m , '4 ; t , . ( w I'll ! "if , I.' ! : r Hi i1 Here to a hard, plain fact : If you have a good thing, write about it, talk it up, advertise it. Intrinsic merit in all right; but la thi hustling and bustling une, ht that bloweth not bit own horn, thesame It mhnll nnt he Mown. This is a homely way of Hating an immottal truth. . i ii . i : . THE DA11W CITIZEN By RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. tic. la iiuhllahrri tTl7 afternoon (except Sunday ) at the 11- Mwing rate, tinctu run. One Year 81 Month Three Monthe. .oo 3.00 t.Su One Month.... One Week THE UA1I V CITIXKM la on sale at the following plncee iu AahcvlHc: CIT1ZKN OFI'ICB. HATTBNY I'AKK NKW8 STAND. OLBN HOCK NKWS TAM. uiiiiui. riiiAR KTciHU. I'atton Ave. I. CAKHON'B NliWS STOKB, North Court Square, MONDAY. 0CT0HKK 0. 1KM). Will tut) Chlnene Overrun World? An Knylisli pntrr credits I.iirrl Wulm'lcy with hnviiiK said that he believed that "the Chinese nre the coiniui; nice, und that they will overrun the world the inn- ment a treat central or Inw-inrer imsm among them. The people, who are iuile fearless, will then adopt the profession of arms, hurl themselves on Russia, anil sweep over her, lndiu, and the continent of Europe." We remember to have read sonic years ago in the North American Review u very ingenious and, frrunteil the author's pre mises, logical essay thatreached the saint conclusion us has Wolsclcy. It was liusiil on the ''survival of the fittest" idea and argued that, as the Chinese could c xii on a smaller exieuditurc icr day than the members ofuny other race and still produce a large proportion ol Inyh grind intellects, they lormcd the nation tli.it was to survive all others. Possibly the one great intltii-iuc that could make China and her millions upon millions the dominant force of the world is Christianity. Were she to Uvoim christianized ami her government liecoim instead of "an organized system of mas acre," such n. one as develiipcs the imli vidua!, encouraging the spread of intelli gence and independence and ciillivatiiu: a high public spirit there is no tilling where China would stop. She would nut then allow to pass without war the in sult of excluding her subjects from tin Vnited Slates on the ground that tlici arc not good enough for us. The Loudon S)icctutor points out that "a very littlt might set the Chinese moving, and thai her millions, once let loose, could no more lie stopied than a stream of lava. Lord Wolsclcy is for keeping on got.d terms with the Chinese, and so are we; but, al the same time, we do not forget that the Roman Emiierors who tried to conciliate the Goths fared no belter than those who defied them." A Uefenne or Quav, To the Philadelphia Impiirer, a sii porter of fjuay, the New York Post ad dressed this query : ' I'lcaae inform us whether vou con- sider the charge of Otmv's robbery of tin state treasury true or lulsc. lo this the Tost received the following reply: "The records of the state treasurer show every dollar accounted for. There has been no robbery. Not one cent has been cmoctzlcrl cither by .Mr. Juuv or nnyuouy else. This looked like an answer, but 'Juay's case is ieculiar and being determined to get a siecilic reply the Post asked theed itor of the Inquirer this: "You do not answer the question. Is it true or false that Juny took out of the treasury and lost in succuliition $i!iill.- (100, which loss was made good br Don V.umeron, and sunsequcntly $4-00,0110, which he made good himself by the pro ceeds of another speculation ? Of course the treasury books showed no deficit, ll they did, he would be now in the ieni tentinry." The Inquirer's answer to this was as complete as (Juay's; thuris to say, no answer at all was returned. And Quay continues to be the head man of the re publican party and the man who cun say to President Harrison, "Stand around ;' and he star.dcth. The County Democratic Ticket In the first place it is all democratic and can lie voted for with a clear con science by every democrat in Huncombc county. In the next place, it is not a town ticket, but rather an out-of-town ticket, and that will commend it esiecinlly to those who were fearing thut Anhcvillc at times got more than her share of the po litieal plums. It is also very largely a ticket of tried men who huve liecn in office before and are known to Ik efficient and courteous, It is a ticket alliance men can vote for and rest assured their interests are in good hands. It is, finally, a ticket to bring out the full strength of the lliiueomlic democ racy. It will therefore be elected. It will not be necessary to recall Stan ley and put him in search of II. G. Ewnrt, for Mr. liwart has been found. It is of course but a remnant, so to sjieak, of that rotund personality thut erstwhile charmed the alliance of Hcndersonville and anan the stalwart braves of the Cherokee tribe, but 'twill serve as the best the republicans can do for their shnre in the joint debnte that for a time bade fair to become unjointcd. Ilrnce up, Mr. Bwart; its your last appearance; make the most of it I IIrkk'I another 911c of those fly-speck decisions (reported by the Lumlxrton Kobesonian) that do not add to ones respect for the law and its agents: "Steve Jacobs, who was to have been hung Inst Friday, had broken jail and was at liberty when his ease was heard in the supreme court, while the law re quires that a person shall be in custody while being tried. This was the point made by Mr. E. K. Proctor, jr., of coun sel for Jacobs, and upon this the respite was ootainca. me supreme court will now have to dp its work over and Steve's life is prolonged just that much," Pirsidint Harrison's judgement as expressed in the nomination of J. H, Young, (colored), of Raleigh, to lie col lectorol the port of Wilmington is plainly to the effect that he thought there was no white republican as coiiiK'tcul to till the place for of course such nominations are always made by the republicans on the basis of greatest ability to serve the public in the position in question. This is hnrd on the white republicans of Wil mington mid the eastern part of tin state generally, but they will have it thut way; they will train with that kind of u party. Take your medicine grace fully, gentlemen. Atlanta has arranged to have a sja-cial day set apart during the approaching ex position lor the free entertainment ol merchants of the territory tributary t her trade, FiiPv si thousand tickets will be issued and scut tothesc merchants, raeli one accompanied bv a railroad pass to Atlanta und return. Murphy Hiilletin. That lr;iv.n Iroin Asheville trailers who want to come here, but get no par ticular encouragement, A Western Sort Ii Carolina fair in Asheville woiilifc) ho a ureater attraction to Cherokee county than would u Georgia fair in Atl.-iiilii Atlanta wants the earth, but it would lie a highly luumible act to keep her out ol North Carolina. HepultllCllllH Will Atllllll TIllM. l-'roiii the rhiltiiMphin Times. If Grovcr Cleveland were now prcsi 1 lent with a democratic senate and house with money rating al from loo lo 4on T cent, ill Wall street ; with uncertainty lilt ill every channel of coniuu rce, indus try ami trade kcauseof ten months ol tarill' agitation, and with the Kgiliin Hi interests ol both producers anil consum ers unsettled liv a flood tide ol sinviihi lion in prospective lanes to lie levied on I lie ieolc, the ilemoi rals would I1.11.lk left a constable in Noviinkr outside m .1 lew ilistiiels 111 lli-rks county. 1 1 iff. loiiIiI liea universal uprisnm ol the k-m-Ic against the wanton disturbance ol iisinesstrnuoiiilil v : ,-igainst lievvildi riuv prolligacvlhal lias wasted the surplus. igiiiusi the liruialilv ami imlivcne which have run riot in congress, aiu. aitisl force measures audtoiveuielli"d law-inakiiig. Think of Tlilsi. I'n, in tin 1 : n uitM.r.t 1't ni.i nil. Tile li' ' ! LMsIittnrr HI It ' . " I" re l i ! I i, I this Stiitf. ll lllir, l :i n pn' li-iui in.,l-TU .ve all know ht-w ttio-e tli.lri. 's wilt le I i-i ll n ;i In t!:ue I In- pr. kti kiiiI liluilits .,l tlii' liilt- at tli, iiierex nl Itierti ul'li.an. ,v Im turn- never !iti a enpa.il ImI- iiii ihini: lint ntiriitc mill liin-lr. I'liiiik i.l'lllat while man ' Hllltlll MetllllieHM. l-'r,,ni the Knleiuli Sewsnutl lih-H-rver. Wiointitiinker has eli.seil the pust,illi,T at llihopville, S C , a town ut .r,oo isoil,. lie e.'iuse nf compli. aliitii i:r,,w i1 u mil ! lliiii ililwitlitlKtiess h, have an iilti'iisive IUKI" ,-istinat r. That is railieal ivranuy. or.lll M. The Rowan p.qicrs announce the death ol Col. Sumner, ho iu years past was eoiiucctcd witii various railroads in tin state, and whose dcalh is greatly tie plorcd. It is with profound regret that we heal of the dcalh ol Capt. Thos. W Harris, ol I'.iuacca Springs, Halifax comity, in his lsl vcar. He was a charming christian gentleman w hom to know was toresKVt and to love. Stale Chronicle. News has been received of the death at Kogcrsville, Tvuuesstv, of Rev. Dr. Na than Shot well, the venerable lather of the late Captain Randolph Shotwcll, at the igeol.N."i. He lilt three children: Mr W. S. Shotwcll, of I larrisburg, l'a Dr. I?. A. Shotwcll, of Rogcrsvillc; Mr. Me Cleiirv Shotwcll, ol Knoxville THE I.ATHST XICUS I Ho.U XOHT1I CAHOUXA Raleigh has 110 Young Men's Chris liuu Association. Mr. Arrowood, who is building the hotel at lllacksburg says the building will cost Jao.OOO Slielby Aurora. A meeting of the educators ami Iriends of education in North Carolina will lie held in Raleigh October Kith. The big hog engine winch went through the Yadkin river bridge iu the big wreck is still at the bottom of the river. David Hippy, of Mooresboro, arrested the 1jth of SciiIciiiIkt on the charge ol robbing a mail bag of $70 has conlcssed his guilt. It will now beonlv a few days until the charges against Mrs. Gould are fully investigated by our superior court. Murphy Hullcliu. Thcofficcof stntcgcologist.il most im portant office inn stale so rich in minerals as North Carolina has not Ikcii filled since the death of Dr. Kerr. Three Mormon elders have for some months Ik'cii engaged ill the work ol proselyting in the neighborhood of Fisher Hill, and have mane several converts. Greensboro Democrat. Herring Creech, moonshiner who iu Johnston count several weeks ago made a deadly assault upon Wrigln linker, on last Monday night went to the house of 11 neighbor who is seventy years old, and calling the latter to the door, shot him down, the old man is seriously injured. Creech has not Is-en arrested. The Concord Standard snvs thai on the 27t.li ol May Rev. D. . Klooutx, col ored, president of the Nnrlh Carolina Alpha Synod of Colored Lutherans, lie came suddenly' and violently sick and died in n few hours. The contents of his stomach have pist been aualy-ted and arsenic found. His daughter lias been arrested on suspicion. The Soldiers I Ionic nt Knleigh oieneil to-day, Oet.O, The home will lie pleased to receive contributions of any kind- bedding, furniture, provisions, niouev. etc. Mr. Terrell, n one-legged veteran, fins heen placed in charge ol the home. Five veterans will lie placed in it Mon day. The iwoplc of North Carolina will surely answer the npicnl for contribu tions. Mr. I, C. Anger. Durham. N. C. representing W. Duke &Sons, the largest ctL'iirettc niniiiilnctiircrs 111 the world. after Sicndiiig several days in the city, left for home Wednesday night. lie was looking for a suitable site for the erection of a branch manufactory of the Duke iieople. A certain piece of rent estate not far from the Read house hud been selected as the site. Chattanoogn Times. At the McMttllcn house, two miles north of Mt. Airv. lack McMullcn shot. accidentally it is claimed, nnd killed Joe Hall while Hall wns talking with Mc Mullen's lister. McMullcn wusnrrestcd. It is reported that Hull, before his death, told his mother that lack McMullcn placed the pistol to his (Hall's) stomach saying ' I nm going to shoot you," and pulled the trigger. Greensboro Patriot. To Advertlnern- To insure change of advertisement running on regular contract, copy must be handed in by 10 o'clock a. m. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : MONDAY EVENINO, OCTOBER It lUTlCA I I'M XT ENS. The Davidson county democratic con vention nominated for the senate S. F. Williams and for the house . Lcon.nd, J. G Siirralt. A resolution was passed endorsing Vance. Charley McKesson said in his sktcIi iu the republican caucus iu Lenoir that tl ere would lie more repul'licans in this coun try if it were not for the women l hey can't stand a radical, Stokes county democrats will roll n one of the largest majorities there this v ear. iu her history. A. M. Stnck'lor the clerkship and A.J. Urowu for the house will probably lead I he ticket. The radicals of Moore county nomi nated D. C. McKiuuoii for the senate mil Neill McK.iv for the house. Tile Sanlord Express says that the latest in telligence is tnai ncniicr .1eiMi1 McKav will accept the iioiiiiuulioii. Me Kay is a democrat and yvill vote tin democratic ticket. . II, Young, a colored politician froit Raleigh, has been nominated by I'rcsi den! Harrison lor collector ol the port of Wilmington. Young is from Raleigh. .mil is about twenty-eight vearsot uj.'C He is said to Ih' quite ail intelligent col ,,,..,1 man. ami il is staled that his ap poiiittucnl was seemed through the in- ihicncc ol 1 neat nam. oiiug was nm confirmed by the senate. 1 l.iul.v III Moulli Ciirolliirt WrlH-tti Mv labor was shin ier ami less painful than 011 two former occasions; physi cians astonished ; I thank vou oi ".oili er's liiciid." ll is worth its weight in jold. Write lli.nllielil Regulator Company. Ulanta, t'i.1., for particulars. My all Irayists POWDER Absolutely Pure. tTiitm ui Wtrtar tutktiii: pmviliT. l ull in Im v-niiiK HtrviiKtli. I'. K. iVi'imri, Aiiutt 1 7. I nk;i wY 1 1 ijjllt'( Vt KKNT. A niivlv riimiMhcd li"itf. inrmt Mrrrltntm vtiMii- imkI Cln.nl ul Hirtft. 1fnr utiiim ni ply in n S WA liN. iH-t.Itlll If Hi I I'.miiii' imnu, A C'ltild'i lint, ( nit Ik had fit The Cttlmt i (In i' h pnviiiK l'r tin I ailvt-Ttiot-ini-Hl. oct 1 dtl ki oi.k mvsi i:ks I'vrrv (iftrriun.n li v SnHtiiry trnin wc ic tit hihli ' l-Mui S lft" N-.rfnlk tiyntrn TUi-w arc the lt ! St. v in nil lvU at 1IAUK1-.K V l'lM. LAM'S. net'. dlw At ! Main St. "Hr wlw tn-tlnv It in nuidttCKii Ui ilrtiT, What t vi rv li' iisr vluittld tcivt. and that in n imumI mill. 1 1 nl h Mile am I .nek Lntiman haw ivivntly nuinuliic' nrvil a mni.ll huur -A'v I Inv ;irc Kit I in i; very (ail in many tit- It ( hardlv nrttHM-.i v to nin-nk nl thr itni'rtaaiv "t a hni il.-. 1 1 ' vv nltt-n pen- iU- Uiim-tlifir kiIvt. ii'wvis ami 1 inrtnm ti.UK'i " i xi'iiwil to tin . rultiici k ami iinrclia iilt'Si'i vaiiTH, m Inn tiv a littli-moiu v vi-1lnHtit iti nut-I turn- salt tiny ton hi iiwikf tticill Kii Hivtm 'I hi H;ia- in i-xiiriMtilv initilc I'M the wtni nt thi many at a prut- within the mt-nni all. if vini want nnc I udl Miipily t.u. KKI.I'l-.lvl- K K t I ! if I ii s r,, nol'tdat iK I'attn i Aviv, AMifvillc. NKVI.lt IIICAHU Ol Ili;ORK in ahi;villi;. OYSTERS AT -BALTIMORE - PRICES 1 STAM'AKIiH : C I S. I'KK UT KxotHritt (nr SU'i in vtv. Mil.lifTS 4 CTR I'l'HyT. try rtntr inr ku-wmiu, i-ryiiiK. L'tc Ktdil frnni Immih4 tn ImusH thronuh cnlirt' lity ShiiiiiH'it'.N nivivcd ilaily hliK-k ill wiivM Irtish. SPECIAL (inlrnt h-ft nt Nn. 7 ItiUrsnn firivc. r pent thmiiKh the mail will In' il llwml pmmptly to any part ul tilt-city. AdiireHw tru m ny mail in i. m. .mii.i.ihk, oct4 illm Hiu 47. City, Cli.cag& Alton U.K. I-A8TI1ST Kill'TU Til KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST Anhi villr to Kiiti'im City In 37 hour. Aohfvllk tit Ik-nvtr in Al hniini. AHhi'villf to 8nn Frnni'mcit, Cnllfornl. Ami rnrthutd, Hri'Mun. In n duvi, Solid Vrntilmlt'd Truinn Ht. Louis to Kmi n Citv. Kt cllninu chair cur fret'. For lull ininrniutinn call on or write to B. A Newland, IHntrit't I'liMHcnKcr Aiccnt, No. lo lntton Ave., Anhcvillc, N.C, f CHAR!. TON. (V l. A.. ChfcK, IU. THE ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN In It now form re Ulna all tha oharactorlitta foaturM of tlia old tlta, with n Inanaaeil niim bar uf l'agea aud XUiiatratlona. The Illustrated American I, acknowlsilRwl to b. tlia hoIinmMt Wankty Now, Magazine in tha srorM. Advaotafia la Uk. an by tbo manaiiomsnt of ovarjr opportunltj to MKiura tba latent .nil niiMt rallahl. Inform,, tlon of toploa nf nuuoml ami IntAniatloual ln tnraNt In thla ooimtry and Euroiio. CorroNpoiiUauti, Artlsta and Pliotottrapbon an oiuialaiitljr at wurk In all parta of tba world glssnliig Itoin. of liibiraat fur tba nadtra. The Illustrated American U olaan . alMnlutalr iiniwoUrlan, f raa from polltl oal diaeiiulons and bsavy drbu. I, I. amlnonts Ijr a now, nuwazln, for tba family. Club mm and iportiiiuiin will find Atbletlea and Oamra, Yarhtlng and Baw Ball nawa, Ladiea will find "rurmnt T..pleaoflulirittoWoen. Army and Navy Offlmri will find Itanii and rholo nrapba of Army nd Navy Nawa, Antiquarian! will anjny "Illil.irlo Amarlca" Everybody will enjoy the "erlal Htory by Edgar rawo.lt, betiun In No. 99. NEW TRANS-CONTINENTAL ROUTE. VIA CHICAGO, MII.WAHKHK tc HT. PAUL AND NOMTIIUKN PACIl'IC K. K'B. ThrmiRh I'nllninn sleeping Car Iravea Chi cni'u ilntly at A. .'ill t m Pur Ht I'hiiI nml Mlnnrapoll,, 11 I'nrirn, North linkotu. " Hil. no nnd lluttv, Miintitna. " The Yellowstone pUrk. " Hpnknnc Pnlla Hiltl Tucot im. " Piirtlnnd, l irciton drat Koute to Ben I lie and all Inrtli Pacific Cnnat pciliita. The Hcrnli- line to California, 'la Portland and the tthaata Honte. Tleketa on eitle everywhere. Por Infonhatlrn apply to any Agent, or nitdreaa A. V. II. Campknt, r enernl I'n. aeniter Agrnt. Chleaao, III,, or i. C. Ilaaor, Hontbern Paaocnger A Kent, LoulavUle, Ky, i" LrW yy llflVt' .VOU rWII tllilt Ki Shoe for 11.00. A fi'w iniitrlii's left-, 2,400 for 15 ('(Hits. llow tli.it Dn-ss (!oo1h is si'llin-i'! Tliosi-Cliililivii's Muffs ui' lovely. IHiinkots, Coiulorts, Cussi mtTcs iiiovin' willi rnpitlit.v. Cut pi-ires nre telliiir!:. Cull einl.v. IU)STIC IIKOS. Jc WUKJUT. U'.A. Hi.aiu. .1. V. Hiiown. FUKNITVRIS AM) UNDERTAKING. No. jj ration Avenue, M AFEE BLOCK, OPPOSITE BLAIR'SOLO STAND We nre now ready, and in vite our friends and 1 lie pub lic u'cnerull.v to call and ex amine our well selected stock of FURNITUR E, Which we ore offering at rock bottom prices. I'm lerta king a special feature. Calls at tended day or night. Telephone, day 7", night (o. BLAIR & BROWN. AT THK LEADING JEWELRY STORE, The entire atock ol Platctl Jcwelr, Including tine llrotK-hcn, Ituttuim unci Hrncr- Icti, at Hi-ONE-THIRD OFF 1-1-3 Keiianlleae uf eoat, aa we Intend In the future tn keep nothlnit hut Hollil Cold and 8terlinR Silver Jewelry. ARTHUR M. FIELD, LEADING JEWELER, Houtb Main Ht. Anhcvillc. JA9IKN FRANK, FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Aaent for Rcema Creek Woolen Mllla. North Main Aebeville, N. C (V-hlildlT ESTEY. FISCHER. Thr urll Pmnun, unrqunlctl, unrxccllrd. ilurahlc nml Itrnut.ful JGSTISY ORGAN AND FISCHER PIANO Are ri'i'oniinrndrd by the beat artlata. Come nnd rinniine our kooiI, before buying elae- wlivri- nt No. 87 I'nlton avenue. Tuning and relinking a ,pcciultx. 0. M. WILLIAMS CO. Jul)iltitw4in 'V HUNT. Huliiirhiiii rrwlclmcr. one mile from cltv on Mirrlmon ftvrmic niHil. hamUumelv nnd cuniplctily lurniHhcd nml equipped ; exiiuUtU' view ; vKientive Hrounnn i wo irenn jrrnry whiter uunlen: horaea and vehlclm ll desired. Ccmnmoii driven lBt Novemlier. Owner occupying In ummir only would innke perinnncut arrnnRement with pnrt dcrtlririK n winter rcaldrncc. AddrrH j, AT .DaKTH' . iAVER & m THE SHOE STORE" OPERA HOUc5 BLOCK. .Ill I'm t' HI Avenue, ASHKVILI.K, N. C. teTFIne Hata a Specialty." W li. M. II K ITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUP.DER, Al" unuHiiH (r nil klndi dune. All order promptly ft I It'll nml win k Kiinranti-ril. Cnu Ik- found at nil tlmcH at Urtilmtu'ii Cottun I-'nctury. uiivMUltt INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH K. J. ASTON, ;cncral i IiiHurance 1 Agent. Kinr No. 20 South Main atrcet. Katnlillahed I Klin. Aahevilli', N. C nun dl v eSiig-liMti aud French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 40 I'rcncb Hroail Aeenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL i For many year, Aaeociate PrlnelpiU of Mt Vernon Inatitute, Hnltlmore. I Analated by a corpa af eomfientent teaehcr If,' dlr KSTAHLISIIIil) IKf.B. B. H. COSBY, (8ucvriior to C. Cowan. 1 JEWELER, 7 PATTON AVKNl'E, NltXT IHII1K TO ('.KAMI CKNTKAI. HO Tl!l., ASIII-VII.I.H. N. C. arptAdly Try 51 inn MEDICATEO BALSAM VAPOR T If you hnve any Noae, Throat or l.un t diaenaea. X On npiiliention I will amd a iinmphlet T ' ' deaeriptlvc of Aebeville and alao the in. T ; hnllnic treatment free with liat ol quel- T ' ' tiona to lie anawered by thr patient T T when ordering Home Treatment. Thle treatment I, aa effective aa the office T t treatmen. OPPICII NO, 3d I'ATTON AVKNUB, Aahevillc, N, C. T. J. HARCAN, M. D. I REVELL, Sk WAGNER, ftnecraaorato Kopp it I.lchtcnlicrKrr, FANCY GROCERS. 8UQAR AT REFINERS' PRICES. Coffee roaatrd on the premlaea daily, and ground for rvery cuatoiticr. Full Line of Table Huppllca). I'ree delivery. A full line of Ffrd, futlllahed ai wnoicaaie pneea. aS PATTON AVICNI'K. Tetep one No, AO. aci.tin iitr Of coiii'Mc thor('rt money in printer h ink, but tho mail who niakHH the moKt int'lli- Kont lino of it, p't,H thu tnoHt money out of it. It.l(MH not pn.v to ii(lvi'i'tine Hoiuetliinu you hnven tKot.ornnytliiim' vou cuiiiidt ilo and do vw-ll Tlio innn who ml vurtiriKH a frnud nuiMt havo n "jood' fnuid. and ho who ndvi'i'twoM liaixuiiiH in oodn miiHt bo prepnmi to natiHfy his cuk tomei-H. WM. R. PENNIMAN, PROPKIBTOR 01' THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Aitacvtllc, N. C. , P. O. toai P. THE MODEL CI6AR STORE AND NEWS STAND Has received a fine lot of WALKING CANliSj With tha latest styles nf handles silver plated and oaldlted, Also a large supply of I.OVIU-U'" BOOKS Of tht Latest Bdltloas. C, 1800. GLEN ROCK HOTEL. In 100 Feet of Central Paasenser Depot. ASHEVILLE, N. O. A modern Arat elaaa hotel. Hot and cotd lilrctrii- liella in everv room. Open Are in office and Rratra In bed rooma. once, dinlnf room, lunch counter, cigar and ncwa atand and bar and billiard room on Arat floor. II Ire trie atreet cam paaa door every 20 minutea. Richmond and Danville railroad eating hoaat. .'0 minutea for mean. RATES, fl.oo PER DAY. . A. G. HALLYBURTON, Prop. BHVAN and WALTER URKKM, Clvrka. J. M. FOR CONTAINS NINE ROOMS, INCLUDING BATH? ROOM FITTED UTtf WATCH CLOSET, I?lnih1 thmtiKhotit in Antlnue Oak. tiiwrdoRk. WiiIIm ilrnicil with Llncruita - Ior further ini'ormation call on G. H. WALKER. No. 5. Jefferson Drive, julvlfldlm $lQO REWARD I For anyone who will buy a pair or Graham Khoea and not Ret value received. Now i 31 NORTH MAIN STREET tnit ahoTC Partner' Warehouse. ASHEVILLE DRY Chrnprat atore nnrnrth. Ilnndlc notbinR but I'lraKlaaa Oooda, and Intend to treat w...iuuiH iiiiiirr uv b. h..if.Ha,ie Hl,,M4 ,,f .'vprv kind. Iloniitiaile Irani Home mndr Plni'la Home marie lioineatic. Aahevillc blioc Co. 'a hoca. Home Howard I'mrnt nml Milt. Holcombe are ASHEVILLE A - Word - to - the - People - of - Asheville. The Hlriuwny I'iitno ia atlll the recoRntacd Standard of the World, anil C. I'alk la Stelo. wav'a aircnt. The beat tmulc iieople In Aahevl'lc buy It and take no other. It takea money to buy It. I acll it very cloae, atlll aotnc people ennnot quite reach It. Por theae I have tba j A. B. Chaac Pinna, which ia acknowledged and aold by Hteinway aa next to hia. The Bv. erett Piano baa been in demand by other honaea who wanted It for thla tarrrltory, but C. Palk keep. It tight here. By my price, I may not get rich, but I make hoat of friend,. The Perrand Ik Votcy Organ will be aomcthing new In the market nt thla place, while Wilcoa It White, Kimball At Waterloo Organa are con.lantly demanded and .old on good terms. I wlah It to be understood tnat when I sell on installments, and pnrchaaera do not wish to keep the Instrument. I do not retain all money paid, but return all ajnounta paid above rent. I hope the character established for 13 years In Asheville will have It weight when you have to decide where to buy a. Piano or other Instrument. Respectfully, C. FALK. 35 North Main BU Cheap Rates to all Points). k..;.KOAIt TICKETS bought, sold and cichnn. All trnnaoctloas guaranteed. C. P. RAY, Ticket llrokrr. Opimalte Hwannnnna) Hot HOdtf NOTIC1X. HeRlnnlnR todoy the hnfrgflge hniiineiii for inerly carried on liy The Anhrvtlle Mlrci-t Hnl'J way Company will lw cnt1nurd liy the un deinltfnrd under the nnme of THE BAGGAGE TRANSFER CO. I will lie glud to serve my lrl nda, and will promise prompt attention In all orders rn truated to me Ofllce at Htreet Railway Company's office, Telrphone No. 1 0. Reap..ctrully, ll. M JONHH, AHent. Hrptrmlier 10, IHIKI, arpttUHIm TUB ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, 2 PATTON AVE., ( Y. M. C. A. ROOMS. ) Open daily, except Sunday,, from 10 a. m. until I p. m and 8 until 7 p. The term, of aiihacrlptlon are: Ont year tt n mm., Ii.nii: n nma , $ ; 1 mo,, nneta.i dally II eta. OmiTrs for INUO-Preaidenl, Charles W. Wnolaey Vice-President, Thos. A. Jones i tee. and Treasurer. D. a. Watson Librarian, Miss B.J Hatch. Cltllena and vlaltnra are enpdl.ll Invlterf to lnaieet the catalogue and Inscribe their nnmi'a it. fni'mWra anAndtf TTTHE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. "l "u.o.C." Ouras) GH la 1 to a Han. arilhaa, Pravanta trlotura, Contains no sorln or poisonous sntiatsnraa, and is in.ranif Is nmmrlti G rnrnm.ndfHj I Hold bvdruai sJltatejjApmjjrhjjrnr rua BAI.B BY RAY80R t SMITH, ASHEVIUI. N, 0 water auid batha and tolleta on every floor. SALE. Parlor and Reception Hall flnUhcd In Ourt.. Waltoo. GOODS COMPANY, - made Urillina-. We warrant every pair 01 AHheville Dry Goods Co., I. O. H1W1LL, Mannxrr . with iia. MUSIC HOUSE. kaa hla aaaw Bad prist) stamp aa iitlmm. V. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE QIMTLEMKN. riua Calf , Im4 Wnisenssf Chmla. 2ZS tZiX' Jf" wsarhuj aantlssat ml . nn i iii"1 an. r Ten QbtetlO, sfcs r nan tat 3-" razrc' mails In Quasi ssa. aniUoaaadlaau. $3&l2QHOE0irR. hav. baa. mnal favneably ssoalvsd ataas hil.wlau.1 sad tk. raani imprnvsmusui suaamam sauuntsr to say sunn aoldtheaa sekasv AS. fpK "salar, aaTLt a. aanaat ssnttyea sssd ' . W. .lotltaLAa, Mraaluaa, Has. POH IALB BV WEAVER A BIVEBS. MY KIKGDOM FOR A HOME In Ashev lie Hold, comrade, do not give thv kingdom, I will acll thee a lot at a reasonable : price, I will end thee money to erect a hone thereon, I will man re thee In a Drat elaaa art l""".?"". fompany. I will aell ynu one of Hall s Ane house anfaa tn bw k ailv. Uar. els, etc.. In. II ysu want to rent I will and T"." '.?91 ""t. If you want your rents collected I will collect (hem for ynu. I will hope to see you soon. I will give prompt and earneat attention to all business put la my hands. FkUDKKICK nUTLHINIS. ,. . Ileal Batate Ami, seutaodlm as fattou Are., AsSevUle, , AH u '.stiftsir; ' " '-'Jj' "