wji.jjiiBpwyiyj!"'gj!'Wi',i'-3iwi'ii1' a t OLD NEWSPAPERS t-H-l i Asheville Daily Citizen i FOR RENT, WANTS, AND FOR SALE, X FOR SALE Not exceeding tare lines, One Time, M cent. Three Timet, SO cent. Bis Time, TS cents. AT - - THIS OFFICE. SC. PKR HIINOHKD. III VOLUME VI. NO. u7. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. LINVILLE. A place planned and devel oping as a GREAT RESORT. Situated in tho MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted for henlth fiilncHH and beauty of SCENERY. An elevation of M.HOO fH't, with cool Invigorating Climate Jt is being laid "t with taste and skill, with well gradi! roads and extensive FOREST PARKS. A desimblo pli for line ivsidenees and HEATHFl'L HOME A good opportunity for profitable investments. For ilhiKtrated pamphlet, ad dress, LINYILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., Llnvlllc, Mitchell Co., ?. C. IPELLMAN'I HATS. 5 BON MARGHE, 30 South Main St. ; NEW FALL GOODSs 5 ARRIVING DAILY. NEW BLAZERS. H.T.ESTABROOK'S Sill S. MAIN 8T., AHIII1VII.I.H, . is tii a n.c ni BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS AND TOYS. J.OCAL Views and Sketches. . apr IWd . HEAL ESTATE. 6WYN & WEST, knwori to Walter Owjrn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. &4ana Securely Placed mi Per Cent. Notary Public. CommlMHonrra of Deed.. FIRE INSURANCE. OVriCR-MalfeiMl Coariaq.ar., LIST TO THE HURRYING FEET I Of the Hundred, who are coming to Ashevlllr to Sirnd the Pall and winter. All thou, who have bonne, to rent .honld call on n. at once, ai we hue. many applies- tlona for both fnrnl.hed and unfurnished houses, which wc art at present nnnl.le to ,1111. JUNKS JUNKS, DEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. Room A 10, McAfee Block, an Pat ton Are.. Asheville. . C. F. A. GRACE, 0KCORATOR ANII- DKSIUNKR IN FRESCO. MISCELLANEOUS. ThcM are the brand. W our best FLOUR, the finest of the line, the be.t of all, and I. especially recommended to thim desiring the whitest and purest bread. In fact It Is the cream of ull the wheat Hkimmcd off Intn Hour We nro have other brandH nnd grades, and can furnish n good family flour us low ns $U.no, having secured a lot before ptisstng Into the hand, of sttcciiliitors. A. ' D. COOPER. Two wctiml-lmntl wiikoiis fur mile cfit'np. PRICES THAT TALK! A new lot of Comfort, Blankets, and other goods for eooler wenthor has juh! been received. Plasterers' White Overalls and Jackets, Nurses' CapH and Aprons Tlio largest lot of Chemis?, downs and Underwear to be found in the city, some fine goods, cheaMr than you cnn get the material and make them. Stocking in colors and Fast Pluck, Wool, Mo rino, Cotton, Lisle Thread, and Silk, from lOcts. tof2 a pair. All kinds of Press Trimmings, Buttons, Lin ing, i fart our stock of everything needed to tise or to wear for Men, Boys, Chil dren or Ladies is well nigh lierfect, ho that your WANTS from tho cellar to tho garret can bo filled at our store at prices nway below anybody clso. Don't buy anything until you try The "BIG RACKET" Rcnl Estate Brokers, And lncatnicnt Agent. Loan, at- urely placed at per cent. OfHceai SI4 art I'alton Aeenu. Ilccond Boor. fcbWdtv JOHN CHILD, ( Pormerlr of tjrwan Child . Office No. 1 LK1 Block. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER Strictly -Broker HualueM Loan, aecureljr placed at per cent. 11 IOAKIIINO. . . ... 1 . . t.. hn.iu wllk well erninnim r..,ii"i ," ........ rlnarta, . H'lj" location, near car line. Term, arconimuiimin' nuailodlm WM. R. KINU, OF THE ENGINEER CORfS, U S. N., I. located In A.hevllle SURVEYING. DranKhtlngofnnjr deiKTlptlon pedally MISCELLANEOUS. (lo to Cannichael's Drug Store with your prescription where you will at all times find a full line of pure fresh Drugs and Chemicals, and at low prices. His prescription department is stocked with the purest and best Drugs and Chemicals to be found in the market, both foreign and domeslie. And you can rest assured that your prescrip tion will be filled correct and tha t you will bo charged 11 low price. Three registered prcscriptionists ready to serve you at all hours. Night calls promptly answered. W. C. CARMICH AFX APOTIIKCAltY, No. ao South Malu Street, Asheville, N. C. T.C. Smith & Co., Public Square, Asheville, Finest Drug Stow in the State. Heaviest Stock of Drugs West of the Dlue Kidge, Largest Buyers ami Lowest .Sellers. leaders in Prices for Miles Around. Prescription Department untNpinlorf in lvuipincut. Don't Mistake the Drug Store Corner ()j- tosite the Court House, Handsome Autumn Novelties arriving daily. II. REDWOOD & CO. Clothing, ITry (Joods, Fancy Ooods, Shoes. 7 & 9 PATTON AVli. The IictI trade I. always our ohject. In order to do thl we are determined to aell (he lient good, at the shortest profit.. Our pure Clover Lenf Lard I. a. fine a. cnn lie mailt we guarantee It to aire .atlsfnctlnn. Ilur Ham. and llrciikni.t Hainn arc extra fine try them. We would alsn advluc you to try uv- New Nu. I Mackerel, Hue llcrrlnf, Cream Cod IM.h, 4kc. We always keep a frr.h .npply of Fine Hairy Duller. Iio not mistake thl. for th. I'lrkln Duller; It la far superior, sweet and fresh, direct from the dairy. Our Ohellsk Plour can seldom be equaled anil never ricitlcd, a. hundred, east' testify who have used It Air years. Do not fall to Kve II a trial. Kceetrullv, POWELL A BNIDKR, WIIOl.HHALK AND KHTAII. OROCHK", Cor. Patlon Avenue and Main street. THEJIEWS ! BY ASSOCIATED PRESS TO THE CITIZEN T0-DtY. ANOTHER LIVELY HOUR IN THE HOUSE TO-DVY. HI'KAHF.R RKICI CAN HKH NKN ' THMI'UH A WALL, Washington, Sept. t'J. In the house to-day Mr. O'PctthII, of Virniiiiu, ug CCHtcd tlmt there wits no itioruin pres ent, but Speaker Keed wua nltle to count one and the i !erV. proceeded to rend the journul. Ontes, of Aliibuma, O'Ferrell unci Crisp were the onlv democrats in their seats. The journal having lieen rend, Mr. Crisp objected to its approval and asked that it be amended ao u to show that Sicakcr Keed had sustained the point ol order he had made against the call of the roll in the Uingston ease. Mr. liiiiKley of Maine, moved to lay the amendment on the table. On a rising vote this motion was car ried, 140 to two, and Mr. Crisp raised the point of no quorum. The speaker counted 104 members pres ent, a quorum. Mr. Crisp challenged the correctness ol this count. 11c asked the speaker to order tellers to verily the count. Sjieuker Keed said tlmt he had taken great pains in the count und had no doubt ubout its correctness. Mr. liu ehanan, of New Jersey : "liring in your men and order tellers." Speaker Keed said tlmt hewasiuf trmcd by the doorkeeiers that there were a dozen democrats in the lobby. Mr. Crisp retorted that there was no provision ol the rules under which the doorkceiers could count a epiorutn. The Hwiiker declared thul the yens had it and that the amendment was laid upon the table. Mr. Crisi "Docs the chair decline to order tellers." The Sieaker "The chair docs." Mr. Chenille rose in protest, but his voice was drowned in a chorus ol de mands for the regular order from the re publicans. Mr. Mckinley ol Ohio, said he hoKil that the gentleman would I liermitted lo say a word. The Scakcr coincided in thishoic. Mi. l-uiiiston, ol Kansas, inlcrHscd a stren uous objection, but above the din Mr. Cheudlc was heard to declare that when the correctness of the count wus ques tioned tellers should Ik- appointed. The siKriikcr stated thul the question was on the approval ol the journal, and, the vote being taken, it rcsullcd ltililo a. IT'tt OR UtiATH. I'eiiitHylvaiila May o nemocrallc ana Meure uiw I'nii.AiiKi.i'iilA. Sent. 10. It is u very common remark that if the election could I held to-morrow I'littison would have n majority of not less than 50,000. This would lie a remarkable result in u slate that gave Harrison T'J.-'NO majority only ...... ..... m ...... I...I kiiII mi mure remark able thun is the present state ol affairs. M :......, ;l wi..uf .l h situation . Mil .,.t. v.... ...... ... ;-- I'allison's election seems no less certain :.. e....M.Ii..r t linn ll' tin. viiti-H were to be Thi will be brought alKJiit by the wide-spread revolt against . I I.K...... P....b I.,. 111. uimy lu llie ieiiuui...ii i.ii.R- . - .t.1.i:j .1. : .k:..l. (l.M ilttw u'rnt u SpiCllOlll .IIUWIII wr.iifct, " will make of their strcnKtli. Never was a party more fortunate in its lender than ;.. , i. .in,.urnev of I V-utiMvlvauia in hav ing ex-Go vcmorl'nttiscm lisitscniididntc. and rarely nave tne rcpuniicmu nan hundicaiicd us they arc with Dehunatcr. Not only his subserviency to ijuay ami III! vuincruoie rceoro, uui ... ..:.i....i:,.. n...i inn4 miiLi liim about the vmuiiiitj - - wcukesl candidate that could have been put up. liuuy is reaiiy irigiueueu i .. .. ii.. .. .ll .....L.. cv. rv ellurt to null Delni'uter through, nnd 'money will be I1L. ..(!., I, L'i.a hi. imsictv to BIWIiv itv nM.i. - .... - : . . get funds lor this purpose and his desire v i ti-...i.:.. .....I if,!,.. to come oiick iroiu ii r.ttinfc... .. " . . . .. . t . , l..t .: ,.. h l.,r.-.. lull. Mllldlul Ol mill iw umnm. . ... 1 1... .i.i.nitifi.'tiirer. who ilia ,iuiiii so ucnerously assisted him to purchusc . . . . . ..jut, I Ult.l Harrison election in i, - p"i. . I.. I..II r.ainnl mill tluubtlcSS lOI his ellorts is uhcudy receiving conlribu- lious to oil tne wiieeis oi m ihhi.hii,v. ll is u life and death struggle lor Uuny. THK AKRKMT Oi 1HI.I.ON. There Wast No Cause for It Appar ent lo Kverynoar. London. Sent. 10,-The arrest of the Irish leaden yesterday Idled a conspicu nliiec In the newspapers throughout the United Kingdom tins morning, iu M,.liinfiiiiti nre Burmiseu lo nc count lor Secretary llallbur'i sudden -. ...L. Tl.f. MimmiinPHt one Oil the lltirt of the'lilierul press is thai its object was to prevent union nun " wwn Nii n . ........... AH.nni.ilM.llinilllllH' to Ainenca uhuuhk hihh .i .tv i ...i:..:. nnii RiMivi. iiiu. . , The conservatives scout tuc niea mui Halfour could have acted from such u ...,ll motive. Thcv sec ill Ins urcscnt ....i;.. n i,iiil,lf cifort to tirevent the re currcncc of disorder in Ireland. On the ..1...1. ...,Hin-i. the imoreaaion mat tuc , ....l.lu. miiiiifiii i. so fur prcnoiiiiH.mi . ....... extremely donbtiul of the wisdom or ex- .u.,l.n.li.W 111 1111. lilll L-l IllllVllV ,UUI Ffc ... I"-" ' " the matter. M. C. RUM III.ICANH. They Meet and Adopt a Platform What VorT t'lllllA. Sent. 10. The rcnublicnn state conveiition to-day elected internal revenue collector wcusicr, cuairiniin oi tUC Stale executive uimmiiin, ire ("in- lorni ut" ,. y tion and Speaker Keed course, calls for the passage of the Hlnir educational bill .' .... I ...I.... I.w. I. .11 nM.I .M.Il.rMM ami oi tuc i.ouk1- ""( South Cnrolinn's educulio;ial system i...i.....(if wnuny niiiu..-... The Rankraplcy BUI. Washington, Sept. 10. The senate be- unn work to-day with a discussion of Senator Plumb's resolution to recommit the bankruptcy bill to tin committee ini rni'i inn. to brinur In a bill to lit) ply to voluntary, bankruptcy only. I'liiced on the calendar without action, u MM,,i,i..tf.rl in billa on the cnlcndnr were taken up. and among those pussed was the house bill to discontinue the coinage of $3 and $1 gold pieces and 3 cent nicxei picw. SOO DROWNKD, fliey uo Down In the TnrfclHh Maii-of-War. London, Sept. 19. Advices from Hier- gio state that tbc Turkish man-of-war Brtogrnul has foundered at sea, und that 000 ol her crew were drowned. The Brtogroul wns a wooden frigate, built us a cruiser of 2,344 tons displace ments. She mounted forty-one guns of small calibre, ami was built in 18(13. Os- mnn I'ashit and Ali Pasha, envoys ol the sultan to the emperor of Japan, were passengers on the Ertogroul und were drowned. CONGRESS'S ADJOURNMENT IT WII.I. PROIIARI.r RK ON MONDAY WKKK, The Conference Committee Re port (slow ProgressTo-Daj The Metal ttchedule Ih the Mtlckluit Point Not a Democratic Con tent. Washington, Sept. 10. The confer- uee on the tariff bill this morning did not touch upon sugar, binding twine or the tariff, ll is said the metal schedule really the principal obstacle to an igrecmcnt by the republican conferees, the senate conferees insisting on its amendments lowering the duties and the house conferees insisting on the restora tion of duties in the bill as it passed the house. It is said that the sugar schedule has been agreed to by the republicans, but formal action is withheld until other matters of difference are compromised. The general belief is now that the con ferees will hold their final session on Monday and thul congress will adjourn about u week later. RKPORT OFTHK jl'HV, Ramaices) and HeuenlH Amhcswcu on Mouth Main and KaKle Hla. The jury on the widening of South Main street to a width of fiU feet from Soutlisidc avenue to the city limits for the purjiosc of giving room to the street railway, nnd on the widening of Ivagle alreel, have made their reiHirt. It will e considered by the board of aldermen to-night. It is understood that there is onsiilcrable dbantisfnclion among the iropcrty ownersnlong South Main street is to the result of the jury's iuvestiga- ions. One of the proH-rty owners put t in this slin)K.': "I don't like to give a iig part of my lot to the city and in ad lition pay them what the rest of the lot is worth lor having the street widened." The report of the jury shows damages mil Iwnelils assessed 'igaiust the prop rty as for the following: SOI'TII MAIN STKIiKT. IIAMAI.KS. Mm. M, M. Orr $4"i0.(l0 ITill.UO K. 1. Voungblood 700.00 IIKNKFITS, 0. W. I'mk , ,..$ 50.011 S. Ii, lirwin 4110.00 I.' (iarrctt 1011.00 W. I". Davidson 75.00 nmes Patton 50.00 73.00 H7.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 212.00 37.00 50.00 Tweed Bros P. A. Panning Thomas Moore A. 0. West Merit Stevens M. Alexander " " " guardian ohn Cilasuow II. C. Hunt. on land between II. Wright and J. lilasgow 300.1111 A. Israel 200.00 Mrs. S. E. Buchanan 2.000.00 Asheville Park and Hotel Co... 0,300.00 W. W. McDowell 505.00 Total $11,205.00 The nroncrtv of Mrs. Smith and J. l-'rndv and one hall of the Patton lot is neither damaged or benefitted. Thereuort on Untile street snow tne following proiKrty damaged and Ikiic littcd. RAGI.K STMKKT DAMAC.I-S. H. Denver $1,500.0(1 Delia Loyd 150.00 Total 1,050.00 BKNKFITTKII. I-ots 72. 71. 60. 00. 59, 58, 57, 5(1, 56. 54, 43, 44, 45, 40, 47, 4H, 40, 50, 17, 1. 15,14,13,12, 11, 10, ol 1'carson pint one dollar oer front foot $0i3. The laud ot the lolllowing persons is also benefitted oncdollar per front loot. T. D. lo hnston V rm.iiii T. F. Davidson 147.00 County Jail 74.00 Mrs.J.A. Slniler lilectric Lt. and Power Co 195.00 A. Freck 30.00 W. M. Cocke, ir 200.00 Total $1,805.00 Whom Will They Kill. Pakis, Sept. 19. France has entered into a contract to supply the Russian government with nn enormous number of rifles. According to the terms of the contract ritio.iiiin ol tnrse weapons win lie riibvered within eighteen months. TRUE ' lMI'OKTA.XT. Walter Brcm was in Morgnnton day before yesterday, and brought buck with him a bunch of griiics that hnd on it four hundred and twenty-live riiiegraiies. The grape is of the "Palestine," or "grape of F.schol," variety, and the vine owned bv Mr. Clnvwcll at Morgnnton is the onlv one in this part of thcconntry so Inr as is known. Mr. Brcm nys he tins seen bunches of graiies from this vine tlmt were 2(Mi inches long. Charlotte Chronicle. Mr. J. W. Swift is brnggingtlint lie has a second crop of grills neurly rin. Durham Globe. Mr. Thos. loncs, of this county owns a dog that he iiiis taught to assist him in wormins tobacco. The dog, he soys, docs his work accurately and seems lo take a delight in assisting him. Mr. 11. A. Reams has a cherry tree on his home place that is now in bloom, and for the second time this year, the blos soms are litrize and full, and if nn early (ntmt Hni. tint pntch them out late some ;,.i,i h. will he rntinu the second growth of cherries in a few weeks. Dur- nam sun. THEY MEET OX THE STUMP, CRAWFORD1 AND KWAHT'S JOINT IUCBATICH. TIiIm Announcement Hliould Draw HliC Crowds and llrliiK Ihe Dem ocracy of Ihe Old Ninth lo the I-'ront, W. T. Crawford anil II. (i.Kwnrl, dem ocratic and republican nominees resee tively for representatives to congress from the ninth district will have joint debutes as follows: Webster, Monday, Sept. 22(1. Hurnsville, Wednesday, Sept. 24th. Bukersville, Thursday, Sept. 25th. Spruce Pine, l'ridny, Sept. 2(th. Marion, Saturday, Sept. 27th. Old Fort, Monday, Sept. 2'.llli. Dysnrtsvillc, Tuesday, Sept. 30th. Logan's Store, Wednesday, Oct. 1st. Kutherfordton, Thursday, (let. 2d. Haines' Store, Fridav, Oct. 3d. McParlund's, Saturday, Oct. 4th. Saluda, Mouduv, Oct. Oth. Hender8onvillc, Tuesday, Oct. 7th. Brevard, Wednesday, Oct. 8th. Mills Kiver, Thursday, Oct. Oth. Pigeon Kiver, Friday, Oct. loth. Fines Creek, Saturday, Oct. 1 1th. Wnynesvillc, Monday, Oct. 13th. Cherokee, Tuesday, Oct. 14th. Brysoii City, Wednesday, Oct. 15th. Kobbiiisville, Thursday, Oct. lU'.h. Murphy, Friday, Oct. 17th. Hayesville, Saturday, Oct. Kith. Aipione, Monday, Oct. 20th. Franklin, Tuesday, (let. 21st. Highlands, Wednesday, Oct. 22(1. Hamburgh, Thursday, Oct. 23d. Candler, Saturday, Oct. 25tb. Leicester, Monday, Oct. 27th. Sandy Mush, Tuesday, Oct. 2Kth. Spring Creek, Wednesday, Oct. 20lh. Marshall, Thursday, Oct. 30th. Weaverville, Friday, Oct. 31st. Asheville, Saturday, Nov. 1st. If cither should be unable to meet the appointments he will have a representa tive. The sinking will begin promptly at 12 in. TUKI'I.I. II K THKRK, A Full Meetlnii oflhe Hoard of Al dermen To-NI(ht. It is likely that there wilt be a full meet ing ol the board of aldermen to-night as all of the members of the board have sig nified to Thk CmzK.N to-day their inten tion to be present. ANTI-I.OTTF.RV HII.I.. That and Ihe River and Harbor Hill aiKned. Washington, Sept. 19. The president signed the anti-lottery and the river and harbor bills ut Cresson, Pu., to-day. To llrliiK the Moon Near. Hum, is, Sept. 19. The lens for the big tclcscoK.' at the 1'niversity of southern California, which recently urrived in this iiuiilrv. was unpacked liy Mr. Alva l. Clark, the veteran telescoiie maker. The glass was in good condition nnd the fin ishing touches will be begun at once. t will take about three years to finish the work. The lens is 3 feet 4 inches in diameter, 2'i inches thick ut the centre, and 1 Vi inches thick at the edge. It rep rcsents twelve month s work now, anil when finished will represent a value ol about $70,000. Thirty Acren and a Mule. Anniston, Aln., Sept. 19. The negroes of the seventh congressional district met in this city recently to devise means ol bettering the negroes' condition in the south. Many resolutions were offered, but the one which caught the majority of the delegates was a ictition to con gress asking that the government make every married negro a present of a good inrin, well stocked, und advance money to run it one year. Rockefeller's) fi,ooo,oooUlfl, Chicago, Sept. 19. A pledge of $1.- 000,000 to the new university of Chicago was conveyed to the trustees of the in stitution to-day in u letter from John D Kockafeller, who has already given to the university $l!00,000. To Visit a Queen, Pakis, Sent. 19. lt isstutcd that Prce- dent Caruot is exiccted to visit (Juccn ictona at indsor next spring. Dion llouclcault Dead. Nhw Vokk. Sept. 19. Dion Iloucicniill died last night alter a lingering illness, AI I WIUS OF CONSEOl l-SCE. I'ORIOGN. The Austrian warship Taurus, which was reported to hnve foundered in the 11KICK sen, nns nrrivro ni loiisuiiiuim pie with her boilers damaged. WASHINGTON. Chairman Flower, of the dcnuxTntic congressional campaign committee, is experiencing dilliculty in raising cam paign iiinu.. The agricultural population In Ohio shows a marked decrease, due, it thought, to migration to cities mid to tar western stales. The United States senate has passed n joint resolution appropriating $50,iHK) tor a new site lor the Lntavetie statue. liightv private tension hills were passed 111 me sennic l illirsiliiy ill uuny uniiiuca, IIOM II. It is said three ol the men arrested for wrecking the Montreal .express tram have confessed, K. Gardner Chase & Co., bankers nnr brokers, of Boston, have failed with lia bilities of $2,0110,000. In a sermon in Lynchburg Kcv. Sum loncs, denounced in severe terms the managers oi tuc Louisiana lottery. Six captains of the twenty-second New York reiiinicut have Ih-cii arrested on charges of conspiracy preferred by the colonel The total rninlall in New York for the eiL-lit (lavs ending Wednesday night when the ruin ended, was (1.0(1 inches, one of the heaviest on record. The public schools ol New York arc In' adequate to aceiimmodute the pupils an- plyiug,l5,(iiMiciiiuircn Having neen turned nway lor lack oi room, anu tne instruc tion l. un.llliBiiiciuryi Robbers tunneled under the vault of the hank at Dallas, Ore., Monday night, and blew the vault open. The amount taken is in the neighborhood of $10,000. There i B uv cmc w iwuimh MISCELLANEOUS. ANTIMIGRAINE. TUH NEVER FAILING CURE FOR HEADACHE. TKAUB MARK RBOISTBRBD. ABSOLUTELY SAFE, PERFECTLY SURE AND ALWAYS SPEEDY. Cures) F.very Variety of Headache AND NOTHING BI.BB. Has earned for itself liTlUinOAlUC niimiuiininL the envmUe reputa tion of being the finest, most effective and reliable article u. tbc market for the speedy relief and cure of every yariety of that common trouble, Headache. The immense fuvor which ha greeted it from all quarters, proves its true merits and acceptability to the public. It if some thing which almost everyone needs, and those who have once tried it, will never lie without. For its curative powers it does not de pend upon the subtle influences of such poisonous drugs as ANTTPYKINIi, MOKI'HINU, CHLORAL AND COCAINE, Since it does not contain an atom oi cither ol these. It is absolutely tree from injurious chemicals, and can be taken by young uud old without fear or serious results. It is nc a Cathartic, does not disarrange the stomach, and contains uo noxious or sickening ingredient. The peculiar advantage of Antimi graine consist in it being thoroughly rcliuble as a cure for any kind of bead ache without respect to ex. Bsc leaving no unpleasant or annoying after -effecta. us in tbc case of other so-called "barm- less" remedies. These qualities make it the most populur and saleable article in the market, wherever known. DIRIU...ON8 POR USB. The due. for an adult U two teaapoonful. In a wine alas, of water. Uom forchildrea proportion, according to age. la either case the diae can be repeated every thirty tninue. nntil a cure i. cflcetcO. One done will alway. drive away an attack of Headache, If taken when first feeling the premonitory symptom.; but u tbc attack la well on. and suffering I. intense, the second or third doee may be required. Usually a greater number of doses i. required to effect the Ant cure than i. needed lor any succeeding time there after, .bowing that the medicine I. accumu lative la lu eircet., tending toward an event ual permanent cure For sale at UK-ANT'S PHARMACY. WUITLOCK'S, 46 48 S. MAIN STREET, Oppcwite Bank of AabCTlllc. UNLOADING SALE. Dry OoodH, Fancy Goods, and NotioiiH, Lace Curtains, Tablo LinciiH, TowoIh, Nui- kiiin, CountcriiancH, White Joods, and 1'nibroidorios nt iriino cost. All Domestic (Joods, including Pride of the West, Wamsutta, Fruit of Loom, 4-4 Cottons and 10-4 Sheetings nt prime cost. We call sptH-ial attention to our large stock of Em broidery and Knitting Silk, Zephyrs, Wools, Silk and Outline Work. All go at prime cost. Ladies' Muslin Underwear at cost, Kid Gloves, Hosiery and Ribbons at unusually low-prices. Ladies will save money by attending this special sale. P, o. 1101 augJudlm. , s,JWJ "J"