ASHEVIXLE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 6, 189Q. 'ft V .-aa A if "r; V? 'UP '4 1 i r I oiWs Your Blood? I had t malignant breaking otrt on my leg below the knee, and wn enrol snnni' ana well with two ami i luiif Katies ol 8. 8. 8. Other blond ntcdiduu luui t'ul! ed to do nie any good. Will C. Bbaty, YwliviUo, d. C MARK issuer I wai troubled from childhood with an aggravated case of Tetter, and tlirco bottles of 8. B. 8. cured, me pernio nently. Wallace Mann, Maanville, I. T. Our nook on Blood and Skin Dlscancf mailed frae. Bwirr BPBcmo Co., Atlanta, Ga. net asdatwiy PR0F12SSI0NALCARDS. Dr. W. Stuart Leech. Office R.oa 8, McAfee Building. Hours 10 a. m. to 1 p. nt. and 4 to 6 p. m. Tdtpone No. 47. aeptlS dam ROBERT BROUN, ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER, CONDUCTS MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION. P. O. Boat asT, ia Hendry Block. JulylSdSm A. II. COTO3, STENOGRAPHER. LEGAL BLOCK. June7dflm A. S. GRAHAM, DENTIST. rmce Over J. H. Law's Store, South Main street. nMf.iln 38c. With gas SOc. Filling wHh silver or amalgam. ...BOc. to7Sc. " gold...... 1 1.00 and upw d. Met ol teeth..?. 0-0O. Best set of teeth f 8.00. No better made, no matter what you pay, Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. J. H. Crawford, . Dooms S and 0, McAfee Building, 1'atton Avenue, Ashev He, N. C. FSACTICS LIMITKD TO Till Kye, Ear, Throat and Nose ante dtf M. A. NEWLAND, Attorney at Law, MAttlOM, M.C. Will practice l the loth and 13th judicial iuij.a rj North Carolina and In the Su preme Court and the Federal Court of the Western District or Nona taronna. maySdlai Tiiao. P. Davidson, Thos. A.Jonss Raleigh. Jas. O. Msstin, AitCTiiie. Asheeille. QAVIDbON. MARTIN At JONBS. AttorneTS and Counsellor, at Law. Ashevllle, N.C. Will prartice In the 11th and 12th Judicial Districts, and In the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and In the Federal CourU of the Weatern llistrlct of North Carolina. Keler to Bank of Aihevlllc. dtsel A. TBNNBNT, Architect aud Contractor. Plans, snedncatlona and estimate, fur nl.hcd. All work In my line contracted lor, and no charges for drawings on contracts awarded me. References when desired. , . oatce: No. 13 Hendry Block, North Court Square. Ashcvillc. N. C. fcbludly . H. RBSVBS, D.D.i. B. K. SMITH, D. D.S. Drs. Rcctcs Smith. :dental OFFICE la Coaaaily Buuoing, uver Redwood's Store, Patton Avenue. Teeth estrartcd without pain, with thenew anaesthetic, and all cases of irregularity cor rected. iebl3dl P. RAMSAY, D. D.S. Dental Office t Orer the National Banh of Asheeille, Bar nard Building. Residence, A3 Charlotte St. fehd1r SMOTHERS Cti LD V'i MSA LESSENS PAN .Ten TO LIFE fir. T AW a WW atm ' A SsS-'sT a"aIWa 1 DIMINISH! umrssn MOTHER IWDfiaBJJtTOTlANTA-Q. FOR SALE ! I tn proved and aalmprored realctaU.hnth business and residence property! any kind, aay pries. In an paH of the city. PABM1N0 AND MININQ LANDS. RENT I make a specialty of renting property and collecting rents. If yon are looking for a house, consult my bulletin If your house Is vacant and yon want a tenant, list It with sm. No tenant, no charge. Apply to C. F. RAY, Real Estate Agent. srptl S dtf FREDERICK RUTLEDCE, REAL ESTATE AGENT, My office hours will be from this time on h.n will h vlad to attend to any business Mnring tness hours. 1 will als i lie In my office all and on from 8 to 10 a. m.sna amm i to T. I ariil b alad to show any property during those hours Corns and let me snow you soms nanasom. pruperKj. sepIOdlm DARE BROTHERS, 7 Month Main 8tect, flare everything la the line of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, and sell them as cheap and deliver them at your horns as quick as any house In the city. Fresh vegetables tram the country every morning. A trial will show you what ws can do. Respectfully, acptl7aU BARS BROTHERS. WHAT SAM JONES SAYS. A HIT AT PROBATION AFTKR DEATH, A orand Mara and a Brand Vfo- nian-Tlie aoclety Olrla Ciitlca at Church Nemben1 Liven If the Devil Wh president and There Wan Mo WhlHkey. Prom the Wilmington Messenger. Did vou ever meet a grand mnn nnd sit and talk with him a while ? I met one once nnd the more he talked the trigger he talked, and the smaller I got, until I hndtogrt up nnd gu to have anything to go with iLuughtcr.) Did you ever are a grand woman f It worth n trip to the end of the world. 1 met one once and 1 aat and tulked with her, and she stirred every noble aspiration of my soul, and I looked nt her and smd. "Thank God for everything that wears aprons and bonnets." (Lnugnler.) An other dav I met a little fellow; he eould see through a key hole with both eyes ana was not cross eyea eimcr. j uomn ter.) A fly could sit on his nose and paw him In one eve and kick him in the other. (Laughter.) I talked with him for about five minutes and got up and said, "what is this?" They said, "it is a man;" "well," I said, "ifthnt is a man, 1 had rather he a doir." I Lnmrliter. I One dny I sat down and talked with one of these giggling, novel reading girls; I talked with her about five minutes and said, "lerusnlem, Jerusalem, you will never get there, you will evoimrnte on the way," (Laughter. i notning to ncr. Siiddouc nmonif the ruins of old Jcru salem, there could be disinterred a verse of scripture, well authenticated ns the word of God, that should rend this way, "Death mnv not end all: there may be a chance after deuth." Now whcrealmuts in the scripture would you put that verse? The verv minute vou nut that one single verse ol scripture in this Imok, nnd prove it to tie me woru oi uon, you will vitiate every verse and chapter in the bible. These little old society cirls; look nt one of them ; she has got the heels of her shoe in the centre of her foot; she is shaped like a wasp and van sting like one, and after twenty yenrs of married life, vou will wind up with a little, old faded wife aud a canary bird. That is your stock in trade. I have seen a fashionable woman on the train, the nurse sitting on the front seat with the two children, and tlit fash ionable, little old woman sitting on the next seat with n, little poodle dog on her Inp nursing it all the wny. (Luuv ter.) I don't know what makes that woman love aogs unless sne m uusmuit ntrlv fund other husband's kinfolks. I have sat down at a supper table with $2,500 worth of silver and IS cents worth of something to eat, but if you will let me tell you the honest truth, the highest tvpe of social character 1 have ever seen in inicrw;u, i. mv i,.n trv home out there. Do you know that every time you crit icise the life oi a member ol tne cnurcii, you have demonstrated to men and an gels that you knew what was right and you wanted the member of the church to doit. , A vouno man walked out of the ser vice where I preached nnd snid, "He is the most contemptible wretch thnt I ever listened to in my life;" and the next morning his bony was a corpse; oc nuu nnrrrl (.lid to his fncc. We have cot the material to make men and women, but the patterns are so scarce; we hnve got nothing to worn oy; that is our trouble. 1 reckon I have got as cowardly a bodv nnd bend as auv mnn in the world, but my legs never would go; they just The average girl nt 10 or IS years of age has not got sense enougn to snenr a sheen, much less to Dick but a husband. If the devil was president ana incre wni no whiskv in this country he would resign in three months and go back to hell. Men nnd women are what God makes. God never made a lady or a gentleman. ! !!!! I I I The wife of John Beam, of Mitchell ville N. Y., aged 65 years, gave birth to twins on Monday evening. Her daughter, Mrs. Stratton, who lives in a neighboring township, presented her husband with twins the same evening, Mrs. Stratum's lnuhter Eva was married venr ago, and lives in Bradford. The friends of Mrs. Strntton and her mother were not vet through congratulating them over the interesting natal coincidence in their families, wheu Mrs, Strntton received a letter from her fon-in-lnw announcing that her duughter had given birth to twins on Mondnyevening. Brevard Car olinian. While at the nostnflice a citixen of this iiiuee sniiwra us n leiier conminuiK n check for $25 that he had just received from a vounu- man in nn ndioining conn tv. The letter rend substantially as this: "Some yenrs ago while you were merchandising in my town, I was accus tomed to go into vour store and steal candy ana other confectioneries. Then 1 was a boy but now I nm a man and my conscience Inshes me for thnt candy steal ing. 1 send you this check to ease my conscience. Use it nnd say nothing about this cheek turned it over to the treasury of the Methodist church. Snnhird Ms press. The most prolific watermelon vine we hnve ever heard ol is at Konnneetnn on the J. M. Thrash farm. At one time, Mr. Thrnsh took from this vine twenty mel ons that weighed from twenty-live to lortv-five uoundsench: at another time eight that weighed from fifteen to twenty iHjundsencn, aim on ycsieroay, uci. i. there still remained oil the vine twenty- three melons thnt will weigh twenty pounds and less, each. Murphy uuiietin A short time since a gentleman, who innkes it a Dart of his business to look after the poor and needy of the city, was nppronched by another gentleman who offered him a barrel of brrud for distribu tion, which offer was courteously de clined, "for" snid the first gentleman, "I do not know of a soul in the city in need of food, and I could not use your gut lor the purposes for which it is tendered." state thronicie. J. L. Brewington, colored, is the owner of a cow which seems to have adopted threepigsaamembersof her family. When the nuts come around the cow lies down and the pigs proceed to uck until the milk is all gone. Honcycutts corr. inn- ton v.aucnsian. W. L. Bclk, of Union, raised on his farm a twin stalk ol corn that was doubled In nil its nnrts. In the first placi it was doublt-jointed nnd hnd at earh joint, two unities oi louutr, two ears or corn ana two tassels. The Winston Dally says It Is reliably Informed thnt there is a child In Rocking ham countv that has two tongues. Its lather is Mr. William Ore, a farmer who lives near the Stokes county line. We met up with our old friend, Matth ew Pctrrn, Hsti., at fair grounds Wednes day. He save he is now cutting his third set of teeth. He is in his 7llh year. Concord Times, THEY MEET ON THE STUMP. CRAWI'ORII' AMI KWART'a JOINT niCIIATK '. Thlsi AnnouncrnientHhonld Draw BlgCrowda and nrlnsr the Dem ocracy of the old ailnth to the Front. W. T. Crawford and 11. ft. Hwnrt, dem ocratic nnd republican noniiipcs respec tively lor representatives to congress from the ninth district will have joint debates ns follows: Hcndrrsnnville, Tuesday, Oct. 7th. Brevard, Wednesday, Oct. 8th. Mills River, Thursday, Oct. Sib. Pigeon Kivcr, Friday, Oct. 10th. Fines Creek, Saturday, Oct. 11 til. Wavnesville, Monday. Oct. 13th. Cherokee, Tuesduy, Oct. 14th. Itryson City, Wednesday. Oct. 15th, Kohbiusvillc, Thursday, Oct. lG'.li. Murphv, Friday, Oct. 17th. tlayesvillc, Saturday, Oct. lKth. Atiione, Mondnv, Oct. 20th. Franklin, Tuesday, Oct. 21st. Highlands, Wednestlnv. Oct. 22d. Hamlmrgh, Thursday, Oct. 2Ild. Candler, Saturday, Oct. 2!ith. Leicester, Mondnv, Oct. 27th. Sandy Mush, Tuesday. Oct. 28th. Spring Creek, Wcdncsdttv, Oct. 20th. Marshall, Thursday. Oct. 30th. Weuverville, Friday, Oct. 31st, A.l...,ai. fil.,n),,u N,. 1st. Ifj;lij.r alifiiilfl lu utinhlr. tn meet the appointments lie will, have u reprcsenia .u.. The shaking will begin promptly nt itf m. DEMOCRATIC SPEAKING. Where and When Telling Argu- menu Can be Heard. lion. It. B. Glenn. Stovnll. Thursday, Oct. 2; Oxford, Thursday night, Oct. 2; Durham. Friduv. Oct. 3; KuIcil'Ii, hotur- day night, Oct. 4: Graham, Tuesday, Oct. 7: Greensboro, Wednesday, Oct. 8: Lexington, Thursduy, Oct. 0; Salisbury, Thursday night, uctooer ; t-nnnoiie, Saturday niuht. Oct. 11 : Ashcvillc, Mon- day night, Oct. 13; Marion, Tuesday, Oct. 14-; Hickory. Wednesday, Oct. 15; Statesville, Wednesday night, Oct. 15; Asheboro, Thursduy, Oct. 10; nign I'oint, inursuny nim, mi. ju; mi. Airy, Saturday night, Oct. 18. Hon. Z. B. Vance. Bryson City, Octo ber S: Webster. Saturday, October 4: Franklin, Monday OctolierO; Asheboro, Wrrlnrwlnv. Oct'. 8: Graham. (Fail). Thursday,' Oct. 0 ; Carthage, Saturday, Oct. 1 1 ; Favettcville, Mondnv. Oct. 13 ; Greensboro, Tuesday, Oct. 1; Hillsboro, Wednesday, Oct. 15; Durham, Thursday, Oct. 10; Roxboro, Friday, Oct. 17; Yan cevville, Snturdny, Oct. 18; Danbury, (Stokes county) Monday, Oct. 20; Mor gnnton, (Fair) Wednesday, Oct. 22; Salisbury, (hair) l nursanv, iki. ia. Hon. A. Leaxnr, Shelby, Thursday, Oct. 2; Lincolnton, Friday, Oct. 3; Newton, Saturday, Oct. 4: Mocksville, Monday, Oct. 6; Tbomosville, Tucsdny, Oct. 7; Chapel Hill, Wednesday, Oct. 8. Hon. T.J.lnrvis, Hillslioro, Tucsdny, September 30: Roxlioro, Wednesday, October, 1; Youeeyville, Thursdnv. Octo ber 2; Reidsville, r-ndoy uctooer a; Walnut Cove, Snturdnv, October 4; Win ston, Monday. October 6. Hon. H. A. Gutltser, Trenton, I uesoay, Septemlier, 30; Kinston, Wcdnestlny, Oc tolwr 1 ; Sn.iw Hill, Thursday. Octolier 2; Goldsboro, Fritlav, Octolier 3; Ral eigh, Snlurday, October 4. C. B. Ayeock, Esq., Sanford, Friday, October 3; Lillington, Snturdny, Octo lier 4. Hon. W. H. Kitchen, I'lttslmro, bntiir- doy, Sciitenilier 27; Carthage, Monday, September KUCKiugimin, luesuuv, September 30. Countv chnii men will iilei sc advertise liberally" with hand-bills uatl otherwise. anil acmocniH,- papers hivc iiumitn; w these appointments. r.o. IIIAMIIKKS M,TII, Cb'n State Dem. Iix. Com. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. I'or Chief Justice of the Supreme Court : HON. A. S. MBRRIMUN. Por Assodnte Justice of the Supreme Court : HON. WALTER CLARK. POR SUFSRIOB enl'ST JltDOS! i.t district flin II. Huowk. Jr.. of Beaulort. 3d dmtrirt llsaav R liavAN, of Craven. 4th district Hi'iss Wiiitakrs. of Wake. Ath district H. W. Winston, of Orsnvlllc. 6th district B. T. BtiVKlN, of Hampson. 7th district Jam xs D. Mctvsa, of Moore. Hlh district R Y., of Iredell. loth district jno. usav mvni'm. oi nurse. 11th district W. A. Hons, of Lincoln. ros solicitos i 1st district J H. BLnt'HT, of Perquimans. 2d district J. M tislUASn. of llnlllns Sil district jno. H. WorKlard. or Viilaon. 4th fUstrict B. W Ton. Jr . of Johnston, ftlh district K. H. I'ASKKS, ol Alamance, ath district tl. H., of Lenoir. 7th tli.irlrt Psank McNkii.i.. of Kichmond Nth dl.trlct II. F. I.O..O, of Irrdrll Uth district W. W. Basiirr. of Wilkes. lOth dl.trlct W. W. rSWi.ANn, Ol L.inirrii. 1 tth nistrict F. I. Osbiirnn. of Mecklenburg. Uth district so. A.Jonss, ef Macon. ros cosussssi 1st district W. A. B. Hsancii. of lleaufort. M dl.trlct W. I. Rmisas, of Noithamplon. .'1,1 ril.tri. t II. P. ClNAIIV. of IIUOllU. 4th dl.trlct B. II. Bi'nn, of Na.h. (li h district A. II. A. Williams. of Orsnvlllc. Sth dl.trlct S. B. Alrxanusr, of Mecklen burg. 7th dl.trlct J. S. Hsniirrson, of Rowan. ,i hi. .!.-( w. II. II. Cowls, of Wilkes. Uth district W. T. CRAwrosu, of Haywood. Wbeo Baby was sfc-k. ws gars her Caslorla. When sh. was a Child, she erisd for Csstorla. Whi sh. beosm. Mlai, sh. olun to CsMoela. WliMShliAdChlldrsa,sh.fSTSUniCAtorl7 Ona of Ihe Flnent." We have heard mnny times this nnd that was the Finest on Knrth, even n "piny" enlled "The Finest on linrth." but nt last we have found it. The fa mous Cincinnnti, Hamilton and Dayton rnilrond Is the finest in the world, run ning 48 pnssenger trains a day lietween Cincinnnti, Hamilton, Dayton, Toledo, Detroit, Miclugnn, and tnnailn points, Indianapolis, Chicago and the north west, Keokuk, Springfield, St. Louis, Kansas City nnd the west. The finest track and finest trains In tint world, ves tibtiled, heated by steam from the engine, lighted by electricity, nnd the finest din ing enr system in the worltl ; parlor cars nnd sleeeping cars. When traveling nsk for tickets via the C. It. & D. or write to Wm. A. WinniNS. Southern I'nssrnger Agent. I'. 0. Box 420, Chattanooga, Tcnn. A Bsrssln, For sale one vacant lot in Western part ol the city, near the cotton factory. Applv tn W. M.Jakvis, at Dcnrden, Rnnkin tk Co.'s or to C. G. Derr. Stanley's Creek, N. C. oct2d2w TO WEAK r.lEtl aamhMj n shi iSSimi of rmrtafal seenim, saHi ssaay, vsMlaf wmAaam, leal awnaoM. St, I ID oi s vslaaba Siimi iMtodl sonkUalas fall pseWwiIsm Sue how. Mea. sIa! .bsrss. A tslilK BMMUasI work i shoslJ b. read by sey sssa whs M Mass aa4 aswtuialsd. AMf rr4 . C. wwvmm, Mssaafc Cssssa, bota saw if for Infants "Oastorlals so well adapted to children that I recommend Itaa superior to sny prescription known to me." II. A. A senna, M, D., Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. sept 3(1 The Anhevllle Cltlxen Olvea The latest local news. The freshest State news. The liest general news. General und special comments. The largest subscription list of any secular pitier in the State. The best advertising medium in the State. A full staff of able editors and corres pondents. The neatest, newsiest and most enter prising paper in North Carolina. Its efforts are always devoted to the upbuilding nnd development of the re sources of the Slate, particularly the Western section. Subscription, $0 per annum; $3 six months: 50 cents iier month. ADYKItTIKING whon intt'lli intly conducted, in a very valuable aid in drawing cus tomers, and when one considers that it wnssnid by Rob ert Homier, "My success is owing to liberality in adver tising," he may well ngree with the great showman, 1'. T. lSnrnutn, that "the road to fort une is through printer's ink." Aiiiericnn Station er. IJ. COFFIN, Real Estate Agent. ASH I.OAV I1KOKKK. 3 NORTH MAIN ST., ( MORGAN'S BOOK STORE I Money loaned and well secured at H per rent, interest. Real E.tnte liotiuht nnd sold nt public nnd Erivntc sale. Keats colli-cted. I conducted a ral I'statc and Auction liu.lncs. in Charltit ton. 8. C, ten yenrs, and will Kite prompt attrntion to all liu.incas put in my limrsv. julvSiKdtm- IjBUNKENrlESS Liquor Habit. mMUre meta maeisufreacyM DHMKES GOLDEN SPEGFIC Itrsnbpr1vtnlnoiiTc, U'B.nrliii.rliClMn(roNi, wtlbout tbe knowtolicc of luvtti-ut If ni-otmmrj; ; It la aVbolultly bavrniltw nl will r1vf hrnn DftDt and ffM,y aire, w lift Iter lh iMUient I, m Dioderatn d rln kf r or nil olcviiui tr w n-r k . I T N K V KH FAllsH. lltiflimiiniiil tl nnd ttllb mrh ct-rtatitty thsvl the fMitlrnl uiiih rittHK no Inrtin venlcnci, nd non Inn CfHiili lr n'fniiUua it tffuoUr4. 4i ym bouk frve. Tu bu bsul oC RAYBOK t HMITM, I'niMii-MU, Aihevlllc. N. C, ufl dAwly aion wed fri DO NOT FORGET THAT- WEEKLY CITIZEN I8 ONLY SI-ONE DOLLAR-SI PER YF.Att, Strictly in Advance. $5 For a Club of Six. Send One Dollar ami renew your subscript ion a t once. Sjiecial Toi-respondcnts in every section of Western North Carolina. MPF.CIAL FKATVRKHi LOCAL NEWS, FOREIGN NEWS, ACiUKTLTUKAL NEWS, ALLIANCE NEWS, AND ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, The Best Family Newspaper In the State. and Children. Caatorls enna Colic, Constlnatlnn, Bour Htouiuch, Diarrhma. Kmetatlnn, KUIs Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl- Wltuuuvuurinus medication. Tua Csm-Aua Cousamt, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. dJiwlv Nothing Succeeds LIKE SUCCESS. Thcrcniion RAPAM'8 MICROHK KILLHK la the moHt wonderful med icine, la ItecuuM it ham never failed in any In atnnce, no matter what the diacanc, from LBP NOSV to the aim pi cut disease known to the hu man system. The scientific men of to-dny claim nnd prove that every (Hat case is Caused by Microbe, RADAM'S MICROBE KILLERzz lixtcrminntr the Microbes nnd drives them out of the system, and when that is done you cannot hnve an ache or pain. No mat ter whut the disease, whether a simple t-nse of Mnlnria Fever or a comblnntion of dis-eniH-s, we cure them all at the same time, as we treat all diseases cunstitutio' ally. Asthma, Consumption, Ciitnrili, (Iron chitis. Rheumatism, Kidney ami Liver Disease, , Chills anil Fever, Fenmle Troubles, in nil its forms, anil, in Diet, every Disease known to the Human System. BEWARE OF FRAUDULENT IMITATIONS. Are thnt our Trade-Murk (snnie as above) apK-ars on each jug. tend for hook "lllstury of the Microlie Killer," given away by J. S. GRANT, Ph. Sole AKint. Ashcvillc, N. C. novl7dlv tu In nn GREER BROS., (Huccesors to Itnird & Rector.) No. a8 North Main Street. "Unaka," A Ht'l'liKIOR I'MIIIK M ANI'l'Al'TI KUIl FtIK (IKK TKAUB, A 1.1. HIZH8, WE SELL FOR $3.40 PER HUNDRED. A CAHD. Kdltor Ashcvillc Citiscn: That our many friends may know how we are getting on we will state that w. took In In Hotel ano Store 9,000 In Ivc Weeks. Took In last Saturday over f Too. 78 of that was hotel, balance store. Hotel regis tered 28 that day. Had 6.000 arrivals in S months, Our sU'ck ia mammoth 800 feet long and IS feet wide. Tell tbe balance ol the world to come and sec "Old Chcd" smile, and buy goods of ns and aavs 10 to 3d per cent. novlA dtf S. R. CHBDB8TRR A RON. FOR RENT. A GOOD GRASS AND STOCK FARM, a miles from Ashcvillc Court lluuse. aj Acres of Land, Good New 9-Room House. A 1. 1. MOIiltKN IMPHOVI1MUNTH. Pasture Inml enough for eight or ten cows; bitlnncc In meadow. Apply to J. A. MURDOCH. epi ati dnt wit pKIVATU BOARD. Large cool, airy rooms, house newly fur- nl'hr.liguod taiilc. Terms reasonable, in street car line. hi KB. J. L,. .MATH BUS, Jiilviadam 3IH Patton Ave. THE F.QUITABLK LIFK AHSt'RANCU SOCIETY. Assets 1107,1(10,3110.13 Surplus aa.Ji, IJ. D. Monroe, Afcjt., Ashevllle, N. C. (Ifilfe .13 South Main street. aula dtf THE SUN. -POR- 1800. Some people agree with The Run's opinions shout men and things, and some pcoplt dnn't : hut everybody likes to get hold of the nrwspniier which Is never dull and never afraid to epras its mina. Urmm-rntt. know that fttr twenty years The Hun has fought In the front line for Dem ocratic priuclplrft, never wavering or wrnk enlng In Us loyalty to the true Interests of the pnrtv It serves with frarlrss Intelligence and dl. Interested vigor, At times opinions hnve differed as to inchest means of accomplish. Ing the common purosc it Is not The nun s lauil u 11 nas seen luruicr into in. miu lilghteen hundred nnd ninety Is the year that will prolialtly netermine tne result 01 tne residential election of 1SH3. and nerhaiis the fortune, of the Democracy for the rest of the century, victory in lnua is a outy, ann the heglnnlngof INlin Is the best tins to start nut In enmnanv with The Sun. pally, per mnntn ores. bus lially, per year .oo Sunday, tier year a. lially and Sunday, per year S.00 lially and Sunday, per month. .. 0.7a weekly, one year AddrsMM THE aVM, Maw York. To a certain extent general advertising creates a want. It announces new things and familiarizes the public with old ones. General advertis ing is of as great value to the advertiser in keening an es tablished article before the public as in introducing a new one. The most success ful business men reulize this, and they never let the public forget their existence. The oft-repeated assertion that advertisements are not read is proved to bo a lie of the most senseless kind by the advertiser's record of results. Journalist. NEW ENGLAND News and Sentiment and the Best Family journal in the Country. The weekly edition of the Springfield I Muss.) Republican, recently enlarged to 12 pages or H4 columns, affords the best weekly ncwspncr and lumily Journal combined In the country. It Is ably and carefully edited. In addition to a full review of the news every week, it furnishes a vast amount of interest ting, cntertuinlng and valuable reading mat ter, embracing a rich literature ik-purtmcnt, stories for the young and old, sermons and religious news and discussion, special corres pondence, well written editorials, a depart ment for women, another for farmers, news of the theaters and sports, original and se lected poetry, frequent siwiiul articles, etc., etc. It is sold for ONLY Si A VICAR, or 10 cents a month for shorter K-rinds, Send for a free sumple copv. All subscriptions puy able in advance. Address THIS KHPimMCAN, septfldAtwt Springiicld. Muss. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R, R. CO, Passrnoks Ukpautmrnt, Western North Carolina Division. PA8SKNGKR TRAIN 8CHUIWLB (In BfpkcT August 31) 70th Meridian time used when not othcrwlst indicated. sastbouhd. No. SI No. S3 lially. I Daily. Lv. Knoxville, (Ullth mer.) flflOpra 810am " Ashcvillc, 12 4)am 3t!2pm Ar. Salisbury, OSMam 842pm " Danville, l)3-'um 10 20pm " Richmond. 31Bpm A.tOaml " Raleigh, 1 oopm 7 3.1am I " Goldsboro, UlTipm 13 40pm " Wilmington BOOpm " I.ynchtiurg, 1'J'JApm 12SRam ' Wnshington 7topm OSMam " Baltimore, NAOpm H'J.lum " Phlla., Sooam 10 4.7am " New York, 6 30am I 1 20pm WR.TUOUND. No. SO No. S3 Dally. lttlftam 7 30nm 94Sam 1134am Daily. 30pm 687pm 9 3()pm 1 1 OOnm 607nm Lv. New Vork, I'iilla., Baltimore. Washingt'n Lynchuurg, SAopm Richmond. SOOpra 3 30ara I Danville, Wllmingt'n (old.boro, Jtiileigh. Salishury, HAOpm I 808am I 1 S oopm 1 1 30nm 1 1 1 i'Aam I 1 A 23pm 1 8 28pm Ar. Ashcvillc, ' Knosv-tle, (00th mer.) No. SS j Dally. I No. 64 Dally. 700 p m 607 p m 340 p m 018 anil Lv Ashrville, Ait. lOllttamiAr. Henderson ville, " 1242 pm " Hpartauburg, Lv. Ml'RI'H V BRANCH. No. IS I (Dally except Sunday.) I No. 17 7:i8nml.v. Ashevllle," Ar. 408pm tlUSamlAr. Waynrsville, " 1115pm 243 pml" Bryson City, " HJ., m Sflllpml" Andrews. Lv. SSoam Nos. 8(1 and 81. Pullman Slceoers between Raleigh nnd Mnrriatown. Kim. 83 and 83 I'ullmitn RunVt Rteenina Cars between Hot Springs and Washington. W. A. W1NHUK.N, 11. r- A., Ashcvillc. N. C. IA8. L. TAVLOR.O. P. A., .va.ntngion ip IT (.OliS al most with out saying, that of the va rious available method paiier adver tising com mends itself to the level head ed man as the shortest and most practical means to the end. The de mand once cre ated, lie will not have to go to the retailer, but the retail er will come to him and be glad to accept his goods on his own terms. -Printer's Ink. TLANTIC COAST LINB On and after this date the following sched ules will lie run over its "Columbia Division." No. S3 Leaves Columliln' 0.3O p. m. Arrives at Charleston 9.30 p.m. No. S3 leaves Charleston......... 7.10 a. tn. Arrives atioiumnia a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia St Au gu.ta and Columbia At Greenville Railroads. -uaiiy. T. M. BMBRSON, Oca. Pass. Agt. I, F. riRVINB. (en Snnt. TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palaoc Stcamiss. Low Ratis. Four Trips see W.k Bsem DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND sHtasAsjjjJ rWttlt Si. MsHs, and Lsas Huron W-y Forts, Wwmrf Wsss Dsj Bstw DETROIT AND CLEVELAND ftsswul SM4y Trias) rinf 1m, Asg M ssva st. Double Daily Lin Batwasn ChlOAGO AND T, JOSEPH. MICH. OUR iLLUtTRATtD PAMPHL'TR RsUm nnd Ktminilon TlnhtMa will b ru-filahttl by yourTlaks)! Afftut, or s tdrss t, ft. WHITCOMD, 0. P. A, 1 Ditnoit, Mich., Ontrolt and Clsvlnnd Itinm Mnv. On. Street Car Schedule. Beginning at 7 a. m. Ending 10.00 p. tn Car leaves Square for all points on the hour, and twenty and forty minutes there after. Schedule ears connect at Square. Train ear and baggage car mart every train, Ona valise allowed each passenger. Baggage transferred from all points In the city for 38 cents. TUB STRBBT KY. CO, 0 0 0 o o o o o e 00 00 boo o DO YOU WANT Letter Heads, Dill Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards; OR Wedding Cards, Invitation Cards, Programs, Menus ; Oil Letter Circulars, Monthly Statements, Small Dodgers, Large Hand Bills; OR Book, A Pamphlet, A Leaflet, Arrospectus, ARTISTICALLY PRINTED ? Then send your order to THE RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. No. 6 N. Court Square, Ashcville, N. C. sssnasnsasss) ANYTHING From a Newspaper to a Vis iting Card can be execu ted in a work'nanlike style at this Print ing House, AND AT PRICES AS LOW As First-Class work can be done Ask any of the thousands of their patrons in Ashevillo and Western North Carolina as to their manner of doing business. They are LEADERS IN rr In North Carolina. sajbsUsiw'(rKjiW sauU stak. sfwaasis mP iiSiiA.1 BanVssMl

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