tl.,'-V '" v-t' "i 2 LOST, TO RENT, FORSALE, FOUND. For These Ada. Sec Third Page. Asheville Citizen FOR- WANT, FOR SALE AND TO RENT ADVERTISEMENTS, BEIS THIRD PAGE. VOLUME VI. NO. 152. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. Daily eLINVILLE.e A place planned and devel oping an u GREAT RESORT. Situated in the MOUNTAINS Of WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted for health I'lilness and benuty of SCENERY. An elevation of :t.8O0 feet, with eool Invigorating Climate It is being laid out with ttiste and skill, with well graded roudH und extensive FOREST PARKS. A desirable place for tine residences and HEATHFIX HOIWrCH. A good opportunity for profitable investments. For illustrate! pamphlet, ad dress, LINVILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., I.lnTllle, Mitchell Co., N. C BON MARCHE. Tbr large .lock of new no .Ilk. recently purchased by Mix Klltck while North aev arriving dally. They art both beautiful in deign anil cheap Call and ln.ict. BON MARCHE. jo Mouth Main Streel.-3 H.T.ESTABROOK'h J3 ft. MAIN HT. AHHIiVII.LK. -I.THB FLICS ! BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS AND TOYS. LOCAL Views and Sketches. Apr in ft REAL ESTATE. Walt.. b. Owvs, W. W. WT. GVYN & WEST,. iMucccsaora lo Walter B.Owm) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. Comlss4oaers olDeed.. FIRE INSURANCE. OfFICIt Oonthcaat court Squat. "THE SUN 00 MOVE," And so do. A.helll The rnt hu.tlliig act 1. now lln performed by all gcnulnc ot.a of th. PARADISE CITY OP THK aol'TII. livery man ha. hi. schrme and a. It la mo.t caws lo not unwlll In. ran. W. don't mind tcllmg you that our achem I. to Mil all th I. nil and In.ur nil th property w ran, liefor "The Robins Neat Again." W.bare just lieen appointed agent, lor th Old RellalHc Pennsylvania I'lrr Inaarnnc Co., and w want you to Iniurr with u.. JBNKS JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Rooms Jkio, McAfee Block, . an Patton An., A.ImvIII. N. C. F. A. GRACE, DECORATOR - ANII DESIGNER IN FRESCO. aagAdSn, Who Told You So? W. T. Crawford av. thnt H O. Rwnrt told him that be beurd Jim Oudger .ay thnt Uob Viinee told him that Koiw Bliu. heurd dotiht hat W. W Rollin. .aid thnt Tom Johnaton thought that Bob Purman had told Hitting Ball that Buffalo Bill had declared to J H. Courtney that it generally believed that Dan Keynohl. had .aid in plain terms thnt he heard Jack Wnrley ay that hi. friend John I.. Bulllvan hnd .aid that Hill Denver Informed him lit the coiitfrcsaionnl convention In thl. ritythnt it wu. u well known fuel thut the House keeKr. Union had cuuaht ('.en. Clinftman iu saying that in his opinion It wit. h inatUT of fuel und of grcn . public liilercHl that J. J. Miickvy Intimated to Jr.. Lowrv that Hill Nye had uld while attending the county eon vention laat Kulurday that anyone caught reading thi. .hall repair at once to the .tore of A. II. COilPKK, North Court Square, and Inapcct hi. mammoth .tuck of ull kind, of Orocerles, Provisions, :c., wh-re urrHiigr ment. have laren made to I'urni.h you all kind, of 8taple and fancy Groceries of the Heat Uuality nt the Lowet price. Our Fall and Winter stock of goods is nil in, and is com plete. This stock was bought so that we can sell it at our old prices. All goods bought since the new republican tar iff wput into effect Oct. 0th will be from 10 cts. to 50 cts. on the dollar higher, particu larly Shoes and Tinware. We shall sell our present stock of Fall and Winter goods in nil lines at same prices as here tofore, and that is cheaper than any other store in Ashe ville. We keep everything in I)rcHs(!oods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Factory Cloth, Tin ware. Lamps und Glassware. We enn fit out n family with everything to wear, from a tiny shoe for the baby to an overcoat forthegrandfather. from a marriage to a funeral. You must buy your sugar and coffee from the grocer, then come to us, we can fill out the balance of your wants. It is but little trouble to come to our store and learn our prices before you buy, imd it often nmountsto a big saving in money. Coun try people particularly will save money if they will price our stock before they buy I heir winter supplies of Shoes, lints, Clothing, Dress es. Overcoats, Pant Cloth, und Blankets. If we do not sell them as good goods for less money than anyone else in Asheville they con buy elsewhere, only be sure to come to our store before you buy, und remember the pine, The"HIG RACKET" CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Agent. NOTARY Pl'BLIC. Loan, m urely placed at H er cent. Office.: SI4 Ik aft Patton Avenue ftecujd door, fchlirilv JOHN CHILD, ( Formerly. of Lyman Child I. Office No. i Legal Block. REAL ESTATE AMI LOAN BROKER Strictly a Brokerage Bualneaa Loan, aecurrly placed at per cent. pKIVATU P.OAKII. Large eool. alrv room., hour newly rur al -hciii good table. Term, rea.onable. (in ,,ret car line. L.BMATHKM. JulylSdnm " Patton Av. FSpRBHPAHHKKHTAKB NOTICK. All person, are notified that all Innda he- i i-.. ... .1 Wm-mi A.hrvlllv Itnoruvemcill Company and B. O, Carrier. In the vicinity of the nuipaar sunni. auu "; ""riuiitu uoatrd. a. O. CAKKIKR. , vt7dln (Jo to Carmichiu'l's Drug Store with your prescription where you will at till times find a full line of pure fresh Drugs and Chemicals, and at low prices. His prescription department is stocked with the purest and best Drugs and Chemicals to be found in the market, both foreign mid domestic. And you can rent assured that your prescrip tion will lie filled correct and that you will be charged a low price. Three registered prescription ists ready to serve you at all hours. Night calls promptly answered. W. C.CARMICHAEL. AI'OTIIKt'AKY, No. ao South Main Street, Asheville, N. C, T. C. SMITH & CO., DRUGGISTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Pl'BLIC HQ C ARK, Asheville. N. C. Our Autumn stock is now very full and attractive, and wo iipo nellinir ii larrrc Quanti ty of goods. The stock whs selected with great enre, as-Miit-iinr vt'i'v lute and fnshion- able Htyles at bottom figures, the important adviun-e in ni-icpH which has occurred since the purchase making a 1 I the goods siKM-iany cneap. Ah we hIulII have to nav higher jirices in the near fu ture, tne mornl wouia si'm fn ln! Uiiv earlv such ii r tides as you expect to use this sea son. H. REDWOOD & CO. Clothing, Wraps, Shoes. Dry (loods, L'nderwear.rphol stery (ioods, lints, Carpets and Gener al Smallwares. 7 A 9 PATTON AVE. it -AT- 1. our motto, and we know the people ap predate It, for they ha proven It bv liberal patronage. We think that wr are bctur prepared now than ever before to give ourVuitotner. tbe benent or low price, in Pure Groceries. Our Urge e.prrtrnce and bu.l nc.. Ju.tify in making thl. atatement, It I. needle., for u. to enumrnitr ihe dllierent article. w carry, We cll Ihe Finest Groceries, And can alwar.guarantec them to give .a tin. faction both In QUALITY - AND - PRICE. Our facllltle. for delivering good, promptly are uncounted, RcRpcclfully, POWELL SNIDER, WJIlll.HaALIi AND MBTAIL ONOCHNd, Cor. Pattua Avenue and Mala Street. THE NEVS ! BY ASSOCIATED PRESS TO THE CITIZEN. HOW THE M'KINLEY BILL HELPS THE LABORER. MAMHOWIMU OCR MARKET FOR MINNEHOTA FLOIK, Mankato, Minn., Oct. 30. The Man kato flouring mills hiive been informed by their Chicago corrcipondents that, owing to tbe McKinley law, the flour merchant! of Holland and Belgium will not buy any more of the second grade bakers' flour made in this country. Thin shut! out a market which ha. annually takeu over 12,000 barrel, of this grade of flour from the Manknto mill aloue The result will be the discharge of a large number of men. A BOGUS TICKET OUT. THK KEPIBLICANK ARK C1M CIXATINQ IT. Dcmocrata, Look Out for Tlckctn Having matbera1 Name on Ttacm In Place of Jonea' They Mean Fraud. The ticket given below, tyKgrnpbical errors nnd nil, is being circulated through out the district bv the republicans. It is npparenth the straight democratic ticket, but the namcof C.torgc- H. Smutti er, the republican nominee for solicitor, iipprarsat the bottom in the place of (dirge A. (ones, the democratic nominee. Mere is the ticket: I'or Chief Jurtlrr nf fnr .N'liirrmc Court : A. S. MI-KR1MON. Ifur AsiwclHteJuKllvr of the Sutreme Court : WALTKK CLARK, for Sufierltir Court Jutliee: 1st I list. Ceo. II. lUown, jr., ol Hcaulort. 2nd I Mat. Ilcnrv l(. Hrviin, of Criivitn. 4th Iiist. Spier "Whilnker. of Wnkr. "ilb Dist. K. W. Winston, ol ("nTnville. ill h IHst. I-:. T. Uoykin,ofSttiiiMou. 7th I'isl. Jiimes H, MclrviT, of Mnorc. Mth Dist. K. I-'. Armlii-lil, ol Ireilcll. Kllb Mist. Jiio. lirnv llviiuin, of llurke. 11th Hist. W. A. Hoke,' ol Lincoln, 'or Snlieltnr. Twrllth Jmllcinl Hittrh t .- I'.liO. II. SMATIIIiKS. ol lluvwood Co. This niciina thnt (he republican piirtyin hecoining dt-sptrnle ami i. ilctcrtnincd to carry the coming election nt nil hamrda. livery ilrmncrnt should see that he vote Ihe drmocrntic ticket, the whole dcino- inilic ticket nnd nothing but tbe drmo crntic ticket. Watch out for frauds as there are sun to be attempts iniide to ucrietrutr them. AN IMPORTANT POINT. In Ky Auolher of Natu ralisation Fee. Urltsery T Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 3U. B. E. Thomas, of Omubn applied to the supreme court for an injunction restraining (too recentlv nnturnliicd citizens of Omaha, from at tempting to cast their votes nt the next election nnd several judges of election ol l Hat city trom receiving such votes it ollcred. The claim made by Mr. Thomas was (hat the icrsoniil rights league, an uuti prohibition organization, bad paid the ices reitiired for the nnturnlization ol these parties Hnd that this action amounted lo hrilwrv. The court refused to take' jurisdiction on the case, but it is understood the Miction will lie presented to the court again in another form. CATHOLIC CtvLtCURATION. A Ureal DctnoiiKlratlou In C'nivaif o Laxl Night. C'liiCAoti, I h i. 3D, Amid the most im pressive ceremonies ol which the ritual nt the Catholic church is cupnhle, Arch bishop I'Atrii k A. Feehan celebrated yes terday morning the twenly-hfth anniver sary of his elevation to tlie hpiscopacy. The scene in tlie cathedral ol the Holy Name on Surior nnd State streets was n brilliant one. Hut the crowning glory of the celebra tion was the torchlight procession, which in point of magnitude nnd brilliancy hn probably never Iweu surpassed in tin west. Over i!fi,0(0 men were in line bruriiig transparencies, flambeaus and colored lights, while over the entire line ol march the streets seemed arched in lire by a continuous stream of rockets. la) IT MALICKT A Tcunewiec Judg-a ludlcted for Forger. Gallatin, Tenn., Oct. 30. Judge 0. II. Poster, of the county court of Sumner county, was indicted yesterday by the grand jury for forgery. Against him there are two counts. One that he issued his salary of $0,0011 in advance', and the other is that he Ittiiidulcnlly issued war rants to the clerk of ihecircuit court. Tbe trial wus taken up yestmluy in the crim inal court and has held the undivided at tention of the public. Judge Foster's at torneys claim the prosecution isactuated by malice. Railway Train Men's Meeting. Los Anoi.i.ks, Oct. 30. The national convention of the brotherhood of railway train men which has been in session here for the past ten days closed its labors last night nnd adjourned. All the old ollicrrs were re-elected und the federation was ratified. Ilimton is tbe next place of meeting. The adoption ol the master enr builders coupler wnscntcrtulncd. Died Jual After Marriage. Wahiiinoton, Oct. 30, Mr. llntigh niont Howe, ol the state department, married yesterday to Miss Mary Butter- worth, daughter ol Krprrsentntlve Hut terworth ol Ohio, died to-day of pneu monia. Tne Kitypllau Cotton Crop. Cairo, Oct. 30. Latest estimate of the ize ol the l'.uvutuin cotton crop places It at 3,000,000, conturs, un increase due to the recent hue weather. airlke Declared Of. Huston, Oct. 30. The strike of the journeymen free stone cutters, which has been In progress since February UH, is de clared on. BOUT DEPLORABLE, Tne Hon or a Rich KngllNhiuau tttaot at Cumberland Unp, Knoxyili.b, Oct. 30. Youne Morris Watts, the son of the noted steel and iron mini of London, went to Middles- buro recently to visit bis brothers, who are erecting nn immense furnace there Late yesterduy afternoon he wus out hunting, when suddenly some one shot him through the groin. Watts fell insen sible, but later regained consciouaness and crawled to a resilience. It is re ported thnt he may not live. Watts' father is many times a million aire, and is said to be the largest coal dealer in the world. His invrstnunts nt Cumberland Oan nnd Middlesboro. when the plunts are completed, will amount to $3,000,000 or more. There is no clue. GOES BACK OX MR. EWART, EDITOR MORRIS WILL VOTE FOR CRAWFORD. F.wsrt's Memory Becoming Too Wow tor Hla Follower lo Hear With That Begging Circular. The Hendersonville Times of this week quotes Mr. Gwurt as follows: "The gentleman Crawford lays greut stress 011 a circular sent in open envel ops to the census takers und other federal officers in tbe district, requesting them to contribute a small amount, a, to defray the eiensc of publishing the Farmer and Mechanic nt Asheville, by Messrs. Stansill and Morris, two young men at Asheville who are publishing that paper. "The expression occurs in the circular, 'Mr. Uwart recommends you tu us, und hones you will give us your cordial co operation and suport.' "Now. I wish to say that the mention of my name in that circular was entirely unauthorized, and I regret that the young editors of that piiier should have assumed to use my name in soliciting their subscriptions. Mr. Morris, on seeing tins article, sent the following communication to Tin-: Citizen: EniTOR Tiik Citizen : I ndcr the caption, "Uwart on Assessments," Mr. It, U, bwnrt lias nn art ale in tne last is sue ol his organ, the llcnilcrsonvillc Times, in which he disclaims the fact ol his authorizing the use of bis name in a circular letter sent out bv the former edi tors of the Farmer u ml Mechanic lo cen- sus euiimeratorsaskiug lot contributions to mil in the piililicntion ol 1 1 - t paper. hile Mr. bwnrt did not place his sig nature to this circular. 11ml did not. lis he says, authorize us to put it there, it wus nevertheless in accordance with his ex plicit instructions that wc should call on the enumerators und deputy marshals lor aid. II Mr. K. attempts to deny this statement and shirk lhrrcsHinsihihtv by insinuating that we made tnlse represen tations in said circular we enn turmsli ibundance of proof of whnt wesnv, und will do so. Mr. li s name was not sinned to the circular, but merely mention to show (hut we hud his npprova. und sanction in making the call upon tbe ollice-hold- ers in the district, and we consider his article in the Times as very unjust to us and entirely uncalled for bv the facts in the case. 1 will not vole for Uwart this vcur, but on the contrary will vote for Crawford und will work against Kwurt. O. H. Mokkik. Mr. Stausill refuses to talk on the sub ject. DESERVED Hits DEATH. Tom Woolfolk'a Laat Word Waa a Plea of Innocence. I'EKKV, (in., Oct. 30. Tom Woolfolk was bunged at 1,30 p. in. yesterduy, for the murder, August 0, ISH'J, of Capt. Richard F. Woollolk, sr., his wife, Mattic Woodlolk, and their children, Richard. aged 20; Susan, 17; Annie, 10; Rosebud, Charlie a, nun .Muttie, in montns: also Mrs. Temple West, aged M4-. All were killed by blows 00 the head with an axe. Vioolfolk made no statement on the gallows but Dr. Warren read the follow ing: 'I. Thomas l. Woollolk, realizing the existence ot an infinite and wise and holy Cod, soon to meet Him, knowingall thai I have ever done and lullv understanding that I must stand helore the judg ment seat of Clod, und that to day in a few hours I shall be called into His presence, so solemnly de clare mv innocence, and I leave, as mv Inst declaration, that I did not take the life nl my lather, or any member of his family, or have any knowledge of the person oricrsous whodid the murderous deed." AN EARLV NURNINII FIRE. It Destroys Ihe Residence of Mr. J. I. Brevard Near Ihe City. The residence of J. V. Brevard, six miles east of Asheville and near Long's station, was destroyed by fire this morning about daybreak. The lire originated in thut part of the house occupied by the serv ants and is supposed to have been caused bv a defective flue. The ncighliors gave all the ussistance they could but the house was entirely consumed. A con siderable amount of the furniture wus saved. The loss on the building is thought to be about $1,000. Mr. Bre vard, who is awuy from home, has been telegraphed the newt. EXPRESS RATES, They are Advanced and the Pub lic Suffers. CmCAiiO, Oct. 30. A committee of the express companies, apixiinted to ruise the freight tariff, has finished its work and a circular has been sent out notify ing shippers ol merchandise bv express of the adviincc m rates, me new scneuuie tnkeserl et Nov. 1, and is based on an advance ol 50 cents per 100 pounds Ik1 tween Chicago nnd eastern cities. Made Hliu lusane. I.onihin, Oct. 30. Hong, the London porter whose wife and child were found murdered lu the locality of South Iliimp slead a few duvs age and for whose kill- inn Mrs. Crechtun, alius Purvey, Hogg's mistress, wus held by the coroner, has bccunic Insane, Assassins of Chief Hennessy. St. Louis, Oct. 30. The polite here are in possession of information to the effect that three ol tbe suspected Italians im plicated in the assassination of Chief Hennessy nave neu irom tneir mtiing places In Newurieans ana prouauiy tney are now Hiding in this city. SWALLOWED HISOWX OATH PITIABLE CONDITION OF H. ti. EWART, He Telia al Handy Muah that He Has Signed Ihe Alliance De mauds, but Doeaii't ttuv It Wus Oulv a Newspaper Clipping. Proia a MKitTCorreNpondent. Sanov Ml'811, Oct. 28, lH'.IO. Kwart has signed! Defeat, overwhelm ing and certain, is staring him in the face aud in his Sx-cch here to-day he an nounced thnt he hud signed the demands of the Farmers' alliance. This was bw nrt 's tiny to oien the discussion. He did not mention the fact that he had signed the demands in his first speech, but put it off till his fifteen minutes rejoinder, so as to postpone the scourging that Craw ford is sure to give him one day later. I can see lvwarl now as he stood un der the shuck- of the great oak at Haynes' store, in Rutherford county, willi his hands uplifted toward heaven, und de-cla-i'il Hun la-fore Cod he would rather resign and quit the campaign than to hu miliate himscll by signing these or any other demands that might be presented to him for his signature. 1 can sec hi lustreless eye ulinost glisten and shine as he shouted at the top ol bis voice that lie would sutler his right arm to be torn from his body before he would sign any demand from onvbndv. He was then claiming to lie standing in the pride ol nis manhood, too exalted to sloop to pledge himself to any party organization, lie had gone to congress with no collar around his neck, and resignation and retirement from the campaign wr.s far preferable tu tbe humiliation he would lecl ut having allowed his hand to sign bis name to any demand trom tny quar ter whatsoever. But the great Hamilton Clover has climbed down from his exulted wrch ol persuuul independence, lie lias not oulv come down, but in the fall he has gone back uimjii his own word und denied bis own statement. The democratic hosts were closing in on him, his party was leaving him, dcleat was looking him steadily iu the eye, and bis heart and lions ted manhood tailed nun. And the lust condition of this man is worse than the first. Iieleat in the xisiliou which be liimstlf had chosen, and upon a line marked out by his own judgment, miL'hi have carried with it regret but regret would not have liccn tinged with dis honor. He would have at least hud the consolation of knowing that he went down as docs the man who lights and fails for what be Iwlievcs to be riuht. Hut how is it now? He declnrts he never said he would not sign, nnd in his desperate struggle to evade the defeat which is so apparent to ull. lie sums tile demands which he spumed with ull the lorce "I bitter invective a lew short weeks ago, und cries out in bis I'reuzv, runners, I 11111 willing not only to sign your demands, hut 10 swear that I never said I would not sign tlicui, il you will only not desert inc." "I would rather lie a dug, Anil hay tile njoon. Than nuch n Komun." Wc wonder w hat the thoughts of the 200 men w ho heard Ivwarl's declaration at lluy lies' store will lie when they learn that he has swallowed his own oath and signed tbe demands of the farmers f hipH'd, crushed, delcaled, disgraced. II. Ii. Uwart will go buck to the walks of private life alter .March 4th, without having even, the solace 01 knowing mat he did nothing, and took no posi tion in the campaign, not in pcr lect consonance and keeping with true manhood and genuine integrity, but on the contrary he w ill have the dismal reflection continually U'lorc hint that he hud not tbe courage ol Ins own convic tions, but bartered his maiiboodandsold bis integrity for a mess of pottage and never got the ioilngc, either. J- ' h" ai-imks 01- co.siijjri:xcii. POKKHl.N. The liiiaiiciat report of the cOiihitiou recently held in Edinburgh shows it tle- hcit ol Jl.lO.OOII. In the opinion of the doctors w ho ex amined tlie mental ami physical condi tion of the King of Holland, that mon arch's health incapacitates him Irom rul ing. HOME. It is denied that Secretary Blaine has approved tbe action of Minister Mizner in the llarrundia ullair. Tlie brotherhood of locomotive engin eer have selected Atlanta lor the location of the next international meeting. Mr. James McCreary, a leading New Vork imiHirter und a former anient pro tectionist, bus liecome a convert to tarifl reform. Mayor Filler of Philadelphia has di vided that nn enumeration of tbe city's Hipulatiou shall lie made ny the city ail thoritics. Sitting Hull, the famous Sioux Indian chief, has la-en inciting the Sioux Indians nt tbe nucnev to nn uprising hv tellini! them ot his lira very ul the Custer mussu- ere. The Mexican government has placed an import duty ol y.itio a cur on cattle shioiieil Irom the Tailed States to that country, in reiitii.uiuii iur me u rtiuicv bill. Cot. V. I.. Ilancy, one of tbe oldest citi tens ol I'loriila. died at Ins home near Mills, on St. John s river, recently. He was 85 years old and graduated in the class with Jefferson Davis. A call has been issued for a national convention ol the nun partisan Woman's Christian TcniH-rance I nion to assemble ut Allegheny city, lenn., .No vein tier III, lor a three days session. I tennis II. Sullivan, treasurer of the Father Matthew total n list inence society of Newport, K. 1.. is Iwlicvcd to be short in his accounts ithotit $1,300 and his properly has Ik-cii attached lo recover the amount The movement made bv ladies in Balti more. Huston, New York, 1'hdndcluhia Washington and other cities to raise $100,000 lor the higher medical educa tiou of women bus Iwen succcssliil, The gilt was presented to the trustees of Tubus Hopkins university yesterduy and was lormitlly ucceptcd In proceedings which have been begun in the United States court of New Vork by the Importing firm of llultin, Joseph oi Cp., involving the legality ol un impo sition ol duty It is set lortli that the Mc Kinlcy administrative act classifying worsted clothes as woolens lias no lorce as it was never passed according to Inw there being no quorum when it was said to have been passed ANTIMIGRAINE. TH"t NEVER FAILING CURE FOR HEADACHE. TRAPS MAKK RBGI8TBRU0. ABSOLUTELY SAFE, PERFECTLY SURE AND ALWAYS SPEEDY. Cures Every Variety of Headache AND NilTlllMI KLSB. ANTIMIGRAINE Has earned for itself the enviable reputa- lion of being the fiovsl, most effective and reliable article it, ihe market for tbe speedy relief and cure of every variety of that common trouble, IIeaimchk. The immense favor which has greeted it from all quarters, proves its true merits and acceptability to the public. It is some thing which ulinost everyone needs, und those who have once tried it, will never lie without. For its curative powers it docs not de pend upon the subtle influences of such poisonous drugs us ANTU'VKINU, MORI'HlNli, CHLORAL AND COCAINE, biuce it docs not contain an atom ol cither of these. It is absolutely free from injurious chemicals, and can be taken by young aud old without fear or serious results. It is 11 a Cathartic, does not disarrange the stomach, and contuins uo noxious or siekcuing ingredients. Tbe peculiar advantages of Antimi graine consist iu its being thoroughly reliable as a cure for any kind of hcud- icbt without respect to cause leaving no unpleasant or uuuoying after-effects, us iu the case ot other so-called "Harm less" remedies. These qualities make it the most popular uud saleable article iu the market, wherever known. IHKEl. I.ONo PUR C8B. The done lot au adult 1. two tca.poonful. in a wine a'"., of water, lioae tor children in proHjrtion, aeeorditiK to age- la cither cum: the i!oc euu be repeated every thirty iniuue. until a cure I. cOceted. One doc will alway. drive away an attack of Headache, tukeu when tir.t (ecliuK tbe premonitory .yniptom.; but ii the attuek I. well on, and ultcmiti i. intense, the second or third don may be required, faultily a greater number of iIom-. 1. required to cneet the flrat cure tbun i. needed lor uny succeeding- time there after showing that the medicine I. accumu lative in iu etlcels, tending tuward an event ual pcnnuuciil cure For sale at I.HANT'M PHARMACY. VHITLOCKS, 46 HOl'TII MAIN STREET, asiilvikm:, n. c. NEW FALL DRKHS GOODH. Ladies will do woll to ex amine our new nt,yle Jackets, CaiM'sand Long Wraps, at Vhitlock'n, Cor. Eagle IMoek. sswaaMS Our new stock of Dress (ioods is "way nlioveanyyou can Hnd elsewhere. Cull and see tliein, at Whitlock's, cor. Hau'le Block. Light weight .Jersey J tick is and Itlazers at very low nrices. hit locks, corner Eagle Hloek. IMiinkets, Comforts and Curtain materials, at Whit lock's. Very largv stock. Corner Kngle Illock. oO dozen Aprons in U00 styles. New designs, beauti ful nnd cheap, nt Whitlock's. . Driving Gloves and Uiding Caps for Ladies and Misses, at Whitlock's, corner Englo Block. Whitlock's is the hestpluco by far to got complete out fits for Ladies, Gentlemen und Children. Corner Eagle Block. limit rCfci''.J .1 1 1 H11

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