ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 17, 181X). Til E K E NIL W O II T II INN. BALLARD. RICH & BOYCE. ASHE VILLR AD I UU TISIiMUSTS. ICE BATES FOR SEASON 1890. In qmiulittca not less than one ton nt factory 40c, .K.r ,..mi . In tiinntiti.-a not lena than tine hull' ton ut factory 400. work on the Kctti worth Inn hns hern ik-kiiii nml is Kteat nipi.lity. A picture of the builtlimr mi. it will nmienr when finished is civtn herewith i ne structure w ti tnnnc a very .mii.iso.iie iipm-im.nee mm win n.t Ki-rntlv to the nit ructions of Asl.eville. Dr. W. C. KrowniiiK. of Philridelphm. who is president of r ni K prill uirit-t h liltl rritlinn liv Itt lien llnl wit ll lliu In inil i- it ml m Ii i.iii.r , ,., I... C. . i. ... ... . . . n n - ' . . ll(AI.I!KN IN- r. ; V . ; ...... ..... ,. .i,,.i,i im, nnirun'innii mc notci. ur. Browning hits worked untiringly on his hotel project kir a considerable leiith ol time, ji ml is now muly to show the people of Asheville tlint he Mentis husiness Work wits Dentin on the hotel Moul.ty Au"iiKt J... within the short time since then, but little more tlinn three weeks, nn nlmost Incredible amount of work hns . ; " 1 , i i i . . eonipieteii ;imi n uirye iinioimt ol the toundiition work hns been done. During the time work has been KOtng on at). MM) cubic ol earth have been move,! Irom the exe.-iviition. This earth has been used to 1,11 no n ulrtnl hlv..i..nt.h...rh.hnl. Stove and Tinware. .inn pfiunim, .111 (.1 Kt IK, 111 iiiiiiiiiin i-ni-n 11.10 700 7(10 1000 HO 1!H lit IO 10 an no r. nn 6.110 n .1.1 Ti.tlfl Thecontrnct for the hole proper has been let to Irink S. Kn-p ot IMiil.nlcliihu,. The pl,nbin contract. inclmliiiK the water, gas 'and stenm ltcntinK pipes has Fli1n lfr ti-k mi Aaiiivilli firm 1 n i-lur 111 M M .V' III ill IlL-rtillt. I hi- , I t-i, 1 ...1.- I,. I. I... 1.. ! 1 I it :n i , ... . . .. " .. . n .' no 100 ... . .......... ... ... , ,K ,, IH.H, wm m. m. nv ,,rnntn nros., ot riulndelphin. The eontrrnctor is under n penalty ol $21)0 lor each day alter the ol next January that the work remains unfinished. IK' Hmwninir snvs he will have the building rendv to onen Tickets in dollar iiackuKcs and auv t.i..uiit.r of iee 11. ay be obtained IVom drivers and m uur ortiiT for cash or tickets. 1 Asheville lev & Coal Company. by that time. PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FITTING, SLATE Only u part of the proposed Iniililiny will be put up this winter, hs the owners recognize the fact that the entire litiil.Iiiu; could not be completed in t 'season. The part to be by . Jiinimry will contain Hil) rooms. Wo.k on the other part will commence in April nnd it will be finished bv 01. When complete the hotel will have accommodations lor jimi uucsis. The cost ol the grounds ami the part of the bnildiiiK to be finished firs time for the win ter Novemlier 1st 1801 first, complete, will AND TIN ROOFING. be $'00,0tM), Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Fatton Avenue- The view from the site of the hotel is simply nraml On all sides mountains can be seen as far ns the eye can reach. From the sky parlor of the building the trnins PAINTS and OILS. ' ' H -AliHNTS I'OK- THE PASTEUR FILTER, l!M Al.l. SIXHS I'llk l-'AMII.Y AND IIMTHI. I'SH fliuHraiilwel to be Uerm roof. THE JiiLLICO AND BEST AN TJ 1 11AG1TE COAL I'm null itt Wluil Imile mill Kit 11 it hy ASMEVIIXli: ICii AND COAL, COMPANY, Telephone 36 and 40. Kxcii.Mvi Aiu-nlft 1 HurtitMlie an.l Steanil lnr Wi'tocm Nnrlh CHrolinn. MtWia MAOIII X, I'rrs .iikctos li Mmlilnx, M. S. II. K11.I. lico. H. 1.. I'. Ml'MM'H. Vl.i'-l'res I. H. M ANK IS. . J. Rrarilen, M..I. PnirK.J. It. Mankln. I. h. Rav, 1 - i,, I'owell. C. M. McLnufl. WESTERN GAROLINA BANK, 'rui.Mlle'1 Ml.v Int. I-MH. iii.l all trains coming in over the Snartanburij can Ik- tii also. The nlace coinninuils a view vn .v I in- n ucl i.iivs the southwest is one ol the ur.iiidest to lie lo.ind an v where, 1 1 .1 iiiovc the iron in n ue at Hi Inioie. It wi be iniirkcd bv two inassii-e Irom t III- cast can lie seen as they i e lliniUHh the Sw.iiiu.iuo.i yap. oi i ne aii(lcriiill estate, winch is.itist act- ss tin- river Hum n. TaU-ii altuucther. The main entrance to ilu- jirouoils will lie oil the Sw ti river drive, all hi li.u. Z t. . i . 1 K , "'J"-". ""'.'' "vl ""'K '."!' vlmdval in shape and tin- oilier will Ik- souare. In one will he set n tablet of .it: . ' . . .'"""V"' "ii ii i ni stone win ni-.-;r in t.l.-iiin contrast t" the dark slone of which the pillars will lie constructed. From mil . l l.V, ,1. i ' ii i , , , " '"",""" ;'!'!" 'I'"" 1,111 '' N"einr. ..pie route to the t where the l.uil.liin.' will be located. This drie will lie n half - v- ... .i.i- ,' i "". 11 ""'"e n-'nict it HH.-1H iy inciiulenyiit electric lamps nl intervals of 1 trt. While aiiproachiilK the hotel bv t," . ; . . , , 7 ' '" .' ' . '"- i -oitfe ii "no a. us in ' ne w est, wincll are seen in all their niaicslic splendor. , i V V" . i K . T. T'1''''. ."' "lll ""l'ei...i.l. a si, .ri .hsumi- below the loot of the bill, ami Ik-Iow the old Newton acn.lcmv. l-om here it - .... inii i mi.- in. ii i. i nv ii-i.iii hi mis un-i- is a 'in! n iinc-1 ho il ill a in ilc. The hotel company owns ! acres ol laud, but oniy l..i n .i, i, ill ! ,-, sei ve-l n.r the hotel cnuinds. The rest will Ik- sold, well shadrd lawn, covered with kciiluck.v l.bic yiass. flic remainder will Ik- even .1 with the ,i.o..- f,.w-,i. There is ll lare ipiaiility ol line j-rani'i- on the pm-i i v ami this is !.e,n- us,-, i tlK- i,i -idMtioti ol tin- hotel, (.'apt W. II. Trov, ol litis cilv, mi , i ii mi. ie iv.i ins ..nit nn .tie., ai e Kepi i'i nisi .ml l v clli C A PITA L. $50,000. SURPLUS. S20,0 )( ) fttatc, County and City Depository. Inks a ('.aural I.Mikinii Hualorss. Hciioalts rrcdvnt. chnnm In.ucht ami a..i.. . ..i leetlona miie on all nccraaililr jiolnta: The Savimi Keatiire will n-et-lve ,Kviul ,.. -. i... HiatlaumainthiaiicpKrtmriit.deiMialtrdrorloi.rmontnaorliiiisci. m ,t, of per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention icivcn to loana on real ratnte. which will be pletl iur lonu tlnu on mil aunaal terma. open Irom a m. to a p. m. On Hatunlnya the MavinK lx partnii will hrnprntdl p.ns Inn 1 illy GONCBETE WALKS. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 217 Haywood Street. AI1.WATKR THOROl ;HI.V FIl.TFRia. on thv Hrcn.lHt.. Al.l. SIZliS Klil'T IN KTc'.CK. NOTICE TO Tllimll MiliPINC, 1 if the lorty ncrcs, eighteen will lie a , is(,'etlii'H UicriK'k out possible. A ciuisiilcralile mil lay ol iimiie . i n-ipiiicd ti ill 1 I 11 -vol K. 111.I lit . llrowni'iL; "avs lie ittlends to have the liinl.lmn liiiisln-.l by January lfith, if it is ..,).. . uiv 11 1. 11ee1-ss.11 , nil 1 .i- nrowillllU S.'IVS ll Will It'll IK" IISC1I SI lilt Illy IV, lM. KANKIVs l'KITIt'INH, Biiiiti- .Minor l..ror lliilt-cl out l "ThvCIIU.vll." I'jilli.K Tin: CirilKX: In your edito rial ol yesterday on the Sunday ipieslinii you say: "!t is uutor-m ,c thai I r. Kaiiktu should not have had Ins criticisms based on undoubted facts." I wish to say that if Tin-. Citii wants mc to liirnish the "l.ic,.s"on u huh mv criticisms wen- based. I cm do .. "lacls" would not lie vcrv palit.i AI.OUND TOWN. I'ori-iiiMllll 8 a. in. 'I'lnirxrlai I tixi.t-n uiirllineslerl) hIikIh. I'e. hr. I". J. Miii.l.iek, nl Salislnn v. is ill the eitv. KOtllMI.N I', I'llllt 11 111 Ki ill the lit i:ii . .lav nl M. uiitl e.iilim, is Those ne 10 some iK-opic. nut 11 tln an- 1 manded they will U- li.rtlic.uuuiL'. I i. C. K.WKIN We suppose it to Ik- p.irtii ulai Iv 1I1 manded ol a cleiuyni.iit tl. at ii he 111. .k.. a statenient il shall l-al.ilutil e.-rnv. or us nearly so us the human linn. I can approach corrce' -s. c do imt u-il called upon to delcad the street, but w hen lr. Kaiikin said in his se-riuiui printed ill Monday's L'nii:. "In tli olf hours these- sin, cars an inconstant motion, lining then latesl biiMiiess," lic was ill error. The street cars do imi run for 1111 hour in- two ylimit church tune, Sunday, to the considerable aiiti.iyauce 1 ol those who wish to use them tit that I hour. Aain. I T. K..11I1111 i in ein.r 111 not iioliu -.Hal. 011 Hie wlmle, the ten. dency on the railways lu il.iv is tnwanls less and lessruiiniiifinl trains oil Suo.lai. These are. ol coiusc, minor uiattcis. but the teacher ' he pulilic slnuilil U sure he stands 1 m tenable n .iin.lal t-vcrv I-. II. Aiki 1 n.itai v pulili. Mr. 1 1. S Wai .He. I Ins .i'iiiii ur tell il.i vs. Thclc el 1 .1 1 as mi Mi'.. s.ill in I'm. 1 hi;i: 1:1 -t 11; in The sluvii!. I. 1 -iii'il; e v:; . i I .-. 11 . 1. . 1: an, s .. 1 w 1. rlli Inn. T-i ni.iK. : . . in ' He old - i:e w -; ; .1 .life. I'- ... . 1 , ei'iinly . ol a 1 il 1 i. I -Ii led. te sun t.i l...e as ,-t iih l-r i, l ,11 w h.i li;.e H i' -I- in. names w 11 ,1 Si ! l-e.-i. .iii...iiiliil Iilie bv r. .vern- .1 I'.-w lc 11 1!! K. 11. I.i Ik ; ll ii 1 M. i .1 Ml l..lis. ei.t .1 Wiel, us etir. .!h 1 1 . la-' iiitlll. "ii'-it- in,l : I.i . . uiii-,i 1 t. .1 1 1 .1 s.isli ,ir . Seni. .a- the in w eil hall 1. ni d iwn hi u slinrt will be t.lil 111 tile 1 new biiihbii", is coiii- n.iinc put down M. I'. I.'. Th. c . :iii li ave i Ik ir Mafiiit or ar.v uteuilHi' ..It e 1 ,i 111 ne enilitilit Ice. Svvcial nshlenis ..1 1 he wisteru piirtiiui I t in-1 it v. t ! 1 . . 1 1 ; I 1 tl.ev le'l nil earth. iial,e sli.nk ivstirday, bur imallv de-j . i'ld It'at it w.'S u. tiling 111. ire si-rious III in blasting 1 eiii- dune on theiaionail. i j I'he reiiistr ili-iti bu., ks lor the eoininu I I . leet inn w ill Ik iikiici next Mom I 1 v 1 he ! Tinn.: Mi ii 1- Auentireiv new recistiatt .11 is re-'. X. istcr. so I ti ll,. .,,,, Itr If ...i. . - i - '" "' ' V : " i" - , ,eiitiiei:,lic should ml. Till-, virui.x IkIhvis, in Ins ,,,., , viiiuKi". "mi 01 serves cieiui 101 uiscnur KC lit'. Cliui.x. I liiTf Ait) lliu- Hen- Kiioxx h Vnu 7 Inn. I'. I'm 11 wile and sou, l-'lorida: Mrs I'. II. Mai miner and son, llxlord Mis,.; Miss S. M. Is.iiii, IC. C. 1. nkens, . j 11 J-.liiis-in.; Mi. K. I Inn. Mis I-'. K'. Cioddard, Washington, 1'. t':K W. Martin, Mrs. .Martin nnd son. I. title Knck: II. mst. 111 Iht, South v ar liua; Jas. S. Murdoch, C. S. John, V. I1.1! -lesion. S. 1.'.: I'len. A. IIIiiii.I and w.-e. S. W. III,,,,,!, Xnriolk; . K. Illanlon. I ii i-i. n-ii i, wen- at the llattev I'ark ves 1. i .l. v. I. 1 '. c 1 -uinp. Il.-ibiiniiic; T. A. White, New V.nk; J. Win. Ilujjic. CiimlKTliind I'. .p. T.1111.; W. J Munlock, Salisbury, S. I .: Mis. K. Miiks. Mi.s Micks, N. C; M.s. M. IC llallcrshall, Mrs. M. (',. I'nl 1 nv. New- Viuk;J. A. (oiliiltsnml wife. Cm N. C; Mrs. Vera d'Aliii)jc, Ililt itioic: lie aye Wasluiicion, Miss Wnsh iiiKtnn, Master M. Ketchcm. Dr. ). Ii. A. I'avidsoii, l-'lorida; H. I. Milland, C. v.' r.iilrnail : John K. Ilovt, HiiKUtline; 11. W. Ada ns. Marshall, X. C. were aiuouK the arrivals at the Swaiinanoa hotel ves-; ten lay. Arrivals ut the I'deu Rock vesterdnv i-e: C II. I'rcscott, lliu liimton, V11 A. C Ibavton, X. C.; I.. Wooten nml wil- . l-lorul.i; I-. A. I'l.-ivson, London I'.f.ji.; Miss .Nannie havis, .Newport. .i nn.; i.iniis ioiiiij;, 1,1111s lliu, ,. I.. T. It. Ilimbs. Ktiowilii ; C It. Celiotte a.; Ii. V. Kuiiiiiiii! and wile, eiilah si 'a vis, Temi.j l.itlu s A. Ilavid oik: . Ilillboiti. iilnile. in Real i-lHIHte Tranarera. T V Shni.l.. and wife to K. Me lirnver. lut lilos7n, on llavwiinil Win. Iiiiili-.v to Nelson Itailey and w-fr. Int tillK l on Mountain strrrt W. II llw.m and nit'eto T. A. Jom-a ami 1.. r u mill, mm lot" I'rnsiK-et lark C W Whan. .11 an.l wife to Henry Mills anil wile, lot 0t ..til. on Menu nini.t street R I'l-tirsnii ati.l wife ., H. a. White anil I. A. Wilson, lot -4Oalt0 fret on KukIc s'n-i-t II W l- iteh anil w ilc to H. 0. Knun drrs anil w ile, lot H.1 li-et front with liuililuiK nn Kouihaiile avenue V'J.niHi niMi ..T.'O A l-'Hlr Niitiiil. liliiniK inn Ciiii.n: Tin- Tunes. pnli lishrd ill llcinlersoiiville, in ouesliort edi torial calls Col Koliii in, the coiuiiiis- sioueroi iirii-iiiiurv, llirnt-n liar la-caust- Mr. AlUit Sl.ic.v .lie .1 at the Swan. ll.-iiuia llotil las! ui-hl ot c.usu, in, tinn. I He was .- bii.uiwenii.lwo tears old and ea.i.c ueic lor ills 111. ill 11. I in tenuous were taken to Ills hntuc ill t-ovii.liui. this 111. lining. 'flic nrli on I he li-ivi-nine-M 1 1 1 i t line . has Iki'ii ih lavc.l lor some lililt Ik. aim Col. Kobiiisoti, when in the discharge 1,1 1 ol the want nl slmie Mr. Ilanliiu:, one Ilia oriieial duties ami hold, 01; an ! "".''V r 1 '"'T' V ", l!l''1 "V "tone i ... , ,. ... arruiui; now nnd thai he nnlicipan s no mectiiiK lit I raiikhn in M.ic.11 couiuv ill ; ,. tr le In 11, cause. Collllllullll-C With the atiili- l.liA- n-liiu-.l i,. ' allow Mr. l-wiirt, the republican c Ii-i " "td.nina ..f S.utl, Main dale lor 1-oni.Tess. to make ,1 ,,! ... a rfe. ' and ..I : a;;le slei 1 will nnvi ...t.,. siieci-h in the mcctim... but did all Inm I r."w' '"'"'niui.'. ll is .r..pos,-, t,, i n. .i..nb In. ..,.. ul I-..I b..i.. I OIIII .Mam sireet and nine-tent lis u ,ie assi tiibly had ml ioiirned lor dinner. This s .-ih. lor says that the onlk-l l.ii meis' ins.ii-' "n'l'' ""K '' '""' ttile, lastiiiK only one .lav, was 11 tin 1 11 n The iron sit. 1,1 l,,tj, liens. Wriudii, ni my euciieii runeiii' tinieiiie lacls was rein.ivnl csieril,n alicriioiui trnni arc that the only laihitv any one nb the debris nl the lalli 11 wall. Wink is In served was Mr. liwatt's failure to Hun a I Ik-iK-ttuii this alterttooii to n-pnir the imvtinu held lor prucltcal itiriscs 111I0 damages diuu In- the rcik. Tin- ex it iMibticiil mass inccliiiK. and Hie only k-um- will Ik- divided Ik-Iivci-ii Mis. I'lias. ridicule heard was from an old hit iiicr ant. who owns the l.iul.iiin.-, ami C I. who stayed in ut n mid poked lull ut t'oiiiiully, who was dniiut the wink ill Mr. liwurt. Instea.i of ihe uuctinn thercarl lustinu but line iluy, on the next I ..... tiny in n pourmu ruin ti mini, .. "' ul1. ,-'-'V"r s cuirt n.s niorinnu jiti v mi widi nini; i.f to m. ike .1" Ii 1 1 wide Irxiii oiil hi.le an inn toi In en i limit.. I' I lint is tn Ik-viileueil aiviirdiuji to tin thai 1 vt 1 v ' I lua ; Miss . l unllv, Marion, X. C: K tli.,1 he1 I bis. I iai.klin; I-, A, Nnrlh'op, Wil ' toil Kt.ui; A. l-iibler. XcwIktv. S. C: I M "i l:.i 0. Ilaltimore; Martha Scholielil, Aikcn; II S. r.iiolir. MarrrisbuiK; Win. Knon, vt . K. loitiimcr, X. .j . V, Nance, C. II. Myers. Covint-m. The following were reuistcrcd nt the li'-aiul Central lintel yesterday: '., T. CnrH-uiii), .M.irK.iiiioii; i',enri;e Vouni;, i""l"' n. i. ahins, niiincrinriiton; il. C. Iloiiniwell. Ilick.irv; hr. Ii. C. Sit titer, Philadelphia ; S. l'.. Itlavl.K-k, Led ver. X. C: Mrs. I. ( 1. McCarthv, lloslon ; I. II. Mellowed, Whiliiei-, N. C; K. I). 1 '.diner. W uvuesville; S. T. Ivarlyandlani dy, and Miss .ul,-i liul.K', liillsboro; Miss bvu M. Claue, Webster: Miss l.illie "'"HK I Hill H III 111 II I l.-i 1 ii . n liirKt-r crowd of the Macon f,,r,,,cr ("',,rK; L'' k'on. c.-lnred lad. was luu. tin tied out nml the iiiecluu.' was a urcnl ' "" ."- " '" I""""'1' success when rid ol Ii. l-.witrl mid Ids '"'".''""ie and niakiuji lutiisell a niiis.oi.e iHiltttea. Instead 01 retiirmim at once t,,!"' i.iand (. en. r.d l..t, . ,es lien kaleiuh as this wiac editor editor savs, 1 "" " ,. ." r""h- .tt"H Col. Xtdiinsoil went oil with Ins cIU-m. I "" '"' "'" '"" ' lve cenls ill the world 1 1...1.1 ,. .......i.... and prated Ihe eh itieiiev ol tlii-eiiiirt. II ft, f n mi i 111 inn iitiirsi filial illtu III 1 I . . Cherokee ami did not tiiillv leave the """'""'H bai H 11 wa. uniiiinl In would Ninth dislricl niter nearle 11 iii'onih'a sine 1 ll'"vV m hltieu nnnutes. The mayor in its counties until neurit- n week nlur .'".1"1 "ol revnke his dicisiou us llleiniin Mr. Cniwlortl's noimiialioii nt Asheville. ! " . ' ",m '""" ' 's Ion on prom . 'hi. in len.i- illicit 11 in 1 iuiii reuirpi-o. 1 Unities Corinth. Miss,: W. II. lrith, I'l.iukiiu: C. Ilaeot, Skyliind; ti, W. v.iiulhf. kailway Mail Service; llnrrv Clock, riiiladeloliia: Ii. S. Kurtz. I'itts- biir-.-i Ii W. Adams, Kuoxville; Mrs. Ii. .'iiant, Tenn.: K. J. Koliiimon, MeCormick, S. C; II. J. Harlow, 1 1 tin 1 inion. Flit. htni(la HclionlNln North Carolina I hi the third pa'c of tmlay's Citizkn w ill k- I011111I 11 most valuable article to 1 hose iiilercstid in Ihciulcrdrnnininntion work in North Carolina since lis ori;uniutinii m IH7M. The The nally CHUcn. is always nlive to the interests ol Asheville nnd its tieople. IS the most lKipular ndvertisintr ms dium in North Carolina. Is rend by a tirei.ter nuiulK-r of uriiiilr thnn -ny other secular pntier in tlK Mute. Is alwnys filled with the choicest read. mc mutter of the dnv. Honrdniif houses fill thetr rooms hvnd. vi-ruaiiiK 111 ine V.ITI2HN. news, nnd nil the news, mnkes the Cit- izkn n Kencral favorite. ao retail merennnt ever mnde n urrnt succci without ud vert isinL'. Trv the vlTIZHN. , An advertisement in the Citiikn pays U- .1 . : 1 , ..... .' me uiiTnuirr nn nunnretl-toia. As it la lniHirtant to nsr only the heat ma terial for S ill walks. I have arrnnR. d to keep in stock an I use in my work the ei-leliratnl POM M ItKH' 'H lik STIiTTIN ANt HUH IIKANIl" of CICKMAN l'OMTI.Nl Clt- M liNT, which la uard larKrlv for thnt pur pose, and in pref'-rrnre to many other kinda. In NIIW VOHK, i'HICAtill, ST. I'AI'I MINNKAI'OI.IS. lUiTKOIT. MiV OK. I.I-.AN8, ST. AI'.lt'KTINI! AMI OTIIItK CiriliH. Lrttrra froni these plaivs ahowinu It tu tie much auiH-rior to the tiramla nrdi. nnrily nactl here and tratlmonlnla as to Its atitcHnr tpinll-y will he ahown to nnvone interratrtl. C. E. MOODY, Office No. 30 Patlon Avenue. TKI.BI'IIONB NO. 40. Yard anil Wnirhousr nrnr IteiHil. phone 73. Index to Mew AdvertlHcmenl. To Loan Box 24H. NoTlcs C. Ii. Itlanton. Iisi os C. I). Hmith i Co. W.STKli Mlaa Mnrv II. amlth. Fauii.v OaiKKKlKa llnrr llroa. 1o LOAN. Two thousand dollara on A.h.m mi 11.1c. Aaurraa, P. O BOX 24H. WANTED. it itlon as STovemcaa or teacher In pri vate school bjr yonnic larly trachlna Knaliah nranchrs. also elementary Latin and French. Address, MISS MARY n. SMITH. ItlOH South llroadwar, 8t. Louis Mo. arptl7dt HARE BROTHERS, 17 South Slain Htrect. Have everything in the line of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, and aell them as cheap and deliver them at rour home aa ualck aa any house la the elty. Freah vemrtables h-iim the country every morning. A .rial will show you what we eau do. Meaprctfutly, aeptt7dtf H RK DROTIIKRM. A I.R4ND evening mm. Will be irlven at the Maair Hull, Battery Park Hotel. 1) N Thursdijr livening, Sept. 18. B v DR. GARRATT, OrKanlat Trinity Chun h, AMI III HONK: PROP. C. P. GARRATT, Oraaalat 2d Pn-ahyterlan Ch , Kuns -i'lr.and PROF. K. H. GARRATT, Conductor North HiateOrcheaira.Htatesvllle. INSTMt'MBNTALlHTM. LVDIA MAl'D GARRATT. VOCALIST. Concert to commence at a o'clock. AHMIHHION nilCKNTS. The pmgram will Ik- duly annnimml. Bngllan and French BOAROINB ANO OAY SCHOOL FOR V0UN8 LADIES AND LITTLE BIRLS, No. 40 Preach Hroad Aveanr. MRS. BUROWYN MAITLANO, . PRINCIPAL (For many years Aaaoetate I'rinrliutt of Ut vcrnon inRiiiaie, liailimora. AaM.ted by a corns of conipratenl Uachcra. mi a T WALKING CANES. prnelkal eaperirnce. conihlni-.l wiUi i-kssonai. nttrnlloi, to all cli- taHaof the business and perteet arranKcmri.ts tar inkss and n kitv ol all aumia manufactured, ennl.l. the proprietor lo preaent to his numerous patrons u suiwrior elnw. o Carhonatrd Itevcrailea. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. t;in.-r Ale i.urt all the T.trlon. aavor. l HOI.A WATHH ready lor shipment an.l iklitr.i.l frer In City limits. Out nl town orders muat have ihi-iiu.i W. CAMPIU- l . A BUILDING LOT OR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN HOTEL BOARD FREE, 111 the New and Vrowluir Mountalu Rexort, SKYLAND SPRINGS, (Neur Asheville, N. C, nnd u.ljoiniiiK the Viimlcrliilt Ustnte St. Akm-'NIs-ik-ii now, 1 "ssssr r"u" rn,m $:m." "'"" " Jl!!!."",,"n'' "rr''Ml r"r three yi-nrsfrti-n th. ir ilntr nml nn tr.ifi.l, Thrrrtore tou iiav SHHinir ynui ehoiis- of ueaudiil luilhlluu lol , m Bet the Slim .11 ,ek In Inniril; tou hve thr. vcara ., ri. ,, in- ion" en enrc OTIS A. MILLElt. Tnke Train Out at ,.,, A. M.-Fare as CA-iitN-r llrlve rulh H Ml lea. ami .1.1 lilM.ll. city Aumt. -JH I'ntton Ate. ''''''''' HOTEL" ARMOND-HOTEL BONNYCREST AND COTTAG1CS, SKYLAND MINER A I. SPKINf.S, N. C. Klifht miles) Houth of AhIicvIIH, oil the A. tk Kullro.itt. New hnlrla, new cottajirs. new furniture, Unutlfut Krovra.nrai l..,. nod livery. ' 48 MINERAL SPRINGS While Mulphur, Alum. Mnunrsla. Inm and Itpsom. Thom- an klne- h. ,,1,1. ,1 . elect society., ill ant fad to tki. pleuaant .eaort an.k .Irh.k of Its h.allna water. Terms rraaonahle. aprfl rttf E. A. LeVKNE, MMUHg-er. Ahelllc, N. C. Near Pautemrw P. A, DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO,, Manufacturers and Heaters In all kind, ot Preaacd LUMBER, Door, tianh, Blind, Moulding-), HtalrworK, irlanteln, Hatitv and Bar FUturesi, and all kinds of Building- Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work - nne ldlir Trlrphone Mo. $100 REWARD I Now st JkJOTICB. N'otiee la hi nhv tlvpa Iha. . , ... A.. I v iin.irr ia nni.nn. oil, ll, 4ttl I 413. 41. 41(1. 41 anil 41 7 of the emleof the I The Carat display, you will ace In the wln urotvlh nl tliis work hits ci-rtninly Ijeen 'dty'nf Ashevll'le will hr.trirtiy eafowed aad J 'low uri'iii inusc who niivc the work in hiinil lire conliilciit that the luture hits still tuucr iicliie Venn ins in store for i hem TlK "iiurtciiltuntl theorists who ns listed Col. Kolnusoit in is sin weeks' tour til runners' institiitiseun well ullord to IiiiiuIi ut the opinion ol u mini who never hei.rd them, d.a n. il know wlwit n Inriners' institute is.inul who evidently knows ns little nlniul liiriniiiK us he I.ks nlmul trlliuti the truth. ()NU no Was TiiivMK W. J, iIiiihi hi, ih link nml dikiii.lirlv. una lllic.l ir-'. Iliilltlliiti I'rriiilla. In Tint UtiI'.n ndvcrtisitiu columns will Ih- found the low of ihe eitv of Ashe, villi- ciiiiccruiiitf the construct ion ol liuihliiius n il Inn the eitv limits. I-',., in. crly it la-rmil liud to Ik- jtolteu fnuii tin i eitv council to erect n Im.l 'in in Ihe I "lire limits." Ily m-ent cliaiit-e in tlic or- ncsitli or Mm, KrMiik. Mrs. Ilurlmrn I'rnnk, one of the larst .ilinnitce il now incluil.s the w hole eitv known residcnti if .'.jhet illc, died litis Tlurc ore H-rsons who clnini thnt the tnornitiK ut 1:4(1, nl her home, No. 1!T CuIIckc street. Henri disense was the cnuse of her ileal h, which was rut her sudden. Mrs. I'rnnk whs "ll years old and will Krently restecteil nnd la-loved liynll with whom she fume in coin net. (tne hnd lived in Huneoinlie county Iur bImiuI So yenrs, 40 of which she hits la-en in Asheville. She joined the Methodist church when young nnd wna a Intth- ful and consistent mem Ik -lit. Shcwns memlier of the Central Mctliotlisl church, south, In this city. Wie hnd choree nl the uifntit clnssin the Sunday school ol thnt cliurvh for n num ber of years, and hnd under her tcitchinuJ a Inrge numlwr of those who are now among Asheville's best buainess men. The funeral services will Isf conducted at C. Kankin, ber pastor, to-morrov jt 10 a. m. The ImUrownt will take plsct at Kiversnle cemetery. city enn lire vent the construction ol ten ement houses in the most ilcsirulilc por tions of the city, nml n test of tlie.iies lion is to Ih- mnile. Oh the Hand in Vt-arn. V. II. Mnrtin, colored, u Inn Iter id South Mnin atcct, recenllv received n letter thnt wns mniled in 1H70. The let ter wns Irom his hither, nnd eontulm-d two pieces of fructioiiul currency of the ten rent denoininnt ion. The letter wns niniled nt Moss N.-ck, Kola-son county, nnd iiildrcsscd to I.iiiulicrtiiti, Kolieson county. It litis Is en iciirching for the owner for B0 yenrs. Ill HI.NKHM NOTICI-'4t. Wliolt-Hiile Price on fruit Jar), Ily the box only: .iu.rts. 7.ri cents er nun-ti; one nun yiiii.ins, i.-.i cents tioxen. Cusli only. No v is the time to make up clubs, nml suve niouev. Always low est prices nt I.i.w's, on Aiuth Main St, A New Moid to HUMS. II' you nre wise nnd wish to liecome l.ciilthy nml wcnlthy nlso, vou will use Roller Kinu or Ivlcctric l.iulit Hour: ls cnuse the Asheville Millinic Ctimpniiy's Hour is iiototiiv tne iksi imi theciicaoest A Had Mallroad Wreck occurred several tlnys nun nn one nl ou hiost lmsirtnnt trunk lines. NoImxI) hurt but all the bujo;nKe except the Moller-Tray Trunks was smashed up. Iluy nnc. Hold bv drnlers. Made bv II. W, koundtrec & Urol., Kkhmond, Va, HV'The Home Kuildimt nml linn As- s.H iiitiuii, of Asheville, N. Lol. Prank Coxe tircsidciit, com.neniT.I nierntions lust Mitiir.iny. tin next Hiiiunlav and every Siitiirduv thcrealter lietwirn the In.urs nl r nnd 7 ii. m. nt C. T. Knwli' i. Iliee on I'ntton nvenue. The weekly In stnllmcttt which is fifty cents on each shnre ol slock token, must be puid. All who wish to iK-comc members, cnll on Mr. kuwls this week so you can bruin at the iH-uiuuitiK nnd stnrt with thereat. The usssociutiott will lonn you t'MO for cin-h share of stin-k tnken. Only cost tilt y cents it week on a shnre. If you wish to build a house or pity for one nl rendy built become a member at once. A Ureal Kctietna, We cnll attention to the advertisement ol Skvlnnd Sprinui where Mr. Miller olli-rs$100 in bonrd at either hotel In Skyliind virtiuilly free, This is a novel ' wny of liriii(jitiu into notice a new resort. and while it is a very liberal offer it will I pny in the end, as all Judicious advertis inu will. This offer hns already crowded Imlh hotels at Hkyland Springs and brought into notice the fine mineral water. that a violation of th. nmdiin., i ..j.. rnapirr ami aain MYtlon. shall atihieel the uiirnur- . ,n iirnaiiii a nantrfl tlwrria. . And a -tlce la hereby farthrr irlTr. that Hee- tinn 4ow or th. eoile ul th. city of A.htvllle waa amended on July 3S, 1S, aad read, now aa follow., to-wlti . "That no prrson. arm or enrnoratlon shall duiio r erect wit hi. th. limits of the city of A.h.trllle a. the .am aow an or may here after he ntabllahed a.y house or handing of ... ..HU Ul IMIHIITIIT UlHfflWBi IO, build upon or generally Improve, or chant ny nouac nr ouuninsT witnoat narinc Unit anpliril to the altlermm of .aid city aad ob- wm prrmiaaioB lor aaca parpoae ." VIIAS. b. IILANTON, P. M., , Mayor. Clt Clerk. Dr. B. F. Arrlngton, I'aoKon ImLLs. dkmtikt. rllllna teeth a alao tm.ln e.aril Hum., and all pertaining- to ineiirntai atrurture. (inn room, nn Pat tun avrn.if. over katraor A. Umllh-a rim. I.arae -old HnawcmM. met. wllh IUm.,. I inif-r n. initial in it aewarn will b paid .... . . - .i., ,u i ni mil nui.i, aeptinniil THE MODEL CIGAR STORE, MTTOM AVENUE. Florida orange eanes, nslural handles with carving l also l'wa wood, Hea Grape, I'almelto, llalaam, litack Mangrove, Damllla. All famtly earvid. KBVCLL & WAGNEH, ueceaaore to Kopp K l.lehtenlwrgrr. FANCY GROCERS. SUGAR AT REFINERS' MICES. Coffees rnaatrd on the dally, and ground nir every eaatonier. Fall Line of Table Huppllca. Hrre drllrerv. A lull Una of Hard, fa, .Uh. a a. nnmnwii pnce.. sS PATTON AVKNl'K. T.lenhoaa No. aa srptmdtf PICTURE FRAMES Oold, Wiser, Ivory, Oak, Ollt aad ComW- I'or anyone who will liny a ptlr of lln.hnm Mhoe. and not get value retTlved 31 NORTH MAIN STREET Juat above fanners' Wnrehuuae. ASIIIIVIIXi: DRY GOODS COHIPA7VV. Chmitnit itfirr nnrairih llnntllr i nihina i tu. -i . . . ever bmlv milllT. W e keep h......,m.l, Hhiiea i.f v ,-r. Z i " l"' ' inane flali If ll.iine iii, . r,l(s. n,,,,,,..., ,,. iM. w. wirr ...i .J!""', naarriue unoc CO. . snure. i Mnnagvr. K. H. BRITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUI'.DER. Also graHIng of all Mads doa. All orders aaUoa Moaldlags. Also Room MnaldlnM. promptly nuea ana won guaranteed. Caa be found at aH times at Graham's Cottoa Factory. au.tvdtl niung. ne warraul every ituir ul Atihcvillc Dry Goodt Co. Howard I'rolht and Milt. Ilnleomlie are with ua. SCHLIT'S MILWAUKEE REER. Celebrated the World Over for Hm Purity. . m pan- wi m inij nnr own iMitinnii KifHirt Ikxr at ONE DOLLAR PKR DOZICN. Onr lieer la kept at a temperature of 40 drgree. and w auarantrr v., rr...u . . all times. Tllli THAIHl Hl'l'I'I.IUli PmiM nuarantci you a fresh article nt THE "BONANZA" THK Lit III NM ' V WINK. AND .. LIOUOU ... STnmr . IN THKNTATK. FINE SAMPLE AND 11ILLIARII ROOM. I AIM aakat a.m... . . i. 4. soinT. a,...,, iru. 13 5. MAIN ST.. ASHEVILIF. N. I. BRICK. HRIC'K. -FOR SALIC BV- BRICK. INSURE YOUR rHOWITY WITH E. J. ASTON, Cacncral i Inanrance I Aa;ent. Rear No. 80 loath Mala street. Established ISM, aaa dlr A.beville, N. C. Bnjr Llndaej'a ttnld Book to WiNiCi, rrisjoj 5 eta. Plcturrs Matted, Mounted and Framed at lowest prices aad work inarantewl, Hngrav lags. Paintings aad Local Views always oa hand at ESTAliROOKU a m. Main St., Asheville. oorlHd lyAKTRD. mplovatent b a young nt.aihave had Mveral year, m-aetlral h.nlMu .....i. and a competent bookkfemir. Will rt...k septliMtw BUNCOMBE BRICK & TILE COMPANY. Asheville, N. C. p. p. nox 426. FITZPATRICK BROTHERS. Dealer In Wall Taper, Window Haad and p.tent Hangcra, Window fllaas, hot a Paints, Wis aad VarakdiM, MaNry's Mlied 1'idnu aad Colon Preaek aad A inert ran Ws issa at stock ft, Loilaaad Kaa tacky Lsa4, , abadlf