(IWfTOV Iff"! ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 1, 1800. THE DAILY CITIZEN. II. D. CHILD, Itusincss Manager. Tim IUn,T Citizkk will be puhlltdird every nfternoon (except Suntluy) ut the fu lit wing One Yer.........,t $0.00 His Month , a. 00 Three Months l.fiu One Month.... , , fit) One Week.. lfi Our carrier will deliver the pnper every Hiicinwm in cTcry pari 01 ine cuy loourRUD- writwrK, avnu panics wanunn it will pici cull at the Citizkn Office. AnvKkTitUNO Katkh Krnaonahlc, nnil made known on application at this othce. All truntiicnt auvcrtiMctutnti muit be paid In advance. The Citiirn It the mmt extensively circu lated and widely read newspaper In Wenteru Nirth Carolina. Its discussion of nubile men and measures is in the interest or public integrity, huuest government, and prosperous Inuustrv, and It knows no personal allctfiavncviu trcat.nKlut lie issues. 8tecimen copies of any till lion will be sent i.w iu any one scnuinji iitvtr HUiiress. Heading notices ten cents tier line. Obitu ary, marriaKe and society notices titty cent each (not exceeding ten lines) or fifty ccutf rr nit. NO RELIEF UNTIL THE MID DLE OF JULY. NO REASON WHY WE SHOULD NOT HAVE SPRINKLERS. Tl'USDAY, JULY 1,181)0. THB DAILY CITIZKN t "". t the following plucca ill Aahcvlllc: vi I u.nn ur rit If. HATTUK V I'AHK NHWS STAND. lll.KN MOCK. NUWS 8TANII. MllllKI. CIl'.AK S TllWK lull.m A v.- J. CAKSO.VS MiWS STUKli, North Cuurl PERTINENT AND PERSONAL Nvwn Ahuul AMlievtllliwiM null ut HI ran iters) Wllhln our liiiM, Wm. II. Wills reircscnls Virginia (it llit Hattcrv I'ark. "eo. V. Siiiulirtti is at tliv C.lcu Nnek limn Driivvr, Cl. IMitllnu; die Illume Where II lie. Ioiikm 1'lie Storm or Venter lav Afternoon A Mlreet Car Mtopped. It will be nearly two weeks ln-fure Aslieville iwople can 1hk.' for relief from the terrible ilust with which they nre now lilU ictvd unless I'roviilenee slioulil settle it by a rainl'all, The streets have hcretolbie been sprinkled by Mr. I.. Swieeyooil, who had a sprinkler built for the purpose. Mr. Swiicijoocl took tile job anil received n revenue from the lieople in front of whose places of busi ness the sprinkling was done. At the meeting of the Hoard of Alder men held June I'll, they were notified that Mr. Swieeood was about to sell the sprinkler, lie offered to sell it to the city for $11111, which was the price of lireil by Mr. I'eaisou, but the board con sidered thai to lie loo much for them to nay for it and did not buy. At the same uiccliiu; a committee was ;i niiiuled to attend to the matter of llial THE COMING CELEBRATION. There were 7i an ivals at the pi ineip.il I jj. preparations for some more sprink hotels vestcrdnv A. 1. Smith, ol I linrlcslon, N. C. is al the C.iand Central. Thus. C. Wall represents ChaUni""j; at the Swannanoa. Tbe iHilicemcu were paid lluir ininitlih salary this nioriiini;, Miss Millie llowau, of Jacksonville is at the 1'ilcii Knek. win. l arrar, ol Koaimke, a., is regis tered at the I'ili n Keek. .Mrs. I.. I.. I.auriu ls.it the I. Kin. I Cell tral from Hm-luster, X. V. W. S. Withrrspoou and w ile, nf Hi 1mm, are at the Swaiiiiauoa. II. I'. Mears, jr., represents Wilniinj; ton, N. C, at the Swaunanna. (I. I'. Mmitat'iie. of 1 'hil.-i.lclj tii.-i rejjislered al the P.attcry I'ark. Mephcii I. Carter anil .Mrs. I.. I arler arc at the S vaiinauoa from New York. Alderman Leonard h.isaoneto Hickorv on business, lie will lie absent a week Mrs. J. A. Hamilton anil Missiicrti tide Ittuus are at the t'.raiid Central Inun Cleveland, O. Ilrick lavuii; lietween the street ear rails on South Main street has reached the si pure Col. I'.W. McMaster, mayor of Cidiim bia, S. C, is in the city fur a day nr two. lie is at the Swauiiaiinii. The Woman's I iiiild of Trinity Parish will meet in the Suntlav school room on Wednesday afternoon at ." p. in W. T. I'eiinimail is the principal sieaker at the Lyceum lo-niht. "Ashe villi- of the I'liture," is the subject for dis sion. Kcistcr M.iekey is busy to-day send ini; out the blanks for merchants' pur chase returns lor the fiscal year just ended. lers. The committee was composed ol Aldermen I'lilliaul, Leonard and Me I'oivell. These cntli'incn have con tiacliil lor two two-horse sp-inklers, to lie built b Mr. Swiccyood, and thev arc to In' done bv Saliird.iv, ulv 11'. In the meantime the ieijile of this lit v will sillier from the dust. Yesterday afternoon at i.'.W (I terrible dust Sturm rayed over the entire city. A simmr wind arose ami seattercil tin dust in all directions, until there was el.nid of it ovcrhaumin: the place. I m South Main street it was almost nil In-arable. The sand that has Ihcii put in the sin lace ol I lie liruk paving was whirled around anil the sensations caused by having it strike one in the fait were bv no means pleasant. An electric ar was actually stopped just In-low l'aylc sireit. for the reason that the tuolorniau was unable to attend to it properly on account ol tlic dust. As the Hoard of Aldermen were uoti lied a lotiy lime ayo bv Mr. Swiceyood 't his inleutioti to sell the sprinkler and liccausc they did not pay the least at tention to it or take steps for the pur chase of more, it is not the least bit dilli- -lit to place the blame where it In-louys. More than that, complaints of the dust have Inen made continually lor the last two weeks, a uninUr of visitors lire known to have left the eitv because of it. and the committee appointed by On board did absolutely iioihiuy until last rhursdav when thev did find time to or- Jcr the sprinklers made. "If 1 were the judye of a court," said a prominent citieu lust tuylit, "and a suit ayainst the city for damaycloyoods by dust were broiiyht by a merchant, I should yive the plaintiff a verdict with out u ipicslion." Nol t lllll July I J. Acting Siiicrvisor Morris has Ihcii A mad doy ihouylil to U- the one that yiveu iei mission by Stijicrintcndciit l'or- first apn-areil here and bit the other dous was killed Sunday, six miles from the city, on Hominy. Marriuyc licenses have Ihcii issued ti A. It. Kiny. ayed L'.. and Nevada MiLu lire, nyed l,nnd II. W. Caylc, ayed and Alice llradlcy, ayed I'i. Minnie Youny, the six uionlhs oldchild ol'iiii oiK-rator in the lirahiiui Cotton Factory, died of measles al his home the western part of the city yesterday, Marslon Zouave band, of Atlanta, and Hull's band, of this city, will furnish music at Hon. Richmond Pearson's Fourth of July celebration ut Kiehmoud Hill. The workmen cnyayed inteariny down the old Milliard biiihliuy on South Main street to-day undermined the fouiidn' lions of the sonlli wall, eaiisiny it to fall. No ilainnye was done. John I 'hei'insler, the boy w ho was dr ier to extend the time lot lakiny the cen sus in Aslicvillc as lotiy as is necessary to complete the work. Mr. Morris is deter mined thai Aslicvillc shall have a lair and sipiare count. He was seen yester day and asked why it took so much loiiycr to make the enumeration here than in other places. Thai the force ol enumerators was nol larye euoiiyh was yiveu as the reason. Hesaid that il was thoiiyht at first that two men could do the work in the allotted time. Il will probably lie liuished some lime this week . QUITE RIGHT AND PROPER What will be none al Itlcliiuoutl Hill July 4. Mr. Richmond Pearson's Fourth of July celebration promises to lie a yrand a Hair. He has made arrangements with the Richmond and Pauville railroad to fur nish two n'cial trains to run from the depot, in this city, to Lake Marjoric. These trains will be for the neeommoda tion of the public and no fares will be collected, lie has also nrruiiyed with the Aslicvillc Street Railway company to hire their entire system between the hours of i and H.80 o'clock p. i.i., and will in this way furnish complete trans portation to his place free to all. The cars will make seyular trips on nil lines, with the exception of the Pat tou avenue line, on which extra cars will be placed. The first train for Lake Mar- jorie will leave the depot at 4.40 p. and the next at 5.20. These trains w stop at the old depot also and passcii ycrs may yo down on the Puttou avenue line to take the train. The train return iny will leave the lake ill H.II0 and reac Aslicvillc in a few minutes. Mai stem's Xouave Hand, of Atlanta will arrive here at iilue o'clock on the nioriiitn; of the I th, on a special train The music for tbe day will be fmuishe by il and Hull's baud of this city. The Atlanta Hand contains is pieces, and look the premium at the Piedmont Fpo sitioil held ill Atlanta ill ISS'I, lliow .V biiidscy, photoyraphers, will hcouthi yroiiiids with cameras, ami will laki views of the crowd. These pictures w lie liuished up, and all those present c obtain them as souvenirs, free of charyc. The crowd will lie kepi in order by a force ol mounted marshals composed of tin followiny citizens: ). I.. Reynolds, N Reynolds, W. S. Kay, N. T. Chamber and A. II. Itaird. They will Ik- leyally empowered to keep order. Six hundred men will lie (it work on Lake Shore avenue ni.d will make one mile ol it ready for travel in one hour. WILL CLOSE ATSEVEN. My Send your Hoots nnd Shoes to Ful en wider Hros. to lie repaired by Thomas W. Norvill. Workmanship yuarnutccd ami nest material used. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE, NEW CHINA STORE FOR ASIIEVILLE. The Cli-rkn la lime u llollilny July 4. Wc the iiudcrsiyned ayrce to close oiii I stores on July I-lor the pui'Hse of yiv iuy our employes the adviiiitaye of the leyal holiday : Hostic llros. - Wriylil, J. (I. Howell nsleilforthrowinylhepiiucof ylass ill umnayer Aslicvillc )rv C.ood companv John Murrell, wns tncil liy I lie mayot jCHHt. K. Starnes. 1. C. Moore. II. Kid yesterday aflernoon. lie was made lo wood ,: Co., I'. P. Miinnauyh, S. K pay the injured Niy ."il cents and was Cheilcsler .V- Son, llrown - Ibidyer dismtssi'O. llrown .S: Thrash. Tailor. Houis ."i Key. I'r. C. I'urhaiii. of Kaleiyh, Cor. I llroilierton, Weaver iS: Myers, I', I Stvn-tnrr of the Haptisl Stale Convru-1 Milchcll, I'lilenwider .S: llro.. I.ipiusky lion, will preach al French llroad Hap I Lllii k, A. Whitloek, I'.ravcs S: Tlirash list church next Sunday al II a, in. Ilallard, Rich V lloycc, I., Ldwanls, ('. Key, tU'oryc II. Hell, of the Lpiscopal A. Mears, Adolph Whitloek, Heardcn church, will preach ul H.;iil p. m. Kankiu .V Co. Street Suicrinlcndcnt Murray says lie I i- t-il I'roni Hie Tlilrd Mlury will sprinkle tlic streets aroniul the Pcler Stroud, a ueuro wns nut in the Kpuirc Willi the hose is oltin as the wa- ot., ,, Saturday niyht for lieiiiL' on n UT supply will iwrniit until the new drunk. Huritmlhc niuhl he utleiiioled sprinklers are rendy. He complains of n t Csiie from the third flour, nnd fell scarcity ol water eausel l.y the KreaUli- frm ilt. wi,w to the jfround. His miiml ill this hot weather. riuht ankle was broken nnd he received i " III the Mayor's court this nmrniiuc. nevcre internal injuries. Dr. HurrouKhs, Andrew Mnlilcr nnd his wife were tried attended him. snys he is very sen ior ciiunyiiiK ill (i lainily jar. Andrew ously iniiireil but he docs not think il wns fined f. limit his spouse $.1. I'riitik will rrmilt latnlly. The mini win taken Turner, colonel, wns inthcr rouyh in his to his home in the western purl ol Hie treatment to Mrs. Clara lienver on the --Hy. street, nnd pulup JHIIor lusapH'iiraiicc. Home Iciihim Kelurnn, lie was not present ami ms iiouii was , il, Ionian, who took tile census In forfeited. I Swiiiiiinnoa township reports that he found nine imirs of twins in his rouiuli iM-ene, -ri.,. .nln..,t ,,ir wciyhed thirtv-cLdil Liuirn I'ilkic wns oi rested in the rcnr ,m,- nnd the Inrucst (UN. The hitler of Clinmnem fti vtcuvers simnc last w-re C.eorue W. nnd R. II. Yoimu. Mr. niyht for Ikiiijj drunk nnd disorderly on inr(ml mndchiBreiiorttothesiiiwrvisor the street. She created a most disgrace- ,)mcc t,j niorniiiirnmt It wns hiuhlv fill scene ami in front of Heardcn & Run- complinientcU by Mr. Morris for its thoi- kin t store sue uroppen to tue iiiicwiiik I uuuliiicss, nnil cuuiu not ut moved, ladies and gentlemen who were pnssiiiR at the time were forced to listen to her profane Inn' Iteulh of MrM. AuderHou. Mrs. K. A. Anderson died nt her home on Heardcn nvenue yesterday nfternoon Kunge until a Urny could be called. She s,e wni )mlt 4 ycan l)(uaCi n(Icnm); was taken to the calaboose but Inter In here from Viryiuia several months ntfo. theeyenlnKBavc$5 for her nPlfammc The rcmnins will Ik Interred nt the River and was turned out. I side cemetery. HTSpcclat prices to hotels and honrd-l tT'Lndirs call nnd see the Roynl Pink Ing houses in all lines ut lirown & I Tcplitx glass at llrown Ac Thrnsh's new Thrash ' under new opera house. I china store under new opera house. I'iiIIoii Avenue MereliiiulH lo Try u New IMiiii. Mr. J. II. Weaver, of the linn of We ver iN: Myers, is one of the chief movers in the matter of closing at 7 o'clock, and licyiuiiiny to-niyl t, their store will Ik closed at 7 o'clock cvei y niyht exix-pl Saturday, duriiiy July, Aiiyust and Se iciiiIkt. Mr. Weaver has obtained the signatures of a niimlicr of the Icadiny merchants, to the agreement mid it will lie tried to niyht for the first time. The followiny is the uyrccmcnt with the names of the signers: Wc ihc undersigned merchants do ng ret ain! hereby bind ourselves to close our stores at 7 o'clock p. in. during the months of July, August and September .-.aiuruays excepted, ami try to work U( a general sentiment on the subject. If however, our apin-al to the merchants docs not meet with approved success this obligation shall lie void after July l.-.th. II. Redwood Co., Weaver it Mvcrs, Fulciiwidcr .V Hros., F. li. Mitchell, llrown iV Thrash, Tavlor, Bonis - Hrothcrton, lllair .V llrown, W. II. Wil liaiuson ,S: Co., Hostic Hrus. .S: Wright J. II. Law, Heardcn, Rankin ,V Co., S. R Kepler. Mr. Weaver savs that those whose names apnar will close duriug the sum mcr without regard to what others do, with the exception ol II. Redwood K: Co who say unless il is general thev ca I do it. KelieiirMiil Tu-NIkIiI. For the gentlemen of the chorus Patience al the Carolina club rooms nt ..'!. All arc rcii nested to attend. W. II. Martin runs a barber shop on South Main street, and when the tax collector apin-arcdlogct his siccial license tax of $10, Martin refused to pay. lie has Ik-cii arrested and will bv tried by the Mayor to-morrow morning. IMfiuovrHtlc Judicial Convention A contention of the democratic partv ol the Twelfth iudicial district is hereby called to assemble a' the court house in llrysou City, North Cnrolimi. on Thurs day July 'J Hh, IMiiii, for the purHise ol noimiiatiug a candidate for the ollice ol solicitor ol said (list net. The deniiK'raticexi-eulive eiiiumiltnsof the several counties eoniiMisiiiL' said dis tricl nre reipiesled to call conventions in their resHxtive counties for the purHisc o, vi..-iing oviignicB io siini jiiiiieiai con1 ycntion. Hv order of the dcmocralii- ex. ivuliyccomuiiltiv ol the Twelfth judicial district. K. II. lill.Ml k, Chairuiau, Wayiicsville, N. C, June, lM'.m, W An elegant line of decora led toilel st-ls in porcelain and china, cheap, at lirown .v i nrasn s. III'HINKMM .NOTICI'.H. Tnhlc Talk. Set your dining table tastefully and liiinils i-lv. It coiivers n strong mi' iiressioll orreliucmeul nnd clcuaucc. liv cry reoiiisitc for this, in china, glass, nil ver, cutlery, etc., as well as n large and choice stock ol ornamental goods, nt Ii7, !) nnd 111 . .Mam sirivt, Aslicvillc. J, II, Law. W"Aii Art Hisplav will lie om-ned tin Icr the charge ol Mrs. M. A. Anderson to-morrow at the office of the Singer .Maniilaeliiriny Co.,U.' South Main street. Invitations will lie sent to the ladies of the town. All Indies arc cordially invited lo intend. , A Had Railroad Wreck occurred several days ago on one ol our most iniHrtant trunk lines. Nolxiily hurt bin nil tlic baggage except the Roller-Tray Trunks wns smashed up. Iluv one. Sold by dealers. Made bv II. W. Kouiidtrec He Hros., Richmond, V'n. A New Road lo Hllmi. If you are wise nnd wish to Ix-comc henllhy nnd wealthy also, you will use Roller King or lilectrlc Light flour! lie- cause the Aslicvillc Milling Company's Hour is not only tneocst out tncclicnncst, 0 New AdTcrtlacinciiU To-Day. KCOND I AUK. Tl.TT'S I.IVKH I'll.l.S. Km Omivks Rustic Urns, tt Wright. FOURTH PAUK. DoiMii.AS' Hiiiix Weaver Ik Mytrn. I'ns Mai.k on Kciuns T, w. Msrr. Fsss to AI.L llco. Thompson ft Hons. Uhivhssity or N. C Hon. KimpP, Usttlc. Wo l(sil'P to Will till' lltU'll- tion of the people of Aslie villi ami Western North I'.ir oliim, to our liirj'e nnil well seloeted stock of Crockery, Mouse 1( 1 1 i n isl i m (iooils Cutlery, Stoves, Tin wnre.&c which we are offering: nt ver low prices. It is our tiim t lie lenders in this class (iooiIs, iiml ask you to assist us in iloino'so by jiving us a share of your patronagi Our stock is new ami our prices the lowest. A few our luaiiils: CHINA. I la vila ml & Co., C. I'. I lav l.unl, Aiistrain. 1 til leeway's Idiot's plain ami (Icciuateil I'orcelain. Ui'.val Iron Stone, C. ( Uare, leilow anil liockin'' ham uare, liaiuilroii lea I'ols. to tiii: nrii.Dious. e also carry on in con nection with our store a nen eral Tiiiuin' ami l'liniiliiii' Inisiness. All work done proniitly and satisfactorily A car load of Terra Cotta Sewer and Stove I'ipe just roceiYed. We aire still selling our Hardware at cost must In sold. Ilespcct fully. ItKOWN A Til HASH, 1 1 I'aitton Avenui Under )per,i House. jiine.'tall w UliAl.liKS IN- Slovcs and Tinware. PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FITTING, SLATE AND TIN ROOFING. PAINTS mill OILS. -Al'.IINTSi I'OH- It ?OK KlvXT, NUvIv lunilnluil nminx. jiini-2tdVl 7'.i C lli;STM T HT. ?OK 8A 1.11 UK iiNCllANf.li. Our w t Hi ilith r' tt.u vt tMiHi dia trilnnl-n Will t'Xt'hnnui lur IuiiiIht. nru-k, hmclittld luiniiiire utrc ur iiiiumiix Hint I tan um. julyld w 'AH hhori Ht. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. THE FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4. Tuition $to,oo I'niir rrtfulur vnuroci nf Hiudy, Clinli'ftl, hilitKiiiiiMt ril, l.Hiriirv, Niinlitu-, Kmi'liil cuiiroto in flu imtrv. Civil ntid HUt inc liimiiiittMiii. riMriuatw. und ollu-r HIIIUHH. St it..rntc cihmi1 or l.nw find Midli-hir. whom? Ptiid' tiiN 11 1 ii. v iiiu-tid thv rniviTitil HON. KliMI' IV HATTI.Ii, I.I.H., I'r -ill. nt. CluiK1 Hill, N. C. JiilyldJHtwlm VAU AiUil wnrmntr.l, m4 frrr nlr mmm mtm mmwmwr mmw pnrp l mr mm W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE OENTLEMtN. Fin Cii If m4 l.m4 Wmfrmmf Ouli. Thf trfllrtira knrl wnrln nnallllMnf Itili ahn pannot fsfllff liioWD I"D nf in Mronn uauTM' Miuiii oi iii iwiuMUUi or cuniisnt wrarrr. S00 (lnulnr llniirlHif1 w4t mn rlriint ftm tllh iIpubsi Hhiyi ahlnh nnnimuiiili llll A&Q Ifiind-fawrij Wlt. A fln rail mbo "V uuroiiAlliil for atrlm knrl durability. Jndrrar Wrli U tba laudard drttf Nhiui at a rsr miliar nrloa. -M Fallrpmmi'a Hhm laMpwlBllr IdipM w for rsilmail mnn, tmrmr-rn, afo. ah mma in Coour, iiuiu ana uuw. $3 & $2 SHOES lafo,29 itAva bat-n mmt favorably rrrlwl alna intrndtmn and the twfnt Impmvamrnu rnaka Itoem uprkf ii iiipar pn poftal for order blanka. o any ahiwa anld a( thaw pri dlrrrt to fartnry anrloalu adTtrtlaad prica, W f rannnl tnpplf yon in4 L. UOVUHt, Brsoktss, Msm. I'OK HAI.B DY WEAVEH & MVERS, TYLER DESKt-200 New Style. 1LIS, CHAIRS, IOOK0ASU, ..,t S.im4 kttm tn. IpMlal DiwMaU, 0ulfi for law aw raa, ISO pas m, Illuitratad. Boa frani raatan 10a. TYLER BANK COUNTERS. IIM..IIM to. M,W, !, mt Mm, ISaMrawS k Mot frtH wtk 91 krM llftfain. Sl 9ri rMlaj. II Ma. ITUR UU CO., JuutS tlK&tbs I. tOtIi, MO., D.I.A. THE PASTEUR FILTER, IN A I.I. SIZliS I'lIK I'AMII.Y AMI llll'l lil. I'SI liuariiiilcccl l be ucrm I'rwul, A I.I. SIKK Klil'T IN KTlil'K. ASHIiVlLLIi ADVHh'TISIiMKNTS. ICE RATES FOR SEASON 1890. TERMS STRICTLY CASH WITH ORDER In iimntitlcH tint lettM Hum one Inn nt factory In tiiuitititiea mil li'NW Ulan one liiill'lnll al I'aelory., IKMl pouiiilH, mi liekelH, lo imiuiiiIk eaill 7MI 1!M " an " " 7.-10 " m " no " tuno ' in " um " .-toe. iH-r humlml. AOv. - $n.oo n.oo o no n.oo No lei- will lie tli'llvm-cil wllhout c-.ii.li ur tlekela. Tleketa now on Hale at the ollice or the Aslicvillc Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue. JEIXICO COAL AT RETAIL. For (irate, . S3.00.ll For Stoves, ... 4.30. BEST ANTHRACITE COAL I'oraalcut Wlioleaale mid Ketnll by . ASIIEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY, Telephone 36 and 40. ISxelualve Aueuts ( Uoiiieatle mill Sleaml lor Western North Carolina. PICTURE FRAMES Hold, Silver, Ivory, Oiik.t.lH ami Cum I it nation MnitlilitlKM. AIko Room MoiiIiIImkh. I'ii (iirm Matted, Mounted mid I'ritiiui lowvNt pruvaanil work Kuaranteetl. l-nrav inK, ralntiiiKft iid 1. thill Vicw hIwuvh on hand nt ESTAIUIOOK'S, aa H. Main St., Atdicvllle anr In il LIME! LIME! LIME A CAR LOAD OF V R li SH - L I M 1 jrsT ki:ci:ivi:i. nm M.ti.i-: In Bulk or In ICarrclH Ofllee No. 30 ration Avenue tiii.ui'ihinh mi. 40. VVareliouac at lcHit. I'. . Hot .1:14 C. E. MOODY. 3S ANIIIiVILLH 35 LOAN OFFICE. Money nilvnnml on Wiilehes, IHiunoiitl nnil vurloua other artleles. H. 8CHHTMAN, ,13 Norm inaiii mrcet. 35 w ANi'ltl). An netlvr man forrnrli aretlon. Ralnrv tTft to iiM, 10 loeiiHy n iin-wnt n auetTMini N 1 . . oniiuiiiv incoriHirnini to Niitiiiiy prv ooin, c loiiiinu, Mi iiea, lewrlrv. rtt.. lo roil Aiitnera nt eoat. AImi a f.nilv of lai-l. tuilnrt Mt. to enroll meiiilH'in (ho.imhi now enrolled tiuil B.iHi,iHiM (uilil int. Kifvrt'm-rw evehauu d. Itmpirr Co-Oirrntlvv AaaafK-lntitMi, tend ll well tateUI I-mk to Hill, N. V. jiinw 11 1 v 1 u. LAWN PARTY, THURSDAY - - - ILLY iKI) AT STRAUSS' I'ARK. FOR BENEFIT OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The Anlicvllle llwiid will Furnlnli MuMlc UurltiK thai ICvcillllu. tOMIS ONK, CODII ALI. iiinr-JHilaniAiiha !. I 1 mi:k to all. i H1111I ror our t'lllHlouiirol llullm. Win.'.. I AUo our tliu-lv llliitlrul..,! Mi..l,,ur .1 o.r nir,n( Ol in will IH- Will 1 ;o llir .iiiiie ml'in w. T lllll I. TIIOXII'MIN K, HllNH T Junr.'llNllw l.oiil.vlllr. k y. Htn.MICK ART NCHOOL, .llllv nnil Auutl.l llt.'rnetlon In tlriiwhx. mm iHiioiinu ntiin nnitin- nnillllr. Illllillo nt Anrvnir i.oiirKr. I'or Inliirinnllon mini mrrr iK-twnn nml n i, m or srnil lot eln-iilnr. MMS. lil-IZA IIHTII (IAKIIV VANIlKMMlllll' junrii.toim in ni-w vors Lllv (I'MMKM UOAKHINO. Iftr nrr now nrrimrril wlih fimiim. A,r .u,... mrr ihintii. ra. MMH It. II CIIAMIIHKI.IN, or kimfx-n street msylllillni iT.niHi.oo, To lonn on jiootl aceurll Junr.Hid.1t 1lv. J'HIM fllll.ll, no, I l llinl lllovll, PIIK MIINTJUI.V 1ST. rhoto snllfrv ovrr I.hw's aton. Hm,.m rnirni aayiiKni: iinnora nnil iirlnllnu ilr. inrtmrnt;eommntlloiia nnil rn.y or niiTaa In nilAKIUlN, NANKIN Al I'll,, unt'4ltf OR South Main alrcel. M imic. ThorouBh Inalnietlon In In.lrumrnlnl nml rocsl niu.le ilvn li Mla WhllliH-k, UU WmiriSn slrrrt, Aahrvlllc, N, L'. Junaud m fTOM HAI.U, Pint Roarwnoit Plnnn for aala rh... ni tin W.mrtfln ilmt, Aahi-vlll., N. C. juncuuini ;TANV. Mlaa M.rv C. ttavnnlrfa. tt at A.....,iH- rmnna, la rrnrr St haf rooma. A ror ask or rrnt. JunciKMlm. Amri ny lo mrlvr pupils In liolsny 0(1 Uallry stmt. Tist book. .UWI8 MAUIll X, I'rea L. I'. Mcl.Ol'U, Vlit-l'res. . B. RANKIN, Ca;.lilr IIIKHCTUHSI-Ixwla Maililiix, M.J. Ilenriliii, M.J. Fiibk, J. B. Kunkln. I. B. Kuv. I. U. Herd r). II. Keeil, l.eo. S. I'ouell. C. M. Mel,oud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, - llriiuulii'il May 1st, 1KMM. CAPITAL, .SSOaOOO.SURPLUS, 815,000 (slate, County and City Uepoitllory. lima u lieainil llaiiklim IIiimIiiihm. Ilepoalu neeiviil. lixehaiiKt' liounht sml aolil. Col-U-t-liiiiiH inaile on all lui-eaNililt- iiiinti,. 1'lit- Saving IViituri- nlll reeeive aK-elnl uttrntion. iiiiiiII auin. in llila ili'iiartiueni, ili iuaite,l lor lour iiiuiiiiia or loiiKir, inlireal at the rati ol'4 iM'rivnl. K-r miiiiiia will Ih iaid. SiH-t'ial iillinil.nl si veil to Iuuiik on real ehtate, whieli will be iilnetil (ur Ioiik time on real sonnltle U'rniN. t)ien Ironi U a. hi. to :i p. in. tin Satunlaya the Savinit lleiartniiiit will lH-oK'ntlll II p.m. Ian 1 il I y OAKS HOTEL, UNI! Ol' TUB KICST FAMILY HOTELS Iii llio Smith. Service mid tiihle l-'intl Cla.-a u"i . iK ,v -Ji-V AHl'-.A. JvShi Vl fli-'',;.t4'i'i -ii-.J . 'ssJSsS AKHKV1LLF., N. C. I'lVIt MINI'TliS' WALK I'KUM TIIU Citiirt Hoiimc. STHEET CARS o.K I lie iluor every lo Miautea. l-'or terms uilitreaa II. J. GRKENAVELL, Proprietor. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, ai7 Haywood Street. All WATFK THOKOIU1ILV I II.Ti:Ki:i on the ITeuilHeit. Twenty-live yeara ol urnetieftl caiwrirncr. eonililncd with i-hnsiinai. intention lo nil ilf tnila ur the liuaineaa anil iK-rlivt arrauisemiuta lor CkH.lM.lNKa und I'l'SlTV or all iiomla iiiiiiiuriietiireil. enalilc ihc pr.ipr itur to pn-Min to hl uiiim roua patroaa a u rlor class ul CnrlHinnteil llevrraKea, M Ylcliy unci Seltzer Water in Siphons. tllmier Ale nnl all Ihr riirl.iu llnv..m or niA WATIiH naily lor ahipuirnt ami ilrllnrru Ircr in City limit.. Hut of town onlira must have hki.'onsiiii.k relcnnec. C. M. CARIPIIIiLL. ONLY EIGHT MILES FROM ASHEVILLE ON THE A, & S. RAILROAO. A HOME IN - $40ZSKYLAND SPRINGS3&80 Alovily liulliliui: lot niil.-,ilfii t IS shmlv Knivr hv tllv llmsl mini nil spriu,:a in the South al Hl toSloil. A ipilel lilaiv, hluh, ilrv, line lit ami K""l ani-lilv I'lait' Will Imil oil with wiile almta-nll nialll liviliu.s lOO r Willi'. TWO io.nl II. W h.llvls, ili pot, ilnily mails, lie. hkvlioul S.ruiK las new anil popular re sort nml ImiiiuiI lo yriiw. Iiuy now lur u eottasi ur us an invi atiin-ilt. limns leave Asheiillc ul U.luu. in. and ntuni at 7 p. III. J.', ivnls. M.I I iHlin OTIS A. MILLElt, Kit) laud P. O., N. C. HOTEL'JARMOND-HOTEL bonnycrest AND COTI ACES, SKVI.ANII mini:kal, sphincm, n. v. liljtht MileM Houth of Anlievllle, on the A. & H. KallroHd. New holela. new eotliiKia, new luruiluiv, Uaulllul itrovra.neut tellliln anil eruouet Inwu.. UoihI livery. 48 MINERAL SPRINGS. While Kulphur. Aliiui. Miiumsia, Iron ami lip.0111, Th.nwwikinu health nml i.lia.m. ,i.i Mlrel aiHHIy will not lull In a ia.ll Ill's pkusaiil usort mill drink uf lis heullnii watela. vruis reiiaouailie. nprl) iltr E.A. LcVENE, MaiiHifvr. Anhvvlllc, N. C. Manuiaelurcrs and Ui.lcra in all klnda ul lircaanl L UM1I1! u, Near Paiwcuit-er Dcppf. Door, NiimIi, lllindM, niouldlnit-M, Htalrwork, nauteU, Bank and Mar Fixtures), and all kind of Building: Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. i eii'iiiiuiii no, t. no 14 illy EITZl'ATKICK BROTHERS. Oealcmlu Wall Paper, Wliulow8lialenntidPMleutHnBirii, 'Hints, Oils and Varnl.lu-s. Mnaury's Ml.nl Paliita aud Colors. Wliiilow ulnaa. butr l'niieli and Americas Wr kri In slm k Kt. Louis and Kentucky l.rnit. a-lisdly A WIND STORM Way Come and ro, but wc arc Here to Sell Goods and arc UoIiik to Hell Them. DID YOU HEAR WHAT WE SAID? Wt hiirr Htruw Hat I cent tn (III mil. tueh. Mplcmlld lint of Hhon ehi njicr than any other huiis sm tin in. Muc and Tin OmirU-r Hhlrtln by the nisc. I'rinls, 0lnghi Ike., nt nf iirlm you would ask lli.ai. Hume nil Hllk lin.s llnuil. 1(1 wt. (r., y. nouin say more out tint will convince you. AhIicvUIc Dry Goods Co., J. O. IIOWKI.L, Manacsr. At old stand, 1st door Uluw 1'iuolmun a Co.'s Hardware BtutV, .'i v.- .i ."e

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