ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1800. I HI . i IS THE DAILY CITIZEN. II. 0. CHILD, Business Manager. Tub Dn-r Citusn will be publlihcd every altrrneori (except Monday) at the Ml.wlos numtUKtly cask: One Year. $(1.00 Hit Months , 3 oo Three Month! l.flo One Month so One Week. !.!!"...!""."!; 18 Our carrier, will dellrer the paper every afternoon in every part of the city to our ub tcnuera, aad parties wanting It will please call at the Citizen office. Advkktiunq K.tss Reasonable, and made knows on application at thia office. All tranucnt advertisement, muit be paid in ad vnnce. .The ClTHKM ! rtt. mr... I I 4... lated and widely read ncwipaperln Wcitcm .orth Carolina. It. fliscuision of public men and measures in In the intercut of public intcirritv. honest ove. umcnt, nnrl pronicroui intluRtry. and It know no peraonai allegiance in treating pub. lie iHMue tiliccinirn corirs of any edition will be cnt fTctoanyon sending their address. Kcadin. notice! len cent! ner line. Ohllu ary. ninrriaKc anil society notice! fifty cent AND STILL ANOTHER. NORTHERN CAPITALISTS TO BUILD A HOTEL. TO COST SI75.000-TWO DRED ROOMS. HUN w orit to be Hckuii Moon aud I lie Building; to be Completed By iHol. Capitalists are determined that Ashe vine sluill not miller, another year, from the want of siirlicicnt hotel nmimmnda JUr-ttta ' '" tirms, as it has during the past winter. Thousands of health and pleasure see kers WEDNESDAY. MAY 18'JU. THE DAILY CITIZEM U on sale at the following placea in Ashcville. CITIZHN OKl'ICB. HATTBHY PAKK NKW8 STAND. I'.l.EN KOCK NliWS STAND. MCIUKI. CIOAK STOKIi, Pattun Ave. J. CAKSONS MiWS STOKIi, North Cuun 8iuiire. PERTINENT AND PERSONAL. New Ahoul ANhevllllaitM and ol HtraiiKerM within Our tiateH. Dr. Burroughs hu returned from Vir ginia. X. I". Connor represents Atlanta lit the Su'iiiintinoti, There were SI arrivals at the principal hotels yestenlay. I'.en. Ilowley, ol' Atlanta, is icgisicrn! at tlie Mviinnaiioa. Then. Jones, of Baltimore, is registered at the Swaniiaimn. Ceo. C. Williams represents Haltinion at the Summation. M. J. Freeman represents Cleveland. Ohio, nt the Clcn Kock. S. C Dcpass, ol Memphis, Temi., is reg istered at the Clen Kock. h. I-.. Koss is registered at the It.iltcn Park from New York. W. D. I a vies, of Ilemlersuii. N. C, i registered at the Crnntl Central. T. . Fitzgerald anil V.. W. Adams rcp resent Knmville at the Cranil Central. J. M. Ctiilliams ami wife, ol Whiti Springs, Florida, are at the Clen Koek. were forced to turn their laces further t the south last winter, and for some time it was almost impossihlc for n person to obtain accommodations for even one night. It will lie rememliercd that KohertGnr- rett and a party id friends were, enrlv in March, comm-llcd to pass through Asht- ville without stopping; instead of spend mg two weeks nccnuse ol tne immense crowds already here. Numerous other distinguished Tsons have lieen turned away, and thousands of similar cases have occurred. Kccogiiuing thefnet that no lx-ttcr investment oilers itself than erecting n hotel here, a party of New York capitalists have decided to liuild one near the depot. The land, on which it will lie situated lies Iwtwecn the street lending west from French Hrond avenue to the depot, and South Side avenue. The tract contains twenty acres, mid is one of the prettiest and most accessible hi town. It is hcnutiful.y located, amid pines and commands line views, duly live acre will lie retained ns the hotels-rounds, and the rest will he improved and sold off in lots. These lots will lie sold wit lithe under- standing that they are not to lie fenced THE COMING LAND SALE. NOT ONE BLANK. More Facia About the reunion Auction. For the information of the iersons in terested I desire to say : 1, That I shall macadamize Mar ket street from Main street through the entire length of my proierty and put down stone curbing and side walks in front of each of the lots to lie sold. This may be taken as a part of the con sideration, and if the work he not com. plcted within one hundred (lavs from June 1, 1890, nny purchaser may cancel the trade and I will refund his monev. I have laid water piiw, gas piiie and sewer piw along Iiagle street and Mar ket street and have exieiided over lour thousand dollars in improvements on the property and intend tocxiiend six thousand more during the current year. 1 hare demolished buildings that wen- paying an annual rental of more than ten per cent, on ten thousand dollars and I hoic to demonstrate by this course that it mivs to conform to modern methods and to keep pace with advanc ing civilization. 2. The six large lots surrounded by ngle Teirnce, Market and Iinglc streets will be offered separately and afterwards as a whole. This block, with streets on very side, is an admirable location for a commercial hotel, the only vacant block within a half milt-of the Public Stptare, ymg nearer the court house and city all thaneither theSwaunnnon or t'.rnnd cutral. It is absolutely safe to say that no lot of the same size and distance trom the centre of trade can he had for ss than $.")(',( "Ml ; this lot will probably go for less than one third of that sum. The Cranil Central advertises gross re ceipts at the rate ol $l(Nl,OlHIier annum. Ti,;. ..i .. ... th i i i . l. . i ""l""!"".' ""'ci , .,.,.,., . modern style ought to do even Utter llHOi JJJllJMJJii AAD JHJSIXRSS LOTS EVERY LOT A PRIZE. AT PUBLIC OUTCRY ON THURSDAY, HAY 29, AT II A. M. THE FUN "WILL BEGIN. THAT HKAITIFIX, GROVE KNOWN AS CATHOLIC HILL" HAS BEEN DIVIDED INTO FIFTf OF THE BEST II trom tlie remainder ol the proK-rtv, and thus a erietiial park will lie made. The hotel will contain alioiit 1,'iHl rooms. at lint, and will cost Jl T.i,(KIU. Work will lie begun in time to have the hotel ready to Ik- oH-ncd by January 1, IK'.ll. This is not the promised plan of the Southern Improvement companv and it has no connection with the numerous ho- ithout breaking the continuity of "(lid Chill's" self-styled, hniiiiy and widely advertised smile. .1. The iirizc lot which I uive nwnv nt IN THE CITY. The wooden platform in front of thi I u'l plans that have already been spoken ,(,r l',e c'l.v- the end of the auction, simply assures and guarantees a big sole. If less than twenty-live lots are knocked down I lose money by offering the prize. 4. A$-'UHHlcity hall nt the head ol Market street is a certain and ordained tact. Two new hotels each lurger than Hattery Park arc now practically assured Swnuuauon hotel has Irtii torn nwnv. T. K. Caiiies, editor of the Lyceum, re I'iriicil yesterday from Caffncy City.S. C. IMwanI . Slack, of Cambridg-.-, Mass.. is at the llattcry Park lor a short while An child of Mr. Pink ('.astoi: died vesteril.iy at Ins home in West Aslii ville. There is I.. U- ntuasipier.-ide and tinirn ament at the colored skating rink Fri day night. Win. Stuart and family are at the llat tcry Park for a short w hile They art from New York. Mr. Milton Harding Kit yesterday for U'iihniotid to purchase the iron for tin giivirnmctil building. W. 1 1. Kowc ami C. F. Kay left yester day lor Kicliniond to attend the unveil ing of Iat's monument. Chas. C. Coodycnr ami wile and Nel son (mndycnr arc at the Swannanon. They arc Irinn New York. The committee npHiinlcd to revise the siccial tax list met last night. No im Kirtanl changes were made. Miss llnttir Mellee. of Crccnvillc, S. C, is visiting her uncle. Captain Y. K. Melk-e, at the Swaiiiffuioa hotel. W. W. Stringlicld and Ceo. II. Smatli ers came over from W.-iyucsvillc yester day afternoon aud returned this morn ing. The jury ordered by the Mayor will be ou Iiagle street to-morrow to assess tlnninges nnd benefits for widening that street. Alex Shaft was la-fore 'Sipiirc Israel yesterday for assaulting his wile with n stick and was hound over to court in $1H( bond. The merting of the employers and em ployes for the discussion ol the nine hour ipiestion will U- held at the Mayor's of fice nt H o'clock to-night. of in the Citizkx. Sufficient accommoda tions arc assured for all who come. Another tlne Home. Mr. P. A. IVmcns, of the P. A. K-mcus woodworking company will erect handsome three story dwelling in West lintl. He has purchased the lot between Mr. C. li. Ornlmm's house and Park ove- . New York, Huston, Philadelphia. Chicago and Cleveland have fixed tiHin Aslu-ville as their rendezvous for tlie win ter; and men may make money in the glare of the furnaces of Birmingham, Chattanooga and Middlesliorougli but they will come to Ashcvillc to siend it in I that i . i nc last arm great lact is line. The lot is l.iix.'l.iii. The house V""-""1 u,c magic sou will In; of stone and briek, and will ev- oll this city finds it turninc into uoM Him Con- It renuin-a mi lirni.,. I,.., tK. .. Hun eighteen rooms. Work has com- to bid and buy. Living proofs of this meiiced and the house is to lie completed ""l tntement can lie seen on every hand. by October 1. The interior will all he hmsht-d in hardwood, and the house will cost 51 .".(KM). KlCHMONII I'KAKSIIN. llaa no Faith In II. John llaynes, an overseer at Ililtmore, informed Sheriff Reynolds that Isr has several negroes working for him who! ny they know (ieorge Cibson, the man ouineient ror tne .McLolliu oern corn pnny which npsnrs here on I'ridav night is to say that at Kuoxville they Hendemonvllle New. IIkniikksonvii.i.k, X. C.. Mnv an. hditor Citizen .-The board of health met nny U-torc yesterday and made suit gcstions to the commissioners in regard to necdlul sanitary regulations. The liublic fountain is in unsitinn 1. fore the court house and plays every day. It is a beautiful bronze. The tiuure that shot Charles Wulkcr. and that he , ,i- , ' 1 "' ul"" a "tump, killed,, man in Ccrgia I ,fre eoming Kvauhrng wiThea' ime here. Sheriff Kcynolds has no faith in ing water above him. A circular stone the intormalion. but is making an inves- ,,a8ln catches the water and the over- ligation. now curried off by an underground 11 r Prof. P. P. Clnxton, of your city, gave Col. Frank Coxe arrived in the city i.v irinn nisi.reen nver inrm. He n i-onege recently, consisting of ii c ?u,"rn,e etator or the Universe removed snva truck laviiu. In.. I.....- .. t . tures ol notable oliicri mid i,,r.n. n,KI" .',ur ',r,.',,'er, J. A. Ilr.nncr - I., . , .- ,. J. . --- i, wniiv iicviiit ticiiiorr TERMS t One Third Cash with Balance of Purchase Money In one and two Years at 8 Per Cent. TWO PER CENT DISCOUNT IF ALL CASH BE PAIO. FOR Fl'RTHKR PARTICl'LARS ADDRKNH A. J. LYMAN. ASHBVILLB ADVERTISEMENTS. ICE RATES FOR SEASON 1890. TERMS STRICTLY CASH WITH ORDER In quantities not leas than one Ion at factory In quantities uot leia than one half ton at factory , eoo pound!, 60 tickets, 10 pounds each 700 " JH ' 2S " ' . 7(10 18 so . 1000 ' 10 " 100 " " Je. per hundred. 8.(H) 8.00 8.00 8.U0 Tickets now on sale at the oftce of the No Ice will be delivered without cash or ticket! Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue JEIXICO COAL AT RETAIL,. For Orate, . . f5.00.fl For Stove. ... BEST ANTHRACITE COAL ror saw at waolesale and Betall h ASHEYILIeE ICE AND COAL, COMPANY itvImIiu.. t - J. auu 4V, Bxclurire Agents (Domestic and 8 team) for Western North Carolina. LRWI8 MADDUX, I L. P. alcLOUB, Vlce-Pre.. DlSCT.,.:-Lewl.Maddui, M.J. Beard en, M.J. Pan. t. o. Kceu. tieo. B l-uwcll. C. M. McLoud. 1. B. RANKIN, Cashkir. Kan kin, J. B. Ray", J. B. Seed WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, vnraaiara May lit, 1H88. CAPITAL, 850,000. SURPLUS,S15,000 Biaie, county and City Depoaltory. IHie. a Ueneral Banklnc Buslnr... Denwnt. received. R.-h ... .. ... lectmn. made on all acccibl, points. The Bavin, Feature will reeri.. ..TL . '" On all sums in this department, depoalted for four mo... , ... ' of per cent, per annum will be psld. . - tne special attention ivea to loans oa real estate, which .ill h. i a-.-. sonable terms. " "m -u Open from S a. m. to S p. m. On Haturdays the Barinc Department will he open till a p m Janldly OAKS HOTEL, (INU OP TUB BEST FAMILY HOTELS ll the South. Servler ami lalile Pint C'ln.i. - .. ASHKVILLK, N. C. PIVB MINUTB8 WALK PROM TUB Court Home. STREET CARS' Pasi the door every to Minutes. Pot term, .ddres. H. J. GREEN1YEL.L., Proprietor. SKYLAND SPRINGS Only S Mile- from Anhcvllle on tbe A. 8. Railroad ...rf Hendemonvllle Pike. The itrratcst numlsrr and variety of mineral .prinir. to be found In the south. 48 Sprlnjfs on Less Than 40 Acre, nas-nrsia. Heveral verv One cumhlna dney trouble, chmnie riyarntcry, ehmaiedys. IB w- a v icit 1 mn . . I " ee amevoie at B.on a. 1 REAL. ESTATE AND LOANS. '""""her Information write to iviMia anil cnronlr Mich heailarh. ll.. ....... L.i' j " - .VnnSu.i so to 930 Per Month, or i Per Day. .ntYrdVtS '"'." ."-rone summer. v ..ul.'"rniniii win oe made nil :.r'?n"rrh:r1v".,r..", p- emu. gagement of several weeks. in I'alkn. Theyapiwur McMlullona of Reapcct. sa-AKHAsn LoiHiK, No. nn. K. of H. A.heville. N. C. M.v -in. inihi . Wherea., (mtheUt day of May, IWMl, the this country and in buroue. the instm mciit usea was the solar-camern I limits. llhMlKKSO.WII.I.K. crowd on Water Street yesterday nnd ran the players in. They wercnllcolored niieiitnev nniieareil belore the Mayor BI HIiM-Ma NOTiL-i.!a. nicy were hind J10 each. They were . . I ...'. I " MWBJ "UM "a w,rK t.reeiilce, t .corgc llrv- A fine nuortn, t n . u ant, Admore Ilurton, Joseph Flnck, Trim in Japanese fans nnd silk handkerchiefs iirantrinn nuiery lluilgins. arm snawis. I lie tlnnn nnd silver depart AUf liisia. asv hit vow in mignauuo to the dtai-caa of Pro arnce. Thctcltirranh line Imm thi. ,l, J . "ovThiit.ln the tlcathof our Imithrr, F'l. . u 1 L 1 . . 1 inm commurmv nui imt wortbr anil val. hit Kock has been completed and is now unble the IhIkc an humored mmber in working order. I .nd the onler a true knlxht ol Honor. The ecreuiomes connected with lh- .I...I. ..rrr"vTa-. 1 nBl !nr ."enrtirits.vmiM.thjr of ration of the new Baptist church will Mr In thi. their hour .rf ' mm-, iZZVZ. take place on Sunday next, June I . mend them to Him who cure, for tbe widow i ne crop, in tins sect.on arc doing " ei Th.t .h . H.,M,p. m votit ik mmi to tne mm deceased, nnd ai.u a mnv li r,ir. .Menslcn invaded our cornornte "V.?1 w V?L " I!". a reiiueat to lordton on the Chnrltston, Cincinnati and Chicago railroad, and that the grading is all done nnd trestles built llecxiects to have trains running to .Marion, it distance of tweutv-livc miles by July 13. .rwusmsuni. wcii The voumr r, ;.. ."" An otricer got on to a private gambling more thun usually forward this season. " ,h tion nuhlish the same. Keanectfully sulimltlrd In ( M. A P A. CI'UMI ns, l). I.. MClll.Sil JHMS K.HTISNKS ui. fo si. I An Old nocument. nirnts are crowded with nrur nnrf iw. ful goods trom nil countries. 1 can offer The talk on "IVrsonal Purity," by Hr. Thcre w" ll document in the reg- 7.!;?!!"? rr'mr,un th"" ver before K. 1. Iikkinson at the Y. M. C. A. rooms I 'Htcr' ""j1" K'terday. It was a State arev" nisi muni, wa. uirueiv illieiltleil. l w i miv nciie . iocv mountain l uooos. r ll f .... l .imm.. ...... ... I i i 1 1 : 1 1 .. . . . .. i v... r. rrn , ... r .... i t..i. u ...Fl., til. llil IIIIU III miiii n n,ir.,n hIm.. Hl.. IF..W signeil ny (,oy. lidwnrd II. Dudley and Secretary W. Hill. The date was January 2M, N33. A Uroundlcsm 1'harne. subject Mr. Ii. 1.. Henry, swcial deputy, left to-day for Kaleigh, where lie goes to take Tyne llrm-c to the pcnitenlinry to serve u two years sentence for stealing. The foundation for the street paving on the east side of South Main is about ing Mollic Guff with n pistol. The o Urged compieici to i.oiiege street, anil n neuvy I nnair inxurred nenr Ilcnumont on Mon roller will lie drugged over to pack it. day night. The defendant was di A jury will lie put on Flint street on Minrged line lUtonssess dnmngrt for the pro- Ashevillc, N. C. The Sfoantaln Park Hold. MprtnaTM, ft. C. Is firstclnss in every particular, Hoi with P. A Cl'KIIrllNGS, Notary Panllc, NO. lil l.lidAL, BLOCK. sor oMio. Chunn'i Cove, Just outside the jrnland In Madison county, near AOO acre, land thi mllra nt UmH... snnyllle A. ft H K M, run. throiiah the land. Poatoftlce and denot near bv. For Rent. "tor house No. lil Pattoa avenue. l'o- Mrs. l-li,ihcth Shaft was before the the 't table in the South. 1'ure nd Li,(n'Jrt,;,n'l:,lHPJot, Mayor yesterday charged with assault- a""n""nt water nnd perfect sanitary ar- wayaodim ' PICTURE FRAMES A rt cluss coloml man cook to take two SoTn .h!'.,"!,.",V," s,,h """ " S 2 i V,, inn ! ,,ut " rt els." ,,, , bi, k,hhi wane will lie mild I"' '.'. "l J""" Vnk., !tl l-it. mayJtrilw POK KltNT. " fchl 1 dam OTIS A. MILLER, Skyland P. O., N. C. 'w.,,",,"r Wn" K"d 8",", X'room mayJ-Kllw l.ia Hill .treet YANTIill. OihmI nasturaire for one row In the aeiuh borhood o, Mcrilmi.n and lllllri.le avenue.. m. lUb I. I.. FINl KH WlKwam, Ashevlle. tk RB.NT. ime nouae. iiirni.iiMf n. ..r..i.i nledon llriinlrn avenue. I'nr furihrr'l.,i,.r! motion apply to Prof. H P. Vcnahle or I), a. mayad.1t HOTEL I ARMOND-HOTEL BONNYCREST AND COTTAGES, KKVLAND MINERAL SPRINGS, N. C. Klsrht Hilled Houtb of Aahevlllc. on the A. A at. nu - a..... .rmss. New hotel., new niltaar., new furniture, beautiful .rn.. nr.i ,i. .... . good livery. ". 48 MINERAL SPRINGS. White Hulphur, Alnm. Maanrsia, Iron anil liisnim. Th. ..wi.. k..i.t ... rlectKle,y wl,. not Mil , visit .hi. p...nt re.r, and drink of lu healloa water. icrtni re.Mm.lile. ?OH BALB. Home for .ale. biwuI ...i.n- Kniiuire nt this ortiee. rn.yailOt aprS dtf nnd driver. E. A. EeVENE, Sfanasfcr. Aahevllle, N. C. 16 PBM MONTH. W III rem nr.... T ,,. i. . " l sold cheap onVaiy mayUTdlw Near PaMeusrer Depotl A WKIIKU VanOilder House P.A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., Maamaetnrers and Uralera la all kind, of Daraied " JjJTOCKIIOLIlUKK' MKKVIM. Orrica Ashkvii.i.s ht. R'v Co. . , .... may a7, iau.1. : .-..,ii,nui .urn nustness asmav lie nnnented to it. Bv onler of Hoard nf ......... iivh ncvFTuiry and Tn LUMBER, di. Door, Bash, Blind, Mouldings, Stalrwork, Mantels, Bank and Bar Fixtures, and all kinds of Ruiidin. a... ... W am . Mra HOOd Lumber Work nov Lilly Telnhon. Mo . a. a Specialty. rreaaurer. Mised extension of the street, and one on tlie widening of drove and llailey June 'J3. "Cert" Alexander, colored, broke into K. W. Wliilcsidei' store, on Cripplecreck, Monday night nnd stole some candy, bananas and ginger ale. lie has not been arrested. Members of tlie VY. C. T. I'. are re quested to Ik present at the regular meet ing Thursday uftcrnuun ut 3 o'clock at the lecture hall of the Y. M. C. A. ncss of iinMirtnnee will be transacted. GENERAL CLINCMAN. He Has Mado no Move an Vet to Defeat vanes In iSoa. The Washington corrcsxndcnt of the Winston daily writes: rnngements. The scenery is beautiful, climate much rntlder than A.heville, there beinjr no harsh winds nnd nodust tn irritate u,i. throats nnd lungs. I The baths in marble oools ore thi- fin. est in the world and the thermal waters are nn unexcelled snecihe for rheumatism. gout, sciatica, nervous exhaustion and an aisenscs ol skin and blood. Hold, ".liver, Ivory, Oak, Gilt and Comlil nnlion Moulding.. Also Room Moulding., Pictures Matted, Mounted and Pramed a Excellent ohv.n. rH:.. .U. . Price. d work ..ranteed. BnT.y. tel. In"- Paintings and Irocal Views always oa rrmns leave A.heville for Hot Springs hMd ' m., .oo Hn(1 j p m at 7..KI 'Genernl Clingmnn was a guest at the lT'h Wl" ,on ESTABROOK'S, White House Wednradnv of, . onara nt Mountain Park note . S4.G0. says he shook hands with the President I'r rntes etc., nddress I 8. Main St., Aahevllle. Mrs, Harrison. Dr. KVntt Mr. m..l- I v. W. O. I)(H)I.itti.. I ..i.m Mrs, Harrison, Dr. Scott, Mra. McK'ee. Ha by McKeennd nbont v. .ni. gible Indies, to nil of whom he any he W. 0. DoOLITTLB. Look l' If you wnnt good bargains in the latest am- la d "t WH" wry attentive, lie snyi he told the . , ' k""." onrgnins in tne latest -. ymaaj i Husi- IVesidcnt that two senators remarked "" ,!"' I.m!ry. ' on Miss f iPIW A ,. that he I Clingmnn ) was the bent looking Uncf nt We,t End pton avenue, Hny J 1 Cd I f . "' mnn In th. Wrnm. fl,,..i ri.c wood street. Also stvliah Hma wnLi.. I mM man in the Srnnt. I'hiimii.. . d.l( The Mivement on the west side of South funernl. nnd that Harrison didn't a-em Main street Is being straightened, from ! like '.. "r itntesmnn thinks Cousin Court I'lnet tn Sevier's stnble. Th. n.rh. ""le Jealous ol him ! General Clingman says lie hns not vet made any 'ret I move to rirlent Senator Vinr. iti tunn lurtlicr into tne street in some pinees. an he never works lor a thins so fur wood street. Also stvliah dm. mnkin.r good work and it perfect fit guaranteed. .VI IMS I.ANCK. f laa SV'finuv ntreel ears pass the door. Wm. Daker and Dick riournnyencnged In a fight with bricks nnrl smoothing lea lor laason iSoo. ahead! on and after May 1st le will l deliv- mi omy ror caan or tickets. Tickets Ycsterdnv a little daimbir, r m. i mn "ttned "t oar office, No. 80 Irons on Valley street yesterday. They W. Trnylor was returnmg home from 1 "" "n" be nctly cash. wen token liefor. Ih. Mininr .rl ScllOO and in DHSsinff Mr. Thn.. C.n.Lill'. illHSHLlB ICS AND COAL LO. milled to loll to await the nut term nf ?. ''"".r0" ou.t ?".d ". " When Mr. A Mow'sWoad to miaa. ' I .a Mar SSI Hasnm fit h. u-r....a I I a . . trMJlnrl.le.,urt, Is default of bond. to UiuW. bond l.$50.I Floumoyaf 100. be ki.led.-New iWjoumal.- - kolierin, orHTtff VT2 V r cause tne Asnrvllle Milling Comoanv's asivaajiosoin. Of course then u he ...,;,, .. """r "ni inecneaneat. Mow la Voar Chase, A Brent opportunity It olTered to make I THK 6REATEST ATTRACTION OF THE SEASON. McCollln's Opens Co. Will Appear In lbs . Urand Opera of "FALKA Friday Evening;, May jo, oo. New and maxnlncent coitnmei. Th. Rneat rf!?JfTpertT r?.0 wn ." "c',h- the I'tMronmucllon next week, but the f " yf mU Thursday, May mjl, ,, nfthr J, , JV, is rnem oestrnble sltrsir for a horn or . r , .r. ; 'V".,u ,.ro " now traveling without any ... asaftttrvntntnti Be wire ts attend the ''' bunlaeu men Intent on mrn " ,m"" forton Aiheville real estate. Uptldn. 1 ' " Pnon. Tnere it money ia it for mreitment, k,r their children and Hii rWtsrrtT and Tin thi. L.L.lW mtt wl t Bawyer-s. Re- I vision for yourself and family, I served lotats. JUST RECEIVED. ONE HUNDRED BARRELS BEST PORTLAND AMD- One Hundred Barrels Louisville Cement. -A MO- ONE HUNDRED BARRELS BEST QUALITY CALCINBII PLAItTIill. C. E. MOODY, Proprietor. Office No. 30 Patton Avenue. TBI.PPHONB NO. 40. Warehouar at nepot. p. o. Ho. (W4 MAHHAUB Alld Bweedlsh- Msmnenl. Also In.tntrtloa la Physical c.ltur. a,. ladles and children In rlaases or private, by MIm MnUle, of New MlaaiON HOB. PIT AL. 0)0 a.m. 14a.m. Can. a. 1.. quirks by maB an.wend sromptly. ayuaiai FITZ PATRICK BROTHERS. Dealers Id Wall Paper, Window N hades and Patent HanBcrs, Paint.. (HI. and Vamishe.. Ma.ury. MI.ed Paints and Color.. Window ol.. both P reach and America. W, keep Iw .tuck SI. l,onl..nd Ken tacky l.ead. fehltdlr ASIIEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, mm j nuynooa Kireet All WATER THOROUGHLY FILTERED on the Premises. Twenty.nv. year, of pe.eOe.l ..pcVnc., com fined with r.asoa.L attenMoa to all Uim of tk, b..ln. .d perfVrt far CLs.nuaw- and rtrsn-T of all .d. manufactured, enable the proprietor to prrwnt lo hi. numeroa. p.tro.. . .urio, ,u Carbonalrd Bcveracrs. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphon. Olns,, Al. aad all the various , mtlA WATB . M- ...,. irre la City limit.. o.t of town ord,r.:mu.t h... s..ronM.i.a refcm. i C. Hi CAMPBELL. TAYLOR. BOUIS & BROTIIERTON, -Wholesale and Retail Dealers In HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, STOVES, H KATKRB, RANGES. TINWARE, c. SANITARY I'LOMIIINO, GAS AND 8TEAM FITTING, TIM AND SLATB ROOFING, AUTOMATIC ELBCTRIC GAB LIGHTING AND CALL BULLS, AOENTS FOB "OYAL" SAS MACHINE. AUTOMATIC SPBINKLEB WORK FOB MILLS A SPECIALTY New StoreUnder Opera House. No. 4$ paUon Ave., Bsilaiatst Chnrfally oivta sa all Work la oar Lavt, Ashevllle, N. C, ir. ir-'' k.- ri' tf-i t. 6- '1 art Sly r 'V ' '.