I . ? m DAILY CITIZEN SUPPLEMENT-SATURDAY, JUNE U, 1890. 1 BROOKLYN POLICE. The Guardians of the City of Churches. WELL ltlsnSM.lXEU AM) It 15 AVE. A fen I'lctum of Superintendent ratrtrk Campbell Isonio Incidents 111 Ills Ca reer The Chiefs Able Subordinate. Scenes lit til.) I'lilss Itnnill, llVnyriRht ''y Auierli'iiu Press A-sauci ui.m. The Brooklyn polloe ayetwui, unlike that of tta grcnt ncinlilior New York, tin n single executive. Hu,lsii(t only tjie head of tho force, but also (lit? chief of tlicde tectlvo department mid tin' super' nti-tnlcnl of the liii'Ki' mnnlicr of uihciTs Ii" are 'e tailed to the loiuut ami other places of public importance. Y mThi:i vi f m. ! Mri!.' i twiti'M. Tim present iin-iu.iis'i.i. I 'jirn. k I'ntnti bell. Is so str kin .: n i li'M'ii it p in t he t 'it y of Chur.-l.es n I 'I' . ;" more III. in rt pnMdug wfl 1 1 : --i ir-: !l ' I' of Her cules I'll the Ics ..i" a i ,rf. I '. e f ! i.f n tu hular il h 1. ' s. .:!'. v: "' iIIit; tin' .. vuivli. :.. n...-. i.i.n and llillf.lt.- Ill mil.'. nl a ' il. -' ! Ur' inent .-uii! Ui. I.lti ... ; :. , n.. ':ld force ol a rv t ; ;: -ii. t the :-.:; :t-M ! tills tin- r-. 1. 1 . .nrl.-M .t. .. I -.-1 mii : tii- SHOW) ll tl-- .' sei i i'l :':.- ' i ' . I I idea nf I'.,' ma.i e.o' is ' 1 1 - "t!:e chief" t.. every m :i. .- . ft tn ! el.iM iu ; Jlr.k!i-i. i Tli.mva IrUh. i' uKl. Iri-h descent, .'le is 'I ii'.' 'I i'ail'l.tto j slate, h iv.!.. I'u.' . 1 -: : i .'.". !:i l. ii' i". I toll. S. 1.'. I..-.. . . ' ,i l...ve a I: at urul t.u-te l r ; .; ,':... !.i!:n-rnvl gr.-inill'.it:. -' 1. Iv..-1. r-. in 1: i-!i imlltli-j. in :.!. .vi.lury .in I ... ..-ir! mrt iif ll ' , ..:: .! ': t1 . r. I . ' i''.;i ; U'll, li.ivin ..-r .1 .i-r :.-r-i r nlily hi 1 1..- ;i- i ii. in . ' i.'ii. .:i. New V"i'U -t..i". 'i hi' -.! -, -I ' - it 'in n lw lirt.-il. - i. 1 u i f . - 1'. . ' i'' Ut'Vll. .ri!ii"i . . --. ,., m.;. . :. -. nboriil". i;;- i' i'. :.-'. !.' . A i. : ... tillii-., Illl ! i.i -111 . ! . Uvi! i: !. .' i !;-. v 1 . 1 ll te -l; sii.ee ; .i, t.. hu lin. to'ii!: - : i .'.i ...... on jl ria - ... : w . . i .. Tli.:tv ..in 1.. 1 1 .... . ciiii-i in i ' - i i .' ' -(.i.Illi.' i'' r 1 -r- ... A lil'lli f - 1V.U. .1 . ' I . . OIltM-f .! 1..- r-ir -.T 111 T .. I. at el ;- ; mar diT t'li-.-' .ilri-ilj-ftt. ". ; i:-.l. In 1"'.J r!iiirK-M il f;...-i. I., .i . :i '-.-...I Inn tii'l.-:-. i ':-..'. ...'.-1 -! ;:. ..- I. -1. -t tlirmull. - I 'll i . " : 1 ! a woman v i: . .. -. i '..I;. . ..It. in Inv... II r t. - i' - -.' . !. .:: l ilil'ln".H v i-.- n -.ii-.-.. 1 .- .I.-..: ..-.-.. liftiT a l.i. ; - t. -I i II 't'li. wolii.iii. ....uii..- i i Mi:!. J .-'-. H,r-s . s.r i ; '.- -...' v;-ie-,s- V.s'. V.?-- s. INhl'l.i tnH 1A THICK H. M't.M ' UU t. tli'itnf t(n .'in for wIm'P! tlu-y wi n- ltk Uw, ivt'u-Mi toRlvi' (nir nmiii' ir mni dfiic, mill h.ul uttiiitt4 iu Kur p. Ht"Min whcivl.y hliu rotiM b- lil.MiUlvl. All "t OiMHlru )' frii-n wvi'u tipHiulit U i'oiltn h'iiiliii;ii't'Tn, ii it ti " r.-'- rtiiZf I li-i-r, Tbrvo I'll.-'!; t 'u- r'lv "ii-wl hnjM- IkW Hll'l thi JtTVMI ll.ill .UII t-t il IlUlllKU the prtil- 'ui' l liicnruurat ; i i nf n w.iiwin UIMn riM ri Niiirlfn. I n- jnt'i'inirtfn were a1tti; tn hi1t her tv!h.i( whin flu rhlif iinkr-l for xtivo ility' furil.cr ilnif. The mom. Mil tf-e r-tut wm uranuwl ht culli'il h'I t ; c eiitUilM i.iK-wthor iiitl (jnlnrctl tbo en tin- trrv r -rt out il n:i's find makti ft h(iiH tt liuitfr - 1i,v't: Ion iu ti ln'thtT -ft (trHnti ri Hi-mi'l'tiu tlu prU 'iit r wiipl! Knn Mti'l twi't 1 ti f r i hn-i ilnyn. Jle HirtlHT Ki-'N-i'.'ii tli it tin v nImhi'IiI U f(lu Willi cln;q luniiiuiiiKl '"MititnmM( Am tho woni.in'i ' ti'iiii -. liutioiit-tl riiHt Alio Lml hml vi ry I i r 1 iii"in' t r n-nutt ttnic lliu (drtt,r (''Tort w l riavanl'l -a-ltd Urn crpfitvff W'Uliitt twvnty four Imnn DM Tviil MHiin nti rt-ii lt icr wnr hmit tiUned, nri'l u-liiil 'hii nf unviti-r lttiMir tiinro, In tho vvuiiihu'h trunk with fount. tli portrait of t'.,u iininh nl m m, lfttvni from him t li'r unlch ilKctMil tlm tno tlv of tin kllliliL'niitl the i.t-.I with which tho ftt wmi cuiiiinUtttl. Thu u i.-iHT wu tiitMl nii'l iv.nvicutl, hut mi arnmiit of thvra U'iriK 1 u t to her ttiriilai com It tlon nlm wm wtit to thu Sutti Ayltitu f r IiiMino CrlitilniiN at L l Wvi. N. V. S.h h n wnn'h, ami I'-iic-inlIy uii'li r u h mukj.Ici h, wm iiiipariillflcd In the hUiory of "li. At id rnlwl Ciiinlihi'll, who up to thai tlnto had hrt'Ti I'i-mmpI.-'I hh n talcnu d ilt l lnn, into tin fmtil ratiknof Ariurtctiu di'Ui-tlvtMi, One of tho uii-t Intrrtwtltirf inin on tho Brouklyn font U S.-rin. Johu II. Johnnon, who hiw Itft'ii lu command of ilm tnMitiNd I uiul ever niuru iu oruanlxatioii In 1N7V On horM'lwick or nnir hnrwe wvcnt.n boun uf thu twenty fmir Im ban tminrally dvvot4Hl much llmu aiuUtuily to that nohli quadruped. Not Ion huo, tn fspi iiUJnit of tho hfuidMimitj ntuhl hu cotitmK Ait fMldi "It U wnudiTfui how lntl!lout police faorMt U'Como. Whnt with Nln w1rh ou mnn hII l'h tlnio, who tnlka to it, -3; 5fk Harper's Fly Traps at walks with it, c;us fur It mill In ftct ftl nioht Uvi") with It, they become half huipim. Tli'K-o re rfovi-ral horni'it in my squnil who woulil tie loneauuie in an aver two boai'il of aldiTini'ii. My own horne wil) hear n runaway a half mile ilii-iant and (-i t ivaily to tvirlvu It If i-nnillK our way, or turn iiml pii'miu It if KolntJ In some othir iliivi-tinii. In stopplim run awayH wo riile mi -.iili'iviiVK ami -rai-p tin' briilln or iviii uiul nill bai'k an haiil ntt we can. Du one (Kva-lnii w lien a team wim du-ibiim tii.-i'lly on lliu I'mnl 1 win nut stroiii; t'liniiuli to rein them iu. My horno saw it, anil without any wonl from me ael.eil the rein between his teeth anil -itoppeil tlin i'reii.ieil aiiimaU liiiniell'. "Another hoie we have iiolico.l a rouuh loekitik! ehanu'ter earryiiiK a Iww olio day on Severn h aveuue, heennie exi lteil anil trieil to ru.-h at the fellow, ami woulil not ue antlHlieil iinlll the nllli-i'i-h il taken the man to the .t ition honxe. The animal'it Hiispiei. were correet. The primmer wiw thief anil the ban emit. 'ihieil what he hail Moleii an hour Ik-Iiuo. W couM uover inaKe up our mimls whether the , hore hail i enteil Ilie eonteiitu of tli ba, 1 or whether he hlentllleil the nnuiaiiaorlni ' Inal he luel m.vu In cii-Uinly before. "Xearly all leimes nnilor-tinul not only poliee iluty, but also lire, ainlniliiuen, mill terv, potal anil the other ullleial aystenw whi. h obi iin In liroiiklyn. If they could hut talk, ii-."l ainl write they would make ' the lliu-i pollei-nien 111 the world." The li..t I i lls an 1 river thieve who I make a Minimal the uxpvii-w of iIiomiwIui do Imsiii.--- i:,-. n the hum water front of ' llrooklvu i-.-l a- llll'ier the Jlirinlli'll"ll of I I c'a't. Il.'ii y K. il.-it. who roiiiiii.iinli a pre . dint en.l l ..Iso L'i.in,.ioil.ire of the pollen i ' Il.-t y . '!' t lot i-.lv. 'I'lieliavy eo1lr.li.t-. of one I 1 p.iti-.. i . I'iie pott y pi riu -y trade in o inu- .l.inii ,i, il..- .vorl.l. Kormei'ly the liar i liol- thi.-ii ' .-..la! ..null litiriSiK, larue j i vai'lit-mi.! 'll s:i .'llilSo.il. Son tiiej are i sal isii,., u ii .i r oo.it , a stnail hner, a ' sp.il-t' s,..: r i lr pelllhls ,,f sllu'lir. I Tin-r: . p . i.a.e ru In r an e.-tsy time iuflt. N-iv -i r .. 1 l ? . - 1 1 1 1 1- evpeneliee- are itl'.U' an hI.ip e i-Ju-t -l.-i, I I' i .11. o.v.l-!o!t a foreign i. -. i. to .(.'part and hud ! . u nai l' e In n sii ideiily the i ' !:.' . leu w en. seen to rush -a !!.!: t ' '.' s .1, , ,ii..l (ilmue into the .ii.t. ... Mini there mwatimti n ,.n I..., . i-e p-N.ie 'n-'t promptly to tl',.- n-s. ii. . , : '-...-.I n.-l) otie up. They found i!.. linv- '!. ii el tone mad tinl il, nlv in. ! ! a' ,-rv had ju in( .1 ol.-r n..iri i'i ' e I i i . -r" th . I a rah bl nnlnt.il noiil.l i' : Ii tl '' water. The brute wa-! : .Hi '.si reMdver shot ati.lt!.. n i !..-rs put I..U a on I f :r i.-s-B I i f! !'-': M.I I I IT. mi an ii- r m .i-. -;! .i lar ' lUhhm .!; !v, i t-if ii- - .H ait-l with ihi !: 'n ' w.i- i'"i: I drifting in ti,,. ...v.-j 1 I'la- p...:..' i...inhd tin- iT.i tl a !: i ': :.d i ' if t i iv . w!t wiTi ... . " 1 1 ' t . i n'lVH Jv , It : I lwfMt .'i l.-Sr..:.-. a .t i .- .fi.l t.:iih nf tUh l y ii' tt : . ii!v Crntilv, finl wr all ly ,:i -.it t r-;-i il ip in a ih'ii tui-T A- t : . .. , i . iu-n I Jit hu'ltHMtf., tt.r i- : . ... i.il tin- - .11. dr.ppfd th.' ale le t 'leu h r. Illlt .1 t . u lu'it- ii 1 in1 and ! jT id a i. ii-at i I. .i ii-hy ' itNti tin- Htit-'k nn m i tt-i- dyuu "'it f thf riv'-r Uiif-. M.t ctth- in liu' rlm hihI rapt ur i. . .ii;.. i, iln-J ui'tf of tht trrat-t , iN-i.t-iit i'. i;';,n,,iiif.' mutlutw, t-xt iiixntvh , tn' Itnt and rifivi-ln.r hwt pMpi-rty. In i rVii-'l tt tin; m.tt, ilny annua. ly rvnvr pr w Im-t aluv in tnii' li tii"rv tltafi t In- t-ti! in- i.f tlto tviv, 4 iiii-1 ', i.iv liM know ii t.M t-i ar-'Uiid hi lu i- i nl- i..n irr tinl of Iii-;hi t.if l'M, r; ii 'rl..ml.!:n. X fniiu-ui.ir. wiry li -in ui'ii iii'K lurtr, nl id luM!arhe - i tn' iM t-ii. : n i .led ni1kvii ii. Uid"- hit I ndifl il ; (iii!iMnr, In iMij.r)H u'rv.-il I'H'iil ilt l.ritv a -ddli'r, oar.ttiaii. Iitti-mti'iir " anil all P'-.nd at!d-l. In addtt i"H t tht 'dntii- "f i . pi-ft.'t, lir adN t !r "m- of jMila iii fci'ii' :-' tin ili. i-r wli" rrnlurly In nirtn-i- t ii- fi-ctdiiirnt "f t 'ii' iiiarlmi'tit. Tlit' t ik w li t a r it'-tul inn, nit IimiiI, tl U n'tlrx' d at tl:in" ! K'-od"" hiliunr. fitui'H t li.-Hi iitst'rvf to n' ri-t'tTdfl. I t in t in hi, rpitn r"oin hiMmkl nn nn plnuit t r tin- i luht "How far 1 ll Inau j Uvrv totln-.Ni'w YorH'ttv hall" Tin- man i it 'ii.tl hln hciul to hllr ttnd tlwii, wiin ill -"I'Muuity, miw- T'd. "ti j l ii'. Mr, lnH-'tor, it It tnid filltohnvi a "H.'f cdiiratlou to J.ln tlit foori-i'f ) t Mi ain l f.dlowlt.a mad' !.:. . "lhn," 'i.-r iMcasloti he oicrhe.ir. the .-onel-itloll U'tweeli a newly r iind an old hntnl: 11. 1 the form, r, in. the two went I'm lu a heap of iroiihle. The nn UmT, captain lead ' 'lit a ilocll tlotilTS and (.I'll end ninth at the desk als.nl thievea, nnir ilcror. and li st . hllilr.11, and I've it"l them o iiiik.- l up lu my nilinl that 1 only re ineiiils'r tine of tin in." ' Sl ltl.T. JOHN It. JOIIKW)". "WhlshJ!" ri'pllrrt the veteran, "lva It no more f li.niitl.t. me Isiy, Whin you'v Is-en on toe f n c ii Join, as the nut nf u have, you II uiakn It a matter of principle to foruet. every I 'li-.se. I one nf I hem." Once, when examining a touh young man, thu lns.ctor askiili "If two men flitht In jrntir preaenm, which one should you arrestr" "Why hn man w'm hit flrat, iinlcsa fit other feller wnsji Datrn, a Chinaman or naygur, unit t hen I'd collar th other feller." William K. a. Falm. and .Hammocks TLZO ALLXN'S $20,000. lie ll.i k. Out That Much of IIU Com 1 iiiii,.S Money and AbHcirnilii. EI7..1 Allen, uotillilentlal clerk, etc., of the Austin company of llnaucierx ntid money loaliei-H at Kaiiwia City, diapieared the other eviNilnn injuterlouMly, only to bear rented several days later at Cliieatfo. Tliot!,h hu In mnn nf very pivnllar av pearimee, with a tieek sostiir that he ran not turu Ills head without turiilnn his biMly and a sluiiilurty maimed hand, iiocon duetor or hrakeuian on any Kani-aa City niatl renieiiil-i'lvil mi.iiiK hiui theevenin-sof IiIh lliuht and no newKof him could lie had elaewhere for dava. At H o'elnek p. ni. he bade hii youmx w'lfe and baby poinl-by. and that wim the latest Information until the hour of Ida urrent.. The afternoon of liln departure he drew a cheek on the I u ltui National Imtik for .n.uuu of the A il n 1. 1 tl e o in pnny'ii money and ot It ejwlieil no eai.il' that the eoiupany'H olli cln Is. wonder why he did not take the other r.'l,i they have there. He could have done It ! hh v eil aanot.Hayi ! I 'ashler l.ewiH, for I Kl Zo HI TV -I,, wax ierfectly 1 wol and tun oiii .'i'ii. 1, ,hist in If he were In the oriHtwm eoiirse of lillslnest." j "It.tthel- a lal'tre sum on one cheek, isn't t it" asked the eaishier. i "es, I have jusl i loM-il a loan with tin Arkansas in in fur HuiiKi. and he wants half the ioiii t-i lliijlit. rica.se inaUe it In hh; bills; as larp. a you can, Mr. l.enis" It e. as l. iie, ami, after muutliiK the nion.-i- er i a ref ully, Mr. IH.o Allen ills ; ap ire I into the wide, wide world. The Austin tsit'tpany at ouee Uxiiti Nearehltu. i .aK'erl) f..r Inin. The melnlH rs nay the . ill ,-..:i. H t him ii it costs another f.n.ioi ' And the ro,iip.ii,-, U rieti etiouuh to alfoiil ; it. DCNViR'5 CHAMPION THIEF, Me III. I tlip.-l rrfHliliiit lilTitt In Sign ii Itf'ori'M'iili'tl. Tli'i!itiT-. -; 1 1 1 1 1 tlm hot lyd input iil and Mniitioii..i I n i-r roliU-ry nfvimc nnaitlih ac i- l'n.1- -'N'an-d up, and Mausihdd Kirn; im tin r-'if i-r lt hi own confrtioii, h ui-11;u a nns. of rnlbitiTal priMtf. hi i. a uiunli nT and In n thinf h iU nh thr mi-t darin-. lniiK rnhU-r nf t hn da , and. U'in.: -at ::.r ! t !i:.t lii- rrlniiti.il runi'r is it att riid. In K lU'lititf the nuthnritirt In vi'r w;ii iMiildi to o t thn I'vldi'iin. IP-In, i v t ti Imi-ii i aiTiaitniiMtnt inu fi to p"M- f r a phitiL;rak hhwinc how hi r I livi.liiit Mutfrit, nf tin- KirM Na tlnll.il ha u k of IK tiv.-r. Iln !n-M a nv.tiT in out hand and a -uiiill i an nf totrn tfy n-rim :n t In'otlirr, and rt'i in' Hit: t lit pr -.di nt in h i nriv it- r. mi i i'oi M'M. d liUM In oiutl a.di.ik fiTtvi,ti and thin '"in jniiil hi:n Tn m:h1 III ,lWilM In f ht ' nii r i!"k i' M '-KI: tl KIMK The limlM-.i ' 1 In' -tnry wim pronnUtlilil III- rdih!i" a' t'i.- itun'.hat an IniiIi pfirthn urit i'ii t if f.i- t it tuav mm U- nnvptod. Kinu'' lfi-i frinM wa-Mralitnf n lin""1 nrnr t'l.rton. Mo, fr tin. Im wjim arn-Hti-d nnd wu. -.i!i i-li-ntiiii-d at ih lrnvir roldH-r. ihi iii-nrd nf I ii iTlnii ( a lonu ono; Imt (. ill W t ri'd f"V tin- nnvir nilUry, nnd i hi- fc'nilt ih rt-tt.iin. Id- rrimlnitl iiirwt ! liiMlnlilit tld-l. SHE LIKCD ADMIRATION. UititiaiiS titiv lli ( itiiM- of m Miir- tl T MHll i tf. iii. wu Mits. rt AlHNll. Mrs. May 1'ln lin third mat rimonlal vi-ntiir,. w.n. h.sr last. Aftr Iwltur divi.nwl ; friin a Mr. Amy and then from a Mr Ijiw renee hhe married a year nun frjlwanl I'la ( dliitf, a Sun Krntii'isci ctii nieti.r of witue 1 wealth, 'l'he wife'N liaiidiwiiiie lltfiirr and line feature ntt nu-ted the general ailmlra l..n which her vanity oivete.1 and, natur ally, h. r loisoj.in! idler a while thoiitdit ll pr,.sT liinwit her n.ni.Biili.nshlp with, "" ," '"" Ktiow .Mm. na.iinirh.l i "do us -he idems-d, and n. emulated 1 herdis-hoatliiii i.f liiili'is'iideme the other: ia ,., ii"."n.i. uer ii-,, i..r apan menta on another stnst. tn theetenliiK her liiislsind eallfsl. What followed after tiie two met will never he known, fur when the alarm of two pistol shots l.rnuultt seopleiiitlie,lie,rther found Mrs. Khelnu dead and Mr. Kliwliui( nearly s.1. lU.fnle .,sili4 colisciolisness he dis'hirisl that the woman shot hlin, hut It la the opinion of. the San Kriinelseo isdlca that hu was the one w ho so munleeoiuly haiulletl the idstol. lleserli'il Her When fcuher. All il id n-iit I. li for divorce, recently filed Ilia St. Units fitiirt hy Mm. Katie Paul tells some reiiinrknhle stories nlsmt Iter hlisUind Knsli'i'hk. In her Js-titlon the plaint III suva she married Mr. I'aul May 10, lasil, in,. I1h.1t In rccipi-ni'iil.'d. The wnrdltiu Is somen lint idinciire, mid may not say Juat what she loeaiis. hhe si.llen-d linllKnltles, and mi 011, Tiiell she ciuutiieiicca: "Frnni mi or alsinl I Ms-. I, Ikni;. innniir al. nit Iks-, in, IH-11, ilefendnnt waa drunk eontlliiioiisly." Sheittei n-rtiiln days oh which lie was the most stupidly drunk, le. doiiht, and ehiliiis lie turn, si tiie tnhh-s 011 her ay Insisting ihut If she waiil.sl him for a IiiisImihI she loiol siipiairt hlin. Hhe says he pawtusl ami iniirtKimed her fnmllure whenever the mil lull struck hlin. When he sols.nsi 11 1 1, t srema, he cleared nut, which sin' cannot endure, and for which she wants to net Iimw (mm him. Sh avers she haa not ss n him since Dec. 14, fnur days after hu ot urer his Hire year' ptve. A Nlna Trailer' Nulrlile. Hlhn I'ortn. the akciI anil wealthy Pnr tilKtieae slave trader, who Is repnrl.si ta have enmniltteil suh-lde recently at Ml ha, Africa, waa, up to l.lvltitfatoni'i tlm, the only white man to travel eitenslrely In th rqnatnrial iculon. After amaaalng a tor tu no ho refuseil to return tn Europe, a that would ovcoultat th abaniloumant oi bl nuinrrou 1vn and children. I ci O 1Mb v -2, CUPID IN COURT. The Gay Little God Makes a Sad Life Happy. Sl'EX YEE ESfAl-ES FKO.H II(.M)A(iE The n.imiinlle Keory of the llniie.l 1. Fung, the Wicked l.ee Kill ami a Pretty Nlave l.lrl, with N e ('iiiliillrilU on I'ulh-e Ciiiirt Jimtlce. The other day the aulliorltii of Nrw York city leariied that I.ee Kill, a Mutt alreet I'hiuaiiiaii, wan holdlim lu sliamcfid wes ti:k Uindat:!' and for iurN,s,-H of ram a feuiala of Ins own rue. I'i dice raided the den and found the victim of oriental cupidity and hriitislinesi. eouceahsil in a Ncantity ftirnlHhisl apart incut Just heneirh the rHf. Sueii Vih that ii. the yoimu girl's name - cried out in ahjeet tern.r w hen f he hlue j coated "fon-ik-ii devils" faeed her, and for j a time no arumim-nts nf the interpreter or of friendly I liiu , men could shake her tie ! lief that the tut ruder ,mt,.ed to mutilate and put In r to death. : ltetter th.ui I s ksor liars h id ls-n aii KUI'a cutmiits!. lie had told Si, en Ycc the moat hoo'l eurdlite.' tales of the white man'a Ih udi-li erueltv ami liroui;ht her to think thai eii'l tratii-e of her hit meant le of evil th iu an appeal to the tliuiy hearted harlNiriaiis. Ttie ci.-I'h fear did hot aliate for hours, she nearly faiiitisl in the police j curt; she had lusterh-s in .liidsteitoriuairM i ismsnltali- ii i-.s.in. To her iu'iiocjuit iiiind j ta'rils.i'meiltotlire.'iieiioneMry hand. She ! dn'tided a return tr the .Molt sin-et den, hut I ..fill more hhe dreadisl the tinkium u tor i tuns, of which -he tll luly Iwlleve I the hite i men tiiteiidisl to make her the ol.Ject. Her i ; fevensl Imiiu'itiatiMii iiitijunsl up grisly J ! shaiM-N and cruel device in every noik and I corner nf the Tiuulm jusiieu 1:011 it. and in j , thin half delirious suite she almost Invau ' to regard Ijl Khi and the throne of Mini ; ifollans haiiKin nlmiit the irisiincrs' ilia'k 1 aa friends. i Hut where aroiiueiit. iersii.isi,,n and I kind treatment had failed Cupid cot, . itiensl, through his chosen nu'eiit, l-e j KoilK- Itl the hrief mNU','H n I, ell s.-lti.lled lirutality uave her rei.Ki. Sueti Vis- had J Iiei'ii wont to a;i. llinniu-h her dlnny atlie j window ,.11 the hustle and rush nf life iu ; the dirty Mroct lielnw Kr the tlir.nn; 1 ahe siiujlisl out as the ol.e.-i ,d her faticy ! a atranifi'r f her own ran, wh,. pii sss and j ri.pasMsl daily, mid slieu.oeiu her lutiid i reKnnllm; I1I111 those airy, d .inty rouiaiuva j aa emu 111011 alike to the itr!hNx of n (iiHir j little Mi.nollan prisoner as 1., that nf a Marie lla-hki-tiell. .iii-h Via- inel him I lirst faiv to finv after Imt resi'tic, and then j only hych ini e. I It hers Inel failed to con ' vihrc the frlii-htciicd child of liers.,fely and ' he waa linuiKht In naan additional wliuesa. ' At the aiicht of I1I111 her t.-aifnl . ves hrluht enisl, her tn-iniiloiis liis lis, k mi a smile, roiirtdence for the llrst lime appeared and he urew lirave with l-li. f. She asked her I ioiik aiiowii jvb iiiiauunii irieiui oia name. "1 Flint?," he replied. Then 8iien Yre nsld.-msd thmut'li her delicate tiii)a'r tiuteil skin ami aaid anme thine that hnmiflil a surprised look to lav Koiik's face ami a Idiish to his check. Turiilnii to Ijiwyer lliiiumell and the others pnveiit, he rvptaliusl; "Lilly Kal ant M nially me, Guma I mit yea; lilmrhy all lluht." So then and there tha match was made, and. when thu wicked Iav Klii gnn to lata prison for kidnaplnu, the perau ruled Sueii Vee will Isai.me the wife ul th lonest lsj Poiitf, ami il is arrnnued that All the leaders of Christian lulHsion work In the town ahull traee the Weddlnn with their unweiice and iinwnia. But wna thl frail little k an chattel ( ,,,1 master alfuether wronu anil mui,en In ahnwlim rcptiiftiatire at the kindly and well meant all, nllotis nf the rs'licef Is It not possible that, like a ma jority of her while hml hers and sister, the tr.K Kin urn nit: tuk JUtKi. felt nil Instinctive dread nf the men who. If they i'li,M to run the risk of ultimata piiiilsliun nt. have the power and authority In ilrai. the veriest saint from off the street and elap him, wIiik anil all, behind th rtonruf an unclean prison eel It It la "pret ty nnih" so the criminal thinks-to 1st iliinie,l like a hsul of re fmw Into a dun Kenn. What must lar the view nil the sub ject nf a prisoner whisw chnnicUir I stain lisw ami whose human fault. If any, art not dmliiiileil on th statute hook a wort hy of punishmentr Yet prolmhly not 1I..I In .n. latM t.MSti nf 1 maM without the arrest of penpl alsmlulely In- nnretit of wmnu doing either actual or In tended. And what treatment dn they getf Ahmit this, In New York city, foramplei Tb policeman having either maliciously or because of misinformation reaolvea upon th "running In" of a person, pro od about hi task with a rigor that ua tifl tb its of thphroomprtd within th qootatloo mark giran abova, Th 18 cts. Cheaper than Anybody. captive is booked ut th aiatloa house, d privrsl of erurytblng about bin an tb clothiwoit hi sack, and twurad lq.aeU that violates, ae far aa iogunntty caa tut- Keat, every ii'ltinlple of sanitary regula tion. The Lard bench which aerre tor couch and clitiir Is a favorite reaurt forrer mln, nurh a thrive hy proyluK on the hu man frame. Hats, of n aim and ferocity found nowhere, save in a police station, scurry alsiut the liisir. Th man wii h delirium treinen in the next "apartment" howls intermittently, and the unfortunate at reet walker Acroaa the paxsage way adds to the dill by (.trident, endeavors at aiiiKiug. NlKht llililer these circuumtaueea hrliiKa small repose and the nioriiliii: hut lluht refreshment, for a pria oner'a breakfast consisla of adryhiiu mid hot water colored to the semblance, of colTuu Ii) the lut induct Ion nf burnt bread crusta. Then the police court. There the nlleueil culprit thinks he will hare a chance. Thu judge shall know of the out rage larrnct rated on him by that "infernal copia-r." Tin- ejuto ia called. "l'eoplu v. John 1W; charge disorderly coniluct; Ollieer llii lianl KHcomplainant. Well, Din-, guilty or not gnlltyf" "Not guilty, and your honor" "Drder now, onler. (.Hiker, atata your case. " The k.Ii email gives his version of the arrest. "Anv wltneasiis for the defense, Dia'f" "No, sir; but I'd like to say" "Say it s'mot her day. Ten dollar or ten days. Next." A tMtlice court Is nearly as miaaniatic tn its atmosphere a a station cell, o If John IM' can raise the money he pays Ida flue, reclaims his valuables and gets out. If he wants to light he can complain of fheoflt ccr to the IsMird of isimiiiiHsinnera and they will nir.iiigc for a hearing. The hlueconteil defendant raises the point that Hoc ha Is'i'ti , otivii tisl lifter a fair trial in an oan court of lustice, unit the charges are promptly dlsmlssifl. 1 know of u man who got into custody under circumstances m.t wholly dissimilar from those teitliueil anovc. The s,l, -email -the alfair .mtuitcI In f hicitgo -"took Is,'." Id-fore the mis him for Home one e take was r.si itied the man's creditors grew alarmist at the atiair. and lsgau inquiries and suits which Its) in im indict incut, trial, ciinviclinn and sentence to thns years in the penitentiary. The alleged criminal ai- lieahsl In the siltireme itiilct of the state ot Illinois, and. pcn.lln. a decision. wa liH-ked up In Cisik county jail, Itail Issjng refuse,!. At laeeiidnf A year the din'mucnta were reviewed, the neiinii nf the Inwer court re versed and a new trial ordered Then the man was aeifiiitt.sl ami. as the judge re mark, s, "left court without a stain ou his oharaeter.' A l IHUT IV TUK IIU'IIT IHSiM. Thai Uiis may not la1 regarded as a fancy sketch I apsu,l I ue name of this H'raoii who Inst Ids hiisiness, hwt a vear of his life and i-anie near being fon-ver disgrnceil la-caiiso of an ollieer' blunder, that lu itself, apparently, vincd a trivial matter .1. W. S kii, fnriuei'ly wholesale dealer In and luisn-ier of seeds. It is pleasant to add that tiimuglmut hi long term of con tltieinent Mr. SvUes retalmsl the affection and ennliilenee of the church to which he Is'liiugcl, and (i.nii his prison cell man age,! its business nlTairs as lluancial secre tary. KlIKti U. UAVTOS. DIED FOR UNREQUITED LOVE. A Handsome anil Intelligent ftweile Kills lllniself. A large party of Swede of the well to do class iu San Francisco were returning from a picnic I hu other evening when, a the stea iiiit fleer ed the wharf. Otto Philip llaekstmiu fired a bullet through his heart and fell a corpse. Mia l.lllle Lund at ran. who waa near hi in, fell senseless to the deck, and soon It waa learned I hat their live were connected In the events lending to OTTO naCKBTIIOM. the tragedy. She la remarkably handsome and he was a line looking and Intelligent man, hut though he was madly In love with her she did not return his love. They were from the same aiarv In Swe den, and she came over a year ago In th same party with him. bo Isdng on hi re in ru from a visit. She went to live with her brother In Sail Fraiiclsro and the lover. who nan srsiimliH hertocoine to America that he might pmsM-iite his suit, grew more Infatuated than ever. When the data of the May festival drew nigh he Informed hia most Intimate friend that he would make a llnal aptil that day, and, If re fused, kill himself. It mwiii that he kept bl word. No bin me la attached to tin young lady by hi friends. A I'nrluu Plant fitly Named. Th Sioux Indian tell a strange story about an historic locality. They any that ou the hillock where Custer fell now grow a plant uever sismi there before a curious plant with tall, slender leavea, curved In the mart form of a aals-r, with edges so harp as to lull let keen wound upon U0 wary hands, and those who pluck II ones stain drop H, so strangely cold anil clammy are Its loaves. It Is-ars a golden bued, heart haaal blossom, and In the renter Is one small soot of brilliant red, like a drop of blood. The Indians regard It with npr titlou awe. They cull It "Custer' heart," and cannot be induced to touch it, claim ing that the blossom crushed In th hand leave a blond red stain Impoaelbl to re move. A urtllog Tale from India. From India comes a Strang story of wholesale attempt nt murder. It Is ald I hat at every suit iuu on the Kantern Bengal railway paasengera are warned not to ao cept food or drink offered them by stran gers, "aa nn organised band has bean dis covered whose plan it Is to treat paasen gers to food, drink and sweetmeat which hav been poisoned, and decamp with their booty while th victim I Insensible or dead. Many deaths nave resulted from thea crime." Ice Cream Freezers THE PIRATES' TREASURE. gam Callfbrnlan Think They Know Where It Is. About 400 mile eouthweat of Panama I Uttln Island nailed Ooooa, and on that laland an Immeaae treaanra Iln buried, according to a story that ha bean growing for fifty year or more. Indeed, If th story had not laen o lung In growing It would ls more credible, but aucb. aa it I here It is: TUK BCH00ITR1I LAURA. About fifty year ago a forlorn caatnway on the coast of Newfoundland waa cared for by a family named Caten, and told them of the burled treasure. lie aaid that he hail lawn cnmiHrlled to resign a lleuten- antciy tn the English nary on account of having killed another officer In a dual, and hail then entered the Peruvian nary. I yearning that an ltnmenae treasure waa on it way from Peru to Knglnnil, he had nrganixed an outlaw crew and captured thn veasel and treasure after a bloody fight. The pirate then quarreled abont it, and many were killed. The other buried the treasure on the Coco island and had tn diaiiersc at onoe, aa two or three government ship were after them. In time nearly all of the pirate were killed or takeu and hanged, and Thunipaon (tiie name by which the stranger called himself) gave up whatever claims he bad tn Caten and returned to England. Caten recovered the treasure and removed part of I U... -.).. .xl , ka mul,.,lAB Ills anna ' It, but rehnriod the remainder. HI tons atarusi alter it, out tneir vessel rounaerea and all on board were lost. Meanwhile Thompson had married In England and died. His widow appeared In San Fran cisco recently, claiming to have a complete clew to the lis-allty nf the treasure, and th schooner l.mra, Btted out under her dlreo- win, i..r-i ...j - are luimenat. poasn.illtlea, either for failure r. ...nsuu In the .ntarnns. This hn or tic-ess, In th enterprii have risked money on the venture will either "go broke" or become millionaires. MURDER OF A PRIEST. The rtr of a Chleajo Church Killed hy a Lunatic The only possible theory on whlrh to ac count for the recent klltlngof Father 8. M. A. llnrrett, at Chicago, by Patrick Keady, la that the murderer Is insane. He did not know hi victim, had no prejudice against the Catholic religion, and seem to hav taren actuated by th merest freak of lunacy. The afternoon of the tragedy Father Bar rett, who suffered from paralysis, sat on the porch of his house. A man entered the front gnte and approached. "(iiMsl evening, father," said the stranger. "(tisal evening, sir," the priest replied cheerily. "I hope yon are well." "I am nut," the man said, rather abrupt ly. "I liavea pain in my heart that la both ering me very much s nd I'm afraid I'm going to die." "Have you Is-en drlnklngf" the priest asked, no ticing for the tint time the stran ger's 11 e r y com plexion it nd the peculiar expres sion of his eyes. "Nil, I have not," he replied. "The only thlngthat ails me ia my heart." r.VTIIKtt nUIHF.TT. "Then you had better go home and rest yourself," was the priest's advice. At this the man drew a revolver andshot Father llarrett through the laiwel. On la-lug arrested a few momenta later ha gave tho name of Patrick Keady and aaid he waa a horse slincr by occiiwtioa. Th womided priest died next day. lie waa nearly SO years old and for twenty-three years had been pastor of St. Stephen's church. JACK THE INK SLINGER. A 81 range and I'nnrontabl aerie of Crimes. All spring nml early summer New York women were In a ieulo over the atrangs uiul causeless malli-oof anme unknown per son who, aa opmrtuiilty offered, poured In- ilxfliilii I..L mi ft, .M.wi.a nt .M.....unu.l, along llroariwny and Fifth avenue. Th crime waa res'ated so frequently aa to create a general public outcry ami all th police of the city were ordered to keep sa-ciiil watch for the mysterious person known aa "Jack the Ink Sliuger." Soon after tbr promulgation of the order a patrolman stationed at Fifty-ninth street ihiivimh.. and Ninth avenue saw a shah b 1 1 y dressed laborer following two wo men. He took the fellow In i nsteily, and caught him, a It were, red handed, for hi lingers dripped with aniline, ami several lain Ira of the at ii IT were found on hia per son. At the pre- loll lonrfoHS, iiminary riiiiiunatlon next tiny It wss as certained that hia name was John Con nor and his occupation that of a hostler. He refused to give any reason for pursuing his singular and unprofitable Hue of mi chief doing. Asking a Pension' on Novel Gruiiads. Hesekiith Forrester, of llitla-rsham coun ty, Ua., haa made application for a pension on grounds Mint, to say the least, are a lit tle unusual. He states that during the war, while on a man h, a comrade playfully struck him with s knapsack. In the knap sack was a three pronged fork, and the prongs stuck in his left ellsiw.two of them breaking off and remaining there. The arm has laren useless ever since. Collegians rut astonishing capers some times. When Harvard defeated Yale In a recent athletic contest the friends nf ths victors found outlet for their Joy by paint ing the legs and face of the John Harvard stAtne a bright red. Every man in Uiiruiah Is expected at snms time In his life to Im a priest. As a consequence the streets nf Mnntlalay ar thronged with yallow robed, shaven bawled mens. IF MAI0EN8 ARMED WITH OUNt, Military Drill a a Means for Mweaatal I'ltysleal Training, DaiiK'or la known a the Qneen Hr Maine, and nhe now deeervea th tlllati tduublo diifroe, for a number el Ik princeaapa have of late been learning how ti mlo in times of war aa well a n dtiya of pence. The CliiU-nthirttiH in the name of a mili tary roniNiy coinpoaed eutiroly of romely young women who last winter ratno to thoconcluaion that phy-ical train ing was a good thing, and that the beat result in that direction oonld bo ob taincd through the nae of the army drill. Hav ing apttled pre liminaries the mnidoni secured for instructor Capt. L.Chllcott, the handaome oommander of Compuny U, Soo nnd regiment, and ninply rec ompoiianl him for bis eervirea hy naming their organization 1 n his honor. Thnmghont wln ter and Hpring the willing yinmg A ram mtrr.'tnF.E, warrior devutl himself to his congenial task. But he made of the drills no holi day or society affairs, and the recruits wore worked aa hard aa if they were members of the regular army. The pri vates carried Bpringfield cadet rifles weighing aevon and three-quarter ! pminda. and the officer were Multiped ... ... 1 1 " with swords f the regulation United States army pattern. The other evening the Chllcothtans in vited their friends to witness a drill at Nomtula'ga hull. Those present were , amply rewarded for their attendance. They saw thirty lovely damsels in tight ; amng wniaia anu miiea skirta, tnmmea , handsomely with white, high laced boota. " l.M-..ss tanvur., Ill, 1.IC HIlllHI BJin, and wetuing jaunty cadet caps on til poised hernia. Capt. Blanche Louise Hellier waa in command and gave her orders with the cuuUdenoe of a veteran. The manual of arms and the company volutions were performed without a mistake, and the wonderful proficiency of the Chili othinns elicited well earned applause. The young ladles were showered with floral tributes and ball tlk.t.,M I...SH...I . 1 . I. tuk nu KTii Kxr.armt ended Hie event. On behalf of her com rades dipt, Ilellier presented Capt C 1 oott with a swoni and belt, and Lieut. Mitchell, his assistant, with a gold watoh. The military drill aa A means of physi cal training neema to be a success, la Bangor anyway. Statistic Abont th KetMs Some one hits recently figured out tb exact dintanco that a person may be re moved front a reflecting surface and ret . hear the echo of hia own voice. Viva . syllables a second is said to he the limit I both of distinct pronunciation and die- tinct hearing. This gives one-fifth of a eoond for each syllable. When the at mosphorio temperature is 61 dags, sound travels 1,190 feet a aomind. In ene-fifth that time It will cover a distance of tU feet Hence, if a reflecting aurface la feet distant the Initial sound of ao. ottered syllable will be returned to the just aa the next syllable start on Ita I Ipumey, In this ease the first fifth of the second la consumed in th utterance of a syllable and the next fifth of tha eoond tn hearing its echo. Two sylla bles would be echoed from a reflectintj surface 9S4 feet distant, three syllabi ea i ... i n of aublenosa. from Run feet, and so en within the limit "Orssl th Clllssa." Mr. H. H. Kolilsaat, of Cliioago, baa arranged to emct at his own expense a statue of (Jen. Urant in civilian drese, which Is to stand on an appropriate atta at Oalena, Ilia. The figure will be of bronxe, tight feet tall, and will aur t THE All, ATI XI) DXSIdlf. mount a pedestal tea feet bills. Tfca statu will be unveiled some time neat spring In the pre nee of a distinguished oompany of Invited guests. s. nlf i i : Ttmi -iWi! IT.

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