- ... .... . .. 4 Daily Citizen, Register! VOLUME VI. NO. 139. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. Asheville MISCELLANEOUS. LINVILLE.: A place planned and devel oping as a GREAT RESORT. Situated in the MOUNTAINS , OF WESTERN. NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted for health- fulnens and beauty of SCENERY. An elevation of 3,800 feet, with cool , Invigorating Climate It is being laid out with taste and skill, with well graded roods and extensive FOREST PARKS. A desirable place for fine residences and BBATHPVL HOMES. A good opportunity for profitable investments. For illustrated pamphlet, ad dress, UNYlliE IMPROVEMENT CO., LlnTtlle, Mitchell Co., N. C, BON MARCIIE. Full atock Lad lea. Mist' and CkUdrcn' Wrap. In the la teat etvlcs. AhM a fall aad complete Llaw of Underwear. BON MARCIIE. joStratn Main Street. 3 H.T.ESTABROOK'S M . MAIN ST.. ASHBVILLB, BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY 600DS AND TOYS. LOCAL Views and Sketches. aprlfld REAL ESTATE. W?W. Want. W4LTII B. Owv GVYN & WEST, (noeaa.ora to Walter B.Owys) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF MHEVtLLE. REALiSTATE, Loans) Securely Placed at S Per Cent. Notary Pnblie. Commissioners of Deed.. FIRE INSURANCE. orric atki CeMrlBeiaauw. LIST TO THE HURRYIX8 FEET I Of the Hundred, who are eomlngto Aakertlle to apead the Pall aad Winter. All those who have hone, to rent ahonld call on ua at oaea, an we have many applica tions tor both furnished and unfurnlabed hot) km, which we an at preaent unable to N. - JBN1CS Jk JBNKS, REAL EfTATI AND IMURANCI MOKEM. aw A 10, McAfee Black. M Patton Am. Aebevule, R. C. ' F. A. GRACE, DECORATOR -AND OBSIONRal IN FRESCO. aafodSaa MISCELLANEOUS. Who To1d You So? W, T. Crawford mvi that H. O. Bwart told him that he heard Jim Oudger aay that Bob Vance told him that Kopt Bllaa heard thut there waa no doubt 'hat W. W Rollina aid thst Tom Johniton thought that Bob Pnrman had told Slttlna; Ball that Buffalo BUI had declared to J If. Courtney that It waa generally believed that fan Reynold, had said In plain term, thnt he heard Jack Wnrtcy aay that hi. friend John L. Sullivan had aald that Bill Deavtr informed him at the eongreaalonnl convention In thl. city that it waa a well known fact that the House keeper.1 Union kad caught Orn. Cllngman in aaylng that In hla opinion It was a matter of fact and of great public Intcmt that J. J. Mackey Intimated to Jeaa Lowry that Bill Nye had aald while attending the county con vention last 8atnrday that anyone caught reading thin .hall repair at once to the .tore of A. D. COOPBR, North Court Hquurc, and in.pect hi. mammoth .lock of all kind, of Oroccrlea, Provisions, Ate, where arrange ment! have been made to furnl.h you nil kind! of Staple and Fancy Groceries of the Beat Quality at the Loweat Price.. SENSE TALK. Our Fall and Winter stork of goods is all in, and is com plete. This stock was bought so that we can sell it at our old prices. All goods bought since the new republican tar iff went into effect Oct. 6th will be from 10 cts. to 50 cts. on the dollar higher, particu lnrly Shoes and Tinware. We shall sell our present stock of Fall and Winter goods in all lines at same prices as here tofore, and that is cheaper than any other store in Ashe ville. We keep everything in Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Factory Cloth, Tin ware. Lamps and Glassware. We can fit out a family with everything to wear, from a tiny shoe for the baby to an overcoat for the grandfather, from a ma rriage to a funeral. lou must buy your sugar and coffee from the grocer, then come to us, we can fill out the balance of your wants. It is but little trouble to come to our store and learn our prices before you buy, and it often amounts to a big saving in money. Coun try people particularly will save money if they will price our stock before they buy their winter supplies of Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Dress es, Overcoats, Pant Cloth, and Blankets. If we do not sell them as good goods for less money than anyone else in Asheville they can buy elsewhere, only be sure to come to our store before you buy, and remember the place, The "BIG RACKET" CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loan. ee urely placed at per cent. Once.! 34 ts Patton Avenue Second floor. fcbodlv JOHN CHILD, (Formerly of Lyman Child), Office No. 1 Learal Block. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER Strictly a Brokerage Business Loan, aecurely placed at par cent. NORFOLK OYSTERS. 1 None but the Best!! I (BCKIVBD BVBP.Y DAY. QUALITY AND FRESHNESS BUARANTEEO. OYSTBK PARLOR VYt snrvs In all atylea at popular price.. BARKER A PULLAM, ' octlldlw BO S. MAIN STRBKT. MISCELLANEOUS. Go to Carmichael's Drug Store with your prescription where you wilt at all times find a full line of pure fresh Drugs and Chemicals, and at low prices. His prescription department is stocked with the purest and best Drugs and Chemicals to be found in the market, both foreign and domestic. And you can rest assured that your prescrip tion will,be filled correct and that you will be charged a low price. Three registered prescription ists ready to serve you at all hours. Night calls promptly answered. W. C.CARMICIIAFX . APOTHECARY, No. ao South Main Street, Asheville, N. C. T. C. SMITH & CO., DRUGGISTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, PUBLIC SQUARE, Asheville. - N. C. ONE PRICE STORE. A few items in fine qualities to which we invite special at tention. Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing. Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Wraps. All wool Dress Goods, Silks and Velvets. Men's and Hoys' Derby and Soft Hats and Caps. 79 PATTON AVE. -AT- HONEST VALUE" I. our motto, and we know the peop't ap preelaU It, for they have proven It br their liberal patronage. We think that we arc better prepared now than ever before to give our customers the benefit of low price, la Pure Groceries. Our targe ciprrlenc. and Increnalng buel- ncujuatify nain making thla atatement. It Is needless forua to enumerate the different article, w. carry. W. sell the Finest Groceries, And can alw.ytguarantccthcm to sjlvesatis- faction both In QUALITY - AND - PRICE. Our facilities for delivering good, promptly are anequaled. Reapectfully, POWELL SNIDER, WHOLBSALB AND RBTAIL OROCBRB, Cor. Patton Aran, aad Mala Street, THEJIEVS ! BY ASSOCIATED PRESS THE CITIZEN. TO HEROIO RESOUE OF SHIPWRECK ED MARINERS. roVM MEM RISK THEIR I.IVICS TO SAVE OTHERS New Glasgow, N. S., Oct. IS. A thrill ing- story i that ol tbe rescue of tour men who remained on tbe wrecked bark Mel' merby stranded at Little harbor while on a voyage from Quebec lor Greenock with lumber. The captain, first .and second officers and twelve men were drowned. All day Monday tbe crowd stood on the beach watching tbe poor anlortunates on the crumbling wreck, on' the spectators were powerless to effect, or even attempt, rescue, so wild was the sea. Night set tied down without any abatement of the tern tic storm. I wo men remained on shore anil occasionally waved lanterns to snow tne shipwrecked men that they were uui rorgoiicn. nnen morning auwnea Tuesday an immense concourse assembled, but it was noon before it was considered at all pes- siuic 10 muKc an attempt at rescue, Then a boat was launched, manned by a voluuteer crew of four men. These brave lellows fought a terrible battle with the waves, but eventually reached 1 iie wrcca wnen a mmntv enter went un irum tne nnxious watcnerson snore; Une or one, the exhausted) and benumbed shipwrecked men were lowered into a boat and after a second desperate bat- uc wun me waves were conveyed solely to land. ' The work was facilitated bv the liberal use of oil. Two of the rescued men were sick and one had his shoulder broken. lhe rescued men were seamen Knne and 11 vans and the steward and contain ofa schooner, who went to supply the un, wivu jriiviBiuns nno were unable to regain tneir own vessel. AM ALLIANCE STOCKYARD. Farmers Determined to Drive Out Commission Men. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. IS. The Far mers' alliance of the southwest are to es tablish an independent stock yard in Kansas city. The Mistouri. Texas. Ne braska and Iowa alliances are back ol tbe scheme. Fifty acres of land adjoining the "res ent stock yards is the site ol the nrw yards. By maintaining their owu vnrda. she fanners believe thevcan save much money in marketing their cattle bv dniuu away withtominission men and a great pan 01 omcr expeneses. SUMMONED TO ROME. The Pope wants Information On Politics In Irelaud. London, Oct. IS. -The Star announces that most Rev. Michael Lngne, D. D archbishop of the diocese of Armagh and primate of all Ireland ; tbe most Kev. iiliaml. Walsh. U. D.. archbiahon ol Dublin; the most Kev. Thomas Croke.D. U., archbishop of Cashel, and the most Kev. John Mavevily, I). I)., archbishop ol Tuau have been summoned by the I'ooe to appear at Hume in tbe curly part of next year. Tbe Star says it is believed the summons is issued in connection with the Irish political situation. THE AVARICIOUS STANDARD. lUOoaltT Like Methods to Crash Opposition. FlNULAV, O., Oct. IS. The Stnndnrd Oil company has again reduced the price of buck-eye oil and is paying out 32ljc or tne product, a drop ol 5c on the bar rel within two weeks. This depreciation caused a loss of ISO on every 1,(M)0 bar rels to tbe producer, while tbe Standard saves by the operation in the Ohio field alone $43,000 n month. The Stnndnrd now has the field in its power and is the absolute master of prices. IT KNOCKS OVT "FLOATERS." One Oood Reanlt From a Ballot Reform Law. Nrwark, Oct. IS. New ballot reform lawwastticdat tbe city election for the first time yesterday. The system worked satisfactorily. There was a general (ailing off in voting, almost one-third, which isat- tnnuted to tne new system, many sup posing it complicated and undesirous of displaying their ignorance, remnined away from the polls. Very little money was used and "floaters ' found their occu pation gone. W.J. ROGERS DECLINES. His Health Will Not Permit Him lo Make lhe cauvans. Raleioh, N.C., Oct. 13.-W. I. Rogers, democratic nominee for congress in the Second district, has tendered his resigna tion on account of ill health. Tbe execu tive committee has accepted the resigna tion but decline to make another nomi nation as the time docs not now permit a canvass of the district. Not Dead Vet. Atlanta, Oct. 15. A few days ago, Gen. Gordon in the course of a speech, re ferred to Senntor Drown as having one foot in the grave. The patriarchal sena tor has pulled that leg out of the grave by announcing that he will address the people of Georgia on National Day at the state fuir, to be held at Macon Uncle Joe's announcement has stirred up a big sensation throughout the entire state. The Editorship of lhe World." Nsv York Oct. IS. Yielding to the advice of his physicians, who rep resent it to be necessary to complete the restora tion of his sight, Joseph Pnlitsar has withdrawn entirely from the editorship ol the World. The control of the paper has been vested in an executive board of its principal editors. Porter's Miss of xof.sid People. New York, Oct. IS. The police census, completed, gives New York city a popu lation of 1,710,715 an increase of 197, 214 over Porter's figures. Fifty Cholera Deaths Dally. Constantinople, Oct. IS The deaths from Cholera at Aleppa average fifty daily. WEST VIRGINIA'S FLOOD, A Orcat Deal or Damage Done by the Clond Burst. Wiibkuno W.'Va., Oct. 15th. Further particulars from the interior are to the effect that in Braxton county great losses have been sustained by the formers and lumber men by the cloud burst Sunday evening. Many thousand tics and hun dreds of thousands of feet of lumber were swept away, crops were destroyed and a numuer ol tanners almost ruined. WICKEDER THAN CHICAGO CINCINNATI GIVEN A BAD NAME. VERY The Extra Session of the Ohio Legislature called Because of the Deplorable condition ofPub. lie service of the Chief City of tbe State. CoLl-uni'S, O., Oct. 15. The extra ses sion of the legislature began here yester day, The Governor sent a message in which he sets forth that the session was called because of the deplorable condition of the pubic service at Cincinnati, and for the purpose of securing the necessary leg islation to give the people an opportuni ty to select members of certain boards at the November election. The message cites the statement of a prominent citixen that Cincinnati has the lowest grade of political morals ol any city in the country. An nppcul is made for the restoration of home rule and a new charter for Cincinnati. in ootn orancnes tne measure was re ferred to the judiciary committee. THE NEWS AT TRINITY. On tbe Eve of a Religious Awnk- cnlnv Tbe "Archive." Trinity College, Randolph county N. C Oct. 12, 18U0. This little Pied mont village is more full of business and the hum of life than ever. There lire nt present 103 students in attendance. The intellectual life of the place is broadening and deepening and the college is lielieved to be on the eve ol a great religious awakening. Arrangements have hien made for 7 o'clock meetings daily throughout the week. Mate sccrctarv Coulter, of the Y. M. C. A., is herein 'nnsultation with the members. Amonu the members here is a Inrgu measure ol religious interest. The Archive comes out to-muirow. ' his year it will be uushed with unusual vigor nnd has every prnicct of pros-IK-rity before it. The editors huve ar ranged fornrrgnlarcdition of Soil copies, have increased the amount nf rending matter, and enlarged its scone. The editorial board, as elected by the socie ties, is as follows: Editor in chief, L. S. Massy, Hcsjierian ; assistant chief, K. L. Uiirhnm, Columbian: review, C. E. Tur ner, tic.; D. A. Houston, Col.; exchuuge, W. A. B. Ilearnc. Hcs : C. L. Rnorr. Col.: ilumni, Fred Harper, Hen.; V. F. Bluck, Col.; local.. A. W. I'lylcr, lies.; A. H I'owcll, Col.; Y. M. C. A. Department. W. B. Lee. Col.: General business mana gers, James Hnlleck Crowclt, lies.; Jos. The constitution of the loan associa tion is the hands of the winters and will soon be given to the public. The ohiect of this association is to place within the reacn oi every one tne necessarv means for obtaining an education at college. Several of tbe young slurnniof the college are pushing it. lhe tootbull is booming over the cam- Sus from 4 to 6, evenings. George S. La ar, Wilkesbarre, Penn., has been elected captain. Tbe material for a good teum is more plentiful than lust year and a great deal of fine playing may be seen even at this early day in practice. O'BRIEN AND DILLON. In France and the Oovernmenl May Ask Them to Leave. Paris, Oct. IS. La Presse says that Dillon and O'Brien after their flight from Ireland took passage on a sailing vessel und Innded on the coast of Normandy. On Sundav they passed the night at the residence ol M. Kaitalovich s, a banker whose daughter is the wile of O Brien On Monday they came to Paris and thence proceeded to M. Kaltnlovicbs country house at Gif. They then re turned to rans last night, but their address in this city is kept secret. It the news received from America is fa vorable to the Irish mission to that coun try they will start for New York at the end ol the week. If it becomes manifest that it is their intention to remain in Paris, the government wilt request them to leave. Mr. Rnflalovteh denies that Dillon and O'Brien are or have been in France. Tippkrarv, Oct. 15. Hcallv, of coun! sel for defendants in the conspiracy cuse, hnd a dispatch Irom Union and U Urien to-day announcing their arrival at Cher bourgh, France. What Might be of Asheville. RALKtr.n.Oct.U. Special The state fair is one of the best ever held. The ex hibits are very good and well arranged. The amusements are plentiful and really inviting, The speaking is of high order. 1 be stock display is the best ever seen. Every race is full and the crowd is the lurgest ever known on Tuesday. INTO NEW QUARTERS. Strauss to Move Into New Quar ters. Strauss, the popular restaurateur, will soon move into his new quarters on South Main St., in the new Johnston Building. The huildingis heingfitted up for Mr. Strauss as a hotel. The dining-room id rcstuurant are on the first floor and the second and third floors will be devo ted to slccuing apartments, nnrlois and private dining-rooms. The house is to be lighted by gns und heated bv grates. Klectric bells and a hydraulic imsacuircr elevator will be some of the modern con veniences. Nnrlh Carolina's Population. Washington, Oct. 15. The census bu reau gives out the fol wing figures : Newbcrne, N. C, 7,832; Increase, 1, 3H0; ier cent, 21.56. State ol North Carolina; 1,617,340, increase, 217.500; percent, 15.54. Kansas, 1,423,4(45; in crease. 427,389; percent, 42.91. He Is Not a Uentleman. New York, Oct. IS. Col. Elliott F. Shepard has been suspended lor ten days from the Onion Lensue club for Dnhlish- ing in the Mail and Express the secrets of the club. MODEST J. WILEY SHOOK. NO AFFIDAVIT FOR HIM, THANK VOf. He Has a Chance to Enter a De nial, but Falls to do ao Ewart nay as Well Own up to the Whole Matter Now. Prom a Staff Correapondent. Pigeon River, Haywood Co., Oct. 10, 1890, The crowd assembled here to-day was doubtless the largest ever brought to. gether for a similar purpose in this sec tion. It numbered between two and three hundred voters, and the majority for Crawford almost amounted to una nimity. There is something remarkable in the universality of the esteem in which Crawford is held by these people. Men wl.u have never voted any other than the republican ticket were as warm in the greeting they gave him as the most ardent democrats. There were men present to-day who told me that they had not attended a political discussion in fifteen years. These things make it impossible to estimate what majority Crawford will have in Haywood. There can be no doubt nbout its going for him oeyona any majority ever bclore given. When the returns come in it will be a good way to estimate the worth of tbe two men to compare the votes of Hay wood und Henderson, the respective homes of the candidates, where they arc best known and most thoroughly under- I.. ..I : aii !...: u,: i . i v..m ,,. hi. .inn iviiiiiifiiB luwuru uicir tciiuws. Mr. fcwnrt will certainly suffer by the comnnrison. The crowd to day was too Inrcefor the srnooi ouuutng, and so the discussion oe curred in the grove just outside th- house. Crawford's throat was civinc um considerable trouble, and his sncech wasnoi as animated as usual, but he was on hand and not in the bushes like his competitor a week nco. When Craw- lord runs the renders ol The Citizen will be duly n prised of the fact. This nlace is only a few miles from Clyde, the home of Mr. J. Wiley Shook. Mr. bliook was uresent ut the discussion to-day. und hud ainnle ouuortunitv ti, deny by affidavit the sworn statement ol ins own townsman. Mr. Osborne, con- ccrning his avowal that he had proposed bwart s great anti-force bill soecch. and then hnd to use force to iret him to de liver it. Crawford rend the affidavit anil certificates, and gave Mr. Shook an op portunity to contradict, but Wiley wut too wily to come to time. The tact is, Wiley is in the souu. and souu of hisown making, at thut. You can out down Ha v wood anywhere from five to seven hundred majority for Crawford. The county candidites will begin their canvass on 'the 20th. R. D. Oilmer, tbe candidate for the legislature is unusually popular, and will run close up to Crawford. J. S. Duvis, the candi- ate lor the senate, will carry the counu by a fin.' majority, and I think will brai Moody in the district in the neighbor hood of two hundred votes. To-morrow we bo to Fine's creek. where another great crowd awaits us. J. r. K. CENTRAL COMMITTEE. R. M. Furman, County Chairman, Appoints It. I hereby appoint the following gentle men to constitute a central executive committee of the democratic party ol Buncombe : Jos. S. Adams, J. M. Gudger, G. T. Jones, J R. Rich, S. R. Kepler, I. C. Cowan, b. W. Burkhoider, J. b. Hamp ton, J. W. Stnrnes, N. P. Corn, J. M. vYcstnll, b. U. AlcCollum, W. B.Clayton. N. A. Reynolds, W. W. West. lid. Green. H. Reed. Geo. H. Burnhnm. 1. Hainu McDowell, ti. Green, W. B. Mnrx, W. Kumlolph, C. C. McCarty, I. H. Cur ler, D. W. Collide, T.J. Mitchell, W. P. Pe- ai. rorter, brwin button, I.M. lames. W. W. Barnard. J. H. Loughran, J. T. uostic, I. U. Alermnon, SS. r. Alears, T. A, Jones, Dr. K. liuird, J. B. Whiteside., Locke Craig, M. b Carter, C. M. Mc- Loud, T. C. AlcCoy, H. C. Fugg, Clar ence Sawvcr, F. Slikclcathcr, Dr. W. D. Hilliarn, W. H, illiainson,U. r . Adnms. Wayne S. Ray, W. K. Pcnmmun, jr.; W. R. Itcnrden, J. M. Young, John Donohue. I he .ibove committee is hereby re quested to meet on Friday night at 8 p. m. in the clerk's office al the court bouse for immediate work. R M. Furuan. Chairman lfcmocrntic Executive Com mittee, Buncombe county. Oct. 15, 1890. A Buncombe Man Honored. R. F. Henry, a son of W. L. Henry of Lower Hominy, and now living in Rock ingham county, has been noininutcd by he democrats ol that county tor the legislature. Mr. Henry moved from Bun combe about ten years ago and is now bout tlnrty-tliree years ot age. He is vice-president of the Rockingham county lliancc. Kockingiiain lias a democratic majority of about 800. A1TA1HS OF CONs'lssji'ENCE. HOHKlr.N. As a precaution against cholera a quar antine of twenty-one davs is imposed against all arrivals from Barcelona. Twenty-five thousand persons attended memorial services for the late Mrs. Booth, wife of Gen. Booth, of the snlva- tion army, nt Ulympia. HOME. Col. Fellows and Dclnncy Nicoll are both Tammany candidates for congress in New York. The revolt of Pennsylvania republicans from the boss-made candidate lor uov- ernor is growing, and the pulpit is giving encourngement to the disaffection. Superintendent Porter, in a letter from Europe, claims that the census of 1800 "will stand for all time to come as the best nnd most accurate up to date," Rev. Loynl Young, D. D one of the most eminent ministers of the Pennsyl vania church in Western Pennsylvania, died at his home in Butler Saturday night, aged 85 years. In the superior court In Lawrence. Mass., yesterday, William McKenna, of Lawrence, und Haverhill, known as the "king of horse thieves," wus sentenced under the habitual cnminal law to twen ty-five years in state prison. Althoneh there has been a Brent deal of simulation during the past few days as to the President's intentions with re gard to an extra session of congress, there has not been s single indication, one way or the other, from any one in authority on tbe subject. MISCELLANEOUS. ANTIMIGRAINE. NEVER FAILING CURE FOR HEADACHE. TRADB MARK RBOISTBRBD. ABSOLUTELY SAFE, PERFECTLY SURE AND ALWAYS SPEEDY. Cures Every Variety of Headache AND NOTHlNO BLSB. ANTIMIGRAINE Has earned lor itself the enviable reputa- tion of being the 6"est, most effective and reliable article U. cbe market for the speedy relief and cure of every variety of that common trouble, Headache. The immense favor which has greeted it from all quarters, proves its true merits and acceptability to the public. It is some thing which almost everyone needs, and those who have once tried it, will never be without. For its curative powers it does not de pend upon tbe subtle influences of such poisonous drugs as ANTIPYRINE, MORPHINE, CHLORAL, AND COCAINE, Since it does not contain an atom of either oi these. It is absolutely free from injurious chemicals, and can be taken by young and old without fear or serious results. It is n, s Cathartic, docs not disarrange the stomach, and contains no noxious or sickening ingredients. The peculiar advantages of Antimi graine consist in ita being tboronghly reliable as a cure for any kind of head ache without respect to cause leaving no unpleasant or annoying after-effects, us in the case of other so-called "barm- less" remedies. These qualities make it tbe most popular and saleable article in the market, wherever known. DIRB(.i.ON8 FOR 178 B. The done for an adult Is two tcaspooafule n a wine (lass of water. Dose for children proportion, accordina to aac la either mac the dose can be repeated every thirty minnca nntil a cure la effected. One done will always drive away an attack of Headache, taaen wncn nrat reeling; the premonitory ymptome; but If tbe attack is well oa, aad uttering is inu iiac, the second or third dose may be required. Usually a greater amber uf doses is required to effect the first cure than Is needed lor any succeeding time there after, allowing that the medicine la accama latirc in ita effects, tending toward an event ual permanent cure For sale at OKANT'8 PHARMACY. WHITLOCK'S, 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET. ASHEVILLE, N. C. NEW FALL DRESS GOODS. Ladies will do well to ex amine our new style Jackets, Capes and Long Wraps, at Whitlock's, Cor. Eagle Block. Our new stock of Dress Goods is 'way aboveanyyou can find elsewhere. Call and see tlieni, at Whitlock's, cor. Eagle Block. Light weight Jersey Jack- ets and Blazers at very low prices. Whitlock's, corner Eagle Block. Blankets, Comforts and Curtain materials, at Whit lock's. Very large stock. Corner Eagle Block. GO dozen Aprons in 200 styles. New designs, beauti ful and cheap, at Whitlock's. Driving Gloves and Riding Cups for Ladies and Misses, at Whitlock's, corner Eagle Block. Whitlock's is the best place by far to get complete out fits for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Corner Eagle Block.

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