''3 WOTS SPEC1FI0. A troublesome skin disease 1 caused mo to scratch fur ten f .mouths, and has been cured by it low din use of S. 8. S. M. II. W01.1-, TTppcr Murlburu, AM. Swift specific. I was cured several year ngo of while swelling in my leg by the use. of 8. 8. 8., and linve hud no svtnploms of any return of thu disuse, Aluny prom inent pliyali'.iHiM attended me and all railed, but 8. 8. 8. did the work. PAW. W. KlHKPATKICK, Johnson City, Ten. Treatise mi Wood SLlu Disease loaned free. 8wiht Si'F.ciKir Co., AiimiiH lid ott iifltlftiwly PKOFliSSlOML CARDS. A. II. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. LEGAL, TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL LEGAL BLOCK. luiuTilnm A. S. GRAHAM, DENTIST. mire liver J. II. I.n ' Mure, South Main HirtTt. lUtriKllliK -r"' " Willi Kim .ale, I'illinit with ailver or iiiioiIkioii . ..rto' io7.a- " ijiiM Sl.oonml upwind rl nl teeth $i!.oo lle.t set of teeth SH.OO Nu lietter mnilc. no matter wlmt you pay Knlinfuvtlnn Kuarantccd. M. A. NEWLAND, Attorney at Law, MARION, n. v. Will prarticeln the loth anil t'.'th JuilUiul lll.trict. of North Carolina null In till' 8n. preme Court anil the Peili-rnl Court ol' liie W extern IH.triet or North Carolina. iiiayMdliu TllKO. F. bAYIIMON, TllOS. A.JOKKS, Kuicillh. JAI. O. MAKTIN, A.ICVIIIC, Aahcvillc. AVlllrUIN. MARTIN & JONI'.S. Attorney, and Couiinellors at Law. Aahrville. N. C. Will nr.t-lli-r III thr I Itll flllll 1'Jlh llllllrilll 1i.trU-ta, unit ill the Siiinviiie Court ol North Carolina, ami tu the Federal Court, ol' the Writem Inwtricl of Nurlh 'wiirollllll. Krl'er to llitllk ol' Aahevillc. illel A. TBNNKNT. Architect and Contractor. 1'lntl., .neeihVntloii. nnd catliniitea fur .lalu-d. All work til niv line contriutcd I'm ml no eharue. lor drawings on t-nutraela ..warded me. (Hire: No. Ill llemlrv llliwk. North Court 4IIIIIT. AHhCVille, N. C. Irllloiny J. V. HOLLINUS, Veterinary Surgeon. I wilt prnetlee In the eity a ml .urrouinliui: country. liner at W. I'. Illnntoii N Co.'. alalile, ' Month Main .treet. iiprl H. II. RKKVKS, ll.n.. II. K. rMI1ll.ll.ll.lt. Dr. HCCVCM & Hlllllh. OKHTAL Os'l'lt'l'. In Connolly Building, over Kedwoml'. tttore I'atton Avenue. Teeth estrscted without pain, with Ihe new nsatnctle, anil all ease, ol irreituiiiriiy eor- reeted. iihi:lill y . RAMSAY, U. U.S.. - Dental Gult.'J OIUcc i In llarnnnl lliiltdlna Knlrnnce.. fat ton Avenue aail Mala mtvu. fchuadlv MIXCISLLAMiUVS. WM. R. PENNIMAN, I'KOI'KIIITOK Ol' THE ASHEVILLE 3HICK WORKS. AMhevlllc.lN. C. P. O. Uitl I. mart 3d I y PHIVATIv UOAlllt. NKW IIIIUbBI NKWI.t I'l KNIHIIIII' ALL MOIWKN IMIKltVHMHNT. KIRH. N. It. ATKINSON, No. Jit llaywooil Street, lan'iarltv Tllltl.AKOIl8TANI.ltim HOIII'CHI. ll TIIK Hlli ril CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL lABOItATOMbe or II. C. WoUcreck & Co. V'OKM'LTIHO CIIKMI.T AND MI1INII KKIIINKKMa Analvm of Mrtal., Ore., t'onl or folie, Mln ernl Wilier., I'erl Hirer., etc I'KIVB I.IHT UN Al'IM.ICATHlM. Mlnlnn proprrty Inveallnatiil, iliv. lox bouicht and .old. I 'itHH.iui.ilaHi. ...IMl.il riample. can lie wnt by mall or rier.. I oral liy .re.., enarae. inuai w pn-p no Kenta wanted In every plaee. Cbattauootrn, Tcim. UK. II C WULTCKHCK, novltdw1v Mnniour fASV 00 R LESSENS PW.rPiJ TO LIFE rih OlMWES--:Hr:R TO i a" CHILD muutma BWUJFItlORtGUlT0RCO.ATL5 tarn tr all oMUBsitri rpaa dAiwir )RC0.ATJ.',"TAfl uiRATT'S ASTRAL ABSOLUTELY SAFE! PERFECTLY ODE RLE S8 1 Burn, In any Lamp without dannr ot Exploding or taking lira. 8e, that you i tv LA gni ina gnnuina, roraaitpy BALTIMORE UNITED OIL CO., AHIII1VILLH, N. C. MP dwly CONTEST FOR AFRICA The English Cabinot DiEousseB Germany's Claims. THE AUSTRALIANS DISSATISFIED. Tba PropiiBoil Feilrratiou Prooup- or of liKlopcnrtoiu'e WholoHale Prosooutlon of AnuruliiKiH tu Ger many The Ilrkibittaii Jlonnsrin bleu Ualy'a Company tu Iiondoit. London, June 13. In epitc of the an- nounoemcnt tlutt the onhinct council had bcon postpone! until aftr the Con servative caucus at the Carltun club to morrow, tlire wai a moetinfr of the DiiniHterN at wliioh will diHCtuwnd the mutter of (lomiauy's clalma in Africa. The lnuty couvontna of thu meetinK after Lord rWHnhury's protracted inter viw with tht Oi-rmun iimbaanrtdor gives rifi to thu boilef that neKOtintiunn now pomlinK in iwjarrt to Afrioii have be comu hop"lua.4r complionted. Kverytuing nowpoinaj n tae promt bility tliot to-luorrow Tory cuncua will result In the postponement of the Kuvitiuuii'nt'g puluiuaus' compensation bill until next suasion and the piuuutKo of an order by tue majority in tue nouse of commons allowing the measure to be taken up ut its present stage. tiiU'b ac tion would amount to a virtual aban donment of the bill, but it would at the same time permit the government gracefully to retire t'rom an untenable position, and that is doxirable just now. Meanwhile the Radical, Liberal and temperance opponents of the measure are Keeping up tneir ngnt witn even grouter viKor and persisti'ncy thau they have yet shown. They are not to be lured into auy trap, and pay nu atteu tiou to the indications Hint the iruv" Tu rnout is weakmiiug iu ita resolve to push the scliome. 1'ronpi'utloii of Anarchists. London. June 13. TheUenuan gov ernment is perfecting plans for a whole sale prosecution of Auarchists under ex isting unti-siM-iaiisiic law. iu scneme couteiunlHtes the bcKinuiu of imme diate action against this chus in order to taKe advantage ot toe prevailing law which wll presently expire, and as many as can lie tried before its expira tion will lie proceeded against. Iu pur suance of this policy the uolico are dis playing pheiiouiuual activity in making arrosta. Among those) taken Into cus tody arc a imiuner of men who were In diutrioun in the circulation last April of HoemliHt luuiiiihlots desiuned to foment Alar day uiHturbouct-s. These pamphlets, it wus learned, were printed in Loudou, New Vork und Chicago and shipped to Uurmany in enormous quun titles. AtiNirallun Federation. London, June 12. The colonial gov. eminent of Australia have all paosed the nocensary acts prnviding tiie tunas for tue const I'tietioii uy tlie uriltsn gov eriiiuuut ot 8- Vflnil sbius of war to be devoted exclusively to defense of Aus- truluui lolo'iii'S. It is also proposed to establish intercolonial rrcutradu Uirougli. out Australia. Whetiior imperial ted- eralinn.as itdvocnted by Lord Uoseberry, comes or uot, all signs point to the cer tainty of au Australian union that will present on tue opHMitu side of the world a copy o wiu I'Uik-h oimiuv i Auiurii-n. The Austialiaiui are much Jissatiahed with the Conine of the llritish govern ment in tvrmitliuir oilier e,urois.au na- turns to g.un a tiaithold in l'olynesia.and witu a licet ut llieir comuiauu, tnoir re luuusti'uiices may toko a vigorous form. The Itclcli.laaT Keasaenibles. I! ,v T....u 1l TI,A rl..t,u.. I.I.OI.,... W IIUO . I.IV.aMI( .V- astemblol and re-eleclod the president and vice pn-.ulents or lust session. I lianoeiior t. .iprivi iu reply to an inter rogation regarding the p umport regula tions iu Auvtco lirntuo, said that the prcneiit stsu'tu was reudi-red necessary liy , lie niiiiiLs-r of cxs of treason broiignt Is lore the tribunal, but more esiHH'iuUv I roin the military m ilivos uo- siuiied to reii i. r relations b 'teen the Alsutiiius and the Frvuch more dilliciilt uud to acci'lerale the (JcriHHiilzation of the CHiilinc l inoviuces. Tiie system cannot Iw alioiished fur some time to come. hetlicr we sliall be aide tu continue our nreseut course of moilera- tiou, he con, liuled, deH nds upon the allltuilu of tliuao uoucerueu. Presents to O'Urirn'a llrlde. London, June 111. Mile. Katrulovitch, who becomes thu bride of William U Uricn today, has rociuvud a law num ber ol wedding K'tte. some of wuich are very beautiliii slid costly. The uiliuircrs of lierself uud Mr. U'lirien among the ladles ol Uiiolui liave liruseuted her with an elaborate setot bed and table linen of thu liuust iiuaiily uud tiie Lwlics ol Cork and Keumnru uuve sent exquisite speci mens ol luce wora. The l.li.ei.slng Hill. LtiNiai.N, .lune IU. In the house of common. Iio-I evening Mr. W. 11. tiniith iuiormed .ur. Ulaiuttuue, in reply to a (mention that the liresunt intention of tue government was to proceed Willi the licensing hill. The housu thcu Went iuto committee on tue inn, ami dir. nctous aiuendmeiit against the purchase of li cense, wus rejected by a Vote of !i&4 totfUO. Uelglun Elections. liiii'KHKl.t. June 14. The seueral elec tions wideb look place yesterday were reiuurkaiily quiet. A small riot occurred at Uli.iit, nut uiscwhure everything was orderly. Two advanced socialist were defeated lit I uarleroi and Mon., and the results of the laillotiiig throughout the kingdom imlitaUi a great triumph fur the Clericals. fiulv'a t'mu.iiAuy In LiuihIoii. London, June 14. Mr. Augustiu I'uly began his season at the Lyceum theatre lust evening. The manager und his ... I,..!,., .-..i i i coiiiimnr were t-oi iiauy m-umm-i miu thu pui'formimeu elicited frequeut main festatious of aptiloval, The Vk'tni'Utn Aseouihly. MKMiiVHMI, June !. The Victinlan asseiulily unanimously approved the Drin. tole of Australian federation and appointed dolegjtus to the pl'oHuc,l coll yulitlou ol the Australian colonies ol the suliJtH't. Permaiirnl Kipoaltltin llnllillnu. Pauis. .Tuna IU. The chauilmr of den- nties passed a resolution by a vote of DW, loi UipnMiorveasiH'rniaiieinsvruuv ure the uiauhinory bull of tho lata exhi bition. He Wu Tired of Advice. Willis Hello. Bingham? So your tin cle left yon AlO.otK), did hof Wlmt will you do with It? llinghnin (sarrnstlcitlly ) Going to turn it over to my friends. They all know bettor than I what should bo done with Itl Hackut. Tliusly Wanting;. Dickie, 0 years old, had a pair of boots. He rut one of them with a hatchet The father became very angry and scolded Incivwoiitly. The little fellow looked his father In the fare and saldi "If yon don't stop talking you'll got me mad, too," ASTIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: SATURDAY ...-J I1 - 1 AMALGAMATED A68OC1ATI01. Tho Price) for PudsVMria; Iu Kastera Mills Auvam ea. PiTwauKU, June 18. The Amalga mated association oonaldnrad the scale governing bar mills. Tba base 10 cents per ton at a 8 cent card was reaffirmed. The qualifying clause on extra was taken op for discussion. The prlco for pud dling in eastern mills has been advanced from 5-1. TO to $4 per ton. This means that the eastern workers will demand a meial iucrenso of pay approximating per cent. '1 lie laviition taken by tho Amalga mated association is that raw materiuls do not uuHt UM per rent, inoro than is paid by western iiiaiiiifactursi's und the east have enjoyed tho udvimt tge of lit) In favor of lal or, There are ulxmt IX) mills ill the rnst. Them seems to exist a feeling that the eastern manufacturers will resist the payment of the proposed advance. Death of Sainuol H, Hareh. HAiiiiinUi no, June 18. B.iuiuel R. Harch died at his residence, So. BOS Cuiulierlrtinl siruet. 1J( cssfd had been in the employ of thu Pennsylvania ruu nd upwards of forty yours, the last twenty-fho of which he was lormuan of the tinning depitrfmeiit in this city. Mr. Swell was Isirn in Philadelphia. where he was married, l-eniovlug to Uarrisburg alxiut twenty-five year ago. Ho was appointed an aid-de-camp on the staff of Ooventor Jivmes Pollock on Nov. U, 1K37, with the rank of lieuten ant inlonel. He wus a member of the Eastern Star Masonic lodge in Philadel phia. lllg Sale of Timber Lands. WiLMAMsniHT. Pa.- Juue U.-There wns concluded iu the ollice of I'uudor Sc Munson a sale of one ol the largest and most important bodies of hemlock tim ber lands iu the state. These lands are situated in Putter ivtinty, upon Kettle creek and its triliutaneii.ninlwereowueu bv Klias Deemer and Ueorge L. Sunder son, of Williuuisport, und Charles W. Henry, of Philadelphia. The purchasers were Alt rod Castetlv and P. 0. Csstello, ot New York city, extensive tanners, the sum being puid Iu cash, and umountiug to about ikioU.UVU. Cut to Pieces. Bl IlLEHKM, Pa., Juno 18. A man who cannot be identified, because there is very little left of him, was cat to pieces here on the Lehigh Valley rail road, ami nobody knows how the acci dent occurred. Uoth arms, both legs and his head were severed, tue body cut in two, and ull the severed ports scat tered iu various directions, ihe under taker who took charge of the remains had great difficulty in putting the pieces togellier to get the body iu shape. Voluntary Increase of Wages. Pirrsm'iKi, June 18. From June 1 nil classes of workmen on the southwest branch of thu P.-nusylvuuia railroad will receive an advance in wages rungiug from 10 to 20 per c ut. The iucrenso is altogether voluntary on the part ot the company and equalizes the wages of the ,"i00 employe oil this branch with the wages of employe on the main line. The Order of Hieuin Engineers. Lancastkh. Pa.. Juno 19. The Grand Council of Pennsvlvauiu. American Or der of btcaui l-igiueers, met hi annual session here. Mayor Clark made an address ui welcome, which was re sisinded to by Chief Engineer Benjamin I . l'ettit, of Philudelpluo. The session will be secret. McAnllfl'o and Madden Uo Abroad, Ntw Yiiiik. June VI. Tho steamer S'iM'oiisiu. of thu Union Line, was the oulv vossol that left this port yesterday for ICiiMpe.iu shores. Among the pus- wiiL'er., were .loo .ilcAuliae.tne pugilist, uud his wile, und Billy Madden und wile. ltaces nt HI. I, on Is. Ht. 1-ot'iH, Jiiu. 11. btrl race, aitlrs .hula Mi (, I: Lum B, uthur. drawu. Time. I S.. Nernnd laes, 1 uillo -Littla L'riils, I; Fred Tsral. 1': Iritil. a X Time, TUird isce, iht pH.mli. rn Hotel (ke, t. inlle-Bnl tiow.n, 1; Nattuusl. S; luui Itoiier. and Bramblebuolidsud hsumfurS, Time, Ml. tour lb race, 1 uillo aasy t, 1; Csrnagls. 1: I'.rmllla. a. Tlius, l.sii. Fifth race, I oille aud U yard. Jelin Mor ris, 1; llsrtua. ft HriMikiull. - Tunc, l.il 4. Morris Purk ltaces. WKKri'iiKs-ri.u. X. V. .lun I. First race, H mile 1'iuvls. li Lsonoru. t; Ailuliua, Tint., 1.01 Keruud nice. I'mkne. hamllrup, lt mlles Montnsuo, I: l'liilunopby,!; Itarrlitur.ii. Tiuis, Third race. Ijin-branni .t.kna for f-yesr. oIiIn H nillu- Dr. Ilu.brouck, I; Strathinsatb, 11.1 knn. It Time. I. I V t'uiirth race, thr Hrliiiniit .Isku. fur H-yrar- olua, IVi ml e- liiiriHigiou, 1 Uuvutee, S; l'ou lahuh. .1. Tiui-. .aiA. fifth race, S nils Aran, li Merldon, Si BUI Hams-.. 3. Time. I.IIIV ninth race, CHS utlles-tiypwy Uuoea, li Zeiibirus, 3; Mule Jini, -t, Tune. S.ul. A Word About (Hon milling. Formypnrtl pnifeft against all rhS stntggling mid clolsj trotting, lr then was liny limit or end or any legitimate puna aw to It, It might bu tolerated. Hut there is not. It is simply a return to vagrancy and iiouiikUsui. The same people who are doing all till straggling this year will ne t it a-rnin next year, w the year after lit the outside, thiceths habit is formed they never stay nt home, except for so long a rufllcui for usees sun' moasiiresirf ilnanclul retrievemi'iit, Of course tlicru is sumo use in travel. It is iiu;trucUve to huvo wim the world and know what Is in it. It trives the means of mulling comparisons. Imparts culture and open the eyes generally. But these rontiuprar' tramps of ours havoloiigKlnre tuimeii the stage of learn ing anything. Their notion of travel it seat and rssilrs, und to have fun gissJ suliig n their way, nut liy wits gmonv tion Inordinately pursued. I sny they art a frivolous lot our triunM; that tin y try to dotlge life; tlutt by keeping perpi'ttv ally ou the go thoy sunca ed In evading the hnWts ol work and tlie nntursl t)i that Btay-ot hcie pon4e have to fern and tho ro.-iKiiisiblutU that they bnvu ts sharo. UiiltmeTS. Drain VrVrtlor., Bufeiy Valve, Hie Into Itev. Dr. Enoch Pond, of the Bangor Theological seminary, did an Imuienso amount .or worx 111 Ills tiny Ills long life knew few idle moments He was once asked how he managed to wrtto so much for religious pajsTS in addition to his preparation of matter tot volumes, not forgetting his duties in th lecture, room, "I haw made It a rule he said, "to stop on tho end of eiudi hour' work and take a few minute' ritcroutioii. In good weather I tako turn In my garden. Bangor Commer cial. tier Ids. Miss Lnrroin, In her "Now England (Hrlhoul, says that when sho lists! t hear the minister read the text, "Cut It down! wliv eumlKTcrh it the ground?' she atwnvs Hiimi.iscd that he had made inintnke, He ought to have said, she thought, "Why cuciimbcreth it the ground?" Htrau'fM things go on inside th bead of children, TY PROS-PECT PARK ILt Last Open, to tiie jp-ulblic. ASHEVILLE'S GRAND SALE. Sixty-Six Beautiful Residence Lots, Wednesday, June 25th, 1890, All thiHi'lcf-nnt, pi(iiri t.v in Wi-sl, Kml. Cit.v of Aslicvilli', rxn'pt. tin' M;ir--niiii-'iit i:'siiln-. of C. 10. (irnliani, 1. A. "iiiciik fro rost L0.0(K) now linildiiinl mill oIIhtk. roiiiin.i niliii".' n urn ml view of (lie IVt'inli llroinl KiviT Jllld Valley, I)t tint nioiintiiiiis and iiitfi'voniiiu' ft unit it. In front of Hnttfiw I'nrk nntl tliifilly lit with 1 1M0A1) THIS Asheville's iiopulntioii in isso wns 2iO(): it is now l.".0.i ninl will yeni-s. John II. Iniiinn nntl his nssoi-intes h.ive pnrfhiiseil I'OO miics of Asheville's I test tion nntl ereetion ol liis !)f.()(i,U(Kl.tiil hotel is hemu: prowfiiteil ns r;iinll,v ns uie eiiuinei'is r.in no ine siirve.vuis. i nu Asheville Lonn. Const nit-t ion nfltl linproveineiil ('oinpnn.v with n p.inl up e;ipil.il of .':!ui.(HK).U( nre prosecutinn; their work of linililinu' nrt ificiiil hikes, rnee t-ourses, hotel nntl numerous oilier iinproveinenls ns rnpiill.v ns lint hibor of man etui lie pushed. The Vniitleihilt pnlm-t' und grounds, cost inr tfC.oun.oiMuii). it is not nei-essnry to deHenlie. Over .ft 1, )(, KM ).() worth of Ueul IOstnto tins chiinuvd hiinds since .Mnn li 1. 1M. Liind vnliies linve douhled, trebled and tpimlrupletl in the last three yenrs uud the advance litis linrtll.v yet li".uim. I'rosiieet Turk sites einhrnco the key to the sit nation for proximity, scenery, iiiet and Everybody is eoininy to Asheville. iSeeure a lot while you can. Do not lail lo taue inivniiianc oi n. TERMS :-ONE FIFTH CASH. r.nhuife in six, twelve, eiuhleen months uud two years with interest nl riht percent., payable seiui-n initially . Tnko the I'atton Avenue street car which carries, you lo the "rounds. For phit or anv other infonnation applv to or call tn V. I). McP.ec. ('. L. (irahaiu. I hos. h. brown, K. r. roster, t. II. Sjk ights, T. 0. McNeeley or E. B. DAVIS Hume One Hwallnwed tlto Touth. I heard a rather amusing story of a number of young people who assembled a few days ago lit the homo of a charm ing young litdy somewhere in the eastern part of tho city for a quiet little game ut cards. During the progrers of the even ing one of the girls producisl her bon bonniere, which passed In succession around the merry circlo until its tiny lid chsied only on an aching void and the delicate flavor of Itulian mint When the pretty !xx was returned empty to its owner, the delicate suffusion of her flushed brow faded to a ghastly pallor us she cried, "Where's my shnrk's tooth? 1 had it in this bonlioiuiieru." Then tho pallor wont around a visions of tlto g.ts tronomio linisasibilitius of the situation dawned on thoso who hnd partaken of the contents of the box eoinclssly had swallowed the wisdom molar of a mau eatlng enrchnrias vulgaris, but who? Noliody knows to this day, but thero was a sense of uneasiness alout the little gathering thereafter that fell liko n pall over tho general jollity. Louisville Post Celluloid Silk. In discussing tho latest development In tho lino of silk imitation, an English contemporary says: "Celluloid 'silk' is a cleverly fabricate! tissue, which ought to Is) repressed "by common consent, or, If necessary, by parliamentary prohibi tion. Nothing so useful to dishonest dealers and so dangerously inflammable has hitherto been invented in the way of clothing. It is certainly eheap nnd hand soma, and Is theroforo more tempting to tho thoughtless, or the defrauded, who may be induced to buy as Silk' a tuutu rial which a spark would innomn, and which would burn with tho fierceness of a rng steeiicd in petroleum. It may be in tho future jiosslble to lessen this in flammability, hut the small sample re ferred to went off like a flush, and we may assume it was as Ure proof as can at the present time bo madu.'' Senator Insnll.' De.k. BensroT Ingiifls studied law in Massa chnwtts, and as soon as ho was admitted to the bar started to Kansas with f70 in hi inside pocket. Ho opened an offlco near Atchison, Ills luw library was inado up of three liooks, and the wholo of his furniture was a chair and a table. Ills first client was a oarponter, and his fee wa paid in ktrid. Ee got table and a high dosk for his legal (vrvioe, and this desk painted green is kept in the In galls family today a one of iu most pro clous pieces of furniture. It belongs to Ingulls' son, Ellsworth, who carried It with him to college and who probably now nses it as a part of. hi office furni ture in the starting of hi law practice. Cor. Philadelphia Pross. Warkeil I.Ike n Charm. Ilraillicld's l-Vnuilc Kctriihilor workrtl like a cliiirni; Iniprovvntviil la'cn wonder ful: rnniiot cxiiifss my gratitude. Wish avirv ln.lv iilllicted would try it. 1 know it would cure llictn, Mus. l.t l.A A. I.onii, Spring Ciroyc, Pin. Write ltiiiillield Kcuulutor Ciiiniiiinv Atlnntn, (In., lor purl ionium. Uy nil druggists. JAMlf FRANK, IIRAI.SS IM FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS A in I for Neein. Creek Woolen Mills. North Msln Asheville, N.C. febiodly EVENING, JUNE $50,000.00. THOTJSiLlSro DOLL GWYN & WEST AT THEIR OFFICE, COURT HOUSE SQUARE. & CO, Auctioneers. BALDNISSS AND ITS CAUSES. Home I'liiiui Tliat Too Frripient rutting 1. ll. trliiH lilul to Hie llalr. Tlieft. are many dllTerent opinions as to the cause of baldness. Homo of tho eminent mi dical authorities state tlutt it is caused by a form of thtndrulT. This, it is cliihned, hus buon veriliud by taking tlie hair which ha fallen off in such cases, rubhln;; it up with vnseHno and after applj 'm fre olttrai nt so made b the fur of nibnlts Imldness lias rapidly niado its n;;jHi'.runut on tho parts so treated. When vaseline alone was usisl this result did not foilow. Tbe same authority buys that the disease is spread by hair drcSMTs, whoemplov cuinlw and brushes on their t-ustouu is, one after another, wilhoul lvganl to 'lie cle.nili nass of those articles. Women ni lesn liable to bo affected by this form of lsild uvss, for tho reason that their i.mr is usually dnsiil at. home. On the other liand Mime claim t'tat too freipient cutting of tlie hair if deiiiineii tl. The hair in snine respects n-si-iulilo a tree. Supsise the gardener wen1 to dip all the limbs from a tree, regardless of tho season of tho year, as sih-ii as they were two or three feel in length. Ilnw long could the tree 1mi expected tosurvivo? Tlieru Is a fluid substance in each hair from which the hair gets its noiiri-.hmint tho sauiii as tho true gets its life, uud growth from the sap which is conducted from it rits. Break the bark of a tps and you will sisui see the sup running down the trunk. Tho iniuc tiling is U lieved to tnJie phtco wln'ii a hair is cut, only it is not viwMo to the nnko.1 eye. A number of tiie Is'tter class of hsrlier Is endeavoring to overeome this evil by singeing the ends of the hair after rut ting. This hermetically seals tho cmls and prevents the escape of any fluid. This operation is performed with tlie aid of a small wax taja-r. Tho hair is rolsm from the head with a comb and the lighted tatsT passed rapidly ocroas the ends. The opentlton is neither tedious nor unpleasant. Those that practice this style of treating tho hair stale that iiiucli giaal has resultisl fioiii the process. Wasliiugtoii Slur. Cuplil In China. A traveler from I.ten-Kinng, in the FiKj-Chow jiri'tirturrt (China), relates tho following curious custom prevalent thero among tbu suTar.iitious people t "Just outside the city gate of Lien Khtng Is n hike, in nr over lun 'k'ing,' la'k'ing'is 1(10 ' mow,' or l.i.lll ncres Uv the lake is an Ancient tomb of smue dlstingilislual officer of state, ls-f. .re which, as giiurdiuus, stand fiu lng inch other two oolossal statues, one n'pn-nt Ing a civil and the other a military oill clal. The former has his bai'k to the lake and Ms face to the west, the latter has his back to the hill and faces east. Long yenrs have they stood them, In lifelike' attitude, nltsnrhlng Urn warmth of the sun by day and bat lied In the purs rays of the nifsi:i by night, until at lost, In popular Is'lief, they huvo licuome ling acquired life and power. The people have rccnurso to tlie slonn civil ian In all love troubles, Tho irfuincd sinnkn of incense curls round his kindly, thoughtful fiico, and coinphdiita of con jugal uuhapviut'HS and longings of suf fering lovers foranns'tliig are wlilnpered into the cold car of this mandarin, but only whispered so n not to bo overheard by his military colleague, who stands there forbidding aud frowning as if ho had sterner allalix to attend to than poor lovers' wous," New York Tluios. 11, 1890. Bee! E Miscm.L.xi:ors. M''SVirrvrirrS'e The Famed Cocoa of Europe, The Coming One of America. JfoaaoWM II oil- .1(1 Uivr iurojtl, VanHouten's COCOA "BEST& GOES FARTHEST" Nowtlint its maniifarturcrs are drawing the attention ol tliA Amerlcnn ntililir tci this rirsi and, ever since us inven tion. th Iwst. of all cocoas, it will soon be appreciated here as well as cisewnerc un over the world. All that the man- nf.-irtiirers renucst 13 sillllilv ono trill I, or, still better, a comparative lest wnn wnat ever otlicr cocoa it may be; Uwil Vav Houtkn's Cocoa ist will convince every one of us great superiority, it is because ol tins mat uie Knvitihli paper y1.1, says : "Once tried, always used." SJ-To .voi.l Ih. evil rlTi .-t. "I 1.n,l -...i.,lv Vt IIOI'ilA'K i-oi'OA. i.i.-a i.asi ui Si-tiu:m U.'iiiu- MIIIVl.S aud s rvloi.tims and uuuri.laiii; iu..-.,-..M i DOES CURE CONSUMPTION mnui In its Fir6t Stngos. ilv.tirr Imi oi I rtir i-.inlnr. nnvlll UN w 1 v In tint sat . - . ... , ,-- TYLER B1NK COUNTERS. fltUSTRsTED IN CO10HS: s pnrfi'CI Work of Art; K0 Cuiint; Now ruaily. Book, fi rmilaga 15c ANal:lll,n.l'.l.laal,.r laOH.l Tr Ur lli.lis Ta.Srllrr falilNH..! I,.)'.. Iliwli 1'a.r h-a Sl,lr., tro-. I-iiiIhi- IIMa IYLa DESK t0 SI. LUUlt, 110., U.8.A ' JiineT.nt Starrs Eiyiiofj at 11 O'clock, A. M. In new hotel Kites. ick-Ii !.").( m0 in thenext two ii - oei - t.v nnd the work of lom- shade. state. Agents, PRIVATE BOARD. Niw liiaiM, iieuly furnished, all mudrrn iti,i'oiiiiiiit., InrKt rootti., K(H.d table. 1IIK.S. 91. C. VOODK, 5.) CoIIckc St. AOh viIIc, N. C, April 11, 1SHU. 'Hit- t'oiaitm raliip heretofore esl.tina bc tui.ii the uu.Urnlymil. under the firm name of I I 1. 1. 1AM Jv. Co., I. this dsydimotved by niiilual voiiiM-iit. The debt, dae by ssld Arm ill Iw paid by l.nwrenee I'ulllnm. and the ,1, Ins ilut to said linn will be paid lo him, ami llu- laiaiuesa eontiuut-il by him. I.AWKKNCU 1'CI.MAM. D C. WAIUil'.l.l.. To our palrona of the pnat: Iiiim-Una ilny sold my interest and good w ill in llu- Inaurniuv btiaine.. in A.hevllle to l.auniuv I'lilliiitu. who will enntlsuc the taiaintaa. I lK-aa-nk for hint a eontlnnsnvc I tour palronai!!'. ii. c. wAiuniix. liprl 1 il:ioil TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. P.uscs STCsmiaa. Low Rrt rmir Trip, par Week Bswm DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND raloak.y, Sautl si Start., .a La. Iluroil Way rrt. Bry Wiii Day IMwwn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND 11 N.n4ir Trif 4tr JnM. Uif, AtN fi Nft. IKmiMo D-Ujp Un Biwm CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. 0J iLLUftTRATKO AMtHLCT lUis. mil Kiminiion Tiokv'S wtll t ftiroiat.. bv vmir Tlek-t Affrnl. or -ldr t. B, WHIT COMB, O. P. A., OlTMtl, Mich., Ontrnit and Of vmnd litim Nu.. Co. II. l 1. BRIGHT, MFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE agi:nt. IIU. llATTI-Ii'H OFFICII. ARDEN PARK HOTEL AND COTTAGIM. in iiillta Houlli of A.hevllle, on A. . K. K. TKSMSI IVr Month $HI (Ml ivr Week l0O Ctrlmy 800 lUiinir and Tea Parties on oncdsy's nutlet, Tfl ivntfl. Tlioit. A. Morris), Prop., niirio dlf Ardes, M. C. TO WEAK HEN M aaBBHM v j fbiffaiins frrnn Oi. .fTan of sinful ran, early dn-ir.iutlniwaknm, to.ta.hon4, I wlU Sand s talnahl. IfwUMlalaill mlalsf fsU mrtlanlsr. for brs ears, PRUof A splanilM mMlsal work i .honldb. t - by ef t,u tao Is Barroe. and .MIIIs AllmSj mt, r. o. nna, i novS dw ly Christian Advocuto, ii iii k ilSi i iiia.iinii iii