FOR RENT, WANTS, AND FOR SALE, t OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE AT - THIS - - officii Not exceeding three lines. One Time, SIS cents. Three Times, SO ccata. Six Timet, 78 cento. JSC PKR Hl'NltRtKn. I I II PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1890. ASHEVILLE, N. C, VOLUME VI. NO. 104. Citizen Asheville Daily I MISCELLANEOUS. iLINVIJ.LE.- A 1:m;u planned and devel oping as a GREAT RESORT. Situated in the ."rlOlfNTAI.N OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted lor lien lth- fnluess and Utility of SCEN ER Y. An elevation of M.HOO 1'ivt, will 1 null Invigorating Climate If ik Immm!' luid out. with taste mid skill, with w ui-hiIihI roiids extcnsivt! FORl'ST PARKS. A desirable plan for lin; residences ami HK1THFVL HOMIM. A good opport unity profitable investments. illtistrat4ul pamphlet, (llt'HK, LINYILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., Lliivllle, fllUcUcll Co., N. C NKW INVOICli. GliNTLBMEN'S MADRAS, CHIiVIOT. SATHUN ANl FLANNI-L SHIRTS Jl'ST IN. LAD1US' ULAZIvKS, SIIIKT WAISTS t CIIIM- lisiiTTivSjrsr ki:ci:ivi:i. HON MAKCHIi, ao SOUTH MAIN STKUIilV MISCELLANEOUS. DAISY i SWANS DOWN. These lire the brands of our licst 1'I.OUR, the Hnest of the fine, the beat of nil, and l especially recommended to those desiring the whitest and purest bread. In fait It la the vrriim or till llie wneui ssniimvii mi n. Hour. We uro hnvc other hrnnds unci grade, imil van furnish a good family flour lis low fXIMi, linvInK secured a lot liefure piomIiik Into Ihr bund of tcculiitora. A. D. COOPER. Two aeeond hand wagons for mile cliciip. MISCELLANEOUS. (So to Caruiichaers Drug store with your prescription where you will at all times find a full lino of pure fresh Drugs and Chemicals, and at ow prices. IliH prPHoription department is stocked with the purest and best Drugs nnd Chemicals to be found in the market, both foreign nnd domestic And you can rest assured that your preserip THE NEWS ! BY ASSOCIATED PRESS TO THE CITIZEN TO-DAY. TARIFF ON COTTON CONTINI'Ktl. liOUUH THE ttcoren Made Yesterday Afternoon and To-Iay. The shooting in the Inter State rifle contest win kept up until nearly dnrk lost night nnd wus then stopjieil until 0 o'clock tlim morning. The twenty shot content for the McBcc $100 pi ine, which win begun yesterday morning, was broken into in the afternoon. This was done because some of the members of the South Carolina teams were coniiiellctl to leave for home this morning on account of business, and their teams wished to shoot in the ten shot contest for the $100 prize offered by the Asheville teum. In Wasiiim.tun, SeptijW In the senate the ten shot contest, the military teams 1....1 i... . ,;ivi,;ii ix In Urn un mill arc a owi'fl to aim u percent. 01 ineir Senator IliitUr profited a communica-1 score in order to make up for the differ "l.. ... . v .!......!-.. lenee in tin. riucs uwi. i nc kwipi h tilVll Will bo filled Correct and ll,m "" lm ,nuK l'""f """Columbia team in this contest was a. MIUI Will UO llil'.w I , .,,;..,.,.......... f cotton Hoods I rn -. . . . - - -, . I lUIIUWIi 1)0 ehlll'geU ll by Omit Hritain aud the United btatcs. n(lck RATE ON FLAX REDUCED, YEAS 32, NAYS 14. iHKAT BRITAIN AKB HOl'TH AMERICAN MARKI.TS, that you will low tvmi. Thm! registered iii-Hci-iiitioiiists ready to serve von at all hours. Night nils promptly answered W. C. CARMICHAEI. AI'OTIIKCAItY, No. ao South Main Street. Asheville. N. V. tor For ad- PRICES THAT TALK ! A new lot of Comforts, lllnnkets. and other goot for cooler went her has just been reeeived. I'l.isli'ieis Whifc' Ovunlls nnd Jackets, Nurses' Caps and Apins. The largest lot of Cliemisj, (owns nnd Underwear to be found 111 the city. Home line goods, cheaM'r than you can get the material and make them, stockings in colors and Fawt Dlack, Wool, Me- s- . . i . MM .1 ,rmo, uotron, IjIhio iiimui, L.,1 sj;ib Khlki i II1U .1UI, Itflll --- T .ii i l a pair. All Kinus 01 Trimmings, Buttons, ings. v lliindsome Autumn Novelties arriving daily. lie thouuhl that the information mieht lie valuable in viewol'lhcrcciprocnlprop- ositions inadc. Senator Hoar referred to n statement which lie hail recently read in the autobi- iiKruphy ot an Uii;lish sc-iitlciiiiin, (a Mr. Clover I to '.he ell'cct that cotton iniiiuiliu- lurers who hndl)eeiitravelin;exteiisivcl,v IhrotiKli the United States said that if it were not for the Aincriain tariff, IviiKlanil would shut up every Americnn cotton mnniifactory within two years. Senator Holler said he did not know nnvtliiiiK almul that, but lie had been verv much L'ratilicd and encournucd to see Ilia reptililican friends enlar(;iiiK their tvonoinic vision somewhat in reachinj! out to South America, Central Arm-Hen. Canada and other parts ol the world ml lie liuil lliouulil taut i "e iiiinrmn- t inii iireseiiteil bv urn niiulil ne in . - .. . . , , I........ service. II s lowen now aosoimeiv limit Hritain had control of the market South anil Central America anil also in Asia anil Alricu. The value of the cot ton (jimils exported into those countries by (.rial Itrilam last year was n,- iii lu.i Mill, auamst alKiiil Ji,immi,ihi I'rotii llie I'llllell Slates. Vhe siiL-ar selieilule was then laiilasnle oiiil sehiiliile I. cotton maniilaetiirers. was taken an. Aineiiilmciits to rcilut-c iiites in various paragraphs of llie wiled- ule were ollcretl liy -niilor sicrncr son, Carlisle, anil ance. nun were iiiii- liirmerlv rcieeted. Senator Mel'liermin iiioved to stnki out iiaraKiuph .IM.i irelatuiK t" slm-K- iiil-s. hose mid hall In me I ami to snlwti- tute lor it one mnkiai: the rale ol duty Ml iier cent, ad valorem. Kck-cIciI yeah 'ii. nnvs ll. C..i,.l..rtf lml,liu-k mill l-lioiili voted (lOOlls, I' alley with the demiK-rats in the atlirmativc. i L.i .Neither Hinaior nmaus nor uni" tUMMIH, JMllil H Ivianilcison voted. All the iiarai;rnpli ' 1 1 tu ml I'll t- in wbednle II. Iiavmi: Ihvii ilispnseil ol ll""""11"' . . . . . ..i... ll... SCIieoilie I. was lllKen oi reunion hemp, pile and their maatilacture. 1 In finance c.iinuiittcc had reMirleil an tniu'oilim-iii iii niiriiL-rmill Hll. ri-iliieiui: llie rate on llax not packed in' drci-scil in, ni 1 1 ., iTiiiM ikt iMiunil to $211 per ton. (In this amendment Senator Washburn leniiiiuleil the veal nnd nuvs. A vote win tnken and the committee nineuif miiiL was iiu reed to. vens lliirlv-two nayi fourteen. All the demiKTius voted yea. The negative votci were j;iven liy Senators Allen. Cameron. Cosev. Iiavis. Iiolph, HiKCini. McMillan, Moony, rau- dock, 1'iercc, Sliennnn, Mi-Kiirnij;r, Washburn nnd ilson, of lowa Mil Trocijer Hampton " Iluscmnun ('onzales 'H Total Add ( ier cent.. .11 11.7" Avernue H.;il The Sumter team scored as follows: llvdc ' Smith " Moore " Kichardson 1 Mazvek -S HE DENOUNCED QUAY. A GREAT SENSATION IN THE HOUSE. KTNNIvllV, OK OHIO, CAI HI'.H IT. HE SAYS, IN EFFECT. THAT QUAY SHOULD HANG HIMSELF. Total l'."l. Add 0 ier cent 11 ' J"7.7n Average H.."i.ri The Lumber Hridue learn score was as follows: M. UMarlcy !W Little Shaw !"' A.J.Marley : Hall Total Add 0 icr ccul.... . I '.t.'l . 11.. IS Averanc... .. H til Wasiii.nt.tiis Scptemlier . In the Cliiytoii-Ilreekinrid5C election case in the house yesterday, Mr. Lacy, of Iowa, ami Kelly, of Kansas, arKued in favor of the nuijoritv report aud Mr. Outhwaile in support of the right of the sitting mem lief to his scat, and then came the sensn- sii in of the day, Mr. Kennedy, of Ohio, made a fiery attack upon the senators who have lictn opposing the Lodge bill. For himself, he said lie must lorcver dis sent from the cowardly surrender which hauls down the flag ami strikes the col ors of the republican party to the de feated foe. Coiuinuing, he said: "That tlieelcction bill has liccu killed by republicans or pre tended republicans is true. A bill which the house of representatives said was for the protection of the whole country against outrage nail intimidation and ioleacc, is deliberately put nsidc without an opportunity of consideration. When U'forc in all past history ol legislation has one house of congress dcliU-ralely put on another the mark of its derision and contempt? The senate of the United Stales will learn that there is a bar of public opin ion ami at that bar it is now being tried. Ifthu Roman toga hail lieea bcdraggcil in llie filth of centuries, the cloak of sena torial courtesy had Ikx-ii used to hide the inlainv and corruption which has dis honored and disgraced a body which was i met the proudest 'ii the laud. The cloak of senatorial courtesy has become a stench in the nostrils and a hy-woril in the mouths ol all honest citizens in the land ANTIMIGRAINE. THE NEVER FAILING CURE FOR HEADACHE. TRAllH MARK RBOISTBRBD. ABSOLUTELY SAFE, PERFECTLY SURE AND ALWAYS 8PEEDY. ANTIMIGRAINE H. JtEDWOOD& CO Clothing, Dry pets, 7 & 9 PATTON AVli minimal and arrouanl wealth can pur ..f,u. il umiv tn iw.wi.r find (hell hide its The Waynesvillc learn made llie follow- cowardly head behind the shameless pro- lection ol 'senatorial silence. It means i cloak which shall cover up Irom the Cures Kvery Variety of Headache , AND NOTHING EL8B. Has earned (or itself the enviable reputa tion of being the finest, moit effective and reliable article in the market for the speedy relief and cure of every variety of that common trouble, Uuadaciik. The immense favor which has greeted it from all iuarters, proves its true merit! and acceptability to the public. It il some thing which almost everyone ncedi, and those who have once tried it, will never be without. For ill curative powers it doei not de pend upon the subtle influences of luch poisonous drugs m ANTH'YRINU, MORl'lUNIi, CHLORAL AND COCAINIi, Siucc it does not contain an atom of either ol these. It is absolutely free from injurious chemicals, and can be tnken by young and old without fear or serious results. It is not a Cnthurtic, does not disarrange the stomach, and contain! no noxious or sickening ingredients. The eculinr advantage! of Antimi graine consist in its beitiR thoroughly It is made a cloak behind which reliable as ucure for any kind of head ing scoic: Mooilv lovle Ilolileu 1 1 volt Harrison Total Add fl icr cent . Average The result ol this morning's i;iveil Ik-Iow : IIISIIIvK. . C. Murrav A, M. Case F. M. Ilirmiiighaui O. Howell j. (',. Ilirmiuglmni :i;t :ik us ache without rcsHX't to cause leaving no unpleasant or annoying after-effects, as in the case of other lo-called "harm- public gnxc of an outraged eople, the less" remedies. These qualities make it ....17 1 .... Ifl. I is kit .... Illi.HN shout To ll.'f 7.1 HI Dross Lin- f Jive the Went Ward Kepreseiitiitinn on llie Hoard ol Aldermen. THIRTY DROWMKII. H T VST A BROOK'S dren or. Ladies is well nigli perteet, so Mini your ;. i n a H, MAIN 8T.. ASIIHVILLB. IS TUB l-I.ACK SOS BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY 6000S AND TOVf. LOCAL Viewa and Skctchctt. mirlHd REAL ESTATE. .v., T.. n nwvH. W. w. wkst. ALLAN'S PINE NEEDLE CIGARS, Al.8 CIGARETTES AND SM.KINQ TOBACCO. I PATBNTBP.) Use the Tine Needle Cignn for a de lightful imoke and iieedy rcticf for In- flucnia, Acute and Chronic tatarrn Clcrgvmnn'i Sore Throat, Hay l ever, Astbmnand all Bronchiiil disease!. Com- CollnpBe I. i.ii.f. uf i if L of 1 1.:..: U. nf tl Yarn to 111 III. V - ' I . - ' I llllllllU ...IV 1 1 :..,.,nr.infF In llir tnste nnd hrei.lh OVLI-Vtllillir Heeded to Use ,,r a pleasant eflect.nnd by the introduction city over the Moldan. on which were a eei.VtllingneUieU Ml USI. Ol I .,,,:,. :, .wdsonoui large numlwr of iK.-rHom watching the ....',.;..( ,.l,nr,o ore destroyed, not flood in that slrciim, collapsed lo-day to Weill' tor MCII, UO.VS, '"I" ;,n,vrt.n(ll.rinK their use free from injury, but with (lositivc ln-ncfit to the con. sumer. in ix It., i . N. I.. Mnv 0. IKN'.l p;n N..-ill.. L'iuar Comimnv. I-rccholil Ki.vl' l.-rsev : Ocnlicincii : I am desirous of express- Total Average.. :i.-.2 7U J-.r III. AC K Mill NTAIN. I. M. Creiiscinnn (',. W. Stepp A. II. Ilatnhy W. A. Cregg M. M. tones Total Average FKKSCH IIKOAII Ii. It. Carter Ii. W.laniion.. or a ilrldice Catered With HlRlilneern 'kaoi'K, Scptemlier . A bridge in this x. T. Chnmlieri. Ii. w. iiiiiueii F. A. I'uiiuiiig., aai i-3 ni i Ml ii:i 71 and thirty of the iightseeri were I drowned. The I'ubllc llulldlnii IIIHm. WasiiimiTon. Scptemlier . Hclorc Total Average L. Ikrren ... W. Howell... M. I'nr.:er.... iiilaiuies which demand investigation and winch mcrii the puiiishment ol lirokcn laws ami violated statutes. It means a cloak behind which petty party bickers may barter away a parly s principles, and play the demagogue in the face of llie icoplc. it means a cloak Miiud which pretended fairness hides its dishonest head while in secret il is t nul ls mi. nnil tralhcing in the rights and iiiht- lies ol the sople. It means a cloak un der which not only the timid but the cowardly politician can cover up his tracks .liiil Ik- cither loul or lair as neces sity demands." Kclcrring to the lictrayal of Christ liy Kl , Judas, Mr. Kennedy said: "II it wnsmccl ami lining inai. jniiiis muuiu m mi thirty marks ol silver, it was still pari ol l he eternal Illness of things, that having iMfen guilty ol the basest crime of nil cen turies, he should go out nnd hang him scll. Iscariol, of two thousand years ago, is to lind a counterpart in Judas Iscariol of lo-day. Judas, who look tlurly pieces ol silver mm weui im-i hanged Innisell, has lell an example for the Mat. Ouays that is well worthy ol their imitalioii. "I do not know whether the charges made against the chairman of the na tional! committee lHiiuyarc true or false, but 1 do know that they have Ik-cii made by journals of character nail standing again and again, and 1 do know that iii the luce of these charges Oaay has remained silent nnd hnsneilhcr souglil nor atlcnipteii in sees nn i.-i"i-timiiv to vindicate himself of them. I do know thai as a great repiililican leaner, he owed il lo the great party nt whose it her lo liromi mem as in the most popular and saleable article in the market, wherever known.- 1MKHCTIONB FOR USB. The tlnar for an adult Is two tefuponnfiil. in wine glass of water. Dose for children in inKjrtlon, according to ane. la either cusc the dose can lie repeated every thirty mimic, until a cure is effected. One cote will always drive away an attack, of Headache, if tnken when lirst feclind the premonitory nyinnlnms; liut if the attack la well on, and .ullcring I. Intense, the second or third dose may be required. Usually a greater number of doses Is required to effect the Unit cure than Is needed lor any succeeding time there after, showing that the medicine is accumu lative in its effects, tending toward an event uul pcrmnnrnt cure. For sule at GRANT'S PHARMACY. WHITLOCK'S, 46 A 48 . MAIN STREET, Oupositr Hank of Ashe.llk. UNLOADING SALE. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ipiiviiil' t he en into 1 M leaser kccii reccivcn iu 1 -., the protest which has been drawn up by f Cole...!.. mctnocrs who arc muigiiani. in.-v.iur. U I Total si iiti us Iskkii tifiyfiiii.iiiiu'u iiv fir a I I V" . L.' " 1 -u n,...,..l,i. "--.," . .1 Average... rcmcny lor mono wmii , 1 cr 01 tne sH.-iiKrr. in tqcir pnucsi. vne . .. tiiu Trm wn. . ...I.i. i..i. ..1 irool, psonic diseases I 1 !.n.. iu,il, I The l-.ast Asiievu e learn was ; II 1 1 un, in.i.i ... y "-' . .,.. I"1" 7(1 111 71 7" ll'.l sing my most sincere thanks, niul exnlleil mer,,s hills rir the crectiiui ol public nu n on of vour Cine iseeine t-igni-s as , 11 w..:!.!:,,,,,, ,,,ve Ik-cii inucoii-holcil liy or- ,.,H!1 lis :i-r. allowed from the I'ellur to the garret Jilt. 1. ..A , 1 .... s ni tl iit- f ill!, Ul.l III I Oil & UC uncu uu oui "' " 1 , "' ,r 1 ...1, u I..- I urn vpnra i i: .1 I.:.. I to SIIOOl IIS rouilll in llie ill mini, omiiii-i " ".:,V " VlW nut"! , the """.a: 'Z in "tiler that their mc.nlr. wl.o iK-long prici's away below anybody g.d (..rtune ..( lr".rnil,K 'l",rIm'"h I J l vii liable remedy. Since tl.-ir use I have rn-rived marked relief nnd consider my- olun Unti l. Iiiiv illlVTlllllirLulf miin-lv cured. I also might state ...... v ...... ' - '.7 r-i i -" , ...., inai rcccivvii n. ,.-. ,: . .. , . i i ' , .. l...i l, I 1 lie I'.asi rtsiicvinc irmu .in ,,,.w... dissal.shcd men. hers tic In hiig In t h niuml , 0k. ,(, Mwl ,,, things unless the siK-nncr ennsi'nis to , .,, ., call a meeting of the committee on rules ' k. ' , and set aside a day for the passage ol these bills. until you try The "BIG RACKET" fiVYN & WEST, CORTLAND BROS. IHacccMora to Walter B.owyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE iiana HccurclT Placed at 8 1 Per Cent. Real Kstate BrokcrH, And Inycgtiiiciit Agents. Loans sc urely ilaccd at H er cent. Notary Politic. Cntnmlsslonen of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFPICIt oathcant Court iKiaare. "HOW NOW, HORATIO I" Would.'t bay timber lands, mineral prop artlra or Asheville Real Katater Then call on na, Horatio, and we will give thee thy money's worth. W. can sell thee a honae lot, lend thee shek els to erect a dwelling thereon, und Insure the same In any Hire Insurance Company doing trnaineaa In this mate. Olvt us call, Horatio I jKNr; : J JKNK8, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. Room 9 Jk xo, McAfee Block, a. Pattnn Ait.. Aabeyllle, V. C. IVbOdlT onicea: 'atlon Ayeiiue Bccond floor. JOHN CHILD,' ( Formerly of Lyman ft Child I. Office No. I Legal Block! REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER Htrlctly a Brokerage Bmlncu Loans seen rely placed at a 0r cent F. A. GRACE, INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, fieneral i Inaurance t Agent, t"-" Rear No. 30 Houth Main street. iiilinlinif the nlHtvc nnntcd remedy, Yours nstieclliiliy. in rti.ii.r.ff, Maiiufacturctl by Pine Needle Cigar Co. i?nm.i,ii1iI Mw lerarv. For wile by T.C.SM ti ll Hi I'D., whole sale and retail druggists, I'uhhe Mimrc, Asheville, N. C. EMORY s HENRY COLLECE EMORY, VIRGINIA. The points of ieelal attrnellon lire, i. iinrlvnllrd l.iH-allon nnd lUaiilllnl (Irounila; ThoroiiKh Colleglntc Course and Modern Method.; l.artrc l.llirnry nnd iineiuiilled Llltrnry Hnclctlcs ; Voung Men's Christian Aoclutlon nnd Preednm from Templatlon Magnificent Oyninaaium nnd thnroughly ciultprd Hclenee Attractive llnnriHng Holmes and Wonder. ful Health Record ( I'lne lilsrlpllnesnd KrllidntiNTon I And the entire rcnsonalilcnciis of Ita terms. Hrnd for new snil enlarged cutnloiiuc to KBV. JAMBS ATKINI. auUO dfkwilw poM KBNT. Thai lame Inmnllng house on Pattnn nvr nue, frontlnu Bntlery l-nrk, I rooms, wei shaded Miounrts, lln. view, ''I'Vavu'S I". O. Una JI'Jl, AheH1f, N. c. fJi've the Went Ward Hrfiraeiiliit'im on the Hnnrd of Aldermen. The Caroentera' Mlrlke, Ciiic-Aiii). Sent. . There are less than seven hundred car)enteri who refused to go to work on Tuesday morning, still out. There is conlusiim nnd chaol in match. They H'orcil ni follows. II. C. lone Or. S. W. attlc.... ''' C. W. Milium- : I. I". Craves 4" II. L. Ki-vnolds ns Total Average ,.HM ,. as liemi lie was, eiuicrwi iiiiii j..i v . n4..5..u laimesor lo prove llieir iiiisuy omr i uilU .mm, i jtn - i, owed il to thai parlvlostamliisiuc irom ii. .in era no. He Iwis not oniic ciiner and lor this I dcuoiiim- him. His silence miller such cireumat nnecs is a conicssion or guilt. He has delayed too long to pis tile n belief in Ins iniiiKx-ni-e and lie stands convicted n criminal belorc the bnr ol public opinion. I nilcrsuchcirciiinsinncc! he slioiild Ik- driven Irom the bend of the parlv whose- verv lili- his presence iniicr lis. 'The repiililican parly has done enough for its prclciulctl leader. U-l him Ix.- rclcgalcil lo llie n-ar ll is no mnger ii ipirstioii ol his vindication, ll is a iiucaliiin ol llie lilr ol the party itself." Hive the Went Wnrd A'cnrcscilnli'on iw the llnimlol' Mdvrmvn. MTMKS or cosi:jri:ci:. Ipiiine ci ist. (live the Went Ward Representation on rank nnd lile nnd consternation among I (Ac llnurtl ol Aldermen. the lenders. The employers insert mai they now have nil the men they wnnl. Mllll Payor Women VufTrage. Jackson, Miss., Seplcmlier.-Thccnn-iliittinniil convent urn's franchise com mittee has decided ifiiiinimoiisly to vote ns A unit in favor ol its remrt on the inf- Jragc ipiratton. f live the Went Wnnl Kciirestntntion on the Hoard of Aldermen. ClMkltY AMI Clll hVII. 1HCCOHATOR . AND- KaUbllshcd 1805. auA dly' Asheville, N. C. I.. DBftlONBR IN FRESCO. LBT House. T rooms, fully furnished. Posses sion 1 st of October. Apply st au80 lw 4-1 PATTON AVB. wn. R. KIN, OF THE ENGINEER CORPS, U S. N., located In Asheville and will practice SURVEYING. Draughting or any description s spednlty. , I), lion aiH. aug'JUillni, Kcv. . I). Huflmiii has lieen nilit sick. Kev. Dr. C. T. Hniley lells me lie has re covered and resumeil Instnmisicnai worg. Mr riiomna limnani. nis rain, in now president of Mars Hill cullcge, near Ashe ville. Knlcigh Correspondent. There win a very eujoynbk revival of religion held nt Indian c-pringi, wnync county, last week, and twcnly-fotir ler sous were added to the MclhodisUhurch there. The pastor, Kcv. M. I), llix, con ducted the services and was assisted by Kev. J. D. Curpenler nnd Mr. Wright. North Carolina tins some very fine ..nMiraninnnuthelwit wehavehenrd. One ot these, Kcv. Ir. Mnrnble, lilted the ....loll nfSt. Andrew! Presbyterian church on Sunday morning, nnd he nrenched one of his clear, forceful, impressive, unalyti moat Interesting scrnioni for which I., i. In.tlv distiimuishcd. Ilil lulnect uma llnlnnm. and the discussion growing out of It wni well nigh iierfect. No one who heard it will probably ever forfjet the acutcncii. the vividness, the lucidity ..rthvelinrBL-trr drawing. It was admi rable work artistic, itrong, Scriptural, unique, md luflicicntly aniiOnted. Wil uiington Messenger. I'OHI n.N. Tin- kiiu. of I'm- tnifiil drank isilluled water, und as a result he has nil attack id lyphoul lever. l.i ihe iiniL-rainof tlicCrt-rmansiicinlisIs is included a ilctuaud that women should lie allowed to vote. Lord Sackvillc, ns lord of the manor ol Stralford-on-Avon, where Shnkcsitearc was born, has preacnteil lo llie town au thorities n claim for mil lor the ground on which is located the fountain ami clock towcrdoimlcd by 1'n.orgr W. Childs, ol Philadcliliin. WASHINGTON. Senator Aldriih says the rcciprocily prevent any discoiitcnl in our rnnks in idcu is growing, the coming election. The plan und in- Congresi iscxieclcd to niljotirn iibotil trticiious, logciner wtiff j'f..- the 'Jrith inatimt. Primary l-:irctloii. n olK-iliem-c to instructions given by thctlcniocrnlic cnmmitlcc nssi-mltlcil in Asheville, August a.ld, there will lie held on Scptemlier l'7tli nt the diUcrcnl voting places In nuncomlie county, a primary election by the democratic voleri of the anmr. to iicicrminc tne Clioicc m in. pnrtyfor imiiuiohsoi senator, rcprcaeinn !:.. rlrrlt nf the suoeriiir court, registci ,.i-.l..u ahrritT nnd coroner. Ix-t every dcmiK-rnt lie present nnd vote his choice in this important mailer ami iiieivoj names, will be published in next week's V. M. mi iitrit. piijier. Table Linens, Towels, Naj kins, Coniiterpanes, White Goods, and Embroideries at All Domestic Goods, including Pride oftlio West, Wanisutta, Fruit of Lotnii, i-1 Cot tons and 10-4 Sliii'tings at prime cost. We call special attention to our large stts-k of Kin- broidery and Knitting Silk, Wools, Silk and Chairman. i . Sia-iiker Keed is said in lie growing mi- AepllV 1 8, easy over Ins prosed lor rc-cicciioii to coiiurcss. Scnnlor Allison i-ontends that there Is Out line Wol'K. no diingcr of n dcheil in llie government revenues. Poslniaslcr-l'icncral Wanamiiki-r is not lor two- Lvnch nnd Kccordcr Bruce neenmpnnird cent ocean postage a committee of gentlemen Irom Kicn- iiomU. mond, Virgin a, lor the ptinntse 01 invii- T,)C tnl,loc f tlc Northwestern t'n Ut tlie Wet Wnnl Reprenenlntion on the Ihinnl of Aldermen. uvlled I'renldent MarrlHon. Wasiiiniiton, Scptemlier . Aiiililnr iuchiiril lo lavor tne proposal All go at prime cost. Ladies' Musliu rudeiwear at oHt, Kid i""""i i - s . I )C iriinitm (fl till nwiiiininmii in- lag the President to attend the '" vcrsily.of livniistnwn, III., have elected pillion celebration in that city nextOc. w , n,mn, A. M., LL. 11., tober. The l'residcnt said he hardly ' Vof the institulion. thought he wouhl lie able to accept it The Aiidemonvllle Finn. Gloves, Hosiery andKibbona prcsim The New York republican State com- nitttee lias nomii'nicn jinige nuoiri i.nri, i hi ! the dcniiK-ratic iiiciimlsnt. lor tne cnuri ai UlUlHUHliy low prn.xn. inc ocmitcriiiic iiiiioioiii. no AkMiiNit, N. Y., Rcptemhcr -"8- fn,MM;als and decided to have no Stale Cnrr, of this village, iayi he wai the con;c11lion. Inst Union prisoner to leave Anderson ville prison, lie secured the ling which hud so lung nonten over inui primtn aim hai it itill In hii possession probably one of the most interesting relic! of the civil war. The offer of the Spanish mission to ex Senator Thomas C. I'littt is taken ai an indication thnt thendniinistrntionthinki Mr. Piatt necessary to it in New York. Mr. l'latt declined. Ladies will save money by I attending thin .special solo. SUgAdtlm

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