in Mi ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: SATUIIDAY EVENING, JUNE 14, 1890. t;!! k TUB DAILY CITIZEN. II. D, CHILD, Hnaincss Manager, Tub Paii.t Citizkn will Iw piiiiliHruMl every nfUrnunn (except Sumluy) at the fulluwiuiE rutci KtnctO' can a: One Year rt.00 Six MonthH 8.0O Thrre Mouth 1.60 one Month 60 One Week 1A I OnrcnnHiTii will deliver the pujier every afternoon in every part of the city tooumub HihluTi, ntitl pnrtlcH wanting it will pleaac can nt ine iitizkn tnwe. Aiivkktikinu Katk Krftonnti1e.Hnd nuitlc known on application at tlm ortice. All triiiiKk'nt uilvcrtioemi'titH mutt be paid in ad vance, Tiii' Citizkn In the rmtnt extensively eireu la tod and widely rvad ncwHpaper tu Wen tern North Ctirotiiwt. Hh diticuHMon of pulillc men and mcnuum Ih in the intert-nt of public inti'Mritv, honest ovmiitunt, and prunperouii industry, ami it kitowH no H.THuiuu uilcKianceiu trtuliiiK put; llC IHHllf H. Stn.itncn enptm of nnv edition will be sent f.Cf to any out Hcmmitf their addri'HH, Kt-mlliiR notKttt ten emu tier line. Obitu at.v, mnrriiiKe and miciety nulice tilt y cent eiuh (not c&ccvdHitf ten liuca) or titty vent H-r inch. SATl'KDA V, H'NIi U, lSHO. JUKY 0NFL1NT STKKET IT REPORTS TO THE BOARD LAST NIGHT. MR. F. A. SONDLEY OBJECTS TO THE EXTENSION. T111-; inn v citizkn Is on Hittr nt the followini; plnccs in Asheville: 1 1 1 i.n.s. 1 11-1- n u. HATTKKY I'Akk NHWSSTAMi. Ill.liS KUCK MiWS STASH. MliU:i. t li;.K SI'tiKli. 1'iitlnn Ave. J. CAKiMJ.V NliV.6 Sl'OKIi, North Cunrl Gillian. PERTINENT AND PERSONAL M'wa About AHlivvillliiHM and ul Mtraiiict-r wlllilii our ;alcs, (lie 1 1 It'll Nock hail i.' arrivals ves tcrtluy. Mrs. lihi.Cliilil Iki s tvl in tivti IKUII Tills ImivK. I I. XI. r.inb.-i, jr., nf Marshall, is in tin cilv ln-iliiy. lucre were 1 Jo arrivals al i lie prinii l.ll lintels 1 TStlTllaV. Opt. Natl Atkinson lias ij mi. tu Trail s.vlvuiii.i on luisiticss, I'lin. I'. I'niililiilav rcturiicil alter loiiH alisciiie in .New York Cilv. I lie Inn-Mai iiil; mi the west wile ol Smith .Main street lias Ikcii coinplclcil. .miss Ai.irv I'rur, n I. inin v, .i., is vis. iliuji I 'l. XI. I.. Ncilsou mi Wiiiulliii street Workmen aic ciiyaycil ivliltiii' tin ruiiiii at ,'l I J'.ittoii avenue I'ur K.ivsor Smith. I'm nij; tin' Uimulcr Mm in ycMcnlav at u i ii. urn tin- hijit 1111114 lappcil the liu alai in Ik II m vi ral limes. .l:imai;e licenses have issueil ti Joe. A. McAtcc ami Alive l'nier anil K. A Sullle anil l.ina Hattlett. .mi. ami .mis. u. ii. tuns an. I .Miss Junes, nl' K'ii'hniunil. have lakei moms at tlie ll.tllcry I '.irk. v. apt, Al. . l-ai; who has Isill vi-r sii k lur I lint' wicks at his huine mi XI riniiiti avenue is imprnviiii:. i.core II. Staines tu-.lav s. .1.1 A In i.l Kit h a !! ml llinu.i-tc ami v.' In l ry stin t 7.'t.".ii luf ?;.'!, ;!uii. 'I'., in. .rri v is i'iitiiiiiei!i-iini-nt Sinn! al Wv.neiMlV i;e. anil Kev. K. X 1'rive will i!i!ii i r the annual mtimuii. I lie ii. ! k men are eiuaiil in leann il" n tlie nlil llali.inl!ilitiri mi Smitl Mail. l;ii'. .riiar;.i..rvi.i enl llie new inn. ir.ii.l, aij..inl .mil lluIi .Mkiiisui nave ntaiMil : in l.uimv ami llenrv Cnllie, w In n l!a v liaielmil allvmliu sill, .1.1. Xlr. II. II. Kiii:. ! iii;iit.'i. r.a.. wli is liuililin ;i li.iiiilsi.iiie resiiKiuf mi Xler- rininii avuiiie. in iviieleillu .-rrive hen to infill. It is vei-v l.iiilialile thai an nin1 Irmn llie ri'purt ul the iui v on Mint stun thnniii Mis. SoinlliVs prunrly will U taken. .missis. Hainan ami Manns have a l.n j;e lurif ul Ii.iihN urailiuy new strrels thrutih their reeinl iimliast in imrtli west Asheville. Capt. laines H.ittle, liiother of I r. . Haute ul this eil v anil uhoiulic has Urn visiting fur several ilavs left for his In mie in the east lu-ilay. Mr. I.. . Iiiirknnliler n iitiiiriiiy plans lur a haiiilsuiiieeasino, a Ixial Iioiim nml llirie niusie stamls ur the Asheville l.onn, Ciiustrtiiiiuii ami liiipruvrinenl company. Kev. Ii. t. K.itikin, pastor of the Cen tral XI. I'., ihureli. N.'itli, will mlilris- 1 lie jmiiiK nun's nui tin at the V. M C. A. rumus to-morrow at ."p. in. Alt yiiiiii men a if inviteil. I). I.. KeynoliU -inil KeuUn .Mi ltrnyer have pinvhaMil irmn V. XI. Cih kc ncrfiinn the llrnvrnliim roml, two miles from the court house, lor $s,imhi. Tln v will improve the procrt,v. John Wliillimiirv.iil Ivy, was Is lure tin mil llie Keport l Ailoplcil - HiimI iivhh or the lloanl of Alclvniivii Ml tllflr Mvi'lllllf I.HHl MlKl. Mr. Iv. D. Carter, representing tin Asheville Fast Line anil Suliurliaii Kail roail comnaiiv, askeil the Hiinril of Al- ilermeii last niijlit lur a eoiitinuaiut' ol llie railruail ipiestiuns, Ueniise of the im exieeleil aliseuee of Captain Alkiuson, llie neutleinan represinliuj; the other mails, entered no uliieelinns ami the eon liiiuauee was ranliil. Maj. T. C. Westall askeil lor Capt. Thus. II. Johnstiui that a line for the rriinl ul' the luiil. Iin;s on South .Main si net U' estahlisheil, ami that all luiihl ins lie maite to eoiilorm w ith the line. It was orilereil that the line of Capt. lolmson's luiililiu; Ih mailc to emil'orni with that ul the liuililius almve. Xlr. XUXeelv, in U'hall of the pur iliasers ol llie prueity in rrosieit park, askeil llieeity to assist ihi'in in straight eniiiH aiul wiilrniiiK Jelleisoil ilrive. lie ivanleil llie street w iileneil two feet. It was iirileieil that llie street comniiliei visit the property now, anil after the inpleliiiii of the w ork to rt'iHirt whetliei they ileeni it prus r lor the city to make an allow anee lor part 01 inv ex h use. Tlie onliiianiv famine the privileges to the Xurth Carolina Fuel company tu lay its pic in the slrifls, passeil its final nailing. A cuuiniiinicaliun from Capt. Tims. I1. loluisoii was reail, asking that iiiihni lor a pa uieiit It' put ilow u oil South w ater stret t. lie ollereil to ailvauiv the iiiouey ami have it taken out ol Ins taxes. Captain XI. H. Carter suyesteil that a IHTUinuent raile lie I'Slalilisheil oil llie street. The matter was releireil to the street eonimillee with Miwer to net. The ieMirt of the jury on the extension if Flint street was reail as lollows; The prot'ity ol .Mrs. II. I;. Soiullev was hivcii as ilaiuaeil i..o. llie re inaiuiler were Knelilieil : XI. F. Kol- erls in the sum ol .'Ii...iH; deo. II Staines. Si'iJ.."iii.C.XI.M.iihis,5:l mil V. T. Heinle. SI 1 J.."". Xlr. F. A. Smiilley, in Uliall ul his liu it her, ol iiit leil to the proposed exteu simi ami the ol the resut. Hi ave several reasons lor his nlnei lions Xlr. J. S. Ail. mis spoke lor the other sule. iml askeil the Imaril tu adopt the iemit. .mil Capt. XI. K.Caitir SHike in ) ) . situ hi in the niloplimi. Cnusidi iiseussiuii enstieil .mil the ripurl was iuallv adupleil. Mr. W.T. asked to W al lowed to widen Xterrimiiu avenue in PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. Homt'tliluif ol InlervMt to all tiuoil Ilt'HiocratH. The plan of organization adopted liy the State Democratic Committee for the guidance of the party is as lollows: TOWNSHIP Olir.AMATION. I. 1 he unit nf county organization shall lie the township. In each townshn there shall lie an executive ennimiltcc, to consist ol live active democrats, whoshall be elected by (Icinoeratic voters of the same tow nships in meeliucs called livlhc county executive committee. And said committee so elected shall elect one of ils members ns chairman, w ho shall preside at all committee meetings. 1 he several townshipexeeutivecoiU' init lees shall convene at the meetings of the several county eon vein inns, orat any lime and plait' that a majority of them may elect, ami shall elect a enmity execu tive committee, to consist ul not less than live memlKTS, one of w hom shall lie des ignated as chairman, who shall preside at all ol sanl committee meetings. I. Incase there shall !' a lailiirenu till- part ol any township to elect its execu tive ciiuiuiiltcc lor the period of thirty lavs, the count v executive committee shall appoint said committee from the Icmocrntic voters ol saul township, f. The inenil'irs ol the township com mittees shall elect to any vacancy occur ring in s.nil committee. I i.e count v executive committee shall call necessary county conventions by giving at least ten days notice by pub lic advertisement in three public places in ,'aeli low uship, at the court house door. mo in nnv ilemoeratie uewspaiicr that may lie published in said eoiinly. reipiest- all ilemoerats ol the county to meet in convention in their resinctive town I Bl'MINKHN NOliCKH. Harttalii Werk al'H. The prices for this week will astonish cverylioilv. Ace large ml. in tins paK-r. I was fortunate enough to secure n large "lot" tine knives, forks, spoons nnd cut lery at n great ha-gain, the only fault being there is not u hngeipiantity of any one, though you can always get n doxeii or set alike, He sure to cull this week tit '7, Tit) and 01 South Main street. COOkllllt l.t'HHOMH. Mrs. korer has arranged to give a se ries of six cooking lessons ill the Johnston Hall beginning Tuesday June 17. A most attractive menu is presented lor the course. Cooks will In' admitted nml should lie urged to attend. The charge is -'..( tor the six lessons. The line stock ol tomb-stones in V. 1 1. Howe's marble vanl are ollereil at cost and carriage lor the next two weeks. Call and sec them. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE, ASHE VILLI! A I) I 'UK TMEMUNTS. -UHALHKS IN- Stovcs and Tinware. ICE RATES FOR SEASON 1890. TERMS STRICTLY CASH WITH ORDER :::":::::::::::::::::::::::J!!c:ph,'i- PLUMBING, CAS ANO STEAM FITTING, SLATE In iiimntillrs tint less tliiin unr tun fit fnetury In iiiuiiitities nut U'ss than tine hull' ton ut lit'etory lino puumls, mi tickets, in tinuuils cm h 7on an an " 7.-n " i.i " mi " tmiu " in " inn Win) . It no A.IK) Tickets now ou sale t the oltiit of tht A New Hond lo HIlHH. If vou are wise and wish to become llealthv nnd weallhv also, vou will use Koller King or Fleciric l.iglil llonr; k causc the Asheville .Milling Company's llonr is noloiiU the I us I but thechcaiH'St. ANO TIN ROOFING. PAINTS and OILS. -Ai;iiNT8 I'lIK- (I New AdvcrUncniciitHTo-Day. TIIIKIl PAliK, $.-0,llllll.uu- r, ill .V Went. I'OI KTII lAilv. I'oh Kssr Cen. S. I'nwell. SlTI ATInS V.l.Tl-:il llux J7. I'll.V Mum. S. T. KiiKKKl'iiiikiiiu ttiti-M. Nl I'l'I.F.nilNT, 1 1 K It AT UllC. MS A I'l.v THAI'S, (we. -The llie Kilckt'l. 7t K Kit. ST. si inic places where it is itariuwei th. the regular width, ami have it taken out I his taxes. It was lelnred to tin street couiuiillcc. Cnpl. W. H. Troy tendered Ins resign lion as stnt'l surinlenileiit, to take i net at a Inline dale, and prop.. Mil t run the room on the lirsl lluor of the Id lit v hall. He asked no m umi In-taken on the resignation until lie 1 1 ilc to complete cu tain work. An ordinance making it unlawful for inv one lo icnioxe, or ill anv manner to interim with any water pic Is longing to the city, or to remove any plug, or t turn the water on when it lias been shut I) by tlie proKT ollicers, was passer The line for violation of this ordinance was placed at $-'"i. Messrs. Iiritraiid Flliott were clifte IH.Iici'iuan in ill. ice o( lalw arils nnd Voting, who were elected at tlie last meeting ami did not accept. The (piestimi of paving court square ill front ol the court house clinic up nml it was ordered that I'lcncrnl Young lit in striicted tit make the pavement on North mil Smith Main streets meet each other in Iront of the court house. The chief ol Hilicc said he had liccu no lilied by the slier ill tu move the city scales from the present position, as tiny were the source of considerable annoy a nit: . The .Mayor was instructed to lit tend to the matter. The committee iipHiinicil lo have the telephones put in reuirtetl that they had mailc nrrnngeinints lor the instruments nt a cost of $.'iSi per year for the one nl Mayor ibis morning cluirgetl w ith Uing tlr pumping nation nml $is for llie one drunk, lie was ilisehargeil. I. II. Ilnr- ,.i tir eitv hull. mini was linul for resisting nnd utilising an oiliter, ami gave uolite of an tlpICIll. .Mr. Junius T. Smith and wife, of xx- iiigton, Ky., iirriveilm llieeily yeslerdny alteniooti mid have taken rooms nt Mrs, McCnjic's. Mr. Smith has traveled cx trnsively since n former sojourn in Ashe ville, nnd says no plait' excels it for nl moiphcre and scenery. Kev. J no. kosebro, It, It,, nf Filers- burg, u.. is ill the city. Ilc brought the rciniiins of Ins mother from Petersburg tn her former linnie in Stutesvillc where Clerk Miller was instriicinl in notify the (iiimewell File Alarm cnuiiiniiy nl the uicmciency ni ine present system. I he chairman ul the street eounnillee was instrikteil tn have three or lour men employed tu repair the hole in tin streets in the city. AN IMPORTANT SALE. Thu C'huiiii iMaca Mold (iootf I'rlce. for m A large and iniHirtant private sale nf real estate was rllcctcd yester lay nfter noon by Mr. II. S. Watson. It is that valuable urnis-rtv known us the I'liunu lliev were inicrmi on i niirs.iay nisi. ifr. I pluee with it froutuge nf nearly N fn t Koseliro isnnem tiic inremnsi premn- .(lUl) Avenue. V.7 on llailev mid ers of Virginia, liut on necount ol Ins re- cent hcrcnveiticnt lie will not lie heard by our iK'opIc nt this lime. Ilc is the guest of Kev. Mr. Ilrytin. .'HO nn Grove streets, nml contains two acres, The projicrty was bought sonic years ago by Mr. S. M. Tliomasof I.nuriuburg, N. C, for $0,lHMl, He now receives $M),. Olio for it. The purchasers nrc Messrs. J. K. Kit h, V. T. Weaver, Fulton Stiirtics.nud Mark l a lion II In True. It ircMirlcd that Mr. KtHkcfellcr nl llie Stuiidurd Uil Conipnny is connected titlier ilireetl.v or In.litttlly with some nl im( w, , ,,,, Mm to subdivide the property into business lots nnd re-sell. The situation of the proierty renders It very desirable. An Aahcvllla nan Married. the recent movements nf real estntc in I Asheville. Xlr. Rockefeller was here this spring nnd ns he wns known to have ex pressed himself highly pleased with Ashe- villc nml Its environments there limy lie some truth In the report. Iiniulry from Mr. Henry Hnrtlwieke nml Miss Anna various source fails to substantiate the L. C. Cornell, of Somerville, N. J., were report, married at tine home of the bride on rtciincsiniy. Air. iinniwHse is census To Pill Itaa Vacancy. siiiervisor for this district nnd a txipii. W. B. Ammont but lieen npixiintcil by Inr lawyer. The couple met white the Judge Merrimun clerk of the suerior I bride win here for her health some time court hit Madison county to lill the vn- ago. They will travel some time before cancy caused by the death of J. J, White. I returning to Asheville. hips on u common dnv therein stale shall not lie less ill. three days Is'torc the meeting of the t'ouutv convention, lor the purpose clivting their delegates to the county eon veutions. I hereupon the conventions held shall eleel iheirilelegatesloreiireseul the townships in the county conventions irotu the voters ol the respective town ships, which ill-legates or such ol them shall attend, shall vote the llillilcmoct ic strength ol llieii resiMt'tivc townshii on all oiiesuous that iiiiiy come iH'I'ore the said eoiiulv eonveutioii. In case I'onvenliou shall he held in anv towushi in pursuance ol said call, or no elect inn committee shall apRiul such delegates l. l.ach township shall Ik- entitled east in tlie eoiiulv conveiiliou one vote for every t went v-livc ilemiK nilie votes, and one vote lor Unctions of lillcen dem 'K'ratie votes east bv that townshii the last gubernatorial elect ion : I'rovided I'hatevci v township shall Ik' entitled t I'ast at least one vote, and each townshi may scan as in. inv ilclcgates as it sees hi 7. In eases whe: i townships consist more than one ward or precinct, each said wards or precinct shall lie entitled to send delegates to county conventions am! shall cast its proiNirtiouatc part its township's vote, based upon the last preceding vote lor Governor in said township. . Tin chairman nf tow nshiii commit tits shall preside at all tow uship cull veil timis. In their absence any other incut lur ol said committee mav preside, In cases w hell all llie tow nship exec utivc committees are rcouired lo mitt lor the purpose ol electing a count v execti tive committee, said meeting shall lie licined to have a ipioruni w lieu a major ity ol siiehtowuslupssliall Ik' represented in sain meeting. Col Ml ASH lUsimcr CoNl'I.NrloNS. 1. I he several couiitv convention? shall be entitled to elect to their senato rial, judicial and congressional con veil lions one ill legate ami one alternate tor every hliy ilemoeratie votes, ami one delegate lor tractions over twcutv-tivc democratic votes east al the last priced ing gnUrnaturial diction in their re sK'clivc counties, unit none but delegates or alternates so elected shall Ik' entitled to seats in said conventions: I'rovided that every couiitv shall have at least one vote in each of said conventions. J. The chairman, or in Ins absence anv mi'inlier of the county senatorial, judicial and congressional committee, shall call to order their rcs'icctivc conventions and hold the chairmanship therein! until the convention shall elect its chau uian ,'t. The executive committees of the sen atorinl, congressional nml judicial dis tricts. rcsicclivclv, shall, nt the call ol their resiKftive ehairineii, meet nt some and place in their resiHvtive districts ilesignateil m snul call. And it shall he their duty tu iipimiui the lime ami nlace lor noiiiing conveuiio is in their rests-cl' ive districts, mid the chairmen of said ri- sKt'tivc commilttt's shall uniiieiliatelv nolily the chairmen ol the dillerent conn ty executive commitlrcs of said npRiint incut, nml the sniilcniintv executive com niittits shall forthwith call conventions it their rcsnective eounlies in coutorinitv to said notice, tn send delegates to saiil rcsKclivc district conventions. STATU I'OXVKSTIoxs. The State convention shall In couiihisci ol delegates apHiuited liy the several count v conventions. I.aeli euiintv shall lie entitled tn elect one delicate ami one nlternatc lor every one hundred ami filtv ilciniHTiitic votes cast therein at the last pnteding gulH-rnatorial clit'tion; mill none but delegates so elected shall be en tilled to seals in said convention: 'n- viileil, that any count v shall have nt least mie vote in said convention. i. CM KM. KI'I.KS. 1. Such delegates I iillcriinti'S of absent delegates! ns may Ik-present at liny item o-crnlic couvcnliiiu shall lie iilloweil to cast the whole vote to winch their town ship or county ninv lie entitled. J. Ill all convelllioiis provided fur bv tins svstem. niter It vol.. is eiiHt fl,,..- shall lie no change in such vote until the liiial result ul tin' ballot shall be nil nouiicctl liy the chairman of said con veil lion. .'I, All dcnii KTalic executive committees shall have the power In lilt nnv vacaii. cics oeeurring in their resiKftive IkhIics I lint the chairmen ul the ilillerent inunty convent ions shall cerlifv the list of delegates ami alternates to the dille cut district mid Slate conventions, mid ii certilied list ol said delegates and niter- nates to the Slate conventions shall be sent tu the secretary nf the Slate central eounnillee. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. Central M. U. church, South Regular services nt 11 a. In., nnd N'tO p. in, Preaching bv the pastor, Kev. G. C Rankin. Sunday s.hool nt O..'l0 a. m. IMrst Presliyteriun Church Kev. W. S. , Hrynn, pastor. Iiivine worship to morrow nt 1 1 n. in. nintH'0 p, m. Sab bath school at V.iH n. tn. S'oung ko ptc's meeting ut 1A!i p. in. I'irst llaptist church Services nt 11 m. unit H.l. p.m. Prenehliig by the pnstor, Kev, W. A. Nelson. Trinity Fpiscopal church Holy com munion, 7. .'HI a, in,, morning service, It o'clock, evening service, U o'cliK'k, Siindny schuut, 0,.'l0 n. m. French llrond llaptist church Rev. W. II. Klii),, of Seiieen, H, C, will preach nt 1 1 ii. m,, tomorrow, the pastor at 8.110 Ml. I I will rent Irmn 1st n? tn 1st Si-ptc tulier ur liilnliir my nirtiisluii hnus.-, IJ7 Dili- unit -.Intl. II iiri'li-rml w ill n si-i e thiril Ih'iir l.lill. S. I'OW KI.l,. mm I til.'.t gi l l ATIHN WANTIili. Hi ii.iiiik iiiiiii of litisiness rxH-ririut-; can aMl in I k kt'i-niiiu. Ilahits g.iuii. A 1 ri-li'ii'iiif. i'.iiiiiI H'iiniiin. .nun I liKlt lltix g7. CITV. 3IRS. S.T. RORI'R, l'liltciijll l'llitliilililii:i Cinikinu Si'llool, will iK liver n Series ul six Cooking Lccturc-H IN ASHEVILLE, BEGINNING JUNE 17, 1890. IN .1 illNSTll.N'S MAI. I., lIVliK SMITH'S I .'ours,- Tickets Single Ailiiiissiim iuiii-1 litat 'Kill STllKli. ... '.' .-.o THE PASTEUR FILTER, IN A 1. 1. M.liS I'tlK I AMII.V AN 1 1 HOTIil. I si; (uarniilcvd lo Im.- tit-nil Proof. A l.l. SIZHIS KliPT IN 8TC.CK. Nu lee will be ilellvelt'U willluut ensll ur tickets. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Pattou Avenur JELLICO COAL. AT RETAIL. ' I'or Urate, 9s.oo.l For Stove. . . . a. , BEST ANTHRACITE COAL for sale ut Wholesale and Kctiiil bv ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY, m nuts Hxehulve A mn is 1 liuinestie nnd Slenml lur Western North Carolina. I.KWIM MAHUUX, I'm MCUHIB. VliT-ITcs. (. B. HANKIN. Ca.hi.,. M 1 Urn. .4. I U t t-l .. ... 8. H. heed. f.eo. 8. r-owOI. C. M MeLoud. "-J- J. Kil insscToss: Lewis Mnddux, M.I. Ikitnlin If WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, urKKniKII Mav 1st, IHRd, CAPITAL. $50,000. SURPLUS, $15,000 state, county and City Depository. PICTURE FRAMES. Kisr. a t'K-aerul llunkinti Huslness. UHlt rreclreil. Kichann bou.hl ...i icetiuna made on all aitt-ssilile pnluts. The Mavlng 1'cnliirr will receive inrHal IHi nil sums in this ilcmtrtnient. iliiii.ili.l for four mimtns or lonicer. Intcrrst at k. J. of 4 s-r cent. kt annum will Is- pniil KiKiial attention irlvin tu loans on rial estate, which will be nlaced for Ion. tin., . piinainc icrins. Col. c us ml l. nlil. silver, Ivory, link. I'.ilt nml c'tinilii-1 nillinn MmililitlKS. Also Konlll Moiililiiius. 'icturvs Mntteil, Moiintril nn.l I'noiicil nl lowest priers nml work gun run teed, liugruv- inus. I'ltiutiugH and I.ikiiI Views itlwnvs tin hand nt ESTAIUIOOK'S, rt S. Main St., Anhevllle. niir IH d uptu I rum It a ro. tu .1 p. m. l)n Sntur.lnyi the Snvlim l)ciartintut will beoientill n p., jiuildly OAKS HOTEL, LIME! LIME! LIME! JJViK Kli.NT. tiMi- new ten riMitn Ihhinc in West lind near J. Al. i. nmplK'H s result nit. Applv to W. H. WI'.ST, JR., jtlilt l.'hlilw No lag Hill slm-t ANTIill. A i'iiiiiK lenl man tn piny n diuilile Imss the oH'm ol I'nlieilit'. Adilrt-sN C, HON 3I-". jnnei ".'iiiit K s.m.i:. Complctr outlit fur mnniifitetiiring rtililier sunups mm -ji loins ul tvie. V. ii. MnX s7, .iiint'l MM Ashi vtlle, N. C JTuk SAI.I! CllliAP. Tnn vnlimhlf lots .Toxloo litt on Kuln-rts sin-el. Apiily tu I'.. J. AS KIN. JUlie I .11 I W 1111'. NllTltli HI' Till! INl'llKI'liKA THIN ll' Tllli ASIIIiV ll.l.U I'AKK A-i.ll IIII1KI. CIIXH'ANV. uliceiit tht C lerk ut the SuK-riur Court l I iinciinilK' Coutnv, Asheville. N. C. 1'iilihc notice is lien-liy given that I hrivc tins imy issiii-,i ii'tti-rs ut ineoriMiriitiiin unile the scut uf the Siotcr-iiir 1'iiurt. drehitinu V I. Melli-e. . Wistiny llnitlr. J. I'. Martin and their Nueicssiirs to l-v, and thenceforth inev snail ne. a n .rpnriitiiin fur the pur IMisr nf iur.lm-.ini;. st-llinK. Irasinu. de vi'loiiiit anil iniiriiving htnil.rm-ting hutt'ls, villus, eiittiiurs mid iilhi-r liullihiiiis. nml cur rying un and niiiintnuunK a gi-nrrnl hulel nun nvery nusinrss ul Ashevillr nnd Its vleln Ity in Hunt-omit Cininlv. North Cartillnn lor the term of sixty yenrs with a capital ol . .nr .soiiiiin nrs iiivlili-il Into ten Miius- nnu snares ul tne vuluv ol Slollraeh. W. T. KICVNOI.IIM. Clerk nf the KiiHrior Court of lluneu nlie -wotintv, -s. c. jllllriaillot XOTICE. I'urehnsrra of luls nt the snles of June und who have nut yet paid thrireu nest money will please call nt my oiliee between the hours of A nnd il p. nt. during this week, In hit ntiscncc T. C. .Mc.Nccly will reprc sent me. HICII.MONII I'UAKHtlN EnicliMb and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. FOR YOUNG LADIES ANO LITTLE GIRLS, No. o Prrnch tlruad Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND. . PRINCIPAL i Hnr many years Associate I'rinrlpnl of Ml, miin insuiutr, nniiimurc.l Assisted liy a corps uf cumuintcnl teachers u-r-i.f uay SKUSTUH'8 itv vlrl.i, nf. a. ...I ,,r .t ... liy T. w. Alltun on the nth lill. of Mrntrin Iter. Imnii, rcKlatrrcil in the tifliec of the Km. Istrr of Heeds of lliiueonilw Counlv. In Hook 17. lit lisirr 4N7 nf Morlunif--. KfViinlB. In Mt. cure the iiiirehiiar nmney for the real estate inerria ueserliHil. uml liy rra on of throat urrnfaiiiil r. W. Ashton to comply with the provisions of auld drill nf Iru.l, I will sell nt lilllille nuelion lor enah to the hivhi-al hlilrlrr at tlie enurt houar dour In AahrvTilr on Tues. nnv, inr l.ltn llnv nf July. A. II 1 HIM), unr him k iniirr II nra old name l.lllir.drsrrlhrd III "iilil ili-i il uf trust, and alan the fullowlnir li'-M rilti-il rrnl estate: In the northern natt nl Ihr city of Ashrvlllr, said county, situate in inr nurinern nniinuary ol aaiu elly, on Ihr enst alilr ol Ninth Main slreet, fronting Ha lift nn anid atreel, aud runnlna back eaat- worn 'J-jr, fret In narallel hnca to smith, r atn-et, untl eontalniiiK aliout one half acre inure ur iraa. anil Itiuv uraenneil in anld ilrvd oi irusi, i nts May ao, mini. W. W. WRHT. niiiy.lliUtsnlds Trustee. VOCAL ANO INSTRUMENTAL I.K8SONS. Leaaiuia given In vole, culture, violin and Instrumental music bv Mrs. J. Yarliurough. Is ginning June 3H, IH0O. ' I'll" un violin mav 1st taken In classes of two or mure If so draircd, thus lissciilng e IK'nse. Address I1. O. Illl ;iil7, lllllltllilrinl.'lt JsJI'MMHK IUJAKIIINU. We nrr now -mniHiwi wllh shiim a.-, a...... mvr bunrders. MKH. . B. CIIAMIIItKI.IN, mnyniillm 07 Church street M I 'MIC. Thuriuiuh Inalruellt.n In limlm,,....!..! m...i 'en' muale ulvrn by Mlaa Wliltluek, J I) WomlHn alreet, Asheville, N. C. juiivvniin ONIi Ol' Till! BliST FAMILY HOTELS III (lie iSotilli. Servile uml tulile I'irst CIU.-IS. A ' v."- 5 . l '!l Ji'l...' :i ASHIiYILLK, N. C. FIVIl MIM'TliS' WALK HKtlM Till Court House, STREET CARS I'uaa the dour every IO Minutes. A CAR LOAD OF F R K S H - L I M K j 1st ri:ccivi:i. FOR M.S.I.I-; In Bulk or In Harrcls. Office No. 30 Pattou Avenue. TUI.Itl'llllNl! NO. 0. Pur tcrma address II. J. GREENWELL, Proprietor. SKYLAND SPRINGS Only 8 fflilea from AnIicvIIIc on the A. & H. Railroad and HcndcrHoiiville Pike. The greatest numlKT ami variety of inlnernl springs to Ik found In the Mouth. 48 Springs on Less Than 40 Acre, snte. Iron, aiilnhur. ensuin. alum, nml mnoMl, i. . - that nrr used in eurlnK imliKi stiun. liver uml ki.lury trouble, ehn.nie ilv i.V... k i!";1' is nsiii uml ehr.iiural. il I., u.l... l,r ....oL .r'.'V.'.A" ! ",,..',"' . ekroaU-dva. ever I..U...I. Many are buvimi lots t.. In. l.l r.-..n . L" 2f. J"",r"' V" " at 1n.1l priita tu the i.Tnie iiu.l the muiiinl water. II.,J "iV'b. had i! 90 to $30 Per Month, or f 1 Per Day. Isfi-fcrt-ncvti. tcMtlnitinliilti. vie. van 1m- tin. I I.... u riiin.. .. . iV.,:":"'t', ' lu " " U-r. lire.; ImoruVenien I. w I V Trniua Irnve Aahrvlllr at U.uft .. m. and return at 7 n m Inn as Fur further lufurniaUun write to "" ni 7 p. m.-fare sn rents. OTIS A. MILLER. fl '""""n Sky land P. p., N. V. HOTEL" ARMOND-HOTEL BONNYCREST AND COTTAGES, SKYLAMl MINKKAL SPRINGS, N. C. IJlKlit Mllca South of AHhevllle, ou the A. ft 8. Railroad. New hotels, new c. new nuulture, Unutilul univea.neat trnnia ...i . . i.... UuimI livery. 48 MINERAL SPRINGS. viiXk.' U""t 1"U",yi ,Unr WWle Kiilphur. Alum. Me.i. Iron and Knsnut. Th.. h h -Hlfifc'T"'". '"" V'"'" ''"" f llshclna waters. WnrtliuUfH' nl Ik'iHil. r. u. r.:ti-. C. E. MOODY. P. A C17M1MIN.S, Allorc4il-ljw ft Notary Piiollc. Ml. fj Llit-.AL III.OCK For stale. 'JO lots la Chunn'a Cut.. Itial ihr I .iij .nil. ii., l'osliili. .n.l i. leniiarensonniile For Rent. Htore house. No. 13 Patton .vhiu. I ...a. I nurA iltf smiiiin Kivrn June i. inuo. inityiHiitn E. A. LcVENE, Nnnatr a ua. laa WOOTON'S p. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., saiswnn w.n.ii aJanuiaelurera and la-ulrr. in .11 kin.ia .m Near PasujeiiKcr Depot. PATENT WIRIC TOBACCO HANGERS ARE THE BEST, SIMPLEST AND CHEAPEST WIRE HANGERS IN THE MARKET. Manufacturers and Unices la all kinds ul tm-ssed LU1IIB E R, Door, Sa.h, BlIudM, nouldliiK, Stalrwork, Mantela, Bank aud Bar Fixture, and all kind of Bulldlnir mais-ri.i. Hard Wood Lumber Work t. s.w...t..i. - - s-.k.sva..a a . ""''" Telinhone Mo. aft. FITZPATRICK BROTHERS. Dcaleralu Wall Paper, Window Shadcuaud Patent Hsmsrerir. Paints, Oils and Vsrnlshra, Mnsury's Mltrd I'nlnta snd Colors, Prrnch and Amerleaa CURES THE LEAVES ONLY. We claim that these hnnurrs are ehenner tnnn any inner i are detaehable. and nnv nunilierenn lie used ier slick ; Insure a uni form barn of tobacco: more tobacco can lie cured per barni tubaeco brlnn lietter inlees; does not bruise: stalk la nut cured, sarin iuci nnu time. Any bnrn can lie used. Hum pie sent with pnmphlet lord cents poatnite, miuire for them of your atnrrkreiier or ninni. if iBey do nut kern them send to ua, Price per 1,000, with Mtlckn. sVv.oo Sr I . np. a.nAA- .. ..... . . I -, ,.....,.. ..,,,,,4. s ome nnd trn. I. wa. as- Hend cash with order, or uouda mil c n. 11 I ' - sw esri bOOQI aUd arc a-A.a.M. . U.ll M . We keep in stuck Ht. laiuisauil Kentucky Lead. Whiis.w Hlaas, bum nrbltdlr AUKNTS WANTED. A WIND STORM Come aud go, hut we are Here to Hell Goods au Going to Hell Them. DID YOU HEAR WHAT WE SAID? TOBACCO HANGER M'F'6 CO, Houaton, Halifax County, Va. junctdeodwam BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, BLACKSMITHINO. TO the eltllrn. nf Aahllla mil ll.o. wnulil announce that at mv ah.nM nn i' ....... ... ... ...i,iirj a ainuira, I am IK-l ter iirrparrd than ever tn do work In my line. Wniuina, llllirirlra and n..n,.r...i. ured. Krpalrlna and hora. -ahi.clna- are si, elallles, and prrlrct sntlafnetlun itunranteril, My wurkiurn nre eiH-ri,-need sniTskillluland no nwriir. ar m.Mieratc. B, HI RNHTTII NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. wanted to lease for a term of years fur cnan, ur nurenase from ten to twenty acres arable land, with house thereon, wlthla four mues or Aahevllle. Call nr address OHO. M. AHTIIIIU. JuncliHlfliwtw At A. tlarrell's. Iloi II. If OH HA LB. Fine Rosewood Piano for aala mi 3U Wmiiiiin slreet, Asheville, N. C. JHU.k.U.II. P()H KHNTJl'LY 1"T. Phnjo al ery over Law's atnr. Ilaye's Patent atyllsht 1 parlors aad prlntlna if., pnrimrnl; rummndlous and easy of aeeeaa. Alipiy in UUAKDHN, NANKIN CO., Junedu 00 Huuth Main street. W. huve UU.w llai. 1 t 1.. .10 ,.m.h. hpleudld liu. f nhw. cheaper llian an, ulherhuu-seethrm. Nine und Ten Uunrter HhlrllSK by the cm. I'riaU, UUigham.. e at any price you would n.k them. Hon,, all tUlk tires. Uuods 10 cent. ,.r yard, Wuuld say mure hut this will convince you. AHlievIUe Dry Goods Co., J. U. liUWULL, Manafer. Al i.l.l atnml, 1st iliinr In-low I'cnnlinsn f Co,'. Hardware Htore. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, a7 Haywood Street. All WATER THOROUGHLY F1XTBKBD on the Prcmlac. Twenty-llve yeurs ol prnctlcal esiierhnee, cuuibluwl with Masonab attention to alt de- tall, of the business and perfect arranHemeaU for CLsaklmkss and WsiTf of all gouus mnnufnetureil, enable the pruprletor tu present to bis ssraerous patrons a superior class v Curliusstcd Itcveraars. Vichy and Seltzer Water In Siphons. Olnger Ale and all the various flavors of Hi IDA WATBH ready for sklpawat aad delivered free In City limits. ol of tows ortlcrsTniast kav. ssirossisLS rrf.rr.ra. C. H. CABI rBKIXs