t- ' I I t J 1 THE WEEKLY CITIZEN. Asheville Daily Citizen f FOR RENT, WANTS, AND FOR SALE, z Ths Wkbsxt Citiibn It full or local and Stale news; Just the thing to send to anyone Inquiring about Anh.villc. laantd Thuridiiy, Single coplca S ccnta, mailed, (Ally 11 00, Hr year. Not exceeding three lines. One Time, 33 centa. Three Times, 60 casta. BU Tlmea, 75 ccnta. 111' VOLUME VI. NO. 55. ASHEVILLE, N. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. - i MISCELLANEOUS. ILINVILLEI A pliu-e planiuid und devel oping as a GREAT RESORT. Situated in tho MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted for hoalth- fulness and beauty of SCENERY. . An elevation of .1,800 feet, with cool Invigorating Climate It is being laid out with toHte and skill, with well graded roads and extensive FOREST PARKS. A desirable place for fine residences and HUATHI'l'L HOMES. A good opportunity for profitable investments. For illustrated pamphlet, ad dress, LINYILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., LlnvUlCt Mitchell Co., N. C. BON MARGHE. DRUMMERS' SAMPLES OF Apron, HHiidkcTclilcl'i and WindMor Tic At 28 r cent ami 3:11a per cent. Itma thun regular urlcra. All Mew and ltleMt Hlylea. . 30 South Main St. BON MARCHE. H.T.ESTABROOK'S 23 . MAIN ST., A8HBVIULB, a tii rues roa BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY 600DS AND TOYS. LOCAL Views and Sketches. aprlHtf REAL ESTATE. Wltbb B. Owvn, W. W. Wkst, GWYN & WEST, (aucceeaora to Walter B.Owyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL1STATE, Loan Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. Commlealonera olDecda. FIRE INSURANCE. OVFirK-Honlhenirt Court Mqaaro. CORTLAND BROS., Real Entate Brokers, ' And Investment Ajfcnt). ,oana urely placed at H per cent. tlfflreat 84 88 Pat ton Ave. second floor. fe MM I t "HOW NOW, HORATIO I" Wonlda't buy timber Innila, mineral pnii. rrtlra or Aahcvlllu Real llsluUI Tba call on ua, Horatio, nnd we will give the. thy money', worth, We can aril thee a hii'tia lot, lend thee ahrk ell to erect a dwelling thereon, nnd Insure the asm. In any Fire Inaurnuer I'umpnny doing buirinea. In thin State. 01 t. ua a call, lloratlol JUNKS e JUNKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. Room t) i McAfee Block, 88 l'attoa Ave.,' AenevlUe, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. MATINEE EVERY DAY THIS WEEK IpoR TUB BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC. The Great Comedy Play entitled BLUE HUllfE- Una lieca withdrawn after a very aucccaarul ran, und we sow inreaent our matchlcae Stock of Groceries. GRAIN AND FEED FOR YOUR USE AT POP; ULAR PRICES. DOOMS OPKN AT 6 A. M. A. D. COOPER. Proprietor. ANOTHER Big Lot of Harper's ELY TRAPS, ONLY EIGHTEEN CENTS. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BEST MAKES, PRICE THEM. MASON'S FRUIT JARS. JELLY GLASSES. Hammocks nnd everything in the line of SUMMER GOODS, CAEAPER THAN ANYBODY AT THE "BIG RACKET." k k Is k . w. u. wills. ah r m a j. wills. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, AnIIBVILLB. N. C. Unit Barnard Building. P. U. Ui.i nn. Plana, Biccllkiilliiu, Ifctiiile, fee., lore very etna, of building at abort notice. ARTISTIC INTERIOR DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. Call and act ua, aprindflm F. A. GRACE, FRESCO DECORATOR AND DESM.NER, 'Will Itxecute In Tcmpra, Intouaco, Encaustic or OH From Special Designs In DKl'ORATIVK COMPOtlTION RealUllorioral, Kenalaaance Alienor?. Ailrireaaa 8(1 WOODWARD AVU. Detroit, Mich., or BOX 1148, Asheville, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. ESTABLISH 101) 1874. V. C. CARMIGHAEL, APOTHECARY. 20 SOUTH MAIN 8TREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. It will take you but one minute to read and you will find by doing so you can save money by buyingyour drug, medicines and such articles at Cai-michael's Drug Store. His stock fresh and complete and nt prices that defy com petition. Don't forget the place, No. 20 South Main Street Asheville, X. (!. You will besurprised to sir how for $H, $10, $12 nnd $15 will go in tho purchase of good, stylishly cut, well made Clothing, with Chil dren's and Hoys' Suits in proportion. A way below those grades we kIiow serviceable suits of good appearance. Lately arrived, Men shand sewed Kangaroo Shoes, La dies Kid Oxford Ties, fine Trunks and Valises and num erous mid-summer items. Our Mr. Itedwood is now in Richmond taking advant age of the usual bargains shown byXew York salesmen just before taking stock. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, SMALL WARES, HATS, SHOES AND CARPETS. 7 & 9 PATTON AVE Elegant Drug St on cen trally located well venti lated easy of access agree able to customers attrac tive to nil, by day nnd night illuminated with electrici- tv telephone attachment Handsome Soda Water Ap paratusice cold drinks nil day long fine I and 10 cent Cigars and Kinney's Cigar ettes Choice Perfumery and Soups Prescription Depart ment neat nnd clean Medi an 1 supplies unquestionably the purest obtainable more goods on hand now than i'ver before patronage in iTcnsing, public, conlidence siru nil, success attained Asheville becomes tho Drug distributor for a hundred miles around competition i-elegated to the rear too busy to say nioro to-day. T. C. SMITH & CO., Drug gists, Public Squun, Ashe ville, X. C. SIO.00 REWARD In cash will be paid to any purchaser at my store who guesses nearest the popular turn of Asheville as shown by tho ofHcial census now being ta ken. You nrenot limited to ono guess but can guess us often as you make a purchase. Iftwoormorcninkc the nenrest guess, t lie prize will be given to the guess received lirst. Let all come and t ry their luck. 1. E. MITCHELL, THE LEADER IN Boots, Shoes & Gents' Furnishings. THE DAILY CITIZEN. FACTS AN D COMMENTS. Cini'Aiio Iiiir women who nuike shirts for 75 cents a dozen and children who work twelve hours a rlnv for $1 a week. Sam Jones says it' he doesn't get to heaven lie will be one of the worst dis appointed men on earth. The New York Sun wonders how this disappointment can take place on earth and Samuel has not explained. It woi'i.u seem as it the old saw that riches would not buy happiness has some foundation. It has Ik.ch demonstrated in at least three cases during the past week by the suicide of bankers. Kculicn McCombcr, of Kalamazoo, worth $.",. 000, huii; himself., Nicholas Grattun von liarnhurst, of Pittsburg, secretary and treasurer of the People's Saving hank, shot himself. The third victim was 11. II. PusNcmure, cashier of the Se curity Savings bunk of Tocoma. SiXTifliN years ago W.J. Appleby was the rejected suitor of a woman who after wards U'cnmc the wife of 1,. S. Parnhnm, The couple live nt Nantucket, Massa chusetts, nnd have a daughter four teen years old. A few days ago Ap pleby returned and tried to drown the trirl in the sen. She was a good swimmer and managed to swim to the shore. While he was struggling with his victim he exclaimed, "If I cannot have your mother's life I will have yours." Cuvkknok Nichols, of Louisiana, hns given another black eye to the lottery by refusing to sign the hill sent him by the house. He is certainly deserving of the commendation of all good icoplc, csec ially when it is he alone who has to the nd remained faithful to his promise. Die reason for his action, he says, ia in his message to the general assembly at the oK'iiing of the present term when he referred at length to the question, the liability of its coining up and of the rca- n why it should lie rejected. Since that time he says he has not changed his mind. In this latter he dillcrs materially from a uumlicr of the memlers who have changed their minds for a money consid eration. In sicnino the bill for the admission ot Idaho President Harrison has made him self party to one of the greatest political main that hns ever liecn known in the t.'nitcd States. With Wyoming it makes two new rotten-boroughs, the imputation of loth not being large enough to legally admit one state. The reason that they ire in is of course to bolster ui .'he G. 0. P. which is now on its last legs and needs nourishing. Together the new states will send six representatives to congress, loursenators and two congressmen. It is needless to say that all of these will be republican. If there had Ik-ch any doubt Idaho would not have been admitted, nor would Wy oming. The logic ol the scheme is obvious. II the republican party loses the house, as the leaders fear unless Kccd's election Inw works as is intended, it will still have the senate by reason of the admission of the new states, so that even if the democrats win the house and the presidency they will not be able to rcKul republican par tisan legislation for the next ten years, at least. Figures do not tic. In 1SSS the lirst congressional district of New York cast nearly L'.'.ono more votes than the two new states cast together. The second district cusl H.IMMI more, the third 1, iioii more, the fourth about J.oiki more. And so it goes, liven in the rural districts if New York the votea in a congressional listrict were about ciunl to the aggre gate vote of the two new states. And yet the L'OO.iiDO nople represented by Mr. Covert, ol the first district of New York, have one manlier of Congress, while the lo.'i.llilll H.'oplc of Wyoming ami Idaho will have four aeiialois and two representatives. In the year lN the state of lliio cast 7.1.7-I votes for president. Wyoming cast IN, oil) for delegate in congress, und Idaho Hl,lli:i. Ohio's 773,721 voters will have two senators. The :il,oi':i voters ol the two new slates will have four senators. The state of Rhode Island, the smallest in the old union, cast nearly 10,000 more votes than the two new slatea put together, and has about twice the population. So Idaho and Wvomiug with popula tions ridiculously small when compared to the older states arc to have more rep- lescntalivrs in proportion than any ol those. Hut they will do the part that is intended of them. That is the reason a republican con givss and president have admitted to the sisterhood two stales that will have a siwer in the senate of a state with lilty limes the imputation of Isith and with thirty-four times the representation of either. The whole is one infamous steal. It cannot be censured too harshly. It is just about v. hut otic would exjicet of i republican congress and president, In pursuauii' of a call fur n count y eon vi nl ion made tbnuigli too ehaiininn o I lie ill niiicl.ilie enimiiiltie of the count i lor t lie pin pose ol selecting delegates ti represent tiiis county in the judicial eon VCIIlllMI fcft I mill ilk vmiiiniMi tii ii ,ilil. I... ...! ,.4 U.il. .i. tit mi 1 In. illll h i of August pros.., a convention of the Ashc- VIIIC lOWIISIlip IP IIVI li.l Ml,, ill .ii HIlTl I the court house on Siiluiilav the t'Ji iust. nt 't o'clock in., to which all tl democrats ol the township lire reiinesli and uiged to attend to rclccl delegat to represent this township in said co vi'tition, which is to meet at Asheville i the llltli day of the present month. Ily the committee. Tims. A. Junks, Chairman. July 0, imm. CYME IN ARABIA. SEVEN HUNDRED LIVES ARE LOST THERE TO-DAY. THE BOODLE ALDERMEN HAVE RETURNED. A NaHhvllle Divine In Trouble- General Clinton B. Fluke Dead New York Htlll swelter Iuk In Heat. Special to Tub Citisbn. London, July 9. A dispatch from Ara' bia states that a cyclone swept ovcrthat country this morning and killed seven hundred people. Ocii. FlHke Dead. Kliedul to the Cltiicn. Ni:w V'okk, July 9. Gen. Clinton B Piskc died here to-day. A Huiie Cyclorama Dettlroyed. Sieclnl to TlIK ClTIIKN. Nhw YoKK.July 9. The fireworks used by Paine in his 8x-ctaculnr cyclorauia of thcllnttlcof Vera Cruz exploded this morning nt Manhattan beach destroying the scenery and threatening the Oriental Hotel, The loss will reach into the thou sands. The Lata of the KxlleH. Sjicclul to The Cltlien. Ni;v York, July 9. noodle Aldermen Delacy, Dempscy, and Moloney surren dered themselves this morning and were bailed. These arc the last of the exiles. The Weather in New York. Sieclal to The Cltiicn. Nhw Yokk, July 9. The heat was in tense here this morning. Ten prostra tions were reported up to noon. Since then it has been cooler. At Work in ICurneHl. Slieeial to The Cltiicn. Ci.kvki.anii, t)., July !. The Grand Lodge of Utks got down to business to day ami will this afternoon act finally n the order of expulsion promulgated against the New York branches. The New I'sssenirer Agreement. SHcim to The Citiien. CniCAiiii, July 9. The new passenger igrccnicnt went into effect to-day on all Western roads. It tins been the practice o have an unlimited number of agents nt all prominent xiints. I'nder the new agreement but one ticket office is allowed in each place. Kepunltcit.iM at Utile Hack, Sicelnl to TllK L'lTlzvN. Litti.k Rock, Ark., uly 9. The repub lican Stale convention was called toor- ler here at noon to-dav. I'nlverMlly Men Meet. Sitvliil to The Cltiicn. Ai.iianv, N. Y., July 9. The Twenty-: Uighth I'ni vcrsity convention olthe State of New York is in progress in the senate handier. Chancellor Ccorgc William Curtis will deliver his inaugural address this evening. The gathering will be in session two days. n. M. Harris) In Trouble. Nash vh.i.i:, July 9. Rev. P.M. Harris, l. !., editor ot the Cuuilierlnnd Presby terian, was arrested yesterday afternoon on a warrant issued at the instance of Grace Ilcnjamin, who charged him with assault nnd battery. The woman n an inmate of a house of ill fame and charges that the doctor assaulted her ukiii her ileuinndii g $100 which she claims he owed her. Hr. Harris tells a story of how while passing the house, one of the inmates stole his hat, making him go into the house after it. There he says he gave $100 to icgnin his head cover ing but that since then she has demanded more. lie claims that the whole is a de- lilierale blackmailing scheme. The nflair has created consiileralilcof a sensation. THE FARMERS THREATEN. What lite "ProKrvNnlve 'armer" Will Huvelo May. A dispatch from Raleigh states that the Partners' Alliance organ in North Carolina will, ill its leading editorial, at tack Senator Vance for his letter to Ivlias Curr, president of the State alliance, re garding the sub-treasury bill and decliu ing to support it. It will sny, nnd its declarations will surely cause a stir Senator Vance may have undcresli mated the strength of the alliance. Men living right here in the Stale have done this. He may think he can ignore its lemiinds, but he will luitl it contains more than 'one third' of the backbone ol the State. Senator Vance is a brainy man, but we caiitcml thai the thousands of iillinnccuicti ill North Carolina know a thing or two. He would litm us iH'tieve thai he knows more than the hundreds of intelligent fanners from twenty-three Stales, who met in St. Louis last Scptcinlicr. The farmers of North Carolina pay Senator Vance. It it his business to work for them. Whether the measures are constitutional or not, he should do-it. mill if the bill is not in proicr shaH', he should have gone to work ami put it in slwiic. II he is not willing lo serve llic people, we want to know it. We can't allitiil to pay men $8,000 K-r annum, and then allow them to put up their bruins against the entire State. The moral of it all is this: We must go back to the old way of electing farmers to congress und the I'nited Slates senate. It Irvoiiic more nnd more apparent that those we call our friends nrc our enemies. Ilegin this year, delays nrc dangerous." A clip of wool weighing 17 pounds is being exhibited nt Albany, Git. The Death Watch Beiclua. Special to The Citiien. Coi.t'MiiiA, S. C, July 9. A death watch was this morning placed over Armistend Jones, the sixteen year old murderer of his stepmother. The hang ing will take place Friday at Orange burg. The Governor has refused to com' mute the sentence. THE SUNNY SOUTH. John T. Ball, one of the founders of Meridian Miss., is dead. A wind and rain storm did much dani' age in New Orleans Monday. The East Tennessee, Virginia and Geor gia nns leased the Louisville Southern railroud. Miss Winnie Davis, the daughter of the Confederacy, has returned from Europe to new YorK, Thirty rows of cotton thirty feet long I. : 1 1 1 I... n i.,i i i wtia Kuicu uv u nrc omi ut uitst uuucn' crly county, Go. Senator Wade Hampton, who has licen stumping South Carolina, has re turned to Washington. P. J. Jackson, who is supposed to have murdered William Youngblood at Hunts- vine, Ala., lias Ocen arrested. There is n movement in Chnttanoocn to have the city authorities manufac ture the ice used in that city. Gov. Nichols of Louisiana has returned the lottery bill to the house of represent- uuvcb wunoui ins approval. Rome. On., says that Atlanta is boost' ing her census by the addition of the names of guests at the hotels. Georire Duccer accidentally shot nnd badly hurt his dnuehter. Nellie Duccer. at his home near Chattanooga. Mayor Ellyson. who is a dclccnte to the peace conference to be held at Lon don, has sailed for Liverpool on the I'm- oria. ludixe D. L. Snndirrnss of the sunreme court of Tennessee was hit on the head with a rock and bndly injured, in Chat tanoojsn. General 15. T. Stackhousc. president of the 10MO South Carolina Farmers Alli ance is n candidate for cong ess from his district. The official census shows un the twin Ilristols with a total population ol 6.691 souls. Ilristol. Tenn., has 3.742. and Bristol, Va., 2,99. A negro man supposed to be Hob Itrcwcr the notorious outlaw who shot a deputy sheriff at Iloardnian, hns been arrested near Live Oak, Fla. Hon. Ilcverly Tucker, consul to Liver pool under President Iluchnnan nnd well known in the South, died at Rich mond. He was 70 years old. Tlud LowndeslierrT shot and killed 1. M. Ingrahnm and wounded J. K. Gar rett near Millican, Fla.. over a came of cards. Lowndcsbcrry escaped. A nrcro civing his name ns Williams hns been arrested in Knoxville, suspected of having licen the one who stole the dia monds at the Lookout House in Chatta nooga, Archbishop Jnnsscns, of New Orleans, is on a visit to the Northern States. On July 4 he was right royally entei tained at the Catholic school ut Notre Dame, Iml. W. L. Tarplcy stood on the platform of a train nt Montgomery, Ala., until he fell off and tinder the wheels. His right arm was bndly mangled and from the amputation he died. Dock Thomas, a colored man livinc near Albany, Ga has lost but one hall day's work in ten years. Then he was forced to leave the field because it was too wet to plow. Intnes Hnmil hns been found trinity of the murder of Policeman John Muiruirr at Mobile, Alabama, and sentenced to the penitentiary for life. It is the first time in years tliut so heavy a sentence has Isx-n passed. The Atlanta citv council hns nnssed an ordinance making it a misdemeanor for a woman to cuter a barroom in that city. The line tor liotli the bnrkeeier anil the woman violating the law is placed nt a $100 limit. Four men entered the cage nf the shaft at llucna Vista, Va., when it suddenly tell to the Imttimi of the mine, n distance of I'll l feet. lid. Painter, John Mont gomery ami l.iiips Siicad were instantly killed, rtiign niarion was proiinniy la t.illv wounded. lack Moure, a section foreman, was run over and killed by a train on the Co lumbus & Western road, near llirming Iiiiiii, Ala. The tracks of the Georgia Pacific mid Columbus and Western roads are close together at that point. Moore nearu a train apiroaciuug ana tmnsing it was on the dcoriria l'ncitic stepped over on the other track just in time to lie killed. Rev, K. Ii. Harding, of Cnrtertvillr, (a,, who bus Ixvn cniraucd in tnkinn the census, has found a monstrosity in tlie sevcnlecnlti uistnct. it is a uoncicst child, about twelve years old n mnl never has SKikcn a word, walked a step, or eaten a bite that his mother has not chewed for him. He is the son of John Stockman, of Kuhiirlce, and weighs only nlioul twenty pounds. A despatch from Nashville, Tennessee, states Hint tronhle with negroes in that town isnpiircheniled. Mr. T. I. Pence was shot nnd dangerously wounded by a ne gro who nerusrd him of following him tin Thursday a secret society negro hacked a tanner s nose witn a sworn without provocation, nnd Saturduy a colored military company took mssrs sioii of the streets, insulting every Imdy who failed to make way for them. They charged the motor man on nn electric cur with bayonets, and held up numerous parties in vehicles. IT As the time draws nenr interest in the great Ioughran auction sale in creases, l.vervliiiily is talking ot It nnd why should thry not? It is the first time in the history of Asheville that such valualilc I nouncss mm residence lots have been offered at miction. Proirrty so near to the city is now nearly ull iii the hands of molded men who are holding and will keep it for years to come. Here is an opportunity for yon to get a desirable lot near the city and in the course of n few months todisiose of it at a k'ood advance, If you do not cure to sell, hold on to it, it will pay better in terest than bank stink. It ia a better in vestment. You don't make nny mistake in buying land at the Loughrnn auction. It is a safe investment that will puy you well. Remember the date, July 10, Just one week from to-day. MISCELLANEOUS. ANTIMIGRAINE. THE NEVER FAILING CURE FOR HEADACHE. TRADE MARK REGISTERED. ABSOLUTELY SAFE, PERFECTLY SURE AND ALWAYS SPEEDY. Cares Every variety of Headache AND NOTHING ELSE. ANTIMIGRAINE Has earned for itself the enviable rcputa- tion of being the finest, most effective and reliable article in the market for the speedy relief and cure of every variety of that common trouble, Hkadaciik. The immense favor which has greeted it from all quarters, proves its true merits and acceptability to the public. It is some thing which almost everyone needs, and those who have once tried it, will never be without. For its curative powers it does not de pend upon the subtle influences of such poisonous drugs as ANTIPVRINE, MORPHINE, CHLORAL AND COCAINE, Since it docs not contain an atom of either of these. It is absolutely free from injurious chemicals, and can be taken by young and old without fear or serious results. It is not a Cathartic, does not disarrange the stomach, and contains no noxious or sickening ingredients. The peculiar advantages of Antimi graine consist in its being thoroughly reliable as a cure for any kind of head ache without respect to cause leaving no unpleasant or annoying after-effects, as in the case of other so-called "harm less" remedies. These qualities make it the most popular and saleable article in the market, wherever known. DIRECTIONS FOR Ubu. The doac for aa adult la two teaapoonfuls in a wloc glaes of water. Doae for children la proportion, according; to axe. In either case the doae caa be repeated every thirty mlnaea until a cure la effected. One doac will aim-are drive away aa attack of Headarhe, if taken when drat feeling the premonitory symptoms; bat if the attack Is well on. aad aunerlns la Intense, the second or third doae may be required. Uaually a greater number of dotea la required to effect the first cure than Is needed for any succeeding time there after, showing that the medicine la accumu lative la Ita effects, tending toward aa event ual permanent cure. For sale at GRANT'S PHARMACY. WIIITLOCK'S, 4 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Bargains I Bargains! (CONTINUED.) We offer greater Induce ments to cash buyers of Dry Goods than any house in Asheville. All our Domestic (loods bought before the rise of cot ton are now sold at primo cost. Fans niiil l'ui'iixols, the best selection in town, re gardless of eost. Curtains in great variety for lens than you can buy them elsewhere. Table Linen, Towels, Nap kins and Doilies at prices that defy competition. White Goods, Embroider ies nnd Lillet's at nan tneir valueB. Our tock is very large and wo are determined to reduce it. Kid Gloves and Hosiery, tho best stock in Asheville, all reduced to bottom prices. We will undersell the low est. Call ami see us beforo you purchase. All Goods are now marked in plain figures lowest priceB in everything. Call and con vince yourself. WHITLOCK'S, 46 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Opposite Bank af AaasrrUla. V I

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