ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN t WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 2i3, 1800. I- it ! V i THE DAILY CITIZEN. 11. D. CIllLU, Business MaiiiiKcr. Thu nII.T CITKKN will lie nutdUhrd every altrnioon leiccpl Hun. lay I ul the MltiwiiiK rates .tnc(y en: One Vi " till Month , "1 Three Month. 1J" tine Mouth J" line Week. llur carrier, will ilrllvcr the paicr every afternoon In cviTy mrt l the city iwuur.uli crilier, anil purlic. wituliutf It will pleoe cull t the ClTllKN IHIlcc. Aiivkhtlinu k.TKa Kruaonalile. and inuilc kilown ou appliculloti at till oilier. All transient adverliacuicul uiuat he paid in ad eiuiee. , , i lie Citukk I. the mo.t emeiulvely circu lated uuil widely reuil new .paper m North Carolina. It diacuaaioa of pulillc men .nil nuuum la In the llilcre.t ul pulilu. intriirltv, houel Movcriiutcllt, ami proH-rou imlualry. anil ll know no perianal alliKiaucciu ucutlnii pub lic iMHIICN. , , HH-vimen cople of any cilltlon will be acnl to miy one Hcmling tluir uiltlrc. Hi-iiiIhix notice ten ceuta r line, tihitu arv, inarrtac,e mill ovu-lrv notice. Ulty cent, each mot c&cccUiug leu Iiiicbi or titty vein kt iiuh. wi:ii.i;shay, ii'LV im, wm. THK 1IAI1.V CITIZKK In on ante lit the following plucc. iu Allc( lite CI VI liS i II I' K B. H.UTUKt I'AKK NliWS STAND. C.l.liN MUCK M: M AM' Mul'lil. c ll.AK ! I tlKi:. I'ulluu Ave. J CAKShi.Vb Mitt. StluKli, Nolll! c'ourl Square. PERTINLNT AND PERSONAL. New Altoul tlic Milan mill ul Klruiiuira) Wlllilii Uur t.iiU'M. J. K. I.illlk. id Ohm, is tit till lllfli Kink. K. K. I'll. irr ri nvMiith Nov Viuk ul the Sw.uiii.uiii. i. Tlii-if were I. 'll! .iiih.iln .it tlic piinii ;il hole!?. oK i il.n . Mr. ;in.l Mr. 1 1. II. Ilni;vf."'l lire ;it I In' i Win Mot'i. II. C. 1 'linn ti rt'invsiiitii S.uaiui.ili. t'.a., at the liniiitl J. C. Cnlwcll, "I Intimitis S. C. if rrpslcrcil iit the i Hi n Unvk. I. II. Tiiixlir ul I'iiiiiik mix vi!H'. S. C. if I'tisliitil at 'lie Oriiiul Ci'iitritl. Mrs. li. Si lncvir anil Mis. I.. J arret l ol New Ylllk, .III llisls ul .III' I'll! Kuck. In tin- Mum's i-iiiirt ilii- iii'.niiii; Win. Tun i inv ;i litictl s.'i Im Uini ilrtink. Frank i:v.ins ul I. aumi .111. 1 II. C ll.ihii ul Aikin, S. C. are- ol tin'ia in i:. Mr. I!. Crnl'm, rivciitly ul c'h. irli-tmi liosioiiiiiKiiviiI tin 11.4I isi.t'.i 1'iimiu? in Aslicvilli-. Miss Mat tic (.'iciuliti ! I.miiat die. K is visiting lnr iuiii Miss Slcll.i ll.iiai uii llaiti'V stri-it. Mis. J. Sin. 1 ilt villi' I'aiisii. l.a. i 11. il c alii- -IU I the iii'aiul Cititi'.ii. S. W.'i.i!i. ! '.V. 1. I', tt ailis M. n-i :it I..i . ?.!.: I. hi LI Imii.Ii it till' Swaiit.ailiM. Mrs. I'. i..i:iiu! . i.. Mi i.ivm ('al'lrcll, nl Allanl.i. tik.11 ri.nin at the H.ii'fi I'aikiui tin-iiiiii'ur. lA'lii'I'llly c'lilliclui' Lacs Mas 111 tin city yistinlav. lie .iy tin Maine Im his ili'lial may I.' allriiiiiti'il In iiiatin Vance .'iihl Mult. Mr. anil Mrs. i'i. Mi-c all, ul I.uuisian.i. arc at the Ualtciy I'.nk. They arrivnl vrstirilay ami mil skihI tin siimiiiir at tli.'t ilililitlnl rcsiiri. I. II. l'ansl .mil Mitt. I'. 1.. t'.akill ami Miss .Mamie ' laskill. ul Salislmty, ami Miss l.illic Hill, ul .Miiicluail Cilv, an quests ol' the rialli-n Tal k. JihImc A-tuil lias in ...s iosscssiiui a lunik ul' Coiiiini'ii I'laycr ami a HiMt which is '.'jii yc.itsnlil. Thv hunk is in it pnul state ul priscrvatioii I''. S. Moituii ami Mile nt Athens, I. S. Shancr ami wile ul Ccilartuwn, J. S. 1 1 1 v 1 1 ami w ii'e ul Tliuiiisuii, ami Mrs. V. II. Hiinlc, Miss Annie 11 mile ami J. I. Uinilc ol Cuhimlius, (.a., are at the Mat tery I'ark. Miss I'l'ira Whillnck, wliu lias liecn elivteil music icachcr ul' the xraileil schools of A bIii-villi-, has K"nc to tlic Hus ton Conservatory of Music intake the normal course. Miss Wliitlock will re main till the ptililic school, are os.niil in Scjil' iiiliir to sec the iracticnl tvorkiiiK ol the innsical ili'inrtincnt with a view ol'apiilyiiiK the same in the city hcIiiioIs. The lloanl ol Alilermi-n met ayain yes lenlay alternoon tu consult with Wat; ner anil Tenninl to whom the ilans lor the city liuililinu were aiilnniltcil. Tin iirchilixls rciiirltil that the ,'lans snl . inilteil hv "lluino," ami which the toiiu til liivorcil most, wunlil cost alimit .J7. lino. The plans have Ikvii sent hack i the ili-siner for moililication. Arrltitls) at Kouiitl Ktiol. AinoiiK the arrivals nt Kuinnl Knuh are the lulluwiii II, II. Stevens, W. V. Tinnciit, Miss Annie Mel lowcll, Ashcville; V, I'. I. an ri-iin, J. II, Cnl'hr, Clwirlcstiui, S. C Miss Louise Killiun, Atlanta, tin.; J. C l-'aejart ami wile, Uast Livcrpoul, 0. : Miss Allies Murilock, Aslievillc; J. I'rank Wilkes. Charlotte; A. S. Iliyson, Knox villi'! J. J. CoKUeni, Clinton, liu.i I'rank 1'restun, Knoxville; W ll. Meara, N. C. J no. V. .Ionian, Aslievillc; 1'. V. Hrnnson and wile, llrank'chiii'K, S. C; A. J. lie I'liin, Viiss S. Ihi'iiio, New lUrin, l.a. Mm. T. C. Skinner, Hartley Skinner. lvlir.11 Skinner, Ktittana, Ky.; Miss Jean Oarrett, Princeton, Ky. ; Miss Mary 'ar rett, Aslievillc; Mrs. S. W. Cuukt, Ox ford, N. C; Mm. I', I". Hatris, KaliiKli; Miss Sallie Ilaltle, McKinney, Tex.; Mrs. W. II. Coil, Mm. W. II. Ncuve, Mis. Ma mic (iitskill, Salinbiiry; Miss l.illic llcll, Morcliciiil City; I. II, I'nnst, Mm. I'mist. Mis. Lillian I'nu.t, Salislmry; S. A. Strauss, Kiihinonil; lir. A. I. Ilornh, N. C.;T. 11. Ilomnr, Aslievillc. ArrlvHln nl the Oakn, Tlic follow inn ore mnoiiK the recent arrival. at the Oak Motel: Mr. anil Mrt. J. C'nilwalliiiler, Jackson ville, 1-lti. ; S. C. Slicpnrd, Knoxville, Tcnn.iW.C. llcll, lliipkinsvillc, Ky.; S. Levy, Victoria, Texm; A. I), Sinnlcy, Chinio; George White ami J. M. Giles. Ahlieville, 8. C; J. I). Murxan, Miss Morxan and Mrs. li. M. Moore, Culuni bui, Misi., anti II. M. Sprutt, Chester, 3.C. .... MISS FRANCES WILLARD AT OPERA HALL LAST NIGHT AN ELOQUENT, EARNEST PLEA FOR TEMPERANCE. The M.-vllii Opeuctl by Iivall wrluhl Who Made a Hliorl llul HitvrcHllUK Mneccli To-lias HhmIom. The aiinoiinccmcnt that Miss I'Vanccs 15. Willanl, iiesiilcnt of the Satiunal Woman's Christiau Temiicrance I'liioit tvonUl sieak at the Opera hall last tiiKht drew a larye erowtl. The mcctiiij,' " ukiici1 by tlevutional exercises, comluc led by I'can Alfred Wright, of Uostoti Alter this part of the exercises, Mrs. Wells aiiuounccil that lis Miss Willurd was iccliiifj ipntc unwell, leail Wright wuultl luiiotiinc a part ol lnr time, lie complied by delivering it short address, The siKiikcr Uvian by saynm, he had I ice 1 1 at the oDi'iiini! exercises of many c'hatauoiia s ol the W. C. T. V. and ex pussed hnnsili as U'iuu k'-'11' tu 1,1 iliis initial inccline;. In the U'KinuinK he iskid the ipnsiiiin: " Hat is it W. C I". I . Assembly " 1 duubt il any one iu the room can give .1 1 U li in 1 11 in as clear as it w ill lie ejiveii by the time this Assembly closes, he said ll is tlic summing up of all that is Kiuil mil pure in religious Inc. As 1 have Ikcu ;ur M'.irscutincctcd with Chalauiiias, I ivill sav that inv relation to the work is ili.ianl and I have louuil that the I01111 1. 1I1. .11 ul all siitccssliil and pmlilalilf cil ik an hi. il work iiiiisi be Christianity .lave so 1. 11 brukcii with the traditions 01 education as tu stand possibly alum 1 cannot tell and it docs not matter in .uiiuiiihiiL! that :i Christian education -liuiiM Is.- based upon Christian ideal .deids and truths. 1 wish to say this, cierv idea found in the word ol ('ml i worthy tu be found in a Christian cdu ..ilioii. TIicm; caimot Ik- found iu tin im icut t.icck or Liiliu. Atheism ileircci mulling ilal in Christum Minimi. Tin '.line Mils III tlic oldest instltlltlulls ol tin .'until, w lie 11 Chiisti.tii ideals were ,.111,1:1, but uuw paiiaii i1lc.1s.11e l.iii;lit I. el us return to the idea our lather had on! the llililc luiiiul iu the publu .1 im. ii. homes and church; have it iei . Hie.! I.y the nidi ml mil Christian as t ,ia!l li- illuminated by his own con -villi. e in lln s;iirit ol t'.iul. Ann Mr. Wt iiiht cnuiludcd. Mis. Willi Mis 'Vill.ird. she bcfjiin by ..nai, that tin reason lnr tnc Asscmlilv -it.i' iiuul ul iiielliiuls was thiil bclult il.e iM.rl.eis had tu sharpen their wea- pi llsalld plep.uc lor the li;llt oil till ii.iiiulichl. iiud nut with a hiiiiiIkt ol aibiies. She sind no'V, the younscr wo men will have an opportunity to learn y tin ck runic ol the si-liool, how to pri'i a iv lliiitiselvcs lor the linhl. She told ol tlic liter. nine prepared by '.he publishing Iioiim - ul the W. C. T. I', in Chicago, and related how, when in At lanta, lia.. she wiis tellniK ol 'their nictli- oils ol ilisiribuiiiiL; it, and cxhorliiii; the licoplc ol that cilv lu aid, one wi 1:11111 w ho heard her went home and devised a !s.tter olan than a v they luul. It was this: She went to the principal shut-deal er iu the city with several lareje package nl the tracts, classified for the ilillcrent .-Vies, and asked him to put one of these, suitable lo the size of the shoes, in each p.iek. ice he sent out from his store. In this w.'tv she reached 11 law number ul iicrsous. I Iu ve read of n certain class of n-ople who iHiastcd that they have overturned the llib'e twenty-seven times. Sow the llible is like a culw of criiintc, the same thitiK "it (ill sides, mid it may lie over turned but il is not upset. lusK'iikiin;ol theoriiiiul package mat ter. Miss Willard said: I was interested, a day or two ayn. in tiniliiiK out what emigres had done with the original pack age bill, but have not lieeti able yet. it li i 11 the last week I have seen a letter from a congressman, saying that one ol the bills will surely uiss. This hill will prevent the selling of whiskey in original packages in any state where there is a prohibition law. It seem that the tcillK'ralue ipiestioli drives on, with the Heavenly I'll I her guiding it. 1 1 seems that you and 1 are allowed tu work atilfortheilevcloptucnt ul character. All these are God's met hods 'il'cliseiplini and Hilishing up so that we may Iw more suitable companion ol the Holy Saviour. Ladies think it is nsvtablc to offer wine at their houses, said the sH'iiker. It is unscientific, uuscriptiiral iiud iiiihrolh crlv; lit least so we believe A numlicrol Jnpanesr were sent by their government to travel through laigland to see if it was desirable to adopt the laiglish relig ion in their country. They looked intuit ami wIm n they returned, reported that the liuglish religion did not keep the Kuglishuii'ii Irom Incoming drunkards mid they did not want it. The sKNikcr gave statistics showing the ditlrrcnce Ix'twcvn the promrtioiiutc iniiiilieT of the voting men of the coun try who arc church mcmlx-m niul the number of convicts under 10 yearn uf age. This is nor the fault of the young men, she said, but it is the fuult of these bniriioins that vou sec on every hand. If 11 woman enters one of these she sees on her miiiil s eye the words: "She leaves hoic behind who enters lure," and she is no longer received in society, Mny the time soon come when the lxy who enters one (if these places shall never have n rcsK-ctahtc place in society there after. In nil but eleven Stntct there is n law nui king teachers, before they get their certificates, promise to teach the in jury alihohol does Irom a scientific and hygienic point uf view. When the chil dren hear front their tenchcrs in the pule lie schools the same thing in substance that they hear In Sunday schools they will soon find tcmwroncc to be a lofty thing. Home is the chief corner stone ot the the State, and whatever builds it up we will work for, but whatever tears it duwn we will fight. To-Uay's) HeHHlon. The second day's session of the W. C. T. I'. Assembly oK'iicd promptly at 0 o'clock. Mrs. Mary Woody, president of North Carolina W. C.T. V., conducted the devotional exercises, reading the third chapter of Colossians, 111. d leading in prnyer. At 0.30 Miss Gordon coiiduc ted the first class in juvenile work. She related that thi'tirst direct impulse toward the crusade was given by n young girl, May Thompson, of Ilillshoro, daughter of Mrs. Judge, the mother of the crusade. The first young woman's organization was Utiide iu 1871) in Indianapolis, lud. Miss Gordon advocated strongly that the girl's organizations should take up active work in the world's humanities. Ilcsidc their social work, in which their influence is most powerful, the daughtct stands side by side with the mother in the family lile, and the husband and son cannot long range themselves opposite. The siieaker said that it was through Mrs. Barnes, the uationlsiiicrintcnili'nt of the "Y's" in England, that Lady Som erset, who succeeded Mrs, Bright Lucas as president of the Ilritish W. C. T. I had takeu charge of the "Y" work in lin gland. At 111 o'clock lean Wright liegan the course uf llible studv. He commenced with the lot h chapter of the gosicl uc cording to St. Luke. A most interesting hour was sjient. It is to lie reieatcd each day of the session at 11 n. in. and .'I p. in Miss Willanl followed and gave an inter csting address 011 the subject uf the pm i IV ol literature and art. The noontide hour of prayer was con dueled bv Miss Willanl, after which Mrs, 11. II. Kills uinilc a few remarks on the value of the press in W, C. T. I', work. HI MIMIvNM MCtTICICH. Hpc-clal lnduct'iiiviilH Are olVcred to purchasers of Table Cut Icry ami Spoons and Forks; also of plain anil decorated liinnernud Tel Sets and Chamber Sets, at Law's on South Main street. The l'crfcct Hummer Kt-Hort, .Mountain I'ark Hotel, Hut tiprliiKH. M. llracing moiiut.iinair. I.'aulilulsivi cry health, plc.isure, lionic comlorts ami the Is'Sl table in the South. No dust. Tun .nui abundant water and ici ici t sanit.-iri .irraiigeinciits. Swimnnug hio will bathing suits .is at seashore. liilliards iMiwhut!. shiiuling giillei v, tenuis, ball ruuiu. iiiusic, ami a well couipiicil litery. I tic Mains are tut- niicsi in .America ami the I hernial waters arc ail unexcelled Sir cifu tor rheumatism, gout, sciatica, ner vous exhaustion and all diseases, of the skin and blood. Resident physician at the lintel. Trains leave Aslievillc lor Hot Springs :it .us a. ni., t.".i p. m. and 1 p. in. 1.x -iirsinn tickets mcliuliug one iluv s lioaril it the Mountain I'ark Hotel 3-t.nO. A Had Kallroad Wreck iivurred several dtivs ago on one ul our 111 .si 1111 1 x iriiiiu trunk hues. .Nolsnly hurl bin all the baggage except the Kuller-1 ray trunks was smaslicil up. Iluv one. N1I1I liv dciilers. .Mailt- liv II . Koiiudtriv.S: llros., Kichmoud, Ya. A New Koad lo iiiihm. If vou ((re wise and wish to Income lieolthi- anil u-i'nllliv also, vou will lise Koller King or lilcctric Light Hour; k- 'atiKC the Asiteville .Milling Lompanv s ilotir is not only t he ls."st hut tliechcanesl New Advertisement T-Da I'OI'HTH PAUK, NoTH'lt John Child. I-'mk sjii.k K d'Ahntfc. l-oa Sai.k I cter I-' Itcrircr. I'l.teK Wasthii 77 llailey Kt. sin itios Wastkii Mose Ivtiy. Si AT H m h ST l'lrt National llitnk. Wastk(h Taylor, lloui.fe Itrothertoti. WA A tiny In knrn tbr itltinihiriK butint-M. TAVI-OH, MlfSV HKOVlir.KToN. pJk HAL It. M-luTt. iiihl nil kin In of hiux-hMlil lurniturr I-. -m, vow. I'ifTDM i'. iii:hi;i.h. .tul:i-ai 37 hmith 8riHv M. BLACK V,Ti:i. A o.mirrnt iirninn nnt n hmir. hn 1 m nt-iu-c cithtT 11 took or honr uirl. pt 111 1 nAi 1.11, 1 n 1 No. :uim. Hvpurl of the Condition r nut FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASHEVILLE, t h,lllr. In thr Htnlr if Norlll Curolitiii, III UlV .loH- Hi lM,mN, )Nf INtMf, l.oaitM niul tiril , i: i7.r.7;i yn I Hi rilriilld. m i-uirtl it tli I miM-t iirYil l,7M INI L'.'.ihhi no t'H.IHMI IHI r.H lioniUtomviirt viriiihition 4 ir ti I'.S Hnniltotiirr iliitooliR irn nt ttk. iirMtt. tllilitiitrntii.t'tillllin I'll- I i.lHMI IHI iftl.hON 47 I mic (mill iiprovt'il n rvr hu ntn I'm irom otlliT Nil tttihill lliiuk) 1 J, ti;t tu I hn- 1 r 11 111 rtiitir ImilkvillHl In in to m lllillklliu hollar. Inf. in 1 11 rt' titiilfikltm! yo.niMi IHI 7.IMHI IHI I'rt itihiiiiN on I', H. noniU IttlUoi oihrr llnnhN .(.'-'Hi ou I'mi itifMiil ui pi- r iitriitnv. im it in niul it-ntti Ail ni Hinitv U.ilHI Oil l.iM'ilu-tHlcnmtin . la.tMHi uii i7,orro m KnlrllMitlon ftlllll II ll r H. Tmiitii. nnrt 1 at rtil. of i-lrrttlnllofi 1 1.1 iifl ou I Mir from I. H. TmiR. othrr thnn ft limvnt rtlrnih tion lumln ., .nfn ihi Tntul MAIIILITIKM, $M0,0U 41 Ciioltiil fltHk pulil tit . $IH,IHHI IHI 1H.IHHI IHI Miiriihtpfnnil itiltvlilnl urotltn .. Nut I oil n I Hunk tlotrotilfttjitHlmii Imllvlilnnl irtoltn Htihliil to. link.. $l7fl,IU lit Titnr iTrtiiitMiri ur ni'Kinlt , . H. ilriHtMtlii 7.n.i ihi 04,771 mi ii:ir,oui 00 H.ttH'J NO ai.AiT 01 UIMHHI IHI lMi In other Nil tlotiftl lintikd Ittir to HlHtr hnnkt Hfiil Imnkrni NutrR anil liiliu rv- ulM'uuntvu, Tutnl.. lao.uui 41 HTATM OK NllNTII CAHIIUNA, 1 County nl HunconilH.. ln; I. W. II. frtilnnil. Cnnhlvr of thr hIiiivc nntmil linttk ilo olrninly iiwriir that thr iiliovr MtnUittrnt In true tu tit bail uf my knowledge and hrllrf. . it. riiriLAnn, vimnicr. HiihurHbrti anil nworit to brftin mr thin thr 33rd Uny of tily, Ihimi. twrr Mbmhick, Notary Pulillc. Cormt Attrit : K. K. RAWI.M, I I B. I'K'K KMnoNs SlHmHon. It, A. UUUOKK. J FOR SALE AT NADESHDA FARM. jl'.KSKY: Ciin limy Klnler (1th. hull I viurs 0I1I....SIIHUUI KltuiT isicc line, cow a1 j years 11111 I'm) calf. 100.110 Pet ot Maloiic, 4 ycai-s oUt, Uuil cntf in. i (Inlililust CoonuiMsle, soiiii calving fill. OO 7.1,1111 7.1.00 .MIHH .MIIIOIICCIIIVIIIK! IC(lllll-r Nioter's .MiKiluriue.clllviiiK l-Ylirimry Nlliljtl Kinter, 'J inotitllH 0I1I ililack jloilttNl c.fc in;s: l-'iiuehette. blood, N month, line iiniuial ('Irol'lc, I.) IiIimiiI. 4 mouths lilKc, i.j lilooit, 4 month MiiKCotte, i.j liloiid, H mouth NAT IV lis: hlin, k year, never dry, calving (le lolicr Marv, ;oa year old, never tlry till. (Ill .111.110 itO.OII 1.1 (III I.I.OO go.oo 40.011 ao 00 g.l.OO Ollll'K . Itl-KKSIIIKI'S; Itunr, luiocli Ank-n, prlt1 iiniiuiil, i! .vrnt'M oh) Sow, A ii ilk Anli'ii TWO HOW Hlt Otic iurm- sow in mk tut lu-vt niontli i Ihi liiti-r to jMKm Thn-f rouliiiiM-uct-Nv uimI oik amlir lloKSCS; TtMii.viTv noil fn rni hoi hi , mire Ihik K norm- hut mIow... Ail olil inari WAt'.ONS: 1 HHtrcy luwd our yi-nr; m -w-JPiin)., 1 two hur-c wjiuoii 1 iitu- litirHi- wiiKon...... TAKM IMI'I.K.MI.NTS: ;)ii.uit JII.IIO in. no 'J.1.IIO ll'.nn :tn.i)i L'n.un tin nn U'UM yn.nt 1 lour hoim power ili hoin. ilrivv it lor i-iiiiiiik'i Kokm tntlilvr luttcr No. i;t. I Acint h.irrmv 1 double tuoih luirrow 1 Ki'vtiiotii-corn planter 1 two Ihm hi- plow 1 1 iilKiU' plow 1 one home tullaiilr I null-noil plow iiilmoxt new I plan, .tumor horNeeultnaini tto . !' I Ki.nn 'J ."in lO.Mll ,'l.nn J. on I nn ;i nn . nn I nn ln nn 7. no l.oo il., 'in 1 li riilier ilnll 1 plan, .inn Meed drill. ,. 1 4i u-illon hoilcr 1 Inure) eluiru.i lialloii" t 4 fciillon HI, ou liartl etiurii I hiiiter worker Tlner aeH, 4 niattoeko, H li mIiovi'Im, ete , nt ';,int pruv. Apply in laim Skvtainl pnnnM Slatioii oil the Aln illi and Spait.inhtMK Uailrnail. I-, p-.M.INiii; ITI ATION V AM lil'. A N'oivh I;mI w ilu -ituain'it a nui- " cn n iu ni it piiate i.-iiimIv, r.ti..i nut eiiem. AiI-Ii.hh MnSI-S I'lil'IV. july L'.l-.U l;mpli nit ul tiilic ric it. Hv virtia i-l'ii (Kill ol'tntt evreutnl to tlie Ulldr'oini -ii l C A Stnilll lin-l wile A. A Slltit.i, to oivilii- the Him o uiotiev llH'lelli illelllioiuil lo Cliatle W Vh.m , mill he r. itlU iL.te Mil) lo. 1 sill, .-mil rruinril 011 p.lUo V el m , ot Conk 11 ol the Mol t HA n- in the mluv ol the Ke;itei ol IM'tlh - t I'ltlleotiihi- et'lilit . N01 th i. .siolili.l, the niplt i iiuul 1 1' ii tee will net) lot .uh in piil-hi- xintrv t 1 he hiuheMt hnlilet- at the eourt h ii-t iloor iti the ill vol Alitil'i in s.otl MiintotiiiH' eoitiltx oil the '.Mil iln ol Ail unl. 1 - to. ilu I0P0 . mji ili eritK il pin 1 nn.l pani-Not i.oul. witiiale, I viiiy timl in in i; in an! 1 1- v 'I AnIii'i ille oil Ituiley klieel, ami h- uc t.otoNoM. litrtv-two ninirnt umii ii' Si elh I'ark. to the pat t !' w hi. h, a riiii!ei' -I, iilVnmv m lieret ui:nle, tot further le- nptn-n ol the coni, athl whiih t.nil !. 1- ire further houinlol a ooh, ! wit: l-"t No. J. Iteuiiiiiini: at n point on I lie 'iin rn marc in ot w;oit IWiiley "irnt-.m Ituinlri ! ami -t t -live leet S 1 1.' V. irmi; ulierettie uortlu iti hue ot MaiilSluli I'iiiW itilimei vml Mr eil. ami mux Uuim- irr. !: one huiuluil atiil etentt -tout lot ! lite wti ru mat K"i nl Unlliiek mint; tlx im w ith it N 7 11" li. iilioul M ieiil 'i 7i'. (ul to tin ftouthweNl loiuer ol lot N1 It . thciHv X. 7;. W w ith I he Suitlierii urn o' mil lot No. 41 one huiinreil uml enjln uu ami tluve tourthH illi.i Int o Piuit street, Hilt! tlieiuv wtlll it IITi' V u iv-hve 7At fret to the iHUinniuu l.nt No .". I.mi hunte'lintel.i eion ol na il l.oi. Ni yj itiTot naul itllai li Mtivt. iH-uiutitiiL ott the eiiNiern margin i f tint lal Minet, pi.o tite the ftotithniM I'orner ol kiiiil lo No ij and the iiorthea! ol lot No. i;i find run- 7 1 a I!, utioul one htimlrt'il ami live test li the euMern hue ol aii She I'ai k . tin ti. i with Mini line N 4 ' V.. Meiity-li e iT.'ii'o l n a Mtnke; theiiee with tin Notiilu-rii hut .it tot No o N. 7's W , otli hiintttvtl I u- i n uiil Wullaek treel, ami llteiue Willi it s 7 I " W. ti' ei nt -live i i In t to ih lH:inntiiu. Tin July - J. :tt Jnll.N cllll.l. jlil il'.W. tlliurmla 1 1 nt. lie S'" mmi:k ipiakiucks. New hoiin. nt wly liit ui-luil: iti-l elu ta hie ; nioilern eoim uu tut ; tin i luM. i u. Ml. ii M'K Cli M'KI-.KT lnl J Jill w i;. toi i in, Real ICslate Acnt. OFFICE 8 MAIN ST., i A D CoOPriS' STORE. I Keiil KtalL' IioiikIiI Mini nohl at ptihlte ami private wale. Keiil eolleeleil. I lontluetnl a Keal t-'tule ami Auetioii liuiiiet hi l. hut lea Inn. I C, lui yeir iiii'l will prompt atteuiion to mi nuMiueitn put iii my untrue. jtilyU-Ml w THIS- SENSATION : OF nnmmASHEVILLE, AUGUST 27, 28 & 29, 1890, of nil the hanihioinc a ml lalmiMe pronrt that ha Ih n nileml In Athmll , none (uM ptiralilr lo ihr unhniken lonl of mirittie lliiu.lnil Aen illxiihil anl uImUvI.U.I Into ihr mint Uauttlul lotn uml traelM, lyliiii nionif MKRRIMOX AVICNt'IC, '' Houh'vnrtl alt lie City, Alioul our lliinl I Inn nnhlu illy llmil ami the rrmnlnilir In the ehiirtiiliiu .ulmrluin villa ( Rmnoth. (inly one mile from c'our( Hiiuiirc i In mm inn ilrivri nn.l on the Im .1111111 mini ionnlnr irivr icnmiic. lo ihr eoimiry. Th- rr I n l.ili- irlnlh of annul mot incl IhIiik lailtl llimuiih llue uroiinil r I he ii-nl Ion ( one ul (he Ilia at emiliair. In I hi Mouth Tin- lot ami tract alll rnnsc In "lie (nun I, uerr lu. 'I to A Here, Uu- turner pint eovrlau .oinror the iiaxt lH-iiutlliil anil iletiireoiic Irvatlmi. to l. annul u ilav' Jouriicc. iwnn mr iiai ol 1 he ,iroierir lo Nat. AtkiitNoit tic Son, AHII II VI I.I.K, N. 0. fnK At Hot Harinir. N. (.'.. 1111 ,.iua,ti .n.i.i 1. iiiiiw, iarue ,1,1 11,1, . 101, a, -1. a ..1 one lioalll lot Ih.iiUIIiiI hllliillnu IIi. Al I"' " '. I.. Ml IN TIK 1 ii:h V, jiii) unlaw not Hi.rlnu", N. C. T i HUNT, Attrlmnnt, hnmUonirlv nirtiUhetl limitr hi llloal ili-tilriihli- l.tiHtlimri.c llmw nl. i. inmrrn. I'liPM-tiMMiti itlvrn Atiutit I . An. Ilv Im JOHN C 1111,11. JmI11HIHI No. I, l.cHal Itloek. kiv. nt moan 'i no. Twit nle front rootmi In hlirli ivulrnJ liu u. (hm Jul vneant nt Mm. Ilowle'ii, No, 0 iMInt 4 tree l, Unit iliHir from liny wood, JUI IVMOl II OAKD IN COl'NTRV. Mr. Carter, at thr norlhi-rn eiol of Hu i drive on llrnvrr limn. Ji. nilli' Mom ville lonrb h.,u, will (uraUh Itonril mnl lilrn.nnt aecotiMio.iliitioti for twu or three i ron ditrliiK the lien ted term ut reiKona tile riilrs. Apply nt oiui- to . , - . . MK' TIHIH, 11 CAKTIIH, Inlylltrlraililw llinn I'. (., N. C. pHIVATK III1AKII. I.nrsr mnl, nlry mom, houw newlv fur. nl-hrilj mooiI tiililc. Term reiwoimlile, (in slrrvt ear linv. MKH. J. I.. HMATIIHK, 111 I'nlton Ave. Julylaililm Dr. 11. I. Arrlntoti. Ml RUICON Msf- niCNTIHT. rilllna IMk a or.-lnit. .1.,. ,.,i. .1,.. raril llinn. ami all illaenw nrrtalnlnif lo invmnini .irwinrc. omiv room, nn I'nl ton avenue, ov.r Uavaur Sk Mmiih'. stort. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE, -1 UiAl.KHS IN- Stoves iiud Tinware. PLUMBING, GAS ANO STEAM FITTING, SLATE AND TIN ROOriNa 1' UM'S mill OILS. -.l-.liTS J'llK- THE PASTEUR FILTER, IN A I.I. SII.S lull I'A.MII.Y AMI IIHTIil. I si: liiiiii iiiin-e-cl lo lit.' i;i-i in I'riiur, A 1.1. SIZliS Klil'T IN STC.CK. LIME! LIME! LIME! A CAR I.OAD F F R K SH - L 1 M R j 1st ut:ei:ivi:i. i iMt nai.i: III Hulk or In ISarrcls. OIlU-c No. , l'lilluii Aeiuic. I l.l.l.t'lliiM; Mi. In V .11, h..uic al liei'ot I' il. II, ,v .,:(! C. 12. 3IOOI1Y. PICTURE FRAMES. f.oM. Silter. Ivory, Oak.t'.ilt ami CotnM nation M.Miiihujti. .Uo ,..urii Motthliiik't I'ieliireo M.iltitl, Mouuteil imp) I'lanietl at lowi"t piiiiijtiul work HU.iranteeil. linurav lnu, I'ntntiiitfti ami l.oeal VitwnulwuyM on liaml ut ESTAlUiOOK'S, ijN.MhIii Nt., AhIivvIUv. unr ik rl CHE P KATES TO ALL POINTS. Nailrouil tleketH huiiKhl, ohl llllil ehaiiKi!. All liiiimnitiotii K"arauti--i. C. I', KAY. Htoker. (iolte Kwumiiiiioji Hotel jut) Til 1 111 MISS l.l'NMSON -Will M Al 32 It alley Street Itaen 1110 iiltitf rirptiiiK W,(nen.lav mnl Kat unlay to receive piano pupil or to nuike nrianift nient lor ItuMinn. HMiinl attention itiven to riiMinlilc platluu. iirtUuhirl f. r tlioM- who whh to Improve in reinliiiK inn Term. Jio.nn, IA.ihi ort'J'i nn.i otinrter tu-vonlinti tu letiMlh tif limm, i.r whether In n elusN. rnynhle In niiilille uf ijiiarter. InnrL'.ttl 1 111 , U'U ANY. MU Marv C. HrvnoliU, of Ht. AiiMimtine. IMorulti. tu rvuilv to mrlve pupil- hi hoianv lit her roottiN. ftll I till lev ilrut. T.l mr aie nr rent. iunelM'M m. OK Kli.NT. I'hoto k'nl'rrv ovrr Law's .lore. Ilnye' I'litt-ni .hyiiitht; iar'or ami iirlnliau ih ,tnriaienti c.i,imo,lloti. nnd env 01 man. ll-.lvlo llliAKHi; v. NANKIN Ut Co.. Iuiii4iltf n.t South Main .met himmichTaht Hcnboi.. " Inly nnd Auiiii.t luiriie(lon In drnivlnu uml nnlittiuu fiom nuair. tot. I lia- 11.. ! foMiiaiioi, apply at Mr Irwin', cot Colli-fii NIKS. lil.lZAIIIi'l ll IIAK !V VA WlillHlliMII' jiinc-j.iiiim (il New ork City ?IIH A .ton-nnd dwrllluu and nine nd io,it nerc lull. I III wi A-h. villi-, olipimlte the ,1. inv .11-. 1 ,v.iii'viiii' iiintrov. itu til 1' and ndiolaliiu thai ol Mr. I'.w. claiip. I'rln Si.Mlil. line (lilrd nt.llitlie lialaaec at 1 1( til i.r n ut. laiervni ,'ir n lei lll Ol vear All dn M US. S. MIHilil.KllW. I'lnea.llr, Vi-"lclli'ti-r ton Ml v, N V., nr A. T. S. MMUV, A.hcvllle, N.'C. Jlllvir.dTt ll IM Kit ST. Tin .tore houe No. 41 Sraiil, Mniti in..i 111 1 . v. . iiki iw N, , "r 11. 1.. lit mil K, :i,'l laitoil Avenue July I ad I in i'omTricnt. Thri'e tnry hoiiar.conlnliiliiu Iweaiv-ihr.., rooia. in one Ol I le llloNI Hi. tit , I.- Ill Ihr rltv. Slillaldt' Uir lioaidlll" linn., oaaealiill olveil Aliil-t I. Apnlv In I ll tie L m'. iiiuen Ileal It.tnlc and lniiraiiee Hoim'u uinl In a I'Mlloll Avenue, Aallevll e, N. C. Jul) ltilll 'rA. NIITICK. The time for llllll tar la rapidly draw In ll 10 n clot, and llicre hit mativ wV hnvr aolar Inllrd to iiiuki llulr return. It all n-namlirr that nil n rn la'twrrn the nue ol al nnd fill are miulrvil lu Hat their poll and nil nun okiiIhk pniieriy In ihi cltv ur (own.llill on the lt of hat... imoii mm. ipilred to Hat the name, 11ml. Intuitu to do o m ieet them to 11 tin ami to a pros ecution lor a mlailemesnor, . , ... . A, T. HI'MMKV, July in, 1SH0. r l.l.trr. AVIM(INIAN-a church womnn-enperi-rtHTil iu lent Ilintf anil well r.... ....... ..i.l dralrr a ltuatlon In mhool or liiirllv Ounlinenliona, llnMM.h, l.atla, I'renrh, Mil. ale llnatrumrntnll. Alliln-aa. with rrfrrrnn.. Ml.a K. . WhlUocke, TappUiuinot.k, Va. J hi J tnuui ICE RATES FOR SEASON 1890. TKRMS STRICTLY CASH WITH ORDER ; '':":"!!!'::" " ;!::'" "Z !,' n, iV.n'al'imior;-'" lion iouiiilHt tin ticket, lil pounilb eilell Ton " L'K " IT " ' 7oO " l." " .IK " " liinii iu Inn M M No ice will lie ilelivercd ithout cah or Aslicvillc lev Al Telephone No. 36 and 40. Jl A AACU COAL AT RKTA1L. I'ur (riile, - For Htovcx, 94.50. J5E8T ANTJIllACITE COAL -Fur fitle t W holcnule uml Keluil liy ASII12VILLI2 IC12 A IS II COAL COMPANY. Tvlcplionv 36 and 40. ItxchiMivc Akciii. 1 1'oia.-wtic anil Stcmiii lor WcHteni North Carolina. l.liWIS MAIIIH X, 1'rc I.. I'. Mt l.lllUl. Vlcc-I'rc. . B. KANKIN, Ca.hlor Iuhkctoh: Ixwif Miuiiliix, M.J Henrilcn, M.J. Piikk, J. B. Knnkln, J. B. Kay, I. II. Kent 8. II. Kivil, (ieu. S. rowcll, (.'. M. Mel.oud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, : ilricnnlnil May l.t, 1H8H CAPITAL, So0,00(). SU RPLUS, $15,000 Htatv, County audacity Depository. i'oe a Oeitenil Itaiikiim lliiHini-H. IA-iiokIIm rccdvcil. Uxchuncc bought and sold. Col lection inailr on all ncecilile iioiut The lliiiill Hum in Ilii .leimrliiii-iit, ilt (loNltetl Ol 4- ht cent. 'r untium will 1k paid. Special attention irlvcn to loan on mil indite, which will be placed for long time on nal minnlile term. l)K-n Irom 11 -i m. to a p. m. (in Saturdays the Suvinn Department will be' open till n p.m. i.-yil'lly ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 217 Haywood Street. All WATl-R THOUOK.IILV FILTKKUU oil tlic PrciulHCM. Twenty-live year- ol iraeHcnl cxK-riene. coinlilncd with I'KKMONAL attention til nil dr tail ol the liuini- and -ciicci nrrnnueitieiitK for clkanlikk and itkitv ol all koihI. iiwitiuliictuml. ciiulile the iiroprielor to pn u-nt to hi numerou putruns a icrior class ol e'arlionuted llevcraKe. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons, It-llKcr Ale uml nil the viinou llavor. of SOIIA WATKK ready for hlpment uml delivered tin- in City limit, out nl town order, mux have kkm'onsiiii.k reference. C. H. CAMPHKI.L. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL & COTTAGES. HOT SPRINGS. N. C. C.: '.-.VI .-'- - .- JIM innmamiianmairarmiaewnKii y ATtM st- J-s-- i.j t.i"' 4..' l Kooiits Iu Cottages Upon the GroantlH With T AISLE HOA1H) AT HOTEL. PRICES FROM-- $,12.00 TO $14.00 P E R W E E K .- JulyllldUw ONLY EIGHT MILES FROM ASHEVILLE ON THE A. & S. RAILROAD. - A IIOMK I IV &40ZSKYLAND SPBINGSH&580 Aliivly liuild nit lot aoal.'iil in t in .hiitlv (trove liy thr lincat tniiii nil aprinu in theSoulh at iu to Slim. A illiel pliier, hih. ill ,, line view, mill Ood .ociely. I'lnei well In.-I off with wide trcct-nll niniil n via 111 a l"tl feet wide. Two ood new hotel, depot, daily mull, etc. s viand Sprinii la a new anil popular re e,rt nnd itoiind lo urow. liny now for a coiiukc or u uu ttivi-ktiiu nl. Train, leave Aahi' ut U.lOa. HI. und return, at T . m. L'.l cent. OTIS A. MILLEIt, fr'm d--.m Skyland p. o N. C. HOTEL?! AHMOND-HOTEL BONNYCREST AND COTTAGES, MtYLANI) 91INL:kAI. SPRINGS, N. C. liliflil IMIIcm Houtlt or AmIivvIIIc, uu tlic A. H. Railroad. New liolil. new eoltntii. new furiittiiri, licnullt'iil Hrovra.neut tenilla uud croiuel lawns, 48 MINERAL SPRINGS. White Sulphur, Al M.iKiiealn, Iron 1111. 1 l.p.nm. Thiine .eekiiiK health and ileiiure anil mini .oclct.i will not lull to vlall (hi plraaiitit iraort und drink of Its healing waters. Term. rellMonulile. nprft till Aishvvlllc, N. C. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., Muil.UltetlirersI ntlit I h-uli-m In nil Lln.l. n fltwut L. U 31 11 E K, Door, Nash, HIIiicIh, IrtoiilclliiKH, Htalrwork, Mantel, Hank and llnr FOtturcn, aud all kinds ol lluildlnK Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. nov I t ill v I cll'phniie No. Ml, A WIND May Come and go, liut e arc Going to DID YOU HEAR We have Stratv Hat. I teat lo (10 cents other houac cc them. Nine and Ten Omirtcr Shlrtln; by the rase, l'rlnl. Olnxhams, (kc., Ike., at any price you would k them. Home all Silk Dress Ooods IS cents per yard. Would any more hut this will convince you. Ashcville Dry Goo1h Co., - ' J. O. HOWELL, MaaoKtr. At old stand, 1st door below Pcnnlman at Co.'s Hardware Btor. 4()c. kt liumlrcd. nc. $n.oo 0.IMI n (in n.oo ticket. Tickets now on alc at the ofllec uf the Coal Company. No. 30 Pulton Avenue. Snviuu I'eutiire will n-ecivr aiKiiiil attention. lor four month or lonKcr, Interest at the rate ,-t-V.V CI rtf" if ii In 111 1 K, A. LeVNE, Manaffcr. Near PiiniteiiKcr Depot. STORM Here lo Sell Good and are Hell Tli cm. WHAT WE SAID? ench. Splendid line uf Shoe, cheaper than any ..... S ;.