ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 18JH). GREATER 'N EVER. The Volume ot Legitimate Trude at This Season ot the Year. Ordinary Business Indications More Favorable. Reporta Mar Bnsearatiaa; Ttaaa C.aek. Mammy Plenty and Cheap A llacldae iBiratnual la th Area ladu.trle. Woolaa Manufacturers Ksaplag aa JCo Open ror a Tariff Chant. New York, Mojr M. R. G. Dun & Company's woekly review of trad says: All th'i ordinary btiaine indication grow mors favorable. While cpocula tion In some line ia active, possibly Hearing the pulnt of danger, it Is nnde niittile that too volume of legitimate business Ik, on the whole, greater than it ha been at thin teuton in any previous jw, Mf'ney la comparatively easy, and commercial credit undisturbed. The volume ot business at New York ha been (welled by heavy ipeculatton, and at Boston tale of atock are three timea those of but year. But bank clearing at Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago arc 80 per oent. larger than a year ago, while the aggregate at all other point ontside of New York if Ho percent, above hurt year. The rail road earning "till tell the name itory. The foreign trade bow lex change, and yet it is heavy; exports from New lorkin May thua far are 14 er cent, larger than a year ago, and import here t per cent larger. In all these compan ion it is to be remembered that laat year movement waa a boat the large! ever recorded. Tli report from other cities are more encouraging than usual. At Boston a very fair business is reported, with money easy, and the lumber trude not effected by the oarpentere' strike. At Philadelphia business ia of fnir volume at low price, and money is plenty and cheap. Iron improve. At Chicago the movement of grain and meat exceed lat year': the dry good trade 1 good, though not up to laat yeiir' liberal order for boot and hoea and larger aalea than for some rime are noted, but there i a slight Maine la clothing; the money market it un changed, and the prospect deemed good. Ht Lout report favorably a to nearly ail linea of trade, with luunry in good demand. At Milwaukee and St. Paul trade is good, and business at Omaha and Kan sas City is up to the average, with souie dullness at Detroit because of the cool weather. But at these and all other re porting point this week collections are lair, the money market are undisturbed, and there in apparent much confident. in the immediate commercial future. The great Industrie also look better, for even at Pituburg, where the recent decline in iron waa t'clt uiuat, there is a decided improvement, pig being higher and Bessemer fully f I per ton, with manufacture iron stronger. At Phila delphia price have slightly improved. Nothing favorable can be reported out of the woolen manufacture or the trade iu woolens, except that makers .-.e.pear to have adjusted themselves to the situa tion, and, though buying only for prut eat needs, are (till buying', with the hope that a change in the tariff may lessen foreign competition. In the speculative market wheat hss been ttronger. rising two cent. wcA tale of 88.000,000 bushel here, and the exports oontlnue fair. Com ha de clined nearly one cent, and oat risen as much. Pork product are all a altade lower, and ooffoe unchanged, but oil baa risen over five cent, and ootton aeven-aixteonth cent. In general, price of product are lower than a week ago, and will naturally dot line as new crops approach. The businftM. failure during the last teven davt number a compnred with am latt week. For the same time last year the figure were tit. 7 o'clock Sunday morning the Mohawk vulley wiw disturbed by our Unmake, ac- oomptiiiied by lightning and also heavy wtiuia. ilie shuck here was light, but increased in intensitv to Montmiiiierv county, and at Port Hunter it waa very sevens At Little Fulls dishes rattled uik! riinililing, as of disuuit thunder, was heard. At Fort Hunter Imildinir were xlmki n, und Utla moved so much that occitiuints were awakened. So fur ax Heard trom no great uuinuge wuh done. At irioc Mills, buildings trembled, dishes in ciipUturiis rattled, and people were grently alarmed. The shock luetod ulsjut two seconds, SOUNDLY ROASTED Lord Sallsbur.r Criticised by The Londou Chronicle HOLDST For Not Treating Germany and Portugal Alike. MICHIGAN CAPITALISTS At Work In North Carolina Gov, Fowl to Naa at I'rlncetou, mi.wiM, N. C. Mav 2, The state board of edui'ittiuu sold, some time ago, .10,000 acres of swamp lands in Kolteeon county, to a Michiguii IiiiiiImt comiuiny, ami iney are at work in the lug swamp. They have just completed u caiml four teen utile long, eigl't feel deep und furtv feet wiile. They ill cut another canal of the same length. The cuiiuIm are to be used for trultto, und ul out Hi.tHK) acres of awuiiip land will he reclaimed and put in cultivation. They are building large lumber mills, ami titular that has la-en useless for ages, will now lie sawed into huiiber nud shipped to the markets of the world. It ia a gigantic enterprise. (Hv. Fowle Iiuh accepted the invita tion to deliver the address at IVinct-ton college, June 10th. ut the luring of the corner stone of the new building. He hatt Imi m'cepted the invitation to rt-plv to a toast at the lwnitict ut Hicliiuomt, Vr., next Tliurwlay evening. At Halifax, this state, a luriro iinrtv of lalairers sttw a storm approaching, anil tied to the nearcM house for shelter. The house was struck dy liirhtning, and two negro women I'recy Smith and Klixn beth Honker were killud, and several others ludly stunned. The Jailer waa Nut tjlilek Klinugh. UNION. 6. C. Mbv '.ll. There were only two prisoner iu jail here (ieorge Kates nnd Ashemore Mitchell hut now it is empty. Sheriff Iamg went up stair, to luck the prisoners in their cells for the night, und just as the xherilT wax in the act of turning uroiind to lia'k the door, Ashemore Mitchell uraliUs! hix arms from lieliind and threw him hi rim the riKim, IWore ho could recover him self both pri-oiiers hud wcaiel. lie culled to Ins wife to li'k the icmund tioor ilisir. hut she met the same fate of her hiisliand. ami latli men escniied and are yet at lurge. When the prisoners escaped they were linrefootiil, Th Way IVoile I m-iI in iiu Vrar A git. OKIKKW. tin.. Miiv HI A deiarture from the nistom of to-.lay has nvn in troiluceil here. Hon. John II. Mitchell lirout'lit to this market ami Mild '.'im pounds of lard and ;'."si pounds of Imina. Instead of si lliug cotton to make this amount of money, he found it easier to haul his money home in his poeket. and felt letter for not l-ing compelled to load up with western meat and imcHtion- :iote lani, .tr. .oitroeii util oniv what a grout nuinlar of the southern M-nplv Oil (Mil. uko, doing now. I Jean Hull Afraid of tha rormar An Appalling Kamlna In th NouiUn Whr Crop Hav tailed far SraJ V.ara. An linillah Mlaalon on It Wajr ta 1'ar- ata Other ITorel(ii Newa SALISBURY CENSURED. Jam pad Onto With Both Fast T Th London C'hronlrla. London, May ill. The Chronicle bit terly upbraids Lord Salisbury for turn ing his left check to Germany, after having been smitten upon the right, while at the same time evactiuir the ut termost degree of reparation from Por tugal for acts in no wise difference In those committed by Germany. The suggestion f cowardice implied in this criticism ia me n re sigmncant, in view of the fact th it The Chronicle has hitherto lieen n;i advanced advocate of IWHceful measures in dealing with for eign nee. PRINCE ALBERT VICTOR Mad a Duk hy Hn Orandaotkar, Quaea Victoria. LctNDOM, May .,8.Th bestowsl by rtr IHk-itf-v f )ik niiAMf. nnun Prtvii-tA Albert Victor, of Wales, of the title of 1MVSS i K)()(S W illi Duke of Clarence ami Avondal and Earl of Athloue, 1 merely in accord ance with precedent and in order to en able him to sit in th house of lords. Though th title are purely honorary a yet, bnwe er, it i understood that no time will lie lost in confirming them and Investing them with all the diniitv. au thority aud emolument befitting a royal uuae. ni Alloaraar. Already the question of formally ap plying to parliament for the full allow ance to which Prince Alliert Victor is entitlel and which bus not hitherto been granted, is under discussion, and the application will shortly be made. lnere will tirobulilv la- a hot debate in volving the revival of the threadbare ob jections brought into requisition by th Radiculs on such n-oisions, but a the prince is a perfectly hanulrs young man, the alluWHtn-e will doubtless be granted without snftirient opposition to uun uis reeling. FAMINE IN THE LaanBBBBBal """"aLnarTa and for full Information address the Riverton Land Co., y 4 Ly ljr I "f -?. PJKRISH, President,- Sheffield, Ala. (Mir It will ii.v ,vou to inspect H'MiMiful lint' of Fine i wo put on snlo very olionti to-dny. I'ril- linntini's and Cnsliinoros in olors und striju's. Clmllios, (iitifliiinis, (iivmiilini's, Km liroidciics, Flouncinjis. Silk Hntcslio, Sntoons, rorsinn Liiwn, Pique, Crosslmnod Muslin. Hucliintr. Vnn Dvko Liico, Kto. Tlio colchrutod Morrow Fino SlioiH for Lndios alwn.vs on Iiiind. For Dry (SikxIm und Slioos cull on HOSTIC r.UOS. iV: WliKillT. No. 1 1 X. Court StU!iio. .tisciiu..xnors. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Hy virtue f nutliotity vcatcfi In H. Lcitiiint by cvrtititi tttvil in I run iiiul what thuy rtliuuld U Will Mert anil l.rerl at hamplon Hill, Jai'KiN, Mit.. Mm- i'tl. A detach ment of solden. from the northwest are hen-, en mule to Vickalmrg, to attend the reunion of the hlue and the gray at that place. They visited the battlefield neur this city. At tho Imttletield of Champion Hill i linker's Cni-ki, near Vickliurg. a icnind Imrlas'iie will lie tfiven next Thursday, ami the old soldiers of Kith armies will grift each other, nnd an hundred tine caivusses will prepared for the occasion. KEMMLER 18 COOL. Orunta and Playa With Rla Finger When Told Hla Doaas. AcBfM, K. V May 6.-Keniinlcr seemed not in the leaat surprised when informed that the Cnited State luprem court naa aiuiea the writ of error. lie nan neen prepares to receive such a re sult by hi ipiritnal aiviaer, Rev. Dr. Houghton, Sunday afternoon. "Wliat do yon think the big fellows at Wash inton will do about my caseT be asked, and cut abort aw anawer bv adding: "I Kea they wen't Mop the law in taking oomrse, beoanes they can't kill any body until they do away with me." Dr. Houghton gave no encouragement to the prisoner, feeling, no doubt, that offering an opiuinn that might suffice to bnlld nn an nnwaranted hope might be attended with aeriou result later on. Kemmler has apparently paid but little aviouiion w uie nroceeauitra, uiTnougo kV knew the decieion would be rendered Friday. He cared o little for the law that be did begin to ask the keeper, who sat at the ceil door reading the de cision from a looal evening new-pap r. When the keeper finally made known the decision. Kemmler merely grunted, threw himself upon his rot aud begin playing with h fingers, a favorite amusement with him of lute. LIGHTNING DECEIVED HIM. A Can dan tor Leap Croat HI Train lata a Crash Forty Fast Holow, Ft. Way, Ind., May M. When the eaatbonnd freight train in charge of Conductor Elliott, of the Ntckle-Plat road, n eared Hohart during a heavy thunder torm, abont I o'clock In th morning, the conductor prepared to alight from the moving train. A flash f lightning dispelled th gloom for moment, and a nasty gUno revealed what seemed to b a level stretch of round along the track. EllloWleaped from hla car, and he continued to de scend nntll he plunged into a cold stream forty feet below. He was rs ou4 by the trainmen and brought to this oitv. No injury sav a budly sprained ankle Is apparent. Three Spln'smli'. New York. May 9H. -The Times' spe otal from Barboursvilln, W. Va., say: A diatreesing situation exist here. Flu, measles and typhoid ars preva lent. ' Two BUndrwt person are ill. Business is at a itand-siill. Physician and undertaker are overworked, and grave-digger hav not bvun u busy for year. . . A Man Named "omlth" lsvea Hnms Mai-on, (In.. Mav .'. .Inliu, K. Smith left his lioine. on Klin str.s't. iilsmt two wis ks uko, und has not l.s-n .,. Iir henni of sinif. He was a trist car driver, and the evening he left home he told his wife that he had loi iirrvarnr to the park. When he left he had iilsmt fifty dollars and hi wife is now in din titute I'in'iiuistaiices, and if Smith lias left bis family he should I. nindo to differ. Some are inclined to the opinion that he has laf n murdered. AT THU JEWELRY STORE. Tlu-rtHta flock tl Platifl Jcwciry, Imliiillnc Inn linns. Ins. IIioIi.iik ;imiI Hum-. lit", lit 1-8-0 NE-THIRD 0Ff!-l-;j' Rr(rarillia of vimt. ns m Iiii.'imI In ttic li'lurr i to kivp noil, inK l.iit Soil., tit, ill nn I HUrliiiK Silver Irwtiir. The I'earh Crop la a Failure. Fort VaI.I.FV. (ia., May 2. IV-arliex are almost u failure in this entire aifthm. and with the lnt iMissilile result not more than nne-tentli the quantity will be shipped from here that was ahipiMxl lust year. Many of the trees that law sui'h enorinoiis crops lust veur are dead, hut the young orchards lxk Hue, and growers say an aliuiidnnt crop everv three vears will make them rich in this world s good. CiillUlon Hrlwrvn Pamwiisfr and trrlshl. McndN.M.n's station. Tenn.. Mav so. A collision occurred at this place tween a passeni-er and freight truin on the East Teninaee roud. Imdlv injurinit Engineer lloiigherty nnd Mail Agent J. II. Si liroeder. and J. .1. (iihh. The acci dent was due to rareleaaness nn the part of the linasenger onliililctor anil enirlnvor. No passengers were injured, though hudly shaken up. Hhnt Ilia llmthrr In llrslh, rilAHt.RKTox. 8. C. Miiv ttll. There was a terrible trugedv committed at Lv ilia, III Darlington county, Two voting white men, named Murruv ami Hon Knots, were at work in a Held when they renewed an old quarrel, and Murrav shot Hen to death. Murrav sav he Is not afraid of the reault of thetriul. The community is shocked at the awful deed. -Tn Represent floor! at Rlrhmond. ATt.ASTA. 0a May Sfl. The Oovem or' Home Ouard will leave for Rich mond, Va., Tuesday afternoon. They go as special escort to an Invitation of Gov. Gordon to represent Georgia at the parade and ceremonies attendant upon tl unveiling of the K. E. law statue. RECIPROCITY WTH MEXICO, aakar Galas Thtnka Ulaln sad nVoasare Havs Flsod Is, CmrAOO. May iW. That the govern ment of the fnited Htates and Me. Ico have come to a secret understanding whereby the trade relations between the countries will be vastly Improved, ia the ARTHUR Hi. FIELD,';' SOUDAN. Penpl Katln Do, l ata and Snakaa, aad Worat of All, Hunan llaln. London, May In the house of commons Mr. Henrv H. Howorth. Con servative. a-kwl whether anything had been done to relieve the sufferers from the arinalllnu- fuuune in th Soudan. A. cording to reliable advice the population was starving ami caniiioallsm was preva lent. The laniiile were estimr anvthimr. dogs, cats, rats aud enakes being nsed tor fKsl. Armind Toksr and Kassala hundreds of peraons were dying daily iroiu siarvanou, auu Ul otner parts the state of affairs Was even worse, nearly me wuoie population Having perished, Sir James Fera-iisson rsiilled tkat re lief had been given tn every district that could be reached bv the Bovemment. but in places in the interior, which were beyond the control of the government, famine was rife, and msuy deaths had occurred. Around Mtiakim i.OiKipersous were being fed dully. Th fuilure of crop for successive years, added to "titer causes, bad led to the present in ten metres. ENGLISH MISSIONARIES IN PERSIA Oraatod PannU.Inn li th Shah How ton Will It laat ? An English mission, provided with unliLi.ted quantities of Uiblcsand re ligions tracts printed iu the Persian and Miraiman language", ha arrived at inns on its way to fcisia. It is the in tention or tne mission to convert to Christianity the Kurd and Nsstorians of eastern Persia. The ahull has given his permission for the undertaking to lie conducted within certain limits, tint it is by no means cer tain tnat Kussinii intervention will not induce the peiKimi monarch to rescind thi permission if the mission becomes in any way nourishing. In th latter event the enterprise will 1 regarded a the advance irnnrd of liritiah Hal Intwutu, aw infpronce tha crafty urawiny. EMIN PASHA'S PRIVATE FUNDS m l ! Invtd la a PUaialloa at limofi, It is tinted upon ff'oJ authority that lainin racna. pif-viom to hla return to the Interior of Africa, invent! his pnvar rnnda in a plantation at Daga nioyo, with the oh.i t f cultivating ootton and other priHlncUuf that region. Hit invwUnent, it in paid ntpreae&ts the DItlM(uUha Pre 1st t Tltlt Cfc LonDOit, May S6. Rev. Father Ign. (Hlld. O R. X Will M f. uAiTI Trave, leaving Southampton on June 18. vitO OUP fl'ltMItls II 11(1 tilt pul .... " v,m: "r "rrna rainer, who ia ordered almmrl bv hi tnt, .i adyiner for entire mat for a few montha. win noia a ii.lru.ion in many of the larawi rowna or ine I niteU Htatea. com- mendng with New York. During the paat twenty year the reverend gentle man haa Wn much preaaed in letters from all parts of the United &Ut to run me country. a Aeree Anal, ur.n.n, May W.-At Lnhhen, In Bradenhurg, Prnasia. a tract of Und em bracing aevi-n acre and containing four unriiiii(n Willi WU1'IMIIII1IJH, eiC., SUfl- deuly euhdidtfl to the depth of several feet. The bulMingti wvrv all wrecked and ft num)r of hnraea and oattle were Kiiiea, dui me occu.inutii of the dwell- ingH eecapea wnn a u-w hroiaee. Cfncvlevt l rut executed bv 1 . 1. HtiisihltT nml wile. u. A. VatHiildt-r, ilatvl the IHth tiny of June, A. U. 1NH7, and riKisurtii in tne Ki;iiiUT'ii(ntceui nunvoiuiH i'ountvin Hook lo, iutft A?4; and by virtut of iiiitlinrit v vtnuil in V. V. Itamanl ttv u ivrtmn ilti-iifrnm Haul T. 1. VnntiilUcrand hU miiiI wile dated Oct. 14. 1MN7, nnd reKi'tcred 111 il)ii KCKiMir I onut' ill uuuk ito, pKeln lout tlur ith a .Kciuratioii of trunt of the Niiid W. V. Uarnnrtl dei-lared therein dated (k'tmicr . 1H.7. and n-uiKtrrnl inatunui in Itimk 1 1 f ninrik'injeH and diH tlo in trunt fit punt 44 nud h nt-friiiiiiutlKrdeedfrom the aid T. I. VutitliMcr mihI him ttaiU wile to nail) W. W. hnrnard in ted octtilier lilt, h7. tint) rvuMm-il in aid t'llk-e tn Hook 'to. 1'iiKr Ao:t. tnMt'thvr with a lUclaration ul trui uiinie tin-rum hy the Maul . v. tiam nrd dated the 14lh dnv ol ihtolMrr, A. 1. IN", mid nKtered tn twiid ortuv iu Muok 11 o iunrt:iiu-ii and lU-eil of triHt, iuiicc 407 and hv virtue ut authority viniiiJ in J. A Cun a tit hy a ivrtam dtvd in tritnieiieiuUdtiv ihf Htiiil T, I. Vam'.ildvr and liin aaiil wife. datid the ntvoiid tiny ot NovtinlKT, 1HN7. and rintrrtl in -a id oiliiv in Muok of niort uimtii antl dri-ili in trutt No. 1 1, inie 470, nn ut !1 it liv virltit nf miiv iiulhtiritv h? mnv haw liy i en i. in ut the deed in trimttinit above iiuiiiHHitti, tine nam i . i. nniiiuvr nnu win ha . uik lailid to pay the tiionit-a Hcured by eavh nd every ul tuiid deed in trunt and deid and declurntitmw of trunt thereon ac inu to their mvi inl ttroviiiiti. ami the ia id trutt-ett hnviut; nurecu nniona theni Ivm hh to the iriiritie ot the various dc'ii H'lured an I at lo the pro iter division ul the tin eeedt of the aule of the lantht hi itiumut dtiunlK-d I. the naid Gene it-vt- H Conant and the aid V. W. ltarnard and themid I. A. Coitnnt. t run tees ia naid k i d in I runt ft and deedt. and dt elarattonD ot trunt thtrvoii, will tll at public auction foi t ath at the court hounr door In the city ot VoiuvilUiit u mVI vk m. on the 31t d iy ol May. , !. ik.iu, a icriuin piece or oait-rl ot hum in inc city oi AMicviuc. county in nun- coui!e m il State .if North Carolina, on tht tuuih niite ol t. ollcuc atn-ct and on the went null- o' avitlmin Ktrei't. iticludmit the lit uaut naid brirk n'mdi'iu-e now ih uiiied bv Viim'.ililrr, and the ntalileii and m veral udja- i-iiil lii liaik ot it. bnuttili'd an follow : tin tin north by Jorvue ntrect, on tin earn h l ivnln- n ntnvt, on th.- nouth by linnh ntreet .inn on uie wcHt hv im jail lot anil tne A. I . I'axuWiai lot, now' I'ai l:'n At the name tiuii :iml plmv ih nitl W. V. Itiimard will mil at I'U.iIk aiu'tion tor iaeh a iate lot n lnnie lioNt an) kitchen iiiniituie umhr thi- author hv ot the (Util liotii nut 1 Vamlildir and u ite ! Itamanl !irt ami atiove uu nttum-d nntl iiu Kvi;iiaii n oftiu t i.iuitc tbiriou a aircaid Maii'h 1"J. IH'.mi lil-MiVII-V li K inSANT. Trumre. J. A CtlNANI, TriiKtie. W W ItAKNAlMi. 1 runli-e inur'.'l iir.ud J. K. IIAHU. T. C. Hare. I li M v Kli TO TlHi PUI5LIC. 'Iiu un tMm-d have tiouuht out tltia-tH'k I tapli' l.iai'y mon'tii. b lon.u; o t. I.. Mcin hi, i 7 South Main ln. t and will lanyoi ,h iai"e liiiiiietiH a that taiul The pn w it .. k will lie Imrentud anil n full LEADING JEWELER, South Main St. AMhevlllc llm ill ln li urmTrir. iin rint st nil linn We li.ill iniliiivnr liy Imr ririilina nml I'iiit miK ti, uttiln Uu imtrimriKr Mr. Mclhm- itlil Int. luiil nml aiilli'ii iintrr frtitn utir W. A. Blaik. J. V. Iliimv.N. FURNITURE AXU UNDERTAKING. No. 3 Patlon Avenue, M'AFEE BLOCK, OPPOSITE BLAIR'S OLD STAND We arc now ready, nnd in- frivuilH, HARK HHON. liofrnei-fill.v'to fall and ex amine our well NoliM'ted ntoek of FURNITURE, Wliii-h we are offering at rock bottom prices. Undertaking Hpecial feature. CallH at tended day or night. Telephone, day 7.r, night 05. JOHN CHILD, ( I'lirnierly uf Lyman Si Child l, RKAT, ESTATE LOAN BROKER Mlrlclly h Brok.'rnK IIumIiicmm GLEN ROCK HOTEL. In ioo Feet of Central Passenger Depot. ASIIEVILLE, N. C. Hut nml mill watrr nml linlhnml toilrla on cvrry 'floor. li(i.ii urc iu oH'ut ami Kmlin in Inil rooina. iiiH.t. ilinins moiU-m nrnt clna. hntrl. ii. i.. - iiincn counter, cicnr imi: nt n .a'uml nml imr nml lullinrri room on linil Hm.r Kliv- .... . iiuui . .r ... iiiinuitn. nivniuomi nua imnvlllc rtiilmuil rnlini; hi,uc. Jii minutr fur mini.. " KATKN, fJ.oo PICK DAY. A. i. IIALLYHURTON, Prop. H. UKVAK itlllt WAI.TKK liRKKN, ClrrkM. ROUND KNOII HOTEL,, McDoia'dl "ount , N. C. AN HOUR'S RIDE FROM ASHEVILLE ON THE WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. A aliort ttlMnnrr fn.m Ihr fool uf thr I'lniin. lr of thr lilur Kl.lKr, from hith Imlanmlc linr.ra arc conatnntlr IiIowIiik. The aivncry I iit liin-ainr, wnlks wild nml vnnril. nnd watrr purr nml nlntmtnnt. I.ITIIU WATIiH A I'HW HTHI'S I'KKM I'HONT IHMIH. lil.liCTKIC lllil.l.M AM) IIA I'll KIMIMM. hii:i'iai. hati'.h ;ivi-:n TO FAHII.IKH. Imiih June int. Vnr T?rtiiM, acltfrvsm J. IlI'LOW KRWIN, Proprietor. A WIND STORM May Come nud bo, nut te arc lit re loNcll ;oo1h and arc ;oiujr to hcii Tiicui. DID YOU HEAR WHAT WE SAID? WrhnvrHlrnw lints Innl In no mil nuh. SplnnlM line of 8hor .hniHr than any ulhrr houw mt tin in. Mnc nnd Ten Ounrtrr Hhlrlinu liy the cnar. l-rlnla. i:ln..h.n, Stc, Sec, nt any it k yon would ask thrm. otm- nil Hilk lm.a Cooda I ft wma -r Would any tuorr hut thla w III ronvin.r you. AnIicvIUc Dry Goudn Co., J. O. IHIWHIX, Mnnsarr. At old Kliiml. l.t ilimr Ik-Iow I'cnnlman at Co.' Ilardwsrr Htor. THE BONANZA," TMK I.KAD1MO ' . WINE AND LIQUOR STORE . IN TlllJHTATIC. I IMC HA9IPI.IS AND BILLIARD ROOM. .. 4. Hts, tT, M.v.r. NO. 43 S. MAIN ST.. ASHEVILLE, N. C Loan vrciirt'ly placed nt M wr n-nt, ARDEN PARK HOTEL AND COTTAIi. HI inilrn Muulh of Aahrviltr, nn A. St H. M. R. Adrla4 tit lroa Th.a. toNDOil, May 80. -The Chronicle ad ris the soveniuifitt tn drop both the Irian ln,f m,,v, n.. BraTnHUrS BLAIR & 13ROWN. fi,i..w. .I.. l'.:.JI.;:--:7 ,---'"' wwier- - - . .,,, om. a muni lunnaanon, w-isn. uie nannr ueiir-vni. isith muun. will b defeated in the final division, if uui at as eariter Bratfe. SEVERE EARTHQUAKE SHOCK. Psepl Arna1 rroia Nlrap Hiillillma Trvaakl and ll.ha Haul. (IliUVKiwviMJi, N. V., May Ufl.-Thls u.T was vimiiwi oy g st'tritre sliot'K ut rarthiunke Muniiay mornlna; at T o'vhs'k. renple were thruwn out of olitilrs, and, in some iiistaucHs.outuf IsmI. Muililinmi shook and glass was shattered. A loud, rumhltna; noute preoedeil the enrthiiiake. rtre bells ranK and tlie wliole city turned out. After Uiut exuitouinut, a lar(U brick buildin was discovered iu Huiuhs. It w buehlryA Bjtd wo entirely con umed. The shock was th severest ever felt in thla Tioinity. U at Other riaeaa. , VPCA., IT. Y.,' May M.-Shortl ufUit "It U brlieved in Mnrlpn." uM ha "that flecrtttary Blnine and Minister Romero have partly matured plan from a reciproolty treaty. While It may be limited in sco, it will allow great advancement of trade twtwern tha two countries. We expect Miiiinter Rorauro in MexitHi in June. It ia said his mission there will be to confer with hi govern uictit on the matter. "Wlill wo are Nttlifled that rumor la not groundless, dchnite rejRirU cannot be auertaiui-d about it. Sfturets of the hwition are always Jealously Kttarded. Mexican people are pVased with United btates minister. He has given as much If not more study to question affecting trade between the two countries aa any previous minister. "If Secretary Blaine and Minister nonieronave siitcmiicn in rearliina; A Pint Aralnat Rnaala. Plftia. Mar !M Tha Hlala nnkli.t. telrgraai mm Ht. PeUrsburg giviug the dstaik of a conspiracy, the venter of wbtrh is stiiil to ts? in Uorlin. for the nr. Sanitation of a rising against Russia in l Baltic provinces. Aucoriling to the story pnbli hvd by the Hiecle M. De Giers, the Ruiwiaii prime minister, haa asked Von i'aprivi to take teps in the interest of peace to nre vent any pi. it tin in iforlin or elsewher on German territory for the carrying vui w wa luorernoiir. to lirtititiiilr I imiluiMv nwrt ain.'ifr conclusion, it is certain that the treaty thr 'Htliyerer from stub'liorn phvsicul nil- b 'ir".,'?"?-! "5J." "', 1 1 r'; ;' "i1,'"" wUl be of mutual ls-neflt and will aoon ".nU th,.., to nny other humnn MiW. nu'rj?!f"far.nhi;,?!;:!i: ,r?,HVl;..r!;!; be connted in dollars and cents, mnvh to the favor of American merchant. On the other hand, I don't know of any more pleadng newt to Mexioo than the announcement of thi importaat aatter." It is thr knockiitu iirTtlipchnina thn ... sluve ns well a nll. W. L. Whitfield, ot monroc, union county, N. L is one ot inose act tree ov Mr, loe iVraim'a rm. edy from n bondaRe of eiht years to a painful blood or skin eruption. FOR RENTAL, Yearly or Tor a Term ol' Ycuik A tnra nnd rhnrmlnv nlnri- In ihi fntinlrv I nluinl ti lull' trom Anlirvlllf, U mlW troiit rnlltoml .tiitmn nml in iikhoi! ttciMhliorhiiiMl. THE MAIN BUILDING I n Snr stottr lumsr with Inrirr roonin. run plr Vfriititln., lioiit nml lui.'t HtnltTiiiirN urn! wldr tiiill. Thurstntr cotmlatM of 4' 'J tii'rc.. n i-ihimI.1. crslilr imrtlnn i inm still In flic w,m.,i The hoiiM.- la plrn.nntly Ittintril, with lm nnur. nounnnni wtutT, rrr iiooii rnrin ihHIiIIii)". nlnlillim lor n mini Int of horsva. riiom lor ill hi-joi or.i.iii.. Cti' . ttv Thrrels nl.ii n tiler hihI ioihi iiIi nt n ., ,,,, llm ifi'.lit I wr rli- rvntsl of frumc limine nnil form Srtttti m-r annum. Arrnnifnni'nla ninlil iirolinlily tit nimli Pl)K I'ltKCHAHIl lldialrril. formrtliir nuitkiilnri. hoiiIv tn NATT A I'KINSDN k HN, Nrnl Katutr iKsli-ra. Asm vine N r- mayaadtl . . I'rr Mini tli I'it Wrrk I'rrlmy.H ..$ HI (Ml .. Ill Oil a no lilnnrr nnd Ten I'tirtlca nn nnedny'a notice, 711 cent. TIiom. A. Morris). lroi., Bprlo dtf Anlrn, N. C. GESAR'S HEAD HOTEL WILL BE OPEN FOR THE SEASON OF ICSO ON JUNE 1ST. ' 7i" A CARD. Bdltmr Aahevllle Cltlacns BOMfltJZA vuumnjrinnAnjruvuvuT. liiHiitmiiiitHilii I nam lm lU That our msny nirnda mar know how w are aettlaa on we will stste that w look In I In Hotel ami store 9,ooo I" v' Week. ) Took III laat Saturday over 7oo. S7S of thst was hotel, bnlnnee store. Hotel rraia. tered 25 thst day. Ilsd I1.IHK) arrival. In ft month". Our tek Is mnmmoth SIKI leet Ions aoil IS (eet wide. Tell the balance of the world to come snd ace "Old Ched" nille, and liny Roods of as and save 10 to US per cent. novlHdtf H. . CHHDKSTRR A BON. bottom. If th. daalar oaaaot mKSlw wmm. I eirea lo HMmrj, ea.inalaa t liaaflni Ai't'iifiiiiioitiillonii Ihc very lnt thla i m lulu loniilry etin iiitiinl. Ten ia rciiaomililc II. l"..l,- tn :l. (I,,., i, lllll, ,!.,(., , IiiimIIiim nlli y, I, nil roiiin,', , w. F. A. 9IILEH, M. II., iniitiiiiiiiiiii lrorlclor. IMffVAflF "kOARD Ne house, newly lurni.hed, nil modern ltiiiiiiveiiii iils, Inrxr rouuia, kihiiI tulilc. MKS, M. Ca CiUOUH, 5.1 College Ht. Ashevllle, N. C, April II, Innii. The ciipsrtnerahlp heretofore el.tln lie. twei-ii Ihc unilrraliiiicd, iiiiiIit Ilie linn imtne of l-ltl.I.I A M M CO.. I Ihl.ilnvill-.Mlvrd liy miiliml ronwul. The ili hta due hv snld Mini will lie piild hy l.liunmc I'lllll on, nml I he debt due to said llrm will he piilil to lilm, nnd the business eiiiillniii il hy him. I.AWHItNlll IM'I.I.IAM U. C. WAIlliHI.I. To our pnlrons nt tin o.isl : I have Ihla dnv auld uiv lin. r- vi mil uni'd will In the Insurnner husin.-.s in Aahevllle to Lawrence fulllnin, who will vnntluiie the liualntaa. I hrsiik for lilm a ei.tillnimnee of your luitnimiuv. li t W MlliKI I. ntr, 1 111,1 J tiniif CRANK, IIK.LH IS- FAMILY GROCERIES ANO PROVISIONS Aaent for Neeni Creek Woolen Mills. North Mala . Ashevllle. N. C. rrniofliy I sa Vine! moor uk 91 5? i!A mm i nX-Oil and at Uralai Rsamlna ale vr.t.r hiIosj. rAHnr.nt fuioa, fc J'Ai r jtiior. . niaiKN-a Htior., m' ni ikmii. miiosb. V. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE ijjwr, naav 1 aaa waterproof; llaatlntbs wwrld. 1 m Alt uiaoa I Usui in Bulliin aaS Laaa. $3&$2SHOESLA'0)Ii. 1.7S HSOR FOH MINSK. 1 hbl0d4Uni ' a.wfciffiaiiVit.'Via (