ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 2, 1800. M. HE SAYS IT IS POPINJAY AND ONE HORSE. POOR LITTLE ONE HORSE INFI DEL CONCEIT. Au IiilcrvMlliiK Talk al Ihe Voung Men1 ChrlMilaii Aaaoclallon Kooiiim Yeaterday. The lecture hull ol the Y. M. L. A. was filled yesterday nfternooti with those anxious to hear Kev. R. G. Pearson, th THE DAILY CITIZEN. H. D. CHILD, Business Manager. Thi Daily Citizrn will bo publl.hed every altcraooa (except Sunday) t the following rate .tWc(r cmb: One Year. 8 00 Six Monthe 3.00 Three Months 1.B0 One Month BO One Week IS Oar carriers will deliver the paper every afternoon In every part of the city toouraub scribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citiibn Office. Auvbmtisixo Katis Reasonable, and made known on application at this oflice. All transient advertisements must be paid in ad vance. The Citiibn Is the most extensively circu lated and widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measures is In the interest of public Integrity, honest government, and prosperous industry, and it knows no personul alictriunccin treating pub lic issues, Rliecimen copies of any edition will be sent f .Te to any one sending their address. Heading notices ten cents iter line. Otiitu- Sn. marrlaiw and n,4..v nntii-rB tillv Cents each (not exceeding ten lines) or filly cents I evuugclist. It had been announced that i.- I.I .l. I,...,- .l uc nuuiM iiiii.u .1 wi-jivi ti.ii.ii--, , Inrjje number of young men availed themselves of the opportunity of hearing him. Mr. l'carsnn spoke, us is his cus tom on such occasions, not with his own words, but with those of the scripture, lie read us the lesson a portion of 1 John v, and took for the text of the Iliblc read ing verse 10 "He thnt believeth on the sou of God hath the witness in himself; he that believeth not God hath made him a liar, because he believeth not the record that God gave of His son." "I want to call csiecinl attention to the lust phrase there the record of C.H. Lovctt represents Kuoxville ,, "". "iu me cuKer. ".-rom nine the Swntiaanoa immemorial men have made nnd pre- .. ., , . served records of war, peace, religion and The blfin star coiuedv eomiianv til ,. . , , . ,. ....... politics. These have liecn of importance. opera hall to-night. '. ... ... . ' .. We need the records ol wur to uuide us The Skyland cornet band will give a i Vulor; of religion to guide us in rcli picnic tit Skyland Saturday June 7. .,ium mat u.rii nnd so with nU otlcr ree- Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Young have re onls. The mounds of the North Anicri- turncd after a month's visit in Virginia, can Indians arc nothing but records; the livery day at promptly sit o'clock the monument that was unveiled lit Rich bell of the fire alarm svstem will lie tested, moud last week's a record of what Gen MONDAY. I'MS 181)0. THE DAILY CITIZEN Is on sale at the following places In Asheville: CITIZBN OFl'ICB. UATTBKY I'AKK NliWS STAND. 1) LBN KUCK NliWS STAMI. AIOUBL, C10AK STOKIi, I'ntton Ave. J. CAKSON'8 NliWS STOKIi, North Court Bijuure. PERTINENT AND PERSONAL. News About AlievllllaiiH and ol Hlranirera Within Our (.atea. M. K. rcrkiuson, of Louisville, is at tin Swuniinnou. The five months old daughter of J. T. Holcorabc died ut his home in liouble day. Marriage license has been issued to J. I'. Mclntirc, of Iliincombc, and Augii Hall, of Haywood. The Lynch benefit entertainment will be held nt the Y. M. C. A. Kooms to-morrow night ut S.30 o'clock. C. M. Mcl.oud has sold to Kichmoml I'cursou, eight lots on Spruce and liugli streets L'Sx?-'. tor $10,0110, The furniture ut the Van Gilder hoiist was purchased at the sale on Saturday by Mrs. Julia A. Sludcr for SHOO. I'r, II. L. liaird, of this city is sick ul Oxford, where he has been attending the meeting of the medical association. It might U- suggested to the proju-rau-thorities that Court Sijuarc is not ipiiti the place to lease for acrobatic exhibi tions. Mr. A. li. l'riiison. ol Chattanooga, who has sold $'.n 10,01 ill worth of real FIFTY PER CENT. ADVANCE. , The ucceafUI Bale of Lota I.aat Maturday. C. D. Blantoji and C. T. Knwls sold twenty lots between Haywood street and Cliveden Saturday. The prices were about SO er cent, in advance of the price paid for the proierty three mouths ago. They sold as follows: No. 9, 30x100, Luke Lancnster...$ 3:10 " H, 25x80, J. L. Smathers 2110 " 1, 12()x40, W. E. Logan o5 " 2, 48x70, . G. Otiecn 220 " 3, 60x43, K. H. Ziiehnry 200 " 4, 00x40, house. I. II. Carter.. 740 " 5, 55x30, . H. Curter 185 GREAT BARGAIN WEEK AT: LAW'S IN FINE PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS AND CUTLERY. 0, 47x80, K. H. Shark 7, 88x40, K. H.Znchnrv 10, 08x54, T. V. Startles 11, 40x05, I. II. Cole 12, 40x05, K. A. Sumner 13, 40x05, W. K. Logan 14, 55x50, 0. S. Teunent 15, 40x51, J. T. llostic 10, 40x52, j. M. Campbell 17. 40x53, J. M. Cnmphcll 18, 50x50, Geo. 11. Sturues It), 40x50, Ceo. 11. Sturnes.. 20, 50x71, 1". I. I'uttan 240 4,205 C. S. Cooper also sold nt the same I 315 215 100 115 110 110 80 r.o 7o Roger Itios. Extra I'lutod Tea Spoons, $1. 08 net of trm i " Forks, 2.15 & 2.30 " " The priit'8 (quoted aro net :unh and for this week only, and are the loweHt ever offered in Asheville. six ii Table Spoons, 2.20 " Desert " 1.95 " time lour business lots on Rois-rtsstreet. iog0,.H ,. Moiklan Triple riiitod Medium Knives, JU.55 They went us follows: ! i: aai?a:i.i.3te;::::::::::: 8tltof 8ix- Koger8 ol' McH(lun Trii,lu wtd Tea Knives, 3, 25x7: 4, 34x72 lor! $1.43 net of nix. 2.105 Mr. C. I-:. Oruhuin sold two lots on Roberts street, 50x200, to J. It. Cole for $280. Protect Your Homes, A circular is being thrown around the streets to-day nnd its contents relate to the coming census. It siienks for itself tnd is us follows: citizkns! Protect the privacy of your homes! Arc we living subject ton despotism fount anil similar to tnnt 01 Kussin .' or are we free and indeK-ndeutciti:nsof the United About GO sets Triple IMated, Hollow Handlo and Ivory Handle Knives, slightly nn'HH-niatehed, at from $1.75 to $:i.50 per set, or leHH than half their value. 13 8ets Hard Rubber Handle Carvers and Stwl at $2.85 per set, 3 pieces. A large lot of ehoitp knives and forks at 50c., 05c $1.00 per set, worth double. All the above are worranhtl in every i-eHjieet. A large line of Bonn Faience Bowls, Dishes, Plates, etc., ASHEVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. ICE RATES FOR SEASON 1890. TERMS STRICTLY CASH WITH ORDER 2- If'hiindnd, t.MG. ' In quantities not less than one ton at factory In quantities uot leas than one half ton at factory aoo pounds, 60 tickets, 10 pounds each ua mo 750 " IS " 60 ' " lOOO " 10 " 100 " " 18.00 0.00 0.00 a.ui No ice will be delivered without cash or tickets. Tickets now on salt at the office of the Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue, JEIXICO COAL AT RETAIL. For (irate, - fs.oo.D For Stove, . . . 4.30, BEST ANTHRACITE COAL For sale at Wholesale and Retail by ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY, M.a. . - - a cicpoonc 30 ana 40. Kxcluilv Agents (Domestic and Steam) for Western North Carolina. LBWI8 MADDUX, Pres. Dissctoss: Iwli Maddux, M. a. u. Kecd, Uco. a. u L. P. MCLOU0, Vice-Prc. 1. B. RANKIN, Cashi. ' por MeK-S. J- 8 . CAROLINA BANK, -Orcanlsed May 1st. 1H8S. CAPITAL. $50,000. SURPLUS, $15,000 State, Count jr and City Depoaltory. Doe. a General Bankln, Business. Deporito received. Bachanre and sold. Col kctioos made o. all arecMible points. The Having Feature will receive special attention. On all .urn. la thi. department, deposited for four months or lonmr. lnt.. . of per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention riven to loans on real estate, which will be placed Jforllona time on fiat sonable terras. Open from 9 a. and . to 8 p. m. On Saturday, the Savin Department will be open till A p r, Jsnldly and the Soath have done; Cleopn- t trn' npirll. iti tw Vorlf is n rii'.inl fil' ......... . ... . Mutes ol America." 1 Ins is a question what S1IC ilid. So it is with all men. that cornea home to everv apll-mii i,. Tlic iiave rccorils. Now it' these nre ol citizen ol' Asheville, in view of the fuel I lit lowest figures, n inii.-h iiniiorl.iiin. nnlotii' mi-ii tt III n (HIV Or tWll, a StHinL'Cr tO VOUf mustOoJ family under iiy and by onlcr of theim- A fine assortment Of Dinner Set S from $0.80 U! , i n- umiii miii iiBuitiiiiz nutittiriLivs ui i "The Iliblc is IumI s record of His son Washington, will present himself at your Sets fl'OIll $4 4,() UP writtcii ly the spirit ot the aliniylitv liouse and nsk ipicstious that would ' T He has said that nil heaven and c,,,u,,e "ny mo.icst woman to iiiiish with ry man ill lui.l remain. 1 Here arc many tilings in this iwyn put to uncalled lor insult nnd hu rccord (icrtainiiiK to this world and the milintion. tiuziiis: ninnn up lor your rutins, protect vour home nnd family from in sult. Kctusc to answer questions tuat concern only yourself and family. Ilo not OAKS HOTEL, UNB OP THB BEST Tea FAMILY HOTELS In the South. world to come, but the greatest Christ. He is the keystone, the founda Lion stone in Cod's word. So the whole Iliblc may In- said to lit- a record. Mr. Pearson then answered three ques tions conccruinii the giving of this record to men. The questions were: 1 1 1 "Why have wc n Iliblc?' I '1 1 "To whom is it given ?" i:il"Wbat is the duty of those who ham Olobe. have it ?" Hl'ttlNKMM NOTlL'KH A new lull line of Japanese I ans. just eome, are marked down. Also the most lieautiful line of Silk Hundkerehiefs and Shawls ever in Asheville. Mystoek of white nnd deeornted Limoges, China and Service and table First I Cla. L L'-Svl ASHEVILLH. N. C. P1VB MINUTHS- WALK FROM TUB Court House.. STREET CARS Pass the door every lo Minutes, lie frightened by threats: the iieoiile will elloil'H Art PottOI'V 1111(1 (ililMH IM nun rf flu fliiiuf in . i , " l - -v " - " . v ' . . , t . U , 1 . L 1 1 . I ...1(111 ifr (luu. I An Citizkx. South. A Valuable New Ilem. A (ilobc man has henrd of a marriage nut is not allowed to say wno the inr- .Mayi you can gucss.-ln.r- .,.,, nrtl,v ,,f nftoiitinn I have secured at illlIM)rters, price about ten fine new iluttsno Proofs, and prorly HigiHJ. Thes.- tics arc. In all cases the questions were forcibly I answered b verses of st-rinture. Iltirifu estate in the last thirty days is crying oli ...,..rM. ,.... on Vllri. Ltic 1 carsou lots. MarKaln Week al Law's. The prices for this week will nstonisli I . Mr. I'earson made i . .r..i. . 1 Ut .11. , , I . . . I "".'uimiiMHuiwuKii fcu nnic u .urge I .1.. Henry, the deputy who took I relerenec to the "Lyceum Literary Club." I "lot" fine knives, forks, aooons and rut. Ilrucc to Kaleigh, has returned, lie say of this city, in no complimentary terms, 'ery tit a great bn-gain, the only fault tin-prisoner was very much depressed IK-said, "here is a little nopininv, onc- lcrc is not n lurgcqunmity oi any horc , ll. in .l,i. . I... .1 1 -, U '" KCl I. OOR-ll - " " or set alike. iu- sure to enll tins week at Iisciihscs the religion ol the luture. Toor 37, o'J and 111 South Main street. little one-horse intidcl conceit. The mem. Ic; fm Ikts ask why the preachers of the town 01 ....j nfter Mnv ,., k, win . ,,.: did not come around to hear the discus- ered only for cash or tickets. Tickets Special bargains in all departments this week. J. II. LAW, .y.t ami ti s. iuun stn"et. Asheville, N. C. i)i, during the whole trip. The mother of 0. A. Meant, of this city, died at her home in Leicester yesterday. She was bO years old. The funeral oc curs this afternoon at Leicester. Workmen repairing the wires caused n false alarm of tire to be sounded this morning. The lire companies went to the old ilcput, but found no need of their presence. John Jones was fined $.1 by the mayoi this morning for being drunk and disor derly. Arthur Davidson was lined for carrying a pisitol. Ilritt l'owell was lined $15 for being drunk. A small blnze was discovered in the nt LAND SALE. sinus, and 1 thank Cod that no preacher ma.v obtained nt our office. So. :i in this towu would dignilv such a meet- l'"tton avenue, and will I strictly cash. ..... Asiiiiyn.i.K Icb and Coal Co. tng with Ins presence. A VALUABLE ESTATE OFFERED. tng with Ins pre "(od's law is not played out. I'll tell you why men want to get rid of it. It A Nw Road lo HIIhh. If you arc wise and wish to become healthy nnd wealthy also, you will use l. ...... .!.-. i .. i. i-i an..,,.,,. iii nviuuiT iiimt, vim win uw in nunromue luuniy, i will o show s them up too plainly. Thev want Kollcr King or Klcctric Light flour- lie- P",,,lc "cr. thf 20th .. to 'ive in sin cause the Asheville Milling Company's vU,M,WA",.ml"r1, akd'ht5ri Tbe Klllu Htar Conipanv. I'attic is the oKiiing piece of the LI fin Star comedy company nt oiera hull to night. They will lie here the entire week. tic of Mrs. Sondley's house, comer ol Tllc company is one of the ln-st chea I'liiit and Cherrv streets last night at in l,rKed companies on the rond; and of o'cloik. It was put out without much them the Morristown Gazette says: damage. The lire alarm refused to work. T'lc ':,fin St"r comedy compnnyoened Mr. it r. ll..- ir. fi p 1.....1 I tncir vvcck s engagement a t the micra ...... , ....v.... ...... . IIUUM. in uu. city last nignt witn the iinu L. Hunt have sold to I. A. I'ortcr celebrated comedv, "fnttie." the rendi ond R. 1'. Walker, five acres on Vallev f '"" "' '! was faultless, every pnrtic- tlour is not only tlieln-st but thecht-ain-st. New Ad vcrtlHviiiciilH To-Day. I'OI'RTH PAtiK. WASTKI1-Thi (Mil. Ncitick W. II. Ilravcr. I'os Hai.k tiro. F, Htntt. At Ai ctiiih J B. Hnnkin. I. A Mi Kai.r T. 8. Morri.oii I H K AT IIAHI1AIN W KKK l.llw's. Htkniiiikai'IIV, c.-MIm II. Armni'lil. street, including "Hell's Half Acre," for $0,730. The unsightly buildings will Ik torn away, Kev. J. Rockwell .Smith, of rernam buco, llrazil, is endiiig sonic time nt A. T. Summcy's with his family. They find the climnli-of Asheville a pleasant change from the erK-tunI summer of their country. William I'enland and Jo Met)!, two pris oners in the city jail i-sciiK.-d last night. They climbed through a hole in the root and let themselves down on a building adjoining by menu of blankets. They were charged with drunkenness. N. W. Fain nnd Jns. M. Hrown left to day on the noon train for Huntington, L. I., to sujicrintend the building ol from three to five miles of electric railway under the iminngcmcnt of Mr. 15. I). Iinvidson who built the Asheville line. They will I gone four months. Home Ulic I'orkcrn. ipant acting well the part assigned. At some points in the nlav the eves of u great many were lillid with tears and the next moment the audience was con VUIHCO W til UIULMIU.r. AlflttV U'llfl ui... in attendance claim it is tiie'liest from.' I IM'lv t" that has visited the citv. Juncaiw Cou.Hv CotiimlHHlo.icra Klecled. The annual meeting of the magistrates of Iluncombc county is iK-ing held to-day in the court house. This morning it was I FOR SALE. Ilouiw on I'rcnch firnud avenue. 10 room. wntrr and newer connection; alno large ci tern; fine loeation and view. Termi easy. OKO. P. HCOTT, North Court 9uurr. Purnuant to a deeree of th Rtm-rlm Court of Humombe County, I will oner for aalc at or Novemlier. the late Caut. died, aeiied and ikm- eontnlnlnir alMiut twrlv hunHmt mvrm. The aale U made for partition among inv unre in miu Aieianuer. LOCATION. The lanils are sltuatMl on h. Prrnt. fi.nBH nvcr navinir a nvrr iruot or a mil. and I half ten miles north nf Aahtvill.. Imm. Iwmmj vu inr nnum nun. laruiins Hall way, a station ruultiord with naunnr. IfraiRbl, espreaa, trlmruph aod po.tomera be ing on the premise.. Hcveral dally pamcauer train, connect with Asheville which Is ircsenca witnin no minute.. At this point the river Is passed on a .ah.lantinl iron Innaiie, irom wnitn well estauu.hrd roadi divenre Into the urruumllnic conatry, mk i v in. in i inc important ousinc.' i nnicr m inr rouniy.caeepl Asheville. ALEXANDER INN, n.iamiiiira more man a hair eratury a.o m-iuura in inr lirillirrtv. it. ! Immnlli on the bank or the river, very near the ra BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE, Por term, address H. J. GREENWELL, Proprietor. SKYLAND SPRINGS Only 8 Wile Iron Aahcvllle on the A. & 8. Railroad and Henderaonville Pike. The greatest number and variety of mineral springs to be found In the Ronth. 48 Springs on Less Than 40 Acres. ".".'".fjJ';?"- snlphor eiwom, alum, and maimesia. 8everal very Ane combination.. n.n.1. .JTZIXS; . ri iT- "T L'on,.Vvcr 'UT """ trouble, chronic dysentery, ehronledys rrt fnanH t?l .",!"! V'i ;,"L"l,,?n" """ ileveloiKd I. the Krr.tcst tonlcwater It mlmi.i nriT" r hu"'' m!nrt eottOKe. near the 8.HnKs. Lot. are .old. at nominal prices to advertise the place and the mineral water. Board can be had at ao to $30 Per Month, or Si Per Day. !-J!Sr!m'iIC"iVlnt-1"' rtc"i" 'w J""1 " wrttlnu to the owner; or better yet. any..., somber w,tcf- Ure.t ImprovemniU will be made nr Trains leave Asheville at .0ll a. m. and return at 7 p. m. fare 20 cent.. Por further Information write to OTIS A. MILLER, Skyland P. O., N. C. frblt dim UKALIiKH IN- AT AUCTION is Included in the prmicrty. It Is Inirn way station, and has aliont forty rooms for I aural. There are alMi aa escellent store ioum, a new ana eomraodloa. barn, stables. cnu., tuuaccu u.rua, etc., etc., on the prrm Will be sold three lots asti feet by 1 NO at I THE LAND ordered that three iron bridges lie Mljt J""etlon of Church street with Mouth Main la peculiarly adnpted to the production of in the county as follows: Across French nd fronllnif on both streets, on Wrdnrs- est tobacco ever srowa in the "brijtht to-' Broad river at Lomr Simula, nt n lu,i..i .i. i a .... ...... . . baeeo belt -or North Carolina was " ..j.,in.,.,,iunnii.m, raiKo on tni. pianlauoa. Then am now nu to be decided on between Asheville and Alexanders nnd across C'anc creek nt I-'uir View, The following bonrd of county com inissioncrs for the next two years was elected: J. E. Rankin, J. N. Morgan, Levi riemmons, K. C. Clayton nnd J. F, Wells. One third cash, bnlnnee in one and two I clover. Up to the draih, last fall, if the pro- vrnr. ittllh M .-.r... !..... ..I IV I " " "I""" r - - " - . 'inuuii . ui I ..w. I M I IU 3 per cent, on deferred pnymrnts for cash. I. B. RANKIN. Juncildllt Trustee. A NT HI). A first elnss womnn cook at on.: rrlprvni The iKinrd and the magistrates met in " ""r.a....n'"' "l lnl" ,,m- joint session ims uiiimooii. i lie resig nation of J. W. Starncs, County Stijieriii- N ((TICK. t, t u rr...i: ; ... I . . ' "" ""T i tcmUnt of ,,u,,lic Inxtrt.ct.on was rend the city to-day and reports that he has nd accepted and n resolution of thanks six pigs two months old that tip the lor ms elticient services, was udopted. U-nm at seventy pounds amcce. Tne following names were placed in nom- I ination as Ins successor: Kev. (. II, Hell, smprsi r.Tcni, . i iicnry, ll. t,. King, L.IU. Way and li. t. mimmii mi. iui iiivriy tllc lirst I 't lit urowii. lieutenant of George M. I'ullmnn in the erection of the city of l'ullimin, beside thc Inke. lie lias ambition anil ability to A Mew Oil KeKlon, U-ss than fifty years ago there were The advertisement olTerinir .'Jflil for Maltie Jnrk.on, inaui d on luth ol Feb ruary, 1H1H), Is hereby withdrawn. w. ii. ukavhk, Chief rinlon lleteetlv. Ain..w. June-Jill twat JgTHNOC.KAI'HV AND TVI'8 WKITINO. ssnns aiven durinir th anmmee. A....I JUII. I U Ml MB B. A KM, lunellillw A. P. Collcae, THE 'WATER POWER Is abundant and has always ben regarded There are between thre and four hnn,1rH acres of escellent timber, mn.l.lln ihi,A. nt The climate and maanlflc-nt aernery of this rraion are.ireaay l.tnus.throusnout the Un ion i m. piaee aa. lona been one or the most IHipulnr reaorta la the reaioo. The tract has nn it several moat beautiful building sites, anonllnii eitenslv. views of near ann di.tant niuuniain ranars, ana CM tacDcautllul Preach llroad. The tract has been cleared Into several parrris, cniainina from tnree to one hua dred acres, so arranged to suit the conveo ient-e ol nun-haacrs. TIIKMH Tea per rent, ot the purchase money will b. requited at the .alt, aad the remainder in four equal Instalments, payable i I. anu iu.t year, irom nate wi.n mtcreai iron uu as ea:ni per centum " nnumuti rvtainca anui ail the pi ennat money la paid. I'oasessio. wilf be Klvrn on confirm. Hon of aale, eicent the store house and buildings naed therewith, as ... -r .... h piibhihii win not o. siren until i i ...... a ..r i-:i...n .i. I ,i: i i. .. , . t. .. Hunts iiiv n .umi -i,n i, mi tne i 'iiiMniiwi tin uiinuiiRvicu nvcra Ol oil, l VJITANTKU Tennessee river, an industrial dcvclon-1 that the rocks miirht lie made to txmr nuut eiunl to I'ullinail or any other lo-1 forth more thnn the gold mines nl tali-1 . Tw? reliable men, who understand I.onn I March t ,iHit, th. eil.tinaj leas, not espir- CBS:L.,I Co,.I,,g SvKalln II 17. wtl a n rinnnnii.t Mrlf.t.ttr.t Msi.ifr I SatirJt limriMM if liaabiL... I urlvino ltr !,. ' ' tlHP til 1st l tka a at iu tn iim.i "i iK'iiiii I V I'll lis,- I nil ri Hi at VI utniuilllBn 11111 CUH Vrill I m m iw.M who la l.-i,Is..,f ,f tl,n VI.'. II .hM ...vr.M.r .... - i-.l. I I 8 P. GASCOtftNI.. """i " "w " .s.D.i... w. niiiiuiui i v or. i.n Mf uiiuijr n iruiic in I mavflOrllw nlci of loti until the hnniiccii were ohno-1 Ixfcimc the moBt important in icvcrnl I MONTH. m I' "a-.;! SI. Z..i 'l"-Vj!1nin HI rent a new T room house with modem one to lie reported to the court. ruriurtner .niormattoa apply to the un lutcly assured necessary for the accom plishment ol great purposes. June 10th nnd 1 1th there is to I liminary sale of lots for the lienrfit ol I other towns were built throuihn tnose persons wno oesire to ue witn tins on regions 01 rennsyivnnin, Uhto and I ?on balb. town trnm lta incention. It la the unlv I Vlroimti. nnn everv rlnv immniwbiWiiiu. I ilw ilerRiuned on tha nremuw. or mi hi. nmM i na.lVTHIC, II, V, . T. . MORRIHON, May HI, lnoo. Cummlwloner, f great purooses. But on Ohio, affording employment'and supiiort Improvientl, or will bj ld cheap on id 1 1th there is to be a pre- to tens ot thousands of people. Soon terms. a wbiihh, : of lots for the lienefit of other towns were built throughout the "ayHTdlw VanOllder House. town irom its inception. 11 is tne only Virginia, ana every nay immensclortunes - , tun, bu.eaus, wMh.tasd. T chair. T.te etc locality wnere the Tennessee nvcr touches were made. History irromiscs to repeat r. r,I!,S?-!!'ir"'y c.ow' "rrnted to give one mule, one waaoaand other farmina Ini the Cumberlnnd Mountain coul fields, itself in the vicinity of the young city of 'm"'' a? kit ,'li,o'nL"iT.h tm """" premie i- :.!.... f , .:i... .li i: u;.. il -rui i.. 1 ...In.i.r ..FX?' ....,-,JBL. TBKM-iu months credit, with Inure. On the following; day, to. wit. Novemlier mm,, win eii ai puottc saw tne rurnl. ture beretnfiir uard In fh hnlvl I II...- d r, eonil.tiag of th bedstead, and rural. tc.i lm- Iron is but a lew miles distant, and lime-1 Kiverton, Aln. The rocks near are sntu. stone beneath the feet, and coal upon the I rated with oil and the Develoiiment Co. nns signea a contract to Dore lor It. In dications are more than encouraging, banks of the river. Closlno; out Sale. Onr full line of General Merctaandlae, Dry Uooda, Shoe, Urocerle. etc., all of fered at Coat and Below Coat. Bargains for All. A. H. Jonea Son . 47 S. Main St. may'JBdtf tOK HUNT. IS Chestnut street. and the highest hoies are entertained for tne greatest results. The other ad vantages of Rivet-ton, Ala., have made it one of the most desirable places for investment, but with such a prospect ol oil, it is rendered unsurpassed. For further information write to the Riverton Land Co., Sheffield, Ala. A verv desirable hnuar fMrnl.hefl a. mhAi. nlsned, No. TH Kallry street, eleven rooms, kitchen, .table, garden, etc. Address mayaodl w SO Chestnut street. nwilt. with lntM. at nam per cent, irom daw, with approved security. T. . MOKKIHON, ni. imw. Adoi'r A. M. Aleiander. OctUNNovilim gTOCKHOLUBKi- M8BTINO. Orrici Asnsvitxa St. R'v Co. Mr.y 87. 1HI0. i a stonnoinrrr meeting will be held at this Two nice front rooma with nr.. d... for th. ,r.Z..Z.Zi 'P-Ti" ! board, lllall. Central location Nn. B Wll I he mM.I,rf l li - . . .Tr street, second door fiom Haywood. rectors. B. M. JONHSl "J" I aecretary and Treasurer. pKlVATU BUAKUIN0. tils Stoves and Tinwre. PLUMBING, GAI MB I TEAM FITTING, KATE AND TIN ROOFING. PAINTS and OILS. HOTEL I ARMOND-HOTEL BONNYGREST AND COTTAGES, SKYLAND MINERAL, SPRINGS, IS. C. Hlg-tit Mllea South of Aahcvllle, on the A. A S. Railroad. New hotels, new eottaaes. new furniture, beautiful araaa. neat tennis and croourt law... I good livery. 48 MINERAL SPRINGS. White Sulphur, Alum, Magnesia. Iron and Kpaom. Thoae aeeklna health ami ,.ir..,, .... select society will not fall to this pteasunt resort and drink of its healing waters. I Term, reasonable. -AUBNT8 roR- aprS dtf E.A. LcVENE, Manasfer. Aahcwllle, N. C. Near Paaecngcr Depot. THE PASTEUR FILTER, P, A, DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., Manufacturers aod Dealer, in all kind. l .. I IN ALL 8IZIW FOR FAUILV AND IIUTBL, VaH. Uaarauleeal lo b Germ Proof. ALL SIZB. KBPT IN STUCK. PICTURE FRAMES. (lold. Silver, Ivory, Oak, Ollt and Combi nation Moulding.. Also Room Moulding. rictare. Matted, Mounted and Framed at lowest prices and work guaranteed. Knarav- inaa. Pain tings and Local Views always on hand at ESTABROOK'S, aa s. Main St., Asbellle. aprisd MaaBfactanrs and Dealer, in all klnda ol Drened LUMBER, Door, Saah, Bllnda, mouldlns-a, SUlrwork, Irluutela, Bank and Bar Fixture, and all klnda of Bulldlna- Blatrw.i. Hard Wood Lumber Work -! Telephone Mo. a. FITZPATRICK BROTHERS. Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hanger, Palate, Oil. and Varnishes, Maaury's Mised Paints and Colors. Window Class, both French and American We keep In stock nt. Louts and Kentucky Lead. fcbSdly ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, ny Haywood Street. All WATKR THOROUGHLY FILTERED on the Prcnilac. P. A CVMHINOS, AtlortscyH-Lrfiw a, Notary lMbllc, NO. 12 LBOAL BLOCK. For aalo. 20 lota la PSnnn's fnu MaA ui.ij. il. city HmlU. p.i'. ZtfT ,aM " asadlsoa county, near OIK) acre, land thrae miIIm nek n u i ""J1"' A- . . rana through tb. - mu ucwi aaar oy. Twenty-live year, of practical experience, combined with fbbsonal attention to all dc. tall, of the business and perfect arrangements for clsanlinrs. and marry of aU good. manufactured, enable the proprietor to present to his numerous patrons a superior ctaas of Carbonated Beverages. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. Olnger Al. aad all th. various flavor, of SODA WATBR ready for shipment aad delivered free In City limits. Out of town ordcrsfrust have assroxsisLg reference. C. H. CAMPBELL. Por Moat. Store hoo-e, No. 19 Pattoa avenue. aaayllii sesaloa given Jan. 1, IB90 Odlm Pos- TAYLOR. BOUIS & BROTHERTON. - "'holcsale and Retail Dealers la ' HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES. TINWARE, c. OTIC. We th. andenlgmd bulehers of Asheville I SANITARY I'LUMIIIVP. T.A9 AVI". OT 17 A XM tHTT-TkTS. rheu, on and after the Ami ' Will rlneaa ntIP (nata-tiaai iui mmtA aaaVu. aa. a. . day ofjuae, ININI, every day eieept Satur riays (torn 1 to .8 p. m. till 1st of Men. p. c. MciNTiag a Bao J. It Ranna Co., BAaaa a. R.ansoRD. aayS0diw u. " rut., Jsm.s Woi.ra. TOR RBNT. . TWO new houses la Wai Rait " 11" J lo w. m. WIST. mayaadlw 182 BUI (treat TIM AND SLATB ROOFING, AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC OAS LIGHTING AND CALL BULW. AGENT! FOR "ROYAL" GAS MACHIN& AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER WORK FOR MILLS A SPECIALTY New Store-Under Opera House, No. 4C Patton ATe., . . AaheTllte. N. C mat dly Bt,"tM Cheerfully Olvea oa all Work la our Lis.

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