ASMEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 2. 18.K). 1 1 ! I" - f v' THE DAIL.V CITIZEN. By RANDOLFH-K HR k PRINTING CO. Tninll.TClTllKN, lk-iiuwnillv,ll'uhliaheil rrcry nttemoon tnnpt Kunaiiyl ut the ful lawinc rutca .tru-ly eo: One Year Sim Month. '"' Three Month. J1 One Month J',' One Week lf' THK ItAII V VITIZKM la on ule at the following pliue. in Anlievlllr C1T1ZHN OHF1CH. BATTHRV I'AKK NKW STANIl. OI.KN HOOK NHWS STAND MOI'Kl. CIUAK STOKI!. 1'ntlnn Are. J. CAKSON S NliWS STOKIi, Nurlll Cmirl 8quare. THt'KSDAY. OCTOISICK i.', lS'.Ml. The I'.xtravMKHitw ' tluvliiii a Biavt. No one who liiiH w atelieil tin1 eotitse n! events in couiieetioii with our elVorts in establish a imvy ran help lieiim stnul with tlieeiiornioiisexieiiselliiit isutltaeli inn lo that ! ani'li of our serviee ( l lit- last wrinkle is tor iiiekle-pluteil armor ; vli not gnlil ""'I ilonc with ill'l an expeusi over ami lie.votiil anylliiu preilieteileven I iv those not friendly to the ImililiiiK ol a fleet. There is ha nil v a party iiiestioi in the matter. Mr. Clevelaiiil'sseereKii of the navy has lieeii wiiriiilyeoiiinieiiilei. for starting what the present seeretan of the same department is praised lot earning out; ami the oiposition to tin expenditure ut' millions for war ships ha lieen of a very slight character. Hut we are not a liliiiii): nation. Wi stuntl, or should stand, tor ieacc wilhall the world; for iirliilrol ion as a settle inent for ilisputes rather than tor liyln inn. This last is it relic of liarliarisni. hardly more eouiiueudalile than the dm 1 or the street lirawl. ( nr true iliyuity a a nation shoulil say that we do not ever contemplate tliu possibility ol any hov- ernmctit ileeliirini; win onus. That phi losopher, M. jjtiail. whose huuior inlle the earth w ith smiles, once said tl'.'il it would cost us some billions to establish it tirst rate navy: it would not cost us ten cents to mind our own business. Am', he was rinht. Moreover a ureal ,KIVV j, a iKTinaneiit inducement to imerleri where uc should uoi ; a Mud ol chip 01 our shoulder and a sl.indiiiL.' iiivit.itioi. to "thread on the tail of me coat." We have Ikvu led into -lice remarks by noting Iroin time to time how tlu exjeuses of our liitlc n.ivv urowa, am' that so tar it is accurate to say that u have blundered in almost evciy ship wi have made. What else was to lie ex cxK-cted? Krinlnuil. a war bully of the tirst class, is rudely told al st perioili cally by exierts that her navy is useless, "illy recently one ot her Ust new wai ship had to be iiioiiiitiinslt lowed home her coal supply giving out s.nue days m nilvance ot exHclatioti, revealing a oltiu iler that makes ol anexpeinlittire ot soim millions a wicked waste ol tax-p.ivcra nioney. Several of our own I -est new ships tail to hold auythiii like the speel the test trials allotted to them, the Ilallimorc proves to lie a tub so far as speed is concerned. And the vovae ol the wdiitc sipiadron oulv revealed that ill every port the Chicago, Itoston, Vork town ami Atlanta arc biiuiboals in si.i compared with the war ships ol the lust class naval powers. No; we are in poor business w hen we try lo jjet on to war fjuliun ; business that does not Utii us; business ihnl has little warrant ill cither morality or a proKT regard for economy. I Mir assur ance of snlcly lies in our isolation and in our refusal to mix in affairs that have no real concern to us. Is there any temp tation to attack us to lie limn I in the fact that even Chili has a navy far snpe rior to us ? Not the slightest. I ur enor mous resources and our ability to tiylil if eomK'IUd to arc tlioroutjlilv well known. They lorni ample nroti-ttion. Any minor power nltnckiiix us would do so knowinuly at the risk of its lile; and none ol the j-reut I"' worn could spare from home a lorec sufficient tuivc us a moment a uneasiness. Itemcxruts should set their Ineea haul against cnleriiiK on a series of expenilt- turca that mean an enormous increase ol taxation in one lorm or anoiher and alter all, no navy won hy the name. Where Are HIM Friend? Northern newsnaiK-rs onuht to know that the slates most sought in the south by northern men lor investments arc those lorever sate from iieiiro ibiniiua tion. I'm that in your pipe and amnio. ll. vt liiuinnton .Messenijer. Which reminds us. A relative of a see retary of war of one of the eoiupara tivcly recent administrations visited Ashcville two or three years anoanil was so charmed with the city that lie would have come here to live permauenlly but for one tiling, lie said: "I lind I can't stand so larueit propotion of tie jiroes." Now this man was one of the early aholitiottisls, a native of Massa chusetts, and a rcpiihliwiu everltistinlv. Kut, like most northern republicans, he learned from contact w ith the neuru that his regard for him was something in the abstract. When it eiinie to living in the same community with nrc iiiiiiiIk-is ol the race that ierielimtes the republican party he wasn't there. TiiHcnscol Minister Mimier, who in directly caused General llnrruniliii'a death, nets no Utter very rapidly. A Washington tclcKrnm says it ia known that additional reports have lately been received from Minister Mixner, which put a worse face on the whole transaction unci woultl render the publication of the official correspondence all the more cm bnrrusaiiur for the state department. CoNOKKSSMAN 15 WART Was home Oil Sunday last. Ilnrriiitf a severe colli and .hoarseness, he was in line lira I th and spirits. Henileraonville Times. Mr. Kwnrt by this time that if lie i to meet Crawford even o void is more ol a act-back than he dares to risk. If A discussion of the relative merits of tower and pole lights is to iK itnrted in Ashcville Tun Citizkn warns ita readers toprepnre for the worst. In nthir cities where a similar question has arisen en tire communities have been rent in twain before the matter wai settled. The fact it, there ia much to be an id for each sys tem, and probably the moat effective aer- vice would be secured !y eombiiiiuu both of tlicni. Where there arc many trees the tower lights arc least satisfactory, but for ojK'n spacea thev lmveailvaiitnnes the pidea have not. An objection to the pole liht, in our opinion, is the strum: ylare in the eyes anil its failure to diffuse linht ciptally over the area each pole is devoted lo. Washington dispatches say that Speaker Keed "is silent under the stiin; iiiK blow dealt him by the president in the appointment ot collector tit Port land" It seems that it was lll.iiue's man who was appointed collector and that thus Keed is ignored. Well, the attempts of I'rcsident Harrison to Ik- as nival a force in politics as Keed areainusiiiK ; but 1 hev arc not ellective. Wi:sr Ashcville properly is inercasiny in oooular favor, iiultiinu bv the Meek- I'lieeu transler. Hut as a matter of fact, dl proerly in and around Ashcville is ncreasiuu very rapidlv in value and it would be difficult lo lose nioney in vested in real estate almost anywhere lere or hereabouts. milium Mature tlie Hume l-:et wliere. I'r.mi IU-nr Walti'tHon's Spi-titl. 1 stand in this yreat and tree city oi dostou lo call a halt upon titty years ol cniuitialiou mid recrimination, uiru of hideous misconception, and alike lisereditable lo the south and the uoith. ind lo proclaim ami iiiatulain thai lliert s not a particle ol ilillcience Ik-iwccii tin ii.rlh and the south, between the north :rn people and the southern people, lull that body and soul, thev are exaclh like; that the blood which ebbs ami lows here in New linnl.iiid, wanning lo generous deeds and re. nly lo pour ilscll liecly upon the altars of truth, i.nd swelliuu with noble rani" and scorn iiiaiiisi all that is cruel and mean and wise, is the same blooil which courses through the veins ol Mississippi, Arkan sas and Texas I am here to pat my loot ipon the talsehood thai the H-ople ol tlh oni i are doiny auyt hiny or have dom iiiylhiui; thai you youiseives would not i.ive done had your places lieeii ex- hauled. True, l-:ver vrl f It, 'orr, l,n,l( iue e'harlotu c'lir. uule. A in. ill w ho had been crossed in lovi vein to the rock Wowing Kock ouci mi a lit ol dispcration and thiew liimsill iter suicidally, when tiie wind was . 'lowing downward. It ch.iuutcd sud- Icidy anil hi' was blown back. Its ot ver his niclaiu liolia, and shortly alter. a oriler to convince a dotibtiiiLt tiitin: ' the blowing projM-rtus ol the rock .vcre genuine, iain. when a c,ciii!iuc, uc llircw luiusill ovei le was lilou inn up tin .alh. Tliete was a sudden change i-l he wind aaiii.aud the mangled remain I the man were aitei wauls picked upai ile liolloni ol tlie cl.iio.. Thal'H II. . r.n'i tin- Si. I.oiii., i;i,,l,t- IK-moirat. 'llunul ma .i tll in ixt.kul -iiiiinl ii. Ik-l:u'c Th- - leu p. opli ,,l the a-, i tl,i-. will ih-it ti.iiM-iil to he Koiiri nl n tiei.lai k. 1 In-, is not iiiiiI l,i-cioise tin ,::U k .lie III-.' kv lull ll. CilU- tlli.V iOV ill it rm uiri ikil-iranl. sliiliUsN. iiiini4.r.-il am. : in r lly mint t- li lru-t, -l with -, rious po OK..I iluln- aii.l rv-..ili-iliiti-s. Allllllll tfl llejNe. I'ioii, till- i.lill.siiiilo WolKlllilll. Siipp-.Ht. oiitm,- vniirvookilli; sili,,..l .is, i tiavilmi: .oiititii, omlli-t it trawrM 1,1-lali-liiviny llii p.opl, ltsoui hi Iioiiic. 'I'tia. .Voilul look like 11. 1-OUIlL.U. 1'1'I.XTLhS. It is exiectcd thai Captain Rogers, ol .Niortliaiiiplou. ihe democratic iiouiiuee ior eniiuress lioin the Sscond ills- triel. will resign on aecouul ol ill health. "Nothiiuj short of a revolution can dc- leal us tins year in Wayne counlv. I ex- I net a dcinocratic uiaiority ol lull olio." So said a prominent politician who loit to know. tiohlslioro 1'lsp.ilcll. The I'avidson county convention nom inated lor the senate S. Iv. Williams, ami lor the hopse j. Leonard and J. (. Sur- r.itl. A resolution was passed instinct niK the iiieuiUrs ol the legislature to vole for Vance's re-elecliou. Krower failed to meet Williams, neeor dint; to the advertised appointments for l-iinl canvass. Illlieial duties, was the plea. Ilrower is a "ri'iit traud mid this sudileii solicitude about the icrlormnncc ol his duties is a "oinl joke. Iireensboro i'atriol. Ill the Bin lie eoliutv democratic eon wnlioil Col, Calvin I lotik, president ot lit. ike counlv l arillirs alliance ami a oisalikd cotitedcrate soldier, was iioiui iiated lor the house. Yuncc wasendormd . Did cheered. Col. Iloticl; said: "Vance 'ins done and isdoinu more lor I he la rm ers than auv mail ill ibis eouuirv. 1 will is- certain to vole lor hull ; i..n:sr .vvu w A'CW .KTII C.koU.X.. The ease of W. K. Unfile, a police ol- licer. wan shot ami killcil lulius oues, i uecio in August o, has hern postponed to January owim to jiulp Movkin s severe illness. The report ol the state cln-mist on the I'iiiiuix oil well at Iireensboro es tablishes the tact that protroleum is there. It remains now lo In- ilciiion- sl rated whether it exists ill a pavine piaillitv. Wc hear that the collections at the tabernacle arc not satisfactory. It is said that it costs Jfl'iiO a day to keep up the meetings and that t he ' receipts arc not much more than hall that iiinoiiui. Wilmington Review. A stuck company has been formed at Kalciuh lor the purpose of publisliiuu an agricultural pus-r on n very extensive wale. It will lie the honest publication il it a character in the south with a paid corps ol contributors. Shaw I'liivcrsitv, colored, kalciuh. has oiK-ned for the year. There is an in crease in the numlsT of students direct from Atrial. These now represent all nai ls of the Hark Continent, and most ol them will study medicine and siirucry. Several are from the Coux Free Stale.' Two weeks auo a house of a nartv of women ot ban repute, near Dallas, was torn down bv white cans nud the wo. men wlnpK(i and ordered to leave the country. A day or two nun the house of a woman near Lowesville was visited hy n crowd of white caps and she was se verely whipp- n. Charlotte News. The nicdnl presented to (Jrand Sire C. M. Iluabee at the Kaletuh lianniiet cost $1 Ofi, and ia of gold, with four diamonds. ll is an escutcheon, with a chain, and henra the emblems of the "Patriarchs Militant." On it ia the following in scription: "Presented to Charles M, flusbce, tirnnii sire, nv me laid rellowi of North Carolina, 1800." SOMEMOKESAM JONKSISMS HUT SIKH' IMII HIUI IM'O'l'Hi: a)ii:ni'okm:h. Nam JoneH (.'oiiliinifH lo Talk Kittlit Out In MeetlHK at ll- iiiliitttii How Clmreh liMiilierH Help the Itevll-Wliere tlie .ileaii- eHl iewle Are. l-'ruiii ttu- WihniiiKton Messenger. 1 have seen the day, my brethren, w hen my official honrd called on my wile, w hen there was scarcely auythiiiii local in my house nud win ii uiv wile didn't have a decent dress, and when my elbows were out ol illy sleeves and I did not have a decent r.iK lo pal on I have had those old stewards call on my wile and say, "Sisler Jones we can'l raise one dollar lor votir husband, haveu'i raised leu dol lars in t luce uioiii lis and worse is com in", lo worse; bet: Hi lit tin-your sake, and i he children's sake, to change his ill. inner il pica limn." I have puic into uiv home nud seen my wile us sad as death .ind she lolil me what the stewards said ; I have "one out and gotten down on my Lines and I have said that 1 would lead I I v wili- and chililreiioul into the si recta, bareheaded and hungry, I will pay the .osls lor the privilege of preaching ihe rulli, ami 1 have poured the gospel into ' hem and liod seal the power and old men thai had been back sliders in the 'hitrch tor twenty vears would clap thcir la mis a i n I say,"lilorv to liod lor Ihe tail 1 1 id pi'e.'iehiug we have had;" and Inline I !ell lliere 1 1 ley had paid mc t .vice as much is auv other preacher got in thai circuit. I know ihe iutlueiice ihey lining lo bear m a Icllow. I h.ive been there. I never would let them tide on me; no sir, 1 am not a saddle animal. In auiioiiiiciug the incidental collection about lo be taken up the Kev. Sam Jones said: I never ivas in a town in my bti that Itrerc was mil such a rumor oinu about tin street: "Jones wotildu'l eoiue until thev glial at iced Si.'.oon, anil he won't preach loi less than Soil. oil a s.- noli. Dial's a lie. ami w hin 1 say il ou may iliiuk to yoipsell I am telling it lie I will give uiv right arm il you can lind a man in all Wilmington to whom I have vcr sp-ikeu ot money in connection with . his meeting." Von ...hosiers have gone our tl i country preachino that salvation is tree until hall of you are about to starve to h ath. 1 1, .iuM liter. I I. ike the old mgro that said. "Itrcihrcn the water ol lile is :ce. bin the pitcher d sis soiuct bing. and 1 is the pitcher." t l..iui:hlcr.l It suns. -I lcilinilisi preacher to lie poor. Ik- has i, Hove so often. All ou have to s just to aiek up tour blacking hi ush, call yniit .o. iiinl you aie ready to -40. Laugh- UT. I When the devil comes to Wilmington He in', puis his hands in his pockets, .valks around and Iris the chinch meni icrs do his work. Some uienilKrs ol the hiirell will Work lor the devil all the veek. and iheu come to church on S1111-l.-iv and waul liod lo pav him for Ins ,-uk. ' I am sorry for a poor little preacher that is il.-ing all the pulli g. Some ol In in are inn 'doing porch then. I l.auuh. I it. 1 lust about wai-re von were when on started. Vou are lil;e the old tl.-il kit .vho was hc.itinu his iiiule, and a Irieuil ode up anil said, "1'iicle. voiirmidc I I?. ." "No, sir, he's jusl got a thick hide ml a short reiollictioi io von know I lies deacons and elders ami stewards lu-giu lo inquire around lor a minister 1 hev will get next vear 1 hev caucus 011 him. and some lillows will nominate so-and-so nud they will 11, y, " ill. is he cautious.' Is he pt II- -lent. Is lie conservative; Ami Ihe plain lacl is, is he .1 pusillanimous puppy ind cm we boss him when we get l im ? I asked one minister wh hcdidn'l turn hat Icllow out lor ueltiiii.' drunk, lie -lid: "llrolher 1 have not soIkt lellows 1 Hough to make a jui v to trv hull." f hat's . 1 lert due slate ol lluiius; not enough uood uieiiiU'is in iheeliureli lo trv a bad one and lurii him out 1 have seen a clever old Kpiscopal sisler mash Her liotiuel anil halloo like a pan 1 her. il.nuohteri liod bless on; when vott gel it rtolu von wilt squeal. Vu old crave sister saul: "llrolher Jones I never shouted in my hie." Ami I saiil von ohl goose you never had anything lo shout alumt. I l.auuhler The meanest chinch in the world is the church thai will pack a r preacher il ill ice box. and then cuss him all over lie , au-c hi doesn't sweat. I l.auuhlcr. I Some ol you old women have l-ccn threatening lo bring yoiu pocket books, ou old goose, you hud U'tter quit threatening ami do it, li s time. Sister when you go on the street cur, do von threaten lo pav the iiicklc, or do vim pav it? The devil never made a drunkard, never ran a still house, nor a gambling hell or u snloou. The devil gets one itiuu to iiiauulactiire whiskey, another one lo sell it and another tool lo drink it, and now vou see he has got the thing going mi nil righl I exHel it the laws ol North Carolina were ciilorceil on the el. niches, every church in this town would iiirnish some men lor the chain giiug, Dcs-sTalc stale ol things ain't il ' If you preachers love souls get down oil ol this plallorm, go 1 lining h this n inl and' and help biiug souls to Christ. I' is what we waul now, and don't you gel mad mid go home lion - - i't it look like a verv sm ill thing to ne soul a vear for Christ ? And vet win one if we ran upon than plan, wc would bring the world to liod m ten years from 10 day. I'd rather Is-a rascal than a fool, be cause, liod hies you. you can n lor 111 a rascal but 11 tool, there's 110 doing any: thing with him. brethren Christ in is own ministry never lost a chance to pour the hot shot in t he amen cm 1 er. The is st iKople on the face of the arth Ihe church ims in il, and it has the mean est 1 ico 1 ile on 1111' ol the earth, Hlie Wild t'uiiiiletel- Cured. A daughter of my customer suffered from suppressed menstruation and her health was completely wrecked. At uiv suggestion she used line bottle of llrail liehis Female R'vtalator, w hich eared her. J, W. Ill l.l.t us, Water Valley, Misa. Write llraillield Regulator Company, Atlanta, tia for partieulara. lly all druggists. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A err 11 tit nf tnrtatr ha kin if tiowilr. Mluhrat of nil In it-nvrnlnit ntrrtiKth. U. H. (tovrrn mcnt Hcport, August 17, 1MNU. (ulyiiUdljr r To-inoiTMw'ri issui' w ill con t'tintiiiii OHoIiit iiiiiioiiiii'i'-i input liy Most ic 15i'os. & I Wiiji'lit. Tlirir Klmifilitt'i' salt still emit inin's. I V. A. I'.I.AIIt. .1. V. UlttlWN. jVURNITUKIS AXI UNIUCRTAKINC;. No. 3a l'atton Avenue, M'AFEE BLOCK. OPPOSITE BLAIR'S OLD STAND Wc iiic now I'fiiil.v. iiinl in vite our 1'i ieinls iiinl t In1 1 nil -lie ji'i'lH'I'llll.V to t'Jlll lllld ex- 8'(H'(m1 Stui'lv 11 mint our wi'l F U ll X I T U ll K, .... a Inch wo jm utlcniiri.t roi'k , t i i U(t tl til JH'M'S, 1 IllllMtnKIMji' ii suH-inl fentun. Tnlls nl - SlMtlil ti'iiilctl iln.v or iii 1 it. Tt'leiilionc.ilil.V 7-". niylit i."i. 15LAIH&HI.OWX. AT THK JEWELRY STORE. The i nt Ire Ntoek ot Plated Jewelrj, Ini-luiltnu line Itromltm, Mutton Hnil I Iran lrtn, nt HJ-ONE-THIRD OFFI-KJ Keitunllciw of itml, an wr Intern! In the fn tun to keep n o UP n it hut Solid tiohl tint) tilertinii Silver (cwrlry. ARTHUR M. FIELD, iF.niNn ipwpifr rtVIIIW Ibllbbbll, Mouth Main HI. AHlievllle. Of coiii'si' tlifi-c's inoiii'y in priutci' h ink. I ut tin' itiuu who niiikfH the inoHt intdli- p'lit use of it u'l'tn tlie most money out ot it. It iIo(h not pn.v to iiilvcrlisi' Homi'tliini; you liiivcii't n'ot,ornnytliin: vou ciinnot ilo nml do well. Tin1 iiiiin who ndvci'tiwH n li'iiuil iniist lmvo a "tfooil" fi'inid, mid In who ml vert isi'H luiruiiiiiH in g-ooiU must lie prt'ptirt'd t witisfy liiH cum tonit'i's. Wfd, R. PENNIMAN, I'KOl'KlKTOM Of HE ASHEYILLE BRICK WORKS, Aolicvlllv. N. C. I. U. Ho I. JAMKH FRANK, f AMILYGROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Acnl for Kcetna Crwa Wonlrii Mllli. Nnrih Main Ahfvlltt, N. C d PL. i ii Hi V THE SHOE STORE" OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, j .'til I'nttoll Avenue, J asiiicvii.i.i:. N. c. Iri) 1-lllC HlltM II Spvcialtv. tKI ; Talli fcl CCIi-SS OF THh ProvitlcnT - Saving LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, OF NEW YOHK, IS ATTRACTING WIDE AT TENTION FOR YHL FOLLOWING REASONS'. 1t, Tlu iiirrcasr in t1 iiiikhimI dl" tti w In mil nut-in l : w.ik 1 1 r mil. nvtr ol th- rt'vittn- yi'iir. Iiinl N v tiu-iiin in 1 iti'iuly twi'titi tiii'limiH f ilnllartt. ;inl. Tin- r iti-tn of i:i im tiio t.r In-jitl Cl:tiiii ami l'k ii-' i :ri (iitii hi Ki-k nr. I.mW CR tli mi tlinHt' ol hi ..liliHt an I l.nutu l.itf tiwuriiiu't.' Coiita' ii tt' N- w 'otk;anii , tin- Ration o" AhiU to LiJtU litit in tin 'r"vi,',,,t Sinln; I. id- arc I AROI'K. lii-tity I '-,ti i for t vt rj i o of l.inlnliticf. wliiU ii tin- ihrw lnrii of tlu- Nvw Ynrk Coiii,ui nit tlu Knt io nn jo. 1 ii?. SI 1 h ami o to i-vcry Sinn it ihiir J.-iiImIiIh i, 4th, I. id' luatumiu-c nt ACTI'AI. t'nS'l. that tirinyj ittniirnutT within thi- navh o' iii;iii h.-rvtotorv tinalilc to ram it. ."th. It litvirtn t oiu hall' 111' irii thiiriito i, 1 I'T it ill thc'Hrnt 111 M k I. He Conii ainr.," j wn,.. rxiMTuniT prove tluil hntill.'-.'(! i11 ! fii t. if their rn-titiiiui Ki-t iitt wire i it aiy to iinoiri th. live of tlKirl'ol tiol '-r iwhtle the baliiiiee vn tittil tul hxici lliiiu !vi Ulh, l'at fVjHTifiiie HhtiwK tiuit tlu lttt' the plant, nf tlu StK-iety an known, th greater it ln nine 1h-ioiu . To knmv what lhie plan are, cull ut th Coin) jiiiv'm oiliii- in lin eiiHlMiro, . (.. j. s. JONES. ma.m:i:k. M il-.'L'.1I ii. iiu itt, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUI'.DER. AIo tfra-ipttf of all kimU ioiu All onU r promptly tilkil iiutl work iuiirantetil. Can Ik lot ml nt ull timen nt t'ti'aliam'n Cotton Fmtorv. niotititltl INSUKE YOUR PHOPERTY WITH IS. J. ASTON, licuvral i liiHitraiit-c i AKfcut. Kuir So. '.'il South Mniii ulnvt. HsIiiIiIIkIh iI I Klin. Aslievllle, N. I'. nu.1 dl v KiiKliHli nud French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 44 I'rriieh Promt Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLANO. - PRINCIPAL Pur tunny yenm Amiiliitr Prlnetpnl of Mt Vernon lumitute, Ittiltimorv. I AlNted hy u eorptt ol eoinpvntint teacher dn o l 1 v liMI inrift II. II. COSHY, (HitrtTtwiir to Ca CmvntU JEWELER, 7 I'ATTON AVIC.Nl'i:, Ni:T I II II IK Til liall CUM' KM. Illl. Till., ,siii; ii.i.h. n. c. m il,til I y ' 'iv :: - j AMI MFDICATED Bit SAM VP0H T If jtihi huve any Now, Tliiant or I.iimk J illMeimra. J on npllnitl,in I will aeml a piiniiililel j ,,in,,i,nc i,i ninrvnir iiiiii ninii lile in- T hnlltitf Iri-iitnient 'rev wllh lint ol ittiro. T tlon. (n lie nn.wrml ly ttic pattcnl when iirilerlnii lltinir Trrniinriit, Tliln tmitmrnt la a. rtfredvc n the olllei tn-ntiiirnt. t (IIM'll'lt NO. tin I'ATTON A VliNt II, Anlirvllle, N. C. T. J. HARGAN, M. D. hi:vi:i.i. v wa(;m;r, ueeraaura (o Kniiri At l.tehtrnlieruer, FANCY GKOCH-aS. SUGAR AT RKFINERS' PRICES. CnlTn. runmnl on I In iinnnlw. ilnlly, nml Mrounil diri-vei y .-iiti..o,-r Full I-liio ol'Taltlv KiippllcM. I'rrr ilrlivi r.v A lull line ol l'i,l, ininl.h d al whiili.iili- irlii'. . a8 PATTON A VlvNl'IJ. T.l.n on. Mn nu : (IX (1EX I arptlOdtr GLEN ROCK HOTEL. In 100 Vcat of Central Ic'iisHcnRcr IK1 ot. ASIIKVILLK, N. C. A modern firt ehi Hotel. II. I nml .nlil wnter nn.l Imthi. nnd toilet- on CTery floor Itleeirie lull. In . v.-i v riinin. ii.m tire, in ollirt- nml (snifM In liert rooin. (Mmv, illii iik iimiui. lum-li eoiinler. ii;io inn! m ininl nml l"'r iiinl litl inni mi tirt flour, litre trie mnet eni-K cum ilm.r every 'Jo iiiiiiuli . Kii limonil mill Umiville rnilroiiil entinu houe, .'o iniiiuteH mr aienlt. HATICS, JU.oo pick da v. A. G. UfAI.I.YKURTONaProp. .1. M. ami WAI.TKK t;Hl-:i:N. flerln. FOR r , CONTAINS NINE ROOMS, I'jnislit.l tlironlioiil in tiliiii-- link. Cirl-T mill S-iWid i.-ik V i'Ih ilr.iiK-il with Mtu-rniUil-Wultnt!. I'm- lurtli.T iii,irin.ilii,n . rill i.n ;. If. YAIKIvR. No. 3, JclI'vrKon IJrivc. $100 REWARD I l-'or nn.voiic who wil' buy a p.iir ot tiialiimi Shoe- and not net value reeeivul. Now t. 31 NORTH MAIN STKliliT hiMt nltove 1'iiritu rH' Wtirclntutic. ASIIICYII.IJ-: DE1Y ;tIS COMPANV. t'lii'itx s tit on- oiuKi'l; Htindlv roihiiitt nt I'iiKtelii" 1. 001 Ik. ami in tend lo trent ever-l"tlv l-'M.M'l V t I. p li-ni;t -m(nr M'm . -I w r-. '.mil. 1 1 ome-nuiile J linn Home itiml- I'lai'tv Home mi iU I loiiie-tie. Hoire-n title lrillini(. We wnminl every pitir ot Xlievtlle Shoe o 'f .-htnta. AslicvilJe Iftry Ciooils CoM I. o. H-lwm.L, Mnnanr tliintlrit 1r,, llil 1111,1 Mih. IImIioiiiIh- mr Mttli ASHEViLLE A - Word - to - Uc - l-'eople - ol" - Abln ville. The St-inw a I'ia'io in t ll ttn ret Kititil Siaiiiliml of the orlil, ntnl C. I'nlk In Hlrln wnv'i aKiiil. 'I h- ' 1 -t tmi-.ii' K'.plr in hv h lny it nml take no other. It taken nioney to huy it. I II it very 1 t.e, still 'uu miplc cannot iptlte reaeh ft. For thee I Imvc the A. H. Clin ne Piano, whuh ii fiekuiu lei Ik l nml hoIiI hy Strinwny a next to hi. The Kv en tt I'iano lia- lieen in ilt itiai.d hy other hou-m who wanted It for thin territory, hut C. I'nlk ket-ff it 1 iuhl here. lly my prhe I niny tu t ii i rhh, Init I tniifav a ho-t of frlendti. The I'errand Ar Votcy 1 iruan ill Ir-Miu'thfiiu new In the mnrket nt thin pi nee, while Wilcox -ft White. Klinhiill .V V iterlo'i Oi imuh are eonitnntly tlftinndeil nml old on good term. I vii it to he mule rMtood tint when I tell on tuitMllmeitlH, nml purehnmm do not wlh to keen the intrumem. I du not retain all money paid, hut return nil amount paid ahove rent. I Iik ih- ehanu ter entahllr-heil for li year In Aheville will have It weight when you have to il etde where t huy a I'lnno or other lntrument. Hcieetttilly, C FA LK, 35 North Main Hi. C liciip UiHch lo all VoU tf.; I K,IJ.KOAI TH KI-TS h.muht, otl nml ruehaiiKei). All t iana( lion KU'iranteeil. C. F. KAY, Tiekel Itroker. nppimlte Swtinniu 11 Hotel. iitiMtdtt NOTV.C1S. MclnnliiL to-ilay tlie hiiKU'iuc hit !m- tm. merly nri(il on h Yhi ,lu vil'e sii-e, t Wal wny C'inpaiiy will he e-dtt imn i the tn lernlkfllicl 11 tit U-1' the il'iut - of THE BAOGGE TRANSFER CO. I wilt Ik- ulait to m-rve my -rl ml.. mnl will pr Im iriunit iitniiU -u n, du onl.-r. in-1 IrtiHlril to mi- lll'uenl Hln-i-l Kiillivny C'niii,nnv'i oltlre, Teti iilione No, in. Kt-Mp'-i'iiiilH, 1 II M JllNltK. Aunt. H.l.i,n,i..rit.. ikun. 'iilti:ilni Tin; iciirt nir iiiininu ititnniiinii nci iuc ucnMH i mum i ip, ROOMS, 26 PATTON AVE., ( Y. M. C. A. HlinVIS. I ' open ilnlly. e.eepl Hnnilny.. lumi 10 n. m. until I p. ni ami n until 7 n 'lilt lernm m hii- One year , il m.i... 1 no r :t m .foeta,: Ii lit u .'t. I'lltco. nn i Him- I'rr.lilenl, Chnrlm W. lYuuiiu-y, Vln -I'r-niili-nt, Tlii.a A. June.; Mm-, iiii? fn ii -nn ,-. ii. 8; Mlirnrliin. Ml H I lltiteh I'ltUi'ii .m,i vi.linr. nn- enrillnliv (nvltnt l-i lii.iii-i-t iht- riitnlnviu- nml lii.erllir tlu-li aitni.. ... -ttt.itiiii.e. nii'lo l'i HTHE BFST KNOWN REMEDY. "" (Jura ... . G hi ltnAnttySttrllhout lnlti ln-vfnta ffttlctnm. Oontnln no nurlil or polnouoiia Piihntunui-fi, anil In Kitnrntite! nlmolittt-ly liitrtnleHH, In jmiitrllM'( by phynlcltinii anil i iM'omonittMlh ifriiKKl-t. Prion 1. HnltthyrtniifHlfita. Jlownra of Huh 0 wHtlHew. AOifnT POH KALU UV RAY80R H SMITH, A8HEVILH, N. 0 SALE. t a. ir.ii J"V ..lrl':-M:J.:..-"t". .iSaivS.- JS INUUDINO 8UH. I103M F!TTE! WITH WATER CLOSET, Ke,titl-.u Hall nnlaheil In ijunrler- MUSIC HOUSE. CAUTION v T" n"",M VXO 1 warranirif, anil evrnr alr hiiabiauniuraud arlcr iamir4 atiaaM W. L. DOUGLAS CO CUE FOR $3 SHOE Pt9 tSnWC OENTLKMIN. Una Calf ana UwJ Wummr Onlai 1 Th .irrll.rir. and wrarlaa qualltaaat (Ma aboa hr iM-tii-r hIi.iwd tii.n br tlm itmna ndsrar ' "" "t H. thmiwnil. of oonaUnt waaraiV, In-1 00 f'nnlni llaniw4, an tfM Tffa-ss&ar rrsa aa i ami) A ni dura) M Ml T0 iXWXtwM FISTZXIU Hhi.tiB popular prloa. $0.80 PnllrrmnoSi Hhor t tapwrlaU adaaa4 af milrowl men, furmors, ato. an mwie in uinTMa, inittoa asa LAM. $3&$2SHOESL3s, nr. h.n mwt favorably riHiairad Mom Uarodue anil Hi. m-iitit linnnivi-in.tit. niaka tkmm lu any "h". milil at tliran crlcM. lx . yimr rwnlnr. ami If ha nnnt nmitr m aaa4 dlr.i-l In fa.-li.rr rm-lnalnf adMrtlart XT. poaUlrornnli-rlilniili.. w m W. L. UUUULaB, Bncaiaa, Maaa. l(in BY WKAYKW A 91 VERS. MY KINGDOM FOR A HOME In A.lii-v Hi- ll.,l.l j. . . . . klnHiliilll. I Witt .cit hV"a It""": Z lllere..n, I will In.tin- t .. M n.. .., .i Iiikih ilnri 1 1 ii it 'at linn I. -V " vm " " you one oi 1 , '"' "' ( lP lay .llw. Jew-, -:. ..' ." wnm In mil I villi flitar I.. .11 rolleet ihrtn for you. I vl :. ".V in aril vou nnr or h-"Ua. . 'lBHlcic.,i,g"VTlt','n ' i mm.

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