- OLD NEWSPAPERS Asheville Daily Citizen I FOR RENT, WANTS, AND FOR SALE, -FOR SALE- Not exceeding three tinea, One Time, 25 cents. Three Time, 60 cents. Six Times, 78 cent. AT - THIS - OFFICE. t PER Hl'NIIKI'.U. - mm VOLUME VI. NO. 67. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. - I MISCELLANEOUS. ILINVILLE.l A place, planned mill devel oping; as a GREAT RESORT. Situated in tho MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted for health ful 1 less and beauty of SCENERY. An elevation of :,,Hl)0 feist, with cool Invigorating Climate It iH burnt laid out with taste 11 nd skill, with well graded roads and extensive FOREST PARKS. A desirable place for tine residences and . HKATHI-l'L, HUNKS. A good opportunity for profitable investments. For illustrated pamphlet, ad dress, LINVILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., UiitIIIc, Mitchell Co., N. C. BON MARCHE. DRUMMERS' SAMPLES OF Apron, MauclkcrtlilcfW and Wliidtor Ties) At M percent uuil Sill percent, less thun regular prices. All New Mild l.alei.1 MsleM. 30 South Main St. BON MARCHE. H.T.ESTABROOK'S JJ . MAIN ST., AHIIUVILI.U, IS TIIK I'l-AC SON BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS AND TOYH. I.OCAI. Views and Sketches. aprind REAL. US TATE. w..tVowvji. w.-.yLJL"-"! GWY& WEST, (Huccrssnn to Wsller B.tlwvn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE, Loan Securely Placed at Per Cent. Niilnry 1'iitiitc. Commlsslonrrs ot Deeds FIRE INSURANCE. sfsfCK aouttieimt Court Wiarj a -tm. artk TsTWT3 tUKTLAU liiwa. Real Estate Brokers, And InvcNtnieiit Agent. Loan, st urely placed at M per cent. omen: 114 an I'altnn An Hccond floor. a-l.tntlv "HOW NOW, HORATIO I" Wnuhls't liuy tlmlier lands, mini ml prop ertlra nr Aahcvlllr Kcill l.ntntc? Then call on UK, Huratlii, and we will dive thee thy money's worth. We can sell thee a hiitiw hit, l nil thee shell flslo erect a dwelling thereon, and I"""" the same In nnv t'lrc Inmiriiiiic Company doing liuhicas In this Hintc. OIe us s call, IliiratlnJ JENKS A JKNKS, HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. loom 9 Jk 10, McAfee Block . ratios Ave., A.bevllle, N, C. MISCELLANEOUS. MATINEE IJVliRY IAY THIS WEEK FOR TUB BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC, The Great Comedy I'luy entitled; If BLUE RUIN" Has Ih-i-q withdrawn after a very succcmirul run, and we now prcm-nt our matchless Stock of Groceries, GRAIN AND FEED FOR YOUR USE AT POP; ULAR PRICES. UUOHH OI'siN AT 6 A. M. A. D. COOPER, Proprietor. Our prices are always low, and particularly so on shoes, in comparison with shoe store prices, but we havo determ ined in order to cIohj out very thing in the nature of a ow quarter shoe, or slipper, :o sell tlieni so .much below their value that you will Have money to buy even for next year. Do not fail to sen our ine of Summer Shoes you will he suit to buy. We have Mason's Fruit Furs, at lowest prices Jelly ruinblers at -loc. per do.. Harper's Fly Traps at lHc. ach Hammocks from $1 ('rot 1 net Sets, all prices and we are selling these goods, ns we did last year, at priceH away below nny- ody else in town. We have) Ire Cream Freezers so cheap hat everybody en 11 have one (of the best makes, too), and, while ice is cheap, no esscrt is less ex tensive. Our stock of everything to use, or to wear, to adorn the parlor, or to lighten t he work in tho dining room or kitchen, is so complete that we cannot mention items. VK HAVE EVKKYTIllNn, and no 0110 thinks our prices high. You had always bet ter try us for anything you want before buying, IF WF HAVE IT YOU SAVE MO.V FY, if not well, we are pret ty sure to have it see, any way. "BIG RACKET." JOHN CHILD, (formerly of Lyman H Child I, Ofllcc No. I Legal Block. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN IHtOKElt Strictly a Brokerage BuIiicm Loans securely placed at per cent. V. A. GRACE, FKliHCO UI'-CORATOR AND OHHII.NUR, Will Karcute In Tciupra, Intonaco, ICncauntlc or Oil I'rom Special Designs in III t OK ATIVK COMPONITItlN, Ki-HllNllc-l-'lorHl, Mciialnaance Allmorjr. AililreMa an 'WoellWAMI) AVH. Detroit, Mien., or IIUX 1143, Asheville, N. 0. MISCELLANEOUS. UMTAIIMHIIU1) 1874. W. C. CARMICHAEL, APOTHECARY, 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Ft will take you but one minute to read and you will tlml by doing so you can Have money by buy ingyour drugs, medicines and such articles at Carmiehael's Drug Store. Ilia stock fresh nnd complete ami at prices that defy coin- Ntition. Don't forget the place, No. 20 South Main Street. Asheville, X. 0. You will he surprised to sec how far $H, $10, $12 and $15 will go in the purchase of good, stylishly cut, well made Clothing, with Chil dren's and Hoys' Suits in pro port ion. Away below those grades we show serviceable suits of good appearance. Lately arrived, Men shand sowed Kangaroo Shoes, la dies Kid Oxford Ties, fine Trunks and Valises and num erous mid-summer items. Our Mr. Redwood is now in Itichmond taking advant age of the usual bargains shown by Xew York salesmen just liofore taking stock. CLOTHINQ, DRY GOODS, SMALLWARES. HATS. SHOES AND CARPETS. 7 & 9 PATTON AVK. Elegant Drug Store cen trally located well venti lated easy of access agree able to customers attrac tive to all. by day nnd night illuminated with electrici ty telephono attachment Handsome Soda w ater Ap paratusice cold drinks all day long fine " nnd 10 cent Cigars and Kinney s ( igar ettoH Choice I'erfumery nnd Soaps Prescription Depart ment neat and clean Medi cal supplies unquestionably the purest obtainable more goods on hand now than ever before patronage in creasing, public confidence secured, success attained Asheville becomes tho Drug distributor for a hundred mili'M uround comiM'tition relegated to the rout too busy to say more to-day. T. 0. SMITH & CO., Drug gists, Public Squall', Ashe villo, X. 0. LECTU11E. Friday, - - - July 25, 8.30 P. M. Y. M.C.A. LKCTLKl-: 1IAI.L DR.A.T. PORTER. AN AC'CIIINT tll'- -II IM RltC'liNT THII TO PALESTINE AND THE EAST. FOR THE MISSION HOSPITAL AdiitlMMlon . s a . jo Cent. $12,000 To loan on real Mint arriirlly. Apply to H 111 n k 1 1 1 1 . 1 Julyltidlw No. 1 Legal lilucs THE DAILY CITIZEN. FACTS AND COMMENTS. A shout time ngonn editorial apiicnred in tlic Alliintn Consiitution advocating the boycotting of northern men-limits by tlic south, in case the I-orce Hill was mirbciI. It wns nt once cnniincntcil upon liy the northern press nnd mine ol the pa. x.rs could hut admit Hint the threat would not be without effect, and that il the hill were passed and the plan as pro IKiscd were carried out it would lie n se verc blow lit the business centers of the north and one that illicit ulone make the law n dead letter. On Sunday another editorial npicaral in the Constitution on I he same subject. It iiotes from the northern pam-rs that commented on its first nnd six-nks o'aiii of its deteriuina tion to n'lvoeutc such stcptt in case the law is p:vwed. -'Hv wnv of L-iviiiL' due noliec," it says, "let us sav rinlit hen- that when the wires Hash the tidings that the president has signed the force lull the Constitution will instantly call a mass uieeliiiK looD-muzc allimu-Kulc Leauue. It will be the most determined natheriu ol'H.-opleeyer seen in (leoniin's capital, and its action will be SH)iilaiicous. unanimous, and lis sicedy as the live thunder when it luipb irom us nonie in ine iiiiiiiiu ciuvi. "The boycott, with every white man, woman mid child in the South behind it, will lie mightier than nil the nrmics whose inaixluiiK teet onee shook tins continent from sea to sea. With this iieacelul wea- kiii in our hunds all the hosts that hute is cannot prevail against us. "Men of the north, do you comprehend the lull mcaiiiiiK and scope of this vast movement? The Atlanta mccliiij; will lw fnllou'i'il liv similar meetiiiL'S in evcrv eoinmunitv Irom Maryland to Texus. Home Kule lauues will la.-oruauuedev- crvwherc in the south, and the members will nleduc themselves to buy not h dol lar's worth of anylhiiu; that is produced or nuiuufactuied in the north. Cummer eiallv sH.-nkinK. nil iinpussablc wall will rise iH-tweeu tlic sections. All tue ix-iieiu will lie on one side, and all the lossouthc other. The necessity of the case the home demand will, as was the case in (he blockade days during the war.slimii late the growth ol every southern indus try. Manufactures will spring up every where. Our farmers, pledged not to but corn nnd meal from the west, will'rnist their suiiiilics at home, and our dream ol sell-susiaiuing, di versified agriculture wil' lax-omc 11 lact. Our long delayed direct trade with liuroia- will eoinc withurush and the lings ol all nations will llulter ii southern harliois. I'aralysis will m-ui the congested capital, tlic industries, tin commerce and the railway lines rui.iiiii from the north to the south, and bun dnds of thousands of iKnK-nile and idii workingmeu in the great cities ol Ui north nnd west will liereelv turn iiimiii so ciety and rnise thcery : 'llreiul or lilooil !"' A patiiktic storv comes by way ol I'estll null tells of band of gypsies who were soliciting uliiis near Torak Itets when one of the peasant women whom they met smkc to tliem. Iiiimcdiately a little girl of live years, blind and hah starved, cried out: "Mother, oh, mother, come tome?" The woman started and creaming, "My child ! my child !" rushed to the little girl, tore Iter nigged dress k.'ii nnd showed a birthmark which slit recouiiicd us having lawn on the hmisl of her baby daughter stolen I'riun her a year ago. The gypsies, says the dis patch, hud put out the child's eyes to prevent her recognizing her mother or friends. The H-itsnuts, enrnged, would have IviicIkiI the g.Vics but lur the in lerferenee of the geiidariucs, w ho look the band to prison for examination. It il just such stories us these that make the ncwspaa-ni which print tla-m ridiculous. The convcnictil slrawla-rry murk plot has la-en worn threadbare. and what it baud of gyiies could jsissi- lily want of a blind peasant girl gm-s iust n little la-yond the realm ol sense. The w hole story only leads to one con clusion the lairs are not nil dead yet. To he lleaun Noon, A joint meeting of the stiH-klioldrrsaiid board of directors of tlie Asheville Park and Hotel Company was held at the Na tional Hank of Ashcvillr yeslccdtiy alter noon. Tlie president, V. Ii. Me lire, was absent nnd I'r. S. W. Hal tic. vkv-presi-dent, presided. The plans, fur the lintel, submitted by the nn-hitix-ts in New Vurl were discussed. The architect will la here sihiii to explain Iheni nnd to take active steps toward In-ginning work. ir. Unit Ic says he thinks the plans will Is.- adopted, us nil directors lire well plciiscd. The election ol the board of di rector, C. U. IHnulnn mid J. 0. Martin la-inu milled to the list. The hoard is comiMiscil of V. Ii. Mcltcc, S. W. Ilalllc W. T. I'cnnimnn, M. J. l-ugg, A. II. Air drews, W. M. Iliicniird, A.J. l-yniiin, W. II. ('.wen, C. II. Hhiutoii ami l.d. Martin. All I lie stock dial it is devilled ndvisa ble to sell here has la-en taken, and tlie remainiler will la-sold to uortlH-rn parties The prosia.-ctusol the eoiuinnv will be out hi n lew nays. A I'U'ii-r ik-Iivihc. A llirmiiighain, Ala. avial dinpaleh In the ChatlaiiiHigii Times says: A lady it-gislcred II Idler containing f.iil ut the poslolucc tins moninig ami llien ilropiH-il it in OicImis. It was nil dressed to Ii. M llishop, Asln-ville. A few minute Inter n well dressed young man niiiM-urcd lit the window mid Hated that 11 lady had iust mailed n letter to It, M. Ilisliop, Asheville, mill wauled to gel il mil lis sue nan inane n niisuiKc in the nddtvss. The elrrk susiax'teil some thing wrong nnd told the mull tit come buck in hull mi hour, lie came hack nnd n detective in waiting ni rested liim, Mr uiivr his name as J. Ii. Mini, nnd linully admitted that he had not la-en sent lor the letter nnd had no right to it. The same trick wn tried successfully here Rome litnc ago mid the imstoflict- eicrs minus turn is tue mini wnu inn iv lie is 11 stranger here. UtiporlHiil MvhVMrnnl. The regular rehearsal of the chorus of " I'm Iciu-e" will la-held to-night In the new oiK-rn house, I'lillon nvenuc nnd Cliureli street, instead of the Carolina I club rooms. BRIGHT BOOMING MARION What Tlml kIhIiik Voumk Town la) IIoIiik. Mahion, N, C, July -'!!, 1K1I0, Twelve months ngo this town had population numbering scurccly Kill), now il has 1,5110 jieoplc who claim resilient- within its gates, nnd it is rapidly coming to tlie front. It is located twenty-four miles from Asheville in nbotit the same altitude and is like the (Jtiecii City of the mountains, n health nnd pleasure resort. ust now Marion is on u boom, Auc tion sales of lots are U ing held, pruticrh is selling rapidly and everything uround denotes activity nnd life. Thousands of dollars are living ia.-nt in improvements, At present preparations lire la.-ing made lor 11 dummy line. Ilritlges urc iH-iug put in, grading done, nnd the thirty-live Hund steel rails, dummies mid cars lire on their way here. North of the town llloeker & Co. lire erecting charcoal pits and furnaces for the working of the Iks- semer iron ore. The three C's railroad has let the eon tract for the building ol bridges over the Western North Carolina and their addi Hon to Marion. At present the road is within twelve miles of the town and will reach here not later than August loth. The town is putting $10,(101) into street mprnvemcnls mid la-sides this the four liffereut land companies arc siientling scvernl thotisiind dollars, each, grading the streets in their addition. On Saturday last the Augusta Marion improvement eomputir wns iiicorKiratcd with n capital stuck of $(i(),0(i(l. C. Ii. Walker is president, and James I-'lemiiig secretary and treasurer. The company hiivc purchased from the ( ld North State land company eighty acres at the liend if Main street for jjiiio.llilll. Tlic com pany will at once la-giu the improvement ol their proiertv nnd will erect n magni ficent hotel on the site nnd make other improvements. A Mr. Kols-rts, of Savannah, (.-. , has located the site lor a wood muuiilaclur- ng enterprise mid will employ loo hands r more. A new bank is to lie established a a lew days. A gold mining company ins la-en formed of Huston capitalists re- in-scuting $1,000,000 worth ol proarty mil iiicorHiratcd under the iinme of I del niliing company. Their proa-rty lies cn or twelve miles south of the city vVnrk on the development of their pro- rly will Ik- la-gun at once. A syndicate I Marion is-oplc have lanighl the Teagiic tilt mid will improve and put in new iiuchinery. There is talk ol 1111 electric ight plant. On August L'T. U'M mid 1".) 11 big sale of lots is to la- held. Hwam lo Ktwiipe. John Ia-U, Charles Miller nnd Thomas ordan had a light with l-cc 1 1 vile and A. . I. inn, who work at Vauderlnlt's, Sun- lay afternoon in which l.inn received three painful wounds on the head, in dicted by a rock. Officers McDowell and Hunter went niter I-ctt, Miller and Jor- lun Monday afternoon, and louiid them near the railroad trestle, across the l-reiicli Hniiul river. The men were op Misrd to U-ing arrested and tried to get iway, and l-tt and Miller junia'd into the river to swim nwav. They finally nine out Urn use of the cold tcuiaralure of the water, and were urn-sled. Jordan, when approached by the Mlieeuicn. pulled n pistol from his xckcl and said he would uol he arrested, lie was sub- lued by the sight of the olliccrs' pistols mid were taken in. The prisoner were to have had n hearing this morning hul il wns KistMiucd until to-morrow al 10 a. ill. The onic-crat Urclrd. At 11 inceling of the stiK-khohlers of the Asheville and Craggv .Moiinlain rail way held yrslerilny in the city, W. II. wyn was elected president, II. I.. Tay lor, vice president. Win, W. West, secre tary nnd treasurer. J. II. Hustle, II. L. Waddell, II. I.. Taylor, Will. W. West and W. II. dwell were elected directum. The stockholders, so far, lire C. I v. Crn- ham, W. II. C.wyn, W. W. West, C. T. K-akc.J. II. U-e, II. I.. Taylor, II. C. Waddell, . II. Ilostie, M. I'.. Carter, anil Ii. T. Cleminous. Over JL'h.iiiiii of slink has Ikx-ii nlrendy taken and the laioks will la? oH-ti for a lew ilay at the ullicc of liwyn : West. Engineers will la-giu the liHiilion of the line next week unit work will la- coinmcnicd us soon as this is done, mid will probably connect with the Asheville it reel railway. The l.sct-um IjimI NIkIU, "Cnn 11 man hold to the tenets ul the Kiiinan Calluilic religion nnd Ik n loyal American cllixea ?" wa the subject for lisciissioii at the Lyceum Inst night Col. V, S. I.usk, made the oieuing hwIi mid took the ground that 11 man ranniil liclovalto Isilh, lie was followed by Messrs. Shepard mid Jcmiuerel, who look lite same side ol I lie ipiestlon mid Messrs. Inn. Ilonnhuc, T, K. ('mine, Win, Ward, T. C. West nil and I'elcr Comially. who look the other side and niaiiitaincil tlml n mail can la- loyal lo both the clinreh mid the union. Tt'iiclirrN' loum-ll. The lliincoiiila-coiinly Iratlieis' ciniii' cil will meet Sal urday, August 'J, in the Orange street school at II a. ill. All ef fort will l iniiilr to get some of the teacher of the inlei sl.ile iiormul school to give lecture. livery teacher is Inviud to Ik- present. Trilii lO I'MU-ll lilt! AlllllllVV. S-i'lnl to The L'lllirn. St. Pai l, July U.'l. To-morrow the Stale republican convention will nsscni hie here. Fully live hundred Nili(iciaiii have arrived mid n dicker i Mug mntle with the l-'iiriiiers' Alliances. Mrrrinn will be nominated for governor. Tlie Bc-hhIoii llc'icuu. Sicciut to TlIK ClTIZKN. Spkinci'iklii, III., July 2.1. The Illinois legislature-convened here to-day iii8ieeial session. An amendment will lie submit' ted iKTinittiug the city of Chicago lo issue $5,000,000 in bonds in aid of the Win Id's Fair and to pass the necessary legislation to permit the use of public grounds for the exposition nnd to vest the power of eminentdoimiin in Hint city during the fair. To tlie Hllver Lake AHNemhly. SiH'cial tu Tlie Citizen NliW Vohk, July 2H. Mrs. U. S. Grant, (iciicrul and Mrs. O. C. Howard, Com. mnndcr and Mrs. Clnrksm., Chaplain McCnbe and Rev. Ir. A. J. I'nlmcr left in a siK-ciul car on the liiie road this morning lo attend the Silver Luke As sembly. This is Grand Army day nt that gathering and fully twenty thousand la-optc urc in attendance. Met Fire lo a Town. Sjat-lnl to Tlic Citizen. Huston, uly 2.'!. Liiln Ln Montague, wanted at Walfslown, Otic., fur attempt ing to set (he town oil tire, is having a hearing to-day. In all probability she will Ik- extradited. THE SUNNY SOUTH. Charlotte has exactly 1 1 ,.r2'J residents, A white buzzard was recently seen liv ing over Durham. (.recti Cove Springs, Morula, hnd a $i;o,0O0 fire recently. Winston nmnteurs are going to pro. iluee the chimes of Normandy. lack Smith, a lelh'co miner, was killed nt Hint pincc ny a ireigiit train. In West Virginia the prohibitionists nre talking of piming hands with the re- publicans. Atlanta has secured 11 night service lor the iKistolhce, and the nflicc will lie kept open all night hereafter. Joe Mason, a Memphis bar kcciier, had his skull crushed in by u Ik-it glass thrown by a drunken man. I'hitip Harnakcr, n pudiller working In the iron mills nt Hirmiugham, Aln., sui cided with morphine after a week's spree. Lightning struck the Crown cotton mills nt Dalton. Gu., and they were de stroyed along with :iii0 bales of cotton. A man wns drowned in Cartersville, Gil., while ballimg, but he had changed his mime so oilcn that it is not known who he was. The Mary I'ratt iron furnace nt Hir- niiiigham, Ala., one of the U-st paying ami most valuable in the South, is to la sold nt auction. Dr. K. C. Ward, a prominent physician, ol Decatur, Cm., and prolessor in the Southern medical college at Atlanta, died at the laltcr city. Grace Heiiiamiii and Alice Grayson. who instigated the suit ngaiiint Kev. Dr. D. M. Harris at Nashville, have plumed 1 heir wings nud flown away. An item going the rounds places the population of Mobile nt 2.",ih 10 and the gulf city vigorously and Hiintcilly ul- iccts. Its population isji-.iiihi. iN-iiuty I'nited States Marshal W. V. Charleston was severely wounded in llihh county, Gu., while attempting to arrest two moonshiner. 1 lie men es-caa-d. A. Kinaldi. of Orlando, t-'hi., has one ol the oldest coin in that city. It in 2."i rent coin ot n rtpiimsh dcnoiunmluiti bled in l"7:i, nnd is worth cunsiderahle ns n relic. Snrdis. Mississippi, has received n con signment of liiunrs in the original pack age. T1r- Isrst ja-oplc of the town nre protesting against the sale 01 the slull nnd will light to the hitter end. Will tones, n mail carrier on the Roan oke and Rock Mills route, in Alnhiinm. rilled the mail bags and succeeded in get ting nwny with several hundred Dol lars, lie ha Ikvii arrested in lilitabcth. X. V. A Sun l-'rimciHco correspondent writes that the mantle of the late Henry W. Gruilv has lallcn on the shoulders of Kev. Thomas Dixon, ir.. the North Carolina divine who is creating so much of a stir in the North. A iicl'Pi in (he ncighlMirlumd of Mullen- ville. 11 suliiirb of Grilliu, tin., went to town and mailt nil his money for n Win chester rille, nud nt night, while showing the little negroes how it worked, snot his left hand completely oil". Znchnry Hrny, of Calhoun, Gu., 0 venr ol am-, commuted suiciiic ny snoot ing himsell in the chest. He wn accus tomed lo iiriiiKing uenviiy mm onen sui lereil from teniHirury insanity. Il is siipiHised that was the cause. I'. M. Wilson, commissioner nf immi gration lor Nortli Carolina, tin re sinned. Thcollicei now vacant. The resignation was icniicreu ni tue nisi meeting of the agricultural iHiurd. His successor will doubtless lw elected at the next ineetiiiR oft hut laid). Colimibin, 8. C, lm liecn hninefully I rented by the census enuinenilurs and he iMiuilc are 110 in arms. The mnyor. a live, progressive man, has issued a call foi nil who luive la-en overiooseii 10 re IMirt ut once nnd the complaint arc more than Miuriiig in. Rev. I r. D. C. Kcllv. of Gnllntiii.Tenn., who can nut lie ImiIIi preacher nnd lailiti- cimi lavnuse hi presiding elder lias said llllll nnv, will give lip cue lonucr 111111 next Monday will la-gin hi canvass nf the State n the nnniiuecof the prohibi tion pnrly for governor. Two hundred drunken negriK-s noted in Hell's Half Acre in Nashville nnd two Hiliecinail attempted to quiet the dis turbance. One wn severely cut with n rair, the other barely esciia-d with his life. The itttrnlion ol "Col." Shepherd i rrctftilly called to this Southern outrage, I luring n discussion in n court room nt Petersburg, Vn., between n lending law yer nnmrd McKennev nnd Mayor Col lier, the latter culled the governor a liar mill wns slapped In the mouth for his pains, Then the judge took 11 hand in the proceedings nud lined the mayor $25 and McKcnncy $10. Down in l-'loridn n negro tried to steal a ride on the eowcnlher. The engineer did not see him until the train ran into a row on tlie track, when the cow flew one side nud the ncuro mi the other, exclniin Inif "Oh lordy I forty time before he hit the ground, He wa left to keep the bovine company. MISCELLANEOUS, ANTIMIGRAINE. THE NEVER FAILING CURE FOR HEADACHE. TKAlllt MARK KBGI3THRHD, ABSOLUTELY SAFE, PERFECTLY SURE AND ALWAYS SPEEDY. Cure) livery Variety of Headache AND NOTHING EL8U. ANTIMIGRAINE Has earned for itself the enviable rcputa- tion of being the finest, most effective and reliable article in the market for the sixx-dy relief and cure of every variety of that common trouble, IIkaimchk. The immense favor which has greeted it from all ipiartcrs, proves its true merits and acceptability to the public. It is some thing which almost everyone needs, and those who have once tried it, will never Ik without. I-'or its curative powers it does not de pend upon the subtle influences of such poisonous drugs as ANTIPVKINI2, MOKI'lIIMi, CHLORAL AND COCAINIJ, Since it dies not contain on atom of cither ol these. It is absolutely free from injurious chemicals, and can Ik taken by young nnd old without fear or serious result. It is not a Cathartic, doe not disarrange the stomach, and contains no noxious or sickening ingredients. The (iceuliar advantages of Antimi graine consist in it being; thoroughly reliable a a cure for any kind of head ache without rcsax-t to cause leaving no unpleasant or annoying nftcr-clTccts, ns in the case of other so-called "harm less" remedies. These qualities make it the most popular and saleable article in the market, wherever known. I1IKUCTION8 FUR USU. The dose for an adult Is two tcnupoonful. in a wine Klaus of water. (June for children in proKrtion, aecordiiiR to age. In either case the dose can lw repeated every thirty minucs until a cure is elicited. One lose will always drive away an attack of Headache, If taken wheo Hrst feeling Use premonitory ymptoms; but If the attack la well on, and ullcrin is Intense, the second or tbinl dose may be required, t'snally a ("enter number of doses Is required to cneel the Dint cure than is n ceiled for any succeeding time there lifter, showiUK that the medicine I. accumu lative in its cltectn, tending toward an event ual permanent cure. For sale at GRANT'! PIIAKMACV. WIIITLOCK'S, 46 SOUTH MAIN STREKT. Bargains! Bargains! (CONTINUED.) Wo offer greater indueo- iiion ts to mull buyers of Dry (ioods than liny house in Asheville. All our Domestic (ioods bought before the Hue of cot ton are now sold nt prime. eoHt. Fans nud I'iii-iihoIs, the best selection in town, re gardlesH of cost. CurtaiiiH in great vnriety for leMH than you can buy them elsewhere. Table Linen, Towels, Nnjt- kins anil Doilies at priccM that defy eoiniietition. Whit Hoods, Embroider- it's and Laces ut half their valuct. Our ntock is very large and we arc determined to reduce it. Kid OloveH ant Hosiery, the best Btock in Aslieville, all reduced to bottom priced. Wo will undersell the low est. Call and bco us beforo you purchase. All (Ioods aro now marked in plain figures lowest prices in everything. Call and con vince yourself. WUITLOCK'S, 46 SOUTH MAIN STREET, OppoaiU Saak f AakwrlU.