ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1890. WITTS SPECIFIC. A tmulilcHomo skin dlaroso ) caused me to scrali'Ii for tun 'months, mid has been cured by a luw dayi use of 8. 8. S. M. II. Wolff. I'pper Marlboro, iW. Swift pacific. I was ruTfd scveriti years neo of white swcllini; In ny 1 fry tl) use of 8. 8. 8., nncl liavo luid no sviiipliims of any return of t ho discus". Miiny prom inent plivsit inns attended mo nud all (ailed, but S 8. 8. diil I lit) work. Taul W KtiiKP.vnnrK, Johnson City, Ion. Treatise oti Hlonil Pkln DlKeaw mulled live. Swift 8i'i'iKir Co., Ailitiiin. On. net anilt'i v l'KOFIMSIOAL CAHIKS. Dr. V. Stuart Leech. IHllcc Keom M, McAfci! HllildlllK. Iliiurn 10 ii. m. to I i. ill. iinil l 0 p. ni, Tclcpoiic No. 47. aeptlHilllm ROBERT BROIN, ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER. CONDUCTS MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION. P. O. Ron 57. Meiidry Hlovk julyludam ATii7conr, STli NOG HA I'll K R. lkval. block. junf7tlUiu A. S. GR All A 31, DKNTIST. almce Over J. tt.'i Sliirc. ttouth Main street. HitriictinK : 'c- Willi Plllinil with silver or umillMin....rOc u7ne. K..iii $ .on mid upti-nol. Kcl m teeth Hot set nf teeth ss.uo. Nn Letter iniule. tin nuittrr what you pay. AlHIialftclinii KUiltuntccll. . I Dr. J. II. Crawford, KcKiniK .1 nnil l), Mi Alie ItiiiLliiiu. I'ntton Avenue. Asm ville, N. C PHACTICK I.IUITKM To TIIK Hye, liar, Throat mid IN owe. III! H! 'I' I I. AT NEWLAND, Attorney t Luw. M AKIOM. N. V. Will nrnclUv in the mill nml f.Mh Jmlirlul IMsirkt'oi North Ciir..liiwi ninl in "'v i t"; l"Vir!cT!.i sun 1 ' nmvMlm I . , riiK.i v. iiaviiimin. TIIOS. A. JOKSS Klllcitlll. Ja Mahtin Anlieville. Villr. ; AVIIlSdN. MAUl'IN Ni JDSIiH. Attorney ninl Coiinsillors at Law, A.l,..vi1l.. !;. e'. Will practice In the 1 1 th hiiiI lth Jmluliil tllNtriets, nnil in tile Supreme Court nl Sorlll C.rulina. nml in the l-eiler.-il C'tiots ol ilie Wenlern IHstHet ol Nortli Ciirolinu. Keler to Hank of Ashrvillr. illsrl j"a7tknni'.nt. Architect and Contractor. dsn. tecllielloli. mill rsllinntes lur lahcil. All work iu my line eoiiiriieti.l lor. ml no ehnrKcM for ilriiwliius on eonlr.'iels nwitnleil me. Nelereneeii when ilesiretl. Dllu-e: No. I-' lliil'lry llloek, North Court Kqunrr, Asheville, N. C. Id, Unity R. II. KKKVKS, II. U.S. II. K. SXIITII.D.II.S. Urn. Reeves A Hinith. 'RKNTAI. OPt-'ICK In Connnlly rtuiinitiit, ixer KeilvAioirs Store. Avenue. Teeth rxtmeteil wilhoiil pion, with thrnrw iiasthetie. uililnll chin of IrrtKUlnritv cur- reeled. ii I, I. Id I W P. KAMSAV. l. U S Dental ) oince i Over the Nnlioniil Hunk of Ahevllle, lliir nnnl lliiililiii. Keslilellee, I'.U Clllirlolle at. frli'Jllit t T Prriii atop AENSTRUATION OK MOMTMLV aiCI-.lt3l If TftHtN OURIHt) CrlKNai. Qf utt BRIM OKHGtH - f iP.'NO V.UI Bt WaiuUk jbook T0"W0MAN' BRAQFIUD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA BA. Miamm Miwoir. rp'.a cl 1 v . FOR SALIC! Impniveil nnd unlmprnuil rrnlrstiite, Imih liuslnrsi snd resilience pniiierlyi nny kind, liny price In not iurl of iltcclly. I'AKMI.NO ANIl MININf) LANHR. R1CNT ! I make a aiHt'lsltv of rriitinii pruisrly nnil colleetliiH rcnla. If you nre lookiiiK lor a house, consult niy bulletin If your house I. vncnttt nnil you want a Irnnnl, ll.l It with me. Nn tenant, nil ehare. Apply In C. F. RAY. Real l'.tiitc Audit. arpl l.llltf FREDERICK RUTL.EDGE, RliAL UHTATIt AliliNT. My nflle hmini will Isp h-nin thl tliur nn from Ml lo 1, Will lie u'o.l to alte il to nny fiaslarn. iimliiu lliiae lionra I will nisi lr n uiv i.iIIit ..ITitnil on Irutn H to ton. m. nml -..m' i.i t I win tie uioil to show nn liiotterlv ilorlnu I hoar hmir. fine nnil In me show you some li. noisome priiinrty. rplOdlni HARK UROTIIKKS, 17 South Main Htrvet. Have verytlilnn In Ilie line of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, nud sill tLcm ns ehenp anil deliver Ihetu nt yout home ns ipilik ns nnv Ionise In the city. I'rrslt veMctnlilin Irotn the country (very ninritlnit. A .rlnl will shuw yuu what we ran do. Hcapcctnilly, '-MptlTtllf IIAKU 11HOTIII1HS. LIKE AND UNLIKE OURS.jTIIEYMl-ETON TIIESTUMP. . . ... I AN HKV1I.1.I' HlOIStt OF NVA HVOTIA. A llrlKlit Lcller of Trnl-.lo. I rloim Trout FlMliliiH The Home of (ivorue Keimnii nncl IrolcM. Hor Bell liraiitl Htencry. Niiiitii Hast Makuankk, Cmie Ilrelon, Novn Scutin, Sept. lo. rerniiis you orrmie nun ii:)jiii mi'jt it nominees resiec mnv lie interested in knowini; soiiiethiiiK ' lively tor repieseiitnlives to ciii"ress of this, our third trip to the 1'roviuees, from the ir:-vh i':st:ic:. v. ill li.-tve joint mid estieciullv of this litr iiwuy eoiintry. : debutes us iollows: Alter tnrryitiK I'cwdnys in New York, weimnped to Huston ; then onto rort ltniiuor: and iiuniiit old St, ohn; nud we Pass lliroitiMi niouuou. vv here we nave seen rue woiiuviuii w.-u .m.iv rollinn up from the Hay of I'uiidy ns niiidlv iih a horse trots, hut not us hi-Ji as the Keouraphy of onr boyhuod diiiicled. Those pictured showed walls of water twenty to thirty (cet IHkIi, niHliiiiK inhind with Kreat velocity, the spray Irom the crest union skyward like Niauarn, and cnttle nnd men caught on the Hats UeiiiR suliincrKed. The luct is, the bore is about three lect IukIi. Thcn on into Nova Scotia, crossitiK the upper end of the lonely Annapolis Valley, Hay of Minus, and l.riindc I're.the Acad ian country ol livanueline; on throuuh settlements ol Scotch IliKlilnndcrs, who talk Oii'lic, and hold very quaint church aofvii'i'M ill! Ill' the Triiiiuist Monkerv of Tracidic, by the shores of the liciiiililul j St. tieorj-es Hay; on, to me inn oi Cnuso. Here the railroad ends and we take a steamer, and soon enter iniioitu the most beautiful sen lakcsol'the world; the "Little and Hi", llrns-d-Or." They are ".ciiib; inouiitaiiisriseilirecllvoneiiher hand ; their waters show green and pur ple; seal rocks are Ireiiucnlly passed; snow white eottii".es ol the I'rencii hnlii laus are siru on the hillsides. Occasion idly a hnrdycod or mackerel fisherman is passed, the' spray dashiiiK all over him, until, soon alter uilit hill, the lights ol llaililccli are reached. Here, gtandiii),'. on n inaKuificeul prom otorv, the same as Heaumoiil weie the valle'v liclow a ureal hike, is the summer home ol I'rof. Hell, of telephone lame; nnd across an arm ol the lake, one mile away, the summer home and ipial au thor's workshop, of one of America's no blest null, the nrvut traveler anil human itarian, (ieorue Keiinnn. We have seen his Hiishinii eye. and ner vous item lire, when reminded ol some Si livriuii fxK.'iiciice; and have seen the (iiiet strength of u soulful man, when in repose. No spot we have ever visited so strong- Sat ly remimls us ol the I'ppcr IM)jeon, llie.ii i Mii-liliimls ol Macon, and the Toe valley ' of Yancey of old Carolina, 41 docs this. I Hon. X. II. Vance, Hrvsoii City. Octo While flnneoiiilic bus a Vauili rbill. bcr:i; Webster, Satnnlav, Octulier 1; this section has 11 Hell and Keiiuan ;; IVaiiklin, Monilav Octolicr tl. but, while Asheville has an nil I Hon. T. J. Jarvis, Hillslioro. Tuesday, the year climate practically, this has , Scptemlicr :U; Hoxboro, Wediusd.iv. oulv' sonic lour or live mouths that ( ivtoher, 1 ; Ynncey ville, Thursdav, (klo to us would been durable. The sum-; lKr '.'; Keidsville, Friday OcIoIkt .'I; niers here are siiK-rb, very braeiiiH. I am j Walnut Cove. Sat unlay, k'lolier f; Wiu-wearin-j the clot hiii( adapted to Asheville ' ston, Mondar. OetolK-r II. lor Novemlier, and have lires day and j Hon. II. A. t'.iiduer, Trenton, Ttiesilay. ninhl to sit by. Sciilciulicr, 'A; Kiiiston. Wednesday, I lc- We arc now lierc, .'in miles from Had-1 tnUr 1 ; Snow Hill. Thursday. October ilivk. in the hoiiie ot earribou, trout and ' Coldslioro. I'l idav, OctoU-r :i; Kal- twlnion. 1 have already cauyht over 'e H'"'""""'" inaKnilicc..t's,Kvkled trout. , some wtihinK "verM lbs. all eauKhl with .. , . i .j. . . .,... times lakinu ... I:. M," II......H ...1,1 : IIOUIIIC, ll fl.'.'O ..y---.... ; two at one lime, cnclt wciuiiiiik over three-fourths ol a mmiihI on a small rod with t vo llits. We were too late for . salmon lishniK this vcar. I however j cillUilll this roval hsh last year, iiiki never lull v realized lisliiuu ill its inaKiiih- eence lieforc allhoiili I have been xeal mis with rod ami H"n l,,r -" years. The Marjaree valley is much like that ol French from Alexander's bridge up to Kichmoiul Hill. Mountains rise oil each hand of this valley, the tilled lauds of which the liabitaiisHll the"inlerval," ihroiiyb which Hows the Maryarif river, pouriuu iuto which, from each side, are iiumeioiis cold brooks. At lite mouth ol each sizable brook, which ueiirrally Hiurs over riH'ks, lonj- deep mioIs are lormcd in the river; nnd in these pools, from .'10 lo lini yiinis loon, are loiind the royal salmon anil enormous ieckled trout, C.rtviaus had their names, Romans their arcuas. tiioilcru i;uroie its war and armies to interest the people but, these hardy liiuhlnudcrs, anil s.aiTliil Acailians hnve these Klorious waters teemitiK with the jewels of the sen, which hardly a above the iMiinilirs ol nature. We shall drive in 11 lew days to the ex treme limit of civilization on the north east of CaK- llrcton, lo view what is said to l the grandest ocean view of the world. The combination ol mountain nud ocean lit MnrKiirec bay, which we have visited, in pund, similar in some rrsiects to Frenchman's bay near liar HailHir; but 11 day's journey north, the rocky promontories are holder. Yc shall remain 011 Ciiic llrcton until OctoU-r 1st, probably, ami then cross ovtr into New, sH'iiibiiK some two weeks or so, oil lluy Clialctirs, when many a nooscand brunt will pity tribute. Then on lo Ouclice alwavs inlcnstinn to us, with its splendid drives, historical places mid iiiiainl Flinch settlements; then up the M. Laurence to Montreal nud Tumnto, crossing into New York lor n tlavs lam nt Auburn, Mrs. How ell's In one mid re.icliniii Asheville for the winter iiIhiiii Novemlier 1st. We have observed Willi much interest, IivTiikCitiii.n rcMirl,lhc improvements Asheville has marie since we lilt nud almost wonder if, even niter 11 time mouths absence, we tuny not be like some ol the (K-ople you often allude to, who, rcturiiiiiu to Asheville lifter some twenty tears absence, have to nsk their way about ? Jons II. IIowli.l. l-'MNhlnti In Hull- ItyeliiK. I. union ilrnphlr. Fashion ill hair ilvcin hits, it seems, declared ut Inst nfinmst the unburn nml liricj't Hold tresses with which we have Ihtii lately litmiliur. These tints, ns well ns the pale "blenched" straw hue, urc 110 longer to In? worn, utid u much darker shaile. callitl in the stvrrl circles ol the trittle itseli by the ntiocticnl term "Mnhoniiny," is the latest thvree. It is proiliiced by n subtle mixture in which liennii plnvsa IcoihtiK part; but the tlye hiK process is Ioiik nnil leilioiis. How ever, I lint cannot inticli mutter to the In dies who once embark tisiu hair dveini!, since they have conliniinlly to submit themselves to its rcetition ns fiesh hair Krows. The proidtets nl these mysteries assure us that the lime is coiniiiK when n "naltirul brown" will Ih' the lavorite lone. H it lie true, therefore, that real hlontl huir is hrcomiiiK extinct, this will insure fashion. Known toy Ills) Mimlacli. Prom the llnltlmurr Hun. Chief Justice Culler came over to Haiti- more yesterday. The chief Justice tele Kruplird to Fulled Slates Marshall Airey Monday niuht that he would conic to ilaltimorc the following day. The mnr shall drove to I'liion stntioii to receive the tlistiiiKiilshed visitor. Henrrivrd by the HI. 11A train, nnd hf wns so tlistln uuishctl lookitiK thai the niurslinllsiituletl him out ol the uroiin ol strnnurts whom ihe train deposited on the platform. He u...... m illi liiii. Irom which lt-11 Ilia tmiv hnlr in limit, wiivv strnnils to his small but well shntietl shoulders. A pair of evrulussrs were ndiusleil to theiirlilKeolnlarKeniise. The eyes Iht Itintl lltcKlnsset were urny nud brinlit. liclow the dlnsset nnd of the same grace ful curve wnt a gray musincnc. fU U-1'..a.t.. AHlk l.'WklHflM " JaMMT IM.IIAl lv . TM Ann on nci lnt lit HliotiKI Draw IIIK l'r lf il Krinu lilt . ticciir.v ! Ilif OUI Ninth to I lit' I'rout. V. T. C'rnivlord ninl II. ('. liwiirl , dcin- llaiucs' Slmv, I'l iilav, Del. 'M. Mi-I'ililallil s, Saliinfny. del. Itll. Snhiihi, Mundav, Oct. Villi. I lenders' in vi lie, Tuesiiiiy, del. 7th. Itrevnrd. 'ednesday, I let. Kth. Mills Kivi -, Thnrsilay, l (. tit Ii. ricoii Kiver, I'liday. Oct. Hull. I:ines Creek, Saturday, Oct. 1 llh. Waviiesville, Monday, Oil. Kllh, CluTokec, Tuesday, Oct. 1 Itll. Itryson City, VVcdmsiliiy, Oct. ITitli. Koliliiiisvilie, Tliiirsday, Oct. Ki'.h. Murpliv. Kriilav, Oct. 17th. Ilnvesville, Sal'urdiiy, Oct. isth. Aip'iom, Moiid.iv, Oil. 'Jiuli. Fianklin, fnesdav, Oct. '-'1st. IliKhlamlK, Ve lt:esitnv Oe! ,'.'d. Ilainhiirnl , Tliinsdav, Oct .llil. Candler, Satunlay, tict. LTitli. I.eieister, Monilav, Oci, i!7lh. Soidy Mils.,, Tmsday. Oct. USili. SpriiiK Creek, Weilnesilav, Oct. '-".(ill. Marshall, Thiiisdav, Oci. Itnih. Uiavervillc, l''iidny, Oct. Illsi, A'li-villc, S .1 .inlay, Nov. 1st. Ifeither should be 'nimble to unci the appointments he will have a representa tive. The SienkiiiK will bruin promptly at 1 'J in. DI'.llOl'HATIC HI'I'.AKINIi. Where unci when TellliiK Aruu liifl.lH fun he lleitrtl, Hon. K. It. t'deiin, Slovall, Thursdav, Oct. 2; Oxford. Thursday nujhl, Oct. hin ham. I'riday, Oct. .'I; Kaleih. Satur day ninht, Oct. : Cirahani, Tuesday, Oct. 7; (irwiishoro. Wednesday, Oct. N; l.exiuiiton. Th'irsday, Oct. 11; Salisbury, Thursday uijjlit. OcIoIht 'J; Chailntte, Saturday nif-lit, Ik'l. 1 1 i Asheville. Mon ilav tin-ill. Oct, lit; Marion, Tuesday, Oct. 1 ; lliekorv, Weilmsilay, Oct. I.'i; Slalesvdle. Wednesday niylit, Oct. I.'i; Aslicboro, Thursday," On. Hi; llih I'oiut, Thursday nuilit, Oct. Hi; Ml. Airy. Satunlay liiitht. let 1m. lion. A. l-eaar, Shelby. Tliiusdav. Oct. 'J: l.ineolutoti. Triilav. IM.:t; Newton, itiirdav, Oct. f; Mneksville, Mniidav, l: Thiuiiasiillc, I uesiiav, Oct. i; Chanel Hill. Wi ibusilav. I i.-t. N. eiuh, Sa.urdav. Octolicr f. C. H. Aycck. Sanfonl. friilav. imI :i; I.illi.iKton. Satunlay. Oct..- Ikt4-. II. . If II L'!,, .!,.. I'i.lli..r.. S.-illll- ....... " . --. ....... ony, Mpiciuoei -'i ; vhiiii.ikc,, SeptemlKT J'.i; Kockinnham. 'I uesdav. SeptemlH-r :m. County chub men will plerse advertise IiImtiiIIv itli liaiul-i iiis ami oincrwise. and ilriuiH-r'itie paR-rs (jive pi.lihcity to these appointments. l-.ll. t. IIAtllli:ilS ?tl,TII, Cli n Stale Km. fix. Coin. DEMOCRATICNOMINEE3. pur Chief Juolirr ol the Supreme Curl : HON. A. H. MlvKMINKIN. I'nr AmcUile Jimtlec ol the Kiiprvuie Court : HUN. WAl.Tlik CI.AKK. POH SI-I'IOIIIIK Col-NT JI'lxlK: 1st rlilriel imi II. Ifc iiulon. LM . II liNKV K HHt IS. Ill Clllt'l l. 4th ill.lrlet Kl'll S WlllTAMlK. of Willie. Mil K W. Wisstom. of ilrentlMe. Illh illtrlet H. T lloVKIx. ol niil....ll 7th .li.ulrl J auk II. McIvkh. i.l Mm. re. mil illume! K Anueiul.1.. ill Irvilell. loth ih-triet Jno. !m av lusru. ol liurke. 1 1 Hi ilimnct w. A. noKK, oi i.iiiciiiii. fl.HSOI.ICITOK: lt ilMriet II. IIi.oi nt. of l'rriiiiinmi. Jii ili-tiirl J M i Ikix.i H M, ol" IIm'iiik :iil ilitrlet llo. H W Ilinl. ol Wilson. 4ih ill.tnel Ii. W I'or. jr , of .l.iliiitin. Mil di.lnil H. I'ahkiik. ol Alioiiumx'. Hill ih. tin I l. II. Ai.i.hv ol Leiinlr. 7th illlr, I I'SANK MCM.II I . Ol KHIIItinilll xih ill.iilei II. I'. l.oMi. of Irniiil mllile.trl.1 W. W. Iltsiil.s, ill Wlll.c loth ili.trl.-t v. l .Nrtvi. imi, oi t.ioiiti-n. I llh .'i.triet V I.IISIH.HNK...I tlit-kli iil.iiiu-lailnll-lriet lino Ji'MiS. I' Miivon. FOS COKONKSs: 1st Hl.lrlet W. A. II. IKAXCII. nf llrnuiort liil ili.lrl. I tV I K..i:m. in Suit l. ...l.t.-n .til ilwlrl I It. I' Hhai.v, of Hiil'illl. 111. .Ii.irlel II II. Ill SS. Of Nll-ll Mil ill.lrl. l A II A Wit. I li,..l l.riinviile. Ilth lll.trlit H. II. Mccklni linm. 7lh ili.lllet I . IIi:mi:ko. of Knunn m.i. .I...... i w II II. I'nu l.i... of Willn-N lllll lll.trlvl W. T CNAHFOH I llllt fThsn Itnhy ws sick, wt her f'salorlA. Wlu'n ln was a Child, slw erk-il fur I 'asloria. When slss tsseaiiM. Miss, she ehm In CasViria When sue bail Children, tliv nan lueiit Casturia. The Anhevllle C'lllcen fjloes) The lat.-st liKiil news. The ftTslwsl Stale news. The Ik-si ncncrnl news. Ccinral ami sHvial comments. The larucst sitbscripliiui list of nny secular nnisr in the Slate, The Ik-sI ailverlisiuu meiiiiitil 111 tile Slate. A lull st all' of able editors and corn s- Himlcnls. The neatest, newsiest nnil most cuter iirisimi naisr in North Carolina. lis illiirts nrc always devoted to the iiiibuililiiii! nud development ol the re si Minis of the State, partiiularly the Western section. Siibscrintioti. 90 Iht minimi; J.I six months: r.ilrrnls ts-r monlli. ESTEY. FISCHER. The Stnrlil I'nnioiis. unniunlnl, unekeellril, .loriililc nml In mil Hill FSTIJY ORGAN AMI FISCIIKR PIANO Are rrcnminrmliil hv Hie tsrsl artists. Cmne anil rtaniinr our hoiiiIb iHfnre l.uvlnx else. at Nu. n7 I'ullon avenue. Tutilnii anil mislrlns s iwelnltv. a M. WILLIAMS CO. tilvilliA)W4m TO WEAK r.lEN nflsrliHI nrm th. .frasla of ymhhil arrnKl. surlf 4sry, WaalUis wistknaaa, Insl, lo. I lu ssnil a vsluabl. trssllM. lasalwli AotiUl.illt full fnr bnai. ours, FRff.Cr li.r A plsndl'l ansdlftftl wnrtl 1 abotiM 1 rttad by srsry Ba wko la Mrrou. anil d.tilliikU4. AililKtts, rraA r. C. rvlfUl. MotMlua, Cgaa. aovt daw if for Infants oCastnrla Is so well ndApted tncliildron that I riToiiiiiii'iid ltiissiiHirlorluiiiiyiruscriitiuu known to nn..' II. A. Aiirin.ti. T. !., Ill So. Oxford St., llruolil; n, N, Y. sepl 8ti The Croat Cocoa of Europe, The Coming One of America. w,nt: nr si'kciai. rutu-Kss-TiiKHKsT. Cocoa is of supreme impor tance as an article of diet. Van Ilouten's lias fifty per cent, more flesh-forming prop erties than exist in the best of other cocoas. Van H outen's "BEST& GOES FARTHEST" The tissue of the cocoa bean is so softened as to ren der it easy of digestion, and, at the same time, the aroma is highly developed. ft-VAMHrT!'N'S mm A ("onr-s trinrl. lwyiiiHii ") i. Hit iii'ltflimlt pur swilu hi 4'i.rtMi. nvrniMl, tuf ntcil uud mu tit In llulliiiiil.iiiit. intn-iliiy trsttter am) mnrmHhl Mian any uf t)iH i.titntTnim iniit tionn. In fftft. comiiarBiive ti-t will emily prdVAtlllnl minCbr rrotViunUl)lir lnrntttr'a in unlit t lily, Kit rfrn hlfi tl ttiil mitrttivo (Hialitii'i, I,nriii'it Mile in ttio Htirld.1 (or Van IIhuh.n n ainl taku tioothur. Tali's Pills CURE CONSTIPATION. Tocnjojr hallh uiiuhIiiiiiIiI have rK nlr etttt'iiHtliin tiy luviHy four bourn. Ihif v.U. huih mvulul utl pbynlral, rvMiiltiiitf I roai HABITUAL CONSTIPATION rettistny Mini nrrlon. I-'or I he run of thl 'oiiii.ii iroMhlr, I'utl l.ltor 11111 liitt v ititiin'fl Miiiliifii,y mipar llvlvd r let n I. mHroiMiuU SOLD EVERYWHERE. IJO N4T FORCiKT Til AT- MWEEKLY CITIZEN I s () X L Y SI-ONE DOLLAR-SI n:u VliAH, Strictly in Ailvitncc. $5 For u CUih (' Six. Send i n iiiki ivih'W your Hiiliscriilioii nt mitr. S I M M i 1 1 1 ('(lll'l'SKIlrlltS in I'Vt'i'.v section of Wi-stiTii Nortli Ciifoliiiii. HIMCCIAI. I liATI Kl Hl LOCAL NKWS, F(l!i:i(iN NKWS, MIIIICIIn'UALNKWS. ALLIAXCK XKWS, ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. The Rent Family NcwHpnpcr In the State. A CA11D. Hilltnr Asheville Clilirnt That our ninny frli-nda may know hnw tvr are srttlnn nn we will slntt that we took In In Hotel nnu Store 9,ooo In Vive WitKs. Took In Inst Mnltirilny over Tou. 7n ol that was hotel, linlsuee .tore. Hotel rcNis trml illl that day. Hail 6.000 arrivnla In A months, nur stvtrk Is mammoth Bun lect Ions anil In feet wide, Tell the lialnnre nl Ihr world lo mine and see "Old Cited" smile, anil buy guoil. ol ut and save 10 to SIS per cent. oovlodtl S. K. ClllttU'THH A WIN. and Children. Castnrla runs Onlle, Consllpnllon, Hour Sli'iimeli, HliiiTlueu. KriieiuiiMn, Kills . nn 4, gitiis hlis-p, uud iii'imiutcs di- fri'Htion, luul lujuriolis medication. The Ckntai'B Cohpakv, T7 Murray Ruwt, S. Y. lUSitvl v AnvKimsixn when iiitt'lli tiviitly conilui'li'il, is 11 very vuliinlilc n i I in ilnnviii"' ciis- lollMTS, illlll wlll'll DIM' Cllllsillt'l'S lllilt it wiishmkI liy Iltili iTt nonnci', ".My success is Dwiiiylo liltfi-iility in iilvir lisiiii;','' lit' limy well njii'i'i' will) tin HTl'Ht .llOWIIIilll, 1'. T. liiiriiiini, tlint "t III' I'tlllll to loi't- 1111c is tlii'inili ii'inti'r's ink." Anici'it'iiii Stntioii- T. FOR RliNT. A GOOD RRASS AND STOCK FARM, if milt', irtti Aslii villr Cotit't IIhiim'. 2, AiTtH ri,ail'.I, ;mk! Now 9-K00111 Hausc. ALL Miihl-KN IMI';TS. I'UHlun liiiul t iHiuwli rT rijiht nrtm uiwi hiitnili'i in iiufntiiw . Apply I" J. A. MURDOCH. ril "J'lil." I Wtt 1-:. COM IN, Real ICslatc Ay;cnt. ASli IJi.lV IIKiiKliK. 3 NORTH MAIN ST.. 1 MORGAN'S BOOKSTORE 1 Monet loitneil nml m-II it-rum! at s tsr'n't- lMt,T-.l. krtll l-Nttite Imtmlll Mini m,lil nl pnlilic (Old tiriviilt- wale Ui IIIK ei.llreli-il. I .oll'llli tril II Weill l-'xlnlc mill AiH-lii.ll Inl-illeH ill c'lliirlri li.n, S C, leu yiiir. ami will le irtiiil fitti-ntioii tu all huiiiu-HH put ill m.v cliarKc. iiilt L'llliti THE SUN. -fOK- 1890. Home ts-i.ple nirn-e ttilh The Sun's i.iiniini aliont men nml lliiniri, mid Miime H-i,pl ditu't ; lull everylioil.v likea to Ki-t I11.I1I of llli-lletapnH-r Hlllcll is never illlll told never rttrui.l to .H-nk 11k mind. Ih-miii-rnti. know tliat for ttventv years The Sun lias fouulil ill tile mm! line lor lh-111-oi-rtilie priti.ilili s. never wavi-rinu or weak eninu In Its li.yalt v tollle triii-liiti-i-i-als uf the parly it servei. with li-nrli-sM Intrllii:, nee and dikinteresti-il vilt'.r. At lliiie iililllli.lis hn te dllli reil as Ii. he Is-st minus oi lltvompl'ah inu tile eomtlK.n pitri,c: il ia not I lie Sun's fault it it litis seen lurther into the mill stone. l-;it:hteeti hundred nnd tilm-ty Is the yenr that will iiriiluilily detertuine tin- result ni the Presidential elei lion of 1 sliy, and H-rhnps Ihe Inrtiiiiis ol lite lictnocmey for the ret ..I the century. Victory in In'.i-j ia n iluty, uud the lK-uiimtijif istio i tin- lH-al time toatnrt nut iu company with The Sun. Itdily, ta-r 1 itll ao-VI limlv. H-r year ..... Sil'tilay. is r .tear J..M. I'aiiy mid Siliidny. cr year H..M. tiailv mill Sulldav, per miiutll f.7 Weeklv. one year 1.00 Artcln-MM THU SI N, Mt-w fork. THE ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN In IU new frtrm rftniiw all tho rlmnvtrrl-tlo fintnrra nf I bo nbl nti. with All IuitdwhiU uuui bur ut Pnun nnd Illuntriitloim, The Illustrated American i n lttiiiwo(i'. tu I m tin liAiipihii't We My Ncwn lAittii In Mm wrbl. Ail.mlAi;Mfi Uk vn h tlio iiimiBi-' nii ht nf i vit)1 npimrlutiltjr t atviiri) tliv Uuati l tnoai rrltnMi Inform tloll of liipli'M ft Heli'Tll HI I' I ttltl rilfllliMHll ill ti-n-sl in Hum tviiititr l:uroH. LVrtvp.iii.'titi, Arti-t hh-I iMiuliniptioni nn .iitiiil ut w irk in M.l p.irt" nf hu rlil ((IiMiitiitl ili'imt of Ititt riat l r tliu huili-. The Illustrated American In flmiti, dlmoluti'ly Mnxi'i'tiirifiii, frn from politl. rjtlillrH'lstiiN liI'lV) tV li;itl-H. tt Milt 1) n n-'wit itiAi'it. .ni' lr tin f iintly. Club iitcii n t MpnrtKiiM'ti will Ihul Atlili lliK ninl Onim. Viii litliirtitiil H'i"i Halt tirwN, Lmliin will Hint Tiirri'iit 'I'l'i'lm afinU'rusit In Wiitum, Army fttul N.ivy tulitrm milt ninl Ittnti utiil MioIih Itrriphfi nf Army ninl Sttvy Niwh, AiitlitiHilnh will Mijny ,lltl-Tii' Ami'rl.'ft" Kvi'ryliiHly Will ctiluy tint Heiml Him-y l IMit Fa w Celt, lHtiin ill '"'. vj. GRK1CR BROS., (Slicceaaors to llalril A; Hector.) No. aft North Main Hired, "Unaka," A tUTi:illlM I'l.lU M M NCPACTI'M lill I'llH H I TKAIili, AM. HIl:H, WE SELL FOR 13.40 PER HUNDRED. KIVATIt lit : A K 1 1. I.iimr cool, nlrv rooms, houai newly fnr- lll-heil ; giinil talilc. I t-rma rt-usonillile. I'll atri-et car line. MKH. J. I.. HMATHKKSl. .liilyl'Jdilin am Pillion Ate, Tlllt ICOA' I.IFIi ANNl'HANCi: HOCI1CTV. Assets Surplus tii7.inn,:ioii.m .... 1C. O. Monroe, Art., Asheville, N. C. Olllce Mil Muulli Main street. aula dtf To n certniii oxtilit ",'ononil ml vert isiii",' crent cH a want. It iiiiiioiinceH new tilings and fiiiiiiliiirizcH tlie pulilie with old ones, (ienernl ntlvcrtiH IX is of ns j,Tent, valuototlio ml vert iser in keepiii"; an es tiililislied article before the public 11s in introducin n new one. The most success ful business men realize this, nnd they never let the public forget their existence. The oft-repented assertion that nd vert isenii'iits nre not rend is proved to be a lie of the most senseless kind by the advertiser's record of results. .1 n run list. Tlie niilly citizen. Is always alive to the interests ol Asheville and its H-oplc. Is the most popular advertisini; me dium iu Nortli Carolina. Is read by a urealer number of ieople than "My other secular paper in the Stale. Is always filled with the choicest read lun matter of ihe day. ItoanliiiK houses till their rooms by nil vcrtisiii", in the Ci nzi:x. News, ami all the news, makes the ClT izi:x a icneral favorite. No retail merchant ever made a Kr'at since is without udvcrlisiim,. Try the Cmzi'.x. An advertisement in the Citiicn pays 1 he advertiser an hiindrei 1-fold. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. I'ASSI'NIiltK 1 1 K I A HTM HNT, Win tin. Nnrth Curnhua tivinion. I'assi;nc.i:h tkain sciiiciu lb 1 In liPPHt'T Auyit"it HI I rth Mi riilian litut- uxril w In n not othcrwlw HASTItnlMl. I Nn ru 1 Nn. na I Haily. I I'Hlly. Lv. K iii villi. I'.MHll IlllT.t " Ashi villi-. Ar. Siilinlnir-. , ' I'anvilli. " Kit-liuiiiiul, KiiliiKh. " t .iil 1 11 r t. " WiltlllflUtiill " I. viuhlmri;, " Washiii-a.' t n ' Iwi'ltiiniri-, " I ImIm.. " ,Vw V.ik, :TIHil Nil. I Unpni I h 1 1 Mini 1 J Hiain I I'irjnm r .".'lam I l-.'pm I l;ti;uin ! Kijopm I ;(irMiitii.5mi 1 n't pin I 7 .i'liini 1 L'U'.'ipni 1 12 4.npm I liiiopnil I rjL'ftpin I ILTiftani 7 lnpm I t.r:tum ."upni 1 H LTiam JttHiati) i to l-iutn 'jiiaiii : 1 L'upm I So. r.u 1 Nu. TiJ I liatly. j haily. I Ni v York. I'hila.. l'j 1 r.atn I 4 :wipm 7 'JMnm I iii7pin ti i.'.amt i:iipm Halnmtirt', Wiissliint'iil 1 1 2 lam j II hmh Lviii-hl'iiru.i Ti 4tpm 1 rio7iirn K'ii liuioui), I :iunpm l :inam f I'uuviltf. h 4- pit 1 1 hO.-aml Wiltniiiut'n C.,d NiM.r... Kali iuh, Snliilmry. . A-!li iili-, Kitit-xv lr, iiit h nu i . i H o in in I 'J H'pm I HOnpm 4 4 .". I in I 1 aoimil 1 1 4 "hi in 1 1 1 L'.'atn "J-'amj 41. '-'pin M4."i!nnl KJ.'ipm Nn. r..1 I A- Ac S. K. K. N H4 litlly. ! I I 'fillv. M.'iain Lv Ahrvifk. Ait. 7oopm Iimi'.i iiniiAr. IU'ihIi iuiivillc, " j H7 ji m IL'42ptu " parifiiitiiii'K. l.v.j J144I m MCKI'IIY HK ASCII, i laily i-Mi'pt Nn. 17 1 I 7 M." a in Lv. AhIh- ilie. Ar. 4-nft p m I'h.i p ni t 4." h m ft ftp n m aiii Ar. VaiiinviIlc, " pml " !iriin l ily, " ,ri,'iii nml " AnilrrwH, I.v Nun. ro unit M, I'lilliiutii SUfprrn lMtwrm Kiilt ili runt MnrriM u Nn.. ."ij nml T:t I'lillman Mullet Slrrplnff Can- ImIWivii Hut Spriiitin ami Wurt.liUKlim. V. A. WIMII KN, h. I' A . Afhvvillv. N- C. IAS. L. TAVI.oH.;. I. A., Wavhinutiin h C. Chicago A: Alton R.R. I'ASTIiST Kllt'TIt TO KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST Aahevilte to City in 37 hours. A.lieville to lieiiter ill M hours. A.liet ilie to Still Kraneiaeo, Cnliluntin. and I'.irtlmld. t'reunn, in 5 itava. Snlnl Veslilinleil Traina St. I.otlls tu Kan ana Citv. Keilinini; cliair cur Iree. I-'or till! lulnrmnliiin cull on or write to II. A. Ncwland, I'iatriet Pnaaeiik-er AKent. No. Ill Pattoll Ave., Aaheville. N.C. . I ll AKI.TilN. IS. P. A., Chieaiiu. III. NEW TRANS-CONTINENTAL ROUTE. VIA CHIC Alto, Ml LVV At'K Ivit t lT. PAIX ANH NOKTIII-KS I'ACII'IC K. K. Thmi I'littnuin strrpliiu Cnr Irnvn Chl VHK'i ilai' at ."t.:nt p m I'nr St I n nl ami Mmmnpulin. " I'liru', Nortli haknta. " IL I. na ami Until-. Mi ultima. ' I In- tlliwtim I'liik. " spok'im- 1'n 1 1 ami Tiki mm. " I'm tlainl, in i;in Hil Uonti- tn Siattk- nml nil North 1'iuitic Coait n'jnt. Tl-r i rim litn-in Ctilllornla, via I'nrtland ninl 111' Slia-ln Ntiittiv iii-)t i ii jih turvwhirr, I'm iiimnuitioti apply ii nnv A pent, or mliltcHi A. V. II I'AMi'CMliN, C.t'iirrnl I'nu sruuit Xunt. Chaat'i. Ml,, or l C. Hmm-v, S -iiilnrn rai-ini;i r Ajtiuil. Li.uivillc. ky. A TLANTIC C)AHT LINK on ami alter thi ilatr tlir foltnwln nrhril ali w ill in- rim nvrr n "Ciiluinlaa Inviainn." No. r: l.'(ivr CMtiitnhiit" p. m. Aitivi-i in i'tiittlritnn Ii. Mn p. m. Nn. ft.' l.i nvi-a Cliar1t-tnna 7. H m. m. AiTir at Coliinthia 1 1 rift a. m. Cimttivtinu with tritim lo nml I mm All pi. in in mi Ihr Cliarlmii', Cntnmliln At Au un-ta ami Cnlunihiu t'trunvlllc KHllrnailii. I 'ally. T M lMi:HfuN, (Wn. Vmmt. A (ft. I. I', i.rvrvit. (;.n m.t. TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palsci Stcsmiss. Low Rati Tour Trip, par Waak Hal ween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND PatiMkajr. Ha.llt Bid MaMf, and LlM IL.r.-n W v Torta. tt WMth xr ntwn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND . fr 11 iiiiH) Ttlsl iIhiiki J nut, Jul) i AuumI Mtt rH4. Don III Daily I .nn Bfwffti CHICAGO AND T, JOSEPH, MICH. Oi iLLUSTRAfCO PAMFHL'T haiM r tut Hummt n Tlfh will b fu ninlnil tv viturl'ifh' aiat'iit, or at I tit vhp r. B, WHITCOVB, 0. P. A.. DltaniT. M..;h., 0 troll nnd Olvinntf Stnam Nnv Oo. Street Car Schedule. Iti'MluninK nt 7 a. m. Hnillna 10.00 p Cnr leaves Hiuarr for all points on the hour, un.l twenty nml lorty minute, there- nrter. Heheilule enrs eonneet nt ttiitinre. Trnlu ear nml hnMMiiK ear meet cverv train, line valise allotted rack paasenxer lluiilliiKe trnttsierri il floni all uulnt. la the city for Ufl cents. THU AH11UV1LLU 1TRUUT BV. CO. o o b" "o" t p a o o b ""o o " DO YOU WANT Letter IlendH, J'.ill Heads, Envelopes, HuBiness Cards; OR Winlding Curds, Invitation Cards, Programs, Menus; Oil letter Circulars, Monthly Statements, Small Dodgers, Large Hand Bills; OU A Hook, A Pamphlet, A Leaflet, A Prospectus, ARTISTICALLY PRINTED ? Then send your order to THE RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. No. 0 N. Court Square, Asheville, N. C. ANYTHING From a Xevspnier to a Vis iting Curd can bo execu ted in a workmanlike stylent this Print ing House, AM) at PRICES AS LOW As First-ClasH work can bo done. Ask any of the thousands of their pntrons in Asheville nml Western North Carolina as to their manner of doing business. They aro LEADERS IN 1 In North Curolina. ii AAA AAA A TTTTTTTT

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