ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9, 189Q. L EWART IS A LAWYER. WITHOl'T VUVM AMD AN OF PICK, HOWKYEB. So His Organ Mayo, but That State ment Doc Mot Make the Repub lican candidate KlUlble for Mentberanlp In the Alliance. "KWART AND THE ALLIANCE.' "Under the above caption Tiik Citizen ol to-day, Momlay,eharRes Mr. Ewart n tvinir niiifli. n member of the farmers' alliance while he was ineligible to liecome a member on account ol being a lawyer. "We are fully preutrel to dispute this statement. As a matter of fact Mr. bw art had closed his Ihw office before the farmers' alliance was organized in Hen derson county, unci lias not rcccivni fr for unlit ii'iiiL' since that time. Aa to h i.i.iii.intiiiim ihat Mr. livvnrt inten tinnullv nttenniieil todeceive the alliance and lofced himself into that body, wc can onlv indulge feeling ol sincere pity for the' authors ol such vain story il will not succeed in deceiving even the most blind, obtuse democrat prejudiced as he may lie. Mr. Hwart mid his Ashevillc not organ but tin whistle would licstget to gether and find a ciuisistcnt basis for de nial of what Tiik Citizen charges. It is reported on better authority than the Farmer and Mechanic Unit when Mr Kwart as a lawver and n nicmlicr ol the nllii.nce, was asked if he hail sur rendered his title as a lawyer he said "No, I didn't have to," meaning appar ently, that he had blurted down all op IHisition and carried his name into mem bemhilt of the alliance with sheer force ol cheek. If this is not true The Citizen will correct it when so informed on good authority. Anyway, the 1-'. & M. denies nothing but that Mr. Hwart's law office is closed and that he has not received a fee ot'liitc. Those two facts, it must lie conceded, di not make a fit candidate for the alliance out ot II. G. Kwnrt. Moreover a law vci without a practice is of the least desirable kind for the alliance: his capacities for mischief making having all his time on his hands are too great to make him a worthy representative of the farmers' in tercets. Will Mr. Kwart and the P. it M.- though it does not matter about the last named kindly cast an eye at this from the Country Homes, organol the alliance ill this locality: "tll'K NOMINEE I'oK CONIIKKSS "Until the democratic and republican congressional conventions for the Ninth district have been held. At Wavnesville, Aug. 20lh, Hamilton C. liwnrt. of Hen derson couiitv. was nominated by the re miblican nartn. and at Ashevillc, August L'Tlli. Win. T. Crawford, of Haywood ci Hint v. was nominated bv the ileum- cratic party. The Country Home being non-partisan in politics has no comment to make on eillicr, save nun uiey arc both talented young lawyers; but as the organ of the alliance of this district il denies the statement which has liccii cir culated that they are inemliers ol the order. The constitution of the fanners' alhancc dics not admit the legal profession to which they both arc allied according to their own stale mints, hence if n siilwilliiinec acts con trary to its lorm of government in ntlv particular it is the duty of the stale alli ance to take away its charter, and any ierson joining the order in violation to the constitution is an iuiHistcr,and is by no means recognised as a uienilier by those who are in deed and in truth sin cere member of the order. Wc publish this not only in due rcRvt for the injiis no gentleman would force hiinsell into anv organization simply for the s.ikeol sell ngraiidisement. but aiso to correct misrepresentation, and set the miuils of the eople aright upon the alliance. It is lar above comic crnding to take any one into the order who is known to lie iiiclligiblc on ac count of their business, prolcssion 01 o.htrwise, or eateriiig to the scntiincn t.ililv ol any man or party. When an alliance does violate its constitution it docs not onlv have to surremlcrtlie char ter, but its member should lie subject to the severest criticisms and liable to ex pulsion. As yet wc have hcurdof no alli ance catididatc or any memlier ol the order who is in the held for this Misition against the nominees." In the only speech which The Citizen has seen rciortcd of W. T. Crawford, he frankly stated that he was not a member of the alliance. The Rifle Content. The score which appeared in yester day' issue was that of the shot gun club instead of the ritle team. The fol lowing is the correct score of the rifle shooting: The first prize was the Mcltee prize ol $IHI in gold. The teams entered were: First Ashevillc, Second Ashevillc, French llroad, llusliee, Candler, lllack Moun tain. Slimier Ciiards, Columbia Utiles. Lumber llridge tenin. The prize was won bv Ashevillc Team No. 1. The second prize wns for $l!0ii n Hi shot contest, divided into $10(1, $.-,(), $.ri0 first money was won by Sumter ('.minis: second money wns won by Col umbia Rifles; third money was won by Lumber Bridge Team. The next contest wns for ftoil, given bv Hon. Richmond Pearson. This wns di vided by agreement into three wincra oil, 30 and $'Jll the first money wn won liy the Ashevillc term No. I; the second nioney wns won by the Ashevillc tcmr No. 'J; third money was won by the Sum ter Guards. The Fire I-mnI Mlicht. At 12.15 this morning fire wn discov ered in the basemint of I). G. Noland's tore on North Main street. The ulnrm wa turned in from box WJ and in less than twenty minutes the firemen were on the scene, and succeeded in extinguishing the flames in a few minutes. It is thought the fire was started hv some one going into the basement, the door of which was left ojien, and droo- (iin; fire from a iie or cigar on to the my that wn stored in the cellar. About $HH) worth of damage was done. The Tolunteer firemen deserve credit for the promptness with which they re IHinded to the alarm. If they had been less prompt a serious conflagration would have resulted. Real Kalale Trannfera. Daniel Walker and wife to J. K. Connolly, SO acre on Nwnnna noa river $ M. L. Burnett and wife to J. K. Connolly, acre on Swiinna noa river W. H. Burnett and wife to J. K. Connally, 15 acre on S wanna- 000 340 100 000 noa liver.. J. M. Campbell and wife to A. J, Lyman, lot on Valley street O. K. and C. Y. William to Geo. W. VandcrbiltrSa acmmarthe Swannanoa 8,600 J. T. Carter nd wife to M. J. Bcarden, 828V4 acre on French firoadM".".'""1"". 000 AROUND TOWN. Porecaattlll S a. nt. Wednesday Fair, except Hunt rain on ine coaHti allKhtly cooler i northerly winua. There were fit) arrivals at Glen Rock Hotel yesterday. Miss Susong, of Greenville, is stopping at the Swannanoa. Mr. Arthur 12. Jenks ha returned from The Asheville Female College and the Home Industrial school will both open on Wednesday. Mr. Will H. Williams left to-day for Lexington, Vn., where he will attend the Virginia Military institute. A. P. Cooier, the ushing, enterprising grocer, unsjusi pin on me sirccv a un livery wagon ol I lie most modern inline It is a dandy. Frank H. West, of Savannah, Ga., win has licen visiting W. W. West this sum uicr, left for New York to-day. From there he w ill go to Savannah. Mr. Thos. J. Wooldridgc left last night lor Hickory, lissoltiy wntspercii tiiai he will bring somclioily Hack Willi mm Tiik Citizen congratulates tnem. Note the change in the advertisement of Messrs. Gwvn & West. They sold vestcrdav the large house on Chestnut street occupied by Col. Dunn, and it is therefore withdrawn. Cornelius Clark was assan I led on Wnudliti street last night, and badlv cut about the head with n rock. Two large pools of blood on the walk this morning showed thai he had wetl proiusciy. i ne assailant is unknown. Stopping tit the Grand Central to-day are. T. I.. GolV. Richmond; C. F. Grilling. N. C: Thos. li. Grace, w ile, child and sister, New Orleans; G. C. Hacot, S. C; G, W. !h.ildell. Orlando. Fin.; Miss Dur ant, Colr.inbia; II. li. linker, Louisville; H. II. Turner, Norfolk. Among the arrivals at the llatterv Park vestcrdav were: las. M. mines. Mr. anil Mrs. Ik'llups I'hinizy, nurses and two children, iririma; Mrs. K I'iuckncv Smith, Miss Salllc Owen, New Orleans: C. M. I'nrksand wife, llillsboro; Mrs. F.J. McCall, l.ouisana; II. It. Milli kin, Cinciiinati; li. W. Iteration, Lynch burg. Rev. J. II. Arnold returned last night from Miirnhv. where he delivered a ser mon last Sunday, and distributed prizes to the laivs and mils who had made tin largest collections for the henrtit of dis abled preachers and their lamiiies. Air. Arnold has licen in Ashevillc a'loiit one month, and is greatly pleased with t In cite. He is connected with the Ashevillc Female College, where he will have charL'c of the classes in mental and moral nhilosonhv. phvsiologv and natural philosophy. THE HI I.PHI R HPHlNti. Work Being- Rapidly Pushed on the F.xteiiNloii to the Hotel. Work on the extension of the Ashevillc Sulphur Spring hotel is going ahead with a rush. A large force of men are at work on the walls and naif. The west wall is entirely completed and the other three side nearly ii. Work on the roof has liecn commenced, ami as soon as this is finished, a still larger numluT ol hands will lie put al work and the building will lie completed by iiIhiuI IkveinlK-r 1st. I nner and lower veranda will extend around the entire front ami ends of the building, making over one thousand feel in all, five hundred Icet of it Iwing conliii- iis. The addition is built lit a right oiL'le with the original building and will lie the same height, three stories, and is 1 7:i ttvt Iiiiil'. It will contain sixty-six rooms, and each room will gcttheliciicfit l the sun a part ol the day. The Hsitionol the building is such, thnt luriui the winter a iierson can sit on the veranda and get the lull rays of the sun. mil lie iicnceiiy screeneo irom ine com inrtli and west winds. In the summer. the largeoak treesriitirclvshadcthespace in front ot the hotel, making a delightiul place to swing under the tree in ham mocks or sit on the verandas. 1m on Ruck has secured a prize in this place lor i sanitarium, us a more lavoralile loca- lion or Inner surroundings would lie impossible to liud. The srencrv, a every one who ha visitcil the place knows, is lienutilul iieyond all ilrstTiii lion. The hotel is situated in the cen ter ol the basin of all the mountain ranges and in every direction can I seen grsnil and picturvwpic peaks, Mount Mit'.'hcll. .Mount risgan and hundreds ol smaller ones. Yanderbilt's is in plain view, mid for miles around imposing scenery is spread out like a panorama. As soon us the hotel is hnislictl work will commence on the electric railwav, which will run over the new bridge at the mouth of the Swannanoa and then up the French llrond valley to the hotel. I here win also lie a road tor carriages along the river and it will make one ol the nicest drives to I found anywhere around Ashevillc, Stale Monday school Convention. This association will meet in the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. of this city on Mon day anil Tuesday, the iritlinud Kith. Itis to Ik hoiied that wc will have a mil at tendance of delegate. The committee appointed by the various Sunday schools ol the city will please meet at the rooms mine l. ,M, i, a. to-morrow, Wednes day, at 0 o'clock to make arrangements to entertain delegate. II. A. (d ih;e. SOUTH CAKIU.ISA T'nl.KS, Mr. Hugh Parks, of Kdmnndsonvillc, Kuwun county, just across the Cabarrus hue, is almost blind and deal. In Janua ry, IHtll, he will k ninety-nine year ol nge. He ha outlived all hit children save one. The Ihirhum (IoIk says: Mrs, Marga ret J. Nichols, nf Pish Dam, widow of II. W. Nichols, has just celebrated her Th birthday. liighty-five children and grand-children helped herent upn fine din ner. The rumor that ex-('.overnor llolilcn had another stroke nf pnralyii wns un founded. It wn caused by hi having tumbled nnd fallen while nt Ink wood cemetery. He was not at all injured. One of the main streets thnt run through the West Knd Hotel lind and Improvement compnny's estate at Win ston i cnlled "Zeb Vance avenue." kvMr. V. R. Mclntyre, who I well known for hi superior wnrkmnmhip, nnd Mr. C. E. Moody, who sell the very best brand of Portland cement, have as sociated themselves to make a specialty of laying concrete sidewalks nnd arc pre pared to take contracts to do such work in the very best mnnnrr. Office 30 I'at ton avenue, telephone 40 and 73. A Grenl Schcms, We call attention to the advertisement ..I UL ulnnil U. .-I.... h,Ihm Vt. 14 .11 V ' .MT...,,I. Tt 111 lly .,,, CI oners $100 In hoard at either hotel In Hkylnnd virtually free. This is a novel way of bringing Into notice anew resort. and while it is a very liberal offer It will pay In the end, a all judicious advertis ing will. Thi offer ha already crowded both hotel at Rkyland Rprings and brought into notice the fine mineral water. DEMOCRATS AXD MiPUUUCAXS. The senatorial convention of the Thir. teenth district nominated R. P. Allen, merchant and farmer, by acclamation. Dr. M. Mel. Tatum, an Alliance man wns nominated lor the legislature. Mr. Vance was enthusiastically endorsed nnd instructed lor. A letter has been received from Senator Vance expressing his lively interest in the state convention of the voting men's Democratic clubs in Raleigh on the -'4 1 It instant and promising President Julian S. Carr to do everything in his power to promote the objects of the clubs. A portion of the republican county ticket is acceptable to most of the repub lican, but there is open revolt to some of the nominees and unless they come down off the ticket a hot tight is ahead ol them. Some of the most influential colored republicans of the city arc en gaged in the revolt. Wilmington Mes senger. 77AS' MHA.Vi HCS1XUSS. W 'Richmond capitalists have boucht lots in Henderson upon which they pro pose to erect large factories. WTThc Greensboro Furniture coitin.inv has organized with a capital of $lo.too and Thomas Wooctrootc pier itlcnt. W"Mr. Phoenix received a letter from a llaltiiuorc syndicate, who have seen samples of the oil from the well, to come to llaltimorc as soon as ikissiIuc and they would guarantee all cxieusc. Mr Phoenix Iclt Monday lor llallimore tt confer with the syndicate in regard It the development ot the well. Greens boro Patriot. tHifCivil liugiiiccr M. O, Hawkins, ol the Richmond am) lianvillccoiiipanv.has licen ordered to survey three routes Irom Wilkesboro to Itrisuil, Taut., to select the liesl one bv which to run the Rich inotiil anil llnnvillc line to that noiiii. It is generally believed in Winston that this means cither a main line Irom Washing ton, or one from Norlolk through Win ston to llt islol. Voices of the Nlifht. I'rom th Huston Courier. When nu-llt tins Irt her eurlnitis tlnuii. wild low mill pltiintivr hum, Mnmiiitiie lliirsdiiK ur our hlnoil arminil our iMitiiwH I'omr. We WAteh, hp wnil nith (mint hrentli wliile Mtriki-s the iiililnluhl eliilne. Anil hit imr ehrt-ks n HiitiKiiiK sliin and miss 'em i'er time Hunter "Have von seen anv rabbits i mining around here.'" AIh- IoIiiisoii 1'ar s a rabbit sou.-ittiti under tic fence hcr dar. l.f you shoots at nun. I reckon he will rim fast cnitill'." Texas Sidings. The nally Citizen. Is always alive to the mteus's ol Ashevillc ami its m-oiilc. ... i ... is the most iHipiuar advertising nic- until in .oriu i.iiroiiiiti. Is read bv a greater number of iieoplc than any other secular p.iticr in the State. Is always filled with the choicest read ing matter of the da v. Hoarding house till their rooms by ad vertising in the Citizen. News, anil all the news, makes the Cit izen a general favorite. No retail merchant ever made a great success without advertising. Try. the Citizen. An advertisement in the Citizen pays he advertiser an hundred-fold. Hl'HIMIvtMt NOT1CF.H. WholeMnle Prlcen on Fruit Jure. II v thclHix onlv: quarts. 7,"i tvnts ikt lozeti; one hall gallons, ll'.l ivnts dozen. Cash only. No'v is the lime to make up clubs, and save moiicv. Always low est prices at Law's, on South Main St. The ICteclronolHe. At J. N. Morgan & Co's. hookstorc urcs allei'linns ol the lung and throat. scplNdJl. To AriertlerM. To insure change ol ail vert iscmcnts running on regular contract, copy must lie banded in by In o'clock a. III. The KlevlropolNc. Al I. N. Morgan - Co's. biMikstorc prevents contagioii and cures disease. scptMtl-t. A nnd Rallrond Wreck Hvurreil several days ago on one ol oic most itiiHirtant trunk line. N'oImmIv hurt but all t lie baggage except the Holier-1 ray i rutins was smashed up. Hny one. Sold hv dealer. Made bv II. W. Koiiniltrce ft ilros., Kichiiuiuil, Vn. The AMtievllle cituen lilvca The latest Iih'iiI news. Tlw freshest State news. The licst general news. I'tcneral and sieciiil eoniineiils. The largest siibscrintioii list of any secular pa-r in the Slate. I he Ix-st advertising medium in the State. A full stair of able editor and corrcs- IKindcnt. The neatest, ne wshsI and most entcr- iirtsittg pa tier in North Carolina. It ellort nre alwav devotetl to the upiiuiitiing ami iicvvloiiment ot the re siiuree nf the Slate, particularly the nmnn iKvuiui Subscription, $11 srr nntitim; $3 si months; no cents tier month. A Mew Mond lo nilKa. If you are wise and wish to iK-come healthy and wealthy also, von will use Koiier King or i; eetnc l.iuht flour: Isj- cause the Ashevillc Milling Compnny's Hour is not only the nest nut theeliennest MUSIC. In-. C. A. (larralt hvlti dreliled to linslr In Asheville, tin hern elected Organist and Choirmaster of Trinity Church. He Is pre I mi ml to give lessons on the Orgun, IMsno- furte. Violin and In voice culture: will also he ijiea to cnKKTmrnt ss eondmtor of Or chestral or Choriil Hocktle. I'or terms ap ply to im.OAHKATT. s.-ptNtllw HI Pattos Avenue. PKIVATB BOA R II. I.srit cool, slr y rooms, house newly nir. fll.hrd; JtotHl tsltl 1c. Terms rvasouahlc. oa street cr lint. MM. J. I.. MMATIIItKR, SI a I'sttun Art. JulyiadAm JUST KECU1VED. A Fine Mock of Knsrllah and Do. ismic woottit, Win h ald to sm my raatumers and rv- ernvt onwra for ran ana winter Clothing. J. W. WMARTH, 43 North Main St. srptnd9w MOF. $. IAVILLI, CLASSES FOR DANCING. Assemhlv rooms Sit Pattoa Avenue, (irsnd Ofwra House; Mnndaya, a p. m. Children aalarda8, 8 o'rloek. private teaaons any our. niiiiiHiuim, uniea ascuioo. srpt4dlw Bujr Llndacy'a Ouldc Book toW.M.Ci Price ctB. Index to Mew AdvertlHeraenta. Wantku A. J. I.ymnn. Piano class Miss titinnlnon. For Rrnt Wm. M Cnekv, Jr. Wanthd Csrson's Book Ntorv. Thi'ktkh's 8AI.K A. T. 8uninii-.v. Pint Hknt Kichmonri Pearson. 8TKAM IIakkii Hhkaih J. II- IhirrillKtotl. KAVKNSCKtlVT Hlllll 8CII1IIU, Kotllllll Me llnntllil AsiiKyil.LK Pkmalk Coi.I.biib Prof. H. It. Atkins. ANTBD. A hriuht tny from 12 to 14 Apply at once at Cnnton's took Store. Five Uirjifp airy rooniH over Htoreroom now occupied hy,, H. Woody. Apply to avplPilUt WM. M COCK K, JK. ptJR KliNT. A larKC, coinmoiHotiH "tore, railroad track riK'Ht to door. Appiv to M.CitMONM IMtAKSON, nepld:wtw Or II. Hatttrham. BAKU -AT- J. II. Harrington's. scittiil:iltiithiisnt RAVEfTsCROFT 1HIGH SCHOOL. ('rcpHrntory lUmrilinH iiml Piiv Si'lioot for Hoy. The He union witt fonimniiT ctliu-n ilnytSoptiMiibcr 17. For imrtirnlarM npply l KONAI.ll M Al'DONAIJ), H. A., Dxlonl. wpttldl w !'. I. Hon 4411. MISS GUNNISON, Teacher of Piano. PERMANENT CLASSES NOW FORMING AT X Ha i Icy rcct. HcpUiur II y virtiif t fi ilrt'il of triml rxrcittrtl Wilitinn i.rmilrr to A T. Siimmcy to Hfi'iiiT (he pavttH'iit nf ii no Ic nu'itlionnl tluri-in, () ilcnl ot trtit lu'inu ilulv 'Ki"U'ml in tht Kfjiiwti'i't otliiv ot' liiim-oinlic fount y. in Honk No. IN, pace :t!'Jo. MnrtKHKC Ki-tonN, I will wll for c nIi to the lilKhcitt .miller nt the court It nunc in Ashevillr on the 1 1 1 It ilay of lU'toln-r. iNitil nit ill lUnt-rihril lot liemi; it- unie on Moiintniti trret, in the city of Ahe- villf, nml niliotiiini: tin lot ot Kulim K. umn- lee mitt other 1 lit ScptemU'r M. IH'.mi A. T. SUM MKV. MTptthHt tuc TriiHtee WANTICII. Iiitlt for the htintlreil iUi foot nml miv him In.) ftMoot polt'M ilrlivereit hy Spl- 1lh nt A hi-villi' frriKht ilcpot. 1'olen to lie Hi'kd, untl nml otriPKht. nml ni ltulun in tlimne- tcr tit lop. AiMii"H A. J. LYMAN. HrptHil.Vu lv Ashrvillc. N. C. ASHEVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE OPENS ITS NEXT ANNUAL SESSION TO. MORFIOW, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, AT 9 O'CLOCK. At n ni otic rule cot thin liiKlitiitioii ottcr i the H'opU of tthcvillr tut opMrtntiit.v of ifivhiK to their ilnuKhlern n moit thoiouuh ituenllon In I.AN'fUAt'.H, LIT KKATI'KIt, HCIIINCK, Ml'SIC, ART. TVI'lvWKITlSC, STKKKJKAIH Y. IM MK K Ivlil't N. Wctlcvlrc antl nolieit yom pntmniiKr. nl will give you nlifaetinn in every particular. I'or information npply to the I'rctlricnt. Prof. B. E. AtkinM, At the CollcKd At thr corner of CoMcrc nml Ouk Htrrctn. nepttdlt p KltNT. Hiilmrlmn reitlflrncr. one mile from eitv on Mr mm on nvenue mnd, hnmlnomelv nml -omitlettlv furnithcn nml eiiuituied : cuoulnitc view; vktcniilve RronnU; two lreh jemey o ; winter unnten; horMcw nnd vehieleM If lrtrrl. roiwritiiion Ktvrn tut of Novrmttcr. iwnrr ncenpyina In Htinnnrr onlv would tnnttr fierninnent nrrnntrentent with pttrly itainiiK a winio trsi'iriitT .vinnnN Hrptllillnt I O. 1.1 K K mix nnu. Lt.HT. i Iochetttook cnnlnininu im.Vinmrwh tietween Hny'n Htntile nnd Woodlmrv'ii ntntde ind Mr. J. Cnmptrn' n-indcncr on Itnvwootl "irwt. The followinn Pikth were In Ihf iMHik : fwl iiiMB. let lint nnd h nnk chrckx. onr '4 tvnt K)lnftT Htiitnp, nnd n wny bill irom . oiiiniiiim, . .inyonr rrtuntinu mil iiooR witn tne money win retvlvc lio re nrn ii. n. wii.hon, cptOiH w At Woodlmry'a Htntile. ) HUNT. Honor with t rtMimii and rt nem land oa Ik-n verdant road. 1 K niilra from Court Miiiiare. Apply to C. M. COOl'liH, nn the premise. AttR'J tr Dr. Be F ArHnjtton, MI R4.KON ' J" f DF.NTIIIT, Pillinv teeth a nccinltr. aleo treating dU ensed a umn, and all diiiraae pertaining to ine nrntai trncture. omci room nn rat ton avenue, over Kayaor tfmlth'a 4ma gOAttlI.N'0. At 1fN Chmtntit Ntreet; larar hnae with Wfll vrntllntrd rooma. hot and cold hath. cloartii, wc IliKh location, near car line. ivrm arenmmotiatinn. auKaodlm" L"KT' A tadv's .Ilk umlirrlln on Rnniiet lirlve. Ilra.rrtlnm rnnd or Mrrrlmoil Ave, Plndrr will ne rrwarilrd lie returning .nmr to MIUNililt 187 HAII.BV BTHHKT. Hrr.lfrteV Kutlril ilie, Krai K.tate A Kent, nrfll be from thl. time on My iimee himr. from 111 lot Will he alnd tn attend to any limine., during thoM hoars. Tkrn hoam to rent, Apply to I'KKIIIISICK Vt'Tl.KIMlH, sriitMdat Meal KaUte Aitrnt. PICTURE JRAMES, Oold, Mirer, I Tory. Oak, Ollt sad CornM- nation Mouldlnas. Also Room Moulding.. Picture. Msttrd, Mounted and Framed at lowest prices and work aiiarantsrd. HnjrraT. Inan. Palntlnas and Local VI. w. always oa band at ESTABROOK'S, ia s. MaNm St., AahCTllIc aprlMd BALLARD, RIGH & BOYCE, IIUAI.I1KS IN- Stovc-N and Tinware. PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FITTING, SLATE AND TIN ROOFING. I'AINTf and OILS. -AliliNTS I'OK- THE PASTEUR FILTER, IN AM. SIZISS I'OK l-'AMIl.Y ANIl IIOTItl. (iuaraiiteecl to lie i-rm rl. AM. SUliS KHI'T IN STUl'K. NOTICK to 1'iiiisi! m:i-:iim'. CONCRETE WALKS, Am it is tmptirtimt to iinc only tin- ItcNt mil- UTinl If ir Sidrwalkn. I hiive nrrauK'U t keep in mock mi'l 11 hc in my uurk the celeiiratcit PliMMi; WSCMi;K-lTliTTIN ANCHOR MHANIt" of l.HKMAN IMtKTLANIi CIS Mi;T. which In iimci! lurcly fur that pur' Kmc, 11 ntl In preference to many other kind, in SKW YORK, CHlCAf.i-. ST. PAI'l.. MINNKAI'IM.IS, IMiTKiHT. NIJV 4)K KAN 8, ST- AI'tit'STINH ANI OTttl.M CI ril'tS. LclicrM from ttiitc platvo nhowinK it to Ik' much HtiH-rior to the ItramlK ordi narily ti kci I here anil tcMtinionlalii an to U MiiK'rior ipiality will Ik nhown tu anyone intc rcNtcil. c. 1:. moonYa Office No. 30 Paltou Avenue. TUI.HI'MUNI. Nt). 40. VYnrrhouM' near Itepot. Tvle- phone TCI ComiMiund iiKcn nnd Meillcatcd Balsam VnHir ha.irnvrilmiirc autTeiifulln the treat ment ordinctiM'sol the nime. throat and hntu than all olhrr icninllo cmnlilnrd. It wlilnm Isita In any ense of Anlhma. We hnrc cured many iieople In the four yrara wc have been In Ashevillc who had given np all hnie. Call at ouroftlcc and wc will give you their name. Wc also make a Sicrlnlty of ditKasra of the rectum. If you are afflicted with Plica eomc and Ret relief. No pain or luaa of time from bualnesa. Krlirf obtained al once, and no return, as we make a radical cure. BALHAM ANIIOXVCHN IIOMII TNItAT- MUNT. We have a home treatment thnt Is very ef fective In all diseases of the nlr piuwaKra. Wc have prcacrilicd hundreds of thrae home treatments snd aent them In every Htatc In the Union and some wonderful cum have been obtained. A small pamphlet, descriptive of Asheville and alao rtplnlnlng our treatment, aent free oa application. Also s list of questions rocs with each pamphlet that everyone should have liefore smiling lor home treatment. The queatlons when properly answered enahlc u. to make a correct dlagnoals of each case. Wc have trcatrd many hundred cases with 1 the Compound Osydrn and Balsam and have never had a case to have hemorrhage from lungs after taking the treatment. Hiin'tlrt your prejudice keep y.u awav, but come and esamlnc for yourself. Better sacrifice prejudice than your life, Con.ulta tlon free. Office over Coahy's lewelry Htnra, near Orand Central Motel, Patton Avenue, Aihe vlllc, N. C. T. J. HARUAN, HI. D. ASHEVU.LIi ADVHR flSBMENTS ICE RATES FOR In quantities not less thus one tun at Ihctorjr....... In uiiniilltlc. not In. than not hulrtiin at faeliiry in hi ihiuuiU, :m tlekcta, 10 pound, each in hi no " I" Tim " !!S " i" 7511 " 1 " l umn 111 " lotl Tliki-tB In ilullar pMi kiim-H mid nnv iinutit.i uur uitii-c fur vault or ticket. Asheville Ice & Telephone No. 36 and 40. THE JELLICO AND BEST ANTHRACITE COAL I'or mile lit Wholesale nml Retail liy ASHICVII.I.i; ICK AND COAL COMPANY, Telephone 36 and 40. Iticliinire Altitun ( lintiirHtlc and Strain! lor Western North Carolina. I.I1WI8 MAtlllUX, I IllHKeTtiss: lwia M nililui, M.J. Ik-nnlcn, 8. II. Keeil. lico. S. Powell, C. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, E- Organiicd May l.t, 1NHM. CAPITAL. $50,000. Htatet County autl City Depository Itotn a tlitieral HMikiiiH HuMlncM. Icpimitit received. Kichanjce bouRht and sold. Col lection 11 made on all nrii-Mililc point. The HavlnR Feature will receive upccinl ttentlon. On nil nunu in this department, depouitcd for four month or Innffcr, in ten I at the raff ot 4 per cent, per annum will lie paid. 8 1 icd a I attention id veil to loan on real entatc, which will be placed for lonii time on n-al nonalilr term Ofien from U a. m. to .'I p. in. On Hntiinlnya the Htivins Ikpartment will benientdl A p.m. jnn Id . y ASHEVILLE SODA S17 Haywood Street. AII,'WATKK THOHOUUHLY FILTKRKU on the Prcnilaca. Twenty Ave year ol practical eicr.ener, com bi tied with prmhonai. attention to all tfe tnil of the ttuitinrHK and pertect arranKcmrnt for clranlinkhh and PUHtTV of all fHli manufactuml, ruatilr the proprietor to urvacnl to hit numerous patrons a iiirriir Hmn 01 Carhnnatrd Brveracx. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons I'.inerr Ale and all the viirliiua Davnra ol HOHA WATKK ready for .hipment and drllver.U free in City limit.. Out nf town onlcrs'must have RR.p4iN.1aLB reference, , C. H. CAMPHHU. A BUILDING LOT OR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN HOTEL BOARD FREE, In the New and Growing Mountain Kcaort. SKYLAND SPRINGS, (Xcnr Ashevillc, N. C, nnd atljoiuiiiK the Vandcrhill Estate.) V. iir choice of any lot In the plot for $HM. Voii art n Warranty Deed t title (terfect I and a receipt lor nn. w it h ten coupon attached, each eou pott lor Sin. Thee eoiiNitifi are Kod for $iu cuch in payment fin hoard at nnv of the hotel in skyland. IIotmi. St. AmjsI imi .K-n now. IIotki. lioNNvcKKKT oMn now jKntcK from $;toto$H per month, I'avii.ion lini'H-Ircina Imilt ) ThrrccoiiMtn ttrtK.ioil f,r three year from their datrand aretruarahrr. Thcrelorr toiionv $HMiftr your choliv of a lieautMul liuildio lot ; you tsvi the $1IHI all finck in hoard ; tou have three yriir t do w ; von run wll the coiiHt m to tMime onr e- if tnu do not -c them ; nnd tit r Itelorc the end of three year your hl w ill he worth from ;tM to $iliHi or more. OTIS A. MILL EH, Take Train Out nt 9.10 A. M. Fare asCfnln or llrlvc Houtli Miles, HW Hll KI'TLIilHIlt, City Arnt. L'M Patton Ave. HOTEL51 ARMOND-HOTEL BONNYCREST AND COTTAGES, SKYLAND MINERAL, SPRINGS, N. C. Klffht milea) Mouth of Aahevillc, on the A. A fi. Railroad. New hottla, ncv. eultiiKis, new luniltur. . Innutifiil kto vr, neat tennis aiHter(Hurt lawns, vood livery. 48 MINERAL SPRINGS. hllc Hulphur, Alum. Mimni-slii, lr.,11 ami l!piim. TIiimm- acrkinu linil'.h ami ideaaure anil select WH'lely will not fail In thi. plcawtit icx.rt and ilrink of Its heallna waters. Term, reaaonalile. atirft ritf Aahcvllle, N. C. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., Manuiaeturcrs and Dealers lu all klad. ol lirnuwd LUMnHtt, Door, Maah, Bllnda, Rlouldlnffa, Mtalrwork, Mantcla, Bank and Bar Fixtures), and all kind of Building Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Special t v. any 14 dty Telephone WE ARE GOING TO MOVE TO NO. 31 NORTH MAIN STREET ABOUT AUGUST IT, And until Hist dnte will acll all k"kI. at lu kt cent, on coal. Vou will du well lo take ad vanliiKC of the low price.. Juat see our larae Towel at I IHfc eta and Ik Imppy. 1 Mir Oil Inch Tutile Linen al 4H eta. Ihin'l fiirsi-tl Look out and look In I Athcville Dry Good Co., I. O. HOWHLI., Maaaarr. SCHLIT'S MILWAUKEE BEER. Celebrated the World Over for it Purity. Wc deliver to all parts of the dty our own Bnttllna Ktoort Deer at ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN. Our lirer I. krnt nt a trntnerature of 40 drarec. and wc guarantee yoa a freah article at all limes. TUB TKAUB Hlfl'I'l.lUli PMOM THE "BONANZA," THK LKADINU ' V WINE AND .. LIQUOR .. STORE . IN THR STATU. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. I NO. J. 4. m Aaoi'Astnr, M'a"r. DRICK. I1RICK. .....FOR HALE BY BUNCOMBE BRICK & TILE COMPANY, AhIicvHIc, N. C. P. O. Box 426, PITZPATRICK BROTHERS. Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shadesandratent Hangers, Pants, Oils sad Varnishes, MaMfy's killed Palat. aad Colors. Window Olaas, boO Fnnch aad Aatrleaa W. kMp la stock St. Lost, aad Kcatacky taad. SEASON 1890. ..lie. per hundred. .,6e. " a.iso 0.00 6.0(1 (i iu (i.nn - of Ice may tie obtained from driven and at Coal Company. No. 30 Pattoa Aventte. McLOI'D. Vlce-Prea. I. It. RANKIN, Caihivr M.J. Pagg. J. B. Rankin, J. K. Kay, J. II. Hint M. McLoud. SURPLUS.$20,0(K WATER FACTORY 1C. A. LeVENE, Klanaatcr. Near Paaaeiiatcr Depot. No. a. 43 S. MAIN ST.. ASHEVILLE. N. C BRICK. fcbsdly

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