ASIIEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1890. 4 ,.i 5", " Now is Your Blood? I had t malignant breaking mil on my leg below the knee, ami vw cimil whiih1 and well with two awl n hnll linttlos ol 6. 8. 8. Other blood mullduuj L.4 full ed to do nie any good. Will C. Bbaty, Ynrkvillo, a. (.' TRADE MARK. I waa troubled from childhood with an aggravated caae of Tetter, aud three botllca of 8, B, 8. cured me nci-ma. neutly. Wallace Mann, Munnvllle, I, T. Our oook on Blood and Skin Dkcatw nailed free Swirr BfBcurio Co., Atlanta, Ga. oct UAilfttwlv I'RniHSSIOXAL C A ft US. W. STUART LEECH, M. 0., """""" PHYSICIAN AND NVRtiHON, OnVra hli prulcwiunnl services to the citisens of Aaheville and theaurriiunilhiK country. (ll'HICIt K.Mim H McAfee lluilillnu. ItoliKH 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. and 4 to 0 p. m. TUI.KI'IKlNH (Irniid Crntrnl lintel. Ncptad'Jw ROBERT BROUN, ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER. CONDUCTS MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION, a. O. Box as7, Meudry Hlock. Jiilytudam A. II. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. LKGaL block. Junc7d0in A. S. GRAHAM DENTIST. Mticc Over J. If. J.nw'l Store, Huulh Mnin trret. BitrawtliiK -Sc. " With ana fioc. Filling with silver or umiilKion . .BOc. io7r.c. ' " Jfol! $l.(to nnd upwiiril. Met of teeth Ileal set of teeth SH.OO. No liettermade. no matter what jrou pay. Satisfaction Ruarantced. Dr. J. H. Crawford. Room. 8 and A, McAfte Huilcllntf, I'attoa Avenue, Aaheville. N. C. PMACT1CB MMITKII TO Til sHy-e, Kar, Throat and None. 31. A. NEWLAND, Attorney at Law. jmarion. n. c. WW. nrncttarln the loth and 12th Judicial llistricts of North Carolina and in the Hu preme Court and the Peilrrnl Court of the Western District of North Carolina. mayHdlm Tmi-ki, F. DAVinaoH, Tims. A. Joints Itaastah. lAa. (. Maktin. Aarevillr Ashrrille. AVIIMON, MARTIN at JONKg. Attorneva and Counsellors at Law Aaheville, N. C. Will prsillce in thellth and 12th Judicinl Uistricta, snd in the r-uprrmc Court of North Carolina, and in the Kedrrnl Courts oi the Western IMalritt of North Carolina. Kclcr to Bank of Aaheville. disci A. THNNI1NT Architect and Contractor. Plans, siedHcatlnns nod estimates fur. (Dished. All work in my line contrncted for, .and no charges for drawings on contracts si warded me. Kefercncea when desired. tiffice: No. 12 lirnilrv llloek. North Court (kiuarr. Ashrvillr. N. C' frill Hill Y St. II. NBKVKa, D.U.H. I II. K. SMITH, II. Dr. Reeve & Smith. .DKNTAI. OFFICK In Coanaliy suiiam', over Kcdwood. More, I'atton Avenue. Terth eatractcd without pain, with thrncw auursthctJc, and all cases of Irrt'Kiitiirllv cor rerud. .coiadi r P RAMSAY. D. D.H. Dental Office i Clvrr the National Han of Ashcvllle. Ilnr nard nnllillni(. Kcsidcnce, 01) Charlotte St. fehaodlT .JtADFIELD'S FEMALE. PFHIIIATOR MENSTRUATION . OsT SlONTHLV aitKMllf lr tmun ourihq CHaMat Of yyii. JMU.T QKHBUfftRmBWiaBLAfftuiU jtooK TO ' WOMAN'X iudficio rebuutm ca. Atiamtaba. at3M dw1r FOR SALE I Improved and unimproved real estnte, both business and resilience property; any kind, any prlct, In an. part or thecity. FARMING AND MINING LANDS. RENT t 1 maka a ateclalt,v of renting property and t'ollrctlng rents If yon are looking- for a house, consult my bulletin If your house la vacant and you want a tenant, list It with me. No tenant, no chorjje. Apply to C. F. RAY, Real Kattate Airent. arptlH ritf PRIVATE BOARD ah New house, newly furnished, nil mo lern Improvements, large rooms, good table MRS. Hi C. GOOD1C, 53 College Ht. IV1CH TO TAXI'AYfKS! The dty tns list has lwen placed I" my hands for collections. All iicrsons nrc herehy notlfled to con-e forward at otiee iintl settle aame Many persons have failed to list their , tases as required ,y law. and they ate isie dally admonlahed to come up and do so, nnd thus aave a double ta a d coat of warrant. I may be found at the usual place In the court house. . Respectfully, N. A. KBYNOI.DB, aeptlSdlw City Tax Collector, SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK. TilKIlfVI H'tt-N: MINATIONAL PART OK IT. Communication to "The Cltlxen" on a Hublect ot Importance to All Home Inlereatliiu; HlHlory, Communicated. The interdenominational SiiikIiiv acfioul work in North Carolina wits unor ganized until 1878. In April of that year, filteen persons from thi state at tended the second international Sunday school convention in Atlanta, tin. A meeting was held by tlicse delegates then in Atlnntn, nnd it wus resolved to return home, awaken nn interest in the work and hold a stntc convention. A commit tee, one from ench denomination present wn appointed. Mr. John 15. Kay was elected chairman of the committee anil upon his cull and alter due notice living (jiven, the first stale Sunday-school con vention was held in the Salisbury strcci Itaptist church in Kalcill November 1, 2 mid 3, 187H. I'rof. J. II. llnrwell was elected president, nnd N. II. Ilron'htoii nnd V. S. Primrose secrclariis. An tx- ccutive committee was appointed and in structed to prepare an address to the Sunday-school workers of the state, urg ing them to organize county ami town ship conventions. The second slate con vention was held in Greensboro, Novem ber 14 and l.", 17'.)., Kev. II. K. Ilruton wna elected president, and IS. A. Blurt secretary. A constitution anil Ity-laws weix adopted, and renewed clliirts made to secure county organizations. The third state convention was held in Salis bury, November HI and 1!0 1SSII. Kev. J. Ktimple was elected president and I!. A. liliert and It. M. Jones secretaries. At this convention the eoiintieKol Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Stokes, Forsyth, (inillord, Orange nnd Kowan were reported as or ganized. The fourth state convention was held in Salem, September 1, 1SS1. Kev. C. II. Wiley was elected president, and li. A. lilwrt secretary. The conven tion was nt tended by Mr. U. I'avson 1'orter, of Philadelphia, international statistical secretary. Steps were taken to divide the state into districts tmtl ap )int orgnnizers in each. The tilth state convention was n called meeting held in Knleiuh, February 24. 1HSL. This meet ing was attended by Mr. li. I'avson Por ter nnd Mr. J. II. Kellogg, of Troy, New York. Delegates were present Irom For sylh, Craven, Wnkc, tiliillord. kowan, Moore, Orange and Franklin. Only three counties presented reports. The sccre tnry made nn estimate of the number ol schools, scholars nnd teachers in the stntc, based upon reports from these three counties as follows: Number ot Sundny-schools in the state ,l!7;tcnch ers, 33,!i"0; scholars, 1U7.U37; total teachers nnd scholars 231,513. The counties ot Guilford, Kowan. Forsyth, Vancev nnd Cabnrrus were reported as organized but failed to send reports. Mecklenburi;. Orange nnd Stokes asso ciations reported as dead. The sixth state convention was Held in vwnston, NovcuiIkt 1. 1HH2. U-lcgates weic pres ent from Davidson, Forsyth. Kowan. Craven, Wake aud Davie. Reports were riH-eivcd liom the eouiitiesol Kowan, rer- son, ihivic, Cabarrus, Guilford, Forsyth nnd Davidson. Organizations were re- IKirted us existing m Greene, Iredell and Stunlv. hut no reoorts from them, Ten counties were reported as organized, n gain ol seven over the preceding venr. Kev, C. H. Wiley was elected president nHil E. A. Kbert sccrctarv. In the inte rim between the fifth and sixth conven tions the executive committee had ar ranged u portion of the state into dis tricts and appointed vice-presidents as uruanizcrs for each. The convention wus encouraged by the progress shown nnd pledges were niniie nv several oi mc oeic uates present to effect further organiza tions during the succeeding year. A meet in5 of the state executive committee was held at t lie residence oi itev. r.ii..ionu son, in Winston, October 11, 1XS3, at which it was decided that no state con vention be held thut venr. 1 onote the following from the record: "I pon mo tion, the president. Dr. Wiley, was in structed to prepare an nddress, which is to be signed by the mcmiicrs oi mc com mittee, and addressed to the Sunday schools of the slate and published in the paKrs, in which it is to Is' staled. Hint owing to the fact that the stale Sunday school conventions for the past two years have been held in this community, mid in as much as this committee has no invitations for the convention to meet in other localities, this committee has con cluded not to call n meeting of the stole association this venr," No more-conventions were held until 1HN8, when Mr. W. Reynolds, the president of the filth intcr I Suiiilav-seliool convention, came to North Carolina, and alter visit ing several of the larger towns ol mc slate, worked up nn interest that culmi nated in the cnllini! of the seventh state convention, which was held in Kaleigh. March 21, 22 and T.l, t Delegates were present from twenty-live counties. Col. li. J. rarnsn wus eiceieo ores dent, nnd I. W. Gore secretary. Mm- script ions made in furtherance of the or ganization of the work in the stale umouiitcd to $1)85. Many of the dele gates pledged to work up organizations in their counties. The eighth state con vention was held m Charlotte, April .1. 1880. Kev. T. H. I'ritcharcl was elected ircaidcnt. I'rof. I. W. Gore, recording secretary, II. N. Snow, statistical secre tary, nntl vr. li. eipruni, i mount . Twenty counties were reported asorgnn ized. The convention was attended by Mr. Wm. Reynolds, who contributed very largely to the interest of the occa sion. The ninth stnte convention was held Inst February in Wilmington. I'rof. W. A. Illair wna elected president, and the secretaries nnd trensurer were re elected. Forty-nine counties were reported as organized. In the interim between the eighth nnd ninth conventions, the state had been divided into twelve districts, nnd an orgnnizer assigned to each. The convention was much encouraged in the work. $027.l) had been collected for the work, $100 of which had been paid to the international association, and &U4.U0 for organizing districts, station ery, printing, postage, etc. Subscriptions amounting to $1,000 were made lor the work. , During the yenr 1880 steps were taken toward organizing the colored iieople into nn interdenominational assocur lion. A Durhum county colored Sunday- school association was organized nst tall. I hnt convention uppoinicii a coin tnittec to issue a call and arrange lor li state colored Sunday-school convention to be held InDurlmm at sucn time as inc committee might think best. Alter cor respondence with Mr. Wm. Reynolds, president ot the International Miminy schonl association, whp consented to at tend and assist in the organization, it was decided to hold n convention Febru ary 22, The call was made, nnd a full notice given among the colored people. The attendance was not large, but nil or ganization was effected, wlneh, It is be lieved, will extend its borders until the entire state is embraced within ils ocm lioii. Delegates present made pledges to orgnuize the work in several of t he coun ties in the central portion ol the state. At this initiatory state convention it was decided to hold n second convention at Greensboro on the 15th of Mnylnst, which wus accordingly done resulting in a large gathering ol colored ticoale inler- entcd in this iu'enleii'-niiimlfortirl'- work. Kev. , J. Worlds wits elected -president, Kev. j. C. Price vice pnsulcnt, and Win. G. Pearson sceielan . If tirlecn counties were reported u organized in this work. We nre ndvaiicingCliriNl'sUiiigilom when assisting the colored people to establish Sunday-si Innils as uiiieli as when lalior iii in the ''iitri,,!i of those ol our own color, and 1 cmneslly request thut all niiuduy-se'hool U'orl 's assist m c col ored people in organ zing tlu ir wm U in the several counties ol lb: kime, iheir work will .if -ist us. at least in the colle. tion ol'eoit'iiVli tl aiS' ies Since the state convention held in Wil mington Insl f'lvii.'M'e thirty, ire coun ties have 1 ecu organized. Ai 'he present time seveniyiiiuc e in lies are orcnnizcil. and seven n a ale iiuorguuiyid. Two i f the sevenuen lia.c Ikcii orgauizeo, but lor want of I,,. nn 'i. v, Imve nlniudoncd their organizations. The won . ' ' i ! ;id, .vliii 'i eoiisidei us out ol the most hop'tut leiu tires of the ilk. uli.ig the pa-t venr been e itiiblibeii in many of lb. counties o; i!.e si. i.e. and we expect a rieli Harvest funu mis ploiitiiii.'. We believe jreaiei prop ess in t li thorough orifaniai ioi oitnework woulii have been made had it noi been lor I he absence in liim yi ol !r.t li. r Geor.;e H . Watts, thi e!" if the executive committer, a Ii. si failing acal h reqiiired that he shoald s ek ils restoration by travel, niii' l I it nloiith naienl ol iiusuie. We can justly claim ihn! a itreal for ward movement has liecii made during the past year. Aillionli ma siansiical ma chiiiery isai t,,ei oi ood vorui.igur.!ci, and we have ii'nperleet n port shorn ninny ol the co'inl ies, reported asorgunU il, wi lia ve ill ueh to encourage us. Sonic ol our plans arc not Hilly matured and some imve not been carried out as was is peeled, yet we have enough ol success to urge ns lorw.inl to renewed efforts in the yenr la-lore us, aud to anticipate the day 'when we shall see the full realization ol our Aim, namely: 1. A Sunday-school within reach of ev ery home in our stale, 2. A ci in veil ' inn, nt least once each year, within icnchofcvcrySuilday.seh'iol ienehcr. 3. A working Sunday-school oraniza liou in everv eoiinly iu'd township. 4. The visitation of everv house, to in vile nil to church nnilSund iy-seliool.and io make known to all God's free otkr ol salvation through Jesus Christ. iii:iti.'H a iii.t.i". Wlial I lie MillauVlnlita LatllcM Are Kw llolng. l-'rom the I'lirnile'pllln liiiiiiier. The assi iciat ion it h msekei ocrs lot uu d. several mouths ago. to deal with the ser vant girl ipifxiion, now has iie.n Iv lino names on I lie rolls, and a committee ha" started in lo canvass the city for inhii lioiml nicmbers. C. Oscar Ileasley, the president, said ycslciday that as a result of this movement w ithin two months there will lie l.oUU names on the list Mr. Ittaslev said: "i mr main object is lo elevate the condition ol an honest, reli able servant girl, anil lo make il impossi ble Corn dishonest or disreputable servant lo secure a place ill this city. Il has her.' lofi ire Ikcii'ist. an tocugage servants simply on a written rcc'iiutticnilntnu. Many oi these ncoiuniendalioiis were not only forgeries, but mythical names wire sicned to them ill uianv cases. "Through the courlcsv id tin- state de partimiit it Washington Hi h ve .c- ccivcil t:ic ctirn iiiuin oi inc raris nun U'insic schools. In both IVan 'eaiu'Gi r- iiianv the training and euliiioi in. lit ol servant girls is u department ol the gov cruii'cat. "When we lii si took up the ipiestiou in this eit e we found that the morale and clli- i' ney ol the servants employed w..s at n low siauo.-rd. lo uim oat the clemiiit we have not in our employ a man who does noi hiag il e btu look up the character ol the servant gills. As a icstilt ol these iuvisti.atious we now have oil our blacklist the names of two thouisnud girls whom we have Inuiul lo Ir- immoral, iucomK tenl or im llieieni . "We have an ailvisoi v hoard, hi wnieh Mrs. I iliii I. n. as iseluorrvan. nnd an ex vvutitc hoard, of which Mrs. M. Iv. Rob ens is chairniaii. Ti.vii we h.ivc a com- niiltic ol ladies who are hard at work lookitn: up t Inn acicr -and sicui ing inhii lioiml meinlH'is at the same lime. "Il is our intention at auia.l; date lo establish u temporary home lor seivant; giris, which will also Is- used as i school ol 'instruction. When our h niic is ready for iic.'iipauev. we will char,''- t' ! ecu's i for nigiu's lodging and breakfast. Alter each iii.iruu g meal we wi I have a short leelurc on plain and general h.iusekieiiiiig. We will is.-tie eertilii lies to all gills that we lind to lie competent, honest and respectable. These c. rtili- cites will la-ar Hie seal or inc soeieiv and must lie renewed every six months. Mv this means wc can keep track of all who conic under our jurisdiction. "The annual dues of the society arc three dollars. In return for this wc pro pose to give protect ion and la'ttcr ser vices to the housckcciK'r than she has heretofore enioved. We have sent circu lars all over i he country and I have no doubt that at an early day wc will have a national association. I'roul the Philadelphia Record. The Ph ai e li hill I'.xehange lor nnieii. which is interested in the reform sci vanl movement that has lately been agitat ing uianv well known ladies and gentle men, has secured subscriptions of over $1,1100 to start il ill the great work ol elevating the standnrd of domestic ser vice. ... I .... I a ...I... ll.iu llio'lt lll'tlV'e nun, iMiii to,....., ...... ............ ....... :.. .1 M........,l ..i.r.iriii HfieMthril lu'lore III nie n.i.wns. , .- ...... -- October l.n mass meeting id' women Will MC CailCO HI Illl UICI CNlMiOil lorn ini- viiiicc the movement. Worked l.lkc il charm. II... ..II',.. I, I'm lw.tmiti. ljioilfiltif worked like a cluirin; iiiiprovcniciil been won- denui; cannot express my giiiiuuoc. Wish every iadv nlllicted would try it. I know it would cure them. Mil. 1.. A. i.iinii, Spring Grove, Pin. Write llradlield Regulator Company. Atlanta, On., lor particulars. Hy nil druggists. wAN'ruo All active mini for en. Il section, Halare S7.1 to loii,:to locally rcprcscin 11 sin-.-. -sun .-. V. CoiliiMilv Ineori ..rillMl to supply l'i.v llooils. ClolhliiK. Hllois, .li welrv. etc., to con- ...a..,. i Also il'v U 4ncl. suliirv Jul. in enroll members lko nod mm enrolled ami sinii.noo iiiiiii ii i ...... - . - ed linltilrc t'o-l Iperiillve Ahss-icIiiIIoii, lend II well rilled I Lock llox Olo, N. V. Illlli'Hillv Tu. oi s nrrn WANItll. Ai-.l.'X'I'S - P'aiis o! Iiosiln- eoinliine li st lealiirus of llnlldlim I'mid and 1 lie n.iimi c-. I'lrst elns-i eoiiiiueis. ,u- .. 1,1. .i'..n nees. Ml'TI AI. VXM'ITV L'(l., 81 nun I on. Vil. seil III d.'lt lll til th li. tOI-1'IN, Real Entatc Agent. AMI LOAM IlKllkliW, 3 NOHTH MAIN ST., i MORGAN'S BOOK STORE I Money loaned mid well secured ai ier i "it. Interest. Hcnl lislatc liouiilil and sold nt piddle unit private side. Hints collected. I conclnetMl ( Itl'UI liSllllc ntiu rtU-IHin luisiuess ii, w.iMii.p ton. H. C, ten years, nnd will ahc prompt .....!.. ... nil li.isl.iKss mil 111 mv elniruc. Julvaadnu ALMOST REACH THE SKY. HEIGHTS OF THE MOUN TAINS ALL ABOUT US. A LIST THAT IS WELL WORTH KEEPING. A Tiihlcni Ipe Altlluclt'H or West ern North Carolina imouiiIuIiih Thai l'.vc-rylocly will Waul. - Below will be found n list of the dill'er i iil nioiititninsnl Western North Carolina willi their K'veral altitudes. The mens aicmtnls arc from Arnonl (luyot. The list is as lollows: V.M.I.HV III' THIS SWANNANIIA. lom. ft. nhovc sea. Junction of Flat Creek wilh Swan- ii.'inoa hivcr n ji -eph Stcpp's bouse 2,3(iS llinnetl's liottse 2,-1-23 I. iwer Moiml.'iiti house Jesse Sicpp's Hour ot piazza 2,77 ti. I'atton's caliius end of car riage mad 3,2 ll I VM nig place brook Is'liiud Inst I g cabin 3,!l."i." I 'pHT Motuiluin Ip'iise S,24i Aseeiiding to Toe River Gap pas s ige main branch above Sicpp's 3,!02 . IN Till! Ill.rU KIIHiK, Toe River Gap between Potato Top aud High Pinnacle o,1S8 1 1 ich Pinnacle nl liluc Kidge r.7n! Roekv Knob's south (ank ii,3fni Itig Sptiugoii Rockv Knob o.oso t'ocv Itcard .' "..its CKAia.v CHAIN. Mig Craggv (l.O'.Mi Hull's I lead .i.'.I.I.i Ci'aggy Pinnacle .",'.) I ." III.ACK MIU NIAIX MAIN CHAIN. I'otatoTop (1.3113 Ml. Mitchell 0.oN2 Ml. Gibbs l!,iV.ll Sicpp's Gai the cabin (i.lii.'l Ml. Ilalllunk, or Sugarloiif. Ci.-fiia Klaek D ane, or Mitchell's high jsuk, or Cliugman ol State maps i.7i7 I 'nine ti.ip 0.3."2 lt.ils.iiu Cone, Guyot of Stale maps 0,ti71 i:.iiry lle.'ir li.filn liar Gap 11,23 I Ibaek llrothcr (Sindoz of State inapsi II. I'll '. Catiad Peak Il.lil 1 K'.'cl.v Tail Gap li.3S2 hear Mi. Noitii Poiui i!,23.'l Long Kidge South Poinl (1.2ns Mioitlt Point (i.2."ili Xorlh Point (i.2ts llowlen's I'yraiiii I North laid limits xoi: i inn sri K en vix. Plaekslo.k's Knob 0.3SII cate' Knob ri,'.t"i C.Nl:l HIVI.K V.M.I.I-.V. Green Ponds nl Tom Wilson's higbest hmisc 3,222 Tmu iVilsnu's new hoiie 3.1 1" Wheeler's ipposite IIil Ivy Gap.. 2.1H2 t'ati.iil I'oik -iiineti' ii with Ca- ucy River 2, ST.! Sandofor (lap, r Low Gap sum mit of roa.i 3,1 71 1 I'.urns.ille C'. art-house sipinrc... 2.S to 'irceu Mounl.'iiM near Iturnsvillc. highest point t.34i r.itoi i'oi' tiii; iioan mopntmn. Summit of the road trom Ituriis- lillelo Toe rivir 3,13'.i me River Ford on the road from lluriisviltc lo Roan Mountain. 2.131 Daily's l.nin 2,370 Mi ig.'s house, foot nf t lie Knau Mouulaiii valley of Little Rock creek 2.7" Vellow Sjiot, above llrigg's ."i.l.iS Lit I K- Yellow Mount highest "i.l'.H! The Cold Spring sinnniil ol Roan (1,132 Grassy Kidgc Hall northeast con- tiiiualiiin of Roan .Mountain.. I'i.23i Roan High 1 tl n il". I'i.'J'.u; i-:oan High Knob li,3iiii I KoM 1,1 KNsVll.l.i: TO I.IIWIII ATIII.K JIOIM AIN. South Toe River Ford 2.."32 Toe River Ford, near Amrcy's 2, .117 N'nilh I'm' River 1'urd, bclnw Chiiilsvillc 2,li."2 llhie Ridge bind of llrtishy creek. 3.42."i Liuvillc hirer l;ord. la-low head of llrushy cieek 3. '-".'7 Liniillc River, at Picrcv's ".iii'7 lb ailw. mi's n Liiivllic and Wa tauga River, foot ol Grand- fatb'T Mouulaiii -t.lnn Grandlalhcr Mountain siimuiil n,N',i7 W.itauga river at Shtill's mill pond 2. .H 7 T.iylorsvillc. Tennessee 2.3'.i.'i Wliilclops, Viiginia o.olln I KOM lll'KNSVIM.I! TO Till: IIAI.P Mm I .MX onslillVAI IONs MAPI: Il V Plto I'l SsoK W. C. KI.KH, ol IiAVIIisiiN COI.l.M'.l: CIIMPI TI.II MV Ml!. SanipS'.u's ti.-ip 4,130 F.gvpi l ovcnl I'mllit's 3,3'jo Woli si amp Gap 4.3oli llald Mountain sumiiiil ."..'.'.ii VAI.I.IiV in' Tllli mo is r.v i HI I K. I lillinglinm's bouse Ih-Iow Veale's Knob, or Itig Unite 2..ri"'.s Inaction ol the three forks 2,2ili Solomon Carter's house 2.21a Stofksvillc at lllaek Sliak's 2,2lli Mouth ot Ivev River, bv railroad survey 1 .lis I I ROM AMI 1 1. Vlt.t.H rn Moixr I'lsO.VII. Vsheville Court house 2,2."i Sulphur Springs the sprint' 2,no Ibol'iliy Cove at Solomon I la vies . '' ,il.' I.iiile West Pisgah 4.721 (irent Pisgab 5.7o7 Itlll I'll. I ON VAI.I.IiV. Forks of Pigeon, at Colonel Culll- ev s 701 I'aisl'lork of Pigeon, at Captain T. Lcuoir s J, Soil Wnvnesville court house 3,7'ili Siilplmr Spring. Richland valley al lames l. ii. I.ovc s .', iin Mr. dill's) farm on Crab Tree creek 2.711 Crab Tree creek below Hill's 2,.VJ4 Cold Motiutaii 11,0113 CHAIN HI' Tllli MK'III.AXll IIAI.SAM, Richland, Is'tween Richland creek and the west lurk ol Pigeon creek and nt li Mcdlord's 2,1)38 15, Mcdlord's farm, foot of Lick- slou's mountain 3,01111 l.ickston iitiiuulniu i, I lien Pigeon Gap 4,00i Cold Sprim; inoiiiituiii. (Villa lioiilile Spt ing inoiiuiaiu n,.ism Rich ami Inlsaiu or Cauey Tork lliilsain Pividc (1,42a I'hiniiiev Top (1,234 Spruce lnlge To (I,ll7li Lone Balsam 5,8118 old llald 0,7811 I'll ain nr wi;sti:ni:k s iiai.ii, Wcstcucr Paid mirth K'tik 5,414 Pinnacle 0.(1112 iiidiAT Mini. 1 1: chain nl' uai.sam miii n tains iiim'Wi:i:n scott'k cki;hk AXII LOW CIIKIiK. lams 1 'lot t's farm north foot of rliail 3,002 Old I'Meld Mouutniii 5,100 lliieklebcrry Knob 5,481 linos Pntls Italsnm hrst Hal snm, north end 0,0117 limes' Balsam north point 0,223 South cud 0,055 Rock Stand Knob 0,000 llrothcr Plott 0.242 Amos Plntt's Balsam, or Great Divide 0.278 Roekv Face (i,031 White Kock Kidgc B.f2H lllaek Kock u.Xlo Panther Knob fi.3r0 Perry Knob 5,02(1 VAI.I.l-V Ol' atCOTT B CKIiliK. Love's sawmill 2,01 1 Maclure's fnrm 3,28,1 Koad Gap, head of Scott's creek... 3.357 John llrown'sfarm 3,010 llrvsou's farm 2,1 73 Infill Love's farm 2,22(1 Webster Court House 2,203 VAU.KV Ol' TI'CKASIiKISKK ANU TKIIIl'l TA II I lis. Tuckiiscegc river mill, below Well slcr, near the road to Ounlla- town 2,on4 lunction of Savannah creek 2.IHJ1 luncliiin ol Scott's creek 1,077 ijunllalowii Main Store 1,1)70 S'oco river, ford to ( 1,000 Soeo Goir road suniniii 4,341 Amos Plntt's farm nil Pigeon 3,084 Dcoiialiiltec river, junction Brad ley lork 2.2(13 KoU'i t Collins' highest house 2.500 Junction of Raven's nnd Straight fork 2.47(1 Junction of Bunch's creek 2,370 CHAIN' Ol' Till! I'.ltliAT SMOKV MIII NTAIN I'HIIM NIIKTIIIiAST TO SlUTIIWIisT I KOM Tllli IIOIMI III' IIAVWIinll COI'NTV TO Till! HAP ill' I.IT ' TLB TKNNHSSIili. 1 he Pillar, head of Straight fork of Oconnluftcc river O.'J.Vi Thermometer Knob (!,l.'i7 Raven's Knob (i,23(l Tricorncr Knob li.lSS Ml Guyot, so named b.v Mr. Buck Ice in common (,(l.'H'i Mt. llcnrv Ii.373 Ml. AlcMindcr 0.417 Soitlh Peak 11,200 The True Brother, highest or cen tral la'ak 5.01)7 Thunder Knol 5.0S2 Laurel Peak i 5.022 Reiiihardt Gap 5,220 Top o! Richland Ridge 5,402 Indian Gap 5,317 Peek's Peak 0.232 Ml.licnana (i.135 Righthaud nr New Gap ."i.noii Mt. Mingus 5,li0t I.HIII Pnl' III l.l.llli.MI, TliNNIiSSIil!, Central Peak, nr Ml. Leeonipte (1.(512 West Peak, nr Ml. Curtis (5,5118 North Peak, or Mt. Stafford H.535 Cross Knob 5.021 Neighbor 5.771 Master Knob Il.ol.'l Tomahawk Gn o.l.'n .Minn Cuve 4,071 Alum Cave creek, junction wilh Little Pigeon River 3.S48 I'.llliAT SMOKV MIII NTAIN MAIN CHAIN. Uoad Gap 5.271 Ml. Collins (i.lss Collins' Gap 5.720 Alt. Love 0.143 I'hugiunu's 1 ionic (5.000 Ml Buckley , i..V.i'.l i lhmney Kiuil .i,5s Big Stiiue Mouulaiii 5.1514 I'ig Cherry Gap 4.838 in ner Knob 5.2 Hi I 1'ornev Ridge Peak 5.0S7 :'.uakv'Mt 5.105 : I hiuiderhcail Ml 5.52n I '.aglcto 5. 133 'H'nec Cabin f .'.iln I'tu kcy Knob 4.7 fo i iii'issum i iai 3.S In , North Hal 1 4,711 li--Great Haiti's iciural K-ak 4.022 South Peak 4.7ns .'ciincsscc River at Hardin's SO'. ilill House Ml., summit road lo Montvale Springs 2.152 Mont vale Springs, Tennessee 1,203 The ANhetille Cillxeii ;lvt-M The latest local news. The freshest State news. The Inst general news. General and special comments. The largest subscription list of any secular pasr in the Slate. The last advertising medium in the Stntc. A full stall' of able editors and corrcs poudctil. The neatest, newsiest and most enter prising paK-r in North Carolina. Its efforts mv always devoted to the upbuilding and development nf the re sources of the Stale, particularly the Western section. Subscription, $0 kt aiiiimn; $3 six hs : 5n i-eiiis per moni h. i:staiii.isiii;ii is.-,,1! IS. II. COSKY. sSin.itm.or to C. Cowan. i JEWELER, mm 7 I'ATTON AVICNl'ICf NI.NT IKMIR TO CI'AMi CI.NTRAt. IH . Tlil.,, N. C. Mpl.'xlly MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR Y II ynu Iin vv liny Nine, Tlirniil or l.unu t T ilist-nscs, T 'i Illl iitilliiillon I ultlst-nil n iiiniitili'l Y t . . . 1 V ik'SiTipllvi' nl Asiii'vliir linn inso inc in- f liiillnu I nil Mil nt I'rir wilh list ol quia. tlons lo lie iiiiNwrnil hy tlie iMitii-nt when onli-rlittf llomi' Trt'iitint'tit. This 1 tniiltni'iit Is lis cll'iitlvc in thr nllli'i ' ' Imiltni'Mt. Dl'I'ICIi-M). 'Jrt PATTIIN AVllM'H, J AsiivviiU', n. c. T. J. HARGAN. M. D. jiht ni:t i;ivi;i. A l ine Mtock al I'.iikHhIi mhiI IIII'MllV WlllllCIIS, Will lir illml to sit tr y rust 'lllris mill ry. it'lye onli-rs 1'or l-'ntl nml Wlnti-r ClotlilnK. J. W. SCHARTLE, 1J North Mnin St. si pinilaw Clicap HalcM lo nil I'oliils). K.Mt.KnAH TICKI'.'I'H IioiikIii. solil nml rxyllillturtl. All trilllsiii'tlnll. Klinrilllli't'il. C. I-'. K VV, Tlikit lirokvr. (Ipiiosltc Hwiminiiion tloti'l. nnlUiltf Hiilmrlinii rrsiili'iirr, one tnllr from .'It v on Mi-rrliiimi iiyi'iiiii roml, ttiinilsotnclv nml i'ntnnli-1i v nirnlslii-il nml riltinineil ; I'.im siiy vli'tt i mii-iislvr iiriiuililsi two Irrsh Irrsry rn is: wllltrr Kiti'iiin; tiorsis nml vi-lilrli-s it ilrsln-il. I'nssysslon uivt-n 1st or Nnvvnilier ownvr iH'i'tipyliiH ill aiimim-r unly wimlil niitlir irrminiirni nrrniim'im'nt with purty uvsinnv n winitir rysuiytii-c. .iiiiri-ss iwiiudiiti f. o, Luck uox on J. 'i ry ii h Ni) oxvrrxl ash v RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. I'AUHKNr.FH IlKI'AHTUItNT, WcHttrB Nurth Carolina Dlvialun. I'AiSHUNCI.R TRAIN HCHUDULU (In Hfkkct Aiiirimt .SI) 70th Mrriilmu tiuu- uttvtl when nut other vvlm iii'ticutcd. BAriTIIMI'NII, I.v. K in ik villi', (lMKh flier. I " AHhevllle, Ar. Hiilitdiury, 'Danville, Kictimoml, "" Ruli'iKii, 0()llboro, Wilmington ' l.yni'hliurK. " MH)tiiiKVn " Hiilliiiiorc, I'hiln., " New York, WKHTIKH Ml. No. Rl I'uily, No. n:i I 'fitly. 11 "(iiin IL'tnaui ft ri.wun u:ii'itm H HI Mill UO'jpm H-tiL'pm HtlMipm Hiniitn) 4.nfluinf 1 tnpin 7.mutn f.oopni I l.ripui 7 inpm Nftoprn lunnum (in .'tarn h 25 am IO 7 it in itiiiiam Uiiotim I I 'JDprn No. im I No. Iially. I fully. 11, 1 fVitiTi j 4Hopm 7 lit iu in 057pm iM"im HMupm 1 1 Ij t-uin 1 1 1 0(iim f. t-H)m j fiOium New York, I'hiln., Mil I tlm ore, WiiAliitiKl'tl l.yitililiurK, Kiiliitioiiil, 1 Mniipuil yMUaml I mil vlllr, I htipni I 'Pm I WU.nltiut'ii j liuoaml ('IllllrlllOrO, V l-opin Konpm I t." pin I 1 Itojun Klin-ma, KaliHltury, . Anhc villc, Kiidxv le, llHiih mer.i 1 2 ifmni 7 i::.Mm 1 1 uran. I 4 U-'pm .'.4."iiun No. fl5 I A.sNtS. R. u. Imily. 1 I.T iim'l.v Ashfvitle, Air. IIhi'.i amlAr Hen.UrtitMivil.e, " I'J 1-2 itni " SpurtunlairK. Iv, No. A4 Juily 7 00 pm 0O7 p m a 40 p in Ml RI'liY ItRANCIl. No! 1 I 1 1 mil v cmvpt Kunday.) I No. 17 tr a nn I.v. AHlieville. Ar. lIlR ii m O.'t.T a iniAr. Wavnittville, M 22 pin " ItrvMiin City, fl.'.Opml m m Anilrewn, l,y. 2 on p m U !i a in a tn Num. .o anil ..), riillmaii SlteK-r between Ralt iuli and MorriHtown. Ntiu. ."i2 and ."It I'lillmim HutlVt Kleepltm Cars lulvvtvit lift SpriMKt nml WaiitiniKton. . A. iWMUKN, It. l A., AHhevllle, N. C. 1 S L. TAYI.OR (5. H. A., 'ViiHliinutm. l .C, TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. Paisci SitAMtaa. Low RaTta four Trip, psr Weak list worn DETROIT. MACKINAC ISLAND Fotuakoy, Mnull Mim Mitii, and lMk.9 iIuiMi. W y Porta. Kvary Waek Day Detwn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND b-ul Mitday T'i Jim, July, AuguM and hH. Dmitri.- Tily Vliv B'wrn ChlCXGO AND ST, JOStPH, MICil. O'JR iLLUSTHATtD PAMPHL'T llstfMs.i-l Ki. iirsi n TloStrs will ts-lui uuiti, a liv Tl.-t Ac. III. . r drla E. B. WHITCOMB. Q. f. A.. OC'SCST. M.CM . Detroit nnd Cleveland tteam Nav. Co Street Car Schedule lUKinninn nt 7 a. m. lindinur 10.00 p. tn Car lenveH Stpiare for nil point on the h'tur, an J twenty and forty mlnutcn there alter. Stludtile earn eonncet nt Kqunre. Train cur untl ItuKKaKC car meet everv train. One vn1itc nllowetl ruch pnnHenri.i ItaKuauc traanterred lron nil polutN In the city lor 2." it iH. TIIH ASI 1 1; VI I.I.II STKH IIT KY. CO. Chicao Alton R.R. I'ASTIiST ROI TB TO KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST Aohcvillr tn kaniin City In 37 hour. Aaheville to iN-tner in m honm. Atlu'vilie to han FraiK-mco. California, and rnrtlund, iirek'oa, in .1 dnvn. Solid Vent ilmk d Train St. Lout to Knn Kan Cil v leliaiiiK ehair ear tree. l-or lull Ini' riuatinii eall on or write tu II. A. Xcwlaiid, IiiNtrii't 1'iiHm-nKrr A cent. No. to I'atluii Ave., .nlieviUe, N.C. . CM AKI.TON. ... I' A.. Cltlenito. HI. NEW TRANS-CQNTiNENTAL ROUTE, via cmcA;.i. m i lwai'k. lii. ht. pal l ANU NORTII1.RN 1'ACU'IC R. K'8, ThriMict) Piilltnan Meeplnu Car KaveaChl i itL-M d ii.t al ."i :tn p. mi 1'or t I'aal and .tiininpnlin. " l-'aruo, Ntirlh 1'aki'ta. " Hil nil anil I'.iitle, Mimtailll. Tin 'fllowinr I'ark. " Sptdtanr l-allH and Taeonill. I'nrtlatld, l reutn irt Route lo Seattle und nit North I'neinc Ciit ptuntit. Tlie mi nu-liar to Calltornlii, via Portlund and tile ?liata Rntite. 'I ii ki iH mi aH' everywhere, t or inloraiatinn apply to nny Ajrrnt, or nililiiHH A. V. II. CAmi.Ti'.K, ileiuriil Vnn urn tier Am tit. Chienu . III., or II C, I1HAIIV, S- itihrrn I'aw-'i'iiui-r Auttit. I.oainville. Ky. tllli ASKEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, 26 PATTUN AVE., I Y. M. C. A. ROOMS. ) l)K'ii iially, enei pt Sunday , Irom IO a. m in til 1 p "i' 'onl H until 7 t. The urnin ol mtliHTtption are: line yenr tl nioN.. $; Jt moN., 91 ; 1 tuo., floeti.; lady 2 cm. (piIhti-i for ftio I'rrntdrnt, Chnrlc VY. Woolmy; Yk-c-Prenident, Thou. A. Jones; See and Treasurer, l. S Watnon : Lllintrlnn, Minn It. j. Ilateh. CltlrriiN and vinitom nrc cordially Invited lo I nulled the enlnloKur nntl Itttierihe their name n metalM-r-t InnMOdtf UlAili MtiARIi. I .a rue eool. airv rnomM. hoime nrwlv Atr nl'linl : um.i talilc. Tennti reationiilde. on ilreet car line. MKrt.J. L. SMATIIKR8, InlvlUilOtn MIN Pallon Ave. T I, AN TIC Ct.AST l.INB f n nnd nfler thin Hate the follnwlna tirhrd iilen will Ik- run over ttu'Voluinbln I'lvlnlon." No. Leaven Cnintiililn" ft. 20 p. m Arrive nt Charleoton W..H) d. m No, fitf U-aven Charh-Hton 7.10 a, nt. Arrive at Cohimhln 1 l.nft a. m Cotmrt'tttiif with tralnit to nnd from nil noitit on the Charlotte. Cohimhln At Au tftitta and Columbia tto llreeuvillc Kuilroadi). Uuilv. T. M. I.MItNSON, Orn. Phhii. Ajrt t. t t.UVIK" FREDERICK RUTLEDGE, ichtatic a;i:nt. Mv oilWi innirs will lir from this time nn from 'il to 1. Will In-ulnil to ntti' ii lonnv liiisiai'ss liiriiiu tln-sy lionrs. 1 will nis i lir in my olluf MV nntl on Iroin n to in n. tn. anil rroin 1 to 7. I will lie Klml lo show nny liroii-rtv ilurlim lltosr hours Cimiiv nntl kt nu snow oit soinv nitniisutnr protrty, H lIO tl I III Till-; liQl'ITAIILIJ LIPK ANHl'KANCK HOCIUTY. Ammi'Is.,,.,,,, Hitt-pliis...... ... 1II7.1IM), .loll 1'J .. aj,H,ji.o7.jii Ii. II. Monroe, A(t., Ashcvllte, N. C om aa guuth Main atrcct. aula dtf DO YOU WANT fiOtterlleiidH, IJill Hoatls, KnvoIoH'K, IhjHiiioHs Curdr,; Oil Wt'((linr Cards, Invitation Curtis, rrofrraniH, Menus; Olt lii'ttcr CircuIni'H, Monthly KtutemoiitH, Small Dodgt'rs, Largo Hand Bills; OR A 15ook, A rninplilet, A Ijt'aflct, A rroripet'tuH, ARTISTICALLY PRINTED ? Then send your order to THE RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. No. X. Court Square, Asheville, N. C. ANYTHING From a Newspaper to a Vis iting Card can bo execu ti'd in a workmanlike Htylimt this Print ing House, ami at PRICES AS LOW As rii-KtrClass work can be done. Ask any ot the thousands of their patrons in Ashevillo and Western North Carolina as tt) their manner of doing business. They are LEADERS In North Carolina. oooooooo b o o " b o o o o o n : C 4