t DAILY CITIZEN SUPPLEMENT-SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1800. bell hose. tower belts, Btrni 8, L Ricon 11, J. L. Perry, contract 13, dco. F. Scott, lumber.,., W, I), Cuiti, express on nozzle i!fl, bum Kicord, teamster 4 WCt It 8 t '., J. U. cVnirki" agcnt,'"iire nlarni system February 1, Herring & Weaver, riils- ber boots , Udwnrd II. Best, 2 noz zles 5, I'eunimun & Co,, fire bell 15, J. It. Whitcsi'le, hose house, Charlotte street.... 15, J. I.. Perry, bell tower contract 21!, livening Journal, print ing ads 'i'i, K. T. Owens, painting signs 'Jl, II. C. Fngg, extra work 2ti,J. E. Dickerson & Co., hose and nozzle 2i, A. D. Cooer, Iced for horses -B, J. I'. Sawyer, alarm cards 20, 1,um Kicord, teamster 4 weeks March H.J. II. McDowell, freight and dravage on coats and hats .' - 17, J. S. Itixhy, keeping alarm battery! 1 7, J. I). Iiickcrsoit oi Co., locks IS, J. 1'. Thrash. I load hay lid, I'enniman S: Co., 1 cur ry comb -'S, I.iim Kicord, teamster 5 weeks April 12, Linn Kicord, glass in window 12, J. L. Perry, tolling appa ratus on hell H. H. A. Woodhouse MTg. Co., hats and coats 22, Sou. Kxprsss Co., extra charge on nozzle 2U, J. II. McDowell, trip to Tennessee 2N.J. I.. Ferry, extra work bell tower :, F. N. Waddcll. 2 horses. 30, I.um Kicord, teamster 4 weeks May- 3, I.nm Ricord, salt for horsi'S -t, Asheville Light : F.Co. gas bill x, J. M. I'atton, railroad freight II. S I,, truck H. . K. Dickerson i Co., hardware in, Fowcll & Snider, feed for horses, and soap !, Heardcn, Rankin & Co., mdse. nud oil 11), Kumsey : Co., II. & !,. truck 111. X. Waddcll, buying 2 horses F. X. Waddcll. exnnses of 2 horses 22. J. S. Itixby, keeping alarm battery 24. Iturnm .Howard, shoe ing horsi-s 21, I.um Kicord, teamster 4 weeks no llrooks. teainsler 1 1 days June i. . II. W Iv. black smith bill l.'I.J. M. Alexander, work and material Ili, J. F. Win tilbury, keeping 2 horses t mont h 21, John llrooks, sand and wol k nil horses 2H, Sam Mi'I-enn, I load h.iy 2M, John lliiMiks, teamster 4 weeks 1(10.00 H.ilD 2.15 2K.00 400.00 00.00 54.00 503.40 57. JO 50S.H5 2.50 12.00 10.05 11.50 H.00 4.50 28.00 5.00 3.00 10.80 35.00 .50 5.00 .00 8.71 47.00 375.00 28.00 .10 7.55 dertakcr refunded 18.75 .75 0, D. I Reynolds, serving pnier8 in sup. et 7,00 10, Mann, Johnson & Co., tax as undertakers refund ed 25.00 11, Hostie Urns. & Wright, bill dry goods 7.18 10, L. 'nl ham, exiienscs paving committee 1 50.00 25, C. 1). ltlanton,exienscs, paving committee 87.00 25, K. L. Fitzpntrick, excu ses, paving committee 37.00 February 5, I.. I'ulliam, e.ienscs paving committee 37.00 20, T. W. I'atton, excuses, paving committee 20. K) 11, W. B. Williamson Son, tax refunded 72. B0 lo, W. T. Reynolds, hill cost in Superior court 32.05 10, J. K. Staines, tax as un dertaker refunded 25.00 .'2, I'. veiling Journal, print ing ordinances 4.75 24, J. K. Rankin, trens., Man over .National Hank Com mission 13.00 March 12, Miss Iluxton, donation to Flower mission 15.00 15, Randolph & Kerr, print ing report of board of trade 25.00 27. J. R. Starncs, burial rolie for Drvmaii boy 3.50 27, Dr.,). A. Watson, expert services in Xoland ease 24.20 April- 1. L. M. Hatch, adv. in I.indsev's titiide Hook 25.00 5, llarrett, Martin & Pen- uiman, damage, circle 250.00 10, livening Journal, adv. proposals for street lights 8.00 28. D. 1.. Reynolds, serving pniiers in sunrerior court.. 2.40 Mav- "', II. II. Cosbv. keciiiiiL' clock 24.01- 12, Citizen Fub. Co., bill lor priming 27.00 12, Randolph .V Kerr, death cerlilicatcs 2.00 10, J. H. Hostie, prof, ser vices and ex icnscs 5.00 20, S. II. Hall, sKcial tax re funded lo.so 21-, Mrs. W. W. llaruard. Flower mission 22.05 20, J. W. Cortland, siecial tax refunded 50.00 27, City clerk, telcgramsanil postage 0.45 I ii lie 0. II. II. Cosby, bal. keci- nig clock 25.00 I 4, J. h. Murray, salary 37.50 15, J. H, Woorfy, mending rakes .no 21, J. I,. Murray, labor 03.05 22, livening Journal, print ing nds 4.50 22, Fitzpatriek Bros. & R., 1 barrel .no 24, N. I.anuing, lime 12.00 Mnrch- 1, I. Iv, Reed, hauling garb age 108.00 1, J. I.. Murray, salary 37.50 15, N. banning, lime 7.88 20, J. Y. Clayton, lime 0.00 20, J. I.. Murray, labor 71.80 April Ii. Rccd,hnulint;garli- "Ki" J. I., Murray, salary 5, J. W. Clayton, lime 10, X. banning, lime 20, J. L, Murray, labor Mny- 1. J. E, Reed, hauling garb age 3, Kelly & Strnehan, plumbing at hospital 3, N. banning, lime 3, J. I,. Murray, salary 3, W. M, Ray, drayag'e on dog .;ir, 14, J. Iv. Dickerson it Co,, hardware 4.40 20, J. W. Clayton, 24 bti. lime .". 7.20 20, N. banning, 45 bu. lime 11.00 31, J. R.l'.arren,20 " " 0.00 31, J. L. Murray, 5 my rolls lalior 07.7.1 I line 2, J. Iv. Reed, haiilmggarb- nge 83.00 3, J. I,. Murrav, salary 37.50 0. J. W. Clayton, 24 bu. lime 0.00 21, . 1.. Murray,3pny rolls I for labor .". 54.00 28. II. B. Weaver, 1 payroll for labor 21.00 PARABLE OF THE SUPPER LESSON II, THIRD QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, JULY 13. 114.80 37.50 O.OO 0.00 07.50 138.80 0.75 0.00 37.50 30.00 2.40 14.75 17.48 140.41 1.70 0.55 1.80 22O.00 37.35 lo.i III .3i ll.nO 2.45 25.00 s.l'.l 2S.IMI 5O.00 310.00 3110.00 3HI.70 1,842.05 SALAKIF.S. June, tsoii 3o, C. D. Illantoii, Mayor, 12 months .'. F, M. Miller, city clerk, 12 months J. Ii. Knnkin, trens., 24 mo. 1-ccK: Aston, engineers, 7 in. II. M. I-ec, engineer, 0 mo... W. Ii. Wolle. AM. 12 mo... C. II. Leonard. K. L. Fitzpatr'k L. I'ulliam, " ' ' ... J. II.. McDowell, F. M. Miller, 1 ,20(1.110 I 01 10. Oil lioo.on 1 75.110 150.00 $4,151.00 STRlvlvT 1.IC.1IT Dlil'ARTMli.NT. July, 1SS0 2 1, Asheville Light ami Pow er Co., lights in June $ August 1 o. Asheville Light and Pow er Co., lights in July September 10. Asheville Light and Pow er Co., lights in August.... Octolicr 1 2. Asheville Light andj'ow- er Co., lights for Sept Xovcnthcr 0. Asheville Light ami I'ow er Co., lights lor Octolicr. Decern I ier ! 1 1, Asheville Light and Pow er Co.. lights for .Nov laini.irv. IMin 1 , Asheville Light and Pow er Co., lights for Kvcm'br S. Asheville Light mid Pow er Co., bid. on lights ill : November and lieccinher.. ' February 8, Asheville Light and Pow er Co., lights ill January.. March 8, Asheville Light and Pow er Co., lights for Fcbrun'v April- 5, Asheville Light ami Pow er Co., light.-' in March May- 3, Asheville Light and Pow er Co., lightsiu April J line 10. Asheville Light and Pow er Co., lights in Mav $3,105.00 CITY HALL ANDol FlClilvXPIiNSIiS. July, INN'.I l.Jolui Ivrwiu, salary as janitor $ 0, . J. Ki.'li,earicnter work 0, Asheville Light & Pow er Co., gas bill 13, W. O. Wolle, repairs and ' changes in Mayor's office. 20, W. (). Wolle, gas titling in Maynr'a office August 1, John lirwin, salary as janitor .". 3, City clerk, 2 tables for office 111. Ballard, Rich .V Bovcc, lamp glolK-s and holders. 10, W. o. Wolfe, repairs in Citvllall 10, Asheville I.. , P. Co., gas bill September 2, John lirwin, salary as janitor 7, D. W, Fiirman, letter heads 10, Asheville L. & P. Co., gas bill 28. V. O. Wolfe, rent of of fice, 3 mouths Octolur l.John lirwin. salary as janitor .'. Ice and Coal Text of the Lesson, Luke xlv, 15-84. Commit Verses, -4 Golden Text, Luke xlv, IS Commentary by Itov. D. M. Hteitrns. Compiled from 1,1'sson Helper Quurtcrly by ier mlssluaof II. 6. HulTuiun, publisher, Philadel lnia.j III our lust lesson we M the roliicioim luad urn of the people contending with Him be cause He ueuleil a woman uu the Hub bath Any; but He put them to limine ami cuused his followers to rejoice. Ho alinll it ho ntrnhi when those who cant out others for Ills sake say, Let the Lord be glorified; but Ho ball npiieur to the Jey of his issiplo and his enemies shall lie ashamed (hut. Ixvl, ft). Ho' then repoalHil the arnblea of the mua- tun I ixl ami the losven, both of whleh liml a riiltllluioiit in brwil al Unit time, and are having a fiiiniliiieiit In the ehureh t'lny. Ho ailileil a pruphecy concerning the eoinlnn desolation of Jeruatilem Uieause of her n'joo tion of Htm, inilicutiiiK its eontiiinnnee until Ho should come nguni. Aftor this we llml Him In tho house of a Pharisee nn the Snb bath dny, where He hail evidi-ntly been In vito I to illne. He hern houls it mini who had the ilrn)wy, ami siwuka a wimlile to tho is ito.l guesu to twich them Inutility, after which He tells his host that if. nh.-u h makes a fenst, ho would invite tin wo who were unable to return the compliment, he woulil hiivo u nwmiieniie at the resiirreetion of the just; and this loads one of the quests to give iittoriinco to tlio lii-Mt wonlsof uiirlivsoa IS. "Hleswil is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of lhl." Aeeorillnii to the first part of this vorso, that which caused the guest to utter th. se words was tho Kuyour's -.n, n n'M.-i-i limy uio ivsiirreci ion ni lie Just. HI "Tlii-nsuid Ho untohiin, Aeorlaiu man made a grout supper, ami Imdu uiuiiy." This parable Is somen hat siuiilar to that in Matt, xxll, but 1 1 mt whs ssikeu diii'lui; l'assiou wivk in Joriisiiloin, mid this while on His way to Joiiisuloin (Luke xlii, S3; xvixi, ill). In Irvtli lio covers Israel's rejection, und the presviit ilispous'itloii of gntheriiiif out the church, reiicliin fornnrd to the marriage of the Luiuli it the time of the resiiriwliou of tho Just and of the restoration of the King dom to Isriifl. 17. ''t'oiiio; for all thiiiKS arenow ready. HOUSES THAT ARE OUT OF 8TYLE. Tbere Is No Kxeuso for Making Had In vestments of Tills Kind. There are few towns and eittes iu the coun try lu whioh there are not a number of houses whioh are said to be "out of style." They ure old stylo houses and will not bring the money that was out into them. It Is not good business to build a bouse that w 111 go Out of style. It la uot good business to put money where one cannot gat.lt ui:uni. Them are some things that do not go out of stj le. All such things are founded on common sense. The requirements of housekeeping do notehange materially from year to year, and s house plan which meets all of the re quirements of the hoiisekonsjr k rurely said vj ue out- oi style. A PAIR OF WOLVERINES. THE STRANGE BEASTS IN PHILADELPHIA ZOO. THE 4. Ill I "'" message which the serruuu were -lu . to carry John the Baptist, and tho twelve 3IKI.OO 3iiO.no 330.MI 3 H i.i Ml 338.: 3 lu.ni) $(-.225.00 MISCLLI.A.NIiorS IvXPIi.NSIiS. July. IHM'J 13, Citizen Pub. Co., annual statement S 2(1.50 15, T. W, Branch, insurance 15.00 22. Miss F. I.. I'atton, do- j nation to hospital loo.no 1 27, Swiccgooil, sprinkling streets 15.00 August 7, CobbiS: Mcrrimnn.prof. 1 services, Bradley case 300.00 i 2I-. Ivdw. Brown, hauling ii,i-.. ... !.... h 31, A. Sondley, prof, ser vices in Xiilnm'l case 25o.oo 31, M. Ii. Carter, prof, ser vices in Noland caw 250.no SeptcmlK-r 0, D. L. Keynolils.suinnions in Noland case 3.00 13, J. M. Foster : Co., reg ulator valve 200,00 I I, J. II. McDowell, dray age on regulator valve ,75 I i, A. T. Siimmey, milking tax-list 125.00 21, Citizen Pub. Co., illus trated pnier 50.00 21, J. I.. Clark, hauling Amanda Duncan to hospi tal .75 Octolici JH, T. W. I'atton, bond for old jail procrly I ,o7 1. 1 7 Ilccemlici 1(1, II. C.Jones, Agt., ilam age to Miss At kin by sew er line 325,00 10, II. B. Carter, A tt'y.dnm age to 8, (). Wcldon by sewer line 110.00 III, T. II. Cobb, prof, servi- vices in Noland ense 150,00 21, T. II. Cobb, prof, servi eei in Atkins tic Wcldon case 30.00 31, r. II. Cobb, prof, servi ce in tax list 25,00 31 , J. tt. Rankin, trens,, three old check 3.00 Jiimtnry, 180O 4, J. V. Brown, tax ns tin- $3.81 l.v.-, SA.NITAKV DliPAKTM Iv.NT. 2H0.OO , July. I .ss'i 200.00 '1. I. Ii. Reed, hailliuo L-nr. Jiage .".J. L. Murray, salary 0, C. II. Sorrels, lime..'. 22, 11. F. t'.arren, lime 31, Hcnrdcn, Rankin & Co., lime '11, J. L. Murray, lalmr 200.00 200.00 200.1 id i 2oo.no August- l.J.li. bage .. 2. J. L Reed, hauling gar- Murrnv. salary In. Laniiiiig Pinner, lime IT. .M. I.. .Merrill, lime 21. Kelly Strnehan, pluuibiiiL' 27. N. Launing, lime 31, J. L. Murray, lalsir Scptcmlier 2, J. Iv. Rird, hauling gur- liage 3, J. L. Murray, salary 7, Pciiniiuan ii Co., 1 rake 7, N. Lnnning, lime I f, Kelly As Strnehan, rep manhole I t,J, 1 1. Woody, blacksmith work 28, S. Launing, In bu. lime -'8, J. I.. .Murrav, lalsir Octolicr I.J. 15. Reed, hauling gar bage 4, J. I.. Murrnv, salary UU, " " ' lalmf Noveniln'r 1, J. Iv, Reed, hauling gar bage 2, N. Limning, lime 5, J. L. Murrav, salary 30, " " labor 30, N. Laniiiiig, lime Iieecmlier 2, J. Ii. Reed, hauling gur- nugc 2, J. L. Mtirrry, salary.. i, v..ll.8orrel,limc 21, Fitzpatriek Bros. Ac R., 2 barrels 21, N. Limning, lime 28, J. I,. Murray, lalior lanuary, NOO L. Murray, salary Kced, hauling garli- age 18, J. W, Clayton, lime , 18, N. Limning, lime 25, J. L. Murray, labor February 1, J. Ii. Kcid.hniiliiiggarb-age Asheville Co., coal... 12. Asheville L. . P. Cn gas bill November 1 . John lirwin, salary as janitor .". 2, Williamson & Co., win dow shades 5, Asheville Coal Co., coal !l, Asheville L. ei P. Co., gas bill DeecinlHT 2, John lirwin, salary as janitor .". 1 i. Asheville Coal Co., coal i 21, 1). 1 1. Adams, setting 3 I grates 3I3.no January. 1800 I 1 . Joint lirwin, salary ns janitor 4, W. (I. Wolle. rent of of fices. 3 inos 0, Asheville Coal Co., coal February 1. John lirwin, salary as janitor .". 8, Asheville Coal Co.. coal 8. Randolph & Kerr Print ing Co., blank drafts 17, John lirwin, salary as janitor, 'j mouth .'. 21, Fitzpatriek Bros. A: K two signs 20, J. X. Morgan & Co.. 1 blank book March- l.J. W. Pratt, salary as janitor, 1 a month .'. I.i, F. N. Carrington, coal.. April 1. J. W. Piatt, salary as janitor 5, W. O. Wolle, rent of of lice 3 mos 0, F, N. Carrington, coal., lo, D. W. I'lirninn, note heads Mny- 1, J. W. Pratt, salary as innitiir 5, II. M. Lee, rent of office. 30.00 4.(10 I 1.30 .50 ' 12.25 ! 30.00 3.50 42.00 3O.0II 5.00 2.00 3O.O0 3.40 5.00 120. Oi I 41.25 12.70 '.Mill 4.20 70.50 130. to 37.511 5.00 4.0(1 1.75 10. (ill 100.35 144.40 37.511 June- it1 ,1.8.-. 11.2(1 80.00 1 12.40 37.50 73.00 154.40 11.20 37.50 80.85 11.20 123.20 37.50 11.48 1.50 11.20 08.00 37.50 130.40 0.87 1 1 .110 05.80 134.80 2, J. W. Pratt, mlarv Mav lo, Asheville L. & P. Co", gas lull 1.7 30.00 I 3(1.00 42.00 5.00 30.00 10.00 4.00 15.00 3.00 3.20 2O.00 10.00 40.00 42.00 5.00 4.50 4(1.0(1 25.00 40.00 2.C0 $000.13 were .ino of tho servants us thev went forth. saying: "Kciir, for the Kingdom uf Heaven is at hand." Tho salvation of Jehovah, whether it Is. the Kingdom oirored to Irnel, or the higher position olfeml to the church. Is a prepared salvation even as Sialism Kiid: "Thy salvation which Thou hast preiarcd" (Luke ii, :m. Hi); and il is a II, from llrst to lust, Jiiiiiiii.il up In Jesus Christ, is. "And (hey all with one consent U-gnn to make excuse." Nothing to do but lo take il; simply to accept the Invitaliou an. Is there; jet they prefer not to. How- anxious many are to g t an Invitation to anything great In this world, and how disuppdtitisl If left out. Hero is the (lisl of Heaven inviting imeiy 10 ine ricnca ot ins grace and glory, nnd it is not considered worth accepting. His feast is despised, Hi invitation spurned. "I have bought a piece of ground, and 1 must nei-ds go and seo it: I pray thee have me exeuse..'T Jlj, little pie of ground for which he hus pud a few shekels is of more iiiipirtuneo llinu riuit nhirb has cost so much. l'.. "I hnvo boneht livoyokeof oxen, and I go to prove tlirni: I pray this) hnvo me excused," Lin ls must l iuh ii to, and oxen must lie proved, but the great feast provided by inlhilie love may go a Urging. It is nothing to them. Tho earlh is the l,,r,l'sand the fulness thonsjf; the rattle on a thousand hills aro lbs (ls. xxiv. I: I. lui: vet tlu-mnrn fisihi (ami plenty of tliem ts!uy) who preforn little wliich they can luiivhiise to thuensit riches niiieh the Lnrdnf all olfers so freely to "whosis'yer will." Any one of these ten oxen wasa rebuke to their owner, for it is written "Tho ox liiioivctli its owner. but mv 10.00 eople do not lui m" iIki. i, Was it not miner iaie hi pi-ovo oxen alter liiiylng theiui 0.00 i M- I have iiiuitM a wif.-, and there fore I cannot come." This Is iw bettor Hum theotlicrs, yet l he refusal is even more de- cldcd "I cannot come." If the iiivituiioii did uot Ineludu bis w ife, he iiiizht have had soinr excuse; but (itsl's invitations ineludu all who are willing; und while Hie others might have to leavo their lauds ami ns.n, lie could bring bis wife with him. 21. "Ho that servant mine, ami showed his lord these thiugs." A servant has only to deliver his iiiastor's message, and take the answer luu-k.if there isuuy; liu litis ii.ipiwer to excuse people. Our ris.;s.iiil,ilny muses when we luive lovingly and f.nthfuMy eiven the Im itation, proclaimed the glad iiduigs. Then it Isjeomes us, like Hie disciples, to t II Jesus all we have done and luulit (Mark vl, 3U), leaving results with Him. His command to Eickiel was, "Sis-alt my n,,i d. unto thou whether thoy will hear or whether they will forliear" (Kiw-k. II, 7). "Oootit quickly Into tho si roots and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the pour, slid tho maimed, and the halt, and the blind." Thine havo no earl lily pissessious or pleasures to entangle them; lliey will lie more likely to accept tho invitation.' It was lust lutue tour classes winch je.iis advlissl the I'haruss', in whoso hoii-e Ho nas, to Invito to his feast lu order Unit ho might la) recom isnised at the nsiirrectluti of lnu Just. 'ti. "And the servant said, Lord, it la dona as Thou hast commanded, and yet there is room." Tho servant has only to obey, lov ingly to deliver his mes-sigc', and report for further orders. It Is tint said whether any amoug those classes excusi-d tnemselves or uot, but It Is said "Vet there is n " Wlmt abundant provision I U hut riches of His grace! What plenteous i-nl.-niiiilani I se. "Ann I ho lord said unto the servant ri.EVjmoM, We often se large hoiisis bring lii very little renin! when couslilorcl relatively to men-cost, tin the other hand we see Ill-tie Isixes of houses which bring lu relatively a high rental. The latter may have all of the niisleni conveniences a furnace, hot and cold water, a Imtlirooni with tub, water closet mid washstaud; u sink in the cellar in which to pour water from the tubs, a laundry stove, u (vnienteil lloor, ii'euty of light, that II may l used as ii laiiinlry: a w ell arraugis! kileheti and china elosi-t ; eveiytliiug iiaiidy and con venient no waste room, lumen no waste steps or woarcii eiirsiis. J ills Is the kind of house that Is always In gissl style. 1 here are many things to be considered bv people who have not lunch lllonnv and nro wllhout a Inr ,'e exis.rlelic.. in house hllildlln? Bi'tng a iiiiiii of iiKslerale iiienns, If I w ish to muni a Uou-s- it. is proK-r lor me to consider whether my house would have u rental value If I wish to put it on tin- market in that way. The net Income from that property, if rented, ahonld exceed by I or 'J sir cuit. the current rule of int. rest in the section of country in which the structure isorect.sl, A great maiiv f s'lish inve.tiiii'iits ure luad,- in duelling house prop-ny Iss-.iuv. -o,!n ,!,, tint think of tlii., and for this reason we hear a great 1 It. , If I 4lMMT, m I Q n I J I I 1 J? A-jj KliCAPITILATI'iN. Street liepartnient water IK'pnrtnient.., Interest Department i 'once department Sewer Department Fire liepnrtnicnt Snlnrics iKpartniciit Miscellaneous liepnrtnicnt. Street lights Department..., Sanitary Department City Hall Department... Total Disbursements... Total Keeeipts $30,1 1-5.10 . 20,140.31 . 14.430.00 . 0,583.55 . 0.5O7.4O . 4,842.05 . 4,225,00 . 4,151.00 . .1,814.45 . 3,105.00 0110.13 deal about the fonlislimnaof going into debt for a boiue. It Is a very smart thing to do it ws pay for the pnis'ny only what it Is worth, ami It Is a very -duple matter to de termine wluit this Is. Wo must take whnt would bo the gross rental Incouioof the uroii- erty If It were to be rented, and thou make uue allowance for taxes, Insurance and re pairs, and if the nut iuceiue is then slightly ....... oiui-iirnmi, rate tor money, we are julill... in going in d.il.t. The iss.plu who are living in tho house which Is here Illustrated are paying for It In a niiti.iing association. Tlio lot cost f 1,201), and tho bouse, with everything that g.s.-s to iiutie ii cumnloto cxcclit no- a furnace, oust fi.nw. I no association from which thev so- curnl their money Is on the porstunl plan, and Is orgiuilnvl on a limited that la, all premiums ure limited to Um cents on each weekly payment of fifty cents on svii ji siiiiro. Having secured l,suO, thoy huve to pay lu fifty cents tier week on nin. shsres of M3 each. This is 4.50 a week, or e as "a mnmu, as tne uiiiilmum payment to lie made. On this plan of pay ment of 6 per cent, Interest there in four cents per share per week to be paid as uuYwi, on t -oo, or one suare. Tha Terror of Trappers Sumo Natural History Fight Worse Than a CirUsly Bear How This I'alr of Ultra Animals Was Obtained anil How They Live, Superintendent Brown, of tho Zoologi cal garden.ls happy; HeuU Keejier Lynn's is rutlinnt and overy unilor keeiwr retlucts the happiness lunl cheerfulness of their superiors. A pair of wolverines has been received at the garden and bid fair to live, grow nnd otherwise- conduct theiiiHclves ns well regulated wulveriiios sluntld, A visit to the garden brought forth a most interesting talk from Hum. Keeper Uynies, which wits stipplenu'iiled by a long nnd ttcciiriito' scientific ilescrintion of the gulo lusctis, tistliisaniinul is called. What is particularly gratifying is tho fact that this pair, now in possession of the Philadelphia Zoological garden, is tne only pair known to bo in captivity, and for that matter no other garden has even a single specimen. BOMK NATl ltAL IIIHTOIIV. Tltn animal la-longs to tlio badger family and is cMreniely shy ami retiring in disposition, it is a habitant of the entire northern hemisphere nnd is not very plentiful in nny locality. It has been known to zoologists for it long time, yet about it hnvo been relatwi mori'tnnr velotis tales than even of the salanian.lor or chameleon. All over t lui world where it U found nntivo hunters tell incrediblo tales of its teroet'y and voracity. As far bac k as lobs! tUnf ilaginiis, it Scandinavian writer, mentions the Wolverine and tells how,' after gorging itself with f,M),l, it ill try iu siiirt-zc iiseit nirweeii two closely growing trii-s to enablo it to digest it's uieaU, after which if, will ngain return to devour more, Every district marly gives it a name and it is indiscriminately called tho In dian devil, the glutton, tho ijuiik hutch, the carcajou. I.iiiuii'us descriljcs tho animal under the nanui of tho ono eyed glni ton, and the term one eyed is Mipia.sed to hnvo come from tho fact that tho only speci men he ever saw or heard deseriljcd was wind m one eyo. Tlio western triipjsTs givo tho wol verine a reputation for craftiness, t im ning and general duvilishni'ss eijualed bv no oiner annual. They claim that it will fight worso than a grir..ly bear. In fact, a scout of Superintendent Uiowu's described to him a light between a wul verino and a she grizzly with two half grown cubs, in which tho wolverine conquered its opponents, and declared that ho witnessed tlio whole buttle from a treo. Of course tlio shyness and suspicious ness of tho animal has much to do with theso tales, but there is no doubt that it is fur moro powerful than otto would suspect from its sizo, which is a bout that of a hulf grown setter dog. It 4s a terror lotrnpiiera from tho way it will eteul tho bait from their traps, and if camjht will fight desperntvly. Tho little ones at tho garden now have already proved their fens'ity by chewing tlio hands of two of the keepers who im prudently handled thi ni. now Tin-; (i.niii:.N in it tiii:m. How tho Zoo obtained tho hjiecinu-tis It now has is n most interesting story. A siKfimen was sent to tho garden some ten years ago which had 1hs-ii caught iu trail in Idaho, nud had its foot badly ELECTRICITY FROM FIRE. to ,.$'.18,720.21 ,. 03,007.22 Deficit July 1st, 1800 $ 0,022.1)0 F, M. Mii.i.hh, City Clerk. The street railway will soon run up Val ley street. Then the Loughrnn lots, each nndcverv one. will fronton the rond.Whnt could be more desirable? That portion of the city is fast building. The tendency in south toward the Vnnderbilt pur chase. That is where these lots arc sit uated. From the southern corner wilt begin the boulevard to lliltmore one of the prettiest drives around Asheville. Go out into the higlmuys and hedges." Alfolll It is "do!" The Word for tha out. si dor Is "Come!" And the encouragement isi "Him that c.nielh unto Me I will in no wise east out" "Come unto Me all ye that labor and aro heavy lie leu." "Come now and let us reason bigot her, aalth the Lord. Though your alus be na sen riot they shall lie as white ts snow, thoil th thoy be red like crimson they shall lie as wool." "Comisjl throi to corns In, that my houso may be llllod." H'o are not simply to invito hut to urge and lovingly ouuslrain tliein to ootna. Our Inillirorenoe to the salvation of others Is a striuue sivht. We bsllevs that ws are Joint heirs with C hriit to an Inheritance which Is Incorruptible and everlasting, and tuaswii who are not m uiristareoo mo way to verlustuig puniihmeut; yet wa can mast them, do business with them, havs fsUowsliip with them, and never avail Invite them to share our luliarltanos, much leas onuuwl them to coma to tha feast. Ws would do well to ponder thaw words: "If tbou diart not s-ak to warn tha wicked from bis nay, that wicked man shall die in his In iquity, but his blood will I require at thine baud" (Eiek. xxxiil, 8), It is true that we, of ourselves, are powerless to either con vince or ooinsd; hut He who says "GoPsayi also "IO, I am with you" (Matt, zzvlll, Su). S4. "For 1 say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall Uute of my supper." lb-fusing to ainept His gracious In vitation thoy ilooiu themselves to bear tha fearful words "Deiurt from ma ye ouned into evarlusting Ure, prepared forthedevU an1 his enutils " """ssVrfH4Bmsas sxcono rLoon. Then thero Is, In addition, a maximum pre mium of ton cents a share. This makes pre mium and Interest thirty-four cents as thp In terest and premium charges encb week. Thus there remain sixteen cents to apply on the principal. This will pay out a 300 share In about fourteen yoars a very long lime, It may be said. This is the element of safety ft) ths borrower. As a matter of fact, the peo- Cta who owu this house and are paying for It I a building association are putting In from DO to 1H5 a Aionth. Thus k. and above the 1H or 120 required is credited a advaooa payment on the dues and partlnl pates In the dividend ot the ass.s-latlnu. This dividend, together with that which accrues on the sixteen eenni nsvmt bars, brings tha actual bitorostchargo to a .. wtjt u it mn, ns tne association Is 1 """Bii annual dividends, whioh they are omtb inS to do hr the obiJ ootnpoundfng ot Interest. Louil H. OlBKOit. torn. This was never put cm exhibition, ns it uieu limine null an liunr after its arri val, uut it wiisatuffiHl nnd is now on c hibition in tho'wiperiiitendenFs privnto tuuiu. ooiiio six yours ago as NiiiH-rin-tendent Brown was returning from a nuuting trip in tint west, ho stopped In a furrier's in Chicago, where ho saw a wolverine's skin. Ono word led to an other, nnd he mado urrntigenieiits with the firm that if they hoard of any livo ones being captured to notify him. The other day ho jveoived a telegram stating that the father nnd mother Iiiit iug both been aW he could obtaiu a pair of young wolverines if ho desired them. To receive sut, in vs w:is to u mau of his energy ni' decihimi ciiuivaleiit to having them, sfT'.n answer to his prompt reply expressing n earnest desiro to get them tho young nuimnls were sent on, Theynrrivcd irxcellent condition and are now occuiiig comfoitabloiituirters near tho aviary. Their appetite' for small hir.1 fl.cf...l that is given thuiu, has not ns j et Ktn auywhero near satistleil, nud they seem to well deTvo their popular niinio of glutton. In iipiieariini o at tho present time they resemble a limit ,i, ing the sumo long body, long hui'r and short legs. They have u habit of sittio.r t,n their Imtmches nnd shading their eyes with ono puw whenever iinvthlo r t. tracts their ntteiition. Heud Kismh.t Uvrnns save tbut. il,i,,.l, thoy haven't lieeu with him long enough to notice their habits correct.lv. vi.t I,.. don't believe they ure half ns bad as they are said to be. "Though." ho add.nl "they did nearly chow tin tlio hand nf a careless keeper." Ho ts confident that ho will bo nbln to raise them successfully, and oven now trots around to their cngo and gozea affectionately at tho pots every ten minutes or so. Superintendent Brown cxTilalncil their habits mid told many tales ho had heard about these beasts nnd seemed duliubtchl at having found specimens of an animal no oflinr xoologlcal garden has, or prob ably will lie uble to got for somo timo to come. Philadelphia Times. Startling Promises Made nf Jtesults (,ouiu from a New lani tlon. For fifty years electrieians have boen trying to dlsooMir a method of convert ing heat directly into elwtrlcitv. Until recently no results of commercial value liavo been obtained. Such a method teems now to have boon discovered or in vented by ii young man from Maine, H. D, Cox, If Mr. Cox's claims nro just and capitalists have contidetico enough m them to have funned n company with it capital of l,(ilKI,tH)0 the whole sys tem of power and lighting will bo revo lutionized and steam will bo regarded as bH expensive for ordinary nseg. It is imjKissible to estimate, iu advance the immense viiltio of Mr. Cox's Invention, but It is certain that he oxiwets almosti incrediblo results from it, nnd tluit ho has inspired with Ins conlidonce sonto of the shrewdest business men of Hartford nnd Boston. As ban been said, n company has been organized and incorporated In Maine, where Mr. Cox was when some Hartford men met him. Since then the business has all 1m vii brought to Hartford, and all that has been done sinco hus been donoHt (he factory of tho Pratt & Cody company. The capital stiK'k .is $1,000, WW, and none of it is now forwilo. All the patents asked for by Mr. Cox hnvo ls-on allowed, and they will lie issued in a'fewdays. Until foreign and domestic, patents have been npnlied fuss The apparatus used for converting the hent into electricity is so simple that the company does not dignify it by tho name of machine. JJy Mr. Cox's method heat is changed to electricity as simply as water is changed to steam. His furnace is all that may be mm. From glowing foul comes the subtlo current, without the aid of boiler, engine, or dynamo. A jet of gas can bo made to run a dental machine, a sowing mnehlne and any thing which requires no more power than these. Xo power bus over been discov ered that is half so cheap ns will lie electricity obtained by this now process. This has ls-en tho dreiifn apimreutly imtKissiblo of rwiliznlioii of all eleo. trieiann, and eveti tho wizard of Monlo Park has almost despaired of its evor Wing bnmglit alsmt. Vet a young man, only s!8 years of ago, seem-i to have solved the puzzling problom. IJefore the company was formed Mr. Cox had a furnace at homo by which he ran many electric lights. This furnace was injured iu being transform! to Hart ford, and a new one of tlio same nlze is being ma le. hxisTiiuentH and private exhibitions have boon conducted hereon a smaller si-ale, but thocompuny intends to show to the world that with the pwer thus obtained anything that steam or cWtricity now il,-s may Ihi done. B,.y. end meiiil-rs of tlio company saw what could bo dull with the furnace nf Mr. Cox brforu any alli nipt was inado to remove it. Tlio one now laing bnilt will 1h ioi improvement on tlir old ono, nnd tlio r.-sulisfroiii it urecxixsjtod to bo cnrrespondiiigly Is-tter. Most of tho stock of tho company is owned in Hartford. Some of it is held in Uoston. Tho whole alTiir Ills boon kept secret ti'itll tho comimtiy should lie ready to niako it pubiic. Hurtford Coiiiant. t'srtl to Roughing It. Foreign Visitor Don't vou think fbn .United States should hnvo n great navy, to cosi whii tno battleships or other powers iu case of wur? Ainorican Huhl With one-half tho country niiinuilly swept by Hoods and the other hulf continttallv beinir hic1ti.il np by cyclones, what wotild weenro for a nierenonilvirdmcnt? NewYorlt Weekly. A I'lmky Woman's Itetulver. A lining attempt at highway robla-ry was frustrated near MillsUuio.'N. J., by a woman s uravory. Willinni Dilb-y, a Di'IIh Meado merchant, wiw drinngover a lonely road when two young men sprang out ujsin blin nnd hultwl his horse. They drirgg.xl him from the buggy and were ruling his ss kets when a young woman who was with him pro duced from her pix'kot a small revolver nnd oieiied firo nisjti tho robbers. Una of them hud a hole iu his cap and an other a bullet torn coat before they got out of rungo of tho plucky woman's weaisin. Warrants were issued for two notorious characters, who were rocog nizod as tho nssailauts nf Dilley, but when the nlllcers attempted to serve the warrants they were beaten oil by inoh of rtiillatis. Philadelphia Lodger. llnuio Manuscripts Pound. Dr. Ileinegiiis Stotilo, the profisnr of philos iphy at Wurxbnrg, state in a let ter to Mr. Karl Blind that he has dls- ouvertsl a uuuilwr of niauuscripU in the town library of Augsburg and in the university library of Erlnngeu, contain ing the transcript of writings and noto on Aristotelian works made by CHordnno llnuio, the Italian philosopher who was buniisl at Koino iu 1000, at the order of tho Inquisition. Some letters of a Ger man friend of Ilrnno have also boen found referring to the travels, studios and publications of the ex-monk daring his sojourn in Germany. The whole Will bo published iu tlio forthcouiirm edition nf tho works of Uiorduno Urano, which is to come out In Italy. Public Opinion. Didn't Have lo Die to Win. Dr. Mortimer Slocuin died at his home In Bun Antonio, Tex., May 2.1, of a can cerous direction of tho stomach. He was prominent in politic of Texas. Twenty five years ago Mr. Blooum was a practi tioner of Chicago. Ho was attacked by consumption, and hit case was pro nounced incurable. An insurance aim pany In which lie held a Kao.ooo policy offered to compromise with him for t000. Ho accepted the offer, came to Texas, was sihiii restored-to health, and amassed a fortune on the life insurance Juotiey, Cor. Philadelphia Press, Oeorgo T. Craig, of Gwinnett. fl.. hus two hogs that perform the ofttoa of a calf to perfection. Mr. Craig has been complaining that his cows wore falling short of uiilk fur several weeks, nnd upon close examination, to his astonishment, he found those roguish hogs had been imbibing tho milk of tho cows, both re maining in the some lot tusuthar at i.-t.i ALL 5 Fronting on Main LOTS!! Wlffl ilte Sold, at Auction, Wednesday, July 16. and Valley Sts., Read Advertisement for Terms, etc. iiIaaWtrfacLai '- ' ''.tit't tfiliiurl j js t ' 'CvVht-issui4L-jt. K.i:,k,uX'4i.s.'-iWi'