:day evening, October 3, iboo. 4 'i i 1 V i CITIZEN SUPPLEMENT. Oct. 3, 1890. $10,000 m 30 Days. WRECK As is known to many of our friends, the of our building was necessarily followed by CRASH We arc determined to hold our trade even in a much TORN UP AND CONFUSED The repairs have not progressed as we expected, consequently we hereby an- in prices. condition nounce A THIRTY DAYS' ONSLAUGHT during the entire month of October. OUT RATE prices on everything. We mean to sacrifice profits on Ten Thousand Dollars in Thirty Days. Our house is packed with a full, fresh, clean, stylish stock of closely-bought goods. Don't fail t0 makc car5v Purcnascs whilc assortments are unbroken. Below we ap pend a few prices, which speak for themselves. .-votio.n. I Black Brilliantine, 40 in., 500 Hdkfs. worth 8c for 2e 1000 pr. half-hose, worth 15," c 1000 paper pins, worth 3c, " 1 Jc t5 ilo.. nursery pins, worth 8e,5c Buttons by the million. 25 doz. rhiltTn blk. hose, 10e '25 doz. Indies' " " 10c 'JSdoz. " afs't. " 8Ac 10 do., gloves worth 20, for 12c Braids, knitting cotton, spool silk, belt, buckles, Mather kid gloves, knee buckles, hat elastics, every shade of ribdoiw, laces, Vandyke points, and a thousand other articles to save you money. Inquire for our 2tie , 48c and 64c corset 02Jc Silk warp Henrietta DSc I'laid flannels, 48 to 57Jc Serges in all colors, 58c to 85c Silks in black and all colors from 38c to 1.10 Shawls, big lot, worth for 85c Fine dressy shawl, $2.10 Big drive in counterpanes at 1.30 Comforts worth 1.15 for' !)0c " " 1.75 "1.25 ! Ladies' and children's fur i I muffs from 50c to 3.00 Fine assortment plush capes and jackets from 2. to $18.00 Silk umbrellas at bargains. Bleached domestics. Barred muslins. Butcher's linen. Table linens. Towelling in great quantities and at surprising reduc tions. Blankets ! Blankets ! 1 i.nt:Kni:AK. Drill drawers, worth 35c, for 25c Ladies' and men's under- vests, 15c to $2.00 Outing shirts worth COc, for TJ5C Ladies' combination knit suits, 1.75 Men's rubber coats. Cardigan Jackets, 75c to $1.50 Overalls from 80c to $1.10 K1 l.fMU'f. 1,500 yds. calico, worth 7c, for 5c 15,000" " " 7Jc,"(!c 15,000" ginghams," 10c, " 7i(c :;0,000 " f hirtings and sheet ings. 0,000 " cotton checks, , 43c 1,000 "Sea Island, 5cto8Jc (iOO " Indigo prints, CJc to 7Jc 1,000 " Fruit of the Loom, 8c 550 " worsted, !Hc 500 " Henrietta, 30 in. 14Jc 250 " Tricos,double width, 35c " single " 22Jc i Cotton batting. Double width Brilliantine, 25c ! Bed Flannels, IIA'I'N. Boy's wool, worth 35c for 25c " crush, " 85c " 55c Men's " " $1.00 " 08c " nobby stiff.w'th $2. for $1.35 " " $3.75, " $2.05 Child's fancy, from 40c to $1.00 Men's wool, from 30c to $1.00 Ladies' trimmed hats in felt and straw, fresh from mar ket, and latest styles, 80 cents to $3.50 Caps in an abundance. niiokn: niiow Blankets!!! f rum 05c pr. to$(i.50l Enough to shoe Buncombe Sheetings, 10-4, for 25c I county! "Big, little, old i t r iTi.-kin.?. outimrs. cheviots. I aim young ' can uesu.e ui ' and cantons, going like "hot cakes." a (it of foot and pane. I 9Jc '. 500 trunks, valisesandsatch 15c to fiOc j els. marked away down. UESl'HCTFU LLY, BOSTIC BROS. & WRIGHT, Fronting Court Place. ASHEVILLE, N. C. bMK ""saaBBw" aBBlBaar wr saV aijw r Infants and Children. lnptod to chlUlron that lor to any proscription AruMiKR, M. ,, St., Drouklyu, N. Y. Caslnr la enroll Colic, Constipation, Hotirtsttmuu'li, Dliii-rliiim. triK'Uilion, Kills Wuruis, vive sluop, and pixuuottK di pt! .Ion, Without iujuriiiua medication. Tas CiMTAt'a Coupiny, 77 Murray Streiit, N. Y. sept ".". iIKlwIv CCKSS, Ti iiK.-n RAflA M'S KOItlv KII.I.I.K Ik iiimI wonderful nifil in iK'taimc it Im t'niUil in nnv in tr, no miitftrr v. Imt iKi'MHc, from 1.1.1-. '. to the ninip'i-Ht w kimwn toihchu nystrni. Ki-it'iitidc mm of y c 1 ii I in ii nil tlmt every illm lcrolMt BE KILLER: i nml drive lihcm it-n tlint in d'-itv r inin. No Hint ler a dimple curi nihiuiiLnii of 'Uh he nii o if ti inc , nil tuttui ally. Ctt.vrth. Hran 'it buy uthj Liwr i'cvvi; I'vm.ik ns, i.c. in titctt to the lluw.nn iJ IMITATIONS, (nit tnr an nlio,-ci of itlir MfCtoht imi. Mr. N. C. JITOEN Y .LAIi-SI ADVKKTISIXO when intrlli jyt'iitly comliM'tcd, is a very vahmblo jiid indrawiiir cus lonuTH, ami when oiio oonsiilors that it wassaid l.y Kob ort Ilotmor, "My Hill-cess is oviiif't() lilnM-ality inatlvor lisiiifr," lio may well afii'oo with tin juT(nt sliowiiiiui, I'. T. Itariium, that "tho road U fort lino is through priulor's ink." Aiuoi'ican Stationer. FOIt RENT. A GOOa GRASS AND STOCK FARM, a mill' Iron.' Ashivllli' Court llniinc, a,l AvrcH of Iand, (ioatl New 9-Uooin Houhc. A I.I. M(Vi;KS IMI'KHVIiMKNTS. riiHlurv IuihU-iumibIi for elxlit or till ci; Iniliiniv hi ntciolow. J. A iir.t w 1 1 Apply to MURDOCH. To n eertnin extent cenera advortisini? cmiteH a want, It annouiicoH new things and familiarizes the public with old ones. Uonornl advertis ing is of as great value to the advertiser in kwiHiiir an es till l tailed artii'lo before the )iiblie as in introducing a new one. . J lie most suecess. fill business men realize this, and they never let the public forget their existence. The oft-repeated assertion that advertisements are not read is proved to be 11 lie of the most senseless kind ny Vie advertiser's record of results. Journalist. The Dally Cltlxen. Is iihvnys ulive to the interests ot Anhcvillf in ! its M.'(iplc, Is the most popular advertising mr (liuiu in North Carolina. Is read by n greater mimlwr of iicople than "ty other sveulur paper in the Mate. Is always filled with the choiecst read, iiii: matter of the (In v. Hoarding houses hll their rooms by ad vertising III the LITIZIiN. News, and all the news, makes the ClT 1 1: s a ueiieral favorite. No retail niereliant ever made a frrvat suet-en without udverlisiiiK, Try the Cituhn. An ailvertisemcnt in the Citizkn pays the nilvertiser an luinilrcn-tolrl. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. PahUKNOKR IIKI'AHTMKNT, Wmteru North Carolina Illvinlon. PASSKNCHR TRAIN 8CHHUULB (In Hpphct AuKUHt 31) 7nth Mrriiliiia tinu' imeil whvn not othvrwlM Inillcntrd. KAMTMOimi. i.v. Knokvlllc, (Ulitli nit-r. I " Anhrvhlr, Ar. HilliHlinry, ' Ilanville, " Kichuiolld, I'.olflitiioro, Wilmiiiiton " l.yncllliurK, " WiiMliinKton " ItiiHimiirr, ' I'hila.. " New York, WKHTIMtl'NII j l.vr"Nrw"Yorkr riiiin., " lltiltlnion-, WnhitiKt'n Lytiehliurtf, No. PI 1 Daily. (1 Itopm 1 1! 40mn n n.'ium IKIL'nm No. ns Dully. H llinm lloypm 04'.'pm 10 2Dpm 3 Iflpml 4f5aml lonpinl 7:trntn L'r.pinliaopml i ipml I 1 'J L'ftpm 7 lopm Noopni aoiiam IllMiam 'No. fto" luilly. IL'iniim 71'nni Il4.r,nni 12SSm llft.'luni N 'jrtum 1047am 1 Ullpm "NoT na llully. :111pm ItATpin uaopni I LHani 111 oopm A4opml r.o7nm mehnionil, I aoopiu a aoani I liunrllle, j Hilpm 8oniim i Wllininut'nl UOoaml l'4.opm nopm Real Instate Ajjeut. AND I.OAV IIIdiKI.K. 3 NORTH MAIN ST., iMOHGAN'S BOOK STORE I MolK V luancil nml well weiired nl K ht rent, inu-rml. Kenl l-Ntiite I uhl nml "old nt tiutillennd privnle Hale. KciiIm eollteteil. I eiiniliteteil n Rtiil rHiniciim Aii'iiiin liufhie in Cliarli-ii. toll. S C. Ivll nr. fin.l will Kve prompt attention lo airOuineNN put ill my eharKe. iulv'JJil I in THE SUN. -POK- 1800. K, Cl 'M ICC. PFrillATflP ENTRUATQN V OUR Nn T k4 Yl Ms FOR SALE ! L lmncd and onlmproTed rtalfltt,poHl wlntM and nalilcne prnpertyi any kind, D prtv. In ant part of thceity. PARMINO AND MIN1NO LANK8. I RENT ! I toakr a ccllty of ranting pruprrty and coHtctlng rrnu. If yon arc looking for a koaat, consult my bulletin If yonr honat la vacant and you want a tenant, Hat wl at. No tenant, no cbargt. apply to . C. F. RAY. Real Entate Ag;cnt. FREDERICK RUTLEDCE. fZAL, EST ATS AGENT. Wf office houn will tie from tkl tlm on W i o to 1 , will bs glad, ta atMMri to nay atacM during thraa hiiura. I will all t lie 1 ajiy office off and on from a to III a. at. and an" I I" . I will lie glad In enow any Csaprrty durlnii thote hours Come and let f xi 'how you some haadaoaw property, lOdlm " V;, f : Ton? unlnrwwvna . t a aauia7e im SI Aaath aua - Mrt everything la the lint of f FAMILY GROCERIES, j tliem at cheap and deliver taera at ) 4mc an quick aa any hoUw la the city. vegetables Irom the country every '3 Vl show you what wt can do. et fully, B48 BROTUBKt, Prom tke New otk Poat. I heard a United States marshal tell n Ijood story the other duv. He Wid been ordered to go niter an JntlUn who was MWng whisky (o. bis dusky friends. Af. ter he captured the warrior he nve him a long lecture on the deprnvity of his eunduet. Alter listcnltiK stolidly the hall breed siiiU l "Ain'l dere no wny I enn cet hehwd outer this?" h ' "No one can help you now but heaven," his enptor nnswercd, The prisoner shook hit head sndly, In a hopeless manner, as he aiuttereil : "Welr-henreo, he Rood deal like Uncle Sain-u.a one ever ace him," Oat of Hla Cairo Again. Prom the Wilson Mirror, We heretofore Introduced our readers to the courtly and knightly Montague, nnd to his efficient ussistnnt, the affable and popular 8am Wet tbrook, U Is now our pleasure to speak of the genial ipiali ties and cnptivatiiuj gritcea of Sain Ilcnti ersfield, whti it a nt associate for the above elegant gentlemen, and who stands behind the desk with a smile ns full of blandishment aa the seductive witchery of a maiden when she bites the moustache of her lover nenth the glam our of moonbeams. Taka Cairo of too Brain, Prom the Lad lea' Home Journal. The brain stands most abuac of any organ in the body. Its best tonic and stimulant it success. The worst and moit depressing thing to it is failure. The most Injurious effects come by using stimulants in early Hie. Young people should never use liquors, tea or coffee. The latter two may not exnctlydoharm, hat they arc conducive of no good. They act mostly on the brain and injure iU growth very materially. Abundant of sleep is necessary, Eiuht hours U n more than enough. Sleep l 4b time of relatively lowered esucuuiturc and In. creased repair, Htn iiminci n. I'. I.uvt. of In ilell mhilltrict W. W. Iiariikx, oi ' Wllim. tilth dinrlct V. C. Nkh i.anu. of Lnldwclt. I llll Intriet I' l.tlaniiKNK.of Mrrklrnliuru. tilth dhtriel jko. a. Junks, i f Mucin. ros coNOKKss: 1 at district W, A. n. Hhancii, of lleniilnrt. Ji illntrict W . Koiihhh. cil N.,,t uinpum. .'Id ilintrl t II. I' Chaiiv, of IHiplln. tlh illKtrlel II. II. IIi-kx, nf Nimh. th district A. II A. Wm.i.iam..iI Cranrllle. Olh ill.trlct . . H. Ai.kaniikh, of MtvLlcil liiirii. 7thdlti'M J A. llHMiiiHsiiN, of Kowiin. Hthdiaiik't W. II. II. Ciiwi.iii, of Wilkca. OtbiHmrlct W. T. Chawpiihii. ol llavwoial. When Baby was alek, vra gnva bar Caatorla. Whi'n aha was a Child, she cried for Caatorla. When aha became M las, aha clung to Caatorla. When she bail Children, she gave tlaini CostorC To Advrtle?ra) To insure change of Milvertisenicnts running on regular contract, copy must Ik handed in iiv 10 o'clock u. in. .iikfiii i iit it.n lit tiiim Some people ngrre with The 8un'a oplnlona nliont men and tliiiuri. and aonie in'opl ilun'l ; Imt everylmdy likea to (ti t hold of the iu'lii1H-r wliieli in never dull and never alriiid lo MK.ik ita mind. Heiuoeriifj know that for twentv years The Sua has fnuulit In the front line lor Hem oeratie prineiples, never wavering or weak ciiini: Inils Inyaltv tutlie iruelntenals or the purl v it serves with fearlesa intellik'i nee and iliiiiitiresled vigor. At timea iipitiions have liillircil as to .he I. est nieiina of aeiomphsli inu the eoniiiO'n purpose; It is not The Sun's fault if it has seen further into the null. I stone, liitiliteen hundred and ninety Is the year that will pmlmlilv delcrmlne the resullnl the 1 kf 4.lv. ' I'resiilinllal eleetliill of 1 spa. ami K-rhll. - the Inrliims ol (he I lemiKTlo y for the rest ol 1 theeentiirv. Vletnrv In I "lia la a duty, and i the lCKi"llill!"f t spo Is the heal time tostnrt nut ill eompanv with The Sun. Unilv, a r month o (0 - . liiiily, Hr vear e.oo llll .0 rVl)xV , Sunilav, per year J.o luiiiy and Sinnlny, )ter year M.oo I ii;iilv ami Sunday, ht month 070 Weekly, one year s.wf Address TMK MVM. New York. " i',ollilior J Kalcluh. " Sallslitiry, Ar. Aslleville, " Knoxv le, ninth mer.l No. fln I I Holy. I 44rpml l.loam 1 1' 4lnin 7--um 1 1 l'5nm I 4 Upra H 2Qpm A. At . K. K. pl.t am I. v Asheville. Arr. toon amIAr. ilenilersonville, " IU4'Jpiul" SpnrlautiurHT, Lv. No. A4 Dally. 700 p m 607 p m 3 40 p m VI I'WIlll V IIUfcNl' II No. tl I lllnilyraivpt Sunday.) No. J7 7:(.t niu l.v. Aslleville, Ar. 1KIO ainiAr. a 41' i ml " fir,o . m I " WnvnrHvllie. llryson city, " Andrews. I.v 4UI1 p ro a O.I p m U4A a m ft no a m Niis. no nnd fll, I'ulltnaa 81cciers between Kaleigh ami Monistown Nos. r,U and n.'l I'ulliitnn lltifTet Hlceping Cars Inrtwcvu Mot Spriairs and Washington. W. A. Wl.Mll KN, 11. ! A., Asheville, N. C. JAS. L. TAVI.IIK.O. I. A., iVnshiuuton i -C. Chlcur;o& Alton R.R. PA8TB8T Rtll'TB TO KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST Asheville tn Knnsne City In S7 hours. Asheville to iK'iiver in ftl buiire. Aslleville to Kan Kraneiseii, California, and Portland, Oregon. In A dava. Solid Vrstilitilrd Trains St. I.nula to Kan ans Citv. Ni'llniiiR chair car free. I'or full inioimatlon cull on or write to II. A. Ncwland, IHstrlct Passenger Agent, No. lo I'ntlon Ave., Asheville. N.C. j. CIIAMI.T11N. O. P. A.. Chlenge, III. ESTEY. FISCHER. The World Famous, unequated, aneieelled, durable and beautiful ESTEY ORGAN -AND FISCHER PIANO Are recommen'lci uy the best artists. Come ana esamln.e nur goods before buying else- wnere ar. ntj. 87 I'atton avenue. Tuning raoRIng a aiwclaltv. & M. WILLIAMS & CO. ralrda4m 4Vj.'' , Ktsueetfully, Ttia sfo cnt Were Needed. Prom thfl New York tun. "Can unit nlwa mat Qn Mas I.IeJ -1- H .... .UH utf iivnt Hum sir i nekednlieugar. "1 wish to buy a ham aniiduih I' "But yon can get a ham tandwleh for a nickel," ''Yesith,etiuartrsi to fee the waiter TO WEAK MET fcnaruig from the effseta nt yonthfal errors, early aeeay, wasUos waaknaea, lost manhood, ato., I IQ Ssnil a valuable treaUaa laaaledl eontalulna fau patlonlsn for hame onra, FREIof charm. A splendid aaedleal work I saonUlb. rLS 1 byVrer? saa who Is aarvoua and debilitated. AddreaS IfoC 9. C rvmsm, sboooiu, Oonsv novA darv A NKW liKKI), careruiry prepared by lead lag members of the Asheville bar 1011 Aneat tiarchment and heavv flat nam.) Ke eling all necessary points, just out and now on aale at the office of the Citrsn Publish mo CO. No. 6 North Court ttqnare flanlat Siociiil ('onvsponihrnts in every section of VlVs lern Noi-tli ('.ir"iiiur- LOCAL NEWS, VOMKM N N I0WS, VOKlCIILTUltALNTAVS, AFjLIAXCH .'SEWS, AND ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. The Best Family News mi sr In the Stat u THE ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN In its new form rctalna all tho characteristic) foaturoa nf the old alio, with su tacroaeod diiup bor of Pauoa aud lllualraUoua. The Illustrated American la acknowledged In Isi tho haudsnuioat Wookty Knwa Maltw.lno III the world. Advsnuuio la t-ik. ou by tho iiiaiiaci.melit of every 0iortulilly tn sociiro the latnst and must rellalilo Infornia ttoil nf topics of jji'ticml and ttitcmsllouel lu. toruat III Ihiaeulllitry and l:nroK). Oiirruapi'liili'iils, Artists and Phntngmiilieis are cimiatatitly at work In all Kirta of tlia world sli'iuiltill Items of interest fur tho rumlore. The Illustrated American la rliiall, alisiduloly iinNeelarlan, free from polltl. oal discussions ami heavy dehiitca. V. la eminent y a unwa niaualn fur tho fsmlly. Club men and sportsmen will 8 ml Athletics and Oaiura, Yaai'dliiK "' biiso Hall uewa, Ladlra will nnd " Clnn 'ont Topics of Inlerast to Wotf ion," Army and Ma "f Olbcora will nud Iteiua and Thato araplu m' Army and Navy News. Autl.UarUus will inloy "Hiatorlo Amarlea." Everybody will enjoy tli e Venal alary by dgar rawcelt, tmna In No. at'. Through Pntlinnn Hlcciiing tTar leaves Chl- cnuo doily at iY.'tii p. in Pur IM I'Mill nntl .MlnitenHiiiB. " I'lirgu. North linkntn. " llel, mi and liutte, Mont. inn. ' Tile Vellowsluiie Park. " Kpokniir Palls and Tncm ta. ' I'ortlnoil. i tregnn ll si Konte to Hcatile nnd all Sorlh I'nclAc Const points. 1 lie l.eellic one in . nioorniii, in uiusnu and the Shasta K.nite. Tickets oil sole cvtrywiicre. I'nr inliirinutli n illinlv to nnv Agent, or address A. V. II. Cami'Iintiim, f encral Pas senger Agent. L'lilenuo, III., or .i C. Iihaiiv, n..ulhern I'usseliger Agent. I.uulsvllle, Ky. A CARD. No. GREER BROS., (Successors to Hnlrd i Rector.) at Nortn iwain oirtci "Unakii," A m'i'HHIOK 1'UIUK MANI'l'AfTl'KUD HIIK OI K THAUB,Al.l. Kliilll. m WE 8ELL FOR 3 40 PER HUNDRED. IHIVATIt HOAKD. strict cur line. Jiilyl3iinm Bdltor Asheville Cltlienl That uur many friends may ki' ,0 liuW w are getting on we will state that we took la In Hotel and Rtore 9,000 In vie W rcka. Took In last Saturday over I (TOO. tTA ot that was hotel, balance store. Hotel regle- tereri DA fh.f fl II H a ne . i- i A montha. Oaf atiwk la stam ann rM I rtase I"" long and IS feet wide. Tell f a. balance o( . nl"" l.nrge cool, airy nl he.l i good till ile. mmn. house newly Atr Terms reasonable. (In MKH. J. I". RM A.THIIKft, HIM I'ntlon Ave. THE KQUITAIlXIi LIFE AHHVRANCU HOCIKTV. ,.to7.ino.aii9.)2 ... aa.Hai,(i7.2 the world to come and ace "O ts a-hed" smile, and buy goods or us and aav ( HC to SS per cent, aovifl) dtf a. r. chudi ft'raw son. Ii. D. Monroe, Ajrt., Asheville, N. C. nmnd South Main street. aula dtf NEW TRANS-CONTINENTAL ROUTE. VIA CHICAGO, M I I.WAI'K 8T. PAUL AND NOKTIIUHN PACIFIC K. R'8. TLANTIC C1IA8T LINB . in itml nftf r thin ilntt? the fitllowlna chri' ult-M will Itv run tivt r fH "Colutiilitn IMvlnlon." Nu. AM Ix-nvi'M Ctihimnin" o.au p. m. Arrivm nt Clinrlritton B.HO p. m, Nu. tVi I.tnvcn ctiitrlinttm 7.10 a. m. Arnvt'M nt LititiiiiiMft ... ..on a, in. Cnnnrotlnu with tmlnn tu nml fnira all (loltilM nn thr Churliittt', Colnmltln At Au it iit ii niul Ciiluttililtt tk OrcrnvUle Kail road . IHIHV. T. M. KMHKHON, Ovn. I'aM. Afft. T. P. l-I'VIVIt. f'0 Hunt. TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. Pi.cc STisMiaa. Low Rati. roue Trips tier Week Belwsaa DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND riMkr. rUtilt nt Hftii. aod IssVlW Ituma VV tjr PorU, rry Wfh Day Btwm DETROIT AND CLEVELAND SfsHal HunAtr Tflpl 4hHhs Just, Jaly, AsesM saa twet. ' Double Dally Lias BaiwMn OhIOAQO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. O'll ILLUSTBATIo' PasPHtrT9 ItaUM sad alaoursl .aTlnksta will bAftt'iiuihed bv your Tloknt Aannl. cr aodrssa I, 8. WMITCOMB, d. , A., DtraoiT, Mich., O.'trolt and Olavaland ataam Nnv. Oo. . o DO YOU WANT Letter Heads, Bill HeadB, Envelopes, BuHiness Cards; OR Wedding Cards, Invitation Cards, Programs, Menus; Oil Letter Circulars, Monthly Statements, Small Dodgers, Large Hand Bills; OR A Book, A Pamphlet, A Leaflet, A Prospectus, ARTISTICALLY PRINTED ? Then send your order to THE RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. No. G N. Court Square, Asheville, N. C. ANYTHING Froir a Newspaper to a Vis iting Card can be execu ted in a workmanlike style nt this Print ing House, AND AT PRICES AS LOW Ah First-class work can bo don Ask any of the thousands of their patrons in Ashevillo and Western North Carolina as to their manner of doing business. They aro LEADERS - PRINTING In North Carolina. Street Cur Schedule. llcHlnnlna- at 7 a. m. Bnillne; 10,00 p. lit Car leaves ftqaaf for all polata oa the hoar, and twenty and forty minutes there after. ekhedule cars connect at Square. Train car and bagKatre car meet averv train. One valise allowed sack passensjc. Baggage transferred from all points la the city for US cents. TUB A8HBVILLB sVTItHBT KY. CO. ... .V M HaVM all Is. . isVssu