,' v.-' ( Daily Citizen LOST, TO RENT, FOR BALK, FOUND. For These Ada. Mee Third Page. -FOR- WANT, FOR SALE AND TO RENT ADVERTISEMENTS, SEE THIRD PAGE. VOLUME VI. NO. 154. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER i, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. ,4'6''tf - -J- Asheville LINVILLE.i A place planned and devel oping' iim a GREAT RESORT. 1 Situated in t he MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted for hen lth I'nlnenH and heauty of 80 EN Ell Y. An elevation of 5l,H00 feet, with cool Invigorating Climate It is being laid out with taste and skill, with well graded roads and extensive FOREST PARKS. A desirable place for fine residences and HEATHFUL HOJIKS. A good opportunity for profitable investments. For illustrated pamphlet, ad dress, LINVILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., Lluvlllc, Mitchell Co., N. C. BON MARCHE. The large .lock of new nnv tllk. recently purchased by MUs Blllck while Norlh nrr arriving daily. They arc bulh beautiful in design and rhrap. Call and Inspect. BON MARCHE, 30 South Main Btreet.jo H.T.ESTABROOKS 33 . MAIN ST.. ARHIIVI1.LB. -1. ths rLACi poa BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY SOODS AND TOYS. LOCAL Views and apr l" d Sketches. REAL ESTATE. WAITS! B. owtk, ' " w. w, WI1 GVYN & WEST, IlKRMn to Walter B.Owya) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE, Lo.ua Securely Placed at 8 Percent. Notary Fabric. Comml.nionen of Deed. FIRE INSURANCE OFFICR onttaeaat Court ftqaare. "THE SUN 00 MOVE." And o dnra Asheville The (treat ha.tllna act I. now belna performed by an genuine bu.ine.s men 01 tne PARADISE CITY OF THII HoltTH. Brery nun has hi. scheme ad he relate It In nut cm- a to not unwlll In a ear. We don't mind tell'ng you Ihut our Mhcme I. to aell all the land and in.ure all the proiierty we can, before "The Knlilns Neat Again." We hare Ju.t hem appointed agents lor the Old Mellablr Pennsylvania Plrr In.nraact Co., and w want you to In.ure w.m ua, JBlflCS St JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Room 4k io, McAfee Block AH Patton An., Asheville. I. C. P.- A, GRACE, DECORATOR AND DBSIUNER In fresco. MiftidSia Who Told You So? W. T. Crawford nhvi thut H 0. liwnrt told him that he heard Jim G miner nay thut Hob Vance tnlil htm thut Kojic Btlttn heard thrft there a m no doubt hnt W, W Kolllim nld thnt Tom J oh tit ton thuuKht that Rob Pnrman had told SI ttlnK Bull that Buffalo Bill had dtt'tntrd to J H. Courtney thut It wan generally believed that Dan Reynold! had aatd in plain terra that he heard Jack Wortey ay that htn rritnd J"hn L. Sullivan had Hald that tldl Denver hitnrmed him m the conitrvaidonnl convention in thin city thnt it wuh u well kimwu fiu t that the llouw keepem' Union hud nuiKht dm ClitiKmnti hi saying that in hiH opinlun It wim u utuUcr of fact and of ktvii publk intcrm thut J. J. Miii'key Intimntcd to Je l.owrv that Bill Nye hud suid whil : atUtnlinw the county con rentionliiHt Saturday thnt iiuyntie ciiukM rcadinK thin shall repair at once to the wtort of A. It. C( !'KH. North Court Siuiire, and InHpcct hU mammoth atock ol all kindt uf (Iroccrlei, Provision. Ktc, where urruiiKe men til have been made to furnlnh you all kind of Htuple und Fnni-y t.rocvrit-it ul' the hest Quality at the Luwi'ut I'm. HP rn Our Full and Winter stock of goods is all in. and is com plete. This stock was bought so that we can sell it at ouv old prices. All goods bought since the new republican tar iff went into effect Oct. Oth will be from 10 eta. to 50 cts. on the dollar higher, purlieu- arly .Shoes and Tinware. We shall sell our presentstock o! Fall and Winter goods in all lines at same prices as here tofore, and that is cheaper than anv other store in Ashe ville. We keep eery thing in Dress (ioods, Clothing, Shoes. Hats. Factory Cloth, Tin- i ii ware, liiirims nini iiiasswnre. We can lit out a family with everything to wear, irom a tinv shoe for the baby to an overcoat for the grandfather. from a marriage ton funeral. You must buy your sugar and coffee from the grocer. then come to us, we can till out the balance of your wants. It iH but little trouble to come to our store and learn our price before you buv, and it often amounts to a big saving in money. Coun try people particularly will save money if they will price our stock before they buy their winter supplies of Shoes. Hats, Clothing, Dress es, Overcoats, Pant Cloth, and Dlankets. If we do not sell them as good goods for less money than anyone else in Asheville they can buy Isewhere, only be sure to ome to our si ore before you buy, and remember the place, The "BIG RACKET CORTLAND BROS M Real Kstate Brokera, And IiivcNtuienl AgeutH. NOTARY Pl'DLIC. Loan. e urrly plncrd at N wr cent. 2 Ik 311 Hattun Arrnue Hernnd door, febltdlT U, WII.I.H. AKTHI'KJ. WII.I.H. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, 3H Patton Avenue. Nrit V M C A, nTl d.lm P O lloi ftS4. JOHN CHILD, I Formerly of Lyman ft Child i, Offlce No. I I.cnal Mock. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER Strictly a Brokerage HualntM Loan, aeeanly placed at per cant. (So to CnruiiehuerH Druj? Store with your prescription where you will at all tiniPH Hud a full line of pure I'ivhIi DriitfH and ChemiealM, and at low jiricew. Uh prewription department iH utoi'ked with the purest and best Drugs and Chemicals to be found in the market, both foreign and domestic. And you can rest uasured that your prescrip tion will be filled correct and that you will lie charged a low price. Three registered prescriptionists ready to serve you at all hours. Night callH promptly answered. V. C. CARMICII AKL Ai'OTHKCAUY, No. ao South main Street, Asheville, X. C. T. C, SMITH & GO,, DRUGGISTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, PCB1.1C hl AH:, Asheville, N.C. Our Autumn stock is now verv tu iim niuncuve, aim we lire selling a large quanti ty of goods. The stock was selected with great care, as suring very late and fashion able styles at bottom figures. the important advance in nrices which has occurred since the purchase making the goods secially ciieap. As we shall nave to pay higher prices in the near fu ture, the moral would seem to be: Buy earl.vsU' h articles as you expect to usetnis sea son. II. REDWOOD & CO. Clothing, Wraps, Shoes, Dry ( foods, I nderwear, I noi stery Hoods, Hats, Carpets and Gener al Smallwares. 7 ft 9 PATTON AVK. ii HONEST VALUE" Is uur mnttn. and we know thr peuple np praelau It, fur thry have proven It bv thilr lllwral patronavr. We think thnt wr are brttar prepared now t hit it ever before (o give our cfl.tomcrs the henrfll of low prtrr. in Pure GroccricH. Our larK irlnce anil tncrrnnlim bu.l nes.Ju.tlfy u.la uiaklnf Ihl. statcni.nl. II lanraiilna torn, to cnuimrale the dllfcrent article. w carry- W sell Iht FIncHt Groccric-H, And can alway.fuaraatnth.in to glvr.utls faction both In QUALITY - AND - PRICE. Our facilities for dellv.rlnn good, promptly are uncuunlcl. Mraptctnilljr, POWELL, ft SNIUHK, WHOLUsALR AND RBTA1L OHUCUHii, Cor. Pulton Armut and Mala ttreet, THE NEWS ! BY, ASSOCIATED PRESS TO THE CITIZEN. CLEVELAND ON THE POLITICAL SITUATION. a n tjoHiTY i-Hi:itiiri:i) i on thi: hoi si;. Ai.iianv, N. V., Nov. t. Tin', inws this HKiriiiiij! pulilislud the fnlluwiiiK intir view with vx-l'rt'Mik'iit (.'Icvclnncl on the politienl aitimliiin, sent t(i it l)y its New Vurk cdirt'spoiidciit : "Ol eotiim' it i neetllrsR fur nn- to ex pre the deep interest 1 feel in the dee tions uuw peniluiK. I mi) tire Hint there never win n inllit iicsliiiii disensseil more thoroughly mill more intelli uentlv tlinn him heen the snlijeet ot tin itlretorm liv it tlemoernlie ndvoeales. The H'oiIc'k appieliension ol the true provinee of our ovi rnineitt hut. U'eu tlis lorleil (mil lliev hnve lor years heen leil to believe thut ,t hr eonilin t of public til lain, illicit propiilv ailuiinistirto their prulil. t.ot I iv Kivui inu a neutral prosper ity founiled on principle, I nil liv pvu"-' a direct ndvaiilafie to certain cl.isses. There enn lie no advance in tariff reform where these ideas prevail. WAK1M. I I'. "It is certainly true that in such a sell isli operation the interests of some of the lieoplc must lie neglected. I'rotest on the part uf these Ims lit-cn stilled by the most arrant deception and cojnler?. At last, however, t hese negleclcil ones a re aroused , and ill spile of the clouds of misrepresen tation cud delusion v liuhsui round I IK in, lliev lie-in to ste the liuht. ( lur auricul- lunsts uud otheis whose interests have lieen disretianltd, while advantages have Ihtii aivorde.l to a favored lew. ate dis covering more ami more clearly that the toll ami tiiicomplniuiiiC; laoor wlnel :.ltould have atl''cl to t heir own coiutoil and prosperity, have lain diverted to the aejurandueineiil nt oihus, while they have constantly e;ru tt poorer. I hey tail to sic in the ucctiiin. latum of v.isi lortuiirs any couip nsaiio-i lor their du- coiirai4inA laiior or loi .. .ir lorml am: I ili.e Iiii.k ecoiioiuv. Tin; xi-.xr not m;. 1 am coiifukut that we sha,l sccuie a uiajority in the mxt house of rcpresiiita lives. Oursiieeiss m. v not Ik so sweep iiiR und .lecisive as uiuiiy of our SMiitiiii, Irieuds anticipate. Iitil it w ill U rate am. substantial. Tilt' ttlective iiii'iilcatiou in wholesome doctrine which ch.iiMclc'izc l lie democratic pus's, the thorough tU. cussion Kt'1" on m tiry p'irl ol tilt country, the uudisuaiscd sciicnus o the republican part;, to secure itr rcpulatioti iu power ihioi'h rtclles eiiaetiiieuls whun sillies t:.e lestiltt- of the ieoples' suiliax. . Us luutil ll.i'li, ods ol legislation, autl atifVc all tit positive distress daily threaii t.iii 0111 people's homes uutlcr the operation o Hie new and iniiiuitniiK law a law whiel not oulv euhamvs the cost ot ucciss.i riekullile, but lusters the extortions ol trusts and combinations -inakc cert ait the advent ol alrcir, better tune, and th ascendency of true democracy. 1 he parlv that Ituew no itisoniiaue- ment in 1MHS will not waver i t I.Jlcr in IH'JH." WK ON Till K. Ol' I.. MeiiilwrM oftlie Order nrlu n Out of M.iHHacllunetlH riliops. I.Vnn, Mass., Nov. 1 Thoma-Klioods, n nmr.KTo ninniifaclurer, to-day itniicil iff ItiT employes in nevonliuuv with n resolution adopted by lilt' n iltufal nt" roeen inaiiiilaeturiiii: associaliot' t'..it 01 Nov. I all kuiuhisol labor slumlil In ills charged. . These men relusi d to situ ." pniK-r renoiiiicniL' their ulleni. nice I" th. order. 6a,4Au,340, Tue l nllrd HIi.lVNt'e.iH.iH llei.el.t s Hi. Tolul I'iKurvM. Wasiiinuton.Nov. 1. The twillth cen sus bulletin says the population of th. L'niled States on June 1. lstiu, as shown by the first count of ikisous.iihI families, exclusive of while x-rsous in l lit- Indian Territory, Indians on reservations uud Alaska, is us 02.MU.6-1-II. North Carolina's population is l.l'il". ;)4l). Tweill-Scveu 1.1 cm I.i.M. Nkw Yomk, Nov. 1. Ii is now certnip thnt twenty -seven lives were saved from the wrecked Bt.nmrr Vizeavn. Word wnsreceivedfri.nl the Ddaware break water that ciiiht iwrsons s.iv.d are now there. A iiik was -cut this itmriiim: t" SmiiiIv Hook for seven sin. ivois In Ion or) bv the Marshall and now on board that vessel. Hla Vote Im Nt-i'iU-d. Washington, Nov. I. The president Olid Attoriiey-lieneral Miller will leave here Mondnv inorniiin at 1" o'clock for Indianapolis where they . xpat to iirrivt Tuesdnv inorniittf. I lay will east their voles nt n eoiivittienl lime dtiriiiK tin dnv mid the president will leave lor Wash- Hilton in the eviuuiK. A IMIHll'.lCf. Kumk, Nov. I I'he Consul ('.ciarnl who, the Italic slates, sent n nuniornn diini lo the chanilitr of commerce for the purpose of eoncctiiiK erroneous com meals of the luiropean piesson I lie effects of the MeKiuley bill was not the Consul ('euciaiol Italy in the Tuilcd States, bill the Anieiicaii Consul ('uncial here. Killer) l HunhIiiiih, IlKHI.lN, Nov. 1 Vossischc .'itiitiK conlirniUhc ripint from Warsaw that while a nnuilH'r ol K't smis were leaving Kiissln, their iiitenlioii beiiiK to eminriile I. iliev were lit'ed iinon bv the I Kiiasinn lionticr (jttatd at Sliica. I'mir of the parly were killed. VlMlltlf Cotton. Nkw Yokk, Nov. 1. The total visible supply of cotton for the world Is 2,:ti)(l, 173 bales; of which l.Stn,A7fl luilct are American. Receipts at all interior towns, 1M.'1,4:I7 bales! receipts nt plantation, ,1M4,IHH)i crop III siKiit, i,aini,iio. Rrv, llr. NvIhoii Dead. hAl.TiM.oMK, Nov. 1. Kev. Ur. Clclaitil Kiuiloeli Nelson, denn of the convocation of Wnshi'iRton or the rrotestinit l-.pis copul diocese of Maryland, 1 dead. THAT Hi; A 11 HI NT, Wua II or a Kind Mut Creditable all Around? KnrroK Till! Crrizi:s: 1 heard (identic- man, an old hunter, say yeslerday that he had never had so much sport out of a hunt as he cuio.vcd in the bear chase ol Thursday. If the two hundred partici pants an I spectators, itieludiiiKlhe ladies enjoyed the chase eipially, the amount "I fun must have been considerable. Now, if the heur chase can be made the occasion of an cipial amount uf profit everybody ou'lit to be salislitd. I hope the profit will iu the end be loutid to be so much more than the tun that the latter will seem very little in comparison even to those who enjoved il. Ami that this may be the tesull I ask tin local press uueipiiv ocallv to express its disapproval ol such kind of sport Kiviiia those reasons for so doiiiK which commend theiitselvis to the cool judgment of our heads and the licst instincts ol our hearts. I hope the occu pants ol our pulpits w ill herein sec nil oc casion to help some in Asheville to ad vance a step iu the royal road ol love. I I hope public opini.iii ill Asheville will exptess itstlt iu the many ways it knows so well to do. When in earnest as opposed to such kindol full. I hope that the Nor'li Carolina society lor I he prevention ol cruelty to anitiinls will be uronsnl to wise autl efficient work und that il will luiealler receive lite substantial support ol our people, it'd I Iiok- that those who had their fun on Thursday ineliidiuv, 1 m sorry to say, many of those Itoiu we are (dad to call "our Ix at eitiens," ami our official lienil the mayor will on calm nlleclion .include that in the lulutc, there will be more real pleasure to tin in anil more til )tod to the community iu the omission than in the renewal ol such sports. Noiu.i:si: (i mi. n.K. Asheville, Nov. 1. NOT A CAN II til ATlv. J. II. Woodwind rilaU-H IllH I'omI IIoii In 1 lint Itesiwel. Khitok TiihOl 1 11. x: circular sinned by F. M. Stockton, chairnian, and (. O. ilopson, seerUiiry, pta pot line; to lie the proceedings ol an alliance niecliiit;. has iH-en issued uial iaciU attention ut m hands. On the atllli ol S. pit miu r a mass nieet mi ol members '.I the : lliaine and la'ior mi! itii'ti ttirt in Asheiillc :,!! noMiiiitted i ticket, nty natne In itii aiming llie ii'iiu tices loi lue !(.. c oi i.i--ki. tlecds. iubscipu i il.. I 'tin oihtccd my witli liawal Ir nil ;he tickd ami tin- canvass. liltoi Ih r in ( en. o. t .tsteho pnr'ii ipated in the Sept, hurt II' 'th iti.ctinc;. united in I caul aiini'iiiu i'ic tit ir ili-tcrmiiiaiiiiii ii support the cm ici.'ilic ticket and ippositl my will.iliaw.il as a candidate. I hat car l m l with utv approval. I ercbt r p u t ill il I am not a candidate, ml ile-iti to th.i'ik my uii-iu's ol both arlies loi tin a , ,..i scions in uiv lavur. I am a ut ni't r.u ..ii. I expect to n il). tin 4ii, in which I h pe to h.i.e the aeliveaid ol all my milami ami Ii tends. Kcspicliully , . U. WooiiAkli. Aslicviili, ;,o . 1 . Till-: KI.ITIII.Il'AN i. A. H, Wi.m ilic- l.vtu-r III Vt'Hlfrday'a "Clt Urn" a Ciiiiiiialuii I'.lc I liliiroH Tiik Cirui.x: In your p:.K-i ol yeslerday was an article on The Re publican 0. A. K.," which I, as a nicmlicr of I lie Criind Army of the K( public, pro tiouuce lis a campaign he. No true vct ei an would sump to violate his sacred obliualions in that wav. The Ii. A. K. iseoinposed of men Irom both uilitieal parlies. Ke-pcctlullv, (Ml. I'". Scl'TT. Asheville, Nov. I, lN'.hi. The Utter we quoted Mr. Scotl can ee at the olltir of the I'cmocrut in this ciiv. Cini:x. KII.I.l:i IllH HIVAI., rvrrllilv Trnitc-dt In Ahhoii Couii 1) I.iihI Muda. I'ruin tlir Viiitoll I'l.tly. Leniui l Allen, a youtiK mini of promi' ncticc it. Aiisoiiville, this State, .iccompii- nicd Miss I'.raec (iieetie lo a dance near that place Monday nilit. While the allair wiisul its luiuhl, Julia Tyson, nn old admirer ol Mi-s Coiine, called voiiiih Allen . ml ol the room. The youii men present knew thai iinl'i icmlly relations existed between the two, and several followed ill. tu . hy ih. lime they reached the spot I vsoii had his kuile out and was lilerally clioppiiiK Alien. They tried in vain to separate the rivals, Allen reached lor Ills pistol, Willi ii steady ami ii.iIN'H tlir triun. '1 lie ball took effect iu I t son's temple. Tyson tell to the u round dead. Allen onvr hiinsi ll up. sn uni: that II w its iu sell .1. Itiue. i nn. ii to no mi iiiii;h. lcHivratt! All. i.iKI lo ANHaanliiiilc emu. .11 IllH. From Itir News niul (iliscrver. It npisrar that a lot of ilesH.'idoes who lire lostercd in this state by the odious internal revenue .v8lciii dcliU-r- atelv undertook the minder of Capt. Joe Mills, lie had left the place of stc(ikinn at Iivsarlsville, when live of these des peradoes assaulted him, ami were about to murder linn w hen olheis inlet fired. Tim names of III. nl'CL'nl nssllllllllls lire snid to Ik- one Yin liotn.cx-ilcpuiy I'liitcd Slates marshal, J"C ration, All. Lowmi ami Joe Walker. iiin.imo I.OSN. The Town of t lilllli'.illiv Alinonl II. nlroM'tl. I'kokia, III.. Nov. 1. The business por tion ol tlte town of Chillicotlic was al most entirely deal roved bv lire last night. The fire originated ill Hancock's livery sla'ile mid spread rapidly in all direc tions. The telegraph and telephone ol ftees were burned and all roiiiiiiiiiiicati.nl cut off so that il is impossible to nhtnin the detail us yet. The loss will not fall short ol f . 'O.oiKi on w hich theie is only a piirlial insurance. n,..rnia...n, Thkku HaI'TK, lint., Nov. 1. A con- .!.,.. i.f llu. ininrr. of atnle Is brimr lipid here to consider the uionoiition to strike to-morrow. LAST OF THE CAMPAIGN CANVASS IN COI'NTY AND IIH- TKR'T II.OSKU, TI.e I'ouuly Cniidldutea Hpeak at llie Court House and Crawford aud Ivwart at the ForiuerM' Ware-liouse-Kwarl KfuHta to Reply. The county canvass closed bete this nioruiiiK. The democratic candidates hnve been making a strong liht and have nood prospects of success. The speech making bewail nt 1 1 o'clock tliis niominir in th. court house. The audience was large, tliccourt room beiiiK crowded. The larger part of th. audience was democratic. M. L. Keed. one ol the democratic candidates for tht house ol rciresciitatives, made a splendid sis-celt on llie principles of the tariff and the MeKiuley bill. I)r. J. A. Harris, who is opposing Mr. Keed, liillnwcd ami made a vague speeel on what he eulltd shortcomings of thr denioeriitic partv. Mr. Folsom, who i Mr. Harris leliow candidate for the house of representatives, talkedabotit be ing n ynnkec and said he was opposed ti the Force bill, although he said hi wanted some kind of u law for the free dom of the ballot. Mr. K. I., llrown, republican candidate for register of deeds, made nn emptv attack on Mr. Mackcy, the demncrati. eamlidalc, and Mr. Mackey, in his reply, met these points mid made a stroni point against his opponent. lie charged him with scattering democratic tickets with his ( llrown's) name substituted foi his ow n. llrown admitted this. Mr. Lovvrv, democratic candidate for the house of representatives, made a vig orous sieech on the general issues of thi day. ShcrifT Keyiiolds said that he would not Sieak as the crowd would adjourn to the l-'armers' warehouse and hear th. congressional candidates. Mr. Reynold, said he would defy any one to make truthful charges against bis record as she, ill". The county candidates were all limited to ten minute lulks. AT TIIH t'AKMliKS' WAHKIIOl'SK. The crowd udjourned to the Farmers' warehouse, which hud been secured foi the congressional Sienking, because ol the fact that the court house was too small. The erriwd at the warehouse was large and was enthusiastically democratic. Mr. l'wait spoke first, and talked for an hour. Mr. Kwart sjient a large part ot his time iu telling about mica and what had been done for themica mines in west cm North Carolina. He did not appear as happy ami buoyant of spirits as six weeks ago, before 'he Ingan the canvass. Craw turd's speeches have told on him. lie was cheered two or three times. Mr. Crawtord replied to Kwart'f spcccli in a siccch lasting over nn hour. He was greeted vvitu rousing cneers aim the audience was so enthusiastic when he apiK'and (hot he could not be heard foi some lime, lie put in some heavy blows on l;warl when he did talk, and th. crowd enjoyed his scathing exposure ol hwart s promises on llie Kepeul ol tot Internal Kcveiuie Law." Mr. Crawford scored a good point when he told ol how liwart had read u part ol the reK-al ol the tobacco law at San.lv Mush bill had stopisfd before he come to the provision saying that every 'in uier should give un account ol tue to bacco raised. He spoke of the republican party' ac tion on the silver tpiestion umouuting to the d.inoiiii ir.ntion of it after July 1, lM'.it and said that the democratic party had never struck a single blow at silver. Mr. Crawtord pleased and de lighted his immense audience, many ol whom saw lor tue tirst time our next representative. Mr. hwart was entitled to a reply ol liltecn minutes, but the crowd seemed to Ih so enthusiastic over Crawford that he got rallied and refused to Sienk. The sikvlnud cornet hand was present and luriu'shcd some excellent music. The members attracted considerable atten tion bv their handsome uniforms. The 'members of this bund are E. A. Ir vine, leader. O. A. Miller, Chas. Case. Arthur Case. Thus. Case. M. C. Bell Alonzo Sumner. I. II. Merrell. M. W. Haw kins, C has. Sumner, J. II. Sumner, A. M. Clark. I. I'inncr, I. W. Kiekmnn. The band lavored TlIK ClTIZh.N with serenade ol select musienlterthespeaking closed, lor which they will accept Heart) thanks. Mr. Crawford will very probably speak at the court house lo-mglit. ACMOSH THK HAII.H. Attempt to Wreck a Train la Chl VHUO. CiiK'.vi.o, Nov. 1. Iiastardly attempts to wreck a train on the Pittsburg, Wavne : Chicago Railway, nt the corner Ttair- eth street and Fourth avenue, wn frus trated bvo policeman enrlv this morning. As the iilbccr was crossing the track he discovered a bar of iron ulmut twentv four lecl in length si retched across the tracks and tied down. Count or Paris Mall. Ni:v Yokk. Nov. 1. The Comte de I'liris ami suite sailed for Liverpool to day. Julea l-erry a Candidate. I'akis, Nov. 1. Jules Ferry will be t candidate for the senate anunry next .1 l llKs'ol' COSSFWESCE. IIOMK. F.x-liovernor I'attisou's liliel suits can not Ik heard till Monday week. The I'iiieil Stale government build ing ul Chicago is sinking, and engineer say it may collapse lit any niomeni The sixth nnntiiil conference of the Col' lege Young Men's Christian Associations ol Virginia win oe ueui in nicninon.i No vember 1. Urouhlicn:il.ite Associations in Wash' ingtoii arc ll iurishiug vigorously jul now, mid oflicclioldcrs complain of being torced to join tliem. The monument in honor of the men who lost th. ir lives in the leanette Arc tic expedition ha been unveiled in the Nnvnl academy cemetery nt Annapoli, A "Conference Association" of Unlta riniis was formed at Chicnuo. veiterdnv . to. ITcct a reeoneilmtion iwtweentne unv .arian ehnrehes of the Wet. which hnve j w,.n divided since the attempt wa made I ill 1 8H(1 to HUt the clllirehe on aiHirely cthicul basis. About half Ibe churches I objected and withdrew, ANTIMIGRAINE. THS NEVER FAILING CURE FOR HEADACHE. TRADB MARK RB01STBRBD. ABSOLUTELY SAFE, PERFECTLY SURE AND ALWAYS SPEEDY. Cores Kvery Variety of Headache AND NOT Hi NO BL8B. Ha earned for Itself the enviable reputa- ANTIMIGRAINE tion of being the 6"est, most effective ind reliable article it. .he market for the peedy relief and cure of every variety of that common trouble, Headachb. The immense favor which ha greeted it from ill quarter, prove it true merit and icceptability to the public. It i some thing which almost everyone need, and those who have once tried it, will never e without. For it curative powers it doe not de- lend upon the (ubtle influence of such poisonous drugs a ANT1PYRINE, MORPHINE, CHLORAL AND COCAINE, Since it doe not contain an atom oi ither of these. It is absolutely free from njuriou chemicals, and can be taken by voung and old without fear or eriou result. It i nt a Cathartic, doe not liaarrange the stomach, and contain no noxious or sickening ingredient. The peculiar advantage of Antimi graine consist in it being thoroughly reliable as a cure for any kind of bead- iche without respect to cause leaving no unpleasant or annoying after-effects, ts in the case of other to-called "barm- ' remedies. These qualities make it cbe most popular and suleable article in the market, wherever known. DlKBCl.ONH FOB I'HB. The doae for an adolti. two tea.poonful. a wine Kluss of water. Do, for children proportion, according to age la either K the doae can be repeated every thirty ininues until a cure la effected. One tot will Uway. drive away an attack of Headache, if taken when first feeling the premonitory yroptom.; but If the attack Is well on, and uttering is Intense, the second or tMrd doae may be required. Usually a greater number if doses Is required to effect the first care than is needed Ii any succeeding time there after, showing that the medicine la acenmu- ative In its effect., tending toward an event ual pennunent cure for sale at t.rtANT'8 PHARMACY. WHITXOCK'S, 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, AHHEVILLE, X. C. NEW FALL DRESS GOODS. LaJies will do well to ex amine our new Mt,yle Jacket, Capes and Lour WrapH, at WhitlockV, Cor. Eagle Block. Our new Htock of DreBs Good8 iH 'way above any you can find elHewhere. Call and Hee thorn, nt Whitlock'H, cor. Eagle Block. Light weight Jornoy Jack ets and Blazers at very low prices. mtiock , corner Eagle Block. Blankets, Comforts and Curtain materials, at Whit lock's. Very largo stock. Corner Eagle Block. SO dozen Aprons in 200 styles. New designs, beauti ful and cheap, at Whitlock's. Driving Gloves and Riding Caps for Ladies and Misses, at Whitlock's, corner Eagle Block. Whitlock's is the best place by far to get complete out fits for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Corner Eagle Block. ( : iil WitJinVU'ifcWil'i