r-9-fTttVi'is,Btj'H,Ir:i- 'I. (. 1 ' OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE . AT - .- THIS - - OFFICE. I5C, PKR HUNDHKD. Asheville Daily Citizen I FOR RENT, WANTS, AND FOR SALE, t -3 Not exceeding three Unci, Due Time, US centa. Three Timet, BO ccoU, Six Timea, 75 cent. 4 I I "M4 VOLUME VI. NO. 66. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. v wm. r,,3r ilinvilTeP A plueo planned Hiitl devel oping U8 a GREAT RESORT. isituatod in the MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROUNA, A region noted for houltli fulnoHH and beauty of SCENERY. An elevation of 3,800 feet, with cool Invigorating Climate It in being luid out with taste and skill, with well graded roads and extensive FOREST PARKS. A desirable plueo for line tuaiilnllf-OM mill HHATHIIX HOMliS. A good opportunity for profitable investment. For illuHtruted pamphlet, ad dress, UNVILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., Llnvlllc, JHUchcll Co., N. C. BON MARCHE, DRUMMER' SAMPLES OF Apron, Handkerchief and Windsor Tic At perceal anil aati percent, leaa than regular pricra. All Mew and l.ale4 Mlyle. 30 South Main St. BON MARCHE. H.T.ESTABROOK'Si m . MAIN ST.. AHIinVILLB, itTHi flacs roa BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY 600DS AND TOV8. LOCAL Views and Sketches. aiirtnd KliAL ESTATE. Wil.TII . OwVN. W. W. WK.T. GVYN & WEST, (nimraaore to Walter B.flwya) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL1STATE. Loan Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Miliary I'uhlle. Commissioners ol lieedn FIRE INSURANCE. OKVICIMMaM'iwI Caart Hqaare, Real Eatnte Brokers, And Invcatmcnt Agent. Loan, at a rely placed at iereent. omw a I'altim Aet toenail flour. fcbOdlv "HOW NOW, HORATIO I" Wnalda't auy tlmlirr lamia, ntlnrrnl ini setleaor Asheville Ural ruitatrr Thrn call on as, MoraUii. anil we will cl thee thjr money's worth. Wt can aril that a hnnee lilt, Icml the he ela to erect a dwelllna thcrenn, anil Insure the aame In an I'lra Insurance Company doing bamneaa In thla Mate. Ulre aa a rail, Moratiul JUNKS eft JKNKft, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. Mooium Jk to, McAfee Block It Pattoa At., A.aetllle, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. MATINEE EVERY DAY THIS WEEK FOR THB BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC. The Great Comedy Play entitled; -"BLUE RUIN" tins been withdrawn after a very buvcchaiuI run. and we now present our matchless Stock of Groceries. GRAIN ANO FEED FOR TOUR USE AT .POPJ ULAR PRICES. IMMfRM OPKN AT 6 A. M. A. D. COOPER, Proprietor. Our prices are always low, and particularly ho on shoes, in comparison with shoe store prices, but we havo determ ined in order to elos'j out everything in the nature of a low quarter shoe, or slipcr, to sell them bo much Imlow their vuluothat you will hhvh money to buy even for next year. Do not foil to see our line of Summer Shoesyou will Ik) sure to buy. We have Mason's Fruit Jars, at lowest prices .1 el l.y Tumblers at .'l.rc. per doz. Mai M.r's Fly Traps at lHc each Mammocks from 1 Croquet Sets, all prices and we ure selling these goods, as we did last year, at prices awuy below any body else in town. We ha ve Ico Cream Freezers so cheap that everybody can have one (of the best makes, too), and, while ice is cheap, no dessert is less exiiensive. Our stock of everything to use, or to wear, to adorn the parlor, or to lighten the work in the dining room or kitchen, is so complete that we cannot mention items. WIS HAVE EVERYTHING, and no one thinks our prices high. You had always bet ter try us for anything you want before buying, IF 'WE HAVE IT YOU SAVE MON EY, if not well, wo are pret ty sure to have it see, any way. "BIG RACKET." ,. w. v. wills. ASTIIHSJ. WILL. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, AHII ltVILL.lt, N. C. OlMea Uarnard llulldlns:. V. O. Una Oft, Clan., ftwelncatloa. Detail, Mr., fiircvcry rlaaa of building at abort notice. ' ARTISTIC INTERIOR DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. Call and are aa. aprtOiUlm F. A. GRACE, I'RESCO DECORATOR AND DESIGNER Will KkccuUi In Tcinpra, Inlonaco, Encaustic or Oil From Special Designs In DI.IORATIVK COMrOKITION Ncallnllc-Kloral, mlaiici Jk Alienor. Addmas BO WOODWARD AVI!. Detroit, Mich., or BOX 843, AibceUle, N, C. MISCELLANEOUS. ESTABLISHED 1874. W. C. CARMICHAEL, APOTHECARY, 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. It will take you but one minute to read and you will find by doingsoyou can save money by buying your drugs, medicines and such articles at Carmichael's Drug Store, His stock fresh and complete and at prices that defy com petition. Don't forget the place, No. 20 South Main Street Asheville, N. C. You will besurprised to see how far $H, f 10, $12 nntl Jflli will go in the purchase of good, stylishly cut, well made Clothing, with Chil dren's and Hoys' Suits in proportion. Away below those grades we show serviceable suits ol good apHarance. Lately arrived, Men shawl sewed Kangaroo Shoes, La dies Kid Oxford Ties, fine Trunks and Yalises and num erous mid-summer items. Our Mr. Ilcd wood is now in Richmond taking advant age of the usual bargains shown by New York salesmen just before taking stock. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, SMALLWARES, HATS, SHOES AND CARPETS. 7 & 9 PATTON AYE. Eleirant Drurr Store cen trally located well venti lated ?nsv of oecess agree able to customers attrac tive to all. bv da v and niirlit illuminated with- electrici ty telephone attachment Handsome Soda Water Ap paratus ice cold drinks nil day long fine 5 and 10 cent Ciirurs ami Kinney s . iirnr- ttes Choico Perfumery and Son is Prescr i pt ion Depart- mentnoat and clean Medi cal sunnlies unnuestionnbly a a the inirest obtainable more - goods on hand now than ver before patronage m reasinir. public confidence secured, succchs nttJiined Asheville becomes tho Drug ibstributor for a. hundred miles around coinjK'tition relegated to tho rear too busv to say more to-day. T. C. SMITH & CO., Drug gists, Public Square, Aslie- ille, IN. U. LECTUltE. Friday, - - - July 25, 8.30 P. M. Y. M.C.A. 1.KCTURE HALL. DR. A. T. PORTKR. AN ACCOI'NT OI' -II IH KliCltNT THII' TO PALESTINE AND THE EAST. FOR THE MISSION HOSPITAL AdllllMHlOII joCenlH. $12,000 To loan oa real cetat. an'iirKy. Apply to ji inn . 11 1 i.i'. JulylRdlw No. 1 Legal block. THE DAILY CITIZEN. FACTS ANO COMMENTS. Till! North Cnrolinii UnivcrBitv Mngn- zinc lor July contninsnn intercatiinr nnd nblc article from the cn of Col. J. 1), Cameron on North Carolina 17H0-'H1. TiiitKit ia a dilTerence Iwtwecn a l)oiim and a lutmcratiK. A boom is like that Senator Vance is now enjoying. Tliv I'roRrcsaivc Farmer can tell how a boom erang feels. A boomerang isn queer mis sile that hits the fellow on the nose who throws it. Wilmington Messenger. GIVE US RELIEF. The uction of the Hoard of Aldermen with regard to the street sprinklers has covered every individual member of that body with something many degrees re moved from glory. Over a month ago they were informed that the old sprink ler was sold, but with u nonclmUimc de cidedly refreshing, even if not intended to increase the comfort of the coplc who elected them to the offices they hold, they paid no attention to the fact that the city would soon be without a sprinkler and that king dust would rule. 1'iimlly, however, u committee was apHintcd to look into the mutter nnd the hitter un mindful of the remonstrances being en tered at every hand took their time in lierforming the duty imHiscd uKn them. Meanwhile resident and visitor united in complaints to the various members of the Hoard but they paid no heed. At last the committee did manage to step to Mr. Swicegood's office aud order the wagons. They were to be out in ten duvs so a member of the Hoard ol Aldermen told Tilt ClTIZKN, but they arc not finished yet. The complaints have grown in niimlier aud volume until the climax wus reached yesterday morning when n lady und gen tleman came to Tin: Citizkn oHice and asked that the paicr advocate u village improvement society, of the kind so kh ular in the more Southern States, thai would take the matter in its hands and sec that the city had at least the nilvun tages and conveniences usual to villages. The idea is not without its good points Surely something must he done. Kcsort its do not cure to come to towns w hen u walk through the streets will leavi them looking as il tiny hail got down and rolled in u country road. That wn just the way u number of ladies lookcii Sunday when they entered church, am nobody neeil entry the idea in their hcai that visiting Indies who ruin thcirclresscs on the streets of Asheville just because the city will not supply street sprinklers will carry the impression of this delight. I'ul sKit away with them that they would if the streets were kept in any thing like n good condition. it is a stinging nnd lusting disgrace In the fairest sxt in the mountains that no more attention should be paid to the condition of its streets. I'nilon avenue yesterday morning was one cloud ol dust, H'dcstrians walked up it with their hands over theireyes und all of the store were closed. No more appeared on the streets than had to and that did not in clude any ladies. It is high time something is done. An advertisement is now standing in Tin: Citizi'.n asking those merchants who want advertisements on the side of the wagons to come forward at once. It might be remarked that if all that is lucking to complete the sprinklers is the advertisements, that Ashcvillc's reputa tion is at stake and that the advertiser). might wait until the dust of four long weeks was laid. Not Vet Decided. The Mayor and Hoard ol Aldermen met nt the National Hank of Asheville yester day afternoon to consider the plans for the new city budding. It was decided to submit them to J. A. Wagner and J. A. Tenncnt to have estimates as to the cost of each, made. A mcetintf will lie held this afternoon to consult with the nrehi tccts. The Keinnliin) ofCoiiMul Htliuyler. MKelnl to The Citlsrn. London, July 111'. The remains of Con sul Ocnernl Ivugcnc Schuyler, who died at Cairo last Friday, were to-duy ahipivd to Iviiglund. The Americans at Cairo attended the services. The re mains will he sent to America us soon as they arrive at Loudon. IIckIiih a l.lfe weiilence. Hlmlnl to The CIILrn. Dannumoka, N. V., July 22. This was the day on which Joseph Chaplcaii, the I'latlsliurg murderer, wus to have been killed by electricity. Instead he lieglns his labors as u lilc prisoner in Clinton lieniteiilinry to-duy. Melurned lo WMnhltiKtoii. HlK-Clllt to TiikCitiikn. Cam MavJuIj- aa. The President's private cur was attached to the regular nine o'clock express nnd the nation s ex ecutive together with Sccrctnry llulford were landed in Philadelphia two hours lute. They will reach Washington be. tween and i o'clock this afternoon, Will Have lo Mklrtnlnti. Hiirclnl tn The Citiirn. Huston, July aa. The Grnml Army Committee on Accommodations closed its office to-day according to announce ment, (Juitrlrr have been provided for fully seventy-five thousand veterans Those who have delayed putting in their applications will have to skirmish, MelecllMK the Director. Muedal to Tus Citiikn. Ciiicaiio, July 22. The national com. tniltec on the World's Fair will to-day npHiint a stib-committca which will Inte this afternoon select the director general of the rxK)sition. It will probably be Ocnernl Uoshorn. FIRST DAY'S MEETING. THE W. C. T. U. BEGINS ITS NOBLE LABORS. WHAT WAS DONE AT THIS MORN ING'S SESSION. AddreHHeH by Different Membera To-morrow' ProKram Monie of the Promlneut VlMltorM. The Assembly for the Asheville School of Methods begun its exercises 9. .'10 a. m. in the chuicl of the Asheville Female Col lege. The devotional exercises were eon conducted by Mrs. M. S. A. Webb, of Sa vannah, Ga. After the singing of the Hymn, Lome Holy hpint, :inrl or-iyer by the Kev. Dr. Cndwnlladcr of Jackson ville, Flu., nnd husband of the president of the Florida W. C. T. U., Mrs. M. M Wells stilted the objects aud privileges of the assembly, and mcntione.l that Miss Willard nnd Miss Anna Oordim would Ik1 present for u week, that Miss Mary Allen West, Demi Wright, Miss Griffin, and Mrs. Chapin would also be here. After taking the names of the classes to be conducted during the session, Miss Anna Gordon, Assistant Stipt, of the Na tional Juvenile Department, gave a prac tical and charming address on juvenile methods. A striking point in her remarks was the advice to organizers of juvenile societies that the children should not he asked lo take the pledge at their first meeting, but let them first secure the sym pathy und consent of their mothers, as such u com se disarms nil opHsition. Another good Kinl was, never have a meeting on Saturday, curtailing the one holiday ; nor on Sunday as the day is lull otherwise; but choose n week day. "Set the children to work," is the great secret of retaining their interest. Teach them to conduct the meeting themselves. Mrs. Mary Woody, president of North Carolina W. C. T. I'., succeeded Miss onion in a tulk, not on mutter, us she mid, but on form; and gave it most prac tical, interesting address on "Method in Conducting W. C. T. I Meetings." Mrs. llohbs, of Guilford College, N. C, .nude a most interesting tulk upon the subject of heredity, a sensible mode of livss for girls, and girl's clubs for study, elating to liculth. A ipicstion box answering many prac tical ipirslioiis for the work followed the noontide hour of prayer. Mrs. I 'ease, of the Girl's Industrial home, was presented to the Assembly, nlso Vrs. Kay, who inndc the Asheville school of methods a possibility bv the contribution of an ex tensive plot of ground lor the erection of (1 building. h:kson.i.s. Miss Willard nnd Miss Gordon, Mrs. Wells nnd Mrs. Kclls arrived last week. tnd Mrs. Chapin, Miss Griffin and Mrs. Woody are expected on to-day's trains. Of the two first mentioned it is not neces sary to make further mention. Mrs. Wells, ol Clmttnnoogu, is one of the national organi.crsof the W. T. C. ('. and has scarcely unequal nnthc platform. She is now fresh from n four months' tour on the Pacific sloie. She is president ol the W. C. T. I'. Assembly, over which she has come to preside at Asheville. Mrs. Kelts, a Mississippinn, widely known in her state as an educator and now editor of the White Kiblmn, one ol tlie livest pnieri in her native state. Miss Griffin, of Montgomery, Ala., has Iwen working ts national orgnnixcr since last convention held at Chicago. She is regarded us the coming woman of the southland. Of Mrs. Chapin, of Charleston, it is un necessary to Sieuk, her reputation, ns a writer and u speaker, being world-wide, and her successful efforts ns suix-rintcnd- cnt ol the southern states, daring the ic- riod of seed-sowing in the present reform, having given her the well-deserved repu tation, which she still retains. At last national convention, she wus added to llicjlisl of orguuucrs ill the ''World's W. C. T. IV Mrs. Woody, of Guilford College, isthe adored president of the North Carolina W. C. T. 1'. She was elected president of her state at the inciting held in Grecns iHiro ill lsx:i when Miss Willard wheeled the "Old North State" into line. Hy her true womanliness and her consecrated energies, Mrs. Woody lias hccnthcmcnns of developing a grand stutcorganuittion, despite the strong prejudice and inherited conservatism to Iw met in the women among whom she labors. In the Nation nl conventions, North Carolina's leader is a iHitcnt figure. Other prominent workers are exiected during the Assembly, lazing now delayed by previous engagements ns lecturers, etc. To-morrow's program is ns follows: MORNING. 11, iKvolioniil Uxcrciscs, Mrs. Woody. ll.llll. Young Woman s Work, Instruc lor, Miss Anna Gordon, 10. HibleSliidv. I Kan Wright. It. Purity in Literature and Art, Miss Willard. ll.HO, Press, Mrs. Kclls Ml SIC. 13 M. Noontide Prayer. MCSIC. Question llox. AI'TKKNOON, Miss Gordon's Class of Voting People. KV UN INI J. Sermon by Kev. Allred A. Wright, I lean nl l nuutuuiiin ."school oi i neology, MrHnginrcrscnrn from$Hl)0 to$2,0M) a year, Take two years' course nt Trin Ity College. Necessary excuses $170 a year, hoitow tne money, julySadawtuthsat Hliot at hy MooiiHlilnerH. Wm. Johnson, jr., C. A. Webb, Ii. M Hcardcn, J. K. S. Kay aud J. II. Phillicck lelt Saturday morning for a two weeks tramp through the mountains around Ashivillc, They returned yesterday While near Crnggy, the party wus fired upon hy three men, supposed to lie moon shiners looking out for revenue officers, Johnston received one small shot on the thumb and one went through his bat. The CuiiiIiik Convention. The Richmond and Danville will give special rules to the democratic con vention to be held nt Ilrysou City on July 24. Tickets will be on sale Wed nesclny and Thursday, good reluming Saturday. The fare is as follows: From Asheville 1 Pigeon Kivcr 2.7." 1 Wayuesvillc 2.20 1 Sylvn l.lli 1 Dilhiioro 1.00 1 Jurrctts I.(i5 Khodo 2.2U Hated Irani Htnrviitloii. The Sim has a slice of luck every now ami then, nnd il comes like a streak ol sunshine during a cloud v sivM. This ul- ternoon Wyalt llros. had placed on our iicsk tne iinesi cauleloiiie we nave seen this season. It looks icrfcetly ele gant and the first chance we get, that cantelotiie is "n goner." lie has a good supply ol the same ami we would advise you to get one for breakfast in the morn ing. iuriium aun. NORTH CAROLINA NOTES. The i'tnte Press mcctiiiL' lieinns at Dur ham to-morrow. The State cncutniuncnt at Wriuhts- villc begins to-day. Chudhourn is raisiui: funds for u bran new Haptist church. W. W. CovillL'ton. u i.roiniucnt Koek- ingliuiu physician, is dead. Dogs and pig inns lire just now re ceiving the Kulcigh aldermen's wrath. Charlotte's Prcshvtcriun church has just added 52 mimes to its memlicrsliip list. Oscar Sicncer, a Greensboro iicwsImiv, 'lis bitten by a mud dog. A mud stone as applied. ll...-i..-..i.,..-..ti.;.. ( ImilSla Llllll it link ll.il il iiiiirti. .1 r-.rtn ill ils boundaries. A lire nt the iioor house near KnleiL'h lestroyed the house ol tlie ('.inner. Alton! $U(lll will cover the loss. Shelby, Kutherforiltouaiid other iHiints on the three C's ruil will indulge in an cxeurj'on to Charleston on July 2'.l. Two Charlotte men lit under contract with an linglish syndicate to lurnisli Ihcm with a large amount of lumlicr. Il is to lie shinned from New York direct to Liverpool. Ilctwecn WilmitiL'lon. Morehead. Aslii- ville, Mt. Airv and the Piedmont section. North Carolina is imlccmlcnl of the worm us to summer resorts. 1-iiyctlc-villc Observer K. II. Kivka. n tnlin,..,! itlnnlor in VhIi count v, hud his crop damaged $."i,0ni ......ii. i i...a . f-i i ...Mi,, ,'j ii ii-wih imiii morui. i lie illllll- nge to corn in that section amounts u fully that much. W. A. Willmril. fl ftirnu-r Irrndnril ill Trinity college has forged the nnuies ol ms employers III Washington anil lllllH'il lit,, niiinlri. II. 1..I .. ..,.. .....I I..... . . v .. n , i,i,i iuiii children Inland him. The Twin Cilv Dnilv savs that Kev. Flislni Holland, of Gold'shoro, is K." venra of iiefi! nml n li..iiw tttitt ..f I.1...-L hair is beginning to grow on his buhl iieaii. At Mil lie cut a tooth. Six bottles of canned hueklelnrrieii thai were lost over Till venrs iil'o were re cently found by workmen who were dig- K'iik in mi urn n-iiur in nnsiungiou. .Much ol tlie Iruit wus well preserved. Two strniiL'ers ollcred A. II. I.akev n drink from n tug near Muridiv and be nc- crptcd. Several tunes he hit the llask by nil Hint hut when lie Imiii v deelined to indulge further the men fell iimiii him and severely lient him. The men esciird. The WiliniiiL'ton Star oilers a bushel of goobers to the republican candidate in t ins Mute who will relusc lo sign I be al liance "demands" if they should Ir; pre sented to him, and il tlie winner prelers them that way they will have l hem parched. The Herlie count v democratic conven tion places iiikiii record ils umimililird approval of nnd entire confidence in ancc s mtrgritv of purismc in nil olh- ciul acts, and Ik licves that "the interests of our Mate will lie Ik-mI subserved lu lus re-election to the I niled Stales sen- ale." A svndicnle of Kuleiuh men have taken mi option on il large tract of coal land in Miiiinam comilv. Il will lie thor- oughlv develoieil. The tract consists ol I .ami acres ol line coal land Ivimr alone Deep river. Coal is known lo exist there in great quantities, und the quality is very line. The Guilford county Fanners' Alliance have resolved in favor of 110111111111! the public school lax, and that some appro priation oc mane i iy tne Mine lor the liighrrediicaliiiu of women. They request thai some action mi the nil iniiTiaiit sulijivt of ediiealion be taken nt the ucx. session ol the general assembly. Col. Anlhonv. of the Fourth Ke,riin..iii ol ,oitn t-sroiiuii Mate troops, has ten ... .... i. .. .. dered his resigniition to Governor l-'owle. Lol. Anthony recommended the Cover. nor's disapproval of it ml it ion ol the llornci s .Mst Miicnirn lo go into camp wun t nc rirst ami I nirii rcgiineuts, iiml the Governor iinid no atlenlioii nnd granted the request, The resigniition is tin result. A dispatch to the Atlanta Conslilutlon savs: An imiHirtuul leiiltirc ol thctlriim- l airanu niimnce I'lirmers- cueanipnietit lo is? ueiii at mount nouy, n, Julv iNth to Auuust 2nd, will lie the ormitii- nation of a league, whose nicmlirrs pledge Ihcmsclvcs to use as far ns sissiblc tlie products of southern inanufiicturcs, ol every kind. At every fair held in the South this year, such nil nrgitnixiition should be made. Manufacturers of all kinds of goods should place samples nt nil these fairs nnd show the people how much the South herself produces for the necessities in ncr mime me. WT Tickets for the lecture at the Y. M C. A. hall, Friday July 25th by A. T, Porter on "I'nlcstltie nnil the linst" can lie obtuineil nt this office or from the Indies connected witu the hospital. MISCELLANEOUS. ANTIMIGRAINE. THE NEVER FAILING CUKE FOR HEADACHE. TKAIIIi MARK KUGISTliRHD. ABSOLUTELY SAFE, PERFECTLT SURE AND ALWAYS SPEEDY. Cares l-Aery Variety of Headache ANU NOTHING UI.SU. Has earned for itself the en viable rcputa- ANTIMIGRAINE lion of being the finest, most effective and reliable article ill the market for the speedy relief and cure of every variety of that common trouble, IIi.apaciih. The immense favor which hus greeted it from all quarters, procs ils true merits and tcccpliibilily to the public. Il is some thing which almost everyone needs, and those who have once tried it, will never be without. For its curative powers it docs not de pend upon the subtle influences of such poisonous drugs us XTIPVK1XI5, MOKPIII.Nli, CIILOKAL AND COCAlNli, Since it does not contain an atom of either ol these. It is absolutely free from injurious chemicals, und can be taken by young uud old without fear or serious results. Il is not a Cathartic, docs not Jisiirrtingc the stomach, nnd contains no noxious or sickening ingredients. The icculiar advantages of Antimi graine consist in ils being thoroughly reliable as u cure for any kind of hcud- ichc without respect to cause leaving no unpleasant or annoying nftcr-cllccts, is in the case of other so-called "harm less" remedies. These qualities make it the most (Kipulur and saleable urlielc in the market, wherever known. IMKIXTIONS 1'OK I Sli. The iIuhc lor un iiilult is two lCUMHMlful ill u Mine Kins, ol' Wllter. Iiunc for ehililrea n iniH,riiuti, uevonlniu lo bkc. In either aw lliv doM.. eun lie nH-uted every thirty iiuliuei, until u cure 1. illceteil. tine dose will nlftuys drive liwny an nuud of lleiiiluelic, if taken wlu-u lirst fevlitiK the premonitory lyniptoin.; hut if llivatuiek I. well on, aud ullcrtiiji in iuu-ime, the sccuntl or thinl dose muy lie rciUin-d. t'.ually a Kreater number if doiH-a i. n-iuired to elU-et the llrst cure thiol ia Deeilvd lur uny .ueivedinii tune therc- ufter, Mbiiwiuit thot the niedieine I. aveumu iative in its ctk-ets, u-iuIIiik towurd an eveul uul pcniiiint-nt eurv. Vur Mile ut OKANT'8 PIIAKMACV. AVIIITLOCK'S, 46 HOt'TlI MAIN STRUIiT. Bargains ! BarguinH ! (CONTINUKD.) Wo offfr jivattT indueo- nipnis to rash buyers of Dry (iootLs than any house in Aslioville. All our Domestic (iooiln lioiiht before (lie rise of cot ton are now solil at piiiiio I'OSt. Tans ami Pui'umiIh, tho liest Heleetitui in town, 're- iil'illess of cost. (.'urtniim iu $ivil variety for leas than you can buy (hem elsewhere. Tablo IJnen, Towels, Nni- kius ami Doilies at jn'ires that ilefy conipetitiou. White (iooiIs, Kuibrokler ies ami Laces ut half their values. Our slock is very lare ami wo aru determined to reduce it. Kitl (! loves and Hosiery, tho best slock in Asheville, all reduced to bottom prices. Wo will undersell tho low est. Cull und kco us before you purchase. All Clouds are now marked in pla in figures lowest prices iu everything. Cull und con vince yourself. WIIITLOCK'S, 46 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Opposite Baak af AahrrUla. Y

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