ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1890. CALL JHOW, .ADIEtt, ARK HARM KMT 7 YOU IN into. Name a Place and a Day lo Meet for the DlacusMslon nf the Mcrvant Olrl QueMtloii and lo Act on It, no That Peace May RcIkii Once More. Editor Tiik Citizen: It tlocanot take any one with two eyes to ace tlmt you are a chumpion for the ladies. Thanks for the sly punch yon gave "Observer. You know how to reprove without giv ing otTense. I am sorrv lor "Observer." His fate is a and one to have lived forty years and known lint four uoml housekeepers. I am like Owen Mertdith: "Wc mnv live without poctr.v. or urt ; We imi.v live without eutiHciciicc, we limy live without lii'urt ; We can live without love, we cull live with out hook. But cIvIImciI men cuituot live without cooks. "He may live without books, for what in knowledge hut KricviiiK .' He tuuy live without lltiic, for what is hooe I iti L ilct-L-ivillu t He may live without love, w hat is pUKNiou hut pitliiiK ? Hut w here ih tile tnan that can live without dining "Observer" must lie n hc-honsckecpcr which is as ureal an auotnulv as a slic- dude. I could sav inticli to knock his theories entirely in the head, but I think his own acknowledgment throws him ei: tirelv out of our reach. If he is so nn familiar with jjnod Imusrwiterv, he is 1111 doubtetllv unlit to lead us up higher; nut! 1 leave him to his fate, totally unci "iiscii int. of the nuiuy kimmI tliin.cs in lile thiit lit has missed. I can see that "I'ri'urcss" knows what she is talking about. Hie has sulTcrcd. and "it is the lellotv fcclinK that mako us wondrous kitul." In sonic rcsitccls. 1 also see, site docs not understand t in southern laborer, but she has I lie tlesirc to help on the jiniil cause, and as stuli I'll Khnlly welcome her as a Icllmv wtirker. What tlo you say, Mr, Militor, to :i called nieetiiiK for I'ridav alternoon nt S o'clock, September ."? Then let us sec how many women in Ashcvillc an willing! to K've their lulp and iulbieiut ton cause, that, if properly managed, will (jive us iiiikIi rebel Irom evils mulct which we now stiller. leu Iii:n. With this letter the servant prl tlis eussion isclosctl except as lo iictual ac tion, if any lie taken, by the ladies. As to a place of niectinj;, Tin: Citikx shhjji'Mi. that "Ich I lien" rally Iter friends at the house of some lady interested utu! jjivt notice thereof in Tins Citikn that "I'm i;ress"(and Krh.ips "i bservn"i may at tentl. Sujjucstious arc in order now. Ivii. Citii:x. AT WF.AVl.MVII.I.i;. Main Weather lroiiect Conjur ed PcnwnulKi Wkavkkvii.i.i:, X. C, August US. IVr the last twenty-lour hours a eueral rait, has I K.CH tailing in this cotnmtiiiitv. Out local weather prophet says he knew tin rain was couiinj; as a party had yiue to Crajjfjy. This ptopltct nf ours never misses it ; he said we would have warn: weather in and we did; and now he says there is likely to U- cold weatbci this winter. A certain "linirtcenl h amendment" in this coinmuiiitv has iactl illforsomelimt . His frieuils iIiuiikIii he had licciicouiurcd. so a "brother, who saul lie could re move the "hoodoo" was called in. The "doctor" said he must have two silvci dollars to "bile." He pretended to put these into a tin cup on the stove, but the money is gone, as well aslhcdoclor. The patient is improving. Mr. 12. M. lioolsliy. of the treasury de partment at Washington, is here for a short vacation. 1'rof. M. A. Vost, president of the col Ickc, arrived thisaltci noon with his bride . nee Hoofunule, of Abingdon, Va. Mr. K. T. I'ickcns of Vadkin College, X C, is visiting relatives anil friends. We are sorry lo note that K. II. Me Cluire is very low with liver. i.i ;t thk i.aiii:m atti;mi. CarrlaiieH Will he I'luced at Tlielr Henlce Tu-llurriiw, As the lots to lie offered at the nrrnl auction sale hcKiiiniiiK to-morrow an residence lots, anil maiiv Ashcvillc ladies have expresseil a wish to see them and Ih present nl the sale, c. images will Ik jilaceil at their by the inati.ic nieiit, and a siccial invitation is ".iven them to allcntl. Carriages mill 'buses will lie in readiness oil the Court Square to convey all who wish to (jo upon the ground, and il unv lady prelers to have a carriage scut to her house, an order left at the olticc of Atkinson & Sous will se cure it. The KnveiiHcrnn Hchool, An impression probably prevails to some extent that the recent death ol Mrs. Mnclloii'ild, the wifeof the principal of the above institution, will iulliiencc the movement of Mr. Maclhumhl ill connec tion with it. Wc are authorized to say that there will lie no change in its man agement., ami it will ih- continued as heretofore under present conditions. The loss of the matronly siiicrvisioii of Mrs. McDonald will lie appropriately sup plied. I'liauice of Melirdule. Ily a change in the Richmond anil Man ville railroad passenger train schedule, taking effect Sunday August ,'U, the west bound train which formerlv left Ashcvillc at H.OH a. m. now leaves nt 7.,'I0 n. m., and the Murphy branch train at 7.M5 a. m. instead of 0.10 us lorinerlv. (.rand tiala Week. Hig crowds are nlrratly coming in, and by to-morrow the citv will be crowded. The first thing on the program will In tra; contests by the ritlc clubs. The hooting will begin to-morrow morning at nine o'clock at Ilildcbrnnd's brick yard, three hundred yards north of the terminus of the Camp 1'atton street car line. The first prixe shot for will lie one hun dred dollars in gold, given by Cnpt. V. K. Mcliceof the Richmond and Danville Railroad Coinpuny. The following tennis were entered and will be on the grounds: Columbia trnm, Sampler team, Lnni bridge team, Wilmington team, Richland rifles, Chandler team, Ilttsliee tenm, lllack Mountain team, Ashcvillc team No. 1, and Asherille team No. 2. " Benches will be provided for the use of ladies and the best of order will prevail. WTFor this week onlv at the Crystal Palace you can get a 131 piece Havilnnd . St Co. China Dinner Set really worth $00 for $45; two 00 piece Havilnnd China Tea Set worth (20 for $10; seven China Toilet Sets 13 pieces reduced 25 per cent, from price. If you let this offer pass by, you will always regret it, as they are bargains worth seeking after. Tbad. W. Thrash & Co., 41 Hatton avenue, under -Grand opera bouse. . - . - rnn ltPTVPlvr AROIINn TnwN TIICV HI CAVniJ 17 I IP i innei n new Mnmrninnii rUl n iU&Ulirxu. - . iiili nuii fntw a i.u. Porecant till a a. m. WediieHday Fair In the Interior portion of the Mlaleiraln on the count warmer except Ntatlouars temperature on Hie coast i uorlhweaterly winds, The Glen Koek had fifty arrivils yes terday. Mr. W. J. Ilrnneh returned from More head City lust night. Mr. Frank Loughrnn proprietor of the Hickory Inn, is in the city. Mr. U. II. Lewis will meet the boy's class nt the V. M. C. A. Wednesday af ternoon from 4 till 6 o'clock. Kev. 11. II. Mathews returned to Wake l-'orest yesterday to complete his studies, this being his graduation year. An infant child of Mr. W. J. Young on Depot street died this morning. The remains will be interred at Riverside cem etery Walter J. Mathews and J, W. McKoy, who received the county iippoiutn euts lu the Slate agricultural college, left yes terday for Raleigh. Mr. A. I-'reck leaves to-morrow for ('.criiiutiy, his fatherland, to lie absent a month tir two. Mr, Franklin will have charge of his shop during his absence. Among the names on the Swiinnniioii remsier yesterday were Miss Manic Hrecn, Miss Carlic Henderson, Xcw Or leans; X. 1. Canieruoon, Atlanta; J. 11. I'ok; and w ile, Miss Maitler l'oie, Miss Minnie l'oic, Austin, Texas. The allium! meeting of the Ashcvillc Tobacco Association was held Septem ber!, ituil the following otticers were elected for the coming year: . A. l'or tcr. president; F. A. Hull, vice president, ami 1C. I. Holmes, secretary and treas ure. The address of Prof. I1. I'. Claxton on his observation of "Student Life in t'.er uiniiy" to-uight at the Young Men's Christian Association promises to he very interesting. The meeting will com mence at S o'clock. All memlicrs of the Association are invited to attend. Mr. Sites, the former proprietor of the hotel Claiborn, with his family, will leave for Ashcvillc in a day or two. His Iriends here regret lo see them leave. They have made most excellent citizens ami will carry with them the heartiest wishes of our icoplc. Durham Sun. The sales of tobacco fur the past venr, from Septemlier, ISS'J, to Scptcnilicr ls'.iu, was oV.i l-2.ti7P, pounds, which war sold lor S-.i'.i.i.-'IIo.iO, an avcrngc $1."i.ii'.i tier hundred oountls. This is the next highest average made in this mar ket. In ami 1SS4 the average wus sr.i.tni. Amoni: the arrivals at the Grand Cen tral yesterday were: J. W. Reed, Grcens- horo; t. l . Pacot,- tumtn Carolina I lios. I-.. I .race, witc, child and sister, New Orleans; I-. 1. Davis, Henderson ville; C. I'. Kimball, Tampa, Fin.; G. A Wingert, Knoxville; Dr. O. C. Wiggins, Providence, K. I. The joint meeting of the Woman's Christian Tcniicrnuce I'nion and the Voting Woman's Christian Temperance I'nion. 'which was to have been lust Thurs day afternoon, was postponcdoti account o the inclement weather, and will be held in the V. M. C. A. rooms on next Thursday afternoon nt ." o'clock. All itlicers au.t members of both Fnions ate uracil to allcntl, as ihi meeting is of importance. Mr. R. Mcl'.raver told Tin; Citizkx this morning that Col. Frank Coxe hat received a telegram tillering him the sen atorial nomination Irom R lit her lord and l'olk counties Col. Coxe declined the olltr "and," Mr. MeHrnver adtled, "I think this shows plainly that the scnti incnis ' I those two counties were not correctly represented ill the delcgatis who atlcuileil the eongressioiiul conve Hon in this city." J. D. Dunn, Xew York citv; John Phin- .v, Atiuusla. da.; I.. S. Johnson, Gar o. F. Cnwthon, Mrs. O. I-'. Cawthou. Miss Fstellc Cawthon, Master Waller Cowthon, Oroelle h Cowthon. Mobile, Ala.; Mrs. MeKnrv Miss Wiggins, Wilmington, N. C.J John IMincau, Richmond; .Miss l-cdcllc, Char lotte. X. C; Miss Williams, Fnvettcville. X. C: Ii. R. Horty, Haltinttire: Walter Williams anil wile, Charleston, S.C., and Arthur tl. Taylor, MiddleslHirotigli, Ky.. were registered at llattery Park yes terday. Three That Will Do. l-'rom lite Xew York Sun. Heshoultlut sav shoulder arms to those eavalrvinvn." "Whv not !" "They have nothing but swords. lie tight to say shoulder blades." Mrs. Laitkin I reailiui; I Mrs. McGill. ol Salt Lake Citv. found a $5 gold piece in the crop nf a chicken she was dressing lor dinner. Lnrkin .Now look out for nn F.nglish syndicate to buy up all the chickens in the coumrv. "Tlmt was n bail scare Mrs. Parting ton had the other ilav." She went to a pantomime and thought she hail suddenly lost her hearing-" The Unla Week. It commences to-tiiorrow niomini! bv the oiivning of the grand land sale on Mcrriinon avenue, at 10 o'clock. Al ready visitors from a distance are arriv ing and looking over the property, and all express tneir astonishment at its iK'iiuty, One gentleman who had gotten information of the sale has come all the way from Pittsburg, Pa., has examined the lots ami will buy. The excursion will reach here to-morrow afternoon, bringing six or eight hundred people. Wc would advise evcrylmdy to attend and buv at least one of these fine lots cither for a home or an investment. Mr. C. I). Story, of this county, sold a toatl of tobacco at the Star warehouse here for nn average of twenty dollars wr cwt. I he plants were set out just sixty seven davs licfore. Greensboro Patriot. MTDunlup hats, full shapes, will lie displayed first Saturday in September. 1.1111 ana sec tnem nt v unlock s. The Kleclropolae. For the cure and preventure of diseases is the result of lile long study and long series of experiments by a physician, (.nil at J. . Morgan St Cos. bookstore and see the in strument and a long list of testimonials, Do nut delay as the agent will be here only a few (lays. The Dally CltUen. Is always alive to the Interests of Aslieville and its people. Is the most popular advertising me dium in North Carolinn. Is read by n greater numlier of people than any other secular paper in the State. Is alwnys filled with tie choicest read ing matter of the da v. Hoarding houses fill their rooms by ad vertising in the Citixkn. News, and all the news, makes the ClT ukn a general favorite. No retail merchant ever made a irrent success without advertising. Try the IITUKN. An advertisement in the CmxKM pays the advertiser an hundred-fold. HOI.IU Bl'HINlCBM NKN'H HOI.II TALK. All It Mceda Now la for Home Kn terpn. 'nn Spirits) to Take the Lead, and Aahevllle Will Have a Fair lo be Proud of. Thb Citijkn interviewed scvernl of the solid men of the town yesterday on the subject of having a Western North Giro linn fair as proposed by Tun Citizkn Monday. Everybody seen was heartily in favor of it and thought it would be a helpful thing for the town. Mayor Wanton said: "Yes l am in favor ol it, or anything in the wny of amusements that will draw icoplc from outside. It would be u splendid thing for the town. I think the best location for it would lie just this side of the Sul phur Springs, on the larrett place. That is a good level country and the electric ears will be running' out there lieforc long. Mr. W. A. West said : "Splendid! If we could work it so as to havcthciuierstiile drill and shooting contests, and the fnir at the same time, it woultl do this city and the country around a wonderful amount of good. 1 think the only draw back would lie in taking care of the crowds. Yes, I think either the Sulphur Sprint's country or Pearson's, or out Mcrriinon avenue, woultl be a good loca tion." Lew is Maddux snid: "I hadn't thought anything about it, bul it couldn't help being a good thing. Of course we would have lo have a large level piece ol ground, and il would have to lie near town, or else connected by railway, and even then not too lar out The fair and the inter state drill in unison would draw immense crowds and Hint is what wc want." Frank Suidcr said that of course be was in lavorof it. Anything that would draw the crowds woultl help the city. The hotels, boarding houses, groceries ami nil the enterprise would Ik bene titled. The foregoing opinions are but sam ples ol what the people think about a fair, and no one lias anything but encourage ment lor it. The question is, How many dollars' wort hot' slock docs cneh one think of the project ? Rl'SINF.Stt NOTICKH. Wholeanle Prices) nn Fruit Jara, Ily the mix only: quarts, io cents per dozen; one unit gallons. '.IP cents dozen. Cash only. Xo'v is the time to make up clubs, ami save money. Always low est prices at Law's, on South Main St. trjjTA new lot of Jersey suits, real iK-nu- tirs, for children, at Whillock's, HI and 48, South Main street. tu ih sat MDon't forget the Ik-ucMI gernian at llattery I in k on 1-rainy night, Scplcni Iter 5. W'Our dress shirts are the in st fa mous in the country. Sec the new styles now displaced in our window. Whit lock's, 40 and 4.H South Main street. A tirent Hchenie. We call a I lent ion to the advertisement ol Skvlaud Spiiugs tv'iere Mr Millei offers Hmi in hoard at either hotel in Skylautl vii lually free. This is .- novel wnv ol bringing into it iiice niie-v usort, and while il is a very liU-ial oiler it will pay in the end, us all judicious advertis ing will. This oiler has already crowded both hotels nt Skyland Springs and broil'.:, it into notice the line mineral water. TyOurclo'.lii 'iris equal to high class custom work. Try one of our sails and be convinced. Whitlock's, 411 and 4H South Main street. A Had Kallroud Wreck occurred scvernl days ago on one ot ou most iniKrtant trunk lines. Xolmdy hurt but all the baggage except the Roller-Tray Trunks was smashed up. Iluy one. Sold bv dealers. Made bv II. W. Koundtrce& bros., Richmond. Vu. A Mew Road In Hllna. If vou are wise nnd wish to Is-comc healthy and wealthy also, vou will use Roller King or F.lcctric Light Hour; be cause the Ashcvillc Milling Company's Hour is noloniv tneliest nut tlici h' ancst. w ANTBI) A conns-tent srninstre-s who will work hv the (lav in a private family. AddrrsM Al US 1.1 NIIS, citlilHt Citiirn I imce. ?OK HUNT. Nn ml 8. Main street, suitnhle for nn iiRicr nmniiill store. KM. J' IIINMTll.N, JR.. iiuMIKIIw (IN N. MionSt. His room house In West Itntl. from Hent. 7. fin a 'Month. I. A THNNIiNT. uu.'io l I w pvK HA i.e. A line tirc-tfullnn cow, will! call two weeks old. Cow and cull S IM. Cow S t.!. Address I'. (I. Ilox n.'IJ sepl d.'lt Dr. B. F, Arringtont IMIIinii trrth a iM-iSnltv. nlno trrntlnir iti eniH-d Rtimti. and all ilinrati iK-rtninintf to inc nrnmi Pirncinrr. imikt roomn on I'ai ton avenor, over Kay nor Ik. ttmlth't druu store. I RUNT. HotiMe with 1) room, snri A seres land on Beaverdsm road, IU miles from Court Hiliinre. Apply to C. M. COdl'KK, nn the liremlses. unJ 311 ANTBII T ONCK. A competent iiiMrlntrndrnt for ttrickvnrffl. One who underntandu kiluinit and a flmt- clmoi hurner. Apply to A, FAKINtlOl.T, rto ii Aieuona uuiiutnii. or ov lettrr in O. Box fiA5. u30 d3t THE SUN. -P0R- 1800. ftnmc oeonle UsTree with The flan's nntnlnns about men and things, and some neopl don't : but everybody likes to set hold of the nrw una per which fs never aull and never arrntn to sneak its mind. ttemocrntt, know thnt for twent? yearn The Sun has foicht In the front line for nrm oeratlc DrluHiiles. never waverlna or weak ening In its loyalty to the tmr Intrrrsts of the party It serves with fearless Intelligence and disinterested vlvor. At times opinions have differed as to the best means of accomplish ing the common purpoMi It Is not The Hun's rault li lt baa seen lurtnerlnto the mill tone. BlKhteen hundred and ninety Is the year that will probably determine the result of the Presidential election of 103. and nerhaos the fortunes of the Democracy for the rest of tne century, victory in inn? is a fluty, and the beglnnmrof 1HOO Is the beat time to start out In company with The Ann. imny, per montn so Daily, ocr year 6.00 flunilay, per year ....... I.00 Dally ann Aunday. per year ft. 00 Dally and Hunday. per month 0.70 Weekly, one year , ,.. 1.00 AddrtM THB IVN Mew Vork. ANBW DRBD, carefully prepared by lead Ing member of the Ashcvllle bar ion no neavy nat oaDer). cov eiing all aeceeear points, jnst ont nnd now 1 or tne L'tmu pdium mw Co . No. North Crt ftomarv ftaa1t Lost Oaks Hotel. Wantbo Box Boa. WANTRn W. B. Troy. Pok Hunt W. T. Weaver. Wantkh L- A. Pnriaholt. Canks Model CiKAr Store. Pus Kknt (i. I. McDonald. I'iik Balr H Mountain Street. Miss IIkssih JrsTlCB Dressmaker. At'Tt'UN (loons II Redwood M Co. J?0K KKNT. Two furnished rooms nt No. B0 Bailey Street. 0. 1 MCDONALD. septUdlw 'yANTKD. A thoroughly efficient white Housemaid, with good references. Wanes, Sin permonth, Address P. U. HON GUI!. scplldSt. L(.8T. A urn of money; return to Onkx hotel or rint Nationut mink, riirty rcitirnniK " Onk will he liberally rewnrtkU. XV ANTHll. Ten or twelve uooil mnHon uti'uily work. AfMUy Ht W, 11. I ni'I H-ptUll&Wl W ()K KENT. Thnt In rut lifiHtflliiir hotme on Pnttun avf nui , IrontittK Rnttt'ry l'aric, 4 nitunit, well- Riiniicu KrouiiUR, ttnc view, kkiiiidu rrninit, W. T. WKAVKH, epa-3t P. O. Box Wl, Aiiheville, N. C, Stink Hnd flxturtu fnrii urocerv nml uro- vinlon Htre;a good i-tmntc fttr "a Ihihhu'hm ptmnn. tan ai no. Aiountnin nireci, eit2ill w MISS BESSIE JUSTICE, Fashionable - DreHiuaker. AT MK8. SMITH H OLh 8TANP. No. M North Main Street. Htnirsi ucptLMl w WALKING CANES. The HueHl illip1ii.v, you will nee hi the win: flow, at THE MODEL CIGAR STORE, PATTON AVENUE. Florida ornnyi vaiieti, natural hand leu with carving; aho Vpai wood. Sea Crane. I'tilmetlo, Black ManKrovc, llutnllin. All fnnrlly enrvrl, B OAKI'INlt. At 1."h CheKtnut xtreet . InrKt honwe with well vintilnttrd rnomn, hot and cm htith, clour tu, Afe. Mich location, mar car line. Term mvommodutinK. nuKandlm TIIAD. A. Til HASH. J. M.TIIKASH. BIG REDUCTIONS IN PRICES AT THE CIIVSTAL PALACE. Spwirtlly on Sponp' Hatlis. Miisou'h I' hi it Jars, Ir t'rt'iuu Fiwaw, AVntT Cool- ors. Tliiw Vf'll ncnrl.v nt cost. China nml Poire lain Clin mlior Sts n way down mi1 pviTytiimirin our lin rt (IikmhI Our object in uiiikinu tliisi low prices is to make room for a laro stock soon to arrive. Our buyer ami maunder, Mr. Thai! Thrash, will leave for the Northern markets about the 1st of September to purchase, di rect from headquarters, one of the largest, handsomest and most complete stocks of tins kind ever brought to . N. C. It will consist of ('rock ery ami House rurmslnmr (iooils 111 their branches, fine r rench and German China in Tea and Dinner Sets. All kinds bric-a-brac : eleirant presents, suitable for wed ding, birthday or for your est : tine and common Glassware, Silver I'IutjhI Cut lery and common Cutlery, Coal Vases, ISnskets, Lumps from tlie cheapest ulass to to the finest I'arlor, Jap anned and stamped Tinware and many other useful and ornamental articles which space forbids mentioning With our already large stock this will enable us to be head quarters and leaders in this class of (ioods and at prices that will astonish you. We are now in better position to filease you than heretofore. )ur capital is greater and bv ersoiinlly buying the Goods direct it gives you the ad vantage and benefit if you will only deal with us. We keep the celebrated Charter Oak Stoves and Itnnges with Wire(Junze overdoors, which we are offering very close. Do not forget the reduced prices. Come and buy what you netHj wliile they last. Thanking you for past fav ors and soliciting your pat ronage, we are yours very re- secttully, TIIAD. W. TIIUASH & CO., CKYHTAI. PA LAC B, 41 Psttnn Ave, under Or.nd Opera Houk. pRIVATB BOARD. I.r cool, airy rirami, honw newly ftir- tmt car line. nnra mnn mine. icrm. rcMonamc. Ufl MRS. J. L. KMATHKRH, 818 Patton Ave. Jtilyladflm PICTURE JRAMES. Oold, Sllrer, Ivory, Oak, Ollt aad ComM. nation Monldlnm. Alao Boom Monldlna. Plctnna Matted, Moanted aad Framed at lowert prices and work gaaranteed, Bngr.v. Inas, PalnUnas aad Local Views always on hand at ESTABROOK'S, a S. Main St., AabCTlUc. a or 1 d Buy Llndacw'a Guide Book toW.N.C Price asct. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE, - UliALHU.-l IN- StovcH aud Tinware, PLUMBING, GAS AND 8TEAM FITTING, SLATE AND TIN ROOFING. PAINTS and OILS. -Af.HNTS I'OK- THE PASTEUR FILTER, IN ALL NIZliS I'IIK I'AMILV AND HliTHI. t'SH liuitraiitet'd to rtc tivriu I'rool.; ALL SIZHS KUI'T IN 8TC.CK. JUST RKCUIVliD 1 A 8CPPI.V ll' FRESH LI ME AMI A I'NIiSII LOT Ol' Louisville - Cement. FIREWOOD CCT AMI 8IM.IT KKAHV I'tiR C. K. MOODY. Office No 30 Pattou Avenue TltLKPHONlt NO. 40. Yard nnd W irehotin' tic ir ItMit. Tc'c- Compound OijKen and Medicated Balaam VajKir has proved more .uccessfulin the treat ment ofdlsraarsol the nose, throat and luns than all other remrillrs comlilned. It seldom tails In any case of Asthma, We have cured many people In the lour years we have been In Ashcvillc n ho had Riven up all hope. Cull at ourofflcc and wc will Rive you thctrnamcs Wc also make a sieclult.v of diseases of the rectum. If you are afflicted with flics come nml net relief. No pain or loss of time from business. Kelief obtained at once, and no return, as we make a radical cure. R A I.HAM AMI IIXYGItN IIOMIi THItAT MKNT We have a home treatment thnt I. very rf. fective in all diieasr. of the air passages. We have prescritird h 11 nil mis of these home treatments nnd sent them In every Htate In the Union and some wonderful cum have been obtained. A small pamphlet, descriptive of Ashcvllle and also ..plaining our treatment, cnt free on application. Also a ll.t of question, roc. with each pamphlet thnt everyone should have before sending lor home treatment. The question, when properly an.wered enable n. to make a correct diagnosis of each case. We have treated many hundred cases with the Compound Osydtn and Balsam and have never had a case to have hemorrhage from lungs after taking the treatment. Don't let yoar prejudice keep yu away. but come and examine for yourself. Better Mcrlflce prejudice than your life. Con.ulta tlon free. OIBce over Cosby', lewelry Store, near Orand Central Hotel, Pattoa Avenue, Aahe vllle, N. C, T. J. HARUAN, in. D. ICE RATES FOR In quantities not lew thun one tun J f"'-.-";.. J0c. per hundred, In quanlltk-s not le than one half ton at factory 48c. IllMI pounila, 30 tickeu. 10 pound, each a.80 linn ,, no in ' o.on 700 11 an " un is.iio 7m " in n, . .. no lono " " " i'" (loo Tickets In ilolliir psrkiiKi's and unv tiuintit.i' of Ice may be obtained from drivers and at our olli for cash or ticket.. Ashcvllle Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No, 36 and 40. No. 30 Pattou Avenue. THE Ji-IXICO AND 1JEST ANTHRACITE COAL - - l'or salt at Wholesale and Kcliill liy ASMKVILLE ICK AND COAL COMPANY, Telephone 36 and 40. KucIiisIm Amnts iliomestlc nnd Sienml for Western North Carolina. LliWItt MAIIDI'X, I'rcs , P. Mcl.oUU, Vlre-I're.. lliasc'TOK.:-Lewis Muililui, M.J. Hearilen, M.J. Pkk, J. B. Rankin, J. B. Ray, J. U. Kn-.l 8. Ii. Keed. Geo. 8. I'owcll. C. M. McLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, -OrKanisrd May 1st, 1HHM. CAPITAL. $5(),(KK). State. County anU.Cily Depository. Hoe. a General Hkiikinv Husiiies.. I leposits received. KxchooKe bouxht and sold, o.l lections made on all nccesslhlr points. The Unall .urn. in thi. department, .lepoaited for of 4 per cent, per annum will he paid. Special attention given to loans on real estate, which will be placed for Ioor time on real sonablc term. Open (rom 9 a. m. to a p. m. nn Saturdays the SaviuK Department will be open till li .. n, jiintilly ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 217 Haywood Street. All ,WATKR THOKOI VIILV I'lLTICRKI oil the PreluiHek. Twenty-live years ol nrnelirnl esperUmc, combined with pkmsonal, nttention to all di tails of the business nnd iierfret nrrnnKcmenis lor cli anlinrs. and ri'kirv ol nil bihhI. manufactured, ennlile the (iroprielnr lo presi-nl to his numerous patron, a superior class ot Carbonated HcvcruKcs, ' Vichy x ml Seltzer Water in Siphons. Hinm r Ale nnd nllltlu various llnvors of SdliA WATItK ready lor .hipinent ami U hvertd free In City limits. Out i.f town ordersmust have asspoNsiSLB referenie, C. H. CAMPBELL. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL & COTTAGES, HOT SPRINGS, N. C. aj atzz' rs Rooms iu Cottages Upon the Grounds With TABLE BOARD AT HOTEL. -PRICES FROM $12.00 TO $14.00 -PER WEEK A BUILDING LOT OR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN HOTEL BOARD FREE, Iu the New and (.rowing Mountain Rcaort, SKYLAND SPRINGS, (Near Ashcvillc, N. C, anil niljoiniiiK the Vnmlcrhilt Estate.) Vour choice of nny lot in the idol for Sloo. Vou gel a Warranty llrrd Ititlr perfect 1 anil a receipt for Slim, with ten coupons iittachrd. each cou pon lor fm. These coupons urego.iil lor f 10 each in payment foi board at any of the hotels in Kkylnnil. II.itki. t. Armo.vii oH-n now. I Hiitki. IIiinkvcnkst oK-n now .Riitcs from fail to f -to per month. I'svii.ion Him'.k helnu liuili ) There coupons nn-good lor thm ycnrafroin their ilntrand are transferable 1 hrrrlorr, vou pnv fliiiil'or your choice of a liriiiitllul building lot: yon Ret the SKIll all back in board ; vou hnvc three years to do solo; vou can sell the eoupo- s to some one rle If wiuilo not use them ; nnd nt or More the end ol three yenrs your lot will le worth from f aim to f iMio or more. OTIS A. MILLER, rROPRIIiTOR. Take Train Out at A. .11 .-Fare as tenia Or Urlva WontH H Ilea. I'KHIi. HI TI.I'.lir.U. City Aent. 2H Patton Ave. . H0TELST ARMOND-HOTEL BONNYCREST AND COTTAGES, SKYLAND MINERAL SPRINGS, N. C. tight Mllea Mouth of Aahevllle, on the A. 8. Railroad. New hotel., new cottage., new furniture, beautiful grove., neat tenni. and croquet lawns, good livery. 48 MINERAL SPRINGS. White "Sulphur, Alum, Mngne.ln, Iron and Itpsora. Those areklng health and pleasure and select society will not fall to visit this pleasant resort and drink of IU healing water. Term, reasonable. aprS dtf AaheTille, N. C. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., f: Manufacturer, and Dealer. In all kinds of lircaard 7 f- LUMBER. : Door, Hatih, Blinds, Moulding, Stalrwork, Mantela, Bauk and Bar fixture, and all kind of Building material. Hard Wood Lumber Work n' Specialty. nov lil1y Telephone No. sst. WE ARE GOING TO MOVE TO NO. 31 NORTH MAIN 8TREET ABOUT AUGUST 17, And until thnt date will .ell all good, at 10 per cent, on coat. Vou will do well to take ad vantage of the low price.. Just see our large Towel at Vi, ct. and lie happy. Our (HI Inch Table Linen at eta. Don't forget I Look out and look In I Aahevllle Dry Goods Co., J. 0. HOWBLL, Manager. SEASON 1890. I. B. RANKIN, C.Khi.r SURPLUS.$20,(XH) Savinx Feature will receive siH-cial atteniiuu. four month, or loniier, tnterot nt the ran E. A. LeVENE, Manager. Near Pnaacnger Depot. 4-- i "m khlitmJmk . in.asny 'JH'.i4ir'i Mh-J sb n asw