- A. .... , FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 6, 1890 A DTTT117TT T 171 Tl A TT "V OTT1T rZ?Xj iff- i.tfl ;3 THE PAII.y:1T1ZEN' , H. D. CPall, BuneM Manager. 1 -. in.T Citiikm will be published every ...J&ooo eept Sunday) lit the following ' T . . . DEDCnMil 6 DalllDIt DIPUS. PHYM '" ' 1fT. '".ZZZZZZZ in mrmmTniXTn milivim mum ai-am urr Lnu. " DJU.Lr.nu, iiivh w iwivi-i . I H I I H IV III VI. IHII.I 1U UAlUiilmu iiinmiu i R. Smith of Brazil Talk lo the ctlUen. Rev. J. Rockwell Smith of Pernntnlnico, Brazil, who has been visiting at the home of A. T. Summey, thought until he came to Asheville that Rio Janeiro wna the most beautiful city on the fnce of the nlK If., tins fhnnroH Ilia mitlil now. writer. ,, and ipartc. wanting it will plea THE BANQUET AT BATTERY PARK Asheville is first and Rio Janeiro second. Mr. Smith was born in Kentucky, and has been at work in Brazil for seventeen years. '1 left the States in Pcoemlicr. IX -', he said, "and reached I'crnninbtico the first of January, 1873, Since that time, I have only Iwen back once. That was in 1BN3. I have niv wile niul children with me this time, and will stav here about a -I.-..- CMMh. One Year.. 011 Six Mouth. f-- Three Month One Month..-.. ?V One Week...- 16 Oar carriers will deliver the paper every afternoon la every part of the city to ; put sub- iVDVWTiUMO rate Reasonable, ana ma bitnnn, nn .nnlica.tion at thi OffiCC. AH tran.ieat advertisements out te paid la a The CmiBK It the malt extensively latcd and widely read ncw.puiicr in W. It. dlKuaaion of public men and mea.urw I.U.I..I.. ... ....I.llr IntrirritV. hOUC.t government, and proaiierou. Indii.try, and It know, no pcraonol allegiance in treating pub- uc muci, AIM EFFECTING SPttVJri tT RICHMOND PEARSON. LAST NIGHT. drcn- cstcrn Thnronirlllv lleHailt Affair Home- Speeches That Were Made by ThoMe irei.eiit. rw Ininrlreri trietlils of Cuiitnin T. . fitiAilniM pnnlea of sat edition will be tent I . , :i.ui.mo..K..lii ni'thp invita- per lock. FRIDAY, JUNE 0,1890. ee to any one cnuiuK mcir uuu. 1 . , p,iin;na.i,M tn mm er line. Obitu- r- f u ,irHM.Mit at an informal spread '$?3XZt&S!i,S g Su Lt Battery Park last .11.1. The aflair year. 1 find the chance from the perix't- was iuformal in every way una um nuniuici um ........v,., ., i,i,. ...inveil bv those present, and have seen cooler weather since my l.iu.uuh-V -v . - - -, , , ,, ...... ., ,, The collation was laid in the music nan arnvai nerc in .uuy, i and at 10 o'clock the feast began. The at our place. . ... j i o:..i, IViirsmi nccu- Mr. sniun was nsKeu to coniimrc un nosi aim " - , Uinta it the head table near the two countries, North and South America 1 . . . I.... I I...... T.. tl.lu U., r.ilii-il . . . n n t 1 1 1I I V 1 1 II I L II iiilu mn I v mi" i ...... , , 08'KiS.lrrCh the tabu, were cleared and "As for the political, social and church with music and singing by some of the relations, tins country is uir sn,n.r.Ur vnenliata and soeakinirby a number oi that. The society there is not so ood ,....i,e, nlenannt hour was as that here. There is a great amount B" r- - . ,. .. M r,l. 1 ...! .1,.. I,,l,,l,,,..t IMldlMl. OI miHirilllVC llltlt. lUJiiiumi.". I ... ... I ...... 1.1.. .1 .. .. .1 a ntt.l m. ri..M.,.. ivn the hrstoneca cu on. leoiiic iuc uuuuic n. iw.u . ii..,w1.il inn hnoov manner. ' I am I there is no sucn culture as nici. w.t" . . , i "i :..i'i L,.;il lu.r Altliiiiiuh there are a ureat manv .....itiiu.ii, ..mimniKKi'ii mill r.wi.vu ,v ...... n n l ,.i tell whether 1 am n host or men wlio are immensely weumiy, men; . .,..i.,l,t The imiK-rs stated that Is also a large opposite class, who the purchasers and myself would con- live in the greatest squalor. The ladies ti. Imsta of the occasion, of the wealthy classes are as nanii- and if that is so we will have to foot the sonuly dressed as the ladies of this I or ol any oilier country. i-n styles are used and the dresses arc " ' . ,1 c .:l ..f H,o IIIUIVIK. .,. V. vi.v TUB UAII.V CITIZEN It on .ale at the following place, in AshcvUle CITIZUN Ol I-lt-B. .... HATTBKY l'AKK NIJW3 STANU, ill .RM vnrK KBWS STAND. MOUHL C1UAK STtlKli, Pulton Ave Square. PERTINENT AND PERSONAL New. About AMbevllllauN and oi tttranireni Wlthlu Our OateH. W. H. Leith is here from Franklin. Otis M. Coxe is at the Battery Park Letter Carrier N. I.ce is on a vacation trip. V. L. Hardin, ol Richmond, is ut tin Swuiiuauoa. Wallace E. Rollins has returned homt from Chapel Hill, bill I - " . i.: 4l.A....ktr rn 1 .f tiinnrltiihlv Hill Regular weekly meeting of the boardo, " " " " . ' . , I lllue kuiii, nc cuniimini, .j i aldermen to-night. W. It. Hatcher, of Milton. N. C. is at the Grand Central. I. V. Whiltcr is at the Battery Tark from Philadelphia. R. R. Crawford, of Salisbury, is regis tered at the Glen Rock. C. M. McLoud and A. M. Mcadowt left to-duy for New York. There were ninety-nine arrivals at tin principal hotels yesterday, C. E. Senile, of Conovcr, is in the city. He is at the Glen Rock. itiavourextravngan.ee, lor it is wun your money that it is done. I take great satisfaction in being the agent. As a matter ol fact we have come to a tune in the history of real estate when the sellers make money and the buyers make money. We never thought to hnd a bag of cold in Blue Ruin, but nevertheless in sixty-two days of digging, I have found it und put $67,000 away in my strong box. This seems strange, and a man outside cannot believe it. I Ik-Iicvc it can be done nnvwhere in town. Emile Zola is one of the most extrava gant ol men, and notwithstanding ins princely income, ne is comparatively poor. The renutntion of bcinc one of the po litest and most courtly men in Washing ton is enjoyed by General Nuthnniet P. minks. line of Pasteur's chief assistants, Pr. Chamberlnnd, has discovered that cinna mon is fatal to the typhoid microbe. Annie Reaant. the Theosoollist. who will soon visit this country to preach on tlwu subject, is a very engaging platform speaker. The home of the famous French author, Oaudet, is the rendezvous of a number of French literary people. He is a man ot extremely attractive manners. Miss Belle Smith, recently appointed resident physician of the woman's prison at Sherhnrn. MimM.. is but twentv-lhrce ars old. She has liecn practicing mcui- cine lor two years. The vountr German Emiieror. Wilhclm, has taken into his own hands the man auemcnt of his private fortune. He re cently negotiated a loan of 200,001) marks, secured by real estate. Erastus Lovctte of Rome. Pa., is one hundred and four years old, yet does not nnnear to lie more than hlty. He visits friends ten miles away on foot, hus plenty ol hair and teeth, mid draws a pension as n veteran ol the war ol 181 J. H. M. Claget represents Boston at the Glen Uock, -DBALEK8 IN- ICE RATES FOR SEASON 1890. TERMS STRICTLY CASH WITH ORDER Stoves and Tinware. PLUMBING, GAS ANO STEAM FITTING, SLATE ANO TIN ROOFING. PAINTS and OILS. .40c. per hundred. ,.c. " B.0O 8.00 B OO 6.00 -Af.UNTS FOR- THE PASTEUR FILTER, IN Al.l. 81ZH8 I'OR I'AMII.V !" m-ntltle. not leu than on. ton ft factory.. '- n quaiititic. uu icw iuu - ai l..l... 1 n .ut.tMrla fML-h vit.l I. 4 ' SIR " 7B0 " 18 " 00 ' " I mill lO " lOO " " No Ice will be delivered without ca.h or ticket.. Ticket, now on sue ai ine omas m toe Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue. JELLICO COAL AT RETAIL. For Grate, 5.00.11 For stove, . 43 BEST ANTHRACITE COAL For sale at Wholesale and Retail by ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY, Telephone 36 and 40. Exclusive Agents (Domestic and Steam I for We.tcrn North Carolina. I.UW18 MADDUX, Pres. L. P. McLOUU, Vlce-Prt.. . B. RANKIN, Cashier . AND HUTBL. USB. Uunra.iteed to be Oertn Proof. UmlCTo..:- Lewis Maddux, M. I. Bearden, M.J. Pa(t, J. B. Rankin, J. B. Ray, J. B. Kceik 0. u. Kecd, lieo. a. rowen, -. m aicouo. : WESTERN CAROLINA RANK, Ontanlsed May lat. 1H88. CAPITAL, S50.000. SURPLUS.815,000 State, County and City Depository. The oroiK-rtv thut was recently pnr- Iknnnn TiiKe, of knluniaoo is reKis- haftll ,or 5:1,11,10 tx-r acre sold for $l'fi.- DUO. This proves that the hull isreater than the whole. 1 believe that the iro- ertv ill the linniis 01 me iiresciit. uhimp is worth HH),i)iH),(l0O." tcred at the Grand Central. V. L. McCaa nml wife of Anniston Ala., arc at the Battery I'nrk. V. T. Cruwlord and II. K. l ersnson of Wnynesvillc, arc in town to-day I'rof. S. I Venal lie's sehonl closed foi the summer vacation this morning. Mrs. P. C. Ufrkinj; and Miss licrkiiifj of Krooklvn. X. V.. arc at the Uutterv Park. The Hospital managers urc rcniinUctl of their nieetiiiK Saturday allernoon at S o'clock. The lnver of concrete for the foumla- Col. V. M. Cocke, of Lexington, Ky. was I hen cnueu lor. lie tuiu ui i- ni- .-rease of the size of Asheville since he hrst came here in lsii.", when it was untliinc. but n smalt eounirv village. ".Now he said, "instead ol that village I hnd 0 m.-imm'ui'nt citv. lklore the war the iilacc was but little known and but few Northerners clinic here. Now tliere arc men also dress witn L'rcat elcuancc. There are very few men who are educated in thespecial branches iltlimiL-li tliere arc some men of fair cul ture. c nave coou pnysicians iuhi lawyers. As to my work there," he continued I am in charge of the Central Presbyte rian church in Pernnmliuco, nnd am en- inged largely in preparing young men for the ministry. I was sent out by the committee of the Southern Presbyterian church. We now have in Brazil our own synod, indeiendcnt of the government ol the church in this country. In this sy nod there are four presbyteries nnd thirty-four ministers, nineteen of which arc foreigners and fifteen natives. There arc sixty-five churches and 3,000 members in our synod." Mr. Smith is uncertain as to how long he will rcmnin in Asheville. TWO MINISTERS ORDAINED. Important HuHliiemt of the Meek- lenliuric prenoytery. At an adjourned meeting of the Meek' Icnburg presbytery held at Coox-rs, W H. Dnvis, of Tranvlvnmn, wns dismissed great ninnU'is of them here ull the year to tne pn-sbytcrv of Roanoke, Ya., to round und Asheville makes considerable tn.c c)mrl;c f the churches lately served tionof the government building is beiiitf I ,nolley off of 'sick yankces. The town tlv Kcv j , Gammon, formerly of this putuown. I is vet in its iiilnncy. Shi longns asiicmiii cjtv. An infant child of Mrs. Snlmmgton stnnds invalids from ull over tne 1 mieti Licentiate D. F. Slicppard was rc- died at her home on depot street tins I States will come Here. ecived trom the presbytery ol hnvnnnnn Hon. T. U. Johnson was cuiicti tip nnu 1 nn,i - cnn )nced in his hands from the made n short talk: "I congratulate you cnnreh of Swannnnon. This being ac- that ull are happy because of having made money," he said, "and I am happy because you made none out ol me. I beg you not to build too much on this one evrnt. Do not live on each other too much. I have heard of n transaction laricttlii Week at Law's, The prices for this week will astonish everybody. See large ad. in this paper. I was I'ortminte enough to secure a large "lot line knives, lorks, spoons and cut lery at a urent bu-iiain, the only fault being there is not a Inrgcqtiantity of any one, though you cnn always get a dozen or i't alike. ' He sure to call this week at 57, o'J and Gl South Main street. hnV W. A. Foster. Steve Wnltcrs and Hd. White hnvc oicned n first-class bar- her shop nniler Hrown is: 1. linger a store, aiirl they rcsHX'ttully solicit the patron- age ol the public. The Ually CltUc-n. Is nlwavs alive to the inU-rcsts ol Asheville and its people. Is the most popular advertising me- iim in North Carolina. Is read bv a ureater nnmlier of lieople than ativ other secular paper in the Suite. Is alwavs filled with the choicest rcaU- iiiL' matter of the dnv. 7. . I i!ll .1...: ,D lioaroill iiiiuea mi men iuifiiio n ertisinu in the ClTlZKN. Xcws. and nil the news, makes tne v.it- izi:x n ueneral favorite. No retail nierclinnt ever mntie a great success without auvcrlisint!. iry tne ITIZKN. An advertisement in the Citizks pays the advertiser an hundred-fokl. The Asheville ten pin parlor, corner Water and Walnut streets. A strictly first class nlnee for ladies and centlcmcn. Attached will be an lee Cream Parlor. livervtbing will be hightoned and hrst class in everv respect. C. c. aiccaktv, rrop r. A New Road to Bllaa. If vou arc wise nnd wish to become healthy nnd wealthy also, you will Use Ko cr Kiiil' or l-.iectnc Lignt nour ie- cnuse the Asheville Milling Company's Hour is not only thclicslbut thcelieanest. morning. The Asheville Fcnuilc College com mencement exercises liegan to-day with an art levee. A. C. Kycrson und M. Morris represent Xcw York among yesterday's arrivals at the Buttery Park Mrs. Proiidl'oot. ol Chicago, is visiting her daughter Mis Mae I'rouilloot.at tin Asheville Feniule College Miss M. K. Atkins of Kuoxvillc, a for mer pupil of the Asheville FcinaleCollcgc is here lo attend the commencement X. V. Cirdwood and J. P. Kerr have purchased 7 'J acres of land on the west aide of the French Ilroad river for Jl,- 1)00, belonging to Mr. MurUoch The curbing on South Main street will not be set out into the street, as wna in ccptcd by him, his ordinution wns deter mined upon, and it was accompanied by that of Licentiate K. K. Hendcrlitc, who litis been working in Haywood und Swain counties, nicy prencnen meir trial sermons and were ordained. Mr. within the last sixty days that w" I Slicppitnl w.is iiiKtulkJ pastor nf Swun bring S173.0UO here from lorcigucrs nnd nnlloa c,Urehea. The tiresbvtcrv nave its approval of the ulun for holding a Snhhuth school convention to comprise ull the prcsbytC' rinn Sabbath schools west of the Ulue Ridge, and a committee wns appointed to arrange a program and date. HONORS TO ASHEVILLE, Northerners soon. Mr. W. !i. llrccsc said: "I can confirm Mr. Johnston' statement. I know of a transaction that will bring in $175,(MMJ from abroad. This will do more than leusling on ourselves. 1 um glud to see this nrosncritv. but welcome the iitltli- tionol thc175,ooo." Mr. U. T. Collins wns culled for and he remarked that he was one of the "sick When "thut ,-.l,1 n.in..n.ln,mnlninf lirOO- ynnKCCS W IIO lame I. i.v.. tt.i,i,i....,l, ImviiiLrtht -the statement ia made." he said, . ' . '.. money has liecn mude, I cannot sny any C. C. Porter, of Vlrichsville, hio, died this morning at Col. J. M. Rny'a, in Kn moth, aged 27. Consumption was the entise of his death. He hnd Iwen here for three month. The remains were taken 1 to his home this afternoon, accompanied by Mrs. Emma Wilcoxen. his sister, and W. 8. Kay, The Asheville Hose Co. were ont yester day on drill on Academy street. They ' laid a line of hose from the reel ISO feel and hud the water turned on in one min ute and four seconds. They also un coupled nnd coupled the hose in fifteen seconds. The length of stream they cnn throw on Academy street is ninety-six feet. Dr. W. L. HillinrH wilt erect n hand some building at 35 South Main street The present building will lie torn down The new block will lc three storic with thing, for I huve not made it. These other men nre now rolling in dirt in Brought Back by mImncm Holllna and Fault. Misses F.mmn Rollins nnd 4Minnie Fngg have returned from Salem, where they have been attending school. They were both mcmlicrs of the graduating class, and in the report of the exercises, the Twin City Daily ienks of them as follows: "Idols" was the title of the next essay bv Miss Miss Minnie Fngg. She snid the instinct toworshipsotnrlhing wnsdeeply iinplnted in the human heart, Ivach hud some idol to worship. Sometimes it wns i-ll. aoinetimvs Hold, but too soon the worslupiKd or the woralupicr would limine to common cluv limate. Some one remarked Hint Ashe- , The valedictory nddrcss wnseloruentlv , ,. i . , i .i .,.. .aV" elu (iiicntl y" .Ml- .....II L.,,,u,i I no luliirel '. ... ... .. .... ,. we mean it I by Miss l-.uinin Koinns, oi evidenced their valedictorian. utfeetion for their wealth I mean. These trnnsfcrs will nwuke our neighl Hiring towns, und rivnla. Hcndersonville and Wnynesvillc, nml we will hnve to include them as suburb of Asheville." Dr. Taylor started out by suying he wu n sick yuiikee. also, lie said: "Al though I um not making any money out of real cstnle, I um muking it out of the el villc is well enough known. The future of Asheville is not us a manufacturing or Asheville. It wns an address worthy of but a. a health resort, the occasion and hiclily creditable to the - . . , . , ..i ,i. and we honhl u io n hands to origin nnu cnnrniiuK nun wc .ii. iii.i ,.i j , . ilchvered it in o becoming a munner. Iwom it a n health resort. This would ,,f(ir,-n. -nndudedthe tears of affection be of great benefit to nil." trickled down the cheeks of nearly all ber Mr. 1. P. Sn wycr said : "Mr. Penron class-mutes tear wlneli tnu tnem nonor " - 1 I lavnuv lie hus mude I ana money, and I am embarrassed because I Iiiium ..,.1 ti luive liretl aaviliu1 that For Only On Transler. . , .. .i. I ..... .... ... I 1 .u.i;;..m hnm Imps nrourntefl til the a basement nnu win lie oi unc., wun i uroperty is toti lugli nere, anu iniii tne " i - - atone triiiiminns. with n l.lute uhis ,.ri.a would not lust. The time hn not nilinnger ol tne Asueviue streei runway front. The cost will lie $ia.0O0, and the C(imc wlcn there has liecn a decline and I uskiug muiiiicy omy mpnr. m o...w. buildinolstoliecompletcdinsixmoiilli. ii..,ie It will not come. I wish 1 hnd between Camp Pirlton mid the dep. U'nrW ! nlrrni! eiminiciRTil. i i. .m. mv.ir. The trouble with nnd Potion avenue. The petition ... n ti...i:..rR. lohn'. SVw m.l.ihut I have nlwavs sold u.t a signed by rorty-ciglit ol tne resiaents i.i. 1....1 i:..i. . H I think 1 will ho Id that neignuornoon. me signera cum time in the cityforlhelKnefitof hi health what little I have left nntil it makes me pln.n that it,, against their Interest from . ....I.... In li.aiiMsiMaintifl i uii tit nrtrl nil IfironVftl leaves to-duy for Ins old home to visit his rich." ---- ... . n i .i.. u. ...:n .... ... i M k. I., ini'iiiii wnacu lieu lorniia re- - .un...7. ... f. , ,-,: , .U. ffltT !.: ..I 1. I n.u:l.. mi,nnr imm ml Ufltl, a Billltr. AI CI1C CrUWU I v.. r, " iMlSHlon a cicra Him nwifcnv ......... i ...... n- . kriha (ika hotel. Mr. Hrailimz is one ol ,., m Irave Mr. Pearson moved thut that strangers alwavs complain r .t.ii,..lrn.d Cnnt. Put- In responeetne street railway company tm say that they nre always anxious to lie said: "I saw him bidding on the muke the best possible arrangements for .il.. where he used to live, itecommoduting the public anil will Ll it almost brotnrht tears to my eyes, so in every way allowed by the city an He was bidding the snme nmnnnt for thorities. one-fiftieth part of the proiierty that his The Pennlman lroprt, father had sold the entire tract for, nfln The six of the Tenniman ami Cosmo. the war. This means thut the property politun Club lots lying immediately to is fifty times more vnluable now than it the south of the car sheds were sold yes- thrn wns. It means that if this son derday allernoon as iniiows: owned the protierty thut his father No. H. 32x100, T. W. TaUon $2,200 ,...A l,. would lie ten times a million- 0. 2:ix 100. T. W. Patton 2,300 aire and If he owned the property that hia irrnndlather owned in this town he would be worth ten Vunderbilts. miinv who en mi- to Asheville to spend a few mouths and found it so delightful thut they decide to sieiid a lilctiinc here. Another inimenno Bale. The AlexnndcrOnrrcttfnrm.m Victoriu, ha been sold to C. 15. Grnhnm, C. D. Illanton, W. II. Penlnnil, P. F. Patton, M. E. Cnrtcr, K. V. Wnlker, J. P.Rnwyer, R. II. Cnrrrtt nnd T, C. Stnrnes. The prie paid won 1(0,000, for eighty thr. acres. joint stock company, to lie called the "Oakland Lnnd Company,"! will be formed to handle the procrty. , .4 f . . , i i ... Tha rartuora Alllanc , TosBuncoml County Farmers' Alli ance it In session at the court house to day. Committee -report have been ... heard and Mr. 8. D. Mnddln, of Chicago, : Is to deliver an address this afternoon on "Bneournulng Manufacture. " Mr. A aneMMtaat Aftfalr. The reception tendered to Ker. II. S. McDufTy at the horn of Isaac Dickson Maddlnlt mgaged in bttineai in Ch laat sight was atttmled br twenty -live 10, 23x100, J. P. Arthar 13, 22xS5, T. W. Patton 12, 22x55, T. W. Patton 11, 22x55, T.W. Patton 2,800 452 tflO 40 Total , ' H.32 '8, 0 and 10 front on South Main and ALL. 8IZB8 KBPT IN 8T0CK, PICTURE FRAMES. Gold, Silver, Ivory, Oak, Gilt and Combl nation M.nilillnn. Also Itnom Moulillng.. rictun-s Mntted, Mounted and Framed at lowest prices and work Kunrautecd. Hngrar- ln. Paintings and Local View, always on hand at ESTABROOK'S, a S. Main St., Asheville. aprlHd Does a General Banking Business. Deposits received. Bichang bought and said. Col. lections made on all accessible points. The Savinx Feature will receive .pedal attention. On all sums In this department, deposited for four month, or longer. Interest at the rate or 4 per cent, per annum will be puitl. Special attention given to loan, on real estate, which will be placed Jlorlonu time on real .onahte terms. Open from 0 a. m. to S p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will be open till (I p.m j mildly OAKS HOTEL, ASHKVILLE. N. C. LIME! LIME! LIME! ONB OP THB BEST FAMILY HOTELS In tho South. Service and table I'lnit Claa. 3 FIVB MINUTB8" , . to WALK FROM THB Court House. STREET CARS I ran. the dour ercry 1 o Minute. New Advertlticiuenti To-Day. FIRST PARK. Matinkk A. li. Cooper. FOI KTH PAUK. ralVATR 8AI.K A. Weaer. iiikk IIai.1. MiiIm-I llenlh. A CAR LOAD OP FRESH - LIME JUST RUCCIVKD. I'OR HAI.IC In Bulk or In Barrels. Office No. 30 Fattoit Avenue;. TKI.KI'HONB NO. n. For term, aildresa II. J. GREEXWELL, Proprietor. SKYLAND SPRINGS Only 8 Itfilct) flrotu Asheville on tlie A. & S. HeuderaonvUle Pike. Railroad and The greatest number and variety of mineral spring to be found in the Month. 48 Springs on Less Than 40 Acres, I Chalybeate. Iron, aulphur, cpsom, alum, and tnnirnraia. Several very line combination, that are ucd in curing inillgtiition, liver anil klilnry truutilr, chronic ilyarnterjr. chronleily.. prpula anil chronic sick heailaehe. line .pnnK recently ilevtliiiru is tne greatest uinKwnri ever found. Many are liuylng lots to Imlld rtmurt cottnitc. near the Kpnniti. Lota art .old at nominal prices to advert! the plan anu tne mineral water, uoara can nc naa ai $20 to $30 Per Month, or $1 Per Day. Reference., testimonial., etc.. cnn lie had liy writing to the owner: or better yet. anyone interested ia invited to come and try the wntcr. Great Improvements will be made nest summer. Train, leave Asheville at V (3 a. m. and return at 7 p. m. tare an cent. For further information write to , OTIS A. MILLER, f,i,i , dom Sky laud P. O., N. C. Warrhnusc lit liepot. P. tl. Hon 6.14. K1VATU SAI.B. That beautiful lot on Spruce street, mnr Woodlin .trret. TnxliMi Apply to A. uciwr, l owner, or T. M. unmpiK-ll, UKeni. juneoatw C. K. MOODY. EOPERA HALL.: JkfUSIC LUKSIINS. a luiv from thr North, who has exnerirncr I In piano ln.lnii tic.il. wLhes a lionrding place I Wliere ICWiin, win iiv miniuivninuiui .,.., u Alio will take a few private pupils. AddnrM I H. ()., I tl. llus Jtn. juncSdot ONB WEEK. CDMMENCINQ MONDAY, JUNE 2ND. HOTEL 1 ARMOND-HOTEL BONNYCREST AND COTTAGIiS, SKYLAND MINERAL, SPRINGS, N. C. VAgM mile) Houtu of AnlicvHle, on the A. & 8. Railroad. New hotels, new collages, new furniture, beautiful grans, neat tennis and croquet lawns. I good livery. 48 MINERAL SPRINGS. . White Hulphur, Alum, MnjnieA, Iron and RMom. Thote ecking braltb and pleasure and elect aocirty will not fnll to visit ttVa plennnt rctvurt mod drink of IU Dealing watera. I Terms reaaonatile. E. A. LcVENE, N UTICB. U' Itie onilrr.lirnril butchers of AHhevll will close our nmrki-t., on find after the first .1.. In... lMllll. tvi'fv dnv eseent I-ntltr ilnvs irom A to ..iif i. in. mi t "i op- teniber. r. c mcihtikk at uo, j. n KKKH V A.O., llAKKK At IIBAIiroRn, (. W. I'AIIK, JAUIIS WOI.FB. may3udtw Two reliable men. who understand Loan I A.Koriatlon work, to net as general agent, for the People'. Imlld ng. Loan nnd Saving Association nt l .i'tieva, N. Y . v rue variy, giving age nml relemiecs, ,,..., n. '. unnv.'....'... maynodlw Manager. : Elfin Star Corned; Go. aprfl dtf Manager. Asheville, N. C. Near Paujrena;cr Depot. M1'H1C. Mlu Wnlf 1. HrvnttlilM. nf thr NCW Knit iMtuI CimHcrvulorv ttt MukIc. I low ton. will take a Umitnl ntimlirr of nlano uuullt aflrr June wan or atiurcM ai ... " ..a il.Utallt tllal June.td 1 w No. 00 U illey street. Produdug a Reiertolre of the LATEST COMEDIES. FRIDAY NIGHT, Jl'MIt 6TH, In the Charming Domestic Comedy Ilrama. MABEL HEATH. Vnlquc Mechanical Effects. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., Maanfacturers and Dealers In all kinds at bseMed LUMBER, Door. (ah, Blluda, ItIouIUIiiks, Stalrwork, Mantel. Bank and Bar Fixtures, and all kinds of Building; Material. Kurd Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. nnrt.dly Tclrphona No. a. FITsiC PATRICK BROTHERS. Dealer lu Wall Paper, WlndowHhadcsandPateiitHaufrcrs. FOR RENT. Adminlon. M. AS and SO cents. I sent, .t Hawyer's. Reserved Paints, tMI. and Varnishes, Plat Hock. North Carolina, a comfortably nirnl.hril dwelling within easy win oi po.c i,ill, ami elmreh. hnvlnir carrlaire and mule, Irults, vegetable, and Ice on premier., ana plcnaure boat on joke. Apply to an, Kliinbrth street, Charlcstun, H. C. June:iulw gTl)CKHOLUBH' M BKTINO. orvica Akiikvii.ls Ut. Mav 117. 1HIMI. A .tiM.khiililira' meeting will lie held oilier on the 7th day of June, Ihuii, at noun lor the transaction of such business as may lie prrncntcd to It. Bv order of Hoard of 1)1- rrctnra. B. M. JONB8, Secretary and Treasurer, . K'vCo.l 111). f held at this ()TANY. Mia. Mary C. Reynold., of Ut. AiiKii.tlne, im a I'ln., will tn lime I J. T or adilres. at Jlinc.'id I w lew tniull. Iti Motnny alter Tent book, for sale or rent. Call U. L MclHlNAI.II'H, No. AO Bailey street. IJOAKDINO. I'irat class bonnl nml fine sunny rounis can lie hnd at Urovc slreel. very ui.iru- ble loeallly. JuiuilHt J?OR RUNT JULY lr, IMlnto gallery I Patent .kylishti nnrlin.nl : enmmr Aimlv ,o MliAkllUN. RANK IN Ik CO junc4dtf nit Mouth Main street, llintn gallery over l.nw's store, Lvllukt, .rlftr. Mfl nnr eoinmo.lious anil rn.y ol aeers. JJTBNOOKAPHY AND TYI'B WRITING. Lesson, given during the summer. Apply I before Jun. 11 to MIX B. ARM PlllLtl. Inneildlw A. P. Collrg. P. A CVMHINGH, Atlorncytt-ljsw J Motary Public, NO. 13 LHOAL BLOCK. For Salti. 30 lots In Chunn's Cov. Just outside the city limits. l.inn acres iana in Maaison eonnty, near raint hock. nun acre, land thief miles north of Hender. sonvllle A. at H R. H. runs through the land, rnatnnice anu nepot near uy. For Rent. Rtore houae. No. ID Patton avenue. Pot scaalon given June 1, 1RVU, mayaimim English and French B0ARDIN6 AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNO LADIES AND LITTLE OIRLt, No. 40 Preach Broad Avenue. MRS. BUROWYN MAITLAND, . PRINCIPAL (Por many years Associate Principal of Mt. Vernon matitutc. naitimore.i Asal.trd by a corps of eomprntent teachers nrrn in v . FOR SALE. Maaury's Mlscil Paints and Colors. French aad American We keep In stock Nt. I.oulsa.nd Kentucky U.d. Window Ola.., both fcbdly ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, ai7 Haywood Street. All WATER THOROUGHLY FILTERED on the Premises. UUMMBM IIOARDINO. We are now prepared with rooms tor sum. mer Cll AMHKRLIN. may.lldlm 07 Church .treet, BBTANTBD. A flrat clam woman rook at oncej nlerrace raquired. Appiy at wis onici Nonsr on Prenrh Broad avenue, to room.. water and sewer connections) alao large cut ter ! fine location and view. Term easy. Apply to 0BO. F. SCOTT. Junelll w North Court Mquura. JJOR SALB. The material eontalnefl In stable on lot off Mala street In rear or Chamber. JarvK A Co.'s stnr. Partle. eaa bav. till Angu.t loth mat to remove same. Por lutrrla alars call at HALUAKD, mill r iiliVL H, jaaeaaot Mala stmt. Twenty Ave years of practical spcrlcnce, combined with raasoNSL atteatloa to all do tails of the business and perfect arrangement, for clsixlinu. aad rusiTT of all good manufactured, enalil. the proprietor to prracai to bis numerous patrons a sautrlor das ot Carbonated Beverages. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphon. dinger Ale aad all the various flavors of SODA W ATIIH ready for shipment and drHrervd free In City limits. Out of town unlcmtmu.t have aKsnmsiai, retereni.. . C. H. CAMPBELL. TAYLOR. 1I017IS & IIROTHERTON. Wholesale and Retail IHwIer la HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES. TINWARE, Ac. SANITARY 1'I.UMMINO, OAS AND STEAM FITTING, TIN AND SLATB ROOFING, ' ; ' AUTOMATIC ELKCTRIC GAS LIGHTING AND CALL HULLS, AGENTS FOR "ROYAL" GAS MACHINE. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER WORK F0RMILLt A SPECIALTY New StoreUnder Opera House, ; No. 43 ration Ate., . . Asheville, N. C. BsUmatM Cheerfully Olvr oa all Work la oar Lux. art dly J and It, 12 aad 13 oa Market street. cam, . i oi tne irienu. m am pupuiui , UttaUMsilvkiMl

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