ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 1, 1800. I A V 'V . SPECIFIC. nbloaome skin disease to scratch fur ten and ha been cured by .48. 8-8. ( t M. H. Wolff, r Tipper Marlboro, Md. .... pecific lied several vcant ago of mIii In ny leg by the lino of j., and bare had no symptoms of t of the disease. Many prom I t fJUkm attended me and all 1M S 8. S. did the work. .ilA i.!PAOb W. KtRKPATRICK, juunsun viiy, Ten, i :,'.iv,.,... i M-.r.v. Blood Skin Disease1 ' fcin Spkcific Co.. xty'fcS, Atlanta. Qa. CM '.$'t i. JQFBSS10HAL CARDS. 'llpATHrCOBBr' TiOGRAPIIEK. Technical and commercial JLBfiAL BLOCK. ' ' GRAHAM, DENTIST. Uw'i Store, Houlli Main street. ;'-:? an , With una fine. s PL i with .liver or amalgam. ...fine. io7.'ic. ii,, !iT " Kold SI. OO and upward. r-t teeth sn.oo, V;.;S .,. tft Of UX'th M.OO, fetter made, no matter what you pay, Action guaranteed. A. NEWLAND, Attorney at Lawi MARION, M.C. practice in tne mtn ami lain jiiiiicnti -t. of North Carolina and in the 8u- . inai Court and the Federal Court or the Western District or North Carolina. tayHdltn THln P. Daviiisos, Tmm. A. Jonki, JlalciKh. J... O. MAKTIN, A.rcviuc. Ashcvllle. JJAVIIIHIIN, MAKTIN & JUNKS, Attorney, and Councilor, at Law, Anlirvlllr. N. C. Will prsitlcc In the 11th and tilth liiilicial ItlMtrit-tM, .nil In the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Court, of the Western District of North Carolina. Kefcr to Hunk of Asncvlllc. duel J. A. THNNHNT, Architect and Contractor. t'lana, apednention. and entimate. fur alaned. All work In mi line contrnetril for, and no charge, fur drawing, on contracts awnrdrd me. uirmuvt whrn dr.lred. I mice: No. I!i Hendry Hloek. North Court Square. Aiheville, N. C. IchlOdly , II. RKKVK8, D.O.S. I II. K. SUITI U.S. Dra. RecTCS & Mmlth. DENTAL OFFICK In Connally Dulldinit, orcr Redwood. Store, I'.tton Avenue. Teeth eitrt cted without pain, with the new ann-sthctlc. andall cjmc or imiiuinruy cor. reeled, lelil.ltlly . RAMSAY, D. D.8.J Dental Office i In Haraard Building Entrance., Avenne and Mala Street. (el)'J(KllT J. W. KOIXINOS, Veterinary Surgeon I will practice in the city and .urroumlliiK country. Office at W. P. Illantun at Co;' .tnlilc, 79 8outh Main .treet. "I"' MISCELLANEOUS. Vf.i . R. PENNir.l AN PRtrFRIBTOR Ol' THE ASHEYILLE BRICK WORKS AthcTlMcW. C. P. O. BOS P. marlSdlr PRIVATE BOARD. NUW HOU8BI NBWI.V FUKNIRIIUD ALL MOIIBKN IMPKOVBMBNT8. MRS. N. B. ATKINSON, No. 311 Haywood Street, luniiadl THB LARUBST AND ItKMT BUI'H'I'BU TUB SOUTH. CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABORATORIEk H. C. Woltcreck & Co cokhultino cilui.t and HININO XNIIINHRRS. Analyse, of Metal. Ore., Coal or Coke, MM erai water.. rmii"i TRICB LIST ON APPLICATION. Mining property Inveitlgated, developed ana ptiai. Corrr.Kndence iwilieited. Sample, can be rnl by mail or e.prc... cat br cxprru, charRe. mnat lie prcpnlil. Agcnta wanted In .very place. Chattanooga, Tenn. DR. H C. WOLTCRBCK, ouvSdaiwly Manoicer, MOTHERS FRIEND I Jl I m . ELI I 9 Mlk ENS D.P SPUUB0R ISPAI rFR TO LIFE fib OlMlrilSHESrATnTUFR r sepas dftwly ABSOLUTELY SAFE I PCRPICTLY ODERLE88 Burn Is sn Lems without dinger Exploding or taking fire. See that yoa BBAin a I ,asiralj get tn genuino. rorosiooy BALTIMORE UNITED OIL CO., " ' ASHKVILL8, N. C. atpi dAwly AS AMUSING EPISODE A Licensing Petition Too Bulky for the Houbo of Oommous. THE LIBERTIES OF HELIGOLAND. Mr. Gladstone Will Wrongly Oppose the Cession of Heligoland lo Unr many Permanent Kxenipilnit from Military Duty Will Bo Insisted Vpon. London, June 89, The serious char acter of the proceedings in tlie house of commons was relieved last evening by an episode which afforded general amusement. The monster petition in favor of the licensing bill to which itc originators, the publicans, had obtained GOO.WX) siinmtares. wat carted to the rjalaoe of Ht. Stephen a few days ago and dcnoaitod in a corner in Wesrnuit ster null ponuiug its prosentatinn to parliament. Last night the three ponderous rolls of uuiht, wh measuring sevou lei't in dtiinietor, wmen we petition i-ouiyr""-n. were tmnbled into tint bouse with much flittiKitlrv anil nlaiwd in the center Sidle. Thev rtlludthe sidle completely, nnd it was uuiHiKHiuie tor meuiwra w hear anytliiiig across thoiti. The Lib- umlu Irnot 111, a lUlllritatlt HtT eUlll Ol OO jectioiui to mTi'imilg tne pennon, kui lor a time tne uuwis, protesu, penis oi laughter and challtug in which the liiuiutierH iuiliilged bereft the huune of allsemblnmo to a deliberative body. Order whs litmlly restored long enough to reach tlie result ol oriieruig mo re moval i if li. iiHtition. and it waa turn- bled buck to lU corner without being presented. Harrow Liberal. Krvolt. I.nviuiw .Innu 2H. In suite of Mr. Gladstone s dmire that the Lllieruls ol Uurrow-in-Furucss assist in the return of Mr. Cniiie, they huve already selected a caudluuto, Mr. uuuean, 10 oppose aim. Th riiiimi of their onrjositiou is Mr. Caine's active interference in several parliamentary elections in London to the disuilrantnge of the Ulatbtonian candidates which the Barrows Liliernls regard as huviiiu been irratuitoiiHly iilleu. sive. His interference) in such mat tern at home would have been coiiKiilerea legitimate, but be is to lie pun lulled, if DoeMlile. for his meddlesome ness elte where. The Stai protests uiriiinirf the randiducv of Mr. i Jlicutl as an unwise move, which the Burrow Lib erals will rue and fur which there is no n.ioMiii. If tin. Lilierals will ilolllnTateiy renel the return of Unionicts to the Itiudstouian ranks thev cannot reuson ably complain if the dissidents go over to ine Aoiies ung uuu uagKws1'. Gladstone Oppoaea the Settlement. London. June 28. Mr. OludHtone will strongly oppose the cession of Heligoland to Uermany when that mat ter comes up for discussion and will be aupiHirted by Bir William Harcourt, Mr. Money Him oilier leaning uim-raw. In any event, .nr. itiatisioue win con- t..n,l the inland must be fortlfietl by Oermanv and the inhaliititnts mtist be iiermiineutlv ezeinnted from military duty or service of any churacter what soever. Licensing lllll Withdrawn. 1 jinimin. June 28. In the house of coiniaons Mr. William Henry Smith, the goverument leader, stuted thut the gov ernment having found thut there re- miunrd nn alti'rnatlve won HI wiinnruw its proismal relative to the fund for the purchase in iiceuses tinner me oj-inuuu of the proiMMed local taxation hill. Mr. Smith said that at a future day tlie gov (.r,im,.nt would Minrieitt what disimsition should Iw miule of the funds thus re leased. Cant. Young's Close Call. London. .Tiine 28. The escaiie of Cunt. Youim. of the steamer City of Home, from the 1M of his sailing C'T oiticate, is due wholly to his seamnnlike conduct and skill after the accident to hi. shin. The court ifavu uuu consider' Mtimi to IhiMe nointa as bronuht out by the testimony ana were oi opinion vnav the errors of dipt. Young were merely errors of judgment. Fear, for the Til bee DHL Txihiiom. June 28. The Eniflinh clergy have become alarmed at the action of th. iroverninent abandoning Mr. uos- chen licensing clause, fearing thut the ministry may also regard it as expedient to withdraw the tithes bill. They have, tlitn.fon. arranmid to orenare a uetition to Lord Kallsliury praying tuai tne titheebillbe retuined and its passage expedited. nianiarvk'a Museum. Br.itUN. June 98. I'rince Bismarck will establish at a iiiinieuin wlii.-li will Iw made nn from the numer ous gifts which have from time to time been presenteu to vne oa-ciiaui t'iior. t. portrait of the present empuror will oo- cupy the place oi uoiior. Miners' Klot in Hlelly June 28. At Kuro, in the taliin.l of Hicilv. S 000 niiiieiK had a con llict with th lli. which resulted in the killing and wounding of many on Iwirn o,Ihi Tliu militnir have ueei called out and martini law declared. Langtry (ioliig to C'allfiirnla. Lonimin. June 28. Mrs. Lungtry oiwdi ltter and will Hit to her ranch ealiioriiiii. HjToiiiiiaiiieil by Mr. tieb' haril, as soi hi as slie is strong enough to bear the Journey, to spenu some moiiins, To Administer Home's Affairs. ItuMR, June 28. The government has apiMiiiitrd an administrator of thealfuirs of the uiuuicipaiiiy oi nouie. International Amerlran Hank. Washington. June 28. The bill to carry into effect the nromiiiendations of the international American roiuer ence for the incoiporiitioii of tne inter- national Aiiierleitn Imiuk. tins ncrn com nluiml l.v tlie linusu cnmniitlee on bank lint and mrrency. The bill is amended in such a manner a to perfect its legu features and to make it conform to the national banking law. To Nominate a Congressman Piiilauki.I'HIA, Juno 28. The Kepuh- lifan conferees of Utlcxs and .Mont miiutv enmities met at the Mann lecturers' club und decided to hold the convention to nominate a rongressmuii from the Seventh district at Liuisiiuie. Montgomery county, ou Aug, 23, at II clous' ON A DESERT ISLAND. flhlnwrecked Sailor Mve for Five Weeks on Heaarulls' Kggs. Nkw YtiltK, June 28.J. N. Steam a, from Nova Hcotla, brought Into port the shipwrecked crew, numbering ten men of theHeotch brig Jennie, which was lost off Hable Island on the coast of Nov Scotia on April 211, while on voyage from Falmouth to Boston. On the night of April 28 the Jennie was stranded on n Island, desolate atrip of uninhabited Und off Hable Island. Mate Donald, Urn and two men were lost while endeavor Itor to make land In a small boat. The csntain, James 'tacDonald, and the rest oi me crew .MtM'vYuruB leuuucu ui. n.u. built a umd hut and lived on the isiana for five v.T kh. snlwisting on sengulla' eggs mid iTiiclcish witter from a pool iriucil dv rum. 1 ney men is-gun cruie- ing in the Isiat in the hope of lieing lucked tin. Alter two nays tne oienriis came along ami brought them into this port. THE JOAL TRADE. Another Advance In I'l'loea will Proliahly He Made Neit Mouth. PlllLAUHLlMUA. June 28. The steady imprnveiiient in the coal trade is com mented lUKiu by the loudiug proilncora uid rVvl'Ts, The slight advance In prices made by tlie sales ugmits at their meeting in New York on iiiesilay, renurts tun cuiuiiiion of the triulo. It is believed that an other advance in prices will be maUe next moiil n.iiiiil that liefore many moullir prices will tie nearly as high as tney wore last lllll. ine pronuciem ii((i nun il.a.iiWHM) tons is consul !.) 1 rather large by conservative co;U uien, but it cannot be denied Hint miiwitii- tundiug ihe immensu production, the stocK a. tnlew.tter am steadily tie reus ing, en .hill. 1 the stocks ol am liruoite at line water aggregaten moie iiiau l,U0ti,iniiMoiiH. At present there is less than ItHj.innj tons. Kilroiii Challenges Hulllvan. Pl'KVM. Miss.. June 28. The eases Hgainnt Mtildoon, t'leury and Donovan were culled ill the circuit court, when pleas ol guilty were entered, each asking Hie clemency oi mu eourt, -uuiuoon tatinir taut he was sorry for having violated the law. but ho had the man hood to stand the coiiseipn-uces. Judge lerrcll stated he was glad the ueiena- anth hud miopti'd this course. A line of '.'.ill was imposed on .uuiuoon, aim learv und llonovnn were eiwh nued sliMI. The Hues were liuld and the oris- oners released. Kilruill wus lil-eseut und suited that he had challenged hnllivan o tiirht to a Huish, either with bare knucKlesor tight gloves, London prire riuir rules, the liifllt to collie olf ill Fort Worth, tor tin- purse oltervd uy tue rort Worth Athietic clui). A Hold Itolibery. Uniontown. Pa.. June 2o. Paymas ter AtKinson. of tliu V ynu coke wurks, was sealcl at one ol tue company s ollices counting the money to pay the company's employes. Atkinson had just placed the moiiey, l.'.-OO. in enve lopes, WIICIl Slioiu-uiy a manm-it uinii cuvvntl luui Willi n revolver unu or dered him to throw up his namls. At kinson mu out of the unite ami gave an alarm. The roblier seized the money and lied. A party gave cIihso. The mlilier turned and hred several shots at his nur-uers. The yard Isms hit the liief wiih a stone, caiisiuu hun to drop bis hat and Dart of the money. He wus recognized as Perry, a for mer employe of the eoiiiiuiiy. A slier ilf's posso is in search of the thief. KiileriilHliig Haltluiore Merclianto. U vLTiMiiltK. June 28. The Merchants' und Manufacturers' association of this itv tiriinoM'S to coniiteruct the througn ticket syi.tem to Si-it York, wlileli pre vents mercautiie buyers irom stopping over in liait.uiore. uv reueemuiK tue onnon from Baltimore to New York, wliu-n the railroad terms would other wise oblige the traveler to Nicritice. A circular ixsncd bv the assis-iation Kuar untees all inerchimts from tlie south and wi-st trarelimr on limited -New lora tickets to funiiHli in exchange for the Baltimore and .New York column an tin limited ticket as to time Ix-twecn those two points. Jumped from the Window. PiTTsiiriui. .innn 28. Dr. George Liuigfctt. of Bcllevue, jumped from tlie third slorv window oi ins residence, while teuisirarily insane from excesiive use of honor and oniates. His neck was broken auddeatli tvuiililitaittiilieoils. The thx'tor was one of the Is-st known men in weKt-ru Pennsylvania. Dr. Lniigfc It wiui 4i yearn of age, and leave widow und one cniia. The Turner Hund Adjourn. Nrw Yoiik. June 28. The North American 1 inner bund held Miciul and html see doll to close up tlie uiinn lulled busiiii ss of the convention. Noth ing of sisH'ial note wus traiiKiicted. The convention adjourned to meet in Wash ington in .lime, 18112. MlliKTS OK NEWS. Julian Harris, iu of Joel f'lisiuller Harris, who reu ru-l mlliiK, Is In yiouoc. Twn utt -tinieats usv. Ikuii placed on In. DrniH-rtr of II. rl-nur. i i-aim.r, Ism.. Ktrun a -tela. Jnhnl'oleiii in. 11 y.-nninld. .nn at Mir tin (.'ok-iimu, o( Wuburii, Minw., died of o)dro. plinliin. JndKn K. II. Kltslinsli, or th. rnsiirrry court, was -lrlrki-n mill paraiysi. at uw tloiiie la Kli-hiiiiHiu, At I'urtaiiioiltli. N. II.. til. brlrklnrrn' unlnn vol e.1 tliitl afi.r July It ulus liuur. bull 1'uu.tllut. nav . I.lsir. The Iter. Kul hi r t,'. K. Itolimert, priest nf 8U AlnlioiiMi'. (stliollit i-liureli at Oi'ean 8rliiiiN Mix., rl-m biniM-lt In the psmonua, ailliiliilni ie olurrb. In Kent ennntr. Krntui-ky, Alfred iirau.naa hut and killed John A. Hawthorne, lit. sec ond rniiidii, brc.'ie lie refud to auoloiil. faraliii iiliix DniKhaii'. Illtl. d.nshler. The Inller In rrsnk llnnlii.r'. -lav. mill at Nnrtll Xlar. )ll h.. eiuloded kllllna I barli-S llrotvn. r'red Turli.r slid til. rnalnoer, nam. unknou, win had w.- rnmiilntely hlnwo nil. nd fnlaliv InJnrln. four th.r. ineiuii Ins lb. uroeiieiur. lu mill a toiaiiy ui- niniinbi-u. Ten i aw nf pnaitrallna from heat are re. tsirtrd from lnilolllr. rnur ri'iiiii taiaiiy It I. .tati-d l.llv lir th. niurvlsu i.f ieiiii. that Ui. pninlslioa el Uauv.r I3MII . 1're.ldeut Hrny: of Aiuhcrsl has rniinel. In tst.e affect ai Hi. end of Ihe rol lea. rear. Ana. 31. Thn Nun..!' ilrlkera li.v. n-mlv i la pre- will a mi-dal lo K.niH-ror Willi nn of Uer many nn th. oci-n.lou or Ills visit u uone urxl week. t'lanit Mcl).inll, unwi-riitlntf attorney ot lb. Csiisdlan district, t 'b.rokM Ballon, .hot and killed Jam., a latUbat frisiid. The Liberal Dilft of Helicon. 1 k.iuulit The drift of modern thought, us any one can discover In our ctiri'iiut litera ture, in newspjtpcrs, mngar.tnea and re views, is not antl-rollgious, but the re verse, Tlmt tlie drift I nti-oee1oiait- ticjil and anii-doimiutio U equally cer tain. Thonuhitt hua almost al)udoneil tsilemio utterance. Score nnd hun' dreiU of chtnrhe would not endure them. Tlioy wore once the fueliioii, am public debates on the rib's and dis'trlm1 of oplHiHing sects were lu ntgii lavor. We hnvo outgrown all Hint. Tliu change is partly duo to social mid coinmcreiiil causes. The Cnlvlliist has fulled ill love with the MctlKslist, and has not found tlio heresy to be very la-rnlcloii. The Trinitarian luia cnti-rcd Into partnership with the Unitarian, and dlscovenil the latter to lie the soul of honor. Itupntlenro with dogma Is not ncee. sarily the repiitllntlnn ol iint'triiio. im truest reason limy bri'iik with the logi- ral refinement of ihe achisds. Tlio antl doinmitia drift of our tlmo din- not Im press inn as aulagoiilsdng intolllgetutn in religion, as liosltlo to anaiysir. tienin lion and svstetiuitio arrangenient, but as luteiit uiion calling a halt ntsm sisf- nlntivo iindncitv. nnd Insisting tlmt tho- ology, like scleni'o and philosophy, shall deal only with what ran be accurately known. It deinainls the rigid appuca tjoa ot tne Baconian mernou, m wmuu foot are the groundwork of theory. It demand a simpler creed, bat it wants s creed, and it would repudiate any creed which lacked the quality of aomprehen don. The time has come when it should be freely recognised that modern criti cism 1 at heart reverent and Christian, not flippant, atheistic and anti-Christian. How serious, then, U the breach be tween modorn culture and current or thodoxy! To tne, at least, it seem to be thin and vanishing lino; ana the hope of a coalesccnoe in the near futuro ap pear to me well founded. It cannot bo otherwise. For reason seek the truth, and all truth is sacred, binding upon human conduct; whilo Christianity is the religion of holiness, nnd tho gennl nnnt energy in holiness is vetaclty, a truth seeking, truth loving, truth com pelling temper. Rev. Dr. Buhronda in Forum. Newspapers of the I'reaent. No doubt the present tendency toward trivialities and jiersonalltii will con tinue until private rights and public morals are lielter protected by the laws, and until the acme of size and profit in newHpnpers has been reached, In the race for expansion and owcr tho leader who has adopted the readiest mean has often imposed his methods upon men who would choose the best mentis. The fault of a lower tone here and there is not properly charge"-!'") to the great body of workers, for in the profession wiHaie found today high average of ability nnd conscientious performance of duty; and never before our time have news papers leen able to command the trained iiitelllgenco und tnsto to enuiiio tnrm to do all they are now doing for the develop ment of art and literature. All that the newspapers of tislay are doing for every giKMl cause, and notably lit tin moment for that of gisxl government. Capital and tlnunciul success are of coureu essen tial for tho production of a great mod- cm nowspaper; but the publlo has a right to demand that those who bear the highest responsibilities of the profession should issue nowsiHiis-rs which thev. as private im'.f iduuls, would lio willing to indorse iu every part nt men ot charac ter, refinement and self resHX't. Oen tury. Making- Money Out of Kleptomaniac "What do you do with such people?" the reiiorter asked of a merchant "We wild them bills for what they take, when wo know them. If they are strangers wo act according to circum stances. A few days ago it ludy was iu this store with her daughter a beauti ful little girl of 12 years. Tho child wo seen slipping a roll of costly ribbon into her satchel. e spoko to tlie mother. who Ih-cuiiio indignunt. She opened tho satchel to convince us that wo were mis taken, when It was found tocontain three luce handkerchiefs, two pairs of gloves and the riblsm. All theso articles had been appropriated," "That was a plain enso of stealing. What did you do? "We took the things buck and said nothing. We can't ufford to arrest wealthy people and injure our triulo by making cm-tub's among our rich cus tomers. You were spcukiiig of sending out bills for stolen goods; uro they ever paid." 'Always, where the ts-rsou is a klepto maniac. We never have any trouble in that way. I have known of stores which kept a regular list of klcptomniHiics. Whenever they lost anything tlicyscnt bills to all of them. As they all settled for the stolen gutsls you can imagine that the busim-na was quite a prolitnlile one, cau't your Lowiston Journal. Thumb Nail Picture. In collections centuries old, to la? seen in both China and Japan, uro sH-ciuic us of the most remarkable drawings in the world picture of all kinds drawn with the thumb nail. Tho nails of the thumb on the left bund of these pii'tilinr artists are allowed to grow to an enormous length, sometimes toaft or eighteen inches, and are then pared down to a pen ihaped point Dipping this oddly constructed pen in beautiful vermilion or iky blue ink, the only kinds of ink used In these "sacred "thumb null draw ings, tho artist gracefully outline hi work. Occasionally thn lsld touches from the tndlo of a master in this de partment of "high art" aro life size, and are sketched bv n few sweeps of the art ist' arm. Like other pictures and sketches of tho Orient, these sacred thumb nail picture aro mounted and rolled np like scroll. St. Iutit Hepiib- lie. Cremation still prevails ntnutig many of the nations of Eastern Asia. In India nntll recently the living widow was buried upon tho nro with the lssly of her deceased htislMind. Within a few years new attempt have Is-cu mailoto commend cremation. Ona Too Often. A foolish young fellow lit Albany, while riding in an electric car, took costly gold watch out of his iHs-ket, and just for the purpose of showing that he "dared" do it, laid tlio timepiece on the floor of tho car, Jtist over the motor. if connw it lieeeine heavily charged with the electric fluid and stopts-d. After it bad lain there perlinjai ten seconds ho picked lt up and it begnn running again. Some one in the car remarked that it niiulit do it once, but it would not 1st safe oxia'rimeiit to try it very often. He scouted tho Idea of danger, and to show that no harm could pome to a watch un der the circumstance he placed it upon the floor again, letting it remain a min ute, Tho works Irviiiiio thoroughly iiiairnetiziHi, would not go. and a watch- tunkiT tells him they aro ruined. Ex change. A Nli-augo legend. A strange legend come to u from the Bloux, who alone can tell the true his tory of that deadly ambuscade. Tin say that on the liilloek where Custer fell now grows a plant never seen them bo- foro a curious plant witn tan, sionde leave, curved In the exact form of saber, with edgi- o sharp a to Inflict keen wounds titmn unwary hand, and those who pluck it once soon drop it, so strangely cold and clammy or its leave. It bears a golden lined, heart shaped blossom, and In tho renter is on small sot of brilliant nil, llko a drop of blood. The Indians regard it witn su nerstltiou awe. They call it "Custer' heart," and cannot laj induced to touch It, claiming that tho blossom crushed in th hand leave a blood red stain impos sible to remove. Denver Republican, THE GENTLER SEX. Csrmenclta, tho famous dancer, can neither read nor write. Christine Nllnmm recently attended soiree in Pari attired In a drea of SUMMER BOARDING IN THE Asheville The Pcnmlc Colleec, with its spacious well for the entertainment of bonrdi rs from now of ngc not admitted, As a school tor tlie tlioroueii education section of tlx country. It turnislies rare advantages iu Music, Art, Language, Literature und Science. Pupils have every coin Tort found in an elegant home. Charges are low for the fine advantages given. For cnt'ilogue or any information wauled, address ;oiru milium) of tnu new tomato n-U, relieved with sashes in very pulu blue and yellow. Miss Blunt-he Willis Howard, author of duenn" and "One Summer," lives in Htuttgnrt. mid n-ceives anil chiiproiie otmg ladles studying music, languages and the like. Miss Juliet Coinou is now tho profes sor of cinikitig and household economy in Utitgers fi-in.-ilo college and her h-ct-tiresiiro said to lie very popular among the students. Mrs. Martha Lumpkin, of I'psoti coun ty, (la., is iu her uiiiety-eiglitli year nnd 'lijuys gissl health. hen ninety-Hve urs of ago sbo knit si.xly-livo pairs ot sis-ks during tho year. Aniiiu Louise Cary-ltuvuiouil sin-tuls her leisure tlmo during summer vaca tion at tho sc-choro in knitting warm shawls for tho jm Kr old women who are on her charity visiting list. Mrs, George Armour, one of the pretty women of Chicago, is a brunette of less thun medium height, with soft, curling lnrkhniraud dark eyes. Her manner is simple mid unassuming und her disjHi- sitiou Is retiring. Miss M. A. Booth, of Lotigmiiudow, Miisa., is a fellow of the Koyal Micro scopical Society of Kngl.'iiid.tiud is toeilit the ilcimrtmeiit of mien wcopy in a new monthly journal, cnlled Tim Olworvcr, devoted to natural history ami science. Miss Brnrkett, tho writer and teacher, has had a right hand nidu saddle miulo nnd ridas ou either side of her horso in differently. Sho was moved to this by tho conviction that constant riding on the left side was injurious to both rider and horse. Surah Bernhardt says that all lu-r ill- nesses coiiio from g mug angry. Sum Injustice, soino slupiuity or ingratitude iu the part of those by whom she Is sur rounded throws her Into a violent fit of snger, fitf whlcii she lias to pay by a sickness of a few days. SOME THINGS WORTH KNOWING. 8oak machine oit stains in cold water before washing. Glass fruit jars may well bo utilized as tea and coff-u receptacles. Leather ehnir eiit may Iki n-vived by rubbing with egg white, well In-uten. Wash white paint with whiting and water, which is not so trying to the hand as ammonia. No matter how sharp a knife may Is-, rutting bread with it or dipping it iu hot fat will dull tho edge. A saturated solution iiiadu by dissolv ing alum iu Isiiliug water will kirp nuts out of cliss'ts If used freiptently. After taking eako from tho oven let it remain in the pan alsmt rive minutes: it will then come out easily without break ing. Discolored ruttau chairs are inudo pretty by a coating of black or golden limwu paint anil llutsiicd witn a naiui- mine cushion. Reaily tnadu clothing, whether outer ir Inner garments, should have all the buttons sewed on more securely Is-ri ire they aro worn. If one wishes to cool a hot dish In a hurrv It will Iw found that if tlio dish lie placed in a vessel full of cold, salty water It will cisil fur more rapidly than If It stood in water free from salt. Jev York Telegram. IDEAS FOR DRESS. Black silks are preferred In subduct luster. Round waists are still in favor, with riblHiti Is-lts fuslrncd with a largo ro- setle. Hiisonos are inade longer than Is-fore, nnd Urn double hrcistcd stylo is almost universal. Nli-ovo iniiv bo covered with passe menterie, showing that they uro different from the ImhIicc. All I ho now colors lire lit tlio range ol violet or purple, a Color that is coustati' ly growing In favor. Printed flannel, moiisscliiio do liiitu and sttnM'd crepoti urn new materials for neglige and tea gowns. Perbuii tho most novel of nil trim inlngs aro tint widu insertion without point laid across tliu mint or sKins. MISS JENKINS, OF WILMINGTON, 0., A tlKAHI'ATIt III' Till! COLLEGE OF MUSIGOF CINCINNATI, Will (live Instrumental und vnral Icssini. nt Mr. John Mcliiiwi ll'aor nt the pupils' house. Term. 1.00 is-r hour. I'or further Informn thin see Mr. John McDowell, nt Mrilwuod'a, or address Mis. Jinklnn. JunelVdcodUw Female furnished buildings, cool, well shaded, until September 1st. Terms given on ntul rclineil culture ol girls mid young ladies, FKOI-. II. IS. ATKINS, A. Hlie Wa Completely Cured, A ilmiuhlcr of mv customer sulVercd from suppressed nienstrmitioii, und her health was completely wrecked. At my suggestion she used one bottle of Ilrntl- helds 1-cinulc Regulator, which cured her. J. W. Hi-t.l.i'MS, Water Vtilley, Miss. Write Br.-idlii-ld Kcgulator Company, Atlanta, I'm., lor particulars. By nil druggists. The Popular Cocoa of Europe, The Coming one of America. ! aosr M-rfmxisu-KA.sii.r hkikstkd. The Van IIoutens' process: renders their cocoa easy of digestion and develops in the highest degree its delicious aroma. It is an excellent flesh-former, fifty per tent. greater thun tlie best of other cocoas. VanHouten's Cocoa "BEST& GOES FARTHEST" -VANlIOUTKN'B(,orOA(MoiwtriM. alwavr wwd") it (A erfyiNftt, pur. tolobl i t'ocn. Invented, mude nnd fminld Ilollnnd and U to-dnr belter mm4, morn ntiluhle tbiin nnyofthe inner-1 ui I Ml tut Ion. In fcl, U i ceneimUy ad- , muted Mover KuroiUndconitMiraVtiT teat ' 1 will Mil iruvt tliAl malktr CoooA equftll Ihle i i Invenlvr'e in wlubilily, irreet.bie U-tetod Dutritive qnalitiitt. Iaw. Mia fa the i world-" Alk tax V-N Uui'nv ASD TaU HO , ; OTtiKR. 4 RAYSOR & SMITH, Prescription DRUGGIST S, HAVING KI-MOVi:i ARE NOW READY TO SERVE THEIR FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC AT THEIR NEW STORE, - t . t r 31 rAT 1 a j. (uneU'tWII w l:iiK"li Hiid French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE CIRLS, No. 4.11 1'miili liroail Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL 1 1'or itinnv vi-nr. Aoilatr I'rtnilpnl of Ml. Vi-niou In. Unite, llnllinion-.l Aa.lsteil liv a corp. ul coniiHiitint Umliirn. iln-n HIT BUGGIES, CAKHIAGE8, BLACKSMITHING. To Ihe clllfen. nt A.tlrvllle and vlHnltv wotilil nnnoiinei- tlmt nt mv sliop. onColli-icr street. neKt to Wooilhury's Mtnlili-N, I nm ts-l trr pri-iinml llinn ever to 1I0 work In my line Wiiuonn, Itiiuiilrs mm I nrrliiKi. niiinuinei-iin-il. ptepiiinnu Hint liorse-slioeln are .s--clnlllrs, mill isilivl siillNtiittlon Kiinriinlr, il. My workmen nn-ekH'rn-iKTil ami .kllllulanil mir t-hiiruc. lire niodvratc. no.aa il n. IU MNIITTU. JOHN CHILD, ( I'orincrty of l.yinnn Kt Child I, Otllvc No. 1 I.CK"! Mock. REAL ESTATE AND 3 LOANimOKKU Htrtctl a Brokerage DuftlneM I, on it renn'ly plntTd at H ttrrrrnt. II. F. 1. BRIGHT, UFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE AGENT. DR. BATTLE'S OFFICII. College. emssy en in pus of seven acres, will be oiirti application. Children under liltwn ycurs tins Institution lias no sutieruir in tins ! College, AHllcvlllc, N. C. MISCELLANI-OW. WOOTON'S PATKNT WIKI-: TOBACCO HANGERS ARE THE BEST, SIMPLEST AND CHEAPEST WIRE HANGERS IN THE MARKET. CURES THE LEAVES ONLY. We cliiiiit that thiHf hiiiiycrH nn. iluniKr than any other; an di-tuclialilt, unU nnjr niimlK'r vii n he uwd kt titlt k; itmurv a unl tiirtii hunt (if tuhau'o; more tobacco tun he ft i nil kt hnrn ; toharcn hrinuii In'tUr prtix-Kj tlot-it not hriiiMi' ; Ktalk it nut curt'd, navltiK Hit I ami time. Any hum can lie uftctl. Sam ple ttctit with iattilili't tor ft n-ntH pUKtUKi. Inquire for them of your ntorektfKT or aKciit. If they do not keep them urnd to u. ITlce per i.ihh), with mIIcUm, $s.oo I'rlw per i,om, hniiicerM only 4SO Semi vault with tinier, or k"mI iH'nt C. U. L). a;i:nth wanti-u, TOBACCO HANGER MTG CO. HouHton, Halifax County, Va. jmiv4U-iHlv.'tm D ISSIll.l I'll IN. Wc the tinilerKti'nrfl havt tltit tiny tlixftuh-i-il tfirtmrlii ly nuiliial etitlMiit. All ohlia tiullK not ot htr wise provided i'r will Ik met hy,. II, Weaver. Any aeeonuti tlue the linn I ate payahlc to either. Thin 7th tiny of May. Immi. PAHTNIiKSIIII. The tindi rfiuned have thin day formed n eopartnershiu under the name ami ntylr of Weaver A: Myertt, for the pur pone it eonduet iittf the rthm tiuHineitM in nil It brum hen, nt the old m and of Herring V Weaver, itn I'at ton avenue. I"iis II. Wkavkh. J. .NokKia My km. AKheville, lune it, I Mm. ARDEN PARK HOTEL AND COTTAUICS. 10 miles Sou Hi of AalirvilU-, on A. tt 6. K. K. tiikms: Per Month 4O00 Per Week iaiK Per Hay II OO Dinner 11 nil Tea I'lirtlt-s on oncilny'.notlcc, 7.1 n-nl.. Thos. A. Morrlit, Prop., iprloilll Ante, N. C. Aslleville, N. C, April 1 1, lssl). The copartiii-rsliiii herrtofore existing Iw tween tlie umtcrslnvil, uiuler the Ann name of I'l'I.I.IAM Ac CO., In thlsduyillsMilved lijr mutunl conx-nt. The ililitu due by .aid Ann will lie pniil tiy Lawrence I'ulllam, and the ililil. dm- to .aid Drill will he paid to him, mid the husiiu-N. continued hy him. I. AWkliNCU I'l'I.I.IAM. II. C. WAIU'IU.L. To our pntroiiH of tlie past: I hnve this day sold my Intt-lcst und Rood w III In the Insurance IiuhIiu-.h in Ashi-ville to l.uwn-ncc I'ulliiim, who will continue the liii.lnr.n, 1 ItctH-ak tor him a continuance uf votir piitrouiiKc. I). C. WAIIIUll.l.. nprl I d.'IOit HOCK QUARRY ! OU KENT. Apply to us durliiK the IiicoiiiIiik wit-k to rent the Kock (Junrry on the opihinIIc stile of the river, near the lion lirliltie, nml the NINIt TI'.NKMIiNT IIOHnliH iii-iir by. A Komi rock innn t-iin act a bur Kiiln. NATT ATKINSON & SUN. nuirUU dtf mm head HOTEL WILL BE OPEN FOR THE SEASON OF 1890 ON JUNE 1ST, Accommodations the very beat till, moun tain country ran unord, Ttmi reasonable as iiomhIIiIc to inukc them, llllliurtl., pool, howling alley, bull room, music, etc, F. A. MILES, M. D., mnyitodam Proprietor ...I -Jl(MMy'