,i in i,iIi).h""p'I"ihi mi i in "mm mi f i; if I mi i i 1 r I'm" i 1 T i M ' ' - A A A. TTTT I FOR RENT, WANTS, AND FOR SALE, t AshMUe Daily Citizen THE WEEKLY CITIZEN. Not exceeding three lines. One Time, 38 cent. Three Timet, 80 cents. But Times, 78 cent. TH WSSKLT ClTI to Wl Of loc' nnd gtate news, Just the thing to atnd to anyone Innulrtnii about A.hevllle. lued Thuraday. lainele conies 8 cent., mailed. Only 91.00 II llll - , per year. I 11 VOLUME VI. NO. 47 miHVILLE MATINEE I A place pluiiued and devel oping as a GREAT RESORT. Situated in the MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted for health fulness and beauty of SCENERY. An elevation of 3,800 feet, with cool Invigorating Climate It is being laid out with 4Wn nr.il skill. With Well HtWVV I graded roads and extensive FOREST PARKS, A doHirable plaeo for fine residences and HG4THFVL HOMES. EVERY DAY THIS WEEK MISCELLANEOUS. ESTABLISHED 1874. V..C.CARMICHAEL ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1890. EIGHT OFFICIALS HURT PRICE 3 CENTS. - ) ; Wm haily citizen.1 cwuT ninniBiR hurt NORTH CAROL,NA NOTES I . . ..,a MISCELLANEOUS. mi.oww.nw, I Mm VI 1 iVini-U IIWin I MI.M Kl,I.7IJini7IJk3. I ' I ....-vWV"v' ' " - - I - I FACTS AND COMMENTS. -FOR J APOTHECARY, 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N.C. BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC. The Great Comedy Play entitled II BLUE RUIN Kaa been withdrawn after a very euccenrfnl run, and we now preeent oar matchless Stock of Groceries, GRAIN AND FEED FOR YOUR USE AT POP ULAR PRICES. DOORS OPKN AT 6 A. M. Roger 0. Mills, the father of the Mills bill, is again reported to be very seriously M. A Mks. Belle Joiner died Inst Sunday at Birmingham and was supposed to be vervnoor. The next day Her son in law Vnr ftixtoen Years 1 have arrived to take charge of the remuins, carried on a Drug and Pre- i": S scription business in Ashe-1 ...,.n,2, 00. ,, ville, striving at all times to Bebnahd Healey, b t convict ... 1 hllV Dure Dl'UES and Sell no ,ii(,t. 1.1 had his sentence commuted rrnnrla that, fire not strictl.Y and was to have been released in 0c- 2..i.i monw-t. tota When he received the good news Everything warranreu at i n . , ... dd of heflrt di8ense. This i8 represented Or money re-1 the irony of fate with a vengeance, funded. My gOOdS are pure Tnu mercury in New York on Tncsdny WRECK ON THE B, YESTERDAY. & O. MEMOIR WINS THE OAKS STAKES AT EPSON. HiKb Wlnda In New York-An In human Mother Sentenced News of the World. Special to The Cltlien. Wheeling. W. Va., June 6.-Lote re- 1 r . .1. . I,, ntiwt Piv,M- he turned around to tell it to a friend P". " . nh Contt tami. at the po.toffice Koua hub iimi. ". . pL..ii , officials were injured, none fatally. They were taken to the McClue House. A(auh nnA mv nricea as stood at 93 in the shade anD the Herald C iii 1 va 11 von 1 - 1 ua l,oaT Prosprin- Rgnres that at a modest estimate of one low as the lowest 1 rescrip- d a head New yorkcrg collectivc1y tions filled at all hours, uat muBt hove lost 850 tong f adipose tis- AN INHUMAN MOTHER. Rnlcigh had twenty-two mnrringesdur ing May and twenty-eight deaths. The trial of Mintus Chandler Jfor the murder of Henry Austin is on at Dur ham. Sixty thousand acres of school land, located in i yrren, is tu uc euiu ern parties. T.J. Pierce, of Beaver Dam, Union county, is in jail at Monroe, charged with making counterfeit money. Captain William A. Dardcn, one of the oldest alliance lecturers in the Mute, died at Gatesville, where he had gone. Rev. William Gaston Clements has been re-elected, by acclamation, county superintendent of public instruction for Wake. A countryman presented four ten cent nu,.nii. afimma nt the Dostomce window nt Raleigh and asked that they be redeemed. The revenue collections in the Ruleigb .S. GRANT, Ph.G., Of Philadelphia Collet of Pharmacy, Apothecary, a South Main St. Ijt '"Hi; HEADACHE HA1MIESI HCA0ACHK POwDUI. Thwsr. 1 tteeWe. .i.Im m ill, i. In. rtnliHH Wwtm,Umm. r mi. f inni ii ml ADPUM m I crouiox. wrr mum ymvw 55 Miln It, Buffalo. N.t, Mi MMsrieaal Mf,0 and night, and delivered free sue by untiring perspiration. That i Ofcharceto any part Of the the way it is in New York, but have yo, OI tllUIfeW W U-HJf V henrd of comp,nillt g0mg City. from Asheville? Mr. J. Taylor Amiss is with Mrs. Vandeirrlft Sentenced For Trylnii o Kill Her (ton. 8iecinl to Tim Cithkn. Molnt Holly, June fl.-Mrs. vanoc .Triff fnnnil fruiltv of an attempt to poi- son her son forthcinsurnnccmoneyonhis life, was to-dny brought Into court for Tim Duke of OrlcunBhus issued a man- sentence. The verdict of the jury was TOM SAL BY J. 8. GRANT. If your prescription re prepared at Grant' Pharmacy you can potHircly de Dcnduoon these Cut: FinUtbatonhrto district during May werc13l,000, that and best drujF and chctnicala wiXf being the largest amount collected in an v P""" aff M" ,ru "Da w one month in more than fifteen years. be used; second, they will be compound Col. Julius A. Gray, president of the ed carefully and accurately by an expert- Cape Fcnr and Yadkin niicy runruuu AH COOPER Hie, and Will be pleased tO ifcstotothc French conscripts and says three years in the penitentiary and it 7 I . . . . , j r :i mAM. ..v. I i : nnnni.n tho aentence. Proprietor. "GET RID OF THE FUES." Every housekeeper in Ashe ville has the worry of Flies. Fly Paper is sticky and only a little less bother than the Flies. We sell the Harper Fly Trap, the best made at only 18 cents each (sold in good opportunity for other stores at 25 cts.) they i . -, -i i oi.ti ;nur.npnt. For are Handy, easuy uujuhcu, never wear out and get there in ridding the house of Flies. One or two in each room will hate the nuisance. Our Ice Cream Freezers, Ham mocks and Croquet Sets are seasonable and are priced as NEW NECKWEAR low as the same goods can , in. bo bought in any city on the FOR GUNTLEMEN JUST IN-HAND- .!ot Wn nrn KiMlltlir t ri:ciT niisir.NS 1'Kiii i iiioi i i-uiiLiiiuiiu. illustrated pamphlet, ad dress, LINVILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., LlnTlUc, Wltcliell Co., KC. BOH MARC H E. meet his friends and custom ers. We are showing on unusually large and attractive stock of Clothing, Men's Fur nishing Goods, Hats, Shoes of all Kinds, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Smallwares & Carpets, bought with great care, marked at short and reasonable profits. The line embraces all grades from low priced to very fine. One price system. that the sorrows of exile are a mere ex- only remains to announce the sentence. change for captivity. His ardent desire The entire morning was devoted to argu enced Prcacriptioaist ; and ' bird, you wilt not be charged an exorbitant price. You will receive the best good at a rery tea. sonable pro6t. Don't forget the place Grant' Pharmacy, S South Main street. Prescription BUcd at all hour, night or day, and deli vet ed tree ol charge to to serve his country is unchanged. He mCnt for a new trial. On this deasion hnye purcbn8cd the iiunnyCUtt and the I any part of the city. Tbe mght beu WW asks his dear comrades to keep a place nigo hinges the decision of the supreme two Iscnhour mines, the former in Kownn amfwend promptly. Grant' Phaf for him. and he wilt come and take ,t for COurt in the habeas corpus application. ntZt the three Uod nnu i-rancc. i nc uuk u,.B..v A nmriaK Holibcrv. .mooth talker and the beauty of it is the French know it. It will be some time ,., luM it 11 o'clock this 1 ... hnve met in the court house and I p.nt Medicine at the lowest Dricc QUO belore ne serves wun noenrto...ruu. . Mnnsfield King, the man re-elected t lie prcscm. rL TLi...m..w 1. Ik ti'lr. I a - .. .. I W i;,irntt. Ii. LI. LIlCKBUn. I w "J - and S. Young, by acclamation. J. A. An-1 w determined to tell a low a the lowest, even if we have to hae money by Moffatt. T1 nne of the new Y. M. C. I so doing. We will tell att Patent Med says it is not true thut his company is aurvevinc a branch rond up the Yadkin river. The stamp collection at the vcnue office in Durham, for the month of May, was the largest our town has had in many years, if not the lurgest ever col lected. It was $si),8U0.83. Durham Sun. It is reported that Northern "nrt'cs I rtJ f .1 i-.,.ul intention ol lull Ueveiopmeiu ui '"" l maey, juuiu wam I .lrmirtiea. I I ' ... .1 ...nt ..I....... ti,. l 1 nf mnLriatrates of Cleveland At urant m f" ' ' Wkst Point bandsmen net the munifi- charged with tne aarmg roouery v. cent imv of $17 a month and ns a result President MolTatt, of the Denver bank. tbuny wua elccUU iul.erintendcnt of pub- i - . ... i t l. .( I n.iiifl. wnr i' : . ii,.,i,t nnv otiiMjHiLioii. , Lot fnmoii mimi.nl orcnnuation was urouK"v uiw ""' - w lie imi.rw.uuii - j r... ..: . n.i mnnv if the here and fullv identified by Mr. Moffatt. ,. .tone of the new Y. M. C, I l ItlBfc M" I .... .. ., r.. frontie than tir.n. ,1 in remedv theevil but with nnvate nension bills nnd various ditches that or- to blow up the bank nament their several congressional dis tricts they could not be expected to heed ier regiments now hnve better music King went into the bank several months a. building nt lJoyiilsmtiJleBewUI be eineJ -t fit cost, and Mow that If West Point. Congress was peti- ago, took out a bottle which , he a,4 laid Thi essary, to meet tbe price of any com, d to remedy theevil but with private contained nitroglycerine and threatened bn, electe Kev. C. M. Payne, ol tor lie secured $a0,000 and fled. such a matter as West Point's band, and so the Intter hus been neglected until it is no more. Chicago Aldermen and the World's Fair committee are at outs. The city council insists upon an amendment to the State constitution that will enable her to add $10,000,000 to her debt in stead of the $5,000,000 proposed for tbe Wnrlil'. Fair, the extra amount to be mpcti. tion has elected kev. C. M. Payne, ol cn,.pr,rfl to de iver nn noiireas on mm occasion. I ne duihimib """5 have tbe tamest assortment oi other conveniences, a largeanu weiu.iv - gymnasium. Chamoi Skin in Ashertlk. Orer ZOO Yesterday was the biggest day for jins, all sizes, at tbe lowest price. shipping truck New Berne has ever had. It is sale to say that U.S00 packages ol ,e tbe fof Uumphrey' Mf?uZ Homeopathic Medicine. A futt .upply " i. ....... Kn . . . . chartered tug to meet him. It is ike , """"-.t n mm.t have ta -"r?" thut he wiUnot testify before the leg ailtriUuted in the community. New Baocombe jjrer Pill, the beet in Iative investigating committee before Berne Journal. I .... , . , , j. t M,lflv. -r... f fkan of the Wilmington the world for liver complaint, indigc. Convocation ! l-.piscopai ) nnvinK I tion, etc. hv the removal Ol inc ic.. Crofcer will Come To-Day. Special to The Citiien. New York, June 6.-Kx-Chnmberlain Richard Croker, head of Tammany, will reach home some time to-day on the Allen. Friends are in readiness witn a Tbe Flrnt Convention. SHADES OP SILK. LADIES' BLOUSES. NEW AND ALL GRADES. FANS ! FANS USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL. 30 South Main St. BONMARCHE. il.T.ESTABROOKS 33 . MAIN BT.. A8HBVIULB, ta ths rhucn ro BOOKS. STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS AND TOYS. LOCAL Views and Sketches. aorlHd jlEAL ESTATE. Uwi Curtains, and goods for half curtains, (of which we have 'some lovely patterns) at prices that always please. Our second supply of Brass Curtain Rods is expected daily, the other lot was priced at exactly one half per foot as the same goods were quoted at elsewhere, but that is the way our prices run, sometimes one half, or two thirds, always loww ti... ii mivlindv else in nil and we kiM'p eveiy Tho biggest lino of in town. Every- 7 & 9 Patton Ave. GESAR'S HEAD HOTEL .,lfreitvimi)rovements. The World's Upeetou to The CttUen. W. Shields, late Hector of Cbnstehurcn, r: th, l,Wmen to keen HILL CITY, Nan., une -New llenie. to jne "- i .III JVWp.. .... - - - their hnnds oft" nnd are nlraid that when the matter comes up in the extra session of the legislature it will be so loaded down as to endanger its pnssnge. rroin tins distance it looks as if about the best thing Chicago could do is to have less quarrels and do more work. It is a condition ana not a theory with which she hns to deal. the Kansas Farmers' Alliance congres sional conventions opened here to-day. A candidate for congress will be nomi nated. The contest is between J. McKee and A. M. Allen. socinliou annual regctta. lintries num ber two hundred nnd forty. WILL BE OPEN FOR THE SEASON OF 1890 ON JUNE 1ST. Accommodations the very beet this moun t.ln country can afford. Terns reaaonalile aepoulblc to make them. Bllllarda, pool, bowling alley, ball room, music, etc. F. A. MILES, HI. D., mnyaedam Proprietor. At the present writing it looks as il I tj,e Pnsinn River Amateur Rowing As- Scnutor lngulls wus not loug lor tuis po litical world. A convention of Furmers' Alliances was held in Hnricr, Kau., to nominate a county ticket. Thirty-nine .iiianm were reurescntcd by 101 dele gates. The convention was harmonious. Four candidates were placed before the convention for representatives and were called on to define their status as to (Sen ator Ingulfs candidacy, bvery one pledged himself against him nnd the con vention endorsed the speeches by enthu- Tne Annual RcKcttn. nnrdnl to The Cltlien. Newark, N. J., June 8.-Prepnratlons AlitrniBf Ncw Ze'ulund and West Indies, are complete for the opening to-duy of I Ttiin is the biggest shipment, we are uv . 1 . 1 .. 1... 1 1 i. i.rtn in one n:-hnn u'niMfl hns annointed the Key. Dr. James Cnrmkhacl, Rector of St. John's, of Wilmington, to the vacant po sition. On yesterday W. Duke, Sons Si Co.'s branch of tbe American Tobacco Com pany, shipped 6,710,000 cigarettes. Tlicae goods went to thirteen different u.imillmniL'll. DIIU to Ann, n A thoroughly reliable remedy for all blood disease I Buncombe Sarsaparilla. Try a bottle and you will take no other. J. S. GRANT, Ph. G., Pharmacut, 24 S. Main St., Asheville, N. C. WIIITLOCITS Special Sales Week. Mlnneaota Farmer. Special to The Cltlien. St. Paix, Minn., June 0. The Farm er's Alliance of the Fifth district are in session in Fergus Falls to-dny. They the penitentiary board hns a contract to will make a congressional nomination. gue twenty-two miles ol tins ronu, in WUkHiMtMWam A correspondence of tlie Asheville Citi pedal to Ti. Cm. 'T.."tl me of Col. John p. Bkidoepokt, Conn., June o.-Koiun ' 7.? for the l'rfcondiip of His- Close buyers will please note formed, ever iiiutlc by this linn m one day. Durham Sua. TI... nre onlv 170 convicts in the lcn- :. . ,n,.llrr nii.nlier than ill yeurs. Tlie reason is mm . j. - 1 . , . j.. sent out to work. Eleven convicts were U10 following great indUCe . . iu .M.niirniiurv to the farms I on the Roanoke, thirty were sent to Salis- ment8 thi8 Week : hurv. to work on tne inuKin runway. 5 Black Mohair Brilliantines at f0 and 75c, formerly 75c. and $1. Black Tamise Suitings, 60 and 85c, former price 75c . :- .r.i " . ..r v..,.i,i'n.iinn . , , ,, ,..,.. .it-. I uccrs, a promincni "i torv ol me i niwiauy .,.-. mhivi uuv., siustic cheers. The Hurr cunt di e- wlh . h wou)d u nn ,, lirn, c election, as , 1 gatestotheStateconvenlH.nw.ua.. Co Kmlnttm ,. ,n ri, M"f" !!, Pmnln TTnlr nnrl Viiussn... mv . 1 I., uetll Vaat-faffl III IllStllrVa rniUUl Hit I 1I1UVI VUH1VI chuwvorthciMinninf trustee full Kin Serine Suiting at 75c. and . i.i i i.:. ...... itnitifvintr to Ills I - - ant rt 8pec.al to The Clln. . I wuo "slnle. fl, lOHUeriy fl 00 A.JS. loniion, June o.-fliemo.r w.... . . -J ulliunce men. Wawrsa GVYII & WEST, (cceMor. to Waiter B. Owyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO iANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. linos thing. tibbons thing at stoan saexnsralv Placed at Per CtMit. ..tar Pabils. Commlatloners ol Deed. FIRE INSURANCE 4rriCft-ao ntne Conrtaonnre, CORTLAND BROS, Real Estate Brokers. And Ince4aucnt Arentaw Loaa. se urely placed at ptr ml, ohm: a 8 I'.lton A. SlbSdlV Heeond Moor. JENKS Sl JENKS, HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. VIRK INIW-ANCK PLACKO IN TWUNTV OF THB "HUT COMPAWlBB in THB WORLD. A0BNTB OF THB TB AVBI.BBH L1PK AND ACCIUBNT INMIIKANCn CU ur HABTFOHU, CONN. '8TATB AflBNTB FOB THB DHTBOIT FIRII AND BUBOLAB PBOOF Mrs Sftooma 9 10, McAfee Block, it Patton At.., A.IhtIIU, K. C. "IT'S A STUNNER TO US." The inconsistency of the McKiulcy tar iff bill was shown up nicely at the recent 1 atukes at Ein to-day visit of 100 importers to Washington to nrntrst auainst it. J. M. Constable, ol Arnold, Constable & Co., was the chid speaker for the delegation. He presented u formal protest of the iniKi urs of New York. Tlie imKrlcrs protested aganisi the bill because they inlicved it would l....!.lemf A Im 111 VMt flf I. fit class auaiust anotlierclnssi for the benefit of niimu- Rcnldcnl Booth CnrollnlMiw Heet e . n. ...;.,. Im.wirtiTt! nlriO UC- T A VHT)fW 171? .,..! i. ,1,. ,w,r men JJ1 UliWiaA" aBc v.... -' ''' , , ,;. .,., A.lM!vil,. wn, hcd of tnis couuiry. i. me niirv"; went into oiicratiou a great many im porters would have to retire from buia Black French Henriettas, JOHN CHILD, ( Formerly of Lyman it Child I, REAL ESTATE Two People Injured. HntcUl to The Cltlien. New York, June fl.-Two people were injured by the high winds lust mgin. One will die. A PERMANENT SOCIETY. . .-..... ni iien..r.irt. wiii.nm ri()r 7oc and VI. former Cotter, nged seventeen years, and ohn ,irice GoC, fl and 1.25. .. a.,ntt nf i.romii t -it; anl seventeen, wins ol promt' ..,( L-itiznis. k-lt in a lmt to swim in the Sound. Failing to return lit tngM. a search was nti.de, and the Inmt con tnining tlnir clollK-s was fonud niH-horejI. A large searching party spent n I nigh in unavailing search lor tlmr IhmIws. It : ..i l-lun.l that one was -ANIl- drowncil other, Strictly a Brokcrase BulncB ... h..i iii. n.ie ULieiuiHi.iu w " " and ri(anle, A meeting of nlwiit twenty South Cnr olininns. resi lent, of Asheville. was ne.u -m t Nl,ville. Tenn... as yesterday. A pennnnent orgnnuntion I boktrra of North Carolina sholiirshi: under tne nnme in me ...... - .. u. j. uiii. t. ...... mIFw.Im.1 1 ll.u.nvillf. 1. it. luimmjii, j"- Fancv Mohair Bnlliant- "mi's, 50c. und 75c, former price 75c. and fl. Colored Henriettas at 25c, 40c, 50c and 75c, worth much more. Domestic and Imported M. ... . m . . J lit. Kotk has iKenreeeiveil that the follow- UllUIICS UH OC, DC, ana ingarelhc graduates nt the renlwU) jM,P yQra "BIG RACKET." . w. a. WILLS, WILLS AST11USJ. WILLS. BROS.. ARCHITECTS, ABHBVILLB, N. C, Olllc. Barnard Bulldlna. P. O. Boa no. Plans, BiKcttkatiuna. Ifctalli, c fiir.very claas of b'ulldln at ihort notice. ARTISTIC INTERIOR DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. Call and tee us. aprlBdam Loan, eeenrely placed at a ner cent. STENOGRAPHY AND Tl'PK WRITING. ELECTRIC SYSTEM, THE MOST PRACTICAL OF ALL SYSTEMS. DurinK the anrnmer month. In the lecture hall of the V. M. C. A. Claw in wo o.t..- Ions. Pint division, 10 to ma. m. ....u dlvl.lrfn, 8 to B p. m. U.n. dully .se.l Saturdays. Tuition, l a wr month la ad- rane. Apply u.inn in. City Library from o to n p. ni. ui icm. He iBlrodBccd Henry W. Curtis. Society of Ashevd.e, t., -f- ".ville Nfis. Mary II. . ' """Tor rf" representing the silk and velvet interests. Col. L. M. Hatch wns tendeml he posl" JJ , ,,, SciU. Tllc latter . a U10M at jpul M prices. JL himse lf n. a nrotix-tkm- tion of first president but bcged to de- , , w,ir,Kti,m. Tlre are four- DlYHS Cl inglianiS an nvillei J. R.Johnson. J '. rnris.Slntrsvillei Mi Wash Dress Fabrics. Lawns and Prints at 1c. and up. Fivnch ana Domestic jsai- who nn..unccd himself a. a otcetum- tion o first ... licen,h.te o ins njction . wn lvno y'"- - " silk commission clinc tne minor in mur m icen norm - idiHMTni miinij. The following ollicers were men school (lUtintf UOtllS, l nOlO ljin- MIHH NINA OIMIIH. F. A. GRACE, PRKSCO DKCORATOU AMD DltSIC-NKR, Will Knecnle In Tempra, Intonaco, UucauBtlc or Oil From Special Designs In DKCORATIVK COBPOilTION, ii.i.viar.1. Big.lwaue. Allesorir. oa WOODWARD AVB Detroit, Mich., or BOX 88, Ash.vtlle, N. C, MIm Ollili. ta a lady f the lrt ehnrneter and an nnu.unlly imTMn.l teneher. Ri.lieviruMy, P. P. CI.AXTtiN, unel I w B..pt. City Bchiiiila, ARDEN PARK HOTEL AMD COTTACKH. 10 milts Bonth of Ashsvllle, on A. B. K. K. tSSMSI per Month...v Per Week Per Day Dinner and Ten Partle. on oneday'.notlce, .$4.0 0(1 .. i a no . a oo T8 cent.. Tboft. A. Rf orrlB, Prop., Ardca, N. C. aprlO dtf iat reoublicun. The houses, he said, were more largely Inter rated article. mills, nnd. including importing and man ufucturing lniiorters of New York, rcp reaentina iniMI.OOO.OOO of capital. The McKinley hill bore the hardest upon peo ple who conld afford it the least, those using cheapest silks. "As you go up in value," said the witness, "you go down in duly. The duly on ordinary gros r..in silk, costing fifty to sixty centa a v.ird. was ninety lr cent., and on the ... , tin C. ua suinr article costing .ijr-i percent." W hen he lunl conciuuci. ncuaiur ." hecs asked him tlie reason wny cncnim grii.Us ol silk paid a luglier tluty timi. Hie more cosily, nnl ins answer wn, that's the stunner to ns," Is inc Same OIIC llllll unmeniilt .... ' .u..uu.,tv. Wliv clicuo tirades of nilk such as Blight lie worn by the Inbor ..... mun'a wife should pay llll per cent . . .. .. t while the duller grwlcs, tne rustic 01 which is heard only In the hulls of the wealthy, should pay but 00 per cent, is a question which has not yet been sntisfuc lorily answered. The McKinley bill is fust, last nnd nlwuys lor tin rich. A thousond Roleighiles picnicedatTar- boro Tuesday llreesc. Hi doolie silk, than In theforeign elected: Win. 15. Hrecac. preside , L. M. j Rc,,ce.1 vate hNkW wllit and Colored. 2 Their money was in domestic Hatch. vice-president, J.I'. rtl'"r' S,SV I White Goods, Nainsooks, I ...! ln.fl.lim1. I I-" . , uli. I atu I w v 1. T ! ITam. reu,r""" ' . I noints in tlie lermorT mm.. ... " ? .noma, inuill jjUll'IlN. iiuuj- A committee wns npinw,i lonrrangc Vit, Kuleigh. Oreen.lmro, e;""" .nrm, I,nC0H Underwear. r't, IXZ love and Mitte. Lorge other cmmitleewn.aelectcl on tonst. J , wi ,w mndc in n few tliivs witn MlHHOnillU lb uiiu iu .vo. mid Invitations. Tlie committee an- ( bent her railroads ol North ami South luniU40l8 and BUnshadeB, pointed on constilulion and by laws will tnroiina. nj,0 uhihC attraCUVe in UH reiHirt on tlie evening of June a7lh next. Ml, H M piBKcr, of the c.ininillee ol l'ria'S lower than elsO niid there will I .mricrlv meetings vWlor, to 1nivcn.il y, wns t,,lcT 1 wliori HicrcaftcrontlieaKlinias,iincieni.ri.i fc wtd at RnliigH , regnniiug mv ;..i.. - . .., 1, l IkiiilKT. Man h and June of each year. .."Jn, f if, rTnl visit. I le says .J UHt WCl VOtl A new lot Ol The governors ol tour nic nnu . (b imiiressinn mnmrnR in iii. ""'"V"'" lUltCK ailumiu Xjncer lOUB- diatinguished guesls are cxjKvleri to be ,,, Tw work is yeryc hcie.it. , Vetj, present al tlieTjuiupKton June 7th and Thcrt ,xccllcnl con of professors. 'illg Ontl Vrn,IJ,W ii ll.e.-...i...iiselavtedtoU a very en- or,,m , who devnle themvwlvrs to Something NeW W Sell jnyni.icon. ,heir duties. ,.M."r l ,,n,'n., ,im the only absolutely Fast The nrnsatlo.wil nielo-.iramn, winj " . , water supply nml a 1 ,...,,1., I,y HlllltU & ADgell Audley's Secret; or, the Mystery ol l ie ,v,tcmf prwernge are badly neene... LadlfS. MisseS and Chil- 1.- .I! " JrT . ui- raiSSW Men and Boys. proouvm.... ... ... ' . - lo make addition, in iihs mcitiiy Tj y are guaranteed noi TO and it wut a delighted audience- tlint , Hvnilal.le will not in-nn.l. Tlie I , " '...i,. tllPn croon or witness the plav last evening. nlognc will show about JtW students, dj 6, Crotk Of turn green, Of ,...... . entmogne win .m.w v. ; . i - . Miss Uora llourne'i Interpretation ol The bonrd of visitors was eacw.ni.ny i money ruiUUUUU. i .i- A..,ll,v w..s one of the most clever pleased wltn wnni iney .w bit. of acting that has ixen sccti In Ashe- r...,.n.lrry No. B. K. T..I WUITLOCK'S. ville In sometime. The tupport wns u,.nKht at 8.30 o'clock for good and the company appeared at a worh , the R.C.Hegre. By order ol 4J goUTH MAIN BimBET, decided advantsge. To-night Mabel Km. Cob.. W' P' RAJ,vTrder. opfMMit. Bank W AanerBf, Heath will be the attraction. Keeorocr. Opposii. warn m a-m-

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