K UHa l'tJ'!Nt',i1 ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 20, 18JM). t THE DAILY CITIZEN. By R ANDOLrH-K ERR PRINTING CO, Till DAILTClTIIKN, rirmocrntic, in published every aiterooon (except HunuayJ at tne la wing ratee attic cly cash: One Year $6.00 Sim Month 3.00 Three Montha 1.(10 line Month no One Week 10 THE DAILY CITIZKN la on sate at the following places in AnticvNIc CITIZHN I1IT1CB. HATTKKY I'AKK NKWS STAND. OLUN RUCK NKWS STAND. MODBI. Cli'.AK STOKK. I'nttnn Ave. J. CARSON'S NliWS STUKb', Nurth Court Bquare. TUESDAY. AUGUST 2(i, IK'.IO. A Pointer. I'roui the Hultitmirc Kceoril. Within the lust month orsn wc have U'iirmd ol tiiiwiirils uf !jSii0,ii(M),(HMi ot IviiL'lisli capital that has Ihtii ollcrul for invcslincius in a rcat inany Southern enterprises, iiicliiilini; railroads, town schemes, tnintrul proon'tiis, etc. load dition to this enormous amount there lire maiiv heavv investments hciuu' made which are not included in thin summary, as tins in onlv what has lie'en lirouj.it mrecllv to our atlentioit, and eoiieerum which nothum has vet lieen jaihlishcd in i'.uniw or America. The llaHUril Kailwu Hlrlku. It is evident now that the full power ol the Knights ol'I.abor is to lie exerted to eoniK'l the New Yol k Central to rehire eert.iin disi harxed men. On what ".roiiml can it lie held that this company, or any company, should take hack men ot' a kind it says it does not want, sidimit the dispute to arhitration or lie punished by u general strike. The Kailroad Ga zette says: It does not npiK'.'ii' that the men w ho were discharged and whose reinstate ment was demanded were or were not fairly eoinietent and reliable etnplovces. In fact, Gcnentl Manager Toueey pluinly avows that thev weie dismissed on ac count of their mischievous disposition. That thev were assiduous in cultivating .imv.iiiii-ni i hoi, we oeiieve, iicmcd. As n matter of tact precisely that denied, and it is U-cause the charge one no easily made that Tiik Citizi-n In- lieves the whole matter should have been submitted to the arbritiatiou which the New York Central has declined. Hut it is said that the riu'llt of nil cm plover to discharge any employe with or without cause and with or without ex planation is one that is necessary to the Viirryini; on of his business; one that cannot lie disputed. "What!" the em ployer mav say, "have I not the riht to say whom I shall pay my own money to?" The rule holds u I in the main in the smaller companies hiring not more than n very lew hundred men where nil can be known by thcemplover; but w here the number of employes reaches into the thousands the situation is iliiHr ent. The man, or set of nun, whose money is paid out docs not. cannot. know the coniHtencv of but lew of the men he has hired, tinier the principal officers of the company are scon s of su H'i inieiideuls and lorcnuu. Hie .l Ukm conceives a dislike ol a man .-out di ch.irycs him. Il the forviii..u is aki-d by his superior, who may have a ucucr.,1 im- pussiou iii.'it the nisi hurycit ui.iu w compcUiit wIkii he dismissed him, w h is easier to say than to loiimil.-iic the charjic ih.-n he had a "mischiivoiis ili position ? The foreman will never have to prove ms cnarjie. uukss the matter should lie arbitrated, and the discharge employe, helpless inhisHiverty and in Im lack ol knuwleiluc of any other ealliuu blacklisted in the utlicis of perhaps score ol roads nlonj,' thousands of mile: of travel. Let it ha p k' ii that there lire several employes unjustly discharged in this wav and that they arc members of n union and that the head ol the company de clines to go into court ol iirlntration or meet tne empioyes attorney in liict that is, the head ol their labor orania tion and you have the material lor strike that shall cause endless Milicrinn h'rent public diseomlorl and many thou HHiids of dollars. LATEST nVS FK0M NONTIl CAROLINA. Telegrams of a more encourniHiiR na ture ns to the condition of Rpv. Ir. Huge have been received lit Wilmington. 1 R. Kxlitic, sheriff of Chatham county, is the first to send to the State auditor an abstract of county taxes. The mad ilnj: excitement in Cntawlm county continues. The Newton linter- prise ol last week rcHirtcd the death of two Horses Irom lijilropliuiiui. The negro woman, Aleck Morton, who was arrested for killing Julia Mor gan, was tried at Kinston, N. C, liefore ludjte Annlield and was convicted and sentenced to lie hung (tetulier 17. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. W. Alexander, of Sharon, have a il.'iiighter, Nannie I.ee, lour years of ngc, who can repent the ten commandments, the Lord's prayer, and the entire catechism correctly. In the Little River, limine eoiiutv, church neighborhood, recently the two- year old son of Mr. John Wilson was walking backward when he fill into u put of boiling lye. He died the next day. The Slate Superintendent ol Public Instruction has made arraiieenients to send to everv county suiieriiitcn'lcnt public instruction a set ot oucslions loi use at the September examinations of all teachers, Mr. J. A. Thomas, of New Iloie wnsliiii, informs the Chatham Record that he killed at one stroke, one iliiv last week, llhrlv-live snakes of the adde pecics. Mr. Thomas cannot do lictic Itiau to keep on stroking. I'nele Aaron Heal, ol Little Kiver township, while raiubliuu oyer the Driishv moiiiitaiu, ihseovcrcil a ki.iik' niie a1 ... tcet ill cireumlerence, on the hinds ot the late W. I. Kobnett. It llaii mi to the tops of tall mountain trees I he Kaleii;ii cotton nulls are new lies and trained labor is needed lor tlicin. Mr. r.ddins, ot Kalemh, had let nrs from oiieratois at Roekv Mount who stated that thev were out of cm ploviuenl. .Mr. I.ddius went tliere with money to pay their railway fare to Kal :h. lie was arresteil l here eliaru'cu with yiolatiiii; tile act ol the legislature which prohibits hiring or taking nway i laiiorers unilcr contract. Sheriff Ricks tells the Nashville Ario. mint ol a man not tar I ro in Nashville. who purchased a thermometer and htm i in his tobacco barn, and started his tires. After the tires hail been running .iwhile, sonic one present asked him win he did not examine his thermometer and s- e how much heal he had. He r- plied liiat he hum- thai thiuu inside to attend t i the inside of i he hunt, and he was o i"U to attend to the outside. 77S A.M.V.S lilSIXKSS. ,-:' Ml. I. Van fiihili-v. of Poinntla iMtrserv. r-uillord county, h.-e-t lust shii- p.il Pl.ooii youuu trees to Havton idiio. It s said that the brownstone inarriisoii iiu- liotiii rsot liurtianiare to : u oi keil on a l.ii'iie scale. The stone is , line ' 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 y . In" Col Thos. W. Ib.lt will Uxin the eivctioii ol a roller null al New River shorib. It "ill ha. . i capacity of fifty i airils ,-er day. tf.r iM. r.l Imj : Hai. ' ey. Itr .s. -Co. :..-Vi tloM'd a i II , 1 1 with M.ij. ;'. It. Oar Old Friend Aaraln, Krum the NVilson Looking Glaaa. A brilliant throng of beauty and gal lantry assembled in the lovely home of that clever and most admirable gentle manthe upright George Wniuriglit on Thursday night to enjov the festivities which had been prepared in honor of his charming visitors the grandly sticrb and rcspleiidcutly ottructiveand hewiteh ingly fascinating Miss Marion Cook, of Texas, and that magnificent mould of womanly charms the grucetul and ipieenly Miss Currie Murray, ol Raleigh, Itoth of these young ladies were resplend ent in their loveliness, and moved hither and thither, di8K'nsing tliosecharms and those graces -and that witchery, on whose enrapturing tides the senses, in blissful rupture, floated awnv to the ry thin of sweetest eestacv and delight, And in addition to the seductive charms ot these bewitching ladies who reigned so rovallv o'er that realm ot love ami de votion purchased bv their loveliness and guarded bv their witehciy, there wasalsi present that otiintcsscucc of maidenly svectuess, the exquisitely lienuliful and delu It is deeply tube regretted, but Thk Cmziis's office stove swallowed there iiutinder ol this truly delicious and henv- culv harmonious love pastoral. What shall it do to lie saved the stove we ineaii!" floated with I'N'-jsugarcoated auieetives as it is, its condition is truly pitiable. Answers to this query may U' aiiiiresscii to tne janitor lie cau l rcuil JUKI 15 TQB SPRING. "I Nature should ' -. 'assisted in ti spring to throw oi: (no heaviness ot' the sluuirisli wlntr clrculation of the blood. Nothing jdocs it so well, so prompt orsosnfi'lv bs Swift's Speciliu. ttlie HufTertd for Twenty Veurs, Mv wile has snllered lor titteen years Irom cougeslioii and painful iiicnstrua lion. After using three bottles ol lUad field's Female Regulator she i- now able to do her bouse work and go where she pleases. . W. H.WIs, Moravian Falls. N. C. Write Bradficld Regulator Company Atlanta, i',n,, tor particulars. Ily al druggists. v i lia .i I., IT stioiild lie n source ol satistaetion o every American that the remains ol Kricsson, im .f tC mightiest geniuses the world has vet known, were stuned from New York for Sweden with all the ceremony by laud ami by sea that could contribute genuine dignity to the occas ion. Happily, loo, liriesson lived long enough to have his genius recognized the world over; but when we turn the page backward and read of the neglect and stupidity against which hcainl his friends fought before hisinveiitions were adopted by our government wc wonder that In dict not shake off from his fivt the dust of America and leave this country venrs ugo with an imprecntioii on his li n. It is a pity that eulogies of dead semi tors take the tone thev generally do "Celestial City, "pcnrly gales," "eternal glories," "eternal rest" anil the like form the ground work of most of these trib utes. They lire probably well meant, but how much better if ail -inalysis of the lilt- in question were given, with n history of its trials, temptations mid triumphs, the filial success rounding out n life on the whole well ss:nt. The young might from such a eulogy draw lessons of lasting benelit. "Tiik friemlsol Frank M. Allen, "saysa Nashville telegram, "are making slrenii ous efforts to compromise his shortage with the Capital Cilv Hank. It is learned upon good authority that $21,000 has been raised." Allen stole ultout $10,000, most of it going into the bucket shois of Nashville. The bank is willing to coin. promise, it is said, ami Allen is much frcccr to come and go than if he had stolen a loaf of bread. Henntble, Convincing Comment. Prom tlit Rtntesvllle Lsnilninrk. Dr. Iiugcne Gnssom has done a most unworthy thing If he gave utterance, be fore he has gotten warmed in his new home, to the sentiments attributed to Ilim in nn interview. The fact that he, a republican, was continued for twenty years by the democratic party at the head ol a State institution, is the liesl possible refutation ol his charge that our people arc intolerant. As to his strict ures upon the new election law, be has given a detailed account of the opera tions of a system which bat not yet gone Into effect. Bat there is no use to criti cise this criticism. We are surprised at 0r Grissom. t l,ig. s I'l-.J. U. M. lluel. null . I.I U k - Hi. nehouse .1 lh, K Mnani, iic:.ii .'ii . c utitv , iliu eotii ; any, tccuci lie nm. Iiint r. lor his aewtii iitu i.ul'ity l.isi week. I-.' l avctti t ille is to li.nc extensive i lachuie s .ops eueti.i by llostoii capi aiisis, loi tin maun!.,, lure ami reiiair ' 1 ig ol all kinds oi in. i, Inner v ami cast- I.IUS. fci'Mleiiduui i ',..1.1 Leaf: Messrs. J. II I. .issuer .inn i. V. Cooinr have sold tw liuilihng lots to a Richmond capitalist who will end two mammoth lactones i hereon. Ire The iron mines al Chaiel Hill are lo ik- ic oiMied ami oinraled on an ex '.ensue scale bv a syndicate, the principal iiiciniiers oi w nie n are well known rail road men. tu)' The exeite-nenl over llir oil diseov ery two miles Irom (.rccuidioro a lew lays ago continues unabated. The wuer ol the laud is Ixiring r oil. and tXK'rienail oil men say he will tinil it. Pur. T. Crillin.ol (lureetn. thiseountv slufljud last Friday a car load ol jsiplar iiiiiiiht to am l oote M liro., ol Atlanta trunk iiiauiilacttirers. Mr. Cnlliu's con tract calls lor all the lumber that he can saw in the next twelve months. Mur- pliv SlCOUl. Ms.s7.7j.tir.ir. Mr. F. II, Hester, oik of the oldest and most highly esteemed citizens of I Iran ullc county, is dead. .Mr. I.ilwui lkrtoiilsler.il nrotumriil euizeii.il i ones county, i Mil last I hur iiav oi soiienmg oi inc iiraiu, alter a long sickness, in his I'l'.lih year. Kinston i rvx i ress. A. I?. MeCirrt. of Wilmington, is dcml. Mr. Mcliirrt was a uallanl Conlederale soldier, having served in the war be tween the Males as private m Company li in. 1. v... I. . i:' o.-: 1 ', ..pen .ii.iiii iiroiiiiii nctfimcnt. A irenl AbHorhrtit. I'rinil the New Vork Post. The 1.1.111111101111 r-iiCUlif of the liraml Army of the Ke.ul,lk In lil speech t the Itnsliin riiinniiitii nl innilr llic avowal thnl I he iililnt 01 nennlona hml Imth the "nll-nh iirl.lnu one ' ..I the y.nr. The wnnU were not limllvi himn .Misorlitnu now SI iii.imhi, ihio r venr, nml xmn tu nlmorli f 1 ,10,000. 000, It will no 1I011I1I iH-i ome nll-nliMirklng very onn If Aluer nml other nlile iiniiTHNt k- n hnvr tlii'tr wnr. All (lie Nviiro Wuiiirn Would Vole from 1 lie Wilmington McMeniirr. II la mnrvrlloiis llml nny Monlhrrn nam he. 11I1I intnr woitinn inlnigr at n. an, ,wr oeuinny in tut Houlh. All thr negro women would vole, ami not tlnrr-roiirths of the whites mnv uih,w. We an- aanlnii nueli innovations. P017DER Absolutely Pur - A (Tfim fllartMt hiblMtf nnwrW Ul.lu.1 of all In kavenlnit atrenith U. M. Oorrnt. aient K.port, Auuat IT, list), lalyaudly The Popular Cocoa of Europe, The Coming one of America. ttoxr .ivi'Krmsn-K.tsii.r titiRSTF.n. The Van IIoutens' process renders their cocoa easy of digestion and develops in the highest degree its delicious aroma. It is an excellent flesh-former, fifty pet tent. greater than the best of other cocoas. VanHouten's Cocoa 'BEST GOES FARTHEST" A-V AS linUTKX'S OOCOA ("age trieo. lwar o-d ) (A. rtela.il. pan, aolobla t llnllnad. m la ta-diiy kaliar aaa arnra aolHhla taaa aajr artka aaiaap- mn Imuullaaa. la (aal. It ilfaaaraUr ad. miiirilaiiuti'reiiropelanaaoomparatiTetMt ill nI pruttl Itiat r Coooa aqaato IhU Invealw'a id ulubllitr. aarMabla UMaand aiilnliva gaaliliM. lraert aala la the u(;d.' Ask fur Vas Uopriut's and xass so oihku. 41 AaiaaSiaaailaW T havo iinod 8. fl. S. for a numbi r p' vein's, sod consider it the tirat tunic hp ' blood remedy thut I wr used. In fi. ' would not attempt to enter upon t.ring or summer lit this climiito wit! out it. II. W. Coi.rman, Of Coleman Femnson A Co., Dado City, F..., Our hisik on l!hs 1 and Skin I).ei.'S mailed free. Swikt Si'ixiKic Co.. Atlimtii. Ott. ih-I niLVwl v CLKAN iSWEKP OK SKAS-1. TIIK ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER. CONDUCTS MECHANICAL t (INSTRUCTION. I. . lias J7, is Hendry Itloclt Julyltidam A. II. COIJIJ. STE N OG R A P1IKR LKGAL BLOCK. Juur7iliim A. S. GRAklAM, DENTIST. iltu-e uver J. H. Law's Hture. ikiuth Main street. KilrnrtinK Me. " With Km fine I'lllinii with ailvrr or amrtlcnm ...doc. to7Ae. K0111 si.ou and anwanl Set of teeth tU.OO lleat set uf teeth tH.oo No Iwiter marie, no matter what von naw. Dr. J. II. Crawford K. Minis a anil II, MeAfet llullilinu, I'allon Avinue. Aanevlllc, N. C I'SAeTK R I.IMITHII TO TIIK V.yv, Vmt, Throat and None aunt illf M. A. NEWLAJND, Attorney at Law, MARION, N. C. Will nraetlee In ihe toih anil tuih i,.rfi.ji ilrn-. trf Nurth Carolina an.l Im K. aM. in-i ine Court anil the federal Court of the Velrrn IHslrlet of North Carolina. mnyMiltm I II So. F. lUTinn.H. Tlloa. A. loa ... nimmrin, AHI eVIIle Asheellle. IJAVIlllUIN, MANTIN JONHM, Ailorneva and CnunaelloTr at Law. A.hirlllr. N. c. Witt nratiire In the 1 ith and iiii ihij-, IMsliii-ls. nnd in thr Huiiretne Court of North aroiiiMi. itno ,n tne rrorrai courts uf the .Ve'lcrn liuirlet of North Carolina. Ki-ii-r to linns 01 Asnrvllle. dtael Jt A. TltNNUNT. Architect and Contractor. nana, aneeineatlona anil eallmafM r... .lUttril. All worh In mv Una m.i..i.im1 r.. nil no charar. fur drawlnR. oa cuntraru iwnnini me. MHerencra when (1 ml red nrhrci No. fd llrndre lllota, North Cnort Afinatr, A.heellle. N, C fcblodlj K. II. SKKVKS, D.D.S. H. K. SMITH, D.D.. Dr. Rccvea A Minlth. IIKNTAI, OKF1CK 11 Connnil nunnins, ur Medwnml's Store, 1'atlon Avenue. Teem eatraeled without nam, with the new tna-sthetlc. and all eaapa or lrrvV.,l.H,H . RAMSAY, U, I1, Dental In Harnard Kulldlna Hutranraa. Avenue and Mala Ntreet, n-nun.il v Ofllcc I Pattua li. H. BR ITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUI'-OER. Also aradlnii of all kinds dose. All orders oromiitljr Ailed and work auaranteed. Can Ibsnd at all times at Oraham's Cotton Poetorf, . suslUdtf DutTii- tliis inonlli wc in teml tt cli'iiu nut nil sniniiKT U'ooils. W Imv mA ii Ini'fjv sl.iick of liiiwns, liiitli pl.'iiii.slripoil iiiii clit'ikcd, wliiili we will cltisciMit nl New York tost. Liulics' fiiif I'iii'iistils Y linvn IVwIt't'l tlml titvwnt'tli s:t..")( to .. ). hut wc wi'l i-losp tlicmout nt !j?2.IU cncli. I licsc arctiiccdcsipjihlc syooils .iiiil itrc ".'tiiiifi' nt 11 hiiri;'('iiii. c Idivc ii o'ood Imc ot Kn lics' Fine Dress (loods nnd TriniiniiiU's wliicli wcolTcrut 11 reduced price. A ji'ootl stock of Sn teens nnd (iino IlillllS. It will liny you to exniiiine our line of Tnhle lAwn Tow- ells, &i A trreat reduction in everv line, ns we nro'oinw to innke a clenn sweep of all summer H'oods if close prices will do it. UOSTICHKO.S. & WKKIHT, No. 11 X. Court Square. W. A. Hi.aik. J. V. lluowx. FURNITURE AMI UNHKRTAK.NG. No. $a Patton Avcntio, M'AFEE BLOCK, OPPOSITE BLAIR'S 010 STAND We are now ready, and in v vile our friends .nid t lie pui lie tfeiK'l'iilly to call and ex -inline our well selected slock of FUIINITU11E, Which wo are offcrinatrocl. bottom priccK. Undertaking a. HiMHrial feature. Calls at tended day or nijilit. Tolppliono, day 7", night 05 BLAIR & BIIOWN. WM. R.PEKNIMAN, PR0PRIKTOK OP , FHE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, AHheville, N. C. I. , Box P. Ill art .'lit lv GLEN ROCK HOTEL. In ioo Feet of Central Passenger Depot. ASHEVILLE, N. C. rATTTTflN w- nnnfflnn Hhor mm VAUJlUll wnrrtmtftl and tverr pair ihoi niai uttiiiv nun price utmpnu uh uoimni I 0R Uhlre im m A II TV.faf A. AT" li'Jfe ia W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Cnlf and Laced Watrrproof Ural a. The eXCC Iftlire And WMrlnv nimllttMnf thla nhnoi menu of It tbnuMatifls of voniiant wvarvra, 50O limit. nr lland-Mewed. Heirant and A-00 Ilnnd-newed Vrll. A flue call bLoi m9 Unmiliullfd fur at visa txniA Hiipnt.lt It SO. BO fJondirear Well in toe ataudant drett w ninja,, oil popular price. SO. BO rollcftniin'ti Khoi ta enpetlalbr adapted w fop railroad nit-n, farmer, ete. Ail niKio in CoottreM, Uutton and Lara. haw hwn miwt favorably nwlved nlnoa tDtrralucej anil tho riH-fiit litiiir.iviiniiita mak. tbem auperlur U any Ahmm wilil at tlii'M. prkwa Ank your ttenlor. ami If lie cannnt mirplf ToaapDil dlnct to fnplory em-lntlna adrartlautt prfoa. or a puital for ..ril.T hlan leu. . a,, vuiuus, nracaiaa, nua FOR SAI.B nV WEAVEH cV MYERS. XI T. XUTniliLL 1I0TKL BLACK MOUNTAIN STATION. i.no im:k hav. sn to 7 vuh wkhk NYhitH tn I'llliillli-y Rui-k, Clitiiulin I'iiIIn ami Mili-lH-H'a t'cak. Inl Hil'-'lll Hl'lt.V I'lt Jv MllliKK. i'RIVATE BOARD New h.'iiw. newtv fumlliril, nil mo li-m iiiiiniviiiunt. Inrjii- roimm. bihi.I tnlilc mrs m. c. cooni:, 5,1 College Hi JAMI-S 1RANK, -niui.KH is- rAMILYGHOCERIES AND PROVISIONS Anoit fur Rccma Crrck Wonlrn Mllla. North Main AaheTllle, N. C AT THK LEADING JEWELRY STORE, Tbt aallrc stiHk ol Plated Jewelry, Incluillnu fine llrmH-hn, llutliina and liritn Irta, at 1-8-0 HE-THIRO 0FF1-1-J3 MrRanllraa of coat, aa wc Inu-nil In the liiturr to krep nnlhlnif hut Solid (liilil ami RIcrlinR Mllvcr Icwclrjf, ARTHUR M. FIELD LEADING JEWELER, Month Main Nt. Aahevlllc. TYLER DESKS -2O0 New Styles. TYLER BANK COUNTERS. Wm, MFrM. III..I..I.4 h tAlaf. TILIE DISK CO., )linS tu'ftttw lal I r-.i l.iu. ii . i T.lOUIB, M9,, TJJ.A. QISSUU'TION NOTICE. ASUHVII.I.K, N. O., lltlv 1!MI - Wc the iin-tt-rtii'n(-il luive t'm ilm iliolvtil ciiftr ncrHiiip mti i mi! rotten', . i' Mrttwn rttlrin litkhit- hi tin nml i.iitin. Imk liuin ft in , .MiM me , i- i.it. nttil 'l li.id W. Thr:ch lalcuu tin ciiurr viit. in u.n-. "'in hi (is.n'H'11- im in ni mm I tint' ItV lilt' HI III (UH) Will I'lHllt'l Id! at-tlHMIl-, iu Hill tltin. J. f ltiu v. Thai V. Tiikahii. Ttu nni-r-iunt 1 li.ivr turnivd n intifirimr 'Hp untliT iiu- finn n m- of Thud V. Uirih V Co. l ir Hit- iHtip.M i tl.niu- M Kt'itcrat ltM.kir ;itU lltMIHC -U:ni III u UMIUMM. Thau w TirttAHii. J M. TllKA-ll. Th nml rlcmtl wilt t'liinliiit u UMit rnt tin 'im ft-nl iniiuii .iil: lucintiH hi nutit hi til l.nti t h . -rtU-in tnr wutk K)t in atun vill rvc ivt rhi.i ntu-niloti J- C, ItUtfVV.N. A No t'lilrtim-c iu Colk t Minvt jiiu:tiiiiim W a 1 I LESSENS PAIN.refJ r.Trv:- i w a. yp nilaiannuri M0OK " tMnvLiimt-' i MOTHER 'n muinLra J " M rutin BRADFIELO REGULATCK ilO. ATtnTAgi arpax dAia-ir IRATT'S ASTRAL Mot nnd fold water nnd hathn nnrl toilet on every floor k-u tire in .:!.v nnd urutnt in hid nmini. Ofttce, diniitJ A nmdem firttt elnnw hatel. iili'i'tnc lulls in i-vi-ry rmini. kii tire in i.:!.v nnd writ tin in lied nintna. Ofttce, dinini renin!, luiu'li counter, cunr nnd new s Mtnnd nnd liitr nnd hillinrd mom on firttt floor, lilci trie utrti t turs .n. duor cvrr.v "r ii:inm UiehtnuuU nnd l'unvilk miln-nd iiulnK hoim ;o iiiiucti-N lor tmnM. R T5: v SJ.oo PKR DAY. A. 1. I IA . HYBURTON. Prop. J. H. HHVAN lllttl WAln.H I.HIil'.N, I'U-rkH. schut's Milwaukee beer. Celebrated the Vi'orltl Over lor its Purity. We ililivrr to nil p'Tls ul tin ilt.v on: ..u ll .tllliiK Ivxnurt llicr nt C9NE IKMJ.AK J?Eit DOZKN. ,.!un,cr Tmi,ruAP.is"Jrr;u;;i;',c",,,,,l wc "' r-i'rtic..at THE "BONANZA" THi; l.liAIHNIi . WINE .. lSi .-. JLIQUOR . STORK IN Tl.i: STATIC. FINE SAJii'ia: AMI KIM.1AKD ROOM. I. . M !' St 1ST. Q S, MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, ff. C i UUICK. BRICK. KRICK. FOR PAI.K KV BUNCOMBE BRICK & TILE COMPANY, Vshevllle, N. C. P. O. Box 426. FOR SALE. 1, m 1' CONTAINS NINE H09MS. INCLUDINSBsTHJ R03M FITTEO WITH WATER CLOSET. I'iiil.lu-.1 thrMiiKhnut In 11ll1111r lak. I'.Tlor nml K.vc.ll,in Hull linUhnl In Ounrl.r autiliink Willi.. ln,Kil wild l.iinrii.tuU nlt.itl. l-ur fiirllu-r i'lioriiiiiiiim mil on G. II. WALK ICR, No. 5, Jeucrson I rive. ( itilyl.tdlm FITZPATR ICK BROTHERS, Dealer In Wall Taper, MiiKlnwNhncleMHndPiKciit Hnnaren.. ralnta. Olla and Varnlaht-a. Mnaurv'a Mtiril Paints anil Color. Wlmlow Olaaa. I,tl Frrni-h and Anirrlran Wc kn-pln lmk i. Iiul.nnrt Krntuikv lart. ABSOLUTELY 8AFE! PERFECTLY ODERLE88I lurnt In in Lsmu wlihnui - Explodlna or Isklna (Ira. Baa thai mi nnl tttm ...iila. Pah - ' BALTIMORE UNITED OIL Ca. ABHBV1LLB, N. C. arp dwl BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, BLACKSMITHINQ. To thrrltltrmi nf Adhpvlll mA i.-tMi would an 11 tut 1 1 it thnl nt my nhniM onCollruc itrrrt. nrxt to Wtiodtmry'r ntnt.fr. I am hrt jer prTiinrro innn ever to no work tn myltnr V nuun). Ihiiiarit'K anil ('n-ia.N.a tirt'il. Krimlrlitir nnd httrtw.iitkpitiav hm. rlriltlm. nnd trrfrrt ntiarartir.M nmmniMi my wormncn nrr cKiK-fk-iu-cil and aklllfuland i'iy vnnrHTR bit inotlt'mir. " H. Itt'MNHTTIt ESTEY. FISCHER. Th. World Pnimius. linciiunkit, unexcelled durable and licautlful ICSTEY ORGAN FISCHER PIANO An artlva man fiirrarh an-tlrm. aninp e,A loSUHl. lol.HUllr rvprrnriit a aiHtvmiiul N. V. L'nminnv lm',,ruirMlil It, ....lu , .... OiitHla, Clnihlna. nhiwa. Irwrlrv. n.- f n,n. anmrra at tii.t. Alan a l.adr of tnrl, anlnrv 411. tn anrnll n,n,lMv. Ian imti n..u. and SlIMI.IMMI nalrf Inl U.n.m,n.. ...... ...... d. UmrHn-Ci. ll-ratW A.m.Kinlliin, (i-red. wt .ku i bwa .ma uiu. n. a. Janaadlr Tu. nrc rrrnmnicnnm tty tn. bt.t artists. Com and txamlnr our Kood, Iwfnrt huln lar. wn.ro at no. 87 rattan avenue. Tuning nu TTiiBiriny a .ici'lilltv. a M. WILLIAMS I CO. liilrclllA w4m rainless fo Use. j KaWAKI), A reward nf m1 will lia nalrfn, Th.i1...... om for a copy of Iiii.v C'itiirh pulill.tirit aliout two yearn aim, containing th. plan uf rimartes adopted bjUbt ckmocratk- rnnven oa. ,uya dtf Pit ..a aT?'" licliS t-U'j r.ubhtr Syrlnas b ti,8, PON BALK UY RAY80R SMITH, ASHEVILLE, N. 0 frhSdly ROOMS WITH nflAUl). a n-w oiairuiiu- riiiuiia with lnuir.1. Ai- i''y to c.j m.-cai'h. auuunt4dlf. 24. iimvr atni-t, pHIVATH IIIIAKtl l-nrins cool, airy room., hnnae nrwly fur. nl hcl ; kmo.i lal.lc. Tirm-. rcii.imihlv. im .trcct car Hue JiilylU.lllru MtS. J. I.. HMATIII'.K. SIM I'utloil Ave. SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, HAI.KM, N. C. OLDEST FEMALE COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH. The With Anniinl Mra.liin ImkIii. Annual jxin, lNMl. Kcglaicr lor luat yrnr am. Hic- nu iiniurea:-iii Itcvelopmviil or sivHiiri, ChnracU-r nnd liitc-IU-ct iiiiii.nnua tliiiriiiiulily rcinniliU-il. I'tillv i'iiiliK'd l'rt'iiiriilnr,v, CiiIIihIiiU' nnd I'o.l lirmliiiitc licpiirtliuiita, Ih-hIiIc. Drat rliiaa Mliiiola In Manic, l.ntiKuiif-M, torn nicrclHI Htid IiidMHlrlMl NturtlfH. JOHN II. I I.HWIII.I., I'riiul.iil. auRDdtariia TO WEAK MEfl InnVrlnt ftnra tha effarta of mith6il armra, aarlf aanay, waauoa waatnMa, leatnianlioiid, ate, IwlQ mma a Taiuaoia iraatlMtiaaaii-ni ontital.iln. full Mrtlanlara fnr homa aura, FRBBof oharaa, A iplandll madleal work l .nniiliTlii, raad tij Mr, Baa who Is Bamna and aI.IIHall. Aildraaj ttmL W, C FOTTLKR, Hood us, Conji. anrn l1Nw I , THE HIOIIEL, CIGAR STORE & NEWS STAND Una received a fine line of fnrk ft Tllf.ird tin. pnrteil Clgarai at.o the ipular lirnnd. of plug chewing tutiaco Calhoun, H. I'. Ornve. ley's Beat, Btult'a A A A A of tine cut chew ing tobacco, Olnlw, llaglry'i Moylluwar, Chcsaptakt and Concord. ' 1 THE SENSATION 0F ASHEVILLE. SEPTEMBER 3, 4, 5 & 6, 1890. Of nil the hnn.l.oim, nml vnliinlik iwnnrrtr Hint Im. la-en nifi rcd In Aahrvlllr, none mm purulilc to the untmikrn forest of otrrons llnnitml Acres divided and salxllvlitcil Into tlie moat bcautllul lots and tracts, lying nliing MERRIMON AVENUE. Tim lUmh'vnjil of Ilm City, Aliuut onr-lhlrd hclng within dty limit, anil the rrmnlndrr In the charming suburban villa ii Kumoth. Only one mile from Court nuuarr (111 mla. ut. drivel and on the beat nnd moat popular drive lending tu the country. There Is a lab yrinth of avenura and stntta bring built through thi ac iiroun.l. under the auorr.l.l..n of one of the Nnist engineers In the Houlh The Iota nml trncla will rnnge In alie from U ri' I". I to n ncrea, the larger 11I11U cuvrrlnu """' ' Hie m"l iH-nullilil and dctunwii. ilrvnlliina tu lie found In a day Journey. Hrnd for plat of the properly to Nat. AtklnNoii & Son. nnimvii.i.rl. . c. A CARD, Killlor A.hcvllle Cltlarai That our many Irlrnds mat know Im. w. are gi'tllng nn we will state that a. t.,..k in iiuiei anu niore 9,000 lii Ue Weeks. Tnnk In In.t Hntunlay over 7r)o. 7 of that was hotel, balance .ton. Hotel regis. trrcd that day Had a.ooo arrivals In It month.. Our si ck Is mammoth aoo swt long and 18 net wide. Tell tka balance of the world to come and set "Old Ched" smile, and buy good, of us and savt 10 to oa an cent, , aoTiedtf . R.CHBOBaTBRftlON, II akiiv saiiaaasaM aaaaoa . oi. ipAoh -

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