-w mnmmmfHWWWKilVfj, ftlWFWJPW s MM Wyf- iTI . . t ' f TKE WEEKLY CITIZEN. Citizen ? FOR RENT, WANTS, AND FOR SALE, X ITaa Waaatv Crrasn ran or local n te Mti Just th tktai to scad to anyone Not exceeding three lines, One Time, 38 cents. Three Tlmce, 60 ccati. Biz Tlmce, 70 cents. LnlriH abont AsbevMH. Issaed Thursday. t lstagw copies S mh, mailed. Only 1 OOi h mi ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. VOLUME VI. NO. 52. A5BGV1 le Daily MISCELLANEOUS. LIN VI LLE. A place planned and devel oping as a GZXBAT KtESORT. Situated in the MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A retfon noted for heolth- fulness and lieauty of SCENERY. An elevation of 3,800 feet, with cool Invigorating Climate It is being laid out with tntA uiul skill, with well MUmV. W graded roads and extensive FOREST PARKS. A desirable place for residences and BBATHFVL HONES. A good opiMjrtunity ur m . I ..mHtjihle investments. For illimr.pn tl namohlet. ad- dress, UNY1UE IMPROVEMENT CO., UnvUle, Mitchell Co., N. C. B0I1 MA It CHE, NEW NECKWEAR for gentlemen just' in-hand- " V I LATEST DESIGNS PKETTtEST SUADB9 Or aiL. LADIES' BLOUSES. XBW AND ALL GRADES. FANS ! FANS USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL. JStIi Main St. B0IU.1ARCIIE JI.T.ESTABROOK'S aanasssaw-aaA. aa a. maim st, abhbvillb. -is the rt.se s roa BOOKS. STATIONERY, FANCY 600DS AND TOYS. LOCAL Views and Sketches. ape IB REAL ESTATE. Wiirna B. Owtw, W. W. WT. GWYII 6 WEST, (aoMtaora to Walter B.Owyal ESTABLISHED 1881 CARTOIANSSf ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. laui SM!tmrcl Plaocd at Percent. lotary PabUe. Commlealoaeii o, lleede. FIHE INSURANCE. orncK- tt. I CooHAaja av m.Tn nnnH tUUI leAilU Real Estate Brokers, And iMTMtwetit AsctitA. ' Loaasee-arrly placed at percent. utM Pattoa Am. AMoad door. .Mra ax. warlaJKrta IIU MTATI AN! WSURANCI M0KERS. nun iNaua-ANca placbd im twbntv OPTHB BKMT COMPANIBI IN THB WOULD. AOHNTA OP THB TAVLBH'LIPH AHI ACCItMNT INSURANCb CO., Or HABTPORD, CONN. TATB AOBMTB POR TUB DBTMOIT PI R B AND BUMOLAR PROOP BAPR CO, ooaMB IO, McAtbdi Mock. , , , f$ fattoa Ate., Aaaerltte, M. C. MISCELLANEOUS. MATIN EE EVERY DAY THIS WEEK -FOR TBI BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC. The Great Comedy Play entitled II BLUE RUIN": Ha. beea withdrawn after a very raccessnil ran, and w. now pmcnt oar matchtc. Stock of Groceries. grain and feed for your use at pop; ULAR PRICES. ' DOOM OrUN AT A. M. A. D. COOPER, Proprietor. SUMMER READING. 100 of the best m ines for I 1.; f..wi Slltnnlutfu I tZird: given away with each Freezer at tlie "BIG RACKET. A biur lot of Straw Hats for Men, JJoys ana umureu . m . I at tne "BIG RACKET. A new lot of Soft Crush Hats in Brown. Blue and Bluck at the "BIG RACKET." Croauet Setts and Ham mocks, all prices, at the 11VI lUlAsJVUA. KtviLtiil TjimnH. Hall Lam DH. Libra rv Lamns. Nurht and Kitchen Lamns. Wicks. Clum- nevs and Burners, lower than anybody, at tne Dress Buckles, Ribbons, A a 4 1-11.. tmmtt.t AM jj-, Moiini: ntTH n town at tllO 7'HIO llAPk'RT" A nmv liniwif fiincrhnmH 11X1(1 Chumbrays in Soliils, Stripes, P ik ii and Side uanus at the "BIG RACKET." It is an established fact Mint no nlace in town con tains a better assorted stock Of gOOdS, SOld Ut aB lOW prices iim t.ho "BIO RACKET. Wn do not make a special ty of anything (unless it lie of low prices) but we do take Nonsu erable pride m the ex tent of our Shoo business. Keeping all ktnds and selling them cheaper than anybody else must be the secret of it. B . at . I Do not soend a nickel lor anything until you have vis ited tlie "BIG RACKET." . w. . WILL. IKTIIimJ. WILLS. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, ABHBV1LLB, N.C m Barnard Bulldlnc. P. O. Iloi 51 1. Plana, aoeelncatlone, Detail.. Ac., ftircrcry due of bnlldlna at ehoH notice. ARTISTIC INTERIOR DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. Call and set aa. apriednm F. A. GRACE, FRUSCO DECORATOR AMU DUBatartuie., Will Kitcall In- Tentpra, Intonaco, EBcautUc or Oil From Special Dcslipis 1 DKCOBATIVB COMPOOITIOM, llatla-Ploral, Btentalw Allcaoryr. A AddreeM 96 WOODWARD AVB., Detroit, Mlcb., or BOX 84a, AsaeeUle, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. ESTABLISHED 1874. V. C. CARM1GIIAEL, APOTHECARY, 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. & For sixteen years I have carried on a Drag and Pre scription business in Ashe- villo, striving at all times to buy pure Drugs and sell no goods that are not strictly first-class in every respect. Evervthuur warranted as represented or money re funded. My goods are pure and fresh and my prices as low as the lowest, PreBcrip- tioiis filled at all hours, day and night, and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. Mr. J. Taylor Amiss is with me, and will be pleased -to meet his friends and custom era. We are showing an unusually large and attractive stock of Clothing, Men's Fur nishing Goods, Hats, Shoes of all Kinds, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Smallwares & Carpets, bought with great care, marked at short and reasonable profits. The line embraces all grodeB from low priced to very fine. One price system. 7 & 9 Patton Ave. CESAR'S HEAB HOTEL WILL BE OPEN FOR THE SEASON OF 1890 ON JUNE 1ST. Accommodation the very beet thli moun tain country can afford. Term, reasonable as possible to make tbem. Bllllarde, pool, bowling alley, b.ll room, music, ete. F. A. MIXES, M. D., may36d3m Proprietor JOHN CHILD, (Formerly of Lyman tt Child). T -rcm a rp ivxiivu xu&xa. -AND- LOAN BROKER Strictly a Brokerage Bualncaa Loan, eccnrely placed at a per cent. SI0.00 REWARD In cash will le paid to any purchaser at my store who guesses nearest the popula tion of Asheville ns shown by the official census now being tjw ken. You arenot limited to one guess but can guess as often as you make a purchase. If two or more mako the nearest guess, the prize will be given to the guess received first. Let all come and try their luck. F. E. MITCHELL, THE LEADER IN Boots, Shoes & Gents' Furnishings. THE DAILY CITIZEN. FACTS AND COMMENTS. Thi fur the paper have chronicled in their personals of New Yorkers seven teen of them who jfo abroad for the ex press and only pur ose of visiting the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, Of course none of them will be entertained by the couple but it sound) so nice, you know. A convention of the democrats' of the Sixth congressional district of Kentucky in session at Carrotlton for the purpose of nominating a candidate to succeed Hon. John G. Carlisle, has taken sixty- one ballots witbont making a choice. Mr. Berry, of Newport, leads in the race by twenty-one votes. Daly's players have begun a season in London. The first night the house was crowded and the company received the heartiest of welcomes. As a general thing English audit. ices are decidedly chilly in their reception of American ac tors, but with the Dalys they never fnil to accord them a hearty welcome. Mk. Thomas C. Platt has just re ceived a snub, which, if he has any man hood at all, must make him feel very small. His name was proposed to tlie Harlem republican club and it is gratify ing to announce that fourteen members of that organisation deposited bind balls in the box. Such republicans a that would make good democrats. . A private dispatch from Germany states that Emperor William will not prosecute Prince Bismarck for divulging state secrets. Emperor William has a rcmaikobly keen head. To begin to prosecute the ex-chancellor would Ix nbout as insane a thing as he could do. Bismarck is in possession of too many secrets to be handled lightly and the emperor knows it. Nothing makes the inhabitants of Al exander and Weavcrville feel so much at home while in Asheville as to hear the cry of the street auctioneer. It reminds them so much of their village homes and is one of the few things in the city that does. Asheville has grown so rapidly tout it has necessarily taken some of its village features along with it. The city auctioneer is one of tbem. He should be upprcsscd. An enterprising Egyptian says that he has discovered the bones of Cleopatra, and he wants to sell them to Chicago for exhibition at the World's Fair. The rjrice he asks, however, $00,000, is a trifle too high. Any Connecticut van kec would take the contract to make bones for Cleopatra for 2.0o at the out' side, and would make money at it. And what is more to the point the bones would do just as well. Colonkl L. P. Livingston, president of the Georgia Farmers' Alliance, has withdrawn from the gubernatorial con test and will support Col. Wm. . North- en for tlie democratic nomination. It is believed this assures the nomination of Col. Northed. Col. Livingston has con cluded to seek the democratic nomination for Congress in the fifth district, now rep resented by Hon. John D. Stewart, and will have the backing of the alliance. Tub republican party promised one- cent postage as one of the boons to fol low the election of Harrison. And yet we are farther off from one-vent postage to-day than when Mr. Cleveland retired. With a $0,000,000 deficiency in the pos tal service and the probable disappear ance of the surplus in the treasury, there is no prospect of the redemption of this promise for many years to come Ithccn Democrat. IT IS A GOOD IDEA. The Board of Aldermen of Clwirlotti have passed an order that nil returns ol iiersonnl property sbull be published lis soon as the list shull be closed. 1 He men is decidedly a good one. Its object is of course to increase the amount of taxable personal proeriy and the publication of the list is intended to make people huve a more liberal nr preciation of their possessions and to be more liberal with the assessors. All over $1 .000 salary is taxable yet it is rare In deed that any tux is collected. The pub lication ol just such matter as this will bring out lots of salunes over one thousand dollars and personal property valuations will be much higher than it u now. This will greatly increase the taxes and the money will come from those who can best afford to pay it, and who by rights should pay it. The well to do are the only ones who have any object in keeping down the assessment Again it will reduce the rate of tax tlnn. That is fixed by the amount of money needed by the city and the valun tion of the taxable property. If there more uroperty the rate will be smaller, As it is now the poor man is paying mart than his share simply because his rich neighbor hides from the assessor the value of his goods. The action of the Charlotte board ol aldermen would be well to be followed by the Asheville hoard. To Bee Oar Pavement. Mnvnr Peter Kern of Knoxville, and lohn Glenson, Adrian Terry and 1), Carpenter of the Board ol ruunc wonts, were in the city this morning. They were here for the purpose of inspecting the street paving, with a view to havli some put down in thcirclty . Gen. Young, the contractor, drove around with them The North Carolina teachers' assembly will be held at Morchead City from June 17 to 30. A number of Asheville people will attend. PLEAD NOT GUILTY. TWO KHBEIILGB arraign- ED IM MEW YORK. THE BROOKLYN POSTMASTER DECLINES. Mtanlcy Married To-Day In F.n- Bland to Mlaa Dorothy Tennanl. Special to Tub Citiikh. Nkw YokK,Junel2. Embc.lcrs Wal lace and Lawetz were arraigned this morning and pleaded not guilty. TU Great Explorer Married. Special to The Cltlscn, London, luly 12. Henry M.Stanley, the great African explorer, was to-day married to Miss Dorothy Tennnnt in Westminster Abbey. leading members of the Geographical Society and many of the nobility were in attendance. The ceremony was performed by the Bishop ol Kipon, assisted by the Dean of West minster. The gifts were elaborate and included tokens from the Prince ol Wales and King Leopold of Belgium. Big Day for at. Louis. Special to The Cltlscn. St. Louis, Jane 12. Fully two thous and delegates were in attendance at the opening here to-day of the nationnl con vention of the Christian Endeavor So cieties of the country. Chicago sent two hundred and New York and Philadel phia each a hundred. By to-morrow the delegates will have been doubled. A HuratliiK Oss Main. Special to The Cltlscn. Nkw Yokk, June 12. The gas muni at the corner of Fulton and II road way bursted and ignited this morning. It blazed for blocks. Engines worked hours before tne flame was extinguished. Actons' Athletic Banes. Special to The Citiien. New York, June 12. On the Manhat tan Athletic Club grounds this afternoon the Actors' Amateur Athletic games are in progress. Fully two hundred entries form the grogram. Girls) Turned Loose. Special to the Cltlscn. PouciiKBBPSiB, N. Y., June 12. Com mencement exercises at Vassnr ended to day with the celebration of the twenty- fifth anniversary of the establishment of the college. Everything; In Readlueaa. Special to The .Cltlscn. Nkw London, Conn., June 12. Every thing is in rcudincM lor tne narvaru-io- lumVa freshman eight-onred boat race this afternoon. Kxerclaea Irtrcly Attended, Special to The Citiscn. Baltimore, June 12. Commencement exercises at Johns Hopkins University were largely attended to-day. The Spring- RegaUau. Special to The Cltisea. Nbw York, June 12. The spring re gattas of the Corinthian and of the New Jersey Yacht Clubs are in progress to day. Reaped to the Dead. Special to Tun CiTiiBK. Washington, June 12. In the House and Senate to-day observations in resjicct to the memory of the late Congressmen Wilbur and Nutting. Mot Vet Decided. Hiiedal to The Citiscn. Nkw Yokk. June 12.-A motion was made this morning to dismiss the in dictmcnts against the Doodle Alderman Kcnun. It has not been decided. He Didn't Want It. Hiieclal to The Cltlscn. Brooklyn, lunc 12. Andrew lliiiril this morning sent bis declination nsKt. master to President Harrison. Meal Estate Tranttfera, II. Ilnuhledav. trustee to P. A. Cummings, lot on niniey sircci..a.v"u K1 Slmlrr to lohn Sluilcr. interest in two tracts on Turkey crceR... o M. P.. Hohcrts to G. M. Matins, lot 67xl2H, onStames avenue... 1,500 P. A. Snndlev to H. B. Carter, 2 lots on ciwstnut ,. u H. E. Sondlcy to J. G. Anderson 270 acres in wis county au.uini . C. Starncs and wife to T. P. Stnrncs and wile and O. H. Stnrnes.lot50x1O0onWntcrst.. 800 W. B. Rhea to G. H. Starncs, lot 60x162 on Starncs avenue mi . I). Blnnton to W. B. Rhea, lot J.IW7I nn Loonn street 140 P. E. Linville and wifcto George . Shepard, lot 30x110 on aoutn Main street 075 E. W. Gandlcr, trustee, to 1. II. tnuiirnn. iq acres on noutn Hominy T T. C. Starncs and wife to M. IS. Roberts, lot 202x307 witnnouse on Starncs avenue 4,800 C. A. Bradford and wife to W. r. Johnston, lot 3HxlBl on linage street N. Ramsey and wife to W. F. lohnston, lot 75x120 with house I.IIOO nn Onk street 8,500 Jas. Frank and wife to George H. starncs ioyv acre. u ihvm Broad river 202 W. B. Gwyn and wife to . It. Lee and B. M. Lee, lot luuxzau on Senev street W0.07 T. W. Patton and wife to K. v. Rumley, lot on Pine street N. T. Chambers to 3. G. Cham bers, 100 acres on Reems creek.. N. and 8. Williams to Noah Mur 000 800 ray, lot 80x115 on sorrells 8t 200 T. M. Myers and wife to A. D. Cooper, lot fiOxO on Cherry street andlotS2xl60 on Starncs street 3.700 Forty-six ten dollar shares of Asheville street railway stock were sold at auc tion to-day. They went as follows A. D. Cooper, ten shares, $80; J. H. Car ter, ten shares. (0! A. V. -ooper, ven shares, $75. and Revell and Wagner, sixteen shares, $120. THE SUNNY SOUTH. A case of yellow fever is reported nt New Orleans. The De Soto hotel at Savannah is in need of a manager. Rev. Sam Jones is holding a revival meeting at Richmond. Mr. Chns. Crawford, mayor of Salis bury, died Tuesday evening. A nesrro insulted a white ladv ut Ma con, Georgia, and was fined $10. The democratic State campaign in South Curolinu hus been oiened ut Green ville. Snm Watson killed Joe Kellcy at Ash ley Junction, S. C. No one saw the shooting. lohn Turner, a notorious outluw. was shot and killed by his cousin near Mid- dlesborough, Ky. Of 113 appointees as census enumera tors in the hrst district of South Caro lina six are negroes. Reynolds. Georuin. now hasa Woman's Christian Tcmiicraiice In ion which bus just been organized. The international tynouroiitiiciil union is in session ut Atlanta. They have en dorsed the-copyriglit bill, A peculiar disease, the origin of which cannot be found out, is raging in u hi- I tion of Knoxville. It is not fatal, A monument to 20,000 Confederate lead was unveiled at Petersburg, Va. Many thousand visitors were present. The trial of ex-Trensurer Henmingway if Mississippi for absconding with the funds of the Stute will come up Monday. Jesse Pool, killed a negro named Moon ut a church in (uincsvilie, tin. Lorn whiskey was at the bottom of the affair. The Savannah, Ga street railroads huve been nought by Nashville capital ists and will be turned into an electric road. Henry Franklin's pistol fell from his locket in the Waynesboro. Gn., court house and exploded. It cost the owner $50. Robert and John Driniirciis, colored, father and son, were killed in Knoxville Sunday by the caving in ot a sewer em bankment. Tom Harris, colored, shot and killed Jackson Taylor, also colored, in a row nt Ivlco. ua. it is supioscu to nave occn a case of self defense. Bryan Odum, iirobably the oldest man in the State, died at his home in Screven county, Gn. He was 108 years old and louglit in tne war oi im- The Knox county (Tenn.) work house hns iust been reported by the grand jury as in a terrible condition. The food was also reported as pretty rough. The decnnitnlcd body of Tom Miller, a respectable colored man, was found on the railroad track near Yemaacc, S. C. There are suspicions of murder. Mr. Jerry Hall, a well known citizen ol Bibb county, Gn.. and sixty years of age was attacked and cruelly beaten at Ins home b" negroes. He was scr:ouly in jured. Several buildings in the portion of Charleston. S. C. known as the White Chnocl district were destroyed by fire Monday, rne loss was i ,nuu. was injured. The riolice of Chattanooga have de clared war against the gnmblcrs. Chief Ki core has said tnat they nave got to bo and that's all be has done so fur, but says ne means ousincss. Two sons of J. S. Reavns, of Marion, S. C five and six years old, found some cuke in the bnrn loft and nte it. The cake bad been poisoned forrnts.und they soon died Irom tlie enccts. Athens, Gn., has risen to the dignity of a paid fire department. The city will purchase a $3,000 plant, put in a com' Elcte fire alarm system mid then the in nhitants will sleep better nights. The Atlanta Rifles won first prie in the International Drill at Kansas City, and when the news reached the Georgia ..n.iltt.l fir liHIu were rum?. Ilfinda olnved and tne city gave iiscu up in general re joicing, The ChnttimooL'n Times is evidently grctitlytakcn with America's great after dinner speaker, "lithe Republican party shall ever again succeed in electing n President," it snv, "we hope thnt man will lie the Hon. Chuunccy M. Iicpcw." Three negroes nnmed John Pitts, John on Mrs! Taylor inst week. They nrecon - fincdinGwynnctjnil.andit is l"aMr they will nppcnr as stars in a neck-tic ''TheNcws Pre. association i.n. I.. formed in Mucon, Gn., fr the purpose of giving those dailies in the Slate that are ullage to take, the Associated or the I'nited Press tlispatclies, n connenseo telegraphic service. The headquarters will be in Atlanta. Gcorge Pern, a negro under liond for an . ,1 IH rune ini assault Willi intent l nnmun i77" .... v. r.n.. wnn t..km from his room by masked men, and dumcd into the river with a lorly pound stone around his neck. He was first shot three times in the head, After six yenrs of stolen lilierlv Poltcr has been arrested at An Linton nniston, Alii., charirrd with killing a negro. At h time of the killing Poller was n con stable and had a warrant for the arrest of the dead man. A true inn was ioiiiiu ugninst him but he escaped. A bitter legal fight is likely to follow ie action of the llirmlngl cil in prohibiting the rnilrond companies tmm switrhino: their cars on 17th street. the nrinciiml railroad crossing in tne eitv. The ruilrouils nave procured junctions restraining the city from en- forcing tne onnnnncc, wtu-n the toiler nt Onclcika. Alabama, went inU, the cage the olljer hjy three prisoners tooa mm unwii nn,. M .A mnde him irlve up his keys. Then they walked out nnn so inr nave n JerJSrThr charged with grand larceny, and Gus a - ."..a. rlimt l.eitititT Hums, who wm arrested for disturbing ,. j Al- a religious meeting. The elevator at West Memphis, built ti I hat KaStlTlirkV Central Railroad at a mat of S75.0IM). has been burned. E, C. Adams, ol Atcmson, B.an.,neciniruvwr. who had Just completed the building and was alreoina in the second story was hrH n rienth. He was 75 years old. The origin of the fire Is unknown, and was first discovered In the engine room. Then was an Insurance ol $ 2o,ow. MISCELLANEOUS. J. S. GRANT, Ph. G.. Of Philadelphia CoMca of Pharmacy, Apothecary. 4 South Main St. HEADACHE UJI M0FTBAN1 HARMLESS HEADACHI rc-woim. Ttwr sr. s IsseWs. am.1 M Wftmm. Sr. HMWHMta, rinM MtNttHlk rf4w,MHfc r mi. si .ran a m kr aau. AIISSSSS TBS KOFrmHDMueco. ti Msbi It, Mils, N.Y. MS Isuearilea- lricp,0st FOB UU ST J. 8. GRANT. If your prescription are prepared at (Irani i Pharmacy you can poiitirtly dc Itend upon these factt: First, thatonlytbt purest and beat drugs and chemicals will be used; second, they will be compound ed carefully and accurately by an expert enccd I'rescriptionist ; and third, you will - txorbiUat price. Yoa will receire the best goodg at a rerr rear sonablc profit. Don't forget tbeplm Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main street. Prescriptions tiled at all hours, night or day, and delivered tree ol charge to any part of the city. The night bell will be answered promptly. Grant's Phar macy, 24 South Main street. At Grant's Pharmacy you can buy any Patent Medicine at the lowest price quot ed by any other drug house in the city. We are determined to sell aa low as the lowest, even if we hare to lose money by so doing. We will sell all Patent Medi cines at Srst cost, and below that if nec essary, to meet the price of any competi tor. We have the largest assortment oi Chamois Skins In Asheville. Over 200 skins, all sites, at the lowest prices. We are the agents lor Humphrey's Homoeopathic Medicines. A full supply of his goods always on band. Use Buncombe Liver Pills, the best in the world for liver complaints, indiges tion, ete. A thoroughly reliable remedy for all blood diseases Is Buncombe Sarsaparilla. Try a bottle and you will take no other. J. S. GRANT, Ph. G., Pharmacist, 24S.MalnSt.,Asberiik,N.C. ' WHITLOCK'S Special Sales Week. Ooho buyers will plouso note f l,n follou inir n-rnnr. inilnrow " --" o e merits this week : Black Mohair Brilliantines nt r0 and 75c, formerly 75c. and f 1. Black TainiHO Suitings, 60 ami Hoc, former price 75c. and f 1. Black Camel 8 Hair and Serge Suitings at 75c and fl, formerly f 1 and f Black French Henriettas, 50c, 75c and SI. former price G5c, $1 and SI .25. rancy Moiiair lmiiiant- moH, siio. ana foe, lormcr 75c and SI. 1 Coloml HeiiricttOSat 25c, U()c.( 50C aild 75c, Worth I Domestic and Imported ClialllCS at DC, OC, and 12C rM, yopj. 1 . . . i..,,; T on,.,- v, ui .o, uunuo ttnd 1'nntS at .iftC. ttnu UP. Frnnp.h nnil DnmflHt.io. Sft French and Domestic Sat- i"ps at popular prices. 'if . n uross uinirnams ana oeor- HUt'kerS, large Variety. Uutinj? Uloths, Table Ldn- ens. white and colored. White Uoods, Nainsooks, Lawns. India Linens. Ham- burps, Laces, Underwear, Handkerchiefs. Lorsets. Gloves and Mitts. Large assortment and low prices. l'arasols and Sunshades, the most attractive in the city. Prices lower than else where. Just rccoivod A now lot of Black and Cream LnceFloun- I .!no- nnrt Tlrn.norv Nata. u" thinir NeW-We Bell , . , ti . the Onl V absolutely FttBt re - jjiacK Hosiery in tne marKOu mntls bv Smith & Amrell f0f LudieS, Misses and Chil- I . At A ST 4 VI I UlUIll UIIOV IVt AXAVAl AW VVJU hn, rr,,orontoH not ti dye, crock or turn green, or money refunded. A.1IVJ WV BAs M MU VBi UVW W i I WIIITLOCItO, 4 SOUTH MAIN TM8ST. Opposite Baak st AatMrrOk,