- OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE Asheville Daily Citizen FOR RENT, WANTS, AND FOR SALE, Not exceeding three Unci, AT - -'THIS OFFICE One Time, 25 cent. Three Times, BO cenU. SSC. PUR HVNURKD, 81 Times, 78 cent. VOLUME VI.-NO. 89. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. - MISCELLANEOUS. L I N V I L L E.i A iil.u-o planned and devel oping as a GREAT RESORT. Situated in (lie MOUNT AINH OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A rcuion noted for henltli- fulness and beauty of SCENERY. An elevation of :i,H()U ftt, with rool Invigorating Climate It is being laid out with taste and skill, with well graded roads and extensive FOREST PARKS. A desirable place for tint residences and HI'MTHI'TL HOMES. A good opportunity pro HI able investments, illustrated pamphlet, for For dress. LINYILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., I.lnvtlU-, Mitchell Co., N. Ci XliW IXVOICIi, C.liXTI.IiMliN'S -MAhKAS, CllliVIOT. SATIiliN AXI IXANX1X SHIKTS Jt'ST IN. I.A1HKS' IILAZIiKS, SHIRT WAISTS & CIIIM-liSI-TTliSJl'ST KlX'lilVliU. HON MAKCIIIi, M Sol'TII MAIN STKIiliT. HXESTABKOOK'S JJ H. MAIN HT., A8IIUVII.I.H, -l tiik I'I.ack rem BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS AND TOYS. VICWM iipr IN r) and SketclieH. KEAL ESTATE. Waltsk H. Owtk, W. W. Wkst GWYN & WEST, (Mnccrsanra to Waltrr It.Owjrn) ESTA11LISIIED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. LoaiiM Hcvurely Placed Per Cent. at 8 Notary I'uhllr, FIRE Commissioner, id I H-eda INSURANCE. OPFIC'K WoulhcuMl court Nona re CORTLAND I1KOS., Real Estate Brokers, And Iiivefttmciit Ag-cut. I.uiin. ac urcly placed nt H icrccnt, unices i ii4(k an Pattnn Ave. Second floor, lehndlv "HOW NOW, HORATIO!" Woulda't buy tlmlier lands, mineral prop crtle. or A.hrvllle Mini Hstnlc t Thn call on ua, Horatio, unci we will give thee thy money', worth. , We can aril thrt a hnuae lot. lend thee slick rla to erect a dwclllnic thereon, unci Inaure the anme In any I'lre Insurance Company doing hualneaa In thl. State. Olv u.a call, Horatlot ' JRNKH A JKNKH,.. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. Room 9 ft 10, McAfee Block. . 88 PattoAre., A.hv(U, N, C, MISCELLANEOUS, REASONS "WHY. IT U not oloiie the riKht nml irttMouul.lt' price thut wc name for the good we Hell that our claim to your putruttuKV mat 11 1 v rcsti upon. T Hit Hterllns excellence of our Grucvrk and the unapproachable (tialtty that charat'tvrlu'ii every article wc offer fur sale Hhould be well cotmhlcrvd. , li sulk-it vnrrl'ul.tt.a.mh.ii.L't m ml n un pari mm of our uooil and price. All wc auk In tlutt you Hhoulil excrcUc ynur lac- ultk'H in ynur own behalf, and be Kuided In your iIccImIuu by thu kuowUilc tlum oh. taiucd. A. D. COOPER, ' Staple aucl Fancy firocerlcs, Public Square. During the moiitli of Au out the gust we want to close very tiling we have in line of Summer Goods. V are going to buy a big stoek for the PA II and Winter we wniit no money looked iif 111 (Joods to carry over. Y have some beautiful patterns in Flouneings anl ANovers that we will sell so cheaply that it would he economy to buy even for next Summer as oncennuot have too many hite Dresses. If you need a Blanket or a Coin fort t lies eool niglitsyou can Mini what you want at our place. A new line of Ginghams in Kail Shades have just come in and a re going to bo sold very low, as is our habit with all our Goods. We have about six Ice Cream Freezers of t he season's lot; thoy will besold very low. You can still buy Croquet Setta uml Jlam- uiocks of us cheaper than anybody else. Our Store is headquarters for all sorts of Housekeeping conveniences of which we ask an insnec- ( ion. Come to see us before you aiy .Shoes of ,niy kind and you will save money. ICvory thing at lowest, prices at "BIG RACKET." F. A. GRACE. DECORATOR ANIl. di:hi;ni:r FKI&CO. IN iiumliCtm JOHN CHILD, ( Formerly of Lyman Child I. Ofllce No. 1 Legal Block. REAL ESTATE ANIl LOAN BROKER HtrlctlyaHroltcrafre Buliic l,oan necurrly plneed nt M iter cent. ATTENTION, FARMERS! For Tobacco FIuch CALL. AT Taylor, Uoulu & nrotherluii') NO. 43 I'ATTON AVIINI'H, AMIIKVILLK, N. C. Aki iiI. for the ctUhruli d 'WOODLAWN" COOK 8TOVKS. Plumbln j;, Steanc onul . Gas Fittlnir. aultdlw MISCELLANEOUS. Go to Carmichael's Drug .Store with your prescription where you will at all tim find a full line of pure fres Drugs and Chemicals, and at low prieoH. His prescriptioi department is Stocked wit the purest and. best Drills and Chemicals to be found in the market, both foreign am domestic. And you can rest assured that your prescrip' tion will be filled correct ant that you will be charged a low price. Three registeivd preucriptionists ready to servo you at all hours. Night calls promptly answered. W. C. CARMICHAEL- AI'OTIIKCAHY, No. ao South Main Street, Asheville, N. C. Lots and lots of New (Joods for Au tumn just received. We have made a number of sweeping reductions on Spring and Summer (Soods in order to close them out. A large discount on light weight Clothing (llac1 excepted) for the remainder of the sen win. CLOTHING. DRY GOODS SMALLWARES. HATS, SHOES AND CARPETS. 7 & 9 I'ATTON AVU QUIT! Ojiit monkeying with Knoxvillc and Richmond when you want Drugs, Medi cines, mints. Uils, Window ( J laws xc, remember tha t 0. Smith & Co., have n largo and heavily stocked Wholesale and Hot ail Drug House in Asheville, on the Public Squure. where all buy ers are supplied in quantity and price and quality, such goods as make up a well fit ted modern Drug and Pro scription Store. S ive freight charges from more ivmote mints and save time in get ting goods. Aid jn building up a near-by market and in creasing trie growing im portance of Asheville as t he commercial centre of WoKt ern North Carolina. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, Ucncral 1 IiiHuraucc i Agent. Hcur No. !f Houth Mnln atrcct, Ilalaldlahril 1HI1A. A.hevlllr, N. C. nun ill v GREER BROS.. . (Kiu'cc.aora to llnlrd Ki Mcctor.) No. aS North Main Street, Have u full atock of everything to lie uaeil In fnmllica In Ihc way of enliili e All Irrah mid of heat tiunllty. Wc n.k our friend, and the piddle irenrrnlly to enll and ace na, Hntla ac tion Kunrnntced. All Koodn dcllvrnd In the lly llmlta. I'n.h country produce n aie- clidty. nuu4ilm KiigllMh and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNQ LADIES AND LITTLE OIRLS, No. 40 French Broad Avenue. MRS. BURQWYN MAITLANO, PRINCIPAL (For many year. Aaaoclate Principal of Mt. Vc'nion Institute, nnltliuore.) Aaalatril liy a corp. of eompentent teacher.. deed illy AT TIIK MODKL CIOAIt STOIlli . You Will Find BEST BRAND8 FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO. autO dtw 1 BY ASSOCIATED PRESS TO THE CITIZEN TO-DAY. A NRWOVRl PACIFIC TKAIN KOBBKD OK 190,000, A NEW YORK MILLIONAIRE COM MITS SUICIDE. PINKERTON'H NKN NliARU CAl'MK A RIOT AT ALBANY Kansas City, AukiisI IS. The limited Kalians City expresH, on the Missouri I'mili was hclil up hy aevrn liiuli wny men nt OtU-rvillc, Mu., early last evening nml rulilwd of $1)0,00(1 of express mutter. Thetrnin was r .iwrl"rl with , n h'crs anil the sale ol the impress cm.piiny was stuffed with money consigned, much of it to Western linuks. SHOT A HOV. Ilnkerlii Men Nearly Klot. I'HUHC Ai.uany, N. Y August IS. AI11111I one o'clock vcstcnlnv, James Ilattnn, ol New York, a I'inkiTlon man, was patrol. inu the tracks in Van Wert street, lie claims to have Ikxii struck with a stone Then he lired his revolver into the crowd the hall slrikinua small hoy. Thecrowd surued around him. mid Ijcforv the I lice could interfere he was struck with lists and cluhs. mid presented n piti.ilile sin lit when rescued liiim the crowd liy the nolice. who were uliliued to drnw their revolvers to stem the crowding mass ot people. One policeman had his coat torn ol him in the hjilit. ullwir assaiills of I'inkerlon men occured r'ltiHT OK Ullv Terrible Htate or AITuIrs) In (inale- unlit. S.N I-'kancisCi., Auiiust IS. (leu. W Cook, lormerlv ol'lhiscitv, who has Ihtii (iunteniala duriuu the past year, writes that n proclamation has liccu is sued that all who were not ready lor military duly would Ik; shot. TheAuiei ienns at C.uateinahi city are safe lor l In y nveived nrottvtioii at the leuatiou Evcrv servant, even these on the eollec nlantations. have heen drafted into the war and there are not euoiiuh to sitpi'lv food, provisions lieing enornmiisly hili in price, llusiness is at u slaiiilstill. FerNlHU-iit U'liv, Wasiiim'.ton, AuKiisl is. In the sin ate to-day Ounv mivc lorin.il notice ol Ins intention lo ask the senate to nilopt his order of Iiumiicsn" resolution. which iiostiHines consideration of llic .rce lull till liccemiier. ,mi. Hoar sain: I,ct it 150 over." Mr. Kdimiuils said: U'l it 1:0 under." I l.auuliler I The The 111 .lire went over until to-morrow. A Millionaire IIi.k1. Xkw Vokk, AiiL'iist is In the res! Icnceofhis sister. Mrs. Amos CultiiiL' yesterday, was lound the ImhIv of oxepl A. laniei.on.il Hroml strccl liroker nnd millionaire. He handed liiiusclf from his iK'd room door. AITAIKS ( LdXSI.iJI i:cn. The Wabash strike hn hern M littil. The linoicror of (Uriiiany ha arrived ni St. l'etru.urK. There la no chanuc to ilay in I he New Vork Central strike. The lotterv lilll hns pnsied thr houw. It forlilila the liar of the malls lo lomard nny th nK whatever In connection wiillaloU ry. Three million feet per day How ol nnlunil Itns was struck Ihiirsiliiv lit hiioniii rliiml. llircr miles I'rom i.nnla lliirluir.-i. Ciilil'oriua FAVOR VANtii, rchuU of the Wake County Con vention at KaU-litli. The democrats of Wake county held their convention Saturday nt Kalci"h. The Farmers' Alliance mustered strnnj.. Among the interested Ssvtators was Act- inn-Governor Molt, resolutions were of fered liy a lawyer enilorsiuu Vaitix- lor senator. These wen1 not adopted, liiifi. C. lleddinolicld, State secretary of the I'armers' Alliance, iiitroiliiciil resolutions its 11 sulistitutc, wiiiiii were aiiopieo. These endorse Vance as u patriotic num. hut declare that il there is any opposition lo him a convention shall la.' railed to in struct the legislative nomiiteesasto what candidate they shall vote lor whelhei Vance or some one else. I lie resolutions reniieat Vance lo foiniiilateiiuil introduce at the earliest practical dale a lull em bodying those principles ol I lie sun-treasury hill which he favors and eliminating those lenttires which are unconstitutional. It is learned that the legislative nomi nees personalty fuvnr Vance. All save one arc alliance men, I.ARUK TRANNKIiHH. Aslievllle noeHii'l Seem lo be Jo- lK lackward Very Much. I'or the past lewuionihs Messrs. (Iwyu Si West have lieeil negotiating some hig trades in lands lying lo the northeast ol the city. Among other sales made liy this firm thev hnve sold to Cincinnati parties for lion. Thns. l, Johnston, 17t acres at 1.1 11 III! fori). II. Stiltle, l.'i:i acres nt $1,(MMI; nnd for Cnpt. T. W. I'atton, ltm aeri'S nt Rl.niiii. Tiic I'ai Ion land till lies nhove Sunset drive and its extreme limit is two nnd n half miles Irom the court house on an air line, nnd tlilll lift higher than the city. Mr. W. It C.wvn.oltlirlirm, linslMiugli'. out his co-owner, Mr. (5. W. Swam, ol linnville, Vn., in nmety-six nerra at -. (Kid, just three years ago Mr. l.wyn nnd Mr. Swain hought this land at J J.noo. nnd the knowing ones held up their hands in aslonishmcnt, predicting thai the pur chase was a disastrous one, Mr. Swain congratulates himself iiihiii 3.1 kt cent. per annum. A I.ONN lo Ihe kttnte. Itidges Seymour nnd Ilond, of the failed Stales circuit court, sitting nt Kulriuh. have rendered a decision in the ense of the American Fertiliser company of Virginia, deciding that the law impos ing n tux in iHiiitf upon icrtini'.er compa nies doing husiness in North Carolina is unconstitutional. The tax rcalixcd from this source amounted to $:iH,lllltl is-r yrnr, nnd was devoted to itiaintuiniug the State department of agriculture and the agricultural nnd mechanical college. The legislature, which meets In January, will provide a remedy in the shape ol n tax of 125 cents per ton mi each ton of Irt tilucr brought into this State, This will yield Irom $5,00(1 to $00,00(1 annually, utid its legality is utuptestioncd. THE NEWS OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. rkports of vkhv (ihdat anu uknivkal inti:mi-;ht. RecelplH and KxpendllureN At tendance Corporal I'uiiIhIi mum Manual Training l-:xnniina-IIoiih-HcI.ooI IIuIIiIIokh Neces Mary Teachers)' Bi.lary -liuod Li brary Wanted. The Ihird nnntiid report of the Ashe ville ptihlic schools has just been pub lished, lis contents should lie rend hy every taxpayer. That the report may have the widest publicity Tins Ciiizhn makes liberal extracts therefrom to ilay. Mr. W. W. West, chairman of the school committee, calls esiccial atten tion to "that portion of the suSTiiitend- ent's report relating to school accommo dations, which is lar short of the pres ent absolute necessity." Mr. West adds: ' A.t,ljioi.M,. si hoot ... . n-'v.lMtions should be at once provincil, airri i.V. i notice ociicvc it wouhi lie wise to raise the n' cded Iliads liy the issuance ol boinls ill such uiiioimts and with such limit ol maturity us your hoiuuablc biulyhi Mayor and Aldermen J may approve. We lesiax tliillv invite a cuuu icucc ul tin early day in rcsiK-ct to the wavs and means tor the urovuliiiu of ciilaruc school .iccommoilalious." The report of the irc.-isurer Mr. J. I Kaukin, follows: KIl'CII'TS. City tux Coiilily lax ..Il.llll 7ii .i'.:i. M. PliiKcr, aecouiit ol IValioily fund 7.o on Tultiou firs Loud to Ijllliittec Ulli.-ii ILoiiii oo J 17.i'.o.-,.ol i.M'i:Mnnni:s. limit- ..I7. Illlltoiee oil li ,ml $1 7, Ho.", o Supl, I'. I'. Cl.'ixlou's icpoii Mi iln letnil of e.H'iiililurcs to he: Stiliirii-s Tt-uciu rs, SliptriiiU-tHl eiitiiiiil huiit.tis y 1 o -':t' snliir.v ol M-t-rt-lni v loo I rrasur. i's t'oiintiision :i;iii ol Illllllllivoll sell. I lilt II I l. I' 1 .H--ll I-'IH'I I'urmiivs l.oiit.U'.i :i:t'.i ; I lult-rrt on unpiiiil iitiii- lorHiiM- Iiiks Lot lot colored sellool Itisiiriiiiix- r..i:i.:i :u ."ill i:u.;. u ii .'..".IIT.J." .-. HI 7 en. nit I'liid on liiiili.iti Kcpuirs n-.il iiicdviilid I V.llll.'.ol Sui iiiulendiiil L la Moll's icooil also has the following: Winn; wiuhii.s. uilllH-r nicltililrMl Irom II to L'l o-st'- IliU'e..! l.llT.. ron iiuiiiImt enrolled lit scliooU 1,111 vi-rui:,-iiailv ci.ro liiuiii t,7. Avciiikc ilioly nt .titluiKt iii;i t c- in. ol hciiiiol ihipulatioii in dully attend tut- .'Ct.li P. r cint. of lotai tiit-olltii.nt in d iily llllelldiillec Til I'ei cent olavt'iiiL.-c itauy too Inn lit In iloil v iilu-nilaioi' R, I NuliilM-r ol'ila.vslatiKliI 1 7.i Col.oKl h SCIIiioi.s. NuinlH-r of children Irom il I-, I'l i.-ti- iiitili-ili.. T.",o I'otal iiiimlH-rtiiiollt- in m-IiooI :::l.'- r iuc ilniii i'ioohnii',11 vciaue dully aii-iil.in,v il'7 Per eeul. ol sehool popiilntion .n .10 it v alli-ntlaiHv lit. li Per win. ol total tnroliim nl in i.ui.i iitti-nilutux- :ts I'erivnl. 01 nvtrnue tluiiy citrollmt-iit in oaiU iittcttuaiHr so 4 NuiiiIht ol day. IiiukIiI Ill-- Supt. C lax toll's rcHirt to the sehoo, commillee, Messrs. . W. Ucst, W. I'. Kaudolph, II. A. liudger, S. K. Kepler, 1. I. Millard anil I.. . I owell, iscxtrcmeh inleresliug. lie says 111 part: I'l'III.IC SCHOOLS CIII .M'l.sr ANIl hll . "The pr-iiuliiv against ihe schools llich existed at liist will soon Im-ii thine unknown. With two or three yeai more of miliiiidcred siieccssiul work, all our K-ople will rtahcllic lad that Im all, ImuIi rich and pool, llicpuliiic schools lire mil only the clieast, but also tin la-st." Ill Asheville, ns in most other cities there ihc lK'oolc w ho taken great inter est in the education of their cliildivn. hut ho honestlv la lieve that lime is great danger that their mauiiers uml nunals ill lie injured by coining ill contact with the masses ol children in I lie publii liools. This, were 11 true, would U a valid oliiecl ion to auv system ot schools like ours, lint that there is no truth in such an idea, every one iicipiuiulcd with the facts knows. I Ulievc time is only one plaiY in the world where n child may lea in ol the faults ami vices ol ollur hildmi and not lie contaminated lit them. Thai place is til the schoolroom under the tuition of a skillltil unci con scientious teacher." I know that Asheville is a liusv place. Iml I urge that during the next venr ev ery KTson in the city lake time to visit Hie schools, 11 only lor a lew Hours, ami iuss.vl their wink." AT TUMIAXCK. Miiiiv parriifs keep their children away Irom school two or I line davs in a week 011 the most trivial excuse, aiipar- utly unconscious ol the tact that such hililren might iH'ltcr Ik- kept 11 way all the time. The parents of Asheville have not vet realised the fuel that going lo liool is a business and rcoiii.-rstlicsaiiie promptness ami regularity that is te nured by any oilier imsuiess. 1 lowe.cr, the ntteiidmicc Inst year was much Isl trr in this respect than in any previous vrnr." To secure fuller nllcndnnce Supt. Clin ton favors "11 compulsory education law anil a truancy olliccr." ANOH'I.K I.HAIHi. lie also stroiiglv reciiinineiulstlir mldi lion of allot her grade to I lie schools I he ninth and says il would have -'."i or Mil pupils, lie continues: when we nave itiuicii ims grant-a nttmlK-r ol tmr U-st colleges w ill accept imnils on our eerlihcnte and without liny further examination; and more than one have siguihrd their willingness in give us an annual scholarship paying nil ollegr cxieiies. 1 in an itcriiii enociii uiao nrgiics 1 ue es- tnl.lisineit.il this grade 011 the ground that il will Ik-a step in the educating ol i , i. f. ,i, . ' ,i.....i i...!:. The stiK'rmteuiletil also argues Ihe es teachers for tile city schools, undsavsit will not ndd to the exiH-usc aheailv ac cepted. "Nowhere can we gel Utter teacher than tri.tii tile ranks ototirgraii- ua tea. when thev have nail n lew years in college nnd a course in some good training school." MANI'AI. TKMMNll. "As soon ns ilcanlK'done, I reeoinnii ud the liilroductlon of some form of manual training. I think this can lie profitably dour in the colored schools next lull or as si Min ns the new building for schools is compli'Uil. All the U-st and most prog ressive schools in thr civilixcd world hnve nine form of manual training in them." "We should also make Itetlcr provision for physical cHucnllon, Wc owe It to our children to provide for their physical edu cation no less than lor their mental and moral education. Education menus the complete development of the human being." EXAMINATIONS, "The teacher, who, having taught a child daily lor nine months, is unable to any w iiciaer or inn il ouglil lo lie pro. non-U won us ciass, camioi do so anv more satislactonly alter n lew hours so-caiien writ ten examination, in prcpa ration lor which the child has exhausted us nervous system, hor this reason, w no longer have any examinations for tin purpose m our schools. Having tried the picbini piau two years, we are satislicd w ith the results, and would mil, on anv consideration, return to the old plan of icsi cMimiuaiions. I.IIIKAKV. The siiKTiiitcndciit makesa strong plea uir 11 iiorary, iiuisnvs: "At present 1 llav 110 way to recommend bv which insecure the means lor tins." Here is nnopportii nity lor some public spirited citizen with means, and there arc iiiaiiv such in Ashe v.lk-. : I'l'NISHMIi.NT. All punishment should be recognized by the child as liillowing naturally and necessarily upon ihe offense. Whipping ami oilier such 111 111t.r1.rv pimishmeiit can never lie so considered bv uuv think nig child. Oecasion.illv in our ignorance wc nave rcsnrtcil to such modes of cor rectum, but almost invariably, I think willimit Ihe ilesncd result. All cases ol corporal piiiiislimeiit are required to lie reported tolhcsiiK.riiitciidcnt, and about 111 teen nave Ikcii --cporlcil during the year, ' ins is much larger than it sin .mil lie. There nri. aoniechililren whose home trammo has been such that it seemingly impossible loihiniivthing with uiciii in school 1 nev cannot lie relumed without injury lo the other children and 10 the schools us a whole. The juiiihc schools is not the place for them I'licsc schools arc not intended lorn re- lorinaiorv. I he only thing to Ik- done with such children is to dismiss them.' CIH'KCII ANIl STATU. 'WcIkIicvc that the proiKT use of Ihc books ol the ltil.lv will aid us in ibis work, nnd so we have them read in tmr schools, school ia m.uim.s. "I recommend for I be colored schools the erection, at once, ol a l-oimI. sub. r-i.iiiiiui in tea illuming, 01 six rooms, 011 llic lot recently purchased lor this pur pose on Velvet street. 'On the west su e of Main street I hen- is a rapidly increasing white school pop- 10.111011 01 iiooiit twelve hundred; tor llitse we have accommodations in the Academe street building lor about lour hundred, leaving eight hundred children ill this district unprovided lor. .is soon us possible a building, with lour rooms, should lie erected near Ihe old licpol, 011 the street iusl lulow Mclkc's corner. This wn.ilil uive room lor those vv ho would atlciid out of 11 school popu atiou ol three hundred or uiore ill the taelorv district, not more than ten K-r mil. of which have ever in tended al ihc Academy stiect school. Last year a school with one teacher was pencil lor these 111 11 room, the use ol w huh was very kindle given for this purpose bv the Hon. Kichinoud I'enrsou, ml was luti ly well atictulcd." "Another bllilditlL' with not less than eight rooms should Is-erected somew here not lar south or west ol the intersection il rallon avenue with French llrond a vi line. This done, lew children would have to walk tore than hall a mile in iidcrlo reach school. The attcndiiiicc wotild nt once increase thirty K-rccnt. or more." Ti-AcnrKS' sAi..tmi:s. Superintendent Claxtoii nvoiiimriids that the tt'iichers' wages Ik raised they ire now Irom thirty to Idlv dollars a month for teachers and front lilty to ninety Im principals" and that they Is paid hy the year so that when the schools are not in session thev should Ire reoiiired to so use their lime that thev might Ik' Isttcr lilletl for the work of the iH'M session." Till-: C111I N feels that it has not done nil pist ice in not printing SuiKTinteiidctil ChiMon's admirable report in full; hut as that was not -Hissihlc the foregoing selections were made ill the Iiok- ol meet ing the eyes ol many who will not Ih- able i.. read the rc'sni in its com pie limn, LATEST A7.HS Xuh TII C.IA'..V I. About two miles Irom Kiiislou Tins- lav night Julia Morgan, a white woman iliiiul thirtvlive vents old, was shot be an assassin Irom behind the ehimucv ol her house. She lived 011 Mr. dray's plan tation. Last 1 11csd.1v Mr. AlH-SlroiiplKvumc u ihllv insane. Tlicic are lean, ol his do ing violence I" hinis. II. Mr. St roup w as distiller ami was converted at the I-lie nicctmg. Since thai tune Ins mind has Ihtii almost wholly almorlsd in religion and the aliidvnl the Ittblc ('i.isloiiial'ia M-llc. The exodus of ihe negriKS from Las tern Norih Caiohna w ill Is- renewed in autumn, and bom w hat is learned il will U-an extensive movement, as great il not greater than that id last winter. The negroes id the Stale emigration associa tion arc hw al work in the 1 111 ikii t me jHclioti. I he railway agents have also upiK'ared 111 ll.e Stale and arc co-oHia-ling. lateenc l.ill.ikcr, who eomniilled suicide liy shooting hiiiisclf, ia dead. In his room a note was lomiil which ex- ilains his course Wc have not the note mt it was in substance this: "You will fimlniein the barn. Tell our ami all that I am not cruy, bill my f rotililt-s are more limn I can U-ar. No one knows how I sutler and lint o te person in Ihe world knows w hat HIV troubles lire." Concord Staiiilaiil. tin last I'riday while several -nrsuns, among them acoh Wiae, were digging a wcjl lor I'anl Ihirringer, of I'roviilcniT tow uship n shower ol ruin caused them , . 1 . . 1 ... . 1.: . """I' ".,l ,',' 1 ' "l.v nin..tes. ,lr,w r"'. I't !! whicli wusthcil nliotit lorty-seven left tleep. Later, il was suggested that no more work Ik- done that day as everything wns so wet. Hut Wise stcp-trd into the bucket to lie let down, say ing thai lie would "slick to 'it until the lust button drop-rd nil." Sud denly one strand of the roie snapiieil. Mr. Mill, who had hold ol the windlass, lohl Mr. lirnhurilt to cntch hold of the riitr ami they would tlraw him back. Wise said "lor Caul's sake men don't let me full," As Karnhnrdt took hold of the roi-e there was a sudden snap. Wise said "Lord have mercy," elnpitetl his hands twice nnd then there wns a henvy, dull sound which will never he forgotten bv those who heard It. When Mr. Hill wns let down to ise he was dead MISCELLANEOUS. ANTIMIGRAINE. THE NEVER FAILING CURE FOR HEADACHE. TKAIIB MARK KliGISTHRKI). ABSOLUTELY SAFE, PERFECTLY SURE AND ALWAYS SPEEDY. Cures) I -Aery Variety of Headache ANU NOTHINc; til.SU. ANTIMIGRAINE lias earned lor itself the enviable renutn- tion of being the finest, most effective and reliable article in the market for the s-K'cdy relief and c ure- of every variety of that common trouble, Hladaciik. The immense favor which has greeted it from all quarters, proves its true merits and acceptability to the public. It is some thing which almost everyone needs, and those who have once tried it, will never be without. I'ur its curative powers it does not de pend upon the subtle influences of such Hisonous drugs us AXTll'YKlXIi, MOKI'HIXU. CIILOKAL ANU COCAINli, Since it does not contain an atom of cither of I hesc. 11 is absolutely free from injurious chemicals, and can be taken by young ami old without fear or serious results. It is not a Cathartic, does not disarrange the stomach, and contains no noxious or sickening ingredients. The ieculiar advantages of Antimi graine consist in its being thoroughly reliable as a cure for any kind of head- sclie without resiicct to cause leaving no unpleasant or uunoying after-effects. is in the case of other so-called "harm less" remedies. These qualities make it the most popular and saleable article in the market, wherever known. lllkiiCTIONS FOR I KU. The dose fur an udult 1. two teitspoonful. in u wine gins, of water. Pose for children in proHrtioa, according to age la either case the dose cuu tic rcpruted every thirty miiiues until a cure ia crlcctcd. One dure will nlway. drive away an attack of Headache, taken whea first feeling the premonitory symptoms; but if the attuck ia well on, and ulk-rtng ia inu-iiRc, the accund or third doae may lie rruutrcd. I'auully s greater number of dusca ia required to cfli-ct the first cure than Is needed lor any succeeding, tune there- alter, showing that the medicine ia accumu lative ia ita cllccla, lending toward an event ual iK-rinanent cure. Fur sale ut CHANT'S PHARMACY. WUIIXOCK'S, 46 fc 48 8. MAIN STREET, Otii-nsltr Hank of A.hevllle. UNLOADING SALE. Dry (Joods, Fancy Goods, and Notions, 1,;uv Curtains, 'alilc Iiinriis, Towels, Nap kins, I'tMinlcrpani's, Whito Goods, and Fmliroidcrics at H'iini' lost. All I)onicstiu ioods, illrludill' Pride of till) WVst, Wamsulta, Fruit ol -oiiiii, 1-1 Cottons and 10-1 Si n vt mil's at prime cost. We call special attention to our larp stock of Kin- iroidery and Knit tintf Silk, Zepliyrs, Wools, Silk and Outline Work. AH lvo ut riiiit' cost. Ladies' Muslin 'iiderwear nt cost, Kid Uoves, Hosiery and UibboiiH at unusually low priceH. LndioSjWill suve money by attending this special sale. , 4k, inVi'.'W-6UHu-1 .-,-.-v'.

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