AKHEVIUJ5 DAIJ.Y CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 22. 1800. M I ft P I t mi 1 1 t' i. , -. ..'..1. mi if lit ? 'Hi'- I iNl : 3 THE HEAD OF THE CORNER. tUCRMON HV J. I. KOBKKHON VKHTIiKUAV, Why no ito Many of llie Prettenl Day Reject ChriMl, In the All-Im portant and MomenlouM Que. tlou More study of Mod's) Word Needed. Kev. J. D. Robcrson preached the fol lowiiiK sermon at the Methodist l!piscn pul church, corner Huttrick nml Huv- wood streets, yesterday : Luke ao:l7 Whnt in till then thnt I. writ ten, Till' mime which the Imllilem reject' U the lime in become the heuil ol the curlier ? These words were tittered during the atirrhiK scenes ami solemn deeds of the week in which Christ was put to death. On Siindav he makes the triiiinphalentry into holy city. On the crest of the Mount Olives lie pauses; the only one of all his tory to stop a triumphal procession to weep in pity lor his enemies. He (joes straight to the temple, views it in all its parts and then as he had done in the be (iinniiiK ol his ministry he cleanses it ol the vile horde of traders that dclile the sanetuaiv of Cod. lie spends Monday und Tuesday teiicliiii", and prem-liiiiK tin lmisih'I and in debate with the learned ami rulers in Jerusalem, He completely loil the ellorts ol all lus assailants to enira I lim in his words until no man durst asi. 1 1 tin anv more iniestions. Tuesdayeven iny He makes 1 1 is last exit from the tem ple; it was the last time the holy leet ol the Son of Cod walked iiiiou the sacreil lloors of thai liuililiitK- The j;lirv ol tin house departed, it was left desolate. Just lielnrc He passed the n-tiv He paused liv the the treasury and lichclil the uivcis ciisliiii; in their ollerinj;. Christ's eye is always on the treasury ol Ins cause, lie saw the poor wulow cnsi in the two mites ami observed what slit had It'll. Cod's Sou eves what is left as well as w hat is uiven. Jesus comuiciideil the wulow. She was iiolanatic, shcjjavt her li villi' and vet she lived. It was duriiiii this ilav that the solemn parable of the wicked husbandman win. maltreated the servants ol the lonlol tin vineyard ami finally destroyed his son was spoken. The' Pharisees perccivcn that it was spoken auai'ist them, ami that the miserable destruction in the liar able Hiiiiteil to their own nwlul doom, and they cry out, lloil forbid." Chrisi answers, "What is this then that is writ ten. The stone which the builders re jeeted, the same is become the headol tin comer .' There are these thoughts sujj;cslcd b this text that 1 wish to c'lipiinsi.c. Christ's deference lor the holy seiii tares. In his home and in the Hvii.iy.'K"' at Nazuri-tli he had studied the hol word. In the great temptation in tin wilderness he lolled Ins toe m every con lliet with an utterance of what wit. written. iMirmj,' the yrenl debates in passion weak he always rcicllcd his op pouetits liy a relerence to the scriptures Ills commands are dearth the ;tcri lures," "Cive thyself to reading. "Study to show thvself a workman. One ol the needs ol this iikc is mini study ol liod s word, with a purpose I do its teachings. How many make tin readiuu ol the word a matter ol con scions duly ? How many have rules and hours lor its study. I o we count it a sii. to neglect the word, as to tail to pray in observe tin- Sabbath or to lie or ilelraun or drink !' Head, study ami do the word The text sieaks ot the "Rejection in Christ." SliaiiKealeeil that this licnti tilul polished sloue should be reliisea. Why was it so? The prophets throii;h all the aes had pointed to his coming. They hud ileeril?il almost every event ol his wonderlul lite. How and when and where born, the virgin mother, flight lo Ivvpt, return to Na.arelh, the uilis ol t lie wise from the east, his jotiruev, toil, sulleriiik', his arrest, trial, death, burial, resurseetioii. He came filling their predielions, yet he was "despised and rc;cclcd" ot men. His miracles were wrought liefore the eyes of the world. Thev were wonder ful, hciiiliccnl, simple, credible, and yet thev failed to convince the incredulous Jew. He came to his own mid his own received him not. His life for the Ix'nuty ol holiness was mieiiialeil by finy thinn ever seen unearth liclorc. ToweriiiK in normal U-auty high above all llie bright examples of pure ami holy lives that had ever graced the glolic. His words hud in them lite and power. "He spake us never man spake;" his utterances were protound, original, simple, lolty. He stirred up no slrifeand raised no sedition, yet when the Jew saw him he had no comeliness thai they should desire him. The puzzle yet remains why they rejected him. Hut above this rises an all iniHir taut and momentous question, why do so many of the present day reject him ? Who can tell us? It is the problem of the ages. Twenty-live million inlnlls in the Cniled Stales, in the land ol boasted religious light, who own Christ as divine and the Saviour of men, the llible inspired and teaching the will ol (tod, who nelieve in a lieu ami heaven und a coming judgment ami yet these millions are without hoiie and without Cod in the world. What explains this wholesale drittiiig Innn I I I he III hie. Man's heart is set lo do evil. He loves sin. It is in his fallen nature. He loves darkness nilher than light. It requires a strong ilelermiueil ell'ort of will mwer to lieeome u I. hrislmu. This durk picture is relieved by the tltouuht that Christ is to lie exalted. The stone rejected lieeoims the head ol I he corner. hat to human view seemed more hopeless than the cause of Christ when Jesus was in the tomb? The shci herd smitten anil dead the Hoc k scattered and discouraged. Not n church, temple, vnagogue or school eoiihl it claim. Mi men ol wealth, renown or inlliienec. I 'eel ilc women and dispirited Cubical) hshc ruicn. Koine s seal upon the leaders grave, but the cause of Christ survived mid litis grown through all the centuries. Kings mid rulers have set themselves aguinst the Lords anointed. Mighty armies hare arrayed themselves against the church of the living Cod. Hut that church is stronger to-day than ever be fore, with the glorious promise that it shall fill the whole enrth. Wc need have no fears that the cause of Christ will tail The great ((uestion that concerns us is, Are we reieeting Christ? Ho wc re ceive his word ami oliev his commands? Wc cannot respect him in the nine sense the Jews did. We cannot arrest, try and condemn and erueilv him lis they did. We can drive no nails in his hands or spikes in his leet, but wc can wound or hurt his cause. Wc can drive nails in the hands, spikes in the feet and lance in the henrt of his cnuse. His cause is dearer to him than band or foot or heart. He gave lus mum, neuu ami nean 10 oe nriiisrti, cut. torn, mangled, that his cause might prosiier. Oh, wound not the cause of God by oien sin or earless living. Let vour liuht be bright, vour cross daily Txirnc, your soul filled with all the fulness ol liotl. Died. At her home In Upcr Hominy town hip yesterday morning lit 4 o'clock, Mrs. Martha J. Morgan, wifeof Mr. Wm. Morgan, aged 60 yean. Her death was supposed to have been from heart'! dis ease, as she lived only three or four hours after the was taken sick. The fu neral was held from the Baptist church t S o'clock yesterday afternoon. AROUND TOWN. 'nrecssl till 8 a. Ill- Till-Ml ay Local ruliiHt Hlatlonary tempera ture i varlalsle wlndH. Hon. Fred. I'liilips, of Tnrboro, is registered at Mattery I'urk hotel. Miss Nannie Shot well, of Washington Citv, is visiting Mrs. W. 1.. Hrotherioi on Haywood street. Cant. I. M. Kd wards, of the citv police force, lelt to-day for Keidsvillc lo visit his brother, who is' very ill. Miss Hattie Mitchell, of Henderson ville. is in the city, visiting at Key, Hr. Carroll's on Merrimon avenue. Mr. I. P. Cooehinil. traveling corres pondent of the llaily Commercial, Mem phis, Tenn., was in the city to-day. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather the ilill'erent churches were at tended by large congregations yester day. Col. Ceo. II. Ilaigh, of Fiiycltevillc, is in the citv, representing the Provident Savings Lite Assurance Society, ol New York. Hon. Wharton J. tireen, of Puycttcvillc. who some weeks since nwide purchases if real estate in the citv ainouulitig to $7.-,immi or 80,(11111, is in the city closing up his deals. W. W. Zacharv. of Transylvania county, democratic nominee for the leg islature, passed through the citv to-day ni his way lo Knlcigh to attend the stale convention of the Y. M. H. C.'s. A telegram received this morning, an nounces the death of Prof. . . Part ridge, at his home in Jotiesboro. X. C, ol typhoid lever, lie was a graduate ol irinity col ege, and has lor some linn ikcii principal of loueslioro high school. There will be a meeting of the ladies ol Asheville Wednesday p. in. I Sept. " fill I .it V o'clock ill the V. M. C. A. rooms .. take steps toward organizing the "Wo man's lixchange." A very lull all- ml nice is desired. The meeting was post poiied from Julv until now, hoping thereby lo secure a much larger attend ance. Two gentlemen from Harlem coiinlv. Kv with Winchester rilles ami pistols aangiug from their Ults, apiearcd in i he residence of 'Sipure Midline jester lay to obtain a warrant lor the arresi if two negroes. Cranville McCraw and William I'liei-. who had cscaRil to Mil itate, charged with the murder of a man named Middleton. At last account thev nail not captured their man. I'KIIMINIiKT 4KHIV.II.H, Ih There Anv One Here Thai Known Vnu 7 Arrivals al the Swaiinanoa hotel Sat urday and Sunday were as follows: A. It. Allison, Hrvsoii City, N. C; W. II liiehlierg, Atlanta. Ca.; Mrs. I.. Won derly and sou, Miss Isalielle Woudcik, St. Louis: W . S. llallil'iirtou, liii haui. S. C: li. . Willigerod, Cincinnati, . Arrivals at the Oaks Hotel Saturday .mil Sunday were as lollows: lion. It li. Ilattle and wile, Little Kock, Ark ; Miss A. II. Hale, Ci.uiuii.iti, W. II Cornelius, Stalest illc. . C; Mis K. 11. liarrmger and sou, Miss P. M. Isom. 'ixliinl.J. P. Carter ami wile, l.evaxtioii. Pa.; K.J. Winter, New York; K. I'ingei ml wile, Louisville, Ky.; Chas. I.. Ilol land ilc, I lanville ; Chas. Ilollisler mid wile. New Heme; Mrs. A. II. Site, iMn liam; K. I.. CoodMster, Louisville, K. I'.lcH Knek arrivals on Saturday ami Sunday were ns lollows: Judge I'red Phillips, N. C; II. M. Ilickford mid wile. i'ico, W. McC.'iuley and wife, llosloa ; . II. Normciil. I ai linglon ; L. C. linn- iniiigs, New York: . A. M inula v, I'rank liu; W. M. Siiton, Kuoxville; Hon. ILC. Ivwart, lleuilersouville; It. II. I rvsou, N C; J. W. White. S. C; W. Y. Kourke. Kuoxville; John W Cole, Kockiiighaui ; Mrs. K. S. Hallowny, Kv.; P. S. Itrooks. S. C; C. K. iloiiuiwell. Hickory ; John II. Newton, Marion; N. P. Camion, At lanta; J. Y. Johnston, Kuoxville. Among the arrivals at the Crand Cen tral hotel Saturday and Sunday were W. J. Kvaus and wife, S. C; V.. J. Ilaxler, lonesboro, Tenn.; W. K. (iiiuaut, N. C: K. C. Porter, Kichmoml; C. A. Lowry Tcnti.iJ. II. Payne, wile and three ehil dren. N. C; C. W. Payne. W. X. C. K. K.; C. W. Candler, railway mail service; M. I Cooier, llrevarri; J. M. Wilson, bonis ville, Kv.; P. S. Urooks.K. P.K. K., W Y. Kourke, Kuoxville; . II. Adams, Marshall, N. C: M. Ilackbiuder, Char loite, X. C; P. II. Akcrs, Tenn.; W. N Moore, Louisville, Kv.; J. S. MeYev Kichmonil, Ya.; IC. C. Nichols. Marion, N. C; I'ico. II. Ilaigh. I'a vetteville. X. C: B.C. Iliugham, VMitltier, N. C; W. II. Cnrducr, Yancey count v, N. C; M. Y. Moore, Italliniore: T. II. Allen, Mills Kiver, N. C; W . W. Zacharv, llrevard. N. C; W. II. Tyson, N. C.; W. S. Daniels. C. L. Wayland, Washington, The following were registered nl the Hutterv Park Saturday and Sunday: W. Rosenthal, Atlanta, Ca.; Mrs. U'ou Hud son, Atlanta, Ca.; C. C. McConnell ami wife, child and nurse, I'. S. Army; C. II. Petlil and wile, the Misses Pettit, b. II. Petlit, New Orleans; li. Packard ami wile. Miss M. W. Packard, Miss Clara II. Packard. Ilrooklvn; T. K. Cherry, Xew York; Jim. W. Carson and wile, Washington; T. M. Dawson, llaltimore; P. P. linger. Charleston, D. C; T. J. Davis. Savannah, Ca.; K. II. Hood, llal timore; Ldwiird P, Wit sell, Charleston, S, Ci Jno. Howie, Washington, D. C; Jas. L. Fleming, Augusta, Ca.; K. Wool fenders, Norlolk; Hon. I'red Phillips, Tnrboro, X. C; W. lidniiston und family, Springfield, Ohio; A. W. Coehrell, jr., laeksonville, I'la.; C. Magel, iH'troit: C. C. Persons, Weslboro, Nlass.; AlUrt Cuicsbnch unil wife, New York; Ldwnrd Yarnell, Allrvd Ciiie, Philadelphia; Adolph Cluss, Wnshiugton, D. C; Cupt. Krelslord Webb, Morristowu, Tenn, Tallornona Mlrlfce. The pantaloon and vest makers in in the tailoring establishments of J, W. Schnrtleauil l. K. McKinnon, went out on n strike this morning. An advance was mndc, going into effect this morn ing, by Mr. Selinrtlc, in the wages of his coat-mnkcrs, allowing the same prices paid by McKinnon. The pantaloon and vest makers in both shops then demanded a raise. The demand is now being con sidered by the tailoring establishments. The price heretofore paid for milking pantaloons and vests has U-m $1.75 to $X00 each. The increase in pay de manded is only for extras, which will av erage about fifty cents on each garment. Mayor's Court. In the absence of Mayor Klanton this morning City Clerk Miller disposcdof the following cases: Joseph Pluck and Wm. Reed, for fi(jht ing, plead guilty and were fined $ft and costs. Both were waiters at Mattery Park hotel and were in chnrgc of Officer J. L-. Duncan of Hnltery Park. wm. Mitchell, a wane manirom ivnox ville, Tenn., charged with drunkenness, plead guilty and was fined $5. Several other cases were pending, but the parties failing to apiiear, they were continued. TO BEG I NUMERATIONS. THK HOI'HKKKKPKRH' I'M ION OKUANItKD, The Ladles) Will Form a Hlock Coinpnny and KMtanlltth a I.iiun day The MervaulH to be Or u un tied as Well as) the MtHtreNNea. Another meeting of the laoies inter terested in the solving of the servant girl question wits held at the Y. M. C. A. rooms Saturday afternoon, Mrs. T. W. Ilrmtch was elected vice president and Miss M. Y. Chamlierhiin secretary. It was decided to call the organization the "Asheville Housekeepers' I'nion," A pre amble, of which the following is a part, wns adopted : "Ilc it Kesolveil, That we the ladies ol the housekeepers' union do agree not (o hire any servant who cannot present a ccrtilie ile of ipialilication lor such wink as is reipureil ol tier, signed ny some member of said union in good standing." The ladies will, among other reforms contemplated, form a stock company and slablisli a general laundry. The amount ol stock will beabout$.'i,0IKI Thiscstah lisluucul will he started as soon as possi ble and will be lilted up with the licsl ol im dern laundry machinery. The laundry w ill be conducted bv the I'nion. At an early day Mrs. Pitch, president of the I'tiioit will call a meeting of the servants ol the city und will form a union ol them. This organisation will he lor the protection ol the servants. No gill who cannot furnish satisfactory rcferencis will Ik- admitted into the union. All !iousckceHTsof theeity areslrongly urged lo al lend the next meeting of the Cuion, Saturday at 4 o'clock al the Y. M. C. A. Mis' Pitch, president ol tin I'nion, is at work now interesting the ladies ol the city in the organization. The Kuoxville Seittiaelol Saturday has the following paragraph with reterence to the Kuoxville I'nion ; "Come Monday, Srptcmlicr 'J-. at .'I o'clock p. in., l.'iliOay streel. ami hear the reports of the committers on the ipicstioii, 'How shall we stvure reliabU and trustworthy servants?"' MhootliiK Nerspe. On yesterday afternoon, near the di pot, Chas. Miller shot one Kerry Kay in the llcshy pan ol he thigh. He had Iktii shooting annual the cemetery dur ing the day and the police were after hull lor that olfeace. With a self-acting re volver Miller was standing in Iroiit ol Kay showing how he would treat the hi lice, w hen the pistol tired w ith the abovi result. The shooting was puiely acci dental, flic slieiitl was nlier Miller immediately, but returned at II o'clock last uighl without having captured him The injured man was attended by Di. Ch.'is. iTilliurd, ami is reported as not si riously hull ami doing well. The l-'unvrHl of Win. Jolilixlotl. The luneral of the late William John ston wns held Irom the residence ol Mi. W. T. Weaver at ."i o'clock yesterday al lernoou. The remains were followed to I he cemetery by a large number "I sor rowing liicmls. The service werecoii' diietnl lo Key. Dr. Kaiikiu, of the Cen tral M. 1". chin eh, the lollowiug gentle men acting us pall-brartTs: M.J. Hear dm. W. P. Illair.J. M. Kay. li. . Aston, Ceorgc Shiilord and W . It. Peuiaiiil. L'l.liKi! Y ..l fill KCII. Dr. A W. Miller, of Charlotte, arrived in Murphy last Tuesday nltcrunou, and led Wednesday for llayesville, where he dedicated I he church last Sunday. He was assisted by the Key. Mr. Ilrown. To a Haptist church needing a pastor, we would commend our llro. J. o. Alder man, ot Hawley's Store, Sampson cani ty. N. C. He is a consecrated young brother, anxious to engage in lite .Mas ter's cause. Iliblical Recorder. Dr. II. W. Ilnys. ol 'the llayesville Col lege, delivered, on last Sunday morning, oiieol luseloipieut and ch.iracieristieser moiis to n largeandanpi.viaiiveaiidiniee al the Mi ihodist i linrch. Dr. Hays is loved by our H'ople to an exleut that he should i'eil proud "I and should he leave this country, we shall deeply lecl his loss. Murphy Scout. Rev. T. S. Ilrown, pastor of the Luther an ehnrih. of this city, tendered his resig nation as pastor, to the church otlicials. Mr. Hrowu's imor health is the moving cause ol lus resignation. Just what Mr. Ilrown will do is not now Known, but it is probable he will engage in commercial lile at liisold home in Virginia. Charlotte Chronicle, Al tie last meeting of the district eon lereuee al Faimiiigtou, the Metlmdisla determined to establish a high chool in the eoiiiereuee, and selected Salisbury for the location. Rev, J. W. Cuthric went More the chandler ol commerce and laid the mutter Ih lore that body. Now J. S. MeCtibbius oilers the Harrison mansion on Chestnut Hill lor the school building, at a pnir much Ik low its real value. toy Itch on human and horses and all animals clued in thirty minutes by Wool lord's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold bv KuvsorK Smith, druggists, Ashe ville, N. C. ' Ijuly IM w tjun 1. Ill MIMt-.Mt NOTICKS. Whnlrnnle rlcvN on srott Jarn. Ily thrlmx only : quarts. 75 cents xr doen; one half gall ins, tl'.l cents iloneii. Cash only. No v is the time to make up clubs, and save nionev. Always low est pru.es at Law's, on Spoilt h Main St. A Nw Rasd to HUN. II' you arc wise and wish to lieeome healthy and wealthy also, vou will use Holier King or blcctrie Ligltt Hour; br cause the Asheville Milling Company's Hour is not only thelwstbut thecheatxrst. A HHd HMllroHd Wreck iHVtirred several days ago on one ol on most important trunk lines. Nolsid) hurt but all the baggage except the Knller-Trny Trunks wns smashed up. liny one. Sold bv dealers. Made hv II. W. Koiiudlree it tiros., Richmond, Va. UrtTThe Home lluilding ami Loan As sociation, of Asheville, N. C, Col. Prank Cose president, comineneed oieriitions lust Saturday, (In next Saturday and every Saturday thereafter lietween the hours ot 5 and 7 p. m. at C, T. Kuwls' ollicc on t'atton avenue. The weekly in stallment which is fifty cents on each share of stock take", must be paid, All who wish to become members, call on Mr. Kuwls this week to you can begin at the beginning and start with the rest. The nsssiK'iation will loan you $J(K) for eneh share of slock tnkrn. Only cost fifty cents n week on a share. If you wish to build It house or pay for one al ready built lieeome member at one. Dr. II. Fs Arrington, It'llOKON sli DKNTIIT, Plain teeth a .ntclMltv. also tirntlnv illt- essrii glim, snil sll cllwsiw. perlalnlns to tne neniiti .irui-iura, imn iwim, nn i-si-ton avenst, ovtr Haysor Smith', drug tor.. Buy Lln-acjr'a uld Book toW.N.C Price as ot. A SCENE WITHOUT EE- Attractions Extraordinary ! A Free Show, and Everybody Invited I The "Palace" $50,000 Of the FitH'st (looils from the Ireland, Switzerland and France for your examinntion. A g'in'antic stock und im irresistible array of the most fnsh- ioniible fn I tries for the Fall and OUR PALI Of Fine French Millinery, Dry and Fancy GoocIh, takeH place TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY :"", 2-T" ATD 25 1NSTS. All me eordially iiiYited to attend. Special low prices will lie made Openinfj: Days. A large display of Imported Hats from Paris and a beautiful collection by our own Artists will be t hi exhibition. Kveryt hing complete in this depart men). Our Dry Goods Department ImmcnKC. ' I, 00 square feet of space elties for Fall wear represented here. A COM PLKTK DRY (iOODS STOUK is the term applicable to our house. With a corps or thoroughly trained assistants (Ladies and (Iciitlcmen) whose politeness is equal to their e.Hri- dice, and a stock of goods inferior to none in the South, we hope to retain the immense ily grown since our advent. Attend our Opening. Don't forget the dates :11, lth ami "th at F. P. MIMNAUGH'S, No. ii Patton Avenue. hi:rk's anothkk unk, The MwsmiHiiiis Ktver Urmocrnt. tc Cluti Hss h !IiIii. A larKC anil entliusiastic miTtiii); ol' ibis club was belli Sntiirilay, the Until iust., at the Newton ncailemy at ,T o'clock, representatives Irom llillmore, Haw Cnxk, Limestone ami Swannanon town sliiits bcinu pn'senl. ThemeetinK was callcil to order by V. P. ChccslMiro with Mr. K. I'. Walker in the chair. An election of olliccrs wus belli with the lollowiug result: rresulent Win li. Ilreese; vice iirrsi ilcnts K. I'. Walker, W. C. Sales, l. S. Roberts, llillmore; T. T. I'ntton, Haw Creek: W. K. l owers. Limestone; W. K. Alcxnniler, Cooier's: secretary N. A. I'enlnnH; corresHiiulin)r secretary J. H. Cain; treasurer II. . Aleiamlrr. SKTchet nrcvritam were ntnilc by Messrs. Ilreese, Walker, I'enlnnil, Alex aniler anil others, all tcniliiid to eniilia sixc the rlelcrminnlion of the club to maintain ami iiiholil its provnl reconl as tlie banner ilcmocralic club of the county. The memliersonean.l nllarciletermineil ami Swannanon may lie cspcclco' to do her duty nobly in November as she al ways does. Indes to New AdtrrtlRentcnln. 1....T Cltlarn liltliT. Ammniimsnt It it r.utlirrr. I'oH Ksmt .17 IIiivw.hnI .Irrrt I'o. SLk. Clin 11'- I'. l lloi IH. WlHTKS Moasii Mr ThiHl M. Ilarkrr. W.ntsii The Hmixrr Manulnetufina Co. L,mT- Hntunlav rvrnlnil In Ih. vk Inlty of Court IMatv. a .tiMrhl-hMm-d timlitr with uarnct net. Krward II reiurnrd lu C II urn lulu. ptIK SALH. CllltAI'. Nmall Droecry liualneM, good location Ad Ire. I1. It. yil.X IN. ANTKll. ttond salrmefl and enlln-lnr. for Hi y and rminlry. Nun. liut mm m am.fl rrlrn-ner. ami annl. TIIU HINllHM M' I' O CO , aeplUUd.'lteiHl 0!1 Snath Mala HI. w INTKK IIOAKH. Nn. A hi antes , halt suare front street railway MM It TIKin. M. ItAKKIIR. seprjUil.'lt atownlaat ?IIK NIINT. 1 1 huh of elaht room. Nn. ST Haywood trrei, in simnI repair, on line of Miwt ear., with ctly water anil w.r rooaeetlon.. Ap ply al nnt dour, earner uf Jeflenajn lrt. arpttiuil.'tt MKNIiMBNT. I hrirliy annnane myarlf an Inrtrprndrat randlilttlr lor the nISc of Itniirrior Court Clerk of tluaenmlit county, anlilrrt lo Ihr w ill of Ih. w,..l at Ih. Nor.mlwr t Inllua. Thl. Mr,,i,.niicr !I0, IHtHI. arpuilwtt B. O. OIUKIHH. fjl'IIN KOM IM)AKIlBH The CiintmlnKS lloaw, Nn II tlallry street, I now ni.n for th. reeeptlon of hoanlrr, liy the day, week or month, at mndrrair ral a. The reiitral Im'atlnn of the honar make. It Kiiallv ilralralik fur buslne. men. m ottuiiai PICTURE JRAMES. Gold, MTtr, Ivory, Oak, Oil and Combi nation Moulding. AIM Room Mnaldlnis. IMctumi Matted, Moanted and Framed at lowest pries and wort iraaraatetd. Bnirrav inm, Palatinaa and Looal Views always oa and at ESTABROOK'S, a S. Main BV, nrltd Asheville. PARALLEL I Brilliantly Adorned ! WORTH I Looms of America, ICngliind, Winter of lH'.X). OPENING juiniiitil ! All the latest XttY- patronage which has stead BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE, IIHAM'.HS IN Stovett and Tinware. PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FiniNO, SLATE AND TIN ROOFING. , PAINTS and OILS. AtiHNT HOK THE PASTEUR FILTER, IN ALL HIZKn P11M HAMII.V ANII IIOTUI. t'HII. UMrattlcv1 lo be Ucrm Proof. ALL HIZKS KKI-T IN HTIICK. NOTICE TOTIIIIHII NHItlHNU 11 A. It I. Important lo use only the beat ma terial for Nltlewslta, I have arrangrd to keep In .lock an I use In my work the celebrated I'llMMUMlt. IIIIK-KTHTTIN ANl HtIK Hit A Nil" of tlUHMAN I'OMTLNII Cll MIINT, which Is sard larxtly for that pur poar, and In prrn-rmea to many other kind., In NltW YORK,' CHICAGO, T, PAt'L MINNIIAIMII.lt, ttHTNOIT, NKW (IH- t.RANH, NT. AimiMTINIi ANII OTIIHK CITIItn. Letters from these places showing It to be much taprrlor to the brsnds ordi narily nsrd her aad teatlmonlal. as to It. superior qaallly will b shown to anyone Interested. C. E. MOODY. OfBcc No. $0 Patton Avenue, TBLttPMONB NO. 40. Yard and Warehona near ttepot. Tel- pkoat T8. ASHEVILLE AUYliKTlSIMIiNTii ICE RATES FOR In quantities not less Hum one ton lit I rnctOTy....... In iiHntllii's in. t Us limn niie Im If ton at factory ruin iiuunils, an tickets, 10 iiuunds each lion ,, wo " in " 7110 l!H ' --'ft " 7no " til v no ' loon " 10 ' inn Tickets In dollar iinekiiges mill miv iiiaiilltj our oilier liir cash nr tickets. Asheville Ice & Telephone No. 36 and 4 THE JEIXICO AND J JEST ANTHRACITE COAL -- I'or sale lit Wholesale anil Ketnll hy ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY, Telephone 36 and 40. liseluslve Agent, ilioiiiestie und Steam I lur Western North CarnHna. LltWIS MAIIIU'X, lre. I.. P. McLOUl Hiksctoss:-IwIs Madilui, M.I. Ileanlrn, M.J. Pngg, J. U. Rankin. J. B. Ray, J. 8. kYr.l 8. II. Kccd, IH'O. S. Powell. C. M. McLoud. -E WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, EE- organltcd May 1.1, 1HHH. CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS.S20,0(M) Htatv, County and City Depository. Hot. a (irncrul HntiklnK llu.lnr.s. Hcposlta recdved. Bxehangc bought and said. Col lections made nn all accessible point.. The Unall .urns in this department, dciu.lted for of 4 percent, per annum will be paid. -Special attention Riven to loan, on real estate, which will be plaecd for lona tine on real aunahlf terms. Open Irora 0 a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will be open till A p.m llinliltv ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 217 Haywood Street. AllWATIiR THOKOIGHLY F1LTKRKD oil the rreini0CH. Twenty-five yrara ot iiractkal rxiieiirnce, comhinrtl with rKHMiNAL Itention to nil k tnH of the hun.ncan and pertei't nnncmrntii fnr ci.kani.in Kit and pruiTV of all good manufactured, en obit the proprietor ty irenrnt to hi numerous patruni a operior clana of Carhonnted BcTrraKen. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. O.injrer Air and allthe vnHnu flavor of HOI'AIWATItR ready for nhipment aad dcHvrfrd free In City HrolU. Out ot town onler munt hnvc nkimnmm.m referencr. A BUILDING LOT OR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN HOTEL BOARD FREE, In the New and trowliir Mountain Reortf SKYLAND SPRINGS, (Near Aahovillc, N. C, anil ndjoinin the Vmulcrbilt ltnte.) VourehfiU'C of nny lt In the ilot for $loo. Vou ax-t a Warranty Deed Itillf iH-rlW'tt an-1 a receipt for 1oo, with ten couMinn attnt-heil, each eou- ' xn for 1U. Thejie coupon arc wood for f U euch in pit v merit fti board at nnv of the hotels in 8k .viand. IIotki. Ht. AHMoKit oHn now. I IIotki. HoNsvt'HKMT open now JKatcs from $:tu to $K per month. Tavilion Htn-ttn lHinu huilt ) ThtecotifHinn arc wood lor thi-i-e yearn from thrlr datenwl aretritnufrrnhre'. Tht-rffore. von iiav $1 (Hi for oiir cholitr of a iH-autMul hulhliriK lot ; you yet the $lfio all havk in hoanl ; vou hve three yeam to do so in ; yon esti wll the t mi m' s ti stum- one vimr if oudo not ue" them ; uml tit or Itelore tht end ot three years your l"l will lie worth from $'Ahi to UiM or more. OTIS A. MILLER, .r.IKi,.. Take Train Onl nt 9.10 A. !H. Fare I'Kllll. KI'TI lilK'.li. HOTEUi ARMONO-HOTEL BONNYGREST AND COTTAGES, SKVLAND HINEK4L SPRINGS, N. C. Klght irillea Mouth of AHhevllle, on the A. H. Railroad. New hotels, new eotlaiir., new hirnilure. Iieiiulirul irrovra.ncat trnnU uud croquet lawn., good livery. 48 MINERAL SPRINGS. While Sulphur, Alum, Mnnclii, lrm and l.om. Those serklnK health and pleasure and select society will not fail to visit this plcununt resort and drink of Its healing waters. Terms reasonable. t E. A. LeVENE, apm dtr Manacer. Aahevllle, N. C. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., Manufacturer, and ttealcra all kind, of Ptcmd LUMBER, Door, Saah, Blind, nouldlna, Stalrworfx, Mantcla, Bank and Bar Fixture), and all kind of Huildln Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. nortdlT Telephone No, i, $100 REWARD I I'or anyone who will buy a pair of llrnhiim Hhiw. and not re value revctved. Now al 31 NORTH MAIN STREET Just above Farmers Warrhoune. ASHEVILLE DRY GOODS COMPANY. Cheant .tore on earth Handle notlilnx Iml 1'lr.llam Onoda, and Intend to trrat evrrvltodv MIl'.IIT. We kirp hnmr-ntnilr Klioe. of rt rrv kind. Home-made Jean. Home madr I'lnlfU. Ilotnr nindr iNiniMtlc. Ilomv-tiiatle lirilllng, We warrant every pair ol A.hcvlllc Hhoe Co.'. HlHH-a. Howard I'ruDIl nnd Milt. HoleonilK are SCHLIT'S MILWAUKEE BEER. Celebrated the World Over for Its Purity. Wc deliver to all purl, of the eity our own llottllna. Hi port Ueer at ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN. ar tii'tf U!t."l!!,B;SM,,'re', nd - ""rnt ",u "tM THE "BONANZA," THK 1.KADIN1I ' V WINE AND LIQUOR STORE IN THKHTATK. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. I NO. I. . St Anton AS TT. Sf'ar'r. BRICK. BRICK. FOR 8ALK BV.. BUNCOMBE BRICK Asheville, N. C. FITZPATRICK BROTHERS. Dealer) In Wall Paper, Window Shade Mnd Patent Hanera. , Patau, Oil. aad V.rnlabea, Maaarj's Mlied Pnlnta aad Color. Window Olaas, belt naeb aad Amerlraa W. katp la atock It LoaUaad KssdsMky SEASON 1890, e. per hundred. oc. " 2 Rl) O.IMI ' ft. 00 ' ft no ft.ou - of lee may be obtained from drivers and at Coal Company. No. 30 Patton Avenue. - ), Vlre-rrc.. I. 8. fANKIN, Cajhi.r Saving I'enturc will receive .fivcial attentiim. four months ur longer. Iatcte.1 at the ml' . Irnta Or Ilrlvc Mouth Mile. City AatiiI. an I'litlon A. . Near Paaener Depot. Awheville Dry Goods Co., J. O. H0WHLL, Manacer. with ua. 43 S. MAIN ST.. ASHEVILLE, N. C BRICK. & TILE COMPANY, P. O. Box 426. iad. hbddif Mt;-j. Vk tu ' ' . 'iw6?itt:.-ii' SfaWvwfcwCaii)iri s-x. -..-i4a Ua i"n. " at Hi ! 1 1 ' ' W,-!.' .4 t-.t

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