pharmacist, 24 S. Main St., Asheville, N. C. WIIITLOCK'S Special Sales Week. Close buyprH will jiIchho note the following great induce ments this week : Black Mohair Brilliant inos at r0 ami 75c., formerly 75c. and $1. lllack Taniise Suitings, 00 and H5c. former price 75c. und$l. IMack tamel s Hair and Serge Suitings at 75e. and $1. formerly $1 and $1.25. IJIack ! reach Henriettas, )Uc, ..c. ami iormer price (5c, $ 1 and $ 1.25. Taney Mohair lirilliant- ines, 500. and ioc, former price 75c. nnd 1. I'olorotl licnricttnsat 2..o., 40c, 50c. and 75c, worth much more. Domestic and Imported Challies ot 5c, He., and 12c. per yard. Wash Dress Fabrics, Lawns and Prints at :le. and up. French and Domestic Sat ines ot popular prices. Dress (iinghoms and Seer suckers, large variety. Outing Cloths, Table Lin ens, whit and colored. White (loods, Nainsooks, Lawns, India Linens, Hani burgs, Laces, Underwear, Handkerchiefs, corsets, Gloves nnd Mitts. Large assortment find low prices. Parasols nnd JMinsliados, the most attractive in thq city. Prices lower than else where. .lust received A new lot of Black and Cream Loco Floun cing and Drapery Nets. Something ISew we sen the only absolutely Fast Black Hosiery in the market made by Smith Ac Angell for Ladies. Misses and Clnl- dron, also for Men and Boys. They are guaranteed not to dye, crock or turn green, or I A, money remnueu. WHITLOCK'S, 46 SOUTH MAIN STRUCT, OpposlU Bank of AsbtvUk).