ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN ; TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 26, 1800. PLEADS FOR KOPE ELIAS. AROUND TOWN. MACON COUNTY WANTH TO BK HKAHU, A Review or the Political Mlluu- lion and a Hlalement of lite Mr. llHoflhe Man Who, the Writer Relieved, Cau neat Kwail for CoMicreNH, Bditiik Tmk Citizhn. Keeling minimi in confidence in tit. ubilily anil jiur- poNes il the Aslicvillc Citikn foscrvetlte Ic8t interests of the people unci ns the coiiKressionul convention hits licen called for the purpose of pluciiiH a flcniocrntic candidate before the icoiilc ol the Ninth district, we would like to surest to that convention through your columns the paramount iniportiiiicc ot mukinu no mistake its to the nvnilaliilily of the man to lie nomiMiitcd ns well as the interests to lie subserved. Flint, tile district, is now in the hands of the republicans, hound liv n pretty strum; crimp. Secondly, the interests U'lore the mi i pic nnd the measures to Ik considered iircofn very sacred ehiirncter. And thiidlv, we all know hv lioth i'xicri eucc and observation Ihnt the U'st inter est of the jK-ople are unsiitc in the hatuls ot tlie republicans, wresting tltcni list net do mm the people to serve their own iersonul agKi'audineiiieiit and ambitious ends. Now one ol the first ipicstious to Ik asked w ith regard to an aspirant for tilt nomination at the hands ol the demo cratic convention is, Can he hold the dis trict together so as to ensure democratic success? If he cannot do tin Ih'.voiiiI doubt whatever mav lie the nature ol his claims on the iieonle aside from this, and whatever mav have Iktii his nasi record as a servant of the iK'ople, and However boltlly ami amy lie may hav tlclciulcil their rights, yet as a heroic, pa triolie ami unselfish servant of the pco pie and their interests, he will vield his claim for consideration anil his support to the man who can secure the success ol the party ami measures lust in keeping witn the interests o the K'opie ami n hariuonv with the economical adinini tration ol governmental allairs. It is a matter ol minor importuucc as to the locality Irom w hich the aspirant hapiH'iis to hail, and vet in view ol err lain considerations, I he time has conn in the history of the Xitilli congressional district when the democratic partv ti Ik.' successful lievoml doubt must take into consideration the claims ot locali ties other than the one that has Iktii favored from the time when the mcmorv d man "runneth not to the coin rate The western part ol the district lecls thai it has claims lor consideration that ought to lw recognised, ami w hile it vote eheerlully it can tender oilier service t the democratic parly, noilc, govern incut ami nation. Now the convention when it :issciiiMi can hi our honest iiiiigiucnt, ami wt sK'ak Irom a knowledge ol the nets the ease as well as a desire lor tuc ccr tain success of democratic pi inci'lcs, leu der the democratic partv no nunc dli- eieut service than to plaa- in nominal ioi U'lore the Koplc that lailulul ih.iiciii ol ilctlliKTnllc principles and ol the k p:c s rignts ami interests lion. I. i.iias. of Macon coiuilv. Iteiug a western man the IK'ople ot the west would rally around him with mm li cutliu ftiusui and of course lite easleri IK'ople of the district Would chcirti.ll come to his support as well from a rccip- r icatioa ol past tavors as lioiu an mi Hiiichiiig loal y to democratic priuciplis ami an uusellisli Ocvotiou to the K-ople s interests, litmg one ol the leading lai mers ol .Macon county ami carrying on that business extensively ideutiiies him fully with the agricultural interests ol the Stale and the burners ol tile district that know lutn are pronounced in his upHirt. 111! legal ability only llicU-l ter ipialities him as a quick and ready servant ol the ikoiiIc. Taking all into consideration he would lie more certain ol success llian the othei aspirants m (act he would redeem the district U'vouil ipicstioii from republican grasp ami iron rule, ami place it again Forecast till ft a. in. wednenday Local rains In the weMtern nor Hunt Houlhwenterly wliidxi wann er lu the iiortomeut. There' were ,'150 arrivals nt the princi pal hotels in the last two days. Miss Davis, of NaTcgh, who lias been staying at Mrs. Keevea' on Vance street, left for home yesterday. The attention of the public is called to the postponement of the great sale at Andrews from September 10 to October 1. The Alliance and Sunday school picnic, which was announced lor Alexander's Chax.'l next Saturday, has been post poned indefinitely. W, R. Whitsou and leave forClevclatid, Tenii., to-day to lie present at the mar riage of Miss Maude S. Keith, sister of Mrs. Whitson, on Thursday. Chairman Mcl.oud announces that the democratic convention to-morrow will be held at the lirntitl iH-ra house on rut ton avenue instead of at the court house. (1. M. Miinn. Knoxviltc, II. C. Uittn, Hickory, Mrs. M. (tehee, Toledo, Ark., Cal. Smith and V. Iloleombc, (Srccnville, S. C, arrived at the Grand Central yes terday. lu the Mayor's court this morning li. I. Mclionaid was lined $." for being drunk, ami $10 for carrying concealed weapons. 1 1 1 in in Koliiuson, a ilriinK, lined A countryman from near Hig Ivy was thrown from a mule on Water street yes terday and received a wound on the head w hich laid ok-ii Hie scalp for about three incurs, ins right arm was aiso uaiiiv mashed. At llatterv I'ark veslerdav were Mrs. Nathan li. Ionian, Miss firnce Jordan V. inciimati. Misses l.izic anil .M.mnc Harris, Louisville, Ky., . h. (.ulshaii and wife, Kiehmoud, Mrs. los. I 'rice ami Miss I'rolli, Philadelphia. Mrs. I,. S. Holt, lliuliugtoii, N. (.. THIS KEPKESliNTS WOKK. Pitt count v has over 1.00(1 acres in to baeco this year, and there will lie twice as mucu planted next year. The correspondents of the Weekly Weather Crop llulletiii reoort that the weather has been very In vorable to crops, csjieciaiiy cotton, in all districts. The dried fruit market is getting better anil prices lor sliced apples will rule higl and it will pny much lictter to drv the apple crop than to make it into brandy. Taylorsville Index. Mr. W. II. Worth. State business agent oi tne farmers Alliance, savs that no jute bagging is being hnndlcd by his agency this season, lie is purchasing in New York sugar sacks and sacking. Mr. Isaac Goodnight, of Mill Hill sec tion, told a Concord Standard reporter that he always made hv holding his cot ton from ten to fifteen dollars. Heealcu- lated that by holding two bales of cotton until several weeks uto he made a little over $:!(. The Murphy nulletin asks us to "think olit! Hundreds of acres of laud in the county known to have been cultivated forty-seven consecutive years in Indian corn without change, and vet produce goon crops without the use ol fertilizers. Where else can voice of such strength be lomiii : I. lb Swoiie, of Houston vdlc, Kv., wns in Murphy Inst week lie says the coun ties of Macon, Clay, (iraluini and Chero kee N. C. possess kiiKrior advantages oyer any country he bus ever seen for tin sticccsslul breeding and raising of sheep, and expresses great astonishment at not seeing the region literally alive with sheep. Several f'irmers 'have been "telling the I harlot te News that a big lot ol cotton has Iktii lost through shedding. The August blooms ilid not amount to any tiling, tliev sav. the AiiL-ust rains coming as they did lust al the time when thev THAU, W. TIIHA8H. J. M. THRASH, IIIG REDUCTIONS IN PRICES AT L Specially on Spong? Hatlm AuiNon h Fruit Jars, It Cream Freezera, Water Cool ers. These we will noil iioarl.y at cost. China and Pom la in Chamber SetH away down and everythinirin our lino it duced. Our object in making these low prices is to maw room for a larye slock soon to arrive. Our hu.ver am nlnnaijer, Mr. Thad Thrash will leave for the Northern markets about the 1st of September to purchase, di rect from headquarters, one ot the Iaru'est. handsomest and most complete stocks of this kind ever brought to N. C. It will consist, of ('rock er.v and House Furnishinu' (loods in their branches, fine 1' reach and (ierman ('lima in Tea and Dinner Sets. All kinds bric-a-brac ; elegant presents, suitable for wed ding, birthday or for your "best ; (me and common ( 1 la sswa re, Silver I Mated Cut lery and common Cutlerv. W T haircloth and wile Cohlsboro rM ''" '. """" ,,u!""1e to the crop. (OH VllSCS, Haskcts, Lamps .. .. . .. .V:- '! . ! ' o .. ' 1 he crop thev sav, will Iw much smaller f 4, , . ;,, J N.C.i.l.S. Wiley wife, tolumb.n, S. (..; t;,an has been anticipated. Corn, too, ''l the Cheapest (ihlSS to V?-'"',' C7 n' il- 1 'I'i'.v report, is no big slakes. to t ie finest Plll'loi', .lap- Citv, N. C; (an. (J. McCully. knoxville, 1 1 i riv Tenii. : T. W. t'.oodwin, Kielilliond, V.I., ami I Cohen, Atlanta, t'.a.. were among the names on the Swannaiioa registir veslerdav. olin Weaver, colored, was arresleil this moruiug bv deputy sllcrill Jones, on i warrant eliarging In mi Willi stealing a watch from . I. Worlcv. Weaver was ivcu a In aril. i; Ik Ioic Suture Israel, and bound over to the next term ol thrcrini- iual court. In d fault of bail he was locked up. Examination ol childicu al Ibc Acad- cmv street school tomorrow and next lav In ill '.l.t'i to K' .IO. All children w ho have no! ycl received tickets of ad mission lor I be lie vt session ol the schools should altcnd. When Hissihle parents should come with (lieu elnlilren. I he M'hool oH'IIS ScptellllHT 1. s a train ol tlal ems loaded with logs was switching vcstirdav on the Murphy branch ol the W. N. C. railroad this side if Itjlsam. a cow was run over and '.be ho, k threw u colored man named Hob Couiiclh Ih iwi-cii the cars, in such Itwnv is lo li.ullv inanulc one ol las legs. Ir. V. ! Milliard bit last mglil toatiend to the man's intuiics. It was lcMirted here this aitiiuo hi that the man was dead. Soiueliuie this forenoon a I'atton ave nue car with a nuiulH'r of passengers on boanl sio,Hi on the wav down, at Woodcock's .-tote, and the driver an nounced that to keep his schedule time lie must ret in u to the souurc at flic passencis therefore had to walk the remainder ol the dtstniuv and as it was raining there was naturally much pro testing tlictiat. A conductor said, son passenger repot t, that in order to keep up the schid'dc ol a trip every lilt ecu minutes it viuli olieu Is iuiHissible to run to t lie cud ol I'atton avenue. Mr. '.. liroomc and sons were nt the aimed 1111(1 Stamped Tl'llWim Star warehouse this morning with a I.mkI niiinv ntlinr nw.d'iil niul o. The load consisted I I , . , . , Itillv ol leaves broken on" in hi.iidling oriia-IIiemai aillCICS WINCH mil the lower grades f lugs. The prices Space forbids Illl'llt Killing. iere iK-rieiiiv sausiaeiori lauuui I IV if li o l,.o,i,l.. I . ...... 1. 1 . ...I Irom SKI .-. t ll ..- Iiiii.ibrd The V ! 1 " V"' ", 'rs' "K" Messrs. C.roome will finish their HM cur tills Will ('liable US to be I lead nig to-morrow nigh! and still have nt I iiiuil'lei'si ji.Dil IoiiiIiii-u in tliis: l....ui i...u..u .1... it. .i.l -I'l I - . tn iu in. i nw , ill mi, .,l,lut, f,-,,,l .,.,,1 BALLARD,' RICH & BOYCE, -DHALHKS IN- Stovcti and Tinware. PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FITTING, SLATE AND TIN ROOFING. PAINTS and OILS. -AliliNTS I'tlK- THE PASTEUR FILTER, IN Al.l. KUliS I'l IK I'-AMII.V ashe villi: AuvimmiiiMiixrs. ICE RATES FOR SEASON 1890. Ill quantities not less than title tun tit t'aetory In iitifttitltim not less than one linlt'ton itt fuettiry .1011 pounds, Ho tickets, to piaimla eneh lloo do ' to " " 700 -JH " its " 7no " 15 " no " ' loon 10 ' 100 ' " ...40c. tier hunilrecl. ...40c. ' $3 mi R.1111 II 1111 n.tiu Tickets In tltillur ptiekiiKcs mill ttitv tiiutillt.r of lee i: oy tic ubtulnetl Irum d rivers and at our olliee lur cash or tlekrts. Aslieville Ice V Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 mid 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue. THE JELLICO AND 15JSST AMJIKACITE COAL 1'iirsillt'Ht W liolestlle mill Ketnil hv ASHKVII.Ki: ICK AND COAL COMPANY, l eiepnone 30 ana 40. "'elusive Audits t lituiiistic anil Sice ml lur Western North Curollua. ANII IHlTHI. I'NIi Hraiilec-d to tne Ut-rni Proof. Al.l. HlXliS K Itl'T IN Hlr.fK. their crop ns hciui; the liest vcjtrs. (irceuslMiro I'.-itriot, i in scvcrnl d at prices t liar win astomsli von. ( are now in better posit ion to please yon than heretotore Our capital isureater and bv personally buying; the (Joods it uives you the ad .4 ircal Hvlivnie. Wee. II utlentioil to the Ittlverliseiiienl of Skrluiid Stiriiujs where Mr. Miller oilers $1IMI in luutrd nt either hotel Skj iuiitl virtiiiilly free. This is n novel uJin'C't w.iv 01 oriiiuiuu into notice u new icson, .. . . . - ... ... .11.1I while it is very MIkiiiI tiller it will hV't'lU'e 1)11(1 beiietit it yoil imv in the cuil, us nil judicious inlvcrtiN- Will OI1IV (leal With US. f !"!ii" . ? " "."w! kM'i the cel(brated Charter brotiKiit into notice the line iniuerid (ak Stoves and linages with wilier. Index l New Alvrllciiii-ii I.iist Cilim it "lllce. Si Hi:tiMi-Win K. Ki'nr llHill'hHIK. -A. I. CiHiji r. A store si'v lot nrttr iiitnl1tee ili"l li ttve nt L I I'lZKN 1 'I'l IIIIK'.'II 'ill A hr yonnft littly its clerk In tlr.v I I "tor. . Allures M'SKI! w mitt. 11.11" 'Jill Merri u Avenue, WiretJuaze over doors, which we 11 iv onermir verv Hos( Do not forget the reducei prices, i ome and buy what you need while they last, IhankniLC you for past lav' I'mirr ors and solieinng your pal ,CB" ronaue. we are vtnn-s verv re spetaruny, THAI). W.THKASII & f() F' ll CKVXTAI. I'AI.ACIt. H I'nitnn A ve., tiniler liritml tiiurn House one i:noil Itnrsc Mntl ciirrlittte. oitruonil enw. 1 nr wn.iie mi a nnru'itti, K A ANHUKSIlS, il'iK'.'ntlllt S7 llrttrilrn Av tuie. ON THE MARKET ! There will In- ,t Iccluieai the A. M li '.. cburcli tcolorctl I on College itrcet on Uciluesihiy itiubt. the liTtli inst., nt K.lo o clock, of .Mr. Ilcnrv W. t .nines, ol l.ils.ri.1, on the "Kcl.itioii of l.iUrin to lite Xcctti Problem. " The lecttirr is n leiiiliitu Ittwyer ill his country nnd litis held the isist of nt tonic v uelicnil nnd iiiiimj 1 nc 1,0111 is 111 "cuiocrutic licillcvc-1 oilier iuiHiriiiiii oiuces ill mil Koverii w ANT l-D. A hurae to work to n ilcivcrv watrun ply tit T. P. HAMILTON .V C . mm. 'no at Ap iiieuts null victories iis well us initke the luiblicd servant of whom they inilil led justly promi, In the inline of the Ust interests of the district ;iki null urnl 11 ml otherwise ns well us ol ilemocr.ilic suircss, the cello resounds l.luis lorcvcr! W. I. Jknkiss. West s Mills. X. C. Af HKNIIIF.NTKK. A Mail Who Knew AHliellle In I lie Itlclen Time. incut He bits liecn tritvclinu 111 the country lor iiImiuI n vrnr nnd hits lev turetl lit ninny of the lending cities in this State mill South Cnrolinn nnd hits the rcputtition ol hciitii well iuliirmefl 111 d n p'oil sietikcr. Snncof TliK Citi ii:x le.ulcrs niioht Inn I it intcresliiin to heir his lecture. The nilmission tec is Id cents. HI'HINKMM NOTIVtvH. To Housekerpera The"Millard Farnfof 100 .aa.,.'"u: acres, adjoining tluj city on PUBLIC NOTICE tl A , ... ine eiisi; sioM! in neuucarcnei .Mountain, 111 lots on terms to suit the purchaser. Jtcau tiful In need ol Chiiin, Ciluss, Cutlery. I'lntrd just fifty year. ,, tnfeht Mr. jq, ";;). , cnll m I...W. lor low mi, w fTord th. to- tfJ tok a 1iv)f jnU.,.,.fiti tint M. Isritcl struck this town. imj to Tun .mzi;x this morning Mr. Israel snitl: "When I came to this town, filty yenrs nun, it wns iiliout ns small nnd tnsi"titlicnnt jilncc as could be itiuuil. There were only live stores J as. W. I'at ton, who occunifd a siiiiillbnililiiii where Ileantcu Knnkiit now are; l. II. ,tr rcll was 011 the Krounil where the build ing now used by (iraven N: Thrash is; Col. Jos. C li 1111 11 hail a small Ira me build 111K where I'owcll & Snider now hold lorlh; the buildiiiK otvtiiied bv Jus. Smith stood where O'llonucH's liar is now. The old buildiim was moved back to Water street when the present struct lire was meted, nnd is still there. "Isaac T. Purr sold kuoiIs in the frame iiiuiuitiU on canon avenue, next to W li. W tlliamsou's block. He had the finest store HI town. A nart ol the Kindr block only two stories liiuli, anil the Illicit Ho tel, were the only hotels. The Johnson House 011 1 ne corner 01 ration a venue ittul (.hureh streets was built in iMfu and wns cotisiilercil a marvel of architee inriil ability. The town hud only ubotit .'ill mhabitiiuls and wits not iueorHirn ted until severnl yenrs alter. Isaac It Sawyer, fat her ol Gtiil.J. I'.Sawycr, was tue ursi niuvor. Mr. Israel is now (1(1 years old 11 in I still linle anil hearty. MAMION'H MM) HAI.i;. nnet'iHi Trnln i;ach n- Mound Trip Fare only The bijj In ml snle nt Marion, which U- Kius to-morrow iitttl will continue until I'Vidnv, in attracting unusual interest A Swcinl trnln will run front Ashcvillc to Marion each day, leaving here nt 7.;iO n. m., mm will return each tuylit after the snlc. Kotmil trip tickets for this sue- rial trntn will lie sold lor l.f0, ami Asheville will no doubt at tend in n body cncli tlnv. . Some- Dtxiy is k"'K t make ln money nt Marion, and only those who are present nt the snle nnd buy lots can lie mon the lucky ones. Asheville renl estate men known nood thing when they ce it, and the Old North Suite Land company will hiive no renion to com plnin of this end of the line when their title close. WTThe occftsion of occasions will lie Hurinn our C.uln Week," commcncinir Wednesday next, and lasting four days. Juliu Carr.of Durham, likely the most Kominent irentleman in the State 'for lYemor in '93, J,to respond at the banquet to the toait "The Resources of North Carolina." Kngllah and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNQ LADIES AND LITTLE OIRLI, No. 40 Prencb Brosd Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, . PRINCIPAL 1 For mnjf yrn A .sorts tc Principal of ML Vrrnnn InstitnU, nsltlmorc.) Assistril tjr a cnrit of cinnprntcnt teachers. UIUI 11 J A Had Hnllroiid Wreck occurred several tlaysnijo on one ol on most imiKirtaiil trunk lines. NoImiiK hurt but all the bnj,'K'iKC except the Koller-lray Trunks wns smashctl up. Iluy tuie. Sdd bv dealers. Made bv II. W. Kt dtrcc llms., Kicliinond, Vu. A New MOHd lo HIIhh. If you are .vise nnd wish to become heaithy and wealthy also, vou will use Roller KiitK or liltrtric l.ilit flour; Ih cause the Asheville Milium Coinpanv's Hour is not only thcliest but thechemirst. To the Public. Il has Iktii known for some time Hint I will Is? 11 candidate lielore the demo cratic county convent ion far the noniinn- lion for the otluv of SuiieriorCourt Clerk ol Itiincoinlie county. I have just been inlorineil that the reort has Ik-cii circu lated that I will not abide bv the division 01 me convention in ease Its tlecision is I Knpii At l.lehtenlwrnrr. I'nney (SriMfrs, ntlverse to me. I desire to say that I W""''J InHirin thrlr many frlc-n.lsnnrt custom. such a renort iloea nu- n inl ii,iiii. T1' ,h"f .h"v' "' 1 ,h,lr Orneerjr anil Sinn it rt port oiks nil a (treat injustice. I Conlietlonrry huslnrss to Messrs. Krvrll N ,ii .mioiiiiiiiiiu ,v ei.-onis n ine convention I consider that my Is hen-iiv irlven (hat I hut Inrer anil vnlim. ahte tract ol' Inntl known ns Hie Kitt-r Iti'tul harm, Ivinti almiit lou - anil one halt miles irom .vsiti'viur. on the I' cm-a Itrnnil River, it'liiiinlnu i he Innils of r I ack. tl'irmrrlv thrlrnniinl nr Antler ft nil Iracli and the large islme til' Mr. Ctorn Vauilcrl'llt, will u.- iiiv, 'r,i inn, smnii tmeis anti stun al pals lie auction about the tirat ol' i H'tti -er aesl. As sniift as the survrv ana liri n ri,n,i,U.1 lilur prints of the same cn Is- hml lit apply intc at the ottice or liaviflm.n, Martin A; Jones, 7 U-itai llloek. where terms anil particulars nt sitk- will la.' made knon n N'n land in th'scountv urt'ris irnirr i trac tions to nttlThast'ni. It l-cvuuvlnir the t'tinv I citrvcttfthr Fit rich llronil im It Hwrrim nrimmi I I the 8trvhrrry Iff ill nenr ihc Itttnunlmv. unit I t . . i . , . coiitKiniiiK nnd Irxil land. Mixnmii, WUri)HWHMl HHMMI HOOTK I felt 1N ! Btltl iflrna In Vatrtctv autri.-ifn t In I 1 there are' iil.nnt ami acres In this aplnnlld larp,a ill to IlliyOllO I M'el IH ll'tl Intel Inntl, anil the lots' till Iw set apart Trie Flirlhrr iwirtuiiliiiii will K aluM j rri!niii"n"u''""",hcm"M,',Trt,l,l'for m" cheaiM'st aenuic, by a lare niargin, now on tlie inni ket! BUILDING SITES! ForeHt and fruit trees! I'n- A THE KQITITABLK LIFE ANHIRANCU HOCIBTV. sel 10r.l0O,.KUI.fJ "urpliii a,H21,07.0 K. D. Monroe, AgU, Asheville, N. C. iinter X'j Hiuith Main atrrrt. autai'.tf The UHiial eoniiniHHon will be paid any one brinjrinjr,!, buy. or. tall on or uddivtM the underHi'TKMl at 211 Hay wood uti-oet, Axhcville. P. CONNELLY. auKttriiltlw N IITICK. WOOTON'S PATENT WIRK TOBACCO HANGERS nouor is iiletluril to 11111111 bv its choice, ami if I urn not the fortunate one I shall not only not I it candidate, but will support the nominee with all the in- lliicncc I can command. I hope this will is.' saiisiactory to my It ienils. W. K. VlH NO. Asheville, N. C, July SH, IHIMI. july'.ldwlin. WtiKiirr, who will continue the liuaineas at' THE IEH, SIMPLEST AND CHEAPEST iimrni pnirontiur tnni nan iktu Iwntowrd in tne R1CPAIR YOUR SIDEWALKS, I'nilTLAM) CEMKXT AMI TLKAXD COXCRICTIC It LOCK SIDEWALKS. LUW18 MADDUX, I'm 1.. I'. Mcl.OllH, Vlee-I'i I. U. HANKIN, C'aihitr DiMCToas.-Lewis Maddux. M. I. Ilearden, M.J. Pkk, J. B. RanUn.J. U. Ray, J, It, 8. H. Reed, Ceo. 8. Powell, C. M. McLoud. Kn" w CAROLINA BANK, S uritaniied May 1st, ihhn. CAPITAL, $50,000. SU RPLUS, $20,000 Hlalc.Counly aud;.CIt'UcpoHltor'. Does a General H&nkinaj Husincss. Deposits received. Ksclianne bought .h w ..... Icetiona made on all is.lnut. hi iavlnK I'eature will receive special tt...l'.... On all sums in this department, depoaltt'd (or four niontna or inur i.,i.. . . of per cent, per annum will be paid Special attention Riven to loan, on real eatatr. which will be placedl fur long time oa ical (In Saturdays the tiavlnR Hepartmeot will be open till a ., Ian Idly sonable terms Open Irom ti r ni. to 8 p, ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, ai7 u ay wood Street. AIVWATKR THUKOUHLV FILTKRKD on Ihc Prviulncn. Twcnty-Hve years ol practical expericlui. eoinhinnl with IHS.okai. intention to nil dt t.H.ol the business and H-rfre nrmri-cm. r.t, tr ci.shj.,k. and ,. ul all K,.,, manufactured, enable the i.n.prl, tor it. pres. ut tu hi. numerous patron, a .uprrior class ot. Cat lionatril Kevcragi'. Vichy nnc! Seltzer Water in Siphon liium r Alt and nil. the various ilavora m son A WATUK ready for .hipment an.i rr,err-i (ree inClty;iimiu. om uf town onlerslmu.t have aa.roNsini.K rcleren,-,. V. H. CAlWrBH!.!,. ESTIMATES MADE ON APPLICATION. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL & COTTAGES. MOT sF R NGS, N. C. I-'oi-Hiiniplo of wcirk WHiTilc Walks in front of Ita.VHor & Sinith'M l)riif Stoi-tiii(l West oi n (. jirolinii Hunk. I'orCon (Toto llloek Walk w that in front of (.'ariuicliaers Dnifj, htore. Portland and Domestic (V- inont, Piaster and Uniu foi Hl(. c. i:. MOODY. (ifllcc No. 30 PmHoh Aemif. Tl:l,UI'tlllNH NO 4tl Warrhnuae nnd I'ae- ry near Ivnt. lihiine 7.'l 4 . V JJ,l -3 Sir 0 2 Bats? upon thrm I r pa.t auJl illw WIRE HANGERS IN THE MAHKET. I H KMT. House with n rooms and A acre, land on ttt-nvvrtlnm rnnd. I , null, f'tttn Court Himnrv. A put j to C. H. CtlOI'UK, on the liriiiiisrs. ausJ.1 tr I4kTi!r.?.nijal CURES THE LEAVES ONLY. flail bwla. weak kMMjra ! bla4 tHUwt. r claim that these hannra are cheanrr Ms Pills 1;. coi 1 in. Rexil Kntate Agent, OFFICE 3 MAIN ST., MOHQAN't BOOK STORE Kcnl Kntiitc hintirht nnd mifil nt nnhllc anrf inTHir nine, nrn ctt ii't'irn. i riintitirtrti m Kml Mfllntmnil Aurtloti bulnm li L'tiirln. ton. A. C Irn vrstn. nnl will mivm iiromni iii iiuBintmi put in my cnnrgc. JUITafafU in is tmm tMntli. miwimm sialuia IMPAETIN0 VIGOR tha kllya. kla.rf.r mm lint, HOW EVKlliwilLlcIJ' that these hana-rra are cheawr tnan any nlheriare detachable, and any numiier can be used per stick 1 Insure a anl. form barn of tobaero: more tnliaeeo ran tat "red per barn s tobacco hrinn better price. does ant bralari stalk la not ettred, .avlnn wei ana tint. Any barn ran be used, Ham. pic am t with pamphlet for crala poatact. inquire for them of your atorektepcr or agent, trtheydonnt keen them send tons. rlc per 1,000. with ntlcka, s.oo Prlc per 1,000, banfen only 4.90 8end cash with order, or noods sent C. O. U AUKNTS eYANTUD. Two active white ir'rls Apply at MllllULMTKAM I.AtlNHKV, ana-aidlw IT Tattna Avenue. PIRTIIRF TRAMPS tobacco hakseh mtb co. 1 IUI Ullt MlfllllLUl I Hou.ton,HHf county, V. Cheap Rate to all Points. KAII.HOAD TICK UTS bought, told and tschanired, All transactions maraateed, C. P. RAV, Ticket Broker. Opposite. Bwannanoa lluul, aalB dtf Gold, Silver, Ivory, Oak, Ollt and Corabl. nation Monlrilnaa. Also Room Mouldinn. Pictures Matted, Mounted aad Framed at lowest prices and work imaranteed. Bnrav. Insrs, Palntlam aad Local Views always oa hand at ESTABROOICS, a S. Main St., AaheTf lie. apr ldd Iune4dendwllm Dr. D. F. ArHngton, DKNTIST, VHCIKON Pllllna' teeth a aneetaliw. ! 1.. eaaed (uma. and all dlaram pertalnlnV to tne tirntarstrurtara. (tmet room, on I'at ton avenac. over Itavaor a, .miihi. store. Buy UnlMi Gulda Book CoiuHiund Ox.titrn and Medicated Balaam Vapor baa proved mure aucceuful la the treat- meat of diseases o( the aoae, throat and lunirs thnn all other remedies combined. It seldom tails In any case of Asthma. We hare cum I many ople In the four years we have been la Asheville who had given up all hope. Call at ourofficc anil wcwill live ynathelrnamea We also make a ciitlty of dlacaacs of the rectum. If you arc afflicted with I'llea come anil net relief. No twin or loss of time Irom business. Relief obtained at once, anil nu return, aa w make a radical cure. HALHAM AND OXVUKN IIOMU THIIAT. MUNT. Wc have a home treatment that Is very ef- eeitv. in an diseases or the air paasaKes. Wr have prrscrilirtl hundreds of these home treatments 11 nil sent them In every Mtalc In R'octniti in Cuttact. Upon the GriundN With TAJSLE 1JOAIU) AT HOTEL. -PRICES FROM izz $12.00 . TO : i..nn P ER WEE K. nui.-ltf BUILDING LOT OR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN HOTEL BOARD FREE, In Ihc New and (.rowiiiir Mountain Renort, SKYLAND SPRINGS, (Near Afthcvillc. IM. C. nml miimninf. i...i.i i . . ... .j H .miim. 1 tin. ixunir. 1 IIothi. Ht Ash iNi-,isn now. I .!:,,a'.v:.s"i,r1r,',w HM fr,,m :'" ,o r "". Ttt5."",,M,n" f"r three yenran-otu Hi, Ir tlnleand aretn..a-r.hlr .T the i'io !! ,'?' r"r, ",,r cj"' '" -.(li'" "Xi is t?x -II .h,.!..i. . . " k '"'"'"rilivoil have thn-e yinr. to do .0 Iim vou tan OTIS A.IIT.T.KI? - VUm Trmtn ,n " M.-rr a. CcntM-Or Urlai M0.1t. HOTEL51ARHOND-HOTEL BONNYGREST AND COTTAGES, SKYI.AND MINERAL SPRINiS, N. C. Eight Miles Mouth of Anhevllle, on the A. H. Rallroatf. New htiUla, aew eottaitn, new furniture, beautiful rin n.. . , ajood livery. 48 MINERAL SPRINGS White Mulphnr, Alum. MuKncsln. Iron anil l(p..un. Thoar ti-cklna hTio. , . l.f UUJ.. . u.111 .... ... ....... - 1111.1 the ttnlon and some wonderful cares have Terms reawnabi, ' rnM,rt ' "s nealln, water.. Iieea obtained. I li. A. aUvYElNIS. I'fn'IC M... Asheville, N. C. A "mall pamphlet, deseiiptlv of Aahevlllr nnd also captaining- nur treatment, sent free on apiilleatlun. Alao a Hat of uueatlona aim with each pamphlet that everyone shoiild have before aentllnn lor home treatment. The questions when properly answered enable as to make a correct dlajrnoals of each ease. W have treated many haadred eases with Door "h, Hlllldsl, MoUldlll)(M, HtairwOrk, Mantel), Bank the Compound Oiydtn and Kalsamand have ""r 'iure, and all kind of Building Material. never had a case to hav. hemnrehnite from V OOC1 IUllllCr Work H SlCCiuItV. Tclwphoiia No. Near Pataanifrrr ikmai. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., Maaulaetarrra and liealera in all kinds tn Ihraard " LIMBKR, lungs slier taking the treatment. Iinn'tkt your prr.luillce keep yau awar, out come aaa.iatahw for jrouracU. Better sacrtde prejudlc thaa your II. Consulta tion fret, m n . .... w.., r (.oatiys icweiry Htor. near Orand Central Hotel, Pattoa Avenue, A.he. vllle, N. C. T. J. IIAkUAN, M. D. nor I4dly WIS ARE GOING TO MOVE TO NO. 31 NORTll MAIN STREET ' AnnilT Aliiie-r - r-.wviW9l If, And until that date will aril all good, at 10 per rent, of) vust. Vou will do well to Ink ad vantage uf th. low prices. Just are our larg. Towel al liltt ct and lie happy. UoaHfurawti Look oat aad look la t Our Oil Inch Table Linen at 4M eta. Asheville Dry Good Co. J. 0. MOW ILL, Maaam,

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