ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, JULY 14, 1800. ft THE DAILY CITIZEN. II. D. CHILD, business Manager. Tub run.T Cithkn will be puhlUhrri every alternoon tcxccpt Kliuiluy) At tbc following rules Htrivtly cush: One Venr $0.0(1 Mil Months ,. a. on Three. Montlis,.,,; l.flo Ul' N(tllttll..M.... SO One Weak.... 18 Our currier will ilcltver tlie puier every afternoon in every part ol the city toourauu vtTllK rs, awl parties wanting It will please euil at the Citizkn Office. Aiivkutiiinu Rats -Reasonable, And made known on AppllcHtlon at this otlice. All ln.ut.icnt advcrtwcuivau uiust be paid In ad vance. The Citiibm li the most extensively drc luted uml widely read newapupcr in wcstci .North Carolina. Its iliacnMioa of puhllc men and measures la in the interest of public integrity, honest h'tivcrnmcnt, and proapcroua industry, and it hiiiiwh no personal allegiance in treating pub lic Ihnuch, SiH'ciiuen eople. of any edition will be sent i. vc iu ..i.y one acutnug tncir auurcaa. Kcnilinft- aoticea ten cents our line. Obitu- nry, iiiiirriage and ftocictv notlcea Hl'ty cent nn M Be Controlled Here. Mr. I.. N. Cox, therepresentntivcof the company to whom the electric Hunt con tract hits been awarded, is in the lit v. He stated to a reporter this morninc that nui ON Trie. fcVfc the plant would be in readiness bv Oct. 1 OF A GOOD SEASON. WHAT IS DOING AROUND THAT DELIGHTFUL RESORT. the tune called tor In the contract. The engineer is exjiected this afternoon, mid he will determine the location of the site, and will have work begun. There will he power for 100 arc and 1,000 incandes cent lights. The bond is being prepared and is to 1c furnished to-day. Mr. Cox leaves to-night lor Statcsville where he has just obtained the contract for a wa ter system. it is not improbable that a company styled the Citizens Heat, Light and Tow er will take the locul contract off ol his It rained here yesterday. Or, to be bands. cnell (not ejLcueuinu ten lineal nr tit'tv cent I ...... I:..:.. I l... 1... .1... I ikt inch. -i""-". " -" i.i.v..i. mi A Well Known colored Man Dead time tlie bands on the olliee clock indi- Tlic OrcheHtra on Hand and fltMiHunt nance Held Hal-urday-Tenuis) One of the 1'opulur AtiitiMeiueiitH- Hut Springs, July H, MONDAY, l'LY 14, 1800. THK UAIL.V CITlkKN- Iu mi anle at the following place, in Ashcville c i i.tvn urmo. 1IA 1 111KY PAKK NEWS STAND. C.l.liN KUCK NtiWS STAND. MllHKL CIOAR STOkli. l'ulton Ave. J,',.K!ioN s stokb, Nona Court I sccnicil to come from the clouds in one PERTINENT AND PERSONAL. is I'cls princ'i Nf About AHhevlIliiuiH and ol Wrantira Within Our (iatcM 15. HatitV, of Viruinin, is al the Swamiii nanoa. W. II. liuprvr, id' Waco, Texas, is at tin Mattery Park. Ocinae iJillaiil, ol U'lVlun, ttlun, is at tlie lileu Kuck. Mrs. V. S, llronks ol Oiluniliia, S. C is at tlie Swaimaiioa. Henry H. Cotton, nl Murphy, tered at the Cleu Kock. II. T. K.teky, ol Staunton, Vn tcrc.1 at the Swaimaiiua. . S. Rowley, M. R, represents Give- land at the llallery I'aik. Vt.II. A. Williams mattress lacloiv has a tili-plnmc. It is utimlier s I. I'liere were I '.'7 arrivals at the pal Inuds yesterdny anil Saturila C. K. Hiiielimaii, is rrv.isii-ml at tlu ('rami Central irom Inlinstown I"; i r.'init rrcsuni ami J. J. Cogens, an at the Mattery Park Irani Kuowille I'miii Coyle and M. Collins represent lolinsioii Cite, Tumi., al the 1'naml Ccu Hal. Kkli.u.l Ilcnuk- aial the Mi.-cs Her neks, ol Xew I 'rii-iins. are al the Halterv Park. 1 lie linsiol, 1 am., p. ii ly ol cNeiii sioii isls It-It yeslinl.i v ill Ca it. Mdlcc's pi i vale ear. Kev. MeNeely I 'nlmse's child is tlmttxtit t In in. proving, an. I the cur-is cj! its ill ness is passed. Li. n. Watsio! u-ii to il.iv lur a twi weeks' irip to Ni V.nk, ami ml Northern itics. l.eroiaul l'liiiir and lamilv ami Mrs A. U. M.irtin. are at tlie liaturv Pari. I'mm Augusta, tla. Mrs. iicln-w Tat lor ami Miss Tailor. "( Peters 1 hi rg. a., are visiting at Mr T. C. Collins', on I'cpot streel. 1 lie ooaiu t eiamty eouiniissioiti-rs mrt in "ccial session to-day lor the pur pose ol rcviMiin llieeoamy la list Kev. . P. 1 1 nth. mi, I '. R. ol' Scotland X.vk. nrrived in the city yesterday anil is the -licit ot l.'r. Carroll, lo:i Mcrrinion ateiiue. . Il.irvet, aged ''.". of lnoil!e. andMia. r.iniit.i Myers, aged h, ,. -r-nainlt, were manied liy l.s.niie C. V. M.Jol llaa uiiiruiiiji. i ae .oi in .nam streel electric ear Jtmiieil the track nt the vomer of Wood- nil street this unniii;g and it took mote than an hour to pm it buck. the will of the late Mrs. V. S. M. Chapman has Ucn admitted to prulxitc. I". C. Roberts, ''. Millikcn and T. II. Cuhb are immed as executors, Mrs. A. M. West lind family, of Sa vannah, Cm.; Mrs. Shcrmil anil tin Misses Slienod, of Montgonicry, Ala., are at lr. Reeves on Spruce street. T.l.m V i "1". f . a n.r, 1. ., Mitnml ..,. j o w ..i i i. .i:...i: " "" " ' " " , " u who has been taking care of the horses : , ..v - nnd of the HoM CompanVi di(.d nt -....J, , l'" M hi, home on Church street yesterday. He "VIK WMfc nil. 1IB 1JIC119U..C Ulll. 1CIICBII' I , ,j , e A. '. , , 1 , ., I was 40 years old and the father of Char- iuu u it.iu.uc-r s. tower us ever gruceu me i u. , . . . . , . ,. , , . I ley Kicketts, the boy who was killed at 1.IUI.IHUIIIH. AIIU 11 UIU THUl. 1 nc WQUT ,i v, i, . cmc itaiuiji . ui iv u.'cci 0uiiiei.lul.COB Itgo, Tliw tii..,nl..ra nftliM ... uuui unci, sc.cill.l riliuci c.ltl.l ... IOC' US-I II a- A J 41 l- I , , , 0 , making n collection to defray the funeral ual succession of drops. So henvy was . . . , ,, , , , a, , , , expenses. He hnd not been able to work me siiiiwer tiiat ioreiiu unit, just ue I e ... i . r . . , ... . ' J . I for emht weeks and his family is in neei v v.iml tin il.niit finm tl,,. nr,,ilrl nnl I ' . . . I circi....i..iiccs. lie seen irom tlie vcraiula ol tlie latter. The lightning was particularly sharp, Uealti of Mr. Knapp the thunder resembled more the heavy I Mr. C. H. Knapp died at the homeof his firing of artillery and all in all it was n son-in-law, C. D. Clarke, near the West- regular mountain thunder shower. Hut ern North Carolina depot, Saturday at alter it had continued for a half hour the " P- Mr. Knnpp was 5S yenrs old anil sun broke through a coi ner of the dark- died of consumption. The funeral was est cloud and a few minutes later was 'leld at the house by Rev. McXecly I (tr ailing majestically through n sea ol hose, pastor of Trinity Ivpiseopnl church unbroken blue. The shower was over. yesterday ulternoon at 6 o'clock, and livci Tilling is moving smoothly nt this the interment was at the cemetery. The pleasant little resort. Mouutuiii Park I1"" 'carers were A. 0. Ilnllvburton, J telis rapidly tilling up. Hctwccn " Mcllowcll, h. E. Mcllowcll, It. 11. and H ii guests arc already here. The Cosby. " . A. Hhtin nnd . !. llhnr. hotel corridor nnd parlors have anani-l A Ciaod Idea. mated appearance .at all hours of the i.Vni;n.wl k'imr M n .i:...- ,..i lay. Sjiriugs lias fairly launched lorlhou w hat promises to be the most saccessliil summer season of its historv. The hotel orchestra arrived Saturday. It consists of thrtc pieces, and is tinder the able leadership of T. J. Harford. On the evening of their arrival a pleasant dance was given in the ball room. Amung the attendants were all of the younger and many of the older guests ol the hotel and Mcsdamcs Sallord nnd Marshall, who arc on a visit to their parents Col. and Mr. RumlHiugh, their publisher of the International Journal of Surgery, of Xew York, is nt the Swanna imn with his wife. Ir. King is here for the purpose of writing up this section for Ins pnH-r, which is circulated among physicians, ami who it is thought will send their patients here when the climate is brought to their attention through this medium. Con-mil Hie KeiclHler. Visitors to Ashcville will find it a great convenience to consult the boarding two sisters, the Missis Ru.nbough and h,"llsc K'Ut in the reading room of the A Tradeaman Inaulta Royalty. A short time ago an amusing incident occurred at Freiburg, in Germnny. Two ladies were standing in front of a shop winnow, examining tne wares exninitcu for sale, when the owner of the establish ment, impatient at their not entering his premises, torn tneni saarpiy tnut tncy hnd been there long enough, nnd request ed them to move on. The ladies walked away without a word of remonstrance. Half an hour later a footman in court livery called at the shot) and asked the ill-mannered tradesman, on behalf ol the Hereditary Grand Dnclicssot much she owed him fur having looked in nt nis suop window. New ork Journal The Austrian Archduke, Francis Fer dinand, is an exceedingly wealthy but far from handsome man. He has a short body, with long limbs, a small head licrchcd on a long neck, and a prodigious nose. 5 New Advertisement To-Day. FOI'HTH PAUK, I.oaT This Otlice. Waxtrd itm Chestnut atreet. PllMALK iNaTITI TK W. I' liieklnsoii. Tim. Sun pOH imiu The Sim, New York. Mt. Mitcuki.i. IIhtki. iipiiKc Moore. MT. MITCHELL IIOTKL, BLACK MOUNTAIN STATION. S1.3II PUR DAY. $.1 TO 7 I'HR WHHK Neiirest to Chimney Kink, Cntuwlm Pnlla and Mitchell's Peak. Jlll.v1-t-.l-Jm SI'AC'.i; Si MIIIIKK. ALIIIiMAKLU Female - - - Institute CIIAHI.OTTKHVII-I.I-:, VA. 'nsnrnnsNt-il ill tllnrouc'lin.-Ka nf IiimIi-iu-. '.inn, hritlthlnliu-sa nnd lii-iiutv ol' lociitlim. iilipmntiiieiits lor eiimfiirt. mural inilncmc. lerina renanniilile. Kev. 1.. W. Muurc lidded lo the J'acultv. Order ciilnluuue W. V. UICKIXSDS, llllyinmimntia Priileipill. L,os'r- July 1'J fin riiiul t'nuii llm-k I'ttrtxt. In l'lnt Kuck ir Axhi-villt'. riil uiilil Itcinla Ktrnnir itti tint' chain. Ki turn tu thin ullav and rtcviw n'Wiml ANTIill. A tviiniiin or itirl, white or eolnrcfl. for Ken rill hnnscwork. Must lie- well reeumiliellileil. lM'l nt Itlll CKliSTNI T ST. jlilj 1 l.lllt THE SUN. -POK- 1890. Mr. Harry Kuinboiigh. It was a dceid- II v pleasant alfair and was closed shortly alter 1 1 o'clock with an old time Virginia reel. (ii Friday night a progressive euchre parlv was given in the parlors, livery body went as a matter of course ami To t.adleit of M. K. church. Mouth Voung Men's Christian Association. The register contains a list of the hoarding houses of the city with location, dcscri turn nnd prices. No charge is made those consulting it. At It AKUlfl Chas. Walker has Iktii arrested in He everybody ciijiiyid themselves. The first I dc-rsonville for an a (fray with Siiirli pri.-.e lor ladies, a rose jar. was taken In I Anderson in this city. The nlfair ih' Miss Lillian Sutton. Tlicsccond, n silver leurml some time ago, and Anderson v lion lion box, was won by Miss Kum- slightly cut with a knife. An officer h t I .1... . i. . , . I. . .- .... i"il:ii aim cue iiiiru, me iioooy. was l neen senr lor wn ker. lie is tin- tn.n iven to .Miss Alice .Miller. Among the I that was almost fatally shot bv George genileiucn .Mr. I.edrand took the first (tibsott at Ililtmorc. prize, a silver match sale. Mr. Harry k iiiii 1 1. in-. I. I ,1... .........1 " "-....,, i ..I i i , ,..,:., f ,i, ...t . ..... v. fc. -. i iiiii inw ul uiui , o.cuu .Mr. Marry . loss izi,, work of the W'omaus Mission had no conicliliou for the third, a hot- nry Society in the bounds of the Western tie of catsup. I North Carolina Conference will lie held i i ,-, ..i . hi Salisbury on the the tit h and 7lh .i ii-iiii. i ,,i tennis ii.ici n o.ive arr. veil l . iLi... . , , . , , (luiin,, .-vickic 11. 1 II IB eilllVC'Ilt.l ... .ue... si, cn oai siimitiie nrsi game ol from the auxiliaries of Ashcville and tlie eason lias lieen won and lost. The I l-rnnklin districts will please promptly urt i .-.rtaiiilv ime ni'ilii' i"i,i,i i., . I,., notily Mrs. I. Ii. Kay of Ashevil e. . C. molllltaius. It lies ilnn-tlv in ll- rv..i I ".'" " ... .... .Nk.tillllttN, ll mvlilum in l,.! ...... .1 en.i oi me iiotci aini on grounii ns level mil attendance from auxiliaries is urged 'Kiass. .mks. J. Ii. K.v ii. I...., i... i..... i ,, I iiiiereo. is t uc w ay r ; ,,. meemiiusiasl spoke ol it yesterday and ment .f the Alliemarle l-cmalc Instiiute he was certainly right. If Hot Springs This institution stands among the best lots not come forth with some champion 1 "'" sviioois. it mis long enjoyed an tennis players it will not lie Ixiau lll'il,lll r.,. I,. itm I.!.. I. ..I..... . i. ,,..-.. . ..,,.-.! ,r, ,11, lllll Ulllllllfiril ii- I ill ennt-ntiiin uouli- it ...... ' " "" oi pretiiesi ami most location are inmost miMvnled. eoiiycnient courts in the country. Mr. A. II. llrousouofNew York isdown here lor a lew days ami is incidentally surveying with pride the work of his son Mr. A. W. Ilronsou, who has, since the lepartureof Mr. I'uolittlc. acted asman- r re eomniend parents to see its cutnlogue lie- iievioing iixin n senool Ill-MINKHM NOriClvH. Table Talk. net your inning mine lasteliilly am hlindHlKlli'lV. If .-.lm-nva n .In.i.M iter, in mm capacity lie lias shown iircssion ol refinement and clcirnnec. liv. lumsell to lie a thorough hotel mini mid cry retiiusite lor this, in china. L'hiss. si "The lilnck .Mountain Alum find Iron the work of his son. icllivteil only credit on himself. Mr. Ilronsou, senior, is (iiilc satisfied with Springs company" isaniw incorporation lure. . S. (".mnt. J. M. Uchols and S. W.ikiUlc arc- the im'orKirntors. The stuck in sau.oon. There f .tn p!eaitit gerin.iu at the Ilattcry r.irk Saturday night, compli inciitary tu the party of Uristol excur sionists. C. W. Murphy led ami about lil'tvcu couples were on the lloor. Ii.inicl llortoii, a shoemaker working in the basement of the ('.rand Central hotel, became insane ami was commit Uil to jail Si. tin ilny. His friends ii South Ciitolinu have liern notilivd by telegraph. i iierv wire iiiree c.iks in t He mayor s court this morning. C. C. Kuykeiulal, n drunk, was lined if. 'I, Hick I'loiirnoy, for tnistieatinu Culhc linker, was lined $1,". and costs. Lee Foster was charged with selling liipior on Sunday, but was discharged us the evidence was not audi cieul lo convict him, A Modern Need for Hlccp. Tlicre is not one man or woman in lo. (hid who cnu nllonl tu do without seven or eight hours.' hleep, All those stories written about great men and women who slept only three or four hours a night, make very interesting reading, but I tell you, my readers, no man or woman ever yet kept health in body nnd mind iora nuinmroi years with less t linn seven hours sleep, - Anicriciins need more slcn than they are getting. This hick mnkes them so nervous, and the insnne iivlums so populous. If you can get to bed early inc.. nsu niriy. u vou cannot get to led till lute then rise late. It may be ns v-iiriuwu utr one nimi to rise nt H ns it I rcr, cutlery, etc., ns well ns a Inrce nn. choice stiK'k of ornamental goods, at 57 i.rjoiiu bi s. .Main street, Ashcville. J. H. Law The Ierfecl Muminer Menort Mountain Park Hotel, Hot MprlniiM, N. C. Ilrncing mountain air, liratitilul scencrv lii'iiltli, pleasure, home eomlorts and the iK'st table in the South. No dust. Purr v I lltld l.l.lltlilillll wnlpr nml ,it.rh.f weeks ago manager of the Highland arrangements. Swimmim wool will I'ark Hotel at Aiken, S. C. The latter bathing suits ns at seashore. Milliards has held several excellent oo.ition. i il. "" "ng. shooting gal erv, tennis, ball ... . i. ...... - . . ronm. music, nnd a we II euuitmr.l livrrv note,, o. ,i asu.ngion ami the east. Thc ,wlhl un thc fllll,t j XnuTieanu. Among the uuests who have i.rriw.l i., the thermal waters are an unexcelled ik- the last lew days mid who will ......,l m ci,ic r rhcumntism. gout, sciatica, ner hast part of the season here arc Mr. M. .,11 , ue iiuiKcs me iK-si manager we have ever had," he proudly remarked yestcr terilay. For bis assistants thc young manager has two ellicient clerks iu the Itsoiis of Mr. II. I'ortcrand Mr. II. W. Fuss. The former was until n fev vous exhaustion nnd nil discuses of the skin ami blood, Kcsidcnl physician at the hotel. Trniiis lenve Ashcville for Hot Springs ivscn and daiichu-r " m" 's" '" "nl 7 P' '" I'-' ijsin ami daiigl.ur curllin tickets including one dnv's board rtson of Columbia, at tuc Mutain Park Hotel $ 4.00. I', LcCiriind and fnmily and Mr, S. C Marks and family of Montgomery, Aln., Mr. I-. Van llenthiiy and Col. T. J. kolwrtson Mr. and Mrs. William Pnttom.r m,il,i..i. plan, Mrs. M. S. Fcrrill and child of Sey (rZ4 " "" Mc,"f "" J"" .returned T vi,. i . .. , from Tennessee with a car load of fine luorc. Texas, Mrs, Margaret kyle and t.ri. There are thirty-two ol them, Miss Koehucl Carson of Cincinnati, Mrs. and they will be killed and sold at the dii Sutton and Miss Lillian Sutton uf nmrkct ' - Mel n tire c Co., 1H Louisville, Mrs. M. L. McCnw nnd I "rl" omt ll"lrc" W. Ii. McCiiw of Mm-on, Gn Mr. W. I A Had Railroad wreck S. Chisholm, jr., of Savannah, li, Liclwr- occurred several days ngo on one ol our ninn ol Knleigh.Jns. E. Hrced nnd family .m"M "niHirtnnt trunk lines. Nobotly - ""I- ..ii me ....UU..UC exeent xnc wile of Middlesborough. ty one. Sold by denlcrs. Made bv I Hue MultliiKH and Troualnits). W. Kountltree & ftros., Richmond, Vn. s mr norwrr no rise iu o,, i counsel my ted. thirty minute! before your public ii (icaninec, i'hysiciiius sny that it sudden rcndcrlrritV'e nil when the v nrc rcs( Ilut let the roiuMiiu IkII be rung at least jumnout of bed gives Irregular motion to the pulse. It takes hours to get over a tod sudden rising. Oivc us time after yoti.utll . us to roll over, gnr.e at the world full in the liiec.und look before you leap. Home Journal. The old Andcrsniiville Prhinii Is to Is; tnriHwl'Into) n clubhouse by n Urnnd Army Post. It has lwcn ptirchnsed byj Cnptuiit, Crawford, uf Macon, 0a, C,mitMlenf.,i.w., .1... " "". only. A full line of the latest styles Chcv- . Ifyu nre nnd wish to become lots, worsteds, cassimercs and diagonals ,cn l,,v nntl wealthy also, you will use arc ollerrd for anle nt 1'J Putt,,., Holler King or lilectric Light flour: lic- lor thc next four days. These goods are canuK t,,e Ashcville Milling Company's from n first clnss tailoring establishment fl,,Ur ntlv thcliest but thechcnix-st. KClerly0nXc, . WHav nfter to-morrow I. the day. It TiZ - ow, nZ?y " b"r8"m- ' ft Krcnt Loughrnn snle'will w.NTRon, rrop-r. ,(!", " ? fhTV hotel will be sold to the highest bidden. choicest and the city. The residence ant They arc nn the ly a few minutes' 1 I ! - ' , r !,:. L 1- "l I." "c"ll lluunc UIUI llimilC Ul r' .1 n"l" "'' very snort time will be worth a nrire - hi '""i'' t,mn. 'he '.icu ity advance on the price they will bring on t nvi vuxk iuih ttrc iHiiuicn. tipre w m i wviHAB1iaii grand opportunity to get a good lot and Have you' seen them yet ? n-- m in,, c j.ia . 'II , . . ,,olcl wl" " ol" W th "It nt w ll not be wise for you lo let They include some of the the great Loughrnn sale ol lots pass by most desirable propertv in I without your securing one. That is go- lots nre suitable for both ..K I., ,fc o ue 01 i ue greniesi snies in uie business purposes. Tl historv of Ashcville. It is simyly won- street ear line, nre only dcrlul how prorty is ndvnncinjr In nil walk from thecourt ho BALLARD, RIGH & BOYCE. llliALIiKS) IN- Stovcs and Tinware PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FITTING, SLATE AND TIN ROOFING. PAINTS and OILS. -ACIiNTS l'OR- THE PASTEUR FILTER, IN Al.l. KlZliS I'OK 1'AMII.V AMI HOTIil. HSI Uuaranteed to lie Uerni Proof. Al.l, M.H KUI'T IN STOCK. LIME! LIME! LIME! A CAR LOAD OF FRESH - LIME jist ri:ci:ivi:i. -I-'WM Si-nie ih'uiiIc iii:ree ivlth The Sih.'m n.iiiilnnii iiimiit men nml tliiniia, nml mum- K'nil ilnn'l : tint everclioilv likes to ui'l hulil ul' th. u;usii:ilH'r wliivh la never dull 1111. 1 never uirniu in siH'itK its inmil. Ik-mi.. i rut. know thnt for twenty venra The Sim hna IoiikIU in the front line liir'Ucni iie.i.tie lir.ueiiilea. never wnverinc ,ir u-rnk. l-nillK in Us luiiilty to the trurint.-rolM .,f I ht- imrtv it arrvea w ith lenrlr-Mi Int. tliucncc nml iiiMniiTriiei. viKi.r. At times iiniun hnve i.iui-ri-i, bi ii, mi- ,K-H. im-nua u ncx' ui; tne cn.niimn iiuriiuM-: it ,M i-t.. Sun's fnult it it has aern lurther into the null. Mtmc. liillhli-en hllllilre.1 nml nine.- tm that will priilinlily determine the result ni Hi, VVurehouae nt Depot. I rvmnrn.i.ii ,-ieei.ii.l f,l 1 N-.y, itnil K'rhlli- .... ,,iv .niiiuvriii-v mr ...e rem in thec'inliirv. Victory in I xua i n iluty. mill the lK-iiniiiiit.-.if IMMi ia the lnntliinc tostsrt uu. in c-iinipitny wun ine tfun. Iinili, K-r month Slo "to liuily, ier year tft.CMB i-iin.iii.i , in r .vi'l.r S.OO Imll.v uuil Sun, lny. nr venr H.oo lu.ilv nml Sunilnv.iH'r month 0.7a N eekly, one , venr 1.00 AdtlreM THK HI'N, New Vork In Bulk or In Bnrrels. Offlcc No. 3a Pattou Avenue. THI.UI'IKINH NO. 0. !'. II. lint l.:i C. E. MOODY. Dr. 11. F. Arrinjrton, Ht Kii:oN f3 i:ntiht. GESAR'S HEAD HOTEL I'Miinir I nth n hihuji iv u.. ..!.,., .11.. c-iiiH-ii KuniK, nun an (im-iim-h iH-rtiiiniiii; t mr US. UUII irm-iiirr. t Miuv rut 1111 oil I tun nvtlllll', ovi-r Kafi.r Ac Kmith-o ! WILL BE OPEN FOR THE SEASON OF 1890 ON JUNE 1ST. ESTEY. FISCHER. The World Panimi, um-ijiinlcil, uiu-jieelled, uurnl.le iH-nutilul ESTEY ORGAN AMI FISCHER PIANO Are recommended liy the U-at urti-ti. Come and eanminc iirK"od. In fun- ImyinK else- wn.rc nt .-o, ,17 riittnn nvriine. Tuiilnu nnu rci.n.nnjt amlitltv. G. M. WILLIAMS CO. lulvihlXiwtm Aee.iinni.Hliiil.ins the very lrat this moun tain country rnn nlTiiril. Terms rrnsonnlilr ns iM.sallilc tu mnke them. Illlllnnla, ikm.I, ImwIiiiK nlley, Imll room, muaie, etc. F. A. MILES, M. D., Proprietor. PICTURE FRAMES. Hold. Silver, Ivory, (Ink. flilt nnd C.imlil. nntlon M.iul.llnm. Alio Noum M.iul.linsa. I'li-ti.tva Mii...-.l Hf....,Ml . , Uri.l Tallin .1,., -" ' ai .KIT InAlld-bUn IINtN I AL KUUTE. I'riiwnnd work Kunmntccd. Hnnrnv inna, I'aintlnKa nnd Local Views always on hnnd nt ' ASHBVILLB ADVERTISEMENTS. ICE RATES FOR SEASON 1890. TERMS STRICTLY CASH WITH ORDER In qunntlties not lens thnn one ton at factory In quuntitiea uot less thnn one half ton nt factory.. 0O0 pounda, no ticket), 10 pounds each 700 " uh " 28 " " 7110 " 15 " 80 " " 1000 ' 10 ' 100 " ' ..Oc. per hnndred. ,.0c. , fS.OO , s.oo s.oo 8.00 No Ice will be delivered without cash or tickets. Tickets now on sale at the office of the Ashcville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue. JELLICO COAL AT RETAIL. For Grate, - - 5.00.11 For Stoves, ... H4.50. BEST ANTHRACITE COAL Por sale ut Wholesale and Retail by ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY, 1 eiepnone 30 ana 40. BioIiisItc Asents (Domestic and Steam) for Western North Carolina. Lit WIS MADDUX. 1're. L. P. McLOUB, Vlce-Pre.. . B. RANKIN, Cashlm . DlNICTOSSl-Lewls Maddui, M. J. Dearden. M. I. Pa... I. K. Rankin 1 n ... i o t 8. II. Heed, Geo. 8. Powell. C. M. Mcljud. WJ WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, - Oraanlaed May 1st, 1888.. CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $15,000 State, County and City Depository. Does a General Ilankin Business. Deposit, received, filename .nd .ih ni lections made on all aeeeaalble polnU. The SavinK Peatnre will receive .pedal attention. On all sums In this department, deposited for four tnontna or longer. Intemt t th. .... of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention irivcn to loan, on real c.tate, which will be placed for long time on real sonable terms. Open from B a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturday, the Savin Department will be open till S p.m. Jnnldly OAKS HOTEL, (INK OP TUB BEST FAMILY HOTELS In the South. Service nnd tnlilc First Clnna. " : 1 J ' r-t ASHBVILLB, N. C. PIVB M1NUTUS WALK PMOM THB Court House. STREET CARS Pass the door every to Minutes. Por terms addles. H. J. GREENWELL, Proprietor. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 217 Haywood Street. All WATER THOROUGHLY FILTERED on the Premises. Twenty.five years of practical experience, combined with pkksonai. attention to all dc. tails of the huaincs and perfect arraniiement. for clbanlinrw and rtiaiTT of all good, manufactured, enable the proprietor to pment to hi. numcrou. patron. auperior claae of Carbonated Rrvcraftc Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. (;inr Ale and all the Tariou. flavor of SODA WATKR ready for .hipment and delivered free In City limit.. Out of town order, muat have reference. C. H. CAMPBELL. ONLY EIGHT MILES FROM ASHEVILLE ON THE A. & S. RAILROAD. -A HOME IN- $40ESKYLAND SPRINCSE$80 A lovely RiiniftO fret in ahnilv srove by the nnest mineral sprintm in the Mouth at itl to $tlKI. A iuicl place, hitih. dry. Hne view, and aoeiety. I'lnee well laid off with wide streets ull main avenues loo feel wide. Two ckimI new hotels, deimt. dnllr 's. eic. Hkylnnd SprinK la a new and popular re. sort nml Imuii.l to Krow. lluy now for cottaire or aa an invratment. Truina leave Aahryjllc at U.1U a. m. and return at 7 p. nt. L'3 cent.. frhl 1 dAm OTIS A. MILLER, Sky land P. O., N.C. VIACIIICAOll.Mll.tV.XI KHIJ 8T. I'Al'l. ARIl NOKTIIIIKN I'Al ll'IC K, R'8. Thriineh Pullman HI. ,...., -. .... r,,.... ,i,..i .. 1.. . '' " vn.- wr o,. raui nun .VI MinentKili., PnrKo, Niirlh Imli.iln. llrlrnn nnd Hun.. Mi.ntnnii. The elliiwatulir Vttrk. Mimknne I'nlla .mil Ti.eoma. I'lirtliuid, I m-Kim iw.i B Bir iai.ui 1 v .. .1 f. , i... B (icine ..T.h.rk IC'1" "'"L" fnllfurnln. via Portland l usil. on anle erervnlHrr. rnr iniurmiiiiiin m.,,1.. ... . . ESTAimOOK'S, aa 8. main St., Ashcville. nnr lad THE MODEL CIGAR STORE Una Just received a Inrire assortment of the llne.t iiunllty ol plus cut .moklntt toliaeeo. J.KIVATB noAKD. also Turkish perl.uc mlslurej the very Inst &h":::-"wzm '. -i fre.h itr imported rlnara. Vour choice of rntnn .tick, ild nnd 118 street ear Hue JulyliMilm MKS. J. I.. HMATIIHKH. .11) I'attnn Ave. HAHIIItKS WANTIili, III Twn flrt bnrlter .Imp July I JiCIt linrlH-ra Imillv nn-.led In nn. in n. main 8T. CHEAP RATES TO ALL POINTS. St'MMER ART SCHOOL. nnnruan iirsria noURnt, IM.Iil nnd ei I cnnniicd. All trnn.aetlona ititaranteed. Inly nml AuKnat-inaiructlnn In drawing t C. V. MAV, nl pn ntlnit from nature and Hie. In" I "' "roker, OpposlU Hwannnnoa Hot JuiyTdlm i inn nt Mrs. Irwln'a, oil Colleoe nil S.iril.v a.rH... ... - I . , M KM. KI.IXA UU! II OAKKV VANIIKUli.wlI) " ui new York L'ltv. POK HAI.K. Will t Al Jve venr. old. Iron uraya. I an l W.i.idiiurv'. stable. jmyimiii I'lne nalr Mn.n,.. ..m .. .... Itl II II I 1 i V NlrAal iii work i,. .h ":.'..r",,."","r"i - " seen nt I It. eh mntaln. .mni In. urBwi.a j " r " ' Saturday to receive piano pupils or to make Iarranscmcnte for lenwins. ieeial attention iclven to enaemlile playlnR, particularly for IthoM who wl.h to Improve In reading music. Terms, $10.00, $111.00 or $30.00 a quarter, accordlnK to length of levon, or whether In I a class. Payable In middle of Quarter. OrtHII TO LHT, Saddle or harness, by the ilny, Jiuyaiint lllltmore. N. c. A tint v to WM. AHTIII'K, CIM clcnr UO a irnod mnrvrin liv sell ll Don't forurt the tilnce or ilnt of th. an). Weilncsilay, July 18. If you haw not jrou had better wnlk around and take look at them. There they are, each and everyone gem, They arc certainly winncn, NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS. We the undersigned nrmirlctors of the Aahevillc hnrucr alioiMi after July Ifl will charge 10 cents for share, or two for Un eent. hair cut, 110 cent) .hampoolag;, 20 cents; ilvrlng mustache, 80 cent. These prices will be strictly adhered to, W. K. Mastin, M. L, Ci.oiiaNov, T.J. Ht'MNKR, P. J. HHASaiNUTllN, A. L. Uvs., W. A. Hosts.. Obo. W. Drown. JtilyNdlw JunellAdlm jiTANY. Ml Florida Mlsa Mary C. Reynolds, of St. Auntattne, at her rvuma, SO Uallcy .tract. for sale or rent. juneundlm. lo reeelvr pupil. In llolanv Teat book. IfOR SALII. I'l huadred load, of nice face rock, aulta- wmhoih. nrnr., niipiy o I. t. InlySdSw i.oNn. Hamoth, N. C. Several gr JulyloUUt pott KBNT JULY 1ST, ri Pal. Several grade Jrney cow., Apply at 1UM.UU0TUIS fAIM, Photo sailer, over'a Mora. eat akyllghli parlor, and rtrintln. d iflinua and eaav of atuaaa. Haye'a and eaay of aretes, Aimly to BUAMUUN, SANK IN CO., OS SouU Mais atewt. iOTELtARMOND-HOTEL BONNYCREST AND COTTAGES, SKYLAND MINERAL. SPRINGS, N. C. Klltht Miles South of Ashcville, on the A. A S. Railroad. New hotel., new cottage., new furniture, beautiful grove., neat tennis and croquet lawaa. goial livery. 48 MINERAL SPRINGS. White Sulphur. Alum, Mngnrain. Iron and liitaom. Thow arching health and ph mr- wl sele.1 iHalety will not full to tal. plcuannt Kurt and drink of IU hcallssx .ler.. Term, rruauuulilc. aprS dtf E.A. LeVENE, . Manag-er. Ashcville, N. C. Near Passenger Depot. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., Manufacturer, and Dealer, la all klnda of Dmarf ' LUMBER. Door, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Stalrwork, Mantcla, Bank and Bar Fixtures, and all kinds of Building Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work it SndriaUv novi.dly Telsptaon. Mo. s. FITZ PATRICK BROTHERS. Dealers In Wall Paper, WlndowShadesandPaleutHangers, Window Olaaa, botk Palnta, Otis and Varalahea, Maanry 's Vised PalnU and Colors. Prench and Amerlcaa We keep In stork St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. IV badly A WIND STORM May Come and go, but we are Here to Sell Oooda and are Coins; to Sell Them. BID YOU HEAR WHAT WE SAID? W. hav. straw I lata 1 cent to 00 cent. each. Splendid lint of Shoes cheaper than aa. lberhoua-theni. Nine and Tea Quarter Shirting by th cm. prlnta. OI.hamK e Ac., at any price yon would aak then. Some all Bilk Dresa Ooods IB et. Would say mote but this will convince yon. Ashevllle Dry Goods Co., J. O. H0WSLL, Maaacw. At eld stand, let door below Peenlmaa a Co.'t Hart wan Stor. ' i-v..-.; uic ft j.-. . S-'lilC.i.,'MlAvWMi-''. Aiti.i'i.'W:"iiii- vA,w.'vlr...','i..',i',-';S!f i .-' ;.'-W.:.-'.i.Wj l-.'w'..; ,jv;,V-'vt'-i'"'' a.'-'AV.V1-..u::'t..,f" .."... - ("r-!.' -"rli;' Vir i.j .