ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 1800. I Niitnro slinnlil t; nnlsloil in II' RiirliiK to lliniwnn tlio liniviniisa ol' the slnpijlsli winter circulation of I lie ulootl. Nothing duos it Bo well, so prompt orsowiiVly US Swift's ljjH.'1'il'iU. IN TUB SPRING. I hnvo used S. fi. 8. for n numlicT of ynnre, nnd ronsiiliT it til.) In st Ionic mi'1 blood nmicdy Unit I over Used, in fn. I would mil Hllunipl to enter upon sprint; or summer in this iilinmta with out it. II. W. Coi.hman, Of l'oluman, Furituson it Co., Dado City, i'.u. Our Imnk on l!ln' 1 nnd Skin I)l.sei.ei mulled free. Swikt Si'ecikic Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Oct lirtl&-wly . I'KOMSSIOXAL CAh'DS. MRS. M. F. FIT6H, M. D., SPECIALIST. ACCOUCHEUR AND GYNAECOLOGIST. NO. . Sl'KUCH ST., ASH I-VILLI., N. C. N. It. Non-rewident imiienurur.iiht-tl with llrwt ciiiKtt ruuniH, houtd ami pruti HiouaI uuraeM. July KMlt'nit a. iL. conn, STENOGRAPHER. LI-MML, 1II.OCK. Jtine71iliu a7 s7c;rah am," MENTIST. OlHee overj. II. Law'H Store, South Main Mrcet. Utriiettiin 2rf. Willi tin fine. Filling with mI Ki r ur iiiunlmnti ...fine. to7.".e, " " itnhl $1. (it) uiil upward. Het of teeth Ik'Ht net of It'l'tll $s.(M. No better made, no matter what you pay. tinllMi'uetioii Kxuranteeil. M. A. NEWLAND, Attorney at Lawt M.4KION. K.C. Will practice in the 1 nth and 1'Jth Judicial i)lrict of North Carolina and in tin Su preme Court find the Federal Court ot the Weteni liimrkl Nurth Curoliiin. itiuyHiltiu TllKtl. I. I'AVIIiHoN, Tints. A. I.Hf. Kaleifill. J A i. r.. Mktin, AsU villi. Atdieville. D WlllSllN. MAKTIN .HjllNKS. Atlornc.vii uml Conn. Mors tit Law, Ashi-viUc. X. C. Will prat'lliviil ihe II 111 uml I -'III Juilttiiil IlistriclH. find ill tlH' Siiuvtiiv Court ol' North t'urnlimi, mul ill tlK' I'nUnil Coin-in ol' llie Wisti-ru liistrit-l ol North I'lirulinu. Nt-li-r tu Hunk ol Aslict ilk-, tl'.sti Jt A. THNSBNT , Architect niifl Contractor. Pimm, ttiH'cilU-iitioim nnil rstiitiHti' i'ur- rllslu-,1. All work in niv lint- i-oiilruitr,l lor, ami no clmrKi. lor illutviiiK oil conlriu'tw utvnrli-,l nit'. Krti-rt-nivH w'lril ilrsirv,!. Illlicc: No. 1 'J llru.lrv lllot-k, North t'otirt ttiiuiirc, Asln-villt-, N. C u-litt-J I y K. II. HKIiVKS, I). 11.8. II. K. SMI HI, Ii. U.S. Ur. Hccvcm tt Sin t'n. IlKNTAI, Oh'l in-: III Conuully nuniunu, o-r Ki-itw I'm Store, ration avciiih-. '1'ivtll rxtnieleil willioiu nam, Willi tin-ni'A ii.iNlhctic, mill all faM uf irr.Miia.ritv vor nt'U il. i ni a II ". K AM SAY, l. U.S.. Jcntul " tn tturmtrrl Itiiililiim'tiiitraiux".. 1'attoti Aventif unit Main Slrt-vt. lil.O.lly J. V. IIOLLIM.H, Veterinary Suretu. 1 will praclUt iu the city uml surroiiiiiliiiK country. Illlirt; ill W. I'. Illaiitoil . Cii.'h stalili', 7H Kolilli Main utrivl nu I MISCliLLAXliOrs. WM.R. PENNIMAN, PKornii; run ur THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Aftlicvlllc, IS. C. I. . Ilx IN innri;iilly THIS LAHOIiST AMI lli:sT liUI'll'I'lili IN Tlllt Sllt TII. CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL LABOHATOHIE of II. C.Woltcrcck & Co. CONHl'LTIMl CIIKMINT ANO UtMU KStOINKIthi. AiliilyfteH of Mt-liiK ttrvn. Coal or Coke Min eral WaUnt, l-VriiiliiiH, ete. I'KICli I.IHT N AITLICAThi Mltilnfi rowrly Invetitlitateil, leveloH'I. bouMht anil nmM. Comnponilemt nolleitetl. rtiitnih'H eun Ik- will Uy mult or exnre. If tent Iiy expreiw, eh.'iiKm hiiikI Imt n ait AKi-ntM wan tetl hi every pluec. Chattanooga, Tciui. l.H. II. O, WOI.TCKIECK. nov5 ilrSiwl v Mauiojtr. rpUNdiSiwIy IRATT'S ASTflAL TAX 'MOTHERS VtA ABSOLUTELY SATE I PERFECTLY ODERLESS! Burn In my Ltmp without rlinrirr of Exploding or taking firs. 800 thai you got tho gonuin. For Ml by BALTIMORE UNITED OIL CO., AH1IBVILLB, N. C. Mp4 (Jwly WAUREN OrT8 HIS MONEY. Hut ii.ix io "Ho- iii'iiiiMi Splilcr" Firm. Bl'Fl'Al.(i. duly II. Tin I'm wns a hi mill sized Unlit that did not Covin part til' tliu liroKmiiiiiiu ut the Krio County AtluVtiu eluli'a I'liti'iiiiinini'iit. It uiTiinvil lit the Il'oiiuiiis lintel, mid the prineipalK were Ike Weir, wlio Innl just whipicil Jim Ciiiiiiiir. mid Toiuiny Wiinvn, win, wiih niie of Weir's Kn iuidb. Tin' piirty had gone to t lie hol d to ivreiv their sluil'B of the purse put up ill the Weir tCiiiinor linhi. Weil was sitliiiK ipiietly WHitiui; lor I'resideiit ( Iriliui to turii over to him his share of the purse. Warren seriued nervous and ill lit ease. Finally he stepped up to tin' tahle where the rlub oliiei r.t were at work ami said "(ieiillenii'ii, 1 alii salisiieil that this man i Weir, will cheat me it' ht H8 ii ch.iuce.and i wish you would keep out what lie owes me.'' This was eiioii;:li for the Spider, anil Willi the spring i t a cut hit was at Wiir li ii in an instant. Tommy wlmeled and helolc I la. fluii pinple I. new l:nt hud happene.t they had another tiu;ht on tin ir hands, and a red hut out'. iSoiue (,'ouil, warm enicks were in. ri haii'i il lielorelhe nu n were parleil. l'l'i'sideiil ( irillin ilii'iMteiiiiiK that ii' liiey made auotlier such move he would leavo tliem both in llie hands ol Ihu police. Weir received a li.ile over l.l.V), the balance ot his ;l..'iiiu beiii I'l tiiiued to pay ac coiinis ai,raiiisl him. Tommy uot his iiioui y uli tiKhl. SLAPPED THE MAYOR'S FACE An Dnrandl ( iii.i u As nullv Cupr .!. i h ( hief ivYcriu ivo. Cai'K .Uay, July II. There was 11 lively eiuouiil 't' at .Mayor Kilmuuds' cottage ln twei'ii tic mayor and James K, Taylor, .-ecietary of the l'liiladi'lphia Seashore bhoii l.iue railway, .Mayor lOdliinnds owns ami publishes i'lle Daily Wave. An ariicle was published which, .Mr, Taylor thought, retlected seriously upon his i liar.ii ter. Taylor, in com paii.v Willi a Irii no. somiht llio niayur ai his oliice. ami not iiiiuhik him in they called ai in.', iaatse. J'he mayor was Ion ml silling upon ins porch, and when iisiicd iiy .Ur. 'I.imoi he iin ant by pulilisliiiii; sin a ai iiel. s. lie ivnmikcU. it Is said, "that ii I lie li,c lit to put it oil." Whereupon is charged, slapped the mayor in ihe lace and urged liiiu to arise uml ileli ml linu-.cU. Taylor then, it is -.lid.lollowed up tile lirst sLip by a stinniii blow wlucli knocked oil' the mayor's glasses. Tin mayor said: ' Jim, uou't do that; 1 Woiildu'l ilu that; li s ad looli.-liness. ' laymr lacii leli I lie liousi'. lie is wait-in,- pilienily for the mayor to have liimnrn sl. d, but e.actiy what course .Mr. hdiiiuiids will pursue cannot be detel'lllilleii. II nut Illation li'oii C'nr Com puny. IllMisi.iHiN, I'll.. July II. The re 01 anizatioii coiiiiiuttce ol the Iron Car foiupany have issued a circular to the company s crciiitois, uskiiii; im iu to lis som to the plan of I'eiirgaiii.aiinu. The Hew company is to have a capital of .'ilKl.noii, ut which sijoo.oiHI will Im fresh capital put III 1 1) .Ne York capitalists. fifty per relit, of the llllserllled ilelll will lie paid ill short notes and tin' bal ance in ii 11 year income Ismds. n ileum Hi dv ill tue piv.i-ili'c of the company. A I allimt aiiiionsr. ViMi:.MM, lad.. July 1 1. Uoirow luau's v aiciiotiv fi ll in yester day, 'i on e im 11 lire known to ! i.i Hie rum-, t uie is Mr. Tuoiiias Ltorrow In.ill. oie' ol iui'eii:n s' li-ailllli; rill.ells. lie Is a IVe. The oilier two Hie lllo.l'.'lll lii iie lioad. oia-' o.siaudors iivtv ill- iui'e.l ov th' lailiu.,' walis. Work to e.Mri.'.iie lac imprisoned nn il is going lorwa.d. A llisasi roil- Ktplosiiiii. I'xlili.i vi , .Mich.. July I'.. The lsiilei of II twelve hol'sc power elimuc e.vploiied lolll miles I lwli I line, iiie boiler Was blown 10 atoms nnd Milton Cull was llnnwii inriy bet iiiio tue air and had every Uaie In ii:s lush broken. Chu!iis W. iiriHkwus hit Willi a piece ol the holier 111 the alsloiueli and is so severely illjiiu-d that he wiil die. Italliouil A111I lines ul 1 lie Seiisliiire. I'.M'i; M.iv. July II. The :is latimi of the American runway iiccoiiuiiiu ol liieis, w Inch was organized in i.-ss. ur rived at 1 ue Stockton noiel, alsitit itui sli'oiu'. All tin piiuciial railroa ls of till' I nileil Male. III'.' represented, nnd a lllllllls'l' of exceedingly ilit 1'i'still topics will Ih- ilix il-s.-.l i.v iieMl wiio Iiaveiuade tln ir subjects a lue 101,4 hiinly. A Aniiinu. San I'li.vxi im o, July 1 1 . - I'l ufn-sor W. I', (tiistoii was adjudged insane mid s ill to the llsllill III Nocktiill. lie leaH .1 1ro.11 the w.inio.t of an iiakl.uul mlice ion but l"ii 011 nil awning an I was not i i'ii.ii-ly hurt. lee Houses Itllllieil. Tiil.f.iHi. t)., July II. llie roofs ol lilleell lar'e ice houses nWllcil by L. J. .S01 k A-Co. were biiineil. Tw' lve bun dud Ions of ice Wire destroyed. alhiiil -jl.'i.oiio; insurant e. .i,soo. Ilenl Kills u Hei Kiaiil-al-Ai'ins. Kansas City, July 1 1. -John Tree land, si irfeaiil-at-arnis of tlie iipjH'i' li.uis.' of the city c11i1111il.1l11.1l I roll 1 hull pi us! rn; a m. A lilshoiiest Tnx Collector. KilMinlT, X. Y.. Jill)' II. A slloltlltfe of lipwalils of Klin; has liecn found hi the accounts of Joseiili Lurkin, tux col lector of pitiilic school dislrict No. il.aud the Isiard ol trustee has Isi ll notilied to make kisiiI I 111' delii'iellC)'. Assi iulily mail Jacob Kick, Assessor Thomas Mc Keelliill and Michael J. .MaiWoli.wcnltlll luerchaiils. are on Lurkin s lion I; Steps will be tain n to prosecuted kln. Till' Culvert Monilliielit. Haiti M'Min, July II, A ss'it 011 u aJutf In Hie fenu'li'ry of old St. Mary's City has Is eii selected as tile site ol the Li.'iiliard Culvert lurmi iielit. The ii'le luiinv of unveiling 'he iiiiiiiuinetit will tllke'plai e ill Octoocr next, when Cnrdi 11.1I liioUms nnd other disliugiiished na tives of Mainland will w invited to do honor to im' memory of her lirst gov ernor the brother of 1 .old llaltinioiu, A I'liruer IV0111 Oi'egiio. Nkw YoiiK.Jnly II.- Kdwin t Dnyle. Mild to In-waliti'd 011 a charge of fug eivln Foi'llaii.l, tiie., was bniuglil to Isilice heudiiuarlers iu irons, ile was arrested in Acwhurg, this stale, by 11 11 ullicer from 1'ortlaiid and was then Iu Ilia I'tisloJy. llie iifllccr and his pris oner left for Oregon, Colored lllickln.ikeis ol 11 Hlii'cess HiiMMii'T, N. Y., .Inly II. A large nunilH'r of negroes who were brought from Virginia to work in brickyards along the 'Hudson river left for their southern limn, s yesterday. The experi ment pro' eil a fiitltiru and weasioiu'il I'oiislilerable trouble mid loss to the brick in.iuutai tun iH. lail'HSOIl's win. Nnvv YnliK, July 11. Mult luw lieeti liroiight in th" supreme court asking for the const nii'i 1011 of the will of John Ericsson, the great inventor, They wish to know the precedence of various legacies, ami III case of dellciellcy the uiudu uf distribution. MEQROES ANO WHITES. Knur Ni'irni's Kllli'il Hint Nix Wuiliulrit lint Itiul in t'liyettv Cinilily. (iltlli'lN, tin., July 11. News has been received of a fatal nice riot ut . Kinrr'i mill pond, iu Kayetli) county. Knur nu groes well) killiU and six wounded. It is also reported that eight while men wore, shot, hut it is thought only one of I hem will iliu niiiking eighteen 111 all, lulled mill wounded. One of tint negris's killed is Anderson Illinois, n notori ously bad characler, nnd the white lima reported il-in.'.eioiisly shot is i'etet irillin, who is oulv itii) nit v'l years old. It seem., that a Mr. I tag well had en gaged a darky to assist liim in selling h iue, and al'iiut it o'clock the darky got into hot wolds w ith the while man id out Ihe purchase of siilim wine, which result ed inn light, the negro beiim slightly cut. Kroiii litis- li.e IroiiVc beg in, nnd I irillin Isvuitie involved w 1II1 a negro who had a gun, bin wi o did not care to use it. Anderson W I jams told the darky if lie won Id not s t the iluiiiiied M'oiiiiiliel. to give liim llie nun. ami in' woi.ld do il. Ile took the sun nnd son' ' i .Ulii 1 in the chest uml b im is. V i.:;.o 1. was inn diaiely slim liuniih li e cell mid died iu a short lime. The shooing 1. o.e: general WIl'MI the weapons Wei' a 1 I. they enllod on a uu ii'liaal lln ie I'm ill 'lo 11111 iiiiiiiitiiui. but In' relii-od o ei!, Then the rioters helped then, ' !ws. 'I he won der is that lilole pi le were nol killed, as there weie .. n pi I s on the ground, and nil more 01 lo-.. eMin-ed. TO DEFEAT TILLMAN. Ililiim nils uf miiiIIi riinillim llevlshi rlau. tn snve the sliili. Coi.l'MtilA. S. C, July II. It isesti inaleil that llie largest and most repre seiitalive lioilv of nu n over gathered In the state hoil'-e. iHsoiublcd iu the hall of represeiilatives, inniiswerto 11 nil I issued ten davs auo by ex-Judge Alex I'. Has kell. Kviiy eoiiniy iu the slate was represented. Tlu i idl vv as uiiide Inr tin 11 wiio were opsned lo the niethoils of llie pre-eiit caniiain, who repudiated Ihe charge, iiiinle bv the leader of the Farm ers' lis-ociiitioii' that the stale govern ment was coirtipl. and who were willing to lay 11-i le evervtliun for the iniiiiosi' of usseiii'iling iojitinr nnd devising rueaiis to sate the Male. JmUe Haskell slid they had Oiuiie to gether to oppose iillinaii and his meth ods, uml what his methods would lend to his histoi v would show. He hoped leading repieseiilalive nu n would speak il oulv and show lo (lie public the of the ntlerain es of It. Ii. Tillman when he charge, ollf uovel ll: lent oHii i l s with di-lioii,'sl mid mid the loeni- Is-rs of 'our '.O'llelal lls-chllily with daiiiiiabl.' H riui v." ,lov ph liotiweil, of liiailisi. n. slid Tiliiiian inn-: never be giiveruiirol ."soiiili I aiolina liiat a ltoiie In liou-c canvass ol ike slate 11111-I b ' urele. ' MARRIED ANOTHER MAN. Iluw It ll.ii'-iii.l IViiHile In 11II1 t Hi. I.inulirr .Mill. ItAI.I'lou. N.C.. July tl. Mr.t l.neiice 1,'irliai'U. of J'.lui toil i-oiiiil.v, mid Ml-s Mni v K u p, ol Hie s ou,' place, appeared Is'loVe Kev. A. 1 1. i'lilile. ol Wil-nii. and weie iiiarrii'd. The yoiiug lady was to have been married to uiioiii")' man, but -he did not love him. She lold Ibe eir cinu'slaiicelo llie urooi'i, and be k. ill. nit ly olfereil hiiiiell. she a p!ed and now thev tire husband and wile. At the lllillsnf the N 'll-e Lumber e,,ni pany, at (ioldsl,io. this slate, John II. Saner was attempting to walk along Ihe interior joiM. 1e .1i' a -b,iliiiig that ".is till k ill u Sltnmt '.'oil revilllll lolls per lllillllle. when his overalls came i m.n'l with a set si ren ol tin- shaliiiig. and in 1111 in slant he was huiie.l 101111I mid roiiml. I lis I. It iirm was toru ciiinpli ielv from his and he I' ll I" llie Hoof. His riglil arm and li:h l-gi were broken l lole the enulllo , '.i l I stooped, lllollgh it was stopped a!i. i" 1 m l oil I.v. Teriilile .V,, l.l. 11I ill ATI.VNTV. (Ii.. Jul.' l as jiisi lieu r 'eiv,' I 1 lain. l.a.. -la: c lici' of lue In rl 1 01 i i'lia ! Isitll le , , II !'...: V ' 1 i'ii,' iliiuiii.iln, II in,'ssai:ii .,'.i ; .in.. M. 111- .1. V i-ii.i'.I,'. - h, r-, led ' fall. II.' 1,1 . l.'IMlile ie t oll'l Hot (.I'.llll!.'. I le p.llll -III'-1 acrid. Ill I ii'llli; .,i . lie usi'i-rla Ii I. STRUCK A MAT r oA'.V HIM. Tlie IIiisi ut loll .li ii' . 'oil tiiury Clllrrli. I H 1, 'Ion ..I lai.l, t 'ttiii.l', O.i. . J ill v II. It win . 1 little alter 1111 on., .t 'iu"i Mrs. Azrah V, '.lb. mis v as a:o , iv 1 no 1 i'ii of 11 tar;: . i',"i .1 0 oi l ill iking a III. I. 'U "io '.w .1 ' 'o liv her U',. I ..... 1. IS no.l.eil''l 'In In ills,'. ie.lil. '.: v. lili ...l , -v bo a- I'l .I'liilher 11 k, 01. 1: d ii, lollow eil ' i,, - tlaiuh' ler, ( 1.1 llin ' ati' Oiole I loalli'.l III" iiei.,. 'ir. M 1 loW'eli 1 .roe iu with hi. I'lia. '.ut the villain w i.nclieil it li'oin iciii. and. leir 't,.ing llie whole p.lrl v . e.-.' ')h il. VihiiiI .Ii' bjit a Ui'iim tiiiiued Jim llni'iiuiii Wis nil,' 'd mid conle s4'd his .'.ill. He ,vas lien Inn poi. I, siiico which uoliiii; ha. li on si'i ii ol I. oil. It 1. -aid that eulilv .be . ho 8 ' id been ni'"! .1 bun. ami ii is siin 1 1 ie m uin -II k !' the I o'l 'in of the, "ltd. Souiil ,ie,. III,' opinio I lo..t hi' 'Mjl'l. iili'V ,e '. iti'ii Ii" was (Iii'mwii iiiIo the iioinl .e gol to the other side, on dry land, an ! that is i.iveu a the r :i-ou for ml uiaiiv sliots I., in. till "I at Mm, The Allium, tin ii IV illulifn. It vi.r.ion. N. C.. Julv I .The 1'inm el's nlliati e ol .New I laliover county ha. Jll-t ilieic souii'lhiug wllii ll is eM'iling comm. ill. Two I'i'tiii'.i'iiiaiites uf Ilu it 1 1 1 iiu'f ans' .red If re the 1 1. '111001.11 ie oiiiily i'V '. ii if coiii'iir: i' mid a-l.i d lor a eon;.' i' '. 11 ol of which WHS lo seeip-e -eue.ent Ol ill oil I lie -laic mul com to ' 1 1. il del' .a; ions, nn, ul,. ni tb" le i i. i' Ii'1..';. An r 1 -ta'ile ill ..'.is.niti the alliaie I'liu'ii wen unable lo a;.i ". mid tviil b.ot. Il l re oi'ied II1.1I all n a I'lii.'ii w ill siii,ui, hi ; ni it il mil alloi;, th. r. tin I,', put, , an 111. mill' es, liimtiiiti Hun Owi' Mini Kllli'il, rt'NM'.i. Hill . lii.. dull II.- A lire- man on the vVo ,ei , 11. id Atlantic rail, ro.ol. 11, Hind Kail '..ul, was iiisimitlv killed I" pi- j.-i . .1 ' No. II. ul lids nlace. al 011I I '.'! " . Hi in .iiiouas oil the side ll.lel,, ,11,111, I. . I- Hi,. isi'li gi r lo p. is-. Ii si'i iii . In, it h had pollen olf frniii hit i'iici',1 ami -ai il'.v 'i mi llie end ol a 110 "s in . on in,, main lino, uml fell 11 hep, mid thus im I lus 1l.1i Ii, lie was h ."lit 'lo vi 'ars ni. I, nnd has a wid owe I iiiotlur lit ing near Aduii'sv ille, ilu prudent nu him, A Sou 111 Ciii'ollnii Hank Hw linllei', Ni.w YmiK, -Inly II.-- ihe "of the National Ham, ol S11111I r, S, . ,. no) j.'ii.tiiKi ol' "lir haul 's funds 011 lorg.iil checks, The' National bank, of tills. cily paid our of tli".te, . i.i .''1. to l.alll.iill AiiMU l.'l tV Co. .III. lice An drews, nl the llpli'lllo colll't, g ive John K. Phillips, 1 ivci' 01 the sunder bank, pi ,' ir-simi In an cpl 1 1. loo iu s. l tleliii lit ol Ihe muiiillil ol Hie check I10111 Liilliaiii. Alexander iV Co. Ilci elver lor 'd ,111111, Ni'vv YmiK. July II, -Judge O'tloi'- IIHtll, lit llie slljiilllll coilli, appiiillled Job I I. Hedges receiver ol llie propel ly of (ieorge i. Sislare In an art Ion brought, by Hie Hiiverslravv Nalloiml bunk on it judgment against Wlstaio Cut GEN. FISK DEAD. llie I'lolillilllonlNt l.eailei' a V lot I in ol' 1I10 (il l p. Nnw YnitK, July 11. Gen. Clinton D. Fisk. the Prohibitionist lender, died at his homo. 1T5 West Fifty-eighth street, yesterday. He haTJ suitercd from 1111 at tack of the grip since last winter, and his deiith was due to it relapse, (Jen. l'isk, was about M years old, He was born at York, Livingston county, N. Y but his father emigrated to '. Mich igan soon nfler, whero ho rocuiv'L'd his education. lie preii'ired himself to enter the Uni versity of Michigan, but was forced by failing health to abandon his cherished plans and Hdopt u inereantile career, iu which he was notably successful as merchant and banker. In tsall hu re moved lo St. Louis, and early in the wiir enlisted iu the wrvice and Istuiiic eiiloiiel of the Thirl y-third Missouri in fantry, lie was rapidly promoted, and ut the close of the winr was assistant commissioner under (Ion. Howard iu the iiiamigriiiriit of the freediiien'ii bu reau iu Kentucky and Tennessee. He was for ninny years identified with the Pi'ohioitioii party, and iu Issil vvas the nominee tor governor of New Jer cv, polling Mi. i'iu votes. Ill ISSN lie was tile llolllillee of the the Prohibition national convention fur president. I'.tllilans' Compel II he llilll. Mii.wAi ki:i:. July It. Six thousand people visited Cold Spring park to wit uessiheois'iiiugof the I'liinjietitivedrilfB jf the iiniforiiied rank of the Knights uf I'ythias, The Jted Cross tlivision uf St. Louis was the lirst to go through the manual, and they executed the coin lumiil witn celeriiy ami accuracy and luul elicited coiisiilnable Hiilnuse. New Albany, Ind., canie la xt, ami they preseuleda line iiiH'ai'ance as they came on the drill grounds with their shining jilver helmets, livery move was nccu late. and they were 'heartily cheered, (iraud iiapids. Mil 11., division fnl lowed, mid as em h iiioveiiii'ut was completed they were cheered to the echo. Drill ill. will colli 1 nue for the week. The in spectors in Hi.- ii ill urn all regular army ollicers. . An I'vpeiiNivo Smoke. Li. 1:1 111. 1 no. I'a., July 11. An old colored woman named Uranium, while under the iiiiliieiice of liijuor, tried to light her pi" 11 spark of the lire fell Into a keg of powder, causing an explo sion which was followed hy tire burning the lions,- ill which she lived. Tile woman was so badly burned ulsmt the In ad and throat that site cannot live, iiie fire from the shanty spread iu the blacksmith shop of I).' It. Ashhitugh. which was burned wiih all its contents. .Mr. Asliiuiiigh lost a great many vnlit uble papiTs. Mrs. David Art man had her anus and hands badly burned iu tearing the clothes of Mrs, Ueariiiau, Hall Players Hviaiopeil. July 11. The Indian apolis chili returned from Ten e Haute without money and without the pros pect of gelling anything that is due them. A iiiemls-r ot tlie club has gone to ltichmond to try and induce that city to take the club and enter the In terstate League, The players slmrplv criticise President Martin for i-m ring tlie Intrisiaie League, without money to pay salaries. A Hotik Triisi. Xkw YmiK. July 1 1.--The I'nliid States llis'k company has tiled iii'tideK itf itii-ori.i,latiitii at i relit, ill. .1. iio. capital t' k is lia'.'a.oisi. The eoiupany lias iiIisoi'Ihmi mi ine iiiisiui ss in ii,w pn I pulilicatioiis, which has In n car- 1 led on hitherto bv twenty tuieroiu'erns. tl - i. ...... 1... .ni.... iu the piil'iic.iiioii of low prifi tl issiks, S'l I l 1.. ... I I: I. 1 lie I oiupail t ll.'lt e is 'I1KIII out IIIHIISII- ing houses iii New York, U"-t"ii. Phila delphia and Chicago. Suns of Teiinieiain e. Amiciiy P.ntk. X. J.. July II. The forty si ih iiiiuunl si'ssion ot tic s-nior National Division Sons of i'enii. raiii.e of North Ani' iieu opened at Assoeiuttoii hall, tk-eaii (iit.Ve. Two hiiielred deie gates vvere pii si ut. Most Woilliv Pa triarch llev. ii. Adh-r Temple, uf llali fax. X. s.; M.t Worthy Scril. It. it. Jewell, of linsloti; Must Wol hy i'n its uier.l. K. It "I .its, of Uost'.n. read their aniiii.i! ieirts in wcri't sessiuii. Supis liie l.tulge Knlgliisi nl' I'tlhlas. .Mil. w . vl Ki t:, July II. The sosinu of the sllpl'i melinlgei'lC Knights of Pytlljjut was dt voied ii In lost entirely to routine work, the olllv featul'H Is'iug the adopt- illK nf the r isil't of tlie rolulllllt's' oil tied' ni lab. which nitslaiueil ihe claim 1 I Ml.o lo llnee represent. illv- III the siiprenie Itsig . Tint commllt"!' toiiud that Hiio over gil.uon' uiemis'is ami wii. til. lel'.re eiilltleil to another deity Kate. Mllehleit l lir iliutl lesiniency. Nkwaiik. X. .1.. Julv II.- Charles W. Kiiiu'. luau.uer of the I'lillrd stale. Kx- pr. ss company. Httempted ! commit suicide by shouting hiiuself through the Ili ad at the rcsideiire of ex-Alderuiull Smitord, vviii ie lie had sp. in ihe night. Ills injuries are probably fatal. He had Iss il unwell and dessiiideut lor some tune. Mr. King was lj y-ars of age and unuiairii'd. Miiit lliioilleis Itelni ii In New York, Nr.w YmiK. Julv II. Kx-Aldiiuiaii lie l.a.eV uml "Illllv" Mai V. lllelllisT lllld clerk resist lively of till' Issslle Isial'd of lildel'liien, gave them- selve up In the district ntloinrv. Hall was Iim iI al iipieco uml lin y Were I'eleaseil. I reeiiig i II Ml. Wnslilugluii. MT. W VslllNilltiN. N. II.. Julv II. The reiuiirk.ibly high ti'in'r.iinre of yesterday has U'l ii lollovved Iiy very cold weatii.-r on Ml. Washington. The inrl'i'iii y lias tt"iie down tn ;' ilegris's and ice lias lormcd nu all exposed places. Iiie ( iio liinull Hi like. ClNi inv Mi. J'dv 1 1. -There was little haul!" iu the si like at the Little .Miami and Louisville mid Nashville depots. One or two nviuht liaiiillers have gone back, bill the liuiiorily are holding out, IIS llso ale t lie si Ilk ing VllldllleU, Ton llul In Make liny, )lii.i.i.i.i't ,, Conn., July 1 1. Louis M. Crinvi'll. a prosis'i'ous tariuer of thin section, Was oViTronic by the heat while Ina lilig hay nl . p. Ill, Ile died lit mid night. An ! a 1 1 1 ' llveri'iime Iiy Hem, K ansas Cii y. Mo.. Julv 1 1.- Editor Hill, ol i lie .loiirniil, was nvereoiiitt by llie lint while at work at his desk. Ills eonditioii iscrititiil. The 'ta' ill in ill o'l' l l. Unit Itil'.f Iliu l'l.,"l nu ! Ill "If I ll' I 'I'll I uf K'll'l'.l. i lie II . ii.. i in ."I I ii K.r.l Veriiuiiil ills- til. l iiiiiioii.iIi'ii II. lb ur) i'liHiirs Inr niie II itm. The Hon. Ibuli Mi'i'iilmnulrs fmiill)' liuve lii'i'ii sun mil in VYusliliisltiii mi Hi't'iiinit ut Ills 1 1 1 ti. .s. Iiie ami IH'l 'llllllll Ilils.ilt-Kliet'll til &I4 lH'f ti'iil. nl lair'i". At r.-s, It. Hill" i .11111"!.' Alllmii'tt will llllltl A eiilivi'litniii ul I i.lliliilnl. mi Ailil. Ill, The 111-101111 ill"-, u ill luke n lisml 111 in.lllli'4, II. A. I.... kn. ,1 1 1,'Vii'or nml ii.i.o I.h.Iu'Ib lit ul'ilitl tti-tt- ilritlii,)i'i! HI Pliwitlillu, Is, Lsist,, I I'.llll, I lie lie ot Mr. VViilsim, n Imi)' uf rors ml s lulls' ' iiiuiitlis ulil tviirs buriipil In iktilli Hi 1 1 it r iiiiin . Ky, ililiing WhIsuu'i ulisetietl. SUMMER BOARDING IN THIS Asheville Female College. .aL3..., The Ixmiilc College, with its sp.'icious'vvcH;l'urnislicd buildings, cool, well shaded, for till' Clltcrlnillincill of boiirtltrs i'rnimnovv lllllil Seoletlllier 1sl. i'et-ltis oivell fill of nge not admitted. As a school lor the thorough education section of the couulrv i. Il turiiislics rare conilort found i vvnntcd, address conilort found in nil elegant home. Chnincs are low for tlie line adviintnL'cs Itlsiniiri k Tells siories. Uliil.lN, July II. Prince liismnrck ellteliailled the I'll elllell wlio visited him at l-'ri' di irli-niaue with a uninber ot nticcilotcs, muting vv'iliii was tin-story of Count lleiiiert llisinairii's life In-in'g saved in the I'rauco-li'iissiiiu war by a watch which he had giv, a him. A shot struck lletis'it in the breast, but the watch which was iu a iicket under neath prevented the ball 1 i'i mi piercing his heart. Trniililtuis 'limes in laiiitliiu, I.iiMhin. July Ik- live tlioiisiiiul per sons ,'llt. 'll'lr. 1 il p,,-t III U s m,'eti4 ilelil III t li'l iii'llWel' .', ell l.l-t eV'llillg. Tile posiineu's union ;l-. I in si tike unless tilt' lllll.'i.leg elll'i'lli'd iiy the o, .sl.illirr il 'p u t tin ill are oi inisv ,i. i'heie was a renewal ol tile in l.'nvv li-,-. t Inst lilht. ait tb" i.j, iii was ,u!e;h scallere I, No 'lani.ue v. as dolu 1. "iid breaking a few wiu .ows. I.iiiiiIoii l'osijiteii Snike. I.iiMiiS. Julv II. ibe aiitii, -.1 ami dread'"! iril.o of iln- I, tier ear-ra-rs was i i .11 iiraled. vviieu lueineii nttache i io ;. 1ir.1l hi-i . ,:ti. o vwni OUt. lie, . an 1 l.'l'il ill-ll'leleil liv the c.iri'iei , . . nl 1 nrir grievances to Po-t in. si . I. -1,'i'nl It. lilies. Pend ing iiie r." , ... a r-'ply Ii', .in that of licinl th" c;.: . . is ol .ne eelitral oliice sli'iiek. Ilai'le ' Co l.lolell .lew els. LnMM. . . 11. -Mr. Ib'inv A.-tor Carey, nl . 1iK. was awai. led by th ni: ... . e rii's is ht h ihiuiaes iu i'i'ii iu i;i. : ihe pi'oprieiiiis ot Long liol.'l. a- .0. j :;-i,i ion lor a ,piautily ol jewelry lo-t ,.y Air. t aivy vvinle sp.'iiil iilg a pal . ni his hoin viiiooii at I hat place. isotici: Triiistcc'i Sale of Valuable Land. lly virtiit' nl' tin powers riven l, tin- uinh r siKllt'tl liv llie ilttil ill ll'lisl to lion 1. i 1 ul, ,1 Iiy Ii. It. Siilllt- titul wilt- M. J. Sitttli, ilat, il ss-plt'iiilH-r .'a, 1 ss.i, rt-uist, nil 111 1 lie ,.iiu- ol' tlie Kt-ister of lni',1 1,, 1 Itiiiit l,i County. . I."., In Hook Is. ut pue 1 IT. i-n- . to wltltll rt'li'lt'lut is litrtliy ilia,!, ler lull l.iirtit'tiliirs, I,, st-t'iirt tioit-s ilui. iu ,lt.tiil.,,l pit.vtililt- lo liostic, lltiiui,,ii x c ami 1,1 -cuiim- of tin- laiiurc to pa I'le iiit.n.l upon SUHl llott-s lor lltort- tlinn I, II ilats ulli-r II 1... t-llllit' lint-, nil Mllhl llolts, I, v t'.pit's .nplila tiou in Huiil ili-t',1 in trust, huviiik' litsouit' ilm nnil litinu still unpaid, uml it Ihiiik tlu olott iiiuilt-lilt-iluly ol ilu siiul trust,.' i Mi!l ilu lllllil conveyt-i) in suiil tit-., I ill tttl.l mul ,1,' stTlls'il Isiiiw upon llltUUIUlol s.n, I II. ..ti,-, llllilllotl A: Co., wlll.ll tltlliauil Int. httn iluly iiiiiiIi, & iilt-rt Ion , I, T. ff Cohli, us such truUi'. Will stil It I puhllL- suit' ul tilt- t'llltl Ileus, iloor in Asluvlllt. N. C, on Aioiiilat, tin J 1st iluy ol July. I sin i it i IL'o'tli'tk in ,ltn laiul tlt-scrilKtl in suui ,1.1-tl iu ttiist ulititt nu ini"ti-t-il,ltiiiu Iu Iliint-onilH-Coutity. nliout uu, nnl, llorihtlisl ,tlilit ,tt ol Aslu't ill,'. I , iiti; pal l of "lllr kilulit rlf IiiikI." ill ltt trntls. tin lirst t'olil.iiliuni I T ut i t s iiior. or I. s. uml lit, Mtt-oiiil t'oiilailiiiik' o'.i n.'irs icrt or 1,-s Suui lliit'ls ii, lean cut'li ot lur uiul ;i!.u an torn lullils ol A. II unit C. I.. 1. 1 iliutl, Saiiiut'l Kit, uml olllt'ts. tilt- lirst tliu-t iit'iin. tin lamt ...ii vt'V'l'il til suiil II. . . Siilllt' tit II. !-', lie .tup son uml wiit'.anil the t-t,.iul irml Ihiiiu thai t-ollvt-.vt-il to lit in h i. I,. Ki-.tiU'lii. ami tte, , liolh ul wliitlt tltt-ds uu- rtristi ttil m . , ciiutv uml to Hit in rt-lt-rtii.t l-lunht nual lor liirtht r il, M.riplioii. Ktit rtm-f i. tiiai!,- t suiil littil iu trti.l lor finiiitr ,lt'seiipii"ii ol suui hnuls nml tliv coin st's mul thslmut . ,,: tilt ImuiiiiIiiI'iis. i'cruiN ol salt.tiisli. i his loth Uu ol J lint , Ih'iii, T. II. Colil. iliuiiti I'll llltily 1 1 ttiltiw l i i ii. in. c;licn alpinsc VVTVV SPRINGS NEAR MORGANTON, BURKE CO., Wvtftcru North Carolina. Thin uaterlnu jilnev, ison M't alum r li'M'l, atti utetl hy tiiiMieriMt ti i liliniu- ol tin woinlerltil ettralUe pr.K rti- ( iu w alu mni mitiihrloiiN illniatt, nitii on Juni lit, I '.m. tr fiirllur liilnritialtim to C. H KMIUI, Pn.i'il. t-.i vkhiii ii'atk oi m;v. lomr. II. "1 1 l", h. h . I'KIX'I, ol' nr. M o ui; Nol.l l. -(,'11001., AC. H M.I.IOM, .NoK I II l VMol.fN V ThU In to eerlifv that tin ti. tli r-im i! tlliHle Mm lilt ViH lo lih n Aline Stini;. in the it i limn i r of lHH,hta K tatal not 1 w 1 1 ctnMlitlt.n of Iu nit Ii, veiy let Iiie. with illsnt tln torltiihllnu tltoi rtti, hot Im al, ami iinnt at tt'tiht. In tiililition to thin, khlnrv 1 1 mi lilen hail tnanih otiil tin niw'lv Almost at ontr, Iiy the mm- ol the wil i hi apf t in ereiiM'tl nnil lit ili,ui-itllin tinniotil. m. that In n few ila.vf he eotihleat wild lii-Miiiii : i- kitnl of meat, hot dteail, ia-ltlij, ntnl Un. ever he phakiil, lor lircuktu-t, tlmiur ami ltiH.-r. It Mint not Ioiih hcioie the hiilu y troiihliH ilinatHaitl, the wli 'lt ImkIv wiih InvtHoiateil nml ov r hall 11 nMttul ol ft -Ii a ilav win gained. HI nee thin, tneh etir, Innn hi- iiatnially lifMe eoiiNtttnllnii nnd the xhaiiMinu naiiite of ItiH vailing, the mitnimt votttl liial him very ttnuh endehlcit, A iitto 1 .K n Alpine Hprtiiw ni"! the tree ne of the water luot, in n nhoit time, irt iiMtheitetl him and liltnl him to rt turn to hiiwoiU, 1 Iu re h tn Km 11, eiieh year. 11 urailnat aim 'duration nl hi dl Hptii iitptoiim and an alinost etillit tlli-ap-tHNirnnee ol kidney Ironhlt H. Ile liim ohoerveil I he name tllietM td the wateronly In mime In 11 mmh mote inatkitl iniiniur upon marly every one whom he Iiiin mil at the HpitiiM". ill HIT. It, HI'TToN. JiiiH'aodlniiutni.s. Urn AitM-'l, lHH, and riiincd culture ol girls nnd young Indies, atlvant.'iL'es in Music. Art. I. iieeiniee. PKOI'. It. 1C. ATKINS, A. liriullU'ld'H I cuuile Ki'uulalor Slnmhl he used ltv tlio V"tin,r woman, she? who Millers Iront any disonlir iecii liar lo Ut sex, nil I ut diane iit'lilv 18 a )twertul totiie ; Itemtilsall who use it. Write Ihaillk Id Ktulator Company, Atlanta, (ia., lor parliL'tilar. Hy till clrtit!Kist8. Notliinr Succeeds LIKI2 SUCCESS. The reiium KAIVtM'S MICKullli Kll.l.i;i Ih Die tiniMt womleiltil med icine, i heeaiiHe it haM tieer laihtl iii nnv in- stance, no matter what thetheaMe, Iroin l.l-.r-U(tS to the impW-Kt iliseaxe known tuthehu man MY-tem. 'I he Meit ntifle men rtf t-ilay e I u i in nml pnve that every disj ea-ve in Caused by ?IlcrobcM AND RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER- I'vtertn tiatf the MiemlieN and ilrive them 1111 ol 1 hi rivMcin, iitnl when thai tn ilmie mi i'loiniil It ie an aclic or pa mi. No mal tcr w hat llie diuae, whether 11 niinple ease -I Malaiia I't vt r ur a enmhinatioii of tlin i'iiM, ut- t un- tin 111 nil at the name lime, at we treat ull ). usvs etmstitutio' ally. .st Imiu, Cuiismiifit iw, C'Uiirih, Hmn cliiiis, k'in inii;ttiiii, h'itliwy uiul IJvvr '.-ivf-'f. Chills uiul yVtrr, I'vnmlv Tnnih't s, in nil its riis, uml, in net, vvcrv lHsvuv L no wit ui the Iltmiuti Svsicm, BEAAKE OF F.tAUOULENT IMITATIONS. Se thru our Trale-Maik (Maine an nhtive a pp. at tut 1 ai h j u. Kind dr hunk "lli'.lory of the Micnttie Kiikt," Kivtii away by j. s. ;kant, imi. Side A 1 lit, A flu v ille, N. C. mov I T tit v tu fri nun M.tle nf i rth Cat.ilina.V It inn i.i 1 1 aiii t v. I SiiKi'ior Court. '.. M. Kol.i-rtN, UUlltl1t lai'ili Clhr frank l.lhr, William pitman nml w tie l.ii'alu ih I'itman, William IvMer, Jo t) li i;ilei. u 111 i:iUr, l.C. I "i. I.iedi Cl in, U il. v I'. UliT. Uiliiain l-:iler, Kate I.I h r, x , t 1 t lilkoi and wile I'ha-lie lilkin. Si ma lilUr. Horace l.lhr, Jaccth Jnotitv. Ni. I. Iumiiv, W Jn-iice. t'.rt yii ItiHtnv. i'loi I n. Kau I u. liltal't th l-'ox, John I. II- r. Wi Ham Clin, I-. V lo.herln and w tie S.11 an Ii.iIki i-, 1' J ).iialioe anil w lie Mil lit- I'.-nahite. Uidurt Weaver. I 1.. Wea- 1 r. Tin una- Wea r. lal w artl Weaver, Uiliani II. 1 a t r, Chri-ley liMer. h'lorcnee til. t . M.n.v Uutxrtf and W. 11. AtkiiiH and wile SaphiMina A I Km. . 1 u l.. Tu I 1 I tU f, W ill ut 111 I'i I man and wit'e I iialu ili I'lltitaa, I tank laler ami Mat y I.. tin 1 1- : .in .iiit) I'M'n one if vat w ill pit aw take itiiti'i' an in lioii en till til a nliitvi1 hah Im 11 In uuii 111 ilu mi 101111 o ttiotl llun-c.-Mit-i ciniu tor the pnii-e 1 eorreetiuu .1 ilttil inadt l lo-tph I IU r tu t'.eotKe W. lo, ;is, null) tuil' tn.. u ih M ill lit in a in utt it turiialile l tin iu l ti rtn ul Maid omit In lie held at the .-nit htni-c in -aid emtnty Ikhiihiiiii: oil the thud l..iid.i luii'tv ihe lirM Monthly in si pit ihIk 1 . 1 mhi, w In n ami when ,ni are iii appear and answer or tlemur tu tin t plaint. '1 hi- jtdy .'. 1 Mn( W. T. Ki:VN(H.IS. 1 h i k Superior Coin t Ituueoiuhe County. plU.'.il.'illli'iU PATTTTOW T.. Hnuflln- hmfl nr vAUUUH wnrranti'il, nml rvrry nlr hu hin niiine nun priev matiiMed 011 bullonii VV. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLKMKN. Unf C'nlf nnil I. nerd Wmrrproof Urln. Tlie puci'llenen And wenrltlif qualltlriinf thli to rmttint li.' h.'ittT hIiiiwii iimti hy iln mrntm nudurw tiieulmif Mr IIiiuimiiiiIh of etiuntniit wrwrfc Se.OO Urntilm llnnil-nrwtnl, Hn elt-RAnt nnd V uttliuli ilrtn hli(H which eoinmt'iiiU ItM-lf. .00 lluiitl-Mrwid ll. A flno cult ttliu 1 mulled fr ntvh mill durnhillty. f O.50 (JimhIvi'iip H'rli In lUtt ilaunJard dmt i hii.ujt, nl 11 iNiimlur print. ffO. 60 I'nllepmiiirn Hhoo In plhJf adapted w for riiilrninl iihmi, fnrmtrn, etf. AH iiinile 111 OntiKn-M, Hut tall sud LCA $3 & $2 SHOES lafd,23, nvv IwH-n mmt fnvnrnhlf nwlvi'tl ln tntrtxlucwi mul the nri'iii hniinivfiiii'iitii mak Uana iuHirlur tti nnv nhaiH mil 1 1 nt (hew iirleen, At-K Pt-nler, nml If ht emmnt mpptf toq tnnd lilreri (11 fni'inry (-uelatlug ftdTurttwd yt(b or iKjalul fir .irthr Idnnkn. . W. L lOtULA9 DrickUi, Nin. VOH 8 ALU IIY MLAVEH & MYERS. ( hffr) . n 1 1 t'sjv r 1 11 1 grassy campus of seven acres, will be open fionlieotuiu t''.. I.. Itflnn ara this Institution lias no superior In this Literature nml Seieiui. lut,ila hi,w.vrv uiven. For cntuloeue or nnv ItiformAlion F. College, AehevUle, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. JOHN CHILD, ( formerly of Lyman & Child ), Oflicc No. i Legal Block. REAL ESTATE AND J LOAN BROKER Strictly a Brokerage BualaetM l.onn. ectirely plncrd at B per cent. English and French B0AROIN6 AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES ANO LITTLE GIRLS No. 40 Krvnch Broad Ayenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLANO, PRINCIPAL 1 Fur ninny year. AsmtHnte Prlnelpat of Mt; Vernon Intititutc, nitltimore.) As.l.ttil hy a conn of compenunt teacher. tlt-t-A d 1 v BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, BLACKSMITHINQ. To the cltlitn. of Anheyllle and Ttdnlty I w-oulii nitnouiitY thnt at my nhtiii. onColles.. slritt, iitxt to Wtmilliury'a atltbic. I am bet tfr prt-purt-il tlinn ever tu do work in my line. Wilsons. ItiiKKivs nnd CnrrinKe. manufact urtil. Kt'pnlriliK und horw-ahoelnn are ape t'itiltit'., uml lurttxt untintnt'tion Kunranteed. My workmen nre exMnrnml aatTakiHfuland my i-hurKL'ii urc mudvrau. nova.t d B. UfHNETTB. rillVATK BOARD. NliW IIOLSUI NllWLY FURNISH BD ALL MUDBKN IM PKOVBMBNT8. MRS. N. B. ATKINSON, No. Ul 1 Haywood 8trcct. Jun2U dlr II. F. P. BRIGHT. '.IFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE AGENT. R. BATTLE'S OFFICE. JJISSl.lLt.iiON. We Ihe iin.ltr.lenril hnyethia dar dLaolved piirliitrship hy niuluitl constiit. All obllaja lions not otlurwiM' priivitltil for will be met liv J. II. Wtiiver. Any accounta due the Arm lire puyutik' to t'itht-r. IIUKRINO & WUAVBR. Thin Tth ilny of May. Inuo. PARTNBK8IIIP. 1 t- ,,,,,1,-ri.iKni-u inivc mi. any inrmeil m t'oiuirlntrslHii uiultr the name and atyle or ...,.. ... .,, ,-r, ,r inr purpnw til conunci- iiiK tlie hIiik liiisint'N. in a. It ita bronchea, at Ilif 0I1I .liuid 01 lltrriiiK Ut Weaver, 3U Pat tun union:. ,,nN h. weavkk. , J. Niikkis MvMke. A.hevillt', .Tune it, IHtiO. ARDEN PARK HOTEL AND COTTAGES. tu milts Suutli of Anhcrillc, on A. ft B. R. R. TKKHS i Per Month fO0O I't r U ti lt 13 00 I'tTliuy 300 IHuncr nnd Tea Parties on oneday'snotlce, TO cents. Thou. A. Morris, Prop., nprliltltf Ardes, N. C, Aahcvlllc, N. C, April 11, 1HM0. The iomrtncmlilp heretofore eit.tlng be tw-en the undcmlnnrd, under the flrm nam, of I'l'LI.IAM Ut CO., la t Ilia day dlMolTed by mtitunt constnt. The debts dae by said flrm will lie pnld by Lawrence Pulllam, and the It'lita due to anitl flrm will be paid to him, und the liiisini-ii. continued by him, LAVYRKNCB PtrLLIAM. D. C. WADDULL. To our iiiitron. of the pnatt I hiivc thin dny anhl my Intereat and (ood will In the In.urnncc hunlneaa In Aaherllle to Lawrence Pullliim, who will contlane the litialncss. 1 beaiHuk lor him a continuance of your piitrimnitc, ,. . D. C. WADDULl. nnrll d.ind ROCK QUARRY FOR RENT. Apply to tut tlurltiK the Incoming week to rent the Ruck (Junrry on the oppoelte side of the river, nenr the Iron bridge, and the NINIi TIINBMBNT IIOUBBS near by. A good rock man can get a bar- galn. NATT ATKINSON & SON. moral) dtf I t

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