THE1 DAILY ' CITIZEN. By RANDOLPH-KliKR PRINTING CO. THatUll.TCrrURN.Ili-niocriilk-, i niihli.hrd w .-alternoon leacept non.tuy) at the fol lawti ,5 ritte. ttrtctly cfl. One Year Hii Month! J1" Three Month! J One Month J" One Week B THK DAII Y CIXIZKM In on unle at the following uliu-cn in Ahville: CITIZUN OI-'l-'ICU. ., HATTHKY I'AKK NKWS STAND. lil.BN KIH'K NHWS STANU. Mill, 111. CH'.AK STIlKli. I'nlton Ave. J. CAH8(IN NHWS STOKli, North Court tkiuure. TI'liSDAY, SKPTKMHKK !1, 1Ki. DEMOCRA-nCJSOMINEES. I'or Chin JiiKlkt- ol' the Stiiirmt Court: HUN. A. S. MKKHtMll.N. I'or Aoiiiitc.iitii- ol' the Supreme (Joint HON. Vt'Al.TLK CI. AUK. POM U-T:kl"l4 I'ol'KT ini'.K : 1st tlMrit I- -linn II lmo v. ir ,ot II. iiiili.rl lltl tlitl.Rt -IIi.xki K luv w, nl . rim li. Willi AkliK, ol Wok', r.lh ili-trm -K. inT". ol i.ranville. lllh ili.trit'l- i; I' It'lklV "I Siiini". .11. 7lh tliliiil- Iami.s l. Mi Ivkh. .1 M.. ore. Hlh ilwinet- K I A KM I It I.H. "I lii.i'll lillh tlMri.l- mi. i. ml lit Mi . ol Hurke. 1 Ith ili-tm t-W A. Ilokli, ol l.liieoln. foK I I OK : 1st .linnet II. Ill.ol r. ol l'i-r.tlinillll. -.'.I tli.lriil -I M l .Hl. tun. ol llitiimx J.I ill. 1. nl-- mi. li Woo.lulil, ol .l-.ll. lh .limriet U. W l-oi . ir . ol ..linn..n. r.lh .li-lliet li S I'tHkl.H, ol Al-Hiiaiiee. litll iliitriet 1 II ol l.tiioir. -til iliHln.t -I'M am. R.Ml.l.. ol Huh ill Mh di.tni I- II. I I.iin I In-ill II lull iliflim-W W. IIikiikm. ..I Wilki-i. Huh ilinriel W c. M.tti.tM'. "I c iilil I' I I III I'lkllllt I'' I I KM. nl l i i k it II I'UI H i.-Ui iliMmt i;i... om.. -.1 m.ii-.ii. I'ok oiM.h l.i : ll ili.lru l - W . V II IIKtMII. ol llriiulorl .'hi ih.lri l II I'' i'.h l.i . ..I I'liplm till itiMri.l- II. II. Ill IV "I N'i-h r.lh tli-liul A. II A M i i "i i '.rim "Hi l.lh tlit net S. It. ,, ol Mttkleii hum 7lh iliHiriet I S. Hkmiv.m-min, ol Komhii. Kill iliHlnet -W. II II ol Willi.'" lllh iliHlnil -W. T Ck ttti ..u. ol llanM.o.l A Itt'iuocritlic l'lul. Nu mure i-lTtvtivc wnrk i-mi In- ilmic for tin-ikiiiiicriiiy ami W. T. Criiwlniil tli.-iti ly an n;it-hsivi- ili-iiimr.-itir t-ltili. II.k-Ii im-inlicr Iki-iuih-ii cnmmini'il to M-fiiriiiy yules mill iiilliK-nu- fur tin.- iiuim- iiml tin ni.'iii lit- ri-ircieiits. t'luli .vork int aiis ur jjiinueil work iiml with. ml that siiutm is lit- no imaiiK sn iirliiiu. I In- ymmi! ilniiiii-ialHipf tin-Niiilli ilislrii-t have a taiiiliilau- who, U-ii'ijuf tin -yuiniu ilt-itn . raiy liiiiist ll, tsKi ially iiiK-als to tlu ii syuii.illiiis ami lnmlil ri-n ivi- tlit ir heart-it-Hi miiHirt. Thai lr. ill serves, first liev.-iusi-he is it.limtn-r.-tt, aiiil wi'iiiiil lieciitise In-is a ni.'iii win. will ln. an In inur to his .a i ly in lunri-vi. Il slu.iilil In-rt-nii-HilHriil, tun. llial In- will mni have tu li-avt- i.r eiilieise his utrty. a Mr. liwart has, tu i.isily rt-iri-M-nt his t-iiiisiiiiirmy. Ity all mtaiis lit lis liave a ilnli ol lit ili-tniK-rals. A iniieentiun is eallnl .. tin 'J Mi "I this nu. mil at K iliuii ami il i t-xKvU-i! that 1 'in ilnl.s will l.i stnteil. It will In-ilinuylit vi-iy' il tin- Nintli ilistrk'l, a .lini.t liial is t" Ik- n-ilt-tllleil this I. ill, has in. .Ii lian - IITSI'lll. Till. Cn ii v in.liies I lie ii.iiiu "I l iani. Cuxt- as inn- "I the i-neiltivi- i.iiliinilUi ill lln-Ninth l aiiilllia stale a-s'ieia'ii.l. ul ik-iiHH iiilii i lulis. S i wlial nl hi elli-1'ny jiisl al thin iiaiint'iil inilit lueali rtn ikui..ii.iy in N" vt-iiilK-r. In a liri uhieh J. S. Carr. iisi. ilent of lln- aH-i.ei..:ii.ii ol iIi iii.m run chilis, has is-iu.l lo lln siati a--oiia-linn ul ileun.ei.-ili. ilulis, ami tin- ileum-tralii- ilulis nl Ni ii III C aioluia. lie says i.l the veil tit ! nt bialcih: "Wi-ieiilel that our .ally i.lania linn, in evi r i-i.uul . li u.l us I lien' .ml n lll.ikltlii this .nu ul III.JjIlU ilelll i.iisi i al i' in. S. tel. il nit it ot ii.iiitaial ui lltalinn ait- rseleil In lelul iih lliell lirrstine i. 1'iesiileiit CIimI.iiiiI has Ikiii imiieil ami will Ik' Ml nil t in n il tu li.i i- in ill ali l-i tin- yoiini: ilimiKraiy nl Nnrlh camlma. Sinalnis V. line anil K.msnm vill terlaiiily alleinl. ji let every ileiimetalie i-nuiess-iiaii ami iiiiuiiiiii- Inr en unless limn Nnrth Cam liua is exK-eli-il. "Wt- uri;t- tin- liiniialinii nl ilulis in t-verv tiniiity, t il y, villaui' ami iiuslii. then iiiiiuIh'I'sIu. sliimlil eniliiaet-tu ry vnii-r nl their u-s-etivi' stviinns wh.i e el s I i slllinl I uur ileniui nil le iiiiinniet s, in tniif In m-ihI ililenales In tins eiiiivt-nliini." Tlll'.v kn i ml t-iiniinu ami arc very Well. line. li. W. laeksull, jr., nl l.olly Kiiljjo, N. C, says that while Ik- has Ini I'll vi-aiH vnliil siU,irelv tin- rriiiMinin lit-ki-t mill litt n tnuslaiil, ill season anil tint, ill eiiileavmiii)j In imiiniU- its hiii - iihh 'llii-hislnrv nl lln- ires-iit ailuiiuis. tralinn, in lliv iniiiint-r it hasU Ir.iveil its 1 1 lists iiml viul.-itiil its iiniiiiiiH-ii tu I lie H-nili it h niter ilisit-Kiiril nl l lie wauls ami neeils nl the iuas nl mir K-uile, in n-lnsiiiK to aim nil tin- present iniiiutiiiis tnrilT fur their relief, mill its wholesale slaunhleriil llie surplus ill ret k less k-ii- inn lenislatiini, has il. lerillineil me In east in v lot lieiealU-r with I lie (rue pulit it-ill Irieinl" nf mv enuntrv anil in toiling pniir the ili-iiiiH-rnlic inrlj-." TiikNew Vnrk Sun hint ill spoin m wt-ll nit Iiiih its even liiiihu-r fiiiiU-mMr-n ry wliich liine fur tin nil li.di the ttiiii-. Alice U. Ivw trlln I Ik- wiuhl ill the Sep- It'inticr I'uriiin Imw haril it is for wives lu (tet NK'iiilitiK niimey liniu their Ims lianils. iiml the Sun n-ler lo her im "Mm." A 11 mailer ul fail Miss Ives is linmarrinl iiml lum no praelieal t-n-i i cnee with the milijn-t she write of. It in nil the inure to her ercilil tlicrcfon llmt the nrticle lit in the main nn m-eunile ilianosi of nil nil too cninmnn com plaint. Mini lit Ik-sI in n Hellish liciii",. Si i much of the wpmre nit is realty pa veil ihowN what n Krcnl iiiiprnvetm-iit i Im work 1 to lie when eiinililitiil. It will lie pnssililc then to hnvc the court Iiouk itirrutinilinK clean nml otherwise attractive. I'lirtnf tin-necessities of such ntate ufthinui. however, ii wvcrnl hun dred feet of new or very much rcpnirril iilewnlk. TrnveliiiK on foot ii actually done In wvcrnl part ol thie city nt the rink of one' liinlm. A Nkw York paicr Inn nil neeouiit of munition uv lav (tinilil written when he wm 13. Hit latercompoiitions r briefer, more to the point and more popular. Ther read: "The hnna or will pay the bearer dollar," ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 0, 18iK) LATEST A7;M'.S' FKUM NORTH CAKOUSA The colored fairnt New Ilcrnc wits a success. At no time since the present season ok-iiciI has there In-i-n lewer than .lull licoplc present at mowing smu, l-'or the first time in hcrhistorv Knleiuh has a Imrlx-r shop conducted by white men. It Has just ix-en uicnvii on i-uy- itt-villc street. An onlcr from Louisiana has lieen rc- ccivctl liv a I.n fSninuc nicrehanl, from a larke-v who lelt that town last siirniif. fur twenty ilnzcn ej,x ami tlncc dozen boxes ol Ive. A lliell Point siecial says: "Hay ward Adams, fire-mail ml a local freight tram, while leaning out ol tne ciinmc, was struck on the head ly a switch, which tiaeturcil his skull. His cmiilitiou is critical. II. 1.. Inikc liou.'lit a larc liloek ul I. mil vcstciilav nil the iiortliern limits of town. The price is said to lie JJ.iiiiii il is understood that Mr. I Mike coiitcm plates some extensive oicratioiis ill real estate. I uirliam i .lone. J. V., a stuilent at Wake Forest h-. mi Cleveland cuiinly, was hanillinu a l-islul carelesslv Thursday niylil, when it acciilenllv lire.l, the hall iakiiiK ellect in l islnoi. I lie wuunil was not scrums, luit the stuilent went huiiic. The contractor on the mud roulcfroiu tisliiirs lo Horse Cove, has Ik-cii iii- i rneteil tu chante the servii e so as to i nu liv I'Jlie to lliuhinuils. muitliuu I lurse Cove altnji.-tlier. Mail frmn Ashe i ille will imw arrive at noon instead nt at iiiylit a Kiiiu nl several liouis. Tin- count v of WalaiiL'-'i is said to -oulaiii inure Intent wealth than any icniloryol eipial sie in the union, These iiiniiulalus are filled with irmi. copis-r. o.l.l, asls-st-is and mica, and covered .villi nniilar. cheri v and walnut trees A h w miles liniu lluoiic. thccuuiitv seal iliclilk ci-iHH-r mines which was .level- s.nnc tears nun liv H.-ilt inn nc capi ..lists It is said that a roiinil half mil iiml dollars was sh iiI in ihedevclnpinciit il the nroiH-rtv and then the company a as cumis llcil in shut down lor the lack ii sliippini' taeiliiics. I in Thnrsdav niyht the town of lal 'as, a limn ishiuu place in I lie- tiorl Invest in narl ol this stale, was raided lit .vliilc cans and almost eutirelv ile -.1 roved. Suiue of the houses were com iilelelv demolished, and st.tlilis ami tuees were lorn lu pieivs. The inleriors I houses were iiiutilated ami their lurni- , inr was lirokeii mi. The cause i it the vandalism is as vet unknown. Kaleiyh Chronicle A verv curious lilt ul news i- not in the nnlihweslern Inn the oiitliwesleru pai l of the State, ami Imw Acre "houses cunipletely drmolished," tel' Tin di-paich has the odor nf a lake." Many years ayn JcfU'rsuii. Ashe i.iinty, was the center nl learuiiio and iilluu- nl Western Nnrth Carolina, ihc llirus ol the inuuntaius. The jvuple uv just as iiiltiireil ami retiucil imw as lu v were then, luil the taiaotis iiistilu-i-.ns ul Itariuui; have ceased to exist. atktsi.u is a jjreat mail ilistriliulin -int. no . ss than a doea star mules iiveruinu ill as many difteient ilirecliutis, ;.nt she needs a railrua.l. Twu oreat .sieuis. the N.otulk aiid Western and ,n Inn. ai. I and liaiividi , are stirveyinu nulls i liriiiu- li 1 he I !a i '. nut v and there - n. . il-niii! nl one nr l.uih liinliluiy al an - arly la . n in. Itisi i i:d m I I Inr Chinese, to a huh the a.iiue lit mil al Avadeiuv is .-n e li. Las In I, ..miiiiI at Ki 1 1 V 's. ill Mia- U ii v-unity . Scwial (uipils are present. nu! in. ae will airive next week. Several I tin-pupils ci.uic di. eil ttnin Cantun. hiua. I he school is on a luruc latin, mil is ill signed lui Chiuiililf ii disilults ul I'ltaiuiii .in laili-h idiiialion and wlm lie ptevciiie.i liv race pnimlti-e ur lack ul iimils It im enleriii American sehunls. flit ic is im eliarL'e t-u ii. struct lull, Imnril. ,.r liuuks, as ihe sludiuts will wnrk in i he simps and unci the tXictiscK. The clinol is siiietly uuu-sivtatiati mid is iiu 'Ui the ausputs nf a eumpaiiv tit lcailiiij i hiii.iiui n w Im are ankd lit missiuua- iiis. Ki v. tvaitei I . rsiuu is niueiliai. til Ii I'rolessor Van I'hoii a youuu t. Iiinaiiiaii, Im is a graduate ol Vale, as ..ssist.uit. Ki v. Mr. Kino is a IVunsvl v atnaii, lull man ied a Nurl II Caruliua i nl, whusi- liuiiu- is al Killy's. 's l.Vi wII A.S uf IWR.WMi The Mu'irnc KcL'islcr savs: Julius, the i:i.iaiu.l sun ul A. j. Iliooks, limp, nl i v Salem township, has a cotton patch his year coulaiuiuu one acre l-'riim this a re lie picked 4 111 p-.unils of col ton in iiyust. Ilcexiscls lo yel n hide from ihe patch. Mr. John Sliulc. near town. lias a lot of line corn and cotton, lint he las one held ul twenty-live acres which is, we think, iiiiiluuliicilly the liucst col. 'nn in I num county. Tile rows an- live i-cl aiiart and I lie liuil.s lap so thickly across the rows as loolist-iirt-the ".round. I he stalks are Inaded with hulls, and Unnd judges estimate I lint this held will tield al least two thousand ihmiuiIs ol c. it tun to the acn'. 'Col tun is p-nerally ujiruiiiK well, mid inekini! is iiruuressuiL' rniililly. I lie to liaivo crop seems to Is- n very Rood one, the week was verv favoralde lor innkiui! juiiiI cures, ami larmers linve lieen nn usuallv succcssliil. I.iiud is licui pre nared fur winter oats and wlient, mid si inn-have alrcailv eunimeuced to sow A lew repurls iuilicnle some damage lo i-ollon li'iitn rul mid sheddiiiu," So -ays Ihe ollicial report issin-il from Kid eilih. The laruest ihiIiiIik-s seen thir season were on exhibition at the New llrrnc iK'tiUH-rat ollice one day this week, I'our wviiihcil 1 7 ' piuinils anil one wciejlirrt liui. hiiiiuIm. Thcv were rnisell oil tile liradliu farm, on Koatiokc river, by Maj. . II. Ncal. There is sonic ilisanisiiiitnieut nmonu ihe farmers ol the eastern section of the stale in the price of cotton. Hume any that with the present line crop of corn nml lair crop ol cotton there will not he as much spare money as win aulicipn led. Mrs. K. H. I 'a vis sent the Kinsion I'm- Press ii very fine lemon and two Imiianiis xrowu by her in Ixnoir county, The Ir mi in weiuhs Ill's ounces, and Mrs, havis has Ion like it oil the tree Irom which it was taken. . T. Cheiithnm. a prominent farmer rcsidinic a lew miles Irom Oxford, had built this summer n brick, tin covered eurinu barn. It ii divided into four cum- piirlincnls, separated by brick fire walls, Oxford I y. One farmer from West (it-Id township luliirmrd us Inst I'ridnv thnt the storm of week before Inst destroyed almost his entire crnu of tnbneco. lie place hi loss nt over $ri(Ml. Yndkin Valley New, A few vcnrl uiro. the fitf near Rnleiuh were nearly all killed by the hitter weather. They have renewed them selves. The fruit crop tin year hn been al. uiuit a failure here s all overthecounty, 4oldsborn Dispatch, Farmers ihnuld tnke notice thnt the United Htntes senate ha ilnced binding twine on the free nit, Mr. T.J. Lee. of Tender county, w port the finest crop in biased! in he ha Been in iiiieen rear. INTERESTING PERSONS. Hon. Lbvkhktt Sai.tonstai.i., a lead in); Iloslun demoernt, is critienlly ill. Mhs. Clara I.iuisk Ki:i.i.ui.i-..StkA' koscii is bnililiuB a summer house ncitr Hartfurtl, Conn. Miss Makv I.kk, ien. R. li. Ixv's yotinKest dniiKhtcr. is said to never for get a name or n face. Lauy Muckton is about to start as n house decorator and furnishcrin London. She is said tu lie a kuihI businesswoman. Ianh I)KTTKNmin;i:.of KiiiL'ston, ania icii. is an orphan mid has $1 .ililil.tiiH). She has refused thirl v-scvesolTcrsof mar- riiujc. Hakkv N. Cakv, uf the New Vork Her ald, has mine tu Chicauo to assume the manauinu' editorship ol ihe Chicncjo Times. Miss Hki.iin ( iii-i.ii, lay (lould's ilauL.hter. is an nccuinnlishcil bnianist She has the rarest private collection of orchuls in the country. Oi'KKN Victokia detests sentries, and all the L'uaiiliiii; at I isborm-and nt Hal- niural, ami as niiieh as possible al Wind snr, is dune liv policemen, Mr. Pinup IIciratii, of Chicaun, ha lcn empuwered tu visit all the countries nl the lllolic Inr the purpose ot sniicitmi.- exhibits lu the wurlil s lair. In ins study l.nrd Kandnlph Churchill has mi the mantelpiece a line portrait ol Ins dearest cneniv Mr. (ilailsluue. I.inlt Kandolnh told a friend that he put it there out of "pure cussed ness." Mrs. Makv liAVinsuN.uf Junction City. Kan., is one of the most successful silk eulturisls in America. She was sell tauiilit tu a ureal ileum', but she lias writtt'll an excellent practical manual I'm the assistance id oilier jji'owcrs. I ik. ('.i urn. i. I'. Kuui has just ci Ulna lei I the seventieth anniversary uf his liirlh in Chic-iini. lie is the author ot "Kallt Koiind the I'lac. Hoys." written on tin mornim.' idler I 'resident Lincoln's siv- nml call for minus, and also of about a bundled other lain.. ns solids. Nenrues Keep I lie? Hl-iilllcaii lnrl Allv. l-'riim thr Nmioiinl liemorrnt. A vnst maiorlty ol white men in thr 1'nitril Suites lii-loni to thr ik-nioerntii- pnrty nml voti that li.ket. HI the r...'lii.ii7 votes re iiiveil l.v Harris I 10 not les than I.-j.-.ii.uimi were east l.v muriK-s, north unit outh Wit ,. nl those niKro vote Mr -'li'velnn.l uoul.l hint- hml ii ioiuliir ntsiot itt of l,:m.4.'lM ,ner lliirrlnon It is easy to see, then-lore, the kiltil of linurc Ihe rrpilll- lii-nn imrtv wotilil cut In intiomil h. lilies ii the ilreislon were left lo the while n-o'le the eounti v. Tin- fiut is tlui Ihe repiil.ltean purl v never ttoulil him- hint a I'resiik-nl idler 17;.' a . fol the vote of northern neu oes. Thr ileum lln siiveil Ihe inrl- in etery slrui:i:tf In- oteil l.y renum of Ins vote in the noith cm stiiies, niiieh li'iil never, liefore I sits. Ijninteil the tHKriMS the riuht of suirriu;e. Vance And the NatlqiiHl llankM. I'tii-n til-' Vrcsli nl.urit Times, Tuns of thi Mn kl. llhtirK iill. inii- Any iitiinipt to plni-v S-niil..r Viiiiit out i.l nceonl with hl pnrlv to the iilll.iolitii intiireM ..I ill.- national i.nniiiiiK siMitin iiiiisi inevitn'.lv pioee n orlne. II s n-e-.r.l is lot. Ten years iiko he loleil Willi lus purti in toni:ies against the lull n-H-luir li unK these li:nik Tune -ml auain lie hps illtniilti.e I l.ilU in the se nil- .roM,iiil lo n mote the Ins Irom state lunik einiilntion na In take ihe nw-nv Irum nn tliutnl l.itnk ami, l ailowmu state I. .inks iss.M eireulatiiitf notes. .r .nil.- tin- K..pli with n more iilniniliiiil ami n more tlustie urriiiey The man who nssiiiis S-iiui,ii Vllliei 's H..lon in this risnet will silk k l.'.l t.tlii rislllt nl lite surliiee. POVDER Absolutely Pure en-nm nf tiirlnr luikinu powtlrr. Illvhesl TaII in irnvilunu st rrnuln I '. 8. I'.tiiein nrnl Rlntrl, Alilt'isl 17. I ss'.l. inly J'.l.ll IM.-..V II. II. COSIIY JEWELER, a; PATTON AVIiNl'li, NKXT IHHiK TU I'.I'ANII CKNTRAI. I Till., AHIIi:, N. C. sipin.llr WANTED. 50 CARPENTERS. 50 To Work on Hotel al Ma rlon, N. C. BEST OF WAGES WILL BE PAID. J oil will Iiml from It In N month.. Ailtlreo F. T. MANFORD, m-iiINiHw Mnrlon. M. C. THK ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, M PATTON AVE., (T. H.C.A. R00M1 1 Open rlxlljr. t cp aniUj from 10 a. m, mill I p. m., and H anlll T P. The term, nf .aliM-rlillna ant One jtear 6 ato.., $i HO l S mn., HH mo., BlleU ilnlljr a cu. (ineen for MW I'mWeat, t'karVa W, Wnnlwn Vlat-rmrfeat, Tho. A. Joawi ee and Treanrrr, D. M. Wai t Mhrarlaa, Mi lt. J. Hatea. Cltlten. aad elrttor. an cnrdlallr lalul lo In.neel tlx catatonia aad laaerlb Itwlt aamca aa mem hem. laaMMtr nntrllah and French B0ARDIN8 AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR T0UW LADIES AND UnLI SIRLS, No, 4 frenrh nrnad Athim. MRS. IUR0WTN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL (for Ban ar Awnelat Prtnrlpal af Mt, Vmrmm latllt. n.ltlmnea. I Antoted by a corpa Maiprauat tracktn. mn air ROM JACK FROST Haw not yet appnrofl but ho will bo "nippiHl in ho butl" by tho IitiiuviiHV Shoe Mlock now urriviiiK at l)HticI?ros, & Wrifjht'H. VrvvH to nifot t ho pocket ofevt'i-.ybotl.v. La tlios may look for ran-1 reals in Dross (Sooils, as our bn.vor is now in Northorii inarkots soourinj? tho la tost. A few siiiiiinoi' goods yet at ".'ivo avay prices. I50ST1C HIM)S. eV; WKKiHT. No. 1 1 N. Court Square. W.A. Hi.aiii. .I.V. Mitows. FURNITURIC A.M UNDERTAKING. No. 3 I'Hllou Avenue, M'AFEE BLOCK, OPPOSITE BLAIR'S OLO STAND Wo are now ready, and in vito our friends and t lie pub lie p'lierall.v to call and ex amine our W'-ll select oil stock of FU UNITUliE, Which wo arc offci iiiat rock bottom prices. I iidertakiii". spiH'ial foiituro. Calls at- t ended day or night. 7". night .". 15LAIIl&JHOWN. AT THK LEADING JEWELRY STORE. The cntirr Mm-lt of Plated Jewel ryy IndutlinK Knc HnMHhm. Iiuttoim ttnil Itmcr 1-JJ-O HE-THIRD 0FFM-J5 Kriinrrtlrss or rust, n we Inn ml in ihe fnliire to keep nolhlnil liul Moliil lioltl nml lerlln Silver Irwrlry. ARTHUR M. FIELD, irinmn ipvufifr Houlh Main HI. AmIicII1c. INSURE YOUR PUBERTY WITH 12. J. ASTON, t.cncral 1 liiHurMiicc i Acctit Nrar No. Sill Houlh klnln ulrtrl. H.lnliM.hed I Hid- A.hevllle, N. C nuft die FOR SALE, LEASE OR RENT. A larMC dwrllinii houw. on Chitn-h .In-el, iiinlalnlnir II room., Iiealtle hllehen, mn trie, and nervanl.' hunite, runneeled with ewer and waler. Hiiltnitni well. Pine a-rnuml. ApHe lit nil CIICKCH ST. wtilltllf Cheap Rtc lo ll Poliitdt MAII.HOAll TICKKTn boimht, ild null rithaniied. All lrHMetlnni iiunr.ntreil. C, F. RAY, Ticket llroher. lliHMlle Hwnnnnwoil Hotel, .uinHlf MT. MITCHELL IIOTIX, BLACK MOUNTAIN STATION, i nn I'M iiav. TO T l-IIH WKKK Nenml In fhlmnejr Roth, CMawna Full, nnd Mitchell-. I'e.k. lulrl-MUm m-HAlillB Moon II. An nellee nu fur each retliHI, Halnrr f Til 1.1 Him. toltMallv rriireM-nt flueceMftil N V. Cominv lncormrlitd lo .niilv Kry flontla, Clolhlna, hoe, Jeweler, etc., to eon mi mem al iti.l. Aln a l.anx of I net, miner Ml. lo enroll mrmlier. lan.lMMl now enrollrd nn IIHI.IMHl p.iil ini. Keierenee. eaennna. ed. Kimitre CtMliertlee A.ocl.tlon, icred, It well rated! Lock Moa 0IO, n. . J.naniMr Tt GHLll BROS., (HtiHit.aora lt B.lrd Hector.) No. North. Ifaln mrpcl HAVM ;i'T IMCrlVKl CAR 100 TIMOTHY HAY, CAR LOAD IRAN AND SHORTS. Himmi'i Cracker, a Specialty ALL (XMJIii Dltl.lVBMRU FKHB. air4dia PRIVATK BOARD. New house, newly furnlsheil, nil mcHcm ImproTemenU, Inrge rooms, goml Inhle. MRS. m. C. GOODH, 53 College St. JAMBS FRANK, DRALSa IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reenn Creek Woolen Mill.. North Mnln hellle. N. fell I OH Ir SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, 8AI.F.M, N. C. OLDEST FEMALE COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH. The K'.llll Aiitilinl SeitHloii lnill AiiKimt ysth. l inn. Kt-litt-r for hint i-nr .'ll.t. Sie-i-iiil rriitiin-.:-Ihe If Vflopineill of Health, t'luirncler nnej mtellecl. Iliiil.litiuii lliiiroiiuhl.v n-moilrli-il. l-'iill.v rtiiiiH-tl l'riiiirnliir.v. Colleirinle nml Coul (-triiiluute lK-inrtiiii'iiti. Ih-hIiU-h liritt t-liin Hi-hooN In MiihIc, f .HiiirnoKeH, C"nm merclHl nnd InduHtrim HludleH. JIUIS II. fl.liWIil.l., I'rilliiliHl. liultrl t Mt-p t .1 PUBLIC NOTICE N hcrrliv lvrn Unit Ill-it lltrc Hfiil vhIiiii it Mr trm-t uf lini't known im Uu- kivrr IU ml l iirin, U in : .iliuiit lour nml mir hnlf inttrs irom AIh villi, mi tlu- I'mv-h Hnmil Kivrr, a-tiutniiiu Uic ImimI i.f Mr Pink. Konmrlv thr Trniiunt r AlitUrlliill tril I nrnl thr Itirirr ol.-itr nf M - 'vttrw iiililcrMIl, will lr ilivi 'nl inln imtlt irnrtM nnd "ll nt pud Mr innti'in iilmttt thr tirM (Ktntirr nrt. , in.n ii tin- tiir i'V tiitM lufii rnmUl,tl. Iiliir iiriiiM nt til- wi inr r n h't'l tT "l-P'v mu at tlu- iithrt' nl iivilHiiii, Mnrtin .hutm, 7 l.i-L'iil ll rk, when- IrrniH nml nnrtiriiliir-nt'-iiU' will hr mm It kltuwtl V.i IiiimI in tliUi-tttinty nllrm crt-illrrnttrm-liirn t pun hiiniTN. it itt-i iipvinc tlu rimvn 111 vi nl lh -r- ik Ii pi nil it iffpn iiniti' il iht Stra U-rrv Hill near the Hunt;nlvv, nml . tmiaininu hi'l'.valU-y iiml U vt I ittml. strt-n iih, tiiTt iiimI uUn in vnrii ty utilluitiit nut mi'v nit tnii . Tht'irnrr nlmlit Ji m tck in thi plr"ltil tnut nl I. iml, nml ih htt will In- M t np'irt in t ninnnrr luit ritlt'iilmttl tn nil'inl the Hn 1 st tmililtnu. liirin nml hutrl Kitt-M. I'nrlhtr parlit nlnr will In- Kivrn tn the piililir t iih Oh- in up nre nmly tor ilin iriliiilinn HlllfJ'MlN'W'JW WM. R. PENNIMAN, PHDPKIKTIIM )!' HE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS. AMhcvllle, N. C. P. o. Hoi i. I'ATTTinM W. ( Raadaa Mae ara vi&UIlUit warranleil. and averr aalr a. uin Name and arlee .lamaea aa aanaal. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fin Calf ti.4 lac4 WftlorprtMif tirmla. Th irtllfn Anrl wrarinf qiibIIILm nt this thorn rannnt tie hfttrr ihnwa thanhv the tmtiff tnnnff nenu of IU UtouMod of ounaUat wercra ft mm .AO (.en In a lla Ha1.dkeraal. an eletrirt Bfitl 9 itt tub ilrewi Sbiw wtikb commends luelf. A fine clf ftlUMi VDriuAllitl fur ntfle and durabilHy. f.oadvear Well ta Ihm alAtidAud atrial 3 O hh. ( nnpular pita. tM PollremasiU Hhoe litMpeeteijy Eflajfi W f"T rallro4 men, farmer, lo. $3&$2SHOESLo.38. ha been mnM farnnthlr rrrelrrd alne Intmluoiid and the recent Imiimvrmenu ntakt Iham unvtar lo njr nhiie wild ! ihrw nrlceiL Aftk your leenlif, ami ir he. cannot npply Too mA direct In farMrv enrklng ftdvarUaad priM. Of ft puwil iTnn r niniiRB. pok;!am:;iv WICAVKH A MYERS. A CARD. l.ilHur Aiht vlllr Cltlrrn: Thnt i-iir ninny frtcmla mnv know how wr irv ifrUlmt nn wr will alntr ihnt wc tuuk In in Mittrl ani, Hlorv 99,cmi lit -lc Wci'k. TiM.k In tnut Hntunlny over 7Hl. 7ft of I hot witu hiilfl, hiilniuv mure. Iloivl rrirlav trml HA thnt liny MhiI n.ooil nrrivala In .1 month-, numt tk In mum moth StM) fret lfnK nnd In frvt whir. Trll the hnlnnce of (lie world to come nnd nre "Old Cheri umlle, nml buy jiimhU itf u nnd live 10 to 30 per ITU I. novlddtf . It. CHIt!TKK tk 8fN, ESTEY. FISCHER. The World I'mtinui, unrqunled, unrxeelled( durnhlc nnd Iwnullful ESTEY ORGAN -NII FISCHER PIANO Are recotnmi-mli'rl lijr the hen! nrtlnlii. Come nnd einmlne our ifnmlN ItelVitT huylng ele- where nt No. 37 Pntton avenue. Tuning and retmlrltiM n nieeiiiltv. a M. WILLIAMS ft CO. Jutytluftwtm Ii. COFFIN, Real KHtute Agent t NORTH MAIN ST., MOROAN'S BOOK STORE. Monrjr Innncil ami well rom at M per rent. Intereal. Meal Kalnte lioimht and .old al nubile and private anle. Menu eolketed. I eondueted a Meal I'.tatf and Auetlon tiu.lne.. in Charles ton, H C, ten yearn, and will (lea prompt aiieniion 10 an iiu.ine.. put in mj enarae. JulvU'Jtllm C.Hiiii tut iiilctun. Painless to Use. iaiim rrlct,$l.0O. BoldhrtUfinnliU. Bntl Vlila ptelus via Hsbbw SyTlnf hr 11,6b PUR RALB BV RAYSOR SMITH, ASHEVILLE, N. C TO VEAK HEf) nnWIn rraai Ua .nM t 4anu, wMInf wea.naM, leal nfaatai ftna, tha aaaa af fnalkM ana, avlj iiaianaaoa., ale4lMtal,.& awda talMbla araauai Iaale4i Mtalulaf Ml BrUe.lM.fnr koma .an, f ajtg f aharaa, A laadld BMamI wnrk i .nlilV raaTb aeaif aa wa. la aamoa aa aWWUtata. titim vm. w. 6. rawui, , otS daiw If AT Tli f.illowh.K Htrirtly (llliT-HIMIK .riorty RIGHT IN THE BEST PART OF THE CITY. 1 st The J. 11. IiM'priMTty, nirnor l' ClmHtnut tuul Lib .ply Ht ni'tH, 100x.l7.", in lot, 10(1x150, cornor ClH'stiiur niMl Liberty, 183x1 0 on LilM;rty, includ iiiK (hi. (IwclliiiM', IMxlOO ronior llroatl and Lib fly Htni'tH. 2ii(I-l.ilM'rty Siiunrc, 100x400, i oi iht Hroml, Liburty hihI Hurilcr Htni'tw. divided nnd llien iih a whole. lid The hit on Liliertv wtnvt. imrl-li ol .Mr. tirain h, i.ix 100 ilivided into lot fronting on Iiiberty nnd Bonier Htn'tw. , 1th Tlie lot corner II illKide of Liberty, 1:10x203, divided into lot. ,th Kivn linelotH north Hide tSeney ntnvt, near Mwrimoii avenue. 100x2:10 fti-t. All the above tine jroerty, exeept the lot corner Client- nut and Lilierty. are eoveml sale will take pliu SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, at 10 o'eloek, a. in. For platn and particularH apply to GWYN & WEST, Southeatit Court Square GLEN ROCK HOTEL. In 100 Feet of Central PaHHcnjjcr Depot. ASHEVILLE, N. C. A modern flrat elM hotel, Hot and eold t tier trie 11 it in every room Open Are In room, lunch pnunter, ciunr and new itann trie fatrect rnr pant uodr every au QlnMicf. HATBS, .H PER DAY. A. C. HALLIBURTON, Prop. J. N. RatVAM ar.4 WAI.TII Hf4KM, Vlrtlia, FOR CONTAINS NINE ROOMS, INCLUDING Plnl.hed throiiahoat In Aailnae Oak Hawed 1 la a Wall, draped with Uneruata - For further Information call on G. H. WALKER, No. 5, Jenrtvoit DHre. JalrlMlM '- ' THE KQVITABLB UF8 ASSURANCE "OCIKTV. Amirt '. ,....' $iOT,tno.nnu.ia Marplaa,,, 9.aiHf07t.o B. D. Mnr, ASTti AahcTlll., N. C. one 81 Soath Mala .treet. aaU dtf AUCTION I into lots of t-onvt'iiii'iit hIw and Liberty on th west Hide with line oak fruvm. The water and! hnlha and tnlletaoa everr flonr. office and Jtratm In ned rnotnt. Office, cllnlnf and har and tiMIUrd room np ftril flour- Hf.amonq aaq uaarpte pifofl R) SALE. ATH ROOM FITTED WITH WATER CLOSET. P.rlor and KeeepUon Hall Itnl.hed la Oaarter- Waltoa. TLAHTTC COAST UN O aad after tkla date the Ibllnwlnc r Red ale, will b ran oear IU "ColaaiMa INrlMna. Ho. AS Laa ColaniMa...... m p. m Arrleea at Charletoa..M .fin p. m. No. 09 Leaeea Charleaton H.. a. m. Aerlee. atColumMa. 1138 . . cnaaaruni ii oolnt. oa t a-aata aad votanb Pally. i T. M. JMBItoiiN. Oaii. aaa. Act. . P. DBVirii, Qm. api. i e -